rv TV ci ,,r . l u i : Wilson Advaxck. Wii.si.n, I'l: l hay, .Julv L1TKKAKY SKLKCTIONS ISY KII!K MIMioK. II, uk ! i i.uii'l "I aw '"I mi t lileaks till' SlIllHC III tin- Nile, Wakes 11 from I lie sleep l ajjes. la-hoes In m I'iirli storied pile ; Sweeps ill-Miss I lit- lilcat hlcss desert W illi ii imti- of wilil ill. it in. I hlllnlcls lliMHIli the quiet vallc.vs. SlIIIIIIIIIIIS '. pt's Mills ll ill III. Arm. iiii'l hasten to In r M-si-iu- lii this hour ! soicst in l : Ann to tijjit, and da- it may I-. I'm ;i ion lit i iiii'l ii rniil. Let .ill Kv t ite united. Let tin- w ni 11 I - -1 with ;i tin ill I hat tin- dead wcie n"t the hiavi-t : Hemes livi- iii i:.t still. "i;-iit tu i;i;'ii.iii 1'iii.v," I-. tin- vvatchwoid of to ddy. Let i:-.iiiins prove that in them Lives i In- "ill t lo away With tin- evils that ciishivetliPni, I'iovi- that tiny are really men ; linn uilithi oii'tain their freedom: Ami deserve il. Not till then. I - .i is not dead, lmt .sleeping ; "lvpi lives lor Kjrypr Vsoiin, I hi- answer to the eliillTvlige I liiin.li-M il lorlht'roni foreign jimis. lis tin- answer to the riddle Jii.iM-n deep on Sphinx's face, i 1 1 in more h t tin- ohh'st nation I. lit Ih i head -inl take her place. THE MANIAC CHEMIST. II V. i HAS. HuWAIili. ' t:us had passed since I had 1 seen the metropolis ofAmei ICJ New Yolk. I reached lllflitV tin- nioi - of tin- L'!nl ol May. I s.'.ii. iiml aiiivii.;: iit tlu hon.se of mv Iiu-ihI, I.'k Ii .i.I I'.im-i, I loiiinl a piece ol crape I ii il to tin- knocker. - ho ih ail f" was my mental iin-si nui. .in. hesitating not, 1 om-ii il tin- ilooi iiml entered the parlor, where I lonml Mi. Carver iiml Ills' wile xililiin ii though their hearts ui ii' hie, ik iii. Mine was a silent Vieetin. anil I soon learneil the! cause ol' my friend's distress Car- lot I a, their tiiilv i -hihl, lay shrouded , lot the IoiiiIi in the room over mv I lie. 1. 1. ; She hiii I illeil t he e eliili pieced ! iii nn ai 1 1 ;il. ol a si l iine disease, i alter iin illness ol ii lew slim I hours. A 1 1 Millie iiim nine liiu-hiii at : the lireiikliist table: lmt at ni-lil leail her sinless soul ill t he heiivell 1 ..I eternal rest. With slow stcj s I aei'oiiipiinieil tin- u I I cf si l ie ken tilth el up stairs, iiml we stood hv the Collin w hieh volit iillieil the tollil ol' his liclovcil t'ailotl.t. She looketl VcIV lii-iiul ilill. e en III the .sleep of ileal h hel laee were a smile a i' Uivcli ill response to the hcckoliili", ol angels. Her ".olden hair lay upon tier vv hllc Inlieil lucasl. cross eil hv her snow w lute hiimls. I laid 1 1 in liaml upon the lii'.iul ilnl tresses, I li .1 1 1 1 i -hin t hilt I liilht lie i-ome the possessor of one. At t li.it moment Ml. ('.inn. ,iil ilivnnii m I hoiilil s, stoopeil. sev eleil one o (he links nl' t lie lo el ih . mI. iiml phieeil it ill lu li.llnl. M.ilk." he siliil. -I illu alioiit to ak ot .Mill il lilMii ;" heie he lilllsli eil the tears llom his ees. "Some me must t iit eh to mlit, iiml I w ish that von peilorm ih.il ilutv mui were :i liieml In poor t'arlotta." I lohl III lit I iireepteil the trust, lie thallkeil me. ami rovellli the hi tare .main, we nuiin'il his .iLimiieil wile In-low. Time passcil uIohiiiiIn enough I ill liluht lall. w lieu, taking several hooks iiml a lamp, I in. die I il Wiiv to the ehillnliel' of ile. illi. Alter lonkiliu upon the lace ol I'.irlolla, I si t theliimp upon the I ill le .1 1 I sc Mill in sell Ileal it. I soon loiinil that theliooks I hail lilolhl aloll w il e lllilliteresl in I li.ul taken them iit r.llnlnlii llom I'n ii piiiloi I ,i I li- .i ii I that ihev woulil not keep me ilWiike. I I ml them asiilr, ami piekin up the I imp. Iieau scairliill the lonlii for others. On the topmost shrlf of a lot lies i i'ss elieolllltel eil a V nil line eiilllleil "l'hilosoph.V ol Lite. Ie,ilh anil I iiimoi laht v ." iiml with it re siinii'il 1 1 1 seal. I 'pun the My leat oil hi- liook I saw, in ililic.ili- h-t teis. t hr name ol her who was so near me ami so still, iiml I lesolveil le le.nl the I took lor her sake. Soon I wasi.