... - Vj"" ' ' " l ii n .ii'v.w'vu. ; 1 M I yr " A . It li.llil.l I.VIi.s I n;in.i i V 1 1 ., Ni hit 1 1 s i;oia n , josKriiisHWiu.s: Sri;s imi'i i"N U f i Or. SI scar onth- . 1 . m t,rfy '' sent '' iiH-y order or leistcrod Letter at our Kisk THE ADVANCE GLrLVNIXIIS. Bocks Vomit lias a sk ding "rink. ' ! " Wood sell's in Beaufort for ;. M) per cord or the cents aj stick. There an- ilii,00i) people in North Carol in a" who cannot: write. '- 1 ;-.--' The lit on iL An- is to be the name of a new paper to lie published at Crcensboro. - j. The New lierne Jtonnlj of Tratlo sent a check lor ?."o.0O to the ()r phan Asylum Tlianksgivliig lay. -The Atlanta CoWititHtiOn is ot'the opinion that " the lit-publican ar tv isn't so corrupt in v as it Was, because there isn't as mijcli of it." )r. Iitl'erty, yt' Iticliiiioinl, Va., lectured in Wilmington jThursday night oi' last week Times ami the New praises it. Blotting paper was on the "Old Star The discovered in 14(!5, but t'roin that iear to t.iis a man has never been able to discov er a piece in his own house who li lie 'wanted it . it.; Slater bind The. trustees ol' tliti' have selected Key. Ajtieus (i. Ilay good, of (leorgia, as a'gent to man age the g'lt of !l,)0(i,OOo for edu cating colored people! in t he. Snit.li. .l ohiiN Keeiian;d J)oyelvN. II.? one ol' the nowh clci ted members of the Legislature, is the ,oungest liiember ever elected o that ImmIv, beinsr but I went v one vears a nl two moiit lis old. An one desirous ol ttuying a ..... .....I : . o ... nice, oomioriaiiio cuiiagr. m o.iu l''raiiisco can be aci-omnndated by ex (ioveruor Stanton tbi e:sy terms, Me .otters ins j.";u e l,Mtl,(MUI. in thai it v tor Theie are liltv lhro civilities 111 iio licensed oiint ies have (Jeorgia which havt lienor saloons. Seven onlv one apie, e,-, and n iiianv otb d lo ors t he sale of liipior I In- count i v towns. Iti Cherokee count N. ;C.,bo,o;io acres ol land h;ve ju.-J It bH'li sold to a large colony of Meiinon'ites from Russia. The tueinbei K of tjhe colony are expected to reaeli Una. in a few weeks. We. noiice one thin North' Caro-. i. : it takes very rich man to a preeiate the 1 ilessi l i gs o f po ve rt y Solomon was worth alMMit 7,o(ii when he said : ''A good name is to b er than great riches." chosen ratli- The annual me'etinj! of the State Orange will be he) Mount, Deeenilf'r 1 airaiigenients iune be 1 it Uocky I'th. Special ii made w ith the railroads by which passengers can dbtain special rati's. ! It is announced that litteeii thons-; and dollars have been squandered in' Solma, Alab.ima. bv A lctiins of the marriage insiiranci fe'vi r. These. ; assm-iations are now cntiM ing t his ; sta'e. l'.ettl-r not invest iin them. ; There is a farmer living near Marvsville, Missom wh has nine len. and children. The oldest the youngest is I wo. are two sets of twins ''Pity the sorrows ol man." is inong t hem i inil triplets. MHr o Id A licavenworlh women, nearly blind, cooked some gunpowder in a ipiautit.v -of oat meal. Tin- w boh family died except a boy, and lie. is so in I ol the compound that Ins aunt won't let him "o near I lie lire for fear he'll go off. The ladies of I hi lil.ikel Cilv ii 1 grievance think thev have a sol against .the. Philadelphia preacher who told the women i ' his conjjre ".ition that diine truth ;oi,ild not tind Us wa nilo hearts thai were cramped b i-orsets. We regret to know lli;f thai Mauniiii;'. the tatented and genial -editor of The Ileudeisoii h'vlil I. ml cpnteinplates suspending' hi I'apei ow ing to lack of pal rouagej. Tlien are lew Stale papers as bright a.- the (lolil l.nil ami We t-ineeich liusl that it iii-.iv live inaitv" ct. ; The Oli ii Tims piilil: list of deliiit!i ut subscribers. I claims against whom will! be di 'posed ol' tor --.! reasonable - cast oner. We -don profiose iiust mw to adopt thai i-i'tirse. ai.il M'Us't Iha our readers w ill p.i n mI prompt ly that sin ii a coitr-i eessatyl W ill be iMine- A lawver to--! a hrid hi a! a peeul he w , d to the iar way. lie apiiearc ding, but on be'iug 1 ceremony. I'ti'iu shei habit prntesii d I h it reads to proceed . a Oreo ol 1 ivas iioj. le Jp tleluand ed delav.. Ami so ll ide uot mad and shipped him The Kaleiuh -V' ""' .' 1st rrt r says an entei prising' tarm trell is ga.theringgK at r near Fit ipiaid ll ies of acoiiis and selling ilien t went v.. live : cents- per imit. i to si 4 i iiii. oi uiai town. I clliaps tlle.V w onld sell here also. II so, in u leople could make moiies, Ibr iicv 1 w.en ae-or.iis so abuuihuit. Mr. llobie, the Keiiibliraii' Ciov ernor. of Maine, is -quoted as saviii" that .Maine is solidly b'epiibliean now, ."but the people "are watching. ind future success deiM iids iii'ou 11 II r-fl f . ii AS i 1 1 j how .parties- act. Th,j. peoIe are proininen.ee that will naturally arise now in that state o' mind which from honest. Laid work. Nm-M-leads them to do right. whatever u it . . ., , .' li-ll'Tv I'liltiii.iiutc 11 m k . 'imw amr vb . m - i m w hhhmw m m -- i - - - .' i - n i mm w- i j - -mv w m m m . -mw . : .