yum adTanc 7 Wilson S0BTttU"""" ;v C:; iHN'lKlS, titan 4il PMprieUis J Kates in Advnck Si' 8 00 1 0 NUMBER-51 ,-r-M.Mirv on Do sent r,y Money Ordet a . .i u.r..,! I-ottcr at our risk.. ; I J r..r. street, in the Old Post VOLUME 17. WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, JANUARY 26, 1888. Llbxnl TMmoubI w11 1 mIi fc I ! for CoCtTK-U tr? tfct r -I p try 1- '.. . - Ur--4 -- . -'' A - ' Iwtt.qhw Anuwrn in, ii i ii w w n n l i ? fk. i . r v a r t i n Jl JLJLJUJ V! V JL JJrOJ? Jl i J JL V J,-J ... , 1 ' 1 " , - i ! 4ET ALL TnE ESDS THOU AIJI'ST AT, BE T1IF COUNTBrS, Tll COD'S, AD THUTH8V' lock. On lnruon , 1' ' w. . - ' : , Tk MonUw , t'- : . - '. 1 1 ' - Bis M tha a of Tin: u .i PEOPLE. t I A - J - -D. PTTrL ARi O Lllllb publican or not. ! He won't be I so very long aner ne geis nere. It is astonisning now, soon a northern man becomes a south- BOOMSlAFFECT erner after he lias lived here I awhile. It is not put on either, for they were triad during the war sorely tried. I was sorry forjthemand would have given them a kind farewell if they had gonelSbacb, but they wouldn't go. I was thinking about Captain ; Dwinell, who died in Rome the other day, and I wanted them to pay a tribute to his memory. With parents and brothers, and sist ers and kindred all up in Maine, where he was born and reared, he was among" the first to IN THE IRON MILLS. :o: A TO UCUINQ AND BE A UTI- FUL STOllY. Yvc r'i)!Ul Hunts to in i u a ' .Nothing. What ;,,, say of' Cartersvilli. Get Some" he A Well Written) Picture of Life in the Iron Mills. TIte Strivings of a Divinely Talented Spirit to Escape from a Life of Slavtry. C .ynK'.i-i:.An Uiifhts HeserTed by Autbo Last Miminer I overh sard two men talking as they were digg ;!:'' a ay in the mines, and oue Jim, they say thar is a shoulder Mg musket in defense ; cf his adoptea lana bum up at Home. '"What' a that ?' said, Jim. 'Why hit's a kind of thing whr one fellow gits something f m not i i i and another feller uothiiiJ for something."! 'Why that's a faro bank orr a lr tterv. ain't it ?' said Jim. I No it ain't. 1 tell you its a bum a kind of a new tradin' business what swells and hrnilid anl the sweller and .'nriiiker staya down in a cellar ;ul works the machine. They trvle' in stock.' . I j . 'Hurras and males?' said Jim. No. hit's all on paper and no- For four years he served in the field and rose to be the captain 01 nis companyi the 'Rome Light Guards,' and whatever may have r.efin his failine he never went back on the south. There were thousands like him all over the land,. Indeed I do not know of one who left us 'for the other eide.- J All we ask of our northern bretheren is that they be toler ant and considerate of our feel ings and principles and they must be willing for the - south to have a fair share of all the hodv can see what he is puym . m,.aa anA Bnn11a. We blievo You put your money in and tkat jeff6rson Davis is just as cnod and as trreat a man as Mr. wait for a sweil. If it comes you are all right, but if a shrink aria ji;r Lamar as good 0f keeping eouies you are uusieu, auu juu and as great as i the Dest man feel so shamed that you don't nortlli ig; wiat we be wno liftve and we don't care knows it. Miss! Winnie Davis is just as much a queen as Mrs. Cleveland and Bhe may be in the White House yet before she ay aiiythiu' about it, and it never gets into the papers nothing but the sweHs gits in tlie papers.' ' ! - WellMhe booms have about subsided in Home and Birming-Uflies who knows? ham and Decatur, ana inose thriving cities hae settled down to business. When a man buys real estate, there now he means business not specula tion bnt business and that jis light and honest and healthy. A slow and sure growth is the , best. That is just what we want litre in Cartersville and the r-igr.s are rood. There is not & 'house to rent and many are wanted 'rteht now. But we are Iniildi ig and will soon have Home manufactures here that will enliven the towD. It is the This Story wasbegnn January 5th: She thrust it into his hand, and then, her errand done, began to gather chips , together to make a fire, chocking down hysteric sobs. "Has it come to this t" That was all he said. The Welah Wolfe blood was honest. The roll was a small green pocket-book containing one or two gold pieces, and. a check for an incredible