T - W ILSON' ADVANCE. 1M lU.IsniU) l.VKRY FJiIIAY AT Wll.S.-N. NOKTH (UTIOL1NA, ... 1!Y JuM.HIlS iiMM.S. - KJiixr and Proper 1 WILSON : ------1 ;.' 1 H.i WILSON ADVA 1YCF, KATES OK AlVYEKTlSlNU. 1KN JiATES IN ADVANCE i '. 2(W! ; l ou ; 1,'y.Zi'u- .-,t"l.y Money' Ord.-r or : tin-'! l.'-Mfraiourii- !-t-. 'I'.nl.i.tn -Street, Hi llUllu.l!-' ,,. ,. Year . M - - - M 'LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE TUT COUNTRY'S, THT GOD'S, AHD TBttTIIS the OM l'ost VOLUME 13:-- 1 WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, JULY 6. 1883. r,fr.-.r... -NUMBER 21 m:vs or a w C, ATI I I, KOM ALL PARTS i in; would. ri: t ' v v.s-V; ,;.!- vo.s 1 I Hikes I h .lit. Mi.--; l alii" r U.--1 inliln-- I"'""' 11 ir;iiii.t. ,-iin;.-, Tui l- .Uiii.,l! In sii..i ti han-ui. Ie cvc'lass . noil to. 'hi sweet r r.i-i'soii. -is tin; literary c University of over 13,000,000 i Ihc Sultan and Tl is worn ly u Le Mi- with one eye much more than lie e;ili -comprehend. Tin- Infernal Revenue Districts in Virginia have I (ecu consolidated to suit MalioiH'.aiHl with an eye to miliar elections there.5 ilii- .Jeaiics" .W.Uliuiiis is to have n moil it me lib at his oll home in Vln;i!l.tii'l, I iid. The monument w i:l In- 1 1 1 1 v eiled on .Inly 4. A man lias invented a chair that i-.Hi In- -.'.liiistcil to 800 'different - i! ion -.. H i- designed, for a'boy to sit iii w in ii In 'roes to church.' I',x l'i viih iii Itavis, who was smut- Hun- :rj, prostrated hy a dan- "vrmis illness, has entirely it i nvcr- t-il ami is now 'in excellent hcaltl l A-Cetvenior Hendricks, of Intl., is sai l !! about' to follow the e. ;iiiiilcol Air. I '.lame and write a hook, dealing wilh 'political' history. Judges Ilo.i.lly and rorakcr, the rival candidates for . Governor of liio, me -sail I loin- intimate friends, ami reside in l ie same ward in Cin -flte urea' icsilon olthe day at pri'sent is to wear a high all toiiml a r and still, he able to sin1 '.-. aard without-cutting your One of the sweetest 'pictures (if doinest ie (vonoiny is a poet black ing a wlute stocking so that it won t show I hroi.igh t he fissure of llis limit. - The effort of some ot the Radi i .ils journals to make political cap ital out of the unveiling of the Lee inqliiimi'iit at. Lexington is beneath coillenipt. - J The New York -'Mair ' says t hat Adam was the. King of Kvt1.'' ( hi the ground, we suppose, that his ride in the 1 liirden of Kden was 1 .vaiicscelit. l-'or nearly ten Yeais Geo. Train j has sai on the Same bench hi Madi son Sipiare loiinteeii hours a day. lb- wears no hat and his face is burned it h I lif sun. (!cTgia lias ,SI( fae. '." tries, work ing 17.S7I hands, with a capital in vested ot lS.'.Clojt), paying in wages -'l.s ,,"i(K, yielding annually of ifroilnets :!t. I'M:; llrt. :--lla.ipers Weekly'" says the star route "Verdict is a sorry conclusion for l he in terests of just ice and pub lic honesty, for the country anil for the Ifepublieaii party.' The Mississippi i iMir is still ris ing at St. lionis, out more slowly. lieat aiiil potato crops in that vi t iniiy have been lost ami many will iiili-i unless they receive aid. i : A-negro named Isaac r.vmini A blundering compositor in set tind npthe toast, "Woman, without her man would be a savage," got the punctuation in the wrong place, which made it read, "Woman, with out her man, would be a savage." The Jialtimore "American" say "i)eniocratic liarmou has no need to go to Tolchestcr it ti up in its own balloon." Yes, and it is rid ing steadily and serenely, too and no imaginary inflamation from' the Republican gas-bag can turn it from a successful voyage. The losses by the Hoods in the Missouri Valley cannot be compu ted, but some conception of their magnitude may be obtained from the estimates given, that in seven townships the damage to crops is over 8300,000. .. The losses ot rail roads will foot up several millions. " It is said that Josh Billings, the humorist, lias received for many years. ?100 per week for the halt- column which he contributes to each, issue of the ew York "Week ly." lie received for Lis "Kssa on the Muel" SlO, his first earnings in the line of literature. He has '."''vered a thousand lectures dur i,; ..( the last seventeen years-. .vl is. A. T. Stewart has donated 4,000,000 for the erection and sup port, in New York city, of the larg est college lu the United States. It will furnish free tuition and lie strictly non-sectarian. The build ing, work upon which is to be lie gun immediately, will be the largest ami finest collegiate edifice on this side of the Atlantic, if not in the world. In r.altimoie, Oliver 15. Cheno weth has instituted suit for 10,000 :igaiut John W il!. for, as he al leges, being 'called a thief ami a robber..- With sic- a bonus for laving these epithei a plied, they will soon be generabv esteemed a THAT BAD BOY. r'ST! THRILLING SCENE, the child is dying has died - j while the father sheds tears, and 111- AND HIS CHUM .TLAY AX- goes away to wear out grief in OTHER JOKE ON" IIIS PA. necessary occupations, does - t lie oeu cease to souuu in the ear ot the mother the child's name ! And her arrief for the child is there A 31 AD ' MM!.. anvthincr that; ean rennv that: 1 Xot here. Not ou earth. Only in heaven. So then be kind and gen 1 !.') I HlV an1 otPtinnnia .,.l.