T-;: W,:,. v Am'ANri-:. v 1 1 . -i i . I'l 1 1 - .Inlv - 1 Index 'lo New Advertisements. . ;I1IM I,. II nlleV k I .'1 HI' 1 - mi.! Ili-ll!llli I 'In.u .1:1 ' t j l,.i; ilir ' .' " i-lr 1 'I 1 ,1 1 1 1. 1 o M,,,v ,1.-C.1 WCeklv . I I Mill 'i C flit ill. llC.ll Hill , C.lt (Oil ill ,.. Hid .1 - I pile- I III - 1 .1!. I I .ill (.-.It- I I "III ..II -CCt lOll - I if ; j ii.- t!ic il o ; ir.-l - lor .1 line "o 11 1 1 . 1 j 1 1 I 1 ' 1 1 1 - I 1 til III I'll 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 V V cl I . I ," .1 a en. 11 1 1 e,ii I il a-1 n - I. .1 il,, e, I he 10. ill! loll III,. I .ll CHI ,,111 I 1 I 111 .la 111 .1 v ci cm i, 1 1 a- in. 1 iiim 1 . I I, 1 ,e -I I lull lll.llcll Hi I 1.1 place lol Im i I,-, oi, lie- "Hill llll.. W . II. ( I. - Oil W o.ll ol , , I. .Il . 1,1c if III- I 1.11,1. N.i Ii. i: - ha- I"', e , ,,t,, ,,l I he lh linn I, . I I - a i. l.l . .. l u ll, pen ami w i- w 1 h ome him to I In 1 ink . . ,i i ii , on nl I 1 1 im-r- will have. i wheal fan An-n-t "lilh. (,.l. 1.. S. Polk will make om- ol 1,1- i h.o iilel l-l le -.. -t-clic-. I .elillt-1 1 el II'.- -In ill til le . if in- . .1 till over the Mate at ..lice. ii.... i .ii i i r th.-e cluli- in il-.u'ciimitv Ihc l oh mi Siiuaic Theatre '' I'-inv i- l.ill.-.l ha I In- pin I let . .1 ie 1 1,1 II. I In I I 7 I Ii . I II I he .1 IV - a. I Kill,. i.,i.i.i. ( 'apt . c h'e I w ho an V ev ad t In road from il-oii to I Im .-lie i iii I ,1 V el I e llle i d '1 or ol I he l. ril m mil I li il le- I II ill--.il! Il U ollhl III- llll ill . I ; n i,- Inline. - I.I - - 1 1 1 1 1 -ho. .' 1 1. ,1 1 ' ica I t . I k i ii -. wilh now ami I lien i li oee c ion 1 1 1 1 a. ns, -civet i.i-- aw i I hc-e dull i.i - in l! We w.-ic plci-ed In mirl Mi. I I. ink I. in I. in c. ol the lh mi in hi ami I, il ii nl I '.in I. SI . I .. .in-. M,,.. i- vi - 1 1 1 1 - r i.lihvc- in town till- week. I llll elln 1 III poll ill oin at i -1 1 1 u.n lo I lie I, III. II k ll,!,' I ot del pi e -el .-, I III town dill I Ii u the 1,'c pn I 'I i, ,n ei . 1 1 enl ioii la -t week. 1 1 i I u i." ii Ii. ii i. i I - .Inc." "I m ii the i. -pun 1 oiimiiIi.ii Ii M.-k -"in- t: lln .1, I uaie- -..t a lh. il hi, I dollar- lor lli.-il vole-, lielU lc.li we In. ill I 'link. Id-.. Idier were present a t t he N d.l ier's '. .t. v enl i. hi h.-h I in "-in it It lit-li I la-t Saturday. 1111111:' - ill.-- were Inaile I y Polk. I '.i n ha in. Pai-li.-e and ..liter-. I he W ill Ion .,,,.). ill - pc I, I ii v .1 Ph.l I III ic.-ll I l.'.ll A - . .1.1 1 Ion. ,v In, Ii in : ni I h :l pi n c n :n I Hli .i . I ,,l I hem ...me iii -ei il , i . cl ton . 'lie- I w i ii I ow ii - will it,. I hell 'llll Well. t I'l I I ', ,l i i I ll p.'l I n I clldell I of ';. I I 1 e.lle-! - II- I o - l e III, ic- lo the -I I olllUlltlee ol I lie '..i.nli lo call al I he Snpeiior i .11,11 I -, k's ollh e l.,i I, lank . .-ii -ll - I ep"l I ol i ll l Ii 1 1 e II I I,,' II I, lll'.H I 1 I I I. I I olllel' elli - I III . -1' ill I ll . - i eek I I W .1 I i. nl. ni. I.' -v -I II. I .mini. I. A. I VII.-.. l l; lice. I . . Wood II 'I lll'l .1 i e ,l . I I III, I .11 , ,1,1, lie I I hi- place. vl ; . , ... t ... I., I I id i cv it in - il ;m I .he V cli I in- le. V ll, I "lle.-l I ', , I. I .1. ( lot ll till a I - lite ,11 1 c!t I - I .111,1 the pi ice . nd w a . "ii :.'ll I '.d. v .ll n .vv H ..In lie" al !l-hl lint- p.-.-d Mr-. S. 1). T witty will n-l urn t , i W i I-. ni. a ml 1 eac It :t::a i n in the ( .die i Itc lll-titllte. Pl'.d. I 1.1 - -ell ha - a I --.I re i-n-a-eil t he ser v ices ..( M i-- A nn i ' "amine and Pud. . M. Ilar-r..v. I I om a , I iv ill- not e we lea I Ii thai Ihcie I- Ihe I.i-;l;.- I cloud al Ihe Ml. inl.e IP .let. 1 , I e h , - a I . I ! . 'Vet a I III I I. . I . . I ., II -Ii In Iilel I c oil iii i In- -a a, .- .ml I liil a 1 rain ol lull coiner- a I 11 V os e .IV ill V . lh.- Muakci's ot I'licml- have o-i d ".'.noilit.w aid- t he erection I i ii. u eollc-f al New C.ar.lcit. I iiiilloi 1 . 11 '-'l"'"''l Ih.il hi ell, ,11 w ill l.e III nl, - to hav. Pi .1 iilni- I.. 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i on al il -. I,, nl. lli utioii is called to the atlver 1 1 . a.,, m i, I . W . I Ln uravc. v In. ni- 1 n-l I ccci V t il a la r-c Ii it i il ' Ii 'ie.- and w, II scle. le.l Ini nn. and in! I I. I -a see. whl.-h he Is oll'el iiil; lo I h. vv holc-.de ami I -i .til I rade al I" I' .- . I li.ii .el ollipet ! loll. 11 Ull he uial il in- lo the lll.