x Advance. h -23, l ss!;. :j Yosr ' Sabscription hi- Ajnil 'ict foooh.s awl (it sin' 11 it I IS ' Ollf in- ail lijioii ti ll, mil- .SLtb.sri i- I, ! S I'fOJIl'' 'oni'ti il 1IOII I - I I ' - I '11 '1 mi'l ). Hi-Ill). M t' ..Slain in r .in ''if to ciii'j iK-Un- in ills irliirli '' .shall do niiuiiitiii ifiirs.s , tin' in one .i 1 - is in t ',A-'lt'ill i " 'ii ii H-'t '' ' sl 'ii'liui; is frit irillt tc A petition lias 1 m forwarded to following i the 'substance of the I masquerade iall which will come I he l'o-dma.-der (k'lieral to open a Tacts elided: ofl next ednetutay night. They .n-w Star llonte lrou Earp-Wo to Lem B.iriuV came to Mr. Tom-. anticipate a very nice time. Wilon. Thfpctijil.' mi this liiie i Hnson's Ikmim? atr dat k Safur- J . Mr. Jake A vera trial came off ;uc t-ii'iii Iv (Ii--ti!iitc of mail f.fili- ; ia.v evening and commenced qnar- j in Goldsboro yesterday; he was tics !;! we' hone the propose. I . ' entity witu.ur. ltjimiuMiii u un-;vnaini ui nu'immu. urni luui ue '.! illfe Will be iiivcll tiiell). - rn or. . iinil in--'I it lion IroiH- till irho 'irt u-ili ,h d fl'i'.s ihiti I'.-v.TH IVgVani.of thi place, mivs the Winst..ti iL-aderiT . re cently killed a hhv ten. vears-old; she weigln d 12 id ioiind, and was the mother of 2S piS dining her rite.-! iiin-. From tlii was l ealiZt il "Hi ' (! pork. Tin Slate, lion! of Education u ill"' meet at 'tin Wd Yl -ek in. i nu m smt i here i",000. pounds ng one of the mules he had been has been arretted again aud was working to haul f dder. Letu. j tried tins evening before Coin cui sed and abused Mr. Tomlinou i missiouer Pender of Tarboro. lie and was ordered to leave the yard, ' was arrested to te tried on a more when he picked up a piece of plank j comprehensive warrant. lie was and advanced on Mr. Toinl.nsoiij j again acquitted, who went into his house and got! -We came uear having a fire his gnu and loaded it. He their nere Monday. - The barber shop MISCELLANEO US. Executive office on j lav, me -i ii ;i i. M.. to arange for, t!ie nor went to his lot with a basket of corn, ai lying his gun with him, to feed his horses, hem, lie fore Mr. Toinl.iisnji came out of tlie ri ,l:.r...l t.im In innu onf .tiv l.i!'' he would kill-any white maiiiwas sM)n extinguished 1 si h i.l-. :'"! .ss;;. '1 !ll!lt Aciv 4Iv , r A , i at- - to r ri Miti. Vi.nnif i Hn. V- .raw -V Niirt't N, ,h-- S. It- M ..r : ' - y " : I T .t.t . I'- it ltd II'.' tit nrri'ii -.v v. I'tiseiilciilH. ie one fbr ,,- 'f lif' ' liioll"! th:s section of the State will doubt less he held in W jlson again. The d.vid.ng I n- "betweiHi the In -a fie 'Asylum atT.alcigh, and the A-.liun t MoVgiiitoii. .vim s froui lie- V.irg ii.ia line s..uth with west eiii boiiiMriiy lines of IiK-kiu'gham, (Iiiilford. lt in loI-.li. Montgomery an Ii:iiinoiid toitlilies to the H(,nlh ( ',ii-i!i n;- line- Mr.r.W. :!an-ies s ivs that on lii recein trip out YvVst he met a regrdar old fashioned Southern democrat.- IU' is a member of the legislature and is named lilack hurii a good detnoeraticr name" (Jo where you will youMvill find Southern democrats- and there a re no better men au Where! IfTailioro can't iio.ist of a cotton factory, says the Guiih, she glorie m the possession. of more babies to her size and business strength than .utv town in the Slate. J)ont be too cert tin,. Brother Earths Wi! frintf. Dewey ii i ''. ,elsM;eyer aml restaurant caught on fire from the stove piie. When first the fire was discovered the flames was breaking through the roof. The shingles was torn off aud the fire is been in opci- Edwanl LToods The b aiitil'r.l snow. To -dav is (.nod Krid y pi:.t Hii-'ciioi-ioiiit (. .iolt tlii eek. 'I I. , l. n 'e law is mow ii' i in ' i (' lit' county S. .M. .men ano n i i i v t "on'- Xoii h to liiJ Mr. E. Thoiiibufg is 'opening; a, lia!.'-i :'.t i la: grave's old stand. tlivene Superior ("oil t April 2nd. The Al)V ANCK will be represented. V.- are glad -to -see Mr. M . T M o ont 'again "after hi recent, ,11 e.s. - : ; . .... . The Sle.-hliohlers of tlx; Hocky Mo-nit I'lirwUl meet i i that .l,n e In .'iiol lo.V. H yatt's old tin shop has been , moved from the head ol'.Taiboro M r.-et, whereof we are glad. : Snow Hill, it. "is rumored, will Vo 111 have a telegraphic. e(iiniiiuni catiori with t la1 outside world. Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Wiggins have returned from. Florid'i highly, ph ased -.iili tin; flowery land. ; 'Dr. Ilnil'h nit is carrying on a re iii En field. sen has one Cotton -Factory, and as Jo the b bies we count ej by the hindieiVs. Cvorg-- 1'armer and Alice Page, vi v d of much interest Twenty have processed Mr. How. Ii Wh'itehe our townsman. 