THE WILSON ADVANCE. V. 1 THK WILSON ADVANCE. l'i Bi.isni-:i Kvv.kv; Fkioav At Vir.S4N, NoiiT rl Oa r.' i 1 n a .... . i; ." i . J JIlSV.I'lllSljAVIII. KIitr ami ?n.tri-tr. tfc - St i I II-TIUX llATI.S IV AlV.VK. ) Yca-vl'o-t-iire Paid, - ; " - J tU . 44 44 ! Tlm-e Mouths, f " v.- -' . ' j-iT Moiiey can he .-wit by Money order or ll-gintered Letter, at. .Our Ki-Ic. . '', -iv-' JH'E ADVANCE GLEANINGS. Tin- President has pardoned Fitz ' John Porter. 'Mix . "Vi- 11. Gatliii, ol Yl'arboio, died May Tth. C.efiville will shorth t have a cainl, Victory. i It is rejiorted that Scotland N- k will soon liave a newspaper. The last spike lias driven ill t!: Chdjicl HNf liaihoad. North (Woliua is only .sixth (com the lowest; grade of illiteracy of all tin- SI ale- Oscai Wilde will descend upon Austria next. Have the natives bc-u warned Tin- MixxtiHjer says that Wn ne county farmers are planting con sidt rablc rice, - -j Mr. A. L. llassariLSlioi t, will be conductor on the I lalil'ax and Scot land Xeek Kail road. .-' (ioldsboro will have a Normal Sch(jol. Wayne, Greene anil other counties w ill participate. Prof. J. N. Kayhill,fwho taught elocution "in ! thej Wilson Normal School last year has been engaged at Chaicl Hill, .-'i ; Mr. W. If. Laugh's rims a wagon train between Torsi Kit rand Sparta lor I he. purpose of carrying corn . from the lasfiiained pliu-e. lleantiful girls, grieri fields, pic iiies, fishing; parties aijil swinging on l debates until thej moon goes down, is tluj order for flowery May. Little Rhode Island is not. 1 small when it comes to ili voices. Di vorces are granted annually to one in ten of the' w hole, number of niar riaRes.: ; .. t - j. j , ( iiiiteait's jbook does jiot seem (ii ! a success It is on kile at the hotel .stand-fat Hashing! on, but no copies have been soJd. j It is said to lie mere trawh. j The Isiiistpn .Collegiate Institute will not liefiimleri the: charge of Profs. Lewis , and j Howard next year. Their successors liave not et been elected. ; - - j The Ftirmrr t Mcihaiiic. ami Slatesville Jjiinrtmurk have each widened out two 'columns.' Tliov stand in the front . rank among North Carolina journals: Sl'xtccn " new Pullman sU'fin; cars will be placed on the' '.' W. .Railroad next fall to run from New York, to Peiisacola, and possilijy from lioston to NeV Orlealis.' It will 1m; seen by reference to the proceedings of the (Hand Idge I. O. . I-V published in 'another coluiuictliut :Vilsoii, ns hsual, car lied off her share of t he honors. The (Irecnslioro Kmiiuij AVr is a real live little .sheeit irnd we look for its coining with leagcriiess. .Ino. II. Un'sSjey, the editor knows how to gt-t up a readable news papery t ; !. ; r ' ".buob P.atHe, Es,., Secretary, gives notice in the Koejky ''Mount h'rpttrtt.r that a meeting of the I emoufTitie Executive i'ommittee will lie held in Nashville, '.Monday, May I'l'nd. ; ": : " An enterprising patent medicine 'man -in Rochester, N: -Vi, oflV-i-s a reward for the disi-overy of other ; comets. He jirobalil.v desigiM i pasting theni over with adver j tiseinents. i - I . - i ';. A San Franciseo jury Mast week ; aw'ardeil a Uok agent liiO'tur an j assault committed on him by a I'nan i who didn't like his liook, .and the J I took agent wants to find more men who don't like it. j j There will' lie a meeting of the stiM'kholdors of the Hasti-rn . (Tro- liiia Agriculturalf and Mechanical 1 AssiHiation sit Kin-kv Mount, Sat urday, May 27th. Imjioit ant bnsi ness will lie tmusitcted. J The FurmiSr and Mechanic (iirures up the nuinlier of papers publisheil j in this Staff at 125; i dailies, !)9 weeklies, 3 semi weeklies two tri-, weeklies, S nionthlies, and a uum- ! lu'l' nl' uiiiiht.tlir iiturnala " V June and Julv w be! Oonve.,: ! tion .nonty and eiirb' the ,1 1 The femocrhtie Sta.; Weution r i July ti e Anti-Prohibition on ! June 7th, and the Republican State i Convention on June I4th.:; .. "-o.i. .vHMiiun ii. "ir - vens, upon entering the capitoL, j slipH'd and tell, and w as consider I amy nurt, r owing lo tns leehle st there iire. tears the shock to .nervous- system j may prove- his'a fatal. : J. J. Latlerty, 1) l.,of l'i. hinoinl Va., will deliver au address fo the senior class at Trinity College. For ipiaint, ric!i humor, mixed with sound sense. Dr. Laflertv is the ; equal of any man we have ever j heard. '. . ' A"r x,,i' v ." ........ ..:ii.. ii t...- I hu Vvmrlmi-ii lf.i-fijto ono ,- "n-in..,-i. " - .1. H.DeMell, D. D. was iv elected President. 