-ml-ol I ia- A I'V V X. I. I.i know 1 hi! -im .- Us cnlar-cinciil . Ma v .".I h live hum he. I and I. ulv I invv - u I. - I il.rl - have l.ecii a, hie, I I. . il- al.c.i.lv III -e -nl ' I i I, .ii ha "'" I.""- t'-'l. .I.dili Me l Id. r.i . , i i 1 . ,;,. , "i,in.il panel .a I . . 1 1 1 i i - 1 1 - u. N "1 1 h t ' 1 1 . , i ii i . 'i in -1 I lie I '.cli ml I ' Int. in I; dei-h. and i - :n.,v a dcin oei.l! ol Ihe '-.!lalle- -eel.' I "I le I ..n. lid 1- a m in o! llll I' ll! and -l i mi- con v a I ma .. Ihe . 1 1 1 1 -1 1 : i.m o l om lea.l.-i-i- called I" Ihe 1 1 i v el I I - -1 1 1 -1 1 1 ol how III Plpl,-: Fein lie lll-lllule 1 ' ' iiioih.i column. Ii-piin.ip.il. I '. "I I'.i ew er. w In. . oin I in I ,, I a -in ---liil I, in.de -eh,',. I III Wil-oii v. ml v.-ii .. i-too w.-ll known a- ' coin p. . i j . h,,loii-h tea. In-l lo " ' .1 anv vvoi.l- ,, , "inineli'l allol, i...... M- lh. leii -1 h ,, a la i aid - In e ma v -' -da ,1 l.v ihe ...minion ol hi- s.-v.-ial months a-. it would hl" ' a k c u a v a i . I -1 ii k In u i v .- an i.ii,,,:.. ... i . . , A ""' ' llieni on lln- street- with ' ' " ' ' 11,1 I " c. aad an cl.isi ie -i.p In.H ci, pi. ..peel- ':l '''" M"""" I"M""' , "" 11,11 lo.-L Kuiioii. a M 'liii,' " ' ' ' '' '"'"' "' . "'' !" Ins deal h III a I la- """"" Wedn. s.lav. and a ,, ' ' """ " '" '"dlv ii not s.-r s " ll"' -line lime. It "'"'''"A e:.- iikm a "v ' "'' ' '" tiaui when 'l '' "" "" '"''I' Ihfst- We ale pleased to hole that L'.v. V. W. r.i nii.-it . h. h.,s I - -1 1 ii- elected President ol ili.it pi.- ciuiueii! ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 ill 1 1 .i n - - c i.au iliil.i M, nun u .-r vv I 1 -1 1 In- 1 1 ; i - pre paivil tolaim-n lie- .111.! ;n.'-t n!i d lor .1 1111111I111 of v.-ai- with iiiocl.-rii in-l met mil. I In- hi-cc-.-a 11 1.1 1 kid a I .il it . 'lie- coll.--.- i' in a ' expcii-.-s f,.r term of Ii . 1 1 mi it hs lictl.-i linaiiii.il .-..in lit ion Ihaii il- arc from .1o to Tin- fill sella- lic ii -pavlhc war. ii'i'l ' v"" u -Hi - m 1 1 -' Ttli. 1 -'. 11 ,rp- oi in-: in. tor- arc t In- n 1 il oi a;. in tin- -"Mill Sutid.n riK'th of Mr. Hiram Wrtih. . .1. 1 1 . .iiinii. h.i in- n i in n It In- vacation. fillid tin- I ntli.it 111 the M. lho.i-l 1 hin. Ii la-' Siinil.iv mm 11:11-and hi-ht. Hiram W'.-lili. w Im reside- in li.lu.- Hvmiiiiu I" the al.-clice of I lie coin 1 m it V . al.ollt eleven miles , - , ,, , 1 , from WiKnii. He ua-in 1I-011 a i..i-o- who I- III al ten. lance Upon ... , , ,, 1 ,, lew davs a-o lookup; ,1- well a-will, .- Ili-lliet Co,erclice. II,, -re Will )m In- 1,11 services III the chinch hcxl ,M. .a i t Ic 1 1 1 , 1 1 - o hi- lllltimcfv i 1 1 1 . 1 v . il.-alh. a- near a- we can -athcr The till, I, -il ,'. nri r -av - I 'i lo tln-in. ;.n-a!,.,t a- lollows: Inlv I Mill, the 1 ,. ... . ... li.s.-r-ilx Noi.,,.,1 Sel I ha. I le 1, I,,-, I .; I.'.. ( M t hi III !I7 ale m. 1 ho.ii-i -. 7- i;.i-ti-t-. Pic-hv l.-l I III-. :.' I '.ii-coialiail-. S ( hil- iini.i; ti-citle-. .Mora v ia 11 -. I'm -ml-. I !' lh. Pri I. --ha'. 1 --o. I.'.. I. I'le -li, 1.1 1. ill. ami "l ol, jilo !e- .01- of leh-loli. ,1 1 1 1 1 1 to a 11 c el.a Ii ; a I oi i I .'. ' W lie I'cce Ii I I ,,-cl e,l hlln I w in ami I llll- he lele-l .1 h ,., ,. 'In.. I aiU.-.i! lo the P.alon I,',, H-4I- :i,ilolia n A'hm nl : n,: hin rah lor I In- a-e ol .lo-1 is-, r.i 1 1 1 oa.l-. I ele ihoiic-. cl.-cl i ic 1 1 Ii I ami I mii li.il.n-! I am iloin- a- well a- co.llil l,e l I I e, I II lo I.-! the . 11111111-1. inc.-." 1 he .1 n-l I't- of I he P.ac the eoiiiilv an- rciiinn-.l l.v law I.. lv,lh l!"r,,l"lU ' mi-io,,,., lhclil-1 Momla.V ill Anil-I lor the ,m, t elcc'iii- r.ninlv Com M,i--ioiicl - w ho -hall lake control of t - alVlll- "f t he coillil V lccclnl.cl - acoiniiv hi iiii c iii oi Pnl.lic I n-l rncl urn-: ami 10 ,',-v theeolilil.V lax lol, ISSM. il I- im '"Il llll Ihal there -holil I I..- a lull all. in lame. II.. i- i .1. le- lie. He W :. - I Iilel. ,,. ,u, vwarlliv I'vnltiitlv (. , ,, ( ,,, jtr. ,, , , ,-1 1,',. O.l.c ..v fill." ami a- he on -will ...I I..- -I -.1 look I. ,i- pocket a hii-c pocket I k nhicli eonlal I some W 111 III - pa pel. ami will, the help ol a llieml wrote- -W.- has.iiir choice. O'llara are I In- nominee l. acclaim." lie then went ml., the ..lltcc ami we -lip , , , , ,, I,: ..... po c I 1 .1 ll -Mi It let 111- mess a-e. ll.