- - -m - i VOli 12-: A determined oll'ort to admit Jlakota as a Htate w ill be mi' of the leading items in the ltepubli can iitigrainine for the' apinoacli ing session ol' Congress. Two ad ditional Kepublicaii Senators and three Presidential electors makeup the raml prize for -"which" this con test is to be, wagi;d. Mr. Jacob J). Flowers of the Mount Olive section, a? tew days ago,; sold four bales ol". cotton .'yt Atlanta, Oa., for sixteen and two- thirds cents a pound. It, was of the Ozia vaiiety, a long and line staple. Mr. Flowers was awarded the premium at Sampson Fair on his cotton. The otlieial majority for ForrelL DeiiKM-rat, over lob?son, for Con gress, in New .Jersey, is 1,710, When it is considered t lint I lobe son's majority two years ago was .1,400, it may be tnithfullv said that the people of the ('aiiiden dis triet have, given llolx'sou tlie gTand bounce. , The iiH'ii oi' Nebraska bave Iiy the ballot rii'fused to give t!ieir inotliers, tlujir wives, their sisters and their sweethearts tho right of sulVrage. The Women of Sebraska, aided bv the brightest of their ses from all over the land, made a vi oroiis and brilliant camjiaign, but the men ol Nebraska wiao obdur ale. ' J ." Polygamy in -Utafe. It has come, to light that at meeting of the higher priesthood alter the 'late conference, President Taylor instructed them that priests and bishops and their couiicellors are not entitled to hold their post tiotis unless they qualify by becom i inu' itolyaiuists. .There are few j such olliee-rs who are monogamists. j One has since resigned rat her than take another wile. 1 Its resigna tion was accepted. Others are in a i h i tula i as to w uai to no auom it, I nt they wnl have to marry more women or step down and out. One has been appointed President of the Seventies on condition that lie takes a new wile. Oih' very otihg and new made apostle, it is tinders! ood, has complied' with the condition of holding his ollice. This is I he logic or position taken by the church. It must stand by its r liii'ion, law or no law. It shows I that until the Government proves itself to be stronger than the ,Mor- i inon" Churcli in Ctidi, iolv"aniy j yjll not be suppressed, but. rather ; stimulated in it growth anil ex- pension.. Denied or. not, there 1S no doubt about the. truth of this. Queer Escapade of an Heiress. Miss Susie Pollard, op-Cleveland, Ohio, fifteen years of age, disap peared from the home of her lather, a wealthy merchant, two weeks ago, anil the shrewdest detectives were ballled in their pursuit:. As sin- was unusually attractive in per--so'n, and as she was known to have a' considerable sunt tf money in her possession it was feared that she had been decoyed away by some ,1. signing villain ifi hail been for- ily abducted.' Her father offered a reward ot'2,000 tSr information, and this being' read by a chamber maid at tlie Palmer House, Chicago, she was convmced that the girl was there, in 'he hotd, calling herself Miss Cordon, who i t i; "!;iiit eri-d on die ;nh of Oclo- ' b.". I lei ' Voiiibht: was irreproach able, and some of the lady boarders look unite a lauifv.lo (lie lonelv " f i "ill. attracted bi her South and iniioeeuce, and" -i- readily made Irieiids with Hull.. Dining her .-.lav of two weits, hofwcN er, , she allowed no one to peoedate the .in.vsterx that siiniuiided her. . She discouraged all jn big U.i'uest ions, and showed (hat jshe w as.pei lectl y able to take caije of herself and keep her ow n .secrets. She laughed heartily w hen ste was addressed ' as Miss Susie. PiJlard, and tried to heeoiiyinro her q'nfst ioners.thai Iho.v were mistaken. Having made preparations to leave, sue was pre cnted bv the. fljrk refusing to sell her a ticket, amlj ,sln? w as placed in the family of Dii Uichard Foster to await the arrival of her father. She no longer denied her identity, and lauuhinglv savs Ithat her .intention was to make oiiervatioiis ol itie m i ll uuti'amiiiclctli iiiaiiuer and then w rite a Hook .derailing tier exper ience. She is a:Ueiee of. Ciovernor I-'oster. of Ohio.; ' . fllen if the -oung men ' w dilh weigh t he ditleil'iit vocations ol lit - carefully, a larger ' number wool follow that of ;gricivli lire, which i the most iiid ndent, easv1 am com fori able. Iii'.incss : en earth f r T . 'fhe farmer outlines the pixducts of his ow 11 hains, doM iuls upon no other class ol mi'li'lor an existi'iu-e, but every upon the otheij industry - depends farmer f r an existence. i.oncaie . onrs?i cs iiiuers. -. 1 . 1 . . . ,i i .. . . educate your cliildreu lor farmers, 'U'l'iove your I mils, and content voursel ves w ith the leputatiou and - ! ii ii ii i m a t if ii m - -x - m. x 'v w , i . t i . i-i .m. : w . - "x. m -r i jv w w Kyn v w w i a k i t t .n PRETTY SCHOOL MISTBESS; Or, How She Won. In the thriving village of Holly- thoni there was a church, a jostof fiee, a coujile of stores and a district school; the sclntol was taught by a lady, who had . a widowed mother and brother and sisters to assLst in supporting. For the sake of economy, Miss Eva "boarded around" among the scholars, and was considered a par agon among the teachers. Her fa-. ther haij been a ; respectable me chanic, but died after aliout two years illness, which bitterly impov erished his family. Eva, however, (she being the eldest,) received a good, plain education before the great calamity came upon them, ml unselfishly began the work of ,sisting in the support. The last week previous, to the holiday j vacation she had been boarding with a Mrs. Carpentjer, who was making gigantic orepara tions lor guests she was expecting from New York.' i "Yon, never met my brothers, Eva,' she said, and then began to give thelyouiig teacher a ilescrip tiou ol them. "There's Sam, George, John, the youngest, and such times as they have when they get hero, and rust r ate, as they call it. But, dear nie I don't get much rest or peace, lor they are like a pack ol boys let loose, from school. Such tricks and pranks no one ever saw. The last t ime they 'visited me alto gether, .joint iind Sain actually cut a pane of glass from my window and pelted George with snow out 111 v best room.