2i2 delegates wert in iitiemlance. Kev. (). F. Cregorv, ' of North Carolina was elected one ' of the Vice-Presidents. We leani from the Durham Tobacco Plant that theladies of the 'MetlKslist. cliurclt presented liev. - I Ciii,i,h,r.r;,., ii.. t - ni of clothes on the eve of his de parl ure lor the General inference will-11. In. i :li-l'iiliili ii,i..,l liv lii wife. OJj. 12. AtWess4in, Mississi jpi, the cot-: ton mill is ' so profitable that the ; stx-k is worth 3)0cenfe on the dol- j lar. Its annual dividend i 20 ri cent. That is a healthy institution, i Put us down for sill of thestM-k. It is thought that five new Bish-1 ops will 1 elected at the MethiMliHt ' 1 Kleiieral Oonfereneti. - The indica-i tions are now that three of theni will be Dr. . A. AV. Wilson, of Baltir more. Dr. J. S. (Iranlierry, of: Vir ginia and Dr. Atticus fl. Haygool, of Georgia. . A touching incident is rejiorted from Ottawa. A father and two children, 7 and 11 yearn old, were crossing the lake on jce, when the father broke in. The children re mained by him seeking to rescue him until they too broke in and all found a watery grave together. The ADVAKCK returns thanks for an invitation to the (ommenee ment Exercises of Graham Normal College, Friday, May 26th, 1882. The annual address 'Till be deliver ed by Gov. Thos. "J. Jarvis, and the sermon will lie preached by Rev. T. IT. Darnell. ' " As the Farmer &, Mechanic well sa vs, "Durham Recorder 'pears . to be on a "Boom" or "Bender," or something. Senior editor Hackney was elected Mayor of the city. Junior editor Garland E. Webb 'was elected city clerk, and Foreman B. E. Miller captured in marriage Mis Ella Wilboii." -v We have received the first nnni ber of The Time, a Republican paper published at . Raleigh. - It has vim and proposes to conduct tin canvass in a vigorous nianuer. It is a sad commentary on the in-' d iligence of the Republican, party that they have hitherto never lieen able to supsort a pajier at the State Capitol. Whether they will change tactics and give .the Time a sus taining 'support remains to lie. seen. U. J. Taylor & Go's mills at Black Creek are bnilding.They will be the most extensive mills of the kind in the State, and will include lumber, planing and thmritig mills. This 'enterprising firm is building a rail road to extend five miles into the tiinlM'ied country. Ther are con struct iug these mills and this rail road at an ; enormous .expense and doing a ' jjreat deal tiwiwds building u the town of Black Ci-eek. We wisii them much KiiccesH. The commencenient exercises ! at Wake Forest 'College begin on the second Thursday in 3nne. The ad- Iress lH'fore the tw literary so cieties will- lie deliv-red by Kev. Charles F. l)eens, U. l)., ?of the Church of the strangers, New York; the annual address by C.H.Wooteu, lvso., of Lenoir county; -and the ser mon U'tore the graduating cj:iss will be. piearhed bj Rev. J. Jl. Gr.ives, 1). 1)., of Memphis. The graduating class will be ten in num- iKr. . . -' - : ! ' Mot t for U. S. Senator, Col. Win. Johnson coiigressnian-at-large, is t he Mot t urogram uie, and ineir like lUixkm, Dockery and Staunton who have served the party faithfully fin .years must ntand aside to mate way for a "lilioral," who, .' . (tlKippolllteil tie-J caus-he did not trrt' tifiice in the! Dem.K-ratic party, any eombi-i ion to get a shat of thewsioiIs." Col. "Joltnsing" isplaying a lmld game. We have on ouri table the first copy of the weekly Reporter, pul lisjied at RiK'ky Mount by" our young friend W. J Fitzgerald. In jsiiiit compares favorably with aiy paper in tile State, and if the fi st number-' is a criterion, it will Rtmd in the front; r:uil-s with the htsf State journals. ......... ...... . ,. Froin our jiersoial acipiaintance itrifl. 4lt.k ikikih.iK. Vuwli nlirh Imvf i ' , r ti i .v., u li x Ai -ii i- i gerald that they vill apiueeiate his! . .. . . . - , : enorts give ucm : s!""1 L. .... 1 . ' ! IS " . " T . i .i u : !. iroin vyeiuon inauni, .mo iih -i was 8olaby ord.rof co,nt to R. K r ,,U,H u' iform the at ention ;.j l " .r J 1 has ih'Pii sei asuie ami, ii isnhui, t 1 Keihit-ors. 1oii 'CamertTm and ' j Mahone havf determined to fiur- i ,hase it, am' em't extensive car works, and mild a cotton factory xmmium ina ihiih i , catmaiwui iim-m c...-". ... J -a . me anu uiaf u win &iu . " lvcoiues o;e ot our euici (owns.. There -is m reason why it should ! not. . . r- - tlie The Geirral Coufcrence of M. E. ChuVh, South is in session "at NashviJe, Tciin. North Caro - im't - l-i l i ? . ... 1... una tias i: (leiegaie hi aiwiHiain-ei . ' ' ... ...... i who are aiiMiiuteu on coHimiiieesa.- - - follows: lr. N. II. D. N llson is on the commttee on Kpiscopacy; on itinerant,. Dr. Craven: on publish- iutrests, W. S. Blivck; on, boundaies. Dr. Bul khead; on mis sions. D. Ilndsfin; on revisiils. Dr. Yates; -n Sunday Schools, Dr. T. M. Jon: on education, H T.Gray, - -U't., . i ..1.H1...1. ..v-l-A.itiiikii.4. Prof. - Donb. Prof! Doub is also on the ; commitee on fi-aterual cor is resiMiileiicc. ,.,.-iu,ll,,,i.- l.'fV- I'. 