- wa- a ih legale, lie wa- Ion- and lank ami lean. Ills color wa- of t he uin-i-r cake line. lit- won- the ie-iil.il ion linen thisier. ilM. ;mi, , ., , ,,.11, ii,,. roii:;rcssi..iial Ion Million ha.! jn-l ai I oiiriic.l ami hillllc.llv h led 1 1 1 ni-cl I I . . the tele ... . - I a pi t ol lice a In I Willi liill.il a-lla Inc. hamled lo the ladv who . III ,,,,,,1 -e-ide-ai lh.- wire-a me- v ,t , t .-e lev word -ll'llu.i . i ,- m.miii .1. M II I.' .lone . of I he I itat lot It tlimiiii -ft-in- lo have placed him iliin.iveiv trvi.i- po-ici..ii. Al t In- head ol hi - editorial colli III lis he cillle- I he II. llll,-. ol democratic in m nice- for indicia I oil ice and for I 'o 1 1-I e --ii . a 1 1 a I I 1 1-c lii.ii he I . - i ii i - aid a m I coin lot 1 to I lie ... Iter side l.v III - course oil colilll V -o c. ii men I a iiil I he III .cl al which lime III. Ill W e do hoi en V V hllll hi- Ii, , ol I, We are -la. I ! learn :i'om Mr. d in rav.i .mill Snpci nil.-mlciil I hat i neic i- an incicascii n.i.ic-i ill tin- i-.i'i c ol t -lineal ion in lh,- count v. I . . . . : .1 ill al s.hools mi I I a.,. I P in I'.l. i.k Creek (own-hip. .ml i. 11. repot L- Iha! .if -cho.,1 liiilnl.elclev.il all the . a , n ' I . e iii.-n wt-ic pi. -. io. ni l i.ia! Ir. Pi -..ok mad.- a I it , .n- . dm ,i ioii.il -pec. h w hie . had I he I til I ilU- III I V I.i. I. will have I In- cite I ol - r. inu I h,- eh ...I in I lia.' diUnl a f,c-h ,1,,,,,. In . ....... , Iheeil.v ot (.,,1,1-1, ira has ju-l O I I ,,..,, 1 I I, ,.,",, I I 1 I I , I I I I , ... , I"' - Ul'c- N.e I .ell pse ( mi pa ll have I... it piilltnu il lo a verv ihoit.-h le-l Willi Ihe llio-l -atl-l.l. lol.V If I'l.e I . III.-.. ( 'ol,,:. inv h .v -nil. I ti ca-.. nl lire ..ur iici-lilx.r Will he W.-l! I'M, VI. led With t l m-jiti-hiti" annnalus this i.ein- iIh- -'' 1 e'lUUic put. has.-, I iihin.i t.n. Put whi! would Wil-oii do il visited l.v a wide -pi.a.l and ilc-lriicttve In.-.' W . would he ciiluelv at I hi- in. -icv of the llame-. We ii rue up u citizens the iicccsiiv ol picpii.n- tor vvai in this time ot peace. The Incai preachers coiilci .-m of the Melhoill-I chui.li wa- in session al l.'alei-h la-i week. T..c olliccrs for t he ciisuin- vcar wi elected as follows: Stiloi' '., I. 1. I)., pi -si. lent; W. S. I). iv p.. !u -! ice plesitlelil: n. P. Mc'i liaiu. otnl ice president, and P. ... k. t liinl ice presitlelit . and P. lain .-nil liliailelal secretin V . I1. 1.'. 1.. Ahcrnelliv ami L. P..aa-oii w.-n- elected delegates to the liallolt I " 'at lie! asocial !-' a semhle at Pai.vcsl.iit -. West u ;uiia. in Oclol.ci m-x!. W in-hm W a- selected as t lie nl. ice lol hold in- t he coulclclicc. .-1 1 1 1 nn c 1 1 1 - llie loin I li S al.hal h in .1 nlv . 1 Ss.! The cam pai-'h i- l.e-ililiili- I " p. 1 1 1 1 1 ea I' 1 1 e -1 . P.e 1 1 1 1 e I I li a - III id -cM'l .d of his roiisin- spi cclics i r...-o, ,..-.,,..,,,., ,, i '. ,no . a ... - oi vvaviic. 1'npiiu. ami I., i i,,i i iu! end hav in- a In- ..Id I imc meeting al Seven Sprin--. Wavi.e .oiiiiiv. lo m.,i row . Amom- the sp.-a kci's . in 1 he occ a -nm will I., .Iil.l-e Pelincl. Covelliol .1.11 Vi-. I III ! I- I tro-tlcli. lol lul l I v L'eplll. he. ill Ci.ii-ressmaii In, iii this , li il n i and ..! h.-r prominent -. nl le im ii ami al.le -pcakcr-. A hall w ill l.e -iv en toniuhl coin pi i men! :" to Cv. . I . I V I -. : I ll . I I he p I ! ! '1 ;e -pcaklll- W i 1 1 I ie - II p pie 1 1 1 1 1 I ' -. I i.v an o , 1 t.i liit.ii-i pic inc. w 1 1 h p! i i ! I I 11 I ie. lie. A lllosl plea - I II i I lln,- I- c X pee! ed a In I a 1.1 1 -e clow.) will '' in al I eda nee. Wehav.-U II r t a 1 .le I he ca I a louiic o the LaCraime Acuh-mv. VI , I X i . i i . . . vli-ssi-, a. . ,lov ner cv .1. I . Mm phv pi i"cip.,-. w it I, Miss Louis, l. ! .imiiiim,- i,-,i.l-i. Tl,.--, is olhi-h -ra.lc.iiu.l has won foi it-cll an eu ial.lt- it-outal i,,h ami .. i i . . , p. i. a-c ij .'ii-uii iu the roll ol' pu pits we liud thai lln- ii u in 1 r in atteiiilanei diiiiii-j lh- la-t session was Na. ai.dlhal t'0111' ni"" Lenoir. ,vm-. i laveii. lVmler. Pitt ai.,1 oi.ni-e 'I'l I l ; . I : .o.iinn-.-. x ne sciioo. is lo. aicu in the pleasant and healthful v ill. i-e ol LaC.raiijre. ami possesses tnaiiv ad vaiita-.-s which nei-soiis lev,'.,. ,1, ildlfl. t o f tlltcate A oill.l do Weil i to consult. The course of iii-truc Hon is thololl-h all.l sv si .III. 1 1 1. . .: ealciilaled either to pn-paie stiulcii!-l..i coll.-cor l.n-iiic-s. lh.