r7 J ! ' n-. V i i 3 -X AlWAKCE. Wilson. N. ., January 11), 1HS2. r m. 1 That Awful Boy, JIOv Hir'-XISHIATKI' HIS I'A. THK YOrXUSTEK AND HI CHUM ; VilJiAX!ZE .A". SBt'KET SOCIETY AXI II UN Till", LI GENTLEMAN six.' . . ! Say, are. you a Mason, or a nod fellow, or anything," asked the bad lv of the'firoeery liian, a lie went to the eiiinaiiiou ba:r on the. shelf and took out a loiir stick of cinna mon lo ehew. Why, yesj of course I am. but wh.it set you thinking of that," asked the sfroeery man, as he went to the desk and charged the boy' father with half a pound W eiiina nioii. '.--.! - , "Well, do the piat Iwiit when you nishiate a IVesh eaudidate?' kXo.;of eonrse not.. I The goats are eiiea ones, that1 have no life, and weiiiuzzle them and put pil lows over their heels, so they can't hint anybody,' a.vs the grocery man. as he winked at a brother Odd Fellow, who wi's seated on a sugar barrel, JiKking mysterious. "Hut why do you akf" I ' -Oh, nntlim', only I wish ine and my chiiiii had muzzled our goat with a pillow. Pa would have enjoyed his iH-eoiniug a ineiiilior of our lodge lietfer. You see pii. had; leen tell ing us how much good the Masons ami Odd Fellows did,, and said we otigut to try and grow uf gofnl so we could. jiue the lodges When we got lug, and 1 asked pa if it would do any hurt for" us to Jiave a : play lodga in my room', and ptirteiid to nhi.tte, and -pa said it wouldn't do any hurt, lie said it would im prove our minds and learn us to" Ik men. So my chum and ilie horrid a goat that lives in a livery stable. Sty, did you know they keep a goat in a livery stable so the horses Won't get sick; They get used to (lie smell -of the goat, and after that nothing can .make theni sick nut a glue factory. I wish my girl boarded in a livery stable, then she Mould get used lo the smell. I went home with her from eliurch Sunday night", and the smell of the goat on iriy clothes made her sick to her stummiek ami she acted just like an excursion on the l ike, and said if I didn't go and bury myself and take t!ie smell out o!' me she wouldn't i never go a it h me again." She was just a p ile in a ghost, and the per spiration on he! lip was just if she h id been hit with a street sprinkler. You see my 'chum and me had to carry tin gft.it up to my room when pa and ma was out riding, and he blated so we had to tie a handker chief arown I his noise, and his feet made such a n iise on the rioor that we put some baby socks on his feet, (iodi.how frowsy a goat smells,don't it t I should think you masons have stroii;; st auiiniv's. Why don't yon have a skunk or a nude for a t;a le mark ? Take a mule and an noiut it with limburg cheese an.l you could nishiate and make a can didate smell just as bad as with a gusli darn mildewed goiit. Well, sir. my chum and mi- practiced with tii.ii g,at until he c mid liutt a pic ture of a jjoat ewrv timu We Ihm -ivwed a buck beer siu from a sa loon man and hung it out onjlhe hack of a ill lii- mid the ioat would hit it eve, v tan . That night pa ' waiite i I i kaow what Ave were do in up in n.y i'o mi. ami I told him we were pi tying lodgej and ini-pt-ovilig our in nds. and pa said 1 : 1 1 1 u ;n r.gh!. t'teie w is nothing that did -b.iv- of our ..age "'halt;, so iiiiich o i a -, to imitate." iiieii.; ami. stoiv l. ii efal aolid--v Then my chum asked p' i if h - didn't want to c uie up .in 1 ink the gr.md bumper le-ie', and he 1. tiled and said he d dn'. c.i e if ;e di f.' just toe ie iir . ae U4 he, , iii iuiKH'eiit ipatiifie. fit i,' w i ; iia.uoviug to Ian We It -d h it I l.e -iMjit ii i i 'in m ni iu. ami he !i i li'.ating. si we took o: ev i itellex. i i i-loet ;-.; over i hi !ker- Sllilll' ot . . We eui;-l. sin l lie was. e i'iii .. II ... .1 o.. o.i.s ,i,i i s.-jre: r i went up sfiiii-s. .mrr i i r ,.. Up preltN Mf:i : i ; i , I fl,:i-e dis-tin-1 I-;;,, ,;i ) vx v. iH;.(J im ( wlm C.uiie ; 1 1, re ,K. .t, ! s jytiX ii.n le . ,i mis n. i ttr i ..-u ancieut order ami ri.ie the nt." Ma wan tdl lo t euie i I'i u, . but we told h it she i i.in;. i . i vVliiI I break up the I.ul i ... . ."". . "iv ,i uouiiiii eouiii r keep a.