, - r- - - -- .f ' """"" --- ----rnr, . ..iw. w. ,......,,, - r'rirT -ff""T" "- t n 'HrrT" iiwir griawiin iiimm mi 11 - -- - - i r - ... '' ... . .. .. . ' ;'"1 ''' . iT.,i4iin. Kveky Fkii.ay .At " ? I? II ' i if I Ti I I " iSl 58 te f "TT" T7 J -f X. T ."V . T1 rS' I I - . V "! A NJTTn Rates op Adver laixo: One Inch, One Insertion, One Month, Three Months, Six Montli, -One Year, 5 . 15.1)0 be Made Liberal Discounts will for Larger Advert l-en.ent and for ' Contracts by the Year. . f Cash must smnipany all Adver tisements unless good leference is given. y,u j 'l - ; ? lLlJ " " 'LET At L THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY C0UNTRY'S,.THYOl?S,A XND TRUTH'S." ! . 1 r ' ' . , i r:.'r l': $iiXVior t j vol u a. i' 1 1 ' - I ' n1oii Wimv . .!: wilsox, x. c, Friday ovembeu j4, i88s.; :: : :" ' XQ - -1 Tin; A! N. !:)!.. . j - i th lUiMihlifSBJf Illinois would J I 7 i for their doings are lirougl lij. w J tlct ,ilfl in . sliow xhi jjMise"an.l an apprecia-, TfjWeeI yealtl t f Xear j hisloor. lie rejoices w ! i t -i-i 1 1 - i. Hist ! il ! i ;t! ( ;ililirill' I lit- )..i I in-. Ni- i ; in lor fi-iii tin? iU,ird ,Niiintv is senoiiM.v iH 7 IJflfit IIK' tl; ii iV:t jili)i- nils ui k " Situ I'lainis' I lie. !;iiii-si.ii'-i I.-f'c:ir in tYnst. icill.-l the I!' ill - sc;.snl). -The tioii ol'tlie lesHoiis of the late elec tion if ."they would return David . Davis to the I'nited Btnte Senate! WVhlou 4ecial to the Index-Ap-in:nl, ; A very larjje crowd was at tin- fair tu dav. This was the lar- tU s . Uatherrd b Our lie- ,potei-fc andeatljAippcd Irani our Numerous Neigh bors. Moore rest exliiiiitmi. ever : had, ' At a , tundayat ttoldsboro of the iiifcUiig of thuM k'ytto uight fyr I irurder of O'Neal, a white man. the 'elect ion Vf otfic'ers' Tho's. Lji Moore . goes to the penitentiary for tjventy years, and Pratt is Kmry, "fo"nurlf .vour. cit, was elected President; L. M. Long was re elected Bcc-retarvj aiil -K W, .! Hili uJYeasliier rf'tU for "t,iU'e . ' icy JJros., i ne ensiiiiM' ear tba hung January 19th. glad to note that Hack- . i t -.vr uil.ifie i-i ;iieil at Peii-je..a. ' J In a oiniiinuicitii ( ,. ,i Cr.ui 1 i isleil in i.-isler in ! '" -l'niwW iMtfiee thatjReV e-.x V..1L mIIi. i.- he now irveK,i-'-;"M-cJi1 MeU-ith erectiou j ot a iiioimiiieiit oyer tue grave oi i the late lamented Dr. Ctaveiu I I iihi li --t-n u i-1 1 1 !v (liil nol vitir at I..- f-.iM elect iin..; - ' - de(e:l!ei jc. I ' I li i 1 .1 1- ill DlllLlS, "i ln.i jiiid. killed a. young iv ,T w h" I. ni Ki'iokeii iil of hiiu-p I ill Wl I lie i 1'..;,. I'ir t .-j.iccct 11:11. "of r.:t. L i t. ! Ii.r I In I( is .r 1 fi-l l'.,f!: oh , ; tn ! i 1; 1 1 iei i ; . . i'iitti li IS a i)o!ii e iiiiiii. i ! n. eleel eil I . Selia- I. t lie late iteilj. J I. A.; M. 'ul(iiitt was lull lei in. i-J tiiat Clrvveland ill tie t he dciimci :it ! iitr President and loiiienr in i i . of -i 4 i n i l.v.iuia I ,i He.icliel? as Ills ! :i . . Score niiol her I :-!iTnir''1 4-l he coin in g mail. . . ... -' ..'1.1 'l. i i ins councciioii we are iau 10 oc atile tostaffe fhaf imnfcfliateiy nMMi the adjoiininien't of Conference a systeinatie etfort will he made to obtain the money for this laudable purpose. The vNew !ent fonrnaJ nomi uales John Hughes for tlovernor; I he V iitt urges Alfred M. Scales ; the TobtHco Plant endorsos Judged neniiett ; , h-j1 the r paper. are presenting the name of thelr choice for standing bearer. ' This kind of "iMKjmiiig"' does ii i oi-e. 'to ,. injure a Roelkjrj JfonHte)jter-t V- j rising carrift jinalaclmm-tt-' t,U;H; o-ivl three out ',of., the ..four. ,pie- , mums onerotl at tyes .171 yr, otwitlistanding the faet'that' ever .'OOniliits'wi're made in ; this'de 'aniiient. " '' '" all lands. ht houiei rith '.them in their fortunes and sympathizes with tbem in their misfortune. A good newspaper is next to the Bi ljlein ennobling maiikiud. , The ne spa peri also the great agent of f progress and reform. Abuses do not reform themselves. The newsvaper brings them to the notice of public opinion as often as it proclaims its imperious degrees. This glorious nation is blessetl with a free press, and as long as it remains tree troin oQicial censor ship toe liberties of the jieople are safe. 'Usurpation and tyranny can not prevail against a free .press. MARRYING AN HEIBESS. -.!-'lir- ii : 1 han w e ;i t loii' il. 1 1 1 ic V-.. !: f-A". niau'tt chances than rtiiythingf- els Twenty months hence will be soon ioljhis, which we think is highly ciihimeiidable.' Kimnsod. in 188 1. I be lob -years old,', being formed i enough. " ! '-Secretary 'Teller says the Demo I crats carried Colorado by the use i of inonev. and the s;iiiie chaise; is 1e Tarboro Fair appears io hare lieeij quife a success, tinaucially, as w jl'llie seen from the following clip- pa Irom the. Souther iter. "Hie treasurer's: rejMnti sltowed that thebrftsa receipts vfeve' between 5.fH) and ?3,50t, ami that after paiing the indebteilness incurred pr.:l ious to the , fair, . 2,500,; and paving the prcmiuins and other ex- pulses there will be Vsinalt " deficit 4 1 1 1 oiibout 300..- -;. he Clinton Cyitsavs ; Mr. I! -KlT. Bovkin infiirms us of a'desitrn 1 o i -,iit I'iblit c .,i--.H ;1iiiS 1' -. ' .viii u , ii 1 in- !