WILSON ADVANCE. Vrilon N. C. March 2, Pay Yonr Subscription. On shU - -first of .April ire, ceisc our ' books' and in- call upon all our subscri- lrs i eome forward iiow and .pa ij up. Me shall be Coin pel I rd fa cut off ' delii on cuts ivli lei i. ire shall do I j - r proinjitlif unless the. money is forthcoming or nil under si alalia i is had with the ,.,ior. We need the money timl m id it note and ire hope nil who are in arrears' will herd this notice . .! Index to Xow Advertisements. .1 iintiii' lr & Sun. ; !:aii' I ')''' & liuvis. N.i M' i- Kyi -Kia.-s s. Mitchell' Eye Salve. WiK'iiL I'l'iw-i Wairiwriirht, Itoj-all & Co. A Imlire Cloud is dead. Mr. loV A r.miirli ' continues to im Wilson Court, next week. Judge M.cKov will pit hl( The legislature will have been -ssh.il sixty days next Tuesday; m M-vival is in nioin-ess in the. M- tliodist. Church at liocky .Mount. Wilson Superior Court convenes Monday.! Judge McKay will pre side. . 'j ; . .. .:- -;;- j We are glad to see Mr. P. J.Koyal out again alter his long confine ment, f. - - . - . - - -M'r'v Wi II. Cox has been appoint ed Post Master at lieenville j and has taken charge of the ollice. While watching the ''railroad track u.m.h.v ,i.ri,t Sir. Kuebeii Win- ; bourne accident ly - - hot himself in ! . j . , ; the iMiii. I - j; . ! j j The Warrcnton District : ( outer- , ! Conf el- enee ot the Methodist ( lllircll Will tie held ! iii Uson, couiin.cilcmg July .".Hi " j . '. Mr. II j'.. Hardy, of liocky Mount, , to lame, and are m course of pro is -authorized to receipt , for amounts gress toward promotion or decay, dni' iis and to contract for advev- according to the measrre of public tiseineiits - i ! opinion. Of the new members who sell We were i. leased to i receive a call from the bright. and -witty edi- tor of the" Henderson Hold Saturday. I i . Tbe creditors f Win; S. I tat tie have consented to allow the Trus tees to 'continue on bis farms and mills until next fall.! Mr. i:. begin the residence Mr. F. W larites' At., will "shortly eYectioii of a handsoine on Nash street j nex t to Hal-lies'. ! " I : (5eo. D (Ireen t: Co., are ; moving their stock of new, haiidsoiix hardware to their and spacious store h oil sis - 1 opposite, t he oui t I - i -The Wilmington Kail lload aiithoriti and s are. Weldon at; last i going to -build a suitable jiassenger and freight depot at ITarboro. Mr. liciij. Flowers lost one of his lingersand had his left hand lhidly cut at Mi-. Wiley Liiinm's mill in Old Field . Mr. 15." Florida, join him S tntfiiship II. Harden ast Saturday. has gone to Will short ly His family and thev w ill make the 'land of tlowcrs ' their future home. Head the advertisement of Cobb iV Davis in this issiu. They deal exclusively in high gi jide fertilizers, Acid Phosphate and Kainit. See them before purchasing. 1 John Va Woodard l'.sq.-,- has bought Capt. S. 1'.. .Waters'- house on Lodge; street. Cap!. Waters and family will shortly move to New IJerne and make! it their home. ' A very large crowij attended the Big Four i .minstrel jshow at the-; Sittiii'is Opera House, Moiulay : night. The performance is said to have been very laughable and en joyalile. " " -.; i.. j i Mir voiind way and C. If a drug store frienos S. ('arra . Latham Jr., will open ! in the store- being va-! cated by (Ico. Her of Nash I). Ireen S: Co., cor ind larboro streets. about .the first of April. Wilson will then have five drug stores, j ; Our young friend David LJ Want has formed, a partnership for tlie practice of law with Mr. S, C. ller Veti at Marshall, Madison county, this State, and is already settled in Ins new liomt learn, is'doin, and we are glad to well. He richly de- serves suei-ess. ! - !'' I ! fhe special attention of our rea lers is called to thy advertisement of Wainwriglit, lloyal & Co.r, suc cessors to Farmer : Wainwright, in this issue. This tirui is composed of active, i nergetic : enterprising men who deserve, patronage, and . they w ill doubtless receive it. ! Mr. II. Al l?y muii.of Pitt'county, incitdiei of the firm of Iiy umn; Dan ivl Co., in this- place made last -f in-mi thirty acres of land forty tluve bales of cottoh.'j He made in ail m his farm over One hundred ami titty bales of cotton and it uas'nt ;l M-,Md yiHir for raising cot ton either. ! . ; ! ( Mr. John II. Moore. of this coun " 'he Washington Gazette, ' "t up to Wilson last week ami carried liis d iugiiter for tlie purpose "t eiiu i ifl- lMr in the Graded s m,,i ,.,,. ,It, S,ent one aav in tile si-ln,,J l m inm r in yliiii it. was conducted. I Tiie T.i ho, o -Cuide" records ",,;,t b- Wi.ibome of that I"'"1' Kllh-U a H,.r IT .1,J .-.1,1. i hat weighed is.-, .w.i.io -i..,. diessed 'VIII4 i ll II ' kent ink L.o.MH.f f i.a cos; 1 raisMiir , i1Mt -. . .... , . u did not - ...n i ci-itiuu mat cost iivrr viv -unta; -pound He , - ' -v ....... , Had t. " Turcliase all its toot). j t "Foul Dick 'I'liar Kockv hi -h,. Mount h'eportrr&Kvs. hail a colored i, K"1 " 0ttl""tlotg since '-The w' iti's di n 'I'0 smm',U'1 weji; :.., tl''lmnbe 1 it their ..pic- . ' " ai tlst be iiik tl... L ;ii.tti-rjidi additronnl io,.i l'l. turc. , "ess Mr. Iannis M,.. .. ' ! i in Wilso,, ; ,v,ux'.:in-I' known townsman.! V n r ",u' e'ied '). Aii.n........ hi was ton mi , 7""n jivsq.. tones county m, , yar1 111 last. IIisiil,1iK.Su,Mli,y mrnil.g from home ;,t ' , 'Vere a11 ahsent Newbern j''ntsi Si v TJi8s the g by thei road, . Vph,. Wa! Pass- eral which to, ,1 atteml ,lis .