Vims Advance. Wilson. X.i C, March .:,-18S3. Korth Carolina Rivers. ! Much litu Ix-tri aid and written aliout the streams of North Carolina : but never perhaps, have they lui -n so neatly irroupt-d toother as in the following pK-m from "Harper'B Matm zine." The narnest of sixty-live rivers In the State here follow one another in quick succes sion, atnl impress on the mind of the reader, the imttmitudt: of our river ttyKtem ami water power more than hours of tdtidy of maps, j rHi-olirin: lMwl of waters: Here the runirt-rt rivers are : ' 1 i It I -rrarat and .AUator. ami the famous stream of Tar. i ' -I Uroad mid Koeky lierg are rivers: here are rivers old but New : Yellow, Itlaek. and silver (irwn, and White oak, llay. and lleddie too ; J Hem the whiriinir. wild Watmiira. Ic-apin(f Elk, and erx iked Tee. Tahkeeostali. ty the l'aliil Itoek, and the wintrhwa l'ikreon flow, I Tram-twee, and swift Hiawasee, irulfward all throujfh mountains po. I ) Where the i'herokee still limn rs is the nimble ATI ttth&!ft III t he land of junaliiskee is the Valley. (run . linifirayly ; ! . : In the dismal lake-land is the iny fi-stnoned SciipfHTnonv ; ' r In the eloiid-liiiiiie and the sky-land Swanna- noa skims aliiK : . In the pme-luuils over marl lied ruby wine- likt; ashie : In the fern land from the pa! sains Tuekasee- iri.-eirrandly leal -Here h;oiialurten laughs, ami wee "heuwee frets and elashes. Arid mid towerinir canyon J.inville's nil very o...,-. . And here John; with sund all iroMenj 'neath the rholiMiendrons dashes ; From Virginia eome Meherrln. Nottoway the dt-ep andtdow.; r In the irray mid yellow hill land, where to- ttHcctts ifoldttti ymw. I -Tmnlilinjr. I'Htni and MuyO, Fisher. Mitchell, Flat and Knip. iro. ! ! Herein Vadkin i windinif ever like a serpent -'mid the hills: ! I Mere t'atawlm, pearly jielitiled from a thous and brawling rills : ! I Here's t" wliarlejwith its hurry, hero the lazy V aeeamaw . -I ! Here Is heard the liiiinmintf spindles ou the busy leepamd Jlaw ; ' i - I Here 111 the Held nnd swamp and forest arc the l.titnttcratid Ccdee. i . ! - . i And tijion her breast t'ohcra. Colly,' and the Mirijro wee ; i ! 1 Here the CaM: J-'ear's sloried .waters (jrrandly (fo'tii open the sea. !..-!. Here Content tiea and Trent, poiirinjr ; irito Xeuse, find Ocracoke ; ; . .! i J Where the herriwr eomcs in Spring, time are , 'howan and broad Kounoke, -- '' ! . North anil Newport. Veoniin, I'unifo. PaUo- tunU Hml 1-ujnliffi IVtitictro, and oncer l'er-iiiiiiariH here the inillioris eome arid fro. Orippintr, tf-iirtrlftur. ifiishinir, rtishinir,: tumb ling, ereepinir. so they lie, Carolina's inafehless rivers from their foun tains to the w-a. " : . ' ' ' 'file Indian word i Torpoeo, or Tauiieoh. (The Indian name of Freneh Freneli Itroail. i The original Indiiiu i Saxapahaw. T" African Blood ia ber Yeins. not find so much fault with his wife for what lie considered her extravagant and useless eipendi tnrc of money, and supreme content and unalloyed happiness held high carnival within his castle walls. One morning when, his cooing babe now aged nearly two years, sat on. his maternal grandmother's knee, :i colored servant brought ber a let ter, fresh from the hand of the. wiry man in modest gray She oK.'iied it with a smile of peace, road with a gasp of horror, and then, with one wild shriek of woe she and the infant simultaneously fell to the floor. The letter, writ ten in almost an illegible hand and filled with an abundant amount of phonetic spelling, contained the fol lowing startling words : 'Yonr sou's wife is a nigger. lie married a uigger. 1 am her grand mother, and I am what they call a mulatto. You would think she is white, like you white folksT buV she, ain't. If vou don't believe me. come see me. I send my address.' A name, numlter and the name of a s'reet were, at the bottom of this dynamite hand-grenade. Of course when the oM lady recoved from her swoon she refused to believe that the note contained the truth. How ever, when the husband heard of the contents, he immediately began a strict investigation, and when the facts in the case became so convincing that the wife could denv no longer, his young and harming brunette treasure, with tears of anguish in her 'beautiful dark eyes, confessed, iu Iter hus band's arms, that colored blood did rim iii her veins. It seems that the old; mulatto . it-j . woman ganioier was ins vnus grandmother. His wife's grand father was a white man, and her A Baltimore special says' that nmst sensational and suits ever en stage in this one of the interesting divorce acted on the legal country willl at an earlv (lav, en- gage-the astute and shining Bhuk tone taleiit of this eitv The ire ' ! '' ; ' mantic