s. ... T, j IV. Vwmx Advanc I . 7 PetersbW'S Kailroad Farmer E. M. Jfadal ;; Groceries liice & Lee Notice A. G. Brooks iTirrtiif of his "Mind Hit" See J Panuta Wm. Woodard J; Plyiuotth Jiocks G. W. Killettf' rottoB Planters Hinea Halre) (lottos (jetton 9f. ("fangeable weather, Vavne Inferior court next T 11 , . .' 1 . .1 V lauat us mover eecu iui gtd advertisement. " , From all reports a great qua o peanuts will be planted th is y ' aifV tramp presumes to foller Lnd begs the loau of half a dollar, Tell him it's Lent. Frank Hart, forme-1' of n Las opened a jewelr -tore nderson. id. P. Hilliard, deutiil snr- ill locate permanently in n April 15th. Caul will ext week. ha been 1 peoille are interested in this im- The Marriage License lost GO. portant matter, we shall continue . from time to time to urge that- our Our opposition to the present roads be made better, anu 10 oner suggestions for their betterment. Mi. S. M. Thomas, of Laurinbnrg, has written to the Asheville 'Citi 7Pn' ermc.erninff the best way to i improve the county roads in Bun combo.. The suggestion merits. .at- j tentiou and seems to le a good one. j It is to get a charter, form a joint- stock company and during the summer trrade the main roads lead ing into Asheville, making them 10 feet wide and 10 inches higher iu the centre than on the edjes, and when the roads are solid and dry put one barrel of pulverized rosin evenly over 50 yards of tiie road, which would lie 33 barrels per mile ; a car-load would be sufficient for two miles. The cost of the rosin would not exceed 2.23 per weight barrel (280 lbs.), delivered at your depot. An application of rosin would be necessary every ten or fifteen years." Banes' Cross Mis. A Hew Volume. Ex 11 m Jr. eleied el Dowmau jty cooatne Mr. J. !' , terest from Vl...uinP,R8 Wl he nam of U as bought an in I. T. Ric.'. The continued under ce & Lee. iff Suakeuburg es- Deputy ?henier to the lieiiiteii- corteu. onong, The work of j tiary thiseckr,!; yjoves on. tarnal rovemc Mr u , We ajdenstaudtwl h i in m T,5. Wilfe WhU-ceiivi:.. , 'J court JU:i'V I a Shrill meside,ed. "Xcc'B wiU be allf elmquents t11'J.MI VV..P. pfai 1 Our neighbor, the "Mirror," has Weredon its third volume. Under . . . i-i ..1 jiie able management 01 uromer ,:lonnt it has taken a place among Hie leadinz State lianers, ami -its .Aterauces are quoted far and wide. ul.i 1... - .1 it- lie re.niii ui uiiiiiic un.nuu m ithout a rival. For lofti- entimeiit and purity -and it'Avi.i-ULviiiii ui-t!iiTib All' T n, llll ,M CAlHC.-Vtl'Mlj " ......... ....... Yy ViM' Man-.ifff'r .-.md .1. 31 - 'inf..', : . i.i n... o-,.,.f. jir.. ill i.H i-iiiii .iiriiT it. i ill. Marslial for Trli.-l "'oi. ;. ,,rl,nf..lnrs Mimsev. luhe rea sta?lt,s(.Wlt . i.Southorii preachers inin- in tin; position the 'Mirr!J!;,si attained and liope 'it " ...V' 'lei tiug ihe best, no l!.-,t. ; it if.s pr ugliest piuiMses of mini. i - ,. iv vears to 'tiine, -Hjd . . event editor niav iot5 u lien it sialics its one i. -.1.,.. llUU'II t'll - - filicide of an Old Citizen ' Detween four and lie o'clonk .'Imisdny evening of last week Mr. I tlilliard Thom:is, ;tii old anil well known cilizen of Wilson county, committed suicide by shooting: -himself tiirongh the hear:; with a gun. 2io one was in the house at the time the shooting occuried, but liis son, who was in the kitchen, ran in to I lie house iu time to see his father die. After his son reached him he never spoke alt dough he was not quite dead. Mr. Thomas had shown symptoms of insanity of late years and there is hardlv any doubt but that he shot himself' while insane. He had all his life been an honest, hardworking far mer ami had accumulated consid iimIiIi' nrooerlv. He v:iS ! v.. 3 near tnis week. He not serious i ved t r A w Toisnot has yard and son anu win .ifs place. (Had hint It IK i puiliJiirtor- ttxlnros ne shflrtly mov to welcome Vol. I1.B.-Short subscribes to aud pays 'or 32 newspapers. If we had no of her eyiilwiie this would .,1 satisfy s that he would make a, ood Ljfeufenant (ioveruor. . Tlt.itettv il given by th.' ladies of llnY Presbyteriiu c'niif.h at Bur-, gaw A'hursilay i.iglit of last week wasa great success. Ninety dol lar wag the amonnt realized. jTh.6 Toisuot "Sunny Homo" says that Mr, S.J. Carter,- who joined the"IIamliii Wizard Oil Company" some time ago, has returned Imnip, and says' he wont take any more Wizard Oil in his. t Th iieopUnpf Wilson county v ill meet iu the Court Hons Saturday, April 12th, to take steps to secure Deab Advance. We have a ten month's school with, to this date, an average attendance of 40 pupils, which is conducted with the best discipline by our worthy teacher, Mr. E. P.. Phillips, for