WILSON ADVANCE. li -nusiiED Etebv Friday At WII.SOX,, XORTII CABOLINA, jilSU'lllS DANIELS. - Editor and PrtficW Sins' uii'Tios Rates in Advance 2 00 J...., 1 w Fill' IP jl jni jdj Wilson )ANCE. "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE TOT COUIfTBirS, THY OOD, AMD TltUTHSV iijit- V.-ar - M.nilhs .Mori.-y tan U, ;nt by Money Order or (ifh v - TnrUiro fctn;c-t, . In ii!ln:i' I i 1 1 i 1 14 the OM Port X l-WS OF A WEEK c thki;i:i riiOM all parts -or Tin: world. vi:MllAAS(lS-iiLEASlSuS Tin- I'iiiversit y is to have a new .bus (;i-oiii ay, is liUi '' I.twycrs it law. ipany lias oeeu Necessity knows no A in Dii ' ferf ili"1 .lu.lg:--his Ihhii, organized lor the manufacture of VOLUME 13.-- WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, JUNE 29.1883. NUMBER 20 Uodniau is critically ill at - in Washington- He is not expec wl to live. The name of La Grange Acade my has been changed to La Grange H.llcgiate 'Institute. Uv L. Shell, an old and vener able nieinlier of the N. Confer ence, died last week. The Mormon ijuestion will have t be settletl exactly as the slavery st io:i was set t led. Ex. A lirookb n 'girl . eats three pounds of candy,' daily. If she is not sweet she ought to -lie. ' It is considered a disgrace for a Hindoo girl not to lie married win u stie'is eleven years old. .- colored woman in Chicago g"t a crdict of lo,OMl daluugcs in a breach of promise, suit against a white man - The TarlMjro 'Southerner", gives us t he astonishing ami incredible inlof iiiatioii that Tarboro lias a lawyer who can blush. The Salt Lake "Tribune" says there never was a time when so many young girls were going into H)lygam ;as at present. ' 'Frofcssor Coble, of Graham .Normal ' ollege, has accepted an assistant Messbrship in the Uni versity of V -(. h Carolina. The first regular- female physi- eian in India y;:s soul by the Women's Foreign Missionary ; ety of the Methodist Church. The Weldon "News" reports the death of a young woman, aged 10, from biirnit'g. She attempted to kii.dle a lire with kerosene oil. Mr. C. T. Willis lias disused of a half interest in his paper, the Tai loro 'Guhh" to Mr. The Trustees of the University decided not to allow dancing again at Commencements in the College property. The dancers and their friends are making efforts to build a hall to be used for the purpose of "tripping the light fantastic." Rev. Dr. Newman says "Voting is just as sacred a duty as prayer." But with our colored citizens the remark ' must be reversed. We must convince them that prayer is as sacred a duty as voting and should be attended to "early and often." ... Mr. Blaine says that "there are no people in the Anglo-Saxon world among whom so small an amount of intoxicating liquor is coinsum. ed as among the 050,000 inhabi tants of Maine," He attributes this to the effect of the prohibitory law. The Asheville "Citizen" says that a son oi Mr. ionn 3iorgan was drowned last Saturday evening in Mr. Nelson Smather's mill pond, on Hominy Buncomlie county, lie went in bathing amd it is supposed he could not swim and got bevond his depth. The' Rutherfordton "Rainier says that the Mormon preachers left Rutherfordton somewhat" has tily a party of young men tried to have a talk with them but the brethren were not exactly prepare' for the kind of argument .propose by the hunters. The Tarboro "Southerner" notes the proposed lawyers' convention for Henderson ville and suggests a state association. Something ioi' the kind is needed. Reconstruc tion, the $20; good character act or some otner agency ot . the lias mixed the profession with -scoun drels. REV. DR. TALM AGE. -:o: WHAT HE THINKS OF CRIMI NALS AXD TRAMPS. INDECENT LITHOGltArilS- "keT the eiiieient ..foreman. Of Chas. t the office. (Jrady. of the Atlanta Constitu tion, has had a thousand dollar pair of horses given him 4x Senator Colquitt. It is better R be. lucky than rich. In the Iowa town of' Truer, the City Council posts a list ot drunk ards in every saloon, and Orders the keeper thereof to sell no drink to any of them . "lie was the most perfect, gen tleman I ver saw," said a Ken tuckian of Henry Clay. "When yon went fo see him he handed you the whiskey bottle and then tin lied his back." Mr. Reecher distinguished him self in his sei inon last Sunday by demolishing the doctrine of Vicari ous Atonement. He cut loose final ly from everything that could be considered orthodox. A Gardiner-' (Me.) "man wills "2, ()0i) to the Methodist Church there on the condition that it give up soci ables. If the church 'people do not wantthe money if is to ro to the siekiit the pooi house. ' ' "Were it left to me," said Jeffer son, "to decide whether we should have a Government, without' news papers, or newspapers without a Government I should .'uot hesitate a moment, to prefer the latter." A I Toviilenee man slapiH'il astran- eis face for .staring at his wife in a street car and he wrts begming to feel himself a hero when the car topped and ;V HLrui girl helped the impudent felioyf off. He was stone I'llllll. i . Spring cliickens are probably i he same si,t H worlil over. Tin' "Press : 'says' a citizen of Lincoln- ien reeentlv lmflit whieli veie o suiall tliat he had to put :i mosi4ito net over the CMMipto keep them from .getting away; The "Farmer & Mechanic" nieu tions several: amlidates i';i pros lrt for Congressman from the 4th district, but fails to name the one who will be siiecesful, 11. H.'