(:ty, near At. !,,;1,late la Pitt '"any years-'"HM wliere he We were in error last week in statin" the number of- bales of eot- 1883 i ou s''ippeJ from Wilson. Mr. Far Uiiief in forms us that from fScptem V i her 1st, to March 1st, 19,GC.ti bales were shipped from this point. Sudden Death- The Tarboro " Southerner, " tells of the sudden death, February 1 8th, near Uethel, Pitt county, of Mrs. Patsy- Johnson, aged 79 years. The family were gathered at the Hipper tahlc. Her coffee w is not sweet enough, she called for the sugar and while taking it out with a snoon she seemed to colapse. At once she was immediately carried ' to a bed and in less than live min utes life was extinct. She was ap parently as well as ever, till the moment of her death. A Rich Treat. Gilbert anil Sullivan's celebrated new Fairy Comic Opera, in two acts, entitled "Iolanthe, or .the Peer and the Peri," will be produced for the first time in North Carolina at the "Messenger' Opera House; Goldsboro, Tuesday night, March. : f.tli. It is "the; osteal event of the season" and a rich treat is in store j for all who attend. Mr, Ilonitz, I. Proprietor of the Opera- House, writes us that excursion rates have been arranged at two and a half cents a mile and that he will reserve a section for the Wilson people .at general admission price, 7,1 cents provided the party consists ol LM or 30. We hope Wilson will be well represented. A Wilson County Boy. . The 'many- friends of Marcellus Taylor, son of our esteemed eoun tyman, Dr. J. 31., Taylor, will be glad to know that as a -.member of the Texas legislature he lias won lur uuuselt an enviable reputation, Mr, Taylor left AVilsoii county sev- tliU jears ago, iiim in ins uuopieu state has done well. Referring to i - X i-i .,.',,.,:, y- " . . t - - - . . .... teenth Legislature who served in former houses are 'already known have, just made their debut in pub lic lite, it is in order to notice those who give promise of distinction. : Prominent among the close deba ters is Mr. A. M. Taylor, of Clarks viile, a young lawyer, of promise. He is a native of Xorth Carolina, came to Texas in 1871, and was elected to the legislature without opposition. His maiden legislative speech in defense of the constitu tionality of Mr. Chenoweth's rail road equalization bill unquestiona bly secures its passage by the House. . 11 LACK liEEK- Mr- John llilev is keepit in S. M. Warren Jr's., old store. Mr. T. J. Howe has gone south, we hope he will soon return. Guano agents are as thick in P.lack Creek as English -sparrows are in Wilson. - Mr. 15. S. Ileal, who has bought an interest in the Taylor milling 'property has moved, with his f'amily to lilack Creek. We give a cordiid welcome to oiir tlirifty little burg. One-day last week a little negro girl whose parents live on Dr. P.rooks' farm near here, aged four years, met her death in a most hor rible manner. Her parents had carelessly left the. child near a lire in the field, and when they returned they found every rag of clothing the child had on except its collar litter ally burned oft". . She lived, only a lew hours.- -Another victim to c;iie: lessness. - ; Mr. J. W. Lucas, the popular young drug clerk at F. M. Xadal vS: t Vs., left Wednesday night for Newberne in response to a telegram giving lnl'orni'ition that his father's life was despared of. It'll I 'VA K Kits. Last Saturday being the day appoiuted by the chairman for the committee, to report in regard towards, getting a, new comity. there, was quite a large crowd of people in our town composed of the citizens of Halifax Mash and Edv- i i- , . ... ', comoe coiuuies. jiTomptly at 'J o clock the town bell was sounded hihI iii less t haii P.raswell's Hull half an hour was ciowded. Hie meeting, w as called to order by J. M.Cutcliin Esq., who exjilaineil the object of the meeting and spoke at some length upon the incoinen iences we were now laboring under, and the need and necessity of our having a new county. 'On" motion of J. M. Cutchin, M.J. P.attle Fsq. was elected chairman of committee and presided over the meeting.lKA. Taylor was elected Secretary. J. G. Bellamy assistant Secretary. On niotionof W. W. Watsoii, the Secretary read the proceedings of the last meeting, - and1 the; com mittee to report as their names were called. The committee-without a single exception made a very favorable report, said they we re vet to meet with a man that did not favor a new comity. -On motion .of Dr W.'ll. Cobb the chairman was empowered to ap point ten more committeemen (twenty) raking three from Halifax Co. ;l . - On motion of J. II. Pimiin Fso.- it was moved that five of the Com mitteemen should at any time con stitute a quorum, (carried). Speeches were: made' by W. D. Pitman, J. H. Cutchin and' Maj. J. M.