11. ti. Esq:, have ni ivi' Pwith to -Wilson.' conversion. id. lather of AVliitehead, his family llest Ii iviiig tailed: to 'comply Willi the r .'lirenients .lohn (l.it ling, INq.. will take charge of the Midland load .ispeceiyer. m has ibeen inviied address) at the im ( 'onteder ate nionu- Senator Ifan to deliver I lie veiling of I lie birth colored, were, tiieil ednes day beioreT 'Inst ices Mercer and TUrnes for .stealing bed clothing, .K:c.. fio'ti Dr. X. Anderson. The woman was put in jail in default bf "ivitv ii s'.o i linii!l and i amer en tered into a bond of sAJOO for his ripi'eaniiice'af t!ie Inferior Court.- Dr. X. Anderson's many friends ': will -be.gj-ad to kit ov: that he ha returneil tVom New York, where he spent M-veial weeks in takiiiiT ; special courses in medicine, and that he is now engaged as a pracs tising physician. He will ihave his headquarters at HargraVe's drug s!re mi lil he can have an olliee lit led up. About i his season of tlie'vear . man v o.-oi'i'e are asking what is it ! that detenu ines the date of Easter The answer is that it is the moon of .March, which Tennyson calls j "the roar ing moon of daffodils." The old rule, is that Easter shall i fall on the Sunday after the full : moon which comes alter the vernal equinox. ''That brings Easter this Near on the LTdli of March. In ISIS who would come in the road" Lein followed Mr- 'jToiiilinsbii, pass ed the lot and jveiit up the road and stayed a few muiutes. He then came back with a fence rail on his shoulder, and stopped at the iiou-e lot ana began talking with Mr. James H. Morris, who begged r.em to go home. lj m said I un der t uid Mr. Toinlinson . says he wishes "all the d n negroes ": were deft. I and ill hell. If he ever tells me, so I mean (okill thed n scoun drel.'' 'Mr. foiulinsou 'hen said, Leiu. I don't know what I have said, but I do wish you were there." Xo somier had he said it than Lem made for him wi'.h a fence rail and began to strike at him, saving, 'God damn you; I mean to kill you his tinle." He continued to strike at Mr. Tomliiisun and hit Mr. Moi ris who was trying to ward offriif i cks. ' Heontinued to advance on Mr. Tomlinson striking at him, and hen Mr. Toinliu ;on raised hisshot gun and shot him. After he was hot he struck at Mr; Tomliiison twice He lived -about an hour. The Justice after hearing the 'evi dence hound Mr. loinlinsoii over to court under bond of $50-), with M i. Atkinson, E. Uarnes Jr. H. G. Whitehead, T. J Toiulinsou and It suretii.'s. Since my last (lardn.er, James D. Tomlinson as irillTLlKEliS. letter to you the The protracted meeting at the Methodist, church is still in. pro: gress. Several hive professed c n version. ' Mr. Lou Sumner is quite sick with pneumonia; hope ere long he will b well ag. in. The spring goods are coming in and there is not quite so much loaf ing as there has been. The Bishop preaches here to morrow. There will le quite a large congregation out to hear him. The stockholders of the Fair will meet to morrow. Will write again. Seabrook. SEND. YOUli OKDEKS to " McCrai & Hnrney, FOIi GINGEK ALE, SAUSA PARILLA, AND LEMON POP, The nicest Spring and Summer Irinkgoinc. Thev are manufactu rers of that drink, and they guaran tee their prices and goods. mar23tf WILSON, X. C. DECORATE YODR HOMES. Yj. II. Dewev informs the people of Wilson and vicinity that he will remain here for several months, and is ready at all tinies to give esti mates fot, and do, all kinds of FRESCO AND Work, Sign Painting, Paper Hanging, &b. He has secured the services of Mr. R. S. Waller, an ex perienced art Grainer, and is pre pared to fiuisli your work in first class style, llefers to Messrs. F. W.Barujss, President Wilson Bank, A. Branch,' Esq., J. K, tlarfe, bee. ct Treas. Wilson Cotton Mills, and' G. iTIAUHICD. In Manning' township Nash county, Thursday March 1st., Mt, G. C. JJ.irb.-e to Miss Leouia S. Floyd, daughter of W. I). Floyd, Ii. C. Dixon E-o ofliciating. W. join their many friends in con gratulations. DIEU. on I In- inent at (!o!d,bnroMa' 101 h. Mrs. Vi-giaia Sharp, the new P st Mistress, took charge of the po tollice Monday. if is for the present in t!ie same building. I'.ishop Lyman will preach in the Episcopal church Sunday, morning and night. At night it fell eai lit- fall. on that date ag or t dale possible. the. following ce tgilli it lirVi. March the It. will not in. this or lniaisier the tioii. -Mi he will ad i iliiiance if conlirnia- ,,;t t Nwinsoii, a very p. oinisiiig. and useful young man died very -suddenly at Oi l Sji irt i Eig'coii.re count', -oilie'dav list ce . Mr. A. P. S; in - s.ni is stuck of gcin rd nie.rt Felto'i v'v Si-arluiroiigh' iiiii'tinig a.; hande e tt ! s old stand. His advertisement will appear next 'Week. -' ' . - j ; Some Wilson iiion iItw 11o in the bouisian i L tter'. jYe. are sorry bee a use it will cause nianv others Mr. Avera Acqaiited ; The case of. the State vs; Jacob Avera. charged with robbing the inails at IJoyky. Mount was tried before I'. S. Coinmiss'oner (.'ogdell in (lohUboro Tue-.lay .and Mr. AVrra was acquitted. U. S. At ioriiev 1J 'liiuson then issued an 'other. warrant, and Mr. Avera was iri. d ag ii-i NN-educl iv at E'-cky M unit before ('oniinis iouer Pen der who.'