. , r Mr vv Advance. Wilson. N. 0., Decern her 21. 18 index to now AdverMemeH- Patents Mniin & Co. Patents J. Ii. Little. Notice S. M. Warren. Patents-Kdisou Eros, v -Patents F. A. Lehman. WeaklyHarper & Bros. Alasrazine Harper & Bros-Alouuments-C. M. V)alsh. Notice-Mr- Simnjs. . For Sale Chadbuiirn & Co. vll xi'bt House Ferry Taylor, land for Snle Airs. Emma Hives. Sale of Land John W. Peele, adm. Eandlor Sale-P. XV". Singletary. Dissolution -Notice K. more. Trinity College Ee. Al President. Presents P. Buchanan. COXDEXSEU REPORTS. j i,y tue serious illness of Mrs. Mar- We are glad dT know t.iat Hugh j tha Adams. Mr. Hugh F. Alur- P. Murray Eq., has made arrange- i ray was in lialeigb part of last ments with Ed wards, Bronghton I week on professional business. & Co.. onblisliers. Iialeisrh, N. C, ! Mr. A. W. Rowland was in Burgaw to publish his condensed Supreme Court Reports, and that the farst volume will be issued March 1st. S. Kings L. Wood, Christmas! n-iL. .tr hii of the Commercial hotel i a beauty. jjdok out on the sMtli for the red flag in front of the Court House. Greensboro has ordered all signs removed which ,swing- across the street- Our thanks' are due for ah invi tation to a hop at Fremont, to night (Friday.) Our thanks are .due -to Mr. W. D. Spenee -of Greene for a. fine po tato of curious growth. Mr. T. J. Gardner has moved in to' Atkinson &. Warren's ". stand, that firm having dissolved. All of oui Sunday Schools will celebrate Christmas by having a Christmas tree or festival. Quite a number of young lady visitors are expected in Wilson .luring the Ninas holidays. . The Martin county "Times" has not suspended, as was reported. It only hibernated a few weeks. For an invitation to a ball at Old Sparta, Dec., 28lb., we atfe thank ful to our friend, Dr. renjungtou. Snow Hill Lawyers are pugilistic. Two of them had a fight last Fri day. After the fight a challenge was sent but not accepted. itmt, Kllis fcol.l was publicly iwnio-f.fi Friiln v for the murder of Mrs. Wm. Logan, at Shelby. 3,000 peo le witnessed the execution. Mr.Wm. Wdliford , constable of Toisnot, says he was k.ucked down and badly hurt i Wilson Wednes day night, by a purty who wanted to, b, 1 1 - On Monday ote of Perry Tay lor's lueses, worth SI 50, dropped dead on the road seven miles from Wilson, without any apparent cause. . " 311". lieo. J. VllCCIH-" uaa uctu elected Treasurer of the Wilson Graded School. A bettor, truer or more upright man could not have been elected. Our frieud E. S. Barnes, former - lv of this county, but nw oily ly, Geo. sends us an invitation touraftineutj l.ec, 24th. rtf the managers. Til A SK ? TIIA XKS ! We are indebted to our highly esteemed friend, Mr; . Bunyan J. Barnes, the efficient and popular Register of Deeds of this countj-, for a fine fat "gobbler," .as a Christ mas present. Mr. Barnes, in addi tion to this evidence of friendship has promised to present us with "a pair of marriage licenses," provided we can induce some one to agree to take us '-for better or worse." If we had a few more such friends as Mr. Barnes we'd not have to tread this vale of teal's in the bonds of single cusse'dness much longer. S VXD AY XIGI1T. On last Sunday night Rev. J. H Gninu preached his farewell sermon in the Methodist church, which was crowded to its utmost capacity. As an evidence of the high esteem In which he is' held the pastors of the Missionary Baptist and Disciple churches-dispensed with services, and with their congregations, worshipped in the Methodist church. This exhibition of christian fel lowship, and of the good feeling prevailing among the different de nominations in our town, is to be commended, and was appropriate ly referred to by Mr. Guinn. His words of counsel, his admonitions, his exhortations were taken to heart by the congregation many of whom were visibly affected at the parting. He has wrought a good woik here and many are loath to have him leave. At the close of his sermon he read the financial report of the Wilson church for the past year. It is a gratifying report and speaks volumes for the mem bership and for the efficiency of the pastor. It speaks well for the liberality of our people. The report is as follows : Amounts Collected. Bishops Piesiding Elder Preacher in charge Conference collections Foreign Missions Domestic Missions Church extension Incidentals ;.' j Poor Sunday School Parsonage Furnishing cliurelj, Ualoigh church Chinese University 3 14.00 1C0.00 1000.00 70.75 120.75 70.00 1G.35 178.09 80.10 73.70 170.00 50.00 18.00 25.00 this week on business. Mrs. E. M. Nadal, who has been on a visit to Raleigh, returned home last night much improved in health.- Sev eral of our Ilocky- Mount friends were in -town last night to hear Bishop. CASTA LI A. . 