.-'Umm 1-sq. Mr. Ilium is t lie man" for the pl. ui. and we: cHiitidently 'predict' that he will he the choice of the I'cople of Miat district ATailMro "Southerner."! Mrs A.T.stewart has donated 4.(M)0,o(M for tl,o- erection nd sup' port, in New York city, of the larg est college in the United States. It wili furnish free tuition, aud.be strictly nonsectariau. The build ing, work upon wi,ith is to l)0. gnu immediately, will be the larg est aud finest collegiate edifice on this side of the the world. An Ohio student at a, theologi cal 'society was found guiltyjof the larceny of some text books from a stationer. The telegrams let him down easy by saying that he Aas studying for a Greek professorship and not tin ministry. The purity of the Athenian tongue does not seem to have struck in upon the would-be professor. ' We learn from the Fayette ville 'Observer' that the young man' who rescued the two drowning boys in New York, and w ho' was hoofed by the great helpless, staring crowd who did not move a hand to save the boys, was a North Carolinian. It was Mr. Samuel Person, son of the late Judge Person of Wilming ton, The courts have decided that editors are not workmen. We have no benches to sit upon, such as our learned friends, the judges and the shoemakers, hive; but when it comes down to hard work the average editor will double dis count the average judge on labor but not on the salary paid for do ing the, work. During the last scholastic year 278 students matriculated at Ruth erford College. Dr. Abernethy has done a great work for his sec tion. An exchange savs: "It is stated that 2,000 indigents have been gratuitously educated anil that about 1,000 of its inipils have been converted at the place during its existence." Adam and Eve oat in Kansas. A special from Crowley county, this State, gives an account of the location of a veritable garden of Edeiij Last Sunday a man and his wife named Palmer, while laboring under a delusion, stripped -'themselves, and not being adorned by even the fig leaf, wandered about their corral and orchard all day ami night, imagining they were in Fden aud obeying the behests of Jehovah. As the husband is a very strong and powerful man the neighbors were afraid to go near them, but on Monday lnornimr some of them coaxed up courage enough to go to tlieni and persuade them to clothe themselves. Their children w ere in the house, but were unable to do anything with their parents. The parents are now quiet, but still out of their minds. The-.woman,, w ho is very well educated, w as bitten by a rattlesnake a few days before the alHve occurrence, bnt, trusting solelv in oraver. refused to allow anything to le done for ber to cure the bite. lA'avenworth "Times" A Girl tyita Tobacco Heart. Among the patients treated at the Swinburne Dispensary Wed nesday was a girl aftficted with what is called a "tobacco heart." The victim of the disease is a strip per iu a u igar factory, an employ ment which superinduces the causes of her trouble. The affec tion mayti'sult from constant life in an atmosphere impregnated with tobacco, or .from excessive use of the weed. It is a degenera cy of Hie vital organ. Dr. Swin burne said that a girl with a "to bacco heart," w as still su secpt i ble to the tender passion. Between the cornet player the professional quartet, one of the best organists of the country, and a spirited preacher, the congrega tions of the Brooklyn Tabernacle i -ii have no cause ot complaint wnn its management. After the reverend gentleman had - announced that He wouiti baptise by immersion iniinediately after the service, tie said: "The Lord's voice crieth unto the citv." "Whether God or Satan shall have complete iosses.sioti of the - . .' . j i " t cities, is the question oi tne uour. Never so many" churches. .Never so many reformatory institutions. Never so many good men and women. Never such bright pros pects as now, but don't think that righteousness will triumph without any rebuff or without a terrific aud long continued struggle. Take for -instance the one fact that in the busy season, many of bur streets in the great cities are depraving 'picture galleries by reason of the unclad figures on the boards and in the show windows, many of our Theatres and Opera Houses' and places of amusement are by their r .ii-f.rtieirir outraffinff 1 1 J 'I i I yi ni. . c o decent society. Twenty -five years ago such things would have been imnossihle. I aui sure he who would display them and the prm ter of them would be brought up in a nolicc court. I denounce this mode of advertising in show win dows. This is education in the wrong directtbi), aud I ask that all