merly of Northampton countyyX. C. There are quite a number of young ladies and young men who- are boarding here to attend school. We also have an interesting debating society , which meets one night in each week to discuss topics bene ficial to our section. Again, we have a singing school, which meets at night, and is largely attended. It is conducted by Trot, i Gray. And don't you forget the "doVa me" has no respect tor our slumbers. We hope soon to have the noted phrenologist. Dr. Barker, in our midst, who, we are informed, is now interesting your good people with his humorous and interesting lec tures. Our farmers are somewhat back ward in their work, owing to bad weather, but they are not dis courar u. They are generally. five from f jcumbrances, and nearly all of theiii,seein to have their year's supply of cash m hand, to prevent incumbrances in the future. There is an etlbrtj being made to establish a post office at this place, which be assured is much needed, sis we are four or live miles from our nearest office, and it is very in convenient to get our mails. AVe are glad to hear the' Al) VAXCK spoken of in siicii liiffli terms of praise and trust its eircu latioii may rapidly enlarge, -and we are. confident it. would iu our sec tion, did wo have more convenient mail facilities.. v'. We are having much sickness, mostly pneumonia and mumps. ' : ALPHA. PENCILLINGS AND SCISSORINGS. ! The prohibition sentiment isi Landreth's Extra Early P?as at ; making remarkable headway in the j llowland's. i ruiiu oeciious oi lieoreia. Liast sixty U'irw oin .Ifl l leaves and four children, all grown. out wife "The Most Perfect Specimen." ' Mr. Carter Pope, of liaitleboro, sent a specimen of his cottou to New York and W. H. Hrodiu & Co., examined it aud pronounced it worth from two to three cents more per pound than the best grades, so Mr. Pope writes us. He' also sent a specimen to tne Jjepart.nient ot Agriculture" at lialeigh and Com uiissioiier McGehee wrote him as follows : "The Governor examined the spiiimen of cotton sent by you with much ii.terest aud high giati cation. We of the Department au; nf ujteJaa'tt'i acknowledge that It is the most ieiiect "speciinen we : have ever seen. It is a source of great pride to witness what our energet ic and progressive citizens like yourself are doing for our State. The cotton will lie placed .in the Museum, under glass, to preserve if int.irt, and - labelled," witln your name " - rKjepri'sentat ion, 5 1 . .1. . Hi . piotinct and resource at iiie oiaie iixiDsitiou. f . Let evr; lK)dy go. We are reqiiestcd to state that the cyclone sufferers of Nash desire to return thanks to Iiev. .I.tW. Sledge, of Wke, for the interest manifested for their wcllV.re. lie raised $-5 3D, liesides niuc'i eloth iug and bedding. :. The newspaper busing w U-i. a M YorkeP TMnlS Of OVeiltOII" in liirir nut; be a crash somewhere before a . great while. The "FAitosition", is ! the name of a new one-to le- pul- lished by Mr. I'. O. Knnis, weekly , until Octoiter 1st, and daily during ! the-Kxpotitioii.- Mr. Wm. Woodard -Jr., of this county raised last year, over three , hundred bushels of peanuts on six acres. He says that nearly every- .... esl high marriage license law seems to have commanded the attention of our brother editors, many of whom have signified their willingness to co-operate with us. in having the entire tax abolished or reduced. However some small-souled fellows have charged that-we favor the ab olition y this' tax because we desire to get married aud can't afford to pay the necessary amount.- In re pelling this unjust charge we need but to say that our clever llegister of Deeds, on his own motion, has offered to give us "a pair of licens es" wheuever we need them. We hope, uow, that the charge that we are working in the interest of self, will no more be heard. Iu this matter we are prompted by a feeling of patriotism, of philanthropy, of obedience to the laws' of God which commends the estate of matrimony and says "it is not good for man to be alone." To show our readers what the editors think about our plan we append a few of the Opinions of thePress. "The jolly young bachelor, who edits the Wilson Advance, wants .the tax on marriage license repeal ed. The tax as it now stands forces editors to remove from the State or sew on their buttons, and we are opposed to both. Kerners ville "News." Edited by a hand some young man who is very anx ious to find a wife. . "The Wilson ADVANCE, edited by a young, unmarried editor,! ad vocates the abolition of the mar riage license tax. In fact, the abo lition of the. marriage license tax is about tuc only issue that the Av VAnce is