2040.83 ' Total i ;.V TEIt TA IX It EX T WEEK. In the way of entertainments this has been the biggest wc-k ' Wilson has ever seen. On Mori day night Prof. II. -L, Farmer, of Richmond, gave a choice musical entertain ment, which though not largely at tended, was highly appreciated. Jadges of music pronounced it un surpassable. The performers were repeatedly encored, and loudly ap plauded. Our regret is that so ma ny ot our people missed so great a trftat. On Wednesday nirrht. the Tere will bo no ADVANCE next Opera House was crowded to wit to a He is one Trent Kditor ami printers leei that they have earned a holiday. Xhe next issuo of the Advance will appear January 4th. TTn to January 1st., Mothner's Cheap" John stores will sell goods at prime cost. Call and ex amine their stock and prices if you want great bargains for the holi days. The OAd Follow a t will give an other of their excellent oyster snp jver at Simpson & Barefoot's restaurant to-night. We return thanks for an invitation j. to be present. i Our youug friend, YE' Var reu wiil shortly engage iu" busi ness at Atkinson's old staud in Edgecombe county. -His well kuowli business, ovUitu'S. will insure sjysess., " The Washington D..C.) corres- ness the Graded School Entertain ment. The programme was well se lected and well carried out,, awl the audience was fairly delighted. The naivete, the simple grace and ear nestness of the 7 year olds was a charming sight and as tney sung the "Motion Song,' 'Katy Did' and -went. through the calisthenics, the joy of the parents and friends of the little actors knew no Imunds. They evidently are under good con trol, well-disciplined, and, well- trained. The , tableau of "Flower Girls7 was too, beautiful to be des cribed. One of the 'hits" of the evening was the philosophy class of which the beautiful little Miss Lil- lie Smith was teacher. "Drifting with the Tide, "sung by sixty of the scholars is deserving of special mention, as is also the "Song of the Forge," by thirteen and the song "The (secret." i,ne Dear Advance: I am pained to state that Mr. Wilson Boon a pious, sober and popular young man living near Cedar Eock came near being killed on Thursday last by falling from a house. He bad one arm broken and received other very serious internal injuries and is pronounced by Drs. Jackson and Maloue to be in a very critical condition with but slight chances for his recovery. The sympathy of all is aronsed in the sad and shocking misfortutc of thisexeellent young man. Dr. Gray Sills living near here has for the past forty-five or fifty years kept an accurate tabulated statement of the rising and falling of the temperature,all the hail, rain, wind and snow storms of any note, all the droughts of any duration atid its effects and the coldest and hottest day with tue direction of the wind on every occasion, lie is now an old man and is a strict member of the Methodist church, and always took a great interest in the political welfare of hs com munity. Cupid is still carrying on his good work and young hearts are daily being made to beat as one. A few days ago the Post. Master at this place was married to Miss Katie YVheless, and three couples will be spliced to-morrow to wit: Mr. Eobt. Wheeless, to Miss Jennie Stalling, of Franklin; and Mr. Frank Thomas to Miss Annie Pitt; ana Mr. Charlie Iledgepeth to Miss Fannie Edwards all of this county, The newly wedded pairs have "my best wishes, thaj tl.ey may live long and all their troubles be little ones.- An attempt was made a lew nights ago to rob the Post Office at this place by cutting a hole with i pocket knife from the outside large enough to get a hand through but did not succeed. A -registered letter containing $75.00 had been placed in the ofiice during the day by a. foot peddler to his wife in Balti more. Misses Lillie Williams of Frank lin, and Lizzie Alston of Warren, have been on a visit to Mrs. Dr. T. N. Sills. ! Mr. Nero Eicks who went to Texas a short time agotolive,and stayed just long enough to learn there was no place like home, has returned to his native heath again. Miss Lula Gill of Cedar liock is on a vissit to the'Missc s Ricks. A goodly number of our people are attending Vance Court this week as witnesses in the Arrington cases which were removed from Kash. 1S83 is about to an end and with this I must say goodbye till next year. A merry Christmas and a happy New Year to yon and to all is the greeting of. Plain Tom. December 18S3. At ber residence i Wednesday night at Mrs. Martha Adams, 11 year. She bad beeu nn al months and her deat nuexiectwl. She was teemed for many virtu cellencies and in her de n t i place! 8:4 p'cloek, Anything not in stock ordered and guaranteed to be in tim for rtv CGth ; Xmas, if order is given by Tues- 4 sever-j ay next. Ji 31. Nadal was not Give your girl a Christmas ' present that she will appreciate. mourns one of its purest! nd best ' " , , """", ua;l Ju- lt women She hadPbeen?)r many ! d ,lare ,ot of haBtlsomei years a consistent an? i ; devoted ' - ' member of the Episcol fol church, ; Ginger Ale on dranght, at 5 cents ! Irom which her funeral will take place this (Friday) morning, at 11 o'clock Rector Bronson officiating. i'PA j 'Ml v es- i and ex i h Wikon J (nd best i r A ix:nman, !o!i?itnr or Amcrcan tua ror i eijra Ptcoi3, Wabinrt.'n. 1. C, Ail kasinp3 connected with Patents whether Wfn the ; to. Xobarge made unlew a patent is secure j most po kuj tor taivuuu . uoc. t i c ' '- 1S81. ' ILLCSTUATEJJ. J.aW.O.WIER'S KOTICE. Ilarner's Msjmzlne he-h;s It sli!T-i .ih nmim with th Ueeember uumhiT. It Is be In this place Friday night at 8 o'clock, Dec. 14th, Mr. Freeman Euggles, aged 29 years 8 months and 12 days. He was taken with malarial fever in July and had continued fever for sixty days, lingered and died of consumption. Several weeks before his death be professed conversion and was re ceived into the Methodist