-iv nileresleil. ami p.ti:e .liter p.li;e 111 ev es ili'V ollleil. I'iV iiml I iv I lie.iiil tootsli'ps in the hall, ami I knew mv .sorrowing lilemls wele seeking I heir room lor the purpose ol retiring. At las It le. nl the last selllellee ol the ohl volume, i loscil ii, ami tell li.u k in the im klli- eliAil III a sort of ine. 1 w is onlv III ii M-mi illieoiisi-ious stale, lor I he. ii. I the rattle ol Vein eles ov el I he ston v si u(( s, a in I the loinl voices nl those oiiii; huliie w.iiil troiii the I heaters. Heinle closing mv eves I h,n tuiiieil the 1 1 U 1 1 1 low. ami oliels in the niniii Wen- tlieleliv lelulelcil soniew hilt nnlisl incl. I cannot s.iv how Imi 1 leiuaiiieil in mv lethiirie sleep, when 1 heanl steps asceluliil the Mail's. The liHitstcjo were those ol some one ili vesti-il ol shoes. rollseil in . s,-ll ami lisieneil. The steps approiieh e.l. "i h. 'lis onlv Mi, ami Mrs. Car vei con, in-to take a loiim;; look a "allot ta." I nuiseil. -They think I sleep, ami nmv e easily ilistiu l me." so iis Hot to I'lesenllv the i1,h, opeheil ami the H lsoii eliteidl the n 5y rheilim hyht 1 saw the outlines of a man. He went overto the eotliu ami lieiin to lift Carloita troin it. l'he ImmIv Wiis partialis Inte.l Iioiii the eotliu. when 1 turm-il the li-hr up am! it ll.isheil upon die in tniiler. Tlie ilea I tell t'roiu his at ins ami he sIimmI ereet. He was Hot Mr. t'aiver. lmt a stranger to my siulit. lie was near!) as tall as I. ' and his amis told me that hi- ;,,. M.,.ti. ..t ti,.- In 111. His hair was luiishi-il iielini'l In- i ears, ami Uis eves oh. those dark, nashing m lis told me that I ta'-eil ;i iiiiidmaii. I treinhleil as flu-truth flashed upon my liiain. I was alone am! Illlili ined w ith the de;id and I h- ! insane, iiml in a!' pi ol.iilulitv I i would have to Ii-ht the latter 1" j t he funnel . In ,i ill 1 tiled to look those eves ! ,,,wn tliev eolitinueil to -lale into ' mine. Then I thoil-ht 1 ini-ht i-iilin, the madman by words. -This is a lieautilul ni-ht. mv llieiul." 1 lie-iili. living toeall.V hi- thoughts away from the dead. "Yes; t he stills shiiie like In-r ev i-s ' did otiee,'' and lie pointed to i (iiilottii. I was ;it ii lo-s how to proceed. ' The next moment he stiode forvv aid i ami cried : "Hilt she is il. ii.l. They killed ' her lieeaiisc tliev hiitedliei. She shall lie mine tl gli, lot all that. 1 j (Missesti it liquid I lull can bring the i dead to life. The liquid was sent to I me from the spirit laml beyond the grave; the angels t hose who hurl ed Satan over the liattleineiils of hieaven broii-ht it to me a thoiis j ami yearn ago. I w ill restore life to j my (,'arlolta, ami then the angelsof i heaven nor I lie lieinls of lliides can not tear Iter fr me. I ih-fv tlu-m." He again till I to the eotliu iiml laid his liamU upon I he lie.nl. "la-t Ihein luirv her."' I said, suit ly as 1 could. Then she will come : ami live with vou lou ver. I will I watch and see that no one harms ! her. J c pari to vi hi r Imme iiml pn- pare for t he bridal, i "l,ct f In-Ill I HI l her !" lie repeal led, gnashing his teeth. "You wateh her ! No! bv the Lake of Sin ! She is mine; we were married in heaven, our marriage is recorded in the Lamb's I Mok. Yes, t'arlolta. 