-seeieu .in,! w.. ,4,lur bave ;inv ......i.ii . I- .. .i . .. ' "e g.iat. . vay, if you ncvei trie l it, the next time you insiiafe a iii iii hi your Alason's lodge. i,.i sprinkle a little kvan J;.pei on the goat's Iwaiil put Im loe o i tiini, him loose.' Von can lli.e liines a much fun to the iii ire iue'i'of go at. You wouldn't hiuk it was the sime go.it: Well, we got live 1 and pa rapped, ami we let him in -and told him he must le blindfolded, and he got ion his kite.-;' a laitin, and 1 tied a! towel around eyiv, and then I Iturned hini aiornid and ui.iilehiiii gVt down on liis Inn Is also, and then his back was light lowanU the closet door, and I put the biuk beer sigii ri-'ht against pi's elorhes. -He was a latlin ali the tiine. au 1 said we U.ys wi re as full of fun as they made fem, ami we tohl him it wis asolem oe.is.ou and -we" wouldn't ermit no ievit.v, :!nd if he didn't stop liltliin we eouldu't g.ve him the gland luimi erdegree. Then every Ihiag was WMy, and my chum had Ins h iu I u) the tlo.et dinir, and iwmie kyan iH-pHr in his other hand and I ;-sked pa, in low bass tones. If hel'eirast hough hel wnuted to turn back, or if icpiadnerve to go ahead and take the degree. waruedjhiin that itwasjfull of dan gers, as the goat was ghtaded for l!Hr, and fold hi in he yet had time to retrace his steps ifuo wantinl to il said he wanted the whole busi ness, and we-conld go, ahead with the ine.iiagarie. Then I said to pa that it lie had decided to go ahead, and not -.blame- ns for the conse quences to repeat after me I the fol lowing: "Bring forth the' biimjier and let hiin biinip." Pa mreieaied the words and. my chum sprinkled the kyan peierinthe goats mus tache, and he sneezed once and looked sassy and then he saw the lager lieer goat raring up, and lie started for it just like a cow-catch, er, and Mated. J'a is ieal fat, and he; knew lie had. gat hit, and he said, 'IleU's-fire, what are you loys doinT and theii the goat gave him, another degree, and pa pulled off the towel and got up and started for the stairs, and so did the goat, and ma was at the bottom ' the stairs, listening, and when T looked over the banister pa' and ma and the goat were all in aheap, and pa was yelling murder, and ma was screaming tire, and the goat was butting, and sneezing, and butting, and the hired girl came into the hall and the goat "took after her and she crossed herself just as the goat struck her, and said, "llowly mother, protect me!' and;,. went down stairs as we 1m.vs slid; down hill, with both hands on herself, and the goat reared lip and blated, and pa and ma went into their room and shut the door, and then niy chum and me opened the front door and drove the goat out. The minister who comes to see uia every ; three times a week, was jnsf ringing the liell and the goat thought he wanted to lie nisliiated too, and gave him one for luck, and then went :down the sidewalk, blatf ingand sneezing, and the minister came in the parlor and said he was stabbed, and then pa came out of his room with his suspenders banging down, and he didn't know the minister was there, and he said cuss words, and ma cried and told pa he would go to hell sure, and pa said he didn'icare lie would kill that kusseil goat afore lie went, and I told pa theiniuister was in the parlor, and he and ma went down and said the weather was propitious lor a revival, and it seemed as though an outpouring of the spirit was alHtiif to be vouch safed to his people, ami none of them set down but ma, cause the goat didn't hit her, and while they were talking religiu with their mouths and kussin the goat inwardly, my chu and me adjourned the lodge, and I went and sNiyed with him all night, and I hain't lieen home since. But I don't lielieve pa will lick me, cause he said he would not hold us - resMnsible for the consequences. Ib-ordered the goat hisself ami we tilled the older, don't you see Well, I guess I will go and sneak in the back way and rind out .from the hired girl how the land days. She won't go back on me, cause the goat was not loaded for hired girls. She