II TIIEWILSOX ADVANCE, 1 V THE WILSON ADVANCE. -'.Ot- Pl IU.lSHKD KVERY FlUltAY AT j Ratks of, ADvitR. ihino: One loch, One Insertion, . . $1.0 " " One Month, - - - 2.U ,'. " Three Months, - - 3.0 44 44 Six Months, - - 8.0J 44 " On Year, v - 1 3.00 Liberal Discounts vllV bt Mad , for T Jirwr Aivrtluoiinta and fur Wilson, Northuauolina ; ' : H Y i ' i ' JOSEPHI S 1MELS. - - FJitaranlPrprifir. . ' ( j . - ; Sf.KM'Kii'TKix Hates in Advance H A year... -onths -i.oo A. no 4 LET Ai L THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S. THY GOD'S. AND TRUTH S 1 Contracts by the Year. ' - f.-grione can be sent by Money Older or Registered letter at our Ki-k.. i : - 1 Cash most accompany all Adver VOIi 12. WIL.SOX, N. C, FRIDAY DECEMBEU 1. IS82. NO. 45 tisement unless good reference U given. , - Wilson 0 T 1 1 E AT- V : NCE fi LE AM XGS. Tin- T'ed.'ral Court is in session at Uah-igh. K i Fifty contests in the jnext House is the number estimated. -'-Mis. Cornelius Vamlerbilt, it-is in iiioii'il, is shortly to jnarry (Jen. ( 1. T. lieaurcgard. '!'.; - The. Legislature will i have three colored Senators and fifteen colored members of the House. ";...' Over twenty nativejborti Irish linn will have .seats in the next I louse of Representatives. (lov. I'attison, of Pennsylvania, 'declines any display, military parades, etc., at his inauguration. CoL John W. Wheeler the North Carolina historical writer is report ed lo lie dying in Washington City. Frank Leglie'x Weelly had a good picture of our recently elected Con pressman at. large, Risden Tylei r.enuett, in its last issue. )r Talniage says: "Any young man who will carry a pistol should be spanked and put to bed before sundown." Aud he is altout right When a man kuuis to me foi advice I find out the kind of ad vice he wants, and I give it to . him, This saltsfys him that he and I an too az smart men az there, is li i ng. loxh Billing. It is announced that the last o NEAR-BY NEWS NOTES. The Weeks Wealth of Near News, fathered by Our Re porters and Neatly Nipped from our Numerous Neighbors.- . - . 1 ' We learn that the negro Kobert I Pratt? who is under sentence of i death for killing 0Neal, has taken I i an appeal to the Supreme court from Wavne court. The CiohlslwH'o Messenger says i that a very painful accident hap- pened to Mr, I. F. Dortch last Tues ' A .ni,a.. I. ... .i f flif cial signature of Gov. Colquitt " " brought M,o6o,000 capital j rice inilbi Rooking in one ot tlio sitt- (ieorgia, Four hundred acres of "8' a liece of the revolving ma .nining lauds belongingto the State j dlinery struck ,,im t,,e 1,e:u1' were sold to a syndicate of English capitalists. - j iie The (it It A liierebiitit in IMpit ii.it'u . i f l " " I1I.IIV1II AVUII Villi nluft Flic Grand Lodge ot Masons will j .. ..... " 111,1 1 " 1 . i lmiTi ol jiiiisou weed in a tub of t in Ualeign, iicitiiiik-i .iui Conference 'on tin Methodi- (iov. Stephens is placing -. havoc with (lie laws ol'Ceorgia. j He has already pardoned twenty five crimi nals. ; A rich fellow in New York :mied Saunders discarded his wife. j shelled jeas, in his store, aud it kill : or run away the weevels,that were i infesting the jeas. Give this rein j a trial in wheat, or oat and coin i houses : Dr. J. L. M. (Jurry says : "1'our millions of, atli'ilt citizens and two millions' of voters, one-fifth of tlie electors, Cannot write their Haines. flicting a very painful, but not seri on s wound The Sunny Home poet strikes his lvre and grinds out the following very sensible little rhyme Two pounds of cotton for a pound ; of meat, Is really very dear eating, The man that raises cotton and The following true story just f reaches us: A Jamaica Plain Re-1 publican told his wife, a few davs 1 before election, that if Massachu setts went Democratic he should leave the State; and added that he meant, it, too. Upon waking the morning after election, he remarked that his olfactories were not greet ed witli the usual odors from the kitcheu, and, going to the front door, he called his wife to inquire the cause; noting, at the same time, that preparations to move were apparently going on down stairs. She informed him quietly that the State had gone democratic,, and he called savagely for a paper' that he might know the worst. It was brought to him, and he was closet ed with it for some time; then, coining to the door, he shouted to his wife: '"Get the breakfast, Mary; no matter ' about moving, there isn't any place to go to." DeJarnette. FABM SOTES. THK KOTK1J MlKDKliKR OUT Ol-' TIIK INSANE ASYLVM. and in despair she took ajMUson anil j t() tnis formidable array a died. .! , i school population of eighteen mil- The matrimonial market is Immhii- j lions.in the United States, of whom ing, and the boys are getting mar-i Heven and ..one-half millions are ried in a hurry. Glad others can if j growing iip in ignorance of the al weilau't. j ; j ! phabef." The ltaleiiih Chrixtian Adcomte : lilaine's friends do uot ' know will be nublished dailv during the session of Conference. Price twenty- five cents. w hether to take him at his word or not touching his assertion that he is out of the presidetit al race..' John Ireland, the Governor-elect People look upon a politician's of Texas, ia Kentuckian" by birth, j statement that he will not, be a can- no meat, Deserves a very ing." genteel leat- D ((oiumunicateil.) aw the Color Line. and started out in life ;(s a: hostfet at a month. liecaiis ; - Jolt w anted his enemy