WILSON ADVANCE.! rcni-isHKD, Every Fuiday at ! WfL-SOS N'OttTHI)tBOLI5,i. I BY - j JOSEPHTS DiNIUS, Editor and FwpnVtor -:o:- ycjiwcRii'TioN Kates in Advance The Wilson A WILSON ADVANCE. WA NO 1 -:o: KATKS OF AnVKRTtSINO. One In.-b. One InnTtloo i too 1 00 ... V'lW mi Month - -r-v,,rn rn ' 9c"t by Money OTdcr or ftirst-r..'j -Letter at our nak. o-riC" -Tarboro Street, in the Old Vtmt "LET UL THE E"DS VHOV AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY OOD'8, AMU TRUTH . Thro Month... fix Mwt one t(r - o:Sf Hulldigg. 3 VOLUME 14.-- VILSON. NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER ;12.j. 1884. AWL4L miEin lEURl'AKY 184. No 87 lumber -for I'ai iner's Li itlir to K U Flower 4 00; No 88 repair iiit: Williams" bridge to E II Flow ! .-..tl... Wr I ynminiirlin O- I w .. UIOUIUS IU i " iiuiui inn -J No 183 for 'one month services at i poor house .1 C Pearson 35 75; No . i 1x4 for monthly allowance to Polly ; of: keh- jchandise for county subject to Jnoj 10; W II Eatman jury tieket inf for 1 D Walls 8 56; no 357 fur conveying ! o fall 2 10; Kenetb Howard, jury e.s 43 75; Xol colli i, tor countv: 1' 2 No 18o for board , subject to Jerrv Parker 1 25; No 90 ; 1" toilers in jail to Y P Snake, post mortem examination of- holly 1 0 !G f'r 1 IS county omnns-iouer to w i Mer- w i - nit ui ntr niM According to law of the amount ot e-u account claimed, a to! allow ed by the. Board of Countv C-tuumis- " 1 I.. , !,.. ..ll l i - SlOtiel ii" l" aiiqwtu, oe- , L'itininir 1st Monuay lu December ' Williamson ami mileage f..r same 1.;. and ending 1st Houdav in to n- n it r .V...... on- v ui cer 2 00; n-mb.-r 1884, and the County j monthly allowar.ee for f Vlev Mer- stationary for -county to M K..-.n'i lor Kame pmol, to-xvit . j Cer 1 25: N 02 burial exposes of, Harrave fi K.;. No 18 tor tnerchan Keoister's Offipk, j Lamm Cook. Mrs Dav nl Deams i for .untv to ,1 I. V eaver - Wil.sr.x Corsfy. C ! 10 0o; No . taking tax list for Sar-! ' 1 ,M, No lg ,or 'n!e ,,,r Dkcrmbkr 4th. 18H1-. S 1 atoa township to S II Tv-on 1.'. ; ' P-n.r house to N.arren F,arnes 1I( ,M1,R ' I No 4 arrest of h lon to ( W IVa ! ."'r tw" ;f ,,s Dru.KMBKR i,.o,k.an.r,,th.rs 00: No 0-7 tlirUowa.u tor h Newsom IJyuum .V Vol monrhlj allowance lor two i.;,., ..r ... ,.,r i,..,, t.. I t l)ani-l ' 0i; No V. lm It'.-diri" infant children ot l.eo N liranch to ;!,..,,.;,;, No t; ,-,. j month's i pn-oiiers up t A: 'ow. to .i .i 1 vices :v, l.o-s ioi count v 25 00, H P Kianch 10 00; No 2 monthly w.rvi,.,.s ilt , house .1 V Pearson : Uttefoot 15 25: No-P. I.r .ep.trin-. ( j r iVarson 55 (W: No 27 i,.!l..winre for Polly Pa'e "2 50; 25 oo- V,, 07 for " da lettUi" and 1 r,H"n " ,'",nr house to .1 r -.M.miti; ,akiii coffins' for county to C s', 3. monthly allowance tor Ma rlli,,,. ,,, n v Privctt i "'-V ' lf3 tor witness s pnro; , )ard-n 5 m- y0 Ar;rsT 1884 o JO.t luoiitlily allowance for i:iizalH th Jones 1 25; No J70 mak- I Juo Often to poor hooooto L D I tieket inf c fall 2 10; B O Ptttman iiij; coflin f.r eouuty subject to I Killett 60; no 353 for 2 dar letting : iur tickst inf c fall ft iOr ni Caswell Pitt man 25. ; No 271 tak- and recelviog bridge to W Wil- lock jury ticket lot" c fall 3 10; jGan-in-i tax list m Sprinj; Hill township liamsoa 2 00; no 359 lor repairing i ton Watson jury ticket inf c Ml to Siiuoii I'.arnes t 72; No 272 ffrain cradle, lantern &c, to J I : 15; W S Robbiua jury ticket inf c vv eaver S Oo 2 60; no SCO for mak-J tall 1 55; Oray Bailey jory ticket ins cut 101 merobant retarns for inf c fall 3 75: J X Irk irr t'u-k. uij wjbj oarnes jo xa; no 3t;i for merchandise for poor boose to monthly Hliowauce for Celev Mer- cer l.lind 1 25: No.27". monthly al lowance tr.r ;jo N Kranch's infant children to" .las Karnes 5 00: No i'74 monthly allowance for Polly iJ ij;e 2 50; No 275 tor taking tax lUf for Saratoga Township to S H Tyson 15 80; No 27 Uianl lor i riMniers in j id to V P Suaken- luirg .. 20: No 2 77 out- months hli Hatls t H; No t monthly al- ruue for Jam-s Kridgers 4 80; So 5 mHkinjf coffiu anl burn ing John Whit to (o-o Koyett 7 50 No 0 11 days as county commis sioner and mileage for same to ci.jfc II Tnn ' V 7 in ....II ! Ill m ' - ' . . iv.ii tax refnndel for 1880 to Nathau A Mooift 1 80; No 8 to fourteen daya :is county cotnndsRtoner and uule u2 William Woodard jr 3.5 60; 'Not to one montliR services at jKK)r hone to .7. 0. Pearson 25 00 N'o 10 to thre dayii as crier at 2:00; No H8 for 2 inoiil hs alliwaiice for K Newso'ue to Kymnn A- Daniel 4 20; No !. lor 1 dav purging jury box to A I! liokiii' 2 1'U; No k.k lor one record ot deeds for comity j to Kdwanl-. Uroiighton & Co 7 45; I No lol for burial expenses of Abrani Home to Ksex Home :'. oo; No lo:s for half rutiotis for L Driver lor 12 inorirhs te A Thomp-on j8 00: No lot for one judgment of deeds to snuerior coiirt to f Ijlcas .0 cts No 1!4 for J work at por house to Joe Best 1 .'50; No tsi5 for'mouthly 'allowance for James Kthiidge 4 00; No 'M for monthly allowance for Mahalia Hatts 4 00; No l'.7 for monthly allowance for Treasy Wal sfon 2 0'if No U"" for men liandise for poor house to liranch & Il-id- Iey 81 if..; p.-!1 tor interest paid tor jN, 234 "provisions for Kveline county to John W Farmer 1 - 50; ' some three month to , Bvnnia 11 ward, Jiroughton & Co 7 50; No D lanures spuug & Daniel ! (.0; No 285 for nierchan- 105 for doi-kets. to- Clerk's ;'olli.?e ' in-f'-rior court to A II Deans 14o 7.2: ! ,li8, returns to Edward Bronghton to Kdwai-ds, Kroughioii & C ; 00 o .'in lor service at spring noeri-: i ,:: n0-.28 tor marriage 7y taking tax list libick deek township to II W Privit 17 oo; "o merchandise for poor house to Hines Hally & Co 107 :4; N( 281 repairing bridge across Gofl" swamp to Ward and Mercer '25 00: No 282 mending plows bolts &c for ooor house to Wainwright, & Hoyal 1 05; No 283 poll tax refunded to FI Finch 1 58; infrner 'eiirt II W I'cd 0 00; Noi v ,,.' .....i vw,, a rnr i.-.t o ! or court to A IJ Deans i; 50; No j lie.-nsesto Kd wards Hrouorton & Co 11 to monthly allowance M A ; .j j.; riinm., - d; io7 lor let- I ii,r days .-, cryer interior 2 00; No 287 lor tax took.s for conn- ann n iewsom lor two j tini .; m.,.ivill, iri,i. to I'v nynum uainei j ( 2 fNi: No .os mdse lor pHr ; 12 monthly allowance lor HHl( to limes, lladlcv v; .Co ; learns ioi six mourns . 