1 will U-iir t hce a Wiiv ." I stood lor ii moment mot lonlcss. but no' idle. 1 was determined to dclelid my charge ; to sav e the dead from 1 icing carried oil' by I he maniac. ! I looked around tin-' room lor wt-ap oiis. A heavy liickoi v cane stood I within my reach, ami eargerly I j grasped it. The mailman's I ice was turned from me, and with up raised weapon I approached him. Soon I was near enough. 1 paused In strike, when lie suddenly tinned, iiml with a shriek sprang at me. I struck, however, but the blow fell upon his shoulder. Then we met ami clinched in a struggle of lite ami death. I eeit eil all my strength, ami we swavci! from one end of the loom to tin other. Why did not Mr. Carver come to my assistance ' Siin-lv he heard the noise our st niggling oc casioiieil. bill lio help came. I lie ' breath of my mad antagonist seem i d (lames as it touched my lace, ami sooner than Iliad thought I was, borne to I he tloor, w here 1 lay . w cak ami completely in his power. He bent over ine iiml took from his pocket a vial, the contents of which I saw ;ii a glam-e were prussie acid. 1 saw his object iiml the speedv deal Ii iii store for me. I tried to scream, bill mv ellort produced nothing but it whisper, which made I he lit-ml .Tim triumph antlv. Suddenly he seized the cam and thrust one end of it into mv ( mouth to prevent me closing il against the Miismi. lie then mi corked the phial, am! gradually low eleil il. Was there no help '. Mr. Carver' iiml his wife must be imitating the seven sleepers. Thus thought at I lmt dreadful hour, 'l'he poison w as vv it Inn rciich of mv lips. My pra v ers (the first I hiid said lor veais. were going aloft, when a mu-.e near the colliu attracted the maniac's iit lentloli. iiml he sprang to his l and strode thither. He seemed to lolget Inc. to: lie lx-gaii handling fa riot la again. His movements were slow, iiml I watch ed him w ith mv strength slow Iv re turning. At hist t he eotliu w as ten tiiul lesslv . iiml its leii. ml lav mi tln lloor. The lualil.tc stooped ami be gaii to re -arrange the disordered gl iiv e-clot lies preparatory to bear ing her avvav . "Yes," lie .said aloud, addressing the de. id. "I will restore thee to hie. We w ill live ill heav en fol ev el . t hell. e vv ill be Inlpp.v . I will be king and thou shall be ipiccn. How grand, failotta. I w ill hurl Jupiter aiid.luno Iioiii their t hroncs :iml w e vv ill occupy t lieiu. I la ! ha !" I'.v this time 1 felt mv strength lull) regained, and. grasping the cane. I cautioiislv regained my feet. I stood upright for ;i moment with out attracting the maniac's atten tion ; then I sprang forward iiml brought the heavy cane w ith all mv might down iihiii his unprotected head. He sank to the thiol, the blood trickling down his forehead like great U'iids. He was iuseiisj Lie. I placed Cai lntta in her eotliu and hurried down stairs to the chamU r ol Mr. Carver and his wile, which I toiiml with some dilliculty. tor it was in a distant part of the house. I wondered not they heanl not the madman's shriek, or our struggle succeeding it. In a tew moments 1 related my stot v. and. accompanied by Mr. farver. returned tothe room, vvliete we found the maniac in the sition 1 left him. W e dressed his wound, secured him w ith ropes, iiml the following d;i) lie was taken to a lunatic as.vlum. from he had escap ed. I- roiii mv friend 1 Icai m-d that the