The Vtnrn Advance. Wilson. X. C., April 5, 1883. Index to Sew 'Ad vert ferment. WantfJ rypr i Son. -'Pictures t. H. Shepard. Lost. Josephus Daniels. rchitccts Duvalt 4: Austin. Kemoval J. O. Haw Is 4t llro. First of the Season J. & I). Oettinirei;. Millinery Goods Mrs. Hriiors k Gilliam. Tlieie are ISO orphans at the Asjluin. Fortv-tive new suhscrihers to the ADVANCE this week. Elder P. ). Gold preached in Wilmington Sunday. . ; Charlotte is happy. Gen. Torii Thumb has Ih cii there. ' The te'effiaph operator at Smith fieM is twelve years old. Wilmington will have free mail delivery alter May 1st. The (lolil.slioro authorities gave tlie Graded School S.IOO. . -' " , Uobiuson's Uar'oer Shop is licing fitted up and rearranged. Tliere are said to he seventy five licensed lawyers in Raleigh.. l'.luck Creek had a lire last week. A negro church was burned. A shooting gallery has been built next to Robinson's barber shop. There is to be a liaptist Confer ence at Durham April l.Sth and 20tfl. . : ' Strawlx'.rries are passing through Wilson daily for the, northern mar kets. L. I'M wards is receiving new 'roods. His advertisement will ap pear later. Thirteen marriage licenses were issued last mouth. The market closed dull. Master Paul litinn fell in a well twenty feet deep Friday night, but was rescued unhurt. II. S.Nunn, editor of the New bcrne "Journal" has lieen arrested for contempt of court . The "Xewlernian" has suspend ed for want of sufficient patronage. Too much "liberalism" did iti A nice and commodious brick ticket otlice and waiting room will shortly be erected at the depot. Mr. .1. T. S. Young'. calf carries a broken leg. The train did it. Let the U. II. company pay the damages. Jas V. Newman a former tyK on the Al)VANT, is now a full . Hedged M. J. lie is praetisMig at Greenville. . The Post Otlice will be moved in , a few (lays to the. store vacated by .1. (J. Kawls & 15m., next 'to the Hriggs' Hotel. The cotton factory continues to Wilder, (col) H.V. Langley; John hum. , umsay, m. nuvam, jjv,6a Farmer. The Normal School will lw held Connor & Woodard were elected . ... O'l.rt i .K't'rii f a tlio 'jkrtfirn at W ilson again tins year, xuc igai u.i : - V", fnllowiii'" -ire the Loeal Uoard oi ; lhe usuaj atwuuw uu ""V" Managers: II. li. Connor, Jno. E. jances were granted and the meeting Woodard, Ii. W. Ki"g, .T-A. Tynes, : adjourned. f r ti.. i' t U-.i11pv. .Tas o. i - Battle and Josephus Daniels. -A The Graded School. Fatal Accident. One day this week a little child, son of the owner of a tobacco wag on, fell out- of his father's wagon while passing Col. ReamouV, near Speights Bridge, and the wheels passing; 'oyer-' his lody, he was al most instantly killed. Burned to Deatti. Miss Susie Price, who resides on Miss Zillie Edmundson's farm near town, came to her death in a horri ble manner a lew days ago. - While cooking dinner her clothes caught lire and the flames could not be ex tinguished until they had -accomplished their dread mission. She lingered a great whilom rnucti pant and was relieved of intense suffer ing only by death. Alleged Case of Poisoning. Two negroes, .Inn Artis and Os car Harper, had a "fuss' some time ago and Harper was heard to say that ha intended to kill Artis. How ever on last Saturday they met, embraced and made up. Harper then asked Artis to take a drink in token of their brotherly love. He had hardly taken the drink when be fell helpless to the ground and was carried in Doctors Peacock. & Anderson's office where he soon re vived. Artis thinks that the -whiskey, was poisoned and that Ilar- iior'tnub'ttiid Inuniw of f!i 1TV1 11 (T 1 1 1 S threat into execution. Moral. " Drink no whiskey. ; Dr. A. D. Mayo of the Boston Educational Journal, who visited us last year was with us again last week. II is lecture, Thursday even ing at the Opera House, was atten tively listened to tiy a very large audience, made up of the citizens of town and surrounding country. j Dr Mayo is practical, interesting, and lniin-esses every one witn ois great theme of education. He spent a short while at our Graded School Friday morning, and was highly delighted at the progress that has been made since his last visit- He made mention of the fact that the teachers were 'very much improved, ami that the Su perintendent was the man of the State so far as educational mat ters were concerned. Merited compliment, but we knew it before. One remark "we yankees must lookout or you will cut us up"-shows clearly how our school, which a year ago he pronounced to be infe rior to none he had seen North' or South, stands at present in com parison with the best schools in the world. The Graded School was never so nrosnertMis as at present. The teachers are doing excellent work and the pupils are in earnest. One secret they are begining to learn-r- rcaular