- d -missed the case. Mr. Aveia's many friends will lw. grati fied atfh's termination of a - most undeasanr a flair. to invest and throw money. . l'rot. .1 i .. II. Horner. Downed Oxford .school, (irad -'l Scho.il last wi pie -M t ht'n iclf highly its s iji kings. (Way tluir of "the re visited oar ek and e- ;d.-as;'d wit h t heir n 'w gooi t. !! 1 iie iva-hv- t he ll n g i US ill a fill ure issue. .Sou a iv re;-c; mg . They jproniisc t:) of I lie AjDVANVK of v are olleriug in a Wilson Against Wayne. The jail was the scene "f a noisy fight Saturday night. A negro, a Wilson county prisoner, struck a white hoy,, a Wayne county plis .oner who is -confined in our jail, over the head wilii a stove lid, giv ing him a painful wound. We do a ; kn-'iu the can e of the.tighf, I; lias i'leeu sugc. ted in a.contl'O- Ci rV a-. 1 :. g;M (. - I ,.e -siiheriort v of i lie. best cauie IlHlr t'CNH- fought U' see- Coll n! v. A .Kit ahead'.. live W'lfic-h il -ual -Ml MilltlfS ?was. the Wilson The Daily appearance is neat. Si I'thi-jx m T-i"sda v bnghr and Mie its nrst itioijiiitg. If news l;t;le sheei lull o! ..e.u ivndofher inter esting matter. i Mrs. das. A. M usli, of K tleigh. 'formerly of Iliaden cquntv, has been e'ected. matr.ui of ei ii North Carolina In im ai Morganioii. W.e atv gl v.f to learn . vale h tier, that Prof. uiipelled to t.lk act ount of ft : :.fe:. the We.-t- As blm m ;k )i i-Tomli'uson short lingh.eaith who V IS -vacation is somewl We dofl" our !:at to W grave in -ack nowledgei i a treat of th ' "U -n ii tin 'sT cig ir !i if- ii is ii sanctum tor in. ny .1 iys. " A negro bo v stole a i .. ii... .... ..i i.- i. ...... i . . .ii .'ii. II.Mor.l 1 1: l -lO'll l soil s St a Ol es in Greene county, ; niy M.uidav night. ,'le was capjured. and lodgeii in S: iiw Hill jaiJ ' ' Mr. !'. II. ! irden, . wlio went to Floral several weeks ago wiih a v ew of set tl ng, is at home again. W. H ir- a'Ut (l! ;v H nice, the vaded our male from Our "thanks ;.ve. due for an invi tation to the Masquerade JViil to he given by the ming men of Rocky Mount, in T.iini ! t's Hail. March Stii. Tiie" M uiagers ure .1. H" Joues',"J. e Ffene..!. H. Odum, M. Ahtain,.. K. Tay! h. .las. il. tlarsies. L. 10. Su inner L. F. Hila-ry. The Honorary Mairagers are Dr. T. C- Powell, d". A. Tavlor, ,1. (J Savder, E. G. Mu-c. D. 'Ahram. Dr. R. ! 1'jller.s,- A. W. Arling ton, d. A. Fountain! T'ie ti ior Managers are W. II. Grdliif and L. P.. Pennington. Skaiiiig Tournament. committee appointed to take action u regard to forming a new county aave met ami au.leu on ten more committeemen, making now twen tv. The following are the commit fee: W. D. Pittmau, J. (). Bellamy, Dr. W. II. Cobb. J. Ii. Phillips, J M. Mayo, F, M. Parker, J. 11. Bur nett, It. E. Draper. It. C. Crenshaw, M.dHi Whitaker, W. C.T lylor, W. D. Stokes, J. H Pippen, T.'I. Bras well, J. M. Cutcliiu.'M. J. Battle, J. W. Powell, J. II. Extim, W. W. Watson, Clinton Hattle. Saturday the 7th wf April at EJ o'clock was the day appointed for the next meeting, and it is fnqied that all the committeemen will meet prompt ly ; not only the committee but all, both white and colored, who favor a new county. A few of the young ladies and gentlein-en of Whi takers, and in the in lgiiboi hood, spent a very pleas int evening on last Wednesday at the home of'Capt. J. II. Exnm. It was the occasion of a h.p gi'"en 'complimentary to Miss Mamie51 Ex uin, from Wayne, who is visiting his family. . The young people of Whitakeis h tve organized a Reading Club and meet '.every Friday night. Mr. F. II. Cute liin, of thi firm of J. ll C.utehin & Son, let'. Mondav lor the north to purchase taieir - pi ing stock. ' Dr. S. P. Hilliard and Dr. James W. Braswcll have returned from college, bringing with them the - ighest honors that could be he stowed. Dr. S. P. H Ilia rd will lo cate here and respectfully invites a share of I he public patronage. , Mr. L. IJillups died at his home on last Monday. Disease, Consump tion. He leaves a widow and sev eral children, who have the sympa thy of the entire community. Grieve not' dear wife and children, what e;Mth has lost heaven has gained. I lie married 1 idles ot town say, whenever you ask for their-hus-binds, he is at the Phool Table. The farmers through this section :e well up with their work an-! the prospects so f ir are very good for a go-id crop. A great deal of fertili--i.