to write a 1 took some think beinust have been the original job priwter waiting lor work. The New I lerne Joitninl j says that Mr. Henry 11. Uryan is willing to make one ot tlie ten men to least the Mullet road. The latest mild way of designa didate tor oil ice pretty mucii as they do upon a young lady's denial of an engagement. They reserve the right to have their own opinion. As the debating societies like to talk upon timely topics these long w inter eveifings they might tackle the following : "Which is the more deadly, the cigarette or the shot gun V ( )r, by the way of variety, let the proposition read : "Resolved, i that the cigarette-smoker is more of ting a habitual drunk is prefer to it ! u nnisaJw.e than t,ie man-wluv.lidn't- effects of 1 )emocratie as "siillerinsr iioin. i n alcoholic i)iepafations. The Young MenV 'lub of Wilmington has decided to continue its organization until the presidential election of 1SS4. The parsim lio piih, th Vim-tor ho Ifacht'S, ' -'. !- Ami watiirs extiniruish firu . Hut elections I they ufh us that ilinm-rs ah.l SIKK-ihcs, 11 Art-nil tlmt the tH'ople l-fquirt'.' :Two negriH-s in Vii-gnua fought a duel last Saturday, the weapons being a razor and a spade. The ra.oi nian slashed the spade man fright fully. The triends of ex-lJeiuesentative Veates will be glad to leant that he has recovered entirely front the recent mental attack that sent hint to the asvlum. ' ly oi educational advantages than the whites." 1. L. M. Crnnv. The 'Governor of ConntHticut, just elected by the ' Democracy, thirty years ago w as a ragged news boy in New York city hut he had the "go" in hiiu. Waller -is his tame.' ! A Danville, (Ky.) preacher is en deavoring to get up a Imioiu in the liiatrimonial nfarket by ottering to many couples from the rural (lis '; trictsat two bushels ot corn per knot tied. j Remarking-, upon the "comet ; I clip, the following item from your Advance of Sept. 8th, 1882: "The Duplin county Teachers' In stitute, under the management of B. F. Grady, Jr., - the efficient Su perintendent of Schools which clos ed last week was very successful. Twenty-three teacher were pres ent. Prof. ' . Hay hill's manner of teaching elocution is highly com plimented." I write to say this in reply, the eeretary only enrolled the names of such teachers as gave in their names at roll call, though there was almotiUas many more teachers pres ent and took part in the school though their names were not enroll ed On the' secretary's book. But the main point is this, now the heat of the campaign is over, ought not tlie democratic party go to work and purify itselQry taking bold stand against every thing that is undemocratic and calculated to bring about discoid in its ranks! Now sir, fis I suppose you received your information from the Goldsbo. ro Mesxenger of the 4th of Septem ber 1882, in which an account of that school was published you mnst havel seen that the teachers in attendance on that school were composed of both races. Now the facts are fcfcese, on the 21st day of August 1882, Mr. li. F. Grady, free echool su perintendeut of Duplin Co., met with the teacliers ' free schools of Duplin Co., and opened 'a Normal School. The teache s met together in the same building, in the same school, and in the same class, aud 'during the continuance of said school, freely corrected and were recorreeted by one another without regard ibr sex, race, or pre ..: .i;i-;.... .vf ml.. Tli i 'it , i lit! IOIIS I U H IML ill nvi.iii.iiin-.. able cainp.ugii document and elect-i , , , ,!,... i ,, , ii -t i , ii '('has. Summer school lastvd just i ed Mr. Rosier, while it coiked the , 1 ' , . . ' one week, and the coiinty;eoinmiss- ; in iikii of Ins omioneiir. : ' " , . 1 The annual fair of the Sew Eng l land Manufacturers ami. Mechanics' Institute at Boston has jr.st closed; the exhibit of southern products, by the -Richmond & Danville and other railroads, awakened so great an interest .that conuiissiohers : were appointed to visit the South I ern States at once to secure the active co-operation of Governors j and Legislatures for the next an nual fair. know it w as loaded." ' Thad R.- Manning, the clever ed itor of tlie Henderson Gold Jam, who, by the way officiated as best man at three weddings last week, talks thusly: "Makes no differ ence where you find them, it is the same old thing. " "A fellow named Manning is advertising for a wife way out in Colorado. The tribe everywhere seems to find it uphill business to get a wife." . i A Republican in Pennsylvania was elected in a strong Democratic district by. the following strutagem: The Republican committee had a number of cook books printed and sent one to the wife of every Demo-. i-rat in the district with the coinpli- l incuts of Mr. James W. 'Rosier. -In some portion of the South, Th( (.