details-ot this peculiar life drama will j-crtainly cause the gos- siis. not oiilv of this ii:n rieiihir hM-atitv, hut! of the entire I'nited States, ti wag their lesjK'Ctive tongues with great velocity,', and to roll their liiidividual eyes; with earnest amazement. The ! story reads like ii romance, hut every word is is tineas gold.' j ' j,' i Five ear's ago among the 'young Moods' of Hal! ilimi e there was num t i .. i i W a happy conihination of art and na ture, was entitled to a high seat'iti the arena itf lite. ; He was youth ful, ". twenty-three j years of age handsome in face and stately nnd invested dignified ijn foi nil Ue happy possessor of fl (((,('! '0, safely in registered was the United States, bonds, beipieated to liim by a aged gitaud mother. The young lU'Ui had a verv aristocratiir and AveaUliy motlier. ami was she I ex tremel particular in reference to hej'onV choice t)t a domestic part ner lor liivj. ; i j On a bright, frosty, lnbrniiig in tln month iV .lanuary, 177, the young man eiiteit'd ii fashionable kid glove .'establishment Jon Lex ington street, this citvjl for it he purpose lot' ' purchasing ! h No. 7 lady's kid glove, which! Jvas; the size th:vt and finch compress a lew ttiir hi in w.i a most ulii and snugly iiicascil -foriiick hand, an individual Is, iie his small There, to vqvld into uieti lijs desf my parent were white, her mother hav ing been more successful at decep tion in this line with her husband i - than the young wife had 'been witji her young broker husband. The leautil'ul brunette wife then cer tainly had a very slight negro ele ment in' her physical make-up. It j ippears that the old colored grand- j mother' had for years obtained j hush money' from the young wife, j which she spent on htlr ruling pas sion gambling. The! old mulatto was the womon who had so amazed frequenters of 'the low gambling hells of this city. When the young wile refused to give the. old woman money she would theraten to write or tell the secret to the aristocratic mother-in-law. , t last the wife, tired out ami completely disheartened by the fre quent damands on liev purse by the old female gambler, absolutely re fused to give her aaiy more sub stantial wealth, never even dream ing for a moment that at that late day the old woman would carry her vile threats into "execution. ut, in an evil hour, the old female gambler did so, with the dire re sults stated. As the young wife refuses to . give up her husband, aud as her attorney, one .of the leading lawyers of thLs city, de clares that under the peculiar cir cumstances of the ease the marri age is legal, it is stated that the young broker, goaded on by his indignant mother, will institute a suit for divorce at an early day. In appearance the unhappy Mrife re sembles the average pretty Ameri can brunette, amino one not con versant with the. facts as here given would suppose, even for a moment, that she had a slight mix- gossip and slander were strongly depicted ; and he showed how the stormthat wrecks a home is often started by a faint breath of suspi cion. Blunder 4. -'Excess of amuse ment." Proper amusements, men tal and physical, should be . en couraged and enjoyed ; but an ex cess was ruinous : there were t hings in life which could not Ikj caught with a fishing tackle. Home was a charmed -word, and when a mau liked any other place better,, something was wrong Blunder .j. "Formation of wrong kind of domestic relations.' An incongenial marriage often mars a man's life; but as often a happy oae saves him. Some men find that instead of a wife they have, married an album,, Godey's Maga zine, and a medicine chest, ('an judge a man's character :by. his es timate of woman. He paid a beau tiful tribute to the true wife ami to the American woman. Blunder 0. "Attempting life without enthusiasm" Life all around was full of stir. Every day saw fresh discoveries and new appliances in every field. Gigantic progress was lieing made. Never was such an opportunity for enthusiastic work. Without such oualities a man would go under. Each one, he said had a special; mission to be perform. Preventing, Bank Failures. A law to prevent bank failures is a great want of the day, ami the Tiiiiex revert to China for aid. It says that seven hundred years ago in China, Li-Tuk-lIo, the able prime 'Minister of the renowned Emperor Wan-Lung, devised a law so simble and yet binding, that since its adoption no Chinese bank hs be'en known to fail. It provides that upon a bank susiendiiig payment, the heads of the president, cashier, and directors 'should be neatly lop ped off. and piled up in one corner with the assets- This gave great satistiictioii to the the creditors of several banks, which, unlu akily, happened