THE, WILSON A THE - WILSON ADVANCE. I'llU.lSIIKK KVKKY WilijSOX XtiltTH ( i- . : : U . 'lllDAV KOI.IXA At JOSKIMIl S UAMKLS. Llir ami PniprirW. -I Si I'.CKII'TIO" IvATKS i.V ADVaXCK 1 A Jnc yclir... .six months. . l.K.I ! jK"Mny can bo seat by yioney order or Registered letter at our THE ! ADVANCE oSANINfiS. Shelby will-soon haKe ii cotton seed oil mill. -.V- 'J j . - An jncifjisc of yello-i -fever is re ported in Texas, j j Five stoics wen' iniiiifil at "Rock ingham last week. 1 Corn in Kansas is s;ijd to .lie ten fed. high and only taxscling. iC. Dowd.has lieen iv hoin'uiateil lor Congress in the lull district. . . . " ' - ! ; - : .- . ' -. .." "j - : : . ' . . ' : V . , . " . ' LET Ai L THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COvjiTHY GOD'S. AND TRUTH'S." - 12. V WILSON, X. C, FRIDAYSeSSK ll 1882. " ' -, ' ,- . XO. 33 i We have received the Daily journal just started in Charlotte with A-. M. Waddell editor, W. C. Wolfe manager and David M. Vance, local editor. It is a strong team, and we wish for them much success. NEAE-BYl NEWS NOTES. The -Wecks; JVews atlierel pArters from bor. our Weal Hi of Xcar ly Our Ke nt! 1 Xcatlf Kipped lin meruit Neigli- r- The; London Xcus pir s jSiiOO a day for special telegrams from Dr. 'inn 's, of Ueid ille, has a i . - - - i f- -j nop of tobacco consisting r.of -4'J.y IHHI 114.11.-. flic fust bale of new? cotton from beejfi - I received at .Mississippi has New Oilcans. . . .' j i . 1 . (leu. 15. V. liiitlcr lias Ijeen' nomiua ted hV; the Green baekes for Oov- ei nor iif Massachiisc fts A inOiiiinient to tliiit irarely gifted Ui-. orator, the late Kev Keid, lias lieeli eicctj icon vent ion a,s iv anything to Numa F. (Iftiy his, sous. Alexander llicks,;.h, colored, is a county commissioner-iin the Dem ocratic county of WasUintoii, says the Raleigh Thins. I The Republicans ol ihmcombe and .Marshall in. seinblcd refused to do with flic co-alititn.r ' I Tlie tirst bale of jNoith Carolina crop cotton was received Saturday in' Wilmington,- Itjwas .-raised by M. At. .Mi Kinson ollliaUii-eiiliiug. . I ou it. Motel, 1'ioHlsboro, will soon be finished aljd i?ady lor the reccplioii of gitestsj llfw ill In one of the liamlsoiiie.stl " hotels in the sia.e.;. -:' ; I In' Macon, ( 1,1., t e luilored "peojile pav.t iai's on T".!o,uio vvoi iu oi pro ity.; In P.ibb ei lour i :iousaiiii aeiei. ?IUM"- Some of our sold fiinfv thev own fl land, worth If' , in Inn: t hev (i.lll't .-nV - i i e up to t !ie jpojlit of killing ha c lii-eii lr is si ran coin . I au Indian. And -still anothe is ill I'roVMlellre, j his name is ' I b-nr too, wa-i a teller, took WaslMJtMl The! 1 erf in Colorado X h while man. i their iwvcis tH libeial ioli,! havi . I'fliis I line it Icide l-l.iiil, and k. Hall. lie, 3 aflitl tin sinn Ue Indiana, atter decided that aii attorney 'sidijty to his client !CS not require hint to coiumit a felon v under aii v jirJ'iiiii stances. . f - ' i '. if'-. ; Thcilialt iinore .N'ic suggests that the luei chants ofj jhat cit.' take steps n have its jmiusti ies repre sented at the Norttlift'aiolina State Fair. Norfololk iil lie on hand. ( haiiiuau ol ciintv coiuiuiltces arc requested to torwaid at ouce- lo .1. .1. Litehfoid, Sii ielai V, lialeiali. Jist N, ('.; coiii)lcttj ol t he executive ejitiilttet 1 I oi-1 he names for e.iel Dlla I'rol iiY)tiil, comes out ofj ( "raven. district. It eolinl V . I - Tiuj New bei n h tor Ma j. John I lugfies for Congress in I his think.-jit possililc j'lir a Democrat to queele in. betwci'ii llutibs and V. 1 .loshua Wl lore - .i- Virginia, has lieeti-ielccted l'rofes lJoscoe ('onkliniris advertized as one of t he att ract ions at a AViseonsin tw muv ,,iU' agricultural show. He is going to: The Uinky tell the farmers how to farm," when! hat dwelliiig it is doubtful if he knows the differ ence lietweeu a rura-oaga riirnqi turnip and a gourd. of La Grange.! The Recorder says that Prof, j Sampson county jieople 'pie-nicked Kennedy, Principal of the (Iraded j at Newton Gifove Academy, Satin School, is w orking earnestly for the i ( success of the school Dnrhain is Kikky Mount will shortly have ooms. iMount Reporter says houses .are in demand i - - - CJoldslioro had a bale of new cot ton Friday raised by W. J. AVarters indeed fortunate in having such a competant man at the head xt its school. It can't hlep being a great success. M. .1. Hawkins and W.'a. Mont gomery publish in the Warrentoti (Utzette si statenient, of the finances of AVarreii county which shows that there has lieen an annual saving of 2,0."H.42 tiiuler Democratic . rule. This entirely refutes Mr. Cook's statement. Mr. E. 1 Powell, an aged anil much beloved liiemlier of the Bap tist church at, Conoeonary, died on the 27th of July. lie had lieen greatly afllicted for the past two yeaj s. . His estate valued at 3,(X)0 or 4,000 he left to the Oxford Oil phan Asylum. j i Prof.. Kerr lias accepted the po sition on the Fnited States Geolog ical Survey, and is now in Wash ingtou" perfecting arrangeinents. He has made up a liarty to go West, iiid will go aw ay out. to t he Uocky early -lay. lie will have eharge of the Southern division. The Fourth Annual Fair of the North ('aiolina Industrial Assicia-j ioif will U' held in Raleigh, Octo j ber!)th. " The colored people arc ... ... . .... i. ......i.,i.iu niauilesung nun u i-oiiiiiu-i;n.i . zeal in their clforts to have a fair that wilj rcthvf credit on' their rare' We wi.ih them the giealest sili-eess. - '-. W. S. Hall, n prominent prohilii tionistof (riveusboro, who opposed the eo alitiou so strongly, made a Npceclun (Irecjisboro in which he is reported to have eaten a huge dose of crow. He "txik water" and said he woujd support the anli-piohibition-liadical mcngrel tick et, for said he u;s a moralist, I am a 'prohibitionist; as n pnrtizan, a repnbliean." . ? T. T. Foil une, negroveditor ol New York (llohe, has written a let ter to one !l his race in Memphis, in which he says: uThe salvation of the colored man in the South will -depend in the future upon the inca -in c of success with which he .comes to appreciate the fact .that lie must become intelligent and act in political concert with those with whom he it so closely identified, and this leeling niu.