respectable merchants refuse such advertisements. Iu all the cities of this continent it is an outrage against which no voice seems to be lifted. If the pictures oi actors and actresses in the show windows and on the board fences are gen nine specimens of what is going on in the American theatre that institution is rapidly going toward Sodom. In Europe the ancient pictures are put in private mus eunis as specimens of a barbaric age and only to be looked at by antiquarians. In the name of God and all citizens I demand a re for matioii in this respect. Never since the world Started have the forces of righteousness been so triumpant as nownever since the world started have the forces of evil been so unblushing and black ening. We are on the way toward complete and. universal victory Don't charge! me with being pessimist, I :wn an optimist. The desert is to be a garden and all around is to be right. Dr. f aliiiagc then spoke of the demand for christian workers to go into the streets and workhouses and preach Jesus Christ. And stated that it was his ambition that his congregation be one great band of such christian workers. I shall set before, you this morning the antagonists of society. First I remark, belonging to this class of society are all public criminals. It is not strange that in large cities there should be large classes of criminals, American criminals, foreign criminals. Never so many good honest men (?) The greatest come from foreign lands to live here. But they do not constitute the whole. While standing at Castle Garden I saw a great multi tude come with bibles within hands. They are an addition to the moral forces as well as to society at large. I have seen them while waiting for their transportation to another railroad 'train reading their bibles to their families. But here is a fact that cannot be disputed: That the majority of criminals taking ships from Europe come to our lort. In 1S09 of the 49,000 people in the prisons of this country 32,- 000 of them; were of foreign birth Many of them were the despera does of society, they oozed into the tcresting yourselves! They must interest you because they touch your pocket. Y'ou are to-day pay ing the board of criminals, from the boy that stole the spool of cotton to the man who helped to make blacic Fridaj-. The State prisons of to-day, said the preacher, are not accomplishing the end they were created for, instead of being a reformatory they tended more to develop thieves and cited as an example that of 1500 persons in Sing-Sing 400 had been there be fore. The majority turned out of prison were worse than when they went in.. We want ' something, more than the shoe last to reform them ; something more than ser mons. The Secretary of one of our. prison associations, said to a lad 15 years of who had been three years of that 15 in prison. "What did. they do to make you better?" "Well" said the lad, "when I came up the first time before the judge he said, you ought to be ashamed of yourself." "The! second time I was brought before jhim for committing another crime, when he aid, "you rascal." "In time I com- THAT BAD BOY. nOW HE DISABLES HIS WITH FIRE WORKS. mitted. another crime.' and was brought a third time before the judge, when he said," you ought to bo hanged, (laughter.) We want more of the influence of such people as John Howard and Elizabeth Fry, to do that which they did in the prison of Europe. B.N. tFor the Advance. The Fourth of July. BY KEY. DE. DEEMS. -:o: PA THE FOURTH OF JULY. "How long do you think it will be before your father will be able to come down to the office!" asked the druggist of the bad boy as he was buying some arnica and court plaster, "O, the doc says he 'could come gome tide by drowning of Col. "W. E. Mebane, the cause was financial troubles. He left home yesterday evening in a aesponaene scaie oi mmu, iue uahbakuuo tVJNUuox A HORRIBLE TA LE. 5"" "ft dTng"?i! vi uij eiai aii . juuisuciu. XU13 -:o: growing out of financial troubles, to which he had" been subject for some months. Apprehending something wrong in his case a par ty of about fifty or sixty men went in search of the wanderer, but could ascertain nothing m regard to the missing man until they, discovered a hat floating on the water of a mill pond about five miles froiu town. Thereupon a search was commenced," and his body after sev eral hours was hooked by : one of the party. At the residence of Mrs. Wade he left his watch, pocket- OF COLLEGE STUDENTS. SHAH CIVILIZATION. .We do not desire to do injustice to the Northern civilization by par ading crimes and wickedness gen erally. Says the "Star": When we do bo it is because of the un fairness of some of the. Northern editors, who appear delighted when they can fled something horrible to parade in the South. They have down now if he would on uf reer. whorcr thorn warn Tin horses I Knnlr Irora anil knife hv deDOsitineT 1 ' 1 f Ka ailrantotfa in aha MicrhAtr to scare," said the boy as he bought them in a horse trough, together - v with a note requesting that the ar