'l :1V I II IS alsO AssisKnt Secretary. MA WASHIN GTON NEWS. CAPITOL JOTTINGS. Provision UK the Anti Cuinksk BillI The Anti-Chinese Hill, which has ranged both Houses . . . i j flit. t v 1 1 m-t . " e tiaii nf I'l.ioiija laborer for tn x,-... - yearn, auu u any person jiuuiuim-ii by the ket Bhfiuhl come into the United State jduring that period he muHt Iave Iwithra niuety days. The maatcr of aiiy vennel who know ingly briagu a Cbiaene laborer into the Unitd States laring that iieriod in liable to a fine not ex- ceeding $500 I'or each emigrant and imprisonment not exceeding one year. Chinese laborers who were ; this eountry prior to the ratification of the treaty of Nov ember 17th, 1880, are not subject to this provision of the act. Th rol leetora of customs are required to keep a dewiriptlve Jist of the la borers belonging to this excepted clasn, should any of them tak passage for theijr own conatry, so that thy can be1 identified on their return and thej shipmasters pro tected from thej penalties of the act. The departed Chinaman of the excepted class is also to be farnisied With a! certificate, which he must produce jon his return. If he wants to goj by land to the British possension or Mexico, he is entitled to a certificate which will assist iu his identification if tie re turns. Chinamen who do not be long to the prohibited class when they onie to this country must hare credentials from their own government showing that they are not immigrant "laborers." The al tering or forging ojf a descriptive cer tificate is made a misdemeanor to be punished by a fine not exceeding five years. A Chinaman of the pro hibited class who j refuses to leave is to be brought before a judge or commissioner of. a United States oourt, and if he fs found to be hero in violation of the act, he is to lie sent to hiA own country at the ex pense of the United States govern ment. All courts of the United States and State courts are pro hibited from admitting Chinese im migrants to citizenship. The word "Ialiorers'7 used in the act is to be constructed to mean lioth skilled Fand unskilled laborers and miners. The President has signed the bill which has thus liecome law. Takbifj? Commission. The bill to create a Commission passed the House of 'Representatives on the 6th iut. by a vote 83 nays. . The following is the bill: of 151 yeas to the full text of To provide- for the appointment oi aiHHumission to investigate the auestiouof the tariff. lie it enacted, &c., that a com mission is hereby created to be called the fTar'in" Commission," to consist of nine adulters. Skotion . Thai the President of the United States shall by and with the advice and consent of the Seuate appoiiitj nine Commis sioners from civH1 Hie, one of whom, the first named, shail be the Pi-esi- dent of the commission The Com- l.t ikll.'lltl10 m1i11 H.i 1'A .1 ...v....... 1,1 lrlr,Iy''"v 1 n ""ii -'. vouijwii- saf ion for their services eiich at the ,iltje of 10I1 ,liiv "rhen engaged in active duty, andj actual travel iug and other necessary exense. The (Him mission shall have power to employ a stenographer and a messenger;, and the foregoing cora pensatidn and expenses to lie au dited a nd paid by the Secretary of the Treasury out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appro- ' priated Skc. 3. That it shall tie the duty of said commission to take into cousMieraiiQii ami to thoronghlv V investigate all the various ques- tions relating to the agricultural, commercial,' mercantile, manufac tunng, mining and industrial mter- ests of the United States so far as ; the same may bo necessary to the establishment of a judicious tariff i r a revision of the Existing tariff scale of justice to all inter . .1 r th .Urw r r..iirr TJ t mav " "g th mT Wh,h maV ,t, said (-ommissiou, in iries, is 1 1 fimsiwered to visit Isueh different ' ihii tions and. stations! of the wmn- . iiu it nU.n-ui.i Hrc. 4. That the! commission 8hal, mftke to (lougress final rejiort f the MllU f it8 investigation M tbe tpstim,Ilv , - taken in the ,.,,, of the same, not later than the first Monday of December, j 1882, and it -shall canse the testi moiiy taken to lie 1 in tiniA unit ilivf r printed from United to mem- . of (',vrrp,ss hv the Public irn,t.r, and shall also cause to U : j riufed 'for the n.w or, Congress two .' i r . thonsaud con esof it final tvMtrr. B - - 7 j toJjether with the testimony. - v , . j . If thou, won Idst find much favor and jH'aee with God and man, be - very low in thine owli eyes. For- give thyself little, much. Leigiton. and others A lmsband,'On readinor " mine but the brave derve the fair, - with a 'nd none but " ' ' ru""uc brave could lire with some MM-" j ' ' tllO of them LET AL THE EN03 witsoir.HCLti . Hickory- charges $400 per annum fin- retail liqnor licenses. " j ; II. M. Worth has tteen chosen chief marshal at the State Fair. M. C. Dixon itn-overed thet 1 ,200 stolen from him in New York. i Fayetteville is to have a cotton seed oil factory at an early day. The celebration at Charlotte on the 20th promises to Is-a grand affair. , Dr. Pritoaard dedicated the new Baptist church at Dawson's Cross Roads. ' Land in Catawba county, which a few years ago sold for $ 2,50 per acre recently sold for $2G. President Arthur does his hard est work. Iwtw eeu midnight and 4 o'clock in the morning. " s North Carolina has over fifty cot ton factories, with a capital of $2r; 775000, producing S.'ijOOOJXK). Rev. W. L. Cunninggim's pro triMted meetiong at Halifax has closed with 23 , accessions to the Methodist church. i - ' - - Cicero Collins, t!olored, Iast week killed a four year old child near Kinston because he couldn't walk. Collins was arrested. f. Longfellow, Darwin, and Emer son! The literary and scientific necrology- of the - year is assuming alarming proportions. A Denver editor hasn't kissed