4 ) I- THE WILSON ADVANCE, 7-7- THE- WILS0K ADVANCE. V 1 s afi-?r-'i.- T or- f :o: lrir.lrtlIKI hVKRY, rltlllAV -AT Wilcox. NobthCaboUxa , 1 lUtea iF Auvtufisixw: One loch, lht Ittnertioii, - . $l.uo Ot Month, v , - -i.ttf I t Tftrw Months 1 .ou Six Months - - 8.00 tt U - " 1 C lk.k .---BY; . JUS tPH t S HAMELS. -j- tJitwr anJ Prprlrtr. fun t . jj .,, . vrar a er, - i-.w f IJttenil t)Ucount wttt be Md Sriw-KiPTiox IUtks ix Advaxc e toe taniff AavertbtenieiitH init for One year . . Six months... ...;.. 2.00 1 ,00 ',' LET At. L THE ENDS THOU AIMSTAT, BE THT COPNTRrS THY GOD S, AND TRUTH'S-' (?antti jylh Ytr. V must aceoinpany !! Advcr VltSON, N. C, FRroSSSEBSHIliER 15, 1882. ; VOL 12. 1- A 1TW M E I lj-l-r.T. .TT - . J ie-Money can W sent by Money order or ltegjstered letter at our Ki-k. '. ' . . - THE ADVANCE GLEANI Asheville will have a 3UH0 ho tel next season, j - Tlie 'Time says that Louisburg is to have cottou factory. . : "' They are raising money in New York for famishing Ireland. Vermont elected the Kepiiblicaii ii ket by a decreased majority. (VreeiisWro female College oiiened with 80 boarding pupils. The Democrats of Nevada have nominated Jewett W. Adams for Governor. . W. M. Cocke, Jr., has declared himself a candidate for Congress in the 8th district. Gov. A. II. Colquitt, of Georgia, will deliver the annual address at the State Fair. , Col. J no. It. Winston, v Green backer, is a candidate for Congress 111 the 7th district. Andrew Mickle, Kstp, bursar of the State University, has rescued .and gone to Texas. The Wisconsin j iJepublicun; con vention adopteil: ' a prohibition plank in its platform. - . The Southerner thinks that ."58, 000 bales of cottoij will lie produced iu that county this. year. ' A Republican by the name of ('omptoii refused to sit on a jury with a colored man in 'Ohio.. Kansas palters! are aid to lie reaping it rich harvest .announcing political candidates at " a head. There are more j women connect ed with the press in. Mississippi than in any other j Southern, State. The YViliitingtcn Star is t lie -newsiest daily that comes to this olfuv. The GrceiisW'ro Patriot ' t he bigiites.t.4 ' I Yon small beet men stand aside, j Tii lor c .unty, Georgi 1, conns to the front witli oiie that -Weighs twenty pound ' ; - Mr. Sherwoo 1, Tue mail .ageirt,: who comniitle I. stiicule by.;' faking luiidiuiiiii la.t week, hail his life insured foi t,(Mi. The cotton mills of the North yield but an average profit of 7 per ceut, while IS per cent is realized in those of the South. Ileitis Kearney, the sand lot ora ator, is cmSvtbitg fortlcn. Stone 111 in, Democratic. , candidate fot Goveruor iu UulifctiHia. pubiicaitsi Lb.tiiri'';-i ic campaign . en l.'d. 'fliis is an iuiihoi iiive state ment from the highest IJepiiblican authority, but is it triief ' . has . teen W.:n. Truell,.Iiepubl.can, iiomi-f NEAB-BY NEWS NOTES A valuable gohl in ne tinted for Congres-H in the 8th dis trict has declined to run. Capt. E. W. Ward, of Morganton, son-in-law of the late GoCaldwell, will make the race as a Lilwral. . Mr. John Wanamaker has select ed for the four stained-glass win dows iii the library of his stately new mansion in Cbelteii Hills, Pa., portraits of four famous Johns Knox, Calvin, Bunyan and Wesley. llev. Elexnnder S. Keis-r, lte fonned C'hnrch, wa( arrested at Heading, ."Pa., fu- breach of prom ise. KlizaU'th K. Miller, of Top ton, brings a very serious charge against him as well as a suit lor damages. Ex-Sccreirrv l'.laine is exacted to deliver the address at the Vir ginia State Fair at lliciuiiond tlie last w eek in OiIoIkt, ;ind General W. S. Hancock will review the military display and competitive prize drill. The NewlK'ine ut Shell says that, two new locomotives have. 1m en purchased foif t he use of the Midland, and aie expectedhere in alMitit a week. One . Jiundred new liox and tlat cars 'art; ordered-to be built .immediately lor the winter's use. .v Two Hichiuond, (Va.) editors. Cowardin of the Dinpaivk and Klam of the Whuj, went to !ng;ht a duel, arising from "'soiiiejMHiite.d m litical articles apiw-aring in each of the paix'is. The authorities "smelt" smoke ahead and both parties have been arrested. ' Josh Hillings is the. most sensible man in tlw ountiyi as the follow ing will testify: "When a man kuins tome for advice, I find out the kind of advice he w ants, and I give it "to -him;, this sitishen him that he and I art' two az smart men as there is living." The "shoe string" district in Mississippi, whi. h Chalmers repre ent'-d in Cnii- fss begins in the northwestern oilier of the Slate ard runs along-" the river t the Louisi tii i line, a distance of. three hundred miles and incbrtlcs twelve counties, all in a string. One darkey's idea of heaven was a place where there were frequent elections, because the white m ple were then p lite. lie wa not an E lgeeomlH' negro whose idea of lerftH;t bliss is , frequent Conven tions, the candidates buy all the 'delegates about three times. Ttir boro Southerner . The ('ape Ann rtrertixet says that the idea of teaching -'every .girl to thump a pi iao and every boy to 1m book keep.