-i V-.-H- v in. .. 1 . ". ( I i'ir-- I '.. 1 if .1! - ev ! I ' J i '.0.1 .'"ii !l,i l M'' hi i in- 1 ll'i.ll.ll! A - llllll ,i ;i- giiU. Kv- 1 1 i ;'i oi ' i 1 ; 1 1 -eli HiuljKsiin ia !lilc (negro or ha e 'no con fi lilii un oarl v fnr- il. If lo lor.-., ic J made u. otheA."( (are j glad to knowphitC; tbe.iratip I party is becriinni": so wealthy. 1 1 I ......t . .1. M lfll.Vllf III'lLilK' . II II V' l jit 'special reference to the .lay llub-j .t ... 1 1 i ti I lie-v iai lieiies-i l!e!o:-.i's: " fiiui Dupliu in' 1 774. His .idea is It have a centennial celebration in ljS4 iuwhich he patrioticcitzeus olDupHn will bejinvited'to p&rtfci-ljte.- i!i --vtu '.'., .. . . rs . -'is -'further expected,, ou the pi hicfjial l;v of the celebration to ej'ee.f k monuinetit to the Confeder- :t l! ! M 1: I' .1 i n 41 r. tut t-r hi 'Ili-liJ. 1 r:ll- Jor ii 01 a 1:1 !-i i' niVer in f 1 11 i 1 alt ;iii i 'ol Old .-infant, who I'lil.il alldieuccs I., i A ... .I.'I V . i'ij,r of famine-; ii' is reported to i !.. 11 ....t.............t C.....1 - n..l tit the , 1 tit U llMCOAIill.tU.iUUIW U.-VVU, Jl. V"V 1 receiif MecifVT-lB:i; ltiSfilJlfBSj soldiers. Mr. Boykin informs have' had a jrnmopoly of the-rote- j Us thaj JwhasthepifAnis( ofj iy j reaciirom uve pinimnenc geniieineu .'0 j,eci . " ' 1 nil 1. is much am! H Ut ( i i f - t in-' re I - I:.l ,lMf:'l -.Hi II ueil soiiii- iVi ni wich la, 'bus hei,, basketful rf' In k;i thai. I acre j - one bi ickVh'-i'p tllvt l i il M-U, luit i'l .1 li.in U ( pol- 1 . 1. 1;: uv ;! i t.ud a w hoc ili.iii u't 111 :1 ri-r fo buy i 11 g, busi ness.. ,Dr. Tyre YOtk, who". in the-.Legis-lature of ISTSiv lxtlieyed do every in in's practicing, lnediciiio accord ing to t he dirtateixf of Ids o u con: science, has beaten , Bobbins in the 71 b ' d'stw'ct'."; The " iT,ubt; 'now ' is whether he is a Democrat, ii M'ott Ucpiiblica'n. aMahoiie DeiiHM-rat, a York Democrat, or a (iuyascutis. ti little. . ". n ., f 5 S f - in 8ainpson. and ''wishes to ' raise 'tlObOfor the inounijient which 'will !- 1 be erected on ihe court Fyard siju'are It. is u patriot ic? idea' and deserves ; encouragement V ' ;iiH .Pleasant Occasion J 'M.ie. A re'-pt.r; h'iVi ( ahu i,1' ol'!:ei 'I. I:-.- n-.itl: oi : rC"ii. 'i. iiill.i'. '..hi . . i",- t'hesi rtr'-ioles r ; j t' d.i. - Cliele Si "s eleel ion and wvre handr . ii-i'iii I I.," '1 Vi lla I- I i u:e:i ''If! 1- a-1 u; 0.1. l"eiiiis ! :1111a. -. ; w'l it he i-iiough! of I i-.es ! i Sk.ni!. .1: .' VVi'jh i;..';tiiblic.i"n, If jor the ilete ;l of 1,1.-1. f"il.' i lie "j itoll;-' I eii i-ei ion. I t II lie ch.isi ell: don't t e t; ""elll ! Ir.t!- Ii' til e It u a . ilolle oh ice I- III'! ' I.O! He hi Si .lie ..i i 't ili'HII h is not V:ir: ilitl ! i .ilie I leiupcrat s she has, elec . 3. " '.if This I i mi ' h I n - ; I .li.ii' i IK,! late :r I'.O.llllO. (r, .-I ' - -'is liiocr.-i. , - -TTeT: 1 .i.i "'ti ina jol it , and ; mil .ut. ele v eil 'ull- i e:i: I oi ,tl.ir ,r :,. n ..Mil. , l.-i .ti.i , - ' i 1 1 i in linn tfliei i. i.li. I .!'.. iri. ! !i ii-i III" I in,: i l i : It:!. Illi'i: :o!l i - I . It Is ! ,: .,t l -I t - I'iil I he' act I a'. Tl I nun I l!'.--lKT I !.: . il , . tlW 1-. Il!li'iii of - ... OI k I- i he I Vl" esj .- I'lrisi IT. 'jel-k lil 'I ll'Mlti e i I ai Of the iin,t exceed kleiti of the "t'i he Shcr-" -. e est iniaf ed i i hensand Muha want JlS kiiowj -Vrhat- : pa'VtyW plat ukM in VUl, tli plat form, "JiiliiO is nno.areauible. and twenty resolutions, strong" in nou essenl ials. -ague in e.sseiitials;round the bush liu' jfliiilaid rough s t li mi !:!- n the .Morinans; clani orous for Hvil service vefurm, will a reserved deliind ion of civil service 'reform; down on' corruption, lend in its praise, of purity, and detcrniili to have it if takes -ever.iit tile party caii raise. . The- platforms, oii understand ".lulia," is a. legiti mate anii-iiecessarry part of the campaign pomp ahdjcircuinst-r'tice. II goes along vil.h the baiines j ransparciices and torches, ;nd When the cainjiaigu is over well, it is si ore I away ro -TM-ceunr wae fl!nl ict. ilotig witli jiie rest i. ttieniy foi riis and tori hes. A campaign pi it;'oriii is very much li'e the eamiiiign .torch indeed; it gives tint a great ."deal of smell ami sflioke with a very ' uncertain, nickering l.-ht. . " " It was our giiod luck to : be pics entouyast Saturday night at a sup per given to the Koe.ky Mount hand by B. 11: Bunumr next 14epi"esent at ve.-atjfh.is hospital ?!'!residince, aliout o miles from this place. The supper waVa' ''Ifjiendid one, anil much enioyeil i'by ! all. The mem bers of tlie band had their instin went along aud discoursed a 'good deal of vervtsweet" luiisic. Also on Tuesday night,' our next Senator, JjtliV'ias. S ' Buttle, gave For-Farm Boys to Learn. Fi-oiu a VYestern pajier we ex tract the following practical re marks; they will le useful to every one on a farm. How many of the boys who read this 'paper could 'day oft"' an jicre of ground exactly, providing one of the . dimensions was given them ! Now "floe Hau- ole" likes to lie useful, and I have taken some pains to make out a ta ble, and I would like to have every one -of ; rhiv: form boys learn it. There are ! square rods in an acre, and there are 80$ square yards in one rod. This gives 4S40 square yards in one acre: Five yards wide by tM8 long is 1 acre. by Ten yards wide long is acre. Twenty yards wide by 242 long jh I one acre. Forty yards wide by 121 long is 1 acre,. 