-'ivs have been sold to farmers from his place.., 'Mr. J.A. Richardson. ; s !,',..' iigcut here tor several brands ; ha-;' disposed of upwards of two hundred tons already ami says the jCrame Rooster, his leading brand, j is ,.ri!l crowing for the farmers of j Edgecombe -and Nash counties to ; come alter him. Come on farmers and t!ke him away, he is a valua : "kc rooster. Whitakers is getting to be quite : :.n exporting town. Commodore! Murray shipped from here last week ; two ear louds of goats and has tele ; graphed for more cars. . Miss Stella Anderson, of Norfolk. is visiting her sister, Mrs". L. R. i b ind of this place. ;Fizzy. At his residence, near Stanhope, Nash county, Sunday, ilarch 18th, Mr. Isaac Strickland. At her residence six miles above Stanhope, Nash county, March 10th, Mrs. Nancy Williams. At uis residence tnree nines above Stanhope, Nash county March 16th, Mr. Watson Bryant. In Wilson county, of pneumonia, Mrs. Penny Grice,. aged ba years She leaves two children, thirteen grand children and a large number of friends to mourn their loss. At the residence of Mr. Elias Ferrill, Saturday, March 17th, at .i P. M. Mrs. Zeller IJucas, in the 53rd year of her age. On tliesame day at 6 P. M., at the same place Mrs, Sarah Ferrill, wife of Mr, Elias Ferrill, aged aliout 25 years. These sad deaths cast quite a gloom over the entire neighborhood. At her residence in Bailey's township, Nash county, March 11th 183, Mrs. Emariah J Pace, aged 48 years. She was for many years a member of the Methodist church and when death came her lamp was trimmed and burning. She leaves a husband and lour children to mourn their loss. D. Green & Co. Send in Voar Order. E. II. DEWEY, Wilson, N.C. lost! lost::, lost::: A gold medal, with my name engraved on it. The finder will be rewarded by returning it ALEX. GKEENF. MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE. Having qualified as Executors of the estate of Mabrey Rentfrow, de ceased, before the Probate Judsc of Wilson County, not ice is hereby given to all iersoua indebted to the estate of said deceased to make immediate payment, ami to all jer- sons having claims against the de ceased to , present them for l pay - meut on or before the 8th, da. of March, 1SS4 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Jonx 11. Bextfrowv JAMlisT. ItENTVEOW ) COXXfE.&' Wooiaed, Atty's MISCELLANEOUS. mm Standar (juano Certificate ROUHTREE, BARNES & CO. I :- - - - '. ' :" '-" " m we bave Just received one thousand Tons of Stanajrd Guanos. (Stoinn . oid standi We guarantee them to be flrtUss. Thev have htoo I the'?'t in- Wib AUCVi D IP ITCI I C TI DI C on.' ?ash an.11 tbe ' joining counties for seventeen years and 1 :ue prove,, H til D All A I tLLt I ADLt j satiafactory in every respect. We have large quantity of The nicest n l most pv.pu ar Saloon In Wil-I A., C ,1 I O "TT C) H" .T"" nT'THl son. The Fiiust Liquors and Cigars and aa , '- experienced ana awtAiiaai ta'r.keeM.r ' j On hand of the highest grade. Call and see ua.' before purchasing.' - We ..v. . . '. ican make u to your interest to buy from m. , BILLIARD POOL TABLES . - rouxtree, baunk s a xk THE FINEST IX TIIEC.OUXTRT. ' '1IWy' ' C-febl63m SU. E. Ii. HUXTJEIt, SUEGEOX DENTIST, OFFICE AT ENFIELD, N. C. :Xi. O-. GRADY, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, Halifax, N. C. jantO .TARBORO AHEAD Bla:k Creek, N. C, Jan., 23d, 18S3 31 It. F. J. WooDAltD : Dear Sir : ."' In rejily to your request, I will ssry that the 8 tons. Seal Lawson, Kesler& Co's, Anmioniate! Dis solved IJone (Juano that I taught of you last reason did uj well if not tatter than any standard brand that I have ever used. As you know, I have used large- j ly of the different guanos for the j last 14 years, and last season I test- j erf yours thoroughly and found it j. first class, and expect to continue to t use it altogether as lar as ammom-1 ated guanos are concerned. ; Yours, &c., J. C. RICK. A large supply ol' this unexcelled guano always on hand. Call on me before purchasing. r 1 . F. J. WOODAKD, Black Crek, N.C, I would be fgl.ul to take four school tays to lxmrd. ' Apply to-. 1 fed Hit f MUS. A. J. 15UOWN. GEO. M.CKAPOX, formerly with Geo. Meyers It. 11. 1'ICKETT.. 1 fufiurly. with W. V.uldhataJt Co. f ' f GUANO? GUAN 0 No, 1G South Fu(xt Street, WILMINGTON K. C. Keep a Full and well Selected Stock of ? -AT- WH0LESM.E ND RETAIL PRICES Gl-ARASTREI AS WW "AS THE I) WEST. IN mini cUiiiiFjii in if-il, HOITIG ITETIS. E. 31. Nadal & house, by I HAVE BOUf.HT OUT C. .1 II. Doughty's BOOT AND Shoe TT 3Ianufactory in Tarboro i ii d .JLJ. am prepared to make all kinds of Shoes, Boots, and Gaiters of V the very latest Style. I have pro T? cured the erviceVt el the cele J i b r ate d Prof. Jack 3Iowatt as fore O man. We make the ;Low Jeffer O son. Imitation Boston, botli high and low. elastic instep. All'work war ranted, and flts guaranteed. Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. B.P.HAMMELL. (Successor to C. II. Doughty.) Tarboro, N. C. DEANS NICHOLSON, INSURANCE' REAL ESTATE . ' AND Loan Brokers- WILSON. N.C, Have established a General In telligence Oflice and Agency .for the Sale, Purchase or Transfer of Heal Estate, and for the Lease or Rent of Town Property. . We have now for sale some very desirable farms in this and the ad joining counties. Also for Bent a uaniber of residences and business houses in the Town of Wilson. Parties desiring comlortable homes, and capitalists seeking pay ing investments will find it to their interest to consult us. We will in The near future issue a Keal Estate Journal, in which will ta advertised ill property placed in our charge at nominal cost. Information cheerfullv given and ill enquiries promptly answered. Loans negotiated at short notice on Ileal Estate security. Correspondence solicited. sepi9-3m WosollC.itt.m. Corn. Kavar Stor. Chi.-k-etis, Kws anl other 1'ro.luoe for our custom ers an 1 chatve them no commission, and iniar anteetoKet thuin as much for their produce as auy house In the city. Try us. 1 CRAPON & PICKETT. septl3-0m8 . . 8AM HODGES. Ill, ACK CHEEK. n hhe Florii i in re s no! .hn.-u"t i ' , s th;l i . The alveitsemenr lr ivwcli, ,. several w ,..,. wo had it I and "be--place like sidled A.; ireiaii. in tin A DVAN. K :igi'. in I'td'erenee to h ive re i.l : cent as i i 1 e u-e w. 1io-d "'1 eon- The sk itinlt'iirii:iinent for which i act Ning is now -going on -at the r; nk. will come otf on Tuesday light. l ;th April. This will be a novel and enjoyable entertainment to. onr citizens. The knights clad -n costume, 'the- tilting with the l.uiee..the t.sk'ng of the rings, the rowning of 'the ipieeii of love and : Hi oity. t he rhooi:ig '.of the in lids ol 'Ivonoiv ;ind the roll ng away of he taples in graceful liirwenients .ver the s-nooth r-u -; t u-. will all .be iie'ioeiit- i I eiijoyiiser j hothiosiiee -.ttirsa'id ;.. rti - i i . i n t .'D. -lega t in s -. i-x'i -ted !ioi!.i' lh'cky Mounr. f.irhoro. Toisiiut, Kulield aii.l othe There is enough life f 1-1 ro coillf. o' IN l':l11 If tl ii (i ( 'ol. Keii i:;. Col. an ! 1,. M Ali. li. jiiiX. the I Irceii i : ... "Vroie s. ver.il 1 dv it eiHl . eii.-d our aiii :iui (i euce this Week. ...... ' i mi. v ii uigiii.y lt.:le 1;ls ic iseit tlie aynev.he N hit S,d- pmirprings t..r a nuialVt o to lie assisted ill the ..tees. Jssiiiiabr? Htinicide. m our vil- citv" now to give you an occasional item. This week has been a rather event lul one- First came the news ol the appointment of our townsman Dr. A. G. Brooks, as a member 'of the Hoard ol Agricuituie. luisap-j po.iiititient" is deemed a wise one by .all who know Dr. Brooks, exec- j utive ability and his success as a j 1 r ctieal farme.'. Our peple thank j Senator Farmer for this .appoint- j men'. .' . ' - j Then, close on the heels of this go d news, was the intelligence I that the legNlatnre had made our ; j c''-unty larger by giving us, a por j tion ot Edg 'comix'. S nee he iring j this y.mr correponilent has felt like t he frog in the lable who swell led .to enormous ize. I hope the j end will not le as fatal, and that he Easter Cards at Co's. Cheap Whiskey by the quantity at Selby's. Send your Job work to the AD VANCE Job Office. - Buy the ''Lucy Long" chewing Tobacco at Selby's. Selby's is the place to get the best Cigars in the city. Old newspapers for sale at this of nee at 50 cents a hundred. Billiard, Pool and Bagatelle ta bles day and night at Selby's. Guano for gardens, by the retail, for sale at the guano J. A. Clark. Kochester imported Beer, keg Beer, Holland Gin and best old Rum at Selby's. Hewitt & Son's Gondolia, Old J M-k and all kinds of the finest ( i gars at Selby's, -The King Pen'' is the finest and best five cent cigar in Wilson. Buy it troni W. W. Hargrave. , For V, ister and ' Birthday Cards go to 1 1 ai grave's. A large and lieuutit'ul assortment just receiv ed. Go to Selbvis and get, the best Oiga'iw AVKii leek's 31. Kiel,' Shel burns,, 'Capitnla the let. o cent Cig.ir in the city. Kentucky's best four year old Whiskey Teakettle, 3lonogran, Stuarts and Stanton?s Wine aud all kinds of old Brandy' at Selby's. Best brands of Cigars at Selby's. Try our Freeman Bros' & Co's., Little Sammy, Excelsior, Eureka, Baltimore Club, EI Globe, and Sat isfactory brands. The most reliable agent for des troying and expelliug worms from children and a ults is Shriner's Ind.an Vermifuge, 2it cents a bot tle. Try it. Every bottle &uar in teed to give satisfaction. , lleniember the 23th, day of March is Easter and if you , have not' supplied yourself with Easter Cuds, yon should go immediately to Hargrave's and get some. He has the handsomest we have ever seen. o- f V I ; O n TXT - Wilson Market CORRECTED WEEKLY BY YViliiamsv ' lhrnie Iv of mk, "-! mks TuMi.