any lady except his wife for ten years.' He has lost a heap of fun, but has probably saved a good deal of hair. 1 A fish with eight jaws has been caught at Santa Mouicva, Cal. The scientists cidled in pronojuce it a variety of what is known as the mother-in-law tish. TJeLong, who coinmauded the Jeanuette exjiedition, and his party have been found. They had starved to death. Who will lie the next to seek the North pole. The President has signed the Chinese bill. This bill is a modified draft of the one which the President recently" vetoed. The West has whipped him into line. A black walnut grove that Was planted by a Wisconsin farmer twentj years ago on some waste land was recently sold for $27,000. The trees are now from sixteen to twenty inches through. J ndge Varney, one of the editors of the Dover, New Hampshire En quirer, went into a church. Big storm. Church collapsed. Editor was killed several others wounded. Some editors are in no danger from falling churches. The laying of the corner stone in Raleigh of the new Court House will take place May 20th with ap propriate ceremonies and Masonic honors. F. H. Busbee, Esq. will deliver the address iixn the oc,r casiou. A Baltimore nursemaid pushed three pins down a baby's throat. She confessed the, act, but would give no reason for it, and none can lie imagined. She luus lieen sent to correctional institutien and the child is recovering. ' - A very murder oc curred at Charlestown, West Vir ginia, on the 2nd. A negro shot and killed another for declining to take a' driak with him. It is re markable because of the refusal and the killing for such a trivial offence. Dorsej- the brilliant manager of the Indiana election, and indicted .tar reciter, still manages to keep hunself successfully sequestered notwitlu-tanding the fact that there is a standing invitation for him at waningijon. ne was never so backward in coming forward lie- fore. All the -numarfied women in the community will sympathize with the "Williamsburg maiden who re cently leaiied from a window in order to esca pe from an importunate suitor. But more of them will sym pathize with the Ilolxiken maiden who leaped into a window into order to find one. A farmer of Wake county has this nostis' iosted up in his field 'ii any man s or w oman s cow or oxen gits in thes here oats his or her tail will lie cut off as t he case niay lie. , am a Christian and pay mi taxes, but darn a man or woman who lets his or her critters run at large." Errnimj Yjxitor. FverylMwly's Htntk is the title of book recently published by P. M Hale, Kaleigh, and is intended t give information to peopl alxuit the law in everyday business with out the 1 rouble of consulting a lawyer. It is edited by Col. YaIter Clark, a uiemlK-r off he Ualeigh bar. It will lie-found very useful. Price 25 cents. J. M, Ijaroqiie's Anti-Bilious Bit ters, a purely vegetable, faultless family mediciue for all diseases of the Liver and Stomach, cures sick 1 ... ....... ....... .... .V .- i . . . . . . ! bowels, aids digestion, and is a cer tain cure and preventive of chills j fev and levers. IW 2., ceut.s aMier, or n a ,M,ttle w R Thornton, i cor. BalHoioreaud Harrisou sU-eeta. Iri(-e 25 ceut.s a iaier, THOUJfTATrftJf KYSStJJtTRY-S, NOTES; FROM THE FARM. . i oi ui t, Uttii . i . ' ..TberujLsf rust in the wheat in Wayue county. -in.I;- t , ;u: sunk Until the lops of the' free are level witu thesuiToaudjBg arfav. , Wlieai1 iatting Wrrested "in Georgia; aSjlj' Carolina,, and the yielid is repWUd extraordinary Eighry'-fivfe tbonsnud, toue of: fer tilizers w ere sold iu' North Carolina last year i . FgprrX t per per oeut, Uiore Janq, , iu , this mate, has been: plflQted!iu small grain thin seasou km 'las.- 5'- ;'.' ' ' ' :. -' - ? -ttt ! ; i'u ii'u-'i''-' i' -11 - ' 4 We f re in receipt of the:, first cot ton bloom oi' tfce aeaaoa nil the: wtiy from PloWdai! Ii !rentehed as Thiirs day night; ylit fcni Is a' jre-. sentfrom onjfxlei lb'rt, Feltou, a fOTmerireafdRtfOf'Jriieon county but now dweller :i 'the land of Florida', Meirose post'-offioe.u We are glad to learn . tBa V ' Js doing welj in his new home. -. .-'-i.- j . 1 The most elegant and lnsciom straTfrjerfieae "have hikl this' sea son were presented to us last week by Mr. C. W. Westbrook, the clever urseries remem bem tbe pwe the aWiat shall be liberally rewarded. We jare glad to note just here that Mr. i Westbrook has been for several weeks shipping berries to Northern . markets j and that they are brin gn p good prices. The i-eporis pf the fruit.'crop from all sections are very, encouraging. A commercial Hirt, ih'the fiquor business, ' who 1 has 'jnsf teturried ... .. ;' . i ' -.."1 -.t . ' irom au extensive iour turougn tne eastern counties, tells ns that the limbs of peach trees ha veto be prop ped , up nnder tbe 'weight of the young frnif. As ne ailat'upoii the magnificent prospects oCa "big croj), his ey,e. sparkled,' ad! we know visions ofoeach brandy weie float ing through his mind. Aeriew. jf ESIfni fanlts othis soctwnay PllMl WginnWg tdlind out that cotton, Mot profita ble and are tuming their! attention to'oM;MaiVe that there