just happened to get in at the wrong time. Oood bye sir. Kc. member andgive your goat kyan pepper in your lodge." Vance and ogn. bogiui; hi his three lilavs". speech in tin .John Porter case, took an entn-i-lv - 'uiual!eil . lor cccumoii to st.ab the Sauth. In speaking of the -j solid Deiiioeralic. vote jn favor of ' Porter,- be. s aiit. "This vote iiieails J that tint side of the ch iiiiImi is ready to re;torethose who pl.ryed us false or aetne a fdse or acted a false nart on our side during! the war." j. A L-iiii-iville V.mrin-Joiirit'il dis patch, in spij,;k.iugof the language, says: "At this .leinai k. Vance. 'f North C.irolin , walked over to -the': Kepiiblicaii idc. and .meetingi Lo gan wh -- was ui his way to, the cloak room, said: 'I'liat was a d d mean spe.ieh 1 'yon niij.de.. Logan." - The I ittsr replied he did not in-. tend for it to he mean; that he iis perfectly sincere in what lie said..' "I lid not wish to, be understood, meaning to s:iy an, thing personal ly disresMetful to'auy Senator.'.;; : 'X'evertheless y hat you did say Lwas ;outehiptible." said Vaiu'e. Yoiiniiist have fully understood the im;ioi-t of your language. You know very well that the Southern Senators have taken but very little if any part, in the Porter' discussion to influence- anylKidy's vote i his lehalf. The Porter ease was brought here by two Northern Seie atois. one a Deino.'-nit and, the other a Republican, .'and we'" have simply contented ourselves by vot ing sis if suited us. You go out of your way, sir, to attack ns becjiuse we do u-.f cue' to listen to ysour long speeches. It has'coine t ;i j pretty pass, when ,-i Senator caniiot ! do as he pleases on this floor in tlr i way of voting without'Jhaving fiis motives impugned. Your sieech ' sir, was a bitter and wholly nnjus- : finable one. and yoiu lnie in Vharge totally unfounded." 1 1 The conversatioa was heard by si-veral Seaatoi-s andlci'vated onite -1 - - - seiMition; i;.tl, Ioo-jh alM Vam e;were get ting hotu nder t lie collars, and had Snot a friend .r Vance come along and locked his aim ami led him off, the quarrel might nave Terminated m h ows ... -j i A Plucky Girl. HOW SHE TUI El) TO roMl'EE A M.O I t maki:yJiie.mauky jik OR DIE." ' "'.- M llit M-t'iit' wlu-re tlit .voiui;; V0' Uliin, AllJl,rJtewart, of VilK-eimes, IlKlianil. JIlliV IlOI fatlu-r ' vntrntnl vomir, V..v,i t,.- - 1 . JOHllg t't.el 111 Jill Illinois lltIe ! and to kin 4Ah, unless u. ,arril ! niue. must have been ,M hidk-rtMis i - .v .,. iragu. i no serious phast it- (... a. ' . mm. ii was mat tlu lOlll 111:111 llllil l.i.. : uangiiter were, or "-it- .m- .w . i , . V ...... t,!.-, ' V e, " -'..- J " " ", - ' Wetzel thought they were, hi dead earnest. When Mr. Wetzel said he would not marry' her, be said he must or die," and then made for him, revolver in hand. Wetzel grablwd the girl's father and held him between himself aad the female as a t-bield. Vet7e! wa' badly frightened, wept and told Miss An nie that "she surely could not love him as she professed to, else die would not Ik threatening his lite." Alter skirmishing around the house, Wetzel struggling w ith first one and then another or his captors, gained the door and liegaii st series of feints and maneuvers- to 'escape fro m nis tormentors. Annie Mas on the aLrt, in front of whom Wet zel managed to keep theiforih of old stwait,tiU he finally got to the gate, Mhen lie rled. the girl after him ' A Colored Prophetess. WHAT SHE HAS TO SAY AIJOl'T THE ' rnlir"" STAli IX THE EAST. A colored woman, says the Wil mington Star, who gives her name as Lucy I lines, and says she lives in the "County of Pender, North Carolina, Scott's Hill, appeared at the City Hall yesterday morning and inquired, for Capt. l.rock, to whom she told a wonderful story, which showed that her .'mind was seriously affected o;i the. subject of religion, We oue-tioned her some-! - I what, apd in response she told us that slit was the "Prophetess of the Comic Star in the Hast;"' that the 'eoinicliiever made its appearance untile was convicted of siirand of a judgment to coine. and that when she arose