trying to make or thinks there is now. Josephus really needs some one one' to help him with his great big paper." Ala mance "Gleaner." - Edited by a young man w ho has been jilted so often that he never expects to need "a pair of licenses." "Our young frientl, Josephus Daniels, of the Wilson Advance, having neglected the golden oppor tunities for matrimony that have been strewn all along his editorial pathway like flowers in the way of the conquering hero, uow rises up to curry the legislature for increasing the tax on marriage liceu.se. We are sorry for our friend, and are willing to make a practical demon stration of our sympathy by con tributing our - mite toward de flay ing the expense of procuring the necessary I "tv i r soon l Ileum's iiiv TTurtoii "Di!Tatch." Edited by young man wh" ha.s recently been made the father of a beautiful gul baby. Save your money young man! You'll need it to buy pare goric. The Wilson Advance wants free marriage licenses niade an issue iu the next campaign. The editor of that paper is developing so much gallantry that he will yet be married in spire ot niinscii. v asuiugtou ''Gazette."' Edited by a young man who is not Small at prophesying. We've had two proposals this year already, and leally think if we had a third we'd "lie married in spite of ourselves." "At the next election we will vote for no man who wants a three dol lars tax on marriage lici uses. If taxi s continue to increase we will soon have a dollar ,' ax on babies." Shelby "Aurora." ' The tax on marriages was raised bv the last Legislature from 3.00 to j n the beahoartl road, was pamlully, The tax must go ! though not seriously hurt by falling The. Raleiirh "Chronicle" savs. in i from, the train in Wcldon Saturday. : referring to the reduction or aboli-i Engineer W. T. Cox was killed t ion of the tax on marriages, says. : nc.lr Marion last Saturday bv the week Whitfield and Gobbs counties voted in favor of prohibition by more than two to one. It was also noticeable that in both coun ties the colored voters went almost unanimously for prohibition. Tbe Atlanta "Coustituiton" says that within a year it is doubtful if liquor will be sold in Georgia outside of Chatham, Kibb, Itichmond Fulton, Muscogee and Clarke. The Kins'ton "Free Press" says. As we glance over an exchange the head "Capturing Cash'', caught our eyes and we looked with eager expectancy. If there is any thing in this world that a country editor wants to do it is capture cash and we thought that at last we were to learn exactly how to accomplish that difficult task. As we read further down we saw it referred to the capture of the murderer Cash and our themometer went down to below zero. DIED. At. his residence six miles East of Wilson, Thursday night, 'March 14th. Mr. John Flora, aged fifty years. He died within two hours Gmger Ale on draught, at 5 cents a glass, at ITargraves. Try ir. ltonntree, Darnes & Co have just received a fine line of cash meres, black and colored, Surges, corduretts, diaua cloths, Langtry twills, Flannel Suitings, black and colors, basket flannels,' cloak cloths, I.N.C. Wanted. The name and 1. O. address of every lady or gentleman who is troubled with any of the following diseases : nasal or La ryngeal catarrh, throat, or bron chial affectious, dropsical, or kidney troubles, chills or malarial fevers, dyspepsia, or Gastric catarrh, scrofula, or eczemic affections, pe riodk'. or nervous headachs, uterine or bladder troubles. Auy person troubled with any of the above complaints, can learn something to their advantage by addressing a postal card with a brief statement to Landrum & Litchfield, Abing don, Va. Tiif. Seven S things Iron Alum Mass, a potent and infallible reme dy for Uterine troubles, female j com plainly, in-rvousness, indige HALF OUT OF HIS HEAD. I Blessed be the man who invented sleep, . i said Don Quixote's weary squire, "who in vent- ; ed sleep." Saneho's Kratitudo la ours, but j what if one cannot for any reason enjoy that excellent invention? "Nervousness in mo had ! become a disease. writes Mr. Wm. Coleiuan, , the well known wholesale druggist of Buffalo, f New York. ,t. "I could not sleep, and my niirhts were either passed in that sort of rostlesnes which nearly erases a man. or in a kind of stupor, hannted by tormenting-dreama. Havlmr taken Parkr"s Tonic TOT OChr tmuhk I tril it Ales, fnf thto The result both surprised and delighted me. My nerves were toned to eoneert pitch, and. like Ctpsar's fat men. I fell iuto the ranks of those who sleep o' nitrhts. 