2-M ; ,. X Wt , . -o mollth al0w ; to tard & Moja 48 00; No I t to I ailures fall term inferior ii-i.v l .i ; l ei kin to Ward & Celey ilercer I 25 State ladnres fall term interior ( muw. i4 tJit. : No , j0 for conveying : Iv allowance for conrt A H Deann 152 5; No 14 lo sills l.:,s,it.M- i.. i I'. HiVli 1 4 (h No 205 for repairing ormgo to x j r.ms l on; ; Ul t((. , ,.ollltv Mlb No l. to brick for poor house to ; , u',,,i i vv (ehiim.,i ot jo. uuu; jo it io ... o io. 1 j." court to II w I'ccle t. w. Jt'NK 1884 No 203 monthly allowam-. for No 204 month Mahalia Hatts three , days as H J Taylor lumber for Itlack creek bridge to! P ,1 Taylor & Co 75 70; No 17 to thie dys an associate justice in ferior conrt I (J W Ward i) 00; No IS to eight day as nonaty cominissioner and mileage for same and letting out and receiving bii.lge A G Brooks 24 40; No 11) to nin' dav purging jury box to J F Katraan 2 00; No 20 to three dVH as associate justice of inferior court Himon Barnes !) 00; No 21 to merchandise for poor house to Branch A Hadley 45 11; No 22 to services inferior court fall term to A B Deans 7 50; No 23 to provis ions for connty puhjects to Wells & Haiiy 48 No 24 to twelve monthi- as clerk of board of coun ty oouitniKkioners to B J Karnes 100 00; No 25 to furnishing coun ty subjects to -John L Kaily 22 I;! No 2t lo provision er and K Newsoni to Bynnm Daniel 28 to mediciae for A W Rowlaud :i icine for poor house grave 3 00: No 30 lor feeding oris oners in jail one month 70 40; No -SHkirtfcre day auditing treasurer rciort Jas E ClarR. 2 00; No 32 for hauling at poor house Silas Lucas 8 75; No 33 for lumber win dow frames &c for ioor house Jas E Wilkius 63 02; No 31 for three days as constable of jjrand jnr.y fall term inferior court to Allison High 6 00; No 35 for one half fees spring term superior court to A J Price 1 30; No 36 for two days as comity commissioncrj two days hauling bridge lumber to W F Murccr 8 00; No 37 for lumber for oftius at poor "house to II G Whitehead 7 68; No 3S foi month ly allowance for Jaiiic.s Ethridge 4 00; N 3! for monthly allowance for TrrMNcy Walston 2 00; No 40 for tax lefnnded to Willie" Deans 2 32; No 41 for tax refunded to J J llah s 5 83. " justice of inferior coiut to Simou Karnes 0 00; No 206 'for three lavs 28 lO;N'o 11". !'r feeding prisoners in jail to J , !i ireloot43 ( 0; No 114 monthly allowance for Treasv Walsto'u 2o0. No 115 monthly al lowance for James Ethndge 4 00; Ni) ll(iio!l tax 'refunded to 15 Karnes 1 07; No 117 monthly' al Iowauee to Mahala K.atts 4 IM; No 118 for 3 days as eoimty com to W F Mercer 6,00; No 11.! building bridge at Toisiiot F W" Karnes 55 26; No 120 for poll tax refunded to Hiu uant Karnes 1 58. MARCH 18S4. No 121 monthly, allowance to Treasy Walston 2 00; No 122 monthly allowance for Mahala Hatts 4 00; Mo 123 monthly allow ance for two months to ('eley M.er cer blind 2 50; No 124 for three mouths allowance for James Bridg ets 8 -16; No 125 for tax refunded ty to Edwards Kroughton X Co 4 00; N'o 288 for merchandise for county to Warren & Karnes 2 43; No 2.V.1 for making coffin for conn tv subect to Kenj Thompson 2 50; no 28'J for digging of grave- to Jas E Farmer 1 5; no 201 for merchan dise lor poor house Bountree Karnes Co 12 14; no 292 for part as justice ot Inferior court to D G j payment for services at. -poor bouse W Ward 'J 00; No 2o7 monthly KW King 25 00: no 2-J3 for cof fin tor child to Charles Dardcn 1 00: no 2!4 for live days as couirtv (roinisj. .services on jail to W F Mer-J cer 15 y0: no 2,o lor mm pair eboee for Kiggs Moore io T J Gardner 2 no; no 2yf for monthly allowance for Jas Et bridge 4 ot. no 297 for monthly allowance for Mahalia Ka ts 4 00; no 2;i for monthly allowance for Vicy New-some 2 50, no 20.) for monthly allowance for Treasy Walston 2 00. . SEPTEMBER 1884. No 300 for repairing bridge over Town ('reek Jas H Barkley 8 50; ! allowance lor iieasy walston 2 ou; No 308 -for one mouths services at poor house to J C Pearson 30 00; No 20:i for cash paid for coffin and digging grave toJ ( Pearson 2 20: No 210 for repariug bridge to Wil liam Hinnant 1 00; No 211 for five (Jays as county commissioner and mileage to S U Tyson 16 00; No 212 for board of prisoners in jail to W,P Suakeubur 46 45: No 213 for .welve days hm 'county commis sioner ami mileage to William Woodard Jr 32 70; No 214 for. three days as county commissioner and one dav auditing treasurers report to W F (1 Rmnk- il0: NTo -1T for fiv4. 1 D.M"1 3 1SJ 303 for monthly Hinew, Hadley & Co 123 83 no 362 for 2 days as connty com mis. let ting and receiving Bridge and half fees in State failure to W F Mer cer 7 25; no 363 for 5td feet 1 amber et inf c fall 1 10; J O Rape- jury ticket ml c fall 1 10: Amow Owens Jr jury ticket inf c fall 1 00; Larry Lucas jury ticket uil c fall 1 10. C M Wi a stead jury tieket sup c tall 76i 5 10, H A Howard jury ticket snpclall 1 70,. W H Jobnsoti jury for bridge to Jas J Hales 7 45; no ticket sup e fall 1 10. E T Lucas 304 for monthly allowance for Ma jury ticket sup c fall 1 10, B T Ln- hala KatU 4 001 no $63 for monthly c&s jury ticket sup c tall 1 10, J II allowance tor Geo Branch's infant child to James Baroetj 5 00; no 3G0 for monthly allowance for James Ethridse 4 OO; bo 367 for bnilding embankment at Bloomer v bridge to W W Lamm 24 05. November 1884. No 368 monthly allowance for two mouths Treasy Walston 4 00, no 369 monthly allowance for Cely Mercer 1 25, no 370 monthly al lowance for G N Branch's infant Moseley jury tieket sap e lali 1 10, Daniel Vick jory ticket sup c Call 1 ,o, John A Morris jury ticket sap o fall 3 10, Kdwia Lamm jury ticket sup c tall 1 10, paid J VV Laucaster lor services as Presiding JB Sutton jury tieket sup- c fall 2 60. Thos Woodard jury ticket sup c fall 1 53, W J Pet way jury ticket sup c tall 1 35, Tho Jones ji-ry ticket sap c fall 1 3a, Perry Taylor jury tieket trap c fall 1 35, F 1 Finch jury ticket iup-c fall 2 60, L F Lu cas Jary' ticket up c fall 1 35, WIN lie Barnes jury ticket snpe fall 2 60, A P Simpson jury ticket sup o fall 1 35, G M Smith jury ticket sup .? fall 1 33, B B'Cox'jurv ticket sop c fatl 1 3 John T Moore jurv tick et sup c rail 1 So, W P Ferry rv ticket p c fall 1 35, W L Oreen jury . ticket sup c tall 1 35 Ben i Itarnes jury ticket sup c fall I 35, J J Batte pary tieket up c fall 2 60. Cal via Atkioaon j ury tieket .op j tall l 6iirltaba Womtard jory tick et Nip e lall l 35, Isajw Woodard jury tieket sup e fall l 35, S M Wsttea Jrjory tieket sop e fall 3 85, KS Ktnsmore jury ticket snp -NUMBER 15 BILL