TiieWuwn Advance A WKKKLY DKMOCKATIC JfEWHPA- wiw UITFUTAL FKK DKVOTMl IV i r. KDLCATIOXAI, POLITICAL AXD AO IlICULTCBAi INTERESTS OP EA8TKRN SOBTH CAROLINA. puhlished Every Fri',sMJnB Wptos PhieU. Hit mJ FriprieUr. Friday Morning,- September 15th. 00S I0OEES. For Coiigressiuaai-at-Large. B. .T. Bennett. For Supreme Conrt judge. Thos. Rnftin. ' For Superior Court Judges. First listrict.-.Ta. F- J' Second District. Fred l'MhP. Third IiHtriet-A. A.cKoy. Fourth Districtla. . McKae. Fifth District. duo. AOiuner, . Sixth DiHtrict.-W. M. Sh'PP: Fob Soueiipa. Third District. SwiK uauowa.. For the Senate Seventh Senatorial District U .- Connor and Jas. S. Hattle. ' WILSON COUNTY TICKKT. For tiiIloiise of Representatives .1 oh ii L. Bailey. For Clerk Superior Court. A. II. Deans. For Keirister oi'Deeds. B. J , Barnes For Sheriff. .1. K. Fanner. For Treasurer. ,h W. Fanner. TFor Surveyor. I. C Eatinan. riii t unci . - . Hulibs and O'Hara. Our Republic m frieuda con tinue to be considerably exer cised, about the conflicting claims of Hubbn and (yilara, to ine uonresioiia,i iiounim. w this district. The , Ilubbs' fac . , i ! 1 .. ln lirtn t n tion or Revenue Ring, seem determined to ignore the pro ceedings of the first convention held in this place, while O'Hara and his friends seem to be equally bent' upon "fighting it out on that line!" . All attempts of the hand "Bosses," to reconcile matters and convert discord into harmo ny, have proved ineffectual, and the prospect of "a war to the knife and the knife to the hilt," now invites the contemplation of the faithful. The negro poli ticians of the district, and their 'name is legion" are evidently tired of being 'counted out" by nominating conventions, and are becoming keenly alive to securing their share of the spoils They will no longer be content with being "hewers of wood and drawers of water" for their pale faced brethreti. - While we should regret to sie 0'Hara.or any other negro, elect- ea io congress irom xnis qis trict, we cannot deny the justice of their claims viewed from their standpoint. VVe take higher ground however, than that af forded by mere numerical strength. We recognize this as - VIA. 1.. '- L A a wuiie mini s government founded by White men framed and upheld by the wisdom and vaior or . wiiue men ana that it should be administered in all its departments by white men. The negro, as a legislator or of-j flce-hoder has . proved himself to be a : stupendousfailure. Even as a voter, he is a criminal blun der, and the party which, in or? der to degrade the Southerm white man; invested him with the ballot, has long since seen its folly, ahd would deprive liim of it, if it were passible. . , ;.. , Neither do' we favor the re election of Ilubbs, His princi pal achievements as a represen tative have been, "voting in ne groes and carpet-baggers con testants for the seats of demo cratic, members of Congress. He 1 Willi t . ll I Lll lit., . ..... m. 1 ' luiroicucu) in iiib Bjiccvu ucro, accepting the nomination of the last Radical Congressional Con vention, to speak in every town ship in the district, and tell his about O'Hara. Perhaps O'Hara will also tell what he knows about Hubbs and' the Revenue Ring. We shall see. There' fun ahead evidently and we are prepared to witness and enjoy it. " ; , : ' . " ! Here in Wilson county the party is divided. .The Shar)e and Stan ton taction favoring O'Hara, and the Wilson Xeic anil those opposed to the 8. S. ring favoring Hnlilts. NYho Wants a. Change j , Let us consider a moment who wants a change in the adminis tration of the government of North Carolina. Tho election is approaching, and the people will soon be asked to turn over the legislature and the... offices to be filled, to the opponents of the Democratic party. - Roes the business interest of any private citizen of the State demand such a change ? Does the interest of any farmer, man ufacturer, merchant, mechanic or professional man require suoh a change,? Would it secure the enactment of better