-Mayo. The meeting then ad journed subject fo a call of the Chairman. The pulpit of the M. F, Church, was rilled by the llev. Ghas.. Cook. Sunday iuorning ami night. Being a good man and a good preacher, he always draws good congregations. We now have the no-fence law and the gates are being put up. Your correspondent being away for the' last week, has not had' chance fo gather up much news. Will try to do better in my next let ter. Fizzy. SV EI GUTS Bill Mill. Deak Advakce Your corres pondent paid our county Capitol, Snow Hill, a short-visit on Monday last. Indeed I might say that I was more than surprised, to see so many new"aud attractive improve ments about the town. The long and neatly completed bridge across Contentnea creek leading into the town, is one of the largest and most substantial in the State, it is truly an ornament to the town of Snow Hill. I noticed quite a number of new residences that have recently been built in the'place, and finished oil" in modern and elegant style. There are also several large stores on Main street. Dr. W. O. Gallo way is having a handsome Drug store erected, and will soon open a Drug store, which, has long been needed in this place.- Messrs, W. H. Dail & Bro. have three large stores combined and they' present quite a city like appearance. 1 was told that this firm alone, sold over fifty- thousand dollars worth of goods annually. This extensive house controls the trade of the town and furnish the farmers largely in supplies. Messrs. Exuru & Potter, on the some street do a thriving business in their line. Messrs. Dix on & Grimsley another enterpris ing firm aie doing a lively business in that town. Mr. Mack Pate, for merly of Wilson, is there running a first class coach factory business. He has been therefor several years and I am glad to know that he is doing well. There are other large business houses in the place who deal largely in cotton and farmers supplies, and had I time and space would make mention of them, There are large quantities of cot ton brought to this market, really more than anyone might imagine, owing to the fact that the town has had no railroad facilities, however I am glad to sav, that through the excellent management of Gen. Ilo bert Kauson, that Conteutuea creek lias been thoroughly cleaned out, and is now navigable from that point. The Steamer "Conteuthea" by Capt. Webb, makes regular trips, from that place to New Bern N. C. This new steam line will no doubt prove to be quite beneficial to the merchants and other business men of the Snow Hill section. The legal profession is ably rep resented in this town, by Messrs. W.J. Monroe, Ed. Albritton and Mr John W. Blount, the latter being well known in vour town and county- The people of Snow Hill, want a Graded School. There is no reason why they should not have one. I am sure that - it would add to the educational advantages of the town. Notwithstanding the town aud county 1 officers are "Rads," the county financially stands No. I. Our present Sheriff Lub- Harper, is highly esteemed by both parties iii this county. He was the only democrat that was elected in this county at the late county election. He is the man for the people, and makes a most excellent Sheriff. Mr. John D. Dixon, our Register oi ueeus, nas a ueatiy arrangeu oi flee in the Court House, and he is clever and polite, and has won a great many warm 'friends during his connection with the office. Mr, D. W. Patrick, our Probate Judge and Superior Court Clerk, has Mien that otlice in this county tor the past twelve years with cred it to himself and to our whole com munity. I will not forget to mention John Dail Esq., our present clever depu ty Sheriff, to him, we are indebted for many kindnesses and courtesies shown ns during our short visit to the town. John is a good fellow and makes a useful officer. The only thing that I saw during my short stay in the place that elicited any unfavorable comment was the fact that the county jail was full of prisoners, thev being 'mostly colored." Snow Hill is on the rapid road of progress, and lt no distant day will rank among the large towns of North Carolina. Lverything is exceedingly quiet at Speights- Bridge at this time, and the godess of dullness reigns triumphantly. It was reported here a few weeks ago that Charles Farmer would open a Skating Kink at this place very soon. I think it is a perfect 'slniin." and that the idea is too, T. D. T. Mr. Griiiislcv's'tlat will arrive at this point to day to trans port a lot of coUon from this place lor Col. If. C. D. Beaman and Messrs. Farmer and 'Williams, to Snow Hill, and hence by the steam er Contentnea to New Bern N. C. He Tore very long some of the pa pers of the State will have it as a local that the -spring time has come gentle Annie. I think it is high time to give poor Annie a- little rest andJook opsonic other good look ing girl. f . . A. report has reached thisUec tion that Mr. S..B. Farmer of your city better known as "Cousiij Sam" has very recently taken unto him. j self a lovely little wile. If the re port be true,, we wish him all the happiness imaginable. ! 