ARP'S TALK. -:o:- GOOD ADVICE FOR BLAINK AND HIS FOLLOWERS. SOME SAGE REFLECTIONS Aud be gnaweth a file. Well, it is right hanl vXttelS I know, but sometimes it helps a man to ex- ploile, Dd thrash nround under great dtsapwlntments. .It sets the pent up bUe to wbrklOgv and when he gets rid of It he feel better. Mr. Klnine teeU better .bow 1 reckon. Maybe tbat- Aogvsta seech saved bis lite, ur 1 heard lolks say that he was a very sea sitive man and if he got beaten child to James Barnes 5 00, uo 370 ! - Spring '64 2 10; Calvin Bone for tea. days as countr eommi-iJnriticket haP- c- sVrin 5 40 siouer and mileace and te-risterin? ! JT Latte J y tl( - SUP c springs 40, names and Wm Woodard copying and registering ileage and registering i K5.w "(": SUP c Pgit 40. cauvassing votes to . N B Winstesd jnry ticket Sep 0 rj Jr36 73. no 371 for ! "P"n 3 70 J K N Oorham Jury registering names and j flcetSUL C spring 5 10, J L Lamm Murcci soo No' No 301 "lor allowance for Mimci 8 00, .ISO. Mahal Batts 4 OOt-No 302 for tax days as county !.,,-. .... .. T i7ii4iioe-( "i-i lutiio iu o itmea Daniel 3 18; No 303 for monthly allowance for James Ethridge 4 00; lor M A Brew- ;'"" ! mileage to J F Eatman 15 00: Noi mommy allowance ror lor one month u,Vl w ro. couy.iage , " . ' . , Ceyley Metcer l 35; No oOi ,lor re- & Co 4 20; No ?',l .V.,r" .VM?l .' ! and three suittoons to J L Weaver Uil1"V.r,V"ae ?k-to poor honso toJ ,'eil!""! . 'n"t 10.-5 M en - v1 01 r, fil- 'An.4 .i.,,.! "mi riuinan 4u uo; 9Ut ' tor 15; No 2M to mod- am ir" Zul i, Z tZt r r Z T . i !?' ver Beaver Dam U to W W liar- B sn,er s re, o ami one cay ; - - sV h - : w ml I aylor v2 OH; IVo forone . 1 as county coin, co- w r Jicrcer wo: ; r ' .. - -, , r 1 month s services at No 130 for focdinff or.soneis 111 laal ... nuesses iu, jau ami iuguig to J J Barefoot. 70 70; No 131 'for i wH.s:to JasL Fanner Sl.ei ill 17- linrinl evn..i.ww of .loloi I ,,, rr. ll? No 221 tor SCI VICOS US sheriff II W. Privett 3 03; No 132 for bed- ; t.oj!U"M h Far,"r is No ding and clothing for jail to J ,E ; tor extra -services tor l;-l l Farmer shfV 26 70; No 133 montLly to, ;'T:.unes ' "' s ? -N ..li-.r ....... r.,.- i,,,.w rti.-i-i. i oo. ; 323 lor work on" court house and No l'!4 for ono month's - services at! wells to Jno T Mailing 6 00; No poor house J (' Pearson 25 0o- No i ZL1 " Kirmng uiree wens, work 135 for eight days .as county com. I "P 'Ji V'' tQ L U and u.iieago to 's H Tyson ' 25 .60. i 2-';'. ''r mdicme lor poor house Vn i?.r. f.,r 7 .b.vs .s eoiintv eom' T A W Bowl iml 6 75: - No 226 for and milea-e to'.T FKatman" 21 (K)i i Provisions lor county subjects to No 13 lor making out H3 m rcmiiit letting out and receiving bridge to 8 11 Tyson 12 67, no 372 for twelve days as county commis sioner aud mileage to S n Tyson 38 40, no 373 for three days as connty commissioner and mileage and conveying Alsey Boykin to poor house to J F Eatmon 1000, no 374 for one day examiniug biidge to J F Eatmou 1 00, no 375 for 672 feet lumber for White oak bridge to Cad Moore 9 07, uo 377 Cor work at poor . house to Toney Barnes 84, no 378 for registering names, cauvassing votes and three days as county commissioner to W Mercer 27 69. no 379 for feeding prisoners in jail to WT P Suakenburg 82 40, no 380 for three days as constable'of grand jurv May term 1884 Allison High 6 00, no S81 for repairing Edmoudsous bridge amt. allowed 22 24, amount claimed 31 05, td Morrison Wood-, ard; no 382 for material and work on com t house to R L Wyatt 3 65, no 383 for letting out and reiv: log Edmnndson bridge J H Apple white 1 50, .no 384 for medicine for poor honse to W W Hargrave 4 oo, no 385 for tax refunded for Pitt man & Barnes to Jas E Farmer 4 00, no 386 for one months servi ces at poor house to J C Pearson c fall 3 80, Jas H Hlnes iurr ticket Justice of Iuf. Court Nov. term '83 airntrtall 3 83. RnfBn Lamm bur J M SJt i A d y 1 ' .11. C a. : 1 a. I a. i a . . a a . - M . v n. I . i a a. . . a, a ' . . . aw . tu w, ii r ooaius jury twiter. uciet. sup c iau i oo, ueuj uarnes tie wouia Km aimseiL Xiut toe fall term 'M.1 2 loliobt liar jury jury .ticket sap c fall 1 33, J W (danger ia all dver'TBOW and the ucKet sup c ion term .tj i.io, itobt Cherry jury ticket sup c fall 3 85, crisis is past. Let t have nltv on WL Lucas jury ticket sup c fall him. Let us pass resolutions of 2 W,W L Lucas jury ticset sup c sympathy, for a great man has fall 1 56. Wm Coleman jury ticket fallen thu day in IsreaL WelLne nc laU 2 60, S J Win bourn jnry fell several years ago, but - be ticket pe 2 -60, A P Simpson didn't fall so far nor o stwideaiy, lury ticket- tap e tall 3 85, j n ' and the whole nattoo did not eee Wliitley jnry tieket sop e fall I 35, : him. It was an awful shock this W P Wrtuttead jnry ticket sup c ; time, and be had to say sometJiinf. jury ticket sup c spring d C5, Tor-; fall 1 35, T R Eagles jury ..ticket . lie -had to abuse somebody; lie fiup-tfiail 1 35, J C Rice jury ticket had Beecher and Bnrchard and sup xrfall 3 83, W 1) Wearer jury Nait :uid the ITarpers and tbe ticet sup c fall 2 60, Edwiu Lamm I Times, but he was afraid of them, Jury" ticket sup c fall 1 35, Edwiu s aud so he takes tbe solid south for i Jno 1) Wells :i22: N for returns for January 1884 to KJ; Karnes 14 40; No 13it for merchan- disc for poor house Koimtree, Barnes i; Co u y2;No 13; for at-; torney to board of county coniinis ' .sinners ioCounor i: Woodard 50 00. APR If, 188 t. No 140 for cutting tree from bridge to TJ Thompson 2 -On; No 141 for monthly allowance for Trea sy Walston - 00: N'o 142 lor one merchandise for poot house to Branch &. Hadley 62 66: ; No 228 for lumber lor bridge to Jackson Ellis 1 12; No 220 for difference in mule to Jno Selbv 2 50;-No 230 for lour pair blankets for jail to Wai-ren X- Karnes 8 00; No 23 1 for monthi'- allowance, for James Eth ridge 4 00; No 232 for monthly allo-.va.nce for Polly Page 2 50: No 233 for over charge on taxes for 18K1 to Joseph Kvnilhi 1 !2; No J 4RY 1884. Walston 2 OO;" No. 43 monthly i oV .iTd' ys ! ? S ' F p" allowance James Ethridge 4 00; ; ? ? w'lV So 44 taxrefundcil for over charges . . v . . , - , r ; ' J " v- ' r te Jas K Farmer ShfJ' 30 78; No , n-oau nlg 'rnlU W 1 Sate L cdor"' Z V'T, U meichandiso for ,or house o ; . )H . - - . - t-tt mi .u , , arten A: Barnes 6 70: No 4b meili . .tii,.lU.K 4m. ;Jll(1(41 , nos u'mm " : cine for poor house to A W Row land 9v No 47 coffin for county subject to C H Dardeu 2 50; No -x merchandise lor county subject to Jno D Wells 4 15 No 49 nierchau- ing jtuy, cei riticates for Judge and Solicitor, presentment blanks live. to A B Deans p J5; No 146 for live day s a.s wihstable of grand ju ry Sup court ifo Alison High 10 00; .o 1 1 lor siaiionen ior v.icik s .Iri.v jsst. iiise i.m couniy suujeci to ,u,o y , to .:ln tuls l',IOughton & Co UelU 2 40; No 50 printing county Xo. uu.