((k ho,,U .....u,, i)e;L vahui. let me whisper to you, the negroes are availing themselves moreeager- The facts of the murder of hi:i sister, Mollie, by the young man, Thos. J. DeJarnette, in a house of ill fame, at Danville, Virginia, are doubtless fresh in the public mind, the crime having created an almost unparalleled sensation in all parts of the country. DeJarnette, who was at the time an employee of the Danville and Richmond' Railroad Company, and whose home was in Rockingham County, N. C, found his sister in the house ad shot her with a pistol, killing her almost in- stantlv. This w as in the autumn v of 1880. In February, i 8S1, he was tried and acquitted on the ground of insanity. Dr. Eugene Grissom being called as an e.xpert .to prove his unsoundness of mind. In June, 1881, DeJarnette was brought to the insane asyluine at Raleigh, up on application of the Commissioners of Rockingham county. Theie was at the time conflicting opinions as to his sanity. Since his confine ment in the asylum he has conduct ed himself well, it is said, and wss allowed certain privileges accorded to those whose mental improvement j is plain. It appears that an application was made a few days since for his re lease from the asylum. This, Dr. Grissom says the Hoard of Direc The Farmer and Mechanic says: Hendersouville, X. C., shipied in ten weeks gl.31G.G0 worth of cab bage, 900 worth of potatoes. Mr. J. A. OoldweH lias left, twen ty six fine potatoes with us meas nring one bushel. lie made 367 bushels of potatoes to one . acre of ground, says the Mexsager. A gentleman at Statesville, N. CV is just picking the fifth crop of strawtterries which his vines have produced this season. The last crop is fully rijte and only a little frost nipped. G. W. Hobbs, of Sampson county, N C., recentlv exhibited a very tine sample of waterhielon brandy. Its j flavor is good, it is clear as' crystal, and has none of the disagreeable smell of ordinary brandies and whiskies, but has an odor flke that of bay rum. j The Wilmington Star says that new crop peanuts are coining in quite freely now, and the dealers in form us that they are of a very good quality; better, in fact, than for the past five years. The crop in this State is now estimated at about one hundred and forty thousand bushels. The first receipts are naturally rather green aud dealers are hand ling them cautiously. farmer's best fertilizer is clover. This should be invariably one crop of a short rotation. - I . have some ten acres of muck, and while I don't 'propose to mine much of it, 'except in f he way ofditchii'ir (us I regard one acre of this muck land worth several acres of ordinary land for cropping.) I see n. reason for 'the extra labor of comporting. Tii? muck, after it Ills .sunned and frozen enough, is good enough to draw- direct lv to f'je I unl. I ;im not able to see that so much mani. pulation of manure is a nece.sity. Ill answer to the possible, objection that it is not-always convenient to haulaway manure as it -is iuai'U. I would say that with the best "ar rangements- it i 'nt-nresslvryi .With box stalls tiin!.an ? aluindance of absorbents one c.sn -'choose his time for cleaning stables.' THE -PREMIUM,! LIST. Enduring First Love. MAI! HI El AKTF.K Till IJ TV SIX YEAKSOFl'lll F.LSKPAK VTIOX. Thirty-six years ago there lived in that pleasant little town down, the river called Sorel very, little it was then :i youth and a maiden . The name of the youth was George Reaupre. the name of the maiden Marv Ann Pearce.. They belonged 1 send list of lremiuuis awanled at 2nd- Annual Fair of E. C. Ag ricultural & Mechanical Associa t ion. The awards are nbt ierfect, and w ill not In' in some', time yet, Sjieeial Preniinin, for Sweepstake not - decided. . ; UEPARTMKXT D. POltLTRV- 0. U Killebrew, lest trio - brahmas chickeus y. L. liatts, In-st trio ihk-Ii-I ins chickens I J. (I. Arringtou, Itest trio, ( game chickens W. Killebrew, lest trio " plymoutli nxk hiek: ens : j IL Hulliuk, best trm domiuique, chickens R. Killebrew, liest trio ; bantam, chickens, S: T. Cherry, Ix'st trio uii 1 tive or cross chickens A; I . Nobles, liest pair broniie turkeys . II. Riillmk, best pa'ir brownturkeys i -.' IV. 1L Hunn, best pair niils ! ." ,covy. ducks,- - " '" ; A. Abrnnis, best pair pu!d l die ducks !'. A J. Wossly, ltest pair Hong Kong geese j II. N. Snell, best pair- ria tive or cross geese 1 Mrs. M. Taylor, best trio . .Guineas, native lnja S fowls ' - j I 1 1 1 s C 1 KT UlNAUV l'RKMIUMS : ! a. ,H. Nobles, Touloiie to families ot moderate '- circiini-; j s geese . . s stances. He, with 'the I strength and j Joshua Riilluek, polaiid devotion of honest voung manhood,' t i geese ; A Farmer's Strange Motion. Fifty years ago John Ficholtz went from Pennsylvania to Ohio with a capital of two silver half dollars bequeathed to hi in by a disapproving father. The boy left home vowing that he would become the richest Eicholtz living, and to that end he toiled like a slave and lived like a miser. He died recent ly at Urban a worth about 10:),0M, and he might have accumulated much more if he had jtossessed as much common sense as industry and frugality? During the last twen- ty years he had been absorbed in the idea that it Was lolly to sell j w ;eat, for whatever the price might be. at any particular time it was sure to go higher. Accordingly he loved this .maiden, and woo.mI here with that earnestness which only such a lover can. He was given' enough encouragement, w as, some say, actually accepted: was con? gratulating himself, at least,. on the smooth coursing of ti ne love, hc.ii Suddenly a trm rival appeared and everything to him tui ned bl; ick. SI'Kl'IAL rUKMlli'MS. 13. Cherry's H. 11. Huiiii F. Ruggies V. 11. Lathain 1 ) H 1'AKT M K NT V . P A N'T K V. j- ; . 1'LIK.S. !