TSON ADVANCE. I !' n ii'.isi!j;i). l-.vi;i WlI.SDN N'oi.T.i joskphus diii:i.$.m SUH.SCRU'TKiN i:.Ti:S IN AlJVAVl (inc War... Sit MkiiiIis 'f'".Mm-y .in i. ,,i 1 lt 1'iMil'. . l.i llci ;il 1. Hi' 1 iH ll k-'IiiiImmi. Mi, , I (HlLc II.lil liliu f II ITT- 'I Al ! WILSON ADVANCE. i " 4.. ir.h.oi,,. .,.ri...n ii; "1 lV (;,,. - .... iKno Manths -Soil l.i:T ALL Till: r.lti Tlim: 4 111 .- .... nv miATUV. I"' u'A.MlTBrriiMM -jx I.Mths ty Mi ' - .m , f " - - - . nno 1 fur l.i i ' VOI.i;.Mi: II" "" WILSON, A'ORTII CAHOffiVA, FEBKgARYs. 1.884. " " --XUMBEin HH xkwis of a w i:i:k uatiiepeji 1 i;oi all papt; 01 tiii. "Kii'i.ii. t 1 1 1. 1 ; : 1 1 wis us .Icllel -..hi I ) 1 x 1 11 1 -riilcil as in rapidly 1 .1 1 ! 1 . 1 ; 1 - I li. lialeigh iss'im! Hi coltoii If ( (IJ.ts to dale. S.1 :., bales. 'I " J 1 " llooxe, guld nunc in I.'. Ill dnlph pays .'; 1 11 il : , a s t In I aiurier' WF. L. ,. I ill. "s 1 1 1 1 1 1 I II' I la clllc 1.; said to In- i-iijuv pi .1 !.., .m" in ! M.n England. - Vnurin- );. pamin;r pie ill' 1:1: All ex.Miivnr ol Liiiidnii, ;i Melliulit, ll.l jllt -lell sJimi.IIU.i lii liilllil liniie elmielies ill l.uii'!uii. Tlie utiil ihe , 01111.1; l. e In lie :iliuiil I lie t UK' sliokell ol' ,i t In ni. 1 lie the!, si III ii.,.1 i,i. I 1 I l.i I.ilil-. - Tin- Mormons :ne l l oppose roillel (l.lliees, In III. Ill f ill olil v (III nee il It ill .1 lime. A Inlss is 1 1 I .1 ';.n.l ; I'm ;i miss lias oiil 1 wo l. i a mile has .VJSd. Slim 1111 maker. III.' The in I.Mi Ill Hil l Then t.ill i-. no elisili All-le when il '-;r, ae. -aM' I In- A i ol Merit n. Iiejiis the Konji ;( l oiieli .Lie. I ,;in un lovel; '.Mil V Not." I'm m i in I i. 11 net I 1 niiiity nan ' Fair Sni leiup! .1 1 ion pap. 1 1, i'lililished al I i.ii h , I,, 1, 1 i!h .I :'lie- I mill." W'e F, ..... . i-i dill III I III 11,1 n , ,. Th. there i. count . 'fi.it I. il lull 1 1 W hi.' Mi a 1 1:1 mi I -, .1 il III line lilhl. -The Viii-,lon -Seiiliiii-I" si, t here in a fin - i.p.11,11 1:1 ( i.n , . lor an eiilei p, tsin- n,aa to .1 art : sunn" iici im liii l m 1:1 - e.-t ililivlnnem Mr. K. T. AlkiiiMin. ,,r l:.i,..,, .sa, that .slow iimiii.;; u ilh ;i mil i-l j;ili would ol ilM-ll add a 1 ent I' per pounn aim-in our em to; crop A .111111- inan n il Inl lo roniiuit suicide d. alleliip in I'.liali. I well Imf tli .'1fi"'i' ,,,rs !' 11 IM hc.viis in i..-,I.:...d held U u;, 'Flip '-W 01 kiiiiin" -.i-. Tii, I set tin- h, .1 Vlothes mi lire and tin' ireeiislioio "eni:i!e ( nlli-m-has 1 ch i!d ;i ml i I -I mo! her were 1 10! h se- boaiilin.; pupil-, besides a I 111 ; riui"l. " 1 1 1 nVj1 iiuinlier olila pupil. Th, 1 ' a. , I.., . 1 , - .. ... a belter school in the SI it . . .i a I .a c, . . 1 ei . o ihin - I'.acou say s : - a fell man." line li lt want tilled l .i-:iiliii': makes is aiioi del ion-; ..lid eVIl -e. oil can how been lo he i on- w ! le Ol! I- ll'.l.llli 1 l . t 1 -The Chariot! ( tli i Act " l.el - t ineiil Iv asks : hits a l iuht I leh-.ralih, ha li t lie '4o e mi, ml csialiiish a postal Il iml id i I lie II "I't to establish lailio nl Inn s, iVe The slotes of I he L'l.aimk III'- nil nre Co.. ami F.eiuiett MIsIm... were burned in Scotland Nee!. Mo (lay ol lasl week . The In w . !i:.IMM. partly coxeredby lliMMatu I he capital nl i lie New V lean World's 1'ApoMiiini has i , , ii ia creased from .".t (i.ooo lo;.; o,i.m(mi. and bids l.i:i ! be one ol i math I est i ml list ri;il eposil ions , , y he!.!. Mitchell count we hail! ha appropriated vino Im the pnipii : ol having her pimlucls icpie .eiileil ill the Slille Fviinsii j.in. Miirhi li hiis iiievhaiist il.!e n.iiieial lesuinc I'S. "W !iy dm.'l yon come and kiss me, Johnny."' said an ancient maiden aunt to her mit hlnl m ph ew. "P.cciiu.sc." said Jolmiiv. hang mg his lu-iid. -I in airan! i f pow der." A irc:icher in Unek Island. 111., oilers for sale his old sel llioiis at I he lii to of leu for a dollar. Wed., not adise our readers to purchase. Wediire say they arc not worth. "ni cents. Seel clary of in Wilmington la t In w oi ks on he y- ami harbor. I. Mind to be in a ditioll. A Miissacbu W ar Lincoln was t w eck to illspecl low er 'ape Fe n The Work was s;i( i-.',n tors i ni1.- 1 1 s w i.low dies es III III. till mourning and wears bin: of tier d. 'palled husband iair. she ul that she his death. Mr. C. colllllV. let p: .idelil ly had save.! ha. .n d .11: 1 1. 1 1 I). Mclver. of 1, mi, a III lit I;.,!.. ;e a. 1 ! 1 n 11 I ',.! :l gill Llllllbcl IIVcl lie gradual.'. I mil Was : laids, before t he w :ir ;i 1 11 1 w a ( 'olifedel ale soldier. The part it's v. I ,, bought I he P.ig Su .inn. 1 count X . Iiom I he Slate, a aei e, pi . ipose ; . 1 d i : :i ,1 I. Hit pel of Iiom i',,V""i b II. " 11. 1 oxcis 1 I.ooo a, !. .. Se . el al ei.;!. ,.: ol k stood :. a a 1 1, ( .. , , ; .hone on S.i I ill -l.i a id ;., .,. xoung :ii;in singing -W j 1 I poll I he Su ..;,,) !.' ; , 1 "' m ; ; I :i, Vi'.o miles aw ay . All Ihe In ti'a Ilh.. , ,, ,,ot:i Slate p. iiitciil i.n . , j st loy ed by lii e 011 I he ;, In ,,; . '.'.'.Hi. ;il a loss ,, p. iliais s ,,, All Ihe pli -nliels w,-:,. , , 11 'I hey III, !!,!' led i.bnlil .,lm. It .- i ne .xionroc i ai.i.iii er i . -ay s that Ink t hopphig in ground, Mr. W . M. Au-iin. . mil count x . en (low n a tree tell Upon his little .son. ililiiel jlll ies from xvhicli he died. xpi. lis ;:, il I li- W iin ii ihg in The 'lilltii'i '.iiirihi ,111" t lt.it ii negro io S1mp--1.11 i a", olded il Iilortg;.ge oil Ills e. Knocking the botioii'i log out d ili ami Id ling 111 h;s hog . Was no moil gage 1 n ,a Ltr h"j.. learns 0 nil! y n n bv Ol ,s 'ill.',,- I hi in Will S""N have ;l xxool 111 I.K tuIA. 'i'lic ji.irties Composing 'tin- company :i : Messrs. .1. S. Cm. I in -!i- M. mho, id. .1. C. An ger, A. II. Stocks. -I. I.'. Placknall, ! ?. I . Morgan ;iinl .M. A. Angier. - In n' would i' !' without ; women.'" ;i-K- a vuitcr. It's hard I in ili-tri iiiiii. which way tin major I i! Would ill it'. I'llt Minn. III. Ml Would I I,.. ,, nl'i!. !.! .mil mi! of tlulllile. ! .11, i a g I III HIV ni In IS '.Villi III lie ' nllt :i" I heir i 1 1 1 1 1 s . j At I'l N i -1'iii.u. Inl I'li- ! il.i. I.'. M. II.! i- :ts ,IH jinleil I dillii. 1::. - ill III- -::it :iU.tMst t lie I I'eh Tallin - V Welilmi Kailr 1 '. .Mr. 1 III' v;H IlllnWIl linlll Ills liuu' :;. liM.M- In-ill': 1 1 lit elieil lv -!. 