with glml heart from her knees the star also arose in the east. ie says the morning j the circus arrived here the Lord told ; ber she must commence preaching, ; and thai she has been 'preaching I eVersinc.'l On Tuesday, however, the Lord fold her to come to town and have her message" published in the papers, which would save her the trouble and inconvenience if going from Iioiim- to house ami proclaiming it. She was asked what the message was, aad -she re plied: -Come to me, come to me!" i nar was an out. mums a iirigut, i prepossessing, pleasant featuivd i colored woman, apparentlv about ;5o years ;f a-e. and talks with ' good sense on all other subject but that of religion. - . ; Good Farming in Pitt- The Ci-ceiiville Kxpr-ess says Mr. J. R. Warren, who lives on the large farm of Mr. William White head, near Marlboro, made 'Jl b iles of cotton," l."7 birreliof corn. t bushels of peas, and ninety bushels of sweet pot itie this ear with the assistance of three small boys, aged respectively tea. twelve and fourteen years, with an outside ex pense ol !l,17. In addition 'to the above, Mr. Warren has had to su perintend.';! twelve horse farm. This is what we call good fanning, and if more such farming was done in Pitt eoiinfv. she wi n! I ihae soni;'f!iiug to br ig of. ' A1ISCKLLA XFJ, Us. DAIiBlfS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A lIoUHlhold Article for , Universal Family L'ac. . For Scarlet and Typhoid l'evcru, Itiplvtlieria. Sali I vutlon, V'U-eraW'd i sore Throat, Small jltt1 a-TT .r- rj Pox. Jlt-anles. and all Contagion Iisc:ises. Pcrions waiting un the Sick should use it frueiy. Scarlet Fcvct lias never hecn known to spnti A hjr the Fluid was ;ieU. Vcllow Fever ha l;-.n tared with il after blnck voinit Icul :n'it-ii jaaee. The wursc zjlscs of Uiphtiieria yn-ld to it. Fevered an.l Side Per- SMALL-POX aim refreshed and ami lied 3ire prevent- PITTING of Smitll eii by bathing with Pox PUKVKNTKD Impure Air made .. -'" ml'c- '.'f m' 'afn- harmless and purin.-d ''' "h K,.rS..reTh. oH. i.isa smal' pus. 1 used the sur-cure !...-. : t!.e p.:tlem was C.mt..KUn desimvc.l ' 1 1 I was not lor Frosted Ft-:. ' :1 ." " a .CbilbUiiM. 11 -l.es, "--"- . those Chaflnrfi., etc. f.' : he" KLenmatUm cund '1J ,7 J V ,' u ton secured by its use. Iw'.VJf'I 2gj NUip r ever prevented. j 1'.. purify the Ureal li. II Lir.ltilCriil l'll..I... thl.T.:.tll. H " "'i it can't be stirpus-e.l. H . t i rrj t- y " cured. Kryftipelaa cim . turns relieved iniiai Srar prevented. Ojseniery ctned. Wounds heale .'. rajj.t urvf t ured An Antldt-f..' .ir; . Or Vcctal: l'.:s TVi: tn.ysicia .tps here uul very . t".c !: rbv, FJA s H'. iuMetre.it- i . r l. phtheria. A . nwkki ic. . .r.cr...bunj, Ala. "V''" 'rir.1 up. - -. .r.: d. . -t ..r -ioi and I i.eJ llic i Iviid du.l. -Mr "'resent .;'i.i:ctv . - calk-t iki V. li:i v! . ' i l d aJvai.t.ii;c. li itiviispeus iiili- it. tiic i . r;m. Wu F... S.'.-.. hiRD, Kyric, Ali. I .: ; Tl leaf hit i 1 .ib -lit - ii v. i.l 'yy. ilc-s- ;-Mi ;hv. .;.;..s!io'n . ... f- , ! SI : i - .... i,ew A I y , h .l.wi.UK. Hurd is. a ; ISiV."g' jrr- ..i t ' va.i.J- aiii.fcvunt." t Vanderli.l; -C..ersUy, Nash.-ilie. Tenn. I testify to tf.c r-ujj. cxcclitat t;n.Viiti t.f Pnf. Itarbys fr.,pi. .. i iui 1 ., :. U variant and ilctcrcat it is & ,n i .tini a!,.' irni p'a-;ticai!y wpcrior to any n- .tiu;i v I am ac quainted. N. 1'. Lt rto-., 1'mf Clliu.iMrv. Irby I'luid ts K-t-utn mended by . Hon. Alexami. r H Jitn.-Hi. Gvrn: Rev. Chas. 1. Lii.KMa. tt.U.. Churdi ol the Strangers, N. V.: ' - I.KC'ST!t.Olumlia. Pr..f. Uniwitv.5.C. Kev. A. I liAiTLE, I'r.f . Murcer Un.vvrsiiv ; Uev lioo. i'. Pikbcs. :!.s!up M. t. Church. IMHSPKNS.1BI.K 1. KVKltY HOME, PeHectly harmli . U-sl mteraaUy or externally tor V.m or Ifc-ast. 1 he Fluid hiis bvrn tiionuhiy -tested, and xre h:;ve ahiinvi;mt cvi.lenre th t t h is done L-itrvthiii !icr - cLiimeti. 1' ir UiHr laa-m-'itii-m et .f ymit 1 'r':iisl ;; piimplilet or send lo the proprietors, , J. H. ZKII.IX CO.. . .ittr.nna Chemists, eillLALiKl.rUlA wiuiiiKs.vi. i: LIQUOR DEALER RECTIFIERS : Kp eonstuntly on hand the following huls - Whikey-Jol Gihs m. rurc Uy I wh'skey. Harris' IW Mye years old. M Vemou Kye, Kentuckey Hye. lmpor er of Wh"? 