1 noticed that the bill presented before our legislature to nrnhiltif. live stock from running at large in J this county has passed its third J reading. I am sure that this new j idea will meet with the hearty, ap j proval of a number of our farmers, j .Col. Ijeaiua'n is the "Boss" jnmp jer of tins township. At a recent .lumping match that came off. at this place the "Col." got the cake. A party of young men from this place went out on a- rabbit hunt a' few" evenings ago, and succeeded in getting titty pounds. The fence question -is all the go down here jnst now. Our "skimmers" are beginning to catch shad out of old Coutentnea in small quantities- The Advance wmtinues to '-l)oom" in this section. Long may it wave -'snvwp " "vti.. lhir more of interest to ,-,,.t i,;. week, T"r .February, 28th, 188.1, CHAPEL 11 ILL. THE 22D AT THE UXIVEKSITT Iupersuauce of a time honored custom the Collect' authoritips j-served a holiday in honor of Wash ington.-. It has also -'been for many years the custom for the day to be velebrated by exercises commemo rative of his eminent services. The leading features of which be ing an address delivered by au ora tor chosen from the body V of the students. To day Mr. BadelitTf. from Wilmington filled that honora - oie jiosr, ana well did he sustain ; himself in a position which so ! many of the shining lights of thei University have graced before him. I The unique characteristic of his! oration was the entire absence of the j sterotyped fulsome adulation gen-; erally heaped upon the memory of j the '-father of his country" on such i occasion. Indeed, the orator, "with j happy tact, directed his remarks! into an entirely different channel, ' selecting as In subject . hi.- snhiprr, A Inlti- : ideal essential to national - srreat - ness." In rapid review he glanced at the leading civilzations of the pat, adverting more especially to the standard of excellence that was adopted as.au ideal by the Greek aud Roman, and coming to the later times, by the Monk and Knight. He showed that in proportion to the loftiness of the ideal toward which each aspired was the degree of ex cellence each attained, attributing the decline that ultimately over took them all to the imperfections of this respective ideal. The Greek amid his aspirations of the attain ment of the beautiful, and the rem nants of Grecian art attest the suc cessful exercise of his genius in that direction. The orator here con trasted the prosaic spirit of the age with the aesthetic enthusiam that 1 developed the Greek into a ! place of earthly Apollos, and illustrated the decline of physical beauty, by a reference to the sensation cre ated in two continents by that "Symphony in blue and pink" the beautiful Mrs Langtry. The lead ing characteristic of the Roman, as the speaker proceeded to set forth, was his reverence for the law. By the thoroughness with which he learned the lesson of obedience he acquired that marvel ous capacity to command by which the nations of the known earth were brought to recognize his su premacy. But the law itself must be perfect for true national great ness to follow from obedience even the most implicit. Morality did not assert her sway over the degen erate Romans, and the mighty em pire fell before the corroding tooth of corruption. The Monk next arose, the most conspicuous figure upon the stage of European socie ty. But the Celibatisvow is repug nant to the primal laws of our nature, and the sober sense of mankind soon discovered that the spiritual purification attained by chast euings of the flesh was not of a specious deceptive character. The Kuight next appeared in his glittering armour aud for. a time battled in the tourney list to win the smiles of Dauty, or f ailed iorth to rescue trembling maidens from the fangs of impossible dragons. The growth of utilitarian ideas, stimulat ed bv the pitiless sarcasm of Our vantes, soon terminated his brilliant career, aud, as the product of so cial forces long silently operating, the English speaking races of the present now stand forth the lead ing type of modern civilization. The further progress of our race, the speaker asserted, depends upon the nobility of. the ideal toward which we shall press, and he closed with the hope, eloquently uttered, that the cultivation of manly vir tues may advance the race to that summit of human excellence upon which the Utopian fancy of the poet delights to linger. The flash es of wit that relieved the solidity of the address, I will not- attempt to communicate. I only add tha the orator may well be grateful to Washington, not only in common with every lover of liberty, but indi rectly for the laurels that crown him to-day. The marshals of the occasion secured the Varalla string baud of Raleigh, and the strains of music discoursed in the Hall were ravishing anil inspiring. Pardon prolixity. ' X. Legislative Kotes. Bills to incorporate the towns of Stanton Beaufort county, and Sharpsburg, Nash county, passed. The bill to establish Roanoke township, Halifax county, passed by a vote 27 to 9. The code 33 to 10. passed the Senate by The Senate has ordered that work on the Governor's mansion shall not commence until the first of March 18S5. The Senate has passed a bill iu ?reasing the number of Supreme Court Judges from three to five. The bill to appropriate 2,500 to aid the N. C. Tobacco Association was tabled. - The case of Parker r " Peebles from Northampton resulted in the seating of Parker, republican, by a vote of S8 to 14. Its a very bad custom for Legislators to put off contested cases until the close of the session, and one that demo crats ought not to practice. 