.-.Wilson, Fiidav Octolier' - Index to Ke? Adfertisemejts. . Doon Saab &., Albert Farmer a Wood chance J H Plppen 4c Son Mills and Land Sale Dr. J M Taylor Notice H O connor Administrator Xotiec I V Amerson Admi niMrator Fall (Joods-r Warren A. Harm The dying horses in Joue.s-. Countv are TS. (Jov. Vaneewil! attend the Kdgc euinlte eountv Fair at Tarlmro. Mr. L. I) Killeft is now with Fel ton & Seat Ixtioiigli sis eotton buyer. Comet part ies are now in order. The comet ran he Keen in the K:i. t shortly le fore day. Several new steamers are shortly to lie put on the Conteiitnea Creek front Snow Hill to Newherne. Richard Battle, Ksi., of I he AYhx Olixerrcr, 1ms been aoinfed keep er of the Capitol hy-'Coy, .Tarvis. There will lie a pie niei't .Pleasant Grove church,, this' county, todav' We return thanks lor an invitation. The eon u ty executive committee meets tit-morrow at 11 oVItw k in Wilson. Let there he a full attend ance." i - ; -v Our iieighltoiytlie ,S!J'tinijn 'conies' to us this week considcrabh enlarg ed, promising to pursue in the fu ture the sauie course it. has in the past. . - Itev. Mr. Turlington, of Pennsyl vania, preached in the Primitive Baptist Church in this place last -night.' His; sermon was highly ap preciated. ; The Senatorial convention of riieene and; Lenoir will he held Oc tolier fith. ! Greene recommends Col. It. C. I) Beainan, and Lenoir X W. Granger, Fsq. Hot If are good men, and would make good repre; , sentatives. ! The Matiisou Square Theatre Company played "Hazel Kirke" and 'Esmeralda1' in the (eaa House Mond i and Tuesday evenings ol this week to fair houses. The en tertainments are regarded as the best ever gilveii in Wilson. ' t- - There will lie a railroad ' meeting in the interest, of the Wilson and Tar l'iver railroad' at the Court House to night at half past seven o'clock. Col. W. F. Beaslcy and others will 'address the meeting. Let there 1m :i' large attendance. Mr. Ik iht IThoriitnu. of this phu t will shortly move to Xevvherne where he will engage ill the wholesale' li ouor business. He will st ill conl iuu husinessin this pi ice in co p it i nor ' ship with Sir. . I. C. h'hodes, who will manage he business. Our former countiA ntau T. It. Cotton. Ks., who Was nominated for the House "in Pitt has 'resigned . as has alu II. 1). , er. t.'te lio-n inee' lor I lie;Keti;ite; A convent io:; to nicet Oc'ober Ttii. to till the va cancies c.iu.'ieil by t hese fi'signa ions lias been called. The Ilc'juibiican Executive ('iu' liiiltee met Lin Wilson yesterd.iy.. The committee endorsed Hubbs for Congress and A. P. Simpson for Treasurer of Wilson county. Hubbs was endorsed by a vote of seven to one. Simpson was endorsed with out a dissenting voice." Our young people are enjoying the "ups and downs" of life at, the Skating Kink, night ami day. Last, night-there was a contest for a pair f skates which were won by. Master Moses Farmer. Nest Thursday i night the. ladies will have a similar contest. There's fun ahead. A railroad meeting was held last night at Connor & -Woodnrd's of flee in the interest of the Wil oii & T.ir Uiver- railroad.';" -Col.- Beasley of Ox lord was present, and Urged 'J W A IUI Ik 1? tl I' Ilia (ilKI IllilUI, i . i p';i . , -i- I ii the people of ikson to aid i build I, 1 i 'n,, , ug he mad The pn.sets now! lor I, ml. bngthe road are, . wc are ; Html to know. VCI V good. : " , e ackliotv Ledge the receliii iti' complimentary t icket fr.nn th Bocky Mount Fair which wdl be held Oct. 21th, 'to 27th, inclusive: the Itoaiioke.Grai.g.' Fair 'at. Wio I tmid Oct. 10th to i2th inclusive ; to the colored People's Fourth Annual Fair at Raleigh ; and to the Tarboio Fair Oct. .list ami Nov, :hd. inclu sive. .'' We are informed liy our clever friend Marcellus Strickland, of Nash.that one morning of this week two of Mr. Buck Cooper's -children, 'aged respectively K and t .years, were playing wit li a pistol, and the oldest one siiof the youngest finder f e eye inflicting a st i ious if not fa tal wound. At last accounts it was feared the child could not live. The following ai-e the delegates from Wilson county to the Con gressional Convention which meets in Gohlslioro to morrow '(Saturday). F. A. Woodard, A. B. Deans, I. ltajter, L. I). 5 Fanner, G. W. Dew, Dr. .1. M. Taylor, Dr. A. G. Brooks, J. D. Adainsj E. G. i;urms? ,j. p. Eatmaii, Y W. Farmer, J. I). . Wells, T. II. l'.ridgers, Lycurgus Farmer, .1. H. .jp!ewhite a'nd'li. T Stevens. 1). A. Culbreth, Esq., the present ; euicieiit clerk' of Sampson county.; was not renoininafed ;iml the radi-1 cals thought that on that account j v he would necessarily (eel disat i.