is? the; WILSON pyANCE. 5.' KIKA-V At THE WILSON ADVANCL -:o:- IIatka op AnVKKTlSINOf Pim.rsri i:n 1 C:"I.IN A One Inch, One Insertion, - - $1.00 r " One Mouth, - - 2.W . ) :i v i4i I joriiisiiwius.!- p r inl rmirii'lor. 1$. ' -. feUAitVANcis g 3 1 . - 4 " Three Months - &."0 " :" Six Months, . - 8.00 " " Que Year, - - -. 15.00 Liberal Discounts will be Matle for Larger Advertisements and for ContracU by-iim Yewr. ' Cash niost aecomitauy. all Advti tisenientn : Unless good reference is given. ' . '. !" S U K 1 1 'T I I -V 1 1 A l .Sj I. 1 One year. Six months .::.tio -. 1 . I I '.' ; 1 F f? - Aloncv cant is Money Order or -Kegisttjrci Kisk. . '(; itfer sit re -,: ' our The fesoN ApNcil .';;.', f LET AiL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S." f :lj ' . . '." j ",;fj'j; vol its. . - v.: - P1; . :'v-;.:iwi'iiSox, x. cy friday august ior iss. . ? ."'CaSiaii ANINflS. (.'ongfess an" jonrne 1 j August Ittli. J I etlnesilav. f i. There are 1411 jf liilMisi i it tin- Ox- lord Orphan Asylum. The Fruit Fair hl-1 ft (llt'CHS- boro last week was 1 i ai success. ii Siiih.11 Pox is doing ltf us work amoiig the- Indians 'territory. David Davis, jjPit ijil- 1 Italian itlebt 'of the ia!rt. Senate, will, it is-, nil liiarrv a North Carolina Jad'y ' ! ' iiijated for islricl hy Gen. 'Scales w;ts If ; IIOI Congress '" f''t fift Jl M acclamation. " Ninth ; liiliiia has. hardly had an al ;eprj-sentat ive. .Madison, the sj-coi Leach, who has just the Lilicrals, sav.-i he Imi of J. M. uouc. over to K!i I del-stood thai lie 1st "true lilue." Hei(sihU ;idenitterat, I -Jqiing man. ii . . - t An Iowa editor ai t VeHjsed livev pads to the amount o 2il and took it .ill out in pads'. Then 1m was al because his hired gift wouldn't.! nr. iredj;f fiH-'-twd! take L'S of tlieni service. S nn nit lis' . it in. daiicuia: master A Pliiladelplu predicts a crusadf a;sinHhe waltz as at present nniiiodestlyf iiaiiced, to Ik' led by Mrs. (len. Hheirii in, ltev. Mr. Mayiiand,aml other ilk iniiish- ed ladic and ienitlemini ! I J On Thursdays last ie k Hon. V. M. Uobbins was nominated for Conuress in thesexeiitii disjlricf. Me is one of the best St limit slidakers in -P the Stale and will mak.c ii canvass, and be electiid 'v majority. . ' ;5 ' irilliaiit a laiiie "llusli. my cliil.l. Ii-i.thi-1 :ui. 1 1. Ih I Kit f xiimplr 'if tiiiiiitiii win-K. ! Karly hi' c lines iin-I 1 11 1 . lit- llr wn-i'tH tin? woiiM'Ui wil h I'tiinlti ii-Titri-; II-kiss'S thi-liaty s iln tv Ijv'': '" I Hi iulls to tin-fi'iii-i' thi' l:ihinTj win k: llr Imivs Ihi' tiu rrlmnt: lie t(f.ri-riu'i li'rk: Thi' lilHi kriinitli. whili-liisnlU il jirE'-.j lit- uri't't,'. aii.l thi-; is 1 In s. ici" liiblii: " h.nw .1 ; llnw is your wilt'. uini Iikv ti r y isi Ah. il tits my list as n iillii'ilViiru-J Tin- hui'tiy list i f rln' ivmi I,mi h.iiii ' : ' i ' -1 II . The must "to:ic; sl, h' M a wed- dim: now is to presenla ea . T . i , . - . i -IK-st with a piece oi i ne itnnaij r. tke in a box tied shaped like : ;i ln se" hoi' a ml willi a I rue I i ' i. ' k -ljnot of white satin ribuii, Ihe i iul jut which . 4 l bear t he lnouoram I IIm bridt and griNini. i i On Saturday, alleruotui :ttj Mays-' ville. Ivy., a younu m itt c.itijiecled with the United Stlilsl k 'irclis made a Walloon asccnsi0n ist .ea leu I on a trane'e-bar. . The b .iillMlli I t I t eil in t he ( )hio K i vi-r lini'lL al looms! :was drowned. 1 1 ctw 1111 . . . - .;. , ft i t ive of ;Faiglaiul. tl . s t -i -i r.j The Pcteisbiilg Imh j Hy that '"Messrs--John Arin;t il says n and Sons have purchased tjht&A eldon water pow for the suui Nst !Mir in round llllllllit 1 ts II UK l .. r. .4 ';'; i Ma ui in lioue and Don aim oil! U:iM terest iii-the property v liiiti Kill be I utilized for purposes ol hii:i:ii nl:i-t nr. iug as soon as tin- sal istrai) nave been confirmed by t he id Molt; 1 'hairiiian ol flic can lCveciitive ( oiiiinit fee Itt' dfcllhcd to arrange a loint mUi-Mi bet fell Henuett ami I o ki i 5 mil. now .liulge Jiennett has .wntjtMi - - 1 s tit Dock erv himself to arrange; iii I ucii a canvass. A give Heunett pun! cait;iH-i; would : Mi a real al3itiigc oe cause lie is st much t he li -.Ispt; tk and for this reason itn jsttiaved it cannot be brought about?. ii4; it, .p. . It -is orooosed ilo lornj na- slock ;! . i :i i ciirooration at Aslievilleiil'i under I; i II r I I the naiue of the Aslie:vll1iY tiotl. Pulp and Paper ('ompauVi. v'fiiu. .... gage in the maiiularlitivl sot ; - '- iiii wot d pulp ai'itl. paper, o ai'itl. oaner. iiamP Mull; jbuiltl mill for that purpose. ;totl pulp ing aboiimls iu the. viciiiftv ! Ashe villc, andean be obtaniethleh veretl at the null, lor less pel" cord. I III '-' -' ' 111 1 A ooor bov iiol man V:hiars a no .lohu Watlsworth is nov .ne, ol the richest men in ("harlotte.i ii. here is . -' 1 . . nil m no inslery .attout Ins fsiitj'ss in life. He rais il I his j if, II 1 bushels tif wheat fo I lies fatiffe," and .... .. . . - .. . -:- :'. los liushels ol oafs tivtlte acre When Wadswoilli boiighl :t.he land . . : -.a i a tew ears ago it iwas a,N ,pr as he was a lew years belore. f :l Sijli have grown rich. P.os, taktl eiHtunirai if irs. nient. I Write tor partic The.right nt a Iwom if ;ast the age td'L'l years to Intai i i ,swL I.. pleases has just 'been iiidibated - . - ' I I : Si in Missouri. The fathef fi l.aura luibbs,, agetl J7 years, ait (jempted lo hold Ijer to eont Hilled sttltvtt-e in the p.iieriiai iiome ov iockihl iter up m a rooiu when she had uiudela verbal colitiip-t to become t he'e ol (ieo, V. l'.Uhop. A writ othlfeas