- piih. ipals. Messrs. Muiphc.v and .h.v ni l. Loth -railuatcs .,1 the State L hiv cl -it V . and -cut Iclueh of hi-ll character .mil lit.-r.ir' attainments, hav .-at tended . si s-ion-of t h.- hap 11 1 1 111 .Mil hi. 11 rv-nooi. ,111,1 arc pre ( in 1 Il V W .1- -till tied l.i-l vv ,., .... ,1., cvenili- liv the an ic-mciit of the death of Mr. 'ii. iveo,. wcui ,1.1, l ain 11 ri 'l' I'lornin-. a;.;.areall.v in In- 7IM1 I"'-'""- ' 1 ' - lie I a ill II- t , 1 II t II I II home at hi- , . 1 1 1 accli-toliie.l hour, -o i e-nlal v cl e hi- hal.it- Mi-. el.l. In-.-: alarm.-. I ami -. in a lio out to -carcli lol him. At alioiil 1 ':';(( h,- w a- f. mini -i! ! 1 1 1 u. I.e-i.le a I Ice ..l feel I 1 1 1 -1 Then- W.-lc I ail.- ol v loh-iiee al.oiil hi- n-r I. ill. here ami there.. If ,,- ol 1,1 1 Wclc -cell oil t he -1 1 1 tie. ol h I - -fill as t I -1, I h.-.v I, ... I o ,,-, I 1 1, roil -1, h I c - o ma n 1 1 ro is oT ., r- u ra I loa . I loin t he l.t.-i t hal he ha. I a j ,a l en 1 1 v ii-t mllei I oil Ii i - coat . i I I - I ll Id I ci 1 t hat in his v alk. lie li.nl -real l ov ci e- e I t c 1 II I II I -el I. a m 1 II l I -e I . I , . W 1 1 I V the tree I,, ic-l anl c,. -I aflcr he was too lal overcome li the op .--iv em of t he heat . i ,. ..i.i. i...,,. . i. V;..am t herefor.-la.-kd ...Tlv a few" , lav - of l.ein- ."'' veil- ohl. Ilcartv. io,,r..ns ainl lo'ni-t, a man of lemmialc ami ic-ii'lar halm- he-aVeeV.IV ,romi-e.. iivilm lo ...i -ii .a....... ... i... uun com loi t al ih- toil niic he has for v.clsl.ecll c.m-i.lclcl one of I he ',,,, ., ,.t u .hl since Inl far mil- i n I !i I uccoiii I ic i .. 1 1 . .in-. m I t III.-. -c nia 1. ami w ai in hi a lie. I he w as "'-icclctl a ml e -1 ccinetl liv all who fnew him. and v.as-ieatlv In- "",M' " ""' 1 ' """" el.l--. -Ill ins I III - I i III II I, i, w 1 1 o were ever Ilie t.:.e. is ol in- mints were evt-l the oliict Is of ln- ' '"' 1 '' Al 1 "s' 'a ml. and """l-'1" l-'thtr. his ,o Is a -ore allh''lioli loin.-, lainilv. And will he Ui-elilV I'll l, in.- .in in 1 1 n 1 1 III W hie I I he liv c lis remains were attended lo i . . ........ , , i iiiii i a. -i i esi in - piace v es ei il. v -i j y ll iiicriioon l.v a lar-c coiiconr-c sorrow i ii - iici - h I iiii - a in I fi if ml-. He leaves a wile and three did tl rcii. one of w In .iii. M I-. M. P.. At k i 1 1 -. .1 1. I - a I. -it I -1 1 1 of Wilson. e lend, r lo Hum our h.-arl fell -v mpal h.v in I his hour oltli.-ir sail I .ilea v cineii I . h if t, AM. , Afl I ralriflo rtUUiailSUU UCUCIi. A I i.-l of I. tier- and Postal caftls wholv w lit I en. in I he Post Mice at il-oti. N. ('.. .Inlv 'iiih, lSSU i;i:m i.i:m i.n. las A in rs. P Alsoii, llalaiini Pv I. iiiii. i col . l.'Kaiiiel t. in i:s. Mi - rhailoite lixon. .lane Mill, 171.1. Hook -. Mr-Xilplia 1 1 Wood -nl. II ll,c ,l,.,ve,,.r. and cardsa.e no.' called lor III loll r w ecks. t ht-V vv il he -ill I I o 1 he I lead I.e. ler i Mice. M. '. I WILLS. P. M. The Graded School. 'C ........ I .1... v , . ... i ... ... . s. ss,,,,, .,, , ....s.,,, laded School w ill open on .Monday IseplfliHici 11,11. .Mite or le ll le.iehcls will lie elilplo.V ctl 111 tile c'aool. and we h aril thai during the toinilt- Inolll se V t'la I i III pi ov t'lllc ll I - will In- made ill t he way of titthiii u;- "I her school rooms. I'l f. 'I'l Mil I i list l I lllillks. t Ilollll I ne in -i v cai s hoik w a- oe.v ouii an leas .i i a 1 tie e x peel t ! i. m i a s witness- ci!i lr. Mavo's rcmarkal.le l.-sli 1 ;" 11 1 line w hen I he school ,, , ,,.,. jn i , Hir .... ' . . , I . . ' .... 1 ... UIOll.l.s.l .a. II III.' M-I-I'll.l VC.II S oi k. lia c.l oil t he touml.lln.lt al , .. ,, N s, . w .11 1. 1 id. w 1 1 1 lit in- forth e Mil I.e. Ill a Ild si ill lllo.e -jrallfv i.-snli-.. Tl...',.. ...II 1 ...-.! i ........ t -. ..I ... , i. i , . 1 1 , ..,.,.1,. ,,,.1 il,,,,,!-!,,,,,! the -cl I several li.-w . ,i in . - w hi.-h cmld n- I practice is . inau;iiia!ctl the liisl vcar. A .,,..,. merca-e in t he nuinhi-r of j,,,.,,!- is already ant icipate.I. ami i . t . - pa i . 1 1 ions will 1 it made a ccor.l i u p. Ihe sticcesss of I he first eai ,., ,t-; practical l.ciicliis ami III lltV -ood results was verily a -i .-at om . I. nl wc ait- cniliileiil l.v a-siired thai 1'ie second Veal W ill 1 1. - c V ca a - I .I 1 1 1 1 e r sile. t SII II. I. P.. Kn. i i: A i M I : I'e I i ha - a - a I n I ic.-ii in on r in id -I .hi I l iken awa W a ili I ;.i:chclo: "s liiih- -ulaue.l alioiil Dlllt ...le Veil. .