f J Tim Wnsox Awakje. Wux)X, Fkidav, July 14 ' LITEBABY SELECTIONS. FORFEITS. , . iiv ii. ( linNKi:. j Thov wn't him round the circle ;t air, the inettiest there. r,,, hound tnsa the. choice he nradej v .......litahle taste displayeil ; Although I can't say what it meant The little maul lookeii in eoiiiciu His task was then anew begun To kneel liefore the. wittiest one Once more that little maid song it lie, Ami went him down niou liisknec. She hent her eyes upon the floor I think she thought the gainea luiic. He circled then his sweet behest : Xo kiss the one he loved For all she frowned, for alt 1ielil, He kissed Hint little main, . Ami then though wny i v"..;. Tile little maid linked satisfied. le- A PROPOSAL ON HORSEBACK v IIV AI.1KED BAI.I-II. j II- t here was one thing which I'ay ote Tom prided himself on: mow H.aiiaiK.ther it was: Ins hom-man-ship. He used to iMtast, and with reason, that lie could ri.le anything, anvxvhere, and at any time; The leatsfthe crack riders of the bor .!.. Wre all as familiar t hn i,s olllll probablv a Klusinn, jit was enough ,to;make him resolve that, somehow, he would rescue her. He could see out on the plain a short distance the horses of the whole party feed ing, aiul he could just barely distin guish the form of the horse-guard, the Indian who had leen chosen to watch Iheni. lint he had seen j enough. Cautiously drawing back, j he made the best of" his way clown 'the rock, until, reaching the giiound, lie strnck out in the dircctionot t he horses. ' ! He had marked the fe e where t he guard lay, and crawling through the willows on Jhe edge of the Itream, he approached him with no more noise than that made by. i " '. - U'l , ,w.fr aIkA lie a. snaKC. ncn m- i .'- timid see the Indian sitting with his I hack against a small tree." Crawl ng Ktill more cautiously, ll'that was possible, he reached a point not: more than three feet away from the iuwnviuH-t.iii" savage. (lathoring Iiiftiself together, Tom fairly leaied Upon the incautious red -skin, and j itefore lie could utter a sound had , jiiiuby the' throat. A few choking j gurgles soon ended ins me aim one JilackfiHit had gone to Happy more Hunting Grounds. Tom picked the dead Indian up and carried him off i ii siMit liehind the rocks where a fire could 1m- lit without lieing seen by the war. party.- Here he took the medicine sack of the dead man, and hunting in.it; found the neces- MISCE LLANEO US. 'MISCELLANEOUS AD VEIiTISEMENTS. MISC ELLA XE 0 US ADVERTISEMEXTS. r ? iSuvrsatf israftrf against I ct.ise.ai fy "r"T-?-the ....it ltnn't thU jtoiut Carefully made I of Best1 Selected i Timber. ALL the mort Valuabl iprovements. It ii :... iiiit mi'ii. I lei c . . ii....: .1..H..I- wiiil h:ihs i sarv .J:. -v,.rM nfth, fin- to transform himself he Collin line in i "n" i t'roiii a hamlsoine white man nuo a paints to i-nalile him by the ing at full gallop; I -.ton on horse ai ;i uc.ki , . , . irai. he eouhl hang on one sine moi i ....... .. arm and foot show itily doinuug Ins victims leggins, back as well ; xhirt and miK-asins, ana tnrow ing ins blanket with merely, hi. iln.v t In- iiorsi asany Comamlie tlmt ever lived. , robe around him, Tom p re pa red for Among the men who knew him it j the really ihnigerous task which was was omeeded that Tom was, as tar wxt in order. . as riding went, k-a hull teaman' a ; Walking aroiftid the nnk again, '.-'..ii...