The Wilcox Advance. Wilson.' X. C, March 10, 1S83. THE MORTGAGE. w VSteJiM1 Wi,",, ,hr Hut ih., morwe worki the haniost an.i itwork.-don BUrhua.Ki Sunday; it worked the steadicxt of iisall. It settled down amon uc. and tt never Whatever away. :i.,..n,ii'niintu W Kejll 1HMJ1 iv it wanc" us every minuU-. and it ru.e.1 i The rulSdbUght were with sometim, The weeTlfVnVu.e-worm. the, went a, Thenrtewyed forever, eatin hearti- It naftea'ujf "enr window,7 stood gnard at And hacTncSsr' and sunshine mdo their home with us no more, TUIwith faillwr erope and sickness w got irtallud upon tbe (rrade. . And there came tt dark day on us whenrthe Interest wasn't itd; A fid thare eame a Sharp foreclosure, and I kind o lost my hold. And frrew wear, and dlseonraKed. and the farm was cheaply sold. The children left an acattered, when the, hardly yet were (rrown; , , , My wife he pined and perished, an I found m vim' If alone What she died of was "a mvntery, an' the Ilnl I knew she died of mortra(r-.ust as well as I wanted to. . If to trace a hidden sorrow were within the doctor's art. . They'd ha" fotind a roorKnufe lyinif on that woman's broken heart. Worm or beetle, drawrht. or tempest, on a farmer's land may fall, tint for first-class ruination, trust a morttfaKe ' ',ra1n,,,",'"""-lW.,..M.AI.T..N. Cotton and the Commission Merchants. N'OUTII CAROLINA llKU BE" y-1 1 ... am hava V ra W sorrnKs Nor JProspkuocs IJKfArK of Producing Too Much Cotton,- Too Littlk MKAT AND IlBKADSTUFFS; AXD Tin: Fxtkavagaxt Charges of Tin: Commission Mkb- ' CHANTS. HV VT. II. HKXRY, Any man who will "look over North Carolina, and note her con dition, will see that she is on the verge of a financial crisis, and is' in a most distressed condition gene rally. Iet ns now consider her re sources, her present condition, the cause of that, - condition and the cure. livery cereal or grain, every spe cie's of grass, vevery leguminous llant, every lierry,- every fruit tree and every vine common to the temperate zone, together with ricp, ''"tobacco and cotton attain perfec tion in her soil. At the great Ex-. (Mtsitiou held at Atlanta, in 1881, - all the States of the South, and . many of the West, vied with each other in showing to the world their respective resources. In that grand exhibition, North Carolina was second to none. Her minerals were surpassed by no other State, either in quality oi numbers; her, d ispla y of d i Here n t species of woods excelled all others; !her cotton ranked with the. best, exempt the Sea Island; she Imre awto ' the palm on tobacco, and it was an old bag of North Carolina wheat, set ting almost unnoticed, by the door of that, mighty building, that won the premium. ! From the county of Nash, to the Tennessee line, her hills and moun tains are richly stored with miner als of all kinds,- especially aliouud ing in gold, copper,! iron of the finest quality, and mica; near the ocean are elements of nutrition for the soil, not found in other quarters, while in the waters ;of the Albe marle Sound and rivers tributary are facilities for,the most extensive Ashing industry in the world.' Her swamp lands, j situated in the counties jf the East, though they have long been ia source of great ptotit by reason of the cypress 'shingle trade, have never been suf tieiently appreciated. I ' It : is ' esti mated that at least j one million acres of these landsj capable of .producing 'ten barrels of corn to the acre, are till un tit ted for culti vation. Ii. productiveness and the susteneiiee they will afford to ani mal life," they are susceptible of le ing made the Egypt of the South. They are so rich,., ho well supplied with organic as well as inorganic matter, that they will wear as well as the liest bottom lands of Ar kansas and Texas. There are lands iu the County oi" Hyde, which have been cultivated for century, with out any apparant diminution of their fertility. I.aniU like these are more valuable than naval stores or mines of gold and silver. She has siitlieictit water power to run the united h oiiis of lieeds, Lowell. Manchester, nVw York and London: yet the sung it the spin die is heard . on ..but few of her streams and rivers. Eor sheep raising, tjic .mountain sides' and valleys of the West are as good as the Itest past me holds of Texas and Australia: yet ve export no wool." Almost all parjsof the State rtre-ennneeted by railroads, steam boats and telegraph hues; and, at last, the extreme Kast and West are united by a band lit, iron", which is "all that was needed to make j them one. If our farmers do not abandon their present mantierj ot '-plant iii all cotton." Ili4,- ...;li - . . . -- --- MHm lH, ,n .! .....