-he ilicl Veslelilay at lelli.oll. A svcel llowcr lillililc.l ,,,, eatlh 1. I.looiu iu lu-avcu. a r.ei iii. -ale in I he Par idr-e of ( iod. Mi-- Nannie Slued, of Pra n k Ii n .m, Pul., ,. ,, I a I -ce. .in I ..- w ere III I ,.,v a 1 l-l vv eek V l-l! lu ll lell. 1 -. Lev. P. II. M e 1,.,- -one In lie In-llicl I 'oil III ell. -c. on f people lv aiix.oiis to know w ho w ill sue ......j ,1,, ;IS .. - ( t. )s ll l. t. The Mel ho, lis! ( huieh her, i- l.e.-n provided wilh a 1 .V. p, .nn. I ,.. I iilni, i s ami Slit i ill I ... kr. II is llllelidill- lo I" llll, I I dill- stole .'.on. which will piol.al.lv occupied Lv I r. W.T. I 1 1 1 - i i ! i nl uc w ho ha - l it t'l v IIIOV I'll I i . t oVV II. Thill-- political ale V civ 1 1 Ilicl ni a now . I.ii! a calm -..met lines p-c. -ceil- a storm, and I siipp,.-,- it Will l,c so ia I hi- else. flic pros peel s an- -o. ,, a I Ino. I at ii v let ,,i v in N ov em I ..a . .Inlv "".111. lss;;. NOUCP. ti, i i .,, , , 1 lie ' h'lei-l to- W In i ' 1 1 1 1 pi -i 1 , , . . , , . . , . , , , . ""Ut ..iivelitl.u. held III W 1 1-. .n. .1 u ly 1 -t .. a re herd . n- guested to meet ill W'il-tui mi Sa 1 iifil.t y. t he 1 id h d;iv of An-., r. .,- 1 1... , i :....: ... in, iniiiaiiii- a candidate ..r t he I I. ill-. of Pep- re-en ta t i v e- iu tl hi. f Mr. Will. W . .. . la f. 1 . Sr., who has ,1,-. -lined to accept t he n-.miiri- , I he tovv n-hip executive Ci 'lillil It tee- ate ft -t j lle-t ed to meet at the-anie time and id.-p-e t" elect a ColllitV F.Xeciltive '""" i t tee. ;y 'lilf'timi d the Cminty IvM'fllt i Ve ( ' Illittee. I. A. W. ., ,p v l:i haimiaii. l . .1. ll vLLl.Y. Se. 'v Wilson. N. C, .lul'v JTth. lss-j. III i HIT l'el " H't f tlit' lepllldi- ciiiiwiitimi held in this place ;lt week wo Av.-fi-iii error in .. ..: I,,),,. ( l.iirv w 1- t cm j if: 1 ry chairman. It 1 1 1 1 have l.een Frank 1 . I 'anew mr.it At lief ft lilelifi' ill tlii- IMIII!- ty, Saturday. .Inly I-lth. l-'. Mr-. II. -iny Fatt-. aired "'' yea r-. In the county 1'ii.ir Urni-.-. Mi. 11. lay, July 21th. Mr. (iillie W ntr-mi. au'eil so years. IIO.Mi: ITEMS. I'ic-li 'an.lic- at Mel raw lon't loi irct Met 'raw - l.eiai i. ( ,,, to .im- M. ( 'raw - for -o. i.j ,,..,, S...1., w at.-r. llar-.raY.--s Irn- Stoic will l- , oii.-n lici Nllliilav . I 'a.er ami cliv clojic ; for -ale af 'he I'.-t ulliec. Mn-iial im 1 1 illnclit - tiiin.l am! rc.aileilat ' h II I ell w ell'.-. A nice line of i.ll.(-ol- alhl -lli. .o,, I ,11 I - a I a lie II I kl I In -. Sheet In -le a t . A. P.ailH. v'- ami M iisie Il,,n-.-. Valuable patent ft if sale. M. iilel can lie seen hy '"1 1 1 llitj a t .1 . I Well Vef tV ( 't V. j, ,,, :, ,.,e or -hp j ' a l I c 1 1 . I I. M lie- l a 1 1 -llll . .11 1 1. ,t h t o o iia li I a n I i i ice. ( 'all at al ii-n P.. il lie- ami ;ct one ot llio-e 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 T I. . t lilotl.cr Kicks. ckel's isthc lim-.-t haml- Kcrchiel extract on the market. Move Nailal kcc. il in -lock. h'ocklil iil-c Allllll. P.lllValo. Lit hia lleeii oii'Mcss. . in inar- a ml I loinv ila i .1 a nc- alci - a I 1 1 a r l'a e's. ''" a.h-.l.-liv eicl ali.vwheic in tow ii lor live cent-, l.v Pawl- ami 1 cacocU. alien I la I lies ha v e t he n at-t ami mo- com.lcte .-lock ol shoc- siip.er- iii all variclic- ever oncrcti ni V ll-oll Parlies I. av in- ll-.e tor old lit-W j.apcrs call Lid I hem in any iiiant I lv .,, M- A 1 1 A Ni I', oltice al els ;' ppl(n.,p , ... . . , ice colli leinoiiatie lar-e -ia-s.-.- ami the liest in the market at pawls - Peacock's Tallinn, street. , . - , . Price .. cent s a Lilass I.'ock htitl-e Alum. I In Halo. I. Ulna Iecp Pock. I'on-ress-. Apollinaris a ml 1 1 om v ad I .1 a lies Wa I els a t liar grave's. ',,i (hills and I'evers. Pillion-. ,., Ilfatlathf. .i., lakf .1. M. l,a i tuple's A nl i P.iihoiis Palters, '." cent s a oilier l a hot lie. " ' I The nicest, prettiest, hniile-t ami weetet little "rnrit isity" out is at Win. A. l'.arliroy V Sewing Machine and Mii-ic House. Every little iriil in the State is invited tt see it. (io to Muye and Nadal's I.n Ti iiNii' Skkh, Ni.v i '!:.!. i i. "Ca no i.i.n a Family tihdie" i-the best variety known. For Cholera Infantum ami P.tiwel 1 Mst ii-der's take 1 f. Ilii"- h.u.s , .:livi.,.. ..,thi..e ln-tter iiii the market. Mnyeainl Nadal l'rt'prietnis. 'ohanst-v " Ii ii i I jars. -Ir-s top anil screw clamp in one piece. Pa a lv opened a ii. I ch.