-' You see there, is al ways a regular strife for that par tietdar room, for the bed is a spring one, and they don't sleep in any other in the city, But they don't get it this time, that's certain, for I intend, to keep you in that room, and so end the controversy, I am so afraid they will break or ruin something, that I am glad you are here. It may keep them in check a little." "I had just as soon occupy some other room, Mrs. Carpenter, and do not wish 'to incommode your broth-eisTr-have no right to do so." 'No you shan't Eva,',' pereumto ril.y exclaimed her i hostess. "And w hat is the use of your going home vacation week ! You can stay here just as well as not, and do your sew ing 011 my machine. 'Your mother has got enough mouths to feed, I ;guess, and .won't miss yours." ! - '- ! The subject was dropped, and the entire household retired early, for on the morrow the brothers, young, irilent and full'ol life, were to be there. But without sending any word of t heir intention, they had concluded to. take, the evening train, which would land them at llolly tliorne about lied time. John and George did so, and when safely eared m the cars, began to specu late about the absence of Sam-. 2s"o reason on earth why. he should not be '.along," said George. "No; for he told me this morning that -hi' I certainly - would be on hand,'' said John. I can't make it out; unless he. has taken the live o'clock train by mistake" ; Not a"' bit of it," laughed John, w ho fancied he uvderstood I he en- fire programme'. - "It is 'more than likely that he.lootvthe- tram 011 pur pose to get Hannah's spare bed room, and ..make us to take, up with straw lick ami feathers.". 1 didn't think t hat, but I reck on vou are rignr. we tnusi ou tlive lo got him out somehow ," "Bet your life on that.'" The Inotliers put tlreir heads t ether, and laughed merrily over ' i- . -11- some sciieme ior 0111 wining nn, anil accordingly,, when the train reached 1 tolly t borne about eleven o'clock, they approached the house in a very stealths 'manner.' Climbing the fence..-in the rear, Hies solljy opened, a w imlow and gained access to the pantry, svhere they demolished a nice pie and a couple olj doughnuts..' Then with appetites (apprised they "ijeiuovod their boots and -prepared to ex ami'ue t he .best room. ' They .stole along tli.- hall, which was dimly lighted by the moon, ascended tlie stairs and reached t he door. The faint rays1 of the (noon disclosed a chair tilled with clothing, and they could distinctly trace the outlines ol a toriu iltetieatu l h?. ocu-clot lies, and had not the remotest, idea but tli.d Sam was enjoying sweet re pose upon Hannah's bed, ;A lew whispered words were ex changed 'find then, as softly and light ly as if lud . iih dow n they drew near. . ! All reads ."'v. hisperi-.d John. Ouiek as thought thev seized . 1 - - . j- . . - upon t he form of the sleepeiv In-d- clothes and all. bore it swiftly dosvn stairs out into the snow, and svere about to deposit it in a huge drift, when a sin ill shriek broke the still ness of the night, and, oh ! horror it svas that of a ssomaii! Ami in their consternation they dropped th"ir burden plump in the middle o( a huge 'rift. : Good j heavens!" exclaimed. i,u t Sam, bubonic svoman, sure Is' I'm a sinner, and she has taint 4 LET Ai L THE ENDS WILSON, X. ed. Run and call Hannah !" "George! John! for goodness sake, svhat does this mean, and what bas e you there ?" asked Mrs. Carpenter in a breath. "Blessed if I know," said George "thought it was Sam; so we thought we'd give him a dose of snow for getting into the best bed and trying to euchre us. Quick, I be lieve she ha.s fainted." "Just like you," scolded Hannah, as she assisted in depositing Eva upon the bed from which she had been unceremoniously taken ; "you begin your tricks on each other be fore you get fairly in the house. Clear out!" Long before she svas dene with her tirade, her discomfited brothers had betaken themselves dosvn stairs, svhere they almost svent into hysterics over the joke. "A pretty kettle of fish," said George,, rolling over the floor, and letting out peal after peal of laughter. . "1 should think it svas," said John, holding his sides. "Oh, my. But svlTat the dickens is to be done about it, and who do you .suppose it is, George !" "Some guest' of Hannah's, of course, and young and pretty. at that. I don't know 'how much it is with you, but I feel particularly small and extremely cheap would sell 111yse.lt at a very losv price." - "('heap!" roared John; "cheap! I would actually give myself ass ay this very moment and throw in something to boot. What sve are to do I can't say, but I lielieve I shall dig out of this place and get back to this city before morning. I ain't got the courage to face the the music, so I'll get up and go." He Iwgaii. hastily jmttiug on his boots, and svould have put his threat into execution, but for the appearance of' Hannah, svho at once asserted her authority. "You are not going a single step; but I don't wonder that you feel ashamed -of yourselves. What on earth possessed you, is more than I can tell.'' "That's right, Han, pitch "111, scold away, I'll take any amount just nosv, for I'm as meek as a lamb. But .who is it we have played so shabby a trick on