hgy by eu more corn,wbeat and oats planted in this county this year than var Jef6jtey 'A soon as this is done every year sour jieople will liegin to' gixiw more prosperous. We hope theqtiantity'orgraiii plan ted every year will increase as it has this season.,' The drought of last summer . seems, not to , have been without some use, WeW$i .fteice. . The , AoBicvrvruiiAi. Dbky. But there is not much; ttme to frolic on a farm at this season of the year;' for ;4 w$ ' almanac says, About thiw time1 plant ;cOin,' arid we are doing it all around these pari Si I can sit oil my piazzer , and IKik into five . farms and see the darkies' and the mules, and hear em, too,,!'kh!d -It's -gee' 'and -haw:,' and 'pet ? along, tjt andi(whax yon 'gwiff)'!isleilVM)Ouirt round liar; 1 tell .you.' and . there?si .no null to this kln aflectionate, 'one sided discourse tinta the born lilowa' for d i nner, ami, then tlie .most, 1c now i n g miiles grt 'biirj' -all round. It's astonishing how much tliey do know and can be made lo under-! stand. I bad a bigpude wk(w9uld never give ''but ofie'puir'j't a root unless the darky who ploughed him holloweloiit:-r'Kotteiiwi,L stall you!! iUidfcliei) fie woujdfftedak hit root or something else, for he had confidence in the niggojx ? It always did seem, like there wat i kiiwl of confidential relation between nig gers and mules, a sort r treaty of peace -win eqnainy? sor were is; no other human can get along in peace with a mnle, When they are alone together in a big field with' long rows uft'!dftrkrW'o Mni all along the line ami the mule listens in respectful silence, but J if two darkies are ploughing together they talk to One another and the mules are snubbed. BiUArp --. U The ' - Mewpfcis !,s " titnlandie fears that ituJ a fldmn-fondly enter, tained by busuiess uieull Over the South fiat the systeui is about to die out; that planters are growing independent!, and that in a few years farming opt-faHoris will be conducted oti ft eneh basis, planters standing m tae saie gmmul4 with merchants and manutwturers. It admits, however, that the financial condition of planters ' is improving, but it'triinkStn 'apwaTil !piogress is not rapid, and a long time must lapse before the.' present methods of conducting busi-umx .will undergo a marked change. One. promising ien. it thinks, is fouud in the iu- creased aia of grain plantrfid tlual-k-MflrTft season, and the better understand iug wliiei ?iinfeM f Pfginnltg m hM a.ant4ia to ha If undef tl cadi fiufgcrfilf aystet .ly a tbKtsipi -wp- '1 ...ajita.4tes4i ;J,Wlf,WM ""' . - . . .. v l : riAnl. in tu.flnll i if til. r.tlf i tl. If -r nf ACCoraiUK va uv iiuuu, jumv, Sentinel, many ldanters Kay lhat j the c rew they would -not Hiari w'itn the ad! 1 ' v:ni;isrK the ioverflow ? will llie to j theii lands for anice little sum money. Tl,n .li.i.i.f iluiirwiitMl I o.v me ni -wm r - ! god than any, fertilizer that onld I be aptlied.',';- . . . i i : 1 1 .1 . 1. .V ... .i I ... .But THY GOD'S. AND TRUTH'S.' I. 0. 0. F. LVTXVkU OK THKTGRANU LODGE OF WORTH CARAl.ISA. The Grand Lodge , met in Wif miugtou LwtWeek. A good deal of routine business was traiusa ted and the following otliivrs weiv elect ed fiir the ensuing year : " B: II. "W(Kden, of liah igh..M. . G. Master. ' , . Jas. F.l'ayue,of Monroe, It. AV, G. Master. ' . J.Fi. Wo.Hlard, : of Wilson,' U. , G. AVardeii'' ', j. J. Littihford, of Ualeigh, li. CI. iSeci-elary. iw. -V' ! ;i . l.J.Moiies, of WiliiiinjrtonV U. W. G. Treasurer. '.' ' ,'' ' ' 1 A resolution of tliauk's to , the i-e-tiring Urand .-Master;, was . unani tnously adopted by': rising rote. The following appointments were made by the Grand Master: ,Thos. Carrick, . G. Chaplain. II. G. Bates, of New hem, Gi-and. Marshal. i! Wi M. Crowell, of Charlotte, Grand Conductor. ' . J. H. ilastLn, of Salem, Grand Guardian.' ; i'l-c- ' 3: H. Pew,; of Wirmirigtour Grand HeraUL' ' ' " , Itesolutiohs of tha iiks to Wil mington Lodges for the use of t heir hall, for the' entertainment at Wrlgh'tsvme. Sound ' ' aiid ; to the i railroads for thejr. accominodating j rates, were nuanimously pas-nnl. Tlie following were apiiointed a Comniitt(e on" the !sribject' of the proposed Eiido7mcul , feaji-rej said committee to reisu t at the next ses sion ' of the Grand L(Mlge; J. E. Warden, Grand 'Warden,' and ' Past GrandsT77Ml, J, ICT I. Neathery, and W.T. Hoilowell. "Tbe lodge will meet next year, at Raleigh; ,'Tb--'B.f W. ;'Graud;!En-cammln-wal --liWM'ejie(tay and the following : officeW '-Were elected: Worthy Grand Patriarch. WOP, Wootebf of Wilson; . K. W. High Priest, J. H. Masten, of Wins ton, R.W. Grand Senior Warden, Frank , Powell, of Tarjioro; Ii. W. Grand Junior Warden, (J. M." A It af ter, of Wibiugtoi,;;R. w. Grand Scribe ani Treasurer. lid.Zoeller, of Tarboro R.'WGtaiid Marshal, T. L. Love, of Raleigh; R. W; Grand Sentinel, J.H; Thore, of 'Cbailotte. This bi-arieh of tlie order is reiiorted h" beiug inVai hialtirv condition, wiiu .line prospects oi increase oi membership. . Political Inrders. Lord Frederick fCavendisb, ( Jliief Secretary x for Jrehuid ,.aud Under Secretary Burke were both