laws than we now have, or a more able and impartial administration of justice ? All these questions can be successfully answered in the negative, by appealing to the past record of the party which asks for the changes. A few years ago, all was gloom "and despondencyi We are now enjoying, a, large measure of prosperity and Jhappiness. In whatever direction we look, it is evident a new eta has jdawned upon us. linderDemocratic ad ministration we' have enjoyed a larger measure of prosperity and happiness than at any for mer period. Who then wants a change ? The change is de sired only bythe party which when in the aseendency, bank irupte6!wtli15tatetr' and were driven from power by; an , out raged and indignant people. A party whose peculations, frauds and eorruptions are not forgot ten. I A party which appears to day under as many aliases as a Londozi-pick-pocket, but the peo pie are not going to be deceived. The enormities of Radical rule and ruin the wholesale plun der of Legislative freebooters- the demoralization of society ihe lawlessness and terrorism engendered and fostered by un principled adventurers, native scalawags and the negro, are fresh in the minds of the peo ple, i ' No good citizen and patriotic North Carolinian, who loves his native State, and desires the prosperity and happiness of his friends and neighbors,- ancon template without a shudder,the bare1 possibility of the success of the . Radical party, and its re-assumption-of -the control of public affairs. That disappoint ed office-seekers and corrupt politicians with "itching palms" should desire a change, need not surprise any one. For are we not told that there are even those who "prefer darkness to light, because their deeds are evil." ' Executive Usurpatioii. Since the government has been in the hands of the Republican par tv successive Presidents have usurped more power than any nil of Europe would dare f o exercise. Grant during his Presideutal term never hesitated to ' transcend the limits placed upon hi authority by hiw, and his successors have fre quently overstept the i bounds fixed by the Constitution. So hateful was the word "prero gative" to our ancestors, that wheu the revolution had overthrown the last; vestige of it in . this county, they carefully excluded everything that savored of it, except perhaps the veto power, from the Constitu tion. The President according to their idea was to be '-simply the Chief Magistrate of the countrry, whose whole duty consisted in exe cutiug the laws as .jiassed ; by (2on cress and expounded bv the -Sn- preine Court. , I ' The press at the North have Insen for Honietinie seriously ilisc'nssiug thi. "Pi-esideuts prerogative" in tuiiiitM-tioii with his recent veto of the River and Harbor bill. The discussion of this question by t Press and by some of the best legal minLs in Congress has disclosed the fact, that while the President is without a prerogative in fact, the el its tic uature ot pur goveru.iueiit 1eriiius its exercise, and is power less to prevent it, sustaining the declarations of the enemies of our system . t government, that the President of the : United States is the inost jKiwerfnl ruler in the world. ; Pi"esident Clrantit will be remenr iiered, alter approving' mi ajipro priation bill, coolly informed Con gress, nfter reading them a lecture ujioii extravagance , and profligacy, that , he would take charge of the appropriations, . and ermit only such exjienditures of the money as in his sniJerior wisdom he niicht see lit to idlow. For his insolence in undertaking to lecture the ihx les representatives, and arbitrar ily exceediug his powers, no fitting rebuke ever was administered. 