V inquired George. "Trick! I should say it was. Why, it was Eva Stanley just as nice n young thing as ever lived. She is our school teacher, and this is her sveek to board here, and I knesv you boys would be squabbling over that room as usual, so I put her there, little thinking you svould come home in a stealthy svay." "Eva Stanley! Whew ! A pretty school inarm." And repeating his child," she said, though --with diii sister's words, gas e a lugubrious j culty keeping back her laughter, groan. ! "Those boys are nicely come up "Has she recovered?" inquired , with, at any rate; and if it svasn't for John, vainly endeavoring' to re- ! your having bet -u so terribly fright- stram his launhter at the wrv laces his brother was making. "0s, I soon brought her to; but I don't believe the poor girl will ,nA ti... it ioi.t ' !, !,i,i the first thing she knesv she svas being lifted up and Carried out, and she couldn't utter a sound, but the moment the cold air struck her she realized that she, was being ab ducted, or something of the kind, and hatl just time to utter a scream when she fainted. It is too bad. I should not svonder if she had t;iken her death by being dragged out of a svarni bed this time of night and dropped into a snow-dritt in that fashion. No svonder she cried, 'poor thing." "Cried (lid she: repeated Oorge, svith A groan. ".should think she did. ' I just took her in iny arms ami lo . her have her cry out, while I explained to Iter boss she. had been, -mistaken for Sani. and became the victi y.iur niad pranks." "That, svas neat in you, Ilan. I am awlulls glad you hugged he poor thing. I svish yon svould- have giveuJier a brotherly squeeze for me 'pon lit v. honor, I do. Oh! dear, I am in sackcloth and ashes from this time henceforth and for ever," replied George, with another dismal groan. "Hosv on earth do you expect us to stay and take the consequences'' asked John, beginning to look serious. "I am for taking myself oil' instantly. I had rather lace a a masked battery than this pretty teacher, after making such fools of ourselves." "1 don't care if you had," answer ed his sister, indignantly. "The only svay is to brave it out, both of you, and apologize for your rude ness. She is not a bit stupid, but pleasant and nierrv, und no doubt you will have a jolly laugh over the atfair." I "But, Sam! how the duce ar sve to got along svith him? You knosv well enough Han, sve shall nes"er hear the last of it from him: and that it will be brought up at all times and in all places." "If you tsvo can keep. the secret. I'll find a ss ay to silence Bridget, and it's a subject Kva ssill not care to have discussed, and fortunately, my husband is assay. So. go to bed and rest contented." She showed them to the room she ! Uau intent tea ior uiem io occupy, - ' and soon all svas quiet again. THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S. C, FRIDAY DECEMBER H, 1882. Meansshile, ' jth'eir brother Sam hail reached the depot a few min utes too late. He found the train he was to base taken gone; but upon consulting the time-table he ascertained that .another train started two hours later, and so he decided to take irx He ; figured to himself, as he impantMilI,, crowded into an empty seat, and was being whirled along at a rapid i rate, hosv suugly his brothers had ensconced theniselses in the best room, svhich by right liolonged to him, In- being the eldest, and consummated a plan to get even w ith them, j Sometime after night he. svas deposited at Ilollythorne, and reach ing his sister's house he scouted around until he found a svay of en trauce into the kitchen, svhere he deposited his luggage and removed his boots. Then he quietly -stole up stairs and opened the door of the best room. ""Sure euough,"thought he, "my fine caps, you are in clover!" for there svere not-to-lte-iiiistakeu signs of the room being occupied. Garments svere lying '.'-upon chairs, and the 1k'1 was pressed by slumber ing forms. lo think of coiling j with their united strength by dragging them forth was not prac.ticablebut there stood the pitcher of ss;ator, and he knesv that a good dousing' with the icy fluid ss ould bring them out quick enough. j 'If I can't have iny old quarters," he . chuckled, "you shan't that I am 'determined. So here goes." He filled the pitcher,! approached the bed, raised the pitcher, high, ami suddenly dashed the entire iron tents on the sleeper. Siii'h a "torrent I of screams he had never before heard ring through the house, and before j Sam could collect his scattered thought,' door after door '.opened, and 'Hannah. John and George rushed in in scanty apparel; Hannah svith a frightened look on her face and a lamp in her hand, that revealed tin entue scene. There, sitting in bed, svith hair dripping like a mermaid, her night dress deluged, her face colorless and looking terrified; and there sva.4 Sam svith the empty pitcher .in his hand, tin ven picture-of' im becility, staring like an idiot at Miss Eva and the bas oc he had made. ; Han, George and John instantly f perceived the situation, and the j latter, at the command of their sis- j ter, dragged Sam assay, while, she. j assisted the drenched ami terrified j to dry her clothing, and then ; took I her to her osvn room and lied, ex- j plaining for the second time the j mishap of the night. J ; . . i "I'll keep you .svith hie, nosv, my 1 ened. ami tlie svav my oest lieu is , do used up, I svould not care, 'flu ; nothing whentnoy come home hut i study up tricks 'to pla.vj on each.iOth. i... " ......l .,.,Hiiii.wi '! t-tli..v !v.. so eolitiiied in their! otiioes !