- 'When is vour Ma coming uactii ."vaunoucwiuuaic w xuuluci. asked the grocerv man, of the bad, kiss of devotion is tp her like a boy as he found him standing ou smile from heaven and you can't when the Trcerv wbs opened in amagine how it will brighten her the morning, taking some pieces oi uar i.e. iesiura iou owe uei u brick out of his coat tail poctets ui io. way uaciv neu H) she got back at midnight, you were a little girl she kissed yon 1-tstnb'ht " saiil the boy, as he eat when no one else was tempted by a few berries out of a case. "That's your fevertainted breath and swoll- what makes me up so early, pa has en face. You were not as attrac- lK-en kicking at the pieces of brick tive theu as you are now. And with bis bare feet, and when I through all those years of childish n-iv he had his toes in his sunshine and shadows she was al- i..wV..Yn.i v,s trvin-r to go back ways ready to cure by the magic of mi stairs on' one foot. Pa haint got a mother's kiss, the little, dirty, I -.1 . 1 . ! 1 ..... .7 . 1 . 11. cuiiouj ii.tiiii.s, wiieiiever luey were those first skirmishes with the rough old world. And -:o:- A CHILD ACCIDENTALLY CARRIED UP IN A BALLOON. A HEROIC RESC&E. Morehead City June 27. At the still hour of midnight bad the the boats. ' There sat Mr. ,Yoor hees with 1 a death-Rke palof on h is countenance, 1 and when told that he had saved the babe unhurt, his tender heart gave away and he wept like a child. ' ' 1 "All aboard and back to ! More head!" shouts Ben.- The boats were rapidly gotton under way, aud each wanted to be the first to convey the glad tidings, bat they ru near together, with batiiaid taadker chiets flying, ais idst, . , ; thje shout and screams of, several haiJred HOW - HE" GUSHED AND HOW A STERN EDITOR SAT DOWN ON HIM. ' V A DREAM BLIGHTED. no sense ' "1 am afraid you are a terror," injured in . . . t I :tu ii. . ..:.! .,.,- ,.,..iii. as- he looked witu iuw. iwsu um wunu. j. at the iimocei.t face of the boy, then the midnight kiss with which "You are always makin your par- she routed so many bad dreams, as e.,rs some trouble, and it is a won she leaned above your restless pil- .w to me thev don't send you to low, have all been on interest these! some reform school. .What devil- long: years. Of course, she is not try-were you up to last night to get so pretty and kissable as you are k icked this mom ingf but if you bad done your share of "No deviltry, just a little fun work during the last ten years the You see, Ma went to Chicago to contrast would not-be. so marked, stay a week, and she got tired, and Her face has more wrinkles than teleoTanhed' she would be home yours, far more; andjyet it" you were last night, and pa was down town sick that face would appear more ami 1 for'ot to ffive him the (lis- beautiful than an angel's as it hov- natch and after he went to bed, ered over you, watching every op- me and a ehuin ot mnie tnongnt i "uio1 "- we would have a 4th of July. ' fort and every one of her wrinkles v ' ..l,,,,,, w. a. sia. would seem to be bright wavelets 1 ui, mtj iiij .iiui ui." n " was aln-ti brought to lor killing Tom W a in- rimiil v 1 in Norfctlk and (lolilsbiiro -..luue "J'.Ul S unnlers, aUmt livi- o.l,- in vears fin- pioiluet ion of beer in the I n ted States last enr amounted t" live Hundred ami twenty-five mil. Lou gallons, an average of more than loin I eeirgallons'- ibr i'verv in li.ibiianl. " l he -1.11-ges.t (-o'.tou se,d oil mill in the :nl w as set Oil lire by lightning ami .lestroved. It'was at Algiers, in i.onlsiana. los's .1 ,000, S'Yt.iai adjoining cottages 1 '.tin ied "A'h i, -,'. expel Iclii e. one to eon,. W !i. I tefi ne -Th'! lllillg I lilllell as lis i!mi. S.l s ll , I" III greater luxury than lid "Mark Meddle" the sudden ap; bcation of a booted pedal extre to his seat of, meekness ami i-'pository for diwuage suits. "Faraier and Me .u ic": We ti n!;- believe that V- greatest need of Nor'"' Car ..ntl the South to bj3', s ,.!. printed matter in the log cabin homes of our people. We have seen manv si home crowd ed with children, . but withonUa newspaper or book, nor even the Bible.'. Suppose, a paper were sent to such homes for even a single year, would it not start jresh ideas in some one of their young minds? Judge (leorge Iloadly, of Ohio is a native of 'Connecticut. His father was mayor of two cities 'New Haven and Cleveland." Judge Iloadly and the late Salmon P. Chase were law partners once. In appearance he is described as a bright little man, with a boyish face and a complexion approaching: the color of a ripe banana. He is a quick, nervous speaker. His in come from all sources is said to be 1:00,000 a year. The orginette, while growing in popularity is calculated to mis lead. It was last -"Friday, night that a pleasant young man' leesed one of these instruments from Jesse Scott, and slid off to serenade, his sweetness. While the stars swung like silver censers iu the 1 blue silence aliove him, he bent to his work on thai orginette. like a man like several men, iu fact;; But as his soul drifted out on the tide of melody that filled the chani liers of the night, he -'"paused he paused suddenly, ami his blood froze ami he grew weak when the window went