1 And now Mr. Arthur after veto ing the River and Harbor bill which was subsequently passed over his Veto,) it is said by ' his supiorters at thesNorth, will so far copy after Oraut as to take charge of the mat ter, exercise lull authority over the appropriations, and use the money ; as iu his judgment ami discretion he may deem best. Will the Amer ican people permit snch a stretch of authority ,snch usurjuttion'of itower! Can any one doubt that the . teu- deucy of lladical teaching is, to cen tralization, and the assumption ol imperial authority ? Grant and Arthur are lit representatives of a party, which recognizes uo cousti tutional restraints imposed on unho ly ambition, or selfish aggnuiili.se ment. , Public; Schools. I It may be safely asserted, that whatever has been accomplish ed in making suitable provision for popular education, has been due to the efforts of the demo cratic party. From 1862 to 1861, our educational progress attract ed general attention and admir ation, and was the pride and boast of every intelligent, cul tured eitizen of the State. At the close of the war, as it is well known, our State' govern ment passed into the hands of the Radical party, and also a large ' portion of the ", common school fund which had escaped J&e casualties of the war. This was . soon squandered together with $126,000 of money, receiv ed from the United States gov ernment for school purposes, and the schools were practical- ly closed during the continuance of that party in power. , j That portion of the fund aris- ing tne saie oi raiiroaa ana other stocks, amounting to sev eral hundred thousand dollars was either squandered or in vested hi special tax bonds and lost, and of the ?1 25,000 expand ed in 1869, not one dollar kas spent in teaching the children of the State, white or blact to read or to write.. About 839L000 expended In the "year 1870 j ap pears to be the total amount spent for popular education dur ing the whole term of Radical rule, and yet that party has" the unblushing effrontery to come before the people and claim to be the special friends of popu lar education. - The Same old Coon. The Radical party after as suming various disguises, uch as Liberal, anti-Prohibitionj, &c, stands forth at last in its true colors, as the real opponent of the Democratic party. The Lab eral party from which wai ex pected great things, and hose adherents only a few weeks ago "uttered great swelling words of vanity," has dwindled intojutter insignificance. j The Radical party sensible of its misdeeds in the past and the odium into which it had justly fallen with .the people, sOught under the mask of liberalism to deceive the i voters inj this State, and secure the defeat of r i . . i t.h T)mncra.cv. But the dis guise was too thin the Imask was easily and early torn off, and the same old sinner sjtands before the people in all his hi deous, hateful deformity As has been well said : the liberal and radical is the "same old coon, with one more ring around his tail." i .Nothing Lett to bieai. ... --r ; it. '. Snch wjis the parting lament of one of the carpet-baggers,. who mis represented an Eastern county, in the memorable Radical Leg slatnre of 186H. That Legislature iiwill lie remembered sat 304 days a fid cost the State in per diem and mileage of its members,-nearly half a million of dollars. After voting theinselves over '2100 each besides 0 cents mileage, wasting the taxes collected pocketing the school funds, invest ing in special tax bonds,-bankrupting the State and destroy ing its credit, they separated with the above pathetic exclamation of one of their members ringing in their ears, "There was nothing lett to steal." Think of it citizens and tax payers of North Carolina. Uan you trust any of these men, or tjie repre sentatives of the party to ."which they lielonged, to legislatej for you again? Kemembe'r that it is the same party under several! aliases, which is askinyr von now lor your sntt'rages. Republican Senatoria Ca tlates. The "Republican Senatorial Con vention was held in Nashville last Thnsday and .1. .1. Sharp, of Nash, and G. W. Stanton, of Wi son were nominated for the Senate. We hear only the bare fact, jand have failed to ascertain whether any lib erals or independents participated in the meeting, but presume from the character of the nominees (lnith of whom have