Ti i KWiiSox Advance. Wilson. X. C, Septcndwr 14, 188.. SOLILOQUY OF A JILTED MAK- "Tricil awl found wanting" it -is over so. We think to rtirl thehlfhT nature there. When youth is sunshine, ami the thought of l-HTf I Iktiit a foolish prophecy of woe. . - We lfve the women then : ami swi.ft and low SouihI all her murmurs in the evening air, j Ami love an.) jfa-wli.ti Dirt, then blank dw--i pair - j To flfi'l the heart untouched : 't isevtrrao. i Xay. nay. olI friend, thy wclf imc tows not : ikl : SU-rn life can hlver. hut It cannot move The heart of gtoej : thy eotiirtancy of old, Fixed like a gtMKljr star, remote, above,- j .hlni clear thro' shroiillnr gray : lonif iincc I hoj.l .Man'a friifilhip tlearer than all women' i love! Crisp Greenbacks. TIIK PACKAfiK "i-rCKY JACK" KK IK1VK.I) 11Y KXI'UKSS OXK ..MAX FOUTCXK DOKS NOT MAKK A FOOI. OF. j As a larve numlier of Iti'imries have leen iit to the "American" to know if Mr. Jack triravca. the drivernf Stockell Knirine X'.s. had ret-rivi!,' the I0.0 which Tt wan an-jhouni-ed be rlrew on ticket No. W7,53 in the jast drawing of The Louisiana State (jittery, a reporter vilteil the gentleman yesterday for the purpiMM-of as-ertainini( the fact. The fortunate man was found in Chief Stockfill's ofllee. talkltur to him aliOMt btiy'.nira residence for himself and wife and daughter, which be intended to purchas? with his "newly (rotten wealth. The scritM; announced the object of his visit to "Luck Jack," as Mr. (iraves is now called." "Did he frt it r ireplied the Chief of the Natlivllli- Klre Uepartment. He certainly did, thnnnrh the Southern Kxtirnw Company, to whom he (rave the ticket for collection. He was notitlcd last Monday to call ami jret hlf money, and he aaked me to go with him. To gether we calbnl on Mr. lorsey C. I'lerce, the avent of the Kxpress Coniany, who handed over to Jack the usual yellow package, with the usual number of brown seal upon it, but a very unusual amount In It. Jin k cut It open and we to ik out ten packages of tcrcen liflcks, each containiriK'-one thousand Ylollars In twenty ilol la r bills. "Mr. I'lerce counted for the eonifittity and I counti-il for Jack. It was correct to a dollar. We, Jack and I, went to the liank together, and he denoslteil 9,."jlKI of the money. What lid he do with the rest, you ask"; "I'll tell you," said the kiudhcartod Chief, In a whisper as he led the reporter out into the lutll.. "Jack sent $-i" as a present to his father anil sister, who live in the country and in are not the best of circumstances. He would not like it if he knew I told you " "Lucky Juck" told the reporter that he was still (fo'liK to keep his position as eiiKiue driver, as he had been in the business for twenty yt-ars, and would not know what to do out of it. He says his wife w. II still do ail her housework, but he" is triad that he drew the flU on the Louisiana Slate Lottery, as he can .buy himself a fine home and put .-,"""oiH at interest besides. Nash vllletTenn.i "American." August 'X. Ilvt-rv "Suhinlii.v at'ti'iiHion, in ;i iit'u s,iii'i-(tllii'f, llit'if is tin ttfvil to pay. ' SimilrtliilHI f'uflil H)tl Vtltittthlr hi in l III W'iijs. We; ft -dit ift-.fiveil Ironi .1. II. 