- .lo.r nnd.'r the waggin." ' :, to where the horses were, and from iii '-'rt lIPfBPIT .WEUffiAtlSffii- Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, lackache, Somess of tho Chest, Gout Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings end Sprains, Burns end Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Haadacha, Frosted Fee and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. ? rreperitlon n earth equals Pt. J kv- Ou r ., ;', sure. iim,,te and rl.;,p $& . A trial entails but tlic ompumUvrly uAuv ,f sit 'nt. imrt every .me Milk-n i r J1'--1 .in have cheap and positive ir)f of i cUiuii. . J)irections in Eleven Lanpnases. 30LD BT ALL DEUGGIST3 AND DEALEE3 II MEDICINE. A. VO GHLjER & CO., Baltimore, Md., V. 8. A FRENCH'S " Superior Cologne !j is a fragrant and "last injr ierfunie for -the toilet and handkerchief, ets a . vial. i Tfrt BLATCHLEY PUMPS are for l bj the best houses in the tra.e. Nam. of my nearest agent will be furn.shed on j application to C. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer. S08 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. PA. HE ROCKY MOUNT: MISCELL XEOUS AD VEIITISEMENTS. v uiur IN EVERY YAH 1 EJY IT"" IGHN CLARK, JR. & CO'S W. PINE & WALNUT MANTELS &E0RGE 0. STEVENS, No. 49 Light Street, RALT1MORE. FRENCH'S Tom ditlhix work "with a finish, there he st rin k out bravely and hold- as (he professional gymnasts term it. ly. tor thecami". Kcacning ii, m one of his accomiuishuieiitK, on j stalked to the lire, and sitting down f,ntt or on horsehack, had Im-cii suf- he thei.ii.e in his tomahawk and In licienl, howevels to" guard him gan to smoke. Hi- was careful, of a"ainst the assaults of a ;' certain ! i-,oiirse, to sit in such a iosiiion that "pair of hlaek eyes, owned'and man;-' the iiiv-light could not shine, upon ;r'cd with great skill by Miss Mary his fa-.. for lie had well founded sus llones, ohnan Jones' eldest daugh picious that the painting might ea icr. Tom had seen her lirst at old 1 wily he anything hut perfect., lie 1'ort Henry, and as her father was ll:ul not Ikm-h there many niinntes well known as an expert hiihtcr and While one of the Indians said to fi. ..l-A.l .k.wiK- : i.:..t. trapper, ami as 10111 " hm... among the lirst of tliat eraW, he had '-Why has the Leaping 'at litih- or no dillieultV" in '-getting "- the horses alone V , trodliet'il. " t The lirst d.i. In- thongiit her pretty : the se'-oiu , iieautifiil ; aiid Ihetliild, the im-st fascinating gul he hail ever seen. He made, himself n.rii-ealile as he km'V liow to ... . . - - Dan,; VirginiaTonie Bitters -ures J)vspepsia, Chills and-', Fever and all disorders of the liver and stom noli, -r cents or bottle. FRENCH'S left Xevf r fails to cure Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus Pains and Cramps in the -stomach, i" cents a viaf, FRENCH'3 ;' ARNICA LiNiMENT! is theb(st for llheuinatisin, -Neural-J gia.HeadacIusri'.ins.jjruises.Ac. 50 cents per bottle. ' - BEST IX -CORD j FOR- ' Dhicliine or Hand Use ' :0:; .1 ttOLK AUENTS- We will not weary you witl statistics telling now LIESSRS. J. a P. COATS MAKE THEIB BEST SK-COBD SPOOL COTTON Or how much they make daily, neither will we presume ; g L A CKSIYJITHlGRE quality. It is more important j nf 4,, ,lf n,i,.jlin(.lv ,j..ne M.,r i- w ,. ; 4...1 for yOU tO find OUt: Whether VV,ike-, in st.nk a full Vine t idl'siz.