1 should add that the Tonic speedily did away with the condition of general debility and dyspepsia occasioned by my previous sleeplessness, and (rave me strength and perfect digestion. In brief, the use of the Tonic thoroughly re-establishe.1 my health. I have used Parker's Tonic with entire success for sea-sickness and for the bowel dis orders incident to ocean vovaircs." This preparation has heretofore been known as Parker's GinBer Tonic. Hereafter it will be advertised and sold under the name of Parker"s ionic omitinjf the word "(rtnirer. Htscox action of unprincipled dealers who have for I ueceivea ineir customers Dysutwtltutintf inferior preparations unler the name of giti gor. We drop the misleading word all the more willingly, as (rinirer is an unimportant uevunug latrreaieni in our t onic. Please remember that no chanfre has been, or will be, made in the preparation itself, and all bottle remaining 'In the hands of dealeas, wrapped under the name of Parker's Tonic, contain the genuine modjeine if the faivsimile sifrnatureof Hiscox & Co, is at the bottitm of the outside wrapper. mar-'l 1m iaimt & mwM "'umbo! Tarlioro iias n .Jewish ynagogiic. The ivinston "Tiine's" edited l a colored 'man, is out. III-. S. S. Satchwell is tpjite sit k. We hope for his .recovery. Charlotte has a female doctor in the person o I .Miss Anna L. "Alex ander. The flouring mills of. Tale & Trolhiiger, Mehanesx ille, . have taued. l'eanuts Saturday bushel. sifter he iv;i tuton llo u.n-fli ...ituii, uxsoepsia, iteaitacnes. e.auis wife and seven children. j and fevers, sore throat, scrofula. ! eczema, and all skin diseases. Any Friday night, at the residence of j one suffering or afflicted wit h anv her father, Ua if v I Dunn, six miles I f thee ailments, may rely with Kasi ol ilson, Miss 1'olly Dunn. : eerlaim y ujion receiving direct and age.il -o j ears, oi pneumonia- tslu ! uiii.i.siak.l.Ie h. nefils f. ;vn t iu wasjusi. imiuiiiig ;nio wonianiiooo proper u e of the 'Mass.'. Aud anil .was much l vel l.y those who t :ly lady, not able to l.uy the Mas Knew hi r. j ami she will furnish a rearnlar phv March (idi, at her residence near i'oisnot, in t he 4t h year of Iter age, Mrs. Klizaueth Lanolky wile of Mr. V. II. Langley. Uev. J. H. Cordon, in the Sunny Home"' says. "She joined the . M.H. Church when only 17 years old and re mained an exemplary christian un til last Thursday night jwh-Mi she was f ransfeiTed into a glorified saint yn High. Siie wa a sufferer for several years prior to her death, ,et nojone remaining long in her sick loiiin could fail to- see how sublimely beautiful was the grain1! of patien 'and christian fortitude, exemplified' through these long weary years." Our community was saddened Wednesday night by the sad death of Mrs. ESTHKE Selu'y, wife of Mr. John Selby, '-which sad event oc curred at 10:30 p. m.,xof pneumonia. Si'CT T r tti w' I v l i iiTom lloP tijuh i j otitn im'' uioi.1 i sician s certificate, to thai effet t, we will mad her a v.aekage'at our own expense. Ue Mire you get Seven Springs Mass.v . Laiidrum Litch field, Abingdon, Va The Seven Fprin-js Mass. More soiiglit-after than eer before. 1 he -people a;e ,'u-t li -gii.iung iw learn w! at a valuable reim-tlv n is. Dr.. llieh.inl Lemiip..!i."if Lyncri burg, Va., says : "For f hro tt lis easos and chrotde N;'s:il C."ar!i tjtkeii systematically and jis a loca appl cat ion, in coniieetion wiihot u er local remedies, he finds t'n Iron Al'iin M.iss of exi rente viilne." Wiio would nut give one doll;, i, or ev:-'!: -'. !. if iteee.--s.u, lo bo eured ..1'i.v.i. ..! t ...a. " i ... ,. ...i. : i. j .'I .l.l.-ol ijllUlli II. ll'IW B.H llvllllat true, that nature wisely 'provides a remedy lor every ill; Imt forces "none to use it against their will. Moral lleidsville has voted ?fn paving its streets. Why not Wilson do the same? - Tiie Louisburg "Times" the piospeef for a railroad tliat place to Henderson is not n:0 for could thinks from rood. Uishop Kavatiaugli, of the 31. . church. South, died at Columbus Miss., Wednesday. A great and good man has fallen. The State P.oard of 'Education will meet April loth,-, when ihe lo cations of tne white normal schools will be fixed for 1884. The Democrats of Ohio are bend ing every energy to secure to Senator elect Payne the Democratic nomination for President.'. Capt. W.F. Drummond conductor Graded Scbool. Our friend,-31r. E.P.Doyle, who : visited the Graded School last Fri I day desires to express his thanks j to flie officers of the school for tlTerr i coutt eons attention. ' ' ' I Be savs that although he has I visifed nimy schools both North and. South, some of whicbare noted the political issue." " i In publishing tbe following the ! ! Louisburg "Timesf says, "An argn- Our nient for Bro. Daniels, of tbe Ad- ! j Vance, to the next Legislature.' There is a Dm Detore tne Mary land Legislature reducing the mar riage license fee from 4.50, which it is lit present, to ,"i0 cents, but it seems to hang tire. The advocates !of reduction say. the present high : fee drives many couples across the border into .other .States 'to have the. knot tied where the terms are 1 :it ilwf.itntirma ff flinty lr'rwl li.. ,t.