attendance is necessary, to m l 11 success, xruiy an should be proud of prise in our midst. pointed Justice of Peace for his township. . Mr. Geo. M. Neal was married to Miss Hester Cutchiu, daughter ofThbs II. Cntchin on lant Thurs day evening. May success attend them through life. Our stores in town begin to look quite city like. The merchants have all returned from the north brinar- ing with them lots of pretty things for the spring trade. I would like to give a description of their many pretty things and especially their windows they have so nicely fixed up' but I told them I would not un- ess they would send vou an adver tisement so look out for next week's letter. Miss Lyon from a weeks in Enfield. ood citizens an enter such Snow Hill. S'cial services will be (I Iiv i he pastor, at the conduct . Temple, Protestant Church, next P. M. v Comrauiyeated. . Young Man Solve the Mystery! . Tell the public how yon manage to take your meals at hotels or res taurants, smoke cigars every day, travel on the.railroad at will, buy presents for ladies, take them to every show that comes aloug use line silk handkerchiefs, wear live dollar shoes, sport a watch and chain, shine out in glittering rings and shirt studs and never work more than one or two days in the week. .Your parents (if you have any) and a watchful public wish to know. Explain this that we may at least believe you are trying to get an WncaMiving. A Man wno W ants! a Cleric. Attempted Murder. There came very i murder committed last Sunday. Two white i named Taylor ami Carr uvay, .Methodist .Sunday at There is but. little over a month before Memorial day. Our ladies' should take steps to see that it is properly observed. i.. ti... w.. ...... t. .i-.. ..i. i ,. in iiit- 1 1 iij iineimi iiioi .dispute uiivcr Mailings was convicted ot t '' larceny and sentenced to the pent- I that Tavlor drew hear-, being a near this place men who lived at the Gorham place, went to Great Swamp to church t aiid on the. way home got is to who should e nuarrel soon waxed so tfTt!lttl into a tentiarv for two verrs. Kev. W. T. .Jones, who was on a v sit to his old home, iireacl'ied in. the First Baptist churchiat Wil mington Sunday night. ' KverylMxiy is glait to see Mr. W. T. (Mark, one of Wilson's oldest and drive, warm pistol from his ''pocket and placngit against Car- I raway s temple, hred a ball into ; his head. The pistol Was a small jone, and at the time of being fifed was held so near ('arrawaj's heal ! that the ball did iot gain suffi--cient. force to enetrate his skull, t ...l.w.l. 1 I.;.. l...lir t , lilt ii n.i,i:ti iii. iitu. 'i Kivtjy most highly respected citizens, out i extracted the ball Sunday evening, J -T. I.'. i M . -mm a;un Atw his recent illness, . . -Oliver II. Allen, Esq., has. been elected Solicitor of tlie Inferior Court of Duplin' He will make an 'excellent prosecuting officer." Mr. W. C. Gorham is going to build a very pretty residence on the lot adjoining his mother's. Duval !t Austin hsrve the contract. Mr. A. Branch is well enough to be down town these bright days. His many friends are glad to see him out again after his longconfine ineiit. Kobinson, the baTTier, is putting on style, at his shop. It is now ele gantly fitted up and it is a real treat to be tihaved in such a neat and comfortable place. The Skating Rink tournament is the attraction for jiext Tuesday night. Delegations are expected from the 'adjoining towns and a jileasant time is anticipated. anil on Mondav t'arrawav was town. Greenville lietlector. in Court at Snow Hill. The dinner at the Hocky Mount Graded School last Friday was a great success. Dr. Mavo's lecture was highlv complimented and the i i Court has been in session at Snow I Hill this week. Judge McKoy pre i sided and delivered an exhaustive j and comprehensive charge to the ! Grand Jury. He was about four hours iu its delivery. . Solicitor Gal I loway prosecuted with his usual' S efficiency. The bar was well repre- j sented. In addition to the resident ': attorneys (Munroe, Albritnn .and I Blount) Judge Strong Judge Fair- eloth,H; F.Granger, J.FAVooten,AVr. T.Dortch, J. Q. Jackson, F.A.Wood ard, G. W Blount, L. J. Ioore, An drew Joyner, H. F. Murray, G. M. Bindsey, were in attendance. There were o'J cases on the criminal dock et, only one ot which was a capital case. It was for burglary but was not tried at this term. There were 31 civil cases ou the docket. There were a number of submissions- and convictions in minor offences. The court will consume the entire week. The usual' quota, of nepajer Graded School people encouraged. ! men were in attendance, but there ! was an absence of the peddlers and We are requested, to give notice j veil(u-rs who usually make the air thai Kev. A, McCuIIen will preach lvm5a, wjti,th'e praiise of their wares, at Mt. Pleasant church on' the "th ! . . Sunday in April at 11 A. M. He. : . will also preach Mr. Jolm Glover's i funeral at :j o'clock at the residence of the widow. 