assas-j siuated nf rhoenix. Park, Dublin, on the evening .olV.Miy (th, They had walked out and Weretandriig, when a;ir eoiitaining lone iiien was driven hear theni ariiUff-o men got out of it and 'attacked theni, stab bing them in the thntat-'Yutd breast. Their Iwdies were found- aJioiit ten steps apart. It joccurVed aliout 7:10 P. M. in broad day light. . . This is a miSst mifortunale afi'air and U wwelt'dSel-htedfir Messrs fT-arneni!T)avfft;' Sexton and Dillon. The Irishmen of lVvtou fiav,e, show:n their estimate of this ufj-ocious crime by telegraphing to Mr. P;iruell that they will give .",fMM reward tor the apprehension of tbe murderers or any them. A Serious Cutting Affray. '" Last Saturday night Mr. li. Ai Cherry, a white mail named Sam Eyertt, and t wi negroes wore fish ing upon the banks of Savage's mill pond, about 12 miles from town, when au altercation "occurred le tweeu Eerett and ofio (ef tjie ne groes. Tlie negro called Everett a damn liar. Everett advanced on him with a drawn pm-ket knife." Mr. Cherry interfeled Jjy' clasping Eve rett around jjiisliody, telling , him that if he did not liehave. himself he would throw him in the "wind. Everett struggled to get loose, but being Unable to do. drove his kuife to the hilt iuto, tlie cavity of Cherry's abdomen jnsfc almve the left hip bone. The wounded man is considered in a very - critical condi tion. The assailant wa-i lodged in jail at this place, on l.wt -v Monday afternoon. Tarltoro Souther n r. i - r : l ifi-riilUl ii t , J 'it lUnUjpt Deling Sr.-ieiUlweti', Iivc icn hhiuu im-.hi - ,Vi&tu't&iW i.A h!'ff fliatHuiTV OiMsm4he".4iii khMfkiVbi UIJd'exDirlti-in'i-x- eitmniialTwa.Hifred Jt.l,JL!"1' leai-safioEwaMtdwi hopmR'MrAld. ttiat ine jeanueiw mui neen crusii- ea oy tue ir smyuM. W TTTlVf? r iily to find them dead, '.' ' Lire-Long Eeliei. of! " Kichmoxd, VA-Jan. '51, lssi.- H. HAESEK HI.: trx iT I Sate Kidney and Liver nit- n...-. i... igntirelT enred me or kiduev difli fulty ioat ,ail li iong. E. H. Feruvs. cv. in lighteb vein; uj; JjttWGirl,. you will Never Know what it is to I Be a Fa ther ; ..." . ;.- Charity ' balls gutteuupfor tbe rich to show tbeir rich cloths are; of less Imj.xirta.Hce to the poor than fish balls. ' ; Tlie jiensive mule is not usual lr regarded as susceptible to pa thetic emotions. And vet he ocscasionallyi' drops . amule-teer lie had told her that he car ried her photograph next to hid lijOartiud after their maire ahe was coiwiderably provoked pn finding it in his hip pocket. , A Chinaman will steal a do? tjuickcr than, he would a woman, amlconiiideriiithe tyle of Chi nese female beautyays an ex change, we don't blame him.5 ! , Klnje men nut of ten are mean enough to enjoy -; saying to a physician who goes hunting and gets no game: ' Why didn't you take your medicine chest instead of a gun. :; . ., ,.,r, The American kiss, it is an nounced is to be the- subject of a book to be published noon. As Dr.Hohnes would say, the shape of the vidumo should be e-lip-tickle. - . - -I-,- . '' New Jersey is trying to claim Noah, because he was . a Newark man. Yes, but you know he looked Ht of his Arkansaw land. (jive the South a fair show in this tiring. ' "The custom of throwing rice after a bride is Chinese." The custom of throwingthe poken or boot after her, 'is one of our Christian observances . In America. ' ; ; V. . Pa, why do they call 'em high school." "It's because we pay so1 much for 'em, my son. ' You'll understand these things better when you get to be a taxpayer. . , Studkxt (not very clear as to his lesson) "That's what the author says any way." Profes sor ,tI don't want the author; I want you." Student (despair ingly) "Well you've got me.' An exchange : prints an able article on "Hints on How to go to, sleep." It js the most convincing article we ever read upon the subject. We were fast ; asleep before we had got -hal f through it. r In Sparta it was that men should worship-the gods with as little expense ; as possible. There are now enrolled on the church books in the United States enough Spartans to make three thousand new Ther mopylae " Here we Have a Baby. It is composed of a bald I lead and a pair of Lungs. One of the Lungs take a Rest while the Other runs the Sho i. . One- of them is al ways On Deck all of. the Time. Tbe Raby is a Bigger manj than his Mother. He likes to Walk around with lite Father at night. The Father doe riiost of the Walking and all of the swearing. All artf ord man went to' a lawyer for advice." After receiv ing the retaining fee the law yer said: "State your case." , V.Weil, fir," replied the client "a man told me to go to h -,and T want your advice." ' The attorney took down a vol ume of Connecticut statue and, after turning over a few leaves answered: ;' ' "Don't you do it." The law "doesn't compel you to. . : Not Half . has' kvek been Tor n. The duties of the genu ine dved-in-the-wool, simon- ! pure editor are j inultlfarioHS His work is not on ly to "do a little writing,' " as is somtimes supposed, but to cull, to glean, to select, to discriminate to de cide, to foresee, to observe, to grai, to explain, -to elucidAte, to