-..', '"" sioio uiumg me iiiorM ..,.. tlie most 01 t in- .seal, that they let entirely loososvlien they are out here; but sou 'ire safe nosv." Hannah kissed her charge, and' ,. , . . . , I then wont down t. see about the i boys, svho, as soon as they were shut up iu the region jliplow, began to fully appreciate this jokej and ,...... I...t M..:.. li-.j . L1...... i,. tl..." i mud as the.s sve; o in tin' mil v, gave j no quarter... j j '-I'll be blamed it; 1 know svhat it all means," said Sam, looking at his brothels, svho svere rolling and kicking in the couvulsious'of laugh ter. ' ! Wait," replied .George, "until Han comes. and see if vou don't f find out , r .1 1 and he gave another peal j of laughter I siniled, and sat : Sam had iul looking the picture ol' diso ..lort and jierplexity, but answered: -l or heaven s sake, hold my boys! with ;i feelhig ()f xtr(i)u. .un(li; .nf(l '111 svilling to admit that Tin sold ! ti,at sonse ot surprise and as gone dog chep to tlie highest bil- j tonishment that a man does Who der but hold on long enough to tell ! 1ms hint a large brick block tali on .. ,, . , : 1 . .. j him svhon he was not -expecting d. a to'losv svhat it moans. . ,. . -, ' I , ! Although sve leel a little, lonely to- "Means! of coiu -le I will, con- ; day having met but a few reoi il tinned George. -It moans that you I licans on the street, svho svere oi.li--have stolen like a thief into' Miss ed To comeoutand do their market-Stautlev-s cha..,ber4 who is a lady 1 - still l..lo tor the tntiuie. T ,- t. r The grand old republican party teacher ooard.ng around; that this : But tla(.s wLatwosai 1 last syeek. is her sveek hero: and thinking it i jt SOunds hollow nosv and me iiiing svas your-.humble- servant and Johny snug in the bod, you attempt- - . ' t 1 e.l to drown its out, aim maK "rand mistake." Hoiv do Soil like it Sam.'" ' -1 confers I e can't see t i.e. joke, r.lgeolis shauie."' , but Jho It is iMtint, linear Hit i -At this juncture jHannah .came in. ;vud began rating tjioni soundiy, ! the-rebv letting the Whole .story our.!; explained ar an. e aie ik.h -to It svn Sam s turn then to i.,,,,,!, and the whole thin.u; svas so COill Cltlll i I'lletelv iKbcroiis that lie svas 1 elled to ji'in Ids -brothers. Miss Kva svas not-visible at the table the next morning, and Han nah announced thatjshe svas s;ck with a .severe colt: svhoreiipoii f a ...,'t-'!..,..i ....!i...i iWi. a handful of peas to put in Sain a ..annuo 1? ... """J Ju.riiei1-ateandrgttthereatlast.Weilo shoes, while mat gentlemaii looked : 2Ufeel s. aiigry as wo do grieved vei v contrite, ami John declared wanted to shoot himself. But Ilan uah had the unralx crew under thnmb f roiue in her lilt THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S- the satisfaction of seeing them le have svith something of dignity; They apiearedto never forget that the:-e svas an invalid in the house and. went on tip-too about, and Sanv who seemed to take the entire res, p 'lisibility on his shoulders, sent ff to 2 esv York for choice fruits and flowers, svhich he induced his sister to convey to the voung lady svith the most abject apologies ami regrets. . j In a couple of days Eva w as able to come down stairs. She svas look ing quite pale but lovely, and of course, divinely, when presented by Mrs. Carjienter to her throe broth ers, who behaved quite svell, consid; eriug the unpleasantness, of their situation But Sam svho broke the ice by means of his presents, svas 'most a.t ease, and by virtue of his sige and expeiience, constituted himself the proprietor, and svas constantly on hand to oiler Eva a thousand name less attentions, and lie fore tiw week svas out, John declared ill commence to uannah that lie was done for. - ; "Gone up completely !" echoed George, svith one of his dismal groans. "Just think of it, Han, if it hadn't been for the pitcher of s a ter, Sam svould bas e lieen lioart ssiiole this blessed minute. The follosv meets lots, of -girls much pret tier than she every day, and svith lots of stamps, too. Thev say that pity is twin-sistet to love, and 1 he-' lieve it." " I "Sour grapes!" svhispeted John, puckering up his mouth. " Hannah sang Eva's praise, and secretly condemned S m's choice. She recommended marriage to all of tlion'i, as the only sobering pro cess she svas acquaiuted-with. Th't-y do not feel inclined to follosv her advice, notwithstanding Sam's hap py plot svith the pietty schoolmis tress of Ilollythorne. She often reminds her brothers-in-law of her. -.unceremonious intro duction to a suosv -drift at tlie dead of night, and they retaliate by ref erence to the shower-bath given her bv Sam, ; Snowed Under Bill NYK, ot the lhtomermtij, is :i Itepublica". This is the svay be accepts-, the situation: We have met the enemy and sve arehis'n. We base made our remarks' and sve are now ready to listen to the gentleman from Nosv .York. We could have dug out, perhaps, stud explained about New York, but j'tjie tune lor our eoph' to wake up when almost every State in i he j ml holdup the hands of thejprinei Cn ion rose up and made certain j pal !S giving him.at .nee another. statements yesterday, sve found the : job of explaining i his matter thor oughly svould be wearsome and re : quire a great deal of time. . ; We do not blame the Demooracy j for this. We are a littb- .siiiJp!