'Zfiliii sS: ', l'iiilatlclihi;t, Hit' iiiiii ietiirs tl i lie tciiiil;ir rt'inctlit's, Siiiiiiions Live. KfoiiLitor ;iii(l Dili y& PnilivliHfic I'lnid, a ropy 'J'lif IVt (pit's Iteiilatr,"ii H';ket 'iniaiiion nsfliil lor 'v-r ImmIv in. in, witmaii anil child, and we ho;ie all ixir rcatleis will p-t a fpy, as I In-v will liml ii valiiadle in iiuiny was. Tlu-.v mail it ;t niiyoni; sen diii ilifiti llieir atliht'H.s. A -t'rtain little liaiiist-l iVaving ltt'ii auravattMl iietni( entlinaiu li.V Iter hrii: lit r, pluiiit-ti tlowii npuit Imt knee and eiu-tl :(lli,' .Lord! iilfss my ItiMtlii'i Toin, llf l:r.s, lie steals, lit swears; all hoys o, us lirl don't. : Allien.'' l-t'ar hrino;s iist-.:r,.. ;ir.iviTy n.s Jii It nr. ein ;tt ilu-e s:iv-m no lilt I'khii liis taie," says tin-('a ipll ar; Imt J)r Lull s Coii",li Svnip .saved null. mis from.' ;in awlnl l.il.MHI evr s.l;iri iia'Jtis witil autiiiii Kiri.tiMt.il iwent e:ns I w ho,- instead of letting her d lie in you. s like a sick." fish, iveyoii a soul lieiitv Kiasii f It vu liave, you know what solid i onif i t i. A .Miclii.iii Im ate a liar of soaji, Ir.iiik a lot ofso.la wafer and went to bed to eure Ins cold. The doc tor had a. hard tunc to pull him iliroiuh, hat chelny now says the lict llinc lie c lit h, a cold. he will nejlr. linli's (!.mio-i S riiji. H'iiif thru tall Him '!Htl Mim." 'Yes dial's sadly saitl Jen kins "ni. hair is tiiii in .ray and falling nt iH'fore its time. I'se somillmif i uuiilil. Imt most hair icstort-rs daneitnis." "True" iiiisweretl Ins friend, - "hut Pailser,.i Hair r.iN.iin is as-harmless as it ist'tli rtive. I've tried itr and know. iiie Hie Uaisan a show mid the hoys will soon top calling you 'Old .Man Jenkins"' It never Jails to restoie the 'original color to 'gray or faded hair. K'ichly, per--futut I an cleg t r tlressing. Itavlint u.,uiiiu a s u irTrti.straturs of the es tate of Jesse Coleman, dectased. beforf the Proliale Judire of Wilson ounty. notice Is hpretij- aivt-n to all persona indebted to the fle eeased to eonie forwanl and make immediate payment, and to all persons having claims apainst the ueifanfd to present them for pay ment on or before the 14tn of Amrust lS8t. or this notice ili t- ulead in bar tif their reiw ry. W. II. Ct .ikiian; i A'lnimiatrators. Connor & Woodard Atty ugU t llf red Robinson, FASHIONABLE 1IARBK11 AND HAIE URESSER. Tarboro Street, Wilson, N. C INone but .the best bartH-r-WiloyetL - MISCELLANEO US. For lljrsprpsla, rciillvpness, icU Headache, Chronic IHar-rl-' i. J iuielioe, liLpui-ity .of the I.ioutl, I'e.ver and Ajrue, Malaria,, ami all Disease nutr-d by .i Is ami Uiilney. ran rruiuil f XI STSlPTOilS ."F A IHSrASF.H I.IVEK. litd lireath . rVn hi the ht-Je. um-um the p-.ia is kit male' the Sh ulocr.biaJ:, lui-aafca tor Khmmattsm : Qener-tl los of .'