lieen radicals since the war) that the convention was of the straightout kind. Now that the radicals have their ticket in the field the same men they have run with some little variation I'or twelve years the Senatorial !anipain Will liegin in -good earnest, with hardly the barest isissibility of the election of Stanton and Sharp. We shall have somewhat to siiy of the record of these candidates before j the campaign shall end. ; Uev.. J M. Dawson, colored, I who is the straightout Republi- I can nominee i'or Representa-tivesit-Iarge in Va., will neither be scaied off nor bough off; He has published a letter in which he declares he will not vfithdraw upuu any coiisiueraiion., lie sjiys with him it is death or ! victory. E. T.'Roykin, Esq.. hominat- ed by tbe democrats for the Sen ate in Sampson, is one of the most prominent young men in j the State. He will be'ia valua ble member of the nt Senate, and will represent hi consti tuency, ably, well. faithfully and Gen. Cartrell is the candidate of both wings of the Republican party in Georgia, of the Green backers and of himself., With this quadruple endorsement he goes before the' people! of Geor - . i giaasKing their support for the mull uuce 01 vjovernor. Vanderbilt has accon' ing to exchange made monev jenougli to give every man, woman1 and child in the I nired States" two "dollars, and then have enough left to board . . 1 a week m a New York hotel. We trust that Mr. Vandeibi ry np our two dollars. t will hur. At Henrys, N. C, k vein of meerschaum of extremely fine quality has been discovered. J The npixuntment oi uenj. u- nui, son oi me laie oeuaior iu.uu mo father's unexpired tern !in the United States Senate by Gov. Col quitt was a very appropriate and graceful act. Mr. Hill is now Dis trict Attorney and is said to inherit mnr'h of his ather's force and ability. The besfnolitical platform seen yet has lately appeared in Ohio. It is 'Resolved, That we will beat them this year." It is full or de termination and contains no princi ples that the party will be obliged to go back on to secure harmony within the ranks. Another newspaper man is in luck. C. N. B. Evans, editor of the Milton Chronicle has been nominat ed for the Senate. He hesitates to accept the nomination ; is a strong man and would surely be elected. . The Republicans carried Maine in the election .Monday by an in creased majority over 1880. Sena tor Blaine made a most active can vass, and this, it is said, caused the trium ph of the Republicans. Now the watermelon has ful filled its destiny. A Shelby, N C, man is making a splendid quality of brandy from the lus cious fruit. A muchly married man A man in Triggs county, Ga., has married four women inside of the past 14 months. Wives num ber one, two and three are dead, In Vermont the Democrats have gained 25 members in the House over 1880. The leaven of Col. Wad dell's elonuenee anions: the Green Mountains last year is working. A colored woman living near Oglethorpe, Ga., is but 40 years bid, but the mother of 24 chil dren. I" There were only two people pres- Aiif. when Dockerv started to sneak sKn Reidsville, ahd he declined to speaK. . , A cotton leaf measuring fif teen inches across is a Warren- ton, Ga., product. Mark Twain supports a negro student at Lincoln University, Canada. Notice.1 " Members of the Township Execu tive Committees of Wilson county, are requested to meet in Wilson Wednesday, Sept. 20tb, to complete the organization and transact other important business. A full attend ance is desired. F. A. Woopard, Ch'm. Demi Ex Com. Wilson county. T. J. Haplky, Sec'y. MISOELLANEO US. mm CERlSlEDf. FOR Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, ickache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout - Quins, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fee and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. ' X i Preparation on earth equals 8t. Jacobs Oil a a i'-;murr. simple uul cheap External Remerty A Iriul entails but the comparatively trifling outla; f 3u Oata, and every one suffering with paii -ti have cheap and positive proof of iu claim&. Directions In Eleven Languages. ' 30LD BY ALL DSUQQISTS AHD DEALERS II HEDICIIE. A.VOGELER &; CO., Baltimore, Md., TJ.