in.iilin.il, vv is named William fonistock, and was a chemist by profession. He had loved the beau tiful failotta. ami upon her refusal to wed lii lit Ix-ca insane. Alter I'eillg an inmate ol the iisvltiiu ii Meek he effected his csc.i.c. and iill search for him Wiis liuitless. r was supposed that when he heard of her deiith which he did by means uii known to .mv person but himself his crazy brain conceived the plan j ol stealing her finm her colli li. I 'nor failotta was buried, and as I stood by her grave. I recalled the scenes of the past night, and shud dered w hen I thought how near hath I had been. Had Hot a I at made a noise in the dresser, I would imt have met oii to da), reader. I huv e sat up with the dead since, Inn imt alone: ami whenever I am summoned to sn h duties I impure il any as) linns have lost any of their inmates hndy. That is w hat streak ed mv hair w it h silver. Wilson Collegiate Institute. The thirtieth session begins on Monday, t he Ith of next Septcinlier. I'rof. Ha.s.sel! employs only the most experienced, competent, and success fid teachers, who require and re ceive large salaries for their Mivi ces ; because he is satisfied that this is the only way to .secine a good school. Ami. instead of having but one teacher for lift) pupils or 'more, In- has urn tiiii lu r fur n ry liftt t n jiniils: so that t lie students can re ceive far more personal attention from the teachers. The teachers live in the Institute building with the pupils, ami superintend their conduct and studies iit all times, which is a great advantage. The main building is spacious iiml emu iiiodioiis. nearly two hundred feet long, two stories in height, and con tains forty looms. Separate wings of the second story are assigned to each sex lor iiormitoric s. i lie very I,.... i.i.,-.,, .....i ,t,, .a' tli.. i Institute cost i 1 1 o ii it live thousand ; dollars. Then are preparatory ami j collegiate courses of study. SK'- ciiit advantages arc olid-en loyoiiug 1 17, 1 men for business t raining, am ) oiiiig ladies for complete i list rue-I timi in music. Several are gradiia- j led in these departments every , viiir. Iiuler the supervision of I fail litul teachers, who are alvvaxs present, the pupils ciijii.v tiie re till ing iiml st j tii ii litt ing inline nccs of en ciliiciit inn ; mi timi ii Iiiiiiiiii and i Unit i mi Imim lil'i- pervades the In-j slit ute. The di inking water, a most : important element of . health, has liecii I horoiighlv iiiiiilved hv a most honest ami competent chemist, Dr. ; A. . lii'iloux. of New York, and j pronounced liv him to Ik- entirely ' lice Ironi ileleterious substances, iiml t hci elorc ii rti i ll irlmli simir. Notvv it list. indiiig the estalilish- : Incut ol' a I 1 1 " i liri (ilnleil seliiuil ! in Wilson last Septcinlier, t he pa ! tromige of the Institute has .r : ill t as usual. There were, indeed, j iiiiii'i hint ill i ml miiiilx. mint liniilli Hi il Is ; I I I , hi t .1 1 mil xiv jtiljiils til il II Tin entire average eM'iise n-r vear are ''I so. or, with innsie, wl'.'IH, an aiimiiiit less, liv I'min twenty to liltv ier relit, lliall tlie clnirui's made at tlier Nurtli ('aiulina seliiiiils uf the same "lade. MISCKL L. NFJt US. THE GREAT RHEUR1ATISM, Neurniijin, Sciatica, Lumbago, backache, Soronsss of the Chest, Gout Qjinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, I'oof.'i. Car and Headache, Frosted Feo and Ears, and all other Pains, and Aches. ' rri'ur:it:. 'i . 11 1:11 tli . .p. nl- sr. .1 m . m on a : .',.un . vx11 'iin.l iki I t. niul lfll,-,l 1 : ..1 i nlieN 1 .1:1 iin-.. .inpiiriiliM h inlliiiir .,iiih; ' el 4't'lils. ;.ti.t ., ry 1, lie .