- ... . 1 . ... I ......w.-s, ,,.n sau condition, as those of Tl 1 I., v ..I iiiuiaamt Jiilssia. Ireland is steeped in dires povertv, be-1 cause of the Mpiug tyranny to which slu has leen subjected, "There ;th( tenant lis an abnet slave, who. at the nol of a human Wing like himself, I may at my tinie Ik driven from his miserable mud cabin, a house ess, homeless. Carving wanderer; forbidden' fnhw.. r. '. J vxtent,.f .; Pluck the sintaneoi s fruits of the earth, or to trap a wild hat isfyhis hunirer. IlL . umch the . i- Q1 " ... ifm,,, ;llm ,ius. , t. " . ' . d. This is the effect bf hard, nit iless I misierly tyranny, I from winch ' T , mto the ! "ankGci; weaklier IV ' , But alas! the farmers of Xorth i prodini "the ? hl aroha are voluntarily bringing LonL i please, to ti-mselvesto a ewhat ,imiW vrherc J.ej conuamn, by their: -wild rooso t-hase after rnfrn.,1 i md see f audee ,. Look over the kr.Vr.. what it ha done and is doing to I light, . but- there ' is a chain pov- le:t upr!i e-mm-ssion mer dwarf her wealth and prevent her ; erty,whicli binds him hand and foot; i chants. They do business strictly progress. , (there i a diinireoii despair, into ujwn bnsiness principles,, and if the Our farmers have become so fas- whose depths he is plunged. farmers are simple enough to put einated by, and carried away with' There are commission merchants themselves in the position to be its cultivation, that they will not in North Caroliha who, a few years charged excessive prices, they may i.rodnce the necessaries of life, and f j 0thpr aitules rn-nir t requisite to their Pomfolt anj convenience, but rely upon other States from one thousand to fifteen hundred miles distant Their meat houses are m Illinois, their com cribs in Ohio, their wheat granaries in Indiana and on the plains of Colorado, their butter dai ries in New Jersey and New York. Their cotton '"goods are manufac tured in 'Massachusetts and else where; their coal and iron comes from Pennsylvania; all agricultural implements from the. North, horses and mules from Kentucky, and cat - tie, and beef from thevalleysof Vir-; ci nia. ' ' These articles before reachin them, pas's through the hand. of many different persons, each of; whom makes a living, and many, large fortunes, by the, "handling," as they term it. For these, to gether with its precious handling, the farmers have to pay, with the proceeds of cotton which sold at (I cents ier inmnd. Faiicy bulk meat at b" cents per pound, by the car load, and cotton at from 0 to U cents; corn at 1.25 per bushel, when it might be raised here at from 40 to'."0 cents. In 1882 eighty -six thousand tons of guano were sold in North Caro lina, principally for the cultivation of cotton, averaging 4." per ton, amounting to the sum of three mil lions, eight hundred and seventy thousand dollars. Four hundred thousand bales of cotton were prodaced, which, at 40 per bale, amounted to sixteen million dollars. ' We see from these figures that the guano used actually- cost al most one-fourth the proceeds of' the entire cotton crop. Now subtract the 3,870,000, Ex pended for guano, from the -?rc,-000,000, the. value of the cotton crop, ami we have remaining 12,-'i 130,000, which, if equally divided among' the 1,500,000 inhabitants of North Carolina, would only give to each the pitiful sum of eight dol lars and eight aiid two-thirds cents. Think of it! Why the inmates of the Insane Asylum are allowed $210, and the Penitentiary con victs 208 per year. Hut it will be said by some, that i the 12,lo0,000 are not equally di- i yided and, therefore, the above ar gument furnishes no reason tor the extreme scarcity of money in our I State: Ave answer that objection bv I n bv i the following proposition, Jto-wit: If 12,130,000 the proceed of the cotton crop remaining after de ducting the sum expended for fer tilizers, be about all the money in circulation in , North Corolina; and if it be true that said sum equally divided among the 1,500,000 in habitants, would give to each per son only eight, dollars and eight . u ' and two-thirds eents:-it is plain to ''! ' 1 1 any one that whetbri divided equallv or not. I the want and I scarcity must remain the same, lbrl if one man or men obtains more ! than hi or tliejr share, another or others must have less, or none. ! ...... .... , .... , , , W lth this twelve million dollar.