church, in which communion he died. His remains were carried to Goldsboro Saturday evening and interred Sunday morning, Rev. J. n. Guinn conducting the services. To his widowed mother, Mrs. Hansley,in this sad hour of bereavement the hearts of onr people go out in warmest sympathy. a glass, at Hargraves. Trv it. a i tou i ucci ica i wiveu uati.v at t r' tftt ilnjlln in' . nfti.r ii at popular illustrate ponolic-ai m Am. r- lst anU fcniraind, iways faliy abreast ot thP i - fTa iImm MnHILa.t a a ....... . - . . - - CtaS-K AI. H.VTHFM ATICA AND COM-' nEXDERSOJf. VAXCB OK, X. C. Ii -rehj- rirta to all pvrsan itKifhwx! to tba e- Tbe Pprinff swwrton npeas on the 17th tf Jn- ! , a to mak tmmcjlata pay. aj- ; MARRIED. In the Methodist church at Kit trells, Wednesday, Dec. 12th, Mr. J. M. Wester, the popular and effi cient rail-road . agent at Toisnot, to Miss Mary J. Keid, of Kttrells. The happy couple were the recipi ents of manv handsome presents. We join in best wishes. congratulations and At the residence of W. II. Dail, Esq., in Snow Hill, Tuesday, Dec. 11th., Mr. Thomas Harvey to Miss Laura M. Suggs, sister of Mrs. W. H.Dail, and a popular and ac complished young lady. The groom is widely and favorably known and his host of friends will join us in congratulations. An elegant sup per was served to a large party of friends at Mr. W. E. Best's, after which the happy pair began house keeping in Mr. Harvey's new resi dence, i In Halifax, Dec. 12th., at the residence of the brides grandmoth er, Mr. W. A. Trerathan, oi Kocky Mount, was happily united in mar riage to Miss Joyner E. Warren, Eev. Geo- M. Duke officiating. The attendants were: Thad Warren with Miss Mary Trevathan; C. J. Odom with Miss Pattie Johnson; E. P. Britt with Miss "Nannie Doz ier; J. B. Keid with Miss Annie Crone ; J. E. Dozier with Miss An nie Neal; J. II. Odom with Miss Irer.e r Sherran. Soon after the marriage the happy couple and at tendants'started i'or a thirty miles ride to Ilocky Mount where a sumptuous repast was served at the residence of the groom's father. Wiil TAKERS. The beautiful snow. It fell here Sunday night to a depth sufficient to cover the ground. Died of a lingering disease on Saturday night, the 15th- inst., little Yettie Garrett daugter of the late Dr. Joe. J. Garrett, She was buried the following Monday be neath the cold white snow. The short duration of the snow was svmbolical of'the short stay of this fair flower; its whiteness might vell be taken as a symbol of the purity of this good child's life. She was too sweet and pure to endure longer the cold blasts of this un friendly world. It was our heaven ly Father's will to call her Patapsco Superlative Flour is the Best flour in the world. Ask your merchant for it. If he does not keep, it send him around to Alex. Greene's, who has just received a lot, and always keeps it on hand to supply merchants only. If you want good bread, biscuit and cake, buy only Patapsco Su perlative Patent and Patapsco Fam ily Flour. The advantage in buying Pataps co Flour is that you bnow you are getting something goojll every bar rel guaranteed. . The Patapsco Flouring Mills were established in 1774, ver one hnnd red years ago, and dver since that the Patapsco Flour j&as enjoyed the reputation of beinjrfthe best in the world. Don't buy 'jahy other flour if you wish to please vour wife. children and the e&jk. ; 1 J. T. Ford & Co's- cor Nash & Pet- lgrewsts. Go to J. T. Ford & Co's for cakes, crackers, confctionaries, heavy and fancy groceries &c Turners N. C Almanac s for 188 1 at Eowland's Drug Store. Carpets and mattings at Eouu- tree, Barnes & Co's- The celebrated Heiser Shoes at Eountree, Barnes & Go's. , Just received at Ford & Co. a line lot ot cabbage, onions. pies and potatoes, You can get a good harness or saddle at Eountree, Barnes & Co's- Fresh clover creamery butter at Moss, Green & Co's. Complete line of clothing of all qualities at Warren & Barnes. Warren & Barnes have a ful line of the Burt & Packard Shoes. Warren & Barnes make Gents Furnising Goods a Specialty. Nice clothing at Eountree, Barnes & Co's. ..'".' - Hats all styles, and qualities in endless variety at Warren & Barnes. Nice line of.ladies cloaks and walking jackets of all qualities at Warren & Barnes. A. W. Eowland can deliver coal at lowest market price. Send him your orders. Full sets shoemakers' tools, calf skins, kip and sole leather at Rouutrec, Barnes & Co's. A fine line of paut patterns and cassimere suitings at Warreu & Barnes , Eubber belting at Rountree, Barnes & Co's. Nice llnb of dress goods and flannel suitings in all colors at Warren & Barues. 100 Mens Rubber dies and misses Warreu & Barnes. Atteution, ladies; Before buying your shoes call at Warren & Barnes and examine Edwin C. Burt., T. Miles Sons, and Warren & Barnes tine shoes. jWarren & B trnes have just re ceived a large lot of Burt & Pack ard's Gents' and Boys' fine Shoes. See them before buying. Rouutree, Barnes & Co., have just received a fine line of cash meres, black and colored, surges, corduretts, diana cloths, Langtry twills, Flannel Suitings, black and colors, basket flannels, cloak cloths, &c. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Wilmington N. O. Brocaded and plain velvets, both in velveteen and silk velvet for trimmings and suiting" at War ren & Barnes If you cannot procure our famous 'Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mass" in your town, send direct to us. We will seud to any address free of charge on receipt of price. Manufactured only by Landrum & Litchfield Abingdon, Va., and for sale by all Druggists. Its efficien! cy in the treatment of disease is conceded by physicians generally. For Dyspepsia and Indigestion its value is inestimable, all will admit Price 1,00, small sizes 50 cents. Bpckaity: JP&tefit uiuu bcic-re ta Ffcteat Oi&col sad to Catzrta. rmwin'iiurai. upuusaasta ftttmtability. free f thary Sa4 tor cirealar. tiniMin Ir rrpatment of Bllfcr! Ot current ,....,., ' ... . ...v. T befon U'h tlav of Vnnm social an! jmlustnat intvrxet. ni a; 5 trtyl and eipcwnocl- In the vinxaont ft ' nii- tw pkaj la bar at thalr rooOT vtscinf its sianaara i i..- . -T"-" --, Uie scboc4 no nln are to nimka it an- "' tt dpoetr't : ntx-Mut thcrafot ptrmrat on DOT or -. . , , - . . , , wwvt- hitt wiKava vi iui nuwu. tur circular r - . . . . - w 1 WTl kJtiSC I I'rticulan aaOrw tPnucUai-aocl4 Itn ,Co,lDor W 'JrJ- AtVT.--aoTlI 6t - " 1 - PAT SOTS .1 . V. 1." I I .11" - f .11 IV 1.11 . -M ttnnatoact ax ?olteta fur 1 -l '. -3, (.aTntu,TniK Marks. CoPTTieUts, t'r the L aiict ?iau CanMia. Enclacd, Frscee, Gortmrr.-, eta. Km-) li.TOk about fateots sent true. 1 iiin-,vptl jrir' experienoa. Patents otainfj i li r inch M L: ' Iv Ji CO. are noUceit to the ciE.Yrtrir Ar.r. !. tba l--i(cst- (, and t.oct wi lei ctix-nWu-iJ ) it nT.f.c pMi.'r. vsmt. Weeftlr. rplendia ojrrmvtni:s ad Intp-jtjns la formadnn. t-peamm cprff tie tKrirciifie Amrr tea a .-ot free. A 't.lr.s M INS tX'.. M'iiLN"i; ll'to AMJCI:icax OlSf!'. rJ liitsaawar, .ew urk. In PATENT Inventors, send model or sketoh of your lit-, volition, when I will make careful preliminary examination, .and report as tj patentability, with advice, circulars, etc, free or charye. Ml business before 17. S. Patent Otfiee attended to for Moderate Fees. Information ana reference sent on application' Jv'o charge unless patent is secured, J, It. LITTLE, Washington, l. C. dec21 pirectly oppaaite Patent ofllce. tnechanlcal axoetkaic.. -V',".f,J,lH5M : wcr tae wihs of ta Httrona. For circular . tAil hv A hhrv a new novr trated by Gibson en4 Dielma" : dt-scriptlrw il- : luatrated norn by Geo. II. Boufrhlon, rrank s 1. jaiuet, l. . M. rarnnam. ana uwpn . f tant historical and bufrranhtcal papers ; short : aturlca by W. IJ. HowelLs, Chariea Kade, Sc. HAKPEU'S rEBIODICALS. - PER YEAK: HARPER'S MAGAZIXK. . Z rO HARPER'S WEEKLY 0 , HARPER'S BAZAR ' HARPER'S YoCSG' PEOPLE , 1 :m UAKPKK'S FHANKLIX SjCAKB LI nUARY, 1 Year (il Numbers , JO ( Poatase free to all subscribers In the Vnited t States or Canada. The volumes of the tapane" bctrin with j the Numbers for June and leoember of eachj! year. When no time is specified, it will be un-J derstoed that the subscriber wishes t V txyiu : withe the current number. The last eisht volumes of ""Harper's Masra alne.' in nect cloth bimlinr. wiil be sent by : mail, ppaid.on receipt of 390 per volume. . Cloth C ses, for binding, f cents each by ma'l ; postpaid. Index to-Ha-per'sMajrautlna," Alphabetical. ; Analytical, and Classified, fr volumes Ito&l, inclusive, from June I8u, ta Juno l!, one vol. 8vo, Ckith. 14 mi.. Itemittancca should be made bv Post-Office Money Order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this ad vert is ; ment without the express order of HarperW , Hrothers. , Address, HA1JPEU & IIUOTHERS, : New ork. i at i HAS Coats and la gossamers a-- Established 1E ILLER UVALSH. OCADE 'AKBLE wwOKKS. Manufacturers of Hlonumenls, llcadstoiios; Tablets, &c. Sycamore St, opposite Halifax, Petersbunr, Va Designs sent to any Address Free Send for Designs and Prices dtxil ly GUT illllM! Ill M IIOilIC f TEITIS. FOR RENT. My house and lot on Barnes Street on reasonable terms. mes. m. j. Ricks. PERRY TAYLOR Has bought out iiie .James Ualt's stock, and will keep at Patt's Stand. I have bought a large and fresh supply of Groceries, Confectioneries and Whiskies especially for the Holiday trade, nis stock is new, his prices low, his busiuess is con ducted on "strictly business" prin ciples. All kinds of Candies, Cakes, Confectioneries and everything else needed forXmas, which he sells at Rock Bottom Prices. If you are "dry," don't forget that Perry can give you something to '-whet your whistle." My house is kept open all night. Come one, come all ! PERRY TAYLOE, (Just lelow the Railroad.) P. S. Everybody is invited to my big watermelon" cutting Christ mas day: dec21-tf SALE OF LAM). Uy virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Wilson county, ren dered December 14th, 1883. I will sell at the late residence of Stephen Winbourue deceased, on Tuesday, the 22d day of January, 1884, the following described real estate, sit uated in Spring Hill township, Wil son county : One tract adjoining the lauds of Jos. J. Wilson, Battle Winbourhe, and others, lenown as the Home tract,' containing 80 acres more or less. One other tract, ad joining the lands of Bennett Bul lock, Henry Stott and others, con taining 50 acres more or less. One other tract, adjoining the two tracts already described, containing 40 acres more or less. Teems: One-third cash, balance on a credit of 12 months, title re tained until the purchase money