amount, as it seemed lo the poor puddler. He laid it down, hiding his lace again in his hands. "Ilueh. dou't be angry wad me! It's only poor Deb, hur knows 1' He took the long skinny fingers kindly in his Anerv ! : God help me, "no! Let me sleep. I am tired." He threw .himselt heavily dow on the wooden bench, stunied with nain and weariness. She hronsht some old rags to cover o him. It was late on Sanday evening before he awoke. I tell God's truth when I say he had then no thonght this money. Deboran had hid it in his pocket. He found :t there. She watched hrm eager- and river were steeped in its thick, gray damp ; but overhead, the sun touched smote cioaas openeu hub a cleft ocean, -shifting, rolling seas of crimson mist, waves ot bil lowy silver veined with -blood-scarlet, inner depths unfathomable of glancing light. Wolfe's artist-eye grew drank with color. The gates of that other world ! Fading, fiash inw before" him now ! What, in that world of Beauty, Content, and Tiiffht. were the petty laws, tne mine and thine, of mill owners and mill-hannn T A consciousuess of power stirred within him, . He stood up. A man he thought, stretching out his hands, free to work, to liv, to love ! Free ! His right ! He fold ed the scrap of paper in his hand. As his nervous fingers took it in, limp and blotted, so his soul took in the mean temptation, tan ned it m fancied rights, in dream . . v, as ne iook is oui. "I must gif it to him," he said reading her face, "Hnr knows," slfe said with bitter sigh of disappointment. 'But it is hur nghc to keep it. TTia riolir. ! That -word Rt.rnck But come along down nere to him rw.tor Mav had used the Cartersville and w6 will talk it 8ame. He washed himself, and all over and if you don't like us ent ont to find this man Mitchell, we will let you go back again. His right ! Why did this chance fna t tiinor is cArtaiTiionr folks word r.linff to him so obstinately t that man I told you of, that we saw at Kirby's mill ? that was ar rested for robbing Mitchell t Here he is : just listen : 'Circuit Couit. Jadge Day. Hugh Wolfe, opera tive 'in Kirby & 'John's Loudon Mills. Charge, grand , larceny. Sentence, nineteen yeari hard la bor in penitentiary.' Scoundrel ! r ' r aerves mm .riguo : Alter ail our kindness that night! Picking jlltchelrs pocfeet at the very time, llis wile paid something a boot tne mgratituue ti that kindjof peo pie, and then " thev began to talk avout something else. . . ineteen years ! How easy4that vjas to read ! What a simple word fcir Judge Day to '.utter 1 Nme- tijen years ! Half a lifetime. J Hugh Wolfe sat on the window ltllge f his cell, booking out Ilia ahkles were ironed. Not usual in rnch cases ;" but hejhad made two P. 0. INSPECTOR. TTHATS IS A HJD. NEWb OF A WEEK. A?oa rictiTa cf Sena cf ChrPr: t9 Cralua cf 02t i-Ci. IIO W OSE POST-OFFICE WAS CONDUCTED. A FostHHtfite? Wh .' DelUvefl Jn ISunning the Ranch, Let Other Poople Thlnh they Would. A. traveliug postH)ffice inspector wens up into Scott county a few days ago for the purpose of investi gating certain reported crookedness. One afternoon he reached a small cabin situated near a lonely road. He stopped, m'eiuliiig lo get a of improved existences, diifting and endless as. tne ciouu-seas oi colors. Clutching it, as ii the tightness of his hold would strengthen his sense of possession he went aimlessly down the street. It was his watch at the mill. He Deed not go, need never go again, thank God, shaking oH tue thought with unspeakable loath ing. Shall I go over the history of the hours of that night t how the man wandered fioin one to another of his old haunts, with a half-con-sciousness of bidding them fare well, lanes and alleys and back yards where the mill-hands lodged, noting, with a new eagerness, the filth and drukenness, the pig pens, the ash-heaps covered with, potato skins, the bloated, pimpled women at the doois, with a new vague dread, unknown before, smothered down, kept under, but still there t It left hiru but once during the night, when, for the second time in his life be entered a church. It was a sombre Gothic pile where thestained glass lost it self in far-retreating arches; bnilt to meet the requirement and sj ropa ! thies of a far other class than Wolfe's. Yet it touched, moved shim uncontrollably. The distances, the shadows, the still marble iig desperate efforts to escape. 