- '. i31 rs. M. Taylor, ttest spec j ; men dried apph-s J M is. S. T. Cherry, best j j sp'eciiiieii dried peaches 1 11. M . Smith Co., best j in what appears to be a very small matter, falling into a habit which is calculated to injure the tone- of society very seriously. We refer to the custom, which has only re, eeutly come into use, of parading purely privats and social events in print for the gratification of female vanity. If Miss A from the village of Buugtown, aecepts an invitation from her bosoru friend and school mate Miss K., of Spotsville, to rome and Kpeud a few days iu the enjoy ment of chewing gum and striped candy, or if the same parties having graduated from a female 'college, interchange visits in order 1 50 i that they may revel iu eaoh other's sctciety, is it necessary or 'decent to publish the fact to the world t , And if this charm of female character is weakened is not society rnj'uml in a vital part f , This custom is not of Southern birth, and it is essentially at enmity with Southern civilization.' "So ciety" news outside of official tu tres, is lidiculous, and even at the seat of government is a wretched burlesque uixtn an imperial custom Every modest woman, and every gentleman who has a proiier regard for his own social rights and the privacy' of his family, ought to set their laces rigidly against this m ovatiou, and every newspaper editor ought to refuse to publish these announcements unless insert ed plainly as advertisements, when the responsibility will l shifted trom his shoulders." 1 50 1 art 1 50 150 1 50 1 50 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 2 00 . 2 00 I 50 THE QUIET HOUB. Selections if or Sunday Evading We'ie Uiiys Be Provided Fir. SUP- aml best display dried fruit, .six or more 'a- he rival was one Jacob Savage, of i ' sii.tU ,..,',' 1 IJi -.TLa t 'mini " ------ - - the same tof. n. Pretty . soon she j and Savage were married and sejp tie down in the jilace", anil then 1 00 1 00 1 00 Georgia's Senators. j has been perpetually "holding for a ! !iTiil tli VRsidt is that thou- tors did not oppose, but preferred! ' ' , i ,, ... 1 L. 7 1 ...,wl.j ltiwlittlia am Tiow.-Kl olPl 111 on account of the character of the case and its history that the! matter should be decided by a court, of law. So a writ of habeas corpus was sued out, returnable before Chief Justice Smith, at Chambers, yesterday. The prisoner was brought before his Honor. Counsel appeared for him, and Drs. K. (Jrissom, , James lie- sands of bushels are now stored in ; and around his barn, much of it ut ! terly worthless through decay. I This season he predicted a general i failure of the wheat erop throughout the Northwest, and enormous pri ces in consequence. Acting on this I rieites ... . , - vi.' ii ie...l....' ,i i- l i . 1 1 ! VI IS.. L . - - l ll"i, iniiHU young Heaup.e s hope died out. He V -. w tried to work on as !, i(iiv, - bnl -j pLiy IiImI liuit i could not. He closed up his hui- ; h,. Abrams, best siM-ci- .,, , , i .,.! :..' ... n i ) .1.. :..ii,- t . ness, settled up ins anairs anu i men apjm-,(-, j started to the far We-! i.warj . Mrs. J.J.. Hat tie, best s.ec ' i molt li'Il ll'llV i -l.;..l. .... i,1.iii- nlr.imlli'iiiK . ttril ! j . "-" .' ' '' ; u. . S'neU. best specimen were alwmt t hat 1 line siia;n:-!; . neij , i Vii. j.-Hy . . i course. ' '' Mrs. Abrams, best spe Pi-oin i)Ai .lav to within a lei' men quince jell weeks ago he had no! sH !,! ij, j rs. J; ' ' .. . , , , , specimen straw oeit this part ol Canada. He had j' j,.lv , - ' j worked hard, -saved carefully, pio.- rs.' J. J.; ISattle. bjiist pered and laid up prope.ty. worlji.i. ''..specimen plum .lelHI af least li;lO,Oii(). He iiad neVi-j married. He -was gerting -iip tP- ! ward sixty ears of age. Several! weeks ago he took an" idea to conti' back m-e more lo see Iiis friends aiid he started East. He'-searclHiil The Georgia Legislature has elected Pojte Harrow to till the un expired' term of Hen. Hill in the United States Senate. That ltody alsoelwted Gov. A. M. Golqiiltt to the long term beginuing in March ISss. An exchange says of the t I new Senator: Alfred H. (Colquitt, the new Dein - Wl) ocratic Senator from Georgia, is .! not the equal of Hill iu brilliancy or intellectual breadth, but he will make a more practical and useful Senator. He is a modified edition of Stonewall Jackson. He did the bulk of the preaching and praying for Ids command ltetween battles "tiuod wire, wtwt are Tou (iDfinc rorT. You kmnr we're Kt th bar. Ami what we'll do with bone and kie U luuretban I cmn My; While Hke M not, with etora and rmla. we'll luae both corn and wheat." She kxjkod up with a pleaaant face and an- wervd low and aweet: "There U a Heart, there Urn Hand, we teal, . but cannot iee; W' alwar bwn arovldeJ for, anil w hall alwaya be." He turned around wtlh sudden rluoro. Sae aaid: "Love be at reet; Tom cut therraa. worked aoon and late. you did your very boet, , That wu your work; f ou. naugbt at all to do with wind and rain. And do not doubt but you will rrap rich field uf (iiliten Kraia; Vur there's a Heart, and there' a Hand we feat but cannot see; We've alwaya bwea protided for, and ahaU alway be." "That like a woman' reaaonliur; we otuet beoauce we mut." . i She aoftly ald: "I nuo not; I only work and trut; Thaharveet may rvdeem the day, keep heart what'er betide; ' 4 When one door ahuta, I've alwar aeon an. . other open wide, . There la a Heart, and tlx-re' a Hand, we feet, but we cannot see: We've alway been provided for. and we shall always be.'' . - He kissed the calm aud truatful face; vuiie : was his resiles pain. ' She heard him with a tearful step vo whist - Una down down the lane. And went about her hinistdiold task full of ' a glad content, , Hlrurliur tio time her busy hand a to and - fro she went; There n a Heart, there la a Hand, we feel but cannot aee; We've' always been provided for. and we hall always be." - Ihjh come and gu twas Christmas tide, and " the irroat nre burned clear The farmer said; "Itoar wife. It' been a rood and happy yeah - ) The fruit was Bain, the surplus- corn ha broiurhtjthe hay. yiu know She lifted then a ainllliur face, and said: "I told yon sol . I : For there' a Heart, and there's a Hand we , feel, but cannot see; -'We've always been provided for, and we shall alway be. 1 Mr M v .M r.