-, i 1 , , , ' i me mi mors navo to pay on wages, j laise, mortgages, and discharge li si ..f .1... , .. " i ..... linn, (u- uir rim i n'- year, they have 110 money, and we will show, presently, where the greater partof it goes. Nature iutended every" man to be the father of four or five child. , . a 1 . . , , . : ren, at least; but how is he to sup-: ! ,i . port them, at-tho present prices' lot provisions in .Xorth (Carolina f i r, . . . . -. (it can. v totron uts him1 in one or two' very uupleasaut positions. Uei IIu,1lr',ls onv lanners are must either violate one of the fun-; haipy ,j' slt t,,H end of the year, damental rules of natural law and, thereby, incur th. wmtli if Cn,c; deprive himself of happiness,, and his State of. eitizeais, oi- he must observe that n,le, at the risk of! imposing misery upon his offspring, and pauperism (and hence, crime,) , upon his . community.. Ves, in J v.-..tut,! instances, coton has ; piaceu man in this cruel dilemnia. A bull yearling, that has not a chattel mortgage registered against him, would be as great a curiosity as juiuIki, the jiioiist4-r elephant; ...... ..o-s nave indeed become a wonder in the land. . .me weeks ago, a drove of these strange aui- uials passed through tlie streets of Raleigh, and, judging from i he : manner in wliich the citizens rushed to tho " windows . to 'gaze,'; and, anyone," not ' knowiiiir the i -cause'," would have thought Har mon s menagerie was parading. We may glory "' in the fact that North Oaivliiia- is the recognized I "home of the brave"; still, but we ' must deplore that one class of her citizens, and the lHst eia;s at that. Jire. fast surrendering their ritrht t. fl called "free," who are - fast sell- ing themselves i to the eommis- sum merchants of the cities towns ,,.,1 ,.:, , ' 'owns. and Milages, bv mortarrin"- their l inds .wi .. " " i X: CI LX. ,,po" "" ' --. ' UnT , " ' CiU1' 12 , "r"""'"1 an- ainor5 n any. man who, Huling to ln.,i-A .,i . ,. . ( -"-v KA1l IK 111 1 1 1 i Tr I. t-i-.-.. I . L1 i Mitc i "k J I' 1r0Weasf! rr. : -V , 1 We maUi , . . me iron I tT11.1 an1 the dung,n tJiat elu'ihT. 1 i ago, did not possess a foot of land, ! Thev now i ti.dv- t.nw own eiclit and ten i thousand acres, obtained by lore-- closing mortgages on men who, hamiiered hand and foot, flattered ; bv lieing credited, and paying from j .10 to To ier cent, for things they j ought to have raised ihemselyes. at the end of the 'year found that they were unable to meet their liabilities. The men from whom those land i were obtained were slaves to an j imperious necessity, created by f j themselves ; Those who occupy them now, as ; tenants, are no less -slaves, ltir ac- ; cording to the will of the merchant owners, thev must plant cotton, I and if they dare plant corn and j raise meat instead, the said mer-'j chants will neither furnish them supplies, nor allow them to cnlti- vate the land. Why! Premise it is essential to the continued'-aecumulation of wealth, lie' misled by the idea -that here is by these commission merchants, ; a fertilizer, ready made to our that the tenant; should plant cot- j hands, better and cheaper than any ton and not com, should buy meat I we can make." Acting under this from 'them' instead of raisingit, delusion, they allow.their farms to should .believe they are working for! grow up in weeds and briars, and themselves while, in fact, they are ' continueto pay such sums as three working for tne commission nier-, million, eight hundred and seven ty cl,sUit.' i thousand dollars for guano. When a man; has a mortgage on ; Aecordirg to the present system, your land, the legal title Is in him, j. a man who has one hundred acres and he owns it until you'raise that! of arable land, will plant ninety mortgage. ; ac-es iu cotton, and, perhaps, put All we need to make our State ; tin; remaining ten in corn, one of the first in the Union, in; t the end of the year, ,very wealth, as she already is in a 'dori- filo lnr of the proceeds of his cotton ous record, both in the Halls of Stale ! and on the field ot battle, is labor and -capital. ' ' , Thousands' "and hundreds of thousands of immigrants are an-; nually pouring into the ports of; New York. They scatter all over i the various States, North,Wcst and ! South; but lew s'ttle in North j Carolina; .Capitalist of the Noith! are lavishly investing millions of; dollars in different undertakings in other States, but few expend a dol to 1!0 barrels ot com, -u w ou lar in our State. . bushels of peas, potatoes in abund We have shown; her wonderful ; ance,3Q to 40 hogs, plenty ot milk, .... - .. ... - ii ,if liij iiwn lnnke: resources. u nv is it tnat mis labor and capital avoids her bor ders? . " ' Recause the immigrants, '--soon after landing, and