1 On the L'JHh, Marcli, 1SS.?, by Bev James P. Sinuson, Miss Martha P. (daughter of Mr. Thos. Cutchen, of Etrgecombe); and Mr. George M. Neal of Nash, Hope fulaiid happy be their union is the wish of maiiv friends. Commissioner's Meeting. the . F. an A tramp, whose hat was worse tor wear, entered Mr. W . Mercer's house a few nights ; and without his consent, made' exchange of hats under the impres sion, we snnnose. that "exclraiiire is no lobUery." - However Mayor Woodard committed him to jail in default of bail, to apwar at tlie In J'erinr ('ourt. Dosy p.attle "says-, that, the Texas the Kansas fever and other kinds of epidemics are.spas inodie and have-occasional . rests, but the mutrinioiiial fever catches a ninn early in life and he never tlruroiighly lecovers from it, in oue way-or another." Those who have not gof it want it and want it bal. . . of place the fiie next coiirinenceiiieut uiithertord College takes --'land -2M ot May, r; Bev. W. M. bobev. of OohtslHiro. preiu hes the -annual, sermon. Bev. J. T. Bag Well, ot CbailAtte illiv.., ti.:, ..,1 uev. (l. l; . w I'tni.iin n i v iWiscopaf church, has , .i deliver a .to 'the l.uly Imilils - h" I'leseiu uu pupils. been special sermon of the ' Collejre." m Tw, M iievv,v.,.... . ". . week.- (;aij i.i,i in ."" V " tVi v 7,vr was married to Miss Addle P. iti Uiued the of marrit'd men last and Webb, of t he Dur- the ii. ini, .u ass. iii.i n t i , i . ' a. i. x.ianoge. oi I Kl Ml lIWi..Lim - ' .,t..iti uii i i aiiivA. : j Z Mis,' Jennie. Al "..fe., mi Alamance.. The "boys" ililVH (kill- kdnir n J an,?trU1i tkU ngratulatious and the blushmir br.a ni- snnivitl... " : ." The County Commissioners met Monday. License to retail liquor was gran'ed to J. L. Lamm & Co., J. L. Lamm, W". J. Harris, W. H. Cherry &j Bro., J. II. Worrell and Cal. Barnes. Bjj- request of a portion of the white citizens of District No. 37 it was ordered that they.: te allowed to have an election oil the first Monday in May for the "purpose of levying a tax for school jmrposes in said District iimler the Dortch bill. The following assessors and list takers were appointed: Wilson W. l Mercer, J. l, F. W. Barnes and J. F. 1- armer. Black Creek A. G. Brooks, .John P. Harden, Jonathan Tomlnison. Cross lioads P. L. Barnes, J. P.. John II. Lucas, David A. Scott. Spring Hill Simon . Barnes. J. P., John H, Barnes, Koliert llaper.'. Old Fields J. F. Eat man, J . P., Wilie Deans, James Boyett. Taylors A. Thompson, ' W. W. Farmer anil Larrv Dew. Toisnot W. V. Flowers, J. P., C. S. Braswell, John E. Moore. . Ganluers Wm. Wotnlard, Jr., j; P., Calvin Woodard, Thad W. Pender. - ! . Saratoga S. IE Tyson, J. P., B. A- Howard, Jonathan Ellis. . ' ,' Stautonsburg J. T. .Graves, .E P., W. II. Applewhite, H. M. Thomsou. ' V ' V The following' gooil, and lawful men were drawn as Jjurors lor Spring Term of Inferior Court vof Wilson County. James U. Lamm, G. W. Arm strong, (col) i John Valentine, Jus. II. Stotf, T. B. Sugg? James S. Daniel, B- J- Darden, Eat man. Flowers, A. W". Kowland, John Bicks, Lewis Byuum, (col) J. S. Ellis, M. D. Owens, Jr. Geo.W. Taylor, T. Ii. Batts, Jas TI. Hin nant, W. H. Pnvett, Wm. Welts, J;T. Jorden, D. D. Haues Bennett Page. T. WT. Fulghum, Perry Kenfrow, W. II. WTinsteal, C B. Cappsj Cebram Farmer, Shawal The editor of the Advance paid a very pleasant visit to the above named little burg this week for the first time in several years. ,There were evidences of improvement visible on all sides and the town wore an air indicative of substan tial progress. i It has a population of 42.1, has j seven mercantile stores, one drug store, two hotels, two livery, stables, two carriage factories, two flour ishing schools, three lawyers, two doctors, two preachers, two churches, .-Methodist and Baptist, The Episcopalians have bought a fine lot on which thev will shortly build a nice church. Both the Old Dominion and Clyde line of steam ers ply regularly between this point and Newberne. W . II. DaiKv Bro are agents for the Old Dominion line and J. D ' Grimsley, agent for the Clyde line. 