Advance J.unary 25, 184 ;d to !V- Advertise-i ll; ;in:i. j T W cnrlns. .in.- Hon- '"Vr" S" Seed E. M. N'k Notict A. If-1 Land for ale . E. ' :(Tt. Att ys. Alt TS, Notlc.- 'T' .1. itantel. f;;' ' " , ' .hi,,f.ry-.I. W. lavis ft Co. A"l,n,n tc Barefoot. f3- Oottou Mr AY. Hewlett, of. Littleton, has o'ieed a harness sbop in Lou-i-burg. ' W him inuch suc' cess. r,. Hcrave has reduced nrice " f r's i'Vii seats to of Kuvs" to seventy the An Ante Bellnm Incident. Apropos to the nomination of R. R. Bridgers, President of the W. & W. K. Co., to be Governor, by a Wilson correspondent of the Golds boro "Messenger," ve are remind ed oi a little incident we heard him relate a few months ago. lie said that when -quite a' young man he was nominated lor the Legisla ture of Edgecombe county, of which Wilson was then a part. The eauvass ojened at Wilson town, then an insignificant village. When ueiirose to address the voters, and haS been speaking but a minute, he was interrupted by an old gentle mau, who asked in a loud tone: "Are you John Bridgers' son?" and repeated his iuquirl in still louder tones. -Upon Mr. Bridgeis-answer- mg in the affirmative, the om gen Fatal Accident i prime mover in a business that j Onion Sets at Hargrove's. tnrows so much wealth into the lap i "oouuuj nome-says: "iuarK ; oi isonoik. Beginning in a very! To insure getting the new Crop v., - ,C1J ihuusuiuus wiui-. uiuucBi, uuuiuer, iir. upsnnr -nas i oi isxtra Early peas, see that von I - tu nuuuii io cais, wuu p ujuuuuuu wording up me traae un lived on M. B. Atkinson's farm, in j til now, he is the President of the JMlgecombe countv. while trvins to ! American Frtili tlrawr the load out of his gun, last ! with a solid cash caoital behind Sunday morning, the eun slinned and the hammer struck against the steps, causing it to discbarge. The whole load entered his bodv iust get them from the red bajrs, W. V, Hargrave has no others. Landreth's Extra Early Pas at Rowland's. (lit -4 him. and when it is stated that r I John L. Roper, the king of the I G'-nger Ale on draught, at 5 cents 1 lumber men, and President Barry, i a g,aS8 at Margraves. Try it. of the Bank of Commerce, are Carpets and mattiugs at below the left ribs, caasinjr death ! ainoner the Directors, there is no't RaraAa rwo. , " , . -7 . , rs.AUO O in nnnir tia nin 77 . 1. c l. p. x u - i ; wea and few made a start for "Hunch tents.. The inclemency of the I ns retarded farm "work, farmers have yet the year. The -Sunny H'nie? says that Mr. li. .!. Taylor will shortly putnp agrist and.lvessingini.l in that plaee. Mr. -Bennett Bullock, of Old Fields township, this county, has a cow 18J months old that gave birth last 'Wednesday t a fine calf. Mr. Tied. Little, of Bethel, Pitt county, was found dead Jan. oth, on a pile of shavings 'in .an old work shop. Foul play is snspected. The Greenville "Eeneetor'' has begun its third volume. The energy, work and go-aheaditiveness of Bro. WhAchard deserves a large measure 4f success. Collins and Wilder who were shot at Tucker's sale in Xash, be for Xmas. are improving. It was first thought they had been fatally wounded. The Methodist preachers of th ilifrict held a Conference in Wcl- don Wednesday and Thursday of this week to map. out work lor the (,'entennary year. Itev. Jno. II. Brooks was in attendanee and preached Wednesday night. Mr. P. M. Hale will begin the publication' of the Raleigh "Regis ter," a weeklv paper, February 1st. It will In; issued oftener during the camnaieu. Mr. Hale is used to working in editorial harne-s and few superiors in his chosen profession. The trial io? Wesley Bunu, white, for the murder of Ll rank Cruise, colored, in Wake, js eudel, a ver dict of "not guilty'' being rendered The case attracted consider ible at teiithiu. and liuuu's relatives and friends, in Wilson and Xash, will Imi clad to know that he h is been acquitted. The editor of the Rocky Mount "Reporter,'' who was married last week, says: "All of our readers who know the circumstances will overlook all shortcomings in this issue." And does getting married make a man a poorer editor.' If so then will we.steer clear of Pfee mat rimonial noose.' i, Mr. F. V. Barnes 'has been elect ed Vice-President of the Rocky Mount Fair. The selection of Mr. Barnes is eimnc'fi.Uy a wise ami projier one, and his efforts will add much to the success of thisvsiic:ess ful Fair Association. Vc comriieud the wisdom of the Association in electing Mr, Barnes, Our Mr. Hardy, who was at. spe cial term Pitt court, this week, writes that there was no court, the Judge adjourning it on account, of the weather, Jtc. He says there is much improvement going on in both Greenville and Washington, which towns he visited. The Tal is high and steamers ply regularly. Our esteemed townsmen, Judge A. 15. Deans and B. F. Briggs. have formed a partnership for car rying on an insurance and real es tate business iu Wilson. They fiuye their office in the Court " jlouse. See their' column 'adver tisement in anoth. r column. They have euterpris.', business, ability, legal knowledge and the other req uisites necessary to