innate: to. boil down, "to be to do. to sillier, and wev 1 ;udrt;d other verbH, with a . , "! j A Western editor offered prize of $W and a year's sub si-rintlon for the lest written- ' proi'Kif al of inarrlage froma lady. tiicked out anice protxiBal i from a beautiful 1 and wealthy widoW, answered it. accepting pro, an4 - with the , tUreatoabl.eaof promiae auit i ai-tuallv captured tier. Editors may not acquire wealth by writing twenty three hoiire a (lay, ont wnen uieir geiu i.CB 1 . . , ... it . ; f l.L; . the right shoot, they procure the fpersimnjons ! A tluilford farmer writes to the i lil'eensiwini rr i wu iktiui.i .. i m 1 ' ..... : seventy ears oiu a. .oj . saw such a prosier jf. j f'matl giaiu. . ,.. . ,, seveinv years oiu ami iieer ueiorr r fruit and r i. -- NO. ik V Tlie Episcopal ConTention. . The EpiseoieJ Convent km luit in lariKiro, editetoUy, May 1(4 It and cuutuined in Kentuoa uut il Moil day. lie v.Mr. Forbes w;w elected I-resideut and liev, Mr.liich Sei rt- tary. :;. ' .; ':. j X. The HiMhopread tle list of com inittees as follow s: ' . Finame 'Committee 1 i'r. Wat son, Ir. flnske,' 1h'i. IL RoU rt-s Robti K. (Her, w: II. (Ireen Rtat of the dmrrh-Mr.lliigliei, A. 8. Smith, !.? lr. Maiihall, K. H. Smith, Join, lout Ic. UuiiHuttee --on CanoiisDr, 1 1 uske, Mr, KimiUmi, Mr, M niMhs k,lt. H. Battk, Jrt Mr. Fred ThiUjis. Uimmittee on Elections He v. Messrs, Wetiuwv, Weston ami M. Ij. -Henderson. Coinmittee du New Varishes Kev. CiiE. C. Smedes, Kev, M. II. Vaughari,'Mr. ,1."R' MacKae. Committee on" Fn finished Ifnsi ueasKer.' II. . HiMoii, F. L Bush and Mr. 11, iVuclu-e. The Bifthop then resul his anuual addreHs. He atatea that a Theo logical Hall tor colored students has begun t. le ej-eued at Uak-igl Colored yonug , men seeking the miuuitry and having no means will be educated here for the ministry. Thei-e has beeo! a steady im provement in the diocese, and much to encourage visited 9S parishes, preache(ll20 times, continued .'.'il pel-sous, consecrated 4 ; churches, ordained 3 priests and 7 deacons; candidates for 'priests l.J, candi dates for deacons 9, jiost ulants d, iiuiiiImt of clergy 73, the gi-eatest liumlier we have ever had, and yet more are needed.' The ttishop urged contributions to the church building fund. ' - ' -!- -''.TlieBishrtjirecoinnieiMled to the diocese the Ladies 'Auxiliary Mis sionary Fnnd, And gave notice that there will be, a ineetiug of the ladies this afternoon to consider this siib subject. , , A inotion was carried that (he diocese be divided .to take effect after the next convention provided said convention concur in the ac lion. ' The Executive Missionary Com mittee made their report. ! Tlie rejjort shows that the offerings this year were less by . more than one hundred dollars than the previous year. Duly eighteeu meuilM'rshave been aded by' this fund. f The sinalluesH of the oflerhigs is due to the neglect of the . clergy, to take up collections. Qnly forty -one out of more than, au. hundred parishes have contributed anything. , The Kev. Mr. Hughes read the reMrt of the committee , in , the State of( the Cburcli: Families, .1,04:5; souls', 1.1,rtft8; baptisms, .-!H: marriages, 120; burials, .'MM; u-. innliicants,ln,6.ri.r; Sunday 'Schools,. 5; teswliers, 13"; scholars,' 4,iKK; contributions;' $6i,0:i2Jin; rectories. Wu-PNt unated value, ('0,o i0; churches S, valneil at L'.'MsSTO. Total value of?, church ; piopeity, 422,iKW. , . u .',"' ...-, ' ' The uexti Convention will meet in Charlotte, May L'.ld, ,l.W.l. ; i The thanks (if (tho ('onvention wei-e t-enderiid to the citizen of Tarbovo for their hospitality and the Convention then adjourned nine die. A Fisher ' Caught. "On iny last trip to f ue States,"said Mr. Arthur Fisher of this pajier,, "1 cauglit A Verj' lnd cold "' which set- tied into a severe case of rheuma tism.1 1 rtwl not' know what to do for it, ho I rHOlvd to!piin'hase St. JacolM Oil for tjia h H appy thou gh t.f I legau allying the Oil and in two week was, aa well as ever. Toronto (Canada) Globe, ' 1 ' Ljncliiiil In Ohio. At Ualion, Oluo, Barbara Reetig, a Germau girt thirteen years old was assaulted aliout the 2Hth ult,.,by a ne gro n Biued Frank , Fisher, who; left her on the ground iu a state of iiucou scioune.i. ..The country was rous ed and the villian, who under diff erent names was trying to make his escajie, was caught, and idcuti fied by the girl who had. seen him frequently lie fore. He was hanged by the moU, he. ritst ing h is in no cence to tlie last. - i Chance for the Girls. The (ireenHboro Bwgle publishes the foHow -ing whidi will tie Jiitrest iug to or young lady readers." "A letter from FA'Urorknian, who is iKiwiu La Halle county, Texa-, siiys there are lait three ysuig Lidies in tUe-couuty. He says that a coupk of hutuured girls . could ; timl g(Md husbaiMU out tla:re if t hey wouk! coiikv There is no lack of anything excejj. Americjni girls. , I would rather lie what (Jod chose to make tne than the most glonoan creature that I could think of. ' Fortoliave lieen thought alwmt --born in flod'a thougtd and then made' by kid, is the dearest, gratNl- estf 