coipn ,...i.v..t ii. i i - :-. :,i i limn Kin me uoor. and wtlie mar liage tiMk place lit sute lit ft he 1 ith el's obe.ct ions. s "j f i ...f'i-- , III' Klclillioml (Nip Vn1, i f 1 lit old North State Democracy jksidiws how to get up enthusiasm imtlien cani paigif. and u misiiake.! Al Pophu leiitou; Monday ilastjmt leatur. ot the day was i twin i(iarrtages. l.l,-c i nil 1 1 tlui grouml. i ne Mimes u it tWiehu) putty . young girls ol tint .oiij,lj iml ihe grooms weieiwo l.i,, ,, , m)st, ,i ,,,,,1 -well-to-do fai iiu is I Ih,; lHjih swtri' giveuaway hy oiie;.,r MiU. DenuK-ra-tic sjieakers As p, ttl the at-tracttoiis-diewan imim'iiS uoaiI. THE ADVANCE "Verily crime is on the increase. Nothing can le imagined more das tardly than the follow ing summed up by the Star': '-. W. -White, a graduate of Trinity and a High Pointer, has lieeii teaching school in Wilkes. lie ruined a .highly re: pet-table you ng lady, Miss Hol- brooke, who went to school to him. lie tried to take his life, recovered. promised to marry her, got his brother to steal a horse with which he tried to escape, was captured and is in prison : hv'this time. ' His brothel has been aVresteil for. horse stealing." The wife of Moses ( "l oss, of It ieh- f i ...... monu, lor years suo.nme., to u.e . ibuse whu li lie Jieujieii upon ner , ... . . wneii ne was oiuuk. i-,:u" ' 1 1 1 . . . I I, 1 however, site has come to think that forlM-arance was not a virtue, . and when Moses started -to correct j he a few lavs atfo she blacked his f eyes Willi me piker, scaioeu uim i with hot water nntill the skin peel- I ed otf his shoulders, and then had i him arrested. Moses will -never . le so handsonie as lie was before this occurrence, 'but he will have a jreat deal more respect lor his i wife. ; I IN 1 WIIII lllllt WIl.I'VAAVV-, straiiirer is 1101 quite me proper ! thin to do. 'But Miss Tillie Tiin ble, of Brooklyn,-N. Y., didn't, de bate the question when .she discov ered a bnrjjiar ransacking her bu. reau, but slipped down stairs, sent the servant girl torn policeman, and then slipped back, stole up behind ihe unsiispectiiifi bureau explorer. threw.-' her arms around his neck, j i ....... I.:... ...;i.. ,,il l..,.. .....i IHIZUt U llllll U II II IH 11,1 lllllll , lllll , . ' I s-reamel like a locomotive . turned loose, till a policeman arrived, re. lieved her of !n-r ch:li "'e and took A curiousiutliistry is to be found at NewJiei ne. It is I lie inakili ol wooden plates and trays, sin-h as are used for butter, Hour, tc. The timber for this pui'poe is cut out l the adjoining swamps. A huje !" is rounded by a circular plane and then pill in a machine of great ' aci'inaey anil swiltness. mat peels oil' l.ierstfleii of the thickness of veneering. These thin strips-are cut into square pieces by machinery ami laid up to dry.- As soon as they are dried thev art teamed, ! I ami while pliable are put into i ol jilates. The factory i.; now niak iug .100.000 phftesw.per lay, ami has contract ed its eiitm pi. bu t ; at figures;' ol protit toi a year to I conic. Brother fleecy. Editor of the Hcoiiomisf one of t he oldest aud ug- li"st (we hotiejie'll parilon us) ;edk tor;; iii the State is reported by the Xcirs-Olisiircr to talk thus senti mentally,:' -There is more court iug and llirlirjg lo the siMiare loot now going on at .ag s Head than at any nt her place iu the State in propor tion to population.- In fact it's a dangerous place logo to, and we are trail inchnetl not -to run l lie risk of going dow ii t here an more this sMinmcr. rourting" ts like unto a quicksand or a cral hole-r-il you j put your foot in it the hist thing you know on -are sucked in." ""Old Uhrrygraph" will please give Bro. (Jleet y asiiitalilt lecture on the du ties ol age of a man tilhis age ami osition. The Charge of the Light Brigade. The (Jrevnsborti litriot says there passed - through that town recently a gay frolicsome party of six tiling girls eh route lo me uioiiiitaiiis. They were all robust, good lookg, full of life ami energy and bent on a frolic. -Dressed in uniform style of walking habit, slight ly shorter even than the prevailing fashion.' made of excellent' ami tlur. able linen, plain but pretty hats easv shoes with high ankles for dust, Ihcv were the personification of comfort. Each bore a Knapsack upon her back, ami was armed wit h revolver ami a large liowie kmle. TFle trip lakes in nearly all the mountain counties. Some nights they camp out and others they pass it hotels, as humor 'or convenience may happen. With no baggage or equipments except w hat each car ries upon her person, this might be 11 l .i .il IC..-I.I caiieti i ne 1. 1 large tt ii uigm Brigade., - Three of t hem are Virgin:' ians ami three. Marylantlers. An Arkansas Snake Cnariner. Mr. lUat'k. who resides in Ilills- boi'o. Ark., .exhibits a 'control, and influence ! over the reptile family, astonishingly mysterious. In the w oods, creeks or - wherever he tiiitls a snake, it matters not what type, of deadly poison or venom it may- be, he succeeds in capturing it alive ami suU'ei iiig as little from .a. clasp of its fangs-as if it were an ordina ry pin scratch, lie handles and fondles them aliout his iersot! as if they Were so manv harmless tovs. He will allow the largest rattle snake to deliberately strike ami bury its fangs into, liis 1fe:.h, anil apparently sufler no iucoiivciiieiice or serious consequences from the tragic risk. By a certain weed or growth of Vegetation he.