-t of necessity be reciprocated by the whites as well." . 4---- ty has joined iy, Aug. 121 There will be a pie nic at the re sidenee of Ii. W. Stalling in Nash Hth. county, Sejit. Fred Loftini Fso,., w)io was the most bitter democrat in Lenoir coun- jthe liln-rals Mr. VoYm MicNair, as' former resi dent of "Wilson, will soon go to mer chandizing in Louisburg, says the Time. Wilson lielie'ves.iii woman's rights It has ii female blacksmith, barber, post -mistress and telegraph opera tor. Also a I'amale shoe "maker, Tarboro Guide. TheTarborii Guide says that Pres ton Mizzell, a young man, died near Williainstou, ;Hartin county, from the effecfti of ;i dog bite, received Maj. Lat liaili met Price ami Iieach Lilw-rals, at Greenville, Saturday, says gave them the a dose as Ilusbee ad Wilson. Monday he last June. He was taken sick week before last and died Friday, A Word as to the Radical and Liberal Platform. anil report same kind of ministered in met them again at Washington. The Uocky Mount Reporter says that while wrestling with another colored ,loy 1; st Tuesday evening Hay woimI .Paiker, aged alxmt 1G years, son of Yrch Parker, one of the depot hai ds, got his right leg broken lietw eeu the ankle and knee. As Lilierals, on the first Wednes day in June, Ex-JHlge Moore, I. J. Young, Dr. Motf, T. N. Coojhm-, Di Norment, O'Hara, Harris and the' rest resolve against prohibition, on the next Wednesday tas lire tried Iiadicals they resolve against . it again. As Lil'ials, on the .tirst Wednes day in June, they resolve against county government aiid on theiiext Wednesday as tire-tried l'adicals they resolve against it again. : As Liln-rals, on the first Wednes day in June, they resolve to educate! the children of the States as long as w hisky holds out to be taxed, and on the next Wednesday as lire-tried Radicals they resolve it again. As LilK'iiils, on the first Wednes day in June, they resolve in favor of honest elections and next week as Iiadicals, with mouths 'open and eyes shut, they renew the resolve. As Lilierals, on the first Wednes day in June, tliey resolve, in favor of continuing the Internal lievenue System, and next week as regular Radicals they resolve it again. ; But this is not all: The Radicals having thus adopted the so-called Lilieral Platform adopted tle "Lib eral'' candidates also, with Col. Docker v, the bell-weather Kadical in the State, at their head. Nor is t his all : The Radical con vention openly . 'ordered its ow n State Executive Committee to aid the Liberal Executive Cftmmittee in tilling Lilieral vacancies. Nor is this all. - The Radical Con vention, by formal resolution as set forth in the platform, openly, solemn ly and unanimously pledged to Pre sident Arthur the co operation and support of the Lilie. al voters of the State ! If tli at is not a plain exer cise of the right of property ;,i Lib eral voters by Radicd ow ue -s, the.i we donV know anything aliout it. Last of all we se this same W. A Moore, President ol the Kalical - - -1 r J .-- f alodnctiou is already a detriment. - if Meeting of the Bitof. ER.S AXI EXECTTTITB TEE OF THE EASTEBlCiA AGRirrLTrKAL AxPiry- cal Association, Wt AVG. 2GTH, 1SS2. wdt iquiGt I Mr. President and Oenttemt. j Our am-estors ot'cupyittgi vi tion, in their primitive lstylrj sparsity of nuinliers, gwiftgL the lienetits of a seltiH most fertile soil in its fMsh-td fertility for cultivating7lrtt! sor ol Natural philosophy and l-aigiuceriiig in t t'. H. Grandv resii rniiisity : The; situation mJ'Og.vpt couthiuefi ic place; ol t roi. giied,.in the State Thej bveitlow of E the iiiuhanged Nile will impede fSir 'Garret Wol sey's progress and jinay give. Arabi P.isha an ailvanlge that cannot .mioii be overcome! 1 ! - ii. ' - -'flic Ucpiiblieiis of Chowan e.ouuty nominated a negro for tlie J-egislature, hiei:was so dislaste- lul to some of tlie white Repllbli- cans that I hev got lout anew ticket; ( h f Twill be ever tliri- . i '-: - - " ' Auot her unlailjlijiil bank cashier has turned-up. 'l'his time it is iii I'eiisxlv.iiua, at mrrisbur-g, ami it is Vashiei Craltlof tlie Fxehangc 4 I He onlv Hank, lb was Injodi st. gobbled up Ci.i.OilM). - - 1 I J. II. Funis aiidSon,of Raleigh, will shortly iMgiji he publication ot an agiu ultiual Wi-j kh tti U known as the Southern i'ulimer. ll will In an illustrated jbifinal devoted to agriciilt ure and lu!w ; it" Mi T; ('. Willfrns, of Warrenton, has I'nh'II elected bv the Executive Cominittei North Carolina to till' th of Agricultural Society . . t. i : ; vaeaiu;y eaiiscil 1 tin' -resignation ;of Maj. W. p.. (llifick, Secretary. is a Then Francisco' with rr itieli . 