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Kemittauces should be made by Post Oftice Money Order or lrft, -to avoid chant of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertiso ment without the express order of Harper Ik Hrothcrs. Address IIAKVKK & HHOTHEKS. Xew York. !0H CLARK, JR. BEST S i X - C OR 0 -K(IU- Maelihie or liand Use THOMAS Ul-rfSEI.I. A 1 - -itil.K AiJKNTS I 1' - K M SAI.F. BY II :r :'e lladloy & C, VI. SJX.X. - - '-'0- - . ' & CO" AO'sISTRATOHS' f.OTICE Letters of Administration having been issued to the undersigned by the Profcate Judge for Wilson County, upon the estate of Nancy Ba kef, deceased, notice is hereby given to all in debted to said deceased to make immediate payment, and to those holdinsr claims afrsinst raid deceased to present them properly authen ticated, on or before the 17th day of November la, or this notice will be plead in bar of re covery. DANIEL BAKEK, Admin, A B beans Alt'y dccJMt, kIeV7 jJEVlELRY ISlTlOME R. B. BYNUM Watchmakeu and Jewelek, Moye & Naual'sOld Stand. TarboroSt.. Is now ojiening a choice stin-k of Jewelry :f e-ery descriprion which has just been purchased in North ern .Markets at the lowest figures, and which M ill 1k sold low. Call and examine in v stix k and I guar- antce to please von. sep29-tf. " K. li. 1JVNITM. "Till Transit Of Mis," AM) PHICKS TO SI.'IT TliK TIMKS, '"". AT JOIIX J. MclNTVKK & JiRO., i - and 1.17 Church Sr. Norfolk, Va .- - . i : . Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Furniture, Mattresses. Looking-. Glasses, Oil Cloths. &C. i " - ' The North Carolina trade respect fully '.solicited. - ' dec.22-.'Jnio. BUILDERS & VOXTUM T4IS Work of any deseriotion iii our i line done riieel.v and wit!rdipach. i We respectfully solicit a -share of : the public patronage. I linch 3m? . . nr. sELn.Yjm, WHOLESALE i Liquor Dealer, ; x " 1 No. 21 Koanoke Square, Norfolk. Va. W'OKDRHM PltOJIPTLT ATTENDED TO AND "ATwrAcrnw olaka.nteku. sep2!Mm NICHOLSON, IJtSURASCE REAL ESTATE AND Loan Brokers- , WILSON. X. V.. Have' established a (leneral In telligence Olli;e and Agency for the Sale, Purchase or Transfer of Real Estate, and for the Lease or Rent of. Town j Pl-operty. We have now for sale some very desirable farms in this and the ad joining counties. Also for 1 lent a n.iinbeiof residences and business houses in the Town of Wilson. Parties desiring comfortable '. t . .. , .- :-.""H,r :" 'l'tai srs seeding pay- nig Hivestinpiits will find it to their interest to consult ns. We will in ... .... ........ ; the near future issue a Real Ksl ate Journal, in which will be advertised an property placed in our charge at. nominal inf lufoi niatioii cheerfiilly given and all enquiries promptly answered. 'Loans negotiated at short notice on Ileal Estate M-curity. ( 'oiresMond cnee solicited. e c'H-.'iin T V r . 'S. ' vr 1883 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOP l ILL STnJTED WZEKLV 15 PJG tSI'lTKII TO HOY A AND ClKIJ-WlF FKOM Si SIXTKEX YEARS OF A1K. Volume IV. Commences Nuv. 7.,iSS. 'file Younir People has been from he lir-l successful lievond anticinaiion. A. . i.m ii liiir Post ' - II hHsa direct nunv.iso. to which it s'Mtilily Adheres that, namely, of supplanti' the vic ious papers for th yountr with a ni -r more attractive, as well as more whoieuiie. - lfcs ton Journal. i . For neatness. eUtsranii of i nra inr. and contents treuerallv, it is iitisurji-r-s-1 I'V aity puhlicntion of the kind ye; lir I Jii to oiirno-tj--. Hittstiunrh tlait-lti-. TERMS. HAHPKIl'S VtirXfi PKOPI.K.-tt1 T Per Ykah- Postage I'kkpaib. i """'" Simrle numlrs. four cetitu each, pecimcn .py st-nt on receipt, of throe cents. The voltimefi for ifarpc-r's Younir Peple for 1RM an 1 li haiidnomely bound in llluntinat ttl t'loth. will be ont by mail, postaife pre paid, on receipt of 93.ui each. five for ; Viuiiur People for lMitf. :fi teiit; ponlaire. 