-r will m ike tot a toes Xiie Weeks Wealth of Near News Gathered bjj Our He porters and IVeatljr Kipped from our Nuinerotis Neigh bors. The Ooldsboro Gracled School oiened w ith over 400 pupils. The Commonwealth c for a market house iu Neck. ills londlv Si'otland Nash county Democrats will nomiuate couutv ofliceils S'pt Jii Another Picture of tbe Old laid. ber,2.rth.' Mr. John 11. Hraiich, a! excellent citizen, "died near Enfield, in ' his 44th year. : Capt. W. II. Kitchen planing machine in Scotland Neck. i, lias put oj) rati on I). ; Wiiistead, Jr.-of Toisnot, has accepted a jtosition in a Phila delphia drug store. Between rive and six dollars are annually lost ting tax in Craven. thousand in collee- Bouitz Hotel is Hearing comple- hhe hand- tion. It will lie one of sotnest in the State. . T. W. Hardy, colored, nominated lor the legislature in Halifax county, is dead The Halifax and Scotl if f! who was nd Neck Hailroad is succeeding beyond ex uecteil receipts, we learn. Hubbs and O'llara, both claim ing to be-4the regular nominee, Icon tiiiue to stump the district E. H. Flowers, of Toisi cotton stalk that has liolls of cotton on it says Home. Dr. Duggan, Clerk of the Sniie- rior Court of Eilgeinlte ci ot, has a 5 grown ilie Sunny unty has has Ii c overed sixty miles north of El ?- a bushel in twenty years. it l' i i; the iiiid is very rich and has ! seems that potatoes aiv uitVee'ted by c. lined great excitement. ' ideas. ' Neverl hi le s ' t here, is a j good deal of -truth' hidden in the jest. ' . -' .- ! - ,- ' Ttie cholera in Japan is playing li.iv.te with human life. Out of 77."t eases at, Yokohama within twenty days, r7"2 have proved fatal. (i tvenor Cohpiitt, iif (Jeorgia, is putting in spare in. nneiit by lec turing to Sund iv S-lioi children, lie could hardly Ik- bet ter oeeiipied. lir. Tyre York, of Y tikes, has accepted the "IiiUMal'' nomination for Congress in the 7th district. M- V. Hohbius will give him ''tits." .Inlin Galling for t lie Senate and Hiish.'e, Suow, Moore, land Up- cluu eh for the House, is the Wake J c.iiiuty ticket, and a giMtd one it is. The Hutherfordtoii Banner tells of a beet raised in that ltlace this f eison w hich .measureil li.'l inches rin length and 12 inche-i in circuin fereuce. . . i Hen Butler has" received the .Greenback nomination for Govern or of , Massachusetts ami expects the Democratic, convention to en dorse him. Joseph W. Strudwiek, a verv promisiug young man who was , iueiiaring to enter the State Uni versity, died at his home in Ilills borolast week. Iu 1880 in North t'arolina .there were 21(4,8(i( males over 21 years of1 age. Of these only 2 11,2 IS voted ; for the President, leaving ,":, ."U2 who tailef to vote. '. Yellow fever is raging in Browns ville, Texas. There h;lve Wen 4.'t( cases up to date. Petisacola, Fla., and Bakersville, ('al., aie also suf ' feriug from this dread disease. A convention of .700 intidels, un der the name of the Free-Think-, ers, has Wen in session within the past week at Watkius' Glenn, New York. Mr. John Engle, of Vance county, represented North Carolina. Hon. Geo. A. lieeves, Sjteaker of tlm Texas House of Hepresenta tives, was bitten by a mad dog sev era! weeks ago, and died recently froni hydrophobia, after a few ilay's horrible suffering. . . . A mail i; Forsyth countv, this State, was recently nominate for the WgislatiireWit declined to ac cept until he could ask his wile. The Convention took a recess to , give hi.,, time to get her jteruiis siou. u is .inuee.-jary tu add that he was a republican. The Mercury says t hat Catawba, fanners are sowing large quanti ties of oats and making prepara tions for sowing immense crops of all kinds of small grain. The highly successful small grain crop of I nt- vear. has greatly stimulated our! farmers for renewed efforts in that direction. 'They .mean to W inde pendent of monopolies by rai'iug their own supplies; - Eld. L. J. llodeiihunihier of Fr syth county, well know n Ihroagli out this section, has gone tef t the Radical L iteral concern. Its a case of to inuchee wanlee otlii'c. He will run, for the Senate in his district. This contempt. ble hank ering after oltice is causing minis ters, as well as .o.rdiii try men, to turn tlieir back iiMtu lifelong principles. : Miss. "Mary Barnes, a Wautiful young lady of Heleiui, Arkansas, died of malarial lever oh t he lltth of August. She was buried -on Sunday. Or the. 'following Satur day night Mr. Thomas Page of the same town, to whom she was en gaged to lie married; hought-a. lntt tle of morphine, went, to the ceme tery, drank the poison, lay down on the gra;e and was found dead there next .morning. resigned and J. J. Atkinson been appointed in his plate. . The Franklin Times contains a full n port of the ' disgusting1' pro ceedings of the liadicai county convention held in that place last week. Edgecomlte h is a smaller , iiuni Iter of praJ-ticing lawyers iji propor tion to her ptpiilatiou ihan any county in the State says the Tar ltoro S4tutherner. We rcgiet to learn of the death of Mrs..Adie Bullock, wifejof T. P. BulliM-k tiear Itocky Moutit, . Tiies d.Vy, ScptemlKM- ol h,of a congestive chill. She w as 22 years old. ' ' ' i. Our talented young frieud,.