'treat t ions respect." the In-st of e cer;iiionials.lic liiamaii xiliiiig. akes lir. . f Wl. it w i li .l ? ' ' " 1 w lui tells Vdll w in San iil hair. Jlis conn lijin with supersti t the table' he has and at all ccdelice goin day. -v uar is u man lilit tlie went hci- io oe to-morrow am the nevt At tiist ! he w as called di.w him iil prophet, but tl&'y've gotlhim to lour letters now ami Had - .If - The Newberrif Journal savs that ineie was a kissing raci ii-hi;i ingiu m i ween on e l Voting l;V IV and geiitlemaij t as(M-itjible at on Mid.IL. stiel. The lady w scoring 498 to a! Hi' "llon. ;., t b v . . x , I LX LI1V Gourd!" At the Join son coulity Democra- convention, by virtue of his author tie nominating convention held itv as a luemlicr of the State Radi Aug. 10th, tlie following excellent Cal Executive callinga District Lib ticket was liomiuated. Senate era Convention in the first District Win. Richanison ; House Henry to nominate candidates. M. Johnson and Jessee D. P.rown ; This putting up, then, of Capt. Sheriil U m.j Hinnant ; Probate Cix-ke aui i,j,s so called I.iberal par Judge and Clerk L. R. Waddell; tv as a blind for Dr. Mott and his turage for eaUle, abut) hogs, woods alKHiudiQ&aif, waters teeming with lish,hat-l tie cause to concern ltmk alwiut nietliwls of couij'uctfc A- . ..... 14- 'mna liAI'A gl I jnii iiiiivo "T'rTr'i and although our population dense as comparel wtth'ttttt. tions, yet it has been feo iujd and our wants uave;oi,u while the natural. faiJitiea thing of the past, it bo-Jtaj that we enquire as to lrieifewj the couveninsr of the SoeH and' the Executive ConanM this Association to discaps iect "How lesttomanagdtW as an ausiiicious day and HOW TO MANAGE iere should lie more leeialties. .r. rr - - - ----- , - AN ESSAY KFAD BVliilM a we are too t lo Rattle, of WHiTAKEUffiij amj srt for llo iHtter reasmn than iiecnuse our neighbor docs so. We ttre wanting in independence of hought;and action. , I do not urge i lifference of action simply for the fake of difference, but, I do insist though it lie at variance witn tne adage ''when in Rome you must do as the Konians do1" that if you are fiatisfied it is best lor yon to work labor On the wages system only, even though the custom may be against you, birejiud work it; if on the otlier hand your convictions Ih' th fit the tenant system is the best lode for you stick, to, it, though you Utand Out singly aud aloije, but let jiese nclu$iong be arrived at by uly we,igUing the proi? ana .cons. Then you can. fight it out ou uiai line and ueyer give up, however ad verse the" surroundings." ' Persever- aim a; uuir uog ieuucn,, m" tne loiig run in every just struggle. Iriantjyour lands in enqs that will J-emtiiieraie you best. " IiOok' Btore U profits than to show. If the hill Able is cultivated at a loss, let it f rowlup as a breaker to the, wjuils Oiidotl'er refuge and home to. the p-iend to your .farm the bird. Car jjy your iesthetics to the place it is g( lujicb.more ueeded, but also so aadlyj neglected. lleantiiy your bxinu's, siuionnd them with orctiards 2nd vineyaiils. Make thenl siich tnatthe memory ' will 1h- a gieen oasi.s1 in the lives ' your children. Take your religion into your busi JiUhmI Fear and serve C.od and rvn dr to your ' fellow man as you'd ItftVe hi ni to you. that iuealcnlable good c wktiff to your Association . an-i.j-SU munity at large, if we cankftvt I so much hope we mayVW terchange of views ou thi'tl It is in furtherance of th-f President, that has prompt offer the following suggestim! spouse to your rerpuest jft-'I would have shrunk lioiU.1'a not stated to me that you ajp pected me to introduce, Hut exhaust the subject. It m i wisely said that he who cm; blades of g. ass t o .t, ow did before is a leneiiu;tw i! We imiist not -Ofi race. belter Register of Deeils R- 1). Lunce- - s ford ; Treasurer S. R. Morgan ; Coroner Dr. Ili. J. Noble ; Survey or W. H. Iiinibeth. After the -' - I . convention adjourned Geh. Cox made a telling! speech. - si real old-fashioned Radical party ac cxuduiir to all the testimony and ac cording to the confession of tin Radicals themselves, was the work of Messrs. Mott and Cooper, and Moore and O'Hara. formally and The TarlMiri Guide tells of a novel gratefully rccog lized by the Kadi plan Mr. II. D. Tell of Kdgeeomlie cal Convention as the very thing to i i has struck on to secure and control secure y ttoiy to the Radical party i ialor. He contends that there is in. the coming camp njgii not enough amusement for the la- But the tiaud deceives no one ; lun iiio- ebiss.. hind ' will in :i shoe t, the lib-id fools no one. We in North time erect a dUiice hall at his farm, CaroP'ia know it Ml. feet long. m the same, old It will be located over parly that we have lie-n fighting md once a, month he ever since the war elided ; the same ive his. laborers a big old paiiy- tint we have iiipp'il with this but to lift our ofefeu to its true-dignity ami to mtt-, farm pay. We must cause, to accomplish the task that requiies two to-pbrform. Oua age of science. Steam and ei ty have worked wonders lp! half is not yet ierfected. oty. get in the current of progfeto be conteut to pursue the eeir of our way can but result jU&. ter and tailure. We miatu n ... .. . . i ii u nisei I oi a kiss, wncii, witn a sounding smack, he exclaimed,! Eli! woman, but it was good! Let : ugive thanks!" mind to w ork as a co-lalioirit pt That prince of good fellow, John , Cabin I .ranch projioscs to dam e and furnish them w ith tiiusii and lemonade!. hall iii use tin time and ag:M -'u a lair Held, and When he gets this that, w e ha ve l-nled t o whip only re will be no 'doubt of when it had the bayonet., and the An Incident of "Vance and Merrimon. In the days that Merrinion ran for Governor, while V ance was hc- utive of the State, tlie two chanced to meet at a commencement at ; Trinity College where Merrimon as to deliver' the 'address. 