13 ! cent additionnaU ; Henuttance Mhould l made by Postiflic- i Money Uriler op Kraft, to avoid chance of ! Newspaper arv not to copy thi advertie- ent without the eiprew nler of Harper 4 inent Hmther. Addres" HA It l'KK ic imuTHKKS. New York. A MKKK'AN HOUSE POKTSMOL'TH, VA. MOST Convenient to all Railroad Depots and Stejiniboat Ianding. Rates: First Floor per day, $2,00; Second Floor, pertlay, l,5il. North Carolina Travel i Rtsieet fullvSoliiitefJ. BROWN LEY SISTERS, Prop'. Fel3-'i2-ly HOUSE FOR RENT. a iirrr.n , ... i... . . .a v r.tai ir.1 lt.l. j ble re-iiilence on Tarburu st rcet. A pply tn jafl li-St. J. Jl. CKEWS J. ! ifVi 'J Z's i s- 5 : mLmmmma J 1 fx to ; MISCELLAKEO US. j. g. mi l3u-eS9ortoGeonreKeirt. ; Dealer is HAY. CORM, OATS, tilLL FEED Peas. &e. -SimI OalN si Specialty 132 Water Street, Norfolk, Va. sep-JMSm ' B. F. MITCHELL & i "EMISSION MERCHANTS J Korthesaleof i, ORX, BACON AXD OTHEE3IEKCHAND1SE. AND PROPKIETORS Or THE 1 Merchant Hour & Grist Mills. DEALERS IN ' i PEANUTS, GKAl, Kl.OUK, FEED, HAY, &C. i Consimiments of tVirn; Cotton. Naval Stores ami other Merchandise Solicited. ' Highest Prices obtained. No.9and10X. Wateh Sthket. ; Wilmington, X. C. scpt23-iins I ft". PINE & WALNUT MANTELS,! UiiUliiiJS U. STEvElTS. No. 49 Light Street,- BAUTIMORE. FARMER & BUNN, Tarboro Strfet. Wilson. N. j 4 -WEKREP CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full liue of chdict Orott-rics ami t'onftt!tliii- eriea , U'lJicii we are Keiiiii Ceap. Mr. John N. Wester, of Franklin. i with the.; flrin and will lie glad to nee friends. Oive us a i call. dtcl-3mj . DAVIS" & GILES" '( attokxevsandcwnskllohsatlov, nashville, n. c. 1 -j" Hon. .1. .1. Davis-of Ixuisbur? nan formed a 1 partnership with E. 8. V. Giles for the practice j ; ot taw in iNBSti uount. Air. Davis will attend 1 me regruiar termsof Ja Vash Su)eriorCoiirt.( 8ep8-ly 'Yonr' P.. P. (il.icsefs" arid save eyesight. I T Vni inO Mr Ri-Ia -iu:ai.m. in - FINK H A irilKS. DI.iMOMls, IKN KI.It.Y. SlbVKK n AKK Plain ;!! Jewelry. Uiiiss. Badgesl&c Tin- l s i?!a. ciisi'ir, Vi.M eli-ek ; et-rso!d. .tinciiean waH-lie iit.tln-'iuvri-t -'-iri--. S-liil 'silver spo.Mis, fork's-fee..;' elii iipci ili.'iu ever. Y or r1er Jlr'fS" R initi il :n;.l vi lit- )iiuii)l I v m 'eiiiltd ; liv ' i. r' vouNt;' iuo. ! Hk i i.iii.i i.o Va r 4!sjiiBifiiij-t i lJL,E. O If ,TO.VIC fe'FJ.U8LE H!L1. CUBE.. . . The attention of Druggists and .Dealers generally is called tohit- ' n. st .valuable melicine, which vm lH U,VP tlK public and mecl hf ,f "' 'HUsputl as tre for 1-t.ver ind At tie.- IbJious.Hiid U(.,llittiutr ,.v c.r ,,innb ChiHs, Ki.xr.rti .Spleen, aiu" all dis-ases .."!.'' .....i.,r;,ii ..r iiiinsnuicit uroint; inii.i ijiii"" . . .n.K. ft is no quack nstruui or patent bmnlaig claiming, to cure .ill .license.-, but only ucti a arise from malarial poisons, which aire very prevalent in Kastern Carolina. Containing aK'erv valuable prepara tion of Iron, it renovates the olood promotes the apjieiit ' and is nij.-t potent Alterative. Certificate-! of its infallibility from mouo of our best citizens will tie furiasliod upon apj li cation, and ifit fail.- to -j-ive satisi ( -lion when u-ed ai'-fordiiifr 'to direc li'n. tlw uioi'.ey i ill lie refunded. I '. c :i i d i mlV 1V -: ' 5IKNUY.V. SliAXXtl.V, I 1 ri-rist ami Cheniist, i it. .. t Centre St.,! A r.Mrdt . ;i!(11hii-, N. i'. v;i"Tlr? (VPs as well 1 er "nor. lU'f'.ll 1". ! lllltA Vitepi-csciils the larg-t St. cheapest a. sat'-t n'ld oldest Itetruler Lite lit snraocc romrtiny doimr business in Wilson. Cive him youi?busiri(s und he will siH-n l his l'Miriov here uonjr vo l niarlT-tf -' -" : CON v WOODARD, .lTilKNKV AT LAW. j I 'V!l.si,. . .- J : -'Cit'iiir, Wilsun. Wnviu'. llf;v . i'ihii'i (lieen. Pit!" i.uiil Nils C-Miijfii's. APiv .", ly - . I IlEAI.EIt IX - MpLK; COM MENTS. l.EIST0KS. TOMIt. ..- W. AMI 117. K.ST I Hl Kt'll ST., ) p-.s: St. Paul's ( hurch.i N " 0 I. K . V A . . -:n: " Vlltlrders .l'rniiiiily I'illcd HiidSalis ';' l:mranteed. - '. - . iK-t IS-U!iii HJonitz Hotel- W.M. -P.ON-iTZ, Pi-npriftor. ' Mv hotel is now ready tu nccKintnodate the : Travellltcr I' lt'l'c with tirsl'las riKuns and tabic fa-' nMini for onimerviRl travclitT-. . nov-24-ly i NOTICE: T'l.