-i ! c,. r 1.1 Ins section will nlant i i a L , ... t eryowoj .... s,-. ,..., ; ,u.t.lllv iaere8ted imposed j.- We are anxious to know the views peaiitua '".' .T '7 f with our Vilson school. It is true I of Jim llobinsou, Thad. Manninsr, Ed. Oldham and our other editorial brethren on this tion. moment nous ques- 1 he peanut u.i it .1 ll v l tin l.:lfi fl. I'm inn l in l n ..i.i - wiHbe8,H)i, declared King. Equipped Mid with more of the Mr. May Cone, near Stanhope, j modern aid? to learning, yet he has Nash county, jumped in his well ' never seen ono more, orderly, pos- last week and tried to drown him- j sessing betfcr discipline or under i self. However he was rescued and more perfet control. Especially ; is still in the land ot the living: He j noteworthy was, the interest dis- -The farmers in this, 'section are 18 a man ot good property and no played ty tie scholars. He isaw in ( beeoming very much discouraged Stantonsbnrg. , pro! ed,fc sir fe V Si ir a . i one Knows way tie snouid nave de sired jto take his own life. Oof Relief Committee, appointed to atd.tlioso who were made desti tute by the cyclone, acknowledge the receipt of fifty dollars from M.vr Dodd, of Raleigh, contribu ted ty Hon. W. IS. Cox for cyclone jroflfrers in his district. This gen- s contribution was much need- Mid will be properly distribted. oudon Wise, col., was killed in h county, lhuley's township, a weeks ago by Peter and Willie millers. The coroner's iuouest Sfied. a verdict that the deceas cauietohis death bv his neck ing broken, it is supposed. 'bv eter and Willie Saunders. The unlered inau was deal d runt nd the others were not soler. A proper verdict would have Iteen ?killed by whiskey." Tom Last Ilgbt. This wonderful p icry jraVe an entertainment at the 0?era House last night. A large crowd was in attendance and the entire audience erinced much pleasure. There were f df one htndrcd parties from w ii J',, f r ii and the town was out in full force. l"Telegrapli"Wants. - 1 heated ctarcbbv it. :0M M ' to SSI1 h!rg comfortable .,- Darns, stables and outhouses In J2 ' e d -veil paid, thor- Good Public Roads. The ahsolntu - rniula I "l'"ii.tuce oi cpou ; hiJa Patent U eryone h v occasion to travel. We blve infttrjhe condition of our duI)1:c uis enure rur-nu scarcely a listless pupil, all seeued anxious and wil ling to learn. In response to ques tions from "th teachers almost ev ery hand wtvld be raised. in the class. Iu his option 'the methods of work used ani the entire manage ment of the stiool are most admi rable. ' He is jkud in his praise of Principal Brton and the entire corps of fceaelrs. A compliment coming from rte who has had so many opportunities of jndgiug is one we apprelate very highly. "Praise from Sr Hubert is r praise indeed." People and heir Movements. Mr. Geo. W Jacksonville, week's visit to" his" isiting Mrs. B An'nie Young in Warreuton. nott, of Battle li Lee Parker in consequence of the heavy rains. Dr. F. M. Move, of the firm of Ward & Moye, left for the North ern cities on Monday last. Mr. -IS. S. Harris is visiting rela tives in Pitt. David L. Ward Esq., a promising young- lawyer of Marshall, is visit ing his father, Dr. D. G. W.-Ward. Mr. Lewis N. Slielton formerly of this place, now of Washington, is visiting relatives in this section. Col. George W. Daniel, of Greene, passed through this place on Thursday of last week on a busi ness trip to your town. -E, Stanhope. I '.vjs at- the time ol M..t.ii..r. hmh, ml... ears, three I ino f.nrnsi- it. cim .-.- ' iiat. i! ) "ISIS soldA ..... .'".'-. . I Mr: jiu v uminsrcon last .r t" m iiicrii t2 !K i k.i niir i ' m-.i r i k iii-;ii,ii l. ui. i i . i niMi m. . . months antl 2) davs old. wn l in Ij:i.i .. .... . . v.i,!- .ijp's of- 1' ayettev nle have was a daughrer of Uiciiaul. II. and nl TTil. '' 'l" est7Mmrei a home lor the pmr I Surah lUouiit,-. She was inamet! on rdjarran'e Srl'' i Warren now of I Hbitok ADVANCE. The citizens Ea.. is on a two 1 ol otannope are maismg great- inf old home. I provemeuts around our littietown. 