succe:;s,..' We. tender our heart-felt con gratulations to Mr. C. II. Harris, editor of the - Rocky Mount "Re porter," at his ood fortune in win ning the heart -and hand of Miss J'oberta Sadler of Rocky Mount. j'ho marriage ceremony was per formed Wednesday night, Jan. lfitli, in "' the Presbyterian church. Rev. J.ll.N.Summerell, officiating. The ushers were, Messrs. Jas. II. Jones, II. L. Battle, W. J. Fitzger ald and S. L. Rowland. Painful Wounds. tie man took the stand and said, in substance: k'This is John Bridg eis' son (and a better man than John Bridgers never Uved.) He's disputing the fact, there is ample; ; means behind this corporation. ! The warehouse and office is located ; at 1C3 & 105 Water street, where f ; everything in relation to gnano, it least one young man in j can be seen and inspected. They meandereth about and ! also deal extensively m German Communicated. Rumor Hath It That Wilson monrneth likeneth to the whans- I Kainit, which is a popular potash doodle, because she will not. salts, and is-used in compost with like hi father anil we'll all vote for John Bridget's' sou and see that he's elected." Mr. Bridgers said that was the most-flattering' intro duction and the highest compli ment he had ever received. The old gentleman vas true to his word, aud Mr. Bridgers was elected, v ltson giving mm a handsome vote. "Bunch of Keys." Our people will, we are glad to say, have an opportunity next Wednesday night ol enjoying a first-class entertainment, and we hope to see them out in full force. "Bunch of Keys" is highly com mended by all the leading papers of the Fast and" those of our citi zens wbo have seen it speak in highest terms of ;aise of the per formance. The .ew York "Her ald" says of it: "That very laugha ble medley entitled "A Bunch of Keys" was given at the People's Theatre yesterday eveniug. The songs, the quaint dresses, the farci cal incidents and the absurd fash ion in which the interior manage ment of a monstrous but unstable hotel was represented, tickled t he fancy of the large audieuce to the utmost. The .ceaseless anxiety of the various members of the Keys family concerning a disputed will; the dash' and nimbleness of Sam Foss; the imbecility displayed by Littleton Hnaggs, the lawyer,, in his attempt to run a hotel; the cooing aud the quarrelling of capricious lovers, and finally the winding up of the tangled chain of the alleg ed plot iuto a regular coil that gives satisfaction to everybody, were rendered with a spirit and zest t'tat evokeil much applause." People ani-Their Movements. Mr; II. M. Lee, of this place, has accepted a position as traveling salesman with the? Virginia Tobac co Works, i' J.lacks and Whites, Va. Brother Blount, of ,ho '-'Mirror," is f always j "on the go." He took in Rocky Mount this week and reports! everything charming there. Mtf. Staudford has mov ed back to Duplin. Prof. J. L. Tomlinson ' vs visiting friends hi Philadelphia!.- -Miss Annie Lewis, of Rocky Mount, whose visit to Wilson sinc'p the Xmas holidays, has been a pleasure'' to her many friends,' returned home Monday. -Misses May and Ilattie Barnes left Tuesday on a visit to relatives and friends in Tarboro.4 rWe are pleased to see our young friend, Sidney R. Alley, back home from the "land of flowers." He is much pleased With Florida, Out will re main in Wilson, which is,- ho says, the "best plaee under the sun." Johu Ilutcuiusou, Jr., and wife, of New York, are on a visit to Mr. John Hutchinson of this plaee. Miss Lillie -Ruflin, of Ilillsboro, is visiting Dr. John K. Kuftiin's fami-J l v. Miss Mary Adams, of Golds- Geo. i). Green's, returned home I ti., .u.. -... i ir z . X Wednesday, whither she carries the heart of at least one of our young iueu.- - Pleased to meet Mr. F. S. Royster, one of Tarboro's most sue cesstul business meu That our silence in regard to the rumor that we had recently fallen heir to a goodly fortune of nearly one million dollars has been con strued as sufficient evidence that said rumor is true. j Now as a matter of fact, and in i order to ease down just a little the over-rejoicing of our friends and to cool off somewhat the too eager ex pectations of our innumerable cred itors, we desire to state that the sum to which we have fallen heir is not quite half million ; not only that, it's not so much as that. Ed. R. II. I. That the largest bank note ever issued by the Bank ot England was for one million pounds, (about 85,000,000.) That this note may be seen at the Advance office where the edi tor is preserving it merely as a cu riosity. That there is really a man in Kansas who is so full of electricity that he can actually light the gas by merely snapping his fingers in a jet of it. That there is a certain man in Wilson who is generally fuller than the Kansas man, for the Wilson mau can ignite a barrel of oil by merely touching his nose to it ; but that he is thus so full of tire :s not ascribed to electricity. That Dr. Deems, formerly of Wilson, but now of the Church of Strangers, N. Y , says : "Kissing is purely an American habit." That upon the force of the good Doctor's wise