up and a handful of horrible pennies fell around him, and his ear caught t hose sympa thetic words for ''the poor organ "jrrinder." That wretched vouth strode off in the darkness like one whose purpose in life was to hunt a quiet place and then kick him self. The musical instruments of this world have but few attractions for him now, and and least of all theorginette. The only tunes he ulavs to-dav are seduced trom a 1 .' jewsharp, and the sentiment with him is a thing of the past. tcr about as big as Ma, and we hooked some, of her. cldthes and af ter pa got to snoring we put them in 'pa's room. O, you'd a laffed We put a pair of number one slip mis with blue stockings down in of sunshine chasing each other over the dear face. She will leave you one of these days. These burdens if not lifted from her shoulders, will break her down. Those rough hard hands that havedone so many necessary things for . you, wilt be crossedupon the li feless breast.Those front of tlie rocking chair, besides I neglected lips that gave you the pa's boots, and a red corset on a first baby kisswdl be forever closed, chair, and my chums's sister's best and those sad tired eyes will have n , i..;.. opened into eternity, and then you black silk dress on another chau, appreciate your Mother; but it trump of Gabriel summoned us all J people. The exoitemeat of, lauding to a final worldly reckoning, more j surpasses description.., ; A, & the excitement, consternation and j-vrharf, after evetthingseemedsafe weeping, could not have come over 1 tuea little Birdie, Ciime the, nearest the many good people who werejof looseiug lr life. , 1.' )jiifor() present and witnessed the most J a man of generous impulses anq wonderfnl and miraculous escape I one always stud viiig to make sohi that ever happened in this or any I else happy siezed the ' littie angel other ccuntry, and I ferveutly pray j iu his anqs and at 'a hghtnnig that I may never live long enough speed, staeted for the mother, who to witness the like again. j Was nben lying ' in: "an nncoasclotis Mrs. Robert Elliot, of Texas, J state, under the akilllnl care of Dr. has been here for the past ten days Haywood,. - .Arehdall and Kelly, of or more, to restore the health 01 Louisana. - But before the. kind her her little childBirdie a bright hearted Colonel; I had f gaue.n fij'f sweet little cherub less than' three amidst the dense r crowed 1 and ;epu- years old, who is much emaciated I fusion, he ran off the whaxf ; into from a spell of Texas fever. water over eight feet deep. Sever, Little Birdie, by her general al jumped overboard and aided him sprightliness, has endeared her- iu landing his f prizes The little self to every guest of the house darling came . out as bright i- as a she is a pet and favorite with every J new pin aud seemed to look, upon one and 110 one passes her without! the whole matter as fun gotten up a kind word, which she readily j for amusement, : y. ,H.t recognizee. This morning about J By o'clock p. m.. Mra Ellipttj 10 o'clork a strolling Itahan (and I became conscious.. . The i guests, . jof cursed lie its memory,) made his I the house assembled, jjn, the ball appearance in front of the hotel I room at 5 p, mVto return thanks to with a large cluster of those red J jjr; Voorheese a'n.4 .the nbbfcj' lioat bladders like toy balloons. Maj. I menJ aud to express cQjidolence anil iiawKius 01 Aiiiuauia, w auiuao 1 sympathy for jvirs. Elliott; ano nt little Birdie who he, at the time, I tie Birdie. ' 1 1 1,9 :i ! ' 1 " had in his arms, tied the cord Mr. Hawking i-otne fftrwWrd aM around her waist, and then, as is sol maAa lavt rri,TrdiYt. wUUMr often done to amuse children, gave much exoitt)d taUfk' uer a toss 01 nve or six.ieet in . tue 1 lihgA thaf .babeolBtfeii 9&fet?fthfff f air, and held out his hands former 1 wnni,i. hiifefiiifeefto ehkRirjmvM return, "irreat God! she is gone," 1 my miml , ias.fjiade; iql wmitl cried the Major, as he saw nerrap have rested ,; to-night .flfith rherja idly going up, up, up, untu r.ue the deep blue sea." ,vh:uq tuI passed t he nouse tops, inoaung Thus ends a day of the most in- 111 the clouds with .outstretcned tenHe excitemenf !tlia't th'yidest hands the little angel could belieard ; -idi;f ii-'id i--' ;;Uiu-; Probably jm class of mien,, are t hrowu Jnto uiore intimate reliiUons with poets than editors . of uews paiiers. ' A hand-madey tputeatj poet came into this office recently, aud he had his manuscript " with him. He cleared .his bronchial tabes, threw ou a If tiJijlv, tlute, vox '" harmonica and other stops, and. commenced "Wnder tkO willow maiJe fair. : i . Waa braiding her wealth of yellow hair." ;. "That won't jibe with the 'tone '.of . this paier," we said sharply. " "ItMim'tf innfreiVthe jKietin . a tone f surprised suddenness! '"Why, Don't 1 you' realize that this journal i isa'tv a-aeiiOnd-hand music boxl -. Tie rhythm is all rigljt ,eough, .but you - don't senvto .fiateU ,ou tho trae ring k flqu't , yoii.v think this would be betiW'i!.i..d I-,.,-, ..-. , -. . - "Down in the kitchen a maktuo fair J Out o the hash warf pi.klntra hair." ' ' 1 "Wielljpossibbv Ihe way you!put it,'t said the poet, shifting uneasily in DhafK . li'v'i -!:! ;i-d.-.-, i "Whyof eouree jt. woukl. v Give us tUe, pext Rtanza.'J ' : vj ;',.