11. mautlev Miss Addie Baiies, of Fremont, is F. Briggs. -Mis? U visiting relatives Miss Lucy Mar ro, is visitiug Miss ie is a welcome vis- itoriu Wilsoni- i.ue town was full of strangerk last night, drawn hither to hear.llHi celebrated Blind Tom. Prof) 1 J. li. Tomlinson spent a few da-js in town last week on his return flom the North, lie left Sunday fon fVinston. rieas- ed to hare a ill from Mr. C. L. Mi.rnhreV. Of SlldW J1UI, tlUS V CCK. Mr. Aiexauder Nicoll, of Kinston, Soliciting Agent of the N. C. Line, h-..q in town Tuesday- ue was much pleased with Wilson, ami savs he has not seen a more beau tiful town. Miss Nora King has returned home ti-oiii Snow Hill and Kinstou, wnere sue too me iiiiuei ml character in the play of "Lu cille v She made a fine reinitation on the stage- and we are clad to know that it is probable the Dra matic Company .will give an eutt r tainment in Wilson Shortly. Mr.S. M.Warren leftfonday for the nort h- ern markets t ouy opi iug gooos. -Mr. L. Ed irde has gone North to buy his Sp .is stock. -II. F. Murray, Esq. is attending Pitt Court. His w l is also ou a visit to Greenville.- Mrs. J. L. Home, Jr. is visiting Ir mother, 3Irs.l?ar ker. Missceiiaii ueii, oi vei- don, is on a jit to Mrs. "vrJAV. ..II I.UO iu ija.nv.ii.. j Messrs. G. B. & S have erected a very nice mill ir. which they are prepared to grind corn and wheat. They also have a splendid saw mill attached. Han dv Brantley Esq., has made quite ! an improvement to his dwelling. I am more than glad to see the youngsters of our town placing themselves in such high positions of life. W J, Strickland, sou of V. M. J. Strickland Esq., is at Lou isville, Ky., attending the Medical College of Louisville, and C. H. Brantley, son of Handy Brantley Esq., is at present reading nnder Dr. M. C. Chambler, of Eosenburg, and will enter the college of Sur geons and Physicians September next. Great luck to the young fel lows! The farmers are backward. There has Iveeii so much rain they could not work. The citizens of 2ash are ready to pa- their part for t he railroad "from llocky Mount to Ealeigh. Hope they may have it to do next Fall. It has been so cold I fear there will be a failure in the fruit crop. If so there will be no old Nash brandy. There will be an academy built at Stanhope during Hie Summer. A good opportunity for a good schoolmaster. The money is al ready made up to build it. : There is only one objection to the farmers. they don't read enough newspapers Subscribe for train falling down an embankment, lie was a native ; of Lenoir county. Dr. W. 11. lloweiioii, late pro..' prietor.of the Swannuioa Hotel. AsheviUe, is reported '-as' assigned to II. U. .Uawlson account of rent due. , The Biblical ' "Recorder" says that a colored brother, in speaking of speaking of the late cyclone, said it was "the stormiest torm that he ever'd'd see storm.' It, is said that Kate Field," the Northern writer upon .'. fashions and other topics, is to marry George ( . Camion, the head ol' the Mor mon concern. S!ie will be number live. - J. T. Morehead, of Greensboro, is the latest mention of "guberna torial timber. Trot out your nags and let us all examine them. Wei are yet uncommitted; wirh tenden cies Gilinerward,-says the "Econo mist. - It Wems that they are about to pass 4 bill in Massachusetts to set up a whipping post for the special use of wife-beaters. The good women, who are thus to be avenged, should be permitted to lay on the lash. - j The Home Denioerat" says that while. the school money in Charlotte is divided equally between the whit and colored children, accor ding to population, the white people pay 8100 of it where the colored pay 1. Boston 1'Post-" Rutherford, N. C, has a man 0 feet 10 inches, tall. He is said to be the tallest man in the State. . lie has fought over fif ty different men for asking him: "Is it cold up there?'-' and he didn't begin until he got sick of the questiou. An avalanche shot down on a Colorado town and buried it and seventeen people. The accounts from that country are terrible, the snow being eight feet deep on a level over a considerable extent and many blockaded towns suffer ing for fuel and supplies. The literary executors of the Vir ginia humorist, the late Dr. George H . Bagby, will publish a volume of :.0 or 400 octavo pages of selections from his writings. He wrote many excellent things and a volume made up of his best " productions would le decidedly enabie Thoastonia "Gazette" says the the " ot lu- Hoffman, colored, of, Gaston county, had gone to bed onp u:ght recently u her usual health, but a neighbor's child leing sick, she was called for, and not answering, lief husband, supposing that phe was sleeping soundly, made a considerable effort to arouse her, and discovered that she was cold hearing the lOth of May iS7 Mo Mr. .John i Seiby, and died. March l.Uh, 1SS-1. Those dates tell the principal event s of her life. Biit they do not tell of her womanlv