(ll(.1!Ie tor Matt statemeut N ilson Advanck 10 :m.: Wnilolull,v to ,.: M N.uIa, 7 70. No No 51 tor building bridge across ; M rl. U) , s ; ing - Branch J Newsome 20 08; ; tl.ml j0 , -(): Xo 15() No 52 work on carts A.c lor poor m. nif (U ln im v to Hinitij I nouse io xiacti.ue .v ooii i . y. ii1(j., oo- x,..-im r,o- n... ! ject to D ! for sup : -,mdoe-f0rrbM8; - J' "pli.w furnished countv sub, ? 'Us a4VVNo 4 making coffin j A Yt.lv.,.t 7.5. No 152" on iriiiprj 1 ity iui itiin viii f auit allowed to Jno B Thompson 2 50; No 55 medicine for Henry Young to Peacock '& Anderson 4 00; No5C Buiial,exienses of Mrs IJowe to W W Flowers 4 15; No 57 station arv for Clerks office J. A. Ilarrell 12 65, No 58 .extra services & fuel for jail Jas K Farmer shfl' 208 14, plies furnished' county P Rullin to D A Yelverfon 56; No 153 for medicine for jioor house "to A W Rowland 11 5.; No 154 for work done at poor house to L 1 Killett 2 OO; No 155 lor repairing . bi idge No 236 monthly allowance for Treasy Walston 2 00; No 237 monthly allowance for Cely Mer cer 1 25; No 238 for cutting oats at poor house to II E Hamilton 2 25; No 2". -for two mouths al lowance for- J,aiies li idgers 5 (0; No 210 for taking tax list Toisnot township to W M Wells 25n4: No 211 for provisions for .Piety Karnes to li S Wells 7 0.'.; Xo T ; for two days letting and receiving bridge to S J Winboum 2 00; No 243 for burial expenses of Hmoii : Green to . Virgil -.Randal I 25: No 244 for one months services at ' pHr house to J C Pearson 30 00: j No 245 for fakiii"; tax list Taylors poor C Pearson :J0 00: No 308 for hirAil i iabor at poor house to J C Pearsou 8 0; No 309 for one set of chairs for bar to Wootten & Stevens 5 00; No 310 tor letting and receiving bridge at Reaver Dam to J T Graves 2 00; No 311 for provisions lor county subject to A G Brooks 1.63; No 312 for 1000 county war rants and express to Edwards, Broughtou & Co 7 90; No 313 for making oHt tax list abstract and special county taxes for 1884 to B .1 Karnes 200 00: No 314 for 1 day auditing Treasurer's report to S lil Warren Sr 2 00;" No 315 for record lug 'treasurer's returns aud dock eting lo All Deans .125; sso 316 for conveying county subject to Wilson county to J E Porter 3 00; No 317 for dockets for Clerk's office io J A Konitz 7 50; No 318 for board of prisoners in jail to W P Shaken burg 37 35: No' 319 for lumber for bridge to Samuel Sharpe 1 00; NO .'.20 ior treatmeut of Treasy Mat fox to Peacock & Auderson 3 50; No 321 for mercha olise for county to Branch & Hadley 95 55; No 322 lor services for jail, auditing Treas urer's report and one day as county eoiniuis. to W 1" Mercer 15 6,5; No :;2." monthly allowance for Geo N Kranelfs infant children to James Karnes 5 oo; No 334 monthly al Iowa nee for Viccy Newsome 2 50; j No 325 monthly allowand for Polly Vige 2 50; No 326 monthly allow ante, to Treasy .Walston 2 00; No 327 for State failures fall term Sup Court to A K Deans-316 4 1; No 328 for fees as Clerk Sup (Vmrt fall term Sup Court 'A K Deans 10 55: No 329 for six days as county com. ; and mileage to J F Eatman 18 00; No 33o for work at oor house to Geo Karnes 2 Ot), No AM for work at p.or house to Green Mercer 2 00; No :..",2 for 3D meals for hung jury Sept Saj Court to F I Finch 19 50, No 33 toi .summoning jury and ner Jones jury ticket sap e spriag 5 60, ilson Harrell jury ticket sop c spring i SO, J T Barnes jury ticket sup c spring 5 60, Raffia Lamm juiy tioket sup c spring 5 40, Gil ford Robinson jury ticket ' snp c spring 5 60, W E Pender jury tickt sup c spring 5 -45, H B Willhms jury ticket sup c spring 5 65, James Bryant juiy -ticket sop e spring 5 65, C F Finch jury ticket sup c spring 5 35r C F Fiuch 'jnry ticket snp c spring ;1 10, J F Clark jury ticket sup c spring 5 10," Thom as Ethridge jury ticket snp c spring 6 40, Jesse Peelejnry ticket sop c spring 6 70, E G Barnes jnry ticket snp c spring 6 70, K L moore jnry ticket sap c spring 6 45, JP Farmer jury ticket sup o spring 6 10, Harriss Winstead jury ticket sup c spring 6 50, J B Bell jury ticket snp c spring 625, Simon Brooks jury ' ticket sup c spring 6 50, James Bynnm' 6 10, L J Far mer jury ticket sup c spring 6 10, Edward Ellis jary ticket snp ; c sprinsc 6 45, Thomas Jordan jury ticket snp c spring 1 10,- Thomas Jordan jury tioket sup e spring 2 10, R H Taylor jury tickefsnp c spring 1 10, J A Privitt jury ticket snpo 1 10, Joseph Mineey- jury ticket 8000, n387 for six ballift boxes t 8n!' c pring 1 10, C O Barnes jury for eouutv to Wooteu & Stevens' c epving i iu, aiuau 3 00, no 388 for six ballot boxes ! Driver jury ticket sup c spring for connty to Simeon Taylor 3 Oo, i J 40, lsnmeai wiiaer - jury ticcet no 389 for merchandise for poor j P c spring 5 65, J H Batton house to Uines Iladlv & Co 71 14, t.i"IV tlcket KUl ? spring 1 10, no 390 for meivhand'ise for ioor ! L M Hamilton jury ticket tall sup house - Branch Hadlev & Co 29 95. ! crt 188:5 1 W Dempsey Peele no 391 for merchandise toi countv ;.!"' ticket tall sup court 3 55, El- subiect to B A Telverton 10 98 . i hm1 Wilson jury ticket fall sop no 392 for monthly allowance for James Ethridge 4 00, no 3;3 for monthly allowance for Elizabeth Jones 2 50. no 394 for mouthly idlowauce Polly Page 2 50, no 395 for monthly allowance for Julia Lamm jury ticket sup c fall 1 35, , his victim the old martyr that tth-aqe r-eitou jury, ticket sup court j hus stoou the brnnt or a thousand spring 110, James laniel jury slanders and still Urea. Thank the tioket sup court sprinjr 1 lo. Louis j good Lord, she still lives!