'A'stemboat company, known as the Farmers' and Met chants' Steam boat' Com pa ny, was organized few weeks ago with W. II. Dail, Esq., : President. A charter has been applied for. The company owns one steamer, the 4Snov Hill," a smart little craft, and wil shortly commence building another, seventy feet long by fourteen feet wide, which will be nicely fitted up for freight and passengers. Since the' opening up of Contentiiea Creek or Moccasin Bivcr as it is sometimes called trade is better. improvements are perceptible and the future of the town bright and promising. The yearly handlin; of 'cot torn is about .3,500 bale which win oe increased t:o eignt or ten thousand under the improved state ot affairs. Contentiiea Creek can easily lie made navigable to Steights Bridge, and Congress should be memorialized at once for an appropriation suflicient to I com plete the improvements, so happily begun, to that point, the - distance being only about fifteen, miles by water, (ireene countv, -without any railroad facilities, sadly feel the necessity of an - outlet througl her territory, or at least througl her centre, and the cleaning out o the creek will be a long step in the right direction. The citfzeus of the to,wn have or ganized a telegraph company, with W. C. Miinroe, Esq., as President to extend to Goldsboro. Work will be liegun on the line in the course ot a month. It is impossible to keep Snow Hill in the back ground any longer! During court the town was liter ally full of people and business wa brisk. The ladies of the Methodis church gave a festival and dinner Tuesday and Tuesday night which was largely attended and highly en joyed, l'orty-one .dollars was the ieat sum netted by them. The ho-tels were full. The editor stopped at Dail'saud was well fetf, as were all his guests. The Advance-is rapidly ' finding its wav into tlie homes of the peo ple of Greene. A "goodly number of new subscribers were booked and the editor returned to his sanctum highly pleased with his trip. ' 23. H- SHEPAED, The well known Photographer, has opened a first-class Art Gallery on 1 arboro Street, oppo site Post Office, and would be pleased to call the attention or the dtiiens ot llgon and sur- returned yesterday visit to her friends Z. Z. Y- Resolutions of Respect. At a rfxnilnr fnftlncF nf Umin. at., limi So. 85. A. F. & A. M held in their hull in the town of Nashville on the 24th day of March, A. D. 1883. the following preamble and resolu tions were unanimously adopted: " mekkah, un tne let day or March, ixsi. Brother Willie Griffin. wKo for 1M var ha,l been a member of this Lodire. was called from the Lodfre on earth to the Supreme Grand Lodffe above by the grini monster death. Therefore, xesoived. That in the death of Brother Grif fin this Lodae has lost one of itM nlriust- mirast and most upright members, the community "i" i i" moei respectea citizens ana nis family and relatives one .whose upright walk and correct deportment they may look back upon with pride. Resolved, That while we submit with cheer fulness to the divine will we grieve over the ucam oi our orotner, Betoked, That we sincerely sympathize with le family and friends of our brother in thij weir great bereavement. Resolved. That the SeftTjirv transmit rwiia of these resolutions to the family of the de ceased and to (he Wilson Advance and Kooky Mount Hnnnrfn. " ,. ' Z. K. HlSTOM, . . - Secretary. At a reculflr tii cct i n tr of Miwnim. fit.. I mIim .j.oj, a. r.A. M-neia in their hall in the town of Nashville March 24th, A. D. 1883. tne following (preamble and resolutions were uuiuuinousiy auopted: Whereas, We have heard with profound regret that Brother Jeremiah Johnson, for many years a member of thia Tviw waa , the 15th day of Januarv. 1883. raiiMi fmm on earth to refreshment above. Therefore, be it Kesolved. That in the dnnth of Ilmth son this Lodge has lost one of its most worthy menbers, the ministry one of its oldest and best men and his children a kind and indulgent xuLiier. .... Resolved, That while we . deplore his demrt- ure from time to eternity we feel that our loss is his eternal gain.. and that we bow with humble submission to the will of our Supreme Grand Master who is too wise to err and too good to do wrong. ' jiesoivea, xnat tne- secretary or this Lodge furnish a copy of these resolutions to the family of our deceased brotherjand transmit a copy to the Wilson Advance and Kocky Mount Reporter. . - . : Z. K. Histon, Secretarj-. rounding country to the fact, that being sup plied with Improved Instruments, he is ena bled to give satisfaction in all his work. Chil dren's Pictures a specialty. Special attention paid to Gem Pictures. ap&-tt LOST.' LOST! LOSTf On the road betweeu Snow II ill and Ward & Moye's Mill, Yednes day evening, a Receipt Book be longing to the Wilson Advakce, It is of no. earthly value to any one but me. I will be thaukful to the finder to return it as soon as possi ble. JOSEPHUS DAXIELS. DUVALL I AUSTIN, Practical Architects and Builders, nave located in Wilson and offer their services to the public Plans, Siecifications and Estimates exe cuted at short notice, in modern style and taste. Parties desiring to build would do well to call and get our Plans and Prices: With 15 years experience, we think we can guarantee satisfaction iu all cases. We make and keep on hand at all times a large quantity of Brick, which we