ticles should be delivered to his wife. A note was also found float ing on t he water, addressed to his wife, in relation to the premeditat ed act. ' . . some gum, "but he says he aint in no hurry to come, down till his hair grows out, and he gets some new clothes !made. Say, do you wet this court plaster and stick it on!" The druggist told him how the court plaster workedj and then asked him if his Pa couldn't ride down town. "Ride down?' well,: I guess nix. He would have to set down if he rode down town, and Pa is no, set ter this trip, he is a pointer. That's where the pinwheel struck him." "Well how did it all happen!" asked the druggist, as he Hew Cotton Picking MacWne. murders by the pistol are more numerous in the South than in the North, but other forms of crime are probably less, except in the cases of rape by negroes. Within a few months the Northern papers. have published some very peculiar and shocking crimes as occurring in then section; We have noted some of them,' and we could easily treatment of Mr. Borden to me was not mentioned to any one but my mother." It may be mentioned that Miss Butler has a father and two brothers to protect her ; honor if such protection had liecn necess ary. She is eighteen years old, handsome and unusually intelli gent, A younger sister was at the Mansfield Seminary with her. Jenkins seems to have been suffer ing from hallucination of t mind when he fired the fatal shot. In an interview with Miss But ler, following her statement, she de clared that her relations with Jenk ins were only such as exist be tween friends, and that whatever conclusion ho may have deduced from her statement in reply : to his questions concerning Borden, she did not imagine it could be con strued as an admission . ol any criminal act on her part. WILSON ADVANCE. :o:- RATES OF Advertisixu. One Inch, One TnerUon- - UM Month.. Tblfe Mooliuu. Six Manttuk. UM Mr.. l en .. : n 1. fti Li bend DUcounU vOl t made fur Lanrrr AdTWttMOMaU and for Contract by the Yrar Cufc must fcooouipany all Adrortiwwnr nleaa good rat enooa la ftvn. PUGILISTIC. -:o:- TWOLOVEKS PUMMEL EACH OTIIEH SEVERELY. JEA L O VS V Til KVAl S K. T- l.na 1inr haan onncedAd that one of the greatest : agricultural have swelled the list very greatly necessitie8 of the , age, particularly as affecting the material prosperity of the South, is an automatic cot ton picking machine. Many at- fnTnnfa in thin direction have been I m.rlA Krit f.Vnia far w it-.h. indifferent ped a yellow paper over the Dot- anx When-.Jji the eleniente of count of it. The sum of t he matter The last reported outrage we have noted specially conies from Syracuse, N. Y., and is said to have occurred on the last day of May. The Chicago "Tribune," Rep., has a special giving an ac- Atlantic, if . not in For Pockt-t.Knives or Table Cut leryi go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Wilmington N.C. slums of the cities, alter a time joining a gang of American thieves anl cut throats. There are 4,000 people in this neishborhood of cities whose entire business it is to commit crimes. It is as much their business to do that as it is our business, to inanasre uirispru deuce and inedicine. .They count the few weeks spent iu jail as wasted time, just as you would look upon that time as wasted when you are si:-k with the in tluenza. They are related to crime ami 1 don t suppose once a year the thought of morality comes before t hem, 10,000 arrests in this neighborhood of cities iu one year for theft and batterry. 50,000 ar rests for intoxicatiou ; rum the cause of many . f these evils ; rum the course of many of these thefts. 70-000,00 dollars worth of property stolen in this neighborhood of cities in one year. Can yon as srood and : honest citizens see these things done without in It is the saddest day in the y ear Then most hideous, not to say un christian and uncivlized, noises rend the air, increase the misery of the sick and torment those who desire to read or talk or thiuk, or do anything that is reasonable. Why f Americans should look down npon Chinese is to us utterly incomprehensible, seeing that we have never learned to : celebrate our national birthday in any other way than imitating the brainless noises of the "Celestials." Every unnecessary noise is indicative of lack of culture, refinement, and large personal resources. From their earliest days children should be taught that every unnecessary noise is an injnry to him who makes it aud to him who hears. But the noises which are made by useless explosions of gunpowder are not the greatest of the evils ftnwmMv hundreds ot lives are .destroyed annually, and how many thousands ot dollars' worth of property are consumed, by this more than foolish practice ! Let every Christian be made to feel what a sin it is to expend his mnnovJ in this senseless way. If children were taught to carry al the monev that is now wasted on the Fourth of July to other chil drenwho w ere needy, how much solid and profitable pleasure might be thus secured! nirino- to make our