remark,; the young men herearound reverently say, "Let us remember this, dear breth ren, and sisteren, and encourage and patronize home industry," That our young ladies and gen tlemen are forming protective tariff clubs, called "Deems Clubs." x That some account of these clubs will soon be reported in the Ad vance. That two or three of these clubs, in which the membership is limited to two, are already wot of. That the Chinese pay their doc tors while they are well and when they are sick stop the payments. That the Chinese method with some modifications could be exten sively -adopted iu this country, That e. g., it would bo a first rate idea to pay our Congressmen and Legislators while they are at home attending to their own busi-' iiess, and stop their pay while they are in session attending to other people's business. That te introduction of the tele phone into Russia has proven a complete failure, because when a woid like "Scautheskyscoffnuxvom icavitch" or "Bhjornikaskywrgavo beloff" is forced througli a little in strument like telephone some thing has got to give way every time. That the "old ticket" of Tilden and Hendricks boometh in New York and is sustained by the lead lug Democrats of said State. I That there is no man in all the great Empire State that knows so much about all the highways and byways of New York's vote as S. J. t. ; . ' That, yes, there is just one other mau who knows as much as S. J. T. about these li. w's, and b. w's., and coiion seea ana manures, xnis is said to be the cheapest potash that can be used in the making np of phosphates, that the thin and worn ! out soil of the South so sadly needs. Mr. C. L. Upshur is yet in the prime of life, being about five and forty years of age. Of a wiry ner vous temperament, he is all energy aud grit, added to which is a pleas ant disposition that makes friends of all poor and rich alike. In conclusion it may be said that Mr. ! Upshur has a bright future before ' him, and the American Fertilizing Company were fortunate in electing him their President. As the history of self-made men read nowadays like romance, this little sketch of Mr. C. JL, Upshur may be of interest to' the farmer patrons of The Advance; and with this suggestion I take my leave until another time. Sperky. Roun- j The celebrated Heiser Shoes at Rountree, Barnes & Go's. You can get a good harness or saddle at Rountree, Barnes & Co's- Fresh clover creamery butter at Moss, Green & Co's. Nice clothing at Rountree, Barnes & Co's. Full sets shoemakers' tools, calf skins, kip and sole leather at Rountree, Barnes & Co's. . Rubber belting at Rountree, Barnes & Co's. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobl's Hardware Depot. Wilmington N. C. WILSON MARKET. - - i - We have just received one Thousand Tons of Standard Guanos. Whanrfs Bradley9 s Patapscars Prestons We guarantee them to be first class. They have stood the test in Wilspn, Nash and the adjoining counties for eighteen years and have proven satisfactory in every respect.' W have a large quantity of ACID PHOSPHATE On hand of the highest grade, and the greatest quantity of EAINIT. If TO CALL ON IMRAff k lUMYi JOBBEBS AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FANCY and Heavy Gn trEBres, Confectioneries, Tobacco, Cigars, Sni ff, J by Goods, Bots and Shoes, :0:- Springhope. Married, at the residence of the bride's father, in Nash count', near Springhope, Jan. 11th, Mr.' Beuj. Edwards to Miss Nancy M. Man ning, daughter of W. B. Manning, B. U. Vester Esq., officiating. While journeyiug through life we hope for them much happiness and prosperity. Owing to so much rain there has not been much land broken up in this section. '"'', - . Benjamin Wheless, colored, had his house burnt up a few days ago. Nashville jail is pretty well filled with prisoners, and we think a great many will go up to the upper dwelling after court. Capt. A. W. Bridgers has opened a good school at Stanhope Acade my. Mr. Bridgers is an experi enced teacher, and no doubt he will do his part. Where is the new railroad ques tion! We think it is dead. Plain Frank. Jan. 21, '84. PEHCILUHGS AHD SCISSORINGS. 8X 1111X 1015 30(200 2M 40 12XIS12X ........IZXigtWS Reported Weekly by Bynum & Daniel. Cotton ...-J. Bastfngr -.- , Bacon Beeswax Butter Candles ...... Cheese..! ... .. Coffeee Bio Coffee Java. Coffee Lagnya. Corn Heal Corn , Chickens Cotton Ties :. Dry Salted Meat.: Domestics '. , Eggs Flour Hides... Lard Molasses Peanuts Potatoes Rice.- Hags Salt Sugar . Shingles Turkeys Tallow $1.00 80(a) 1.00 ...20 to 30 1.65 to 1.75 .. to 12 X 5 to 10 20 to 25 .....6.W to 9.00 . - 10 to 12 ..12X JX) to 60 1.00 tolas - 40 to 50 8 to 10 1 to 1 1.00 to 2.00 8 to 12 150 to 3.50 50 to 1,00 8 to 10 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Need! Seed! CLOVER. , PEARL MILLETT. GERMAN MILLETT, KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS AND BED TOP. OTHER GRASSES IN ABUNDANCE, JUST RECEIVED AT NADAL'S DRUG STORE. The Rocky Mount "Reporter"' savs Ui.-it Mr. Lee Watson, of Taiv boro, who has been working in the foundry of Wainwright WKoyal, in Vilson, while out hunting near that place, two week.