-. ..rstim aiHltaw t'l- the thread is; strong ana wui t '.'T '","!, C -..tn. :,lr..:,:f,rnm,..M,r WcMs 3ave you time and annoyance j y. fouxtaix, Man. Whether it will run on your i J Sewing Machine? Whether ; Mydt 31 ' L hh colors will matcn au trie fashionable shades, and work well on silk goods? The only possible way to arrive at the truth is to ' USE THE THRE AD YOURSELF I '. i ' '; Jou will then know vrhy it is called ; .: . i Are now in full, and sucei-ssfal operation. All kind of machinery made to order. ' 1 Repaired al sl.orl n lico A: cuts rr lie coVl.r:il. .HI .V H,".t Kn'ijioe, oi Mom.: Wrqon Ohio, lrr; Woik. We crp propan il to liinii-h aw -Ami Jinsi mi if:irm niiis ami aTU ultii'r:linilem.nls.f vcrv .l.-s. ri.tion T he all. i.lir.n of IVmer jin.l .leal r is i. .vilcl lo flic New UIK KV MDUNT 'IT'IIN I'l.) . aml.j - - , , . we mnke a specially f ll.eso. Kaitun Carolina Fair of li-M. Our. 4 !" l.H.k liil I'r.lmiiiin I lu-v a ic s.-:il by jtol-- ! H'C -PKIS FfCf. :tl In- I i.liF W.'lH - ;il li:iit -HI.I .-.r..-t'll..!-;. .ii.-i-. , A.-. l ninkii.t.i l.i m.l tiie io'(! l,'n-. K. FOCNTAIX, I W'.ii. TAYLOl?, S- I'rop -C. DI NKI.F., ) 1 i ,and succeeded so well that the Then' again siler.ce, broken only by the heavy jiuIVs lVom the piie. Glancing at lier cautiously, Ton), caught one look, but that was enough. Rising to his feet he filled his pipe, and lighting it from a -co.il at tlie lire, stalked off in the direcr left - ... - . 1 t . .... 1.. .1.1 ...... ..L-i. In in To III I Mill 101 ;ioiiol 1 lie noises. lien lie the fall hiiiititig. It is scarcely iuc- the girl rose and walked to the lire, essarv to say that Toiuac eepteil , lu.ar which she sat down as if cold, and the date was fixed at w hich lie " Tom reached the horses, and then was to come to Dan's cabin, biiilt I striking to the right, disappeared on the edge of the .South Flatte Ui lehind the rock, ltunning to where he had staked his own animals he FRENCH'S IndiaRubberCcmBEii "iso lios't in the world for niemlii! broken F'urniture, Toys, .U'.Mi ivare, Ac. l'rico St ceids a vial. Manufactured onl by VVM. E. FRENCH. W !...'. lnj:u 2l'-J S. ( iiiiiih- Sin ft ! lVl. l-.IUI V FOU.SAbEl'.Y Hines, Hadley & C, ('. 15. Ayioik. . F. A. Daxiki.? Of U'ayiiO. Of Wilson. AYCOCK & DANIELS. - ATTORNEYS, AT LAW uoLDsi'.ouo. N t: Practice in the Courts of Wayne, Wilson, Greene, Lenoir and Johnston;-and the Supreme Court of the. State. Collections a Specialty. nmy.'i-l.v.'. Tl ltCKI.L IIOrSK f WILMINGTON. X. C., i(i;('i:.TLY refitted and under en tiro new Miaiiafjeiiient: Teriiis S2,:"n tos::,(Mi Per day. Hi . 15. L. PKIUtY, Proprietor. , 3IX-00HD SPOOL COTTOK YOU CAN Btnr Ij.' OP: ATKINSON & WARREN, Cor. Nash and Goldsboro Streets, AVILSOX.N.C." i ' - Rcsl Selrc led Suwk of cvrr olleird in WsImmi Gents' Furnishing Goods, i h-prin": and Summer Clotluni;, , I Dress Goods of any Styles, ' 1 Embroidery, Lace Collars, V-c.,. ; ITosiprv. Notions. Gents', Ladies, Misses; and Roys Shoes tl.tj , , - , , r- ii i . most aura Die ana iasnioiiiuit;aiii inu unujitt, Simpson & Smith , The enterprising Yliolesale and Jobbinsi: Mercliants,' invite tha attention of the readers to their General Stock of WAti. lSntBilb Winrs,' Cigars.- Tuber. Snnff. Canilirs, Canfrclwiifrifs. '(iwerirs, c. Also " holsalenrs f . "'-',--. 1 "" - J . WLich they bottle at their owil establishment. 4'sita on llactti sml I'.v:iuiii3. tSieir Siwk l'(or nr cliasiii maj-Sin. I - Iffll i I. liarir'- and Spring iMiiMls 1 . I - ; . ! ' 1 FURNITURE DEAIiERS AND UNDERTAKERS, Xasu Stkkkt, W1.LSONL N. C. ' 1? Have a large slock of all kiiulsof Furniture and niv -mt'iviug coiisianfly additions thereto. P.aby carriages, l'iclure fraines, moulil iiignnd ollice chairs, itv.., in endless variety. Repairing neatly and prorjipMy done. inny.fiff NO Jl FOLK A D VEli TS ELENTS. JAYLOR ELIOTT Sfc RATTERS "--. WIIOLKSALK IiKALKRS IN- HARDW ARE; CU TLERY. CiUNS, Ac., COUNFH MAIX ST., AND MA11KET SQUAItK. OltFOLK, VIRGINIA. I iarch KUh, ft month.. L p S ihw sm:k "of. MiiisJ !!ov4 !r . 