1 ; i; 1 1 1 1 . 1 : 1 1 linniii luemnot ive. -We li.le reeeivetl ;l ely ll.llnl Mime Mel iilililial lor 1S1 lroili M.'s-r-.. 1. M. J 'in v C, Hetroit. AJfi'i.tNif'. Th.- lil.iiiU;iM ieii I'osilioli ill Mm- t'.iilli rank 01 Mir : eeii-iii.M 01 ine eyini ln. Iiieai! e liny liiiiiisli only ooil seeil. I: I-- st.it. it l iiiii ii I in mine ha I., en iliM-ovi'ieil near Kind's Moii.i lain. It is owned I .ludjje Aer and Kolnit 'l.i.'.e'i. ol Mni-i;;inloii. and C.n-I. V. T. i:. r.el!, ol' Kin-'.s Mountain. This is siiid lo lie t he lii 1 tin mine di-.eneiy in I lie ('ni ti l Stales. -The Ke. Mr. Ili'ill, ol' W'noil lie: ;. . ha- iieeu eoavieled lor Liek 1 1 his wile to ileal 11. liee.UlM- he lieal him ill a .'4 ; 1 1 1 1 1 ol' el oillel . The lii-l Ihin;; ii married man knows he will ha e no rights w hat ever in I his e. ii 1 11 1 1 . Law and jnlieeare 11 III'' in I lie die's. The i ma rd o i ll ham ei ill 1 it 1 1 -1 1 1 1 n. exhiliil al : 11-1; mil. 'l he I ma eeide ;ilrales ol' I to inak.' a e i:aleii;h Slille atlt Iml l.i'd llie tml eninmissioiiei'." In expend i.ili'W-l s.jni l!ie deemed lit to 1 i'l'liper r. jire.si iitiil 1011. Let W .I-.111 d.i likewise. I',,! I IS. 'ard. e. w ho has s;i lit .,111! ll.llll' ' 1 .lll'lill I. I 1 il. Nulla- lnl!!'h ill fa or o Noi t ll ,00. 1 elioiluh to say of tel ll seel loll I hat it is B' .nlV.'lirc &n e iih-lii'i II ililshiuclit ei ili:i 1 1 n si i s the I'rv- A - I '" kit.'i.Ci... .ml: lid Joseph Slider ii'ld .i.le'i: ; .:n t 1 111,1 I'll .' r Wib I'hi! idehii.ia !-,ll hers. ici 111 inu pl"iid.iiu uiiiliy In Hid s, Hi, 14 obscene sentenced each to .n , iin. I inipri.siin 1 ear. This is iiiiil. iitaiesj were , pil i il llf 11- ol ! im ail I'.l r mil' ciii all I he same w:iy. Lilieoill "I'less" tells ol a 1 I hill oiiiit.v . w ho. to ijiiiet r.lei !'. naiiv, in the lamp ai- "iiitv. sas t.he fsl alesville 'l.ainl- ii!i ni,." claims have killed l.L'nO sipi ii . 1 i i, i w ecu I he 1st of .la nua iv. I Ss. ,1,(1,, n picking lime, alnlto have caught lot', "jiossiilns I. 's; fall and t' is wilder. As he does htlle else than hunt, the hchjthni s believe him. I i'V Tax lor I lanlison, colored. :l colored church at Polk nil eoiinly. stole iilld diess logs last Salitrd.iy night ached SuinliU iind skiii- Inn. Alls I d I w o ' eck. pi ped out mihieiliiit. ly alter 1 lie sel ls to barely escape the of had ii w arrant for him. So Charlotte 'Observer." HI" HI So lit el w h s.is the Tdd-n C. ' . hid o! I Ii. I N iiiil Lank. h is ill'-, le, Abbott, for l' years I'nioii M.ukel Na I W'atei town. Mass.. I. taking funds of the regal in-; Abbott i mciiibi l.ollt o ' ;i s tii ;is known was of ilea.sing r of the I'.aptist cars old. and has '1.10,1. ,1.1. ess. alll'i'll. I v il, ion! and I hat four childic ;i woman is :t. It is be with him. Mr. W. II. Vniiilervilt did a graceful thing a few days ago in sending a check for ."iiu to Mr. Joseph Cn-neilii. of New- Orleans. Years ago when Mr. Gt iiell.i lived in San Francisco, and was a wealthy men-haul, he rendered a timely and needed .service to Mr. Yilhiiel bill's I'-it iter, 'he old 'om module. I --Tin-N. ! a gra! il'y in; iind busine I l! show s t l lolk ""irgiiii;in" iiiiikcs ; exhibit of I he gl ow I h -s piospei iiy of Norfolk, i. It. :ls coinp ired w i! h s in I ssii. J i(. eit V "s oil ;- t lie hllsines liiess has iii'-ieased iiom ;s, (! !,. I.t.i o Yi.M.III !...(:. J J. Uili.,1,,,!. new liiiililings (icrieii lining the p. isi year wa- its. valued at ."il:t.sno. ihe assessed value of it jiropei t is -l .r, 17.0.7s. I i. si.l, ed the sO'.s, n! ndi : w s Monday ia editor of the Paleigh t xcr" I hat I rack lay ing sU i n ! )ix ision of the i th i 'aioliiia l iiilroiid is xi'iA favorably, and 1 have i he iron I.li'i to ia 1 lay w ai d county. Ne Ihe We iera Not W j logres.,iii.' ! he W ill W ay iicsv ille, ! w uhiii thirty i n J.ieksnn i .lane. lie e j.w ill leach I I, day s, and to W ebst,-r. nlllhv. b.X Ihe Ith of vpi'.'l s i hat I his io.nl innulh oi the Nilllle i.e In st ,,f September. id' i i h a:, a'osea. s h,!h, hill'l 1 1 imp! i W hit ill. i a. stii-ak 111:; 'I i . . Mi.-: "Thii.k ol ami ign. r.niee. i!i a.i I , . l the V .1 -! els,... i, I iioiisiu ss. v ital ly and edehte.l s ( i III 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 s .. I i"i ." We freqiieiiiK t'.ls He. i the lav ;rn I a:;,,, ol It. :!p .It ll'.ldlH" a is. i i hi :ik ol W, mil lines wake to ;!r.:-.!. of i; e lose Hung-.. :u al! I he;;' lu'l'l i! ii.iihnsil w :', I! the -t i in ,,!:! n ' .-.id I 1 I'l e. in . ,,,, i, eel ion of Ve-teldilV - The Mo:. I. nill.li::-. :, el. i.-Iiiii.'! s 1. 1 I he l ! : 1 1 . ssi ie I.e. a ,! 1 1 UlOClill of ill. !.ll file. .. hts Nome . oeal lo'i. w a ill lolls leal ille nm.Uiite in the ! ;: in i lie I lolls. Lawyers pi..' Senate and till III . and iitilollg i'.c la- l cpl eselllcd tleasllicl. il --il to. -re are 1 1 ill. .1 mill col. Ill X 1 . a 0 1:11 1 1 11 mas! ei . t -1 . 1 1 I I'ilX ii. I Uii: e ami .: p.st- ,11,11 (:'.! eli: porary lann-iiis in.;: ihe sal; m t,,. e;li III liiixeoidy I o 1 cpl e.si-nl ill i e ill cither branch one pic.u In 1 am one i I'.itor. ' IT.Il.K A 1 his di.sf I VKItV MVSTUIMOUS .MOST 1:1 a;i: IMHIUAi: .MAI!- on i:i:roi:i). is sin-: M AN WTieelixg, West Va., Jan. l'liis afteiiioon, in the little brick : chiin li in Muitinsburg, West Va ; used by the Southern Methodist congregation of that town, two people were married by the J.'ev. ; John Lciinstreet, t'ormerly chaplain . of Jeb Sin art's Confederate rei I inent nfoalvan. There was noJh ! in; ieculiar about the ceremony f Hint lMlr.l lllf :II'llu3 IO lljcl eontiiict have llceii Unowiy :ir :)." ears as icsectable woinen in that. vicinity. The rooin, il' such term .can be applied in this case, has been known lor in years in Mar j t iiisburi; ;is a lady nl correct hah ; its, modest dciiieanor, :ind marked intelligence and ri-liucineiit. His, i or her name is Jane Catherine 1'ayne. During the K years relei- 1 i"ii 10 sin- mis kept a little store 111 the village ol IJest. iiboiit 1'". miles from Mai t insbnrj; and x miles from WiiK-hestei, on the Winchester I pike. There is no better family in 1 11:11 seciion man uie raynes. 