-- They R Jordau jury ticket sup court, j have thrown boomerangs at her for spring , 3 10, D S Brynut jnry ; twenty years, but the boomerang ticket s sop conrt spring 5 35. j ; Ls u dangerous weapon in careless C Hadley jurv ticket sup court j bauds. They te'U' me that a man spring iWi jack-son j-.nis jury ticket "sup'cOurt spring T 10. Ruf fin Woodard :jnry ticker inf court spring 3 40, R T Eagles jury ticket Inf court spriag 3 iio, liay .wood II insceaa jury wcuet uu court! can throw it clean round a honse and It will come back and hit him ir he dou't dodge. Better quit throwing boomerangs. They tlirew oue at us when they gave the ne gro the vote and it has just got spring 3 50, Ttiomlis- Harrell jury back aud hit a terrible ; blow, it ticket inf conrt spring 3 55, Stew -! hit Mr. Blaine in the pit of the art Williams jnry ticket in I court I stomach ana hart and he gnaweth spring 3 50, Baker Cobb jury tick ec inf court spring 3 50. Siduey Windhum jury ticket iuf court spring 370, D D Hay ncs jury ticket iuf court spring 3 90, Mark Barrow jurv ticket inf ooiut spring 60, W E' Wlnstoad jury ticket inf court spring 3 50, . W L Gyton jury , ticket inf conrt spring 3 10, Reding - Ixoper jury ticket iuf court spring 3 65, B Bras well jury ticket inf court spring 3 70. Wil-. liam Coleman jury ticket int court spring 3 35, Barnes Baniel -jury ticket 'inf. court spring 3 60, W II Pridgeon jury ticket inf conrt spring 3 45, S R Farmer jurv tick et inf conrt spring 3 30, W 'c Dri ver jory ticket inf court spring 8 20, Amos Watson jury ticket inf conrt spring 3 60, W A Deams jury ticket inf court spring 3 10, B B Rhodes jary ticket inf court spring 1 10, G M Smith jnry ticket inf court spring 1 10, Lawrence Ward jury ticket inf court spring 1 10, A J Brown jury ticket inf court spring 1 10, J II Rent fro w Jury ticket inf court spring 1 70, court 2 65, W G Sharp jury ticket spring sup court 1 i5, L D Tomlin sou jury ticket fall sup court 1 10, II I) Ellis 'jury ticket iuf court fall term '83 3 30, W A Taylor jury ticket inf court fall term 3 45, W Ward to Jno D Wells 4 00, no 396 ' I'litman jury ticket sup court for poll tax refunded for 1884 to j rerm : Twm Philina 0O. no for i ti:ket sup monthly allowance for Mahalia j Willie farmer jury ticket sup ; jury tidcet inf court spring 1 10. Batts 4 00. I court fall term 1 10, .1 T Rentfrow I J W. Lancaster presiding justice 1t-pv TirwT ! jury ticket sup court tail wm 1 io,i of inlonor 5onrt spring term 1884 ; J T Rentlrow jury tieket snp court WJChurchwell jurv ticket inf. fitll term i 10, John Barnes jury court Nov '84 5 10, Daniel Whitley ticket inf court May '83 1 10, jury ticket inf. court 5 55, S R I Ashley Atkinson jury ticket sup Daniel jurv ticket inf. court 5 20, 1 court fall '83 5 90, W T Williamson David Daniel jurv ticket inf. court j jy tioket sup court fall 1 10, 2 10, Willie Howell jury ticket inf. Willie Beland jury ticket spring court 2 10, Reuini. Edwards jury i 8"i court '84 1 10, Bird Lancaster ticket inf. court 110, T D Gay-j jory "ticket spriug sup conrt 1 10, jurv ticket iuf court 110, Benjm. ' W W Flowers jury ticket spring Edwards jurv ticket int court 1 10, j sup court 1 10, Thomas Woodard .1 H Anderson jury ticket inf. in- jury ticket spring sup court 1 10, i nomas wotxiaru juiy iicitec sup court, spring 1 10, W L Getaa jnry ticket sup court spring 1 10, W:T Williams jurv ticket sup conrt spring 1 10, W T Lucas jury tieket 10. .las Itlnnm inr Thnmac Tial- inrv ti.il-ul JnC . V, M- - " J - J j UV'U.t..? 'JKV ,? " till court full term t 10, ! court spring 1 10, Benj Ron u tree 40 oo, Jienj Nichols piry spring iuf court '84 1 L0, ' J D High jnry spring inferior court 3 45, J E ''Ellis jury ticket snp c spring 5 70, Daniel Baker j ury ticket sup c spring 5 60, C (J Williford jury ticket sup c spring? 5 00, H ! Wil liams jury ticket sup c spring 5 70 able. Aud it bit Marat tialstead. aud he gnaweth a file. .'And that Milwaukee feller"" gnawth -'A tie.1 I'm afraid that files will be fiarce up there, and as they seetn to like Mich vittles, 1 think 1 will send them 'n few old ones ' ttozn tkj blacksmith shop 1 reckon - they are good eating to folks who like them. - ; But I am -sorry for Mr. Blaine' 1 really am and I hope onf folks will give him the charity of their silence. Say no more about Mul ligan, or Hocking yalley, or Joy, or Fisher. Don't kick a' man when he is down. Don't pouch: a poor coon just to see .him -bite the stick. They punched us after they whip ped us and I never could under stand It nnless it was like the fel low who killed a dog for biting him, and after the dog was dead he kicked bim and mangled him cursed him until a man who stood by said, "Don't you see that brnte is dead what are you kicking him now for!" "Dog on him," said be, H want to teach him that there is a ltttle hell and puuishment after death.' lint now lot us all have peace. Lot us return good for evil. We have get friends np there, and for their sakes let us forgtte- and for. get. I wish we had invited Mr. Blaine, down to our jubilee and got in m to make another speech. May be our Htinny south and OUr hospi tality would have affected him and sethis liver straight. We could have given him some S 8 B-be- l w . I 6ll iki It IU' ..Hi Liberal Dtecounta will bo made for lanrc. AdTerttaeausitt and for Contracts by the Tear Cash mint aocoapany all Advertisement oh food rcfrrrnco i riven. niad.'-.'But 1 hope they will, have sense euongh t sjvell the word "acqaience,"' and not jto to gnaw tng i file. I ui sorry lor our mem bers of cougress. A mau told me In Atlanta that Governor Brown's mail was now about a bushel a day, and it took two clerks to read them and file them and make out a tally sheet, so that the governor could get an idea without reading them. Governor Colquitt got 47' letters in one mail, and 43 of them were applications for. office. It is very encouraging to think that we have go so many who are utten, for I know they are all lltten : their friends say they are. f Sometimes I thiuR l would hkc to get a good fat office like Mr. Cleveland ha always got his. That la, have it shoved on inc. I was ruminating over his wonder ful career. There is nothing like it since old father Cincinnatus was called from the plow-to- gov em the Romau empire. Rut. they dont call them from the plow VioW. ' 1 have been looking up the road lor eeveu years for a committee to come alter me aud take mo from the plow, bnt they -don't come, and T so I hare quit plowing. Tho shov ing procees sems to lie tinitopiihuv. as a general thiug, and now t he feller who works the hardest ami has the longest ' Hle generally knocks down the "pcrsinimou. So, wade in. boys, aiid foitif yourselves. Combined confedei a to make promises. It is no sin to boki office. It is honorable, but if you can do anything else aud make a living you had better do it, for fear you may be disappoint ed and Lave to guaw a tile. Bill Ann lets Items. j ferior court 1 10, T D Gay jury ticket lut'. conrt 1 10, Y W Taylor jury ticket inferior court 1 10. Theop. JSarnes jury ticket inf. court 1 10. 