7 . g ,1 , 1 . i iiich ion so io jnriiKK ruip ai lllf and s f Jolhin-.. UuM (tall and examinr i he-lore- piirrijasiiii tVlu'ii Yon go to Norfolk Mop at tlif i. as vr ar5 ofl'crinj; hai aiu ! . ' . - - - . i ! "-" s For Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Bilious Attacks, Headache, Cos- tlveness, and an Diseases 01 the Liver and Stomach. ARB DECIDEDLT THH MOST POTENT REMEDY TMAT UAH Or. UOHIJ. It la not an fritoxlcatlns hevcrnae. nr.rt pertalnlv r..niri tw'vit m l.sed ah a nlcitpj.nt HUb;titute for al coholic stlmnlTOtA, bat It is truly a valuable Family Medicine, which has been iwd for niany years l.y larsn numbers of ourjCiti7.cn v. i1h tii.- lnot unfail ing success in au lue aiwvu coiiiiuaiuta., iij tu 25 Cents a Paper, or $1.00 a Bottle. W5t. K.THOB.VTOX, I'roprlcCor. Baltimore, Maryl ianosF.Siyrgaws - t NO 30 WEST MARKET SQUARE IiOAUDlNO A LODOINt; 1.00,1.-., f,rn7PEll 1)AY MMALS AT ALL IlOUltSOX Till KUltOPEAN PL.VX. le .lofrhin I loiiss i ronf. :i 1 1 v Iim':i.I orlioti uf tltiif cily, ami williiu a slinrt iIUi ."Mire o4 i tli" .iiliHc linililins :i -j pi :) .it iiiiiiiscin.fiit. 'fl.c Lie lion i- fsjii-l:iliv ili'-it -ililv f ir .- ii ivin j Lupine-- in .Vm f.ilK, such a JK . incu, SI ci- li uil-., ..nniii i-ri-:n el,lers :tu I olc si H-i..... To tlice iLrJiiy;- a Hotel 'I'mIiI.- will) limn,, rcinil'iit- tl.W i.uii-.- ici ,liv ciiiniiKMiil-i it-elf. fiii lrtni-'r lei-; Im'ii r.lilte.1 ami Iih now -i snliii'i. nt mi roitiiw to snjij.lv tin1 .Iciii iihI, 1 JORDAN HOUSE. Amos F Jordan, Prop. Norfolk- Va -nILL()P FA UK: -ahi-kkxiuo ii'ixxkh i'imim 12 to HoVmitk- oXia.'HW -t. !V.M;.vf.t.;.- K in! r.. . istiMK -in.i I in .hi-- .. I i .. .! i'.. . i-triik. )iii.n :i il I'ot t' lli'.ijo,, . I l- i f-ift-Mti .fl'. vt. ; Tin- liiiihUi! of August i-tum', nnl Tom stiirti'il. Uf hiitl ahont one i..n..lr..(i mill's to trolM'torihi'iii hin; the th i-iihin, nhU us hi' forty h'is nrivly iiloiift In-fonntl ph-nty t. think ahont in MU Mo'.ly. : Tom. h.v Un wav, WiOii tom1 looki-ii: frllow, train-; ed to horrtiT lilV-j siiii-i- tin- I imi fu had ht'i'ii ahlf to lift a rill. a thor ons.li 'sOont, hiintfi- aurt lrap(ii;r. Urvu-hins tlif South PI itfv, lit' roili! np tlit' liiink of thi' riv.-r ahont ji'M miles, anil i- inic to t.ie i.l:. ' wln-m tlu -i-ahin was. or l it lu r hart V-raj Its plari' was iiiaiki'rt hv somi'Vliaii ri'il los ; th(' -ronn l wijis rut nph.v horsi's' ft'i't : aiiil hi-n-j anil tli'H ri'ihlih stains mai ki'iff lit- pi anj -. wln-ri' ilu- tliiity M il ha.t rtnink up spun man's lilooil. 1 1 ilirt- not lii'i'i) s Ton. I "laiH-i- :il t !:c ruins to j ti-lj Tom tlif wiioh' story. In liaii i airt wtMc tooi iMiinioii in V. to niaki" lin'ii on tin' horih'r hesit it.' ahont u-art inir t lu- ".;isn . . . , 1 .Li ...1... 4 l.L was I'Viili'iiiiy ro. mm mu-i Indians wen.. A t-aii-firt i-Xiiniina tion. ilnt ins whii-!i . Tom qnarli'ivtl " tlif rroinirt as i'aifl'nlly ns a linn- inir rtoir. ri'snlti'i ' loosi'rt one of the in anil rortc hack airain. V1ipii in reaehert the turn into tho place. iK'twecn "cr.t for l,;ivi.i..v t,i.'- !' 3:0' K .in.i RYK.a .1 i1;. .VKi.i - ' t y a it !: cin:.M;.i.-f .:.:!; - iti.z-r. ww. K. "i:KM.i!.. -1...." FARMERS Plow FRIEND Works )S'J. s! h i -v . I .1 ..J-H.-i : :.r.a.l"V . 'i' 'y-i-; .)-.-' SI'IH .;". .- . . .1 iif.n ... 