-pprtite :- li-wcls geHerallr Costive, sometimes alternating wittt lax;., the bead is tfsmhlcd with pain, is dull and heavy, with cuflsklmrairle loss- of memory, accompanied with a painful rtHatw.BfliyivinH'i'innevm.eitiing which ought to tare Ucea duoe; a liRlit, dry cough and flushed iace i someliast-s an attendant, oftea mistalcrn for consKiripts-a: the .ti-trt complains of weariness and debiLty : nervous, easily ftuulied; fet cold or burning, fnetime4 prickly semtioa of the ktn cxi&lft; spirits are low and despondent, and, although satisfied thai exercise would he bene-, ficuil, yes -one can hardly summon up fortitude to try it ia fact, ditnisu every remedy. Several ' of I lie above symptoms attend the diseaM:. but cases have occurred sties but few of them existed, yet examination after death hax shown toe User to have been extensively deranged. It nhould be an3 by nl! pprsoxs, old and yoansr, w ts-r.rvcr inr of tbe alx vt symptoms appear. Persons Trarellns; or Living In I'n healtbjr LocaltUess, by taking a dose or auon ally to keep the liver in healthy action, will avoid all Malaria, Hi lions attacks. Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but i no In toxiemMna; beverage. If You have- ealeii anything liard oi digestion, or (e' lavy after meals, or sleep- lesa at aight, tasc :i iise and you will be relieved. . Time mad ftr in t. I will rUtved For, whatever tiu: iti i. nm y b-, a Ihorotiijhiy tafe purrmllvt. kit, tvs- . t. tunic t..n ncvcTbcoutofpU.ee. 'I h - hiirinlffta and d not intfrffrc .. ju?i. or pleasure. IT I PVKKlV VFC.KTABf.E. And has all the owcr and cthctcy i i alomd Of Quinine, without any of -the mjuri ru, jftcr effect A TertiorH IWMtnony. Simmons Ijver kculatur ha been in use in my . family for some tintr. and f am iilictl it ii a' valuable addition 10 llic riitdii,! m Urnce. J. Uili. HKl1 (iovcTO'ir of Ala. Hon. Alxanlr H. Ktliii), of Ga. atayij. Have dcrivei .tnc bencnt ,n,m the use of Simmon Liver Ki-uLttor, and wii to give it a further trial; "The only Thing that lwver fail to K(lleve I h.ive usci ntutiy rrmcthr fr ly . ftrpsia. Liver AfTecth?B Mui Ieiiiity, hut never avc found anything tu lienef.t nc to the extent Simiwms Ltver He;ulatfr ha. 1 cm fr.jm Min nesota to Georgia Ur k. and w;t!J (J further for mch a mediciitc, and Wfiuld advise uli m tuj are sim- ' iurty effected to give it a triJ a it ie.m- ihcunly thing that never fii to relieve !' M. Jannkv. Minnjajmlis, Miitr. -4r. T. W. ,i Hni itay: From actual ex perience in the iie of Stuinit Liver Krttulalur in my practice I have been and am satisfied to use and prescribe it as a purgative medium-. j!ayTakr t.nly ihe OeiuiJn which ai vavs -has uu the Wr.,pw:r the rpl Tr:nl-Miii k and Hlguaturtt of J. II. ZKII.IN ( FOR SAI.K ftV ALL DKIK'-Cii. READJUSTERS' AND Fuiuhrs Only Friend. STUTZ BROv WHOLESALE MATTRESS FACTORY 111 Halifax nr., I'etentburp, Vs. We :ire the ticwtM-jt foraliitek atirl cotton top, and Nltuck and cotton inattn-sscs, anil ask you toVtt our wholesale prices before ordering elwVwIiere. ' atir:il :im STI TZ a HIM. iy. .if wins, REDISTILLER, RECTIFIER &ND W BiOiOKSsi' Iiqiior' Oealer,- - :Bl Sycamore St., Hetcrsburir, Va. . SpKCiAt.TiBs Myers' 'Sunny South' Malted Ryu Whinkey, ('opyrijrht Secured, "l'eters- buiv t'lub'' old Whiskey. Myers' "Oratitre Val ley' Kye Whiskey, I'each aud honey. Orders solicited. Sutisfactiou positively Iftiaranteed. aui;:ll '.'in W. H.TAPPKV, ALEX STKKL, TAPPEY & STEEL. . Manufacturer of ; tti?infs,: Mi.iff, Hay anil 'Cotton Prf.