-iy.-ox. y nuinLY . wi;l not '-bust. ' tant" and i ,s i Ki;u:i) ( i i iK.N. shoots and I The bill to make. our town larger righenel Kti.ts n i:i;ri knt K(;uo iN Lbv taking in Taylor's milling- prop lieTr ncs- sk: i nr l knsi:. . ertv, tlid not pass . ' George Baker, colored, cut Tab. Our us:-, liy .piief town was '. Baker, also ot' the dark persuasion, thrown . in: erscitement . Sunday , Saturday night wh b- in a drunken nioriiing by the .ret tort that on the ; row. I years, -..evious evening Mr. James. Tom-i Taylor & Be d's colored tiretn m. Bynnm Daniel & Co., ! COTTOX The market is now active here . an 1 shows an , a lvance this week with larg-er ' receipts. Middling cotton 9 i liTTOESSweetl -- .-aOlOfiO ! nA ON. N-C hoK round) - J Hans. " - ----- M?; C. K Sides. V ft 10 11 Bulk Shoulders Y UK. S V LT - - I - .tinei , --' i LlMEUltock) CO UN . - j FtlliOEK LAUD. Country..... -. Northern .- MEAL - - - -- ' WHE vT. tnew) s OATS .-- I FUt'K. per bbl - ; COFFEE - - i fl'OAK 4 SVKl'P Mi iLaSSES. tcuba.1 GO w 0 0 n CO o H. BODGES HODGES 8 HODGES WHOLESALK DEALERS IN HATS, V A PS, And Ladies Trimmed Cioods, 49 Commerce Street, NORFOLK, TII1GIXIA. fe9 S3 ti 2 a 2 to 5 c .x -If c - (P 3 P C Ci 3 52 s c CO r O c o o 2 m m 70 m Si I883.j O .CC CD.:- Navassa G iano, Navassa Acid Phosphate! Manufactured by NAVASSA GUAKO dOMPAOT, WII,MINGTO.. N. C. On Fri.lay night, February 2nd., a mare muie, nve years oni tne property of A.. I). Speight, was ab ducted, 'from Bull Head, Greene county. ?She was of a black coloi, with sm.ill white streak on her hip, close to her nan k. mere is a scar on her left nostril, close to the upper corner ot her mouth caused by a dog bite. I will pay a reward ot 2' tor her deliverv or information leading to her. recov ery. Address me at Goldsloro, care A. I). Speight. Major McKeel. leb'Jlt Neiir Goldboro. None better ; for Wheat, Corn, Cotton and Tobacco. The aboVe well known and popu lar Fertilizer fresh from the factory for sale in any quantities, wanted, and prompt delivery in good order guaranteed. . .' Branch, Hadiey & Farmer. oct30-tf WIImhi. .V ', WILMINGTON MARBLE WORKS. JOHN MAUNDEK. I'KOi'HiETOii. I'd llox 5-V, , Be Sure to DEU1RS IN m h GENERAL MERCH A hID IS Wilson. ISI . C 1 jlENTUA l i NSTinrn; ! Il FOR YOUNG TAJDIKSi- . -AT LlTl bKTON, N. C. Th Spring Term beirins Monday, January 22nd, litfSl, and ol-Hie I'i '..ii,fl iit';l.iii. For further information and eatnfoymn. addnni. IU.V..I.M. HJI.ilH- . Vrm , 1 nt 1 . T 531 E An; now in full successful operation. All kinds .of Maichinei v m;.le to order. " - ' -HTlSMKiXGI'XI Ilepaireil atuhort notice. Arenta for e ."elelirat.xl (h It Cooper K.nt-!ni., of .Mt. V.-ru.'O Ohio. Iron Works. We are prepared to furniMh (rrit and inw inillit. Iiirin eiitii.t . mi,! um n ul tunil implement of every description. Tbo attention of farnien. and 'd.-nl.-n. 1 lio it.-l to ur NEW KOCKY MOUNT TUKN l'UJW, and ? lloelcjr Mount Cot(ris llci-. Wenake a specialty of these. Our (.VVTOON I'UIW i.mk first I'reintuiii at tho ttern ai . olina Fair of lwl. They are said by JudveAtn be perfect. BLACKSmiTrOC REPAIRING Of ail kinds of machinery done under ourvn '.ipoi--lsion. and our wort, in ifiMU Hriteed, 1 run uno or ail sixe or gteaigMii water piio' aud connections. m-i lifHs ni- keep in stock tinus for same. We also ruu a Planing MUk4c. in inakiim' this announcement we ask a fiaMi.of atnjniufc from our frli-D-N mid the j. S. K. FOUNTAIN, Manager. mar31-ly S. K. FOfNTAl.V W H. TA V I Mt C.llLSKLK 1 riifrwlo!-. a -1" "'Atw LSIOR COGEI STOVES I OK HAY- Kti.iS - BEESWaX-..- C1IICKF.XS. 1'EaS. .cow): 1 00 ffl 1 10 J.. 175 3iO InOiSlTS . 15. 1 (10 100 & 1 10 15 (2 lfi ..12a 18 S .. 90 5u 1 00 .... 1 00 ... 50"S 0 . .5 OH ft 7 50 10 & 15 9 (S12 40 fS. AO 40 & 60 ...1 S 1 30 IS ..v.....20 3 23 ..15 ia.30 80 Cdf 180 ESTAI1L1SHED 1864. W. F.Aixex. J.T. BOBi M. W F ALLEN & GO, U lio 1 esale roeers, W Water St. 18. 22, 26 4 30 Rotnery's Lane, NORFOLK. VA. Success 111 Fariiiiiij:.- Farmers who dpsi re shocks should invest tl in the ahove entitled hook, wtitten by W. 1. Hniwn. 