1 r men piry ticket int. court 1 10, W J Sanders jury tick- snp court spring 1 10, W T Lucas et inf court 110, J B Wheeler jury ticket sup court spring 1 10, jurv ticket Inf. court 1 10. C W , w T Lncns jury ticket sup court f . . ...... . : -i -v ii- l i ; O'Neal iurv ticket int. court spriug spring i iu, a,n iaium jury '84 110, W J Lucas jury ticket ! ticket sup court spriug 1 JO, W 1 ' Lemuel Jordan jury ticket Jas T Draughn jury ticket sup c t sides and sent him home a better spring 2 10, W W Ramos jur.v aud a happier man. ticket snp c spring 110, James A I wonder what office he would Lucaa jury ticket sup c spring 5 50, i like under Mr. Cleveland some Claudius Wiggins jury ticket sop ; little thing just to taper off on c spring 5 Go, Gemini Williams ju i consulate to Sonth America, Bfaill ry ticket sup c spring 1 70, Joseph ' or Terra Del Fuego or maybe the Davis jury ticket sup spring 5 85, ' Cape of Good Hope, Good hopes I A Thompson jury ticket sup c l-aregoisl things for a disappointed spring 2 10, Mark Cotton jury tick-1 man. There would bo a wide field et snp c spring 2 10, D M Stott j tor dns philanthropy .-down-, there, iurv ticket sup c spring 6 85. Al 'l'""" the people are black solid vin Baglev sup c frill term '83, 5 55, 1 black. 1 think it would harmonize iuf court spring 1 10, J B Williams jury ticket inf court spring 110, J W Riley jury ticket inf court si ring term 1 10, David Daniel jory ticket inf court spring 110, Caraway .jury tioket sup court j term sup c '81 2 10, W spring l io, J U Morns jury riccet sup court spring 110, James Morris jnry ticket sup court spring 1 10, S A Brewer jury ticket sup l.i. - x a - spring j iiaisienu anu company to give 11 Mercer ! them an office, and we will have I lore f ieLpt snrinir t,.rm hiio e 3 10 ' lOtS Ol OlUCCS. I was afraid we ,.' --- i j, - i - - - -- -- -. las TCoob jury ticket spring snp j wouein t nave enougn peojue to jury Dr. M. L. Wootl has resigned the Presidency of Trinity College. There is no probability of unv taxiff legislation during the preseuf session oftougress. The Scotland 5eck Episutpal church, burned last March, is being rebuilt, says the "Demwrat," , Tobacco given iu buttermilk, as recommended by General Cling tVlin L'O.Mit tA tin r t,nd'tf. . i t L.tv au um it vu" It' ui uu M'( cholera. . A Jpcial term of Superior jCourt, to try civil cases, in North anmpton has berh-called lo begin January 12th. ; The Alabama Legislature has. unanimously re-elected Hon. Jas. L. Pagh, democrat, to the United States Senate. . ' Miss Rosa Evangeline Angel writes verse for the' Henderson "Gold Leaf." With that name it ought to be good. And so it goes on. They have poshed "paintiug ' the town red" hacktoShak8!earb and Hemy 1VV expression: "They call drinking deep, dyeing scarlet." The Klnston -Free Press" say., there is a gentleman in Falling Creek township who has 278 bogs and he has kept them all hp, liv ing in the "no fence" district. 1 Blaine's voice is for war. Du ring the late war Mr. Blaine fur nished a substitute sud acted as agent for a rifle manufactory. He made considerable money on" contracts. . The Governor's patronage in this State amounts to almost noth fog, but it would take half a doxen secretaries to answer the apphca tions made to General Scales daily for, office. Greensboro "Patriot."' Bishop A. W. Wilson of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, has accepted an invitation to de liver the Annual Sermon at tbe Unirerslty of North Carolina at the next Commencement in June 1885. . : - f A Teachers Institute has been organized I in Pitt county. Mr. Josephua Latham was elected President, and Prof. L., L. Chest nnt, of Farmville, Secretary and Treasurer. The "Standard" be lieres it will be a' success. 3 II Bentfrow inrv ticket inf. court ! court spring 1 10, Eh Hobbtns spring 2 10; B C l.uper jury ticket jury ticket .sup court spring 1 10, inf court spring 1 10; L F Lucas Liarry i,ueas jury ucKei snp court c 3 10, W E Deans ticket spriug sup c 3 10, w l l armer jury ticket spring sup c 1 10, Rob- Billy Mahone of "Virginuy,'' wheie is hef Boys, rernembei that Mahone killed himself by de- Have your own jnry ticket sup court spring i m; J J Batts jury ticket sup court spring 1 10; SC Wells jury ticket ton-nshili Io .1 . t'":iiim.r S ;! V. tt White Dak to T R Eagles 2 25: .un fI41. i.. .1 .v Unto., a I1 ing bridge one day as county roin- 'o 156 for meicliaiHlii. for hotisi to llines, Hadlev v: Co, tats Vic for loor k kin No. half rations for Violet Karnes "... ' v '. ' ' insssioiicr to w 1 -Uercer 4Mi; No imnVl,i W.IIiam Karnes JUS ?l"" ' ais ;AV . T i 17 Ifor monthly allowance for Pol - -- noiisc to liviium, naiiiei x t o . i .s; -i,. o-Ms ii,r nu,.!,., 00; N06I board tor prisoners 111 ; v .-H . . , ... t(.r ,.,.. ' ' 'i JK" - -NO -,s 10 meichan jail to J JKarefoot 45 85; No., C2. -1" ' .! VJ,k J?'"1"" ' Hnus I,a'1 donationf liquor license to Jacob ! f r ... ' " m' , " Mercer 22 50; No 03 monthly allow- , ;'' "'m i) i vr 1 N ro uf t,r,S,mi,r8 1,1 JiUl to W S,,ak ancc ior Mahalia Ratts 4 0t, No 61 ; coutV' John ! KSrS "ie sxr; ss ! ii t 257 li 2 0ln No 65 one mouths service ;a' , f! , - v. irMbr ''"'" curt to J itnoor Inuse to J C Pen sou 5 (0, lal" ,! l; - Vv- ? ." W If Lucas 1 37: No 252 for. prin-ing at poor 1MUSC IOJ I.. U'.-' M MU, u!JSl. to ootteil & StC- flr ,,,,.,,..- (V Wilson i Lnvr' Np 66 two days letting an 1 m en ' . N , ; ...... lvT ,",,t- llM,, Alv A.NC K in"- Toisnot bridge and two as V . ' . t V ' . -- r meix:haiidise lor Mi. oiiiol v'r; . .. nn- tleretl. county subject., to Charles . ,,.,,. iMMls ,, i,,m,tret. ii-.h.,.. county com. to W-F Mercer 00; . .. , . Vil iVll. .;.... 