-claims-to destroy the ell'ect of the bite. When bitten he chews ami ' .swallow.s the juice of the weed, w hich acts like a charm. v NEAIMiY Mm ' - 4 1 i- The Week ;: I tit ; fie". .cvs Ciatlimil ft -1 nirKe M)ilcrs iiikI "Veal If dipped from tHt- ..iiiuerNs .Xeili- tons. Hi Kriinkliii romity nduiiatiug con vention wilt be lield ii'. L;tlt: -- Scot land Kee. willfmit-e ;Silv SeffeilMMrisl.. . ' 4 I ' '-' jf ' V,M . Seventeen uw hujldnis .are in the eon rse f erf ct ioi i ;tt ( ) ieenVlHe- ,y ; ; i: Lf4 . ! Mr. Willis iiihuins asShat tljjg'j'ar- boro (Jititlt' will sliofcdt! be lijuir' ed. .. , 11r.ll-,.H to I I !- nionu- miut :'oy,. tin ave f he 1; ite la- mented Dr. ( lfiss Dr. W- T, Momit, has D iurlittitlA' oi K cock.v relnoveif to Nashville where he will prai tii' ni'dicine. 9 K. (5. I'.rowii Esi.,ri4been elect - ed Jhairiiian of the Teinoeratie Executive Coumiitti e iflTFrankliii county j and .loil K. JJrown, Secre- tary. TNT-TarlM)ro folks h;:d a minstrel show last Friday ni"ht; Anion;; the lauL'habh leatures was a i 4 reprodnc ! iion oi the i -"mi . roinioiieau con 1 . veI,tJUU' Edtfwoinbe'd hew county ('oni- nusHioiiei's are ineti f solid worth. They are ('ol. V. II. Kniiiht, D. P.. P.atts. .(',eo. I Cbetfr Viand Eli .;:Vn.i beily, .1. is C'arr. T. Mrs I)einpsey ,Tenkinslias been re-eleot'Hl Siqte -iflteiideut of Schools u 1 1 1 , . " "--We .coii liuigist rates on the in Educomlx jiiatiitatc tlie - 1 .... ! wisdmn of their clioici Colilslioi o 'Mr'gM-Htirr : ""The trial of Jei ry Cox'fi r the inui tler of Mary Eliza. Hawkins is set forvl'hursday ofthetirst wek of Nash" Superior court,- which begins its ..session on ie 21st iiisi. Tin cords 'So ii flier , show.- t rriyx that the rc" iut denjoerats. rim iirrty for 7000 less 'I' VM This one decomlie ei yiian - the jadii fact Lt ilroug jgiinieifc-futor of the present 3 cJujatV ejnBient system. ' ; 1 The SttM'kholders and mi&ibeiiB ol 3 It. the Executive Committee ilill Sneet at the Fair GTOyid.iHJJiHjiiiiSiit at 10 q' ou 'H,uttla, A.nst ll I. 1 . . . i -'llth. l'ssays will thread .an- low other subjects()J' iinpmta"ueeil be lis-.usaed. 'niitiiuMlt1PfD' in beou hand lov exhibition Fn- ii sumption sa.j tlj-;Bdt?kj Iofl nt iii,,6,w,: mill The Love Bog. . i A ("alitornia physician who' tlis tlisease love., mad covered a new n ess has beeil experimeiif ing with the persons a Hicted therewith and! has priMliiced the 'love parasite oroacillus mict'occus Thi. he cul-I'enera- tiyates up to lie twentieth ! tion, ami with the parasite of that generation Iu inoculated u number of subjects 'he iiiociilatioii was ui ai'iahiy ; sin t'ssiul, symptoms ot the tlisease ap tearingiii ;i very short operation. A bach- lime alter flu elor, agetl o0 years, .. on' the first "tlav after nioriNl.i tion hatl his whis- kers 'dyed,-ordered asnitot clothes ... I ; - i nt I a set of false teeth, bought a bottle of hair it storer, a dianmpid ring ami a guitar anil began residing Byron's-, poems The iiioi iilatioii -protluceil sv mtoius of the same lhtturt ill a young lady . . of -1.1. She Kpent ." at a drug! store tor cos in -tics, bought a lot of new; .hair ami a t roquet set, sang "Empty is the Cratlle," sent out imitations loi a party, and com-, plained tiiat the ( 'hicago young men do not go -into society. An iniK iilateil yiu h of 1 7, 'employed in a country sttir , tlitl up a gallon of molasses iu, :i i a per bag, -and also,--iu a lit .of absiMit-inintlediiess, put the eat in tire buffer tub aiid threw sonic fresh itifttei-Hut of Ihe Wiu- dow; Finally jhe sat in a basket of eggs while locking at the pilot o- graph of a prtty girl ami w as dis- charged for thi Chicago dictti: ami w il soon observations 1 world. s carelessness. . The is still experimenting ay t he results of his .tt'orc the medical An Open Trade. We speech qienly arc- informed that in his ;t Mai hall Col. Ike Young declared that Hit existing coalition betwieeu the Ecpublicaii (the boss wil iL" ami the Litierals) mi tlie result A' tin open trmlv ; that the liepnhlic; ns siurenderetl no rinciple, and jthe rank and file of the party w ere iu itetl to extend the right hand of fellowship to the Liberals. Old line Kepiihlii-ans can now set what their leaders, or -rather' their drivers are; ttoinff : and doubtii it' . - DeiiKHiats -will find to whirethev are drifting. .xhriUe Citin ii Tlie Chicagi Timex notes lhat mi appropriation, al Salt -river -got though it' js. crrtaiu to -have a heavy carrying trad this fair. The omis "a. disregard for - per rations which many sion indicates sonal ctuisiihi Cougressinen will regret. ' A Few Suggestions. . If the etiteeined coiTesiHifidents of the .-Advance will .punctiliously observe tlie following suggestions, we will le greatly obliged: t Tnroinulf'atin J ywu; e'stteric Co ltiioiio fridatii Injierftcial sentiiiientalities and pliilosophieal or psychological observations, le ware f platitudinous ponderosity. Let your iiuliteineiit possessiji elare itieil coiicisertess eonipaeted cjiinpre, iuiaileseeut eolisist- eney, and a concatenate eoeiu-y. exteiiiHiaueOiis deseanitinjjs and unprenieditated exiatiations have intelligibility aiwl veracious vivaci ty, without rhodomontade or thras onical "hoinoa'st. ! 