-.ill. run; Willi pull ' 11 li i.' . lit-:i p ;.iil ..,miivc pr. .. ,t nl' u iluiui. 1 I'.'.i'.-iii.ii- 111 1 1, v.-11 I iitit-'tm.i. 1 UU.il II? ALL PUUGOISTS AND DEALERS II I MEDICINE. A.VOGELER Sc CO., J:,ilti,iir; Mil., V. H. A FRENCH'S Superior Cologne ! is a IVaLiTant and lasting perfume f(r tin- tuilet and handkeiehief -'"i i t- a vial. FRENCH'S VirginiaTonic Bitters lines Dy-pepsia, Chills and Fever and all ili-urdei's ..f the liver and -tuin aeh, ".II I'i'lil- per Imttle. FKENCH'S Never fails t,. . ine Dian hea.Clnilera .Nliirhu- Pa iu and ( 'ramps in the -tiiinaeh, 'J i cents a vial. FRENCH'S ARNICA LINIMENT! is the hest tor Klieiiinal im, Xeural uia, 1 1 ailaehe.Paiiis, llruies,Ae., ."nl cents per hot tie. FRENCH'S IndiaRubberCement The best in the World for lllellilinjr lilokell I'll 111 it lire, Toy, Wood- " W are, Ae. Price Si cents a ial. .Man ii fact ii red onlv hv WM. E. FRENCH. l...i.-:i!.- ii-n;-,., ' Sm iiihto Slit-el, I'. ;. i-l-Mi-. V.-i. A. H I S.I ,V M:lll:n' fill. I' KixK ii.il KVK.ui.l !'i iV I I.I ' fiy. v m:i:i 1 iiiaiii ai.s. f,.r n.akhm rr. 1,1 " '- n "'. V.. IK KN'i It. nil, v ni.M Mi niiiijis, Near llailmad D. pi t, IM II I H. .'., Stop an. I -et a(iooil Dinner, Sui per or lireakl'a-t. P.oar.l hv the Day or Month. Prices very rca-onahle. Pil'splH-tfllllv, UIDDRK lilHXKl T, may i-ly p iprietor. MISCELLANEOUS My p rce'iin-lin J ("unpi re uwuiUctured t d rlicfi,indbuJwiregr.nedgiiMt an) ndilc airoifrom the Company holdm the Htnt. '' ' -I point. The BLATCHLEY PUMPS v for nH b; the bit houtei I the trade. Name of mj nearett agent itl be furaiihed on application to C. Q. BLATCHLEY, HanefacUrer, S08 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. PA. W. PINE WALNUT MANTELS GEORGE 0. STEVENS, --No. 49 Light Street,- UALTIWORE, I0HN CLARK, JR. & CO'S BEST IX-CORD 3 FOR Machine or Hand Use :0: ItlT&SELL & CO. THOMAS SULK AtiENTS. FOU rsAI.K BY Hines, Iladley & C., wn.s.tx, . ('. C. H. Aviikk, K. A. Danikls Of Wayne. Of Wilson. AYCOCK & DANIELS, ATTORSKYS AT LAW OOLDSHOUO. N C I I'riU-tice in the Courts of Wayne, Wilson, (ireeiie, Lenoir and ""ion and the Supreme Court 'l the State. Ta iLI.KlTluNs A Sl'KCIAKTV. lliaill iu ki.l norsK- WILMIXOTOX. X. ( ., I KK 'KXTLY refitted and under en tire new uianaieiiieiit: Terms SL'.aii ti'l,iMi IVr day. Ni H. L. I'EHUY, Projirietor. CartfjHrm.de 0 Ll of i 5 ,h BestSelKted Ci , Valuable Timber. imt'9"mtRU (jipj) NO. l i SYCAMOUK STRKKT, rETKHSlU lK!, VA., J- S. Cary Manager. Oeiiuine Fanners Friend Plows, Hundter's I'liilled Plow-:, Malta HuiiMel Shovel Plows, Iron Af Cultivators, Cotton Plows, 1 lurrow -, Steum Knttines, Threshing inacliines, Reapers and mowers, Straw I'.utteis, ('urn i Sliellers, Faninills, Stoves, Tinware, Hollow Ware, Fire In. 11 , Plnw I Castings, Farm Wagons, Iron and Steel, 'linle-:ile uml fVtuil. ! AI.FHKl) WILLIAMS. F.l i KN I. ;. llAItKKI. ALFRED WILLIAMS HO INihliNlierMlookKf Her hikI S(alion'i. HALl'.Kill, X. ., ALL North Carolina Seliools, whether Pul.lie or Private, ean ohtaiu Seiiuol Hooks, Ae., at Kaleigh at jiriees a i.dw .as a ci: ohl 1:1:1-11 r.v aw MiKTIHKX UKAI.KKS. We have the la"r est stin k in the State and till all orders em ii 111 . . tay-C41.MiM.KTK Catauhh-k Si x r ox Aimm-u-ation.-i -ADliKKSs- A I I i' r .1 Willi 11 111 h V V o. HtMlKSKLLKKS, ax' KALKKiH, JlllV l e.'Sln 21 A -M Union Street, Norfolk, Virginia. 