1 no luoiherwas left a widow in com fortable circumstances some years a;ro and 111:1 11 it- I a'ain. but siibse iilelitly sepaiilled from her hlis biiml. Slur now lives on one of the best fauns in Frederick county, Va. She has brought up seven children, four of whom are married to pros perous farmers in the neighborhood. A imt her lives at this time with her mother, and still another conducts a nourishing school lor you m; ladies near her mother's home. The le inainiiiii one is .Line Catherine, w ho from childhood has evinced re markable business talent, and who has, from the time she attained years of maturity, been enayed in commercial pursuits. No one in t hat vicinity is more favorably known. Living (juicily iin.l ill leiidiiiL; closely to business, the neighbors r.uliiiilly came to look upon the proprietress ol the little store as an old maid, dude, therefore, ot their astonishment when hist Tuesday .Line Catherine appealed in Miirtinsbiir and bold I.v announced her conversion from the gentler to t he sf oilier sex. She purchased and arrayed herselt in a suit of masculine habiliments, in cluding a silk4 hitt iind a jiair of red- toijn il boot I and then declared ,.,. intcitioiftii'iiiiinv Miss Annie u,.SI. j 1 aiiiit ion .lane stated t l,a t t here n ver had been any oc- easioii t o doubt her li'iiiiii init v lint il about a lortnmht ;il;o, when she isii'"" )r. Mcdiiire ami was led to visit. Dr. McGuire ami lr. Lane, at Winchester. These geiitleiuen performed a simple ami painless npet at ion. and announced 10 their jiationt I hat there could be no doubt as to her jierfect mascu linity, and that the ignoramus who had siqiei intended her advent into the world deserved tobe jirosocuted for the dense stupidity which brought about the subsequent wearing of petticoats instead of trousers. Armed with this information. Jane losl no time iu carrying out t lie il ogl'il III me before lurlll iolu d. The license issued for t he ceremony was made out in the name of J. ('. Pay ne instead of .Line Catherine, 11 being her intent ion to have hoi feminine name changed to John as soon as an act of I he logisla. lire can he procured for the iuiiose. Of course tin- community in which this slai tling lnetiilnorihose oeeuried is considerably stirred iqi over the 'event, but there is no d mbt as to tin-lad stated, and no one ques tioned t he sincerity of the parties i lo the matrimonial contract. There j are no more reputable physicians I in the valley of Virginia than the j medical gentlemen referred to. Dr. i McGuire is w idely known as a skill ! In! surgeon, and Dr. Lane is the i son in. law of Charles James Faulk- her, and is a highly esteenie 1 jihy ' sician iind gent leinan. I The jiarties who were to-day joined together in matrimony have i not only been associated together ! in business, but have lived together ! for yciiis iu the closest social inti macy, working, eat ing. and sleeping ! together without the slightest sus j picion thill they belonged to opjio j sifi seves. .Vs those people, tints j strangely brought together, stood I ;il the altar to-day the groom pre- seiiled a somewhat delicate al ; I hough manly and determined ai peiirance. W here a luxuriant chig non formerly depended, her hair was neatly and closely trimmed. 1 and ln-r radiant countenance look ed posit iv ly handsome in coini;iri si.n with the bride, who is app.-i . i. inly t w o or t hive y ears older. The newly w cdiled pair will, alter a short visit among friends and rela tives set t le down in their former home. x cm respondent of the P.altlmoiv Min" ;it P.rucetown. Frederick county. Va., h;i already furnished i in piii liculars of t he marriage of I.. L'ebecca Pii vne. xx ho since bil l Ii. y ears ago. had passed as a fe male, to Miss Annis 1 1 inton, an cm ployee in a store owned by Pax no. A col respondent of the No' Y olk World" :it Winchester, V-a., I'm lushes the following aildititiu.il par t ,i iii.ii s tu connection with tin- af li.u under dale of Januaiy JAi h : -The mysleliolls Jiers.liage kiiown iis Lydi:i Pebeecii Pay lie in this community . but xx ho ;iuw claims o be ', o.aii. icih lievl the ill age of Fes!, ne;'.!' Ly I e. this af tcii.oen x ilh his 1 ride, tin' Annie I hut on. Pay in- is ol medium build, and does not loo!, in, like i man uu i d he .itiempis to walk or move. Tiieu his lack of familiarity with male habiliments becomes appa ii ii!. liexxore a pl;iin grey pep-;-i 1 and-siil! .1..., today, ;i liiak x cs and bl.n-k lioll-cls. The hit ter lilted closely lollls Del her limbs, uiii. i, .lie ol the line mould illld :1s delicately constructed iind shapely as those of ii female.7' ! really did not susi.ect mv true x," he said, "until three ..r four S( weeks ao. when sonic casual re mark made by a lady friend arous ed my suspicions. 1 then deter mined to no to Dr. McGuire, of Winchester, but did not inform him of my perjilexity. After profes sional inquiry he at once, but w ith much hesitancy, made known my true sex. I supjiose it was the force of nature which impelled me to fall in love with Miss llinton, al though I never could understand the feeling which my passion for her inspired w hen 1 first met her as a servant in our family, and was struck with her beautV and Iadv like bearing, and soon found that 1 thought a great deal more of her than anyone else I knew.'' "Willy mi wear man's clothing henceforth, Mr. Payne'' asked the (orre.sioiident. ( )l" n..rMP f will" !a t-.H2kll' With an c.essj.ii which would have been misiakeii for a blush had j he boon a woman. "I wish I could continue m the dress 1 have worn ! all my life, but people would look 'at mesotliat I would be annoyed." 'How did you manage about get ting your boots on .'" "Well, now, do you know," he remarked, with a womanly giggle, 'I had an awful time! We men have to get used to these things, however." Mrs. Pa ne, w ho is a pleasant- faced, refined lady of about twenty two years, at lirst refused to talk, but her husband told her she had better have the trouble over and done with. She said that she had looked on Mr. Payne as a woman until he had informed her other wise. Then she ceased to regard him as a woman and they became lovers as they had been friends. She was not at all ashamed of the new experience of her husband, and her love for him was such that she did not caru what the world said about him. She knew Unit he was a man. and that was enough for her. Payne, through counsel, will aji ply to the court to have his name changed to John Calhoun Payne, at the next, silling of the court. He intimated that ho will I hen remar ry his wife in Virginia. 