1 Eighty yards wide by (() long is i acre. Seventy yards w ide by COi .varjs long is 1 acre. r Sixtyjyards w ide by 80' yards loiii! is 1 acre. yards 484 yards yards yards yards Goy. Pattison. Robbins and Yort- .11 i 'ecu i reil , .is'; Ii;' -co: ! . l i il, inc i.l . II k h- i-k.-fna k-. of l.iidi troni hisic-, isalt ictl en Si'iiile gan : 'ne- t r. n I'l I ii'ier ami .-.v makes 'grand old Willi. inr la the hand a ver.s jtine supper at hi; lesideuce near town,-at -which -it was again our, . .irood luck to .lie present. The. entire band was present, anil ilie- iniisic disi-om-seif ! during the eTenlug wonhTtio credit to a much older baud than ours. Kocky Mount L'rportrr. . Take Cari ot FariSools. barm tools will rust out Soulier they will wear Out. Many fanners injure their farm imple ments mo'.e. by exposure I to, the weather than by rise on the farm, An implement 1 hieh rith 'I'ivkI care would last twentr.years, will, when exposed to the weather,. In come useless in live years or even less A farm cart which, with giwMl usage, would last almost n bf time, will only hist a few years, when ex posed to the weather. The expla nation of the reason why farming does not pay with. many is found in the .neglect-1 take, care of the farm tools. All farm impl.-inents are costly; arid the farmer w!m ha to ! Only four and a half years have elapsed since lioWrt E. I'altisou, the Democratic Governor e'ect of Peunsylvaniii, who was then only twenty-seven yeais of .age, left a small law practice to become- con troller of the city of. Philadelphia, having been elected by a majority of 1,902 votes over James NY. Sayr'e. Befoie. then he was , un kuown to the public. Three years later the novelty of having' a con VoUer who really controlled and who stood sternly and immovable between'! he public jobber and the city treasury, had made Robert Emory Pattison. So popular in P.hiL adelphia that in al' the partisan excitement of the presidential elec tion, which resulted in a majority there of 2(,SS3 for (iartield and ofj The great bell had clauged, the conductor had shouted AQ aboard:' and we were ou the point of start ing, when she entered the car with two bird cages, a poodle dog, a bouquet, and a traveling bag. Who j do I mean by "she!" Why, of course, I mean the most beautiful woman in the world! She jwa slight and dark "with brisrht brown eyes, hair curlingin nossy tendrils all over her forehead, and the most enchanting little : rktrous nos that ever bid defiance to society in general. ' The moment I saw her, I felt the curious sensation we all experience at tiroes, as if I had known her all my life. - J uJust like a woman" sai4 Joues 'to come alioard with forty bundles at the last moment." j . I anuihihvted. him with a glance as I rose promptly and, stepped out on the aisle. . ' f r "Will you have this seat, Miss Silvingtonf said I, .bowiug low, aud offering to relieve her of her ti-ax-ellingbag and two bird cages. She looked up at me in surprise. , "Ah," said I, "you think I am a conjurer; but it is very simple,' pointing with a smile to a card bearing the name "Alice Silvington that was attached to the cage, ','1 have ofteu heard my cousin, Xelly Ford, speak of her friend Miss iS'ihington, a'nd lam delighted to be of service to you.' "I am much obliged to you for the seat, sir," she said coloring a little. Aud so leaning on the back of the railway settee, I began to get com fortably acquainted with my unex pected companion. .'"",. Fortu n ately for m e"a fat lady got out at the next station- and 1 suc ceeded in obtaining the "place next to MissHrington. ; " "I am goiugto Lake Crystal for a change of air," she said, . when at last our conversation turned upon our respective destinations. "And I am going to Lake Crystal t man-v an heiress " said I. wild roses in her hand. , VWelV' shaid, with a world ofj mtscuiel smnniog in her; dart eyes, "how do vou like j our heiressf" "Do you really wish toknowt" I enquired. ; Of cuursw, I do," she answered archly. ' - i I 'Well, I've seen her," said I- "Seen liert Oh! cried Miss Sil vington; "how very awkwail of me to drop bU my roses! Oh, pray don't trouble yourself, I beg. WeH-and how did you like her!" , ! 'Not at all," I answered, - replac ing the pink pupped treasures m her bauds. , ;! "Dearme," sheNaiil, - ;i . ; ' "A nioe little person, who - would do very, ' wett fiir'ai UMither of fan anut; but 1st a wife " "But she's rich." 'Do you take me for au H heiress hnoter!"! asked indignantly. : "Most men are mercenary!" -she re plied, intent ou a particular tiny pink bud which she was tfjyiug to detach from the rest. j , "Connt me atnonig the exceptions, If you please," Vaid I, not. without diguity. "I would rather break stones ou the road than1 niarrV a woman I could not love, were she possessed of. all the ; wealth of the Rothschilds!" ' i i "Audi honor you for it," said Miss ' Silvington, with aj sudden flush of color mantling her ;cheek.. sThis was on Wednesday morning. Ou Saturday, in the shadow: of the woo Is, I askeil Alice Silvington to lie my wife. sl '. "But what is tb become ol your herressf" she asked, half laughing and half crying. V , ; -t "My darlin"g" said I, "Hove, you better thau all the heiresses in the world!" 