WlLMhN ADV4 WILSON ADVA! - I -. ,-r, V. VP, -"3VSET THV BSDAT A.T Wn.V' N NOUTIIOAEOLIKA. -BY -. J if f,i)!EL, F lit .r aal -PnpruWii V- HATXa OF ADTt2T'i: o.vri! Kates in AdvIncb " . .......L 8 00 ' - i. i o LET ALL THE EHDS THOU AIJI'ST AT, BE THY COUNTttVS, TH GOD'S, A.tD TKUTIIs'." The ADVANCE ' ,- s , rn u. sent ty Money Order of Uium. our risk. ,,v,r.; treet. In tho Old Po III: ARP'S LETTER. TO THE THRIVING YOU.XGSTQJVX. 'rii'.-H'jhf Suggested by the :;, , How a Smart Lawyer r ' liny '.I Young, a Notorious lifter hf Former Day. 1 :.- ilits Unserved by Author a. VOLUME 17.-- WILSGN, NORTH CAROLINA, JANUARY 19, 1888. NUXBEIt-50 and as they saw Bird coming at desperate speed and Charlie after Mm they shouted and yelled, 'go it Bird run Bird go it Bird, he is gainln on 7' Just such a foot race was never seen in Youngstown. Bird fell down twice, bat was .up again and going for dear life with Charley close'at hisjlheels and the bowle fcnife 1 waving' aloft, and as a last stimulons'to Bird's extremities, Charlie fired a der ringer in the air and Bird hol load 'Oh, Lordy and fairly flew into the nearest dogery. That is one of the tales they tell, but I reckon it must be taken with some degree of allowance. Bird belonged to a class that a new country always breeds a ciass that 13 rough and strong and self-reliant. They are the pio neers ana new out the .way, Many were the j contests they had with the wily Indian many midnight alarms ; many hairrbreadth escapes. Such i xa Iiad turned over it has put on a clean -hirt aua changed, its name ana u Alexander City now. It is r .wiii, thriving place,'situat-e.-i on Win railroad , that is mak its ray rapidly from Ope lika to Uiruiinghain. It used to a is.ir-.l place, about as cele :.r;iicM ti'" bad morals as was i'.n I Yi u!i-r for original sin and people-were necessary; in' their latal uii'irvity.. Bird l onng day and ."generation," but they tta.- tho irenuine Simon Suggs are fast disappearing from our that John Hooper made sol fa- midst. Civilization has en m.ius in Lis book. Bird is dead, croached upon them, and now I! uhvayS'declaredthat Hoop- their'children and their child--i'T inado him out a heap worse ren's children have assimilated th.ui lie was, and I reckon! he wifh a higher grade of human did.' The old settlers toldj me ity. Bird young's 'descendants that Bird was a hard case, jbut are mild mannered, respectable not quite so hard as Hooper citizens and contribute their .wrote 'luia up. He was an illit- share lowarda malntaining'good rate, irrepressible eccentric government (and jthe peace of i'reak of nature, and sprouted modern society One extreme up in Tallapoosa, just after the follows another,"and after civil Creek Indians loft. there, j izatlon comes refinement and He grow up before there was fashion, and along- with that a county, aiid the county was comes dudes, dandies and dil v.iitt up around him. He was letante. f 'r more notprtous than exemp Alexander city was recently iary, and- kept up a general named for General'jE- P. Alex commotion. He was too rest- ander as a compliment to his loss to be quiet, and if he had push and foresight in" extend- not been a baa man he would have botn'a, L'ood one, and ,vo. 1J have waked up the jsin u r?i.'i regular Sam Jones styles Charley McLeuiore, who was the boys dress in 'uniform, and a rinart lawyer, made a speech the girls too and he has a rifle cue 'Jla y, ia which he reflected company who'ev'olute with the u Hii d rather sarcastically, and skill and precision of veterans. very last battle of the war and it was fought the 23d of April, 1865 : General Tyler fell in that fort. He had about a hundred men aa3 they fought with des peration and expended all their ammunition and then fought with bayonets and stones until overpowered. Colonel LaGrange of the Federal army declared ne never saw such courage and he was a sincere mourner of Gen. Tyler's funeral. Mrs. Florida Reid lives there, she is . an editress, a 1 bright mother and grandmother, and full of southern fire and pat riotism. I was drawn to her because she was the rsister of my collegemate Cole Ferrel, of LaGrange. I loved'. Cole. I used to help him write his love letters and he helped Tme to write mine. What words of tenderness and devotion what idolatory what promises promisee never to be fulfilled for we were both toyed with and tampered with and then declined and he promiset were transferred to others who had more Bense or fewer lovers, and were unfulfilled at last. Mrs. Arp kept my letters for a long time and ever and anon would read me some gushing . para graph and smile, but the - Yan kees got them when ;r we run away from Rome and I have had peace, blessed peace and tranquility ever since. I shall always thank the Yankees for that service. Bill Arp. i - a. r .... . rr i .i n ' i tut ittttti TT f-KT TVTTT TO 11 w:ls mB'"i'u'i-.. ne pauu-er 11 lXlCi lAWlH 1U1AJUO. had drunx in every word, looking through the Doctor's narry, and gewroas beat, and Re!f-apirova!, iuto Ilia will, with those slow, ab sorbing eyes of hi. . . 'Make yourself wuat you will It is your right.'' . 