-Srn, '; Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Mill Irons. ' Plow, Iron nnl Bi'iis 'sisiiu ' auirill :lui PETKHSHL'UG. VA. "Vn'i"e P. P. Tla.-F'." -intl .tv fywd.tht. i. T Young & Bro ItKAl.KK IS V K H A l i 'II K. I ) I a M ON I JI-AVKLIiV. S1LVKK t AI.'I. XI'iLiiOieKiier of all kimls of I'lalii t.nhl JfMPlrvJfiiijs, Badsp..V( I'lie hes' tjlll, caii.if, rinil J'i.'MI cioct f. r xi.il. Aioclleaii unlelies ihe Icve-C juice-. S"lll silver -ll"ill-, folk ,( i-in:iier ttiai.i i ti r. Vi-ur otiler ,-i r- s' iictti il iii.il i!! In-iioiuii l i.n ii-tiil, i In JVi'. vobNi; "& hko. ' l'l Tr.HSM no. Va. - SOt la "7:i.- I JOHN T. l'()l!l I il m. LEi' JOHN T. FORD & CO- DEALERS IN FANCY GROCtHiEi CONFECTIONERIES, Tobacco, Snuff, Oranges Lemon.-. &c, &c. East Sitle Taiit.ro St., Wilson, N ' Fiesli Stock of Canned Frui. and Canned Meat. We keep , choice line of fresh ORocKRii to which we make daily addition- i We solicit a share of the pnbl I patronage and guarantee to plea. ; those wiio favor u with their p tt i mag,-. : .V.-' ; - r.j Choir an Ilia pi is I Fema 1 e Instit t c M lllt Vi K ES U ) U( , N, C, One Of the oldest ami . fest I etpiippetl institutions in Nr Car- I olina. It offeVs faciji'ies uiisur-1 passed in the Btate.-iir moral, men-; tal ami pnysic;'.M culture, riiarges verv moderate. 'Fall session U'liins i on Wedne-cIay, Oetolw 3rd, For catfo!iue or information : AIdr.Ms J. B..BKEWK1J. jnl?' 2m Presi.N tit. O o trt ct O .B o o B ?0 CO 'A . 2, ts 1 3 B - !lf .E-.--l B CO s-l. n CD o B 1 S3 W. PINE & WALKUt MANTELS, ugutrJS 0. STEYEITS, -fo. 49 Ligfat Street- ALTiiwnnr? ..r. ilo. & )H EYEflMBIEiT MISCELLANEO US JACOBFS HARDWAHK DEPOT We Lave now in stock one of tbe modt complete as.sortxnents intheState j in tlie following lines : Sasli, Doors f, BMs, : White Iead and Paints, KaLso- mine Colors, Linseed Oil, , Paint and Wall I'rushes, Builder's Hardware, Me chanic's Tools and sup plies, Farmers' Imple ments, Window Class, Small and large, Coach Varnishes and Paints, Carriage '. Materials, and a complete as , sortment of Iron Steel and Hard- ware. Manufacturers Ageneyl for the best and cheapest I cookim; stoves. In tlie Sttitts. Xt-w stiKtk Ltmstaiitly arrivlrns'. Send your onifrs and you will tret lowest prices ami save money. All correspondence i liy mail prottipfy utterjiJeil to. i XATHAXIKI, JACOIJI, .No. IU South FJont St., ' V ilmiiifcrttin. N, Brooks Cotton Press. lies, in Hsrl , lrr-.-''.' - ,s-t, ... . ' S Wtirkshy lliui.I, Steam, '-Horse or Water I'owcr. SKND roi; imj'ic'ks. Uoi'M UKK, IJAKNES. & Co., , .a gen I s. jnnliJ im SKNI) YOUU OUDKUsS ' : v : -to- : ' I McCraw & Wurney, ! FOR (HXdKU .LH, SAlt'.SA ; i'AIMLLA, AN! LHMON POP. ;The nicest Spring :md Sumincr drink going. They ;'.ie inaiitsJactH ' rers oft hat drink, and they gn.tr.iii iee llicir pi i' "s and good-. ma: :;tt wilson, x. c. KstalilishadlSKJ.! JE- Cohen z Son -ill Syeamore St., Cetersliurir, Va., IMl'ORTEKS AM) .lOKKERS OK s jRY G30DJ. KOTIO'iS, Clothing. lesire-to eall' attention f the whulestit i tradeof North I'Hrolitia to Iheir iiiiniense la ! sioi-k. 