'They i'l-e out on (lie green, also a large isscinblage of ladies and gentlemen ind the crowd pressed. V. nice lor a peech. He refused, but they would not, take a refusal. Finally lie moun ted the .stand and. said: La in es am Gentlemen. 1 was raise I i: t.iincoinoe couiiiy w ith a Ixiy ii-.iincd Alfred Merrinion; we went to s-h ml together, aud i remember one day w e had a fight mi! after a sharp rough and tumble I got him down and gouged him ;ood. After it was iyr and ,we had proposed to make Iriends, Mer iuioii said he was willing if I would only assure hiui-uic thing, and that was 1 didn't intend to gouge him. I issurcd him 1 didn't, and we made it up. I otten heard Alt say he wanted to lie a great lawyer, he wanted to lie a great jurist, aud his, greatest -ambition was to be Gover nor of North Carolina. Well, my lcllow-citizens lie lias oeen iMitti a great, law yer and a great jurist, ind Providence' permitting' we will the 7th of next November make him our next Governor.' With a siieech something of this sort, said with telling -eflect as only Vance can do it, he descended the stand, and hadn't more than touch d ground when a lieautiful girl aliout sixteen ran rtu-klessly to him from the crowd, and throwing lioth inns around his neck. she 'gave him a kiss, ance starieu nacK in imaement, but she said, loud enough to be heard by all : '-Governor Vance! when mvdear father was mortallv wounded in the war, it was to your tent he was car ried, and you nursed nun like a brother; he .wrote us about it ami sent home a blessing on your name and this is. the -first time I have ever seen you to thank -you fori'. 'Well, coinc," said Vance, quickly recovering and spreading Inith hands, "let's have it over again ! Never was a crowd so curiously impressed, the ladies brough. to his having lots of people for him. j i , The Farmer. to work ity and pride diistrious ; It does one s heart goo I to-see a I - inerrv round laced lariuer. ti ui- leeiideiit anil yet so free from van- so rich and yet in patient and persever ing in his calling, aud yet so kind, ii' i ii I, - ri.i socianie ami inuging. , mere are ;i thousand noble traits about hi? haracler. Eiit and drink with him ami he won't $et a inai kon yon, and 'you with double coin- iiouiid interest, as;,soiiie people I know will : you are welcome. He w ill lo vou a kindness w ithoiit ex letiiiga retiif-n by way of coiiipen it is not so with every Imdy. biorc honest ami sin- satioii- He is usually cer', less disposed todeal in low and under -handed! hmhi naint lst suppirt, John How Magnolia V cunning than many I He gives to society it- its firmest illar that supports the edifice -of government, he is the lord ot nature. Ijook at him in his homespun and grey laugh at him If vou w ill, hut lielievv he can laugh iiack if he pleases. A Murderer Arrested. ard was ednesdav arrested at night on a charge of inuadcr, and waiving an examination Duplin Jail, killing of Joe Duplin road 1S7S was committed to He is. charged with Daniels, colored, at ui -Cl-'istnias day, There jhad Ih-cii some troub le lietweeu Daniels and Howard, and Daniels bad stricken Howard two or thr4 blows when they clinched. Howard ran his hand in his pocket and taking out his knife, stablel Daniel's twoor three times. The wounded man lived for eight or liinei days and ..'died from the effects of the wounds. - When he died Howard left home and went lo Stmt h'Carolina where he has been up to thjee weeks ago, w hen he returned fk this State to visit his pan nts jnear Magnolia. He had made his visit and was on the eve of starting back to South .Carolina- when he was arrested. His act ions indicated that he was guilty, and when arrested lie look- worried ami talked patronage of the. Federal Govern ment in the field along with it. We have not learvd t hat party when it- was 'much more formidable: than it is now, and we d'i not fear it now, that it is upon "its last legs and ashamed to tell its own name. lint call its If w hat it will, North Carolinians will ever know tlie Rad ical party they have known it too long ami too well ever to f i. get it the party of the carpet-bagger, the paity of the negro ra-e twenty black to one wnite the party of negro equably, that wanted whit ; ch'Mren and black -lold,eii to go to sehcol togetherthe party of negro ule in eastern counties the spe cial tax ImmmIs par.y the Kirk-war party th- 1 tenia! Revenue party. Yes, we know it ,and to oi" cost. Radical eggs hatch notlrng else but Radical ' hicks. Strip a Lilieral and a' naked. Radical will stand before you every time. : 'Will you walk into my parlor '!" saiil a spMer toa tiy ; 'Tis the pn-ttu-st little parlor that ever you di'lspy. The way into my parlor is up a winding stair, Ami Ilia." nifty pretty things to show when u are there." "," se'il the li.tle fly, "to ask me is in vi'in. For w'ijo ifos ip your v. au'inif stair can ne'er eouieilown airair." Hand Jiook oj Aortlt Carolina Politics. j the 'muscle , We are on tfeyfl ralicai;-hai"iges in the Agriculture. - It will not o clam we must lie open tif4 tion, and ready to advance net f ireinost. Coiiipetition i1'4 in tin land. Its iiulsatioiMfirt all M'-upatiins. The faliunj our farms are not so weildio-! calities or place as to tMmi .'nun seeking the In'st renipitii is lo Ih; hail lor tlie-7 N. If we would retain thtise tv iiave with. us we" must