-Jas, W. Hays, has ac-epted a. positiou in Toisnot Public School. Its board of managers are to be eongrntu lated on obtaining such an aequi . . . i - j silion to its corps ot instrictors, The Hepublieans nf Halifax county held their lioiniuntjioii last wei-k and it was addressed! by Mr. J. C. L. Harris, Sj-cietary or t lie Republican State--Central! Execu tive Committee. He. stalled that he hail Wen sent by the. e Mail man of that Ciminittee to urge upon the Republicans ol Halifax the im tort.ance of recognizing the Libe ral element, asserting jtitsitively that all the Liberals would lie Ue- Moke Akrests fob Alleged Election Frattd. On ivednes day of last week, Mr. (j'rawlev, Deputy United States Marshal, went, ut tv-oiiuiid ecK pvitn a capias for J. C. Pitt niaii and liolt e t XYliiie, who are ehargj'd with , i Hut there is auother side of .the picture of the gentle, sweet faced maiden lady with a heart as light as that of innocent childhood, and voice as silvery as her hair. Which of us cannot m all among our ao qnaintauees some such sweet natured, lovable, woman, whose days seem to W sjient in tilling up the joys of other lives; whose only words are those ot love and ten derness, and wliose presence sheds sunshine and happiness ujton the circle hi which she moves? Many snch there are, who, it would seem, remain single in order to sow bless- ings around them aud W general comforts. "" The blight of disait- pointnient, heartache, and sorrow she may have endured but the clouds have not obscured the light that springs from a noble life, and affliction has but deetened the depth of her sympathy. The chil dren love her, and look up to her as a sort of fairv godmother the never-failing source of kindly talk and pleasant sm-prises; the young people confide in her aud counsel with her in t heir 'tribulations; 3-00 will never hear her .. disparaging the married state or railing against mankind :and woman, too, for that matter in general; she looks upon wedded life as the highest and holiest sphere for women, and per haps, through her wise admonition many'a love match is aided. What Miough she has imsseu woman's purest earthly bliss, the disap pointment hits not soured her dis position,' nor turned the. affections of her nature into wormwood. A nobler lite may "sometimes- spring from the grave of earthly hojtes. An Old Debt Paid. NOTES FEQM , THE FABM. The Firmer. An old and most worthy citizen of this count v, who visited Vir ginia aWut fit'tv years ago, bor rowed a pair of .saddle bags from a neighbor to carry his extra wear ing apparel in, as the most conve nient way of taking it with him m his long horse-baek journey. He was gone some mouths, and when he returned his neighltor had moved away. He laid the saddle bags away, intending to return them to theirowner should he ever ha e : an opportunity to do. so. About live ears siiro lie learned where he was and immediately sent for a friend, to whom he show ed the borrowed property, and asked him the value of such an article forty-live years ago. His friend gave his opinion as to their value at the time referred to, and was told to count the interest on that amount, payable annually, lie did so, and the old tieiitlemaii sent him a j tost a 1 order for nearly fifty dollars. Let the wealth j and great . ;; Roll in splendor and ia state. : I envy them not; I declare it, I eat my own lamb,) 'L i-'"" ' ; My chicken aud bam," t ": I shear my own tieeee awd I wr ife I have lawns, I baia bpwerp., ii. n I have fruits, J hvettwerv u ; f The lark is .my uioraipifcajarieer,,, ; : So,jolIy boys iiow I'rls-SnVtT . Ilere'a Godspeed tbe plow,.. 1 5 Ixmg life and MUiresi? to the farmer. !l t. t;m c-i-V- Small Farms. : 1 ; j ;.. - -r i . ' . ' HOME FACTS AND FIGtTEES WHICH SHOULl) BE OF INTEREST.', . Here are a few hvcts arid jflguresj which ought to W of interest ; and service to a large number of readers, women as well as men. Iu the spe cial bulletin issued by the Census Hnreau receutly, Oubtfing Uflf.lfiM and number ' of 'farms teld1 in tlie State, 'the ' total ' number was stated to W 4,008,907. Of these, ouly 139,241 were less thau ten acres in size, f !njMsisajyiWfty 139,241 jtersousin thiscxuutry have thought it worth while to cultivate for patches of ground of less , than ten acres.. The. fact is almost, in-: eredible. but it is a "'. fact'. -How many thousands of women tnd tens of thmisandsrof uienjarOjiHtruggliug now for. life in. our. great jcjtiee who could rent these i small farms aud make a healthy, cbmfortable; living from tbem t Bhowil' us look into the ptttipr a naptgent and see. The reason why any. man. .Or woman should need information on the subject is bat Americans Jiaye the misfortune,' of living, ya an epor7 nioua country and dealing with large "stakes in life'; Their eyes; and ideas are used to sweeping oyer sneli im mense spaces that a petty business fruit most profitable, market Take eiunlteis lor example crop is from SO.OOO acre. violation of the election law's in the last election. These gentlemen gave the required ltouds fjir" their appearance at court, Messrs. Noah Higgs and A. .White, becoming sureties. Moses Oppenhcjinier, of Tar ltoro, was also put under Itoud. The witnesses against them are C. C. liaker, AlWrt Hill aijd (iuil- ford Johnston, all colored.'