'I'hey iruariitttie to !e.lt iriMiil as low as ' any lionst; in the i-ontitrj-. utnl their terms are - lilH-nil to prompt men-hants. North Carolina -Mk-Miieti, J, li, Aloriian. of Wehlon, and ('. II, laylor. of lilin k reek- anirM&n r W. HALL, iai: 3s i l ACii Ri:::, I . -Ami Dealer in Smoking & Ohcvvinj Tobacco, . t an;i onioKers nriicics. 3 Syeaimne St., Pcti'rsliur, Va. Spiteialliss: - lla'i's I'hoice. City llelle. Hall's Jewels. Lake l.ily. V'ntiie iteefiviil. The Si-ottt, Koa l!iKiiet, K.ey Went s'hoiet. I'etersb'irjr r'nvorlte, aniClHin lHssohition Notice. Tim partnership heretofore ex isting between (I. II. Wain wi iglit. P-.('. I toy all and H. T. Coleman, riuder til,; (inn n imp ol 'Wirii wright, ,KoyaI iS: Co., has this Vlay been dissolvctl by mutual -consent. All parties holding claims against, ami all parties indebted to the old lirm, will make .-cttlenieiit with the new firm. ' (.Ko. H. Wain wright, P. .1. Uovai.l, II, T, Colkm'ax, Having piirchas:'d the inteit-Nt of U. T. Cojem in in tin Foundry ami Plow Maiiuf.tct ni'ing business we tlcsiie to give notice that it wjll be continued as hereof fore- 'under the lirm name of ya in wright & oaII, at 'lhetf!( siaud, The payment. p accounts tini- the old (inn should be made .only to us. We solicit a con tinuance of the ublic patronage. C. H. Wainwrigut ang3t S.' P. .1. IlOYAI.r. i" Established A. !., , MmWg Iraa Works, . H t .R.osr:s.cK i cc Manufacturer of Icjiih Saw KILLS. GRIST MILLS, I't WEK & HANI) niTT-.N-rUESSK, Tolweeo and t'otto.i Factory Ma 'hlners-, Iiim anii Ui-ass t'asT;nif. Kormnys. ie. St am l'ri:re an 1 nrcM,;iHU .""Itieijier)' vv iiify. lAiCoinotircs For Wooden Track a specialty. 4iig.Sl win Pcters-liarg, Va. B.UD01FH 'MM lOUEltE. ASHLAND, VA. The 4'.'ih session ojmmis Tluu-stlay September idth, LSH.i. Most d the el l doi inittnies have Iieeli pull ed tlown aud six eight ro iii coltag s Ikivc Ik'Cii ercctet. For iuftir ination as to terms, S:e., send for I catalogue to ; , Dr. W. W. Bennett, Pres. jauglO-Jiii ; Ashland, Va. 3 . MISCELLANEOUS SAM BODOB8. H. HO DOES HODGES & HODGES WHOLESALE DEALERS IX II A TS, CA P S, And Ladies Trimmed iood 49 Oonmierce St auglT lni Norfolk, Va. GEO. VV. DUVALL & COm iflanHfactnres of Eb?iw, Bailfrs. hv Mills, And ail Kinds of Machinery OFFICE. Norfolk lnw Works, Corner Wa ter and Nebraska Streets. NORFOLK, VA. r4fl)v vaix's Improved Patent Tube Ferrule, Warrantee toStoD Leaky Tubea, and can tie Inserted by an Emrineer. PAKLICULAK ATTENTION TO STEAMBOAT WOKK. Aug-34-3ra. Wit- Sanderlin. N. C. T. M. Sanderlin. N. C. Sanderlin Bros. GENERAL COMKISSIOH MESCHAHTS. .o 17 Roanoke Dock, Xorfjlk, Va. l onsiirnmerits of Cotton. Peanuts, Corn, ?liinifle. Lumber. Staves and Country Pro duce of every description solicited. Liberal advance made on ConsiirDmenta in hand, or on Hill lilinif. Special attention aid to COl'.VTKV PKODUCE GEXEKAI-I.V. -Auif-34-12m. Carriages, lapis AND H A R N E S f , 41 UalON STREEL . Norfollsi, "Va- Somelhiiig new come and see us if you want auy of the followiug : Harness, Halters, Whips, Saddles, Bridles, &c, Ojen Top Buggies, Side bar full-leather Extension Top Phaetons, Jnmp-seat Extension Tops, light and the best in the city; Village Gigs, No -horse-motion Ladies' Phaetons, a iiiee vehicle for ei"euing or morning" drives. If you .ant a bargain in any of the above, call on us at 41 ami 43 Union street. aug24 3mD. B. Brickhouse & Co. HIGIIESSCASH PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF OLD I KOX METALS, COTTON, . AXI) ' JAMES PO AVER & CO,,. 