'an.l mottt precious thing in all thinking. Gevrge Mc lhmnhl. The Carson (Xev.) Appeal says St. Jacolw Oil is gmsl for rheuma tism, nenralgia aud a thonsaud different ills. . Hatim op Anv:RTisixo : I Hm Inch, On Insertion, - - $ l.tni M One Month, - -4 - 2.W 44 44 . Three Miths, - - ; ft.oo ., " Bix Month, - - 1 8.00 44 pne Year, - , - 15.iw . T I. - v . ' A I m "' i.uH-mi ijuconnu win ne Aiaae fiir Larger Advertbeiuenta and for Owitraets by the Year. Cash must accompany all Adver tisement untem good reference Is given. r THE QUIET HOUR. Selections for Sunday Reading ilSSUIG. " :". lAtc at uight I saw the Shepherd . Tolling slowly along the hill, Thoughjllie flock below wer gathered ; In the fold no warm and ntlll. tu III faoa 1 aw tlie anguiah, In Ills locks th drpa of night. As He marched th nautr , vallyit. As II e-ltubttl the fToaty height. JunI oim tenoVr lanib waa Maiming When II callod them all by name; While theothecaheanl and followed. This one only never came. - OR his voice rang through th dark nen . ; " i Uf that long, long night of pa n. Oft He vainly paused to llaten For an annwerfng tone again Far away the truant sleeping, Hy the chafni of despair, I jit unconscious of its danger, Sh I verlnf In th" mountain air. Hut at last the Bheyherd found It, Found It ere In Bleep It died, ' Took It In His loving bosom, And His soul was satisfied . Theni saw the Futern spacva 1 Part before a shining throng, A nd the golden dome of morning Seemed all shattered Into song. Julia II. Thaytr . DsiTn How little we realize the solemnity of death! We see the fuueral procession as it passes us oij'iu way to the grave. The friends of the deceased with bowed heads and drooping heart follow the corjiwe to it last resting place. Perhaps a widowed mother is left to mourn the death of her hus band. With what patience she sits and listens, to the funeral sermon, ever and anou a great sob of an guish breaks from her, shaking her whole body in her grief. Her lips move in silent prayer to Al mighty God, the friend of the be reaved. She follows the body to the grave ; : and hears the falling clods uHu the, coffin and there kneels snd her stricken heart cries out, "Oj Jesus help me to bear thla,n she. is taken away in an almost un conscious, condition. The utter loneliness of the following days, "so lonely ! oh, so louelyl without my ' dear husbaud how cau I live! Help me Jesus.'' Ever calling ou the supreme power for i aid. At last relief comes, slowly, it U true, but comes though the memory of the loved one never passe from the mind. It may have been -fond brother with whom the sister passed her happy childhood. Oh the utter sinking of the . heart as we realize that la-other is dead. Dead, can it be so! no, sister, not dead, lait sleeping the sleep of death, with spirit already I gone to the "Home of the blest, there to sing anthems of praise in strains of pure joy, while the ages of eternity roll.'4 What She Maw in Ohuboh. He staid at home and she weut to church. After dinner he 'asked her: "What waa the text, wifet'r "O, Isomethiug, . aomewhere iu . Generations; Fve forgotten the haptef and versej Mrs. High sat right Iiefore me With- a Mother Hubbard bonnet on. How could I icar anything when I could not see. he minister? 1 wouldu't have worn' such a looking thing to church if 'd had to goneb are headed." ' "How did yon like the new min- isterf'' - . . .' 'V (), he's splendid i and Kate Dar in was there iu a Spanish lace ape tbat never cost a cent leas than lifty dollars; and. they can't Aiy their butcher bills, and I'd wear cotton lace or go without any first." ' "Did he say anything about the new mission fundi" "No; and the Jones girls were all rigged out in their yellow silks made over; ami you would have died laughing to have seen them. Such taste a those girls have and the minister gave oat thai the Dor- ' cas Society will meet at Sister Jones' residence that; old poky place." ; "It - seems that you didn't hear , much of the ae rnionf "Hell, I'm sure it's better to go to church, if you didn't hear tlie sermon, than to stay at home and result he pa'iers; aiui,0, Harry! the new minister his a lovely voice its nearly put me to sleep. And dkl I tell you the Iticha are at home from I 'm ope, and Mrs. Kich lias a real c unci's hair shawl on, and it didn't look like any thiug ou her. A long Hiltnce, daring which Harry thought of several things, and his wife was luisy contemplating the sky or view, when she all at oik-c suddenly exclaimed: "There! I knew I'd forget to tell you something. Would you believa it, Harry, the fringe on Mrs. Jonea' parail is an inch deejier than mine, , ami twice :is heavy ! O, dear! what a world of t rou lite this i. Detroit I'wt and Tribune. , "1 do not understand what ieo- ple mean when they sjieak of 'mak ing iKietrj-j"- Raid Frauces Kidley iiaverjiau i iiavif iMinieiiow iu live - 1 1.9 1 1 . I, mine : Iiefore 1 write it. What a change for the better it will lie,, when all ministers and laymen feel this is true of their sermons end exhortations. Are exhortations.' mighty,orevcn vital, except wheu. they are first "livedr Index.