&.A WHOLESALE I LIQUOR DEALER & RECTIFIERS POUTSMOVTH, VA.. Keps constantly on hand the following brands: Whiskeys John Gibson, Pure Rye Whiskey, Harris' Pure Rye 4 years old, Mt. Vernon Rye, Kentuckey Rye. Importers of Fine Wines, Gin and FRENCH BRANDIES: Sold at Philadelphia and Baltimore Prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. From two to three thousand Barrels of Whiskey on hand at all times. sep8-6m. OTH'E. THE UNDERSIGNED, have form- 5 ed a co-partnership for the practice of : .. .i : 41 . -. r t 1 . , adjoining country. Returning thanks to their patrons for their liberal pat ronage, they solicit a continuance of the same. Office on Nash Street op posite the Court House lately occu pied by Ja. S.Woodard, Ksq., where one, or both may be always . found when not professionally engaged. t:. J. riAlXJfK., Al. IX, W. S. ANDERSON, M, Jan282.-.ly. D. ANS & NICHOLSON, GKXEKAL 1 31SCEAXCE AGEXTS,' WILSON, X. C. i Life, Accident and Live Stock gate Assets over $300,000,000. r -4 ..-j- Urn J.ffl. Mahoimv MISGELLANEO US. BUY THE BEST! 4". 4'- 5 -" ClUFnOYED SELF-FEEDIE3 COTTON GIN COTTOSi filS FEEDERS" -ASD- ooitxdh: nsbrs -:0:- Endorsed and recommended by the best farmers in North Carolina, among whom we take pleasure in referring toW.FJarker, Enfield: D. Edmnndsou, Scotland Neck; Jas. Hodges, Dr. N. J. Pittman, IL L Staton and E. Bf.'; Bryan, Tariioro W. D. Barden and- W. E. Lewis, Goldsboro; N. Cutcliiu and J; H. Cutchin, Whitakers; A.' J. Harrell, Fremont and riianv others who have used them. Mr. J. J. Battle, of Kocky Mount, one of the best farm ers in Edsrecombe county says: The Hall's Self-Feeding Cotton Gin, manufactured at Sing Sing, N. worked to my entire satis faction. In ginning my entire crop we averaged about 4,500 lbs. seed cotton ; per day, with the attend ance of two bands one to drive the team and one to attend to the gin." . . : Send in your orders to RflfflREMMEMfft, -.:.. AGENTS. Wilson, N. C. julyi-tf ; LAND FOR SALE. Having moved to Kinston I now offer my tract of land for sale : con sisting of 245 acres, situated hi and near the town oi Black Creek, d son County. Residence kitchen and dining rooms attached and all uec e8sary out-houses, located in a beautiful grove on East It. 11. St., about 30 acres in town. Lots sell for from one to two hundred dollars per acre. 5 horse farm cleared and uuder cnltivation. Good tenant houses. Splendid ; water, inex haustible quantities of rich ' shell marl. Land adapted to corn, cot ton &c. Strawberries have , lieen raised successfully on a portion of it. Black Creek is situated on the W. & W. E. R., 8 miles ' from Wil son, contains about 1 75 inhabitants, has a good school for boys and girls, Methodist church in and Primitive and Free Will Baytist churches near by. It is one of the most nourishing and rapidly growing towns on the W. & W. B. li., and has the largest and most extensive mills. I will sell all or iu lots to suit on reasonable terms. Apply to T. .1. ME AC 1 1 AM, Kinston, N.C. Gay's fe to Bis. I desii-e to inform the 'public that I have ojiened my gins at foot of Tarboro St., where I. am prepared to gin co' ton sieedily and promptly. I have everything in thorough re pair, and have added another EXCELSIOR GIN, The fastest and cleanest picking gius on the market. - No more delay. Bring your seed cotton and you shall have it prompt ly sinned. I fefcl confident that I. shall please all who have me to gin their cottqn, and refer to all of my customers of last season. JAMES GAY, Opposite Maj. Gay's Old Stand. L. G. GRADY Dealer in Fine Silver Jewelry and Gold Watch es. Send him your orders. sep8-tf HALIFAX, N. C. ESTABLISHED 18B4. W, F.Au.es. J.T. llORCM. W F ALLEN & CO, Wholesale Grocei, 9 Water St. 18. 22. 