- The - . i election took '--place nearlv two years ago ard it is late in jhc: day to lie making arrests. i Wt-Mon Xeirx. A Strange Phenomenon. " The ('inciniiati Enquirier has a column article'glving an account of the death ot a young lady named Miss -.Alice Linkmeyer. She died quite suddenly and after she was dressed and put in her coffin she blushed as red as a peouy and con tinued so for hours. She was taken to the cemetery and the coffin -being examined and her face still re maining rosy, she was taken to her late home ami every effort was made to resuscitate her, but all in vain. Her whole body was pink but the touch was cold aud blood could not be. extricated from her cheek. with ltetty profits seems to theni contemptible. "Farming,' to most of our readers, means a vast sweep of land in Minnesota giveii np to w heat ; or a few milesin Texas or Colorado, m ith tens ot' thousands of cattle : or, at the least, a couple or hundred of rich, acjes ir or lVnusylTau-av aUuicirej ip be ;onttolled by the owner's eye, but with which his hands shall have lit tle to do. Such chances fall to very few. But how many men and women could cultivate from one to ten acres growing t lie kind of vegetab or for which" thev can liudhlie cu- The thjrage ttt .Ml,000 jter Ready sale for them is found in thiaTtarket or ttt pickles at fiom .l.o0 to 2 per thousand. Vet i n cumber raising is not considered one of t he most profitable tor a sin ill farmer. Let hiin cultivate the finer fruits, the berries, the better class of pears or grapo , if he wants to make' a marked suTe.s ami high profits. The liner the grade and. crop and the more skill, aiid intel ligence which are put into the work the better it will pay,, of course. Flower and herb raising are indus tries which are only just Wginning t attract notice in - this count iv : they am especially suited for small phtts of ground and tor women. A quick wit will find new paths in t It i i trade as in any other. The first man who grew inushrooil Bretber Gardner on Slang. $ ' i ', ' -. - "If Hrudder Pizarro Grant am in de ball to-night be will please step for'd," Wgan the old man, as Sam uel Shin strnck tbe triangle and sent its quivering notes dancing along tho ceiling. ! : Brother Pizarro was present aid tapped dp, hie) eyes having asquint iitf. alarm aud his knees losing their iwitid iwtth fe'ery motion. ; "Brndder Grant," . coutinoeil the President, "you am a-youngmanon de tloab-step of life 5 you w'ar wery tight jmnta an' a wery : short: ('oat an a wery narrow bat, and yon look deoidly wretch er cheer - De great workl auibefo yow. If -yon.' begin right ntfnlfiA.' dares' bet two trft oe dat yoa wont altera h.! Qovemor's cbair befo? yoq am fifty.l. Kyou be-; gin wrong it will W safe to WtlCOH to nuffin dat you - will-bong np. in State prisoik befo' yon am ten y'ars Older." ,: .-.''"- 1 Yes, sab, Ize tryin' to start right,", aaid pizarro, ; as .Brother Gardner stopited to swallow a pint of water. '"I hope so I hope so, but I doubt it,' Hrudder Grant Ize had my eyes oh you. for some leetle time s back I doan' link 011 would lie or steal r burglar or forge, but you basfal len into one werry bail Uabit. l)e odder day vou met a friend in front of m bin, an' when be axed yoq f you war a gwine on de excursion you replied dat you would 'gasp to gurgle.' On unoder. o(-caishuu heard you reiiiarkjyoii woukl 'niix t ami inur.' .Again you observed; dat vou would 'sigh to sniffle.' Ouly aa hour ago you told Waydowu BeWe to 'cheese it an' live." . What does all these' things mean, Hrudder Grant?" ' '; r' "I doan' know," replied the. vic tim, as he stood 011 one leg anil scratched his head. ! . ; I '-; ( ";'Nor L either. Ize lootfed up de Latin an' French an' German an' Greek layguagis, but I c in't find any expreshuns as 'hire a hall,' 'see you in de grave yard,' -or 'I should smile.' Why do you make use ol YHAT CAN WEALTH DO? IThe follewiug stoty told of Ja cob Ridireway, a wealthy citizeu of Philadelphia, who dieil inanyyeiirs ago leaving a fortune of the or six million dollars. f f " -' "Mr. Ridgeway," 'said a yooug man with whom the millionaire was conversing, "you are .more to be eu- vi,el thau auy gentleman I know." " Why so f" responded Mr.Kidge- way. "I aui not aware if any cause for which I should W particularly envied." 1 . "What, jdrF'exclaiuK'd the young man in astonishment. ' i"Why you are a i millionaire ! Tjiink of the thousands your income luings you everv month !" 1 : ; ... y 1 WQ IWi ui tiCrrtTiahIHEQUIET HOUR. The sejaaiOioyealiMdAjrerJtbe Circus was tb, tRMTli. nurriage of Mr. Oscar j;0ft,,clf rk.it Wof- kowskr & BaracbX and Miaa Blah diua Query," daughter" o "Mi.1 eer tiioui u : . ; i Well, what of that t'l replied Mr ltilgeway. . t'All I Ket. lout of it ia my victuals aud clothes, and I can't eat more thau one mau's allowance n(tr .1 i 'ein f ' : . Ldoan know." t '"'Den stop it ! If plain Euglisli am' not good "nun" fur you to 'sj tress your thoughts in, rai n Spanish or Chinese. .It am a!l light fur a sweet i)iiii!r ral who has been frew col lege to remark that s!ie would fitter j to grin, 1 ut. sicli sprohuns doan' sound w. 11! coin in.' from a .voting . .. 