the capitalists, know the distressed and poverty- stricken condition of North (f'aro- lina as well as we do, but, unlor- tunatelv. attribute it r natural causes, instead of the trim cause too much cotton, too little meat an and corn. Hundreds- and thousands of our best citizens are emigrating for the , same reason. Old men w ith their i families, and 'vouiiir men who could : do 'so much fortlieir noor old inoMin if there were any encouragement , for them to remain; but no, they go ! to give their brains and labor to i the service of other States, where cotton is not grown to the extent f Idi-btiii- all advnneement ;.nd j . prosperity The 'cultivation of rot t on to tlu- scliioii of the neeessanes of hie, whlch we could luodiu-e 111 great idmiulant e and at sneh small cost, is a violation; of one of the fumbunen- tal principles of political economv; ... . . , . , : which is the Science which teaches vws by wlncli the consumption nI lWMluction ol national wealth I BiHiuui muniiHi. i.ciiaiige is . 111 1 i. , . - 1 ono of tbo ihtvjv fn-o.if- iiiv-iviiwis: .ifi : this science, and is that agency by ! which a State or Nation is enabled to obtain from another or other; 1 f l nun lf lilat; U'liinli if- ijiI4 ;.,in iu III an " un II II,, fill" . , , , I, not produce, or which the other or .. . . . .. . 1 1 lliey h&vv 11 ,,arV' llit leit Aim many of our commission merchants are like unto the rajahs; j thev who commenced business, but i Q liiii- vu.ifc , (,., iritli Tint tlui M " a thousand or two dollars capital, ; UOw live in costlv -mansions, luxii-: lumsu- tumished. and roll along rlie Greets in ( aniages of the tin- est mailfs,ctncb. drawn by horses of the lest blood, while the farm its" .hildren un1 crying- aroued .", their knees for a crust of bread. One of the best signs by which- :to j,uigo the condition of the farm ,.ra? is to note that (.,,auts. If the lattei of the mel iire doing a a large and prosperous business, the farmers are. likewise prosperous,- but if, on the other hand, not a daj passes but brings the news of another mercantile crash, we may ; know the farmers arc ih a poverty stricken condition. . Never before, ni tlie" history of North Carolina, have there been so niany failures in business. Seven or eight in Raleigh -within tlie last; few months, and news from others in all directions daily. . Visit the machine shops, thohoe ; shops, the mills, the 'dry. ' goods ; ?toresf the hardware stores, the' , . , 1 t.rocke, v stores, the -rocerv stores . , i , "i.s (not commission) and tlie offices of 77 " stsignant, and from i all over the laul ; Wmes tile cry of want and suffering. Amid the scene of de pressiou, desperation and disaster, those who sell guano at f 40 per ton, wneu it cost them only 27. and A ' . a wv'txi ior it) ceiiis er pound for flourish as the S" h ee." Versing Avith an intelligent Baltimore reliant, recently, he remarked, -North Carolina is a big State, and has' a big name, but O, there are so many breaks! Are not your tanners very poor! 1,1 this article we do not wish to be understood as reflating in th 'expect to be so charged, and will have oulv themselves to censnrej for their folly We have shown the resources ot j North Carolina, her present 'de-j pressiou financially and industri-j ally, and the principal cause of that j depression. It only remains, to recommend j the cure, which was necessarily ; suggested in stating the cause.! This can be, done iu one sentence, We must raise corn, meat, and i all other articles we have been purchasing from the-West, here at home, and ilanf cotton only as a surplu or extra crop, In addition to this, we must make our fertilizers, by manipulating the decayed accumulations in lence corners, cleaning off ditch' embank- i ments, - composting muck, straw, ashes, lime, stable .manure, and other ingredients. ; The fanners allow themselves to j cr(p goes into the pockets ot others s we have shown, and he has nothing but a little corn left, no meat, no sugar, no coffee, no flour and no money. Whereas, if he his own meat, plant the ninety acres in corn, wheat, ieas; potatoes, &c, and then, if possible, cultivate the other ten in cotton as an extra or surplus, crop;! on the 2."th day ot Deceiulier he would nave noui i,o u .um miu,v, , would be free from the blierin s hammer-and the commission mer chant, with ,the cotton raised on the' ten acres, could buy his sugar, cotl'ee and clothing, aud still have something left. If the farmers of North Carolina adopt this latter course, "Instead of the thorn shall come ! up the lirnee, aim iriMcan m- briar shall come up the myrtle. ; "And thev shall build houses! and inhabit them, and ! they shall I plant vineyards, and eat the fruit j thereof. They shall not build an d , another inhabit them; they shall not plant and another eat." j Isaiah.' We know there is a certain class j of persons who will condemn this! article, but as they will uo so irom self-interest alone, we t are nothing i- . 