to fail just as the law went into effect, but from that time to the preseiifc day no Chinese depositor has ever had cause to his confidence; M H Eradicates PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Aatlcto for CniTersal f Family I'ae- For Scarlet and Typhoid Feer, Diphtheria. Sali ration, l'K--rit-i Sore Throat, small Fox, Measles, and all ConUtgioiu liees. Persons waiting cm the Sick should use u freay. scarlet Fever his new been known to spriad where the tluid was used. Yellow Fever his licen cured with it after black vomit had taken jilaeo. The worst cases of Diphtheria vichl to it. IVveredandSlcklVr- , SMALL-POX stilts refreshed and and ? Wd Sores prevent- PITTING of Small , ed by batiung with . I'ox PKEVENTED TJarbys Fluid A member of my &m- ImpareAir made wis tJc y wilh barml and purified I used the I or sore Throat u i, a f was sure care nt .delirious, was not (outaKlon destroyed. d d ?LiIbrrtot P l i e s- house agaiu in Urn ? Z ' weeks, and no others Chafing, etc. I . . . , w p KheumatUm ctire 1 phf, T,-J;KK v..f Whit. l'.,m,,lH. INSON, Philadelphia. Ions secured by its use. Slilp Fever prevented. To purify the Hreath, Cleanse the Teeth. it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Ilurnsrelievedinstamly. The physicians here Scarl prevented. ; use i,uy Fluid very Iyentery cared. 5UccesfuU v in the treat W ounds healed rapidly. meM Qf Lhphtheria. Scurry , cured I A. Stollenwekck, An Antidote for Animal ; Greensboro Ala. or Vegetable Poisons, i ' Stings, etc. Tetter dried up. I used the Fl-d during ! Cholera prevented, our present affliction with : I leers purified and Scarlet 'Fever with de- ! healed, cided advantage. It is i -In cases of Death it in.lknmoMf t,i ih iri- ' should be used about room. Wm. F. Sand-! the corpse it will ford. Eyrie, Ala. prevent ai ant smell. The eminent Phy sician, tT. MARION SIMS, M. I., New York, says: "I am convinced Prof. Darby Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." Vanderbllt University, Nashville, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N. T. LuiTON, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Recommended by Hon. Alexander H. Stepiikns, of Georgia; Rev. Chas. F. Leems, I.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; Jos. LhConte, Columbia. Prof.. University. S.C. Kev. A. J. I;attlii, Prof, Mercer University; Rev. Geo. F. Piekcb, Bishop M. E. Church. IVDISPENSAIJLK TO lCVERT -HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or . externally for Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. F'or fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEILIX & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEO US. I0HN CLARK JR. & CO'S! 'ft BEST X - 0 0 o : THOMAS TJVSEU, a H.l. A 1'?! I B. HE I D, (5iivSe5ortoGt'trf Koi.l. . Deaixu is - HAY, CORN. OATS, MILL FEED Pea. &. Seii Oats n Specialty. i:C Watt r Street, Xorfolk. Va. . SCl--t)lll HEW iJlElWjElLlHlYl ISlTlOjBjE i n. B. B Y N U til W.tTt'lIM.VKKl! 'AM'! .iKWiM-l'-K, ' - .-. 1 I Jjf'oyo Xa.lal's Ul Strl. Taily'ro yt., - ; . : ( ' . bnvv '. sUn-i- tit I j iiiw opt'iiin: a rl D B. F. MITCHELL s SON fOMMISSIOX MEW HANTS For the sale f -i:.N . BACON AM riTnfn "miiiT t t i i. 3Iadiineor Jland IJsei' ' , :,,CTo?:: jierciiaiiT Jriour x unst.-jiiiis. , 1IKAI.EKS IN 'I l'KAMTS, GRAIN, : FI.OUK, I Diphti.eria I j Prevented. J l ines ,iiadley C, A ll.s:. N V . k A18 i FEED, II AV, Al. j onsit.".j!ii( nfs ui Uiirri,' t'otti-n. Naval Stores I iiri l itln-r Mi-n li!m,li!. Snii. ii.Mt n,,.i....t ' I'l-i'.i-s olitaiufl. ; AXIl 10 N. WlTEK STltKKT. i Wilmington, X. C. ! '. -vruii-timos .Jcvtli f fvVVv tk-'s!r':ttttii whifli has. iust Ik-c.I iuth'li;f l in tvtn vi ii Markets at lift 'ivvt'st imuir.s ami viii-h will 1m' , soj.l lv. ';rll ;ui. f",iiiuit' iny stt-U- ;uil I; liar- sei!-ti. '.; K. 15. HYNl'M. Bl'ILOl'IIS 0TJt l I ititS i I J Scarlet Fever j i Cured. j i Work of Any tk'sciifition ! line (U)iic nict'lv ami n itli Mis should be used about ; We resM'ctfnl!y solicit a yunple i tllO pnhhc rOlll.". ii our faf cli. ire of lmch :5 in r . j , !MANSHlCHQLEON,l W. PINE & WALNUT MANTELS -i.tsgftwT. a. stevEInS. No. 49 Light Street,- BALTI rdURE. FARMER & BUNN, Trloro 'Street, Wilson, X. t. -:o:- r-- O S. ALSOl', . . ATTOKXEV-AT-LAW, Offices Enfield and Battleboro, x C. Practices in the countsis of Halifax, Edgecombe and Nash, and in the INSUfttfiGE- REAL ESTATE AND LiOan Brewers' WILSOX. X. C, Have estahlished a General In teiligcnco Oilice and Ajrtjiity lor the Sale, l'urchnse or Traiisfer of Ileal Estate, and lor the Lease or Rent of Town Property. We have now for sale some ver. ; Mr John xWcstt.ri of FranUi;n, is wiUl the ; desirahle farms ill tills and, tile, ad- i firm anI will be jrlad to seo f rlenJ. Give tis a: joining counties. Also for Rent uJiL.: . , deulu I nainber of residences and business , n A VIS Sr, RTT.P.S ; houses in the Town of Wilson .ATTmNEVSAXDCOTJXSELI,OIt3ATljAW, Parties desiring comfortable .t .. . :i.i:?t 'I , NASHVILLE, N. C. IlOllies, aim CillilallM nri-iviu 'i.