will sell at prices in keeping with the times. Office Over C. A. Young & Bro's, Store, opposite Briggs' Hotel. DUVALL & AUSTIN, apO-ly Wilson, N. C. MARRIED. On "Wednesday evening the 14th st., in the Baptist Church in Greenville,, Mr. L. E. Cleve was united in' marriage to Miss Lula V. Dancy, Itev. Thos. Carrick offici ating. The church had been beauti fully decorated with evergreens in. honor of the occasion, and a lanrc number of people were out to wit ness the ceremony. Spring and Summer, MILLINERY GOODS. We have pist received the finest, largest and most beautiful line of MiUirery -Goods ever offered in Wilson. The ladies are invited to call and examine our styles aud prices. Mes. BRIGGS & GILLIAM apC-lm Tailors and Haberdashers. COAT HANDS, at once, plenty of steady DVKK S SUN, March 30th, 1883. Wilmington, N. C. DIED. it his father's residence in Greene county, Friday, March 80th., John T. Bryan, spy of W. R. Bryan, Esq., aged sixteen years. He was a bright and promising youth: and the-be reaved family and friends have our sympathy in their affliction. In Goldsboro, Saturday morning, Marcli 31st, Mrs. Lou Borden Kor- negav, wife of W. F. Kornegay, Esq., aged 43 years. She was an exemplary christian lady, a consis tent member of the Methodist Church, and she will be. sadly miss ed in the circle which she adorned by her pure christian character. IIOITIE ITEMS. Ii lli TAKIlliS. Of all the dirty, inean,contempti hie acts' that was ever perpetrated on any one p.orson, we know of no one so contemptible as that of M. W. Edmunds against Mr. 1). A Tavlor the 'Post." Master at . out place. The particulars, we will not give as they were in vour last weeks issue, ami guess that every ... t ... i i . . i one , uas nearu. oi rnem. by tuis time. It was tried before com missioner James - Pender on last Wednesday in the town of Tar horo. The gallant and am bitious Mr; Ii. H. llunii was em ployed by Edmunds to assist the high toned and honorable District Atorney Mr. W.-S. 07B." Robinson, Messers Hart & C'oolev and Mr. Jno. L.liridges -Jr. appeared for Mr. iaior. i ne case resulted as every oue anticipated. Mr. Tavlor wius honorably .discharged- and warrant was issued against Edmunds for perjury. lie was arrested and required to give bond for his appearance at the next term of the federal citnrt to te held m i Newberne the 4th Monday in April. It is. an odious' crime, and it ' is hoped that he yill. lie dealt with according .to the law. Some dastardly "rascal' broke in to the otlice of Dr. W. II. obb, the Express Agent at our plau'e, "on last night and rohlied. it of two hundred dollars. The guilty ' one's have not lieen arrested yetj-.but it is hoied that they will be eaught, and that they may receive the full benefit of the law. Whikakers is getting to le quite a cattle market, Mr Frank Taylor of Petersburg, has bought and shipped four car loads of cattle from this place in the last two months, The many friends of J. W Thompson, Esq., will be gratified to 1 - 1 A. 1 a - learn inacue uas again been ap. WTarrcn & Barnes' is headquarters for tine Shoes. . Send vour Job work to the Ad vance Job Office. Old newspapers for sale at this office at 50 cents a hundred. The latest style of Dress Scarf is the Lennox. At Warren & Barnes. Warren & Barnes have iust re ceived a full line of Gents' Furnish ing Goods. .. Guano for gardens, by the retail, tor sale at the guano house, by J. A. Clark. Go to Warren & Barnes and get a pair of those fine French Calf Lou don Toe Dress Shoes. Tweutv-five dozen of the Indus Fillet Undershirts, the very latest. at Warren & Barnes. The only place that the Earl and Wilson Collar and Cut! can beround is at Warren & Barnes. "The King Pen" is the finest and Vest five cent cigar in Wilson. Buy it from W. W. Hargrave. Grand opening: of Dry Goods, Spring and Summer. Clothing, and hue" Hats at . W arren .& Barnes Thursday; April 5th. All the latest styles in Slippers, Oxkird and 3ew Port Ties, Sandal and Embroidered Operas at War ren cc Barnes. i ' ' ... . - Just received another lot of 30 dozen of those perfect fitting, lein forced "Brother Jonathan" Shirts, at Warren i& Barnes. The most reliable agent for des troying and expelling worms from children and adults is Shriner's Indian Vermifuge, 25 cents a bot tle. Try it. Every bottle. guaran teed to give satisfaction. Carraway & Latham's new drug store is very neatly and nicely fit ted up and they have a nice assort ment of everything usually kept in a first-class drug store. They have al beautiful prescription .case and all the modern fixtures, ('all and see for yourself. . , Ah! that child ot yours has had the croup badlv. and you have nearly worn the jHor little one out tryiug all kinds of medicines. Take our advice and try the famous "Seven Springs' Iron and Alum Mass," manufactured