1 1 ...1.4- man. 11 l siituiui go uouie lu-uigui. an' tell mvold woman dat I would jire-titv 1 1 evacuate, or lithograph f it animosity, she'd look me straight in le eye fur thirty seconds, an' den wor.ld come a climax i-i which my tint , head an' a broomstick w add all lie mixed up." 'Ket urn to your seat. Hi udder Grant; go Itai-k an'-Hot down with deterinaiioii to avo.d sl-i-ng an' do y.uir talkin': quar' from de -shoulder WTheii you git tired of beef, go into a groeery an' ax fur eodUah in plain English, an' doan' use any 1110' ora tory dan am necessary to secure full weight an' git rid of a quarter whl a hole in it. We will now proceed to split the reg'lar order of bizuess down tie back ami let out tie sleeves." Ih troit Free 1'rens. wear , more than a suit at a titne. Pray, can't you dp as much!" r "Ah, but." said the ytuth, "think of the hundivds f tine houses yoq own, and the rentals they bring yon." ("What letter am I off for that t" replied the rich man. l ; can only live in one house at- n tijine j -as for the money receive litrl retits, why l ican't eat it -or wear it j I can ouly use it to Iwiy for fliers to live in ; tliey 'ure Hie Wneticisris, not I,?' , " "Hut yon can buy s4endid futui tiuv, :uid costly pictures, ami 'flue horses and carriages ii fact,: any thing you desire." j v ; "And aft eri have Itought them," replieil Mr. Kiilgeway, 4what then I can ouly lo'tk at the furniture ami pictures, and the jm tores t man; who is not blind, can do the same. 1 can ride no easier iu a fiiiecHi riage than you can in an omnibus for five cents, without the trouble of Attending to drivers, fiMjfnieii ami hostlers;. and a tt.auytliing 1 "desire,' 1 cm tell you, young man, that the Jess we desire in this world, tlie happ erwe shall W. All my wealth can't buv - i .. .. a Single day 'more: of Hie Ntwer to keep afar, off the horn of deat h, and then, what will avail,! when, in a few short years at most j I lie down in the grave and leave it all foreverf , w1 wtatk Kt4)tuauu err. ! And 1 1 wk ami human I tJtUI I for r Kwt. 1 auu nun iniUR 1 Vioiiiig man, you Jtave no reason to envy inc. A St. IiOiiis preacher, no ing tastetl whiskey, bought gallon of it to study its eft order, to Wttcr describi er hav half a ('aptain Hurton, the African ex plorer, reports that almost .illimit able gold can be obtained by the adventurous 011 the gold coast ot Africa. lie savs the region is- eqi'ial to half a llozeii Califoruias. It is found in the sea sand, the dust in the roads aud in the . mud walls of't he native huts. It is said that j numerous explorers have gone 1 thither to verify the truth of the report. The cry will be, "Go to Africa, yonnir man. . . The gross product of earnings of all the newspapers published in the United States for the census year 1SS0 was something over 87,000, 900, and of this considerably over titty 'per cent, was for advertising, the rest Wing made up from sub scriptious and sales of palters. Fifty-four thousand persons Were employed during the year in the manufacture of: newspapers, and 111,000 in an editorial capacity. The wages paid to these persons amouuted to 28,000,001. We got the?!. - cts, in filu-iii in the temperance sermon he nas pre paring. To avoid public ty and accidents he lin ked himself in his study ami tin ew the key 01 t of the window. In less than an lunir he was singing and dancing instead of lar for this market mad. Bee keeping is auotht . Eloped with a CoiiYlct. sens if Ion il : elopeni.'iit took ltlace to-night, the details of which were managed with uni'isiial iwlroit ness. Misv Addie Wilson, the he roine, is a prett'." gir' of icvciiteeii siunmers. Mid d nifli.Vf of a pr lieroii.i real estate man- -lien. A. Wilson. The lover wit jt whom she has elojted is Arthur; IloWrtsou wliose father is presiibflit of the Franklin Fire In.uriiK-e .('oinnaiiy. iiid a man of high 1 connnercial landing, but tbe. niegraee, navipg . only writing; altout 4 o'chn-k atteriKHtn he window and eliinWd tnifj slid nown tjie light the his luirrel, 'Ct, gttt ifl'erent a dog, run in. niug,rod, fell into a small kissed a woman in the str licked by two men at 1 times, broke a window, stol sassed a policeman, and got The iiidge socked it to htm most awful thirty days but his church forgave him, and took him Stack on his solemnly promising (hat he would hereafter discuss tjhe tem perance quesiion from a purely the oretical .standpoint. ''MostHeartuy' !C., WlLMlJiGTO'N. N Felt. 4, 188 H. H. Warner VS: Co. : j Sirs I most heartily recommend-your Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure lof kidney j aud liver diseases, aud shall W glad i to auswer . all qitestious regarding the same in connection witli uivcase I that euquiriug frieuds ma.Vj ask. UAS. A. iiOWEKT; Edgecombe Finances. Mr. W. 11. Knight, chairman of the board of commissioners of Edge coin W county, has prepared a state ment -of the expenses, &c, of that county, which was published iu last weeks Guide which weconimend to the careful attention of thoughtful men who desire to see every part of North Carolina prosper. From it we learn that the Republican ad ministration after it came into power in 1808, received from past due taxes 9.SG7-ol, and from the sale of real estate 3,G54.00, iu all from these sources f 13,623.31. They paid an old debt 10,107.24. So they gtt more than they paid out as to these items. 