-ised, : however, and gi leve.i. it -.viil mSer ..,...i,.;.k... m..:o M-M.,... ICie I I 1 1 ,MO ,,00"M ll-I-t l .iWLI. . Wit, ;1n overcoat 'on Wyoming, a i plug hat on Iosva, a pai:-. of pan.ta- IiHins on rennsylvania an Kits . i mi troiier.it result-I ill looks How -Kflionoli we would liiob.iblv "11 i as i liougti sve : furouarh the winter- svnlhpcd ma Ui.,.,,,,,,1, t. u-int.-i- t: t,h.-,l quilt and profound .meditation.; We intended to publisjh an extra morning, but the news wa of such a character that sve thought -t :don- without jr. : v1;, tj u-ils the use of publishing ail ! extra with a republican majority : only in lied Buttes? 1 - me canseoi no.-, ;n ... j' ..iv ..o io -freshet in Nesv York ye-iciday. but svhy go into details, sve all iiave an idea w hy it wasso. The niusiber ! of votes svould seem to imlh- ite i that': there svas a tendeucs f ojt aid ; democracy throughout the State, j Nosv in Pennsylvania, ifyouj sviH I look over the returns . carefully i but why should sve take Up your valuable time offering an vxplana. i tion ot political matter oi uie pasi. I mler the circumstances jtoine , , , , , . ,;',. ! intluences of the maddening bowl, but sve do npt advise thatj It I svould onlv nirnish temporary irt-i.e! intl the recoil svould beiinpleas&nf. i loss, .somehow, because our oto is a little hoarse, and w e are siii.w etl under so deep that it i- dillji-'ilt for us to -enunciate.. . i i Vow -about, those bets. It' tin ' ; parties to svhom sve osve' bet-.--.uid i sve osve most eveiyl o.ly.--w ill : ju-t - j agree to tin-stakes, and not -go-into details: not stop to ask us.abotit- 1 1 in. t.if' of our mind. 'and t ifk alMiiit j,ow t w;ls ,i-., wo don't cali e. 'e don't svish to have this thing . 1 . I, ,1-.. .. '.i- .... : inquiring IUI u 01 muni, .him i.h turn oi mind fact are g od enough '-t our anv narrosvin;! del us. with ills. M, the iiie;Hitiino we are troiit" to svo;U earn some more money In li.il on' the next election. .-Judge Folder and others, come over and see u when vou base time, ami f' will , tlk rl'tis matter over. Mr. B. Butloi j i wt, w,s, we hail your longeivity. . win. .1 is.luist i-iiiistitnrioii. ss e lind '! that most aay man can wear he .,,! sunuised. ss e are panu-t to .seethe American people thus in; - ' trjiv 1.11: coiitinence, and throw a her j iar;re W;mitilre"iiitt the hands iM X EAR-BY NEWS NOTES. Tin? Weeks Wealth of Xear ; .Yews fathered bjr Our He ': orters and Neatly Nipped I trout our Xuineroii Neigh ; bors. : ToisnoP will.siHiii lia'ver7-(we liad nearly said Tosvn Hall) -an elegant iiesv Opera House. . j j Mr. Jacob y, Avera of Koeky Mount, has accepted a jKisition as travelling ageut 'of the llaleigh Ac7px- Ituserrcr. The'dipseys, who were encamped hear Eannville l'itt x-ountj-, werei driven from their encampment last week. Cause unkiosvu. i Mr. Jas. L. HobgiKHl, formerly of Oxford, is nosv eonducting the hotel in Battleltoro. That he ssill kwp a gMd hotel and get plenty of patronage we do not doribt. 1 ' . - .'''';- f There js a calm tor thuse svho weep" lint none for those svho ha"e do v ' lased ' : : . ' To set tie back subscriptions up, I Or keep there . a.d vert isem'euts j . paid., ' .- . . . . Mtxsnnfjer Ikcil, i 1 Capt. Turner Battle, who lives hear Battfolipro. lost his gin . house together svith 4."i-bales of -ottoii ;ind a quanity of .cotton' sed the night of NovemWr "iotlu It svas undoubtedly the work of an incen diary. The loss is ' 4,5(0 -Xo insurance. Postal. Telgeaph. It is under stood that rosttnaster Gen. Hosve's advocacy of postal'! telegraph' in his forthcoming' reiKirt,.-will be direct, through, and supyorte by exhaus tise aiguineiits and statistics, of the system in other countries. This will bring' the matter in such form be fore Congress as to cohqiell very seriiiii.s consideration of the projM- sitiou. However great the nostage- to .the poojiie (and the immensity ol its beiieiiconco has been fully demonstrated),' a stop still 'more to the establishment of a .cheap tele graihy f luough. its ; indetititlea'tifiii svitii tlitt postal service, ' j j VTIih Graded 'School continues to j improve in every respect and nosv ! iiiinibor; over 20. ptipils.; Xo man 1 i-ii -Nort.lv Oaroliiut ''.is superior to jCapt. I lugger ill managing a large t niunber of boys and girls, and thg people of Uocky .'Mount are' most fortunate in securing his : long ex-, pcrioiiee. But sviihall his ability he must bas e onoiigli 'assistants to can y out his ideas.-; l ie has . only ;s -teachers to help him, 1 svhich is not enough for 200 pupils'. Nosv is Ko school in fhe . State has made such 01 ogi ess vinvo short ii time alii.l 1 1 interest- of overs ett izen ! ssill dierale an'd 'urge t he : 'liberal slippori- it s .success lieiin'inds. If inteiiieiiee. -of i.lie people is the same una id of our instil ut ions ami the hope of our 'land, then 0111; duty is plain. li'tckjf Mt. h'citorlrr. -Tlie Premium list. ' l send li '! olM'reiuiii'ins asvartlod a! :.'n.i Aiih.i.iI fair of K. C. Ag lileiiitural 1 .Mechanical Associa i ion. - f iie a wards are not perfect, and svill not be . fn sohie "-time sot. Special IVemio.iH ;for Ssvi-0.st;ike lioi decided.; - "- SPKCl A t. PtrKMVi'.M'' -DKI'A li'l'-MKS i ! Jno. 1C. iiilulsey.'s Miss . - !-;. i Mary 1) 111'a !.- . - - - ' I). Abram dock i.Mrs. ' ; I - ,1.1. iJ.i-le." . '; ' ' LAl)V.i'Ksdi ied apples r i'l Airs. M. Taylor. ; w. w. v. .1. l-'itzgerald's caniioil tin it i. X. i 'roc tor. J. Fit zgerahl'-V'.. corn bread Mrs. J. ' L. I Iraki-. ,1. i'itzgoiahr.s -butler , Mrs. J. .1., I Utile. Augustus rigni.s JiUi.n I A. Hal pel . '- .. W. A's i'niit :;k'. Mrs' i J'j. I', iiyii'iiii.; -. '; -.'