- t Sh thought of the flowers, the stars above. And then the tfeought of the power of lore." -T-: i mm ? less , chasms of the intervening years ; and in the blossoming beau ty of girlish trustfulness the gate that barred oiir' heart's t paradise swings open ' once more The poison of the wound is ' extracted by those teuder pitying 1 lips That rain; sweet balm upon om own; and we feel strengthened to stmg gle on and bear the cross of doty with Spartan fortitude. ' All, jt&l there is magical bealiag in nufh kisso, and cohl . and chtrless would life bo without their memo ry, -I' . . !';.: -,.,, ''-) .' One Inch, One Insertion " - (n MonUt . - Three MooUaa - " Six Mcmthi " One Veer l no i iki ft to ... ft Ml .1S Liberal DiaoounU will be made for Lann-r AdrerUjemo&U and for Contracts by the Yi-ar ' Oath must aooomranr all Advprtlst-mi-ntx ntoae rood reference U ttlven. THOUGHT-RIPPLES :o:- FROM THE DEEP THROBBING OCEAN OF SENTIMENT. DRlETiSti II EA KTIt A RIK Baby is Dead. and a hat with a white leathei ou the bureau, and some frizzes on ther gasbracket, and evertlnug we could find belonged to a gill in my 'chum's sister's room. O, we got a red parasol too, and left it kright in the middle of the floor. Wrell, when I looked at the lay-out, and heard pa snoring, I thought I should die. You see, Ma knows pa is a darn good feller, but she is easily excitr ed. My chum slept with me that night, and when we heard the door bell ring I stuffed JJa pillow iu my mouth. There was nobody .to meet Ma at the depot, and she hired a hack and came right up. Nobody heard the bell but me, and I had to go down and let Ma in, She was will be too late." And he Had "Can you not answer me, Gwen dolen!" Up from the meadows the soft breezes ol a perlect June evenm were wafting the faint perfume of the cowslip and a dead horse, and as George W. Simpson and Gwen dolen Muhaffy stood near the gate, whose decrepit appearance told with more eloquence than could mere words of the deathless pass ion that enslaved their souls, lioth felt that a crisis iu their lives had arrived a moment - had come . i. i -t..,--t.i nerson note ever -l dreameuw distinctly calling"mamma ! mamma I thought of, : and i may the wrifeer ' "Oft, she did, eh! Well,' we shall have to get you to fix that 1 up' this WJ"3 iii-T - : ! ' ' ' ' WlVht thinkiot of Mlika; who wa oft ieti4e ptip urruwj aJtoihd an4 saepped la! flic Bjikler: aflipoo jpwt1iipadjs awr BT SJiW tWPM. .yifews of life, we had had him at an advantage; and he , couldu t help himself either. Warble the next stanza,' we'said curtly. breathing hard like a pacing wtjttjt infrom Wakfili, the podf wretched poet proceeded: u . ''' It is ujxm the smooth ice we silp the roughest path "is safest. Every time man does a gin d act God cancels oue of that man's lionds. Sin is like a rive ', which begins Baby is deadT Three little in a uuiet siuintf. but ends in a tu words passed along the t'elegraplil mult uou sea. ..Mv-, vini OUIUCItm-lB null .NWH l,.w.urit v lr..u.l- ...uv.. t. 1 f....L.:. (nJi..,., - . ; -1-...J - .w.i.t.i iui auer an was quiet of t0 whv ,t u,1kt.H t, ,. M.Mu ou my nana ana m .vhv of Ilone(.t .. into ill deen reverie of nil those! words mar mean. ; i A man never so benutilulh Soniwhftrfw lftintv -4wm'' .'ttii 8'o s his own strength as when he r " ' i aqd cold, unclasped by mothers ,1" wu,:, M'in.ess. anus to-night. Eyes that vester- A true and faithful friend is a day were bright and blue as skies I Itriug theusure, a comfort in miIi of Juue drojtped to night beneath I tude. and a sanctum. iu dintiess .......... . i i inte nds that no voice can never Advice is like snow. Ihe softer ...1..111. , tit lulls the louirer u dwells iinou iwosotl hands, whose rose-leaf aud the deem-r it sinks iiU.i the nngers were first to wander lov- m ind. illrrlfr)Mn..n.)- i 1 . ' 4 1 1 . I - - 1 ..uu.m uioiucr UCCK ami . Virtmv wnmowil. lwlr.iVMl I 1 l I II: . t . . i I ..... , r- -i - .rj io uoiumg wuno iiuos cnwllcd-is limn- to lie e.nie.l nniUv rihll in -a . -.,a ... v.hhva now uviu , v wa t n lit il.tl l t I.V.iw!! .mw I VHtlll iiif.iiaifaaa: I'lVl l"i-, 1S ,t-i-fiaj rrppniiff witu laugn. nnu.rri tef." sweet as woodland brook falls. I gay as a trill of forest bird to-night i A S 0,UR s practical unrespousiv a tokiss or all of Phm planting tenderness, h...e, mm , , ! . .. . and eloquence iu all whom hhe A tiny; mouud euow-eovred j approaches. some quiet grave yard. ; ,u n 1 ihe sun which niK-ns ti.e coin A silent .j home the, jiatterof and nils the succulent hcrli with biijlry feet foreyerhiished a cradle-1 nntritnent, also jiencils with IhsiiiI y bed nn pressed. Little shoes half the violet and the rose. mamma! until her voice became drowned by the whistling of the winds. "All to your boats !" 