1 'fBu't but you don't understand she interposed, as I resolutely ob tained possession of her hand. "You have been under a misapprehension from the very begiuning..f "How!" . f "I am not Alice Silvington." ; "You said vou were." j THE PREMIUM LIST. I send list of Premiums awarded at 2nd Annual Fair of E. C, Ag ricultural & Mechanical Associa tion. The awards are not ierfect, and will not be in some time yet. Special Premium for Sweepstake not decided. ! ilorses etc.f Thoroughbreds. David Barlow bst stallion . tlOOO 5 00 io oo J as. Norwood second best staU'nm 'Tar rieel' - Jai. Norwood best brood mare, 'Nannie B.' Not Thoroughbred, class, 2. ' i . Whitehead, Powell & Co. - best stallion R; W; Finch second .best . yjStaUiOU; I ; R. II. Uicks best brood mare : i . Jas. Norwood second best 1 Ifrood tuarei Ns, B. Killebi-ew, bewt colt one year old. J as. Norwood best colt one year old -j. -J. S. Brake best farm horse J. 9. Jones best saddle horse WV.H. Whitehead best single harness horse DEPARTMENT B. CLASS' 3. MULES . 00 10 00 3 00 500 5 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 - 5 00 J. J. Battle, bpst mule J.K.Lawrencii best pair mules ' ( (1. W. Killebrew best mule colt 2 or 3 years old ; B. 0. Pitt liesjt niule colt 1 or 2 years, old, . N. B. KiUebrelw liest mule colt undej-1 year old Jas. Norwood 'best display - in dep't. l. Discritionary !preinium"of 2 awarded to W. A. Parish for ."mule style and speed. SPECIAL PREMIUMS. J. K.'Lawrenjee," J. S. Brake. J. J. Battle, James Norwood. I no .too 3 00 8 00 I arrested him What Is jonr defeusTotuuiie," said his Honor. "I wanted an office," said Torn- mie. "No excuse sir," said his Honor, SoUiarescuteuced to the common jail for eighteen months, ami all good citizens will be duly advised of your treachery." "Bring up the uext man, Bijah." "His name is: Oakley, a defeivted ture," said Bijah THE QUIET HOUR. Selections for Suuday Reading . THE YEARS PASS OH. Radical candidate for theLegis' ;Ved risSi- DEPAKTMEiNT C. CATTLE ETC "He looks aud feels bad enough. and we will suspend judgement, and dismiss him upou the payment of cost. Stand aside, Oakley." "Next man Bijah." "This man is named Edwards. At one time he said that the right of suffrage, must be taken from the negro, and yet he ran for a judge ship expecting to le elected bv the negro vote, and I arretted hi ni for it." ' -.,... "Take him out, and hang him by the neck till he is dead lea l dead." "Who next,' Bijah!" "He is a man who voted against our regular Democratic nominee "Take him out and kill him, bury his lxxly at the forks of some road, drive a stake through it, and then ir-vite everybody to throw stones at the grave." "Next man, Bijah, if you please." i "Here is a unn that niu nt vote 15 00 I at all, and I have arrested him for derelictiou of duty.-" "Throw him down the well at the back door, and cut the well roiie so that. he may never lie able .to get to the top-again." "Bijah," said his Honor, "let's go home," and t hey went, Bijah com plimentiug the Judge all the way ; home on hisrulings. Plant. She lookd with sparkling eyes. Really and truly?; "Really and truly always provid ed I can get the heiress to have uie. It's a lady that my sister w ants me to see a Miss Baynard," "Ah!" said MissSilvipfcuJ Isshu pretty?" . ; Sothey say." ' , "And agreeable?'' -"Si) I am told." ! : "t must be very pleasant to ii,ar ry an heiress," said Miss Silvington, dipping her pretty little no.-e , int the, heliotrope and mignonette Of herbunpiet. . '" 1 '' "Jf the heiress M-nice.'V 'And suppose," with a sly sidelong glance from under her curl ed eyelashes, "you don't like her!" mischievously "There's where you areaiislaken," i she retorted, laughing in jspit ot her- said whe self. "Yon took the fact Sfor grant ed because yon ' saw hiy ; friend Alice's nauie on her birdcage which I was taking home with me, as she has gone to the : White Mountains, and -1 tj didn't eontradict you. I" j thoughtit an excellent joke; but I ; might have known that okes tnru "And suppose she doesn't like im.'i if. A lii.i: niXTit. ,,,r' KIT.! TK'N Of, (' A'(i l! K';SM 5-.T- l.A KliK, ' - . ' - t J r.. in sin- f"U figure's now iii. it" is learned that Ynk's niiijoiity over W.iol.ins in I hi i .1 isf net is llH!, oriei tin'- a' clerical, error : f 0l votes in Wilkes county in ftvor of buy three or fnir times as maiiy.as l-.ibbiiis Frauds are chargfd in h's neighbors because he, does hot Mount 1 11a township, I'ov;in conn- 21.770 for William E. Littleton, re ....t.ii....M .....wi;ii..tM for clerk of the 1 "Then I shall not marry her quarter sessions, the Democratic ...... .r,,l . tu 'f,,i. ..ontrollei' was reelect- J'01' ed ly.!3,4Gl or a majority of 13,."