is itaid. JOHN W. PEELE, , Adm'r of Stephen Winbome. Coxxoii & Woodaed, Att'ys. Dec. 14 th, 1883, 2t aasrpH X. SMTTn, Ada. cement! - 1SS-1. HARPER'S WEEKLY. - ILLUSTRATED, "Harper's Weekly" stands , at the hcal of American Illustrated weekly journals, ityits; unpartisan position in politics, its admirable il- lustrations, its carefully chosen aerials, short i stories, sketches, and poems, contributed by j the foremost artists and authors of the day. it ! carries instruction and entertainment to thou- j sands of American homes. , It will always be the aim of the publishers to . make"Harper's Weekly" the most popular and I attractive family newspaper in the world, and. in the pursuance of this dcs!gn. to present a constant improvement In ail thoee , features which have trained for it tho confidence, sym pathy, and suppoat of its largo army of readers HARPER'S PERIODICALS. ; PER YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY... ...... ..: ...4 HARPER'S -MAGAZINE..... t HARPER'S IIAZAK -.4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE....- I .Vi HAHPERS FRANKLIN SQUARE LI BRARY, 1 year (52 Numbers" to M Postage free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the "Weekly" betrin with tho first Number for January of each year. j When no time is mentiotion. ltwiu ce uiwct stood that the subscriber wishes to coramenoe with the Numbernext alter me receiptor or Tho last Fourth Annual Volumes of "Har Dcr's Weekly." in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postaj?e paid, or by express, free of eiixinse forovided the freight does not. ex ceed one dollar per volume), for fM per vol limn. Cloth Cases for each : volume, suitable for binding, will bo sent by mail, postiid, on re ceipt of $1 08 each. " . " - Remittaaces should be made by Post-office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not. to .copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper a Brothers, Address, HARPER & HROTHERS. New York, order to make a change in our business we must ask out customers to como forward and settle their accounts. Thi business will be continued at the old stand where customers will be accommodated another year. But all TES ID ACCOITS . NOW DUE MUST HE ettled at Once! YOURS TRULY, illl & LI Nov 0, '8.3. WILSON, N. C LAND FOR SALE. 1 One tract of land -containing six ni- kpvpii lmndriMi acres, in Falkland township, six miles Irom Falkland, in Fitt county, au joining me r.uge combii line, on Kitten Creek (or Wooten's mill run), adjoining the laud belong.ng to Washinton Woot-. en's heirs and others. Dwelling housR. barn, kitchen, ice. Marl is plentiful on- the land. For terms applv to Mrs. Ebnira ltives, near Gree"nville, N. C, at the resilience of Artlinr Forbes's widow, JIrs A". ForlHjs, 3A miles above Grecinille. declil-lm FOR RENT. The Farmer WainwriRrhe Plow Shop and lot will be rented at the Court House door to the highest bidder, on the 1st day of January, for twelve months, by . " Albert Faumer, Or F. A. WooDARD. Adm. of T. A. WainwriKht B. USTIN, Over a veneration has passed since the Rouiitrees began business in Wilson, and they still continue to offer to the people of Wil son and the adjoining counties the most complete assortment of goods in the Town at bottom prices.--Come one and all and ex amine for yourselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. MSWBwa IHM't 1 ft lib nniiYTmir nun 1 1 iiuiiij, wm Jl. 1883. PRACTICAL- r. u Office over Young's site Briggs' House, nov23tf ARCHITECT I L D E 1!. Store, AND oppo- WiLon, N. 0. nondent of the "Goldsboro lessen- recitation of kThe Burial oMoses," tpr"'snvs Sam Hill, of the Wilson "News" (colored), is working up a negro postmaster for -Wjlsou, through the Hon .IE O'llara." Religious ladies all over the state, are now serving th Lord by hav jug, what they call oyster suppers, anil serving warm water ni ceuts a iilate, after Having first boil ed ;yi 9.1(1 oyster can in the water. GuiltordJSoon, the negro rapist, was to have been hung publicly in Kinston vesterday. The Kinston uFiee li'css'' well and truly says "public executions are demoraliz ing and none should ever be held." Our young friend, Walter F. Woodafd. has c:;r tliaoks for an iiiyUaiiop to atteud the Semi-Ceu-tif'unial'or ihe Frauklin Literary ' eoe'vetv r Kandolph-Macon Col lpgeDec. 31st. The address will be tfouvered by Rev. W. E. Edwards. The Byrne Street Baptist Church o( Petersburg, Va., has eteuded a cull to Rev. Mr. Carter, of lieu. liersonviUe, X, C,', to become their pastor, Mr. Carter was oneo si res ident of WiUon. and has tew su periois as a pulpit orator in . State. The wile of Wade Barnes (col), who lives ou Mr. F. W. Barnes' plantation near Wilson gave birth tq twifts the 4th week inIanuary of this year, ul ou, the 2nd week , in November again presented her hus band with ii sou and daughter. Wilson county leads ou everything ! We regret to know that Eillie ' Williams, who was hurt hi the jight Uist wetU 'ny a negro (ail ac count:. 