1 Sedulouslyl avoid all polysyllable profundity j ,lM,in- pom j4t: ysitl',s rf'U't.V vcfLi'iKiirii lverosity,l aniP van litMpient vapidity. Shun .! double enteiidies, prurient jocosity, and pestiferous profanity, obscurrent or apparent , , , , I ! A Parallel . Cm. The strong point, for theui iu the. leive, t he county government ques tion. They talk very patriotically about, the' rights of the people, but say little about the extravagance and rascality practised by them un der the old system. In his 'speech at Eayetteyille Judge Bennett gave a case in oiiit which every one should read. I Ie said in substance: e What has the Republican party in the PoligreSs ofthe United Sta tes don1" for the District of Colum bia ' .According -to the census, the .listrHUf Itftif l$l)fiiie v.i- publicans in 'oiigress had; passed k ni t 'tin ning over the District to tlie'. government ol the people living in it Th ix nits hist thi' local aurtrn- nunfjidwiUdiwl Vf Xorfk&'an ! 7.1 fviil llt hi iLnltJ The ! .Lrf rfr of the District! united will, ti.e worst of the white ele, i ineiit, and in less than two; years, owijig to official profligacy and niis inahagyinent the nioiievil obliga tionsii iiyiiliHlttjvrorth on ly 't.v t;lA-eft o!i'r3.t4tUlar.- Wlmt ' Tlollowetl ?' Fouling 'that this local self government, did not I xvol; VV). tn, i.piil Uh the-act 'ivin iliean juirty re pealed tlie act giving u i ne goem- iiieiitof rJi strict to the .voters,' intl to tlav it is gm ernetl by olti- eers' aimointeil bv the Pl'esitlent of the II i.itetl States! bv au. ' with1, the advice ami consent of fhe Sen-! ; ate ! '-Shtw your, faith by you r ! w oi ks.'; t ti "n... t. . ;ii. n. ...,.... I menting on it, says: '-IJaviiig tried it tmt 1etnnoi s, long as -they compelled ns to sub-: mitto it iif -North' Oavolili, they found the credit of the District was destroyed. Theveialed thelaw, i ,,;,i uv a. ,'ict of Cohmibf.i is l her ac,o4ypiirAtimS ot ntu hffHrfity ijieluMieieBt, find asmine anefctions. Let your govenieil by ..nitvis apjioiiifcil lmvv elonds, black and threatening, Ihr IWsiilviit of t'hr United StutcHV intl over each other till bv ami witli the advice' and consent western sky. What a marshall .1 i : i ii .. i... It. ,.r.,:.. a of the Senate. This is the result of Uepiibliean legislation. Tijs is eiif nelj-ijorernmciit with a reuijemiee. Negro 'government, ' -according to their ideas, is gintl enough for poor old N'tiilh ('arolina, but it is alto get'her too gross ami degrading for hhe wealthy ami ietinetl liepiililican aristocrats, who roll in tine carriag- i .. .-. . i : . 1 cs over l euiisx in auia .wenue, mm inhabit jialalial mansions in the Capital City of the natron !' A Strong Campaign Document. In. last week's Journal there was a communication urginr that the present Board t if. County Commis sioners he not reelected tor it would give the'; opponents' of the 'county government system" a plea tt use in the .present campaign. The election has been held; the old Board reflected; anil one; little in cident occiiring w ill make if a strong Democratic campaign plea.! Alter the reading of the report ( of the Chairman, E. R. Dudley, Esq., a Republic-a n .lusfice, arose, ami, on motion to reflect tlie old j Board, gave it his hearty endorsement, and stated that alt hough he 'favor ed another system of electing Com missioners, yet in view of the excel lent in. inageinentbf coun ty atiairs by this Board, they "had his heart v annroval and would get his Vot-l '. : t - J Soit'fi,y go (out to t world iluvt tiieipraotical workings f the present system in Craven! county meets the endorsement yvtM) ' ' those who are opposed to tlie theo- 'ry. Practkk vs. Theory. S'eirberne Journal. ' Women Should not Suffer. ' . i ;' -ri - r ? j ?!? I ! j Oil ARLESTfCt,; H. CU f Feb. 10, TSS1. i 11. Warner & Co: Sirs A II. member, of my family wnas cured of a complication of female diseases h'v vour Safe Kidney' ainl Liver j (.'are. .,':... ' -- ', Wm. II. Gray. .Texas shiiietl its j first bale 'of new cotton tw t weeks ajo. Ala bauia followetl suit last, week and we suppose that by this time they have begyu. to pick; the ntw citp in neatly alHle; Svrtithci-uj 'Mt NOTES FROM THE FARM, The Last Load A Midsummer Picture. If there is anything more exhilar ating than the odor of uewiy movru hay piled high upon big mows, as one walks over the main floor of a well filled Itarn, with the hot breeze rushing in at one open looranlout of the other, on one of these mid .suiuiner days, we don't knuw where amid all the sights and sounds and fragrance of town or country life, it may lx encountered. We are la. miliar with the vivifying odor that comes from the fresh running brooks of the earliest spring-time, while the snow yet lingers iu huge patches here and there along the cool sides of the little hills, slowly yielding their stored-np moisture to the fra grant rill at their base, telling us that winter is over and past ; with the fragrance of the freshly turned furrow as the patient oxen slowly phnl over the ridgy field, with a de lightful mist rising Iroin tbegrouud as each new furrow goes over, the robbins and sparrows hop aud sail iu gjee- behiud our plow promise of the delightful spring tune winch has just opened; with the luscious smell that comes from riie apples ruddy aud cheerful, as in the early October mornings' they lay in gen erous heaps under the trees upon which they were so recently the chief leauty, awaiting transport to cool cellars on their wav to tue crown ing joy of the social eveuing festiv tivities of the farm but more grate ful and more significant than these and all beside, there is the exquisite fragrance from a barn full of herds grass and clover, verual grass, aud meadow foxtail. It is mid-day. We have just eaten dinner after a forenoon fol lowing the mower and tedder". Tlie tumbles of hay, cut yesterday, have been ooened to sun and air. The great floors at each end of the barn are wide open, and an empty hay ,!U'k ,sl ust been run out of the the floor the sweet hay fevers the planks like a soft car l-t ; while way above rthe braces even to the lieains, is piled the har vest of field and meadow. We stnd on the floor aud catch the -soothing iutiueuces of the west wind laden with tnlor of field and flower as it euvelopes us like the pel-famed waters of a Turkish bath, coming atjoue and goiug at anoth er entraned. The landscape view etl fnun the big door is of marvel ous beauty. A wooded hill ; a pas tore in which are cows reclining the jthade of the treein, their riU-es windward chewing theircutls; a running orooK ; growing grain ileitis anil the tropical indian corn . - . . , i i . piayina in tne oreeze ; an orcuaiu; i a -winding road over which is a tlus- ! 