by Land rum & Litchfiield, Abingdon, Va. It is 'made from the pure mineral wat ers of Va. Put up in two sizes, I,00 and 50 ceuts each and for sale by all Druggists. Try it. MISOELLANEO US ISTOTTOH!. llaving qualified as Executors of the estate of Mabrey Rentfrow. de ceased, before the Probate Judge of Wilson County, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased to make immediate payment, and to all per sons having craims against the de ceased to present them for pay ment on or before the Sth, day of March, 18S4 or this notice will bo plead in bar of their recovery. Johx II. Rextfkow) fExeet's. James T. Rentfrow ) Conxok & Woodard, Atty's MISCELLANEOUS. Guano Certificate. Black Creek, N.C, Jan., L3d, 1SS3. JIk. F. J. Woodakd": Dear Sir: In reply to your request, I will say that the 8 tons. Seal La'wson, Kesler& Go's, Auimoniated Dis solved Bone Uuano that I bought of you last season did,, as weir if not better than any standard brand that I have ever used. As you know, I have used large ly of the different guanos for the last 14 years, and last season I test ed yours thoroughly and found it first class, and expect to continue to use it altogether as far as ammoui ated guanos are concerned. Yours, &c, J. C. RICE. A large -supply of this unexcelled guano always on hand. Call on nie lie fore purchasing. F. J. WOODARD, Black Croek, X. C, SAM HODGES. H. HODQE8 HODGES HODGES WHOLESALE DEALERS IX II A T CAP H, And Ladies Trimmed Goods, 4'J Commerce Street, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. fe9 G. H. P. J. Koyal, Wainwrlifht,, H. T. Coleman. E07AL I CO., J: ft . Mill & Bro., Have removed their stock of fine Jewelry, Clocks, &c to their store on Tarboro. Street. They will keep on hand, at all times, a large stock ot the very best goods m their liie, and will do all kind of Repairing at short notice and in a workmanlike manner. (Successors Uy Farmer & Wainwrteht.) Founders anl Manufactureri if the Ohly WILSON COTTON AND TURNING PLOW. -WrILSON, N. C Wediling and Engagement Rings at short notice. We make a spe cialty of Harine- bought the entire stock btloiia-inir to ineoianrmoi farmer at ainwntfllt we are now preparea to oner special inducements to tnose in need of AGRICULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS. We will continue to manufacture tho origi nal Wilson Plows and Castings with some Im provement. WAlXWRIQnT, Uoyam, & Co., At the Old Staml.1 CALL OX ' -1 - d UJjLjJ 1 0 j BtRI&IBILtltRDXrmOa iimpon" Old Stand.) A HEW BAGATELLE TABLE. The nicest and must popu'ar Saloon in Wil son. Tho Finest Liquors and Ctjrars and an experienced and nrst-cla.s Uir-keoper BILLIARD 6l POOL TABLES THE FIX EST IX TH E COC X TRY. "W-AJSTTEID. I would be glad to take four school boys to board. Apply to fedlCtf MRS. A.' J. lilinwv. 5 5 si : Si "H I? 1 Si ' c I a .3 S vi 2. I3 Is c-i at" i ? P! S a C CO r O c o H O 2 m m 70 FT- CD tandard &uano! EOUHTREE, BARNES & CO. We have just received one thousand Tens of Standard (Juan.. Whanns, Bradlevs, Patapsco. Preston. Wegnaraatee them to be first-class. They have stood the tt in Wil son, Nash and the adjoining counties for seventeen years and hnve nvra satisfactory in every respect. We have a large quantity of -A.GIID PHOSPHATE Ou hand of the highest grade. Call and see us before purchasing, can make it to your interest to buy from us. ROUNTRKK, 1UHNRSA () Wn.sox. N. C.febl6-3m a Navassa G iaixo, Navassa Acid Phosphate! Manufactured liy NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY, WILMINGTON. N. C. - I883. Ito Sun (d Sri- mil mil us. DEALERS IN GENE R A L MERCHANDISE, Wilson, C. None lit-ttiT for .'.Wheat, i'orn, Cotton and Tolnicco. ",." The alniye well known and popu lar Fertilizer, fresh from the lvtory for sale in any quantities-- wanted, and prompt delivery in good' order guaranteed. - ootao-tr Branch. Hadley & Farmer, WilMia, . -, marStr SIT TAC!,KS. COBB & DAVIS, Orders by mail promptly attended to. We solicit a continuance of patronage. 1 J. G. KAWLS & liliO., Tarlioro St., Wilson, N- 0. apfi-tt notice: VALUABLE TOWN LOTS FOK SALE. Pursuant to an order made by the Bniierior Court of Wilson Coun ty, on the 27th day of March'. 1883, in a proceeding instituted in .aid court by Arthur D. Farmer and others, I shall sell at the Court House door iu Wilson on Monday, the 7th day of May, 1883, all of that iortion of the land. of the late Barnes Street, Between Hines, Hadlcy&Oo's. anu r.uwaris uvery Maoiea, nson, A. t , Dkai.kks IX Mligh Grade Fcrtitix- ers, icia Anospitate, ami Kainit. Call and see them before buying your (ruanoC Engines, WILMINGTON MARBLE WORKS. JOHX-MAUND'EK, l'noi'Kicrnnt. FOBox5.V. Elizalietli Iron Worts C1IAS.W. PETTIT, PROP. 280 and 282 Water St., Norfolk, Va M A X UFA C-T LTIIKH OF Boilers Saw anil Crist Mills,; Shaft ing, Pulleys, Hangers, max iortiou oi nie iaim.