-lied j . so they ofleivld him their noinina- ! tion for clerki They mist4Kk the! man. Mr. Culbreth 'declined to 1m- . f cornea Judas, We would epect j nothing less dt' Mr. Culbreth! IU-' is no time-server, -but a democrat from principles CoMsboro Mrsx -. i We were jdeased to liieet Ex Sheriff Lewis, of Nash, in town Wed nesday and t6 learn tiom him that ; the pi'osH'cts.f for-success in Nash this . ear, a re ivery bright, lie in iornied us that" the republicans held a meeting in iXashville last Satur day and eiidorse.l .Ino. 1 Arrimr i ton, regular democratic nominee,! tor Sheriff, and nominated'' or en lorsel the present hie,umleiit. .1. J. Drake for L'egister of- Deeds. The proceedings of the -convenUon were ' inhariiioniousj and noisy, and the meeting broke up in a fuss. . v The Wayne county tleiuoeratic ! etniveiitiini was hejd last Saturday. ' A strong ticket was placed iu .the 1 Held which ; ill b- elected in No-S venilier. i For the. Senate W. T. Dortch. For the House F. .M. Avcock ami W. ll.Brog.leii. ! For Sheriff 1). A. Grantham. i For Clerk of Superior Court Col. j J. V. Cobb. ! 1 i For Begistty of Deeds R. W. Lgerton.'- , ; i For Treasurer J. ,1. Barden. i For Coroner Dr. M. E Bobinsoi ' We are indebted to Sheriff J. P. Ai riiifiton, of Nash.' Chief Marshal I of the liocky Mount Fair, lor the I following list of Assistant Marshals' which he. has just appointed : l T. .1. Braswellf Castalia;.T. II. I Uzzell, Mapleville ; D. W. Thorp, ; kocky Mount ; T. A. Williams, Ar eola; T.C. Daily, Nash co.; M. C. Draswel.l.- liattleltoro; J. C. Bras i well. - Whitakers ; Doan Herring, Toisnot ; Frank Graves, Wilson ; ! Lawrence 1). Knight, Tarboro; T. I II. riienw, Tarltoro; Geo. M. Hmv j on I. Tarltoro. With this array of "mounted Knights'' a quiet and orderly time is assured. The Democratic. 'Executive' Com mittee of the Second Congressional District -met iiu (Joldsltoro hist Friday and adopted the following resolutions: ' IicMolred, That the democratic executive committee for the 2d Con gressional district, after due delib eration, deem it inexpedient to have a democratic candidate for .Congress in said district this year, ami if it was a matter to lie regu lated by .the. committee it would not hesitate f o say t hat no candidate would be run. But as this power belongs 'solely to the people, of the 'district, the' committee feels induty bound to call a convention iu Jordcr that, the people may have an oppor tunity to express .their wishes on the subject. A "convention of the democratic party for the 2nd Con gressional . district will, therefore, be held at Gohlslioro on the 7th da'y'of Oct. 1SS2. Actuated solely by ii desire to serve t he ltest interest of the democratic party, the com mittee ventures to express the hope that when the. convention ineetsit will conclude tlkat it is best to have no candidate, and will act accord ingly. . Apology. Anapology is due our forlhe small amount of matter in this issue. Our readers reading foreman and two printers are sick and the editor has been compelled to 'dtohi the fort" this week w ith half the usual assistance. We have also to ask the indulgence of a immler of our business men whose advertise ments we how have in hand, but have not suttieieiit force to gel them rip in time for this issue. We ask all good paying subscribers to pray for. the early r;st(ration "of our printers ol hers need not for the "prayers of tin- wicked availeth Hoi." ' The Anticipated Collision. Tim appearant-e of the comet has I excited great interest which Isays i the "Star" is intensified bv thedis- i . t iniiiaticii tliioiigh the country of ! such cheeiiiiLoarairraiths as the fol- I : lowing, which wconv from ain int- j ed istal caid : ' "IMnnMiKt'V Satimlav, Octo IberTth, ll exm-tly at ! o'clock ' A. M., the coin'et will run info the !.si;ii. and darknes.-s will invade the warth for 72 iiii ". i!e le:'irth ofi t:ine : 'l-.iisf va .. ;i prey to-death;. :'iid the we.d will be engulfed by air earthqiiake. The d-irkness will be so inielise that it will he 'impossible to Siave any light. "The Lord's Prophet, "J. A- Wattkks. "Milford, Ga., Sept. 27, 1SS2 " Advertised Letters., A list of let ters aud Postal cards wholy written, in the Post Of lice at AYilson, X. C, Oct. 1, 1882. . I.AOIKS LIST. Mrs Laura Armstrong, Miss Lina P Bon tier, M iss Pat ia I Udl. M rs .Vrcha D'v, Miss Jane (l.i.v, Miss Molley Joints and Mrs 5S .1 Howard. v CrEXTLKMKjV'fcS-I.ISTj, Isaac Tha:swell, colored, J Baker, Daniel .Blount, Hubbeit Bynuin. 