6f which' appeared in the ADVANCE) died on Sunday night from the effects of the wound, lie "was buried in Maplewood ceme tery Sunday evening, Hev. W.J. ay ofliciatiug. We sympathize with the bereaved ones. bv Miss Julia Gay was compliment ed on all sides Her articulation was perfect her conception true, and lier delivery admirable. The reci tation of the "Charge of the Light Brigade" by sixty voices, was well done. Every voice, every motiou, every gesticulation was as of one person. There was no hesitancy, no awlcardness, no jar, and the con cert cOf voices and action was re markable. The recitation of "Ab solom" by our youug friend Henry Farmer is deserving of praise- He evidently has a talent for ekoutiou and oratory whih he. shuild culti vate. T, he entertainment closed with iudiau club exeicises by i class of boys, who had been train ed (and av, 11 trained) by Prof. Sut ton, who is to bo congratulated, on the credit they did to his training. To Princinal Brutou, and his corns of efficient, zealous and hard workinff teachers we are indebted for this pleasant, entertainment, the thanks of the community are due and as an organ of the sentiments of the eommunitv. we present a heartv vote of thanks. The sing ing bv the children evidenced the fuiVncv of the teacher ot music, the Miss LUlie Ga3" wbose musi.cal tal" Mt is not surpassed, we think we si.il smfelv sav. in tne fetate, x.ast nio-ht fThursda.v i the" inimitable Bishop appeared in "Strictly Busi ness.". The Wilson people havn't laughed so much since Sol Smith Rnsspll wits here. Bishop can't be beat. to a more congenial clime to join the white robed thron;; of little angels who sing around the throne of Him blacksmiths f who said ''suffer little children to come unto me and forbid thein not. bv of such is the 'kingdom of heaven." Weep not sorrowing friends for surely she is free from pain, and a stranger to sorrow, having joined the celestial throngs who worship at "His ieet." Whitakers needs no standing irmy to enforce the Civil Eights bill, for wo have here a, hotel con ducted upon strictly civil lights principles, white and black, rich and poor alike patronize this es tablishment We are constrained to utter tho language of a wag who having visited in a state of intox ication an old colored preacher, attempted to reconcile the aged divine by the folio wiugeffusioi : PEOPLE AXB THE MR MEXTS. MOVE- McCraw & Nunj ket in toys. Don't forget Aid uumense stock of : " - I Nice Books, siij days, can be hajj Store. fy lead the mar- aw & Nurney's toys. table for the holi- Book at Nadal's It is a perlecp treat to look at Hargrave's winilow disday of Xmas tricks. The Lord he never did intend To put his black sheep in a pen ; But mi mixed the colors up, Like rum and lasses in a cup. Hops and Ball, seems to be the order of the day among the young people. The youug ladies are getting up one to come off on the 1st 'ot January success to you ladies! Air. Editor we are going to slay the old "Gobler" Sunday, come up aud help us hide hun Wishing every reader of the ADYAKCEa happy Xmas, we re main as ever, Fizzy DIE IK xjuas Get your Hargrave. Tlpy cheap. presents from are elegant and Do not forgt and get your tney are all gd 5 days.to Xmj t to go to Hargrave's mas presents before me. Itemember only s - ' TRINITY COLLEGE. The Spring Term ofTrinitv Col- lece will bescin Jan. 1st, 1884, and close the second Thursday in June, Tnition iu College Course for the term, 4. $30.00 Tuition in preparatory stud ies, $25.00 Board, including furnished rooms, per month, $8.00 to 811.00 The College belongs to the in. C. Conference of the Al. L. Church South. It is located in a healthy section, five miles from High Point, on the S. C. E. K. For particulars addres the Pres ident. KEY. AI. L. WOOD, dec21-2t Trinity College, N. C on Hargrave tarries the day Xmas and Hcyliday presents. For useful fChristnias presents go ro Wootten &i Stevens. Mustache cups for Xmas pres euts at Warren & Barne. fa Vases ! rases!! Vases!! All IX LICK AU his friends i (and their name is leirion will i,,; n in rpinif4nr that Henry Williams of Wilson received the aintuient pf Assis tant SuperiuleiKlent of the House IKuVtinetit Kooms. Washington. TIiE FESTIVAL. 'Sotwithstanuiug 'he inclement weather the Festival last Friday night, lor the benefit of the Pres byterian church, was largely atten ded, and well patronized. " We are lntoruied that the ladies made o..'o net, winch is, we cmarKaoie. We hope give us another shortly. We are triad to kuow that Col. R. A. Bjnum, ofTitt, contemplates making Wilson his Uome next year. He will. be gladly welcomed, -i Mr. Wilie Daniel is absent on; a business trip to South Carolina, lie wilj eturu before Xmas. Prof. Wm. S. Barnes and family have moved to Wilson. Air. Barnes occupies the Edmundsou house. His school bids fair to be successful from the first -Aliss Jlena, Branch returned to Feace last Saturday. Aliss Lou Uattie, ot cuge- combe, who has been visiting friends in VT lson has returned horae.. Bro. May of tho "Sunny tirt.n. was in tQ seo us Alonday. it xmrks well in editorial harness. ; Mr. Berkley Cone has moved back to Wilson and occupies -residence ou Xash street. His friends are glad to see his famihar form ir. their midst.