- belief. he. refused to sowv any grain. ' for the reason that he should need out his relatives in Sore! ami M.-n ! ..ii iiiw' tM fo liiinl I.is old stock treal, but found few thai he remem (III III'"' It " tvee, .v. . ivi... .v .....i ... .v. ocaiu.. , , ,.,,,. ,mr,.i "! bered. He inquired I or the woman. ioneis of Dunlin countv met aud endorsed the action of the superin tendent in holding a mixed school and gave a check on our free school fund for near eighty dollars' to pay the teachers in charge of said insti tute for so ably conducting the aforesaid 'civil rights" exhibition. This is not the first time such a school has been held iu Duplin Co. The above is only a repetition of last vea i s Normal held at this place. After i In that school a young white lady mature deliberation and ! borrowed the pen knife of one of consultation between tile governe.r and his councilf the .following per. sons were named to constitute the parties" in Washington, the Norris town Herald sa.vs: ".vjgpod Jdeja, b .Inniter. for the bovs can .now i.ianet to "et the girls away from I hist Itoard of director of the West- j a rule of law, "That he who has it the colored gentlemen to trim her pencil. Now Hlackstone lays it down appeared and testified to the pies ent sanity of the prisoner. After the hearing the Chief .Justice dis charged the prisoner and he stepped out a. free man again. DeJarnette w as interviewed by a reporter the moment the trial end ed. He is quite a handsome young fellow, and looks in much better health than when brought here in 1SS1. I le says that he was 22 years old last August,! and he does not look a day older, with rosy cheeks and voutliful countenance. 1 1.' says with crops in the field, j His family "' : ;l P", ":m s" !"',n ',':i -are said to be bearing tie affliction betbre throAvn him overbid rd for,a of his death with muc i fortitiule ;Hval. They told him she was w.k1- ;...,. .,i,.. ; owed : her .husband had been, dead tlllll l( M II IN If. UlL-trilllLlI IK ii ' time has assauged their grief to live as other people do. ; manv years; had . Best Results from Stable Manure. ' i -living for several years in Moi.ilreal. le went to call upon her, met her anil fouud her getting old., poor iu cir- Dr. Whitehead, bst eollectioll hi"; jellie, not less than six rielies . . D. Abrams, M-cond ! best collection' of jel lies, not less than six varieties .Mrs." "M.-'M. Hicks, j canned i teaches- Mrs'. S. I-!. Porter, best i canned a miles vi is. Purvis, best ,' canned i pears ! Mrs. T. P. Hras!)eU,b j : cauned berries ;. Mtv. M. M. Uick. largeist ami best' display jot canned fruit, not less tli a n six varieties 3Ir.Muo. It. Pitt, best j l pi lie preserves . bejst-" An Ohio farmer, writing to the si m ... !.. 4-.,!... 1 1.. i l onniry ueuiwmuii, tens now lonv treats stable manure to get the best ! t ied i results. There is no one question ciunstaiiccs. with several chillTeii but that made noditfeieiic.e; lie sit'w I !iss M. ('. Price, best j only the girl ol' thirty-six years he j of pear preserves - j. i. : i . 4i... that his physical health gave wav ; r5 h" ,,,ut " 'l"K...ce t. t.. ii-187i,aiid'followingcame mental ! fennel' as manure I am at present His tamilv was consid- ti,Kln" j large livery stable; in town, and as i I agree to move it! as fast as made is their Mars." Young men, don't pay ern Insane Asylum, tit-wit:' Theo. j in his power to prevent a crime, the minis ter over 10. i on w ill need an your currency the first time Helen j puts her dimpled arm around your i neck and tries to frade otf two; kisses for a spring bonnet. . Thut low Weed, one of the. lead . iiigedit'ors and most sagacious and intbiential ot the New york politi cians in the past, died Wednesday of last week, lie w as niore than je. lie was a He- F. Davidson, Uuncoinbe ; James j and does hot, orders it to le done." V. Wilson. Burke ; Alex. E. Ter- j So when the appointee -Magistrates of Duplin-: Co-, met together this year aud reappointed or elected the kins, Hurke; S. M. Finger, Ca tawba; Dr. Maicellus Whitehead, Bowan ; W.; J. Yates, Mecklen burg; Dr. F- T. Fuller, Wake ; Dr. J. C. Walker, iXew Hanover; Dr. W. II. A Vapeheai't, Hertie. eighty years of a publican. President of Trinity CojU trustees could not make selection. Hev. A. W 11. !.. is also nieiitioiu loiuu-ctiou. but till' would ill all'or.l to lose htin. Ciov. P.en P.uller is repoi te.l to be The editor of the Whiteville En terprise '-piles on the agony" ;is fol lows in referring to Senator Kan- same superintendent of scIhkhs, did not they endorse his couduc and ''order" him to hold, another mixed school, w hich he (lid as you have seeu from the above! And did not the county commissioners endorse aud ''order it to be done" i .in . i 1 1 il... '.:.