- i nig investments will find it to their interest to COUSlllt IIS. He Will III j t lawin JSash tJounty. i For Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Bilious ivuacks, Hchdache, Cos- tiveness, and all Qiscases of I the Liver and Stomach. tJiEIjECTHDI.Y TITn '.6PT rOTENT REMEDY j . Im.41 C.VN B.E fif ..;. " 3t1 rir-tiin iiit'!i:;: bf vitul-p. RTinprrtiVlnlv .iml.l i.i-vi r in' U..T-.I :i;t M ln-;.-Ul.l t.;ib..lituli' lur li!- I'tliolir, i,t!i"i.'.ilr:its lal It trniy a valuaiitu Family Medicine, whlrli lui li;in u-'' f r in.n- ycjr !) hirm- nuim'tTH 'i .r cii'':..-'. i. i h i- iiuvi uniau baect' in all la; aSimi; cuSi:;).atiili. Try it. i 2S Cents a Panor, oi: Sl.OCi a. Eottlo. . W 31 . ii. T II IS JIOX, I-ropr (i-tar. j Baltimoro, . - TaylorEiiT.,tqtt Watters WHOLESALE 1EALKKS H A R D W A R E C UTLER Y UUNS, Ac, VO RNEUMAIN .ST., AM) MARKET SQUARE. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. March 10th, Brown Cotton Gin. Tli0fiiiis luive since IS :. Sev nients have' re made, and they verbally j r o very best in the jrreat hasj been that for the past has been impos it. rordescrip terms, tVc, ' no ((0TTI) un .. niMiLKEEi. b e e a in ns envl improve cently b e e i are now ifni nouncetl t h e market. So the demand two seasons it J sibleto sutijiK- 11 1 1 ,'-' tion, circulars, Address KOUNTEE BARNES & CO. iin-ivin n d .ui l in 1 1 i ll 11 1 in rnir Tin r III! It H II I ! I' II I I II I 1 1 W I II a, a. mil iii.ii i iii i ii i lUl .llllJUI 14 mi ll I Jill 11 1 11 -:": ;f-VEKKEP CONSTANTLY ON. HAND a lull line f t choice Groceries and Confection- i erics WIsicli we are Selling 'Eh :i. aiicis. 80U ii JJS. We will net T'reary you witt j statistics, telling Iigw Supreme and Federal Courts. Will the near future issue a Keal Estate be at Battleboro on Fridays and Sat- Journal, in which will be advertised Hon. J. J. Davis of Louisfour!? has formula TMii-lfirhiT with TV S. V (iilc'i for thfi iinntice a ' . . . : 1 1 : .. . . , . i . . t . .... i y in in i in mw iujau lAJiiniy. ix invn win niu-im the recrular terms of Kash Superior Court . sep8-ly , ; Fruit Dryers, Cider Mii:.'.,illc ami reach l'arers, the Skinner the - Birdsall, the Paxton i and Kriebel Ensjincs, the Hall, the i Carver, the Van Winkle, and i - -'Centennial Cotton Gins. Tin ; . Clark Seed Cotton Clea i (Vitton Seed Mills. Horse I'tiwers, ! , Feed Cutters, lielt inf?, Cane Mills, the "Jueen of theSouth" and the MtMiv County j Portable Grain 3Iills, Saw Mills, tlie Anne, flic 3 l Thomassj the Iron Affe and the Ueiner GrainDrills, Water Trm fcs, Sivincimnis ! ' j , Cultivators.One and Two Horse Jfidin" in.i ... 1 .... Hf.'lll- . . r."ll alKiiig,ltoa(lAiaenines, i umis, .tun j ixiiut's, noise r)v-rs. Write us tor Circulcrs andjFrici's. It will I'a.v you. Try it.j Address, L. L. POLK CO., urdays and on other days at Enfield niayo-ly "Dance of Death" Again. LA N CAST E K, ATTORNEY AT L AAV -I AND . United Sthtrs Uottt in Lssiotter. OFFICK: Court House. WilsoU.N. C We find danciii-uiasters instruct j nig their impils that the lady,s cheek must lay on the shoulder of her partner, that her arms must entwine alnjut his, and their persons ' must come in contact in several! ways, in order to secure that unity I Offers his professional services to the of motion so essential to irootl danc- Pbfh, 0tii l'PIsite Brig Ho- lei, ilSOU, V'. i-uin all property placed in 'our charge at ; nominal cost. I a form at ion cli ecrf nil y give i i and! all enquiries promptly answered. Loans negotiated at short notice'; on Ileal Estate security. Corresiiondence s'olicited. sepi'il ;lni P. Glassps" and save eyesight. i j ' MESSES. ' !'l 0. O ' 'if'nfl'TC - ; wa m'm m pi r v ij u su u wj v i nnn n-nnrtT finmmmiT -" .t, ,.,-,- s .,im f-,nvri a UnU MWh LU11U11 E. Battle, M D. ingv. It is not then surprising that ! people of culture should decline to I FRENCH'S permit their children ; t learn (uip11KnH. PU'i I dance at the public assemseblage j 0U JCl UI uU.Ugll0 1 TheliIH)in of a yo'unj;.- iii of foiir- , is a fragrant and lastinjr perfume for teen or tifteeu is too precious a ; the toilet and naiuiKercniei, cisa a thiii"' too soon to he 1 .