contribu tion toward the suppression of this form of vice, we suggest that all the boys who read this article shall commit the following verses to menioty ! Tho boy stood on the backyard fence. Whence all but him had fled ; . The flames that lit his father s bafn Shone just above the shed. One bunch of crackers in his hand. Two others in his hat. With piteous accents loud he cried, "I never thought of that !" A bunch of crackers to the tail Of one small dog he'd tied ; The dog in anguish sought the barn. And 'mid its ruins died. The sparks flew wide and red and hot, , They lit upon that brat ; They fired the crackers in his hand. And eke those in his nai. j Then came a burst of rattling sound The boy! Where was he gone ? Ask of the winds that far around Strewed bits of meat and bone. And scraps of clothes and balls and tops And nails and hooks and yarn. The relies of the dreadful boy That burned his father's barn. Even little fellows might be taught to declaim this harrowing story. If they chose, they might also' I commit "Casabianca " of which this is a parody, anu men, when their fond parents drew them out iu the presence of "company to display their "smart itude," they might says, "Look on this picture !" and give ."The ...boy stood on the burning-deck," and then say : "Now, look on this picture!" and declaim, "The boy stood on the backyard f?nce." It.. would, be more useful aud impressive than certain other .exercises c i.... witnessed. tie oi arnica, aim iwisieu iuo cuu, (';nMnr! and then helped.the boy stick the the problem are considered mclud- 'hi. Ua ing those of the ecouomy of manu- "kobody knows how it happened facture, perfection of work per but pa, and when I come near to formed, and . protection to be cot. .a mI iw.ir b. feels around ton plant from injury during the v""- v. v. v. w . " .1 - , mi.A - nntrnrt process oi picitiug. j. uc n""s which a practical machine of this kind would effect in the harvest in ? of the crov of cotton has been estimated to be enormous, as may be readily interred from the state ment that the cost of picking the aet cotton crop by hand exceeded $50,000,000. It seems that Mr. Daniel B. Has selton, a mechanic residing in Charleston, S. C, has solved this problem, and has succeeded in cou- IMS lllji Ilk SUILk wucio ii in j.r.v" pocket would be if it was his pants he had onjaud tells me to leave his sight forever, and leave quick too.: You see he is afraid I will get hurt every 4th of July, and he told me if 1 wouldn't fire a fire-cracker all day he would let me get four dollars' worth of fire-works and he would fire them off for me in the eveniug in the back yard. I promised, and he gave me the money and I bought a dandy lot of fire works, and don't you forget it. I had a lot of Rock sirucung a practical 6 cmne anu testeu iu to me oauoi tion of experts. The first test ets and Roman candles, and six pin-wheels, and a lot of nigger chasers, and some of these cannon fire crackers,(and torpedoes, and box of parlor matches. 1 took them home and put the package iu our big stuffed chuir and put a news paper over them. Pa always takes a nap in that stuffed chair after dinner, and he went into the sitting room and I heard him driving our poodle dog out of the chair, and heard him ask the dog what he twas a-chew-ing, and just then the explosion took place, and we all rushed in there, I tell you what 1 honestly think. I think that dog was chew ing that box of parlor- matches. This kind that pop so when you step on naturally discloses some imper fections in detail; but these are such as can be easily remedied. The machines consists of two parts, the forward part being used for brushing the cotton plants tree is this: some students broke into the sleeping-room of two students, gagged and bound them, and car ried them to a neighlioring village. Procuring a public hall they took the two youths to it about midnight.- We copy from the account in the "Tribune" and in barbarity it exceeds anything we have ever read of except among the savages. . Here is what was done : . . I "Two large barrels had previ ously been prepared for the occa sion. Sharpened hails had been driven into them from the outside, so that they protruded nearly an inch in the interior. The two vic tims were placed in these barrels after the gags had been removed from their mouths. The barrels were headed up. The floor of the hall w&s then wet down, and a small fire bnilt in the centre. The barrels, were then rolled from one end of the hall to the other, and several times around aud oyer the fire ; revolvers were fired and fire- Decidedly Mixed Politics. 