1 1 is .sisters acccjit the situation philosojihically and do not hold any ill feelings against their new sister in-law. Payne today rode on horseback into Winchester. For the first time the residents saw him sitting astride the beast instead of on a lady's side-saddle, lie ap peal" to be perfectly indifferent to public curiosity, and oiichn!:uitly roplics to any quest ion of a humor ous character I hat is asked him. and such otiestions have been lair- '.V nirjemus. ',u w',s so sicee.s4fnl jn aH her business ventures that she amassed tlit a sim Toil line. She did not miiiftlo IVeel.v witlieither sex. but avis lur pi ineiii;il at lent ion to bus- iness. I lev eyes are broxx n and her coniilexioii slightly 1 iron zed like one who had been exposed lo Ihe snt . The suiposcd xvouiiin never had any sign of a beard, and her voice is not linleinihiiie. As .Miss Payne's business nl'i en led her to Winchester while she Wiis a woman, her tall, command ing person was :i familiar one on t he lliill iniorc ec Ohio trains, and all the conductors enjoyed her ac quaintance. These gentlemen, among whom are conductor Clar ence C. New port, of the Harper's Ferry and Valley P.rauch. and con ductor John Poil, on the Winches ter accommodation from Pall iniorc. have been objects of special atten tion among their passengers for the jiast. three or four days. They are asked all about the strange being who xvas once a woman but is now ii man, iind many sly allusions are made to the iliil'cience they used to disjilay iu oll'eiing courtesies to the liidv when she was (raveling. Plantation Philosophy. D;ir is ;i hundred seekers artel money xvhar dar is one seeker arter happiness. We ain't got no resjieck fur do stingy man, nor for de feller what llings his money away. A man's awkward shape ain't no argument agin his iivciation oh do liner jtint's oh life. A olo black bear ain't putty, but he's powerful Ion" ob honey, De "iossuni was neber thought lor have much sense, but he's mighty smart. He has fooled many a man iu pretendin' like he was dead, while the coon, w hat all ob do animals call judge, r.irs aroun'aii' never fails tor git hurl. 1 has often heerd dat de lies' is de chenpes". Disdoan' hole good ill all cases, fur Fll be dinged ef de cheajies" xvay ter lib is de lies'. A man moiit tell me dat bread in' ingons is better dan bread, moat, "tutors, an' ingons, but I wouldn't belebe him. It's mighty st range, but de big. gest sinners in do xxorl" believes in de everlast in' tire ob de debil. I has knowed many a good man what didn't beliexe dat de debil was half sich a juiwerful teller as do preach ers said, an' I has knowed many a ii thief diit believed ebery thing he xvas told about do olo man. I ain't got much coiilidence in dat 'ligioii w hat is based on fear. A convict may work mighty haul "ease lie oSoljjecl is look in', but the w ol k is neber done as well as if he wan'1 fo'ce.l tor do it. A Bad Tendency. The tendency of social talk is -hilllow ness. When peon!,- meet 111 inisceiUiUeoiis eiowds they jiiit tiieu most supu ui-ial ideas fore - inosi. ami necoiiie social on I lieir lowest plane ol thought The sen- sitixe iind rctu'.cd let 1 re xxithin, "Hai nm sart 111 thing. tliei,.sci( s iind let coarser ieisons ' liebber be found out, an" icauihe eoinpiinv aim nireei t lie. onrreiit of eonx er;itioii. This e plains xx iiy ;i man xx no i.u-iis eiluca- lion, nieas and polished manners. .' disobeys '.lit plainest 1 tiles ot' eti niiotie, will push his v. ay among I. '.dies ami make lnniseli the appa- rent centre of iidtni.at ion w it li an ......... .... t ... ..c i-,...,- - .. . ... in. ,i liiole (leliciltely olgilllleil and !et ter infoi mod. Memphis '-Ajipeal." ( T) T 1 rP I n T Y'VS 1 flil J lOAIj 1 Ul l 1 -:o:- WH AT Till POLITICIANS AKK TALKING A POUT. Tin: i'olitival c.ttsiu:o.. Collector Wheeler's chances for continuation have grown desper ate. 12s North Carolinians hold otlioo in Washington City, and IIS.ihmi more would like to. Most of them are Kejiiiblicans. The New ''Sun" s;iys : The lion. William Kutlin Co, of North Caro- llllft. Aim jmI1iut V f hS - ' f '-- which lie earned in but Con gress as the advocate of economy and the enemy of jobs. All the indications are that lion. Samuel J. Panda II will have a united and enthusiastic delegation from Pennsylvania iu the Demo cratic .National Convention in fa vor of his nomination for the Pres idency. The lialeigh '-Nexvs Observer'' commends Judge. Bennett for his promptness, lie has introduced a lull to put a stop to miscegenation iu Washington City. It forbids t he intermarriage of the races. Let the matter be pressed. Judge Bennett is no less able than sagacious. A Southern liopiililicau Congress man recent said to an otlice-soeking negro: ! wish to God you niggers would all vote the Democrat ic tick et ! It would be the best thing for the Republican jiarty if you did so!" Perhajis he imagined that such a transformation would make South ern whites Republican. In executive session of the Sen ate, one day last week, Mr. Fd muiids, of Vermont, made a very bitter attack upon the South, and was responded to iu scathing terms by Senator Lamar, of Mississijijn. It is gixen out that Fdiiiuiitls had been toying too much with the lluid which Senator l-'rye had seen a xvo:king'man in a blouse and top boots ill inking out of a teacup iu the Semite restaurant. A Washington disji itch of Tues day says Rejircsentiii ive Morrison, chairnrin of the Way? iind Moans Coiiiinitee, has coinlctc(l a tarill bill, bnj; xxill not introduce it into the Hoiise until other members of the coi)iinittee have, had an ojijior 1 unity to consider it. As .reiarcil. it provides for a general horizontal clu,t 0n of 20 per cent.. J.ut liill oI'lSOl. Ask-ii" T 0 L A " 0 ' ,M:- Mr. Hawley, a native jiil' Carolina, and the now el J in ut.. Imt in no iovx eri r"""5 ii native (if North ic now cliinnan of the