11.. :.. .1: .1. v.. u,. 1... for their disapprobation. We have written it at the request of promi nent farmers, and it is intended for the masses; if they are awak. ened. by anything we may have said herein, to an understanding oi their true condition, and will begin to apply the remedy, our object will have been fully accomplished Farmers, whv should you not throw off the shackles with which yon nave oonno ami stir mi oum- . , - i 1.:,. 1 in' voui'selve's. and follow the course suggested! "Why hesitate? You are full bearded men. With C.k1 implanted will, and courage if Ye dure but show it. -Never yet was wffl 'Hut found some way of means to work it out, Xor e'er did Fortune frown on hira who dared. Shall we, in presence of this previous wronjr. In this supremest moment of all time. Stand trembling, cowering, when with one bold stroke. These groaning thousainhs might be ever free?" MISCELLANEO US DABBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Aqrflcle for CnlTersal For Scarlet and Typhoid 'eTer. IMphtheria, Sali Tatlon, Ul. rrated Sor Throat. Smal 1 Pox, Mfasli-v and .l Contagion IHear. ! crsons waiting on t.lC blCk Shuulj USe It treelv. Scari.I Frvrr never been known to spr-.-a'd where the Fluid was used. - Yellow Fever Ken cured with it after black Tomit had taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria vielu to it. Fevered an-J Sick Per- SMALL-POX and PITTING of Small Pox PREVENTED A member of my fam ily was taken with Small-pox. 1 used Ihe Fluid': the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house again in three weeks, and no others had it. J. W. Park- - on refreshed and fieri Sores prevent ed by bathing with larbys Fluid. Impure Air made harmless and puritiJ. For Sore Throat it is a sure cure. Contagion destroyed. For Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Plies. Chafing, etc. Khenmatlsin cured Soft White Complex ions secured by its use. Ship Fever pyy-ented. To purify the Breath. Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. ' Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. llurnsrelievediastantly. Scars prevented. , Iyentery cored. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. ihson, Philadelphia. The physicians here use Oarbys Fluid very successfully in the treat rnent of Diphtheria. A. Stollrnwkrck, Greensboro, Ala. Tttr dried up. Cholera prevented. cur present affliction with tlcr purified and Scarlet Fever, with de- healed, eided advantage. - It is r In cases of Death it indispensable to the sick- s should be used about room. Wm. F. Sank- the corpse it will ford, Eyrie, Ala. t prevent any unpleas I used tne r luid during ant smeu. The eminent Phv nician, J. MARIOJf SIMS, M. D., Kew 1'ork, tan: "I am coninced lrof Darbj-s Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." Vanderbilt VnlrsltT, Nashville. Tenn. 1 testify to the cHt excellent qua.itics of Pro.' Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a dis.ectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practic! v superior to any preparation with whkh I am ac quainted. N. T. Li ptos, Prof. Chemiitr-.-. Darbys Fluid is Recommended bv Hen. Alexander H. Stephfvs ni SteN; DEt- t, D" ihe Jos. IC. -xts. Columbia. Prf. . fni versiiy . 5 Kev. A J. I attle, IVf . Mercer I nivrrsity; Rev. Geo. I. Piekce. Bishop M. E. Church. 1IlIiEI-XSuABK TO rVEKT HOME. ferlcctly harmless. Used internally or tu r, "t','r fe-r or Hcast. Ine Huid has been thoroughly tested, and we have aburnt evidence that it has done evervthinK here dauned. For fuller information get at your iigpst a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, . "J. II ZEILES & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PH1LADELPHI Zradicates I 1 Diphtheria I Prevented. I Scarlet "r"e OTICE. THE CXOEKSIGXED HAVE THIS DAY formed a co-partnership for the purpose of carrying on business under the stylo land firm ot C A. ourur i Bra, January 1st. 1m. C A TOrVB w.b.'tx: MISQELLANEO US. i u imoi t " 1 1 3 its6A JI3 M1 3Til0a V S1N30 UJIJ tnitd pom wqD X!iKX4 wqio Il pu V saiiaxswai iaia SK3 tsMiiO$ -SklVHJt UX ITOAS ASiat ioaHi3aos SHDYHICOltHDmaH "JUJTra 'o6quin- 'eoijeps KSIXYKiaUJI A03W3U NVWU3aiV3aD3Hl 10HN CLARK, JR. a GO'S BEST S i X - C O R 2D , FOR Machine or Hand Use :0: THOMAS RUdSEI.L- CO. SOLE AGENTS F(K 8ALEBY Hines, Hadley & WILSON. N. C. Kler & Aiersoi, Bl'ILDEUS A CO.lTItAt TOItN Work of any descriqtion in our line done nicely and with dispatch. We respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. 