!S over One of Philadelphia's most es teemed citizens ami successful merchants, E. Harper' Jeffries, whom the combined ring managers had prevailed upon to sacrifice him self, alter they had. forced off the tickets an equally estimable- can didate, Joel Cook. Mr. Pattison will not be thirty-two' years ol age until the .Stir of next Decemlier, having been I mm in 1850, tut Qnan tico; a village near Snow Hill, in Somerset county, Maryland. His father, the Rev. Robert 11. Pattison, w ho died seven years ago, w as a popular Methodist minister. i. ' Mi nli-lit s:'i I I 't-jiSIc . I!'-: lii I l ! Ill" I " i I1..V , I I. 1 1 V.l V - eai ries i .it-king w lieu ikiiiu. alo-ig a fi'i- .u'.h'ioh -.'he hanis out ; eh if in li-.i he iff. ' where it is alleged voters were registered on theitax of chit imi ; in Davie coniitv wh.'ie YorkM tickets were pjinte.' on blue tinted .paper: ; in Traphiil. W ilkes county, where i-o 'via ore', votes were cast than names .found on the. polling Imok. Tii'd. in Ane pie -inet in Adie county -where ii regularit ies occurred. It is not yet known whether in view of these ; tacts Mr. Bobbins will contest " or ; not. He. will In- governed by his s. !-.e of dit to his ci'iistitiients , and will liol -contest unless hi fake 'care of t fieni, of course'" will not find 'much profit in farming. The same carelessness in any other kind of business would insure equal ly as disastrous results. The Press. See Here. Whose paper is this that you an1 reading? Does it. belong to your self, your iieighbor, o- us? if it belongs to eith- r of the latter you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Don't you know that there are some things belonging to other you are forbidden to covet? One of these things is his new spapet s, and if you still persist 1 in borrow ing it, where do you expect to die Every intelligent citizen acknowl edges the jmwer of tne press. Ev ery public) enterjirise appi'ols to the press for snpportj- and it sel dom fads to secure it, if it deserves it. The modern newspajter is it- is,i self a public institution, and thei-e- i when you go to? Delinquent sub- I smiled. "Then I suppose' she will not marry me!" And then Miss Silvington dee.larl t hat she was sleepy, 'and l.ud her head against the prompt n piUow of travelling shawls that. I dix ised up on the edge of the seat. The next we kiiew the 'conductor called out, "Crystal Lake," and we were there. Aud in the generaj crowd audi lost sight of Miss Sil vington, except that I had the chance to wave my hand to her as she drove away from the station in a deli eious little brown brougham with a high stepping horse and a man in plain livery. . "The Silvingtons have property, eh?" thought to "myself. "I wish I hadn' said quite so much about heir esses." Somehow the boom seemed to be brushed off the Maynard idea; after that brief fec- a tete with Miss Sil- vigton; but I had pledged myself to sister Kate, and I never was a man w Fiich j0 uro back from in v word. So after dinner Jones and I walked down to the Maynard cottage, a pretty little gem of a placed close to the shore o1 the lake. ! . out very disastrouslvi soiiJletimes.', "Then you are " K j "I am Marion Maynard," j "NonseiLse!" 1 exclaimed, with, an air of serene .".snfieHority. "I saw Miss. M ay nard myself, and she is no more like you ihan a wisp of dried hav is like a bunch of bloss omingred clover." , ; "Y"es," she said, looking down shy ly,' "but that was uiy annt. There are tiro Miss Maynards, 'yini must know." ' Hooked despairingly at her. " "TIhu vou are au heiress, after all," I said. "Oh, Fred." she said deprecating- i ly, "it isn't my fault." ; "t 11 manage to torgive rt," i said heroically,' "If only you'll tell tue you love me." , ' ' ' "I do Jove you," she said. And so I married an; 'heiress, in soitejof fate Second Century. 4 00: 400 4 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 il 00 4 00 :$ oo 3 00 5 00 15 0J N. J. Pittinau. best bull devon, j '. J. B Phyiip-s1, best bull, durham j , J. J. Battle, foest bull, jer .sey or alderney, O. W. Killebrew, sei oud best boll, J. J. 1 Jat4ii et cow, jer ' sey or aerney. J. J. Battle, keeoHil best cow, J. J. Battle, 'jbestcsd Hinder ' one year old J. P. Daughtiy, best cow, native or grade. J. J- Battle, best calf under one year old, J. B. Phillips, best single ox N,J. Pitttmjn, best yoke oxen, j J. J. Battle! best and lar gest exhibit -of cattle Discritionaty p'remium'to a 2 year old AVeshire hull enteredjby N. J.Pitt-- man, : . DEPABWEST ('. CLASS RUEEP. N. J; Pitt mau, second bust pen bntk ews aud lamV ineiinoes . J Jamvs Norwood, best pen buck, ewe and lamb, cotswool, N. J. Pirtinui, best pen back ; ewe and lamb, Shrop shire, . James "Yorood, be -t peri . buck ewe and lamb, 'ha five orj grade, N. B Killetuew, swoml licst peJi buck ewe an 1 lamb; N JPittijian, largest and best exhibit of sheep The Result. Brother Gardner on tne Cyclone 2 0) a 00 Z 03 "Is Miss Maynard at hoine?' sci ibers and newspaper borrowers j enql,imi 0f the old garduer who have long since been given over to wag roliillg a jawn ,ower to an fro hardness of heart, andlieen assign- j over a emerahl expanse' id' turf in ed their places at lg tran sgresors. ; f t ot tbe house. There is but one way ofj escape. Turn ye ! turn ye ! Why will you lie so bad ? i ' I 1111 I --1 11. II'". pro ' hi; se en i s u , U h'i-i lo.'k'tti.. i- ,,, .iie.Ii aiiti wears sat i.