36 & 30 Hothery s Lane, NORFOLK, VA. M Hour a Specialty. sepfMSm lUOiWfi Water St. NORFOLK, V A. Receiver & Nliipper ! 1 Ot a ix Kinds Of -1 ...... Biimi.ii l mm ins. i SHELL LIMES, POTLAND. ROMAN. KEENE'S, AND ROSEXQALE I CEMENTS: CALCINE. DENTAL, CASTING. AND LAND PLASTERS, MARBLE DUST. LATHS, FIRE CLAY: PRESS, ANGLE. CORNICE, FIRE, PAVING AND BUILDING BHICKs) TAR, ROSIN, SLATES, &c. Special Rates in , Freights mid j Prices for WHOLESALE LOTS, If 11 II INSTITUTE. STRICTLY NON SECTARIAN. 30th Session liegins Nfonday, September ' 4th. : 1882.- Spacious Building, Fine Library and appa ratus, Experienced and Thoroiish Teachers, Preparatory and Collegi ate Courses, Peculiar Advantages to loung Men for Business Train ing, and young Ldaeies forCom plete Instruction in Music. We graduate several each vear in these departments. " I Terms unusually moderate.' For catalogue address j S. I1ASSELL, A. M., PRINCIPAL. ; "Wilson, N. C. Mea VILS0i COLLEGIATE MISOELLANEO US. ElizaM Iron Ms HAS. W. : PETTO, PROP. 280 and 282 Water St., Norfolk, a MAXl'FACTrREE OK Eiiirt, Bfllrrs Saw aal firit Mills. Shafting, Pulleys? Hangers, rORGIX6SADC AST1NGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. niay-ly 2 " -2 ? x Q s &) a o 3 2 C 3 S 3.&S5-S 5 'a H :A 3 "t i . cc - "g 5 5r2 ft t ec H3 . 2." e s 5 22 sr - , ?2.oc e h E. - O 1 O 3w 21 C O CO B Q o o . a mi . n . " o-o-g h Q. T m & E3 fl - rf S3. rr V 5? S i&c S. 2. 3 TO - 5 S J! J - -? S 3 -l ft S. A L SOP, , ATTORXEY-AT-I.AW, Offices Enfield and Battleboro, . C. Practices in the countsis of Halifax, Edgecombe and Nash, and in the Supreme and Federal Conrts. Will be at Battleboro on Fridays and Sat- urdays ana on other days at Enfield may.Vty BED SFS,I3STC3-S- If you want the lest Bed Springs now iu use, try those made bv J. G. Bawls & Bro. They are guaran teed to ive entire satisfaction. Can refer you to nuinlKTs in town who are now using them. Try them and you - would not do .without them. (Jail for the Double. Twin Bed Spring made bv J. (1. 1VYWLS & P.BO., niavl2 tf i Wilson. N. C. PATROMZE 110.1 FOLKS VThenTliry Tan do as well For You. HUGH . MUKKAYKepresents the larirest. cheapest a, safest and oldest Kejrular Life-In-snranee Company Joint? business in Wilson. Give hiui your business and he will spend his i monev here anions you. niarl7-tf Srfl.STEviiisfjys IS THE PLACE To Huj llie Best. r NORFOLK. VA. 3 4if. SAM. B. WATERS, TARBORO STKEET, W1LSOX. X, C ' SIGN OF THE "BIO- IJTJ3ST," ' EEPg on hand, and Is ' constantly in re-- eelpt of Groceries, Whiskies; Brandies. Rum, Gin. Ales, Porter. Beer, Wines, c, ic, A fine line of Tobacco and Separs, Confection eries, Crackers and Cakes. mi mm mills. For Medicinal Purposes.' warranted pure and unadulterated, lTMr. William I. STRtCKtASD, of Nah Co is with him and will be pleased to see hi friends Auir.ltMf. DINING BOOMS, Near Railroad Depet, kxfield, x.c, Stop and get a (Jood Dinner, Sup per or Breakfast. Board by the Day or Month. Prices very reasonable. Bespectfully, . BIDDICK BUBXETT, may5-ly u Proprietor. . -a 1 O v g,K co S c II II ill I', VI j i-j , MISCELLANEOUS. j ; . JSIiaiiiionV WIJLLOW Tftiric i o-or-o j : . ; ' ill FALLIBLE CHILL CUBE! The attention of DrugghSi and Dealers generally iscalle! ohi mist valuable meilicine. which stan ical for before the public and j nied im uity unuiipuieu as ; a cure Fever ihd AgUe, BiltoUs and Remitting Feer, Dumb Chills. fjiiargea piecn, ami ail Uiseases arising from malarial or niinsmacit poisons. It is no quack nostrum or patent humbug claiming! to cure all diseases, but only such U arise from malarial t. poisons, whiich are very prevalent, in Eastern Carolina. Containing a very valuable prepara tion of Iron, it renovates thej nlood promotes the appetite and is aj nort potent Alterative. Certificates of it infallibility from some of our lxst citizens will befurnishedupouta'ppll cation, and if it fails to give siitisi:i tion when used according toj direc tion ithe money will le refunded, Prepaml only bv ' r ' j HENRY C. SHANNON, uruggLst ana cneumt, 1 tki West Centre t., , Goldsborol JN. C. Auglt4m RICHMOND T1TE FIIODIIl. PKIXTERS'I WAREllduSE. . - ! . Book, News and Job Tyiej Cy l inder! Job and Hand Presses,, Cab inets! Cases, Stands, Inks, l-Koller I LXmj)osition, ac ( ILL. l'ELouzE k Soii , j Kichmtiud; fThe tyie on which this pper is printed was cast at the Ftmn'drv of li. L. I'elouze o: JSon. , i maySly New; Firm styles I New KICKS liKIFfn k M I H H A V. ifcii.Mmru Sr ..Wilson. K. Manufacturers of Carriage, Bng- antl all ' kinds of riding vehicles, u'tiicn win j be sold at the lowest pos.