Republican National Executive Committee, says ho woulObe pecu liarly gnitilied to see iis lmlive. Stiite vote the Republieai) t iiket in 1) I ICKCI III. War ' you Id he November next. Publishing the abov lvnton "Gazette" says: glad to oblige von, Mr. llaxr'ev.hutit is demanding too much i sk the white men of North Caroliiio do :is yaiii have done and sell theii, selves for ;i mess of iot tage." i!mei' ! -riil-. l (oining cxeiils eiist tlu fr sha dows before." livery indication mints to 1 he nomination and tri umphant election of John A- Gil mer as our next Governor. Jiefei' ring to his candidacy the Hickory Press" says: -For Goveror the Lincoln "Press" nominates "Judge .1. A. Gilmer as a man who is lnmM lmv (t stnis iijiiiichr."' Ah1 tlie Wilson Advanci: says Gilmerwill be North Carolina's next Governor. So il comes from east and.yjst. We voted for his lather ami can vote for him just as cheerfully. Put him iqi." And the Goldsboio ''Bulletin" says : "Not hing gives us morn plea sure than to see that Cblonel John A. Gilmer's jirospects ofbviing the next Governor of North Cajvli na are grow ing brighter and bright er every day. A few months ago there were but few paiers i7i the Slate that c.inie out boldly us fa voring hi. n for i inventor. Now xve are satisfied that if it could be left to the editors of the State he xvniihl be elected by a handsome majority. We may be wrong in otir ei'tiit (we don t think xve are, howler,) of him, but we believe tlirrtli i the purest man in North tfTini i:clio Aiisvt ei---Wliy -A tourist while sailing dnxii tin Ohio noticed on the shoi c a ii ele gant mansion. "That's the inost wonderful house on the river,? said a Westerner, in ivsjious(. f the tourist's inquiry. -It x;is built and all jiaid for. house, ginunds and furniture, out of the owner's savings during the four xeaTs he was an Indian agent, and' his sala ry was only two thousand dollars lb-must have been very ,h,',mi'. ( ill. l.less me. ll 1 sec how I ne did it. Jhis anecdote will serve to introduce the follo.vingi II... li .. :. , i . . xtraoMVoiu i ne i ei rou "i- reo i less Some weeks since the cuiniuitleo on the science of jml.tie d eeonomv ol Ihe club ic instructed to eiie lully inxesiigate the ipiery: ' n.v w ill a man p;iy ouf 'Sl.OiNl io oe eieeieil to n?:;,Hu nflice" The nii.tter was taken i, i,a,,(1 iind ex cry court made to arrive at ;i s,oiiacio si, lull uili . Coin. lattice came lotward at rl.. 1.. , nice! ing will, the ackiiouUi. . i I niai 11 xras 100 iniieli hn- theui iuni ' j "h'.v asked to be disi harged'Yr, inJ - un nnmci consideration j subject. '!' the Vhieli kill I "I St lit IHin 01 cm. said me jiresu; 'J)e lll'i'c 1 eotiiinitti'i';ii!ui',..haii;ed; . j n iir.iiaiuoti. A Great Discovery. The epei inieiii j fai inei, w ho fed his ' Dakota CO III. 1...... l. l ,:i . i ; iw.ii i .....ii.'in .,, no sii('ga.. Heel xv ide If a' i :iste:nl ot lndk. suggests.., lange of bovine possibilities' cow s ' ' no converted info a brewery- w0 s,.,. ,,.a the "Ulohe." WLv si,e CoUUlU I """W" il ills .ell.. lery of herself just a (.--"x, or wliol.' hiirrooii,. even set up a The l.'"'i man should extend his expernuems and s,.,. what he done Hh .,:i aceoinmodating l.cr.l tliji' '-i't pmtieular about whiit it li;--to eat. lb- might pro duce a l'imcli eoxv bv judicious feeili"?. ov even a tom-and -jerry heifer, '""'l'or berries, sugiir cane and liiarl'I' dust, f,., j,, pioju-i (juan-titiesoi'.-1'1 to make ;, Dakota eow; give a .-"lll'!'i"i' quality of giu-tizz. The diet tiecessarx- for the develop ment f 11 '"'Ht-jiiliji eoxv will re.aili lv siiggc-t itself: but nerhaps it won 1,1 iio hotter ti iio sloxv on the .,.... tini'Vs at Urt and see what "... i... in thevxiiv of an old 'I ... I'viroliiiii com briudio. S,"V V , . . ... .... .-1 . - TWO lK'i'"i( iu resiiiis ui uns u.s coxery will strike the reader at once." 'i,st lhoe it enables evii v iiiiiu who o.vns a cow to pro duce hi hivnrite drink at the bare cost ut' the raw material. As the guverini"'"' would hardly have the i-hock to lax a cow for what she eats the internal revenue tax would at oiH'i' ilisiippeiir iind there would be no mure "inoonshining'' down south. It is evident that the Dakota fanner lias a good head. Perhaps he is t li' uiiin who w iote "The Lit tle Brow il .big" in which occurs the pathetic line: -If 1 had a cow tha' .rave sue i milk." The Exposition. Tin: Citri.r.TioN of tiii: Or ganization. Ml!. FKIKS (Tios ux sr, i;i.tauy. Mu. IIkaktt Tkk a s i u l : l : . T i ik V l k P k k s- 1DENTS AN1 DlKl'.CTOlI.S. Vesterdiiy the organization of the "North I'iiii'liiiii Stiite Kxjmsitinn Cniiip;iii.v" Wiis perfected, and the very hiiunoiiioiis nieetingsnf active ami eiiergi'tic business men, its or ganizers, caiiie In an end. W. S. Primrose, lvsq.,ol Raleigh, x-as elected President: Henry Fries. V... of Salem, Secretary; and Geo. D. lleartt, of Raleigh, Trcitsiiivr. Vestcriliiy at 10 o'clock a. in., the stockholders again met, president Primrose presiding. The commit tee of seven, appointed to present the names nf persons suitable for vice-iresi'lents, submitted the fol lowing iiiiiiies. by Congressional districts : 1st. Dr. Win. Riddick, Wood villc.. Periiiiin:ins. L'nl. Pi- W. R. Capchart, Avoca, Bertie. :5rd. J. A. Bnnit.,Gnldslnrn. -It Ii A.I . S. Ciirr. Durhani. . oL'',,',;V. Win.- l.f 'ohpto. 1 "rth. 7,,loil. Fence, Randleinaii. Sth. Mni". 10. Hidden, Stony Point, Alexander. Dth. (i. S. Ferguson, Waynes ville, Iliywood. The linininatinns were ratified by (ho stockholders. The next busi ness xvas the election of a board of directors, whose number on mot inn, xvas increased from sixteen to twen ty. The billow ing were chosen: ' Gov. T. J. Jarvis; Henry A. Lonilmi, Chatham ; P. 11. Haines, Winston; S. B. Alexander, Char lotte; George 'Howard, Tarboro ; W. (i. FK-hiirch, Raleigh ; Geo. M. Rose, Fiiyetteville ; W. II. Bur gxvyn, Henderson; John Nichols, Raleigh; Tims. M. Holt, Ilaxv Riv er; P.M. Pearson, Asheville: Ju lius Lewis, Raleigh; Dr. D. W. C. Benhnw, Greensboro; W. C. Stron aeh, Raleigh ; Geo. Allen, New Berne; Jacob Wallace, Statesville; Br. Eugene Grissom, lialeigh: M;i.j. J. W. Wilson, Morgaiitoii ; T. K. Brunei, Salisbury; Win. Woolcott, Riileigh. "Nexvs-Ol .server" Feb. 1. A Thoughtta" Daughter. "I don't see how I'd get a'ong without Mary, nohow," Mrs. Blu cher observed, pausing to wipe the perspiration from her features and putting another ladle of soap into the steaming suds, while the daugh ter's voice ;it the piano could be distinctly recognized, iloating out from tin' ad joining pat lor. ;iI don't see hoxv I,d get alcug without that girl nohow.