31 A It It I EO. Thursday, February 22nd, 18S2, in Cross Roads township at the residence of Thomas Hays, Mr. Amsan Bass to Miss Nettie Hays. At the residence of the bride's father at Lake Landing, Hyde Co., Feb., 14th.. Mr. Bryant McCulleu Jr., to Miss Mattie R. Midgette, daughter of Capt. W. P. Midgette. The Advack extends best wishes. Married at the late residence of Susan Carbee, in Cooper's town ship, Nash county, on Wednesday, February 11th Mr. C. B. Finch to Miss Nannie W." Barbee. .11. C. Dixon, J. P., officiating. ' ; At the residence of Mr. Mordecai Bass, in Wilson county, Wednesday February 14 th, Mr. John Thigpen and Miss Nancy Bass, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, bv the Rev. King Perkins. DIED. At his residence in Snow Hill W i ll- x eacociv l,ol.uao ,h.uhS .u.,i..u. Greene county. At her residence in this place Sunday evening February 25th, at 4 o'clock, Mrs. Nancey Edwards, wife of II. W. Edwards, aged about 41) vears. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist church. Her death was sudden and was quite a shock to lier friends. It seemed that she was preparing o visit a neighbor, and in a few minutes af ter her husband and Mrs. A. I). Farmer had left the room she fell from her chair dyingjnstantly. At the residence of his sou-in-iaw Mr. W. II. Mercer, in this place Tuesday evening at six o'clock, Mr. ! Wiley Lamm, one of the most wide ly known citizens oi ine county, aged 51 years, 5 months atuLtdays. His wife and five children survive him. He was a large planter and had spent au active, busy life. His funeral took, place Wednesday morning in the Methodist Church, of which he was a member. Rev. J. H. Guinnr assisted by Eev. W. T Jones, conducted the services. He was hurried at his "old place" seven miles, west of Wilson. His funeral was under the direction of the 31a- 1 sons ana u.a? euows 01 wtllcn or' ders he had been a member. The house formerly occupied by L. Glenn is for rent. For terms apply to J. T. Wiggins. IIOJIIE ITEMS. Send your Job work to the AD VANCE job Office. I - . Old newspapers for sale at office at 50 cents a hundred. this For Onion Sets Go to ilargrave's Wheu you want good brick on Perry Taylor. call If you wish any kind of hauling done, call on Pcry Taylor. . Guano for gardens, by the retail, for sale at the guano house, bv J.A.Clark. 3 You will alwavs find Ptri v Tar. lor at home where he always has first class groceries, cigars Snuff and tobacco Perry Tavlor has i ust reepicpd a fresh lot of groceries, confection eries etc. Before bu vine call nn him. Perry Tavlor has a hen the first ! Latter she ever laid was 117 eggs and is on the nest now. He will let VOU hear from him nnra in Later. The hen has layed 132 eggs. He has four dozen which he will sell at 83 per dozen, j feb-lG3t. ' It is astonishing to notice how cheap Greenwood & Belsniever sell and make their fine fitting mr mcnts. Some 75 complete suits of clothes are. on their books now to be made on short notice, make a note of this and mark the (prosperous merchant tailoring of Greenwood & Belsmeyers. j What is Mind! No matter! What is matter? Never;mind! But you had better mind that cough or it will become a seribus matter. The Baltimore, Md., Telegram says: "New Life is the most remarkable discovery of modern times. Many astonishing cures have been ef fected by it: Its curative proper A : 1 e t 4 -r I Lies are wonuenui." n is a sure cure for throat and lung diseases, It proves that consumption can be . i . cuieu. For first class Custom Tailoring mere is no better establishment in the state than the one in our place, For fine goods, elegant j workman ship, comfortably and pretty fitting garments first class Tailors Trimmings and every thing else in the Tailoring and cutting line go to Greenwood & Belsmeyers. They know how to please you.j The most reliable agent for des troying and expelling worms from children and ailults is Shriner's Indian Vermifuge, 25 cents a bot tle. . Try it. Every bottle guaran teed! ive satisfaction. We ask you to read 1 he adver tisement of Darby's . Prophylactic I Fluid, which appears in jour issue ot to-day. It is a woudrrtul heal ing reraedj", a most powerful disin fectant, and a positive Jgerni des troyer, and is perfectly safe to use eyren in the hands of the inosl; in experienced. It is highly recom mended by eminent physicians and chemists, and endorsed by hun dreds of others who have used it and kuow its valuable properties. Wilson MeLriket, CORRECTED WEEKX Byrnim Daiiiel ;& Co. COTTON The market is now active here and shows an advance this week with larger receiDts. Middling cotton 9K i POTATOES (Sweet) 50 to 60 BACON, N. C, (hog round) : 18 Hams, " '. 