-ible!ligures. J We have' now on hand a nice and ! seleqt stock of work. Our prices are 1 Al .- 1 A ' ......... 7f3. w'la CII -A a ua a v uv- as iuy an ine lowest, jm- uir aim ; call on us beiore Duyiug. raiisiHc- tioii guaranteed in every case, 'lie-" ; pairing neatly arid promptly done. V A Aiuh r.4on. J Atlantic Foundry. 20(1 'j Water, Street, Norfijlk, Va. Manufacturer of Every Dicrit ion of s uanng8 iron ana urass At short notice and Baltimore frices i No Extra Charge for l'attkns oil . lland of which IKavejiuite , j ! an Extensive Variety. tKg JIiylrt Cash Jrit-e piivsl for Met- i March 2 I. 1865 OCKAlK M i KBLE WORKS 1881 ''i'' -.' ! ' oyeitmon ; oirt'e i. j i u hi int. O ; lA ;..; G Ji A V.K .STOC KS -' of every description, maile to ordei 'i ranging in price from $5 up. Designs sent by mail postage paid with i stampps enclosed for return. When ; orders are; received they (are filled and forwarded. If the work is not -i I 1 : satisfactory purchasers are! requested i to return at j ; ! MY EXPENSE. Su j:iy le(iin .ii iiulil I In- Wfjk is ext-j : iimi il. '.rri-sinii.Uii e H .lii .r. il fmin alf! ' :ll nf llu-i-oillilrv. II : r.-i 2" : 1 1 .v. i I v! t .sn . -4- COME ONE,' COMK JALL. :0:- LIVERY STABLtS STRICTLY A FIRST CLASS HIE l STABLE Village Carts, Tea Pluetons, Top Phaetons . i .'att, Park Tjop I Jug-' jetilleuieiis gies, Dotl agons, Road 'Wligdns, the - ! .. itcst Track i Harness, (Jentsr Road Horses; llso Farm Horses and Mules which; we oiler for sale cheap, 'ihejj' for Cash or on 'tinie. I4ard: .iStaJtle com pletcly kept in the liept style and by the most ex)Crienced jiaiid sit t he lowest prices 12(). P.. M. time, . J. ': ... " 'I ! Selliy will le on hand jail night aud day, to attend to his I Ur i' ' friends. Trv him oiice more T. II. SKL1JY Wilson, X. C. jfWe are locatetj at Tystms' Ofil Stables on west side.Jirkeof M House : I : mayl2 tf B he undersigned solicits the j patronage of those desiring ta S ble board. Ternis reasonable. R.T.. ALLEY. H.jF. MURRAY. JOHNj K. M'OODAEU. MURRAY .& WpODAIia 1 t i ATTORNEYS A LAW, ECircuit, Wilson jWiiyue, Pitt, EttgecoinlM and Nash couuties. ' Practice in State .Supreme and Superior Courts, . and Sn Fwleral ; Courts. , , May 5 82 ly. Notice- I will sell on the nth day of September. 1L at the late residence of Mev. : Wm. C'lom. de- i cegsed, toe following- personal property: Two i Hordes, One Uuinry, One Two: Horn.- Wam-n. , a Valuable Library andl other personal ( property. Terms Cash 1 i t W.'C. CLOSs. ! au25-3t . j Administrator, EXCELSIOR C "V. -;. ' 11 Manufactured by ISAAO A. SHEPPARD A CO., Baltimore, Md. HOit ! ty UKU, U. tiRKF.V A. fO.. l-OM. Si. '. 111 III 111 II III II , THE EUREKA V jj ' ;. izing, every -ounce of their jower. To apply this jMiwer to all ordinary Horse Oins reipiires two I inches to one inch rods , 5 feet long. leiit irons are attacheil to the end of the lever in such a form, so as to utilize every inch of lever power tossihle, ." thereby gaining tuie to two feet at that iinMrtant ioint, and is worth the amount 1 '-charge tor the right in goiu, oi tne nrst warer, iu one season. 