- ui ine i.uc (1 1 V f l1 1 1 11 I' I I1 T 1 V (1 V Nancy Edwards, deceased, lying be- UliulAu!S AM) I A S LUttS iween me itaieigu roan, aim louge )p KVKRY DESCRIPTION . Street, east ot a line running h orn . the terminus of Fanner Street to "iai'ii he Raleigh road, from the residence r- 1 . ,T . . of Arthur I). Farmer, including the ITOieSSlOllil I iXK lCC. Dwelling House and the Giu House , , i naye returneti 10 v iisuu -aim will occupy my former office in front of the Briggs House, where I shall be pleased to serye all who may la- vor me with their patronage. On Saturdays I shall be at Tois not until further notice. N. B. HERlUNd, M. I). ly. IIIGHESSCASH P1UCKS PAll) FOK ALL KINDS OK " MADE TO OHDEIa. jan2o-Cm . i:sTAiii.isiit:i ETHEREOGE & BROOKS. 8uoeesortoNe!ineyer.F.thercl.!fe& lirook?. 115,117nioil&322,35 ' ." '& 327 WATER 8T. POIITSMOUTII, VA., COTTCfi F AC TO." AND General Commissioni Vfcrcnants For tho RJtle nt I'eamitt". Iimml Fruit, a Southern VroducU,. and dealfi in iliuldcrs anil Agricultural Lime and but. X'inetil and Hay. Wholesale dealers in Coal of all liwral adviincciriciiiN made, on mn- si(?nmenta or Transit. ' - ' - fctKl-6m 1KNTIVAL IXHTITUTK! FOR "5TOXJ3STC3- LADIES. AT UTTLl.T)N, X. I no spring Term betrlna Monday, January 22nd. 1HK1, For further Information and calafotruon, addrtvw. ruic Mtiuiu I riuin.liij iitjuttv ItKV. .1. M. milium, ertn.-imt. ISIIIHIIIIII Are now in full successful operation. All kinds of Machinery nmdc to order. . ' . . . . , . . HciMired at short notice. Airenta for " e eelebratoil O. Is C, I'ooper Knalm.f Mf X'i iim.ii Ohio. 1 ram Works. We are prepared tofurnlnh irrlm am'. aw null, farm entriiu. nil ! nirn.til tural implements of every dospript Ion. jThe attention of ranneni anil dealer i m H.-.I u our NBW HOCK Y MOFNT TUHN FLoW aud ' j Itocky 3Iomii V(lon INiv, WemakeasiXHjIaltyofthraie. Our OOTTON FUtW txik rt l'ninhim at I he Katilern Car olina v air of 1S(1. They are aald by JuUre to be pcrfwt. BLACKSMITHING& REPAIRING Alw l lMt Of all kinds of machinery dono. under our own HUMrvlnlon, and our work I irunraiiti-l. i' in iuii iinu ui mi nn ui suwu aui wauir HMa ami (orinnetMHui. tlntra for same, i Wo also run a I'lantnir Mill. e. ' In inaktinr this announcement we ask a share of iwtrouaire fnm our frietubi and the puW S. K. FOUNTAIN, Manager. S. K. FOl'NTAIN. W II. TAY U K. V PromueloM. Willi- mar:il-ly C. llL'NKLE, Lot. The said land will Lie sold in lots, apbt of which may be exam ined at the orace ot (Joiinor S V ootl ard. I will also sell the lots be longing to said Nancy Edwards. on the north side of Tarboro Street, adjoining the gray eyard. ' Tekms. One-third cash. . Bal- on a credit of nine, months, liearing interest at the rate oi 8 per cent. . itle. reseryed until purchase money paid in full. H.G. CONXOK, mar30-4t - Oommissioner. kinds. L 9Ji if M LYON&HEALY State & Monroe SU.. Chicago. WMUend vrM"ld toanj l1rw thrtr BAND CATAUOCUE, for iBfiJ, tw im., Ait hunmvii'ir of tmtrauvrnU. twilU, Vps 1'miimibl KwwiWstt, C'p- Laiut. Kian. IVntn ftftiorH StMtT. and f Ub Suodry mod hiitiu, nvarmx JIM MM & Amerson, Bl ILDCKS C'03iTI6A TOKS Work of any descriqtion in our Una done nicely and with dispatch. wa wwrtpetfullY solicit a share of JV n the public patronage. linchSmi' . o O OLD I RON METALS, COTTON, ANI WOO' EN It A JAMES PO'WEK CO, 2H Uowlandds whart, Norfolk, Ya. llranch store corner Wi Water and Chureh troew. esep:s-l y SEND VOUlt ORDERS ' TO ' ' McCraw & Mriiey, CD o SARSA- EEMON POP, Summer CO Wilson Market j CWKRECTXD WEEKLY BY j Bynum Daniel Co., ' COTTON The market is now active at c. POTATO E3 (Sweet) . ...... .50 to BACON, N . U tnoff round) io Hams. " -- MM O. R. Sides. .,... 11 g 12X Bulk Shoulders... . ltlHK SALT.... 1 110 g 1 10 tnnei..... :. 1"5 LIME-tKock) ' 150 (ol 75 (X)Ry... jo & -l oo FODDEK-... . 100 & 1 10 LARD, Country..... , lj Vni4)i..rii . ; -12ffllfi MEALu 0 i 00 I WH EaT. (new) jjOffll.UO OATS , S 5 FLOUR, per bbl, . -iJllllli iu 1.1 9X 12 40 80 40 2 X COFFEE...- SUGAR SYRCP ... -- MOLASSES, (cube,). -do S5 :. CO CO IF is HAY.... EGGS: BEESWAX... CHICKENS.. PKaS. (cow).. .l 25 1 30 is : 30 22 I 15 30 :. w I 53 0 FOR SA-IL,E. 100,000 leet nice, all hart weath er boanlinj; and rloorinj;. Terms: at mill, six miles from Wilson l,00 ner hundred. MMiYereil in Wil son at 51,10 lM-r 'hundred. Apph- at this otlice r lo . .1. D. Williams. March.1) It NOTICE. UavlnirMiiuiSflivl as Kxeriitors of t he i-tat of Wilev liamm. (le!a!el, U fort; the I'roliatu Im.iito f v'i!siiii i-ountv. notiis" is hereby riven tn ail nermmK imlcLte.1 to the tat of ail deci-sel to make imyieiliate pajiueut. bikI to all ncrsong havinir claim azainut im; (letiael to present them for payment to u . . . .. t . . , .V... I'l.l. .lac or to our attorneys-on r m-nn; hivt yr of March. 