- claims of W. S. Anderson & 'o. hayii ' tnjeii placed in our hands tor collection. Par ties iin!cl't-il to said firm are hereby nipit-sted to come forward and make immediate pay; f ment. I MS& Wr KM. KU. '. ! Nov-;tf AttornisLs j 'trriei''. -:. ii THK rNUKllSIUN Kl, have form- el a fo-iartiii'r-.lii) forthe jmu-tieenf I liieilieiiif in tlit town if Wilstni ami j arIjoininr country. Heturiiinr;thankH t to their patrons for their liberal oat-! ! ronage, they solicit a cimtimiauce. t thesanif. Office -on Nash Street ai Txisite thf Cuirt House lately (itrui; pnlby .las. i-j.w (Kniaru, J-., win-r: one, or both may be always f'uml'i when imt profi-ssii.nally en-rajril. ! V.C. l'KA(X)f'K,.M.l)., W. S. ANDERSON, M D. Jan!;s.-lv. i j TJTJJtCELL HOUSE j ! S r UrM MivnTn- n- I! X II JU.Hl.ftl ll.l, . RECENTLY n titte.1 ami un.ler enT : tire new management: Terms ?2,0 ! to.: 5,im IVr lav. I-; li. li. I'EHKY. 1'roprieU-; 3 "' n ht) SPRI1IQS ; If yon want the ,t IUhI Sj.riii now in use. trv tuose made by J. (J Rawl4 it Bro. Tney htv ruanm teed tojnve ei 'res;itisfactio!i. Can .rUP ..a, i...ta..i ... t,. V INtVEBfVSBIETY Is Ur, ii.,. ,.? l1(.i. Vry ,,, " .SmBfJlMdDjg Jan.! v ... -Youiu iiot tlo without i stop and j?et a Good Dinner, Sup j thean. t;a;l for the Double 1 wiri . 1K.r or Breakfast. Board by the Day lkrt i'iAifC matle by T j or Month. Prices very reasonable. J. (J-. U.WVLS & lil.O may 12 II Wilson. N. C COME OP, COME ALL. i . - : L. :o:- LIVERY STABLES' - STE1CTLV A FIESJ CLASS UIULIU STAHLi Village -Carts, Tea Caits, I'A Phatons, Top 'Phaetons, Toj . ag gies, Dod Wagons, Centleipis ' V ' Koad Wagon$,. the Latest -xa ck Harness, Gents Koad Iloi-seidso Farm Horses and Mules wlcii we offer for sale clieaj, ither' cash .... . .. i ' .. ' . or on time. IJoard-.ig rt e coin I. pletely kept in the best ft le and by the l most experienced hands a wesf prices i-SU'ip. ' 15. M at fiie lowest jirn Selbv will Ik oil hand -ithe time. night ami da. to a Vud to his frieiids. Trv him onernore i T..ii.aitv Vson,'X. (. , - -" 'ixrfid at Tvsoiis' We are Old Stables on ivt side arkeof M House . i mayl2-rf New PuiCi.: 1 New KlRU KKKFFin HI Hil l i. Vt ilson. N. V Ma ifactnrers of Carriages, Hfig- tiles, s, Wagons, Harness and all i kimacif riding vehicles, which will lie said at the lowest possible figures, ; Weliave now on liand a. nice and selitt stock 4if w ork. Oucprhres are j us km' as the lowest. 'He 'sure and j i'sili on us before jbuyiiig. Satisfae ! tion guaranteed in every case. He- "iring neatI' ana lnnil'tly'dne. BKO. M.CKAPilN, ) formerly with , , Geo. Moyure. K. 11. PICKETT, formerly wfth W(,P. OUlham . No. "10 Sqitth Front Strkkt WILMINGTON, WC, Keep a Full anil well Selected Stoek of (IKCfEUlES, TOBAtlOi ffhlKS. AT -. - WMOi-ESUE SND RETAIL. PRICES GCAKAMEEB AS 1.W AC THK WwkST. , jo:- : .- - We sell lAittoii. Com. Naval Stort-s. Chick en ttrjre and othtir Produce for our ciirttoin era and chaore theni no comtiBssiou, and iruar antoe tojfot them as much for .their product hd any house In the city.. Try' i is. CRAPOWX PICKETT seit2J-liiio For Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Bilious Attacks, Headache, Cos tiveness, and all Diseases of the Liver and Stomach. A.RB DECIDEDLY TITS MOST POTENT REMEDY THAT !YN BE USiiU. Tt l not hn lntoTiftlni lievernsp. anil rertatnlv iVKUlilurver lie WthmI an 'iileanatit ..tittitiit. forl. r'.lmllctitliri-.ili-nt-s Imt It Is trulv a Milua'.it- Famllv T. .....i..i. . . i" r ... , ' "-., win. ii iiib m-.-ii u--u lor maul ,faril .y lurie numbers jf nur ciliifti !i l!;e niot anlal. tnj -succeA iu.ull'tlie Mi! coiiin:uiitH. Try It. 23 Ceata a Paper, or $1.00 a. Bottle. W M . K. TIIORXTO ar , lnprlclor BaltlmoijMtuyl N-'e., i J I i S"K fog-vilina. c not -weary you wifl .zzMzllcs Ulliiig-how 3 5. I., il. r i ij fr . "r ,i"t i C -r lioF rnucl they make wot win we ivjauxnc an opinion as to it .o give 'u.ilifcy. it is mora important . r you to fnd out: Whether jo f,Lread is stroiir and will ave you tiniG and annoyance? 