1,,MV ,,oue r. .u - ,',,m s n IP Kdavs us countv com. .1 allies - .., . . , ' Boyett deceased 19 UO; No 68' post and repairs of Toisnot bridge W F Mercer 75 00 No fin post ami ,V ,"' V.ii V i B, J "i r r "l co 6 J A Tynes jnrv notices at bill tern, Sup ( ourt to S ticket fall sup court 6 35, J J By, i. rasmer.w , num jurv ticket fall sup court 6 90, OCTOBER JSSl. No 334 for two month's allowance 8imon Barnes jury ticket laP sup. fill them, but I reckon we will. Our boys seem to bo richt natri- otic. Theie ore fifteen volnntAjv i sertlng principle. .uffA. inrc tift-ot cnrim' -no I already ibr the OartersviU nnnt.. I idea and don't be afraid to assert c 1 55, T V Pender jnrv Ticket oiBce, iind I feci encouraged. Tbev! tflein but stand by priuciple and - .. , ,. ir t t'... .,pn .ill nnnil m.n ,irH u-iiiinrr' "i vonr ort v. vour noor relations. ticket spring sup c 1 10, W L Dew I hear that one man came a bun-i aiJd your church.' - -. jurv ticket spring sup c I 10 W L ! orea miles to take it as soon as it ; Dew fury ticket spring sup c 1 10, i was vacant. Such patriotism i r'.iir-in AfL-ii.on inrv tiekr i io. ! ouiiiit to Do rcwaruoa. 1 wasi Betii Karnes iurv ticket sn; court F L Farmer iurv ticket snrine snji thinking a)ont a sung little fiioe- j spring 2 10, Wilson Batnes inrv c 1 10. Q W Peacock jury ticket, j cure mysdi, aud went down to spring l 10, Jesse Hayes jury ticket sup court spring 2 10, J W Thorn jury ticker snp conrt spring 2 10, Willie Daniel jury tu-ket sup court spring 2 10, spring snp c 1 10, r. ticket spring sup c B 1 Bass jnry lo. James 1 .25; No 33(5 for coffin for connty subject allowed 2 25, claimed 6 00 to J R Rotb::isj N'o 3.'i7 for cotliu fov co-.piiy subject allowed 2 50, s-lainu il 8 oo to Wiustead & Wio- court 690, Zack Luier jurv ticket ticket -superior court pnng 2 10, to Elizabeth Jones 5 0 : No 335 for fall snn. court 68.". Henrv Atkin'-' Benajah Scott jnry ticket sup c monthly allowance for Celev Mercer Isor inrv ticket fall term sui. court ! iall term '84, 2 60, Larry Lucas jury j Cobb jury ticket fpring nn e 1 10 6 83. John n Barnes iurv ticket ;i ticket sup c tall 1 3... Itobt Uwens t-W IJames jury ticket, spring sup fall suo. court 6 G7. M M Williams i Jory ticket sup c fall I 35, T R . c 1 10, Simon Koswell jury jary ticket fall sup. conrt 6 95, C D Rridgers jury ticket fall sup conrt 6 85, L Shelton jury ticket fall sup court 6. r iiwarus jury ticket Ilin C "83 Atlanta to see alnrnt it and offer my services, bnt a man tackled me as soou as 1 lit off the cars and ii V. ir. . i petitions, or '-suggcsssions and - said he was after an office, I ' "r The Raleigh '-Chronicle " has lieard in a pretty diref:t waj (though not from Mr. Cox hitdself and consequently not authoiita tiveh) that Mr. W. R (x. Con gressmau irom this district, re ceives an average of 40 or 50 let ters a day, the most of which are for La.:.ra iurv ticket sup c fall 2 60. U Inf c fall '81 1 10, James . W Privett iurv ticket sun c tall i nant iurv ticket unrinir .siij ?i ri v-..i...n if. i..... ii..i..r kim - inr 11 f i rrv hit z i rin vmn. aim i tw.n Tiinniiiniarm-B m Illinois ii'ivt. i X V, .viALIIitU ' '113 J 1 1 1 ....... -.. - - - - ' - - "-- -. . - "--.. ....... if....-. ... - and wanted me to help him get it, and told me how he had workel The Federal Judges and elec stead: No 3.3 for burial clothes for Dawsev l-Ttwers. allowed 3 8o, i ticket fall sup court 6 70, John G claiinco 7 5o to Jno i. Bailey; No 1 Owens .jury ticket fall sup court 339 lor clothing lor Dawsey Mow ers amount allowed- 1 15. amount 1 35. R G Briggs jury ticket sup c fall 3 85, Jesse L Skinner jury tick et sup c fall 1 35, J D Davis jury ticket siip e fall 1 35, John P bar den iurv ticket sup c fall 3 45, Si- Pridgeu: W F repairs of Toisnot bridge Mercer 0 00; No 70 meal urv to F 1 Finch 12 00. No ,1 oue . ears services as countv physician 'ii W King 205 50, No 72 services rendered to connty Robert Raper 6 00; No 73 books for registers of fice to Edwards Broughtou & Co. 12 4.V No 74 lixing up stove in pourl house R L Wyatt 3 (fh N'o 75 itov'o scutile for registers llice Geo I) fireeu i: t'-o HI 55, No 77 supplies county 1 to Qoo D Green .-Co 46 68; No 7 medicine for poor house E M Nodal I OO, No 7y provision for P Karnes to R S Wells 7 50; No SO work on court house gutters II L Wyatt 1 80; No 81 mdse for William Williams W G Ellis 5 85;. No 82 tax refund ed to E T Hudson 2 74; No 83 monthly allowance for Polly Page 2 50; No 84 tax refunded to James II Lamm 2 55; No 85 tax refunded to M T Young i 57; kp 86 tax re funded county's part to Wilson f ttf a Jdli lit Ot. tor county .si'iniect lo li S Well 7 o.7: No 166-tor monthly allowance;; for .lames Ethridgo 4 00: No .167 for tax refunded to R 'W Joviier ; i- mi- xi 1 r. t..i ikk.iit ...r t.t-ii.ii. I. .'V. ' - ."-- if. ' I . I ri I'll.-.. 'II tor hung ... , , s- . ' cis 111 jnii 10 ,1 ,i iiitirium o.' .'i; .o 1611 for m-nit blv allowance for M:l haia Ratts 4 jm; -No 170 for insol-. vents and state - failmes spring feim sup Conrt ' B Deans 2'.l 19, No 171 on- tax refunded to Gaston J Easou 72: No 172 tax refunded to W il IVuder I ::: No 173 lor tax j leiunded to J 1, Lamm ' 1 05,- Noi 174 for tav refunded to HTyieat.li am' 1 57; No 175 tor tax lefnnded to j T R l.auini 1 -': No 176 ir insur ance on county property to Deans & Briggs 7 oi'; No '.77 Joy two month's allowance t'ori'ollv - Page 5 00: No 178 for tax leinnded to S R Alley 2 23. M.y 188-1. No 178 tax Tcl'undcd to L S Hi I- . dey 2 to; No 17- monthly allow- ; auce to Celey Mercer 1 25; No 180 : two months allowaucc for James ' Bridgers 5 40; No ,181 for keepiug rafts from Ruftlns Stantonsburg and Woodards bridge for twelve No 3.'.6 for repairs on court house ami gate Murray v :- Benton 3 1) ij No 257 for lepairing liloonieiy bridge to t! F Finch 65 oo-, , 2.-,s for "monthly allowance for Jesse Jones 1 00; No 25y for mouthly allowance for tlco Braucli's infant child to Jas Karnes 5 oo: No 26n for monthly allowance for Viccy Newsom "-" N'o 261 for iiioiit hly allowance 'for Mrs Penny. Todd 2 50; N" 262 for mont hly al'ow auce tor- Mahalia Batts 4 00; No 263 for tax refunded to Lewis Philips' 1 "7; No 16 for taking tax list Gardners township & two days as county coinnnssioncr WiHuun Wootlard 18 81; No 265 foi taking tax list Old Fields towuship it two days as county commissioner J Y Eatman 20 68; No. 266 for printing for clerks office to W J Fitzgerald 200; No 267 for taking tax list for --Wilson township, to Y F Mercer 45 60, No 268 for taking tax list for Stantousburg town ship to J T Graves 10 Q0. claimed I 7o to Sharpe & no 340 ioi niiiuung linage across Rloomeiy to WW La mm 62 01. no 341 for one mouth's services and extra lalxii at poor house to J C Pearson 00; no 342 for board of 6 50. Amos Owens jury ticket tail urt 7 05, 1) A Yelverton jury ( f-l I sno eonrt 7 05. C C Wil- . liford inrv ticket fall sup conrt 6 85 ; snp c fall 1 35 Jeff Thompson jory sun court 7 05, 1 A Yelverton iurv . mou x t.aiues.iui m m. "mn. i j t cket lau sup court 7 05, ; c u- ' '"'"B 1 i i"i j"j a ; 4 r i s . a a a w rn i . i c 1 10, Charles larmer .Ir.. itiry ticket spriug sup '' 1 1". John Robhinsjnry ticket spring up e 3 55, Bird Lan'a-;ter jury ticket ring c . ... never had had nothing, nd tie. managed to make one republican . .. ,.... . .j i ?i .. . . , , t . .... ITEXII.r.li ST AT l.MKM . K B Bridgers jury ticket fall sup ; ticket sup c fall 1 10 J T Hoswc-U j Est(enM.s r,f !oor honse and ,"7;,,' court 6 70, John Bollock jury tick-j inry ticket sup fall 1 10, A ; wr i.te . . . -2211.40 ; , et fall sup court 7 60. Burket Wil I Flowers jury ticket snp c tall 1 S. jpe,, pf bridg.v . . T . 