-.,!.. k A Fnited States Senator i wiieu tiiey nirnisneo tin- ..u.,i i elM teil bv tin's Lefisbitnte i carry -ori said school . This is radicalism in the som : win bt .. . . . . . . . i 'I'liio io .lill'iil ItJIII III I Mil MIHI1II It. P.. , aiice is spoken ot as; -which n.as jusi oeen cnoseu oy ine.; - " , 1 1 ikin-r his own to s iv tleit ' cratic party, .mw lei nei cieause mi- . 10 suj inat ' - - I trial he was very sell iv lmiiing ii up iu nut ii iiiu.iii : . - , , . .. ... ' . t - ' . i .. i conclusion went dow n the street means oi irking io eaten iiufio The negro does not want to The.' people.- It is needless a linn belies cr in praer. Ken Mna.V uive changed his style somewhat, but judging .from his method of einpiasiing in tbi liter days.it is to be presumed he did his praying by proxy i w iser1 the peerless orator, the ''statesmen Maiigam. : whose gaze penetrates the dark ..1 veil lit' tin t'iltiii'4, with its i-ii'oitliiiti. I VOteS. II 111 IIIIIL ..... .iiiiiii ii I,,. tt. . vfrii. i,V ruiversity vision, the patriot wlfose lye and j S to school with the white people. devotion for his country has been proven upon the field of battle, the chivalrous -'gentleman,' .Matt W. Ransom will be his own successor. troubles. His taiinly was ering the idea, he states, ot placing him in the asylum months before he j killed his sister. The railw ay com- ! pany suspended him for thirty days j on account of his mental troubles, he. further says. As to the slaying of his sister, DeJarnette says at the time he was unconscious that he was committing any offence for which anybody in the world would blame him, and thought that he was doing right. He w as dead to every moral impulse. He was iu this state of mind for several months after he was in the asylum, but then began to realize his crime and to look at it as other people did, DeJarnette made this statement in a matter of fact w ay and without any hesitation. He said further that for months before he killed his sister he slept but little, ate little, was a wreck; that he often con templated suicide, and once had nearly completed preparations for life. During the quiet, and at its On Saturday they wen- Too Ticklish. i 1 60 j dm ing the war, and was as dogged 1 50 i a war fiend as Jackson in the tiame I of eonilict. He. is unlike Jackson I -0 in that he is far from a religionist of the old blue stocking Calvin .1 50 1 type. He is a Methodist loeal mill- ! ister ; is genial and even jolly in j social life, and has the faculty of lieing able to run religious revivals and H)l'itical campaigns at the same rtime without spoiling .the, cloth or degrading religion, lie : often : preaches for the colored churches iu his State, and every attempt to alienate, the colored voters from his political fortune has I teen marked failure. He will lie a decided poi- V i nlar Senator and one of the most J efficient memlters of the ImmIv. :;oo! 1 50 i i r.o j 1 50 ir 'ir 1 50 i 3 00 1 50 1 50 What a Youbg Editor Did. t , ifow A M-;V YOKK . J.oliCK!; 1! U Kl'X WITH' THK 'iJlULS. ! ! Mrs. f. IC, Powell, I i;st I jar of preserved ber - i lies . .Miss Virginia Thoi'lje, ; best collecJioii of pick - l.-s. home made, njit i less t hall three ja net les ( apart m.eiii listers only realized his ires the iet1icac of Let the prohibitiiinists of North Caiolina, says the j -"Lenoir Topic, take a ncw-Ytack. ; We call upon them to concentrate all ot the en thusiasm and fervor, with which Nor will lie vote the Deniocratii ticket. Let the legislature say in plain tei.ms we shall not have any mixed Xonnal School, and if we will, then the county commissioners shall not pav for them unless , they do so out of their own private Mck ets. . , . - The Justices of the Peace iu this countv are altove average and they In the afternoon he left lor his home, which is at .Maytiehl, IliK-k-inghain County. Xeirx Hbserrer. A Horrible Murder. Nov. Ya r was rA '.l .lohn It. Winston.' who nin the Independviit reMiback-; they advocated the prohibition act, i e , 0 b(i nwl luo c; abilities, Ant i- Prohibit ion -La) ki lor Congress against Irctu scales, 'was voted for aiid elected constable of Milton township, Caswell county. 'fhe' bovs about sized hi we guess. The number ot vict ims inolate themselves upon ot matrimony is-increasiiig as weather grows colder. Uocky Mount Iiepioter. I i " And Fitzgerald talks' alniut ''vic tims." Yum ! vuiu ! indidate ' "P011 tro cause of education. That I is the true path out of the woods, i F.ducate the masses and you kill j eral and sjcial obligations jieople in some way. The to geu-the Pktkijsiu Kli, horrible murder near Smith's Cross 1 toads, in'Meck lenburg county, a few days ago. Alpheus Thomas Jones and ' his brother, Henry, both youths. quar: relied over the distribution of a lot I haul more or less every week iu the year. Hut in this I am only doing as I would always like to-do with manure made iu my own guilty to the charge of stables. I believe in getting the manure promptly and directly from the stable to 'the land. Two very iniportant ends are thus answered. First, we save all handling except loading and cleaning the stable and loading I would have one ami the same operation unloading and spreading. Second, we save the whole strength of the manure, a thing not possible to lie other wise done without great labor and other expensive arrangements. I do not. speak for dairymen or those ; , who devote their lands mostly to ! wheat. These must have -compost ! or rotted manure for top dressing, i 1 do not believe 'much iu exclusive j dairying or 'wheat raising. As a rule I Avould devote the stable manure, to