-;t by the vial. The yoiling saleslady x ho! vyitet on I tun' ot ctdoreMlood in her veins. ci beautiful In nilette, Iwitli ifjjasi'iii; mien: It Was thie ; 1 ever, new story. WVhen he aniHtmiced to ' his inotlur he was Vance's Latest Joke. Jioing t theiv wa inevitable contact of a rough:; world to be nibbed olf by such in-; timate contact of a coarser clay of young men, the chief attraction of a dancing-school to these young men is the fact that they .hold in their arms the young "divinities to ' to whom, under other circuin stancesT tliey'" woultl not daije tt, raise.their eyes. Toiniich respect cannot be st hwu a yoang girl. . She g'lould be taught that her person is too sac red to" be titled with, that the light est touch. excet iii the 'jnost re spectful manner, is a profanity not to be endured, and that upon her self rests the duty of educating the opposite sexto- treat hr as they Mould a piece of the most delicate porcelain. The duties of a woman, comprising as they do all that goes to a formation of a basis of our so cial structure, are. so sacred that she cannot safely permit anything that savors of a lowering of her sanctity. .Anything. that tends to. ward the lowing of her own idea of herself should receiue the severest condemnation. Ikncer linu. FRENCH'S VirginiaTonie Bitters cures Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever and all disorders of the liver and stom ach, f0 cents per bottle. FRENCH'S -jJSever fails to cure Tiarrhea,Cholera Morbus Pains and Cramps in the stomach, 25. cents a vial. FRENCH'S ARNICA LINIMENT! is the best for 'Rheumatism, Neural- 1 gia, lleadache,rains,lruises,cvc., 50 cents per .bottle. 1 . "ft t T YnnnP- Rr. Rm 1 -DKALKK l.- DlllUi ClA'u' FtNK ItATCIlKS. DIAMONDS, ' - JEWELRY. siLVKK wauk' Or how much they make MtuiMfacturer f nil kinds of i itily, neither will we presume Plain ('o!i! Jewelry, Rings, Badges. &c ; glYe an opinion a' to its Tin- best sl(, oa.-ior. ;in) .5.(i:'i clock 'ever sold. Aiiii'iicaii watv'!ie at tin-lowest Oi-io-s. S'lii silver sjuxti:.-, unks Ac, '.ii aiM-r ! iirs-i ever. lour 01 iters are so- " hi:1 will be ritKtlv Mits-nded by . T. VOUXC i i;i(). , I'kteusi.i-ku. Va. - In : '.I.- j qhaiity. It is more important t'd1" you to find out : Waetlier . .: . . . . a L:ti t&e tnreaa-is. strong- .uuwui t h v , sit;,ra; p.hvmnt 5h iiim, ,;,! fvd,,.. T:, show the finest .Line of Piece (Joods lor l-'all aiid Winter flint has-ever been . iu Wilson, coiisistino; of the lal i!iii:'iiz inn iiiiks When Thsy fan do as wfll For Von. Iircill i'. M r nitA Yl tcpn-H-iits 1 ho largest, cheapest a, snfest ami ohliwt Uoular Life In-siii-ani'if ('uiiia!iy doinu" Imsinoss in Wilson. ' iiivchim your livisiness.anillluvwill spend his i inonov hefe amoiiff you. niarlT-tf i CH.NXOR & WOODARD, ATTOKXKV AT LAW. ' WILSON. X. C. i,7e vou time and annoyance? v'hether it will, run on your Lbwing Machine? Whether the colors will match all the fashionable shades,, and -work t?3I1 on silk goods ? . ; ."'ho only possible way tc arrive at the truth is to i ' '. ' - 0SE THE THREAD YOUSSELF 1 5fou will then know why it is called US. Kiijjjisli nnd Freneh Worstead, Foreign mid Domestics, (:is .siDieres, Blue Middlesex, Oxford -Meltons. lh iranl line ol Fine" work, Fine Trinnnin" audi Give us a call. . Renectfiilly, ' oods for Overcoats prices reasoiKihlo. Greenwood & Belsnieyer Ciiruir, Wilson, Wayne. Kcle I eomhe, ' (iieen, Pitt' and Nas ( ounties. .l av lv IX-00ffiD SPOOL COTTON ; 1 4 0 Pea r I Street, ,'3S. o-itoi Kin: DKAI.EK IS Ji.lKBLE BXl'MENTS. HEADSTOMIS. TOM It. 3J iTLKfi. TILIWi' &., XUS. it;-, AXD .lie. EAST CHUltCH ST.. . . iltc St. Paul's Chnreh.) NO FOLK A. . -:o:- POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS (s- C': CF STCIE feORK EXECUTE!1. ' All tiplt'rs l'ii-:!it;y Kiih-il ami Satis- i ( '. UHi'a:iTccii. oi l i:-TJm Coiiunissioii Merchuat, New York TOO CA1I BUY A OP: , , ,! .' iti'ivcav v w ( PPV'-: Liberal advances inale. on eonsijininents of Cotton, Navul r.-..Nash. and Ooldshptw St ret X, K.i,'cutc.s orders lor the purcluisc and sale, of-Future contracts jn" M. ALS(),1AMK.S -ff. Wll.lGINS' 7! rrduee; Exchanges - " - - -'"llr wilson, n. c. : . . . It. V. JOYNKH, s Kills His own Father. lie S all leaving the chamber, a part v, : ir. ir,Vivf'ii .Ticmr 1 v w i-stvu v I a'"1 kyk and foweis Vufpakedchemi- ; c.' t- . . --1r Senator Vance's jolies, like kind iinarrv , tins vounr inulv1 wovd.s. will never die. lhe other a total ;iiiiiiiiiiati6n "of;! day, just after the adjournment -nisi tii;' donietic e ice in that Madison ' the Senate, when the members were ' avenue iiiansitiu. As; mav 1 iinagined, the niariiage: c;;nseit a 1 aniong whom was Senator Vance, i '-.j. - -. serious tlisiii. ion r lain lv t ies : gut to talkiug about big tcet. The lnil as tin- voung Inly behaved so ! conversation happened to turn 011 I. Two potters. James Kos ami his well under the circumstances; she : this tonic bv the partv observiii'r i son, Uobeit Livingston Koss, of -i vik iii-jitti .....ll.....;...i.:t.... 1.. i.i ii i it: I l..