-, ago, received the contents of his gun in his body, in flicting serious and jntinful wounds. Af last accounts he v.-as' still living ,ijid improving. How often will we need to lie taught the lesson that we should use care in handling a gnui Tuesday. -Collector in town this week. have- a call from Mr, well, of Castalia,' in uson Zoeller was Pleased to, J. M. Bras- Wednesday, and l nat t ins same J . ji. is a pro nounced and zealous supporter of the "old ticket." , That the o. t. is a sure one for N i., auu as goes jn. i. in o4, so goes the nation. Letter From Norfolk. New Job Office. editor porter. W. ,1. 1 it.gerald. fonnerh of the Rocky" Mount ' Re " has pufchasejl the Ad- Vance Job Olhre anil moved it tw the store occupied by McCraw & Nurnoy h;st summer as an ice cream saloon, lie has made quite an addition to the oilice and is pre pared to turn out a'l kind of job work in the highest style of the art. A"e commend him to our patrons and the pnbln- generally as a tasty, careful aud experienced job printer. "Arthur Barnes, ot North Carolina." A Washington City1, correspond ent of the Washington (N. C.) Kia zette" says: "A good joke is told on t aptaiu Arthur Barnes, of Wil son. A large man was walking to liie entrance of the Senate "Cham ber, of which Capt. B. has charge, and in a pompous maimer, was about to walk in, Capt. B.. halted him aud told him as he wfis not a Senator, he could not enter without a permit. The offended gentleman straightened up nnd said: 'I think you will admit me. sir; 1 ani.lJ.enry Ward Bcecher. of Xew York.' Whereupon iaptaiu Barnes drew himself up ami said: -'I am Arthur Barnes, of North Carolina, and you can t go iu this door without the usual permit.". I uever heard whether Beecher got in or not, but ue walked oa that time verv much disgruntled." to learn that there was considera ble activity iu in that ple'asant Jit tie village." Mr. A. L. Rountree, of New York, was iu town this week. -E. P. Doyle, Esq.,. the cleverest, of clever tourists, is iu towiK His letter from New York on the first page of this paper is well worth reading. We are sure our readers will join us in ask- iug him to'write often. 'Miss Lula '.rooks, daughter of Pastor Brooks, of tae Methodist .Church,, reached Wilson Saturday from a visit to Selmsi. iliss Myra Parker is on a visit to her .sister, Mrs. Jaryis, in Washington.- We were pleased to receive a call last woek from Dr. II. F. Freeman, of Old Fields, who has recently returned from a visit to his brother in Salt .Lake City, Utah Territory. We tried in vain to prevail on hint to write his opin ioii of M u nionism and the practi ces of the Mormon Church. lie says that there are a great num ber of foreigners mostly Scauda navians emigrating to Utah and joining the Mormons. Ue was told bv a Mormon, whose brother was a missionary in' the Sou,th, that of all i paus ot our oitnlry minMonai itv were most successful in the South, The doctor says thesu. "converts" are all very ignorant and that it is the -desire of the rulers to keep them so. From his conversation he was evidently, not cry much pleased wit lithe practices of the followers of llriiihain Younir. He. says Salt Lake City is the most beautiful city in this 'country, and that if the -"Mormons could H driven out it would sooa be one of the largest. Mr. Y. T. Ta !or. of Oasiatia, paid os a pleasant call yesfer ilry. From him we learned that the negroes iu locality were m..,.tiJ. ttu :nt of 'stealing to great tiertection. Its Rapid March Towards the ' top Rung i?( she Ladder. The Immense Growth of the Fertilizing Business with a " Graphic pen and ink Picture of C. L. Upshur the Pio neer in the Tsade. It is thought that Blackburu will get the Kentucky Senatorship. The Garfield Memorial Church (Disciple,) has been dedicated in Washington. Only one Indian and only one Jew have ever been in the State Penitentiary. Carstapheu, Grant &j Co., of Ga rysburg, N. C., havo failed Lia bilities 20,0.00, Gov. Jarvis offers a reward of $20Q for Asa A. Smith, colored, who murdered E. W. Hill, Octo ber 13th. It is rumored that Hon. Josiah Turner will start a weekly paper in Durham. We guess he will oppose rings, and corporations, hut will fa vor the Bull. Rev. O. Durham, of Durham, has received a call to Fulton street Bap tist church, Baltimore. He has neither accepted nor declined, but is now in Baltimore. The Durham "Recorder" says: "Two men will be bung in North Carolina, on the 29 th of February, au occurrence which has never be fore taken place iu the history of our State to this date. A correspondent of the Scotland Neck ''Commonwealth," writing that paper from Aurohan Springs, says Messrs Shearin Allen in tend starting a paper in tnat sec tioiu, to be called the "Buzzard Ga zette," and the writer very aptly remarks that it has strong backers. The Greensboro "Workman" thinks it would take a man with a good back to stand it. Call and see us before purchasing, terest to buy from us. We can make it to your in- jan25 ROUNTREE, BARNES & CO., WILSON, N. C. S o f Hie Stem eirsS Vine and Heavy Groceries. 