2S0 paifes. laore clear tyjif-, irivin full particulars of every thin? prtamitiif to suc cessful asrrit'Ulture Over KK) subjects thor oughly treated by one who has succeeded. In valuable 10 Fanners. Handsomely bound in cloth and name lettered in (fold and sent pot paid on receipt of price. Currency or Money order. Address, . J. E. KUE.Jr. feh23-4t P. O. Box 4 Littleton N f. Van IS it MADE TO OKDKli.. r'-..r.i.i TraMt Of Vbuus 11UIV8! AND MOKE p MOKE WEAK . W E A K .A-. fit v-i j;t-:-'i:iv v .; e.r. THE BEST IN THE MAH. Fourteen different lw and kin.! j 'Kit . 1m ..with Knanvdul lie rvolr. A. ..Hid U L all requirements, aw' tri.elt) nm . ii i-u t LEADING Double Wood I. kits, Adjustable lHm-r. matlc Khelf, r.n.i'ins I EATURE8: t'nUM W... f,n,ts en ;aivn ! . ' Plat.:. Kwlngliis Flue-V - - In in:l Boniiug Ixmi; 'r. i . Iille intei, Ileavy Kitirf f'ovcrv, tUnmliitit. 0oor. Ni. k.J Knobs. Klct.-I I'anel. ). 1'iKuslcl tu MtiUr.,.1, i:i l iu. Ii. opemtlou. ,t In Manufactured by I3AA0 A.SMZPPARD A CO., Baltimore, Md. 1111,1 u,t uilv til' OKO. D. UREEN . CO.. U Umii, N. C. S'.p8-6m MISCELLANEO US. CORBETT & GO'S BAR ROOU, Tarboro Street, Rountrec's Old Stand. We are now ready to aeeom mo date you with a drink of any kind ot'liqiiorand a square meal Oys. ters in every style-linSmo MITC'IIELIS EYE SALVK, A Certain. Safe and LITective Kemely for Sore, Weak and Inflamed Eyes, Producing Lonc-Siirhtedness, and restorinc the Sie-htof the old. CnreTear Drops. Granulation, Stye Tumors, Ked Eyes, Matted Eye-lashe, and Producing Quick Kelief and permanent CUKE. Also, equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such as i; leers. Fever, Sores, Tu mors. Salt Uheum. Burns. Piles, or wherever intlamation exists. Mitchell's Salve may lie used to advantage. Sold by all drufrt?i-ts at 25 cents. niar2 P. J. Royal,' G. II. WainwriijM, ' II. T. Coleman. ; WAIKWRI&ST, 80IAL & CO., (Successors ti Farmer: Wain wrifrht.) o Founders and Manufacturers of the Only j WILM COTTON AND TURNING PLOW. WILSON, N. C . pi:k i:s to st ir Tin: times. ' AT .-' John J. McJntyui: it V,ko., 1."m and 157(!burei! St, N'on'olk, Va WiioIosnU-'aiid n-t:;il D.'-aler In Furniture. Mattivsses. ' . Look ins- G'asses, Oil. t lutlis, ..&C. The Xortli Carolina trade ii'speet- ftllh r-tili. itt'd. ' , ; " dfe.22nio. : ETHER EDGE & SR00KS. I Successor to Ne:meycr.Etbcr;-.lireA: Brooks. .. & ?,27 ''WATEKST.-'.. PORTSMOUTH, VA.. ; COT T C K F A C T O i f ; General Commission . Mercrianis For the sale of Peanuts. !.'. 1 rnjit a Southern Pro.lu. ts. and d.-ai.M, . , .lu M r an.l AK-ricultural Lime and I WV all kinds. tileral a lyanceiu .-:- usade oil con t Bifrnmentor xransne. VY. T. BLACKWELL ft CO. Durham', H. C. mac mm. DURHAM I TOBACCO Oar claim for merit I bused I upon the fact that a fcltcmlcal analysi proven that, I lie totnoco 1 grown la our fctIou is better adaptol to make a 0001)4' I'UI i aat isfaotory smoke than ANY OTHER tobat-eo jfown In the world; and lxdnfr kit uu ted in tbo irXlUlT of thU ni5 tobacco action. WK have the I'lCIC iiff the oflV.-ringM. Th ruti5iO ap preciate this; hence our I F:XCEED tbo prnducin of ALIjI 1 ,t . . r . . t 1 .j I ill icoujiih iiiHiiuio. wo',. beam lha tradtymirk of the Dull. Blackwell s D oetia-Rm I . . Li ! ..fl Havinir bouirht the entire stock belonfrinir to the old firm of Farmer ainwriirht we are . i- now prepared to offer special inducements to 1 those in need of j j - AGKICCLTrUAL IMPLEMENTS. . w e win continue to manuiaeiure me uniti- ..j nal Wilson Plows and Castmjrs with some Im-.i provemt-nts.' WilXWlUOHT, ROTAIX CO.. marStf A 1 1 he Old gtand-1 CALL ON W.T.SAUNDEKS. J. P. JENKIN3. COBB & DAVIS, LYON&HEALY State 4 Monroe Stt., Chicago. "tl -rt prFmW tfvnv AA-rm tbr i BAND CATALOGUE, f Mb Dram Aix u4 ntu, imirott rna .witm trymM ii FORSAL-E- . lfK),tMM) feet nit e, all Iwart weatli er lxiardin"; and rloorin";. Terms: at mill, six miles from Wilson 1,00- linntlred.. Jtdiv-ri"l'iii Wil t ler- lnindrcd. Apply at this otliee or to .1. !.. Williams. Mareh.9 4t urriam JS TIIF. KINKST, Pt'IiTt IlFJiT, AND MOST I NIFOI.V t I. A 1 ' . - m. . TOItACCO KVF.K PIT ITll.V IHK MAtlKl f 2v A-XJFOTIJPtTiES OP1. Durtiam Long-Cut and Durham Cig r ; TUfse Goods We offerMflVr an Ao'.Btr l.naraiiirr rfvl , i f Thf-v are the finest and Purest flo.h m-n tlw tu-m. . lllll Tliev are free from IruK or ( hen.haU .f any ki..d. ilMV ; They eonsUt of thenwt Tohat. and pur.-t n.-.- yr I s ;oi.i -:0 Upsher Guano i o., Capariiv ISTorfpIfc. Virginia.. 30.00() Tons I' r iwimtm. n i TTlTTinTin ft TTl VTIT'TiTn : V I MU LUV II UNI MV rn.,..r,,i tt.t Iinil 11 1 ITl 110 tl UijlliJilL)a ; and Edwards' Livery Stablei Wilson, N. C. j of Wih.y Umm. deceased. In-fort . th ;Prol-t j NOTICE. luaHfUwl as Fiwut Minuftetmeis of Standard F. rtiliers and Iiii-.UeiH-.'d K.iinii .nd r,..J:MX. ..L .....HVrnvinn Mill ahead. .M. iv d n,t i.. d in i t.neiiiH'ais. 1 in- jx ire .- - ' - - . . .;. I - ,1 ,..