-xI.i. 1 ... ki i ti t-1- ... . j . .inn- in inn-' alio. iiini oi eoitK.sais uiosran.s earrvuiir jiroaii jiiei, innnriuni ....iii, 'kind in manner to her imvther in- l;ivitl Oavis down the stairwav, law, that the old lady at' last re-' and alter one or two of the Sena- FRENCH' IndiaRubberCement: The best in the world for mending broken Furniture, Toys, Wood-- i ware, Ac. Price 2.Y cents a vial. Manufactured onlv bv WM. E FRENCH. . ' ' Wliolt'sale Ilmgitist,' ! ' 21 2 Sctmtre Street. ,! I'ett rshnrj;, Va. 1 Asrent for ljwrt-n Sf Martin's TO LI" HOCK ; m'mm V Jf-"'Sf mm fie trf.coi.M5. IVits ir l.rse I k- VKlt, l: 1 l';ii;t'; ;l-v tisc. !;.. j--.,iit. 1'i.iti l.'r ill. :,; ::,. i p.n .nt . ,Kt !.:!; I'..-.l.. -H .UfV- IN l-.,,vl,fi; I'.-.ii. j I''i will ;,.,, .,.,. ,i. j,;int:iv f n,.lK mm -n':im (.-.. iu-i- .-,-nt.. :u.rt male.' tu; 1.::iu if nil ali'l ett ect ,,tll!:u'4 I'mviii-iN u ii! rni-.- i-.r rrt-mmii niniiist n tsy DiStAPi- f.-- - ,i nrs .i. ami t attk-nrc siil.Vr. ' hOt-TZ'S ! MVmts W ,.i. Mjvit .SiTISFACil.iX. frohl everywtier!. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor, ':, JALTIIOEE. HID. irioni-ts Hot: . iolds!ioro, X. C. WM. HON1TZ. -Propriet DEALEIl IN ' Mvlioti-i is now rt'inlv t', iiefOi'iinotlato tht ! Ti-ii'vc!!intr Public it!i ni-t-i-!:! rooms ittnl ! 'tuMt! fare. . SaaipUi rooms Tor couinu'n-ijil , I truvt-llfit;. 5'.iV-l-ty fif Tf i.i 'i mm: iimiiv, CAUOLINA ALS for mabinif fertilizt-rn. mchU-ly .- WM. E. rHE'CH. jfiriy'llas pernnuiently' located in 1 Njvilson, X. V. All .ojvperations will .; lie '-neatly and j and on terms' sts rt:i-tiiiiiiii! as s- i slble. Teeth extracted ', itii:. t;v ':tm. ! Ofrice TarKoi'o street next .iot,r toi j Sashes, Door and Blinds, Mouldings. Brackets, Stair Kails. Mewels. BniUBr j Hiirdware.Pamts. Oils Glass. Putty and Building Material of every Ueoritio ' Xos. l(i WSideMarket Siinare&jlO Koanuke Ave., NOUFOLa Jackson & Brownley T r ENGINE CD., j w inn. ks a i. r. Post office. 1 i r.i an il lcj in. lentetl. j toys bad spun their yarns, Senattr Two yeois later iht-tiiiiig couple .Vance Kiiid ids say alnrnt a fellow "I'lr iiatiiniv kei-oiii-r . hoase in :i ; in thiSt:iti ti-imn.i v;io.. . -- 1111111111 ft it.trii. fi i i. id the iovoiis .diiiiriretl thrnindi lif'.. Hrfnlk- lon- AVhen going with as a shrewd -and. energetic broker. quarrelleil on Sundav last over a trade of two oxen. The father threatened to kill his sou at twelve o'chn-k but failed to meet him'. At Dealers in Itiquarn and Groceriest WM. K. TANXEl! StViY., ('.nr. T rn. t 'n i. Street, luxurious niaasnm prospeeine lather was Weir know n gated feet At this period of tii. band's existence lie mai ins w iie wa u ainoiinls of monev in a V young hus- discovered. sing.' -large cry, myste rious manner, lie began to expos tulate with her. Iear.j he kindly said. -I am wealthy, I know, but I cannot stand these niysierus ami heavy th ai I want with others to a barbecue in 4liinkmn" county, Wilson, tiuding no other means of conveyance proposed to ; ride a mule. He was told that "no man ever .did or could i ride that mule." Tlit-y said: "lie will work ' jjifter the killing and placed in jail, to a buggy or plow but no man can j They had been making crockery stay on his bat-k.'V "PU try him, i ware at Ehlorade. Polk county, tor -any way;" and the deteinuied man . several years, but lately moved to Imported Porter. (Mnciunati . Beer, and the Old P.anquet Whis-; seveuo'clock the son armed with .key. leblfi-2m j u butcher kuifa, met, his father and " '. T '. j attacked him, cut his throat open . in two places and stabbed htm seven times killing him instantly. The tragedy ."occurred near. Ooloual , McDowell's, place on Broad Kiver. The -son was arrested immediately -M-4-;r;v,j - 'r - tii hat tlit youtlo or lust ructed several negroes to catch i liutherford. Tliev were eonsitleroil tins litoncvr She the mule and hold hint. The animal iMi...i t tbh- iUvni. l.v ti. .i.ri.iL,- . . -- I'--"----" I- 'i'.v. IIH H ijll I l -5 rettiiiii iLconrused' and. evasive re- iilunged and kicked, but linally and the commuuity is greatly llies, .and the young husband w as Wilsonsecured a seat in the saddle, j shocked over the occurrence. ' .much ic:ilexcd by hii wife's pe - E very . one expected to see : him j - : culiar behavior. : dashed against the ground, but the ! 