1 Moat. Meal, Flour, Sugar. Coffee, Lard, Butter, t"hees, Molasse. Hams, Rreakfast Bacon. Fifth of all boecripUou, Oatmeal. Buckwheat Flour.' Hominy, Frtwh Chipped Beef In any quantity, Cabbage, Onions. Irish Potatoes, Salt, Riee, Dried Fruit, Fine Cakes and.t'nu kera of aU klnJa Cream Wafers, &e. Canned and Bottled Goods. Ham, Turkey, Chicken, Beef, Duck, Oooae, Chow Chow, Pickle. Sauces, c. VWITl'f ai Coooanut Lemons, OranFea.' ' , ' - Uanannaa, Currents. Citron. UaUlna. c Nllin1Oli wt inlnu Tobacco, Snuff, Ctears. Cigarette. Plpem 4e. I S.rilCAC In aUJlUon wp carry an unmen lineof -D R Y Q o O D S . Hatd, Caps. Boots, Shoen, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ac. We hare Oil hand a full line of Muslim) Instruments Banjos, Violins, A coord eons. Harmonicas, and Music Boxes. Crockery, Olass ware, Vfood and W i How-ware. Coffee Ground Free of Charjro, Goods delivered lYco in any part of the city. Call and see us before buying. We guarantee to please you. McCra & Ni'iuty. HAVING OPENED AN- Vricultural Machinery Depot On Barnes Street, Wilson, rear of iiountree's Store, we invite far mers to call to see us when in need of Saw EiNjG Mills, (Portable !' and Mounted. INIEIS '. . f" . ! ' . Separators, Threshers, McCRAW 8c ISTURTE Wilsok, N. C, of , Ginger Ale, Lemon and Sarsaparilln , rSEND IN YOUR iop. "PB0 3STT." Osera Hodsb, One Nibt Only. WEDJf ESDAV, JAN. 30tb, 1884. o The latest N. Y. Success, l HUNCH of KEYS, OR, THE HOTEL, With a record of over one hundred consecu tive nignts, at the San Francisco Opera House, in. Y. Introducing the unap proachable cha racter comedienne miSS FLORA JIOORE, 8UPPOBTKD BY A GREAT CAST. Original Muslo: elegant Costuming. DUDLEY Mo A TfW m HAKKY A. LEE Business Manager Phospsctus OP THE uGl ANTi Vrtw" TTrvTPT to be Built in Wilson by a Syndicatb or CAPitAiJSTS. At a reading of the will of the late Jonathan Keys, it has been discovered hB set aside a sum of money to be expended in the immediate erection of a magnificent hotel. The residum of his fortune tobe divided among his three nieces Rose, May and Teddy. The hotel will be situated on the site at pres ent occupied by the Cpera House. It will be known as the Grand View Hotel, and will be opened Wednesday evening, January 30th. This wonderful hotel Trill be fitted up with a,u the .modern improvements. Fire Escapes. Bay Windows Bay Rum, Hotand Cold Gas &c. The principal Bus Horse Car and Omnibus Lines center at the main entrance, thus enab ling guests to visit the sujurbs of the great city during the day, and return in the evening in time to eat of the exquisite satirical ban quet as served at the Grand View Hotel, N.B.-This hotel win be opened Wednesday evening, with, a BUNCH OF KEYS. HORSE POWERS f AND OTHER- . - . ''-'- Agricultural Machinery, From the Manufactory of A. B. Farquhar, York', Fa. NOTICE -r For the next thirty days we will sell our MILLINERY and NOTIONS AT COST FOR CASH, To make room for Spring purchases, janKlt E.O. WILLIAMS & CO. J. W. DAVIS & CO , ACT'S t Wilson Cotton Mills Is now in full operation ami is manufacturing a sujH'nor article ot Yarns and Warps. OrilersJsoIicittHl. All orders should be addressed to Jamex DariSy Trca Officers:-A. Branch, Pres. F. W.Baeneb, V Pres. .I .Y.I)AYis.,Tre. T .irri,o Elliott Watters WHOLESALE DEALEKS IM HARDW A R E CUT LER Y GUNS, &c, CORNER MAIN ST. AND MARKET SQUARE, M OBFOLK, VlimiNIA, March lOtb, Ouano and Kainit! WILSON, N. C. JjSend for our catalogue or call to see ua when in need of any thing in our line. 4 jan25 3ni Lottery of Fortune! , Simpson & Barefoot have moved to the old stand, formerly occupied by Simpson & Smith, and have opened a large and Extensive Stock of all kinds of Liquors and sell i for Prices ranging from $1 to $6 per gallon. We also keep a good stock of Cigars and Tobaccos. We have also had our Billiard and Pool Room remodeled, and our tables will be kept In good order, being furnish ed with nowcushious, cloths, balls, cues, &c We furnish the best light in town. We also keep a first-class restaurant, and the best cqok iu the place. Meals at all hours. :0:- Old, Reliable ami "-V Kliili!is.ei! B R A. NT f) S Jang.) SIMPSON k BAREFOOT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHlrAPES T. Largest Commercial Value. BRICKS! BRIC&SI q-OOD OlSTBS j , J. C. UADLEY, nov23 lOt , I ' J7R. MOORE. j Highest Testimonials, Best Fertilizers. We can give yon Bargains. See us before Buying. TsroxxoEi All guardians, biecutora, administrators and trustees, who have not renewed their bonds and fllod their annual accounts as required by U,w0 r,he,reby notified that unless they do so within 30 days they will be removed from office, as it is my duty to report snch neglect of duty to the Solicitor of the Superior Court, at its next ensuing term. fGuardiaDS are hereby requested not to rely on agents or attorneys to do this work. , A. B. DEANS, JJSSt Clerk Superior Court. MARRIED. Several have been iailed. Miss Lula Uay, wuo has lt't'U ou a .visit To friends in Johnson, .returned !:oiiie VNedne- dav. Mr- Edwin ueer, .huge, li.uulsoine, hilarious, paid our vil lage a welcome visit tins week Pleased to see. Will ' N. lladley m town yesterday.