1' :. . ' I.... s - I M'.,U'..:'i I .. . i .. ..: the rocks .where the Indian camp was he rorte vuiitiously in the shadows until within ahont the hnnrtretl feet of the Indians. Then putting sjnirs : to Ids liorsf lie SirtloiH'rt in. It took ; hnt a lew moments for him to reach i the fire, anrt.jnst hetbrehe sot.there ! Mary stoort up anrt stoort iierfectly Infill. Manas'ins his horse with con sninniate skill Tom rbile close to her ! anrt as he passt'rt in' his wilrt sulhip lM iit down anrt seized her ronnrt the w.iis;.- Tiie whole thins took less tim.' to rt than it does to tell ahont it. ''",; ; n. foif tiie Indians' hart recovered Ironi their first ."surprise,. Tom, on his llyins horse, earryins Mary in his ai iii-!,'was almost out of liow sl.ot. Ivecoverins from their ainaze- : NOTICE- j Having qualitiert as Adininistf or of the estate ot JM-. l;Hnes, jeeased, helore the Prohate wjinlsi Wilson " Csiunrw nonce is m-n iriven to all nersons indeht'rt to till- estate of sairt rteceasert to make m- niL'diate navinent, ;nrt f . all if r sons liavins claims as:iin"t tiie easert to present them to. p;:"1 on orheforo the L':!rrt of ,lm, lH', i- 1' fllV, le nt or this notice will he plead hi hi.'fl their recovery. . II. O. CONNOR ir. Adiiuiiisnatoe. junl.'; NO. ir. SVCAMOllK STREET, PETEHSRUIKi, ,VA ariners Friend PlowsJIunrtter's Chilhil Plows--, Malta Douhlej s, Iron Age Cultivators, Cotton Plows, Harrows', Steam 1 i;lii!i? inaeliino';, Reapers anil iiiow-rs, Straw ISulters, Corn i mills, Stoves, Tinware, Hollow! Ware, Fire Iron"-, Plow YVasoiis, Iron and Steel, Wholesale anil Retail. bESFhAL SGEiJS FOR : . t Chickerins & .Son. 'Steilf, Matlnishfk, Arion and SoVith.-rn '(Jein pianos, and Jason Ar Ilainhn, Shoninjerainl i'ctolift A- 1'o's., Ononis. .W j.. Bartorey. Ag't, "Wiisonr TST. C? -i..-u;.il 11 si ' i.l; Sl.-w . . .1 ..I' I.! 'it ' . i.r- l-T i i i . . ,' ..ii;-.-.;... -'.iiiii i.iir, I 't:il -. ... . in :. I'. ..ii. ,l l, :f. k ..I! il.,- ;tl ..v.- .i .it i will. Wit1.1 -rr ,tr:i. i ; AMOS 1. JORDAN Si'vt-rt every day from 11 to 1 o'clock. II irFryC.f -tk, ........ ............ H.ii I Kry .f T.- :.ii fliii,.ii.... fill 1'iviil Wi IViciik.l liii.Hisan.l I '. .1 I . -: Hall I IkIki- ol ' liptilitl. SU'.-ik . .. Half fry i.l Ham an.l V. i;s - I hill' l'iy t. ( Ivslvrs 'I l:il. l i v ji S nisMg...... Hull' I iv (.1 aiis:ivr hii.I Llxliiinv .. . .- Hall' I jy fl Ki-I. - Ila f l-'.y (( .;,l I I..,.-... ...il... . I ImM' ).i.5 I'.l.iI. I ' MII..I. li..l,s .... . . ! 1 . llr.il I'rv W l.iv.'t ... .... i!aii Fu i.i" Tii(i. il:i ' f i,.f.i.f vstu-. ' . . ..... I laif .l li Si,.iv i K-si. r-. . . '-'il. U u ii. : ai 1. 1 ulliv I I it : I 'Fry i.fN.ii i'r.ilw..., ... v. All tin. ;iImiv- Ii If (ir.U-r wil Ii . ..Ili-v : .--., 's .-x t r:i. No. ,:!, West Market - Kiiiare I . i; r.. i.. i'. i . i, VII III mm mm El El STRICTLY N XX-SECTA .11 ."0th Session liocins Mom if A LFHl'.D WILLIAMS. IKUGKXE (5. 1IA1UIKL; MVN'S ri ALF RED WILL I AM $t GO EunHliei's.Uookscllers anil Siationcr.- UALEKiH, N. ., N. ALL North Carolina Schools, whether Public or Private, can -ol.tain Si hcol Looks, Ac., at Itah ish at prices as ui as a ui: ot i:i-.KKi. r.Y any M.kTIlKIN Pl.AI.KKS - i f have ilii- lar'-c: t st.M-k in the State and fill all orders iiuMi 'i I . - 1 WALKER BROS., - B -4 E ii S AND fit fl : S U F A C T Ij R N fi C O X F t C T 10 N E R i . AND WHOLESALE DEALERS kN lOHACCO, CKiA US, 8NUKFS A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT S7a? r7FER.A SURE REVIVER. . for all diseases requiring . :.".' 