'A Western ''-Minnesota editor '-VlMHit this time the proprietors ! mule looked around, saw the man's ;b' writing up an excursion, said ami patrons of the ""bucket shops' .feet and walked peacefully away, the majority of the fine ladies pies, and low gambling j resorts of this ' lie thought he was between a pair ent wore sacks of dainU-st descrip- city were gicatlv amazed bv tne of shatts. i tion. the compositor got it "sock TALBOTT & SOSTS Shockoe Fvlachine "W O jbljs: .".' KICUMOM), VA.. ? MKniitLurfrs of Vortaltlt- ami Stationary , UK HMOM). Va. .Manufacturers of ' .STATION A UV, POUT A ELK a ni LUCOMO I I V E EXGIXES, P.OIEEKs. . - SAWMILLS. ' CASTINGS. .Vc MKniitSfiUrfr ot ttiratnn- Him .-tuiionarj- II.,,-;,,,, ... i , ,:t.' . t i t-1 KiurlnkH a! IJoilers. Saw Mills. Corn and 111" leullllt t : r Aiavhll!e h!l"pj W heat Mill. Sha f l intr. IWtre and PulUvs, which WC1C tlestroel bv fin lit! Turbine Wathr W heel, Tobacco iaetury Ma- ' , , - , . 1 , , .hintry.Wrtmifht Iron Work, Brass, and Ii'n j -NOVelllper hlsi. illltl S'tjlU!H'd lliijl Castiotrs. Machinery of onrj- Description GISXIXGSr TUHEXIIISGXA VIIISK A SPECIALTY. with t lie ino-t behavior ami display which an aged colored lighted them with.! ot wealth woman de- She " was a of the dirtiest description." Dr. Talmage on Blnnders. very light mulatto, at tout the exact L- Pev. Ir. Talmage lectured iu .-shade, as far as comnlexion wont. Norfolk a few days g on "Big ..f 1- i .... . . vi on tutmiarv cream pun, with a i,,:i..... tollows: lie dejjned them as ' n - . -- - t.,11...... . con -tie of t able si oon litis of riiio-ur i . : , ' , ing-jmuiiuer i. "Alultiplicitv ot "i it- nuike-up. She j w as a most j occupation." The greatest charac- moraiiiate gaiubler i The (Quakers proitose to estab S lish a college at 'ew Ga iden. ('iiiil- ford county, X. i'., ami have raised 22.0(0 for that pui Msc. A hotel clerk named P.riscoe, Stnmpted his foot out in Frisco. cttoiw..l . . 1. ' FAI t l'A' kv.k La n.i.l . . . . . il. 1 completely carrietl away by the ' i'one uleaV men wl iine their ob- j " 'inn nun lite thunder, passion of ehanee, and I while -v con ject iu life, trod tliis path with eoor But the pain was got under, Ktant and he ivv l.w.-. 'nava-- ?Se iUul toU' aml exemplified in the By St. Joeobs Oil rubbed his toe s ant amiiHaN losei, nexer : highest degree, that stick-to-liveli- t ' , , Mioit ha over a couple ot hours ness which eventuallv tells t A conductor who lives at Blair, 'iituallv .U a lime. stie aetuallv :ii.n.. iro,l Bir Rlnndpr " Tn.lnl . --1 J. " , c .--l-0--p. AO own a irold tuine Wl loi-o c-liA 1 Uil ttMUDOr. Willi nur sniwrnfj- n " ' . 1 i I " 'got her monev no kiiew and tnral advantages no one in Ameri- bi. t vi.l. 1...A d - i ca ""S"1 to be m a bad temier. A out sue haa it. and snvir iio;.o., .... .. .. - "u.-iucisoi uiuu uiiint's tue lives "i.u yax an that necessary for the of all his sulwrdinates and asso-, paniciiiar busimss gagetl In 1 ' ne lilav 1 he Got hurt, being thrown from achair, They took him away, But in less than a day, St. Jacobs Oil made hint alls quare. i 111 ! improve l ! t b, tic ' are piejiarcd tt furnish Machinery, nf tii.i u. ... i,;,.u ....... t . i. .........'.-. to-Ttan-i.i: I itii:j-t.v :iitl Laic 1111V I ne 1 i .,, , ,v ,T .. .. ' J . lyonilt by in. E. Tannei : . Talbott's Patent Spark Arrester F'miu and 'Saw Mill Engines Invrniion of Hie .4 ". are Sp-Cialties Willi Us. ' lr.d. not destroy the draft. ' .V,tUl' ?del-S as far ill ad- It mt interfere with fanniiiir the tutws. 1 Vancejot volir Wsintsas missible. It does not choke up and ri-quires cleaninK. " ' It requires no dirtvt. dampers to Itt-openetl Will V T V XXFP Pi i s ' when raisinir steam ilaiiiiH-m beinr til.jection-i , ,: ... . ' ' altle. asthey may te tttft open and allow the : AICX. J ll.Arv 1. V , tsilpt. sparksto esirape. j It rtMiaires no water to extinguish sarks, j It EPA IP WOPIv SOLK'ITFI) which, liy condensation, dt strtiys thetlraft, be- ' i sidewtaen wateais used, if neVlwted. the ef- ih pt?ovpti v i -,x-v f ticiency is destroyed by evaporation of the 1 V ' " i wat:r. and the boiler is kept in a filthy con- r-, c. ;u. . i . i j anion, t. Send lor illustrated catalogues, It u iiniple and durabl andean bereliod , which are flirilishetl flee, r upon. t j . - i It can lieattacbol to anv boilir. f "Whcn in bpH of the lw-t tnai-liiiiery on ! Xo planter should be without otic. tr ihem. j the market call cu Uynum. Iianiel A Co.. .rt.. ! Insurance companies will insure irmsitat! bams ! Wilson. N. C. . sopt-Iy where the Taiin-rt Euirine en.1 Spart Arrester . are used at same rate as charged fur wau-r or' . . ; ht rse no wer. ; ISend for illu;.trated t-ircuUirs and price llranch House liol.lsltori-. N. C.. J. A. Han LIQUOR DEALER RECTIFIERS Keefis constantly on. lmnd -the following brand : Whiskey. Jttfiu iiiisi,ii, l'ure l!y Whiskey, Harris' I'm-e Itje 4 years old. M Vernon liyc. KeiitiK-key iiy Ipipoi-tt rs o Fine Wines, (iin and F R E PJ.CH BRA?DIES: Sold ui l'liiludeljihia and Ikiitiiivit'e' I'iioei. : Satisfat.