4 I t X l ft! t I care C I. est, corored, Henrv Cough- . ,, ,, -' r. ; ton, Heii'v Domllv, J.it k Exuiu, . Wl. (; ,. (;m,.in, (;; j u Frank I lodges, (J) j .., ,. ..... ... , v ' i Bli.t - Sli ickl.iiid, Jiio in L.i ill in, i riejaea ii ..!oni -, Mimimii i ea cock and Won en Tilry, colored. If the ab ive letters-and cards are. not called for in four weeks, they will be aeut t t .e Dead Letter Onice. M.C. DAMIELS, P. M. Commissioners Meeting. .'The. ('ounty Commissioners met Monday. Jno. II. Barnes, D. A. Howard, and Wiley Deans were pi e sent. .1 mi. II. Barnes elected Chair man ); trni. 1 Ketail liquor license was granted to J. C. Flowers ' Toisiun, Corlett iS: I'elton and V,. H. Tyson, Wilson, K. Vf. Frivcii and is. AL Warj'en, dr:, Dlack Creek, Eli. Wil liamson, Old Fields. ' The following registrars and judges of the elect ion, to lie held on the 1st Tuesday in November, were appointed. Wilson Win. F. -.Mercer, Regis trar. John Selby, Alex Green, IL W. Edwards and Orien Best, poll holders. Cnoss Boa lit; T. A. Thompson, Registrar. D. A.-Scott, Jonathan Newsome, Solomon Ijaniin and lien. Scott, Ktll holders. '. .Black Ckkf.k A. G. Brooks, I legist rar. W. R. Newsome, Wiley Barnes, Dennis Daniels and Benj. Rouutr.ee, poll holders. SmitNu llii.L Siinon liar.es. Registrar, Jesse Ivirbyj Wm. llin nant. Ransom Ilinnant and Ah in Ballance, jioll liohlers. Old Fiklus .J. F; Eatmau, Registrar. 1). Al. Stott, Wiley Pear son, Noel Jones and Council Boy kin 'poll holders, - Taylous :A. AI. Thoinpsoti, dr., Reuistrar. W. W. Farmer. ('. W. O'Neill, 11 illiar.l Ellis aii.l Alfred Woodard. poll liohlers. Toisnot W.C. Datfs.Registrar. .1. T. F.. Hoover, Win. Barnes, Da vid W. Wj'aver and Lewis Deans, Mill hohlers: G.l:uEKs Win. Woodard. Jr., ivegistrar. Tha.l. I'ender, (i. T. Daniel, Stewart Williams and A. Bynum, poll holders. " Sak.atchsa L. Farmer, Regis trar. .1. T. Eason, S. H. Tyson, Jno. Tyson and D. Al, Owens, poll hold ers. STAN ton sit kg .1. T. li raves, Registrar. . II. Applewhite, . I. E. Dr. t hers,. Sr., Alvin Daglev and Frank Woinlaid, (col,) poll holders. ll. .. i- .11 :.. : .1 : i lie joiiow nig juroi N ei cii aii lor the fall term of Inferior Court x .1. 1).. Farmer, Alsev Forlns, W. II. Wells, !). P. Haskett, Raford Dew, col.) B. F.'Briggs. Jas. I. Bokin, G. W. Aloore, C. W. .Ionian, W. II. Ha'riison, Jno. W. Adams, Calvin Atkinson, Albert Farmer, W. R. Mattox, D. 1). Flowers, Alex, Wil liamson, Thos. Williamson, .James Daniel, J. S. Farmer," Redmond Williams, Alason Bass, AY. H. Wil- liamson, A. J. Davis, Jas.E. Mason, Aug. Barnes, Cluis. liridgers, It. tl. Privett, Ii. W. Atkinson, W. II. , Hilars and J. S. IJ. Woodard.' No other busiin ss apjM-ariug the lxard adjourned Mashtille. Nashville, N. (' Oct. 3, 1H82. Mr. Editok : At day break his utoruing our county jail was found to be on tire. The Haines had made such headway that it was found impossible to save he building. Sampson Battle, col ored, who was confined in a room Jip stairs was sa veil by strenuous ef fort after lieing oxce, given up as last. Jerry Cox Who was confined in a cell on the lower floor was burn ed to death, but b.j great effort his IhmI.v was taken from the burning building. He wasjtried at the last term of our court ajud convicted of the murder of Mariy Eliza Hawkins at Battleboro. Hi's counsel appeal ed to the Supreme! Court. He was well known from hU connection with the Worley m unlet' in Wayne coun ty.' The origin of he fire is not fully known, but itjis believed that Cox fired it. either jn the hoje of es caping or of destroying himself. How he could haveikindled a fire iu his cell is a lnattj-r of conjecture only. ' Sometime ag he complained of tooth ache, and assked the jailor for some powder to jput in his tooth, but how lie could hare ignited it is a mystery, as the jailor never allow ed him to have matches or a knife and anything to use! as a Hint. The building wa of wood, and was considered one f the safest in the State. No insurance. Loss about :WMM. ; . At 1:30 P. M. bnlay an alarm was given nj) town, and Capt. A. W. P.i idgers' kitcheh was found to lie on tire, but fortunately the flames were extinguished before any damage was done, except the burn ing of a small portion of the roof. ! W. T.G. i?I Altltl On Wednesday the 201 h ult., at the brides father, Mr. Ishain Gor dan to Miss Laney A. Glover. Wesley Privett, Esq of Baileys township, N.C. ,olliciating, all JNasli county, Last Thursdav Mri F.D. McDan- iel, sou. of the Jones countj" poet, was married to .Miss Nancy Kit lingsworlh, his