gei; p'ay them ; prices such a-fitti coinmand elsewhere; if wd'fiv vite otiiers frtmi abroad te let it go out, to the world thit8 tern is such the result, otfi ing. goo I discipline airiilp pliances of science toonrlwfiM we can oiler, indiu-einent, fji are not to be ionnd elsevjle;iji4 is the best iminigration aeern! can be divined 'tis as fool ! to invite a foreign liniiiigrat this" section now as 'twodldi lilant your'ottou crips ia m ter. Ve are not ready ,tti utilize that we have should t on n wise. This we can 1a ... i duction ot" acreage of hh-pfc throughly enriching thatUit ami rely in a great ineasarlii plow for cultivation, ml Ju I wouhl . say we must chtanr plowing. Time was wheura hiKik ut the grain. wife of an Anstiraii Prince, lost her life through a kiss; two of her cluldred 'died of diptheria, and she eould uot resist the; pleadin g of her dying lny, to '"kiss inaiuma;" she kissed his paliug ljs in an agony of Mother love and-i took the- dread disease, which resulted fatally. No j ' i i ; . . . . i ' - doubt tlie kisses of younglovers taste better'.thau any lukury yet. disov- erel they must lie sjioo'iiy and in noeenf ami nn tutored for kisses like other neCfu- of the goils lw their flavor in time. "They stod nliove tlie worhl . -; - In a worltl apart. And she ilropjied her happy eyes And stilled the trobbing pulses j , Of a happy heart; ' , Anil the moonlight fell altov.e her Jev seyret to discivcr As though no human lover Had laid his kisses there .M The, dramatic kiss has attracted considerable attention lately. The vay in which Emma Ahlmtt kisses tiat handsome i Castle, who plays MPaiiP'to her i"Virgiilia,'r is tm, 'too much! It is 'uchirdeil variously as "emotional,"! "absorbing," and every - bisly , j womlere! when, little Emma learned to kiss in that way. Sarah Rernheardt makes a little rush at her vis-a-vis. and kiss-1 es.hiin behind the ear beture he knows what it. is all "aU'iut. Mary Anderson's kisss remind an actor Who plays with lu'i ot the time he put' his tongue to a fnizen lamp jnist w hen a boy, ami now all the ild lioys are looking for frozen lamp posts to kiss. . Here is a daring bit of snfiinent: j : HJp t her chainlier window j A (slight wire trellis grows, Aud up this Romeo's ladder i Claiiilx'i s a bold white ros1. jTo her scarlet she holds him, Aud kisses him many a time fAh me.!, it wa,she that won her i . jjeuause lie uareii in i iiiiui. j Ratks ok Auvkktisixu: One Inch, One Insertion, - - l .h " " One Month, - - - " i Three Months, - - 5.IMI " " Six Months, - " S.ihi " " One Year, - - - t ".0 Lilieral Discounts will In Made tir Larger Advert isenients ami for Contracts hy the Year. j Cash must accompany all Adver fisenients unhns pood refennce is given. ' " 1 ' '; . on a roasting stick would have hit it better. The scene is not typical, and has a dreary snggestiveuess, like the glotmy picture of "Poland's daughter's weeping auikl tlie ruius ot' their wiuutry.'' The artist must have sketched the famous woodcut iu Mitchell's Geography, entjthsl '(M-ry in North Carol ma," twi ! niggers, with patched breeches) chopping fni'iicniine tres, in a swamp! , : ; j The matter may seem hardly i worthy if thought; but your Van j kee will tell Villi ill if t miwiyipirf , oi a Ntate is made up or small inat- j ters. If onr forefathers had .lieen imore caretul to attend to siii-ill ! I matters attV'cting the Old North ! i Stat ?'s reputation in the outside j world, she wimld uot have acquired j yu soubriquet of "Old Rip Van Winkle.;' ; lit her Rip! Farmer and Mechanic. JtM QUIET HOUR. Selections for Suuday R'eadiu? At Set of Sun. Br IIU HUI.t. if we nit down at of wo AnJ eiiunt he thlnirs lhat we tiavf Jiue, Anl uouutinc Hiivl f tine Helf-lnrimT , wonl. Thai e.iel the heart of hi in wholieaiM: lne ulanee most kiu.l. - Tht fell line sunshine wKerv It w-m: '1'lit-it wo ui&y wunl thnl ttny woll !iMHt. :. Hut ii tlmmirh nil the live-Ion JuV j W'c'TttM, no heart hy f ur iHtr: " . ' If Ihroturh It all Wc'vt .loiio ho thinir thm wi-HHUnnis Thai lM-,,,u-ht tliotillililiii toa fi- ; ' No A4-I. lilfiMt smalt-. - ; That h-lKvt hih- soul. iil-nothinu cost, j Then iniinl that Jay aswor-o thaii lost. Bsses--"Kiss Me Softly,, and Speak i 1 - If - T II ml I iv me Lu. f,i There is a siory tild of an old fejtch deacon who cinirted a girl VoFa good inanv years; but never 'ond courage enough to ask her Wiiarrv. One day after they -Had Dee 1 1 "keepin' eoinpauy" for about ten years, he ventured to solicit a Jim- -.Let Vine'' tirst ask a blessing," naul he. and. falliin' llllotl his kees. -vrr- - " -s ' .,,;J ..r i .,i.i;.. i , ilieneli'tioii.; "-'i;"7 """f"'.""" , troin any ot. the htafe Dcpart- A Horriole Tragedy. A 1 1 USIUNl), M ISTAKINtJ UlS VFE FOB, A KOBnEK, SHOUTS AJil) Kills IIku. ' One of the most startling and I heart -remliug ocenrenws in the history - of this section took place Wednesday morning of this week. AlMiut 1 o'clock on the morning in ipiestion, the wife 'of IVIr. H. Clayton Stevenson, ; wiio Uves alnnit 7 miles from Statesvi'le aroused liim to tell him of a noise a mono t ne clnckens. As tlie luniks.,' hav 1mcii very destructive fVv. Stevenson's ptiultry, he supposed they were trespassing again, and arising ami gett:"'g l""s gru, h llilVV, ,'lAMKS K. PllIJS' liKl'AMK I A Mkmuku "UK TIIK ClU'Krll. the Rev, V. C. Riiuhilph, pastor of tin Spruce street hui;h North tiiu ilclhudist ihuuh uf Ibis, city. tint riUutes the. following incident o the press: In the year !.. a young Mcth Oilist itinerant pita4-hed at a camp juuH't ing near Columbia, in Tcumcs 'see, from the text "blessed Ik the :GhI ami Father of our Ijord Je-ms Olirist.'' In tlie congregation was n young man, who was rapidly com i inir into' nulilic notice, having, al- iviwly Incii clwted ti the Stat1 Legislature and the National Con press. . As time rolled on, tin ni' W ; .came a mited pre.ichcr, and an able coniu'ctional otliccr, known ami honored throughout the 'lmuuds of liisdenoiniiiation; the other ad vaiicl in a political career, till his name was familiar not only in the remotest corners of this land, init 4 he was resicctel every when in the civilized -world. Sixteen years had elapsed since ii l..k ...nt.ih in.ti.t iinr t lii.i f.lliall. 