-. : . W. A's -'pound cake t A. W. Ai uigion. ' T. B. BrassvoIls liauis A. j . H.iiper. :. - -' --' - I UKl'T. VlAINTtN(iS, KT, Mr- i X 1 Mi- lo!-ev Hattle, Itest ill p'aiiitnig. ' -. . ;' . ' .1. II. I !.: secotid b.-st j . 1 J . "; i i t i J. il.Tiloli. IM-M 1"'" r. u .v i t (I I :v 0 'j ts-air : fn On., ., blev oil . j 1 p.iiat in';: - '-... " Mrs, W. T. Chilians, be-! ' walci color . inlscape ,'' Mrs. W..T. Gorh.inu' bet . 'watei t'olor finite and. . tiow er- : .IV" ' .' ; j O.i 00 Mr- lioi .e--i'alih bot . 1 1 .ivi.u driving - Ml-.-l. il. I'h Ti. I'l -t ien cil ibawih' : " - ... ; (1. V. I'loct.-r; iu--; li.rilii in on gl.i-s ... ll'.ie. P.aitle, be,t j o:lecrirt; il jthoto I !--ra.l:-s ': North C.n-ol :::: artiv (11 - I liploma If V..iiug & ' .Bros.; 1" .i'e!ers!jirir; i-t niir- Abi! .'er-i;ek. v 1 1 : i : 'O-ejl 1 la - - Diploma io t pianii 1 Iqiloma ll.llllV Soll. 'i! oiyc.iu Diploma . Ill St.' i; i il"N A il I'KKMlltMS . - 'S'teigl.o, tlower ii. .".' '::'' i-'';- ; -altor neim-w. wainui 1 usk. out Mrs-.M. M. (-'hal-k, tajM'stry i e...b,-oler, j Ham S. Willi- inbi-4iiilereil. tms 1 Ioine tuo.b 1 d py r- imirch' gin'tar. .; v;ct is:u oi.hc, . ' vessel. . f- tin - 1. T--Bryan, lMittb NO.46 Geo. Thomas, shuttle neeier and A ilson sew ing machine, silver medal Ilemington sewjn ma- cuine, diploma , r Henry Thor, , case of 01 rd esrsrs ., J. P. Battle, map of Xort h ! : Carolina '..;. , SPECIAL PRDMII M. James I). Jenkins Mis Salhe Manninir 0.' L. Killebrew Mk Doisey Battle A. B. Nobles Mrs.J)or- sey xsarrie -Kahn, & Schloss D.ivi.l Berry. DEPAKTMEMT H. OBCHABD PRO - DUCTS. - C. B. Jenkins, best and' 1 argent variety of ap- r pie trees 1 r,o franklin Davis & Co.. lucnmoiHi, va best and largest variety of iruit trees 1 50 franklin- Davis & Co., Kichmoud, Va., best and largest variety of iruit trees ; m lv. II. Jenkins,". ln?Bt dis play of ajiples, not loss than G varieties nor less thau 2 bush els i 00 Iredell illiams, best bar rel of apples with full directions for gather ing,packing and keep J. L. Brake, best apple brandy, sample not less than 1 dozen bot tles 2 00 Y . It. Carter, best peach brandy, sample as above : L 00 A. B. lvillebresy, best scuppernong wine samjile as above 2 00 J. J. Coley, best svW from any other grape, ! sample aa above 4 00 Miss II. L. Brake, best vinegar. 2 00 Dr. J. G. Kives, best ami j largest exhibit of do- 1 mestic wines J 00 1 DISCRETIONARY PREMIUMS. W-W. Weas-er, pears of one variety recorn uiomled for merit,one entry Franklin Davis Se Uo., evergreens of Arbor Vital ami Irish Juni per. J. (. ttives, dry wine ; SPECIAL PREMIUMS. W. J. Fitzgerald's prem ium for vinegar Miss . ll. L. Brake. UKPAUTMENT I BUOCIES, KTC Hackney Bros.; best home made buggy ' . Diploma M iss Lizzie Bellainy,ladies saddle, 192G, home made wagon Diploma Miles Purnell, liest set carriage- harness. North -Carolina make Dipl una X. B. Suell, set -furniture,,' home made: 2 (HI J I in II ardy,cotton baskets, ':. six to lie exhibited . 1 00 Woolin & Stejteiis. hair, moss, cotton or shuck V ,made jn North Caro " lina 2 00 .SPECIAL PREMIUMS. August , Wright, boots, Jim Hardy. ' Jas. D. Jenkins, Secretary (lo be contiuuiMl.) ' He Spoke From Experience. Buchanan, Cia., July 5, IHHi. II. 'II. Warner & Co.: -Sr ; I have been taking your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure tor Bright'sdisease, and fiiiti it the liest I ever saw or heard of. ... ' : 1 AVII B.OWLINO. A Core for Brigbt's Disease. James li. Bartlett, Of New Mil ford, a lew weeks ago svas almost dying svith Blight's disease; in fact ho svas ironomiced incurable and wms rcdm-ed to almost a skel eton. Some of his friends recom mended to him the following rem otl.s : Take ssveet cider and place it in a lot of old nails, iron hoops, spikes, ami let it stand until the cider has absorbed abundance of the iron rust, then drink four or five glasses daily. Mr. Bartlett follow ed out the peculiar prescription to the ktter ami the result has lieen marvelous. Color has returned to his cheek, tle.-h to his limbs, ami to all appe trances he is rapidly' gain ing in health and is in a fair way for M'i tect recovers'. Chifiiio Her uhl. ' A Catalogue of Kings. The mosl jiosvei ful king 011 e.ii th is wor king. The laziest king, lur- ! king. The mealiest king, shir -kinjr j And the most disgusting, smir king. 1 'The most, popular, smo king. The, m' -most common,. i king; and the lean est one, thin king; and the thirstiest one. drin king; and the sliest one, win-king: and the most garrulous one. tal kin . And then theie m the 'hac-kiiig whose tnnle'.s a ! ier- l...-t inilier tl.e iliil'L' kL'llllll-ll III! Tl ; - i,i;u..ki.,, . wi.w ,-., ,j. o-reat: et Mime: not to speak ol ran king, whose title s out of ti nest 1011: or la mous ruler, ban-king, of goMl fi nance -digestion. A l'reiich s-ientist has made ex -jreritiients which show that all classes of insects, in proMrtiou to their size, are from fifteen to forty times as strong as a hors-. If you doubt it wateb the velvety little bumble leo, svith the tropical lol oiiaisc, ami see if he don't lift a two hundred jtound picnic man out of the jnass. THE WILSON-ADVANCE.' Rates' Of Advkr tsixu: One Inch, One Insertion, - - $1.0 "j One Month, - - - 2.0. ' " I Thive Months - - :..o 1 : " : " Six Months, - - .,. " " One Year, - - U.00 Liberal Discounts wilt le Made for Larger Advertisement and for Contracts by the Year. ' Cash-must aeeonipan.r all Adver-" tlsetnenta unless good reference is given. - THE QUIT 1I0UB. Selections for Sunday Erading . MI FATHER'S HOME. BY REV. W. H. ANDERSON. 