-,,l,.f rA.f the ute i the Potash and lM.spliate for the mom-y than an. k;i.d i.. tl,. .. .u kt.. tlit (!' lake, .if l.y Mr: fle-n-'jia. J. (". "tfiiia.Miient TiiiiIht- ,..U,'V- 1- ii- r.rntt.i!, t-Mvi: w ill pir-jch at tlie .. . "' :'.v- 1' nnj: and - le v.i, bold Oil: lereinv M, nsoii, a highly ri sH-. ie.l citizen. i happeitf .1 to the -misfortune, several I days -ajro, of having his arm pain- ; tnnv hurt while Tai.ors and Haberdashers. ! Dealers is Ir e's;dinr jrterly ('.in. trviiir to eon tde' two flat ears. On -Sunday morning Mr. Flowers, a rtsidfiitot this ida.'e. discovered' mini .L t v.... . i."e X l-at 1.1 lll 'l.t . "1VOT LOST." , The esperience of twenty vears. Nor the tact we have to please : Lanre men. smaller, have no fears We'l fit you with perfect ease. n elepant 1 ne of sprint iroo.ls just come. To ho made to order by fiver 4 Son.'. Wilmington. N. C. ilerriiig h Dr. X. l; - :id-tostatv. lvUl!m,a t0 Wilson,, 1 . w . ' e l,r't"-p o' niedifiiie. xji .mil M UKl 4-1. l' . . me mini rank of it.. ..,...,1.;.. . 1 "'""" .- yt ais of hard siutiy witn a ioji .,,,-,! Ihe i, we-are Wilson t,s niedifim1. 1 vedly in (profession. siitcessl til who lives four nnh-s front Wilson, had shot and k.lle 1 a turbulent ne- ! jiro nanii'd I.em 1? trues, and had j jiv.eir Iiiinsclf up to the authorities. ; 1 -kroner l'eele lo-r no time in sum- liipnin a jiity ami repainng'to the 'Umf. ins little irirl s il.it hinjj was on se.iie of the killing. .After exam- j Sire and in attempting toextiunib in the body of tlie dead man and ! 1 lie tl lines received p linful burns, iie irin lhe evi It me: the .jury re- j The child was uuinj-ired. turned a vei;T:-r j i liat "lie' came i . to his de:nh by a sh it- smi- (En- ROCKl' JlOPAT. 'tield rifle) loaded wli le.id. ii bul-j r- Sets in the hands. ,f. lames Tondin-; Weak ADVANCE: -nr.. iii self tlefv iH e." Signed. E. j We have another bright day and be pleased to serve all 'who may fa N. Merecr.W. (. (Wham. Ii. M. i after such a dav as vestertlav a vr mi with their natronace. GEN'L INSURANCE AGTS. f,, Grade Fertitiz- best EXGLisii A'D ! rs, Icid Phosphate, AMERICAN COMPANIES j assets Over 70.000,000.00 and Kaitt it. Call and see then bsfore buying your guano. ElizaM Iron f oris Professional Notice. !ins"retheir property for any length I have returned to Wilson and will occupy my former onuce in li-ont of the Briorirs House, where I shall Kit ''t:'.V"lY,n"n!,t long in i and Wiley Cui bir, jurors. - P 1 a ""-rauve iraetiee in ' At the trial before. .Tnstieps W.I Thft vonriP- neionle of nnr town . F. Mercer and F. W, Barnes the ; are making preparations for the i Cherry - mixture of rain, hail and snow; to-' . ! .1 ....... I. In., i., .,......,Kt our midst. t)n Saturdays I shall be at Tois- uot until further notice. N. B. IIEBKDTG, M. D. We offer at this season special inducements to owners of gins to . A ...... 1..,rtl, 1 CHAS. W. PETTIT, VllOV. 2S0 and 282 Water St., Norfolk, Va. MAX CFACT I" HEK OF Eagiflts, Boiltrs Sa ui firist lills. Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, rannivne im f 1 Ct I'VCC pubUc lUUUlJUJ Alii l A J 1 II U .1 OF EVERY PESCRI PTIO.N . may5-ly ."j . u.-. ... ,.,.Tir-. n.Ilc; is wmir it""n Ttoall persona In-leWl to tbe e-.ate of ; Raid deceaed to ln.moliate tyment. , an-1 t a;l pers.s bavin c,a.ms aifainst the deewised ; present thenvf-.r W"" or to our attorneys on or lrfore the i.h lay ol" March 1-vL or this notice wul be plcail la i inr of their recovery. , lrOIlDt WILLIAM If. MEKCEH.1 Exect g. I MrsHAT i WwiWHIi. Att y. Wilson. . Jiarun I NOTICE. N. C t.vv. u mvin, - CO.. Airents, o-or.. .Mi'iLi'i-v, te., ;or ' deC.L'-' Call and get circular containing 1.0:111 write lis. ula. of(J. 1. PROMPT ADJUSTMENTS' PE0MPT PAYMENTS. i : We solicit a share of the patronage. aug8-m EEDS. VEGETABLE PLANTS. ALL VARIETIES FOR THE FARM AN!' C AlJlHN. We wiH sell at tb iati? resWenw of WlVy ; tSuntV? on Tuiay April t Vi. a .ot of Tall Mealow i t Gra. PerrtinUU Uye nrow-rty be ohinif t" said dxai. to wix. FZZL four Mu e. a lot of v ttons and r.rti one Top BiwjV.one Uranuy sum. one I deliver Gardra Send FREK bf maU r tf .".CMr i'-- T-mmt. Swtl rleT'l uraat. r.nxin i.m; i-s . ..... .. anJ ail vark-f ji.- of r arta i. - n . . . .,i ,n-t. of v3fi-tablti P Clover seed. wmtj"i i w. r. r. Ptrt-nnlal uye O small Engine witn snarrinif ',', i. f ' Low Carta, tot of Got.fow and Pi(T. ajotot ; VIC. Baoon and Western mat. .i-out V ri- . ions of App.o llrmndy, . lot of Cotton. Cotum . Seed and f arming Imp ements. Tskh Ca. ; WILLIAM H. MEllCEK, iect'g L. D. W. BAKNES, f , Wtob, N. C March 13. lnea-3t , PRICES ON THE ' BEST QUALITY O.nesiMjudence Solicited. APPLICATION. AT THE LOWEST. l'Ji.Tr- iW. WOOD. S. ed iii; ii. llU llllliilid.

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