- Mi. Pavivi Oet- tinger is on a visit to relaves in Raleigh. Miss Nora King is on a visit to friends in Wiiitakers, All tho "School Boolcs-, Stationery, Biai-k Books, Picture Books, Mem oranda Books and Accounts of 31. T. Move & Co. have been moved. to the Drug Sto;e of E. M. Nadal, where a large assortment of all ar ticles in the book line will hereafter be kept, at prices to snit the tjrnes. N oi! folk, Va., Jan. u. There is no city in the Union oi its size that has grown so fast as Norfolk iu the past four ?ear, Business of every kiud 4s booming. The suov-white cotton from the south ern fields seeks its hospitable har luir for shipment across "the pond;" manufacturing of every description is prospering ; new houses are building and going up. as if by magic covering the waste spots among the oyster shells; aud iu a word, Norfolk Jias awakened from her long sleep, and is about to take her place on the top rung of the ladder. But there is no bnsiness that brings wealth into her eoffets, that ha made such rapid strides upwards as the fertilising business. Sixteen years ago a young practi cal farmer named C. L. Upshur, seeing the folly of sending North for fertilizers, determined to start the business in Norfolk, and bene tiWhe farmers by so doing, by hav- inir the article light at theirdoor anil selling at cheaper rates by saving the cost of freight from the North. For two years this pioneer in the fertilizing business worked his way slowly in assisting tlje pro ducer to make an early crop, when family matters compelled him to lelluquish the business and return to his farm. But being it man of natural intelligence and education, acquired through study, he did not let the grass grow under liis teet without finding cut, the "cause, and to speak more plainly-, Mr. Upshur experimented aU the time while working thw farm, and the result is, that tue formulas prepared by him are among the first in the laud, and he has become an authority on all that pertains to fertilizers. Six years ago Norfolk ' did not possess a factory, and not parti-! f nf 1irisnliifo was manufactured here: the Nortli'as usual supplying the demand. But the pioneer, Mr. 0. L. Upshur, again came to the front in behalf of the Southern toil ers, aud his ingenuity and vim was copied after, and followed by other patties, until now it-can be said Norfolk boasts of five factories, but the credit is due principally to Mr. Upshur, and this city should present -him with a vote of thanks for being the originator and At the residence of Mr. Wm. Trevathan, of Rocky Mount, Wednesday morning, Jan. 16th, Mr. A. Beans to Miss Lucy Price, Kev. John N. Cole officiating. In Franklin oounty, near Louisburg, Thurs day Jan. l"th, Mr. Tom. Collins to Miss Sarah Bowden, Kev. G. M. Newell officiating. Near Laurel Hill, Franklin county, Thurs kay Jan 17th, Mr. Oliver Gupton to Miss Frankie Gupton, Dr. N. H. Murphy, Esq., of ficiating. At the residence of Mr. Amos Atkinson in Cross Roads township, this county, on the 30th inst.. Mr. Wm. Johnson to Miss Melvina Boy ett. Bid. It. H. Holland officiating. We have this week the pleasure of recording the happy marriage of Dr. C. W. Eagles of Old Sparta, Edgecombe county, to Miss Annie Mer cer, the popular daughter of Mr. Crockett Mercer, Rev. J. H. Cordon officiating. At the residence o; the bride's father. Mr Henry Turner, on Jan. 13th; Mr. John D. Jack son, of F.dgecombe county, to Miss Maggie Turner, of Nash. Key. .Iclin M. Jackson offici ating. The bride was 3il years of age. while the groom was only 17, Washington, . S. S. Jones was united in marriage to Miss Jennie W. Bucknam, both of Washington, lU-v. Mr. Smith officiating. We join many friends in wishing a long life of unalloyed bliss. Wednesday morning, at the residence of the bride's father, near Dudley. Wayne county.Mr. W. Z. Ellis, of Wilson county, was married to Miss Nettie B. Wiggins Elder Wm. Woodard officiating. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple took the Northern bound train for Wilson, and driving to the residence of Mrs. F, K. Ellis, mother, of the groom, in Saratoga, enjoyed, an elegant dinner, in which the relatives and friends participated. We extend congratulations arid best wishes. In the Presbvterian church, in N. C, Wednesday Jan. 23rd, Mr. DIED. Get tlie Rest! Tue Peerless is, by actual trial, shown to be the BEST, MOST PROLIFIC AND KABUEST Cotton grown iin the United States, having yielded by certified statement, of unquestioned authority, more than FOUB BAGS TO THE ACRE. ' Havi,,W taken the Agency for tho Rale of theM St ml) for the counties of Wilson, Greene and Johnston. We offer them to the farmers at the following prices : I Package of 2,000 seeds.. ; .i On II - - Packages sent by mail on receipt of price. Circulars furnished on application, and corres pondence solicited. jan25 4t. M. T. MOTE, Agent, Wilson, N. C. Near Peach Tree. Nash count v. Thursday. Jan. 17th, IStvi. Mrs. Tali t ha Strickland, wife of Allen Strickland, aged about 05 