1618 C. B. Sides, V ft ' . 10 11 nuiK&nouiuers VORK, SALT (fine) LIME, (Rock) CORN, FODDER LARD, Country " Northern MEAL ... WHEaT, (new) , 1 oo 175 50 85 .100 .15 12 90 .90 OATS FLOUR, per bbl COFFEE... ....... SUGAR SYRUP MOLASSES, (Cuba,) HAY EGGS , BEESWAX CHICKENS PEaS, (eow) 50 60 .:....5 007 50 10 & 15 ...9X 12 1....40 ffij 60 40 60 1 25 1 30 15 ...20 22 ..15 (5) 30 90 100 MISGELLANEO US. Tailors and Haberdashers. -:o:- JIMMIE. Said she to her lover, dear, "You frrow handsomer every iday" But honest Jim blushed this praise to hear. And truthfully he did say: I 1 ne improvement you see my dear, was won, Wilmimjton, N. C JoreX IITCIIELL.'S EYESALf E, A Certain. Safe and LfTeetive Remedy for Sore, Weak and Inflamed Eyes, -Producing-l-onir-Sifrhtedness, and restoring- the Siphtof the old. CnreTear Drops. Granulation, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye-lashes, and Producing Quick Relief and permanent Also, equally efficacious when used In other maladies, such as C leers. Fever, Sores. Tu mors, Salt Rheum, Rune, Piles, or wherever inflamation exists, Mitchell s Salve may be used to advantage. Sold by all druggists at 25 cents. mar2 G. H. Wainwright, H P. J. Royal T. Coleman. fiOTAL I CO., I HI I MB . ) (Successors to Fanner Wainwright.) o Founders and Manufacturers of the Only WILSON COTTON AND TURNING PLOW. WILSON, N. C.-r Having bought the entire stock belonging to the old firm of Farmer & Wainwright we are now prepared to offer special inducements to those in need of j . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. We will continue to manufacture the origi nal Wilson Plows and Castings with some Im provements, j Wainwright, Royall & Co., mar2tf fAt the Old Stand. CALL ON COBB & DAVIS, Barnes Street, Between Hines. HadIeyCo's. and Edwards' Livery Stables, Wilson, N. C. Dealers rs nigh Grade FertiUx- ers. Icid Phosphate, and Kainit. Call and see them before buying your guano. GRAND OPENING OF ' Goods- Fall I have just returned from the Northern markets with a display of a large and complete line of Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Hamburg Edgings, Ladies' Trimmed Hats, (latest styles) Laces of ail colors and prices. Scarfs, Collars. Ribbons, Ladies' Underwear. Lace Curtains of every style and color. A complete stock of Sens', Boys' and' Youth's Clothing, Furnishing Goods- A magnificent, line of mens', boys , ladies' and children's shoes. Ladies' Cloaks and Genu' Overcoats a specialty. No trouble to show goods. Come and try me before pur chasing elsewhere. JULIUS MEYER, apl-7-tt flThitJrers,N,C. N0 r -x NO MORE I MORE EYES. TS" EYES. B. BODGES. HODGES & HODGES WHOLESALE DEALERS IX II ATS, CAPS And Ladies Trimmed Gm4. 49 Commerce Street, j NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. tW LYOM&HEALY Stat A Monro St.. Chicago. . BAND CAT ALOOUt. M IWWWi UK JMt Pi.nn Eaaln --- Dm Mr BuA. u ViwkKiktlMiiiUiliinctlMultp (CMaluOlwk ALBERT FARMER, TAECOEO SJ.. SEXT IIOOE 10 WIGGINS', Wilson, N. C, Dealer i n Doors, Windowsjllinds. Lime, Hair. Tlaster ami Cement. All at Iiottom Prices, forCash or Barter. Parties neediug any goods in this line will please give me ia call. )CtG-tf ! FITS GUARANTEED. I desire to inform my friends and fonni' patrons that I will visit Wilson Monday, march 3th., withone of the finest lines of French: English and Gerninn Clothx, Vns si meres and Suit ings, Ever displayed in Wilson, and I hope to ri eeive their order, which, if entrusted to mfe, will receive prompt attention. I guarantee satisfaction in every particular. j Save Mr ORDERS For Me. Very Respectfully, feb23-2t ' R. D. JOHNSON. Waller, Maipe k MM WHOLESALE GROCERS I Norfolk, Va. ! STAPLE GOODS A SPECIALTY! .There was much excitement iii town Saturday night over the false! alarm of fire at the Collegiate Insti ! tute. i Slooiini dallery. OPPOSITE THE BANK. - I have the finest Rifles made. The public is cordially invited to attend. Open day and nitrht. fett3-tf Y. T. TAYLOR. A No. 1 Journeyman Shoemaker to work on bottoms. Steady em ployment aud good prices. A. P: WALLACE". $S5 :r.:e"W"-arx. On Friday night, February 2nd., a mare mule, five years old the. property of A, D. Speight, was ab ducted from Bull Head, Greene county. "She was of a black coloi, with small white streak on her hip, close to her tlank. There is a scar on her left nostril, close to the upper corner of her mouth caused by a dog bite. I will pay a reward of $25. for her delivery, or information leading . to her recov ery. Address me at Goldsboro, care A. D. Speight. Major McKeel. feb94t Near Goldsboro. NOTICE. By authority of an order of the Superior Court of Wilson County, made in , the case, 011 special Pro ceedings Docket, A. J. Ilarrell, and others Ex Parte, for partition among tenants in common, I