'ciioA, lhspepsia, Intermittent ... .IZofjJncrrfacte. Enriches the blood, .. : tuo nervijs. They act like ascharm re -ii ( rpriplom-i such as Tasting the Fond, y-.,Z'i-. r ct.1J' Iron Preparation ,i ... . . rive lieadaene. hoiu ny IBONBirJL..:: a certain and clJicnt t;;:. ; Feeer, WaMtfA?prliir,lA. . strengthens the iuuscIlSjUhu; :t -i on the digestive organs, remiicinj r.,' Belching, Heat in tie EUtuaaJi,! .t.o ; tliat will not IIacl:eu 'tlir I' all druggists. VTii'e for 1:-" V, C.Vv.'- -1 -.p. of useful and aimisins rcau ing) sent free. BKOWIT ClUZll Ah CO., Baltimore, JMd.. Bee tiut all Iron Hitters are m-V frv Ttrnvrs Cmsxrr M. Co. nn.1 h creased red lines onrwrapper. CV. AliE OF IMITATIONS. : nieiit at -the holdiiess of ! lie feat, the The lirst thin's U J red skins rushed lor their weapons. hnt their etlorts were iisclesv tor none of the arrows reached either Ymn or s'i' l he lmm so . earefnlly in front- uf him. lailersins front hot ween the rocks Tom directed his horse toward - the placi'i, whore the second was staked. As he rode' he - shifted Marv front thejilaee he had her.in front to the horse's hack hehind. Here she oonltl holtl on teinher 4th,lSS' Spacious P.iyldpliS- Fine Lihrary and Apparatit lieiienoi'tl ami Thoronsh Teaifitcj'E, Prenaratorv and t olles;ite t iives. Peculiar Advantases to Vuaiii Men for m siM'.ss ti;aixim'i; anil Voiiii!? Ladies for Complete" Instruc tion in iirsir. We sraduate sieve raleach vear iii' these departmt nts Terms nnnsually inodeiMt. For eatalosneathlress S. HASSELL, A. M.. " rKTM'.ii'An. Wilsun. N. C. Ex teit CoMei.r.TK Catamiijue Sunt ' ' -AHDHESN t(X Al'l'l.HA'l'lN.'V!rt in his pickins np ii el iws, one of the ameiits of a savtiSv necklace of hem most valued on warrior. The claws were set he tween stiifM's of deer-skiii. A sk"ce at the ornamentation, j and Tom ejaculated liotween his shut - teeth. A I f I' o 1 W i I I i n in s & Co. f herself 'lilackt'eet !" - : ! wliile Toni had his arms at lilK'i ty. He finished examining the neck- .. Hiding up to the second horse, Tom laee, and mounted tit oiiee to follow sto.iped d iwn as he. passetl and ptlll t he-trail: : No thousht-'f tlteVdan ; ,.,1 the stake up without slaekeiiins BINGHAM SCI10( KSTAT.LISHKH I r.lT'.K? . MAll.VNKVlI.I.K. N. I.. ' Jitlv l."-::nij liOOKSELLEUS, ax-KALEIUH, STATION El IS. ... C. ' 1,. tern lire. Is Pre-eminent anions . Soittj lvi ril in- Schools for lovs. ill! ;or hefore him. or the seemins his sjicod. The horse Ixilted, hnt mmilHM-s ami area of patronasi nossihilitv of the man )escniiis I Tom had the end of. the mite, and! The 177th session will hein (ill the from a trilie. even crossed ; he smu contrivi'dto lirinirhim :il.ni ! new hiuldinss.) .Inly t li. l.sr : ! " " ! , ..-. c.'.M' ,. ... VII lie knew w:is t l:lt Ui.l,. I '.litw.iiiinv Min- l.,,t.l .... ( r Ol I ,llill.L;iii . n'Ji M .- I "i'.' lars. atloress ....v., " -v MA.I. I.. lilMillA.ll 21 A il! Union Street, Norfolk, Virs'mia. M VNl KAt'TI KKILSOF CAUKIAIiKS.r.CtailKS AND HAllXF.SS OF KVKUYKIX1) Extension Top Carriases,Juiup Seat Sitle-;ar Top P,ns?ies, Panel Door (arria"es, Jump Seat Tti i nM'kaways,Canopy TopPlurtons, . ' y:n""ios Side-har I Pony Phsetons, Side-har Omch ; -Iy SurfyWasons, -! Hnssus Dexter Hussie.. 1 WrARMlTOf 8 " ' 1 " - " " - - .. i o i S.'.r. :1 ly FRO.Tc Or I. MlU-i VINEGAR. CSDtil- Tf SOAPS &C- " . - r . ' . NORFOLK. VIRGINIA Suiicitt'd and S it isfjicl inn (Jtiaraiitceil. Hob TIHEr' SHELDON, DEALElt IN 1 r.sbPs. Iv.o s vnH Blini?. Xfiihlings. Brackets- .