1 M A X l' KAI'Tl' HK HS IK t'AKKI AKS,lH"ii I KS A XI) HAIIXI.sS lit' KVI.IIVK l i Fx tension Top Carriages, Jump Seat Side-7ar Top liuiiii"-, IVuod limn- t arriages, Jump Seat lop i fuunies, Side-tiar -I.v I Surry Wagons, w. W. EDWARDS; SALE -A-1ST ID I ? Cor Goldslioro and Barnes St! Wilson, X, 0. Having juet returneil with a I;iie and well seleced lot of STOCK am now prepared to fill any s,t '"' I'i'oper time when the de older from TTi to $200 in the Hine occurred. He paid cash, -ot way of Mtoek. Awy person inort" the disciiints and niarked a want of a t'COil small j rotit .... !, aitiele. il, ,s PABH nORSE or n.nle will hud :t to their ad- .khIs.:.,,.! wish to save all n , u, vama-e to exan.he my stock . hl tl. tI,,(U.. lluh ( ! fore iiuyiti'j; elsewhere , ... , ... T .1 l. itdvaiitaehv lniv in- Ironi linn, in xv -nulling iu.iiiis i r past patronage and seokinj; a con. i iniianee of the same. 1 am Very Ke-speotfully. W. W. KIWAKls. At Siirv Kdward's old stand. Take Xotiee.! Any person ilesiring a e-ooil fiimily or driv ing horse, can luy him at my Stahles under a jruarautee. R T ' L K K . WHITAKKKS, X. f. Agnt for L. O.CJradyS Fine Silver ainHiold Watches. mav6-tf AH VEliTISEMEXTH. lor tho USTSUlCOKD o afecl i. Aj(R.N TY mwncnrrmi i I tf W4akl too 1 t&US. We will not weary you witl statistics telling how MESSRS. J. S P. COATS MAKE THEIR BEST SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON Or how much they make daily, neither will we presume to give an opinion as to its quality. It is more important for you to find out : Whether the thread is strong and will save you time and annoyance ? Whether it will run on your Sewing Machine ? Whether the colors will match all the fashionable shades, and work well on silk goods ? The only possible way to arrive at the truth is to USE THE THREAD YOURSELF ! 5Tou will then know why it is called m 3IX-C0RD SPOOL COTTON YOU CAN BUY IT OF: ATKINSON t WAliKKN, Cor Nash and (ioldslniro Street WIIS()X, X. For Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Bilious Attacks, Headache, Cos tiveness, and all Diseases of the Liver and Stomach. AHE DECIDEDLY TH1 MOST POTENT REMEDY THAT CAN BE USED. Itlgnntan Intinii-allnir Ih'Vithp. nml rortnlnlv WllUlll III'VIT II UM'll It li pll'USlillt Uli:.i1llt. ii.r III robolicntlmult'titis Imt it iii trul a vuluiil.li' Fumiiy Medicine, uhirti tms 1 11 uv..il fi,r uumv Vi-ur l lar?e iiuuiLmtb i,f our riti.i'lis w ll!i lhi- ui. uM.ui luK uri-ettij iu all till! ttliovi' l'i,ln, liuiils. 1 ry it. 25 Ceota a Paper, or $1.00 a Buttlu. K. T II O It T N . Bttltimore, Muryl IToprl. lor. STATION LKS. i. C. Kix-kavv ays,t aimpy TopPha tun-, Pony I'lia lnii-. Shi. Unties, Dexter P.i ie Iff. -H AS 'l it I'.- jOSSXDRY GOODSHOUSg K(H'K Y M (1 I X T. He likes upi(isit ion. he defies cum jK'tition and under im eomlit imi will he liiidue Iioiii the position as almve stated. He liuio ht k II "WU, I LU I l !U, SHOES. HATS AM) NOTIONS He is disni passed. J1A A. W. ARLINGTON. ma v 12 .".in P .DKANS. ATIOKNKV AT LAW WI1X )., N. '. "Uliice in rear of Coiut Square .May."". Him, . lv. THE IIOCKY .MOUNT I II O N W () 11 K S Are order in v ill fu II am &team Ki'':iireil :il dn.it iiilin- A i ill- tin - 'riu in I Mi i". I on. V ,i I -. V i ; i 1 1 ii nil :il'I ii ullnr;il ini jili'im MH i .1' ev. i v ile-i-i v mil (....in New Km hV MulM I t liiick v Mmmf v'e Iiiiike I ":i-lei 11 ( : -.i-ii:illy l',:l l':iil f II..-, .1 . BLACKSIYIITHiraCREPAIRIWC I M' :il I I. iiiil- ' l 11 1 :n 1, iiii-i ' 1 tun 1- keep in -P.rk a I'nll li i !n:i-s liuiiiL'- t'nr s:niie. Hi' i-r II si,-, , 1 :iK.. 1111. :i : 1 1 1 1 1 ' t I Hi . -11 it-li I III- 'ek I - i 1 1 1 I I 1,1' pill' S. K I U'N'TA I N, .Man. .Man-Is .'