1! . ? Tl no the platv when I wu born. Whtre ctul,lh(KI upent lt huppv d W hen M-ttinx tun an J fwy nwrn Shed on our lithl thi-ir irl.l.ni,-rv. Thoiurh thero, this drtirrst. holh-st ol I poo the broad and unht -rth The qulit, llomcr-oiuhowfrxsl ,t. Thr home of iif . and truth ami nti. 1 - I pas in thouBht. from t-artli a. On wlnim of (rollout . 1 ri - ' My faOn-r s houi- in inll,-..lay. rmr. far N-j-oml th,wtrthlv kU-. Mnnxlona of IlKhl not ma.lo ith han.U. Urlht?r than mMnlvht a mr-. l.l .lonir. A Go,! built t.-mplo urmn.lly utan.la. AmreU' ilt-llifht. -My Katlu'r II.hu,-, - No (In nor pain can enter therr. Ti fruardix by Ood"g mltrhty han.l ; IKth niakea no irravo. borrovm tin Kr. Tia life' etornal home and lan.l. The aoul, aut free from mortal i-lay. Shall pnallu Joyful, HrtlM wltur. fThomrht (hall tie clear aanoon-tiduday. I nminttled Joy their hymn wliall !lir. Karth'a himr UivhUnl k)vet ouea Uht-, hall moct, with purest Joyamin ; With anfivla brUrht HI vlory ithare. With seraph choir awetl ht-aven'n n f inin. . My Father' Hume, where J.nn !, To u the deal-oat name UjrlVen ; I'ndyliur home of life and bit, ltUKwoetost, tniit namei "Heaven." "The Safe Man." Canon Farrar onoesiiid, 4lt is the constant temptation of all us clergymen to lie cautious and tiiii id, and not to speak out ; to man ipnlate'truth; with 'reference to ul terior interests, and to steer be tween the;Soylla ami Charyhdisof yes and no." ' "That," he said, 4ms a very easy, but it is also a very miMin waj of getting praised, of being regarded as a ''sale inyn." of lieing yiieli'Mitly successful," Nosv in nothing is this more true than with many, of om clergy of the present day, in reference to the temperance 'question. There is a good, fat vestryman, who is very gcMid at making up deficiencies iu the rector's salary, ami the "safe man" thinks it will be highly un safe to Hay what he lielieves about - 1 liquor dealing. It will never do for him to ask his people from Jhe chancel to subscribe ibr a temper ance paper, although it is the organ of the diocesan branch, because Mr. does not believe in temper ance principles; so, to Im on the "safe Hide," he persuade himself that tha Church is, after all the only. tcuiMrauce . wHiielv that, can reach the jieople, and thus he steers clear of the "fat vestryman" ami. the "temperance society," and lie comes very "uselessly sticeessful" jn his parish. To advocate I he im portanct of subs, ribing to a tern K'rance pajier, lunch less joining a teniperanoe society, svtinld be .ike throw itig a bombshell Autosome' congregatioiis, so our '"safe man" thinks : ami, I here .''ore, no! ss UhiHg--' to make a commotioti, he 'iu:e!ly ignores "this nesv faugled no' ion" about femperaiu . llnXv couhl he expect lo retain his popnl nils as a prtswhor and pastor if ho ltccomes assiM'iated with asicie! - .which is endeavoring to sshat.' 'Why. to st ir up some ol t in- old soakers.' ho . are the pillars' of his chiiiclt N", 110 ; that will never do lot- the "-alt', man." Ilirmsl not interfere with' - the liquor question -if he wants to do good 111 his parish. -B. Iter let that alone, and keep on t ,e i'Uhl side of "the pillars," al Uotiii thev do stand upon whiskey barrels,. Believing that language was 'give en to conceal bis t houjjhl s w Iicm he happens ti talk 0:1 the Mili'eet, he. proves himself to be mi ub pi in the us' of it: ami s iioImmIv can tie offended at what he1 savs. 'fh etnperance men lielieve thai ho is ''almost M'isiiatled," and t Ik aitti teniperanoe inein'K.'rs ot'the -vestrv. and others or stainbng 111 his -eon-, gregat ion, congr.it id. it-him in his plain, I'omuion sense way of talkiuy' on this "milk ami sv iter qui- thai ;" and so ho keeps on the safe. -ide ol all. . Church GruiuMrs. The I'hiladelphi.i Tintm is i :-ht in siiying, audit is the rut h. t that almost e(;iy chinch has i;. grumblers. Sometimes ! cy ;. "lim bic at the .sexton 1 ecat s li.e '..11 tilatioii of the clmn h i b i.'i -:id sometimes thev sent tin 11 displeas ure u the -.pastor 1m ciii-'- liis ' mon is dull or hi- diH-tio.es t..i i. . Ifthe sexton and- the pais n h .p jn'ii to be Ik-miikI crttici hi 1 hey., criticise their fellOsv svcrshipiOiK , ml say somethi'.g n ils about t ! t-ir ap parel, their mode of life 01 tlx- com pallV they ate Mlpp t i d to keep. -If these jM-ople rs'er reach the a bo le of the blessed, they wi!! n l e there a wt-ck w ithout liiiding f.nJr with the willgsof the aii'eli 01 t Se music of the celesti ',1 i ;.(.ir. Tie i very little use of trying : ,'' them, for they are never happy -.to. lens they have something tolw-mt happy alKMit. Bishop Simpson, ot 4 !ie l el h.M list Church, in an address' at the I ivinu of the cornet-sf one of a new . chin ch the other day, made the follow n.g point : "Our answer to these ho assert t ti-it Christ ianits is living out is tsimply this-we lnild- re churches. The- line of albumen! cannot hold against the hue of a tion. Infidelity builds no chun-hc.-fouml no asylums, en.lows n. imi 'ernities. I'lilielief pros ides no refuge for the infirm ami J" i. ma furnishes help fioi l-omloil 1I !ho-e-who weep." - 1 md had i relentless foe. ; amt i . - . ! ;-: ' " - . ' . '- !' ; '- ''-''' ' i Y.

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