cultivated crops: When I have a load of mamiie I drive to the poorest knowl or ridge on the farm that has no crop upon it sav ing those most accessible for soft going, stop at the highest fr poorest point and unload at one stopping and on one side, throwing the manure as far as I can reach, one committed I forkful deep. I let the manure he until I am already to plowjw hether it be in one month or six. In spreading I throw the 'manure. upon the intermediate space betw een the i ridge and the hollow as clean as I New YditK, Nov. 21. Yesie'nlay in the Court of Common Pleas fit Newark, Charles I'lrieh pleade-l !ering'at midnight tlie 'o , -of two -young ladies and tickling lite-soles ol tl.cir feet. One of the young ladies s.pd. sheVwciipied a room with her 'sister, and Clricii, who had on the very day rented a furnished room in. the house, entered their The dice wWn awakened by m.iim-ImmI.v tickling the .-.oles of their feet. The.: gave tlie alarm and the iimh tied. The girls' parents rushed s.p stairs.- , . "j -- ' ; '.' 1 The father go! a base bail-club i Mrs. J and knocked at th'door of -IJiricli. The latter didn't answer. T The old" man threatened fo break open. fh". door. Then the lodger, who pretended--to Iv 'awakened from his sleep,, cried out: "Yot ish dot; Ish dot you f J.Viter go schleepJ Yot you vants to vake a iuait yen ' he vauts to sehleep 1" This only angered the lather, and. he pouiul ed awa.v at the door, - Some other people living in the hoirsi' were arimsed, and when informed ol' the situation, counseled the la i her :. to send for a policeman."'." On- the ar rival of the otlieer. I'lrieh surrender ed. He was sentenced to tlie . pi'ni tentiar.v lor six inoiiths. ! Mis. A. J. Co! ion,' best ! 'ar"f pickles withojlt ! regard to Variety j Mr.. A. W. Arringtou lest toiiiatoVatsup . A Proc'.or. best sngiir v , m - s I up Mi i. A. W , Arringiiiii. ! best pound cake Mrs. K. P. Uriffni. fruit cake . . Miss Moliie PeaVce. jelly ake ' Miss Mary Kicks. 1 loaf while bread liest i bij'.st l.lis- I 'S I Mrs. J. M.Cole, best Iqdl' I dozen rolls , Mi-s Mary Ilauiel. .half, dozen ) 1 ti ii !. cuits "' :. ; " Misv .Mollie PeaPee, t specimen crackers J. Hal lie. liest jot ? ol fresh butter; hot I less Jhall 5 pounds j M rs. S. - Jenkins, seeiqid- , best lot of fresh bi'jl j- ter. not less than 511 Mis .1. ,1. Haiti.-. Im-sI lot !- ot canned butter., dot I less than 5 fits - j .. M i s. .1 no. P.. Langley, Uf st f ; hit of lard.: not litss V th.ui'loMl.s Mrs. .1. P. Hives. U-.t t-li lioiiiids liaro soap (j,'W. .'Ward, best jar i' soap Airs. S F. Jenkins.' Uts't I .strained honev i i nisi'JIl'.TIoNAia l'liKMUMS s 1'A KTMKNT. A young editwr of Hurt'alo, who is modest, as all editors are, and who would blush to see his name in print, is the man whom 2$ew York and the country is to thank for subtituting new life for the etiete Democracy of Tammany and Ti'den. He first brought Mr. Cleveland into municipal pobties- and snbseqiieiitlv at Albany he tut dertook, unassisted, to give pro mi inence to the successful mayor as gubernatorial candidate. The ''boss e.s" and wire-pullers laughed at their enthusiastic young friend, and ignored his candidate But Mr. Cleveland's pictures were placarded I everywhere; his praises were sung 1 n" j the song was a solo; his virtues I were eulogized; there was but one 1 "0 i oiilonrist :vt first. Suddenly there . .. . , 0 .- w as a deadlock ,iu the convention and the wings en folded Mr. Cleve I land in preference to uselessly flat 1 ning: for. as the late election has ' indicated, a oartv. like a bird cannot tiy far with one wing Yuhiiton Capital. 1 50 1 01, 1 00 i O) J 00 1(0 1 Oil 1 (to 1 00 : 1 00 Kissing as a Cure for Freckles. skt - i ()ne tine evening recently Mr H., a government employee in the town of Hruun, was taking a walk iu the castle grounds, when, 'oil reaching a less frequented j mm ion of the park, he saw a young lady coming in the opposite direction i tii.v w fif alMiut to pass ea other.'the fadv suddenly turned '2 00 fiiuaiil Mr It threw her arm ' around his neck and kissed him l"" ' !..... .. ;i-... i. ,ru liii ulm leiil llll II il. II .l.lllli:i rw niawv - - .- ; done, she covered her face with her hands aiid ran off aft fast as slu (Ml I oo 2 OO ; nil lit v- commissioners are some of Duplin j nmniercd ltoy's head was torn aP of walnuts, and subsequently the ' can with a fork if it has Iain several former shot the latter with a shot- i months, leaving more or less of it if killing him instantly. The; it -has lain a shorter, time. A lie solid mm. The announcement of the ia i. tion of solid whisky! which can , carried around -in--the jmcket likj-a i ilii 'j of tobacco, suggests immeiW the liquor tramc, lA-t us get up a. ... ,t I1W11 ..., lhv needisi... . ......... 1 i - - - .-- -- - - , 11 ion 1 rum urirn num I. .-.11..-. ,,i,l vifk mniinio TI i inning 1 1 uif 1111111111 v. i in i j " . . . ..1.1 ;..., ! Pssl onirics. iLlsoiuy conip.u .ion- nothing like a heavy a "sortv waking up." Anil as for the worthy anil erhcient superin- nianure for these pxr spots, and it ! to the substitution of giant powder. who im the altar general iufeivst in the matter and how to the - Legislature that the , -. 1.. . , ! " " in.-!.-" . .....it In. II tilt.nl fur t in ol- t: .,...1.. .t ...... i:. ; .... oi-.ji-t.Uv tliev :irt not desire lavish exiHMiditures in i... , ,. . . n :. ! . i ..r . . u. . .- i i i i imiiortaiit on account ol t tiu laigei ! nee, ou i iic siiouHi laivi- nitiuiiig ' pii rinctuiH-.i n'.