&air Ruiln. Mw-3'- Builder K i ihy.ir .PaiiKs Oih GJ Putty and Bnildi-aglaiiil of every JscMitio , Nhs. lO AV. Sltle ilaiiet. SquamiS 49 Boa&okt Ave., NJllFOLK,f. A . 1. ' J': - - W. prisoner his mind. .P.lackh'ot hail raitled johl Ian's eahin, ami he supposetl t hat the'sirl. was jirolialil.v alive from flu" fact that j the Indians rarely killed woineii. , 1 The trail sti-etched out over the j prairie toward the souttwest. As j he roiU" alons those indications which sire as an open liook to the j men of the frontier, told him that j there were not 'more than, tenor twelve warriors in the party, and the second day he found a hit of' calico stiekins to a hush, ami knew th it they had Wary with them. Tom j only hastened what he had made up ltad with him 1 wo horses, lidinsnne j his mind to do? for he said to the ami leatlins the oiher, and hy friMi giH : '-Mary, my oahiu is emjity ; cjvent chauses he was ahle to cover j will yon come to it V and Mary said -s. great many, miles a day; The -Wfi." When" they reached the hmrt Inlay, alMiut seven in theeven-j sttjeineiit there was a marriage ins, he sighted the Indian camp lie i performed hv the chaplain at the tween two large riM'ks and ly the Furt, and the girl's wonderful rescue hack'ijfniie hoi-se to that of the i other, : 1 1 1 1 the one on which he had j l eseuod the girl, : relieved of his j donhle hnrden, increased his pace f at once. 1 .Tom ami Alary rode along side hy J side. Their rapid gallop put miles 1 Itotween tiiein and their enemies! and the night pm vented their trail 1 Ikmiis followed. As they roile Tom i -was told that old Dan was dead, shot in the raid. The information Siiperrijtenth -'-- '--! ' i THE Christman Plow. SALE jbJNJZ ! -HAS THE- m m -w-m a -mr , r i m Wife "W wl ri mmmmm aio "S5 i I '1 . "' .. ' Warerooms in tiie South nt. and Tom's lioldness, adilod to the sensation always produced hy a wedding, made them doeidly the hero and heroine of the hour. Nor did iMtlier of them ever regret the result ot uu PmiMisal on Horspbaek. Deatb Distanced. edge of a little stream. Staking his horses out on the plain, Tom got oil ami scouted his way up to tlieedge of one of the rocks. Here lying on the rx-k, with his face hidden le liind a small luish growing in a cre vice, he could see the Indians- sit-! .tjllg around the lire. A little to one side was the girl, her head lient' '.flown restiugon her haudsas'thoiigl) ' Alkxaxdkia, Va., Aug. 4 l.sSl. she was weeping over the fate of II. II. AVarner Sii-s I1 her father and her own captivity. should have lieen iijmy grave to-! Tom almost thought he could see 1k'0 ynr Sale , . - . -lU'l Lner Cure. Mrs. i;,u-i the tears, and although this was gess, i (UTAUANTEKI) TO UK IlEST IN THE MAPKl HAS THE P.EST ItECOMMEX HATION. THE T Diningkoom's, Niir Railroad Dt'iK't, KXil IKI.Ii, x Stop and get a (iood Dinnc IHr or Ureakfast. Huanl hy ti or .Monin. i -rices ycrv rea-oit Kesjiectfullv, - j KIDD1CK P.CltNKT! may5-ly prop 11- l'OK SALE NY TIIE PlilNCIPAL Mill CHANTS OF WILSON, TOIS NOT AND BLACK ( KEEK. fa - r; sup- D:V ahle. rietor. i ' r iol'iWi. ro ami Harnos Sts W ilsud, . C Having juft' rottirribd with a I'tiv ar.d well sclece 1 lot nf STOCK' am 'now prepared to fill any mler IV . m $75 fo $200 in the way of stock ; Any person in wai.t i.i a rt-od MSI HORSE or mule will find it. to their nd vantnae to liXi-nirve iny took K. i- ii' i'UviHjf C Isewliojo . 'Hetiiriiiiu ihiinks f r ; patroinlge and seekintj n tmir i nnuiK''.' ! tho same. -i am Very HopC'Ctrull-, h . V. KhWAHHS. At Sijjf tV; l,d ward's ohl -stand. Take No! ice.'