1 heir expenses from 'Decern Wr 1, 18t;8, to Decem ber 1, 1878, were $228,91 7.03. an average of 522,891.80. The expen ses of the cttonty from December 1, 1878, to -December 1,-1881, under Democratic rule were ?30,427.0:,au average of $10,142.39. This is less than fifty per cent, of the excuses me lined tinder Republican rule. J The county taxes for ten years of Republican Vide, -from 1809 to 18G8. : amounted to 2,7,19C.10. The ex jienses were 22S,91 7.03, and the Republicans left the county in debt i?24,719.23. These figures indicate that there was a deficit of $53,000. The Democrats in these years col lected $52,404.82. Their excuses were $30,427.09, aiid they ' paid off $22,219 of Republican indebtedness The rate of taxation when the Re publicans were in control was 2G 1-6 cents, anil county ltonds sold for 50 and 00 cents 011 the dollar under LDenntcratic rule the tax is 19 1-2 cents; and county orders are paid 011 presentation. us iii a eel a fortune exceeding profitable use of a small rami which bur people are just finding out,. The reiMtrt of the Hee-keeitei's' Associa tion; shows , that during the seven years ending with 1879, the average yield iter pound was ninety pounds weight. Twenty-live hives are al lowed to' each acre. Our readers who well know the average price of honey in the nearest market can estimate the probable profit. Poul try raising is a business which 011 a few acres can W made to pay well. One woman we know who, Wgin niug with ten dollars? worth of eggs, in eight years itossessed for yards of the finest stock in the country, which yield her a competency. -Mr. Gladstone for three .years has lteen urging 011 the small proprie tors of England increased attention to what is there called villa farming White Girl Eloping with a Colored Man.; Port; .leffersoii, L. I., Ii is been thrown into a state of gre at excite ment by the elopment 011 Thursday night of Miss Fanny Reeves, a pre Itossessing and well educated young woman, the daughter of Alexander Reeves, a farmer living near Comae, with Charles Jackson, a col ired mail. Miss Reeves is about twenty years of age and returned home from Warding school a mnnth ago vo sjK'iid her vacation. '..Jackson is 28 years of age and lut. lor near Iv ten years lteen employed bv Reeves as a farm hand. Jackson is a tine looking man. The parents of the runaway girl had noticed that she seemed to find . man v opportun ities of talking tolling bnt paid 110 attention to it until 011 Friday morn ing they discovered their daughter's absence and a Wider-rope beneath her Itedroom window, indicating her mode of escajM. The whereaWuts of the couple has not yet been .dis covered, ltut it is tiioiigttt they are Miss Reeves left u her flight with young , ma" j ; . .'receiiMv- been released from a jerm of jin pj isonment for gi-iind lareeuy. Miss Aihlie played the trick' fin her rela tives and friends of informing :M of. 30 people that .ahf desiired'. to give uT jureats a siM pris. his evening, telling: Miem mi -t the b!ise"at a given time.-; The:t she m vnageil to Ijave ;icr fat'H-r out 1 ijon fri.1'11 l's luiuse . ami lie." motifer at another neighbti'-'s, thus leaving lliec.n.sf dear. ' He fore' her JriHd . .arrived j (.-, she had her Jritt k rem tv d from 1 . ' 1 i - . . . faeNiite and h:.d g n; of' with know oil e and h:.d g n; of vouii':- iert-ni, mi tine her. . A warrant -1 ' t ut loathe ar rest i", l.. voting Holte i4cu,. and the girl's j-iends are gre illy distressed. lCincinwtti Commercial. , No woman should Wrrow the hus- ImiuI of auother, because it is not good for a man to W a loan. the cultivation of every inch of tiHable ground iu small patches iu j'm ;ew York the raising of food supplies. '"If j note aiinouiicing says a recent number of the Estates 1 Jackson.. "every acre . lu England wa carefully farmed what aii immense, difference there would W in our im ports autl exports, returns !" fThe same argament eomes boaie fiari bly to ns now w beTi the " price of every kind of farm product is al most doubled. But, argue tlie timid, ,waat. if our croits fail, our bee are- frozen, our lioultry die t Such mishaps are not unlikely. Failure is1 probable., iii every business. The-only remedy or prevention is constant care and hard work. Farming, and espe cially small farming, require more thau auy other employment the ac tual tersoual attention of tbe owner. That personal care insured, intelli gence and industry will pay, we W lieve in this work a well a in any ! other. AY 1. Tribune. Disgusted. James Madison Leach, says tbat he. wants to W a white, man again, ami not a hog.' (His wish is eom mendable.) He Wgaii the. cam paign for the rahas a LcocIl, but 4 when aifived at Washington, this State, and the postmaster, refneti to furnish twenty dollars of which be was iu need' Jeeims disgusting ly exelaimed "I shau't irry on this cauilnigu at my exte!kse." His up Itoiiitments at Plymouth were al lowed to go by default, and the for mer nigger hater'' left tor some point North of Mason ami Dixon's line. Turboro Southerner. Fashion says : "Gathered wait ) The Ithica (N. Y.J Ithican ob- much iu favor with ' serves are still verv vounsr ladies." Thev are with voung i St. Jacob gentlemen also. j cakes. Our druggists reitort that Oil gtes off like hot Bra? 3 Boys at Niagara. 