years. She leaves a husband ana eight children to mc-urn their loss. At his rcsideuce at Old Sparta. Friday Jan. llth, Mr; Leonidas J . Little, aged 52 years. He was for many years a Justice of tho Peace and was esteemed as a good citizen. He was a member of the Masonic Order and of the Roy al Arcanum, in whith his life was insured for three thousand dollars, says the '"Southerner." At his residence in Tarboro, Monday night, Capt. John L. Bridgers, Sr aged about 65 years. His Company, Co. A., 1st X. C. regi ment, was the first to report for duty and a member of bis company is said to bavo been the first North Carolina soliier -who fell in battle. He was a brother of Hon. R. R. Bridg-. ers, President of the W. W. K. K. Co and was ono of Edgecombe's Biost prominent citi- sens. NOTICE. WILSON COUNTYWs the Scperioh Co irt A. J. Hines, J. C. Hadley, and"! H.G.Briffgs, trading in thestyle ) and linn of Hines, Hadley tlSuruniosd for Co., !- Itviief. Against I Woodson Eatman and wif ?. ) Elmira,and Thomas Lamni.J The State of North Carolina. . To the Sheriff of Wilson Co. Greeting: You aro hereby commanded to summon Woodson Eatman and wife, Elmlra Eatman, and Thomas Lamm, the defendants above named, if they be found within your county, to be and appear before tho Judge of our Su perior Court, at a Court to bo held for the County of Wilson, at the Court House In Wil son, on the ; 1st Monday in March and answer thecomntaint which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county within the first three days of the term, and let the said defendants take notice that if they fail to answer the said complaint within that timcj the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, aud the cost' of this action tobe ttxed by the Clerk. Herein fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given-under my hand and seal of said coun ty, this 2d day of January, lt&t- Cosn'OR & Woodard, Att'ys for Plff s. This is an action brought by the plaintiffs against the defendants for the pur pose of foreclosing a mortgage upon the tract of land in Wilson court y, adjoining the lands of J, B. Thompson, Wiiliam Pearson and oth ers, containing 119 acres, said mortgage having been executed by defendants, Woodson Eat man and wife, to the plaintiffs, dated January 2d, 182, and recorded In book No. 7. page use, in the offieeof the Register of Deeds of Wilson county, for the purpose of securing a note of fillJA with interest from January 1st, 1883 at 8 percent- and an ooen account of f with Interest from November 15th, 1883. The de fendants, Woodson Eatman and wife, are now residents of the State. CONNOR A WOODARD, jayii-tf 1 . Att'ys for Plaintiffs. Land Land ! For "Sale. I have a fine Farm of two hun dred acres, one huudred and twenty-five acres cleared, iu Warren county; situated on the K. & G. Railroad, ono mile from Macon, and six miles from Warrenton, in a healthy locality. Good springs, Three Tenant Houses, Barns, &c. Requires no ditches. Plenty of low gronnds for corn, and the farm is especially adapted iq Tobacco, Wheat and Grass. The timbered lands are coin post -d of Hickory, Oak, Toplar, Pine and Dogwood. On a part of it last year, a bale of cotton was raised to the acre. Terms, J cash, balance in one aud two years. Apply to JAM EST- WIGGINS. j-25 Wilson, N. (V Jacison & jrownlev Dealers in Liquors and Groceries ElImported Porter, Cincinnati Beer, and the Old Banquet Whis key, ' feblfrtf liOST. On Sunday last between lUack Creek Primi tive Baptist church and my residence, one ladies enameled gold watch with steel bead chain. A reward of twenty five dollars will be paid for the delivery of said watch to me, Janl8 2t A. G. BROOKS. ' Black Creek, N. C Attention! - All persons indebted to us for ac counts for 1883 are requested to come forward and settle the same. i innll 2t Civ.n. 11 fii?T.p.TF. ."fc fn 1 NOTICE. WILSON CO., In the Superior Court. Rountree, Barnes A CoM 1 Against v Summons for Relief. W. A. Taylor. S The State or North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Wilson Co. G reeUng : Tou are hereby commanded to summon W. A. Taylor, the defendant above named, if he be found within your county, to be and appear oeioro me J unge oi our nupenor court, at a d for the County of Wilson, at mil Nov G, '83. ft Wj u U Dealers in General Merchandise, WILSON; N. V 1HAS IBstablished I8t" , . MILLER IVAI8H. AKHLE tHKS. very kind at Har. descrip- Onion Sets grave's. Garden Seeds of ever tion at Hargrave's. Rouutree, Barnes & Co., have just received a fine line of cash meres, black and colored, surges, corduretts, diana cloths, Langtry twills, Flannel Suitings, black and colors, basket flannels, cloak cloths, &c OCKADE GARBLE Manufacturers oi nonuinents, Headstones; Tablets, kc. Sycamore St, opposite Halifax. Petersburg, t a Designs sent to anj Address Free NORFOLK STEAM DYE WORKS 113 Main St, NouroLK, Va, GENTS CLOTHING CLEANED, DYED AND REPAIRED Ladies Dresses, Sliawla, &c, cleaned or dyeb equal' to nw. Onr dye is warranteb not to. smut or rah oflf. Brauch CQice, 23a High St. Portamonth, Va. anil 9ni J. M.. Marshall Pro. m