-cd w 1 1 1 milt w rt-n.h t t I . i he clica pest . lia ml -omc -! ami l.c-t -lass ton fruit iar; l',,i ,, s ,,. p. i I ( ; .V ( . , Time, that yreal arliiter of all things, has fully deitioiistraicil thai for headache, nervousness, .fv-p.-p sia. const ipated hovvels, disca-cs ..)' the liver, chills and levels and al! ; 1 ,j j, K ., IV,.,. j, , ,1 I.... ., . M 1 1 I Id lolls III tiers, is the lno-1 po ,.,,( , em.-.l v of I he a -c. S ceiils a a per or v 1 a h it I le. -'..r sale l.v all ,nlL.,.-;,t. W. F. Thot iiloa. pro prt.-t.,,, Pal.,, f. ,1. 1 Mm iiANUILril clACUN ami ... , I '" I M.l.ll 1 S.O. 'll,.. l'..,i. I., t. . ; ,tt t... -ill S, ! cm I i.r J I -I . wilh a full fie ultv. C .- ol in-l i net i.m cm l.ri'i.-csthe lollowin- s,h,.,,l: Palm, ' C.ret k, Fn-li-h Modern Faii-mit-. Pure Mathematics. .iplicd M it he mat it-. Nal ural Science, Cheinisi r . P.ililical Literature and Theolo-v le-ress confcrreil: P.acheloi o .Vie lice. P.aehclor of Philosopliv . Paehelor ..I i I - and Ma-l.-rol' Alls. I .oca t Ion . ,cc-s 1 1 .!.-. pe i -a ;.! and he. ill ll ex pen-es aio'lel ale. I 'oi i al alouiic ami lull pa i t icul.ir-. add. ess w . w . p.i:.M:rr. pi. -'i. Inlv , 1 1 1 :llO AN ii 1 11 1 mi i;i i:i:i:sp.oi:n. n. c. the Pall Session l.e-in-on W. llc-d.iV. (eli.ln-r llll. Ihe cliff! ciduin i- as extensive, ami lie- t hai -os a i e as nioilcrale. a- l lio-.e ofanv female college in 1 he Stale, flic aiiiiii. il health l .... r. I -in, e i! , ,iiii, lal loll -hovv - an aveliiuc in medical hills of .( cell! s per pupil a record thai cliaileiiucs comu ari-..a vv it h t hal of anv similar m Iio,, m '"' Lulled Slates. I i'l catal..-iie or uiloi m.il ion. a. .lies-. Inlv 'JSL'lm .1. P.. F.PLW LP. Pic-iilclit. J. K. ( HI A u.. a I i ii;. i v- C I v 1 NflKI.H. N. . I'r " ii.-.-i., il,.- .,u -. f 1 1 ,!,i., x. I-..I.-, . ll.l VV :ii'i...i -in.) i , lh ..,., ,.. ,, I , I. . ,1 . ,n i- , ,i N 1 1 1 , i M, i, I' YjANsinx iidt .si; :i..l. Y.V . M. S .1 A M 17S. Propri. tr. . I7N I.APCL.H. Pelllodeled. P.- furui-hed. Cent rally Located. II I Aeeoiii uiodat ion-. Pate- I I.-a-ona ! ..-. - Jt I' I'., all whom it Concerns. C.-r tain malicious peis.ms hav in- pu! in c i ni i la I ion report - i clh-ct in- upon . . '. m v -el : ami la m il v . I pi oiiouiie.- t he In he I a I-.' Ill e V e I V particular. I .l.a I .-v a . to Ilia he - I I hel r -I a I e me ii ! -. xv- H-CL'ICi: l"i,i;1' .1 AMI-.s W. LA N i 'As I I .I, Attorney at-L,av. U I LSI in, n. c i i i, in,- I! I'l l. I i. i - in i : 1 1, if, a i..r . ..ti. I ..1 VV ,u, II- ! X. 1-p, 1 II 1 1 1 1 ' V ! : e a i v , ii I V i - ,,,.l,l :i I 1 ,-,,1 ii ,,, , , I. i lum in Wii-.,, a,, a ij, ,,,,,,, .1 1st 'EL L . I XI'i 1 1 Sr S m s-"! 7 'A CD i--' m4 tmmm r g. '- i i ' ..t pJ . ' ' ' -' p my Lj 1 C X Li H , r. P (I " 5 Q "I -C. n - KJ2 m m SB MCI PH. Si ) . ; i x i a: i in -i i; v t r oi: i : . W I I. i . N.I . I'm . I.i c Acci (.-ni and Live Slo k C. .inpalnc- 1 epl e-eliletl. Au-le - Vl- A- -el - OV er l.t.'MI l.ll I I. A S II CO I N i l .t;i:-- i i ;: vi .' - A re 1 e-peel f . 1 1 i V ! cpie led lo ineei ill Na-hv llie. I he i ! Molld I V III A nun -t . next. 1 .1. , ! ' nut v on, mi-iom-r-. aad a '"inil Sup.-i in fill lea! of I 'll 1 .1 I- I II .t I'll'-: i. ill .ill i al lend In o; in-r count v mat I. i . P. C. !nn. Cl: ill m il-. I .1. P. i iv . Sc. i ci ,r;. . .i ulv -: COTTON !UN 'mmEi vi v i I vi l a l: i.i v r p.: A'! 1 VILLI-. ALABAM A. lll!i,l!l!l!Sm'llioiii!tSSV. m v m i v i 1 1 i: in v r MACON. C, LO PC. 1 A . Wc ai e Sole A - till - III Noi I 1 1 C 1 1 ollll.l for I l.e IC.ove Ce! of A'l Ma chine- lol (.num.- and Paekiuu I ol toll. . ate how pi ' p. li e. 1 to t .ike i ad el -. a Ild III V c ill -! ore on ex hil, iii. ii 7 L.i.dilv Siw Pratt Ci'.-. feeder . and Ci.ndcii.-cr-. ' Six! S i w Pi It t ( ! ills. Feeders ami Coll ,h users. :'( pil'tv Saw Pratl ('.in-. Feeder- ami Ct m. h li-..-is. S. I Schli.-ld Povv er I 'l ess I l olls. We sell I he Pl ill I machines ;s liein- heller than anv machine made for ;:iiiiun-coi loa. and up..:, t rial w il h anv ot hers, it t he pur cha-el d ics no! Ihlnk so. llie ma chines nin In retiuin-d. We re fer lo all par! le- in t in- S: ale who iiav c 1 hem ia il-c. We lelel lol he to ,!w ,- pat if -w ho ha v .- I hem hi u c: P. II. .. u uuu. Wake I'or.-l. N. '.: A. .1. P. Ilairis. V..iiu--v ill -. N. ('.: .1. S. .lov ner. I'l aiikliiiioii. N. C: M. .1. Hawkins. L'l.U.