0,o,m1 ,','0,h t,,e l,ilss'" "' :l nel(l w,ncu worK j .men were i.urriedly bunching up j outsreaiWiay. thi,tf ""R distant thunder. Look! Ihe bil- 1 "osus .i an, iiuuioe. mne.. ami rain tilled! Down to the field goes the big rack; the tumbles are piled iu; ithe forks and rakes Hy; strong men sweat under the great forkfuls of hay. The clouds gather. Every moment au accurate eye sweeps the blackened heavens, ineasuriiigthe distance away of the shower, ami computing the rate at which it is; traveling. There is a strong rustling of the leaves; the breeze increases anil is laden with the odor of rain drops; hay is blown from the rapidly -moving' load; the chickens run for shelter; the farm gate is blow n tin its hinges; the sound of ithe rain is plainly heartlfc Hurry! The hay rack strikes the platform leading to the floor: the load plunges into the barn with a thud, - the. boys on the top of the load bounce as upon a' pillow, as the wheels strike the sill; down, comes the rain in torrents,. There is a merry ring of glad vojees it is the last load. ; ltYK This crop is sow n by many at the end of August, others sow iu Septeinlier. For cutting green for early feeding or for fall pasturing, it is better to sow early and make successive sowings. For these pur poses. 1 wo bushels of seed wheat to the acre is not too much, aud for a crop of grain one bushel is not too little. A soil that is too light, for wheat 'will often give paying crops of rye, but the laud ought to lie in gotwl tilth. Frequently indeed,' as a rule,, the straw of rye brings as much as the grain, where a city mar ket is convenient, and tuns often makes it more profitable than wheat When rve is to be cut green for sttK-k tjie land ought to be made rich, the yield is larger and it comes earlier. N. C. Farmer. All About Egypt. "'Egyptian troubles and complica tions, which eventuated in actual w;ar, have attracted unusual atten tion to that section of the .world of late. Egypt is a wonderful coun try, wonderful iu her autiquity, her history, her people, her rulers, her monuments, her arts, and her liter ature. If not the mother of nations, she seems to have been their school i - . ma'am to a considerable extent. Her histor' reaches back to the re motest jieriotl of time, aud is! chief ly w ritten on ancient monuments, so shattered aud fragmentary as to affprd little chronological certainty, the most skillful archaeologists tlitl' ering some thousands of years ia their calculations. ' J was an old etauitry when Jacob sent, his sons down there to buy corn. SeeuIators had cornered the, provision market in Canaan, it will le remembered, and run .corn up 'to famine pritses, and Egypt hatl to be resorted to for relief. ! Fortu uate was it for thei brethren that their, brother Joseph was iu : Egypt in advance of them. The Egyptians were skilled ih the arts and sciences, and inveuted an embalming pro cess that has handed their ; bodies down to posterity if it has not their names. The human body was sa cred thing to the Egyptians.' They believed in a transmigration of souls, and that after a spirit - hail w audered about for some thousand of years inhabiting t the btwlies of different animals, it would finally seek its origiual tabernacle,-and then, as the remarkable foresight of Mrs. Totxlles enabled her to re mark, "how handy it would' be to have it in the house." j But a demand for fertilizing pre parations beyond the auiiualover- i- ' flow of the Nile was unknown then, aud they, of course, could not fur see I a day when their precious mummies would lie ground up to enrich " a foreign soil. Now, when a poor, tired Egyptian soul, having accomplished a trausniigratojy ca reer of five or ten thousand years, during which it has made the round of the entire menagerie, ''would fain re-enter the old familiar .casket in which it had much fun, lo! it is not to be found, ami a writ of ba lsas corpus issuetl by the Supreme Court would be unable to turn up so much as its toes. The utilitarian sentiment of the nineteenth icentu ry reduces to naught a theory of existence evolved thousands of years ago ! i Those Egyptian embulmers were men of great importance ih their davi They put on as many airs as a fashionable undertaker tlos now and their charges wen; nearly as heavy, -though not quite. They graded their prices according to the wealth of the subject; If it was a king or a mighty warrior who was to lie packed away for futurity,' they work etl tiverhim for mouths ami mouths, injecting essential oils through t he arteries ami veiis, till ing the skin with camphor, 'bal sams aiid various salts, and loading the system w ith enough to start a newry graduated phamaceijtist in business. Sometimes the body was nicely: .painted, and striped and varnished, ami aiming the aristoc racy igold leaf