Court to be hel the Court House in Wilson, on.tbe 1st Monda; in March, 1884, and answer the complaint whicl will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said oounty within tho first three days of the term, and lot the said de fendant take notice that if he fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint, and the cost of this action to be taxed by the Clerk. Herein fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this 23d day of January, 1884. A. B. DEAN S, C. 8. C. of Wilson Co. Consob & Woodard, Att'ys for Plaintiff. This action is brought for the recovery of the Sum of seven hundred aud fifteen dollars and seventy-six cents, with eight per cent, in terest from July 1st, 1883. A warrant of at tachment was issued by i he Clerk of the 8u Pfrior Court of Wilson county on January 23, 18t, and levied by the Sheriff of Wilson coun ty upon tho property of the defendant. CONNOR fe WOODARD. Jan 25-tf Attorneys for Plaintiff, j BRICK FOR SALE. ; We have forty-five thousand good bncfc at j our residence near Barnes' Cross Roads, which ; we will sell on reasonable terms. We war- . rant them to be as good as any put upon -the' market. j RENFROW A-TOMLINSON jan P. O., Black Creek, N. C, j - ... notice. V j By virtue of a decree of tb Superior Court of I Wilson county, rendered oa the 2d day of Dec. i 1883, 1 will sell at tho Court House djxir In WU- son on Monday, February 4th. ISM. tho tract of ' land in said county, adjoining the lands of John I Taylor, James Howard and other, containing j twenty five aoses more or less. Terms, Cash. ! an4 4t JNO. E. WOODARD, Com. i Over a generation has passed since the Rountrees began business in Wilson and they still continue to offer to the people of Wil son and the adjoining counties the most complete assortment of goods in the Town at bottom prices. Come one and all and ex amine for yourselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. mini Moss, Green u, mm i in. & Co. 9 VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE On Monday Feb. 4th, 1884, we will offer for sale at the Court House door in Wilson the following rcul es- j tate in Old Fields towB.ship, Wilson ! county, set apart lor the payment ol T debts by the lat will and testament ' i DKALERS IN WIIV IS IT THAT 2fADAL SELLS SO MANY GARDEN SEED THAT GIVES SUCIT GENERAL SATISFACTIONS Li LI HE BURNS UP ALL fllS OLD : SEED EVERY SEASON AND SELLS NONE,' BUT THOSE THAT ARE FRESH AND TURE. He has already had to make a second order this yean jan!8 PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION The copartnership heretofore c listing under, the Drm name of Bynum. Daniel & Co- is ttys day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Hirtes re irimrfrom the business. Either member of the late firm is authorized to wra, receipts in tettlement. R. a. BYNUM. A. K. DANIEL. S. R. HINES. The business wUl be continued bv Bynum 4 Denial at the same stand where they will W glad to accommodate aU their custoioen. jan4 4t BTNUM DANIEL. LIME! LIME! AGRICULTURAL LIME and BUILUIMC LINI6. Also CARBO-PHOSPMATEarPHOSPHATlCUUI Bend tar areolar. Addram FRENCH BR0S.STVcAoo?'I known as the B.VKEU PLACE, . eoatainiug HI acres more or less. 1 tract known as thet WORRELL PLACE. ' 112 acres more or less.. Another! tract known as the SIMMS TfcACE, . J containing 104 res more or less. The above lids are well located, in a good state of cultivation, conve nient to market, and offer superior inducements to parties desiring 1 real estate investment. Terms cash. W. n.MEECEE, jan4 4t L. D. W. Barnes. ' CORNER NASH AND TAR'IWKO STS., WILSON', N. C. Keep constantly ou hand a lage supply ol t-verything a iaiui needs, which thev sell as low as tirst-class j;Hil.-t can h: sold anywhe Such articles as Meat, Corn, Flour. Meal, and Staple Dry-Good cjvh had from us at living prices. We do not claim to Hall goods cite ban any one else. We merely ask you to call and examine our sto lndgetour prices lieforo making your purchases. We guanine ai si v :i. ctt-- P F Jo cue a. I H W Fowler i Bonitz Hotel- Goldaboro, S. C WM. BONTTZ, Proprietor. PF JOHNSON & GOlii f (Manufacturers eCand Dealers In Harness, Saddles, Bridieft' col- j lars, am, all. kinds of ' : HORSE FUB9IISIII.i WOODS, j We make a Specialty of Hand Made Goods. ' No. 7 Lombard street." dec 21 PETERSBURG. VA (, rOS RENT OR SALE. My former residence in Wilson. E. Rosenthal. For particulars apply to . ; G. V. Bloukt, Att'y janll3t . or J. & D. Oettisgeb. WHATISIT- is one or more of (he Following Ileartbum, Sick Stomach, ITcadacbtj, Tastug Your Ftxxl Alter I Eating, Spitting up Your Food, Constipation, Torpid Liv- I er, Indigestion, Colic, Nervous Iritability, Dlzzi- ness, Disturbed Sleep, with Distressing . ' Dreams and untold Sufferings. Beckwitlvs Antr-Dyspeptic Pills rw cured thousands ol such sufferers, and will do it again. No medi ue was ever sustained by aucb undoubted testimony. Sold by drug j ts generally. Try them. fcFIf your druggist does hot keep tho 25ctoE.E. BECKWITU.Pet ersburg, Va., forbox by m iii sej.

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