2 Rowlandd8 wharf, Norfotk. V a. llritnch store corner Wi Water and ihitri h in ' I truora. ' n i S N. BRICKHDUSE HO., WHOLKSALE HMts ni (I Slioi'w. COR. COMMERCE & WATER STS., flug-24it NOKFOLK, VA. ' ' ', i ' 1 t ; I Til e' PLACE, i - ?T) Vvy Th Hr. i NOHFOl K A; 84tf. l'atapsco Flouring Mills, lnbliishirl 14, 1UJHRS 1774 ROLLS ISS VsyUAMBKiUMftCo. This ('omiiany owns and oierales three Mills, as Ibllowc: Patapsco Mill, A, at EHicott Citv, Ml. Patapsco M ill, B, at Baltimore M Patapsco Mill, C, at Orange drove, Md. Having a daily eaaeity of 100 barrels. ? FLO it. Maniilaetuied from Maryland and Virginia Whea elel.raietl for Hs puiitv and richness of Cliiten, lliospiiates mid otju'v miM'i'ioqs pi itpel l ies, Ask your (iroe'er for PATA PCO SUPEHL.VTI V E, PATAPSCO FAMllV. PATAPSCO EXTKA. CAPKHKXIIY FAMILY, NORTH POIXT FAMILY, CHESAPEAKE EXTRA, i;ki)Foih family. OliANUK CUOVE EXTF.A. r. G'MEr.HL N'PC. CO. Z'2 C: mice 'Mi Sr., P. i I-: lii.ee. Mil. Kep'.e ea'e I by alex- ci:i:e.e, a igly Wilson, N.C. MpDIO AL ( ( .LLEGr. Of Virginia . IHHMOHD. , - The l-orty-Stitb Annual Sewi.i will Win on Ml.XHAV. t-CTOKKR Kr.r an- tiouiie-ment; funlier information address . XiZ' M. 1- JAMES, SI. I.. iseanoj tbe racul II 111,1,1 vl I ' tT'-fr-'??-''- T 1 C. I' i ' I . 3 ; MISGELLANEO US. Peace Institute RALEIGH, N. C. ioPEXS SEPTEMBER 5, 1SS3, CLICKS JUNE Ti, 1884. I Instruct km in every branch usu I ally taught in first-class Seminaries 1'or yonn hnlies. Advantages for instre.etioii ill Music. Alt and Mod i em Languages iiusai pa-HL Ar-, rangeiuents fr vounglatlies taking I a s ial course jn any studiss. ! For circular amf catalogue address j r Rev. R. Burwell & So i julyl." :m Raleigh, .N. O. Jactson & Brownley Dealers it Liquors and Groceries S3Imirorted Porter, Cincinnati lieer, and the Old P.anquet W lus kev. feblfi-tf KiMsT & Amerson, BI ILDEKK A t OTltAl TOKS AVoik of any descriqtion m our line done nicely and with dispatch We respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage, .inch 3m? INSTITUTE, dFoaXl young PTudiesXi j The Principal lia" decided, with 1 1 he pel 'mission . of Providence, to I reopen the Institute for J'nnnlen, ! and to make it equal to uny female xvhool in North Carolina. i Besides the invaluable assistance I of Mrs. S, D. Twitty, he has already engaged the services of Professor William H. Fenny, of London, I England, as a teacher of vocal and instrumental music and drawing and painting. He lias' taught, at an annual salary of twti thousand dol lars, for Miss Mary J. Baldwin, Principal of Augusta Female Semi nal'y, Staunton, Virginia, tin; cost liest female school in the South; j aud Miss Baldwin, in a recent let ; ter to the undersigned, lecom- mentis him as 4-a pleasant gentler man. l irreproachable moral char- aeter, and a good and thorough ! leaclier." He has the highest- rec- oinmeudalioiiN from numerous American and European sources, j among others from six Cathedral organists in England. His draw ings have been approved by the ! Queen's