-wav. N. C: .1. P. Leach c Littleton. N.C: II. C. Hiv e. Apex. N. ( '.: J no. W . At w a!.i . L'i.d! o. ( 'hat ham eoiintv. N. C: A. T. Mial. I.' il.-i-h. N. C: ( '. L. llinlou. Kalci-h. N. C.: .1.,-. 1 N W i . I i t I l; 1 1 1 . ! I . I.alel-h. P.nllal,..-. I.' il.-i-;:. N. I '.: A. lion,,-. ( lavtou. N. C.: ,1m .. L. Maikham. I im h mi. N (.:.!. i7. I'.r-oii, Fie in. o i . N. C. v 1LLIA V.S.) , vt UPCHURi H 1 1 1 : 1 1 -. ; i 'Jan. I.'al.-luh. N. C. I '.. 1. Ill f LP, I. !.--. 'Uttf i:npii:li. n. c j-t"-,iii. Battle, M D. ( ni.-r- hi- pi'ot,- - j, ma! -,-rv i,-.-- l .. t he 1 . . t -1 i . i i:i, e opp, .-p.. I ii i--- I I . , t. '. v il-. ,ii. N . C. Apr:! 7-i'an I 111. t Hi H S 1 ANI P.LSI. W hell at N a-hv ill.- stop ;,: 1 1. Clllli'i lloil-c. ll I. lest ami l.est In.iel iii I'm- pi. ic Po.nd and hj XT W W U w y L f I.o.lmii- per dav 1.7.1. I. h. M I S Tl A N. i'liiej i ,111 Maila-el. Ml si 'El. LA XE ('.. BUY THE BEST! H . L L ' s (IMPROVECTSELF-FEEDINGI COTTON (UN iim'im.iumiEiy AMI CONDENSERS I , I'.ntloj'Se! -ainl leo.iiUHiciideil h ! the Jt farjiuo-s in 'N'oftli ;.inInia. I nmc'ii wbojn we take .lcasiii in i let. rrtii'jr foAV. P. Parker. I'.iiti. l.l: 1. j 17imnmlson. recoil ami Js.-tk: .I.e. i ll.Hlfjfs, Dr. X. J. Pittman. 11. I.. Si at.n and V.. .M. Joaii. Tavltoi..: . I. lUinl.-n ami U . P. l ew p. ; ild ! m1 (r, Is. 1'iitchiii it.nl J. 11 I'lttCliiu. Uhilakeis; A.. I. Hand;. Ficiniiiit and mam others w ho ii , .-ii.M-d tl.eui. .Mr. .1. 1. 1 la i lie, ol Pocky .Mount, one cl 4 Ik- l.-l I t: m cr in KdcrcrnnitK" county ::-.-: ..'I'l... II..MV Si.. I It l....,lo... I '..I!.. , ,iii. maniifiictuitnl al Sin- Sn -. N- worked to my entire sat. taction.' In nmiiii; my t ut itv ci p we aVflrtC'ed illtOllt I It. . s : : ,1 cotton er day, witb thf attend wwx- ol .two hands one fo drive I ho team and one to attend to th. jiiil." S'inl iu your ordms to i I : NTS. in!v 7 If ADIVIINISTAT0RS- NOTICE l ilt- lllltlcfsl-licd h.lV III- liil.illllctl ,i ., n a- A 1 in ii i -I i-aior v it 1. I he , ill an n.-xcil . i.i.vviami WI--IIIS. .n-ct-a-cd. ht-reliv -ie- notice to all fl pel-oil- iliilcl.lctl lo make llnmc.ll ale pav melil . In I hose lia v lliu claim- ':i-.llll.-l t he deceased to ex i hiliil them to the ninlersiiietl on m lielore I he llll of Jillv. I - S ".. or 1 1 1 i - I nil ice will he plea t it i ill I i.i 1 . , W. IC.W ICCINS.A.Im-i. j With Will Annexe . r.i .n r. ah v, julv .-II 1)i:.ci; in sin in:, i: ALLItill, N. t . OiKUINh & D1Y SCHOOL I OP. YMKiG I HDIES. The next scssjnii commence ; on i'l . ni- I.i lln- .list .,1 Au-ii-t ami elo-cs I in- lir-l I'lie-da.v III .Itllie follow in-. AiUanla-cs for in -liiiclam iii al! liiain-hes usiiallv I aiiuhi ;n lir-l cla-s I. -male S.-nu 1 1 a I ics ll n -u rpa --. d for citculais and e::l.:,.-u s ami a. are in the halnt td' i--it-pa i 1 ic da rs a - 1.. course ol -Imiv. tcl lti iVr. Address IM'Y. i:. p.r i; w i 1. 1.. Proprietor. jiine;a Hiw UaU-ih. -'. '. D It. n. W . JOVNF.U, f-v III- pcriuancul I v i.-ate. in il-oii, N.C. All opporalion- will oe ii.-allv and earelnlly pel 'formed n il on I ero: - a f. -.. - -n.ii'ili- a ; . -.on-. feet ll e I la. 1 -d W ll liollt pain. ' 111., e I ai l, "lo -Meet next ,.,.,r I.. P" I oil. .lai, It'ln far,:.- m im tnam4 tt m rt - i - - CO i m - IP I ii Zx3 r U NOTICE. . Piiisiiant lost derive of llie Sup.- i lol Coiiil ol a-h eoiiiil . made a) the Spiau term. s.s-.. th.-i.-ol in a t. licit- a trail-Lend' the -anneal i-c 1 herein p.-udiu-'.w In r.-;ii .lolni I). Well- . 'e.. ale the plaUltltl-. W. I. S: ri'-kland and ether- are defend ml-. I -hall -i ll a! the linn: 1 loii -c .lo,.r ia Ni-ii-.ille on" Moii l. iv tin UNt day of Au-u- ii"t. ihe ti ;ict - I of laiitl in Ni:-1. oiu.tv . .lackson Township, known ,i-ti Od.... m- St i i,-kl in I Had. adioiiiai- Mr-. M .lae P iim--. W . 1 S: rick I iml and o' in-: eonlaima- pill acl ca-h. iiu a e or ! T. i m- I l.C. C( N N !.'. 'omiui--:...i. i . .Lilv- P ' i i:F.i:Nsi.t)i;n i" i: I ( oi.LLCL. .: i: l l'V-l:- is x. ' Tui- in o-pei oii- iu-r it at ion ha- l.ccli pi.lecd up. .11 a pel main-lit l.i-i-. aild oiler- all Ihe advaioa-e- of a III -! i l l-- I'clliale I olle-e. Th- f.1! se-ion oM-'w,:! l,. -i "lithe :.'!ld of Au-ils!. Chores p,-, ses-am o, ,,, week-: 1 i,,, , d exehl-ive ot hahls and wa-luiiu ami Flijl-h 1 1 1 ! t i. li. 7. "... 