shall on the "ith day of March, next, it beinir the first Monday of the month and the first day of the Spring' Term of the Superior Court, before the Court House door in the Town of Wilson, between 12 o'clock noon at 3 o'clock p. m., sell to the highest bidder the tract of land in. Sara toga Township, of iiichJMatilda Harrell died, seized and possessed, adjoin ing the lands ot W. II. Owens, J. W. Owens,Jery Howard and others containing 79 acres more or less. Terms : One third of purchase price to be paid cash. The residue on twelve months credit,, purchas ers note carrying 8 percent, inter est from day of sale, and title re served as security for full payment JAMES E. FARMER, Commissioner, feb-4-1883-4t. '' BED SPRI1TQS. If you want the oest Red Springs now in use, try those made bv J. G ruiwis x iro. 1 tiey are guaran teed to give ei ire satisfaction. Can reler you to latubers in town who are now tijisg them. Try them and you -vould not do without tliein. CaiJ for the Double Twin lieu .-iijig made bv J. G. RAWLS & BRO., mavl2-tf Wilson, N. C. MESSRS. J. G. RAWLS & Bro., with the yi6w of consoli dating their business offer for rent the store on Nash St., next to Briggs' Hotel. It is one of the best stands in Wilson for ladies' trade. Will rent full fixtures, show cases, Ac, if de sired. Prefer renting to ladies, as it is better suited for their trade. The arrangement of this j store is well suited for a milli ner or dsess-maker, and think it a very desirable stand. It is not large enough for our stock, is the cause for wanting to rent. Apply to . J. G. 'RAWLS t BRO. Success iii Fanning. Farmers who desire success should Invest f 1 in the above entitled book, wtitu-n by W. . Brown. SO pages, large clear tvpe. giving full particulars of every thing pertaining to suc cessful agriculture Over lull subjects thor oughly treated by one who has succeeded. In valuable to Farmers. Handsomely bonnd in cloth aad name lettered in gold and sent post paid on receipt of price. Currency or Mont- order. Address, J. K. HUE. Jr. feb23-tt P. O. Box 4, Littleton. S. C. H. F. HUB BAY. JOHN E. WPODAKD. MURRAY & WOODARD. ATTORN EYS AT LAW, WIL.SOX, ',C. -EjFCircuit, Wibwo Wayne, Titt, Edgecombe and ash counties. Practice in State Supreme and Superior Courts, and in Federal Courts. May 5 82 ly. SAM BODGES. M MISCELLAXEO US mm (Simpson's Old Stand.) ' A HEW BAGATELLE TABLE The nfot and most popu ar Saloon In Wil son. The Finest Liquors and Cigmrs and an experienced, and first-class bar-ke?per BILLIARD A POOL TABLES . THE FINEST IX THE COUNTRY.. NOTICE. O ur Mk vs, Dock Ricks, Berry Andrews, 4ind Jesse Fiuch left their homes on February 11th, 1S83 aud anyone harboring them will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. ' 1 ' DOC K RICKS Is 1.7 years old, about 1 feet 0 inches high, dark complexion, and weighs about 130 pounds. B E R R Y A N D R EV S Is 18 years old,.about 4 feet 1 iiich es high, light complexion, weighs about 144 pounds. -' . JESSE FINCH Is lfi years old, alMut 4 feet high, very dark, and weighs ;lout 1 12 lounds. '- . . ' - Daniel R. Ricks, Dennis Andrews, 3Irs.'C;'iroliue Finch. NOTICE. On the 1st Monday j in March; at the Court House door'iu Nashville, a contract for 100,UU0 Bricks, will be let to the lowest bidder, By or der of the board S County Coin-, missioners. ; . ' . .- ' J. G. SILLS, Clerk. -1 would be glad to take four school boys to board. Apjily to fedlGtf MRS. A. J. BROWN. CEO. M.CRAPON. R.'H. riCKETT. formerly with fonm-rlv with - Geo. Meyers. - j W. 1 Oldham & Co. CcmPONffiPICKETTj No. 1G South Front 'Stiieet, WILBIIWGT0N.:iff. C. . Keep a!Full and well SclectiHl Sux-k of CRflttRIES, TOBUl'fl I UlilliS. AT WHOLESALE ftND RETAIL PRICES GCAHAXTEEU AS I)W AS THE LOWEST, We sell Cotton. Corn. Naval Stores, Chick ens, EKKsand other Proluv! for our custom ers and eharpe thorn no commission, anil (ruar anteetotret them as much for their produce as any house in the city. Try us. CRAP0N is PICKETT. S0Pt22-6mos ' Navassa . G tano, Navassa Acid f hosphate! . .Manufactured-by NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY. ' WJLMIXfiTOX, .;.. None bcttci- lor Wliciif, Corn, Cotton aiid,Tob;u o. . The alMive well known ju'id loin lar Fertilizer livsli lVoiu tlie factory for sale in auy tjnantities wanted, and promjit delivery in'o'd order miaranteed. Branch, Hadley & Fanner. oct3Mf - - j Vilon, is, V. 1STOTIOE3. 1 PURSUANt'-TO' A .IflKIMKNT OF THE 'Superior Court of Wilson County; rcndir!d In the case of Sally Hogg vs HusIhm: Williaiasand another, I shall s-ll at the I'ourt Hon; door In. iSashville, on Monday, February l'.rth. ll. the interest of said I! us bee Williams in tin- tract Oj land in Nash county adjoining the lands o JDorsey J. Jtoykin. Hultin Katnian and th.-r Containing 5H acTt mre;or Icsh. Terms C' ash JanU-tf 11. (i.CON'XOU, Com. AVILMI.NT.TOX MARBLE WORKS. JOHN MAUNDER, PuopRtrrOK. POII01M tones. j. r ; -ami- , PIIICKS TO HUIT THE TIMES, ; -j - - - AT . . - 1 j Jonx J. McIntyre & Bro., lp ami 157 CburclrSt. Norfolk, Va i - 1 - - Wholesale and i:etail Dealer In Flrnitiire,' -Mattresses.'