1 L.ist wcel: a pat tyj ot ilernmns jStopting at the I roijtier Dense, Siisteiisiou Bridge, iinioug wlmiii w ;u- Morirs Wii mer a ' wealtii.v lii-..i.. iViiiii s.tou. I rfrm in v. visil !ted the "Maid of the Mist" landing1 ifor he nnritose of taking a Itath. 1 jAt thU JHiiiiit, it will h' reaictnWr- el, the current is very, rapid, and to( 'tne not; accustomed fjolhe phu it iis tM-rifotis tt vent 111 o hi. Mr. Vif ' ' ' liner, kiK.wingiiofhiiigttf tin- water'.i dept.li, or the swiftnefH tf the cur rent, gov ut too far. and would have lteen carried : down tlMvrapjds but for timely assistjiiic' rendei'itl by two lmls by lite naaie. of Ilenry at'id William Iitslgcrs, sens .f Ml"' Henry RHlg(;rs, of the Canadians,. .Custom House at Clifton, who ar rived ujun the scene j as the man I was sinking for the third time ; the lMtys, seeing the man .111 danger, at once jnmitod. into, the water, aud, after a hard struggle,! siicceeded iu rescuing Iiinu Wiilhiiii wast he first to re.ichj the drowning inaiifwho irrasnc.l lliim by thehieck with a death grip and drewj him " under. ilenrv ha4l by this time reached the scene, and, diving, managed to re lease tbe; t'niwniiig man's hold of hi In-other, after wliich the l'toys 8iMve ?ded iu getting bim ashore, the w bole jtarty ' lteiug tlwtroughly exhai Lsteil. Wit neswci of tlie affair sav iU was one of the most gallant Mti ra wmtUi tiaA dbr (Mate m (ML Querj'. . These.'jonni' r0! 1 JwlrB V 1 - . i been artacbed Jto eaclibe-lHt l ii "f" - some time, UW'ii4i6nttfr U 7 r01" liUndlDS OtjC(M M W!HITtNglf tblMM to wd mtw inwi m on tW sefof heryltlliLjMrvifJi utarwuw. people wa not prolUblUd, a4 ye. 1 Aa 1 ptved. but ti i ih mr vr- to the rtidejH! or lln Querv aw4 piwtt m tprtn ut4 np takbiu Mkw Blunduiai U tbe, 10$- wt tut .u a tt. uui tu gy - with, bim, they drove off a though for a ride together , . Bui in stuul oC ittutbuuing the ride " the couple pulled up at tbe reaidenbfe of Mr. Hart-sfled on Chdtchi treet.ud aligbUnfif stepped lkddei-IleV.A:iJ'. . . . , - j : ... r 1 , i uu nnnnnin . n - - - " 1 - - - - - - a j t " v. ,wvww Vi ut 19 , produced marriage IkUsrfwiiItW1 fiew 1 'iww .... ...... knot w tinl. Then the -.itw tii ivhiM I it4 continued, - the , uitoatio' 4fih WXrt uuw imm-m uh i pr. confde being;, it ia aohl tonakcjin ' a-ei j ,'A'm't"He? niHtiiJioe4iieiitiIbthd1aUTiiitt rJti f ': twiu'inuo t .Vit. the4kw,fa.ily; tilt-y luY U u toi.ieturuf boiije((for;tbf j.'igbt a ijj M5 1 ' wbw 1 h.u act. ttioagb 4Mtbg. b4 happened. , 0$ ' l' l'-mu -- ' ' ' somehow tlie report of. t,he marciagij Ayia)iiY - a . : Kia. A kW became uoiaed abroad aud V Jtle a ved mm " - ft ; young couple roiieuud tbe atret J Immediniely ever" fiioe ltiit lorv aUuti!)us'iouH,"fhey.weWtbe cyiiio Waril Jiy, butly rlad wotHeu sure of all eyes o 1 to apeikf Of moneyed men illletl the riHim course Miss Query' parents bewrd but the silence, that followed vmi it and were much wrought upoii the h eager were they to catch snbiect. Swhe ithe jiet45-iynt every wrd, .' ried pair drove up to Mr. Query', Some one had s(tokeii lightly til in pursuance of the progrtiniii.e of tbe ttitles'thai wi Kiii-ely jnake the secrecv until this' Tttornintb.v no of hmtinei(':ot' ' woe. Trlflea ffonml that the Wtportof-CbVlrij Hnt forimfhliig, tly, thintglit tt riage hud preceileil themi.i,' Tn p the RrVtit e enK that Hh ttiuliie question Wing fairly'' feeiiWd destliUin of ineii 1 for giNMl n HI. whet Iter the 1 bride would 'fe1 with H WitKitUi ibat had .Irawi foi t U her husband or remain "liitlihei MtaWm'rnl antl the explaunt)tii parents she decided fot'the'liffu' tbat f.4Utwtl. . , , .'.; . and the young i-oapte yeht tOli tlitf f kuMf, nothing':' he continued, boanling house or' Mm. fJ.W.'Sauv' of my HiwtU or c4 the citciniiHtau- ders, where they eugnged 'io-Ard. 1M4 my .birth. ..Nothing iu all the Friends were endeavoring1 to mott-- "hitter past ctiiigs so close to iiiciiio- cile Mr. aud Mr 4. Query last Itlght V the ivi taiiity that I Wloug to 4igd it issiipiHtsexlthatbythMtontJ nolaly atkdtiolMMly Wtongs t4t me ing tliere will W Ho tbtaeie ta the Ih ie' 'of Ahr ' large cities, iu a lo- c.tmpiete happiness oTtWyoiiiiK eally whhre there "are inntiy little lteople. Charlotte Journal. homehwirf Jnes, 1 (where lwn,- is the ruling element, I may or 'wny .... 