Coiumi-isiouers. Hispaint- ings ha a Imh-ii oh exhibition in ! London ami Ivtiuliiiigli. Cltlier )eoinpetent teachers will be employ ed i I needed. Terms model ate. For further information,-' apply j to S,. Uassei.l, A. M., ; Principal, Wilson. N. C. Y () 11 I have now on fiand a huge num ber of hard burnt brick for sale: at $7 per Thousand, ! delivered on board the car-s free ol ; charge, but if payments arc delay jed 30 davs per ceii . will lie added. ' j I guarantee S) to !)0 per ceur.. ti my briek to be burnt hard. OltDKKS PROMPTLY FILLED Apply to W. (i. DIXON, juiil." in Toisitot, N. C. .ALBEUT FAK.Mt!i, TAI'iltllllO ST.. i;T I10IIS TO WlfiliS". Wilscn, N. C, i Dealer in DiMirs,Wiiitlws,llinds, j Lime, Hair; Plaster and Cement. All at Uottoni Prices, IbrCash or Darter. Parties needing any goods in tins line, win please give me a Kill. , ottli-tf Iron LsTsrs, Otesl BesriDfs, Brass Tiff r M Joanss. be pat tbs i?MKiuaT: . aoldoatrlsL WsrrsnU f Tsra SII.I.M i f'sCflMtsiok.s.ldrsss ' JOHIX OF BIN8HAMTDK. SutaLtaiox, . t. '-CATALOGUE-) and learn how easily ant! frooutimically rip0 you can order JIEH'S Si CLOTHINS. B.0GEBS, PEET & CO. NFAV-YoRK. WELLS, ILILEY it 'CO.,. ae oir agents at . WILSON, X. C. WAITED. Ten ! 10 aetive. enerjretie men as atrents. to eanvasnthi ami ntln-r t nuntii-ri in North Car olina for a pleasant aii'l luerative huninefi. Hamlsome eotnnu.s-sionit to lue i-Djht men. for partn-ulnr, nllreas 4- A. Loveless. auirL itn 2,22 St..X. V., Wa.ihinirUin, D.C. FARMER & BUNN, Tartxiro Str.-et, Wilson, N. C. sWK KKKP I'OXSTAXTI.Y OX HAND a lull line of ehoiee Oroeene end Confection-t-r.t-! M rjjclj p nre ?-:: lug Cheap. Mr, Jiilin X. Vet r.of Krutiklin. is with the rm a.ul wiM ! rl 1 to see friends. Give ug a ' dec tf -WIRE RAILING AM) VNA.VitNTAL WIRE WORKS, TDXJTTR 8c CO y, North Howard St., Baltimore. Wirt- 1U:Im:K f.,r Cemeteries, j Law ns, Garden, txtitvs ml Bal l eor.ies; Window inardsTn-e (inarda r WireOhtli, Sieves, Fenders, Cajtes. ! . . . . J . 1 . I . . onsKt ituii ta oereens, jron JbseU 'teailj I "V Set tees. AeJ BRICK ml CIRCUS AND fENAGERIE. msmm . I flflit w will -As Superior to Wilson, Bringing three Trains loaded with the World's Wonders, 11se4.aU its own lUage, 5tockr Platform and Palace Sleepimr Car,. Everything Bright, New, Elegant and Cheerful.'! No old Acts, old Features, ol d Ca?es, oltl Animals, you have peen here before. - Selisspos.1 All united in Greatest Show 011 the Face of the EXHIBITING FOR THE FIRST TIME SO UT I 3 Large Manager e G o bined. Three Herds of E lephantd 1 MONSTER Tlje.ily Living 3i-ull'e tlint hni beii seen in liie SoiiPi in aO jtui ONLY LIVING PAIR OF j Ever exhibited in any traveling Menagerie in. iy part of the world. A huge male and tremendous female Hipfopotamus alone forming the greatest attraction in America, and ready worth a hun dred mile journey to see. I We have them sure and will refund the price ofadmissibn to ev ery visitor if we don't introduce them loose in t& ring at' every performance. " I' The above rare animals are the most valuablfi costly and won- -d.erf 111 features ever brought to the land of the Magnolia and Orange blossoms ; but rare as they are, they form but tithe of tbe