'I know, 7 quietly. vil.you help tne ?" Mitchell laughed again.. The Doctor turtred now, n a passion, 4 You know Mitchell, I have not tho uie a us. You kuow, if 1 bad. it kton4 Tat umtt-n . I A TOUCHING AXD HEAUTI FUL STORY. A Well Written Picture of Life in the Iron Mills. The Strivings of a Divinely Talented Spirit to Escape from a Life. of Slaviry, feoiiH-tinins he fir?ot thin uotr in i un irautic angl 'ica)p, only to esraiK -out of the wet, tho p.iii,, the ashos, pome whre, Miivwhere, only for one moment of Tree air on a hill-side, to lie down aud 1ft hUMck bouI throb. iu-il out m.the sunshine. Bat to. t ight he panted for life. The sav age'stronzth of lux nature, was roused ; Lu try was fierce toT,ol for justice. ' 'Look at me V he said to 1 ran, with a low, b.tler lansh, t.trik &flTjNEWS OF A WEEK. is in my heartto take this boy aud ing his puny chest savagely. 'What educate him for'' tm I worti,, jeb! 1(J lt nv )ault 'The glory of God, aud the gto- that I am no bettctT Mv fault! This Story wan beifun January 5th. They looked a moment ; then ing that line toj Birmingham Professor Dicksonhas a very nne scnool tnere,; a Kind of a West Point institution : where . AF21IAL3 DSUMMES I"' 1 Sio is a Pavorits, tut Sh9. Won't Stand Being Snubbsd. A trim little woman skipped lightly from the steps of a Baltimore and Ohio passenger coach at the Chesnnt street station the other n:ght. "Walking ahead of her were Senator Thomas V. Cooper .and wife, who came in the same car from Washington. There was something about the female that would attract a second glance as she hurried off in her neat-fitting l.-vmrw nlnek ltikf tiliAITlnrt insi' 4- Vwl rd pworo in his wrath that he I witnessed ; their pefornxance iVpWts a styHsV woolen l 1 r r I I 1 .I I 111 TTl nn HI T III. I VirlT W O f t.n .,nn tfl nl nTA n- vWAd 1 . . " o,uuiuwuuomu maa traveling areas, ana a jaunty oic oi ent ai a compeuxive arm De- brown velvet bonnet bobbinerwith tween them and the Lee Light her head as lively as the convenient Infantry, of Opelika. The latter gripsack rattled vhich she carried is an old company and ought to have'taken the prize, and did, but by the skin of ""their teeth. Captain Dickson' said to me 'My boys would have taken the prize,butl made a blunder my self. It was all my fault, as General Lee said at Gettysburg.' Sometimes I hear folks speak ra 1:01114 to lull him on sight Charley dodged him for a diy urtwo, but got tired of that, and wetit straight up to Bird and !aid; liI want to see you ; rivat i'! 7 let's take a walk." j '.-.ii it-r, daggers, and death wero in Uird'd eyes, but he con- Heutcd to Van walK. Reluctant ly and sullen, he moved along slowly, and when they were out of hearin.' of the crowd Charley Haid, "i)ird, you have got inad Avith ne for. IitUe or nothing. What I said about, you don't amount to a notch in a stick., I mv mind a volunteer citizen ;1 said I,. was going to kill soldiery is.the best protection you and 1 haiut took it back,' of any government. We had pan uird, and ne gritted liis but few of them before the war. teeth. "V ell, Bird," said Char- but they weret the, nucleus ley, ' if you have made up your around which our army gather- imiKr about tuat l don't want led. Every'private became an you to Kiu me mere in mat 'crown, for they wouldn't care a t ent. They wouldn't care if'we va:i both to kill one another! so they could see the fight. Now ou know that. If there was nobody in tho world but von uiii mo you wouldn't harm a hair of my had, and I know in her hand "That's a traveling saleslady," remarked a train hand. 'Yes, she's a regular femala drummer. She travels on the load regularly, and makes herself qnite at home in the car. She's net over eighteen years old, though If you heard her talk you'd think she was twenty or or itore. She's as bright 1 as a dol- very slightingly 'of , these mill- lar, and a very pleasant and ready tary parades and' drills, but to talker. She lives in Pittsburg, travels for a muimery bouse and is very populrr with her customers." In all her traveling, alone be tween Pittsburg, Philadephia, Bal timore and Washington she is said to have suffered no ananoyance or insult. Though quite free to make and pick acquaintance with fellow passengers of hsr own sex, she car ries herself with ladylike dignity, snd yet her manner might seem a trifle familar to strangers, unac quainted with the lact that she vir tually makes her , home m the cars. It wonld be hard to tell just how many new comers on the line have had their journey shortened bv the pleasure of her company. It is said that her bright and interest ing chat has touched sparks of officer, and4every captain a col onel or a brigadier. But for them our raw recruits could not have been drilledinor.disciplin- ed in the?artsj of ;wsr. Russia has a standing army of half a million"; Germany nearly as many ; France hasffonr hund red thousand, and England as that if wo was to walk away off many more. All these- are fed from U at crowd your good na- and clothed and maintained by tureAvci Id come over you and their governments, and they do friendship in the bosom of many wo-coiud talii it all over Dy pur- nothing in time j of peace but fair travelers whom she has met, fvu ed ana ue iricuus just inie eat and sleep ana drill, wniie Mrs. Senator Cooper and she part we i;ave always Dien.' . the toiling millions are sup- ed great friends. An incident '1 said I was gwme to kill porting them. Hbw much better which shows her composure occur y hi,' saJd Bird. " j jit is in this country! Our red on her last trip South. After l fien Charley made another standingarmy aggregate only traveling some distance with a little talk and Bird bezan to re- thirtv trinnRnna man. while our PrtJ homeward bound I from Cali- lent, aud said : 'i said 1 was volunteer