1 should old Cai)t. Dixon, "aud never a sou of a man turn back until that child is brought to its mammy!" which would in the misty future very hot, now you bet, at not being that stretched away beforo them, met at the depot. like one of William M- Evart's let- y Where's your father!" said she, ters, be either a bright beacon of '. , ... hope and ioy to look b ack upon as she began to go up stairs. gei or a desolate land, ' I told her I guessed pa had gone maikediike the lightning-riven tree3 to sleep by this time, but I heard a that one never beholds without a good deal of noise in the room feeling of sadness. Secure in the about an hour ago, and maybe be consciousness of his own merit . ,. , T. rri t ,- , that sterling merit which always was taking a bath. Then I slipped Hes in a strong arm, clear brain, up stairs and looked over the ban- aiui large feet and yet with a isters. Ma said- something about modest diffidence concerning his heavens and earth, and where is own worth, the young man stood And kissed the "That verse will do. well enough tf you'll ' only make one little change in it." "What is it?" inquired the per spiring poet, brightenlug up a trifle and exhibiting a little more aninia tion "Say you make it read this way " 'She irrabbedit ud wiUi a surly irrow-el . And wiped it out with a Turkish towel.' " "That is qnite a little change, said the' depressed poet. ''Do yon amidst the gun ever turued out from any house ."rtrUt- 'The wind came up from the gundy South. maiden on cheek and mouth, - -. 1 , .. ,.1., ii, ,r I,.,' 1 il I 1 1 i' the huzzy, and a lot of things 1 V"3 f "1'''- r " v ,.Y , re luctant-cat-on-the-back-tence ex- couldn't hear, ami pa said damfino 1resisou that lent an added beau- aud it is no such thing, and the tv to his pure young face, and door slammed and they talked for I made more pleading tender the two hours. 1 s"ose they finally ' a nest father-is coiiiing-up-the-, :f trt" ., , 1 , front steps look with which he re laxed it to me, as t he v always -do i. nL i tiMru-imrft cause pa ealle me very early this by 8jde. He had asked her to mornina. and when 1 eame down be his wifei to leave parents, sis stairs he came outrin the hall and ters, brothers, and all the endear- his face redder'n a beet, and he nig influences oi a -nappy n.s- . - V, , , V tian home, where two girls are kept tjied to stall me with his big toe- and go ou't with him into the wide nail, and if it hadn't been for these world as a helpmeet and a corn pieces of brick he would have hurt pan ion He had told in fervid sen mr teiii..r t fi.; l..i , t Piice of the creat love he bore her- 11 - . , . , a love that would ever be the guid- chum's sisters- clothes all pinned tarofhtolife.hesaid.checW 1,1. .,i tiewvoaper, ami l s pose ,.im wueu the black clouds ot ad when I go luck I shall have to car- versitv and despair hung heavily rv them home. :nul t.iion Ei.o w-iii iia in the' horizon of his hopes " and 1111 vj-j i ... , - down on ine. HI tell you what, T -.a 1 . - . . n.aM-Koia goMi notion to take to which lay the whited skc-1 some shoemaker's wax and stick e tons of Ambition and Hope my chum on my back and travel P-hastlv remnants of a life whose o : " . -ii ii . with a circus as a double headed nnal wrecK was an uie moie s.m Waniin ot t ie naopiness wincu 11 never again witness its like, is the sincere prayer of , 1; T. K. P. S. Since ; writing the , aboye we have seen Dr. Black ual, tlie pro prietor, and he tells us that Mrs Elliott has ordered from Tiffany, of New York, tonbe gotten up in his "I , I. I, I, I, I," responded six niost artistic style, a'u elegant gold as brave and daring boatmen as watch, with monogram 'C. X V.' ever reefed a sail, and all with boats I Gf diamonds on back. sea-worthy for any waters. The Doctor also showed ns a let Minutes appeared as hoursj and I ter from Maj. Hawkins, viz the babv flvinir southeast like a I Messrs. Smith & WAssnn-i: kite and would be out over the Gentleman Believinir you make "M " voma nlnve i 4.1. '.- : i. : I thA hiwi-ffnn. i irhr t n,i 'riu,n.i. "Oertaialvi Swi&g in with -til ;..... Atfiranf fmntir ai mni-n I order T wjint. von nnt nn t.lim fin Act I next carman.!' 1 1 1 1 i v. . j v tt ti. it i. u v mij yt. . viv i . . " well manned boats shouts of men and screams of worn- All gold mountings, exquisite carv en aim uuiuueu- xnese uuiit.-. -""'"B .vba.... 4 . n . . . . . , f i l... !... . T.. I rrar Tlio i-iflo ia fr- nut Tt I e e . . juiiicu uy a um; iiuuiuri noui ucau- ..v. o .w u,,, ure,,Ui.. Uf. Knt' tlm " wa w if" ! i ..ii i. - i. i 4. . in T "V7-,wx..i.,.,c ...;n 4.. I ' - . lore, nil oi wuicu liepi, as - ueai. uu- . . .wl,,, uu. " Well von u-ill nml n,. rirl t der the little angel in the cloud as specjal directions as to its size, . ;t. vnn sf--. t.t . .- . ..I lv"4 SS it ilu fvue (iiiv.1 & . u possible- liy an act Ol iJlVllie tue ua,c, uumuci oi e.uiitug.-t, 4.VV-, Providence. Mr. Chas. J. Voor- &c, allot' which you,, will obey, bees, of the Southern Express Com- never considering expense, and pany, with a party of getitleman, draw on me for amount of bill Reference Messrs. Rouutree & Co.. New York. Trusting you understand my or. der, I am, very truly ; Kemp p haw kins Note. The above is a very fair M" Wd;ry'' 1 foMed'1 witW Mng A,hK)ther''groiinE touch" in un eatiy slumber,' t'or the fair head that shall never rest upoji , her bosom. .4..1.... 1a:..4.. ' .... J.4.. ' i I a Servility is no-sigu of security. A ui muc w iiiaicu iuiwo eyes ;a ,1AVr. ii,.. ble and silvery as at the instant before it liecomes a cvtarnct. Good temper, lik a 8iiniiy ibiVj sheds a brightness' over every- Tiu, ir,ve c..i. Kif- thing, ii is mo swwiiieroi toll ".'.