sympathy, her wifely devotion, her motherly tc.ndei ness, her w ai in friendship, her neighbor ly kindness, her christian faith and charity. She was iudeed a help meet to her husband, and devotion to her children, of whom she leaves fou., tiie youngest but two months old. She was, conscious to the last and said that her greatest regret at thing was leaving her children without a mother's watchful tender ness aud protection. To the be leaved husband and motherless children the hearts of all our peo ple go out in warmest.' sympathy in this sad hour. .; The. funeral was held at the house yesterday evening at 1 o'clock. Many friends attended to pay their last tribute of respect. The ser vices were conducted by Iiev. B. S. Bronson," Hector of the Episcopal church,- of which denomination the deceased had been a consistent member a number of yeafs. A friend, one who had known a''jd loed her, sends us the follow ing touching ver-ses and ays: 'What a hard thing it. is in the presence of such a .Kl, sad. be reaveuieiit as the dealh of poor. Mrs. Seluy to say of the Lord, lie doeth all things well.' If the enclosed lines are lit and 'appropri ate, -you can place tlii-iu in the obituary column of the Aih'anoi'. Tliey are t iie musings '. of inv own biii'deiied. spirit, imperlectly ex pressed,"7 Oh Death! oh cruo'. gtern mysterious Death: Thy jroings-forth no strength nurui l can stay. At thy behest, life yiel Is its fleeting breath And prostrate falls, thy helpless trembling Pi'j'- . - ih Faith! oh foible, strutrimy. Ha: teriiifr Faith iteleased i-i d.iubt. thou lain wouM'sl span the grave Or from some to werinir alritade of earth A view like that from pcacvf.nl Ueulah, have. Oh Hope! oh timorous, anxious, tearful Hope: In fear thou watchest for one eheerinsr ray. Anil in death's darkened corridors dost .grope To catch the frlca:a of Heaven's e'.ernal day. ! Oh T.ovo! oh tender, yearins, Innilaa Love. With vision fixed upon the shimna- shore. Thou asketh of the silent host ab.ivc t Shall severed loved ones meet, to part no medie natni't relieving itseliot an unnatural to sysi em ins ."i!:...' : - i r . - Ionian im i mini..,. -Mi.l r1W." ",'-" ironi fh.. m i,.iii tim : v..,iw..-TTiLLi'e eausf tf disease. AVe have justreceivc . one Thousand Tons of Standard Gnanos. Whamfs Brad!iifs Patupsafs Prestons We guarantee them to be first class. They havestood the test in Wilson, Nash and the adjoining counties for eighteen0 j ears and have proven satisfactory in every respect We have a large quantity of KING'S EVIL Was the name formerly given to Scrofula because of s superstition that tt could be cured by a king's touch. Tbe world b wiser now, and knows that - - SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough purifica tion of the blood. It thia ia neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation. Among its earlier symptomatio development are Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tt mora. Boils, Carbuncles, Errslpelaa, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con tinue. Rheumatism, Scrofuloua Ca tarrh, Kidney and liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and vari ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, an produced by it. Aers Sarsaparilla It the only powerful and alwmt rdiablt blood-purifying medicine. It Is so effect . ual an alterative that It eradicates frofj the svstem Hereditary 8crofnla, ti the kindred poisons of contagious diarsea and mercury. At tbe same Uru tt en riches and TitaUzeo tbe bloci, restoring healthful actioa to the rll orrans and rejuvenating the entire rjtjun. 1 his great Regenerative Cslcind Is composed of the jrnnlne IIondra Sartapariiia, with 1 tiiom Dock, til lingia, the Iodide of Potauium and row, and other insreuknU of great po tency, carefully and sccnUficmlly com pounded. Its formula Is ,nerauy known, to the medical profeasioj, and the best Shysiciana constantly riescribe ATU's ABSAFABIIXA UIB Absolute Cure For all diseases caused by tbe vitiation of the blood. It ia concentrated to the high est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medi cine, In the world. AVer's Sarsaparilla VBXPABZDBY Dr. J. C. AyBP & Co., Lovelf, Mast. Analytical Chemists. Sold Druggists: price fl; sis a.ci:d On hand of the highest grade, and the greatest quantity of Gill and soe us before purchasing, terest to buy from US. We can mako it to your In- 11125 ROUNTREE BARNES & CO.. i WILSON, N. r. 1 .. CHRISTMAS CARDS. ! h ??iSoiiiO Fringed iYw islinns .. :ins. SIX JHtU.AItS VF.lt HUNDRED 'W TIM TRADE OnW K.o !;.. c i ; ui Pianos and Organs, IX. I, HUMl-L lUKiksellersaud r Stations, UMiHain fsr. , p. nfolkVu. )ttonMill s Wilson C l now in (nil oht:( ion ai1! i niiMinfartnrMitf u sntri'r rtiU oi Yarns aid Warps. 