companies number May turned to the mill-owner : "Have you many such things as this t What are vou going to do with them t Keep them dling iron ?" Kirbv shrugged his shoulders. Mitchell's look had irritated him. I have no faucy for nursing iu lant geniuses. I suppose there are some stray gleams of " mind and soul among these wretches. The Lord will take care of his own ; or else they can work out their own salvation. I have heard you call our American system a ladder which auy man can scale.1 Do you doubt it t Or perhaps' yon want to bauirth all social ladders, and put us all on a flat table-laud, eh. May !" The Doctor looked vexed, puz zled; Some terrible problem la hid in this woinau'A face, and troubled these men. Kirby wait ed for an answer, and,- receiving none, went on, warming with his subject. "I tell you, there's something wrong that no talk of 'Liberty' or 'Egalite' will do away. If I bad the m aking of men , these men who jo the lowest part of the world's ork should be machines, nothing more, hands, lt would be kind ness. God help them ! jWhat are taste, reason, to creatures who must live such lives as that !" lie pointed to Deborah, pteepiug ou the ash-heap. "So mauy nerves to sting them to paiu. What if Qod had put your brain, with all Its agony of touch, iuto your Augers and bid you work aud strike with that V "You thiuk you could govern the world better V laughed tho Doc tor. "I do not think at all." "That is true philosophy. Drift with the stream, because you can not dive deep enough to find bot tom, eh !" "Exactly,'' rejoined Kirby. "1 do not think. I wash my hands of .all social problems, slavery, caste, white or black. My duty to my operatives has a narrow limit, t the pay-hour on Saturday night Outside of that, if they cut korl, or cut each other's throats, (the more popular amusement of the two.) j am not responsible." The Doctor sighed, a good hon est sigh, from the depths of his stomach. "God help us! Who is responsi ble t" "Not I, I can tell youj," said Kir by, tes ily. ''What has the man who pays them raoiiev 1 to do with their .soul's, concerns, more than the grocer or butcher who take-? itf "And yet," said Mitchell's cyni cal voice, ''look at her 1 How hun gry she is !" Kirby tapped his boot wifh his cane. No one spoke.j Only the dumb face of tho rough image look ing into their fa:es with the awful question, 'What shall 4e do to be saved!"' Ouly Wo'.fe'fj fnco, with its heavy weight of brain, its weak, uncertain mouth, its desperate ry olJoun May. May did not speak for a moment; theu, controlled, he said, "Why should one be raided, when myriads ar left! I have not the money, boy," to Wolfe, shortly. "Money?" lie said lt over slow ill pud-My, as one repeats Cue- guessed an swer to a riddle, doubtfully. "That is it ! Money ?" "Yes, money, that is it," said Mitchell, rising, and drawing his furred., coat .about him. "You've found .--the cure for all the world's diseases. Uome. May, hnd jour good-humor, and come home. This damp wind chill my very bones Come and preach your Siint-Si mouian doctrines . to-morrow to Jvirin s hand. L,et them have a clear idea of the rights of tho soul, and 1 11 venture next week they'll Strike for higher wages. ' TlKit will ue tlir end of lt "Will you send the- coach driver lo this side of the mills?" asked Kirbv, turning to Wolfe. lie spoke kindly : it was his hab- to do so. Deborah, seeiug the pud dler go, crept after him. The three uieu waited outside. Doctor May walked up and down, chafed. Sud denly he stopped. 'ua back, Mitchell ! iou say the pocket and the heart or the world speak without meaning to these people. What has its head to say f Taste, culture, refinement? lior' Mitchell was leaning against a brick wall. He turned his head in dolently, and looked into the mil's. There hung about the place a thick unclean odor. The slightest ino tion of his hand marked that tie Ierceived it, and his insufferable disgus That was all. May said uothiug, only quickened his angry tramp. Beside-"," added Mitchell, giving a corollary to his auswer, "it would be ot no use. i am uot one of theni.' j'You dor not mean'' said May, facing hun. "Y-es, I m'n just that. liefirm is bairn of need, not pity. No ital movement or the people's has work d "town , fur cool o- evil : ferment My fault V lie stopped, stung with a sudden remuro, sipins nor hunchback s'.iape writhing whith sobs. For Deborah wa crying thankless tear according to the fashion of wo men. GimI fciiii' mc. womu ! Things go harder wi' jou l.o. me. It's a woise share." He got up and helicd her to rise: and they went doggedly down the niu.my street, side by side. WHAT IS HAVI'EXlSa IX HIE WOR LDAUO US D US. A comlcntte-l reiHtrt of the im-w n gulhrml from the tomm a o our eonleiHftomrU; Stat atvl Xnllonal. 