'What are your views iu regard to the tarifft" askedjau enterprising reporter of a gentleman who was standing at the bar drinking with a frienJ. Tin in favor of the protection of American industries," frankly replied the person addressed. J , "Then of course, you are a Re publican," added the newspaper IlliiU. "Not if T know myself. I'm a Democrat." I "And have you any opinion on the subject ! continued the scribe, turning to the gentleman's friend. "You may put me down as a free trader," replied the latter. "Oh, I see; you are a. Demo crat." ; "Nary time. I'm a Republican. W hat are you t" I ' "WelL" responded the astonish ed reporter, "I was a Democrat when I came nr here, but, rm blowed if I know what I am now." "Brooklyn Eagle." A Freak 01 Mature SOMETHING THAT BEATS ALL! THE HISTORIC SNAKE STORIES OP BAR ON MUNCHAUSEN. of sand and dust, and the hinder crackers exploded. ' I ml. iAm;hlA .I, part to pick the cotton from the bolls. The picking mechanism nrooer consists essentially of a 4 - series of circular steel disks with peculiarly constructed teeth on their faces somewhat beyond their points. These disks are so numer ous and the shafts to which they are attached and with whftjh they revolve are so disposed, '-that it is claimed that hone of the ripeolls them. Pa was just going to which by suitable guides are made "The terrible din had arousod several of the villagers, who as sembled about the hall. The cries of the imprisoned young men could be heard above all the conf usion. A constable demanded admission to the hall; but was threatened with violence. ' He ungallantly retreat ed. The barrels were finally rolled down the stairs and into the street. The heads were knocked iu and the two btudents libera led. They dead than alive, and was While the electric current flashing the news of the Czar's cor onation from within the walls of Moscow over the snow covered plains of Russia to St. Petersburg, and thence via Germany j and France, under the broad Atlantic to New York, acrpss maiiy states to the city of Nashville, a night bkxmi ingcereus in the hothouse of of Mrs Ewing, No. 32 Vauxhall street; this city, commenced suddenly to bloom and lo, as its outer leaves unfoldet per here set down when the whole air was to come i in contact with them L.ueht .... , i nni. Au(ona their action, while all tne I v ... . ,:n. ,i .... on.! iwir. escape meir uciiou, uuou men lined WikUUUi;, anu i, -v'v-" I . tc anil Avprvtliine-. When I eot uunpe doiis anu oiuer parts ui mo in there pa had a sofa pillow try- plant are protected from injury by tn nnf. the do? out. and in the the peculiar construction of the meantime pa's linen pants were tooth disks, as already noted, for afire. I grabbed a pail of this in- the projecting rim or . flange pre dio water that they had been rin- vents the teeth acting on any other sin"- clotSies with and throwed it on than a soft, fibrous substance, that na. or there wouldn't have been a will sink below the rim and quick place on him biggern a sixpence ly be drawn in Dy tne ieein. xue that wasn't burnt, and then he ripe, open boll of the plant is the threw a camp chair at me aud told only portion of it that corresponds inetogo to Gehenna. Ma says to this description, and, therefore, When the villagers came they were threatened with revolvers and were indignant at being dis turbed iu their infernal and sliH;k mg barbarities. The report says: "Theyouug men's clothing was nearly torn from their bodies, and the blood flowed from their wounds oanarxl lv their comins in con tact with the sharpened uails." Nothing like this -ever occurred in the South or could occur m any college. The studeuts perpetrating a a-a 1 t L nA X. I . 1 Z t-v t I OITO that's the new lieu tney nave sot mis aioue is arrests j w ., lirrai,p flrft s lid to have been . , .... . . ..ru.. i: CifoKia moAhan am tnv nnnvevinff I tne outrage are s.uu w mc ucou " ,V ZT" ZS: the cotton from The disks to a in liquor, but that is not the slight- u.e 101 uu uu0 a. ,t r - receptable above completed the est excuse. were out ins coat-tail oiaeu up action of the machine. It is esti and a Roman candle was firing blue mated that the capacity of the and red balls at his legs, aud a rock- machine when perfected will be his white vest. The ueiweeu uu . About Farming and Preacbing. in its centre was disclosed feet crown. The coincidence does not atop It was ascertained from the fortunate owner of this plant that it had grown froni a cutting or slip cut many years ago by the jRev. i P. S. Fall, formerly of this city", but now of Lexington, Ky., iu the gar dens of the Czar of St. Petersburg. Sunday, when the beautiful white flower unfolded itself, and that, too, in.the broad daylight, those who saw it were astonished beyoud de scription. Vpon looking closer a crown was seen in the centre; ol the flower. It was a mystery to all until yesterday morning, when the two-columii-and a-half description iu the America of the crowning of the Czar was hailed a a Mtartling and pleasing coincidence, if not a proof of the truth that a subtle low er or influence iermeateH the whole of uature. Nashville American. Bicjcle Riding at the State Fair. The Western Toy Company, of Chicago, 111., will offer through the N. C. Agricultural Society at the State Fair this fall, a fine forty two inch bicycle of that most mod. eiine construction, .with holler Bessemer steel felloes and genuine round rubber tires, for the best bi- w-i riiiiir