1 inch .3 in ? POUTZ'O HQ3QE AND CATTLE POWDERS 2.. i F0UTZ Hoksk will fife of Cone, nr I.n pkr. :f FiiKUtV rowficrs fin- t -cd in t):-'-, I'ViiiIt'S tVi ' :'1I ;lf(,l1":i-i : lit (.; i. Vts-T"' !'0'i''M IVilT j.-'-e'i! Ii.r- ( I r.MiJ'- V'-v-.N-i-s will in t-i - " V 'o nfpnt'ry p it'l'l -l-'':'Ui E'- t-isty nor ;i:.d K.;.kr 1. v !'cM Ul' t sv ri f i'.UI'""i ''-.n'-iiTS vi'l cii-p fp prevent jihi'fwt Ts; a- t w:i?.-;i 1 h. ;'jt - ;!!!' ir ' - Jol I cvrryn iiiTc '. k n a . : DAVir r. riTJTC. Proprietor. . lALTjor.!-, atD. T ANNKR& DEL,VNE ENGINE CO., srccKssoHS to. WM E. TANNER & (.'(). fTH, 7TH, AM) ('ANALi STHVl'T 1 Kt'' 1 RICHMOND. Va. Manufacturers of STATIONARY, PORT A RLE ANi LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, BOILERS, SAWMILLS, CASTINGS, &c T . ; ii-.iMiig reuuiu our .unctune onops which were destroyed bv tire I l th i Novemper last and equipped them j with the most improved tools, we ; are prepared to furnish Machinery j of the same high grade heretofore I built by Wm. K. Tanner & Co. Farming aud Saw Mill Engines ; are Specialties with us. Send in your orders as far in ad vance of your wants as passible: .Wm. E. TANNER, Pres. Alex. DELANEY, Sujit, REPAI R W'OIJ K SOL I CI T K I ) AND PROMPTLY D0XE. Send for illustrated catalogues, . ; which are burnished free. - i 'H'Wheii In need of tho Ix'st machinery on the market call on Bynum. Hank-1 Co.. Aats. i Wilson. X.C. n-ly NOTICE. 1 lie hrin assets of the late (Irif- im-m.nuis o,,e ,aie in ,v Murray rue been assigned to intnn trust to oav the debts of I. ' the concern. T ukp,1 ;n Those indebted will take notice that immediate settle-- Anient must lie made.' In my ab-j t sence parties may confer with Mr. .1. A. Tynes, who'lias the books and j pajters and authorized to make set ; tletnent. IiLOLXT, Trustee. feb'.ttf BI"Y-AJISr HOUSE, ; TAKBORO, X. C. , A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. eial travelers. II I TTX- X- je9-Iy Proprietor. 5 S. ALSO P, W ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, j Offices Enfield and Iiattleboro, X. C. i Practices in the eountsis of Halifax, r .laUf auu lit im; Supreme and Federal Oonrts. Will be atBattleboroon Fridays and Sat urdays and on other days at Enfield. nayS-lyj t H 2 i -2 -x b. "LF i ' j ". i. ii i - j "X 2 " O D Branny ' 3! J. G. RE ID SuoewtsoT to George Iloia, j HAY, CORN, OaTS, KILL FEED Peas, &e. i Sell Oats a Specialty. 12 Water Strtt't. Norfolk, Va. sep-g-6m B. F. MITCHELL & SON COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the (sale of CORN, BACOS AXD OTHER MERCHANDISE. AND PKOPBIETORS OF THE .Merchant Flour & Grist ..Mills -tKAI.ERS IS- PEANUTS, GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, HAY, &C. Consifrnraents of Com.'Cotton. Naval Storqg and otlurr Murvhandiso I Siiliciu-U. Hig-ht-st I'riccs obtaiiutl.' No. 9 axd 10 N.JWater Street. AVlLMINGTON, N. C. 1 cTSeRYVB I IW. PINE & WALNUT MANTELS, GEORGE 0. STEVENS No. 49 Light Street, O r I I ffinHE. FARMER & BUNN, Tartxiro" Strott, Wilson, X. C. PTWE KUEP COXSTAXTLY. OX HAXI) a full line of choice Groceries ami Confection eries Whfck f are Selling Clieap. Mr. John X. Wester, of Franklin, is with the firm and will be glad to see friends. Give us a call. decl-am DAVIS & GILES ATTORNEYS AXD COUXSELLOKS AT LAW, NASHVILLE, X. C. . j Hon. J. J. Davis of Louisbuix has formed a partnership with E. S. F. Giles for the practice ! of law in Nash County. Mr. Davis will attemL i the reg-ular terms of Nash Superior Court, i sep8-l y CTe 'Young's P. P. rl:isses" and save eyesight. J. T. Young & Bro. KKAl.KK IX FINK BATCHES, DIAMONDS. ' : JEWELRY. SILVER WAIWO Manufacturer of kinds of i Plain Cold JewclryJIiajs, Cadges.&c; " Ttic best 810, castor, and .",00 clock , ever sold. American wntciie at t lie lowest j prices. Solid ; silver spoons, forks Ac, j cheaper limn ever. Your orders arc s I iicit-ed and will be prompt! v artended by J. T. YOUNG 1! KO. I Pkteusf.i no. Va. ' Mlh "7!).-tl nmm HOME FOILS When They fan do as well For You. HUGH F. MUUKAYKepresentathclarfrcst, cheapest a, safest and oldest Kegular Life In snranoe Company doiiif? business in Wilson. (Jive him your businesandihe will spend his money here ainonir you. nmrl"-tf ' CONNOR & WOODARD, ATTORNEY AT Uff. , WILSON. S C. 