7b3 TT::i- Cresset All C:n.y. The mot ir':inr, ocnatnril Inhuman cua.e m the ann&la of hdcecotsbe was committed wtk before Ii-t. The determination of !ady Mac i.fta,,,,,M,,int. . r , ! ' V S fi'.j"'" LI1BII" Wt - r.,l' . - . . eyes, out of which looked the soul of his class, -only Wolfe's face turned towards Kirby's. Mitchell laughed, a cool, musical laugh. "Money has spoken !" he said, seating himself lightly on a stone with the air of an amused specta tor at a play. "Are yot answered ? ' ma ed, iustead, carried up the heaving, cloggy majs. Think back through hjr.v, and you will know it. Wuat will this lowest deep thieves Magdalens, negroes do with the light lilted through ponderous Church creeds, Baconian theories, Goethe schemes j Some day. out of their bitter need will be thrown up thfir OTn light-bringer, their Je.iu Paul, their Cromwell, their Me-siali. "llali !" was the Doctor's inward criticism. However, iu practice, he adopted the theory ; for, when night and morning, afterward, he prayed that power might be given these degraded souls to rise, he glowed at heart, recognizing an ac c rjipjUlnd duty. Wolfe and the woman bad dod iu the siiadow of the works as the coach drove ou. lhe Doctor nau held out his hand iu a frank, gen erous way, telliug him to 'take care ot hinificll, aud to remember it was his right to rise." Mitchell had simply touched his hat. as to an equal, with a quiet look of thorough "It's all wrong," he mattered slowly, "all wrong I 1 duuuot un derstand But it'll end some dav " Come li mic, Iliich." she said. coaxiugly; for he had stopped look ing around bewihicrcd. "Home, and back to the milll" He went on saying this over to himself, as if he would mutter down every pain iu this dull despair. She followed him through the fog, her blue lips chatterluff with cold. They reached the cellar at last. Old Wolfe had been drinkiug since she went out, and had crept nearer trie ;oor. The irul Janev slept heavily in the corner. He went up to her, touching softly the worn wulte arm with his fintrera Jsome bitterer thought Ktunir him. as be stood there. He wiped the drops from his' forehead, ami went into tne room beyond, livid, tremb ling. A hope, tritling, perhaps, but very dear, had died' just then out out of the poor puddlers life, as he looked at the sleeping, innocent girl, some .plan for the future, in which s-he had b&rne a part. lie gave it up tint 'moment, then and forever. Only a . tritle, p?rhap, to us: bis fce grew" a shade paler. that was all. But, some how, the man's sou', as God and tne angeis lotiKeu ou ir, never was the same afterwards. Delioiah followed hi in into the inner room. She carried a caudle, which sch plaeed on the lloor, clos ing the door aflet her. She bad seen t'uo look ou his face . as he turned away ; her owu grew dead ly. xet, as she came up to Lim her eyes glowed. Ho was seated OU an old chi'st, qmci: holding hi laco in bis uauus. 'Hugh ! ' sue s aid, softly. He did not speak. Hugh, d;J r.ar hear wha lb man said, -ii with the clear voice?. Did bur hetr I Monev moucy,- ;u.u u wu i uo all r He pash.u her awav,--gentlv out ne wo;u out ; iht rap.ng ton iretteu him "Hugh !" - . The candle H ired a pale vcllow light over the eobwebbed "brick walls, aud the woman danding there. lie looked at her. She was youug, iu deadly earnest ; her faded eyes, and wet, ragged liirure c.iught from their frantic eagerness a power akin to beauty. 'Hugh, it is true ! Money nil do it ! Oh, Hugh. bov. listen till me ! Ho said it tino It ismoneT I" The Qrmot IInmpbry & I ! of New Berne, La- assigned . The largest illict dit tilery jet captured wascoptared near Leaks villa. The Franklin Dispatch in no loager edited by li-v. Bijlm Cade Three daring attempts were made at burglary in Monroe ou one Igut. .. l'l3TOr"'a tOi mui 4 - , it rwi ,i . Tlx r.i- Durham county appropriated this year ?2 per capta for hc boot pur poses. Miss Laura Wood! county, killed a deer, o, says tiio Kluston of Lenoir a few days Free Press. The Southerner urires the neonln of Edgecombe to come to th. front gain aud have a fair in Tarboro ;aiu this year. It is extremely seldom that ne- groes kill themselves. The War renton Gazet'e gays one ouiuucted suicide in that county recently. About 000 or ?S0O woitb of cotton aud corn was destroyed by nreat Uinton,Sanday of last week, says the Caucasian - ' Another negro over one hundred years old Las beeu found. She lived in Iredell county and her age is certified to at 116 years. We see from an exchange that Ilev. T. J. Gattis. aces t of col tort. age of the Sortli Carolina Confer- ence, has made Durham bis head quarters. Some ouelu North Carolina last year killed a hog that weighed;i,OC0 youuus. iu largest this winter thus far reporud is les thai G."0 louads, says the Wilmington Star. The Winston Sentinel says: A negro child was found in Belo'u pond this evening. The child has been ascertained to be that of Ade line White, aud circumetauces tlx the crime on her. Tbu inLumau mother left for parts uukuowu thia morning. betb to dab out the brains of her E7rT' milintf Inf i i 1 f r, .u-1 t. k ........ . - I rr U-m cruel compared with the art of Cora Wtigtt committed only a bort distance from 11eat II ill u'ircb ia Nj 11 townsllj. Cora Wright is bright mulatto woman and u good looking. Wil liam ronton is a bear neighbor of Cora's, lie is a colored man about 5j years cf age. Last year (jora worked fcr biro, and other relations tt?u tt.os of tnatr and rvatt exuled bet-cn them. W.tli the disappearance of the old year her neighbors noticed the almense of her child, aa infant sixteen months old. Ih-r d flVrvnt stories aocouaU ing for its ab-ense flrbt created a suj)icioa that barm might have befallen It. To some she staled she had Vent it to relations, to others that t-ha Lad given lt to a white man. These stories proving untrue, Saturday, a warrant was mwued for her and given to Consta ble .Jno. N. Taylor to serve, and it is owing to bis cleverness that the body was fund aud the crime brought limit. Lite Saturday trght he went to ber boo.e and Tr. 1 I f t Ik IV) ii b t To rrmu-tuir tlr, of 1t,t..r- , Aol Iru- iri u. u future . ' ul larar. Fw ynt tar ia Miln tm t. l-f. Vrtvi frlc4 wui Icxl wtit, i,, -J.I'. I vim tea. found a Jivtly crowd assembled I nHtia.,,ini'i ll .n. .,,.1 ll.a rnmon tritt. Af hr. tU'4 ha rl.j, engaged in a dance. He called tor oat and inquired for her missing child. Ia a hcoi tu'.ing manner she :aid that she bad given it to a man whose name she d;d.."t know, hot that it was welt. Taylor r.i. "You are not telling iue il.e truiti, I havi found vo irchi'.d." With terror depicted on her coaatf r.ain-e and !a a trem bling vo;eo Lo ejaculated, "iou have P Mr. T?.jltr repeated Lis ascrtion a:id a.lvifJ hr to tell him all aboct it ar.i Lc would do the bi-t L'e could for Ltr! If lie tl.ea ; aid that hc did tiot k'.'