bv any resident of North Carolina, speed and grace to Via nnsidered. Bicycle riding is verv popular in Europe and is rap idlv becoming very much so in this country. This is a chance to get a good machine on easy terms. et got into scene beggared description, like the Racine fire. A nigger chaser got after Ma and treed her on top of the sofa, and another one took after a girl that Ma invited to din ner, and burnt one of her stock ings so she had to wear one of Ma's stockings, a good deal too big for her home- After things got a little quiet, and we opened the doors and windows' to let out the smoke and the smell of burnt dog hair, aud pa's whiskers, the big fire crackers began to go off, and a policeman came to the door and asked what was the matter, an d pa told him to go along ,with me' to Gehenna, but I dout want to go along with a policman. It would give me dead away. Well, there was no liody hurt much but the dog aud pa. I felt awful sorry for the ,w Tie didn't have much hair anyway, except by the ears' but he thought a good deal of his whis kers, cause they wasn't very gray. Say, couldn't you send this an archy up to the houseT H 1 go up there pa will say that lam the damest fool on record. This is the last 4th of July you catch me cele brating. I am going to work in a glue factory, where nobody will ever come to see me. And the boy went out to pick up some squib fire crackers, that had failed to explode, the drug store. seed cotton per diem. Kissing tne Jnd&ln Court. Rev.'G. W. Sanderlin, former ly of Baltimore, has a 9 30,000 in North Carolina, from which he has just sold 10,000 bushels of corn, at A Wn. -VTm-It Talacrram SAVft : I sicrhr.v ppnta bnSllCl: and lie IMS xk. a w. . --- -e - j - . i v,b"-j - - An odd scene of osculation pictnr- two other arms nearly as valua vaiHarl tr.A mmtofomv of 1 hU 11 this. Fie finds that farm- Last Monday morning an extra ordinaiy etuntcr letweeii two young men took place at Han ts, burg, a short distance from ,4'har. lotte on the Richmond and Danville rail road, aud the presence iu the city yesterday, of one of the com batants, with '-his second, is how the partieuLirs of the "alLnr of honor" leaked out. The intH'ting at Harrisburg of the two young men was premeditated and 'he parties had come to an' agreement as to the, time and place ol meet ing, by correspondence. One of the parties was a Mr. Meares, of Wilmington, this State, and the other a Mr. UotVinun, of South Carolina, but who has been going to school at King's Mountain. The cause ol the umiciiiix h Minpiy that Ih)U of the young men were in love with the same joiing lidy, . aud the green eyed monster got iu his work on them. They- cut m each other for a time and finally their enmity liecame so jreut that they deetded to fight it out aci-ord. ing to the code. No weaMus were to be used according to the iigri-e- ment, but they were to have a sim pie, but genuine slugging mutch, such as the iron fisted gladiator of old indulged in to the delight of the Romans. The two young men, uc corn pan ied by their friends, or seconds, met at IlaiTisbuig promptly on Monday morning, a agreed upon, aud prepared for the fray. They Were placed iu no tion and at the word, fell iimu each other with all the fierceness horn of madness. They piunuiclcd each other soundly for .iloiit five minutes when the North Curo inian was kuocked to the ground. but got up and resumed the fight. They fought for exactly sixteen minutes by the watch, when both gladiators, bloody and bruised, fell to the ground. The seconds rushed to the side of each of the fallen "slugs" and endeavored to raise them for a renewal of the coiitet-t but without success. Both were finished and each one, unmindful of the celebrated McDufl's inoca tion, cried "enough." The necoiols insisted on the fight proceeding but each combatant declared him self satisfied. They were assisted to rise and then, in the presence of the seconds thev shook hands and declared the matter wet Med. The" combatants were washed and cleaned up, when they took tin- train for their homes, Mr. Ilollman coming through Charleston sjieiidiugthe day here aud esquely Jefferson Market police court to day. Col. Spencer had made a successful plea before Justice Gardner for the release of Mrs. Julia Miller, who was charged with ing pays better than . preaching, Religion Ilerald of June 7th. The "Herald" possibly meant this as a compliment. Bro. Sanderlin is one of the best meii in North Carolina receiving $24,000 worth of stolen and has by his skill in rarming laces. Mrs. Miller herself was not greatly benefitted his state. But resent, but was represented by he retired from the pastot ate on er cousin, a tall lady of uncertain the advice of the leading physi ge, dressed'in black and wearing clans in Baltimore indeed, he was Afra. Miller I fnrfAil bv tne conaiuou Ol rlasses. As soon as iad been discharged the tall lady tried to hug Col. Spencer, but he rebuffed her affectionate gratitude. She then broke through a barri cade of chairs and bore down on Jdge