4hl rsy.olifii'l. All onlrs should U; iidiliesH'tlto Jamr If. Darin Trea -:o Hi;. i.s:-A. I'rancu, Pres. F. W. l'.ARNES, V Pi-s. J W.J) avis. Tre.-. T aylorElliotpt Watters WHOI.KSaLk DEAI.KRS IN H A R D W A R t CUTLE Y ;jTNrt, &('., (H)IINKH MAIN ST. AN1 MAKKKT SQUARB, 'MOHb'OLK, VlltOINlA. i Man li loth, IfK.S. t .cv IS -Vl " ! ti . . S Analytical Chemists. y,, - 7K 1 Fanners Attention! ! .r,r 4 iuv.r KPe,i ' FINE SW- ' I A LIM1TKU ' QUANTITV KX- . We have just received - large - SSL'- A sf Trl 9 1 'ZsOl'C l'KCTKDTHISAFTKRXOON AT K-Vf 1I'8,,;,;Ma,le hisses "f M j 1 LlllstJ- !L ! A (Iliildren, Men and Hovs Shoes. i . W "" . . CO N A 1) ALN VllUli STORK. Houmtrkk, Ba.rkes & Co. V' V ' I v m r ' - - - . it I . mm anaaa. Bm "... 1 . '.11 Ill 1 :W V -V WILSON, N C. ' "Ve claim t hat the COX Cotton Planter h is no er-'Ml. Try it' and he eonvinceil.- It ows the seed regular, :ill the same. depth, and al'ier i he. are covered n in cnviTur Ivi-j niim.n-il) n,.. iix iv ? ipI.-'.1 mi t t.i . n , prin: l oil.H-. Yon can adiiir-r . t-h - planter to sow from one peck llsllf'is with l)ll'fVl'f 1 i .Ilhll itv V':ll'I".lIif Oil t(l llli:l i nr llllllU'V u ill lie nl'iilided. ' " ' .'.'' i; v 1 lie ! ;) ,1 lire) mar21 tr i . - rsiiiii IIIUK 'Just Ai-rived 1 -:0:- more? ' OLD C1I1NCM A ISLAND DEPOSIT, 12 to 14 per cent. AMMOKIA. IIOITIE ITEMS. ALSO GENUINE in deatl'- Recently C. II. GrLssom, of Granville, sold 438 ikuu1s of tobacco for 313.90. D. II. Beck sold 1,05 pounds for ?G75. These prices nit high, but we have known them to Of very much higher. For instance, A twelve years ago Dennis Tijley . sold 19 tierces . in Richmond, Va, averaging over t (one dollar ifor every ..pound. Tila- one of Granville's great tu rners. ")00 slates, all sizes and styles, at Rowland's. People desiring to rent houses would lind.it to their interest to see Silas Lucas. Xow is the time to give Smith's worm oil. Guano for sale at retail at the guano house by J. A. ("lark, feblo r A: full line school books, pens, ink, paper, : envelopes, ?eiicils and j sionges at Rowland's. ! Onion Sets eveiy kind at liar-! grave's. ! Garden Seeds of every descrip-i tion at Ilargrave's. To insure getting -the new Crop of Extra Early peas, see that you get theiii from the red bags, AV. W. Hargrave has no others. Carpets and mattings at Roun tree. Barnes & Co's- - The celebrated lleiser Shoes at Rountree, liarues & Co's. ihe finest line of soaps in iowii, bought, at rock liottom cadi prices, at Rowland's. You can get a good harness or saddle at Rountree, Barnes & IJOS' Fresh clover creamery butter at Moss, Green & Co's. Nice elothmg at Rountree, l'.arnes & Co. Full sets shoemakers'. tools, e::li' skins, kip and sole leather at Rouutree, Barnes Co's. , Rubber lielting at Rountree, Barnes & Co's. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutler.v, go to Jacobi's Hardware )etot. Wilmington C. . The very best ladies and gents hand-made shoes to be had can lie found at Ronuiree Barnes & Co's. ; Uad ana examine tuem. j TiO would do so cmel, po unnatuyf ral, as to refuse tibuy one bottle Shri'Xr' ' t'i! '. n twT-.V 13 man Kainit Direc. inp.M taiion by -:o TIIE IIODGDOX tK: SPEN i;i: CO.. "No. 1-")1 .S: 150 AVater Street, Norfolk.-Va. f o f he Farmers Over a generation has passed since the Rountr ees began business in Wilson, and they still continue to1 offer to the people ol W li son and the adjoining counties the most complete assortment of goods in the Town at bottom prices. Gome one and all and ex amine for yourselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. HAVING OPENED AX . Am icnlinil M-scliii.tM irpit On Barnes Street, Wilson, rear of .louritree's Store, we invite far mers to call to nee us when in need of ENG!NES (Portable ainl Mounted. Saw Mv. i vnaiM(nrs, Threshrrs, Moss, Green & Co -: DEALERS IN : - (ionerali Merohcxii clise, CORNER NASH AND TARBORO STS., WII-SON, N. ('. Keep constantly on hand a large supply of everything a larmer needs, which thev sell as low as tirst-clas goKls can lie sold anywhere. Such articles as Meat, Corn, Flour, Meal, and Staple Dry-Good can 1 I had from us at living prices.- We do not earn .to M pwl cheap hau anv one else. We merely ask -v " to call and examine oar ocL ud get our, prices ln-fore making . otn purehaw. VfrT Buaranee t apleasc you. . ' - -'. IIORSE POWERS ANDOTHER Agricultural Machinery, From tbe Manufactory ofi A. B. Farqnliar, York, l'a. DYSPEPSIA i i j t r a. i r i T I I f I i 1 1 is one or more oi o J.W.DAVISXP ' ' 'I J VJG 'virtburn, 1 7 " we know that tur ln fief

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