father's wife's sister. At tlie residence df Mrs. Ellen Koonce in Jones county, Thursday, i Sept. 2Sth, Mr. Frank Koonce to Mrs Susan Brock, lltjv. F. D.Swin dell officiating. lIEIj On Wednesdav inoFning, the 2Jth J inst., iu Edgecombe county, about miles iront uocKy Mount, Mr. Kiiidreil Harper, sou of Stephen Harper, aged altout SO years, 1 Al her residence tear Toisnot, Sunday, Sept. 12th, Mrs. Wiley II. Wells, aged :?2 years She leaves a husband and one child to mourn their loss, j j At her residence. nejar Stantons bnrg. Fridny, Sept 29th, Mrs. Charity Gardner, widow of the late Kobt. Gardner, of consumption, aged 42 years, It months, aud 1 days. She leaves two childrejii and many friends to mourn the loss they have sustained. She was ja consistent member of the Methodist church. i j HOME ITEMS. Musical instrument tuned and repaired at Church well's, .-.Call at Warren &. Biirnesand ex amine their stock. You will save tnone bv exainiif d.Ick, dig Warren & Barnesit . . i Smoke the "Svvectlt ai t cigar i ; U-iwls & Bnn ,i.n. h.ibimv iiy ; Buy your tol.aeco 1'awls &.- I:. They I ....ived a nice line . from J. ive just C. re Loi.k I Ik KU. Fifty galhtis of ! Senppernong wine wanted, .for i which a liberal price wjill-hepaid. j Apply to Aloye iS: Nadal. m i Wilson's skillful del list. Dr. 11. , W. . Joyuer, would not have the peo I pie of this section forget that he is still extracting teeth Without pain ! an. 1 that he is filling tjiem without j any suffering to the parties having ! the work doiie. lie lias the best i facilities and the neateist office and ! if any reader of this paragraph needs I the service of a first cldss practical j dentist he should call ob Dr. 11. W. i Joy tier ,w ho .hwvs the Aviork well and ' charges moderate prices. ( . j Nine pieces of music ! by Oliver Difson & C are sent - us o ol whose ' publications it is fair; to sav that i the quality improves as the quanti- ty increases. A lithograph picture , of the tibial stilt tyjK idorns ''The (Waiting Heart" (f0 ts.,) a very well made song ,by J Torrev, w hose name me Ionian trongly sug a numlierof an impres- gests that of a ladv whoj years ago, made quit, sion on the imblie as t ae best la.lv concert player. Next are two Iieau tiful songs, "Through the - Woods"; and '( Al.Kin, O quench thy golden Beam," by Robert Fanz." Those who like such music hail liest buy the lKHik from from whwh these are extracted, as it only costs "$2, and these two songs cost .'HI cts.'apieee. "AA'ho buys a lunik flat is ready wrought . i Gets many a song t r little or nought,": Iu purchasing Franz' ''Album ol Songs," you get about 70 gems of com posi tion. Other sdugs in the bumllcarc '-To Althea, from Prison" by White, '-a Vnysi.le Posy,'' by Watson, aud a 'comic trifle, "Ah no. I never Flirt !" ; by (. E. Prat t. There is also a miisical ''Barcarolle," arranged from "Sylvi" by Leon Keatdi, a "Reverie du jSoir" from St. Saens, by Durand, tind a neat progressive piece" for students, by Louis Meyer, called "The Young Stranger." l'RAtflt.U STLVfIL CTlTTER, Manufai-turerof CKEKCH'S ADJUSTABLE I STENCIL I.ETTEKS, Kt-y Chetks, Kublier Stamr, sWiety lta.lift-8 aiul liulelible Ink, Orders promptly tllksl. NO. 7 SOCTH FKOST SiTREET, WILMINGTON, NOKTn CAKOLINA. sopt2I-3m H. W. UOl'STKEE, . W.pV. HOrNTHEE. H. W. ROUNTREE j& BRO., Wholesale Manufacturers of :all kinds of TRUNKS, VALISES. TRAVELING? faAGS SATCHELS; VIM, 1302 & 1AM KHMil.lN ST4 COR. GOV. R ICH MON D, VIRG1X I A. Sample Trunks made to onkjr. Repairing done at Short Notice aud on the! most reason- able terms. Orders execute.!. promptly and carefully sepcjmos "Wilson Market. i roRRKOTen WEEKLY BT Bynum Daniel i Co , COTT ).V. The mrk-t has further dwllned hut thtre is a fair demand. Keo-iptss however, arv uirriland we leara still lurtner decline.' Thursday eveni ns quotationaare 10 to 1U POTATOES (Sweet) : JO to 75 BACOV, N . C, (hoe round) 15 Hams, " C. K. Side. V lb Bulk Shoulder PORK, SALT -.I . I tine i LIME. oHock).- COHN . PODDER... LARD, Country " Northern - . MEAL........ WHEaT, in-w) OATS FLOCK, per bbl COFFEE..-,-..... - SCO A It J -. SYItCP I... . MOI.ASSF.Si tcuba.) ... HAY... I. EtiGS ; BEESWAX; CHICKENS PEaS. tcow - 18 S 18 16 17 12)i 13 .1 00 ffl 1 00 1 SO a 1 75 1 nOia.180 Jtaigi 1 00 l a 15 M 12 (a. lo s SO (Si 1 00 -.iiofa i oo .. so (a m JjnO(Sj7 5B 11 (ii 12 9H (SJ12 S Gi V 40( 45 IS 130 ...: 15 22 S4 is (Sao loo no MISCELLANEO US. 3SJ"ot,ioe- IIav1neiiialine(l as administrator of the e t ate of .tiarity Oardner. de-eajel, before the Probate J uiIkc of WIlAon County, notice is hereby (riven to all persons indebted to the es- xaieoi saidueeeawa to make immediate pay ment, and to all persons havinif claims atrainst the deceased to present them for payment on or before thetith day of October. 