-I 04Aa . V41W Ifll'Ki IV4 ,I1. . ii' '- j ' - 1 .....i i... D.vnti. ..r .i;. ....;.... .1.. Uioueu dreams awakethe sad reali- " tyi The hopes of future years The dlscSpliheofadveniity imints wrecked. Iikefuir wiiTiwii.ut .i,i,i... totiiac iranscendent rem. wueie ly go down In sight ot land. I ' every passion d;.th the sway attest .The watchin of other babies, dimp. of virtue seated on her soveriin. Jed, laughing, 'strong, and -this one "ill. gone? 1 The present aconv of Viief.1 (1o(m1 manners are but t he out the future emptiness of the heart, hl coverings of a Rood heart the i "'' 1 wor,,8 natural graceful foliage -anddra 1HTV of inward refinement and ele gant delicacy. Baby is dead !" T.1 14." . . luueeu, n is wen tiiat we can copy and soon forget the words so ireignted with woe to those who re ceive and send them. And yet it cannot harm us now and then to 1 give a tender thought to t hose for whom our careless pen-stroke Is preparing such a weight of grief. Agricnitnral Pnrsnlts. 1 -"That's the close," he said tim- was out taking a sail. Mr. Yoor- heese is one of the most expert iflemen in the conntry,and as 5od ordained it he had on board is Smith & Wesson rifle. He at once took iu the situation, rem ark . " : 1 . i. nj- A ..1 nnl C1ao imoii j if n ok owlii Iia nni hnrl 1 "S S1V UUl 'Xl a,Ml B"'S l .4 . IWt,. 44 l,alf.4rt ' ,la.V...- at.,1 -fl, rt 4 ! T.a auia. VIIVv wtll'l a a.iia i i - - i i i r 1 t ,11 1TB avi m n t l 4- irkitn fAnilj n. S si 1 1 ll uie rate;oi leu nines an uour auu vi5iu iu iuc wr uruiro uia.Ki-1 , , nnntlior l . . n n, ix'iuBaa.a. w . it ll liv a now lour Hundred yards nigu anu i uatiwu ui a ibij idhub unuu. such scene having ever occurred. Ed. the old man of I never had any for that article "' 't through , was ic ine t wice as Alloiise, Kin- , f Slum wants the i-v'i -, !ei,rat!..ii of'iv.li,,,,!,,,.,', e. . , . . . - - .-. '-'!i: on mis sl, t!- t)l "I iu S.uii wli'ieh nun. I, i lie A i I n i Writ "'i Wiiil lit u U III sit!. rst world count rv sent where mm, and- ii.ol.in 1 1 ; j 1 - !i lli-d tt lie It ti n. . 'M iuill-e- tells, of a 'Youiio- -;n- ilie- sole of Iht1 .s!iiner ' hi- t ,e iiiio'xieati.ii"- 'in- waltz." Of what pro- her if she gained the U' .-he thei-chv lost her 'I i o: i il ti e tt Itll General siieiinaii is reported as in- that Washiuj;,,,,, Wasfullof livp.ieraey and snobbe- Sheriuan has jiist he does not s reputation for 1'i-l.al.ly he knew it.ltefore but only Waited tit ..iv Jf ,,,,.:i .,i . . -V i "iiii .mom to give L ins residence there. " imiiowness .v. It General 1 . . . i : . - ii. me mis urseoverv rve hi (le.M'l Wnat is Life. t.Tlie inere lapse of years is not life. To eat, drink and sleep: to be ex- pnsed to darkness and the light;to pace around in the mill of habit, and turn the wheel of wealth; to make reason our luxik keeper and tnru thought into an implement of trade that is not life. In all this but a poor fraction of the 'con sciousness of humanity is awaken ed, and the sanctities slumber which make it 'iiost worth while to be. .Knowledge, truth, beauty, love, beauty, goodness, faith, alone can give vitality ttj the mechanism of existence; the laugh of mirth, that vibrates through the heart, the tears that freshen the day waste within, the music that brings childhood back, the prayer that calls the future jiear, the doubt which makes us meditate, the death which startles us with mys tery, the hardship w hich forces us to struggle,-the auxiety that ends in trust are the true nourishments of our natural being. lioy trom Borneo. A fellow could have no fun, ami not get kicked all the time.' . - Aud the boy sampled some straw- lorries in a case .in front of the store and went down the street whistling for hi.s clinni, who was might have held had Love not flown awav with mocking laugh when pleaded with- so passionate ly. Gwendolen had stood in grace fni noise as he spoke, one ear throw n sliffbtly forward, and he. H.difcfoot covering the door matj " coast was dear. The Mother. There is i,o such benefactor in the universe this side of God and Jesus, as a mother. She far out- strips, the father in disinterested ness, in self-sacrifice,'- and looking out of an alley to see if the aud, now that he had finished, was looking down in inameu siine.ss, while the rosy blushes that chased each other under her daz zling complexion would have told, if an vbodv could have seen t nem of the emotions that were agitating her young soul. But no words came from her lips those rosy ripe portals, that -opened, with sucii lan cniid srraec when there was pie in 0fteu the house and George ln-gau to ii: i . i ttar T.naii iiei uaoa uu imu in pain u.i.ii.g.j uiKen and Jwilling- - iWntlv. however ly borne. The father has his share sue w quite close to him, put her iu his wav; ami it is much for the bandjn his, and resting her cheei child: but who lies aw ike nirl,t from his shoulder, she said. I wa: ,4-i. ' I..