1. .uo I.1 ...r 1.1.4 I. ... !...... oe inriier. , ,. , I U,UM u. i w,.u. .... A Htn-esitoiident tells us that J" ' we ve xhiih. Josiah Turner isliviug ia a bonVel.V " " M,t ",', " otlice in t he town of Henderson J '. U M day were ulike practicing law. He eatw ami alew whI the nights seeiitcd au -eteriiity in tln Haute room, and bis 1mm I cur tained off, and his tajsot atrup and huitow iu thelive of the lioinch K,-, brush K ing on the mantel piece. lle ot 'dy aii know. The ,v-. often takes but one meal a day. He M'ow " ,",,,' t, ,"' oi.i 3iai .11 says he sitent ten years cursing the WW"1 Wt ,p i"'ng, leav.ng 110 Hepiibhcans and has now Wcu 9er. cliia vieepf the' sut,n'et t-.de i f en yeais cursing the Ueiuocrats, be dismnl itt.H f.i.i whu l. we found exjacts Ut tinish u)t lit tbr. tmre "Wlteri 1 I; with other wh. ., ..11 yens an I Wlieves theu l-ith sfdi's were few antl wW homes were . . . 1 . . . . wdl agree that be H1 honest man. any wnert, it! MMigm tne M.11..10 He says if he can't prove that: one side when 11 lady. iMtUM-UteM.le n , party is as corrupt and thieing,n "W'tWd back the t tgl. d A. ks the t'ttlu r, he will consent to Wcut mrki.4-4 inc. That w h the lint to the devil or the peuitenttar5J, and ,MMvWrt fryer known, ami it if to th.vformei- he wdl stuTei-itoiit aaved me. it wa year Itcltae 1 like a mail and will not ' grumU ! 1 1,1,1 l' " either tit the tenitotitiary'Iirovide4r bat whether 1 had where "lo lay-my thev ilou't send himlloldeit orllcck he.lorii..t, I Wt that presence of for "a .iu.i.lav s-lwtpUeacber. Heis I ht footf ill and the toft t..mh of Jim- rtrmv still. Jieithtille T.c ' " M""' J -puis Wr pitying W(inaiitiNn . he kissetl me- It va a tiilling thing, indeed rite Fri.iiklin 2Vwm wUl coiiferfa u, U:utk-e, hnu.U- t-hthl favor winn copying editorial iioui imt i;.w,MrtM M ihat ki:, aiid with the' l''tWr't help, I land Unhiv Btou the Una basis of an honorable uihiiImkmI. t'Aroft'd at Hoik. ' Tuuri ClIAttlTY. The first bush el of wWrtt aetit iu answer to imii apiteal far . cimtributioi. in ..kind, was tlouutotl by a brl her ol sm h limited means that he does not a ish bis liameto bekuowu,lest lu- should W charged with , iiufaithfiilucH to bia family, . Such a spirit of jell naTiflce atiioiig the MMle would aoon supply nil the waiit. of the this pasu 1 0 give credit to I he AltVAJiCK; and not ( to an..:-. ex change." It last isaue coataimvl two of our ediloi-iaW 4Me of , whielt appeared as original matter, attd the ot lu-r was credited to "au ax change." We are gratitte.1 tht bt-oll.et' Thoma ap'pniate kar editorial but would feel moae gratified if he wouhl give projtej credit. . t it is Haiti that the wife of tael Khedive .f Kg.vitt is a luodera I Asjlmn. Oror J Orphan Friend. Cleopatra, eitdwed wjth the' Jter J "'In ? all ' I he ceruiouH pn a.-heil sonal Wauty aud , Htriiug tniuded I througltout the civilized world ex-' character of her predeeeor, ibut I terday tWre csnmit W IoiimI m without any of the Jiangbty-traitH atrouger illutitratioii of the oil ho- that Wlongetl to tlie dnky charmei" dox Bible doctriue of charity. The of. Hiicietif tiuies. Thfc ' prefc'Ut corner Uie of tlie Hsybim building consort of the FgyptiaJt throne is, ought to W uncajtiieil, and IW name .. iMirortling lo iiMrt, tloiugUlyW donor debited in !.- vault. . ... II.. h i m t. . : .... . .11.1 eai.tivatiiicr. immeuilv neli. am i h'"k ihciij. The Kansas City Time reiiorts that its liook-keeiier suflert d very severely, and for a long tinier, with rheumatism. He tried St. Jacobs ! voted to her husband, ami is ouly wife. his I M ti'" 4;'iat ity. Patriot. List Words of Crut lea.1 As Uorllt 1 Hill a rroUJiaiMMI- "n writ us iu.it, wiihii uiki uni- t; a a 4itician, I am a Hepnli tateiVheaiUteil . to defend auother tan. JlalL r ; , . Iteraim'a reputation ; hesitated to rescu s ever performed tm tlte Nia gara i'et.Sia4jaraFaUM Gazette. Cs mi a yitung lady whoiseverlaKt- Oil and was cured by one .Imttle off iugl; ( knitting bet eybows W call- creatures ! lit.- t edit tdustnou. r 5 ! ' .- ' r : . . . 1 - : - ----- .Men freijai'iitly abstain from dik ing because they are afraid they will !-'! rluirgeil with promol i ng their own sintetest.. To tlo what We are iu a lt"-l f tx'Keoyk; iwy lietiwe to by tlie right thing, "I aii tbe bo' of the machine lt bt etke inuy tleein to W . t A. t ; 'S-- Ill and a right merrj- Um am L" wrong wing, win m ig K-rsonat Mott. ..; (. . .j. ,J advancement to them. Many a mail As uorIit I am a PrabJIatiait- a been ut that (MMitmii and heat ist licau im Ktm ArwIionJ. . " f etdore a gtiotl man or a wise tneas- My Co.1, Dockerj, be a: irbite i" " male ? J ' - . , I uuwi.i. .Th fauiir tit t tlu. riirlit' inM.Leoch-Qreeniboro ' Patriot. fUZZ .lid, iiot.MHn, riU i..v ...r "'-""W . i r : T .-mA' ii'i.ni iiii . 4rrwii tntiuf lH'a I .. . i fail,y and not of yicim;ueis. Ir.- Mis Lawrence very much," u peena Ur ; Jack to MIahDabfct ;;t .V ult J. lbe"w,II of Lite justmeton tbe Htrit. on gare nMU: -I her a most raptnrow ,-kM Ah SZZ wife ami cheek," and Mi Marine '1repfie4 : SCt - Je of tWm "I despise Iter !" J"Tbrt way!wcb 1 Jnd which I assure a kiss !" "Why ' jlldtf yo6 f ih'eni'hi Tuff ' death, is far She wa terribly taintediutdi made rictie- thi t I tbat wiU le erybodywbOftiee tbe world to aave ainuer. IWg her into tbe aecret of Iter 4egnt chew to bare faith lit Jesas Christ, complexion." 'Women Are queer I for by tuw lattb aloue can tney De saved.'' I: i-i ' ( : - !.-- '''----- - ' ' i ' ' ' - ' ' " I ...... . ! ,1 - i . ------- ' ; : .-' - ' : - - ' - . '.'.. : : '! ." :.- ! . . v-' X: : . ! :;; ':. : . v