.l lt. C!i'.r.!-; d questioning of b r brought out : that tie man s'e li ve.i ii h laM car made Ler ; thai the chil I fc a vi Lite mau's child and Ua declared that be should not live wlt'i Liui nor would behave anything ta do with Ler so long as l.t kept t;a c'iild ; that he found a i.'.jcu ad -be accompanied bv Lim. c.irne4 the ch.ld aad she put it iu and bur ed it, first cover ing it ever cilh lark. Sbe theu without light utae about midnight, conducted the Con stable and iU'dden Bullucktotbe place where it was to be found. iiuautea ana miy varus Al k m " . " mum iv ar'ui. TW Kr Tmr rmm is rrris. I b"nJ M o1 , , U MWM lb t,,. w aw wi.a m tut s rj . Far tl. Vb rfm at orrr,. Ultra ( i ho ltit EUTti4. Wlw la tb darinKt ti fr. Far at bo w la ln,lw A4 r our tutl-T 1 0. . W Vi't Trmr-a to r". 1 1 IJiu-i T. Who lire r lo tn ' . t ii.i.i Wbi. fe Wifw ,!. -r , TV ltw 111" i H .V liu in b. il. GZ2 1LLI2 Hut ibrKufr-r jmiriT-3 r - p. r. VfP till tb Wl nr4 it m:r. To l-igecombe count v Kimrn:r i fi I from the Loom; they came to a stump elO,4j7.87 to tho public school, of I and pulhuz out of Ibis stamp made which the white school received I hollow bv Crc, siice pine straw and ?o.55i .0 and tho colored p!i.m,u I leaves the:e was dircloed Ler 'I kno w. Co back ! 1 d not want you Lear ' 'Hugh, it is the last time. 11 ver worrit bur again; i i,ere were tears in la r voice ow. Itut f-be choked thcin lmrk 'Ilear tul me only to-nicht ! If one of t' witch People wnd coma. recognition. Kirby had thrown Ubeui we Leard of t' home, andgif ll mim i Kiimn tnnnpv. n-hicli slio I uer all htir wanl s. wliar th.n ' found, and clutched eagerly enough. Say luey were gone now, all ot them. fornia she seated herself beside one gwiiie to kill you, Charley, and over a quarter of a million, and hJ!l: -turning to Wolfe his clear, u l nad come across you tnen II cost the eovemment notning, tv u netic lace most shorely would llae done but their guns. - Pride and pat- -.T Annt think I vnn miM ;l I IV..... i ' I .. A "l I nlinm It r Krt Oi.m ,T n TyA ttt Vi fnl I . ... ' ii. auuuii luis iiiiia luey were uuunm aooim mcui auu n uvu jicijimea tne woman, with a away out '-of town, and Charley war comes they will be ready, haughty air, and drawing, herself .said : 'Bird, let's set down here Ihey are the -very antipodes of away as if from a thing unholy n this bank and rest awhile.' anarchy. Every community "Excuse me, madam," said the Bird was verv willing.' for his needs such a protection, for young daughter of trade, jumping liHJi.fl nrn irut.Hn j- a. llttU haavv fiverv commnnitv is liable to tip use a nasn "l thought l was and his let's m a twistificaticn. have mobs, ontbreaKs ana can addressing a lady." 'What was you goiug to kill mo with, Bird ;'." said Charley. 'Why, with this here identical weepun,' eaid Bird, and he pull ed out of his v right pocketj a little derringer about four Inch es long. Charley look it and laughed."' ' B'hy, Bird, this I.,,..,.- 11!.. II. 1 'II I. 3 jicio miutf wuu t niu auyuouy. geroUs disturbances. . Then let us encourage our young men to form Buch companies, for be sides protection it teaches the young men good manners and exemplary conduct. Eventheir uniforms are a restraint upon them and increase their self re spect. It is curious what an in- Thoushts for Farmsrs . 'Hposo you had slot at me with fluence good clothes have upon this and not hurt me, what a man ana especially. a woman, would you have doue?' 'Ive A man with his; Sunday-go-to-got anoiher,' paid Bird, and he meeting clothes, on won't do pulled one out of his left pocket, questionable things that he Charley took that and laughed would do in, his everydays. And again. 'Why, Bird, these thifigs as for a woman she is nobody if are no account. I wouldent she is not dreseed neat and have run ten steps to git out' of tho way of these weepuns. Is this all you -.Lad ?' N it exactly,' said Bird, a,nd ho. i i . lie 1 a bowie knife about U'ti inMies long out from under his c mi and showed it toChar-h-y, as ho fiid, 'how's that?') Charley took it and turned lt "ver, au:l said, 'Well, Bird, this does louk sorter -.like business,' .and suddenly rising up, with s two derringers in one hand iU'l'Uie bowie 'knife in the other, he said : 'Now, Bird, Ive "t jou,.you dogond cowardly a--v,.l,-.;iI1) i'Ve got you, and I'll clean. Just let her get sloven and her ears be Jairty and she will go to abusing the nabors right straight don't allude.to finery and trills and flowers and furs and other tomfooleries for all the women can't afford them, but every woman can look neat. a. snow wnite coiar sets on a woman more than a whimma- deddlehump in the background. We can see the one and admire its surrouudingsj but the other is a tarra