13, or this notice will lie plead in liaror their recovery. i I. U. AMEltSON, Adm'r. Connor & Woodabd, Att'ys. oct6-tt 3STOTICE. By virtueof a decree of the Superior Court of Wilson County, rendered at Spring Term, 1W3. inttiecaae'of Sally llonnr vs. Noel Batman & Burton Williams, I will sell at the Court House door, in Nashville, on the 6th day of No vember, le,i the following land: The tract In asli county, adjoining the lands of Dorsey J, Boykin, Joseph Deans, Peyton Bissett and oth ers, morejwi-ticularly descritied iu said decree, and containing iii8) sixty-eight acres, more or less. Terms cash. H. ii. CONNOR. Commissioner, October 3d, ct-4t ALBPT FARMEJi, TAEBOUO St NEXT DOOR TO WIGGINS, Wilson, N. C, Dealer in I)o.n,s,Viiidows,Blinds, Lime, Hair, Master and Cement. All at Bottom Prices, forCash or Darter. Parties neediug any goods in this line will please five me a call. oetG-tf I A GOOD CHANCE ! Wishing; to change our business we will sell our entire stock of Gen eral Merchandise and rent our place of business to any good party who wishes to engage iu tlie merchantile business. Our town is' a thriving business place, surrouuded by one of tlie finest fanning sections in the State. The ma jority of the fanners work on the wages system, thus a great deal of cash is in circulation, and all the advantage of the f ill trade are yet to we, as cotton lias just commenced to move. A splen did chance for a good parry to start business. Address or call upon J. II. PIPPEN & SON, Whitakers, N. O. Oct. 3d, 1S.S-2. octG-0t AND LAND S A LE " I offer for sale my Mills and Lands on Contentne a Creek, nine and a half miles west of Wilson, consist ing of a splendid Flour Mill, Corn Mill, Cotton (iins, &c, containing ; 392 Acres ! Would preter to sell all together, but for convenience to purchasers would divide it so as to sell Mill tract, containing about 179 acres, and the other tract, about 220 acres, sepa rately. Each tract would contain 5o acres cleared lands, the remain der most in original growths. These premises exist upwards of S,Ooo iu 18511, and are intrinsically worth more now than then. The Wheat Mill has a tine run of custom, grind ing from 3,500 to 4,000 bushels an nually; ground one, year 4,i!(0 bush els by actual count. The lands fie alwive an aver iue in fertility. My price:-, are, fn- M.1I 1 i ;: t .",.0 0; lor Ihejitl.er .tract 0!). . I'W . further ..information nddrc-ts or visit me on the premises, ilood cause for selling. J- M. TAYLOli. -Tuvlo. V: P. ( )., Wilson Co., N. C. oet(i-;;t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The umlersUrncd havinjr qualified as Admin istrator upon the estate of James L. Privett, hereby srives notice to all those Indebted to I113 intestate to malic immediate payment. To those holding claims against the estate to pre sent them for payment within the time pre scribed by law or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Sep 25th 1882-4t. JOSEPH FARMER. G. W. Blount, Att'y. . Admin, 2sTo"Lioe- Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Jesse D. Tomlinson, deceased, before the Probate Judge of Wilson County, notice is hereby driven to all persons indebfed to the estate of said deceased to make immediate payment, and to all persons having claims against the deceased to present them for pay ment on or before the 3Uth day of September 1883. or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. Wilson, N. CsopSWt, F. A. WOODARD. Administrator. 11. V. JOYXER, Bellas pcrnmnently located' in Wilson, N. C All opperations will oe neatly and carefully performed and on terms as reasonable as pos sible. T.H'th extracted without pain. Office Tarboro street next door to Post office. rJan 3 12ni.j OEO. M.t'RAPUN, formerly with Geo. Meyers. 