- Ixoking ! Glasses Oil .Cloths'. jThe North Carolina trade reseet r..ll -kliitr.1 i j -.-'i lec.22-3mo. 1 - - - - ; ' ETHERE D G E & BROOKS, Successor to Xeimej-cr.Etbtiredfe Jc Brorkf . 115, 117 HIGH & 322, 325 PORTSMOUTH, VA., COTTON P AC TO BS General Commission Merchants s - . - - i ' - - For the sale of Peanut. I IrteJ Fruit, a Southern Product, and dealen 10 Builder' and Agricultural Lime and fianter. Cement and Hay. Wholesale dealer in. Coal of all kinds. Liberal advancement made on Coo-algnmenttorTran,,- , 3 " " - I If M :. TJ1 1 U c 2 '.ft 1 r' ; o-1- r - c-S - - . A . ?5 C I" : Ft ;f O i ! !! O-2-.ffl g 5 m s ...g-.-i h S3 ):&:. . rj- P - -j MADE TO OHDKR. - " ' R0UNTREE, We have just received one thousand Tons of Standaril (Juanos. Whanns Bradlevs, PatapsiMn. lVstons: We gnarantee them to be firstlass. ' whuvivj mi scM-iucen earsani havf satisfactory in every respect. We have a large quantity .f . AGID On hand of the highest grade. Call ami see can make it to your interest to buv from ua. IiOUNTR K E, 1 1 A 1 i X ES Wilsox, X. C.febl6-3m 1G0APGUAM0I 1883. t Sure o Str m II. DHL A DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ! WilsonN C. KNTHAL INSTlTUTSv! FOR, The Spring Term begins Monday ,1 January For further infonnation aud catalogues, address. T H IE Are now in full successful operation. to order. . - -, Ilenaired at short notice. Agents for the celebraUil (1. & C. Cooper Englrii .of M. Vu ikiii Ohio, Iron Works. We are prepared to furnish grist and saw iiiIIIh. farm inrtiii-. Hii l t 1 h-.i1-tural implements of every description. The attention of faritu-ra ami di-ali'rn Id inviti-d tn our NEW HOCK Y MOUNT TUKN l'LOW. and . .. lloelcy 3Xiin( Cotton B-, Wo make a specialty of theso. Our (V)TTiN 1'IXtW took flrot I'n'inliim at the Kntim rr olina Fair of lcl. They are.sald by Judges to lie ix-rfect. BLACKSTillTHINC $c REPAIRING Of all kinds of machinery donotunder our own Keep in siock a run lino or an sizes or sieam aim tings tor same. o also run eianing mui, 4c. In making this announcement we ask share.of S. K. FOUNTA IN". Manager, marlll-ly " EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES! Manufactured by ISAAC A.6HEPPARD '. CO., fla.Jmorui. ui iiu ii- u oko. u.iiHKi:1. c. v.i:.i.i "-1 . V. T. BLACKVELL & CO. Durham, N. C. MfcDnfectvtrf af tk Ori(laal n( Oaly Stasia tasac nut DURHAM TOBACCO Blackwell's Durham ISTHK KIXFT, I'fRKKT, UKST, AM' MotiT t'XI-tlM I:n.M-l M.. ' TOHAtX.YI KVKU ll'T.I I'OX TIIK makki:t Durham Long-Cut and Durham Cig r:t i thes Geote We oflerMdfr an iliso'nle tnaranUr That f Thev are the finest and 1 i Thev are free from Drujf . ... They consist oi in iin-! NO. ir, SYCAMORE STKEKT. I'KTKJWin iU;, J- S. Gary Hanager. Genuine Farmer Friend Plows, HurtdterV Chllh-I Plow-, M .1. ,,'' !';' Miovel Plowf?, Iron Ae Cultivators -Cotton Plow. .H;irrour, -'V, ''; Enpines, Threhhing maehines, IteaiM-ri ami uiow.-rs Mraw l.utter-y. .01 n Hheller, Fanrnills Htovw, Tinware, Hollow Ware l ire Irm,-, l Castings Farm Wagons, Iron ami Steel, Wholesale and Ueta.L SEASON1883 :0: t - ! SIX OOLI) .ffEI4LM, IHHi and t,' Upsher 30.000 CBI V Manufaetoreis of Standard Chetnica s. Tbe lione ana reruvian mui iucou. V - i - .1 . ...tot the PoLh and Phosphate for the money than any kind, v, the ma.ket. BYNUM, liAXIEL & COn Afc'ent, . . . Call and get circular containing writa ng. BARNES & CO. They have stood the lest in jrov':i PHOSPHATE us lefore purrliasinir. V V CO.. VOXJ2STC3- LA.IDieS3, T AT LITTLKTON. N.-T 22nd. IKKt, and i-limtlii- td-.mil Thuin-ho In .hum. It.EV. J. M. HIItES, l rliM il. All kinds of Macliinei v i.l, supervision, and our wiirk Is gimrHniei-,1. w waier pipes and COIllllM'tlollri. Aimi til-Mn nt- mlroriago from Our friends mi I the puliUe IWSTAI.V.I II. TAYIlt,V C. lll'.NKI.K, j I'ropriet.iri". THE BEST IN THE 1YIARKH. rourlecn dlffermt Bri-I linl. - KH aUea with Ennm-U!I,li--rvi,ltT!. Adai U-l tfl all requirement, am" nrlit-d t niH.ll lu-rf LEADING Double WciotJ flour. Adju.itlil fHtmrn-r. EATUrtES: "Urtt W.-i ;raU!, trrl.Hiv.. 1 Ma Aiuj matl( Hlu-Jf ;Mil!iig '.h Plate, i whiglri- Tu- H'i Bnruliiir ' .I.-Mi 'rv . 1: v-r-.ilii, "r' Onvr-, Jlr-rvy lilt.i Cfrt-i-T. liluintriult... Ism Ii(ri N'li-k- 1 :iiIm. Kfc t.-L 1'i. 11-i t". !: I'lHiiiilcl 111 lut-.-ii ,",. i:i 1 .!.. ii. and IB opcrut!-n. - ' ; Our claim for u-rlt Im bowHll upon the fact that a c-hcmlcaT analyst prove that tho tola ".o grown In our tKH-flon h better adapted to make aCiOOD.ri" UK, satlsfactorj amoko than ANY OTIIEK tobacco grown In the world; and belns aituaUMl In the HEART of this One lobacoo acctlon. 1YK- haro tho PICK of I the ofTcrintc. Xha pabllo ap-l prcclato tbU; hent-c oar alr I EXCEED the trodu.-t AM I tho leading manufttetori'- txnit bmrt tlm trtuUanrl f lU BulL I I'tir. - rt fioodi njM.n tint mark- or ClK inieai i ari) m" rr . t ........ ..,,.1 i,iirl rti'it t-'tii j uim-t-i, -- 1 r i-r VA. Ouano C o., Tons Per Annum. .IJ't Wilson. X. - 1. . rn t M.l:ilev. &e.. or iormma. u. .

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