ornaments in fancy scroll work -were added. Wrapped in linen clothes of the finestj text ure a ml placed ina nicely fitting 1 coffin, for which it hatl beeij care fully ; t measured, the mummy be came ah ornament of w hicji any household might well Ik- proud. Indeed, they were brought upfront the cellar ou festive occasions and stood ! at the heatl . of.fhet table, w here; they heljietl toexcite jhe ap petfte, If the mummies responded tq any of the toasts, howevei', there must have been a lack of spontan- iety, everything about them jwas so cut- and dried. ; Kmbalmers didn't take much pain's, with 1he potir, tht'y pickled theim in the.siinplest kind of w ay, wrapped them in common jbrow n italic r and Hacked them like sar diues in a box. What is j upon human vanity that priin e anil pauper, the lofty ami the qbseurc arenow ground up together! in the same mill to fertilize like soj much guano the improverished soi'h One. of the chief iiiilustries of the Egyptians seems to have lMfeii the constfuction ot iyrainitls.i lliey evidently embarked in the business with the idea, of supplying the wo'rh with those remarkable struct ures, thinking, no doubt, thtit they w ould command a ready sale. But ere was apparently no demand for! them, so there they stand, 'mon uments of the errors that at e fre turing looketl quently made in theinanufVu business. It might have feasible to the man w ho pnijected it, however. Lalsn- was cheap in Egypt ami there were alHindant stone quarries up the Nile. An en tire 'desert could le rentetl tor little or nothing on which to do the work and exhibit their waresL Kiit, strangely enough, no other nation seemetl to care about havnjg pyra mids.' Strangers woultl go and look at them, climb to then- .sum mits, explore their interiors aud chip off pieces to carry ai ay as relics; same as they do nowj but no one ottered to buy one. Sorne said they came tin high, others made aii excuse that they hadn't any! deseft to stand one on, and others enquired if they hatln't some little pyramids for teuceuts. Failing iu the pyfa mitl business, tliey embarkfyl cau tiously iu the manufacture f otie lisks..' They built a .small jiumjier of them, but it was thoitsanjlof years before there was any demand "lor the article. Only two have been .sold thus far, one to England the other to the United States Cincinnati Saturday Xiaht. j IN LIGHTER VEIN. i. Bill Kje's Polar Expedition. The Boomerang reporter Kent out to find the north pole aloiit IS months ago Jias just 'been heard from. An exploring party, recent ly found Htrtions of his remains in latitude 4 11 44, longitude son' west by sou', fnun the pole, and near the remains the following frag ments of a diary : . July l, j 1881 .Have just been out searching for a sunstroke aud signs of a Jhuw . Saw nothing but ice floe ami snow as far as the eye could could reach. 1 think we will have snow this evening unless the wiud changes. , , July 2.- Seut the afternoon ex ploring hprthwest for right of w ay for a new equatorial and north jole railroad that I think would be of much value to commerce. The grade is easy ami the expense would be slight. Ate my last dog "t outlay. Had intended him Tor the 4th, but. got too hungry and ate him raw with vinegar!. I wish I was at home eating Boomerang paste. July. Vehad quite a frost last night, ami it looks this morning as if the corn aiid small fruits must have suffered." It is now two weeks since the last of thw crew tlietl and left me aloiil'. Ate the leather entl of my snsjieliders to -day for dinner. I ditl not need the suspeuders any way, for by tightening up my pants I find they will stay ou alright, and I don't look jfor any latlies to call, so that if even my pants come off by some oversight, nobody would lie. shocked, July 4. Saved lip some tar roof ing and a bottle of mucilage for my Fourth of J uly tlinner and gorged myself to-day. The exercises w ere very odiiy attended, and the. cele bration a' failure. It is cltmdinjr up iu tlnvwest aud Pin afraitl we're ! jroing tt havtf sutiw. Skeins to me 1 we're having an all firetl late spring I here this year. July or Didn't-drink a tlrop yes tertlay. It yias the quieest Fourth I ever put iiki I never felt so little remorse over the w ay I celebrated as 1 do to-day I tlitl n't do a thing yesterday that I am ashamed of ex. cept to eat the remains ot'a liox of shoe bhwkiug for supper. .To-day I ate my last boot-heel,-stewcil. Itioks as though-we inight have a hard wit ner. ..'''. July r.-f Feel a litt le apireheusion alnuit soinet hing to eat. ify cretlit is alright here, but there is no -com petition, anil; prices are, therefore, very high. j Ice however, is -firm. This would , lie a gtMid '..Ice-cream country if, f here was any demand j but the conittry isst sparsely settled i that a mail fetds as lonesome here as a Green backer at a Piesjtlential election, t ;p j . ' .' ! July ti.