- Al'ays on these days when I Iiev' the tiringest work, she just picks out her nicest pieces like 'Sweet Host By and By,' and 'Moth er's Growing Old,' and sings 'em fur mo afore, she goes out on the lawn to play croquet with,theother Aonnif bilks. 'Taint every gal iis , j 'ml i tut thought ml, I kinjtell.yoii. i of, most of "em 'nd just bang axva.v XX ith '.bil'dau is a Hard lioail to Travel." ' 'W 'lump "Km Vp. Eliza Jane. but she ain't none o' that sort. She's a pile o' eonifwrt tome ;i pile n" coin tort,"' iind Mrs. Blu- cher laiiiu'd herself vigorously w ith her soiled :ipro". ireparatory to running 'ho cloihos through the .eeomi water. A True Hero. Vk h"ug. the engineer of the Nashville Chiittiiiioogii railniiid, is :i tit"' hem. The "Still' says, it is iii!ii ing to read how ho stood j b his i'"s' when he saxx death im ! i,'icili:i'''-v he fore hi. ii. iind thus j saved i"'m.v I loin the greatesl d;in , .vr or ii'vt;,llt death. Juinp." said be to th'' '"email, whilst xvith hand . revel sin;: i tie engine lie went i.lmi""in- xu iltiint upon the huge ll(,(,.' tiiiit stood in the iathway of the train. And the brave follow escaped but slight injuries, U I,, mi i Nick Long, the devoted iind co'it'oiis engineer, say we!' Bill Arp on Honesty. I'.ax.i"! Tav ior tells of a canton in Sv, vv' a merchant in irks ti c price of his goods and .'i s oil' ''' 'lis little farm nn Uives his stoic open, and xvhen a man wants iiiO'htng Im yws into the st'(ire i measures or. weighs it i. i out- 'he nioliev iu the draxxor. aim p'" . . .. This is ii -""d way and saves clerk hire, but ' 'Voiihi not advise our iiien li;"1' ,u "lake ihe expel imeiit for fear "' iiccideiits. The books inb'ht n"; exactly balance when he took accoimt of his stock. I . . i-ijii'!':! .,.. 1 BILL A HP TALKS -:o: ' ON TllF MOUMONISM 11 I'M- ; BI G AND 111 FI U LKAPF.US. A NATIONAL PISGRACF. They say that Gnveinoi liinxxn ! made ik nnd sneech asiiiiust the Mormon bill, and I reckon he did. Hut if he pulled it doxvu be had bet ter iiiiil.l up another one that will regulate, them fellows. le no re spect lor the Mormons. l'x been leading about them and thinking about theni for n long time, and my conclusions are that their piiests are knaves anil their followers are fools. The vvliole fabric was enn ccivcd in sin and brought fortu iu i n in n it v. Joe Smith, the founder, xras a vagabond and a sheep steal er, Imt neither Joe Jaiit li nor Uig- don nor any of the lirst set, overset "P polygamy as a part of their ue tended revelation. The lirst Mor mon Bible siiid "no man shiill have but one wile' Polvgaiuv was never established until that lecher ous old rased, Brigham Young, got to be the head man. iind then he announced a new revelation which said the priests and apostles should seal as maiiv sisters as (hey could maintain, so iis to set 'em iqi higher in heaven. It was all to elevate the dear women iind make arcliaii gels of them. The old hypocrites and deceivers imposed upon the credulity and superstitions of the women, and they are doing it yet. Mormonism is a humbug and a fraud and their leaders know it. Webster says that the woid Mor mon moans a Intuiting. Wives and tithes is their confessions of faith their selfish creed. 1 don't care anything about their tithes, but the poor, deluded, helpless women must bo looked after. Where woman is degraded no government can ros per. Turkey is called the sick man, and Turkey has her harem.-. The eastern countries most all encour age polygamy iind they are fir be hind our civilization. Why there is not but one xvouiiin for one man anywhere in the wide world, and there never was, for there are ." per cent, more males than females born into the world, and if it wasent for war and accidents there wouldn't lie a woman ajiiece. Just think of a young, likely, vigorous fellow go ing almut weeping and xx ailing be cause there wasent a woman for him. What a miserable creature! Well, if these Moiiiion elders and apostles and leading men xvhn ' - x ix e.s apiece snmdtKxIy xvill lie left, out iu the cold and have no wife at all. Sup pose that all our rich men in Geor gia were to do the same way, what would our young men do f What greater calamity, could liefall our good county of Bartow if Dr. Fel ton, and Col. Howard, and Mr. Dob b ns, and Mr. Veach, and Mr. Mun I'nrd, and Tom Lyon, and Gen. Voung, and Mr. Jones should .sud denly turn Mormons and take ;; no tion to almut -0 wives ajiiece and seal 'em to the Lord. I don't think that some of these gentlemen would need that many, Wut maybe they would think they did, and that is just as bad, if not worse Governor Brown says we must guarantee tn I'tah a Republican form of government, and therefore we must let them regulate their own social and ecclesiastical rela tions. Noxv, my idea of a Rejiubli can government is that, what is a ciiine in our Stiite ought to be a crime in all. There xvas an otliccr ffbm Ohio in Atlanta the other day hunting for a man who had two wives, but if the fellow had run to Utah and taken a dozen it would be all right. Well there is no good sense in that. Our government ought to do all it can tn insure strong, healthy children. We dn that much lnr our horses iind cattle, and hogs and dogs, and the best xvay is for one 111,111 and one xvoiuan to mate together and go tn raising '0111. That is nature iind anything that is against nature is wrung. The Turkish haieni don't turn out any great stock. In Thibet iind Tartary they reverse the engine, and one xvoiuan is allowed to marry several men, and she frequently calls for all the brothers iu a fainilv and lives with then, time about, but the. government don't de.e..d on those sort of marriages, b.r its soldiers, for t hey- don't come There surely-is m happiness or j woman when her husband's alloc lions are divided xxith iiuolher wo- j mail or a half dozen w on. en. Then is no loving