1 III nassed out of the 'rout door. leavinir'T ' 1 " ; ' Wanted! A Coat. Among. many new things needed by the Old . STorth St:Ue is a new Coat. of Anns. The present one is an alisurdity, and must sArely puzzle jHrsons at a .. dist.auce who :kPimplor'd tlte Divine Hp nevt with due circuiiisneetion ; '"', 0 , , , i ,.t..ii incuts, liearing the "Great Sal, aul Scotch delilierau in, jKissessed '. . with I his curious contrivance j!?Saxe, has addressed this to the; kigsing literature: iiGive me kisses -.til is wiutte jj tavethe luxury of the taste. lfuX for kissing kisses live (lOuly when we take and giv-. Iviss ine then. 4'Jvery momeiir, aim again. There' are itoetic. kisses and 11 iblii kisses such as the iK'aut ifiiil Madame Recainier gave to Clnj t5aui'triand; there are historic kissi'H such as tlmsi. r'(irded in tin b&ok of Genesis;, spiritual kisscs-j- You will observe that it is ' more if a Ret tiooat than a (.'! it ol Anns." Tlie two forlorn feminine-; (bot h as ugly as a, mud-fence, and 1 1 u' re for'. iit in the least represen tative of Carolina's lovely ilaugh- i tee's) appear to have been down to the sea shore (Dr. lilackn. ill knows the exact": spot)' to cool oil". Aud ...,.o. taia iwiiu.nt liiil reallv ihevbuirht to lie ashamed tuf irfjjll 'IIHII 4 ' lllll'IICJ Mill! I r-t t&iicherouN kisss,,tliatlictray. theinselve One of them. hss iier lid the jest seldom slips ! night-cap,1 orstocking, ( we d.areseii't Rut it strikes a tender clninl Mieep im n;s'i ; iiaugei ii a neun Aiul a kiss was on the lips.; V pole lo dryj while tne otner,' who 1 'ro. .1 i. i. ii. I.:., i ...'..ii;; ti.;.. i.-o .,l.i; n-ii l . 1 l v no, it loo- ui iuai n vu .i i inii, sum his uoiii. i iimh -.,n., ............. - , his wifer as he supimsed in lied.j Mrs. Stevenson, however, got up, threw mi a dark wrapper, and weni; out at the back door, and was :iti I'm i the end of the siuvke house wheiij her husband jieered aiimutl tl'e'orf ner of the dwelling.; lie auwtluf tigure il'a person ami saw it inovef ami supposing that it v;ws a human thief instead of a mink which had lieen among the chickens, he tired upon the object' ami was sluickeil tohere.his wife exclaim, "Oh! Cla.Vf, you have shot me!'' Droipiug hjs gun Mr. Slv'iison ran to her and she walked into the house where he put her to lied and left ;lier it- lone w hile he hasten to a neigbor's to tell of the (H'curreuc and to havi a hysu-iau and the mother and other relatives of his wife summon ed. Dr. II. Yountr W'as soon on hanI, but "it. was evident 'at; 'a olance that the en'orfc ate lifaly was beyond .human aid. Thirty five, large squirrel or buck shot had penetrated the left abdoinin- jre gion and death resulted from ! in terual heinon hage, alnnit daybreak. Mrs. Stevenson remained conseitiiis and talked; rationally t th- ljist She exulpited; her husliaii l 'li-t't-ely, expressed great .sorrow jfor him in his heart b.okeu coiid'tjon, i and 1 legged her sister, Miss .litniei Henry, to comfort could. him al Hhe What is the sweetest kiss in the World? Who can tell? Passion put ; ; sting into its kisses love is sel jLh lutv old. The kisses "pf frieiiilship are mere cotupliiiient.s Tlie kiss of reconciliation hetw'eii those who love, truly should lie t li 4ti eetest of all kisses. There is lrjss that is the cjiibodiinent id' nurity, liiiioiencc, ami tender, trii.-jt - fal love. . It is fluttering 'clinging. rosebud kiss, that leaves a memory " . - : .. ii- :t :: . ii pure ami loving as us-n; u tne baby's kiss. ' ! "Mistress Mary, quite contrary;! 'How does the baby grow! Colic' sj tells, and earslike shellsj And kisses from top to toe. Cotton Stems for Cattle Food. "Mr. Edward Atkison has found a new element of value in the cotton crop, ami one which promises to materially advance tne prosiHriry of South farmers. It appears that for each bale of but there are 1,500 Hounds of steins, w hich are very : . I. : .1 ...... ,1k .i f.k liio.k III 11 ill I lOf llO.I - fOlV i . i . , ,t. i ,imw( UTnl likivm ;i..- " '' " " -.' INIItlMl. - ...... p with ensilatre or cotton scel meal reaper and .binder is a movement. The lingers eit cotton, a self feeding ginoch lietter. Tiba-co was rolleifaf-. ket in hogsheads, railroaii'foi' fer a much more expedit'uHKlp of transit. A single plow eftj rudeness oi iret up was ahb'tiB advance over the hand twV must use the gang plowaiQ prejiaring and cultivating.!; expi'iises at other jMiints, Ht vour lalnir. The gMl bot -rfa he is entitled to his hire ; femr nzzle not theox that .est out the grain do not abui-a merciful man is merciful, lis lieast. Our timbers for fei in many places are already in.slmt tor the old mode of euchuhe -uItivatel grounds, a systcii h (therefore ahows- it) is nutliug a Durham cigar, about the size .of a sweet potato, while she dig; 'her .delicate toe into the . sand to un earth oiiei of tliose agile counter tcits of the crab family, yclept "ve sand fiddler." One .of these disre putable creatures looks mail as a wet hen,' ;and is scrat h'-'g her back a"'ainst a: ruined rock w a", typical i. . .. ..:.'