.IIv llav ojiriicd Hie lvsi Sc h e (imI Slock of nvr olVrrcd in Wilson. (ieiits l'liriiisliiiiir (iiiods, Sriiii.r iiikI Siiiiiiuer ( t 1 1 i i ijj:, Dress (iunds id' :my Styles, Knibroiilery, hare ( Vdhirs, Ac, Hosiery, Notions, (ients'. Ladies, Misses and Jloys Shoes tl.e most (liiralde and faliioiiallein tlie market. I S Our slock of iMi'h's. !os ami Youth's ( lolhin; is complHr. (nil and rxtiminr il he In it puichasiii-. ns v an ollrrin; ha renins in that line. tftfARREfy&BARNES. Pianos111' ! Musi GENERAL AGEfiTS FOR (lliekenn- A Sun. Steifl", Malllllshek, Alioll and Southern I imiiii-, and .1a-onA- Hamliii, SliHiiinj;ei-aiil peluhet A Co's., r: v: 1 1 -. "W Barbrey. g't- Wiison- 1ST. O. BROWN'S -s s . A TSUE TONIC A PERFECT STRrT'JWER.A SURE REVIVER. IKON lilTTi:.. a certain uu.l . lii. i 1.1 . Fairx, M'.i (.'. l.i. ,'..'.-, . . . . stren;! hens tlie uiiis. :. s,a i. ! I . . , ;. . nu the lij?s!li ve i ra.ms, .i.'' ... . .- l!ilihinij,lLul Ihi;,. .' , . ' ' ' . - , ". that will not MaeLen i'.u- . el all ilruistx. Wri-e f.-r t!"'. lie l:.,..- in-i-x,',,-,,,-. ,H::":r lth-.t .ill TnmBittimaniiii 'I l v Tli'nwv Cut w:. MK'VAItK ! 3 jJ"11 THE LAEGEST Warcrooms in the South RYLAND a LEE, w iiui.i: Street. - A I.I. AND Only First-Class Instruments, PI ANUS, Stein.', ay, ( I , i.Uel'i I e.: , llallet A Davi-, I'i-her. (irovell-l.-.-i. A I nller; ):;a.S. M..-,,a Han. Iin, Punlett, W D, M, ,,;,, -. r. i.i'M-ii i iii' i ii'j;iii-. .vil 1 1 1 -' r 1 1 1 1 1 : i T - tnlly W aiianli',1. ( a h or i letall m.'iil aiiniil riaiio- ale ( ii i'i u ill i,l.. lotn A-1 o re 1 1 a 1 1 1 l. r U . ut Co. lake pi. a-ill-i i,l'. in ealliuir I'-i.t I.. U',l lot Jl L F. G A N T J '..n-i-!:i:v ' f Lii-li-h, l'r Pro.iilelotli-, U'e-t i,' Lie.. . 'fi ici'i -. r..iicy 'I'i'ow -i ! in 1 hey V ili lie Inade Up ot Ti iiiiii.iie.'-, and a! price Ipl.i'ltiiiiity nl ol laiiiiicr i- i.t'l.'l e.l I .' ..II ,v ho l ill i III lit 'Il It - co-t III III f.l II PRS.. 'in Ii. an ill. I Mel! . Ac. in tin .,t,. !li it di-ly line t'li - tolil rnlii-aee it. ' h "I any Greenwood & Eelsmeyer. - t'ul Mperati-iii. All kind in:u hinei-v iii;ide Engines iv't - lir.ili'il I! .V I ,1 1. 1 iiirni-!i :i i pi inn . ''li all! i.ii PI i . ;,;! "npi i- I'n-jln.-. Mi.'n L-l il lilt l-.l II 111 fli;iin I I'll tilt-1" : llf I .!-:! (Olhm Plow I Ion -.lill I.' 11.. jn.l:. k til'- I I'n . I'l I: iii 1 . .1 1. I.i I I" 1 1 l-i'.f, .1: .! '.Villi; I.I '.,-1, il.i- 1. nn 11, .I u a. 1 .ii .ii.ii, . IMA M N i Mill Ai'. Ill lil.kll il;.!:' - . I - UII . l' I l 11.U :,ii,l Hi,- i.iii.l!, I dl NTAIN, , I!. TAVI.UK, 1',, '. m .nki.i; I w Spring OOlls i & Organs i."l)OE' 'I fur nil iliseiLes retjiiiriii ,v 'i',i;i, 7 ly.'-ywyifin, hiimiiilli ut .1' i.in ;;,! Ir. Kuril hes the IiIimhI, 1 ;.: . nerves. Tliev act like n charm m; jil.i,it.. such ;ls Tustiwj tin' J 'mil. . .;idy Iron Preparation - -ive headache. Snhl 'J .'i.(. f useful ami nmusiiiir rc:cl- Ah CO.,i::iltiiiioro, Mt. 'i. anil h.-iciu.ssed r d uai-siniwraniM-i l.tllTATlONS. dur ga PL TAIL DI '.A LI il:.- liichiiiiiinl, ',i f 1 I ; 1 1 , . IVr -I I e l i .ry price- a n i liihL; iiiloi iiiat ii on i.. RYLAND & LEL, IMCIIMKND, A- T ! ii 1 ori 1 1 i Voll iii . altoiitiuii to fhev an tic . N n LOLOHINC, A.ii-tri in U'oiil. u , e ,V or-l.'.l ( 'oat ill' W.-t ol l ai'J , SlTlfi- Kef lie I - t -tyle. Perfect lit. tin t coinpi-t itimi. - liiaile clotliill' l'ol' ,mv i- the time to w here in the I 'nite. men aiei I 'et til if 'Ji ! tiite , at lames Simpson Tlie enterprising- Wlmlesnle and ilttetltiiMI nl'tlle renders t-. iiii'-. I' r;i!M!r. II in ii' . I liars i ''!