1 charge Ten Dollars for each (Jin, or wi.ll uttach it to (tins, and furnish the irons for Twenty Dollars the farmer-furnishing the necessary help and t imbers, w hich in most all cases consist of two levers 7 inches by 4.1, taiuMingto 4 or ii at t brother end, IStW't hmg also a piece 10 inches "by .'5, ii feet long. Anv further inlormation may Ini hail by iiddressiiig the. undersigned, QOUNTY. STATE AND INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS nm ell l IljliJt . M used iii each neighlorhod, and its tidenf if will Ncciire the 1 1 i ' 1 1 la vor worthily 'iMune iu thousands of the return inv thanks. lU'sjiect fully Yours J T - ' aug25 L'ui J. 11. (Juteliiii & Co, COTTON ND (JKNERAL i . iia NO. tr, WATEU STKKUT. NOKI-'OLK, VA -:o:- Iiagging and Ties furnished at rnents and correrijxmdence solicited. r Successors to Savage, "Jones & Lee. - V ' - r. - . COUONMFflCTORSnANDl jCOMMISSIOMl MERCHANTS7 : KOTHKHVS WI1AKF, NOKKOMv, VA. J.-ifrKeep a large 'stK;.k' Ties, at Lowest Prices. ami Full itfakc l.ilM'tal illV lti'.M r'Slicit the Coiiespondeiice and Patronage of those desiriufj fie Services of a Cotton House, 'of Large Means, and long, Successful Experience. ' , scp8 Om Savage, 77 v. ater Street Cotton - ; Lilu ial Advances n all Consignment in hand. Produce Ilt'ld Su.jjfM't to 'Order of Shipper. Pi-o'injuJ remittances for sales rendered. Keep a full supply of Cot ton Ragging and Tics. Cm respoudenee and pat remain solicited. scp.s-4m Wairrei M ISit V CilH'IH d Iirsl S'li r(cl SiorL of Spring V 8- Our slock ol a in! :Yon!irs riolhinj; i rail and 'amini il as:we an-, out mi J. G. BE ID. Sucew)rtoGer!fe ltcid,) ' OKALEB 15 j HAY. CORN, OATS HILL FEED Seed OalM n Specialty. .- m lie Ur Street, NiOTfofk, Va. sp--6iu TO WHEAT GROWERS." ""J Wheat irrrjwereeverrwherenow have an op - prtunity u improve their what enp from , u, .r, pereent. By ummrt. louyh l'sU-nt Orainl Sie-e to prefiare their wheat for sowing-. vdi : ProJu "Jl. weak phtni and Imt little imiin Mwu.nauiniuiw wuniiui line, rami! m im "rre rralnii produce the larirext yield. Then-' sieves seimrate the two. leavinir ihiIi- brm. P,U"1P trains to sow. Price by Kipnvn nrijy f-Setid Stump for TesiHuiilals. Aiiunaw ail order to ,PrO. Box No. 4. auri-3iii'.js J. K. KI'K IK I.ittl,..n XT (STOVES! THE BEST IN THE tURXET. Foarten diHfcreot aim and klnda. FItc with Enameled Reservoirs. Adapted to w all requirements, and priced to suit all ponwa. LEADING FEATURES: ' Doable Wood Poors, Patent Wood Crate. Adjustable Hamper, Interchangeable Auto Static Shclt IiroilinR Door, Swinging Hearth Plate, f winding Flue-Stop. Revetaibla tiaa Bn ruing Long Cnw litve, Puuble Short Centers Heavy King.Cover. Illuminated Fire noon. Nu kel Ktxiba, Kk-kel Fanela, etc CiK-qualed ,u Miiteria!, In FinUh. and la opemtton. .., LEVEE POWER This lwj'r, 1 am con. lilent, will till a long felt, wantf that every -Karnier flsis sadly felt. 1 1 com hi nes t wo of t he . most " jtowei Tul known.. -IMiwers, viz : ;mi: ad cam iook. And is Cheap and Du rable, and has lteen -amply tested in driving the Ciins tf two of the " most practical farmers of the State me for ' three seasons. Mr. Kd. l!arnr., haviug gin hed attlie rate of eight hales per day, ; with a 40 Saw Clin, with 4 mules; iu the other case doub- - . ling the amount of cot ton ginned. Each lever) works' independently of the other, thereby util i,n- i ..ii, lilt luiuin II merits 1 do not fear, and feel t on that inv (iiaNeH' Cotton l'lanter has liest .farmers' liehls, for which I Q R A "V E S WILSON, N. C. FA CTOHS Lowest Rates. Consigii-sepS-Cm P Assortment of Oot ton Bugging and on I'OTTOiV Ordered lo be llvld.r & Co, Norfolk, Virginia. lilt' iIO(Is is coiniilete. hrlorc pureliasiii, Son liarains in thai line. BARNES. TAB1JOBO, N. C. A FIRST-.LAS.S JIOTEI.. iLar;e8aniplc Rooms for Chiuiit- je-ly Proprietor. liSTAULHsH El 1HH5.-V'- -M, L. T. IU VIS. . . '. II. U. IUVW DAVIS, & CO . W nU JjJCSAIjX. UHUUCniS Flour; I'rovisjoiiH FIkIi and hall So. K. CorTWsiLcr & Couim ntH, P - .'lui. JiilRFOLK. VA. DAVIS & GILES !ATTOIlX EVS AXIttDl XSELUIKS AT LAW, NASHVILLE, S. C. j Hon nartm J. J. Oavis of Louighunr ha formed a iartm-rliij) with r.. a. r. I. lies for the practice or law in .nhsu t ounty theremilarterinsof Naish Superior Court. seii-ly .-nr. linns win aiiena

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