.i i.. a....... I,.,.... (.. ol (id i i mil oic-io ii on i m un tunes, we supHise. 1-Yom the ax is pect. ol tluvparty tiiere, is a mi in progress. What. can it bcJ 1 1 is tuy is silent, bur the lollow'in fragment in J.V suggest a key: j " st OU ' are mistaken The V. & M- isti) small lor a fash- PlottiQg Wholesale Harder. A DKVlilxlI CifSPlUA:Y Dis roVKKKD A 'tMHEI LKAUKKS AUUK.STKU AN1! I1NK1U- 1 11 KM II A.Mif.ll. I 1 ' 'it is upon the baby's kisses th;at ionable bustle, ajnl too nlterl, wide- te heart of the mot her lives, (h, tears, almost hysterics, but oiiick sis ':ed very niuchi a Hash Vance's manner smoother'! i'but little. He finally made in sub' all sensation into solid realty. This - stance the aUve statement of the (which it- to rich for use as fodder in large -quantities), the stem mix tr -e makes a superior cattle food, rich ' i a1' the elements needed for the production of milk, meat and lione. It is lielieved that th's util. izatiou of the cotton stems, hitherto a nuisaiK'e, w '"'1 prove to cot toil growers a new source of. wealth, and :,i many part g eatly fac' itate the raising of sfo-k, by furnishing a substitute tbr.g ain, which now has to lie brought ' from the West : for stock feeding. the order now needs to lie red. Let us see that the needed ht tioii is secured, requiring th ic ing of stock, relieving us he heavy tax of fencing our tiekhja- will enable us to do what M much to le desired, but skVi. i ' . : . . . : pracneaiue-u iiiiuon um ij tJe little, ones that have lieen -hud ajvay baptizwt with tears ami kisses! the kisses that were gi'Mi init back again, ami yet which. were ",-.. . i ... ' " j so near so icai. ' - 1 ,' "Dear, as reineinlMrel kisses iter death," says Tennyson. f ' 'There is a pretty. legend tljat Ciuist had a dimple in his chin, bud there. by an angel's kiss, and iHioever he kissed wonid surely re ceive that, dimple, so the German says of one who has a limplei chin, "She is Christ-kissed." j Tlie kiss of resK.ct is given iqtnu the fireheal; that of ailmiratioii uiHineyes; that of lieanty uism the cheeks. The kiss of love is gijen uiHinthe lips. j , It is said that men do not y;iiste kisses upon each other when tljey aicake. I; 'always spread my veq o er it beterc I U-gin to iimlress." 'lud Old " Y ui u ght- to use a church 'paper, the Wb'tical Re corder. '.' Ik-sides' it iH bigger," ami is. ! i-....... ii...1- .i....'f iiiaiie oul oi rag ;'ia km uu . rattle, osM''.':,ll.v w hen thereV only ine chair to two souls." ; If this .'conversation- appears in explicable! to old bachelors, let them ask if it 'lie not equally astonishing to find ! the great State of North Carolina represent eMiy two lonely damsels lown i liehind the saml bank, 'without ' thn-eiit garment lietweeu them? Why there's uot a single, solitary? sieciiiicii of' 'the pantalooiied sex visible on the whole plantation, unless that vessel out in j the w ater is'.', meant for a Man ol-War. IVrhaps though the artist intended to leave" something Mohii.K, Al.K. August l.-f-Jn Choctaw- coiuify, Ala., Tu-lay a bundle -of paiers dis;is jnga well, organized plot aiming! the ncgroe-i to kill tliccnl ire population of that county was found near joi'ie of their rendezvous by two gentle- ran . i t t f men. 1 lie mailer was iaui online the S licitor on Wednesday l.rth, a ipiiet meeting of the citizen if Mount Stiling ;md 1 hi tier Jwas called at Ihitler to consider theiest mode of suppressing the iutei'ded outbreak and massacre. ATter discussion it was agreed thatj the follow ing ringleaders Javk Turner, I 11. i;ai iiey,.les-c Wilson, iteter ; ImmIv servant !' th' statesman, was sent to request the preacher to -call on his master, w liow is at houie quite HI. "Doctor," said Klijah, "do you know why my inaslci t hinks so milch of .ut" Tin mill istcr i-eplied: "We have Im-cii good ; friends for a numb-!- ol ji-ars: we are both DemK-rals; but I l not ' kiio.W any special . reason w hy he shbuld lie attached to in ." "It is," said Klijah,"lM'cause il lh sernion at that camp meeting." When the ' 'doctor arrived he -found the pastor -of his friend's wife, w h w as and is now, a uiemlicr of the l'resbylei lan Church, and going together into the 'mom of the sick, they learned that they had Im-cii calh'ir for n . he-ions conversation. During the' visit the -dying man expressed tin following seiitimcni: "I ls-licc in Jesus Christ; I trust in loin alone for salvation. 1 w ish to ackiiowl edge him as my Savior., I am a Melholist, but Iroiu the -pressure- of public lllti' I have ljeglecled to join the church. 1 do m l wish to die nut of the church. . .1 would pre fer acknowledging "bri.-t in the public congregat ion; in it w ot what he lias done lor in.,l li lt is lit tl' enough lor me to tlo n. Imn. lt ma. m'ciii a little owardl . lor me ti unit' wit It the church in pi n ale 1 should prefer do'iiig ll ia pnliln ly, but i may not recover." He was assured tharf his di-sire lor member . ship iu the -church and its ordiiiaii ces -should fie gratitiol. A few day.; later the sy mptom- iM'came more alaiiiiiug. ;iiid but slight. hoiesof recovery wen euU-'r tallied. Tin- Methodi- picaclii-i" was igain summoned. Among the jkmsoiis present wen I In- p i tors il the man's lnother and v I e, ImiIIl rrsb Icrians, lis nielin-i ami brolher, and a 'colored nurse, slill -lixing.. Ill the presence ol' these friends tlnft cniim ul man ai kuoWl . edgel his lep-nileiicc on ('lu'iot alone fori .