union devotion; no I tenderness. It is all animal on the, one side ami xvi.man is nothing but a machine on the other. There is no such song iu her declining years as "Now wi' must ti.tlcr ilnwn, .l.tti. lint Imii'l tn Imri'l we'll An, I sl'i ti.. lli. r a' ili f..t. Ji.lin .Xiiili i'S'.ii. iiU'J.m'.'" j There is no leeold any xx here iu : any history of a happy inarm d ' stiite where il man had more than one wile, lnieeh had two. but ho scriptures say nothing about ' him. Adam dident have but one . iind Noah one. and they stalled the ; business of Jieojililig' the world. Old Father Abraham had. one, and when he took another m Ihe sly old Itnit Sarah L'ot ilftt'V liiui and she f idled out the SHiHd one xvith a ' thrash pole mti her oil'. .Li; (i!i I I had t wu, and if ever a man descrv- edt "wo, he did: but. they (Udelit get I along well, even though they were i sisters. Moses (ldlelit ljixe but , one. King Hav'ul h:ul several, but I he was curbed with -iu and iietu ally K'UimUted murder tit get one i oi' Vm, oud lived in anguish ever after, for he s;iid: '-.My sin is ever j before me." Old Solomon must have had an awful time of it, for he had a thousand, and they kept him so harrassed and In-devih-d that he (Jew to his inkstand and wrote that he had found one good man. but a good xvoiuan in a thousand he had not found. Of course not. How collld il woman be good when sh.- ' was only a thousandth ji.ut ot a wife. But Solomon repented of his folly iind said ii was all xan ty. and adxised all men to "live joyfully with the wife xxhoiuthou Invest." and to "bew are of strange women." I nex ei 1 h nk of t hose surplus w ives i who are sealed to the Mormons ' without a tceling of sadness and pity, for every new one causes the j others ;i pang of shame. They are i iill iu prison ami their dependence ! is like that of the e.igod bird that ! t.iniely looks to its keeper for food. ; iliere is no es, :pe. for xvouiiin is a j proud creature and will sutler in ; silence rather than parade her folly I to tiie xvoi 1.1. Did x on ever notice hoxx a xvoiuan will mi tier and be strong, especially it she has a child 1 ipauv f I t ought ; ml do- I or cniliireii lo keen hel com l i.-i eoei.u oxernineiH ougni to amend the constitution and do- vi.in- .ion, iu incise I tilled niled States i hI,"M have ' lX;nuei ixnil torvitnrif.s no ncxii but one wife at a time ought to lie done for the li;XVtion ot woman and for her cloxati society. There is tin religion ni this, lei them fellows believe in Joe Smith's Bible and I righiiin Voting's amendments, if thex want to, bur I xxoulilent let 'eni h ive but one wife. Governor Brown says xve had bet ter let them itlotie and xxork on lliein thiouph the tu 1 1 tit iind the pivs. We might ;is well try I hat on the Mohaniedeiis. We have boon trying it for forty years: xve car.'t get at t In-lit in that way: they won't hear us. But 'U the contra ry send out their cmissniics all over the xvorld and eonijiasssea and land tn make proscly tes. Why a tew years ago they took oil' a cara van of clever ignorant jicoplc fioni Floy d iind Polk count ies, and still la'er I hey are working around us on the sly . Noxv I jirofess to fear Gml and regiird man. but if one of them xvas to eonie slipping around my house I'd gel nahor Fieciii.m iind the boys iind xx e would tar and leather him and ride him on a rail iind leave him in a condition that xvoiild make Ctah a very unintcr est ing ilnee for him. So I lioie that Congress will fix up some bill tha' will blot out this national disgrace and when I hex make il a law, then execute it. (ieneid Cummings was sent out there once with ".'.."ion tioojis to reg ulate 'cm, hilt Mr. Buchanan weak ened mi it and adxised:) eompro mise and not hing Wiisdone. I f our gox ei in, lent is strong enough to subdue flu- Southern Slides and se! four millions of niggers free. I reek nil it (Mil rerulale affairs iu Ftah illld free Ihese reckon so. xv h it i women. Slightly Mixed. count rv eli"-T'iK- lr" 'eeent- eaclni' .vWMIII clinch """ los I llekeiiH, i hi.-unels almost iml ( p lot es from as often as lie does from the Bible. -Ho surprised his congregation by winding up a gorgeous peroration xvith, '-It is thus yon see, my brethren, as the .scriptures say, Barkis is xvillin' but the llesh is xveak." A Bridegrooni Gets a Spanking. A Merideii iCniin.i telegram says: Edward Barihcault is almut .seven teen years old. but small for his age. lie ran axviiy with Emma Kecle. who is fifteen years old, on Saturday, am! the pair were mar ried iu ILu t ford. j)n their return home in the evening Edxxiird took his bride straight to the residence of his mother and sought her Mess ing, lie got instead a vigorous culling and xvas sent "straight tu bed," but the old lad y subsequent ly relented and the couile were made happy A Long Felt Want Supplied. A sell' acting sola, just large enough for two, lias been invented. If projierlv wound up it will begin to ring ;i warning bell just before Ul o'clock. At Pi:01 it 'sjilifs apart and while one half carries the daiightci-ofihchou.se iqistairs the other half kicks her young man out of doors. They will come high: but peojile must have them. $12,000 Worth of Blasted Hopes. An Ohio youth unmcd Weyaiit, who has been 1 heiccejited lover of M iss Snapp, t In- reigning belle of. New Paris since 17.",, and who lias finally Iteen jilted alter having had his wedding day pol poned three V 1 . t'. "' " , n"' ,7 V 1-.,M' '"; ( VH s, '"'l' tunes, has sue ' the --ill's father for bruised af and fva.-'led ,4 A Beautiful Thought. As a lump of sugar dropieil into ii cup aflea disappears, but leaves it s sxx Oe! liess in (he tea. so grace. xx Idle it i- inx imIiIo. should slmw it sell in tic sw el lies.s of I he spit it . iind kindness ol mud-. Bow 1. Hid Hill Used to -ay. 'T xv nib I give nothing I'oi that man's icligion -.X liose dog ami cat aleliol liettel lor il." Pi d icllgloii i-. hell. fill to its p..-.-. -ol ,;:!l oilier- Let Xolll ligfil slum- by lighling yoiu neigh boi "s I'lill,- Iiy x "in o-.x ii. A -!i' Xilie -( 'it ien :" l'he follli t .till ;i: h;il su oi t li. tie- iiiiiglnli .