-.Vte a pouml of cjitton waste soaketl iu iiiiichtne oil -to-day. There ... i ' - i . . is iiothingjeft for to-morrow but ice water anil yii' tiltl pocket-lKHik for dinner. Looks as though we might' have snow. I . ' July 7.4-This is; a good cool place to sentl the isiimmcr if provisions w ere more plenty. I - am wearing a sealskin undershirt: with three wot tie u oveishiits ami two liear skin vests to-day ;Suiil w hen the dew I'm-' gins to fall I have to put tui my liutfa- ! lo ulster to keep otf tlie night ;rir I wish 1 wfas hoj ne. It seems pre-, tv louesttnie ; here since the tither Ikivs tlietl. ldti' liot know what I will get lor dinner to-morrow, un less the neighliors semi' in' some thing. A! big I war is coining down ihe hatchway as 1 write. I wish I could j eat him. It would lie the first square nieil in two months ' It . is, ' however, a little mixed, whather, I will eat him or -he eat me. It w ill U; ii i.ctlld tlav for me if he : ,;;; - ; . - Here the diary breaks ofl almijttly anil from the chewed up apieareuce of the book v.e are letl to entertain a horrible i fear asto his safety.. A Sleeping Car Episode. A comical scene occurred on a sleep ing car that jeft Clevelautl;the other night- Aiming the passengers was a pHiin, 'staid, western reserve "school-inarm," whow as going w est tu a vacation, hhe had . secured a lower berth,'! .but when alsnit tore tire discovered that a gentleman wa.s toocciqjy the shelf altove her. In the language of the. porter;- she made! a '"holy; kick," against t his ar rangement, and Hatty declared that a company, that had no more re gard for .a siiigle lady's feelings than to make it was unworthy of Jhe pa tronage of resitectable people. The coiidiwter wis calletl, intl aftercon siderablt-trinible got the lessee on the shelf to take a lower Tjirth in the next sectitai. The gentle damsel retired without disrobing, aiid lat-r iu thei 'night! .had .to get up tor drink of water. Before leaving her berth she, pinned a piece of pajer to the outside of the curtain iu or der that she; might make sure of it on her return. Her movements were observed by the gentleman wlMshe hatl caused to be l-emoved, and he lteing a bit ol a wag, bethought him that now ws his chance to get ev en. Hastily removing the pAl, he pinned it to tbe curt&lh of the berth of a Boston d mm wet,' irhft a 1 1 de cidedly on th !naah and then awuited deveJopmuUr ' 'lo st Rttle while the lady iaad4ne beal htimt way to where th4 paper mkaiaffiwbd and gotSntobed.! .A,niutnt- fter a success Km of pWKWi4 if sued from the berth, luUoe4.V. alarmed lady , aud . tnei awafaMteu drummer. w hobounel out alter her titKi "aliaf th ilovil -tint! rd.k ol was alwut,'. Toe scene thai 'eilMed beggai-s tescrinrionJ! ,uiVJ )pab 1fe faintly imma'gined.' It t.Sbk' the icon ductor aud porter a' hof 'byi 'the wrocu to pacij Ute eiifagefl Malei and eveu then, she TefMsud toi be mtMlified uu'H she w ivsglveii a'siate room fer her sol usei lo4!th i re mainder of the niifht.'' ii 'i,:U Tbe Het4 For. E fiicUlca. N.w i, for considering this questiOB.H Jlitefi gent and right-minded ipftretote ree oguize that they have a aeteflknire Nponsiblity iu . the matter.!. Peeph have no right to get; unftrHed- j bring a kit of helpleiat (sataree in to the world, . unleaa they,,U(Uo the sacred;, duty , of j parfeiitage, namely to do the best. 'they cau for the mental, , moral, iaud( iihjica. training of their offspriug. JToi iuan has a right to eteuse' hrmielf iy saying that his daddy waa'j negll geivt, or too 8tingy'ti lend ' hfiu to school,, and ; subwerte ftr -fcfiafrs to teach him to love to rea4.i;Tt very fact that he blames hi own parents lor net giving him jii. edul cation and a fair chance in life, shows h i m ihe path ' -of ' AiHjr'ae! to his own children.' Moreover, this solemn obligation in fttrqager CMtay than it was yeteitlay,-4it ia'iuore binding on the preeent tha it was in the past : geueratio bmutte the world ia advaneiuf .and human ity is more enlightened, ,:, awX the niHid of Education is daily, growhig' more and more imperative. 1 j ( )ne- hundred years ago, a nian of gt kmV family, and 'gobtl chatai't ter, and snjrior iifttilral energy, might achieve prorairierice 'jprJ quire wealth, even' though "ijuHbte to write his name. Bu . mehlhl of this dy: and "geuetathsi i dan hope to attain any eott dfnwnil ueuce among: his lelluwl. uwu mij les-s he have at least wt . wnUnaii English education. - " . : . ,- : Have - you the, right, : to jboui yttur i: h i 1 d r e a to IgnoriUici Would you like to see iu your . old age the children of your ne.gro teii ants '"'.'or neighbors 'smarter' and more intelligent than ' your u sons , and 5 daughters f 'Suppo you t leave them afortnAe which you have gained Ivy. stinting j an4 saving, and keeping theiij tit homey ami depriving fieTn"f baokif and paiers which would have tonight them,tokiKw the gaid agai list, rascality, let in tollj y$u the experience, of the jast twh ty years teaches that no maniso likely to die imm)1 as the son j who .was left .a fttrtune without an eait cation! Ami this will glow more ami more the world In comes mure cnligbtcnHil jand lihMd with sharpers I Farmer and M-e- ehaitic. ' I i Lumbeiton JioUenuiUan: At.loug Creek,' Pender etiiinty, alniutj two miles altove Lilliugton,. liu Sujitlay last, an old gentleman by' the name of Timothy V. Orr had 1k4h chastis ing his youngest stm, XelsoJi.ttM stniie act of disttlMMlieuce w-liei the latter drew a knife and stubbed his father twice in the "abdomen ! iH tfictingtwo terrible woiintls, i froni which his intestiuea iwotriitled', U(f wheu hh.oved in at one cavity would gush out at thtt other. The i&Uy substance also protrutled and: bad tt lie removed with a kuile4 At last uccounts the w onmled man was considered' iu a critical jcttnditiouj Mr. Di r. Is a highly resectable lar-mer.