11. H. PICKETT, formerly with W. P. Oldham & Co. No. 10 Sorm Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Keep a Full and well Selected Stock of (HEMES, TOBlffO L AT WHCLESJLE I (ID RETAIL PRICES GUARANTEED AS UW A3 THE IX) WEST. We sell Cotton. Corn, Naval Stores, Chick ens. Ewsand other Produce for our custom ers and charjre them no commission, and guar antee to (ret them as much for their produce as any house in the city. Try us. CRAPON & PICKETT. sepctiimos F. W.Chambeki.atn .Eob:rt G. Leioh.Jr. Late of Lathrop & Leior. CH A.MBE HLAYN & LEI GH, WHOLESALE I, I Q U O li D EALERS , Xo. lull Cary Street,' R1CIIMONU VIRCHNIA. sept-tr Wholesale Liquor Dealers, AND DISTILLERS AGENTS. Sle Agent for PALMER'S CHOICE AND BONANZA WHISKEY. rJU CAHV STREET, RICHMOND TIKGI SI A , sept23-tf L. HEILBRONER & BRO. -tt:- L. Heironer &B ro., AGENTS. Tarboro, )k Jim AND OTHER Dress Goods and Silks. aruets, Ms & Oil Glotliii. CHIIDKENS' MISSES and LADIES tl I, AND .Silk Cimiars. CHILDREN SUITS, ; , BOYS SUITS, YOUTHS' SUITS, MENS' SUITS, , Of which we have the Largest Stock in Eastern Carolina. AND Fine Hand-Madiv Shoes i - ami " . . i . GaHers. We present tli above advertise ment with our compliments to our customers jf Wilson and adjoining counties, at the same time thank ing them for their liberal patron age heretofore given us land solic iting a continuance of the same. Respectfully, . L. HEILBRONER & BRO. Ag'ts. We will forward and deliver all packages free of Express charges to our customers in Wilson aud Toisnot. ' iVwnter a m Cote CASHMERES. in n i u JACKETS mm mi, Transit Tenus? . t-:o: ; ' Tlie transit of Venn, u-hii great attraction of the year and the w .vu, um tuc jiaiiviii7,Haiua in usotijust now is the tiausit L. EDfARDS, Who has just returned from thelXorth OF GOODS which in VARHTTY AND QUALITY is Simplv lm mense, and tvhich he is offering at prices that seem ahyost fabuious In the space to which I am limited it, would he imiHssible to enu merate the many varieties of of gjMHls, but it is sufficient to sav that the Stock is complete In Dry, Goods and Dress Gootls inent of the very latest patterns, it SEE THIS! Prints (good quality) 4 & 5c. gUmI & 8c, Unbleached Sheeting 5(r7.ic. Alamance Checks k White Pique 7c, Wash Poplins 8c, Worsted lfress G.kkIs, Assortel Patterns 10folJ Bed Ticking (good 1012icv Canton Flannel (heaAT) 10(5:i?Jc, (J,h"h1 Carpet from 22Jc up; Good Floor kil Cloth 3,"c.ier yard, Largest and Cheapest stock of Trunks and Vapises in the State. Jflff Stock Is incomparable, and comprises everything properly Wlouging to this me. i am onenng uniia a liose $r .c and upwarK Ladies' Hose at "m md upwanls, Gents half Hose at im and onwards. HaiidkcrcWfs . r.i- 10c, Kid Gloves at 10c and upwards,' Good Towels at .V. Good Tubl Linen 25c, Needles 3c a paier. Piiis Collarettes, from 10c upwards, aijd other articles iu like rort ion. I have also a full line of ladies' Brehkfast Shawls, which willlie sold at prices ranging from 15c to 25c j Ladies, Skirts of gKd -quality at 50e, White Counterpanes at 50c and upwards. I have in stock the largest and finest assortment of 3 . LADIES CLOAKS hat has ever been brought to Wi is simply unparallelledJ See the! $2.00, ChUdrens' Shoes 40r0c, Pliw Shoes (iic, Ladies Fine shoes 1.00 Men's Heavy Brogans $1.00 and ubwards Gents Fine Dress .Shoes 1.25 and upwards. My stock of 1 HATS aiad CtV1jS Is also absolutely complete, and inkhis department pip-chasers will get bargains. Men's Wool hats 25Cj Boys' Wool Hats -20c, and a tine Fur Hat for $1.00. A complete assortment of . ,, CCC L OOOO TTTTT C L O O T 0 L O O T C i L O O T CCC LLLLL OOOO T To suit a tramp or a dandy. I cannot give prices in this' department but can guarantee a fit, at your onjn figures. My Grocery Department is us jfull as I can find room for, and I am satisfied that my prices cannot lie beat. I ofb r Good' Coffee at KX Good Light Sugar Sic, Granulate.! Sugar lie, Pearl Starch We; .Star Lye 8c per box, Bar Soap 4c. A splendid asortineiit of . ' Tinware Woortwiu'e & Glassware. I can sell you a Fine Lamp, worth anywhere else 2.50, for 1.00 I return my thanks for the very liberal patroinjige heretofore iie stowed upon me, and take this occasion to assure iny customers that iu the future, aft in the past, it will! be my aim and endeavor to deserve it. "' a a TS-R 4 2 " r-lof H O 3.1- "i f 25 ? " a w c Eco 3. i i Pi 0 2 ?B ?m O X r Z. Q, g-53 i " Fi -3 I' : I .. - .. . DAVIS GII.7S ATTORN E V S AND COUNSELLORS AT LA W. " : NASIIVrLLE, N. d. Hon. J. J. Davis of Louisbunr ha fir:n-laj partnership with E. 9. t Giles lor th, practlKv of law in Nash Comity. Mr. Davis will intend! the regular terms of .Nash Superior Court. i cpS-ly , .. . . - J TO WHEAT GROWERS. Wheat growers everywhere now have an op portunity to Improve their wheat crop from i"i to 30 per cent, by using Clough's Patent Grain Sieves to prepare their wheat for sowing. Vou cannot afford to be without one. Small frrains produce small, weak plant ami bat liitteirrain. large grains produce the largest yield. These: nieves separate the two, leaving only larirf, plump grainso sow. Price by Express only 2.! Send Stamp for Testimonials. i Address au oraers to J. E. HUE, JR( Littleton, S.C. f P.O. Box No. 4. aug4-3mos i p ;p ' .JO rs WORTH & WORTH, ' wiLMixgiroN'.N.cv, COTTON riTTOKS, GENERAL COIIISSIOR N MERCHANTS and Wholesale Dealers in f -' GBOCERIES AID PRIM ISIO Solicit Consignments and Orders. aept2S-3mos 22 ' ' S"oV i 5 . 