17 X! I.i udi. - modclalc. Applv for cita loulle lo I . M. .It I NFS. Plc-idellt. urn- :;u tt L. II El L 11 Itny EH a- iu:k 111 II Wapiti increa-'e in fiirtrailt AT f 1 n r ho ro Ni t eitalt .1 A ( ' n- il i.ia t i hi i it .ni:- S'- 11 f I . D '.4 AM' f respect fully int., mi tun- Friciuls Z , , , Ail;iiice, that We have At I ha t ! if 1 'n ii id t hi r I riein 1 AN1 If arhoro, W e w ill Iii. 1.1 mil Special '1111111! To nut ke it an O 3 J" E G T I'tir Them T transfer their I lercLd'u: i en it - iu il-iui ; 'i .rloro, W her if M r. A I 'i.i ha in I lei I liiuiief will ;i I ways he happv to w vl. nine hi - old 1 fiend-. Iha nk in- t In- : 1 1 f" pie ..;' W'il-.i:'. and ad- j. i ll i n:' 'mild if- Iff their lil.e.'.ll p.lt f.iliil : extell l 'd to ii w hilei-n-- a d in I.n -ilie-- at i 1 so ll , AM' rH We are l.'.-pei'tllllly. I, Heiwr&Bro, ACFN'I :. ,: . F. S.--p.""ial attention paid to ORDERS f -111 I u-i '" i i" Til T( )L i: i ii ii ii ii ii .urn ii in1 hi mm A. Heillirofler- M ISC EL LA yEors A ' YEEI'ISEM E.X IS. SELF-FEEDING 5IU5 A N D CONDENSERS!! 1 !ie ltl :iii1 Im-:im-M j: I n. I. t'i The 1' -tent (iimili of thi-tiin rl. Ilia- ! 4 l :jn-i n, ,,, any other. To enahlc n- to.leliv i r uin- l v ,-,t. i,i!,er l-t. or.l. i- -I , -1:1,1 h.-'iriv en h. tore .Inly l"-th. Price an, I 1 -. i ipti . Pa in) 'hi. t- forvv ai I ,1 on a.-li. al ion to Hymans z N(li:l'H K.' A.. oi: T E- Hyman. c.ni.isr.oi:i . . Brown Cotton (iiii;iiinni) i: wit I h.-e e in- have -inc.- 1- c -ineiil- have re in it'.-, ainl ; hev .T.i e I 1 1 , : 1 in the :'iat 1.:- Pet n Mat f"i-1 he pa-t li; l.e.-n iliiix.s- it I'm-.i.-s'-fi,.- -44r tefin-. Ac. KorxTKKK, ii nu n i i kill I llll I I II llll llll II III A Prut! Ir ci . 4 "i.J.-i Mills. Apple .'ltd Peach Pali-rs. tin- Skiiilicr -'.li:ilies. t he Puds all. I he Paxttni ami Kriehel fai-m.-s. the Hall. lac C .liver, the V;in inkle a.. I 't iitciiinal 1 'ol (on Cti.s. ,.- kit k Seed ol loa le im l . I .11.1, Seed Mills. Noise Powers. Feed Cllllcl s. iY,.u,C; Mill-, t he "I, I lec 1 1 nl I he Soli I h" atlll I he Moore C it V Poilalilc (ii.iin M'lls. Saw Mill-, the Acme, the Thomas, I he 1 1 i.n -eamlllie la-tiiel ll.niow . Cram Kiills, Water Tl m k-. Sw in- hin n ( ult iv at.. t -.( and Tw o I lot s,- Ki.lm- ,i,, W alkin- Poa.l Ma. Iiiiies. pump-. Mill Pixtui.-. II. a P. w. i . . t" " ' tic ii - lor ( in uh r-. and Pi tee . 1 1 w ill Pa v ..u. I i v I . A.l.lrc .-. L. L. POLK & CO., HALlTJGi l, 1J o. lV M'.M. U N, ML S: 1" A k tnf me, And a threat curit.sit v vmi -For sale hv F'Viiiiiii. I a niel Try im' t nice, Yui w ill use In. other. I w ill do as I a.'-rreo; I II stainl hy ytui like a In-, .t her. Nut a wrinkle yon w ill i-r. And prices are reilnce I mi me. Ihe Finest yilil cheapest li-.s -hift in tl,, WO I? i A) P..- : nit- to call ami :. k !i.r it 1 ' BYNUIV! (' PAD !(! w w w ii ii i i li i: www w II II I w w v w ii ii ii n ii ii in: w w WW II III. w w II ii IP vi: til W. T. BLACKWELL &, Cd; ;r r;,f 7:t Durham, ft. C. L Ktaf.fl-jrr of tl l)rl(r.Di aad Paif 0n' : .ll.'ll J si s .r lli.-ll III I.m'i. I'll iM-" I ; DURHAEVi TOBACCO Blackwel's Durham I- llll. I I I - I . ci l: L-J', lil.-l , A N 1 XI ' I I N I I ol:M I'.I V Mi. .1 - v.. . I ..i: V. i o I V t.i: I'l T I l'"N I M I. MA l:K ! I m: lnijfct iCjrvLrLEs op uurf.am Long-Cut and Durham Cigarettes Thisr (.mid- Wr (dTirii .th r nit L-o!ulr Liuratiln- They are the tiln- t and Piliv-t lii,o,- ijM in the lit u la l. 'l'hi-v nr.-t'r.-.- lio'.i linn.'- or Cln-n.ieal- of any Liml. 1 In-v eon-i-t of t he tiln-t T.,Uir,i, a iid pur. -I no- pa i m cl . Thai lOVsTI'iFS J CNP V Il.'lcclv. d Ffesh Ff.-rv Wc. k ,,t nm-; tt H 1 il. 'i'!'!MI.. i;ai;m;s co. will see. , xV-v. A i '.). . v f j V v ' l i v Vv . lie i.- , a. i Is I . .j . ,n- , , (le ri rt rirnin iJL'O.: r i.ll ill.'- ill the W i r d. .x . i i - I he i iii 1 . ' a .' mi lor ! ii I n . e .'. 1 1 v I '! I. ' ' he - . Si I .a lit,! -, i,, i lend- -.I Ma. I, n.-r .,1.1 .1 .-ai .'AitlrL : (.. A A A A A i III i T T ill i i i: a a :n l.tu ift ..in- M-i-lio.i is tM.i. ...I pit l K. Iil.ll.i--lt.l M )I.- Ki:,'' - r lacf ry iii'ikc l.t.-.i. IM T Ct'tiril t..t:i( o i;riiwc ia il.cj w. .1-1.1 ; tiii.l Ih-Iii si:i:.io-.l in, l!.c IIPMIT of this line t..!:.i. - ti..n, AVI" Ur.M- tl..- Pit U ..I 'j I tie ..fTcrlll-. The j, nl. lie ap-j.ri-cliit. ll.l-.; lu-ii.-'- ..t.r -ales ro:r.n ti.- t- .r.r, I'll- l.-aili:.;- i:.:.;.i..... I .i i. - t .i.i- l.iiic.I. tru - '. - U !LI )l. I AM I.I. X. ' t0''l1 Lr2 ''"' ''"'i''"- 1-j0r I i"ii, i i r. ii I., r '1 i vi ,' 1