-lied that it is his duty so to do, j. folv syinpat hies' with all others It m iv be set down as a fact that ' t is'not subject to the narrow and if lU nuett is decl.-.rcil el 'ctetl. j rigid rules -which apply to inerely wli'n li is ;i deciiletl niatter by this private caMings, but to the broad lime', thai Dockerv will contest, , uml enlightened' principles spring hii friends claiming to have discov- jug out of its relation to the public . Hkti- his -- ; . -, v lin n irv-;'"Mi r;i.. eei-ei ser- ." ' 1 ...i t u.ii a ;o .il e.oii ii ! i't - ! ! --illar i - l.e- n -'ei ii C i.i .1 t t: oi, i lin' coin i lieay.- i '. . acid tot eretl snfticieiit ii icgtilarities in I 'inn . "i.ei l.tn;!. .l.eiioir, I'raiikhn ami l-jlg coiuiu -to clutiigc tin-, result as now claimed by tiie DeiinH rats and elect 1 1. K-ker - H.e w ill initiate liis I conicsr oefore t he -ii-ate. canvassing board, arid il decided ag iiust hiin i tie will carry the coolest .into the t next House of llepicsentatives and its.dnty tit! he' people in the i-olleci ion and piiblie.it ion of inloi -mation n-hiting to jtheir ; interests. A Deacon Discomfited. "I hate to see a woman with rings in her ears," exclaimed the good deacon; "they aint natural. Hit was intended . for women to wear them she would have lieen born with holes' in her ears. The fust w oman didn't w ear ear rings, I'll lie "Jist fur once, I'll ; brake ober our rule an' auser dat query .as bes' I 4tj. While de ! Ainerikin peepnl am grate pollytishuns, dey nebber furgit dat dey hni also free citizuiis. Yer kin leiul 'em about So fur in pollytieks, religuu, chari ty ordebiltry. De Dimycratic par ty led de peepul ter a sartain pint, an' den lo -t its hold! j Diuiocrat- let go ob departy trlecohie citizuiis; De Hepublykins habled de peepul to a sarUin extent,! an' de reack sIii'ih h is sot in. Suspishun, fear, an' disgust am takjn hold ob de )eepuL Let me Lsayt ter you ' "I. An Ainerikin Inbs bi j ken try moah dan. his jrarty. 2. " Pollytishuns 'will 1k blindly followed loa sartain turu in de road, an' den de irty will halt an' .scat ter. . -' -,t- ' . .' j "3. No matterWhat streuirth a party has corrnpsfinn will! skatter it in time..: v': ' 1 --"';." "4, Bigotry, avarice, selfishness, kaavery and o)enj fraud are ele ments of pollyticktr Dey will bring ; success tur a time, .hufcdey am also j sartain to briugefeat.'v-' ; j De kentry has, gotj tired ot de , present rule an' its evils am guine to make a hange. f W jien de Presi: dent oh de United) States becomes , a ward pollytishun an'iSenators rob de kentrv at large tojiave uie wt'j i J ...... i DEPAKTMBST "V. CLASS 4 Iredell "Williams, best biar R. H. Ricks, seco:id besj -iow jersey ireds.v J. J. B;ittlej, bi'St boar, f,scx N. J. PitliiVan. second best "': bo.ir ekeX,' N. J Pittnij:i, liest pen ot P'g.S S.seX, -':'' K. P. Battle, lest jk'U of: " pig: itiit.veor iriadc, ; .i r, : o-i -. . i ... .i,.i i.!.. i-'ii! lii'li.r.. ; '.',,-; i i ,. ; Wli? t i lie 'ahiged irregularities are j smhuions. Is at.Jilie.l. li I-. I'ollshl-j. z ., i , - . The bnsine f join nalisni is no iuaiul!?" "No." reinarked Iheqiiiet ltnitger a" niere iucitleiit to the print- little niau in tne cornor, "i noi- noth er's. trade. It has become a great i eise." The discussion was and learned ptolession, w ith hon- j l,luUght to an aliriqd close, ami the ored 'fraternal organixaf ions, simi- j house adjourned without day.' lar to medical siMMtien and b ir as- j jinx-ton Trautcriut. , . - - - M J ill -t I oil . i itiintcl tell . !Na! ioiml l.'e:inblicaii s;ivs ! he its untie, .i riuht -."Min in H! I ih . --.iiit o! nine, that S- it s w li.it 1 c ills "sl"hf. la--:ii In i .-!! ;, ( 'omii'cj i iw. Y : !.. I Viin r. am. i. Micli- Kan-.i . i t i..i.nlo TvuiH'.ssee they prefer at present not to ihakej ' The newspais-r is the great edu- Hii'lic. iWirxo" f nun rrn . - cator of the masses of the jieople.- " ; ( v - j j I It visits them fro in week to week, lit the New York Htl'lM WC late- , - , , tl.-in l, ;n..l .onuwls h ctton of las! ly observinl mention of the speeily f t:in tcHhiiik. The intelligence of cure, of Tliad.leus Davids, Esq., ol ' a ,aJlliv ,.au be judged by -the nutn- the' great ink tirni, 12r AMlliaui street. New York, of rheumatic Brought out Perfectly. a. I ( Mil..ii,i,i. g.-ol .by St Jacobs i,Y. ( Minn.! Pioitur Presx. -St Paul ; IjoiitsvUle, Ky., Marcli so. lssi. H. H. Yarner & Co". Sirs I ! had lieen a great sufferer from ! iwute disease, w hich in v physicians 1 lier aud character of, newsiiajiers , v()M no( (,m. ,mt a s,iort tria, of ; taken and paid lor by it. 1 lie your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure 1 brou"ht me out in Perfect health. citien ofthe vvbild. He feels an w- Chaeles H. Gebhard. man w ho reads a new spatter i - "Yes, sir," answered the old man. cln the flower garden, sir, just' out a bit," motioning with his baud to ward a hedge of blooming rhododen drons, "a looking at her roses." So w e followeil the little winding path, Joue.s and I, until we came in sight of a precise little bid maid,; of five and forty, at least, in a flowered muslin gown and a garden hat, who was gazing at a newly-blossomed isis in one of the bushes. -,J to a second or third 'Jones," said I. in a sepulchra-1 whisper "is that the heiress?" '"Old enough' to lie your mother," said Jones, repressing-a violent in clination to laugh. I piused for no more extended ae quaiiitanceship; but seized Jones arm, and hurried him away, "I cunldn't marry that old hag,'' 1 said, glancing back at thes-till . un conscious Miss Baynard; "no, not for her weight hi gold. Kate must have lieen crazy to think of such a thing." I met Miss Silvington on the shad" owed lake road, with her gypsy hat stuck fjill of ferns and a bumck ef SPECIAL. rUEMll'MS. Rocky Moi;it Plnv 'Co, be.