1 5 Isi I 4 J ."? J g H T . r ; . ; H -cm m i ?Q r - - -S . . 2 2 .AS-. S : CD 2? L-J - - K- ' - 2" W - ?S , m .i ? ( H i 11 eyes of the scientific world are aoir in All - Braiielies. I ha ve-a full and C4)llllltte , ;l prices, that cannot lie approached. Ginrham Ti llle or Motions 3c a paper, also a full line of b..lnv AND DOLMANS son. . My stock of boots & SHOFs following prices: Gents'. Fin itnnt II II II II IIIIIIHH II II H . H GGGGG G G G G GG GGGGG XX N X X X !N N X X NN I I t - Sep.-x.Mr Jioosrs iiaiii)v'!;i; Decor Ve have now in stock ne of the most coni Pll Bssortinetita m the Stale in the following SASIf, DoOltS AND RLrN DS, VVIiih. T.rm.1 an.l H.inJ.. . .. . . . v "n.-. nuiwiiiiineioiors, l.in seed Otl. Paint and Wall llnish,. Huilder's Hard ware, Mechanics' Tools and Supplies Far mers Implements, Window -Glass. Small an.l I AV&f I iMrin V a ..li ........ .1 ll ... u 4 i . r-ainis, i arniure Materials, and a complete Assortment of Iron. f l','1 HarJ,wlre- Munufucturers ApencT for the best .and cheapest COOKING STOVES in the State. New stoVk constantly arriving. Send your orders and you will iret lowest prices and save tnoncy. All correspondence by mail promptly attend ed to.. NATHANIEL JACOIII. - ... No. lOSouth Front Street.. sep.-tf . ; Wiluiinjrtou, N. C. ADMirJISTRATOR'S WOTICeT Haviinr qualified as lidmlnistralor of the es tate of snieej- Adams, deceased, tfora the liolwte Jmlit,. of Wilson count y, notil-e f hereby piven to all persons indebted to 1 he estateof said deceased to make Immediate pay ment, and brail persons havinir claims arainst tlied'na-dtpre.:ntthe.Mi lor nayioent on or before tlie SSni day .i Sepiembcr, Issa, or this iiouue will tieplual m bnrof (He r rvcov, ?.T- -.,V , l"(-M.l nL.Wll.PKH. Adin. l otinor & o.'clni-.i, A't'y . Mp.'.lS-4l I ...' -a ny. i.ru .:& r .V- ul t r n.-jtl'l bHllell at t:jeCour '. u r iu W ou fo:-ca.-'. the inter.-' oi' i . (J. Humr. srri. i vaibin ne. jL.soliaiutj. Alicean l Julius Kv ans, Veuelope ltarm.4. on narriei female cln'd of Spei'cer C. Iternt s. H;id .lor.athtin r,irn t:. In a tract of land sitimto i m the county ol Wil son, !1 Hi'k i r.fl; towuip. a ;joii:iiris"i:. uims "J A. llrsm.li mi. I A. ii. jiiiajks. coiiiaoiuiv throe himdntl iirul wvettty acres. mor' or lent and known as the home-place of the iat. Hun ysn llarncs, to satlsfj an execution in my hands issued by the Clerk of the Sujierior Court of Wayne county atrainst said parties. Terms of Sale : Cash. This Sep, 22nd. ISK3 sep-S-tf. . JAS. E. FARM Eli. Sh ff. B. F. MITCHELL & SOW, COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the Sale of t'ORS, HA('()X AND OTOKK MKKCHANWSR, AMI rROPHIETOKS Or THE Merchant Flour $ Crist Mills. - DKAI.KItS IN ; PEANUTS, G1JA1N, FLOUR, I liKI), HAY, .-&(.. Cousiiniuicuts of Corn, Cotton. Naval Stores and other Merchandise Solicited. Hurhest ;Prlc!s obtaineil. No. 9 a.vu 10 N. Water Strekt, . ' Wilmington, N. septiMlmos , c. LAND FOll ALE. I oiler -a tract of laud containing Hii a res, situated in I'.lack Creek Township lor .sale. Good dwell ?, sji'endid water. .Terms easy. . Apply to A.'i. I'EE.SON. Wilson,.'. C, Sept. 21, 142. nit2l'2t FOR RENT. ; My brick store hons rtn Nash Street, oppo site the Bank. It is the most desirable place for doinjr business In Wilson. For terms ap ply to sepStf JNO. T. RAHNES. PUOPKIETOK OF TOE WILSON UtFE BOTTLING WOEKS. Desire to 'call-the attention oi all Iieer Dealers to the fact that he has secured the agency bit, the FINEST BEER Ever 1 tot tied South. It is pure as crystal and clear jif Yei'.st. With a 11 experience of three years, and iny attention jiven soieiy 10 mis business i will guarantee erfect satisfaction to all who patronize ine. CJEO. M. SMITH. ESTABLISHED 15.; M.L.T.1UTIS. a D.Davis M L 1 DAVIS, & CO WHOLESALE GROCERS ASD DKALEKS IS Fioirr, Prorisions Fisb and Sail So. E. Cor. Water Commerce Sta. , sepe-3m. . - . .SOHFOLK, VI n 11 n mi on i lit i n W ". hi, .131111111, n WHIT t IRON FRONT, :o: ; j Our Shelves, Counters and .Tables are now' literal! v overload. with an iinmeust stock of new ' ' Fall and Winter Goods. , A u"l we take the lead viu DRESS GOODS. Our .st, k .onsisi s of all the latest varieties of material, consisting in part or Mohairs