-tton t;tiarai,iteed. . Kroai two to tbru thousand- lituiclsof Whiskey on hand at al times. sepK-iiin. ri-:.MAi.K ufGUjiCixnA. KITTPKLL. N'oin!! I'AKDl.IXA, Spring 'session begins .Ianu,ir; -I Mi.- 1SS.',. .P.o.irtl. tuition ;inl Iii--slrumei'fa! . music." not to exceed "li iMiii. Send for Clival ir. W. S. P.A.PNES. Priii. , lMCIIMOXI -iVPE-FflllXDRV.., PrHXTERS' WAKEIIOrSE. PtMtk. News ami dob-Tyja I'yl iuder, Job and Hand Presses. ( ';ii inet Cases. Stands. Inks, poller Pniisirio!i. S:c. 1 ' II. L. PKLdUZK &: Soil.. ( IlichlllOIid.. X';-';. ' -THE?;- ryGHXlONNiHG j Y- SIMPLE ' - '- S si4 : V-.-V l MA Z O HJf!sMic&.tt. F(fl! -5 NOTICE ser, OetK-ral Manajrer, .iiHii--r. A. tiranjrer Iyn-al nt.H-lv DAVIS -v GrLLES, A T T O li X E Y S - A T - L A W. NAIril.LE.X. C. A partnership has befell form.-d by K. S. K. '. liimselt the haired, tUinj.Icil H,y v-w,,h,.ih?v."D' 1"- seu'e parties may confer with Air. j of law in Xash eountyl " . A, TyiJCS, who ha sdie w as en- flutes miserable. GrowL Spitfire ! BHITAIT HOTTR-r ' 0i made the worst firm in towa, 1 Tiimoiio v c " broker found , V "."tug.a.sp ine ( A first-class hotel. . ?. TLlS Itroud father of a red- niunder :t niuitmar I Large Sample Booms for Cominer i'mriiwy be found at hi ooe in XaaiWuie. ft then .1,1 trf:if inptif nfnfl., " TK -:i. -i ,!p,er'- ll-B-'lA, . prompt and efficient ati aucciimoii je--iy Proprietor. . The tii in assets of the Lite Grit- i fin & Murray-have U-eu assigned) to me in trust to pay the debts of the concern. Those intk-btefT will take notice that immediate settle meiit must be made. In mv al- r V Tiie type on which this -paper1 is printe-l was cast at tin5 Foiunlrvi-ot II. L. Pcl inze Sou. mayfly S. 1IV 'SE'L.MKVKKn . W-HOT.ESAI.fc " Liquor Dealer. - - . K.noke Siuar Norfolk. Va. I""'KnEE! PHriMPrr.y ATTr.MirtiTo ami 5.1TISFACTKIS Ot ARAMEEIi. S-pi-4in t w.-ireALini!i ri.-Ti 1:-ii -..ll ..!.. Ml I '"k lJ tu 1& w r.T SEWIHSMACiilMECO- j m ewA-4i.iVi..-iiii,i.iT,.- CHICAGO. ILL. - OR'ANGEJIASS. AND HI LAN I A, LA; ( T -t t.frli : 7 . . . . .r5"-"-:.. " - ------ -' ' ' - y ' :-t ffrASH DOOBS 6LIHDS .J Jf. ' . " iKNKIlAL AGENT Watjgworthf Martie & Logmas tare FreiDareci R,ea.cLy-:1Iixeci : I1F0RTA1IT 1TICS tin E-iti-n crs of Noilh Carolina; To -:o:- 7 j. i. STONK: (iKx'i,- A Pftleicrr:. X (', In -order that our plant-in friends tin osihmit the State may N- eir j. , i .. ... i l t 111 ?thntf, 111 t'h- 1 kioolvi i , w J ' ' ' till- I Jii Ull f Jfc.l " ' . 7 ----- r.miesaiMl other old established brands of our make, we. are sell; t hem-direct to farmers of North (Carolina, for Cash, at Wholcsiile 1 riW. When they order direct! v of us we ship th m1s, ami as they. . ai bought for cmsnuip; ion,' the law i violated. This savin to Kai mers and Planters is verv coiisitlcni !! i""1 hy their dubbin" to-ctl.d ami b.iyinj; iu ipiantitv,"tlieie is al-o a ieat savin in freijjht, tjteie- tore send Ut us for pi ices, and kcihI your onlen direct to us for our l'ei i tili.ej-s and vou will ffct them without any middle profit and at lowest ' charges lor freight. S-nd br 1cm riptive Gii-cular ivin pri-es of om: standard brands, with instructions for making honie-inade l Vrtilizcr. Tall on oriddivas '' -BAUG-S &; SOUnTS li. South Street, BALTIMOIM-; . Ml He then did treatment of others. 1 to onr care will receive is the baoks and papers and authorized to make settlement. j prompt and efficient attention. Collections - ti. W. LLOfXT, pecia'tj. i lebytr Trustee. ' ! : ':..' DINING BOOMS, Near Biilroad DejKft, KX FIELD. X.C.. Stop and get a GimmI Dinner, Sup-j ler or isreaKia-i. lioartl iy the llay or Montb. Prices very reasonable, Respectfully, KIDDICK IUJRNETT, . mayS-lygl Proprietor. Bizaletl Iron lofts Ebto, Mt-rs r a-H and ',n Shafting Pulleys 1 1-a.r.geis,- ' OTIC l A PERFECT I IIqIHI I 8AFEt and ' . . iJIl-. LDKllSKiN J'.D, have lorni ed a co-partnership fiyrthe jiracticeof (TI S V - I'i-'TTI T l'l'dl' ; ioelicine in the town of, iisoii ami .ii.r. . . i i,i.i i i. i Lill . ail oininir country. I thanks and 2S2 Water .St., 'X rfuik, Va. to their patrons for their liheral pat- I Pi III RELIABLE; , . .. . r..n-t. lli.v u uintmil:Uiet tit a- i i'r.i "e same, umw m asn mrwi op- 0' irS"oii: JIub, ? a,i l -A1 ,.---tN iMltt tln CViurt House lately occu- uiTtbuLaJdnc u''' t pietlby Jas. S.YVoodard, Kwp, where CT TUC rI?NIHMc'' mm M mum mm m w - - - It h made of the best tetet-ted craiV r'""1''"" for Dually use. lthaneVerbcen ktKtwnt ri; use of mny member of the boustbold. ltl",'''f mayfly .'..v . .. Jaii"b2.-ly. ; ; mioko jmt rant Ui wkfc Has no T A II I' I.i . c 1 ii 1 i t i , v one. or totn may ne aiw ays iounu OF EVKItYDICKIITION. ,v.X. ANDEUSON, M I) mttriLtv Tmi" S- .1 - i. it i.iin . . IM"!"' , bad