-t jersey, one Um ky - MoUhi 'euttoii plow, J. J. BatIe, '..; ' Rocky Mount Plaw t 'o., native, J. P. D.iughtry (i.C. Uattje. premium, for best ten hog, K P. B.itthi 1 AUVANCEjlHist Hliluhvc.iU' .1. 1'. niihtry, Au'A'CEjfat hogs, "K. P, ' Battlif, Kocky M m nt Mills loo d, -, 4x1 slie.'tiu for-bn tier J. J. jB ittle, Augustus! Wright premium pair ioot-. oxeu N. (1. . Pittinun, ; T P. Bnifwel! premium, one cot toil seed ozier for largej i'at hog, Y. B. Batchelor, Rocky Mpunt Mills,-100 yds 4x4 sheeting, boar any bred 1 1 redell YY i 1 1 iam s. .XewJjYork elects Cleveland, dem ocrat, by a majority of 194,000, a Democratic legislature and 10 Democratic Congressmen;-- out of 34.- Pennsylvania elects Paltison, democrat, by 3S,S50 majority, ami 1G Democratic Congressmen, tint of 28. . . i. .'-California elecls Stoneiuan, dein ocrat, by 10,200 majority, six mem bers of Congress, aud a Democrat ic legislature, j Colorado, elects Grant, deiuoerat (io eruoi-. Congressman and legis lature. . Iiidiana gives a Deni Hiatic ma jority of 15,000. Iowa elects three Deu'i.tcratie Congresshien a gain of three." Kans i s elect- -i DemoiT.vti" ' lov- ernoraud one l)etuoi.Tit tiv: Con gress againofonei Miiss icliusetts elects Bu'Ier. dem- ocKit 'ioveraor by W.'Yh.. and four.Demorat to t .i igrei . Michigan elects Beg !. : leiuo--crat, .Governor, mid two Denuicrats to ( "ongress, . New' Jersey 'gains me. Democrat ic Congressman and elects a Demo cratie leji.ishitnre. . ' S uth Carolina elects Thompson, democrat. ly 50.000 niaiority, and six of the seven Co.igresuiaii. Texas gives a . Democratic 'ma jority : of 40,000, and ten out of eleven Congressman. - fc Missouri elects DeinoCi atic. State 12 IK) j officers and a solid Demoi-rafic del egation to Congress. Teiinesce elects Bate, democrat.- Governor, by 30.0)0, iind w ith a 'Democratic gain of one in (.'on ; gress. Coiiiiecticutt elects Waller, demo j crat ic. Governor. New Hampshire elect H:dc. re 4 publican. Governor by 2o: in;.j: rj ty. '. i .j'- in Yi.giui.i.l.ilin Yise, re adjus ! ter, was elected 'Congressman at j larg.- by aimiit 2.30 majority. j Illinois elects a l'eiublicau legis j lature. whii-h elects a Senator to i succeed David D.ivi". i Mississippi, send- live dc.'ii M'r.i'.s land one re lublicau to Coni'ies. Whun I'm a woman ittu II ts? what I'll Jo:' 1 11 Ih- nmtt nj uod an.l nolilvanO tru: I'll visit lh. uluk nj relieve tb piur N" om hiill ?vrr lw ttirnisl from my Juor Rut I in only lltilvirirl now. . Au1 th yttira mil tut. WhvO I'm itldor I'll li.ti mt.r Hint To think of llvaven iwl thliitpn ublliu .My iiuir now in run or l udia ana piajr. Hut I nmlly mtn to lnvln simiic .lay : i bi only a little rrl now. AtiJ to the yvar roll on. Whi'D I'm a woman." a ntiiwiji'ii aiJ. Tit trj - itiilortKliI and not W afralJ; I II bo a enriatian ami vlvn up the Jo Of th worltl with all lu tlaulliur toy : But I in only a youn girl now." Ana o the yrm.n pau on. Ah. me '." slifh.M a woman irrav with nun. 11 fr heart full of van an.l dog M and f ear. ... "I've krpt puttttw off the lime lobe rood. Instead of betrlnnliiir to do as I (hould : nut 1 in an old woman now. And the rear nrtl on. Sow U the time to tnw1n tn in riifht T-day. whether nklea he dark or brtirht. .watie oinen nappy ty -rood iieeau oi io Lookliur to Jenu-iior help from alMiy. Ana then you u be happy u w, A nd the y war pax on. "MeKT ME IX TIIK MoKMJfO." He had Iteeu absent about a year, the youngest pupil in a boy s school; and now his moth er was expecting him every day, and she went about proud and hapry, telling her friends of his improvement in his studies, and always ending with his being ho good a boy. Then came a tele gram from Willie himself, th first real message of the kind h had ever sent how funny it . seemed from that baby and there was just this simple form : "Meet me in the morning." His mother went about all day with it in her hand, reading it over as if it had been in his own handwriting. Then she smiled to herself as she pasted it care fully in a scrap-book, whila. somebody suggested framing it to hangover the mantle. But all the friends loved Wil lie. He was the only son of bis mother, and slur was a widow, and he did not come in the morning. There came, instead the dreadful news of hasty ill"1 ness, and his mother hurried to her darling boy ; but it was too late. - The desHiiler bad dony his Work, the ly wa brethinjf out his little life in the sleep from which he never would ful ly awaken here. Only once, to ward the last, he unclosed his eyes for a. moment, and naw tin dear mother's face bend ing over him, when he murmured with dry, husky lips. "Meet me hi the morning, Mama." Dear boy, it is morning with liiiu always the morning light of fairer than Italian skies, while we yet grope among the shadows. But, by and by, - - -, 3 00 - oo 10 00 SWIXE 3 00 1 50 oo 150 00 i Jas. D. Jenkins. Secretary, to lie continued.) . . His Honor and Bijaii in Darimn. ArizoiiH, Wyoming and MonLiiia ! Territories elects Democrat ic icp j reseiitatives t i roubles. Nevada elects a Democrat ic'Gov ! ernoi' an 1 Congressman, and tics j on joint ball ! in 1 he legislature. Georgia sends a solid Democrat- '.lie delegation to Conresi. So d es : Arkansas. i I Kentucky sends 10 Deuiociats "Bijaii" said his Hon, "what is"..