-;i.r.i. -Al-i. LAGER BEE W hii li they Imttle ;it aii 111:1 v oil llieui "i-Slll. :m.l I : x :t in ii ,- i i i.'Mri ki: m.Ai.r.i N vsn Si 1:1 1.1. III)!' a I.I rue slm l. uf ;,l klliis,. I '1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 e a In illliiilis tlieletn. l:.li eain i:;es. I'ietllle li.lils, e.. in ( ndless v .11 jet v . I,'eiaii nm iieailv and n init Iv dune. instantly ai in- and miic TAYLOR ELToTT & WrpTK.S 1 1' 1 1 .1 s 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-:t: in HARDWARE CUTLERY. (il "NS, Ae., mux 1:1; .MAIN" sr. an 1 1 maiik i:t sir aim:. Iu h Uii ( li u filk Mii al ll:r Ionian House Kestauranl ami Hold NO 3() WKST MAUKKT SQTTAKE '.i;i)i.ii a i.uixii.Mi slam, si.- ,, s .- i-i:i: i v .mi:ai.s ai Aid IHM'1! In- l..i,l:m II..M .,- I- ,-, run e nl i t-- ,i,l.!i,- i, il.-H il.l.- I'.,, I, , vi I " 'I'l-.M-llel- 'Ml .,1. ..ii.:.-;.. 1 1 . l,,,ii .. , i.i.u 1 --iiili, 1, 1,1 mi , , Ini :,l,., Mm Ii 11 ,-l ' - i.i ..i I I'l"- ! 'inn, ii,- 1 I. IV III. il; JUKJJAN HOUSE- AmosPJonl.u, idl.l.UF I AIM'.: ii..:i:.-i., .... I- 11 J IV.-l-le.il; i.i I M..I I"-. I I. '111.. . , V.u ii.. i:...-1. ,k I 1 v . I f.., u 1,. ,, I'. i i.i II nil :i M. I I - 1 1 ,,r iv-i.., v -ri i in 11 invM r. 1 1 I M ii Km - .ml C 'I 1,1,- li 1 x i;i. n'eliiek. AMOS P. 1 1 1 1 II tul V eil eve W MM BA ERS AND M A N .U F A C r U AMI u in u.i:s. FHL'IIS NUIS. VINEGAR. On Street ll'il.'l' S,,h, il.'.l :ni. ii;.i.i;i: in Hiuhvai'r.i'.'tiiits Oils (.ili-' I'iiity'.ii.il li Si... It; . Side M.hIi 1 S.,ii,iie.v .s;iMH ;,, limns .(ini K ii.. s. ill II i : ilitie . , r . . ......... v : AP ' ? Z . ! .'.'vw.;.:i'..;:f" ,4".-.-' U., -., U 1 toiV,7,: f: "r: Ai" " '-;' 1 rR i, nr.T. 1 .S- 1..,:' - :;J;i'-ft--::, '. ', -, : : ' k'.H 0W mi".iS 1 .,V,:y;;'''5'!(:i','''v ''"";. w ' 1 n i; 1 1 a I . a;i:n r uisW'.'.-ttj. Mart.nf! .v: l.i.niri.nn';. Vv F-Lire Prepared DP.A.IlSrTJS- si;nd vol i:ui!Di;i;s !'!)i!.!i;vi:un iti aim nun ;. 1 Ii: NT.ii; DKAl.Ki: I i -I I'l.l1 lo I... i '; :n.. I .ti-i v in -A'a'T.i lit ei I . S. nd ' Iliel, II": DI A M : .i.n Ii i' I..II-'. i i '". loail i- I,- -J 3 s'.-H E-s. -f--..'jrfl ,. . rtlanufactured by ISAAC A. SHEPK'ARU &. CO., Baltimore, Md. :, t.rii.D i.io.i'v in.. '..n.,, v.(. .1 ' vi:rrisi:Mi;yrs. & .luldiin, tl,,'ii- ; Mereluints. iav ite 1 1 ( ienei.'i 1 Stuck i d mli. ;uUv I nnh-iimit-i I,..! a lei ,,f their nun et:il.li-liiiient. it ii, lo U i. ;(! imii'li :isii. Ai i-mki:t.ki-:i:s. 11 N. (' ll -1 III' humid 1 1 .1 nu mav I i:i'i.k, i i;iiiNi.. Alaieli llllli, il innnll,.. . ' Hit; i;i t;i -i:.N I'l. AN. III. ,1 I I:,,,! II , ;"" ' i"' I, nil -. I ..!.- Hill, i I l. -1 ill il. II! I'l 1 . Ml. I .111 I Projy Noriolk. Va 1:1 hum ii ! I:. . i ;, 1, .1 i:, , I ,. ,1. 1 , 11 1:, ..;:...i ill "I 1 1 . ;. 1 :i I 1 .1 II , 1, .1-1 1 .1 :i .11 1 1 l: I I . I Mil, I, llll. I 1 1. Vii h.h ,, 1 1-1 We-! : ' I I I. Is I Nn. .M:.ll.e ill. Ai HKOS., it ! K H CONFECTIONERS 1,1: hi: li:i:s in CIUER. Itl SOA.S SC- NORFOLK, VIRGINIA , - 1 1 il. n l inn ( ; ii;i .'-nil. . il. ...Ir n o Vl-r.f I...1. n .... 11. 1.1. . ,i," .-iinjr iVhterifd oi' evciy Dw'i ijit"-' 1 1;,, ;,,,!,.. Ave.. N n I M-'o Ls-:!f" . it ui , n; IeFLcly-"M:ixscl kinsman ki t plaie, a D in:.-, .1 LU I.I.KV, i ,i'l,i -- 'ui i nl Pi: V. :.teh :il,. II ii'l .1 ev. i-liy i. paii. il ill In- promptly ti I I. tlel OVES! THE HEST Ifi THE MARKET. ' .V.i l,.l l '' '" !':' l-iiet-i FEATURES; - I'J'I 1 t VV m; (,;,.,,. f i.t.i'f.V An. L A D t N C f SI

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