incognita. lyest Point is a pretty town. They have a splendid academy, just finished; and three hund- Truth is mighty and will prevail. Hence there can be no harm in telling a few unpleasant troths to our country readers. The1 country has always been the section where rich milk and pure butter were pro duced -. where fat tnrkevs and fresh,tender vegetables were raised ; wnere tau beet and spring chickens came from : Uut under the oresent management these things are being reversed, and if the farmer would tasta any of these common necces Baries of life iu a high state of per fection, he must come to the city where they are raised aud buy them. The fact is onr friends the farmers are so engrpssed with raising cotton that they neglect to give to these things the care and stu dy that theirjimportance and value demand. Goldsboro Argus. An Anti-Slang Society. . , t;i ' to shoot you i i the back. aiH if you don't outrun me I'll Kive :ou ten steps the start and rea PUPU3 ana uave a nv" H you don't heel' it to town I'm er and ft beautifnl Pen bridge ; ana iney nave ueorgia ana Ala bama all mixed tip, for the line (,ityou ail to r,if,cM: witi, runs through thtowa lust like howie .kbif. ourt r, foiX it does in Texarkana, and a badr terrible passion. Bird was al- man cau have a fight and step w"ys a i!,wnr.i .m,fiint I over the line and ly safe tor -a l'"" "and seein iitq hiniLa little while, but he can't come lition Iia i,.-,r, i, : I back acrain. He becomes an liitt :i iift t,-.n . i btIIo Thoro la ft fni-t en thn I a the inauo tracks for tuuautime hill where was fought the' last some of the 4 - 1 . -.XI , - wuiicu ttlOllg U. j si ... - . stance to see what happened, tte ola settlers told me, the mrl fnll . ., Ihofflu nf flio ttto Tliot la nrhat - iuixu Weil H. nn at a I . wj. vuo ,r iu jl una mwv A large number of Chicago girls met one evening last week for purpose of forming a "Ladies' Anti- Slagg Sooiery." The meeting was called to order, and Miss Sadie De Polk elected President. . Before taking her seat she said in a clear, calm, well-modulated voice, "lleally, girle, I'm too badly rattled by the honor conferred upon me to give you much of my guff. It's the first time I ever tumbled to anything of this sort, and I hardly know just how to catch on. However, I'll try to be 8ufiiciently up to snuff not to let any flies light on me while do ing the President-of-this-society-act. I'm with you in this move, and don't any of yoa forget ic. All over our laud slang words and phrases are multiplying like flies in sorghum time and it isjour duty to er powers than men, Bright aud deep and cold as Arctic air, the soulof the man lay tranquil beneath. He looked at the furnace-tender as he had loo':ed at a rare mosaic iu the morning; ouly the man was the more amusing study of the two. "Are yon; answered ! Why, May, look at j him ! 'De profundis clamavi.' Oil, to quote in English, 'Hungry and thirsty, his soul faints in him.' And so Money sends back its answer, tool I think I re member reading the same words somewhere :4-washiug your-hand- in Eau de Cologne, and saying' 'I am iunocent of the blood of this man. See ye to it 1" Kirby flushed angrily. "You quote Scripture freely. Do I not quote correctly I I: think I remember another line, which may amend my meaning 'Inasmuch as ye did L unto one of the least of these, ye did it until me.' Deist? . Bless you, man, 1 was raised on the milk of the Word. Now, Doctor, the pocket of "the world having uttered its voice, what has the heart to say ? Yoa are a philanthropist, in a'smail way, n'est ce pas ! Here, boy, tuis geutlouiau can show you how to cut korl better.--or your desti ny. Go on, May 1" "I think a mocking devil pes Jess es you to-night,'' rejoined the Doc tor seriously. He went to Wolfe and put his hand kindly ou his aim. Some thing of a vague idea possessed the Doctor's brain that much good was to be done here by a friendly word or two : a lateut genius to be warm ed into life by a waited for sun beam. Here it was: he had brought it. So be went ou complacently : "Do you know, boy, you have it in you to be a great sculptor, 'a great man! do you understand V (talking dowu to'the capaaity of his hearer i it is a way people have with children, and men like Wolfe,) "to live a better, stronger life than I, or Mr. Kirby here ! A man may make himself' anything he chooses. God Has giren you strong- me for iu belp knock this crying evil as silly as possible. ' Let Oar: motto be Shoot the Siangist,'" stance.". May stopped, heated, glowing with his own magnanimity. And The man sat down on the cinder.. road, looking up into the murky Nky. 'I be late, Hugh. Wnnnot bur come V lie shook his head doggedly, and the woman crouched out of his sight against the wall Do you r! member rare moments when a sud ilen iigbt flashed over yourself, your world, God I when you stood on a mountain-peaK, seeing your life as it might have beeu, as it is I one qul;;k imtant, when custom i'.T. ivO IVILl. CUM V . V , ... t.J '- . when your friend, wife, brother stood iu a - new light?