-,-.,,,.. .hlicn io Con-rress h..;.. ..';,., il.V ,.... r 1 nomlUastlUil, ; l"r "M ioh npniu.-i .in.-, ui.m . - i i i.i: ' .. 'in l.. . . ulli. I ' ; M-illij I....i-;.. t. lie Ulnlrnt iiriuuiicnu niu iri jtf ou - in.-. inn- . nn.- ".i - party ties ter loot j out frt try. Al.it. una electrt all DeiiHM-rats to "We shall iio borne at eiilim, And find It luunilnir thuru." Ministers and Minstrels. A Baptist pastor in Wisconsin lias recently been tried for tht offence of attending a perform ance given by a company of negro minstrels.. He pleaded guilty to the charge, explaining that he was ou his way loa tem perance meeting,- but got Juto the wrong' hall, and wheii tlto performance began bis sense of fun overcame his moril scru ples. He vot olf with a mild rebuke, and H is to be regretted that there were not among his judges some who were honest enough to say that they were glad their pastor hi" d found his way under -the influence of ' Lhariiiless fun, ami that they hoped he would d it atrom and . often. There is no greater hjun bug or hyiocrisy than thei'ur rent pretence, in some religious ci rcles that pastors and preach -ers are better able than other .j people to get along without di version. A man whose time is spent almost entirely in con templating the sins of the world and beariiigof huinanity'syveak ness and troubles is the last one. who should be called to account.' for enjoying anything that Is firnnv vet hot improper A'. )'. Herald. ' How niatfj'iiflceiilly siumc nieii can turn defeat into victory ! Sumnier before, last, Ir. I rllcli ard wrote a series of interesting letters to the MM i vat lirronhr, concerning his travels in the North, and after i-aking, in praise of ajmost everything, he closed hiscorrespoitcicitce oyas serting that the women d the North were not as pretty is the women of the Smth. Iui--t Siuii- mer, he went back to ( liautau- iiia. and it was amusing to see with what zeal one of the sis ters and a very beautiful one, too attacked him about it. A dozen of us were looking on, very ad tor him, as "be said: "Yes, you said we were bouiely Vou said it you. did we have sa-u the ajsT you said it." As-quick 'as thought and in the most courtly and jirace ful manner the Broadway pastor replied : "Yes. lujidain, I did say it, but I had not then Keen '.". That was enomrh. She will al- ways have a kind feeling for Dr. Pritchard. fietiiion Jn " aid. . kle ken-j i;ij;b. -He has deserted his Conl t'Sf- "An now one word iter th? cullM party foijollie'e sake, and I arrested' , 'I him. had our cauidates on boaf tickets, an' dey war buried outer sight. De Dimocrats owed ns miffin,' and dey paid us off. De Republycans oweil n ile 1 is' sixteen v'arsi ob rnle, an' DnnnKlritan: irtt.td lMat i-lf r 1 cauydates on de ' Republyean tick et. Dat's all. iFigger it out fiu- A Woman Kills a Man. mutnnl - Vt If.K WOtetl Hllli) all rT " . . - t ' ' ..i-i. . i- i... . -.. Me ; .. . . .. we has bin leit. In ds county we: "iwninc.ivuivW.,J.......-1 , mmay evening a inie mau . ..-'t ..t-r-..! l.tu lltf.ii.r . . 1 . .:. ouer, ajiiceo ins Honor. said the prisoner, wantel iuiifiice." named Jim Queen, and a white w man nanied Ann Barrett, got Into a jdiflicultv about three hides from "No excuse sir," said his Honor! Shelby, in Cleaveland county, "vou areJ fined one thousand dollar During the difficulty the woman kud if I had the iower I would se-l picked up a fence rail aud struck tence yqn to the peniteutiary for Queen over the head, splitting his ten vears." t skull 0eir lor about Ave inches ... .i. :.:i j a I ..VK,.,.mc'nTt liiiah t' 1 Ooeen died in a few minutes. Ihe weilKe rfacoiw auu vu- I . , v . . r 1 i i 1 k'i. ni-f sh ! "Tominie Hevereanx.a thirtv-iLirl woman H said to be of bad chanie- Gilmour indorses the remedy.- convert ?o Republicanism. I toot j ter, and has fled. At last accounts BaJtim.r i Mdv CoiAb ifrrr Km f b a traitor t liujpaity, aX ..au uol -.. tic. verselves. Our youiijf tueii want t tj fast. The restless spirit of the agei iossessing everybody and its effects upon our young peo ple is most hurtful. They want to begin where their fathers left off. The old royal road to suc cess, with its dust and toil and sweat, its patience and perse verance and pluck, is well-nigh deserted. ...Our Websters and Calhoun and-Clays are full grown at twenty-one. As Dr Lafferty would express it, ' they tassell about two feet Vi" ground," and niake an effort 'o shoot, but tne uu ro, . .. ...L-i.j it M I In f ho MT 1PVT llinn. .- -v- pearance-