-'aired In-tween fifty ' ami Mtty years, while the author of so much trouble and suffering I is about t wclve or fifttM'ii years old. I j s . A FLOWKB IN A DKAli lUllV'H Hanij. After a young child; hwl tlietl ami had lieen laid iu its casket in Auburn, a few days ugtt, a rose bud was plucked from al neighbor iiiL' tranlen aud the stem Was placed iii one of the lifeless little; hands,; A tlav tr two elaitsetl lietween thW in eidetit and tuefaneraU'erev.T.: In the interval thr. ruseLud iu the hand of clay wan Me to gradoally ; ou r..i.i W ben the service waa held the bitd hail leemett blorisoin. Tin plieuomeiioii gave ieculhir plertf jre to the afflicted family, and was very mettilv referretl to by tlie clergy man, who'inmipared the m(i4diag of the roeelaid fo tlie hIotBiag in heaven of the child, Leikinlv He. Journal. ' .: ..'' j j j The A. T. Stewart farm j" at Oar tleii t'ity i the model fafnl iff Long Islautl. Every thing is growing W0L There are uinoty solid acres of je tabxts, MM acres ol oata, 500 atBB of com, .300 acres ef rye, forty acre of turnips, ten acres of carrots and over 500 acres of grass. , There jaie 800 sheep on the farm. One. ban tired men ami sixty horses are em ployed untlerthesupervisiou of Mr. Cunliff. It has yearly been increas ed in size and its earnings are very large. i ,i THE UUIKT UOUB. Seleetiasfor Sunday Eeadiiig . 8V JULIA H. BMKTT. . The irte Garland-Addison tluel in Lnenburg couuty, ,Ya7 resulte! in the tb'-ath or yoUng; Addison. There was a touching incident con ueted with .h death. Alter for giving his slayer and leaving kiud mesHagM fur his , frieuds, he asked that "the blinds might be opened aud his eyes jieriuitted to rest for the last v'nie on the morning sun shine." A tew momenta ' htr b ' folded his 9riH4 upon hH breast, and quietly . taasd to his eternal rest 0teii ihe shutter wide' to the light, The glorious light of the day So with pty Just , failing ight i Keating ou skies that are bright, ; My spirit mayaHS fromthwclay. f - KSSSt Not when a busy day is doue, m ith victory won, i Do I take my laat look at the light. In tle bright glory of day. In the full aplendiMi ol light, . Fold 1 my hauda while 1 pray . t Xot even asking' to stay--- JDotio witb rt work ami ita atrite. .tip from the sunshine here ' Into etprna! light ; ' ! ' Here, whore cleada of! apiieiur, . Cellintf of jitoriu that are near ; . ' There where no clouds mar the . ' ' Might.' ' . - - - So I bathe In the sunlight hlewt, -'Waiting for what inay come ; ' -. And uiy Fat Iter, who knows the rest, (Will judge my life at U Ixt . ' ) ( AVTien II i angels carry nm home. The tlses of u Enemj. BT HKV. PH. BET.MS. ii;.. f Always keep an enemy on hand a brisk, hearty, active cntuuy. . lleinark the urn's of an eiieiny. ' 1. The having one is proof that you are souielmdy. Wishy-wnshey, empty, worthless jsople never have enemies. Men who never move never 'run againist anything; iuul when a nian is thoroughly dead and utterly buried ntithing eTr.'.riius against him. To le run agWust is roof of existence mA iKmitim ; to riin agiuost Homething is roof tif Uttiell. ;is ?! '"-:'- j-l - S.. au euemy is, io:ay ih ,n-.ioi . uot partial to you. He will not natter you. He will n exaggerate your virtuea.. , It is very phibable that he w ill slightly magnify your faults. f The lieueflt'of thai is two fold it iermits you t kfiow that you have faults, ami are, therefore, hot a monster, ami it makes them ' of such size as tti lie visible and manageable. Of course, if you hate a fault you deeire to know it ; when y iiu Itecome aware that you have a fault you desire to eoriet t it. Yttur enemy dotis lor you this valuable work which your frieiid c.innot vi - foriii. ., . ' ' 3. In iitldition, your enemy keeps , you wide "awake. He thais lint, let you slecpt your iost. There are two that d ways keep watch, n;m: ly, the Ittver and the hater. Your lover watches that you may sleep. He keeps off noises, exchules light, ad justs surroundings, that nothing may disturb yon. Vtsir hater watches that ytai may not sleop t He stirs you up when yi uaie nap ping. He keeps ytmr faculties oji the alert. Kveu w hen he tbs-s with- . ing he wiy have put you in such a tatj of iiiiutl that you cannot' tell w hat lie will do uext, ami f lu meu tal 4 'rite worth Kiine thing. 4. He is a tletective among your friends. - You need to know who yttur frientls are, aud who are not ami who are your enemies The last or these three will disci i mi uate the Other two. When your' enemy goes to one who is tied her friend m r eiieiay, ami assails ym, tho indiffer ent one will have nothing to say or chime iu, not le-austi he is your enemy, - but because it iii so mitt h easier to assent than to oppttso, aud esjiecially lhau to refute, lint your fnentl will take up cudgels for you. on the instant. He will deny every thiug ami insist on prtmf, and prov ing is very hard w ork. There is not' a truthful man iu the world that couhl afford to undertake to prove one tenth of all his assert ions. YtMii ' friend will (rail your ennui.v to; the pnsif, and ir,the iiitlifferent person through cHielessneKM, repeats the awMrtuuis of your enemy, he is stion made to fwl the inconvenience thereof lv the zeal, your friend ytmr manifests. Follow ytur eueiu around ami you will nud your frientls, for he' will haye tb-veloitetl them'so that they cannot Is-- mis taken. , .' The next 1 test thing to having a hundred real friends is to have one open enemy. ' r We' are sure of this, that iu some way, we kuow uot how, 4wi nhall see him." 'ot with the vi-in of -'- faith merely, not as now shining 'aud Bomethnea darkling through all this veil of the material universe where with he wraps liinmt'lf; but in open viaim, 'as he i" O eyes m filled with weepifliT, Oeyes that havclieen blind from your birth, ye shall "see the k i beauty aud the land thai is very far off." The Deem Birth-Day Book. v- t I 1 U