. Any pet son doiri:-.g a go-d lainilv ..r ilriv-i-.iil hof.-e, an l.iiy him at niy t allies under a, uaraiite-'. A T 11 0 C K Y MOUNT,' i fli t Mi(jH Street, WHOLESALE AND ItE'i Atlj DEALERS, Uic-liiiioiii, He likes opiosition,he defies com I ' I ' i IH'tition and under no eonditioii i i will jieliudge fpijn the jwisition ml, . i'i alxive stated, lie Utught giHU at t lief proper time when the dej cline iecurred. Ho paid cash, got ind markedUji J SI'- m& i- ? M M I il mmfmmMm,. . (1KN EltAL A (5 ENT V udi-ma-trj Mart no & Longman's Pure 'Prepared PLoeLCiy-lLixeci olT tho discounts ! . small liroht mi each article, oll'erfe noliaisand sells no-goods unili cost VXLESS I XDKSIKAT.LK. If you have money to sn-nd foj i i gtxxls, aiid wish to save all you :ah in Hie trade, you surely call gain r l I , Only First-'olass liistriaents, PJAN'OS, SteittwaV. C-ii'c"kering, Htillet i .v 'Davis, Fishir, Crovfeii- stiM-n ,V Fuller; O III JANS, Ma-oit .V Ihniiliu, jlnni.Mt, WiMuIsSlHrninger, El'litii pipe Organs, All Iq-tru-H .it'-i...-i!. at l-i.vet fn-tury tpriiif .(ind fuliy Warranted. -Cah or intalliii.ent. . Persons '-wishing information ahont Pianos and Organs, will plea-o wiril.e t4 .'''' ' '.."' t . I '-'-.. I Felt lutlily RYUND &vLEE, ND, VA UICH.M ?EN 0 .YOUU()iti)ERS;F()li JEWULin A li'I-li U R (J" lillElMAN ' ' ' . . " - .- ;. i -- - - - ''. . 1IIJ Main Street,; He; id Jarkef S.pfare, Norfolk, Va. . DEALER IN DIAMONDS.! WATCli:y. JEW'ELIlY. A OFl'iMlS his stock at .bargains-.' We.l.ling ainF I-aigageiiient King- "" hand. "Engraving fn-e of charge. Wall-Ill's and Jewelry, repain-d and warratited. S'ad your ord.-ry hv ninil and.theyj will he promjitly fdle.1. i ' ' ' I - " --.'.... advaijfasivliy buying IV iitt him. iiiniiiHii!!i,iLirr!iiii SHOES, HATS AMI NDTHINS He is Unsuras,scd. Try I A. W. AH.'.INGTON. i inayl2;hn R TYLER. WIIITAKEl-s, X. V.- 1 Agnt for L. O.tirady's Fine Silver ' and Gold WaUhes. may5-tf Merehaiit Tilorig feT Ve take pii.iisiire in 'calling your attention to of i'ids evef brought to VjIso:i. Xl;y ar . it - c.iU LEGANT P ESIGN Ad' CuLORLNCi, il J)EANS. j ATTORNEY AT LAW", WILCOX, N. a j f Stjiflice in rear of Court Hotjse Square May 5, ly Consisting of English.-French, an. I Anstriaii Woolens, esl !i I- Hmsideluths, West of England .Melton-. Worsilc.l I'oating-, Serge K Tricots, Fi.ncy TroWM-rings, Ac. 1 They will he made up in the latot' style. Perfect lit.' riie ol Triiinnings, and at prices that defy o.ni! petition. f ' Opportunity ot obtaining line ciituii-iiiadi4 elothiug for iiteij :t::d is otlertnl t all w!i i will e triri it. No,v t's tin' titne to get pin.' at ltinehlcss 'ot than can !. had anvw her.l- i;i the United States-, :i 1 - .'.". -v " ; - .( . : Greenwood & Belsmeyer rsTv.7" m$Mm mm i uvw s 5?ff THE BEST IN THE WABtET. UgyVi rrrfrxz$ all reqiiirpiieiits,antJ prloeJ t cuit all fUiMs. aland ! '-eys i im-t i - i boys f if.lirt l-: t rntrtwn (lilTcrcnt nr kln!. liva Kith Enamclcl l:TVo!rs. Ailapttnl to LEAptNU FfcAl UKtti: Draible WAf'l rewirn. Pilent Wood ;riiu. A.JjiisUtU i Iaihier, IntCTi-hnngeftble AW malic ffteiq i'-twilin)? Dor. wi'ngiiiK -llrartli-piatu; v.:isii:i? Flue-SUip, Kcvi-r-ilili- Oas BrtniHtt IJin? Cm 1'itce, Double i eciitv.T?, fltivy i:in f:.Avrv Illuiiiiniilo.l Fiw Jjrs. Ni. ki l Kliol, KH-'kcl IIiih-K ,,-fiM-.4111U.-a lu Uati-nol, ia fiui-b, and in Manufactured by ISAAC A.'SHEPPARD i CO., Baltlmoro, Nld. 1.1; ! ii : -ale tji bU).U.(.KEE.V t ll., ' ll.oll. , t. . - .l V:COTr-': ' - s . A "7"

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