manv extraordinary features we actually exhibit. I Cut this advertisement out, carry it with vol and try and find one single tiling hem advertised . D o - v.uvv. Some more tStei'lliii; THE ONLY LION SLAYER IN The- Only BUBDEV-BEAl ' ' ' ' f ORRIN H0LL1S, Champion Trick lifer. WILLIE SELLS, the great ' Jockey and Four Horse Rider, fie FRENCH FAMlLY CAlt ON, Best Acrobats. Prof.JWldie's Reason-Gifted School of Dogs. DON-ld VSON BROTHERS, lointless Phenoiiuons, HERR 5 l)WAYT()Njhe German m Best The bent Leapers. The best TiimTS, Wire Walkers; Trapeze ATtists, ' and General Performers, ler ieen South, and more ot" v I.isi . k. v-iicmt, t? i)a)er,HiiuuiH escepiion, pro nounce this sf iw to be the best .."em'.seen. The Louisville Ky., Courier uy jiuii. neiiry atLerson, vvnuii sum : i ne people ot 'the Sonth will have an opportunity of visitintfells Brothers' Great Show, wliieh i without exception, the most hofcrably conducted and the very Be in Town early to see the nJiy iuc iniest oireet rrooessfii 5 EAITDS 42 Great Solo Musicians in the Orchcestra. -Excursions on all railroadi t gneatly reduced rate's. Prepare lor a joyful jubilee. All avfues close, worfc suspends, and a Iila IVKi!LSiyBDiiB!SK9GoB3i3 Prepare to see the BiggefiSliow and "the Biggest Crowds vou have ever seen seen in all firr life. Exhibitions at 'the ITsu.:l Hours. Be in town early, ling the old folks, bring the b;ibie bring the aunts, cousins, vs; daughlers, swet-t hearts. Iio . s and all, If you see nothing bifthe parade, the tents. :ind ihe im mense railroad trains, youMH be paid for U,e j.Mirncv. Owing to the EnoriiioJ Expose attendiilgso vastanExhihJ tiou; Ihe price of admh sln wil be the same'in everv place - ADMISSION rTTTTr, visit the Southern States this year any other Show that everjerame Will Exhibit at Thursday, September 27th. normous Eailroad Uliows one vast World-Embracing Consolidation. Infinitely the one and thai, ia nnf nf.lia.llv eYhihitti1 w - w ' . ... v - J T , . Features wexliibil : AMERICA. THE "ONLY NYL Gf AU IX AMERICA. HE LARGEST BENGAL TIGER IN AMERICA. THE ONLY AMERICJAK t -fn ri lOMEDAlUES Ever gTltc Heres, ' Jfrnal eontainod an editorial, written - liGiiiie iiiiiii' Free Sights. Get good places to ever seen in any American city. OF .MUSIC. of travel aie crowded, schools Day, Soutli as an Electric Light is to a s 4 , tr and more of them than. -THE -' Ymmm&: r Genuine Burchel Zebra seen South. The Largest Hyenas, Apes. Vi&l ,iwoiis. Mandril. Ti- . Kera, Lions, Leopards, Wart Hog, Ilemedri as, and the first genmna A'drginia Panther seen in ma n v. years, be sides a Multitude of animal not rientiiiiied. JliU;Vi Includes for the first Wonderful St irk Family of Bicycle ltiden. Miss Viafa Rivers, ",'1 m 'iM &m m I mm M til- kwM-1 best sef v Mm XwMf ii'i Ir8? k . -saiH'..i. in" 1 -tts.ttm- 1 mmtmm : L or all Over 1 r- -va-r-ci r-f CIRCUS AND MEXAGEniE Tallow ('amlle.- - only admitted Globe! rM,,,;,' " B()RN (-AMELS fX - AMERICA. 7011 hnve vnr lirfore FIRST - E) You ever Saw time ever seen South . o iriest and Rest ick Euestrienne in the 'irld. a CV, 42 a sre r? CJen-LS...; TJncLer 1 OYears of jg& S D Centf3f

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