-rrr:Alr. J, , Blackwellis in town shaking hands ,5lr I ith l.ia nnnr irieUUS. -jui. they d ry Hart an wiEocky were caucu io " ' jood Alissiou- Iu Edgecom.be county, Dec Sth Air, Joseph W. Wimberly, aged 51 years. Near Alarlboro, Pitt couuty, Dec, 3rd., John, son of Elder George Joyner. At the residence of Mr, Langley Dec. 8th., Airs, Martha Greene, ased 73 veai'sa. She was a womana member of the --k it . ary liaptisc cnurcn. . Airs. Louis Pearce, at Potter's Neck, near Wilipington, Dec. 12th 1S83. of malarial fever. She leaves a husband and two children. She was a sister of Airs. Hansley of this place who has been called to pass under the rod'' by two deaths in her immediate family last week. She has ou? heart felt sympathy, IT- G. Connor Esq,, was called to Wilmington Sunday by a telegram announcing the death of his. sister's husband, 5. G. Bauman, of that cltv, in the G7th year of his age. Air, Bauman was one pf the organ izers of the Lutheran ; church in Wilmington and was a i highly es teemed citizen, loved and respect ed for his good qualities. We sym pathize with his wile, a lormer res ment kinds at Wifirren & Barnes. i Alako your friend a Christmas present that will be of use. Buy it irom Wrootfen Is Stevens. Our Christmas stock is now open Our lady friends are cordially invi ted to inspject it. Nadal's Drug Store If you want to make a Xmas present, useful or ornamental buy itffdip Warren & Barnes. AIcCraw(& Xurnev have the larg est and befet selected stock of con fectionerhis ever brought to Wilson Call on tmem for your Xmas sup ply- Have mas gooi them befi go and Christ see Christmas, Marriage, Wedding and Rirth.day Presents. I will be receiving every other day new styles of Jewelry in Dia mond and other settings : Ladies Chains, Necklets, Bracelets, Gold Watches, ladies size, irom 20 up : gents', from up: boys' silver watch 9. Some very fine dust-proof made exclusively lor engineers and conductors. These watches I ex amine carefully myself, and I guar rantee and warrant then uncondi tionally. Everything suitable for Presents, at prices lower than New York or Philadelphia. I). BUCHANAN, 113 Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va. P F Johnson, It W Fowler ou seen attars s! If not re you buy. . . m BlacklJerry tea sets-j-the very thing foil Xmas presents, at War ren & Barnes. China )tea sets, eepecially suita ble for Xmas presents, at Warren & Bariitfs. LadiesC gentleman & children you will findj my Depot of Xmas goods at Ford v& Co'sjstore east side 11. They ar my legal representatives XoursjnjSnow & Ice "SantaClanse" Little Girls and Little Boys Ford & So have all my Xmas good- dies andf tricks to wlease you go ..i - - and see I hem Let no: but wen corner and, buy, yoor heart ue trouoieu your way ta h ord & M's lish & Pettigrew streets lour Xmas -Santa Clause" i.ion of Wilson, in her sad bereav- Oldla! come ai verythba a full lid lies -and old gentlemen see us .We haveany and to sweeten yoor lip sand of the staff of hie. Fost & Co. PFJOHNSON&CO Manufacturers o fand Dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridies' col lars, and all kinds of HOUSE FURJiISIHAGOOOD. We tnaku a Specialty of Hand Made Goods, dec 21 PETERSBURG, VA NOTICE. Iwill rent atthe Court House door in the town of Wilson, on Alonday the 7th day of January the plantation in Wilson county belonging to the heirs of Wilie Simins deceased. A twelve horse cron can be made on the above land. Terms Bond with approved s3urilv. Fences and ditches to lie kept iu good condition. AIES. S. E. SIMMS. Guardian, Bv Connor & Wood ord Attys. Dec21-2t DISSOLUTION NOTICE. l The firm of Kinsmore & Bullock has dissolved copartnership by matnal consent. Parties indebted to the late firm will settle with the undersigned who will continue to keep a first class market Will pay the highest cash price for beef and pork. Thantiui ior past pai- LAND FOR SALE. The undersign offers for sale, the tract of land six miles east ot the town of Wilson, known as the Proc tor place, adjoining the lands oi F. W. Barnes, Jesse Pittman and others, containing 200 acres. One horse crop cleared, balance wen timbered, being by nearest route about 2 miles irom the steam saw mill of ElderJWm. Woodard on the plank road. Price 1200, one-third cash, balance in yearly in stalments at 8 per cent.; or $2000 if all cash. Also at Saratoga, W'ilson county, a Store and Lot on one of the four business corners of the place, for $300. And between said store and the Saratoga steam mill a Dwell ing House, 4 rooms and outho-.nes with about 19 acres of land attach ed.f'or 81000, Anvone wishing to bnv this Place and thu store at same .time, m-ice ii-u- These nlaces are all now oflered very low as an inducement to auy one or more who would like to buy at once. B. W. SIXGLETABY. Wilson, 5. C, Dec. 15th 4S83.-t For Sale, FARMS AXD FARMING LAND. We offer for sale "on long credit small farms of the best com, cotton and rice lands in the State, situated In Columbus county, lying on both sides of a new railroad now being built from ttie Columbia railroad to Conwayboro in bouth Carolina. We will furnish lumber for dwell ings, also on credit, and deliver it oiftue farm. This affords an op portunity for every young, sober and industrious in-in, wietuei possessed of means or not, to mike a good living auu proviue m iuim- ly with a home. Plenty oi casu work can be nau to uu m uic time not required on the larm. Hpalthiest nart of the State chills and fever unknown churches and schools easily accessible. We refer to Hon. K. it. uruigers and Capt. John F. Divine, Wilmin g ton: Capt. V. v. mctiaruson, ive Alex. Kirklaud and Dr. Jacsson, Whiteville, Columbus Co., X. C. Address, IChadbourx, AIill & K'Y Co., Chadbouru, X. C, or JAS. II. CnADBOURX & Co., Wilmington, X.C. P. S. 25 hands wanted immedi ately to cut WOTkI, for cash. dec21-2m WHIT AKER'S ACADEMY, WHITAKER'P, N. C. 