- lit scat of t lie J Hike of 1 lex oli shue in 1 i l by shire. Eng.. thloxvs xiater. Mitel nut lent ly . to the height of -i'.M feet. The fountain at. Pound Km. !. Ili-ill I he hotel lecelitly built on the mountain section nl the est. l t hioxx -height li Nol I h a a H'iiuan ol feet. o: lll.l lit .. l; nil to ad. the In sal! Lake I the idew illks ille t XXellty tel l X lib Tloy "Tillies" I hllik-. 1 niiin's xx i.li.-.x to v, ,iik 'fills, the to pel llllt il llie:i-t. Ill u ii going to slead oi in couple-. x his lllliel id. All ( le!iil-t' of insect - toil decax ed ft nit . klloxx t he juoiu lies posit their eggs in W ii.it creates xvorm.s 111 t he !.n man h and gixe .-shrincr"-luge occasionally '' Think ot this Indian Vellni xour children. Me w mi,, X' ft in .lex. I'-. ABOUT FARMING. W 11 A I DOING Till'. FARMF.RS ARK AND TALKING A BO FT. I'K ni l i i' xtu i s. till IV l-lHll-. have U'cii inform d ih it Mr. W, W. T. Tax lnr. of Whitakers. made !lhe past xcarou "old field" land a ,, pe l.uiu-Is to reused l.: ..is tVero. aunts that yiei.ie.i mm the acre, for which he , n.rM.d Jjl.--'.! per luisliel. lie xx;i I ..is iVered and refu-ed '' iiu ,.,.,. v,r vi,e v;.'s,, huj. wan oxcvU,,a t'..,- r l. . hMlu.r thxMi'Hwu. ii-k'w ithem xvith ii machine and ot Course IU . .ivi I in nil i ev (tense iu thai manner. Will not more of our l.unieis tiy this? It seems to be a i.iyini: crop ami the demand lor them is eontinuallx increasing. Wei. Ion "News." lily le t ii -i i ,ii A tanner in llaiilav county. . Chad a forty acre lot which he had heaxi'v niiirlcil, -inil he was in diiet'd by his couilllissiou luelchaiit In put it iii peanuts, and the astonishing result was a yield ol eight thousand bushels of pi-iinuls that xveighod twenty live nnnids to the bushel, and brought m-ailx one cent per pound more than the mar kct price, so line xvas their (piabty. Peanuts raising readers xx ill be in cliued to doubt this statement, but it is vouched for by parties xx hose word isentitleil tocredit. The gen tleniiin above alluded to is Mr. . T. Whit. -head, xxho hxes in Ihe box i l jiiirt of Halifax eouiily aliou! s miles from Scotland Neck. His croi of peanuts xx as fully as l.ilj;e as stated, and on lorly acres ol find too. A YImI'I run I'.illtnxv county. (Jenrgia. hiis a model tanner m Mr. W. S. Parioii. of 'ilssx ille. He is :i ir.n I u-.il iind successful Idler ot the sod. lb writes a concise and excellent letter to the i epiiilluclil ol Agin iiltuieol ( icol gia. Ill which he gives an ac count ol hisiiier.l!inlis. Ilewiiles: "I cull ix ille eighl ;n res ol laud as lollows: Two acres in corn, peas and pumpkins ; it makes me fioiu eight to nine hundred b,i hel . of corn, twenty to Unity bushel., ol ieas, and three hundred lo lixe hundred pumpkins, weighing Iiom twenty to lilly j.oumls each acre ui sweet iot;itoos, lual llUDiiied illld lilly in two Jrisi'i'tntatocs, a I nii i txuT luishid j, Ono acre in xvheat, twen ty Qxe to tliuiy bushels. Three acres i a oats, from forty to .sixty bushe'A jier acre. , "I jtcep two milk row ; the but ter more than jiays for their f(M; Uie buttermilk is fed to my hogs, thereby raising more than iwice as much bacon and laid its I can con .snitie. I keep money on hand and pay cash fir everything I buy. also raise a few extra tine beexes ami milk cows for sale. I nevci carry my provisions ,,, slock .' lliaikel illld ASK , MAN WIIVI',. wil l, (iiy k mkhu: it. Asl,',,! go iu debt I keeji my iiroib' jieopie x ant it, ami i lien III,- whiit come to mx house and i ...:o . .1 :. It. i C.I,. I 1 il.i. i ,.. kcioi ii. j . k i" ht ;i sac x ears old. never i of guano or raised in in v life. I livt ' ..... "... ,. . Jniv Hale ol col loll ,t home ami o lileiiiy m rat iind xxear am jXllie ioi " " ' Tile Wall rhrory - I iinii'i'ii' t,.. xxntt. the well km.wn pl..w oi r. .I'oiiilllli.lles mak.' o v " n"" " 1 . -111. ik, . I . .. .. Ilt 11' Ilia. 1" ' I IIO IOUO."r- . , ,. , l.icli are so sciisiiile nin l.irniiyg, u ,. ...i.... ,,i d , lt e hope every lea... ol - 1 " i. ,l,,es not already . i I. ....... r v 'lis , this oarev practice the will ;it oneT First, say y our people , principles l.mi "" begin to do s"- , Mr. W;t t . preach to liVCl'slllC'l (Tops. rood see, IS a 11 il Second : T good breed .icparation of land Third : In (h k of culllXiilioii to do hall the tlie gioiiml is to- i.,.. o n iitL' belol i pianteil.'' 'I ako a piciv4" ,,l I uni and hiilf iiici.are it and ix lake- nxc .. . i ... i it I lines t he labor tu wolkV. . .. would if well l.reii.ired ill lliu.lled t . ne si. ii i. . Fourth : N man. rich able to keep a nu -all mul poor, is , mean horse, mciiii coxx or mean in else. II takes fis mm h t'i4J- inean fm'ile iis il Uo- to keep a . rtu- It will hikli 1'-'"' "" 1 a iiirui to xvliii :i mean mule ;il-r or him. w hi re:is a ea:l the l.t.V l;se g4 ioi I mule il". A .7 ll iilie.ld valient any xx hipping ;il ;dl. Supposeyoll hiixe sj in. a,, no and si nu n at la n ii x ei age xv a ilow ::ig tlnin. (hung h ill wml Whv three good mules wnh il average men will do I lie s.i me xx . . half tfi.- IM. -Use of la ,. I. I ioi . feed, gearing and loob. A man e pist pay ing double w ages in il. li :i i .,li. lit ion of t lungs its I his. Plow di ep enough, - ay Mr. Wall, t.. make tie- ..o-e earth di ink up I he lain acr. on may pi ne a li.iirei 't lain water and one ol spring i and in ii will bee r v ell xx a;er sun- ox s,oe. i shot I w hlle I In- I :i in water i. me olb lisi , e and be Idled x it h millions ol xx iggle-tii il - : lined milsipiltoes elioilgh lo torment a whole p liinlat ioii. The spun- oi well water "ill not be a Heeled at all. Then lake a giiac sil'lei ami sl ilh the wiggle-!. Ill tiom the 1.1111 water, into the othei. am! I hey xvill da-. In c. nise then- is no m.it. i in if to feed them, it having Uftl left in the earth by lilt l a! ion. The run water is nothing in the xvoil.l bin what the Almi-htx lias prepaid 111 Ins Lbota'.'iy I" leitilie Ihe e.oth. if lliiii a iv XX ise enough to inlilr it and lovx their land deep enough to drink it up. It is stated t-hat T.i i-hiim Young, have tlij; heir ol brought suit in Salt Lake City. Ctah i. resident Taylor ol t he against Mormon church, and his grand stall' of olli eers. charging tlnin with having stoh u oxer .".. . on i from Young's esta'c. 4'iig one I xC'.' 1

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