1HH4. jr thin notii.-; win l-e plcart liar of their reeovcr-. . . WILLIAM H. MKH( Ell,U. t, L. D. W. BARNES, - f r'11 Mt'HRAY i Woohako, Att'y. r , Wilson, N. March 1-1. ixl. FOR GINGER ALE, PAR ILL A. AM) The nicest Spnn'' ami drink going. They aie mauulactn- rers of that drink, and tliey-guaran-tee their prices ami goods. mar23tf WILSON, N. C. For Said Tim vacant curner lot adjoining the lot occupied bv Mrs. L. Rhodes, corner of ash and Lodge streer. For terms apply to lnar-'iO-im Mrs. L. Rhodes. Special Notice A O warmer Send 1.03 and get the most val uable and money-making invention eyer invented for the Farmer. It will enrich the fann, decorate tlie house anil furnish the kitchen. This is strictly an honest -inven tion aud not a yaukee cheat. Send at once that yon may profit by the wonderful invention on the present crop and garden. It i worth twice your present investment in Fertil izer. Try it at once and le con vinced. Money refunded if inr. sat isfaction given. Address, FALM EB'S I N VENTOI!, mar.'M) 4t . AUertsons,,N. O- KCELSIOn COOII STOVES THE BEST III THE MARKn. v. i .-;- -V.'f Fourteen different p1mi ami k!m!, H? with Enaroeleil Kcrvilni. AilnWcl U , all require mwibs u" tirhfil to mil .11 tu -wv EATURES: ati'l WeoU Cru LEADING Double Woo! Donn, AdJuMatile ftaiuixr. aoatlc Shelf. riMUIiiK f wlmri. Plate. f-wlngliiK FIue-H HeerK:tii . BnniiMK Long Cti 1 1. , I l.iul.!c s-hnt, ('enters. Heavy kiiK Cnicm, Illiimlt.ait.! ' iXX.n. Mi ki I Kliotnt. V'lrkcl PuMi U, ett. tnejlmlod In MuUrU!, iu I .1 l-il nml In opcntllon. .iaruifactured by ISAAO A. 8HEPPARD A CO., Baltimore, Md. '' mitIl- Lv .KO. O. t-UKK I II. HIIhim. ,.C. W. T. BLACKWELL & CO. Durham, N.C. luilutmn at tk OrXfiwU aa4 Oaly Qln mine mw. . P i aj DURHAM TOBACCO Oar claim for merit la twaol upon tbe fact that chemical an&Iyala prorra that tbe tobaooo grown la our aoetlon la better adapted to make aGOODJ'URK, aatUnictorjr tmoks (lian ANY OTIfER tobacco crown In the world; and being altoated In the HEART of thla fine tobacco section, WE have the PICK of the oflcrlnga. Tha public ap predate, thia; hence our aalea EXCEED the prodaot of-AtJj tho leading man u flu rl r com bined. tOOrXone genuim unZcM U heart On trademark of the BuL Jlackwell's Durham i- Tin: Utile I'slray: , My deep sorrel mule, with- a s!ar in her forehead, white nose, aliotit 0 years old, strayed from me near Kawls' Bridjre, (Ireene county. Sun day eveuiut:, March I.'jth. I will be thankful for any; information leading t her recovery and will satisfy any party giving such in formation. Address, K. C. TlIOMAH, Coutentne.i 1. ()., niarSO-l't Greene, (o. C ' -4 i ' Far the Hljht Frir for Hcef CATTIilV We keep on hand always fresh lieef. Mutton, Fish, &c,and solicit patronage. Parties indebted ti us are requested to come .forward and make iHiinediafc.paymeiit. mar3K3 FOR S-AJT-.E1 .llfred Robinson, FASII10XAI1LE nA.KBKK AXIUIAIU PBESSEH, Tarboro Strekt, XVilsox, N. O r-s-Voiie but the lx'.-t bariM-rs employed. C. H. Avon K. OfWavnc. F- A- Daniels . )fVVilot. ' - . .'- I "' NKS-r, l'IKl.HT,Hm, ASI'MCWT VS1FOBM IIKA X IM.K H Mi. . TOIIACit) KVKIl FVT I'l-oX T1IK MARKET T.NXJFO'TTJIES OP Durham Long-Cut aa l Ourham Cigar t Thf rds We aCrfrund.T an AUlnie toaraafee ffL.l f Th.-vare the ttnt wid l'tirtt (UmhU ujk.ii the mi .rk -i. 1 R9T ' Tl-ev are free from -Drujfs 'or Clwinii-Hlf. of any kin I. I Kttl ' Tm."v consist of the finest Tol.aci-o. and purest rice j.hjht ion SEA SON" 1883 :o: - NIK 'OLI nED4L, IHHi and I' Upsher Guano Co., Norfolk- Virginia 30.000 Tons IVr Viiiiiism. Pure KEI JKKSEY Swine. For PBrtlculara Apply to Poro KBI JKKSEY riwlne. B. FABMEK, WUson,N.C. la&tf WATCn MAKER ASD JEWELER TJUllCELIi HOUSE I - WIL3IINGTON. N. ., ! ItECENTLY refitted and under en f tire new managrement: Terms 12,50 t 4.41 IUI Pa. ilati IL4LIFAX, N. C. janlO 1 i-c B. L. FERRY, rroprietor Ilt. K. 10. HUNTER, SUKGEUN DENTIST, OFFICE T ENFIELD, X. C AYCOCK & DANIELS, A TTORSEYS AT LA W, UOLUSBOKO. N, li-.ii.tii' ill tln Courts of 3 M. ....... . Wayne, Wilson, Greene, Lenoir and Johnston, and the Supreme tVurt of the State. , C.3LLECTIOS3 A SPECIALTY. gajMv - - M.-iniifacture.M of SUndaid Fertilizer and IntH.itim of Kaiuir and FhemicaN. The lkme and l'eru lan win an-iio. .' im.oo . the F.otash aiid l'h' .phat Utr th' muwx than any kind in tin- maiket. I . : UY'iM, IIAXIEL& CO., Ap ntN Wilson. N. . : VsaW and get circular containiii; formula, of G. I. Medaley, &,'-r write u.s. . : ' . . . ' . ' - . ' ' SEEDS, VEGETABLE PLANTS. tLL VAII1ET1ES FOU THE FAHM ANI GAliJiKN. T.l! KJtTrife f ran. U. if ON APPLIUATl kJ si - PR ICES THE liEST QUA LIT V Don csiKndcnce Solicited.- . AT -TUB M)WKST HiH'K. T. W. WOOD. SeeilMiian. KtHiUloiui. Va.

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