-...... ..ii ..i.v., i it u - inst liesrinninc to creen, but tell no oi-ii-i - .in I'lciisuit- ami an uus- I J " 4 o: iness for the child? Who, when . u me eordidiv tell me truly, teU the child is sick, laps it and arms mP without anv stinted ervation it, and is as sick ami suffering as whatever, tell me my own Georgie, theehild. ami more! Who at Washie, Simpsie, tell me haint yon lxen eatinrr onions. The spell was broken, the weird dvinscalf expression of the eye faded awayrand ueorgie vvasuing- every step in earlier yeap, makes herself goddess and priestess, only bowing down to her little worship ers ! Who,wheu sorrow comes, is the temple into which the child runs "Who is the haven and the harbor when shipwreck ton Simpson closed his month tisrhtlv-ves very tightly, and rest msr his eves'upon ;.be lappel ot his coat, did ween, for he had been eating the odoriferous succulent. this way: 'Down on the g irl the housewi fe bore. And nred her through tne kitchen door," ; . i"Now, you see, with the aid of a few minor, suggestions- which we have, made, you can trim that thing of yours into some respectable kind of shape.. Beside that, .you have got apoein which you cau't split a kind ot . donliledianelled poem overy minute going higher, higher, ligher. I canj cut those balloons. and will do it or die Steady the the boat, throw her leeward of the quadron, 'Squire Wade!'' "Let us all jine iu prayer before ie shoots." says Setve Turner, the colored minister and mall carrier. 'T don't put much confidence in ligeon when daugei is aliout," says Frank. r By this time the boat had go'tton u position to give her the'most pro tection from the stiff lieeeze then blowing. "Now's your time" shouted Piv er, "don't "von see them two off to themselves.'' "Jiang: 7 went tne line out no change in iiosition- Again, again and again the fith shot one bal loon disappeared amidst the shouts of the lioatmen. At the eighth shot it became evident that the bal- Ioous could not loug carry the weight of the little floating angel as she was gradually descending not in a straight line but iu a south east direction, towards Hawker's Island but whether dead or alive none could tell. Down, down, down, she comes, as gentle as if handled bv huinau hands and to fall in a cradle of sand. To land, to land, and all put to shore as fast as the sails would pro pel the boats. Before they reached land most ot ,them had jumjied overboard and waded ashore Then liegan the race for the babe as she came down on a sand bank only a few hundred yards distant With fear and tretnbling.aU ran up. Ben Tiver in front. "Gentleman." says he, "I will be dinged if she aint alive and kicking." There sat little Birdie playing with a lot of shells, and she was picked up she clung on to a handful, sayingj "Dese sels for mamma." ' With the prize all returned to Communicated. " ; ' ; -' ' ' Honor to Whom Honor is Dae. That Kiss. .Revenge is a momentary tii umph, in which the satisfaction dies at one-, and is miccecded by remorse;' whereas forgiveness, which is tlie noblest of all levenge, entails a tei tefual pleasure. Christian living ami Christian character without ( !hrit are nil ini Youug man, whatever may lie nosHibilitv with Christ thev have your choice of ii future occupation lK.t. ,.! rt reality, before hu h ; whatever calling .o profession you t,K, WOrhr has ever (.tiered l he may select, them is certainly none i,oiiiii r :t admiration and more honorable than that of a farm- resjiect. er. The patriarch of the fields, us he sits besides his cotttace door. ' Th" most """les are when his daily toil is over, feels those which play around . momt an inward calm never known in the em" aaA U'U ,,f mn mvi,, thoughts tM'iicath; ami the saddest face is that which wears in its ex pression an air ot lemeiiilicrcd joy and sieakN of the darkened shad ows which (ill the i 1 1 1 1 -1 courts of the soul. halls of pride. His labor "'.yields him uupnrchasalile health and re- pose. I have observed with more grief than I can express the visible tokens which appear in all direc tions of a growing disposition to avoid agricultural jK-rsuits, and to rush into some of the overcrowded' "Hi at, kiss! It made me a pain- , ter!" ' is the grateful tribute the world-renowned Benjamin West gives to his mother, who in his first crude sketch recognized her cra dled babe, and, perchance, simul - taneously, the dawning light of genius, which that tender maternal kiss brought to ; such a glorious fruition., :,, , : : ,. f That kiss!. Ah, there is scaicely j a life, howezer , forlorn, . that bas not at sometime felt the deep heart- ganctifying anil inspiring jiower of Mr. EditoK: Being a native of Wilson county 1 hope you will grant me the privi lege of a small space in your valua ble paper to make a ; statement.: I lave been an invalid for more than two years and confined to my ;' bed nearly all the time. I have been treated by several of the most prom- iuent physicians in. the State wlth- uui any reuei wuaiever. x wa ou i : ,.sa ;4i.L n... . the point of giving up" all hope f imnrnf Llu'i. ,ove ' the fer- ever leing any better,, ; .when of cberlshed friendship, iriemi aavisea me v sena lor a . impaa8ioned ,,iedge of death . ouuj; pu siciau w no was uicu i, v- devotiou. it toirChed a thrill nig a jew miies irom me. a bciii ,,,,, -.ai- th hexrt whieh f !' ii. 14. 14- V 1-1 I - iui u.m, .or x mougui.