eges. Lustres, Urilliautines, Cashmeres, Uenrietta rl'loths. t'am. U Il iii 11aids r.rocatels. Flannels, Lrfulies Chrfhs, x - piiii ini run hiss nd Sjitins, Velvets riushes, &c, &c. . . oiiiHiw Aim urrnies, Domestic Jrv timxls ,, a.l unds. A full line of materials for Cl.wiks. Sacks and Am k. ts. c nave an extrnnnliniuHlv la grades .and Isizes .Ladies and Misses Dohnans, riaks Jackets, &c. Uf Lathes Fnrnisliings, such w Knitted I'n Its-wear, Corset s, Hosi. rv. Nock Wear, ccc, We have the most complete line ever ffiOTmC. AVo have suits'and Oveix-oats to fit to the largest man. We -have this season paid KMMHhil' Attention to this department, and can suit all from the Ldioir;-to the nohl.y m.,,,,.. man. Boots a,ncl Shoes. Of all the Leadinb and Best makes. Hats, Trunks, Valises.' Croekei Glassware, &c 33 Pieces of Carix-tiii; of pr.wles, with Hn's toni .i. it A isit from our friends will be appreciated. cry icespectlnlly, J. & D. Successors UYNUA1, lUXHii, oc ( () Eiglimis Patent Slri vi Ask for me, And a great curiosity you will hoc. For sale by Bynum, Daniel & Co.- Try me once, You will use no other, I will do as I agree; I'll stand by you like a brother. Not a wrinkle you will see, And prices are reduced on me. The Finest ynd cheapest Press WORLD. Be sure to call and 'ask' for it. Tin , yp I BYNUril, DANIEL & CO W. T. BLACKWELL & C3. -Durham, N. C. Kuitutvrcnl tt tk OrtfUul Mi talf tna!:u mDr. MARK. DURHAM TOBACCO r " c I- ;nt im. ", fi r.i.KTi Hl.xi , .v .ii Toll.viVO Ei:i: 1 1 v 1 1 Duniam Long-Cut and Thrse oods W oflern'-dfr n Absidutf fnarantr? TVmI I Tlievare the fluent anI Pnret-t (1oh1- iiihui tlie mtifW'1. 1 DuL 1 Tl,ey are free from Drups i,r Clieniieuir of Hny T).'v conMf t of the flnext. Tobacco, and purest rice j -a; r.. The public will notice that as. one of the old flfin or fMiupson & Smith, I have and will keep on hand a lar'e vUn-k of WHISKEYS. IJHANDIKS, WINKS, (lUtH KHH:.S, NDI KS, SNMFF, TOBAC(X), ' CMAKS, CANXKl) (lOOllS (ILA'SS . WA K E, CKOCKKK Y, &cjlir Whieh I w ill (pu- pii K. m. : WHODESALE PRICES: Whiskpyn... ...-from $!. to 4.i. Ilraulit - " w 3.i. Witi " HI to l.Srt. Candies-.. - W 14. r.viriv. - - into H. ' Climni from l-KI to &.aijx r l. Tiilxu-co from f '. SnulT....... " 45 to m. UILT EIIOE BliTTEB...:....!. al) wll hmAemot l.lqnor over Iku-tVuunU. limn !anlm-r. Family S'wtnr, 1 Mnrti-i Buck Waller. David Eoo'tit, Sweet Maiih, Stwh I'ounljr liramly. .Witie ami Irnu li r.iandif. Ialrfowill run a Etrst-:iaKt lUwUurant where the pulillw i-an iri-t mil ami .)4-t m nil hour. I iruaranteeallmy ircxxla Uibeof flmt IiimkIh. and will tr-1 pl-my "i"iwt. 'fi friends. Place of busineaa, 3 duora above Brunch, Hadli-y h Frin.-r', THrtri m. V iiiii. ,k Itrceived Fresh Every Week jun23-tf XO.15 8YCAMORE HTHEET, PETEIWBUIMJ, VA ' j. S Oary IstorLetgei- 3 Genuine Farmers Friend Plows, Huiidter's Chilleil Wowm,.M-H. In.uI,I' Shovel Plows Iron Age Cultitator, Ottton Plows, H"' FnSnU, Threshing mac-hines, Keapersaiwl mowers, w IU-w, ;r:i sKrt V"anmnis, Stoves, Tinware, Hollow .Wwft h re .. nut Plu v CaTtK Farm Wagons, Iron and Steel, Wholesale nrnl JU tail. ' 24 A. 26 Union Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Zl, Li:"m.BCOIE AXl) HAKXIJOi OF KVKKVJv JM, Kxteaibn Top Carnaump aockawavH,Cani.y T4.plt.,i,.. Carriages, Juuit Seat Top p J'lnetons, Side-l-ar .k ,-,a Jiuggies, bide-bar I liuggies, Dexter busies. K-lyJ Surry Wagon. ' b , ' Of all these g.wls m c hav. a nftVi d !en . CLOfffllE all. . OETTINGEii to K. Hosenlhal.J WILSOIST, - c 1' V !Yl ft.- Shirt in tlie t - - - - .I. WW' -"A YXYtvi! if Kiij-! it-: Wre are now anen os ouo 0f the BEST and CHEAPEST Lnginfrf iii tho world. -Xoiv h f l. time:' to buy one for future deliv ery. Threshers, Ncpiirlitors. :in,i binnuAf M.w.l.:... .1 1 , lumi wild n;ap. alt and see ns. Onr claim Tov r.-r-ir i !ri. .;f! nXon tIo fiii-i. iltrf. u K,-iniPrt' n:!yeis provrstiiui lis? 1- "n-i-f (,roii in our fceel ! m 1 ' vi u'lr-i'rtvl tiauii.-c :;; i: J: i'''!;j. 1 ret 1; fictnry r-.i.t.l - i!. .'. N". O'.'IZITTi ti,t-nrr ,4. . . i"i .vurli! ; r .-.il V: ', 7 . f!ic !:rr.T,nr! . - wirlloii,."'?! ; i 1J10 ofi A-."--. ; . -. prtt'lato t ; i; . ',1 C:o leidttis ! '. t . - . blneL fJ'"- : . . tir Ins !,af -tr t ! . 1 m rvir x.i. 1.. 1 ' '( u 1. i a 1 1 -y -' Durham Cif; ttts WhMkcju.. UETAIL PltH -HP: . Ironi . l.in In i: ' . . to 4.i tiranUH.. W mi : : . ' l 4.ot . ..j " '. !' - !' . ., ,.; j ' is i, ii.- !.-. mi.)iiii t limrs........ . "i V'..." ; fl. f li". :5' in.f f.lutr tr":.- j, ' .' . ... i CMls. i oi"c fuull at HYNCM, DAXl-KIii ov. MS A