-your soul was bared, and the grave, a fore taste of the nakedness of the Jndirment-dav ? So it came before him. bis lile,.that night. The slow tides of pain ho had borne gather ed tnemselves P and surged against his soul. His squalid daily life, the. brutal coarseness eating into his brain, as the ashes into ins skm : iv-iore, inese iinugs nau beeu a dull aching in Ins conscious ness : to night, they were reality He griped the lilthy red shirt that clung, stiff with soot, about him, and tore it savagclv from his arm. The flesh beneath was muddy with grease and ashes, and the heart beneath that ! And the soul ! God knows. Then Hashed before his vivid poetic sense the man who had left Lim, the pure face, and delicate, sinewy limbs, in harmony with all he knew of beauty or truth. Ia his cionuy iai:cy ue uaa piccureu a Something like this. He had found it iu this Mitchell, even when ho idly scoffed at his pain : a Man all knowing, all-seeing, crowned by Nature, reigning, the keen glance ol his eve tailing like a sceptre on other men. And yet his instinct tanht him that he too He! He looked at himself with sudden loathing, sick, wrung his hands with a crv, and then was silent. Wth all the phantom of bis heait- ed, ignorant fancy, Wolfe had not been vague in his ambitions. .They were practical, slowly built np lie tore him out of his knowledge of what he could do. Through years ho had day by day made this hope a re.d thing to himself, a clear, projected figure of himself, as he might tn me. Able to jieak, to know what was best, to raise these men and wom en working at his tide np with him: Hugh !" "What do jou mean P "1 mean inouey.'' Her whisper thrilled through, hi brain. "lloiie oft7 witch dwarfs wild come l.-oni Chine moors to niht. aud g f bur money, to go money, onr, 1 say,--out, lad, where t' snn shines, ana t heath giows, and V ladies walk in silken gownds, and God t iys all t time. where t' man lives mat talked to us to-nizht Hugh, knows. liusrh could walk there bke a kin-r !' He thought the wc.ina.i mad, and tried to check her, but she went on, neice in ner eaer Ikwc, "if I nau t :,jM.ot. e wouuer wuat part oi i be school tax of Ldgecnmbe toun:y tne negroes pay t A very eiuAi. proportion, we u wager. Til.-. tt .t . ,- .. "C II UUCHUUIO JlCKSPIlTr I II II K describes the escape of a prisoner pi that county : As one o! our good officials was conducring ' Lee ltamsev a colored brother to jail, a few d.iyn ago, be broke away ind ran. The oGicit fired a boi across hi b w to bring him to, but ho hoisted full sail, and iu the mguage of Squire Crawford, "left with a fastidious levity thatdis- daiued parsuit." From the Winston paiiers it if- learned that Mr. Jake Hicks will be given bis old position of engineer on the Ualeigh passenger train. Mr. Hicks was put down some time ago ou account of bis deticien educa tion but since has applied himself diligently aud has learned to read and write, and passed a satisfac tory examination. Mr. Hicks is between 50 and CO years old, and deserves much credit for' the toic cess he has met with in studying. a The Wilmington Messeuger says: During the year .18-37 there have beeu established iu this State twelve carriage and wagon works, twenty seven cigar and tobacco factum., t went s -sis cotton and woolen mills (the State leading in this branch), thirty-one lloor and Wfe ultima Avc sn- If rltt4 WTfullaf. Put rl'1 Wo cm Ih ttiutu .. lw-l. , jj T I' T I" I y t- n a air u-nvrt t-uUi. 1x4 ia turt. grist mills, thirteen ice factories, were t7 which dwarf, if I thirty-turee mines aud quarries, money, wnd hur thank me ? thirteen railroads, nine street rail- Wnd hur take tne out o' this place ways and sixty-seven wood 'work wuu uur auu Janevi I wud not ing establishments. , come into the gran' house hur wud build, to vex hur wid t' hunch, only at night, when t' shadows were dark, stand far off to see hur. Poor Ie! ! poor Deb!'' he said, soothingly. "It ii here," she said, .suddenly jerking into Ins band a small roll. Itookitl I did it! I shall be hanged! I shall be burnt in hell. if anybody knows I took it ! Me, me I not hur ! Out of his pocket as ue leaaed against t bricks. Hur knows !"'j (To bo Cotitiiuud.) A Cai Caso. Tho Charlotte Chronicle tells of one ot the boldest robberies we have yet heard of. That paper savs : At Gastonia, last Tuesday, one of ihe boldest cases of horse stealing on record "was perpetrated. Mr. W. B. Holland was standing by the roadside, holding his horse, when a fellow named Rhodes came along, jerked the bridle reins from Mr. Holland's bands, mounted the animal and gal!oed away. He was out of sight before Mr. Hol land had recovered from'hi aston ishment. The thief was captured yesterday and the horse was re turned to Mr. Holland.' eb.ld, Maitha Ann, lying deep down in tli- uol!ov, dead, with ils mouth t-'.uHVd lu.l t f rags and a string tied around its neck. She had Uh.u missing MTr days. The woraaa was arrested and hell. Constable Taylor ia Use use eftlie Coroner, who !. "ot time to K-t there, late Sand. . . :ernoB held an inquest. During the inquest tl Coroner arrived and was uu3 plumed tnt some one try acting ta his stead. After thinking over it all night he (ummoned mother jury to assist buu'witb sni inquest Monday. The factj? brought oat at toth of theufl iuqucls t?side what have alrtady bcru given are as about as follows : No nio'.ive for the cold Llooded, heartiest set, al.er than ber illict love und his ditdike to a white man's caM. was dic!osd. The child's lather, who is a wbit man, it is said, made arp pie proris ion for it and the mother as well. Oa the very night the child disap peared he i i aid to have given her several dollars. Bejoud the disappearance of the child aud Cnd.Lg it dead,nothing is tnowa have w'uat Cora right MU btr.