760.45 ! ,V' , Tf. son jurv ticket fad sup court 8 25. , J W Porter jury ticket ;sup cv fall j Taj rr.fnmirrl . . . '4. . 197.07 Z?"tu ' majority in the legislature of that State so as to scute the re election of Gen. Logan to the V. S. Senate. Tbe House is Iiemoeratic, but tbe Senate Ls Republican, making one or two Republican majority on joint ballot. The contest, however. Is not yet ended. prisoner and turn kev to W P W G Ellis jury ticket tall sup court t -'. i .1 l,v, v Pnsori & Jail vxinse-. . 713.1 . '. . . ..ti.4.i .,.!. . -..n i . fjlt K oi .1 D W Intlev inrv ticket ; ... .?. ianakenourg :! .v, no : t.i montniv , w, iien ijan mwi jur. urn-t : -. , : - i . . .him en ineou, .. . '-'-.,u o.ou. !..... 1,1 ,.".;. rr H I A Itinnant inrv i sup tall 5 oo, M;iso:i Kass-jury , 344 lor ices State vs Green Daniel ! ticket fall sup Mmrt H io, Jacob ticket miP c fad ,J.i farmer ; Tu . . j.:,y.7 toS 11 Tvson 1 to; no 245 fcos ; Ayrock jury ticket fall sup conrt ;. jury ticket sup v. U J ff? rt ,.,.', State vstiob LipomU to. A Gj8 05, J A Farmer jury ticket tall jury tn ket .i p c fall oOO, J RWa t- 1, 1 Krooks 3 -Of no :U letting and ro- snp conrt 7 6o, Robert Ethridge ' so., jn.y ticket snp r tall o 2.,, J J I IV,ard o om mi. s oners, do her. . UMVdig bri,lge to S A NVinlsmrne jury ticket ta-1 snP court 65", Jno Mattox jury ticket snp c all , cer ,! that tte t " 2(tO; no 347 for taking tax list of I R Batts jury ticket tail sup court Cios's RtCids township to LF Lu- 2 60, ft L Wyatt jury tieket full eas 1184; no 34 tor coffin fori snp court 135. S M Warren superior i-outitv- siihiottt ro Viryil Randall Jr iurv ticket tall 2 oth uoS4y for printing for Clerk's conrt 1 35. Thomas ..o;..o m Mw .if1 Kmin'liton & Co ! tieket fall Minerior 2 5o; no 350 for printing delinquent !j E Pearson jnry ticket inf ci fax list and notices ' Wilson Ad-;uov '8:1 i 10; Nathan Mfore j .... , i . . 1 . . I' . -1 LiA. V-itknti vmie.. l.. sk: oo.t.ti ior enveiooes ! iicki iui t .-.iiii.i for countv to ( h inee. Schliclat ' inf c fall 1 10; RnfTni Lamm inf r v- Fields 6 no; no 352 for printing i full 1 10; Blake Ellis inf co fall 3 yo-, iii ..i.v. a:..,. .. i a Hni.itj o AiV i Vaunt fiwHtis inrv ticket inf c fall inr i iei k s ooit o n' - iiv.ii.i-. - , w j - . ; i- i., . !r ril .1 .r..A( Cnn i to. .1 o Mnnrn inrv ticket inr O i ziiilfo jury ix'kn uu ni - ' '... . . . 1 . VI . wl v .1 Edwin Lamm jnry ticket sup c fall i btaN-ruenf of the .iinoimt of each 1 lo, KCLuper inry ticket sup c. account claimen ana alio wed ny fall .". -.5, Bertis Cone jury ticket i Um . Board of Commissiont-rs of inf c rs4. 5 10. W B Joy ner jury ! Wilson"" county, In-ginning 1st Mon- Felton" jnry i ticket inf e fall 5 20, Randal Baker f day in Decemlie.r 1883, and eliding court 2 60. jury ticket tnf c loll it w, orron i int jiounay in uH-einiKr ii. Jiest iury ticket mfc lall. i-, Bry Bt'SYAN J. Karnkj. C. K. C. t ant Winstcad jury ticket inf c fall ! 5 75, R A Whitehead jnry ticket ' - If Minson jury: rorty years experene. io fin inf conrt ; jury Lamm ...r.. r.11 -. -o .1 T I ltinon mrr ri..-. . .ti - . i.-t;... i i rti-h li-.iii wroverl Ivm'h iflici :inil for t h rkponlo. and for! ticket iui v i:iu .', v,,iu : miuio , " , , i wa-s sor and needv; and when I asked him what office it was, he named the very one I -was alter? Well. I am easily.' overcome by a friend in distress, and so 1 prom ised to do all 1 could, aud in ten ' minutes after I left him I met arn- iend who wanted it. and so omise'd him. and lefore I left n I had oroiniscd sir. anit I The court house and jail in felt relieved to think that I wan Williamstoh, Martin 50untji' were - I rcgaided of so much inlluence and barneil It'. 4lb. There was no U-ould t oo much good in helping means o extinguishing the fuaes i the ucedv. It is a good sign to-sCe i "d both buildings were oon"cn that so tnanv are volunteering, for tireiy destroyed. AH tfw county 1 if will give Mr. Cleveland plenty tooks, docketa, papers anl nfonH .f ( hoic-. . It is going to be right 'n tbe connty court honse were hard on our member of congress."' burned. In the jail were two pris Tliev have got to plav a new rolej onftrs. While tbe buildings were : now'. When-- the JWn apilita- Mu flames they were rescued. Their i tions for the 'irtersvilb postoflice cape was an exceedingly narrow are etit up to tbe postmaster and tbe crowd wbich h5d gath general he will do like that officer d and was so earnest ly battling alwavs doe. He will -refer tbe "I wtb the flames at one time thought whole lt to Mr. Clements, and Mr. j them doomed to certain death. The Clement- will loolcover the names j oriffin of the fire U not yet known. ! io the ifctitions, and after consid- It supposed --to have neet, the erin who ia th twtt man for tha i work of an Incendiary. inrv ticket inf c fall 5 9Klsaa: Ma-f Cherrv Pectoral to belli most; Mr. Clements too, he wi;i re.com- i one up yonr system nyjJ-will i um "i v " '"""i'",,ew person. poor W Rowland 14 60: no n i 1 : V. 1 ...n.utt' l.sf kaMi eii('li ' liia.ml one and tharolic m!trA i 1 i rcllill'rr1 iriuoi . ... .--. -. - . . . -- - - ..--. . - - v i . ,. ,vw -svAJ. fall! and all lung diseases. Neglected I mend and fourteen enemies. Ho, ! make yonieei ukQd health and inf: colds often become incurable ail there k going to be the dickens tojinonsanas nqring by the use of tick- ments. Deal with them in time, j piny in the district ana au over reJiei irsTwood porifler when all Nurney i awl prevent their becoming aeep- toe Mate, ami iocs oi aisaopoiaiea ? mw faieaos iaued. s ? i-r- Wm Cmin larv tiekat iaf- fall i jary ticket iuf trior court f all 5 10, seated in the system. patriot are going to get fifhUngt'

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