Gardner. Before the Judge his health to do so. "Star" Do Big Fires Bring Rain? ) - :- . i -: - The big fires that happened in Raleigh and Lynchburg about; the same time were succeeded by heavy rains. We Iwlieve that a general rain could be produced at any time of the year by the aid of a large fin. It rarities the air, and the hot currents ascending amid the upper stratas cause rain. Dur ing the war every battle wasi fol lowed within twenty bourn by a storm for 100 miles around tho battle field. If the fight lasted three days, the wounded generally bad to lie in pools of water, or amid the dropping forest, for a night or two. "Farmer and Me chanic. Tne Jeniins-Borden Tragedj; A special to the New Orleans Picayune from Alexandria, La., could, scale a large safe in the cor- j gives the following statement made ner she had her arms around him by Miss Butler, "l hereby ueuy aud pressed a kisa on his beard having made at any time a cou vrhere Rhe snonosed his mouth was fesskra to Mr- Ben T. Jenkins, to Justice Gardner faced the court room red with blushes, but with the fire of youth in his eyes. Good idiice to Presclers. the effect that Mr. Borden bad in any manner ill treated me, only Sq far as shall be explained, i hen asked by Mr. Jenkins if Mr. Bor den had treated me badly I told him yes. He then . asked me in what way. 'I told him I can't tell; "Yonnff crentkman. study He brew roots, pore over Greek verbs, bnt you can think any; way yon . a I . J rM. svl indi cm irv oror - f a. r i 3 ta; a r t-ah narA nmp i wimu. . uwd iua juuituni in iruub ui i reaa jutw.utT i - . - a.Weilm: translate ancient hiero offered by Mr. Borden tome was m glyphics; Dnt I charge yon, when the libraryabout ien days ago, n intn th nnlnit to Breach when I was there for some books, n . . . I ... - t.. .nMaiwtAttail ma ami af the Gospel, to use plain Angio- wneu ww - Suicide of Col. W. E. lebase. -A speci-i Saxon," is the good advice given telrrpted to put his hands upon me, . i nK0o-- frfm k,. iaH n. n. to class of andl immediately left the room, o LL - tKonLi and I wasnever in bin presence Ste Took it by Proxy. A beautifal young lady tripped into Dr. Hatchet's drng store, a few days ago, and told Mr. Slight who presides there, that Rhe wish ed some castor oil. and asked him if lie ronld mix it un so as to dis guise the taste of it. ! . 'Oh. ves." savs Swigbt. Pre sently Speight said: "Will you i.av Flaw of Mtda water. Miss "Oh. ves." says she. After drink ing the soda water the young lady waited awhile and then asked Speight if the castor oil was ready. "Oh!" says Speight, "yon have already taken the castor oil in the soda water." t "Great heaving!" sakl the young lady. "I wanted the oil for my mother." - j. Tableau- Ex. 1 The North . Caaoliui in suueied most. Ills nose wits i.iokcii huh he had a painful cut behind hi eais. rue aouiu i.imiiiiimii. iw pretty badly bruised and wratelied about the face, but this was the extent of the injuries. Our inlor- mant tells ns that the young lady alout whom the difficulty oct uivd lives at King's Mountain, and whether or not she knew of -the desperate proceedings or her lovers -he could uot say. - The young men were merely jealous, and each was desirous of pummeliiig the other and hence the meeting.. It n a strange and unusual way of M-ttliiu a love affair and we are not advised a to thegiMMlit has done either, of the participants. Their pluck . a t I I. is to be atiniireu, notte.i-i ihihii tho jtffair is to deprecated, and it is a ity that it cannot ! arr.iuged so that lioth could win the l.tir hand for which each one under, cut such punishineiit.t 'harlot fe H)hprver." The Mr. Meares is not a residisi'. of Wilmington. Ex. A Water Spool. I'assengeM on the Elm "''' from Bay river yesterday had the opportunity of beholding rare jightnf tle diHturlied iemeiu. When the steamer iw Jm anove South river a water iMt made up from the Ncus', about five. m ien behind her. For a few moment , its 'movement was' upwaid uutil-it m-Joeil to k'nw the evil-for. lHMliiig cloud above it. In . hoit time, however, it was diwovcr.1 that the mighty pyramid of smoky ImiU- ing water was rapidly appnwehing the steamer. .'Capt.Gibls ordereil more steam in order to get away from the spout a? fast a Kwdble. Obsen-ing the dreaded visitor was coming faster and faster, the Caj- tain chauged his wmrse 111 an oppo- tiite dire:tioii and "pulled for lie shore," with the intention of getting nearer in and running twek pasi the ater upo"1' B,tt,,, ,u discovered that the terrible tower was settling down into the river. whereupon the steamer wa t Hang ed to her original course; Cant. Gibbs, who 'lia een sev eral water spout, thinks this was 120 feet in diameter and was with in five miles 01 the boat when it was formed. It was a grand freak of the disturbed elements, a sub lime display of the power of niadden ,i -ind. but it was not pleasant to all the passengers to be jH-rsiied by -.h n. daneerons phenomenon. Newbern "Journal."

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