'Che Uth term and Sprin? session of this school will open on the 2d Monday i January. m, and continues twenty weeks, hoard can behadatfrora JStoSiojier month.. Tuition from lo to $20 per session, accTrdin t- f?rale of nuoil. and ono-half to be paM in advance ; the balance when the session is hair out. l or further particulars inquire of docl42t A. J. MOORE, Principal. IT WILL 1883, EAT : . BUYERSmD COUNTRY MERCHANTS --.TOCALTiON: Notice. Tiv virtiirt of : decree of the Su perior Court of Wilson county, ren dered Dec. 13, 188:5, 1 will sell at the Court House door in Wiistm on Tuesday the 15th day of January 1884 the foUowiui; land : One tr; ct of land in Wilson comity ..Wilson township, 'adjoining the lands ot U. D. Killett and others, containing 100 acres more or less, subject to the dower of the wife f Griffin Watson which has been allotted to her. Terms, one-third YashV bal ance on credit of twelve mouths. F. A. WOODABD, Com. dec 14 tf "WILSON,- IV. O., For Christmas Goods, of whicb we ha ve the ' largest display ever brought to Wilson. - W can makrf it to the interest of country merchant to buy lom us. We have Iu the greatest variety Apples, Oranges, Apples, Grape.i, rera ons,: Bananas, Currents, Citron, Keisins, cc, w. As to onv tock of ' : 'V O Y-S ! . :.." It would take - whole page of tht Advanxe to enumerate thera We'bave every Toy that even the most fastidious could desire nd we wilUsell them low. X): '- Olii-i.-; ikisij to uV.ll I NOTICE B v virtue of an execution in my hands for collection, issued, bv the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wil son county, in favor of W. .7. Har ris against B. O. Simpson, 1 shall sell at the Court House dwr in Wilson", on Alonday, January 7th, 1884, the entire tract of land !e louainir to B. G. Simpson, adjoiu- iug the lauds of S. J). Bykiu, Alary E. Deans, Wiley j Deans. Adam -.Flow containing 710 act e. more or less, snhiect to a homeste.id of 14 1 acres. - . Deans, Jesse ers and others, drc74t J. Fakmeu, Shft". Xtotice. Bv virtao of Tiower of sale con tained in a deed of trust, to me ex ecuted by James J. Jackson and wife, I shall sell at the Court House door in Wilson, at public anctioa, for cash, on the 1st Monday in Feb ruary, 18S4, the store and dwellirg house, and lot, near the WiLson Market Uonse, lately occupieu as a Jackson. auu pora.. XUUUUUl )I I""" t ru,:A. l- ail I-.W-V -i ronage, I hope to reoeve a contin-; Pce tet nance in the future. R. S. KINSMORE. Dec.2l-5m. ) Murray & Woodard, Att'ys- dec2L.Gf. By virtue of a decree of t he Su- .-. i r , , -: 1 .. ..... pelior vourc OI iisji wnmij, it'll derel Dec. 1, 13S:5, 1 will sell at the Court House door in Wilson Alon day the 7th day of Jannarv lf;34, the following land : One tract in Wilson county, Cros Koads town ship, adjoining the lands of DoHv Watson", Freeman Howch, Willie nowell and others, containing" .5 acres more or less, subject to the dower of the widow of Wr.i.'Ayer, which has been allotted to her. Term, $150.(50 cash, balance credit often months. F. A. Woodaud, ilec7tf " - Commissioner. BUY YOUE CHRISTMAS GOODS -FltOM- .f.O. It!iv3rt & Kro. . We have just received the finest selection of Christmas- Goxls we have evar bronht to Wilson. We can suit all purchasers. We have a choice lot of silverware, suitable as Christmas presents and invite an examination of our.stock. -A large lot of fin Jewelry win be shortly received, rq that those de siring to purchase fine goods will have an opportunity of making their selections. Toys and Alusic al Instruments, and other Christ mas good. Call and examine oar stock. ., ,, J. G. BAWLS & BRO- dec"7 3t Tarboro St. Wilson, N. C. McCraw fc Nurhey extend to all their customera and friends a merry Christmas and heartfelt thanks for the liberal patron age bestowed upon them" this year. We can do still better for our friends on Xmas ( Joods. Call and examine our stock before purchaMing. McCKAW & NUUNEY. II. W I ZI-a ft .1 V iHN Ac LJO, -WHOLKSALK DKALERs IN-- Liquors, Tobacco. Cigars. m:15 win And No. 8 Market Square, M;fi;Ii;, "it. o -S ! . : DEALEKS IN ! J (3-enerali M e r ohf mdise . CORNER XASH AND TARBOUO STS, WILSONN. Kce; constantly on liand a large supply of everj thing a iarmer needs which they w-11 as low as fir-l-claw goods can lw sold anywhere ;-i:c!i articles as Aleat, Com, Fiour, Meal, and Staple Dry-GoolH an had from lis at living prices. We do not claim to nail good ch than any one else. We merely ak- ou to call and examine our to !efire making voiir purcaaww. Kr iur- ctl2- t and get our prices you. DTSPEPSIA . WHAT 1ST? It is one or more of Jtlie Follow Vug Heartburn, Sick SUmiach, Headachy T YofJ Eating Spitting up Your Fool, Constipation, Torpid Li v 'indigestioJ, Colic, Nervous flritabihty, Dlzzl ness, Disturbed Sleep, with Distressing , Dreams and untold Suffering!. lieekwitlfs Anti-Dyspeptic lJHIs Have uircd thousands of sch sufferers, and will do it again. No niHii was ever sustained by such undoubted testimony. Sold by drug Sgeneralb'. Try them. tyW.v.Hir druggist does not keep them Cnd 25c to eTk. BECKWITII, Pcter.bnrg, Va., for br by mail. sep7 lj . ) 7 t

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