-irm i'""i" i luvuie to leacn. nine lauu is ieei a! 1 . . . I . . .. . . I - .- ' . . .. i w - : : , . .f 1..T' t.v t,lrtt- miller tiiiiiiiiri XO.MWl.lwt ireiinn. .""- I""" .. . : ..itro-o-Keer lie. .lid is lliKC I III - dry, solid and portable, for the dak IOI ; tl. K..t ......111,- .1 lllll'll' lttiai ness-like system adapted to tlie uses of the whole State. lashes of a Wakxek's Safe Kidney and i Livkk Ct re. and not do so again. "Faithful are the friend." ! . Constitution. Kenansville X. C. Xov. 20, ISSl'. warniug ed enveloies instead of postage j i;Vijie to leach. stamps, for ' three cuts, on the . .f .1 flw it.mnioil Pftl-f lin. i , "11 stamWi si-ead directly from the wagon: I ! will reduce the expense of the dead- j While we must have stable manure j ; letter ofhee enough to pay for the for poor sitots, and a little lone J envelopes. me.,i fn f j I lndieve the l .. ... ..I !.., .li,. .viilnivi. I If richness I would ; " "l ;"': I." completely kikm ks an iiqooL i. cold as a w edge, and gives to .every; mail his own inr-room. linenx boro Patriot. A. L. Harper, liestjiaiiij : . Janies NorwmHkbeef talliw Mr.-,. Abrams. pvtr jellyj Mrs. M. Taylor; wax . Mrs. W. T. lorhau'i, canned toma Uick's, cuciutilK-r catsup L. Harnhill, i-itijon L. Hrake, corn bread J as. D. Jkkins, Secretary f (to be continued.) j : AnIlleiUmate leisure. v - I ' Yc heartily ; concur with the ( ih allot W Jornfil in the following sj-iitinicnt TWe resfMtfully sab. ..lit that the oress of the Snith is. 1 00 ' hands ai 1 00. could. The gentleman unable to .;E ! account for this agreeable surprise ' tollowed the . young lady, and taking ! her by the arm, asked an explana- A Beaatiful Incident. . Mis. M. M. Miss A.'" - ' i X V A man blind from his birtlt, a nun. of much intellect nal vigor and with iiiauy engaging soial qualities ton ml a woman who, appreciating his worth, was willing to casl iu her lot with him and iMM-ome his wife. Several bright, beautiful, children. Itccame theirs who, teuderly and, equally lovetlboth of their jtarents. An eminent French surgeou, while in this-t-iMintry, called . nism them, . aud examining the blind man with i much interest and caie, said to him. . "Your blindness is wholly arti ficial; your eyes, are naturally gotnl, md. oouldl have oierated upon them twenty years ago, I think I oiiki have given you sight. It l barely possibly that I can do it now, thought' it will cause yotC muhc min. can bear that," was the , reply; " so you but enable me to s h.."' The surgeon ofterated iioii hnn, and was gradually snccesHl'iil; flrsf there were faint glimmerings of light, then more 'distinct visions. The bbiid father was handeda rose; he had smelt one before, biit had never seen one; then lieliMiked ujmi the face of his wife, who h id le so true and faithful to him; and then his '.children were brought, whoin' he had so often fondled, i . and whose charming prattle had so frequently fallen umiii his ears. He exclaimed: "Oh, why have I seen all these In fore inquiring for the man by whose skill I have I teen enable to behold them! Show me the doctor." And when he wan toiiited (Hit to him he embraced him with tearM of gratitude and joy. So, when - we reach heaven, and with unclouded eyes look ummi its glories, we shall not be content with a view of theses No, we hal! say, ".where is Christ f He.. to whom I am indebted lnruh.it he.iven is; show jne Mini, that with all my soul I may mlore and , praise llitu through endless ages." The tliM-triiie is held by a few Pol ish Jews that a good man may sell his claim niKtn heaven. This Im. lief is based on the Kabinical . proverb. "UimmI ilecds buy thf future world," which is interpreted by most Jews to mean that by do ing gixsl one m ty secure for hi tii self happy i mortality. Jlarria rinlovii h if Troy bargainwl to buy liiiiiU Coheu's heavenly claim for $150, Coheu backeil out of the agreement, and the result wasa fracas which sent I'ndovich to jail. The man w ho doc not pray is like the soldier' who rushes into battle without sword or musket.. To win tlie fight, a man must- gird on his weajsms; ta draw, sweet music, from an iustniment, he must tune its strings. So prayer pr paies a man to win victories iu the battles of life K"l wring blessings out of the ills which overtake him. Dr Talmage says of Sabbath ftchool children: "They should leara the first chapter of (leuesw that they majr know how the world was ' made; the tliird chapter, that may thev would be sure to disappear." The cnple continual their walk together, and thongh we are not told whether the singular remedy proved efficacious or not, it may in terest the reader to learu that, not many days . afterward, the two were joined together for better or for w orse. tion of her strange procedure. "I lieg a thousand pardons," wan the reply of the blushing damsel; "6u niTist 1m? greatly shocked at my be havior. I had been to consult a 'wise woman' as to the liest means of charming away the freckles on inv face, and she ad vised me to kiss the first gentleman I met, when j know how it fell; the first chapter of John, that they may know how it is to be redeemed; and the twenty first chapter of Revelation, that they may know how it is to be constructed." ''Don't ry to push every zealous young layman into the pulpit. I' God call men to preach." Xath -rille Chrixtian Adwate. ' '

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