( it ne u.u u.c eyer . vibrate Ut the recolleo no good he would do me no harm- and open a fmiH well of emo tie came to see me, ami auer a tion jto which no drop from the careful examination of my case he foUHtain ca ever find ite began treatment. I commenced at ,.,1 iuscribed within once to recover, and I am happy to the life vuluiae as with a diamond say l reel better to-day than i nave - a . . ' m our dre;lnw for two years. I feel like I shall be , f fc - . .j d a well woman again. Now while I brow as if fauned by the wings ot am satisnea these other physicians lic visitat8 i n . t t. '. I- " If home life be filled with litlle deeds of kindness, with gentle, . lov- professions, because a wirrupt and. I iK hcliifulness, the "small, sweet debasing, fashion has thrown courtesies" of hourly iuleicoiiisc, iroiiud them the tiuselof imaginary they will dcweiul from luil.er U resjiectability. Hence the farmer, son, and lioni mother to daughter. Instead of preparing his child to Home will Ihhtow a iailiaii. e ihat follow in the path of usefulness he is the liest foretaste ol the lilesM tl himself has trod, educates him for uess of the heavenly world.. a sloth; talior is considered vulgar, silence is older than speech and . to work is ungeuteel. tlie jack .,,',.' ,t. , i. ,... - . - aiitaii f uir fai ri nn pi plane is less respectably than the iM.e ',,,! ,lir lt. ' ..A woi.l un lawyer's green lwck, the handles of KlM,keii Ua word in the m ultltard; the plow less' dignified than the ard-stick. Unfortunate infatua tion! How melancholy is this de lusion, which, unless it is . checked by a wholesome .reform in public opinion, will cover our country with rack and ruin. did all in their power, I most eon fess that I beueve had I not called in Dr. J. G. Pennington my con dition would have been quite dif ferent, I make this statement without Dr. Pennington's knowledge or consent and feel in so doing I am only "rendering unto Caesar ; the things that are Caesar's" But these are not all ; there is a kiss that is a farewell to the life for ever ended the : life of love! given in token of a subtle kinship of soul that all the mournful vicis situdes of life, and even the solemn death -throe or humanity - can never ; destroy-: The only ' visible exponent pre; tremulous lips, the 1 :., , ' -4 iliirifiife moiatnrA of nn thft i4-4 . S4i . r 4 l l a -4 :il I - 7 4!.nf.. i. i 1 " r " ) . usuiy 10 ioe.se ones. . , f i . . in t, that tiv.nll liri. V ery respectiuuy, . . , , : forever .as an . emblem of ; life's Lipia Ajix Gabdixeb- . I holiest lover . How strangely does Old Sparta, C. June 15,., '83. iU. recollection stir the. depths ol our nature, and smooth , away (be ir. 'irui T.jl:'fit 8hadow!;r dMpair,' and lift the lerr. fro to Jacobi'a Hardware Depot, burthen of unrest from brow and 5 ' A Hew Industry, A cotton and corn stalk chopper, the invention of Mr. L. B. Stith, of this county, has been in use by some of our leading farmers for .a year or two. This implement r has given universal satisfaction, and so great lias lieeu the demand for them tiiat our farming friends will be pleased to learn that a patent has recently been awarded to Mr. Stith, and arrangements are: lieing com pleted to have them manufactured one only greatly improved but also on a scale extensive enough to sup ply all demaud. The factory will be located in Goldsboro and the sale of the chopper and of eonnty and State right is to lie vigorously push ed in all the Southern States. The implements will doubtless prove a useful and absolute necessity to every farmer.; Jt does a.way with the cotton and eoru tlk , uuasauce by iJiojiping them into small peices iulexs time than it, would take four hands to beat tlie stalks to the ground.' The patentee claims for the? chopper: Simplicity of con struction durability and ease of op eration. ' The price places it within reach of every fanner, and no farm Bdould. be withoat one. Goldtbcro a word utlered, is a uord 111 an other's hand. The lips', ol tlinsv who think much and speak hi lie, are 'apt to drop dainties as wel and rich as the fabled honey of Hyinettiis.' Sin jierjietnates itself. Like the wean ripple, :ts influence i beyond all calculation. -Yel "there is llir difl'ereiK iK-tween them, tin- ii grows fainter and sinks lower as its circle widens and recede from the centre. Not mi with sin. What was a ripple at first, sooiijswell in to a wave, ever rising higher, till we liehohl the huge dark mountain billow tjK the j-ternal Khore. . What a. glorious little heaven springs up in the breast of a lover when be begins to pay heait-wor ships to a woman whom he esteems to be, better, higher, nobler, pnier than himself. Such love is holier ami far more sacred than the fiioo-l - emotions of. religious feeling. tender words, ' wift and low and : so full of heart-thrill, his liMtkHol mute --devotion, hi sjs'H bouud rapture, druuk with the subtlcly of the mellowing iutiueuces of golden sun sebs or 'intoxicating,' witcheries of Beethoviu's Sympho nies all thee bring with Ihein ' the conscioiwnes that they utt . bnt; waves, and ripples of feelings , from that unfathomable, uninea sored and onlounded oeean.'of love, and then it is bis finest elm f tion, at it keenest inomeut of rap-. tore, passes from the dull prose of -, expmision into the softly lulling : poetry of silence, and rnvry :-. thoaght fcleeps in the spell of sweet and holy mysterj . j

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