7hethor it T7ilLrun on your - v, ing Machine ? Whether x 3 colors will match , all the IiLonable shades, and wcrk .' : li c n silk goods ? ' rhis only- posiible way to r. ;vc at t-ha truth is to . I W,BW . ..ww-i inlitJlljlZUUnbELFl rhy z call: II-CORD SPOOL COTTOK - ! VOU a AH BUY IV OF: ATKINSON & WARREN, "'"r' as1 'and Goldsboro Streets, i ALSO JAMES Ti WIGC1IXS; WILSON, N. C. j 4 f , " ' .-. j - niMAu BOOMS, Ilespectfully, j RIDDICK BURNETT, mayo-ly . i Proprietor. -.1 ; 8 - 4 1, ';..i.ki..- m u ' j -Xl ' I fart H rw A il E. M 1 MAIN ST.. AM) -MAJ :t nrMu:. -BroAjn Gottoii mi HE AMI Tbesejrins liave since 1S4;. sev. ments bave re made, and tbtv versalh4 i r . very best in the great lias been that for the past lias been iuipos it. Fordesvrip tenns, Ac, ' Jmi -'r- '.'- liOUtTlil-E.' B A E RS 4KD .TOJJAtO. GIGA FRUITS- 'GTS; VINEGAR. ciiEuttt, ;;2 1J Ord Solieited and SUIIHIKLV UP WITH 1 UK THiES! Fruit Dryers, Cider M ilL, Apple ami Peach ' Piirers, the -Skiunc l'ngiues. the P.irdsall, the P.ixioii a: .1 Kriebel Etiines. the ll;i!l, 'the t'arver, the 'Van Winkle, j'i'ott n See;i ! Mills, Hoise Powers. Feed Cutters, Relluig, Cane Mill-, !!. ' " . (Jueeiioft!itSoiitli'aiail l!ie Moure Couuty Portable drain Mill-. Saw M .'.Is, the Acme, the . i' Thomas, the lion Age and tin Reiner Harrows,; (train Dill's. Yaier Ti acks, Swing Churns j ( ;dlivators,)ii ;mdTvo Horse -Riding and Walking bo;;dM u liiKi. ' Pinups, Mill l ixtiuvs. Moie Powers. t -g-w-,.;,. nv (. fin-ulcv ;uid;Price;. it vviill'.tv u.u. Try A. ,r;. . ' Ad V: i:.. , . ' ' . " , L. L. Pi;LK CO., ' : HALiEIGH, Kf . ol III show the liiit'sf. I.l!! ii ii il l. i thai has ( est t V IC uf I' UIK ', uirt Kiio'.-li :ilii i Vi iH-i; " slini'l 's. 1'n i- i'sX' U 1' '-- oii'ids Jut- 1 H'yfi-.i ; t -) r ccs i'i il m i t i i hit' ' J i-.i.l i ' ( i.-' i ,'. Kosji.- v; ; - ' UA- .' ', ' ;!;'.. i '"''.' I C-oiiNiiissioiiMcschninl : ' ' '-; ! ;! - ; - - Lili-r;il aces; iimi!t- mi iMin. - :ind Suiitheru prmlm-f. .Kvn-iiles tii-jfi-s lo:,"! !.!r uu cii.t Cn; ion .mil Piu!iim j'li.iii '. Ebi B i ji:.ij;n in Sashes. Doors tMmmt. Monl-linr. Hu.dwRre.Fs.r.i hil fibs Pii'ty ;.ni Nis. Hi W.Si Ii- M.r.kct SriMi-c .'v t '4 r,; ,fp it- ' -a,r- - j . .ia - f . . ei i. . 1 11 tSr-. . ,JA' i fi i ... J I 1 f .-' V '. tii ';ki::..l acknt - rtt:, IIar'.' c Lo pi "s Fui'3 P ii mm In order tli;i! oi abli'il to itH-r:if ; Kaw I5 di.s iind ol f:f i:ii ; - Mi - i.!t - i a- them ilireef 'o When they,oril-r bo'ijfht for ewiistin mer-i and I'lanlers oMii r !ie 1-v i rt -s ptti. -UiiJLiriy JL t i.l niiu .!-i-ti . .. m Li,.i, i ... J . eoii'i.h-t-.l!e. and biiyiii-; i t o!i,i.!i!fiie;e is :il fore send to p ti li: i :::;! mI!I tilixe.rs and m w II 4iciii "A il Ifoiil charges for freiui.:. Stamianl liiands. m for 1 M iii-fhta i.m:s Call on or address 103 i f CUT LER Y. -NOUFOLK, VI Uil ma. " March pith, dm. 1 e e 11 in us -eral improve: oently b'e e 11 art now uni nomiped t h e market, .s t h e tlcmaii 1 t wo seasons i t. 'Cijj - ' .-.i bio to supply. turn, rimilars, .vooress iA!'Ni:s & CO- E U'UF-C.'TURIiiiG C 0 FEdT I 0 N E 3 iNl W 1 1 Old w . j n ) KA1.KKS IN C 3R- Tf SOAPS- XC NORFOLK. VI ao Siitir-lact.iou.i itatrantcetl. " and Centennial Cotton Ciius. The Clark Seed Cotlpu Ck-aner.. 1 1 !'; ' ;..( I. ir Full ;u ..: 'un.-i.-tiiu i l!n'!'l;it, " i(ii ;.' ni i ( ' I I 1 1 i. -. . i fi ! 1 i l - - I ii, ! ' ;. ! i1 l.i i'iC c IIIHilill-. ;n. Uii : I ii Belsmeyer iiniji i,: :unl -nil 'litis II. .i I' i!.' .: ill! 1 .ir ii ir..- ni r; 1 1 Frnckeft. SUir R:! . M ivtnU. S-.M.'f. HaiHiirj ri'.-i I of vr? D?tr P;i - !: Ko i;n.k.- A vi., N Ml 1 1 L,v . i;4t...i. S 1 , i . 5 ' til li;loii"l. ill the State iv' I., i:..w Id:- l'U si hiiH.. I'm,- !, i. I d bn.iifi-i - v.r nmlie, we.SiM-M-l ' 1 . . . d t . . . r MAM yiiiilj .!!: t rn)ii!i. mi i ,,m,, at U l;s,t s;i.i- 1 'l j. flirt ' i".' KMHl,.:and "as-tfiev w M ited. I his sjiviii'-'-to J-' and by t.lseii flubliiii" lo rl o ; c,.;, Kavino; in iVeili;. ii: jour orders direct to ns lor i-.ur ! ;.n. tiitddle uroli, and i ij.live rircular ill vinir pric'-s 'T t;.ria - .tl;iii hoine iii,id.- I-Vr.:'!i-c" South Street, lJALTIMOUE, 3LU