-salvation, was baptized by tin itinerant, wIhhil he heard -with delight and pmfrf in is;i' joined the church, and partook of the lmly oinuiuiiion. - Not many ilays after tin same. minister was called tin to pcil'mm the last sad rites. I he - liol w.U laid to rest iu the beautiful, law n of. his spacious mansion, near the cap itol of his adopted Stale." ( Iyer tlie tomb liasiM-iil crcct-eii a sioue can- We must strive to Ik- as jttyU?tolL and, however was just after the ' war ; James W. ltvid, of Weiitworth, our talented yiung countyinau, was but a youth, he witnessed it and will never for get it. Reidiieille Times. case. He assi, ul as the cause of t he cutting thlit Daniels hail threat ened his life, and that he was afraid of hini defence. Witmie;)ton Periew ami cut him iu self- taining as the nature ot Utu j will jnstity. I do not uiaiutiite I some do, that every well ig larni should glow every tlii,it , .-i.i -i i i i ,-. ... J can W raiseil pi-otitably iu Ii the 1 1 in tx l I'liilatleliilna. we ..( olerve: V . John McGrath. 12;MJ 1 tion. Ou the contrary, 1 thu Christian street, was cured by StJ bilities and adaptations nSi. Jacobs Oil of severe rheumatism. more COUsidered. Geuei - i ...l. lthM- 1ml ii.evet v ? to the imagiualKHi. wen khowiij Vyiii ' - S other chapter in the lhble some bid patriarch falls ukii the neckl of iie otherdhi jatriar-!i and ki4;cs buii, and the father of the prtnlipl rati and kissed him, and .. Henry Wwd lieecher kisseil Theodore IIIV. un!ir WIlK-ll 1 a lllock .ot el a Hill, Willis Dyiuaii, Aaron tfptt, -,., ,lc. The follow ing is part Of th and Range West to wlmm had lieen j epitaph: ; ; ' asslgliel fli"OUll'S n leaning: -ine spiads to llutU'r Mount Steriing, I DeSotovill' ami oilier places.; ami ' killing all the whites at each .place j should le arrested hnlged iu ijstil. j Their arrest wsw anecteil on 1 ues day the 17th without disturbance or ' bloodshed. ' - The same d;iy a mass meetingof t he :itizeiis oj' all ( hisses wits calked for Saturday to lecile the fate of flu' prisoners. The plot haslieeu in existence fmce 1S7H, ami the conspirators jiiow. iiuinlM'r'4K. They now have'jiow ler, ami guns. They think them selves sutlicieiitly strong to mc-oiii-l.lisli their (iemlish design. jSun - day night tlte 17th .of Septeiiilier, j hal lnH'ii apKintel as the dale lor its consummation. llie pajiers -JAM US KNOX Col.K. Unto lr--'ll lit of Oii- I;. S. Hum N'iv. i. i'Mr. IMiIJihm- l.'.Ui, Ihci. . Tin-iiiorlnl remuini : ..f J JAM KMlX llil.K '- an rentiiiK In thfWiiM 1m-ji)iIi. : Iff txrn in Mi.H-kli-iititirv:-""!) . Nirth .r,liini., ' Bti'l mnim-HUil with his fuilu r i ; III l. Tliii lnut y of virtiK' . : i ' Wax llliiMtrai"-! in lalH lir.-. t'ht-1-xi-.-lli-iH y of 4'linitiauil.v ' Whi iniilitW 'l in hin diti.': The piea-licr was J. 15. Mcl'ei i in, 1). D., -the present venerable, ami etlicieiit agnt of the Southern Methodist Publishing House, from whose lips the almve fact, were gat hered. .VA rillc Jla n m r. distasteful: - it i nay lie men do kiss each ither at the present time when they meet ifW Ioiki- :bseuce and are closely V T rj further showed that this day wits selected liccoiise t hell the white' jieople wouhl lie at the cauqi-Jiieet-. in' nnarme! ami -ould then! offer tliat wiiie twi inailetis, ir "more, I no resistance. I he meeting called clad i.i th nets, are ,lis,s,,ting i brought together 700 " . . i persons among whom were .about themselves on the sea lieacli, there j W,M Jtfu,r Jlt,aiing the ill Ih; - nineteen N'ortli i . Carolina Khkts read bv aliuoKt uiiauunous men hot far off! This is a well kuow u lcswui !' history. Seriou-ly, men ami brethren, the "Coal" ueels to Im rcpaire! nay lie-oiiStirucfe!l." It is too clasial t4M Frenchy oo far fetche!. It 'iUf.VMl or have a David an l Mqna-! represeiits nothing, ami noex uiar "tiLu o,t of friendship' for each badly: j"Lilierty Caps" are out of oUier. " - ! t wi,n i lM-meess Alice, eldest daughter of Queen Victoria, fiuil J bag of tarrapins, or a vote decided that Jack Turner w as a turbulent. and dangerous charac ter, regular- tire brand in the, corii munity ami that the public js tfety demanded his imiuedrate .death. He was iwcordiugly huugjalHmt ll:iiO p.'lil. ill the ircseiic Of the assembled inultitmle. The jcrowd disiersed'aiid all the sig!s of dis- t...l.oiw... uuil Ii'u't' It litt uiia late.;id .Ceres' cornucopia is . oat (1Ili.t Saturday night. Thei ther of plae, damped Jou the sand; a j- prisoners are still in jail awaiting split mullet I further developments. One Daxi; M.ui:. AVheij Moscow was biiriiiug, there was a part 3 darn ing in the palace right over a gunpowder magazine. Thcy d id not know that tlie tiame was apprfiiichilig; so the leader of the , festivity shouted, "One d nice . more!" and the voice was taken up tliNingh the palac. ami the cry w as "One dance more!" ami the music", playedand tlie feet lioiimlcd and tne laughter rang - out; but sml - detfly through the. lire and smoke and the thunder ot the explosion eternity broke. A his! that some will dance (in in their sins, and their frivolties, and their world I i--liess, until iu an hour when they know not eternit. breaks iu and. the' are destroyed, and that with out remedy Sjjuneou. Have-'.instantaneous relief. St. Jacobs Oil. Neuralgia. k'rof.'Tice. -lit. Ijui I'but-lUspu teh.

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