'CFCireuit, Wilson, Wayne.' Edge combo, .Green, Pitt and Nas Counties. ' Mav 5, lv DEAT.KR IN ' MAfiRLE MOMSEMS. IIEADSTOXES, TOM II. XOS. 118 AXD EAST CHUKCH ST., ' (O St. Paul's Church.) N O F'O L K . V A. . :o: ' WD? CF STONE WORK EXECUTEH. Zrr AlHirders Promptly Killed anij, Satis-'-linn (Guaranteed. -j r oetl3-12tn 13onit3 Hotel- CoMsboro, X. C, WM. IJONITZ, Proprietor. My hotel is now ready to .accommodate the Travelling Public with first-class rooms and lame Tare : travellers. tame fare. Sample rooms for .'commercial . nov-'-M-ly W H O L H SALE LIQUOR DEALER RECTIFIERS Keeps constantly on hanil thu following, brands: Whiskeys John Gibson, Cure Ity AVhiskoy. Harris' Pure Kye 4 years oM, M Vernon Hyc, Kentuekcy Kye. Importers o Kinti-Wincs, ( Jin and FRENCH BRANDIES: Satisfaetirm (iuaranteed. Fnmi two to thro thousand Itarrolsof Whiskey on hand at Ml and at seps-6iu. times, Ivitlrdl Springs FEMALK IIlOJI SfOOLI. KITTREEL, Ts'okth ('akolixa. Sjuiiig session begins .Ian uarv 4th. is,). - l.oard, tuition and In strnnicnlal music, not to exceed' lrfJiu. Send for Circular ' " - W . S. IlAl'Nr.S, Prin. RICHMOND 1. r. ,. , PJSINTERS' WAKEHOTJSEJ ISook. News and .Job Type Cvl . , inder, .lob and Hand Presses, Cah- hlet. Cas(,, StaillR' Inks. Uglier (position &. 1 ..... , l l ..... i i u. n. i r.L.-i .-ym. liichniond. V 7 EThe tyiHMin which this pajer is j Prided wa cast at the Toundry of .11. L. Pelouze Son. niay.lly - WHOLESALE Liquor Dealer, Xo. 2i Roanoke Square, N'orfolk, Vt T"ORDER!? PROSIITI.Y ATTETOFDTO ST SATISFACTIOS GI A KASTEED. M?p24m ri X l X O ROOM s , Near Railroad Depet, EXFIELD, X.C, S:t.M. nnl ... . I I T.r V. PeBreakfiist. Board by the 'Day or Month. Prices very reasonable itespecttulfy, RIDDICK BURNETT, mayi-lyg Prepriater. j soitii-6inos l 14 1k tunui KiElW UlEiViElLlBiTl ST0R;E. TAYLOr' R B BYNUM 1 WHOLESALE DEALERS - ! Watchmaker axd Jkweleh, ! Moye i Nalal' OU Stand, Tartxiro StV Is now opening a choice stock ofj Jewelry of every description which i has just been purchased in North -. ' j eru Markets at the lowest hTi Ires, and which will be sold low, Call i anl examineiny stock and 1 .'guar-. antee to please, you; sei)20-tf. , - R. 15. I1YNUM. For Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Biilcus Attacks, Headache, Cos tiveness, and all Diseases of tha Liver and Stomach. VHE DECIDFDI.T IHEMOST POTENT REMEDY THAT CAN' BE l'SU). Tt t nrt rtTi inoviratin? ?.rvftrt?' ftr.d rorfalnlT voul.l nt-vt-r Ik; fcs.-i as a pl.-i.saui .u!.;.t;tutp ltrni ruholic stiniaicnt Mit it is tru! u Family Medicine, w hirh hfis Iw.'ii u"i for titanv vrii t.v rse nuinber.i eCenr citizi'i.s vi; ,i the uiwl u!ifmi- mg Mieeriv) in all toe iti'mi kthiu. Iryiu 25 Centa a-Faper or fl.OO a Bottle. IV 91. K. TIIOIiXTOX, lroprlrlor EAltimore. Marvi ' l5S,5l' f TT :,'?ARiIft TE3 We will not vceary you witl statistics telling how IJESSRS. - MAKE THEIE ! BEST Mm SPOOL COTTON Or how rnucb they make daily, neither will we. presume to give an' opinion as to its quality. It is mbro important for you to find, out: Whether save you time and annoyance? Whether it wiU run on- yo : 'Mwo mi the thread, is strong and will wiuif iriiictuue r wnetner l: r) colors - will match all the .ashionahle' shades, and. work ?79ll on aiik goods ? The only possible way to iiiive at the truth is to USE THE THREAD I0SBSELF ! feu will then knW why it is called ''". 3TV nnriTi rmrvrvr nnmmnn -uunu ruui, uui iua TOU CAN BUY IT OP: ATKINSON & WARREN, Cor.. Nash 'and Goldboro Street. - ALSO JAMES T.WIGGINS WILSON, N C. R. W. JOYNEK, j jpsylfas jerinanentl hk-ated in Wilson, N. C All opperations- vil. do neatly and carefully performed. -and on terms as rerisouahle us pos sible. Teeth extracted withoiib i.-nn. nice l arljoro Post office. street- next to fJiin : lm. FRENCH'S Superor Cologne, ! is a fragrant and lasting perfume for the toilet and handkerchief, 2;etsa vial. ' . FBENOH'fa . jjVirginiaTonic Bitter; cures Dyspepsia, Chills anil Fever and all disorders, of the -liver and. stoin ach, f0 cents per bottle. FRENCH'S Mixtirs ? "py" t(.' t'r; lian heH,( holcTa Morbus Pains and Crumps h: the toruaclj, J.cent. a vial. : FRENCH'S ARNICA LINIMENT! i the-bes-t for Hliurnatism, Xeura! gia'y Headache,Pains,Hruises,A-c., jO cents per bottle. ' ' FRENCH IndiaRubberCemeni The bet in theworld for inejuliii? broken Furniture, .Toy, Wood- " ware, le. Priw i'." cents a vial. Manufactured only by WM. E. FRENCH. ' li..." ft- f)i"'iyjit. . t:l-.l.' tr... tf IV;. r-Snrf, . Af f-nt for Lavrr-n( i Mttrtsn'!? Ti IH" l K and KYE and POWEL'S PiiEPAUKOt JIEMI CALP for mak-in?ffrtilizer. mvhl4-ly ' WM. E. FItENCII. ' YX- - AND .. ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS IDXJi?' UJrt & OO. - North Howard .t., Baltimore. N ire Railing for Cemeteries. ' ' con ies;Vindow Guards, Tree Guards Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders. Cashes. Sand and Coal Screens, Iron Bed steads, Chairs, Settees, Ac. HA ROW A R CO RNEHMAIN ST., AND MARKET SQl'ARK. ii - j i (THE 11111)11.1) . HIHtiB Tliee gins have cilice 1843. .Jsev lnents have re made, and they versally p r li ve ry best in the great has "been that for the past fij; mis ueen impos- tert it. rordescrip terms, c, 110 UJSTEE BroA SUUIBEIY UP WITH THE HIS Fmit Drvers, CiderMilb, Apple ! and Peacb Parers, the Skinner w Engines, the Birdsall, the Paxt on ! and Kriebel Engines, the Hall, tho c Carver, the Van Winkle, and T Centennial Cotton Gins.l ; Tlic ' Clark Seeil Cotton (MeanuiM Cottim Seeil JSlills, Horse Powers, ' Feed Cutters, Belting, Cane Mills, the ''Queen of the South" and the Moore Countv - ' Portable Grain Mills, Saw Mills, the Ac me, the Thomas, the Iron Age and the Jfeiiier narrows . Grain Drills, Water. Trucks, Swing Churns '' Cultivators,One and Two Horse Knling v.,.,1 Walking Jfoad Machines, Pumps, Mill Fixtures, Horse Powers ' I SWrito us i'or Circulers Address, L. L. ! To'-show the finest Lin Winter that has ever been in bt WQ Y1 J1"8 f ent 11 Ues! und ttota'R Ll,sh and I rench orrtea Porein and l omcstics, (Las snnercs. Blue ; Middlesex,.. Oxford Meltons. KWant !iue of goods for Overcoats Fine work; Fine Trimming, ami prices reasonable. Give us acall. Respectfully, Greenwood & Belsmeyer Coniniission Morcliant, 1 ' i ' 1 . . - I 1 40 Pea rl Sti'eet, Liberal advances made on coiisignm nts of Cotton, Naval an l Southern Produce. - j '; Executes orders for the purchase and sale of Future, contracts in t Cotton and Produce Exchanges. j .Jny- 133 DEALER IN Sashes, Doors and Blinds. Mouldings, Brackets, Stair Rails, MeweU. Bnilder Hurdware.Paints. Oils Glass Putty and Building Material of every Dsscnptio Nos. H W. Side Market -Square S19 Roanoke Ave., NOUFOLA i K NE11AL. A( KNT Wadswortn, Martie & Logma's jPjlt& Prepared. T?.ea.ciy-3VIi2cec3. IHP0STA1T NOTICE To (lie PnriiM;rs of Norlh Carolina. Iu order that our planting friends throughout the State may )'m' abled to .procure' and use BauRlrs liaw Pone Phosphate, Pnre Dissoh r 1 IJaw Pones and other oh established brands of our make, we are sellt:ii tlieiu direct to farmers of North Carolina, for Cash, at Wholesale Pi ice.-. When they order directly of us we ship the goods, and as they af iMiught for coiisuinpI;o;i,'the law i nut violated. This .irin?;. to Fai: niers and PlanU rs is very cousider;ible. and by their clubbing together and buying in quantity, there is also a great saving in freight, there fore send to us for prices, and send your orders direct to lis for our Fer tilizers and you will get them without any middle profit and at: lowest charges for freight. Send for Descriptive Circular giving prices of "i standard brands, with instructions for making home-made ' Fertilizers.-" Call on or address . . BAUG-H &c sonsrs ,m 10.' South Street. liALTIMORJv, MP J - t OTICE. el a co-partnership for th4 practice of, I M MM ilP BEAUTIFUL medicine in the town of Wilson audi I II.M I SAFE, and adjoining country. Returningthanks; B Ifi E B tr i a nLE. to their patrons for their liberal pat-, fm I W H 1 R fe r I A B . ronage, they solicit a continuance of success echiered br the n eo " ; thesame. Office on Nash Street op-, oiu nui.ia by the ked-6-oii.mji -IKisite the Court House lately occu-i . to., of fentiawc, hu indocod tm. piedby Jas. S.Woodard, Esq., where' C5 ET THE GENUINE one, or both may be always found it is made ofthebt selected ruie ,!;-"--. whpn not rrofpf.ionalIr enMl?ed ; SrlinUyusc, lthaneverbon knowni.'s, , W lien noi proiclonAll eilRiteu. S an awident, and hence cn lentnin . i C. C. PEACOCK, M. D., ' iwc-of anynrfmberor the bouw hold. I"1";1; f W. S. AJS DERSON, M E CUTL E R Y NORFOLK, V'IRGINI A. - - " March I Oth, (5 COMrLMK. been in u eral improve, cently bee u are now 1214. nounced t h e market. S,, the demand two seasons it sible to supply tion, circulars, Address -BARNES &ICO f II -:o: and-Prices. It will Pay you. Try . POLK CO., ti - raleiqh, asr. c. of Piece Goods lor Kali ami Wilson, consistiic of .the lat- . New Vor k A PERFECT LIGHT D.' '"' purewhiw and brilllani inam-. t Cotton Gin Emm SUE 1 I I L t t as Laini-. V jhat BE. KW ! J .n ? IZ.-ly. I'iiu t uwd in anjr S stuttttifvr r it, .

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