-elf, and some contradic tory accounts of Ponton as to bis whereabouts on the child's disap pearance. She stated that she went several times to see the baby aud curced it; that when she would leave it it would cry a little, that it only died two days before it was found. Examination r.f the body by Dr. J. M. Baker, assisted by Dr. E. T. Speed showed that the child died fioui i'iiM'jie ; one lung was found to he ci-ifj.;ed. She was not strangled by the string arcund the neck. Oa Tuesday evening the prison ers, Uora ttrignt ana William Ponton, were lodged la jail. Tatboro Southerner. v :cr s It is often ta;er, -.a 1 tear opr tufonoti tu..u menu of onr fru nd t . A woman realizes tbe tru ' wleo t-he lip oa tt- cburc'i door and lidetpio. ly down the -whole flight - Journal .f LJaca'uo. 2"cr v,. CoDgresmaa En! e..! : , a new member, in k.;.... wag, aod l.kes to v t members that ;t yj-x . that a fellow ho h t. bis life In Congress m.iy grata or two ot H-n. I cpjiortanity occasioua ! t at the popular sot toa l ' Congressmsn ts tu-ce . "chomp.' They aretlliu? Incident about a retort .! ing the Democratic cjhc j the first fight U'tww-a a members ooca red Eaio.? : to be sitting jat al U where the actual oomhxt to After it was all over li. old members fell to it.;.: him to know bow it hi;r-. told them the details m ; . Ooold recall lb cm. - Batwhyia tbe woildd nterfere and prevent !b said one joiupoas c! i severely. H)h,n said Enloe with cent look, "1 bad always I fid that new memW c interfere with the reguhr ing and I didn t kn iw was a part ot the it jrramnie." One of the saddest dow'nfahs we have heard of in many years, is that of Mr. Wylie J. Palmer, who used to be Superintendent of the North Carolina Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institute at Ualeigh. He left that iustitu'e several years ago to take charge of a Candian Asylum t a higher salary, and filied the place snleudidly for some time, but his habits became bad, and finally be was so incapacitated by drink that lost bis position. Drink and family troubles so un nettled bis mind that he has become insane, and bis admission into then Western North Carolina Insane Asjltim at Morganton wis granted last week, l'oor man! No one stood higher in this Sta Wylie J. Palmer when 1 charge of the Deaf and Asylum at Ealeigb. A warning. Charlotte Deuuni it. than had Dumb terrible The Hickory Press Carolinian la now an 8 page, all hoinepnnt; news paper. - , The Fayetteville Observer tells of the shooting of a woman in that place. It says : Douglas Sellars, alias Jtevels, (col ) was arrested on Sunday night by officer Flowers on charge of shooting his wife. From what we can learn Sellars was sus picious of his wife, and returning home on Sunday morning about 3 o'clock, he burst open the doer of his wife's room and fired, shooting bis wife in the neck, just above the collar bone, and sear the jugular vein. Dr. McNeill probed for the ball hot was unable to find it.' Thus far there seems bones of Ihe wo man's recovery. The wound is a very seriouj one and came near be ing fatal. A Justice cf Peace has been tried iu Chatham county for prac ticing law. The case went up tq the Supreme Coort. Two of the Supreme Court Jodsres decided in favor of the defendant and one against him. This Is the first case of the kind that the courts have had to pass upon. ! ' Cih ta Hcarca. One day la.t ww-k a demented nero boy, abont twelve years of age, wandered away from bis home in the country and reached Kosci usko. The Melbodift steeple now being finULcd, 120 feet in height, first excited Lis wocder, and be made a bee line for it. When first seen by the workmen be bad climb ed upward on tbs Fteeple to diz.y height, near 1(0 feet from the earth, with a bucket on Lis arm. The men below j tiled to him to cora- down. II in answer, "Pm gwine to heaven to kerry Gd some butter," somewhat n'.;pii-d them. An Irishman, with commendable pres once of mind, hollowed to Lim that be Lad gone op wrong, "come down and go up the otler side,' brought the would-be angel to solid eaith, where be was kept. Koecmko, Mis Messenger. The Newton rjntcrpn? Railroad accident near 111 the Narrow Uaageroad,'-i of lat week. The Euterpi The two passenger cou i. baggage aad express car v c: paled, and taking broken lamps and stvt , entirely consumed. Tl.a four or five pawengt-rs-o AM the passengers t:n some extent, but fortnntU fatally. The -ngie ..i 1 bad cleared the tre!;-, I palled off tne track, down baokment. liota cng::iur and fireman Long were c under the engine, Ibe t: ; acctdsd in extrickt:rj,; L rr.u'.:, but the fireman had to bo : v f.::. All express matter was r: ex : ia the lire, but the ina.i m.i;: : v. saved. Conductor Wud S 'ii ar, 1 taail massenger Ui ir-t tiu-ivi I tLly Blight inJorU. V trOllrt, It '.ca r at wrs aa e a- li.il c, L: A 1'crx Z:zzcz There are seTentecn farmers iu the Fiftieth Concresa, and, despite all that has been said about lndif ference to agricultural interests, those seventeen men can attract more attention on ' quUoas that affect their rural coctitateotUua alt the 216 lawyers of the house. Manchester Union. The Republican ora:. cr: their mad guns at Jau - l; . 1 Iiwell because of ti t- ( '. ca doraing the Ireider.t' i '-.;e. lie has been trtyled if.o ' !iig wampian ais.' New OiK-au Staves, Dem. The Ualeigh News OWrvcrn-.j there Las been a wonJaf J - eoing in the fcnaine t i jy rille daring the past year. 'i t: town has nt on new l.fc ai l we rejoica to hear it, for there t re" rirx tunnln thin ber tli(.'..