'W H,' drink of water, aud as he drew a? uaiey, tne jailer, said, "auAH Uear the house was astonished at blame to him ! Nineteen earu' imprisonment was not a pleasant thing to look lorward to." Haley was very good natured about it, though Wolfe had fought him sav agely. . -'When he was first caught," the jailer said afterward in telling the tory, ''before the trial, the fellow was cut down at once. laid there on that pullet like a dead man. with his hands over his eyes. Nev er saw a mau so cut down in mv life. Time ot the trial,-too, came seeing a signboard bearing the fol fowitig inscription : Toorst oils." An old fellow, with a grizzly beard and a hairy' chest displayed, as his shirt was unbuttoned -came out, aud merely nodding to the in- ,j become almost purple. We clip from the Wilminton Star the following'nen picture by Frank Carpenter, with the Star's comment on each, to which we add ours. Be sides being fine reading we hope that food for thoughtmaj be sug gested thereby : Here is Frank Carpentet's de scription of Senator Coke in tiia let ter to the N. Y. World. Coke' head would fill a half bushel basket. It is as white as the cheek of a babv and it shines like the parchment ot a boy's new drum. It is full at the crown and the fore bead fades into it without a wisp to mark thllne of Us height. Coke is tall, bnt with bun the saying docs Dot bold good that the cock loft is often empty when the build inff is several stories high. Coke's brows are beauty and hisface wears perpetual frown. The skin of nu scalp is the thermoneter of bis brain, and when he grows angry it rises to redness, ana u ne is enrag- fctui the queerest dodge of any custom- bucket all to pieces, au' 6ince then er l ever nai. noma cnoose no lawyer. Judge gave him ose, of course. Gibson it was. He tried to move the fellow crazy; but it wculdu's go. Thing was plain as daylight : check found on him. T'was a hard sentence, all the law allows; but it was for 'sample's eake. Th se mill hands are gettiu' oubearable. When the scn'ence was read, hejnst looked up, aud said the money was his bv riehts. and that all the world had gone wrong. That, night, after the tri- are not eolne to move np north Do you hear the fierce devils whis- ares, the mass or silent, kneehug no not even the niggers they know who are their friends. We have got ai' great big meet ing house here and it is called a tabernacle, where all denomi nations "Worshipi. together. Of course we have separate church es, with high fences all round, so that the sheep of one flock can't get over and mix with the per in his ear, as he went slowly down the darkening street? The evening came on, slow and calm. He seated himself at the end of an ally leading into one of the larger streets; His brain was i clear to-night, keen, intent, mas tering. ; It would not start back, I cowardly, from any hellish tempta tion, but meet it lace to iace. Therefore the great temptation of prettiest town in the .state how sheeD 0f another, but every few his life came to him veiled by no and does more business than ani, al1 in too-nther. It is like ing its own vile name, any. There is one dry goods severai fields sowed down in house here that pells moie ww or corn. You can see the roods than any retail house in lnw fencea that .divide them worshippers, the mysterious music, thrilled, luteu his soul with a won derful pain. Wolfe forgot himself, forgot the new life he was going to live, the mean terror gnawing un derneath. The voice of the speak er strengthened the charm ; it whs clear, feeling, falf.-strong. An old man, who had lived much, suffered much ; whose brain was keenly alive, domiuaut; whose heart was summer-warm with charity. He That was it. , At first the word sickened him; then he grappled with it.' Sitting there on a broken cart-wheel, the fading day. the noisv eronps. the church bells' toll- field with no fences at all. True ing passed before him. like a pano religion is just that way. A rama, while the sharp straggle man with a great big heart, who went on within. This money ! He loves his Maker and his fellow- took it out, and looked at it. If he fences and igave it oack, wnat tneu :t ue was men. can't see any don't want any. Sam Jones lives here and his brother Joe that is. their families do but we keep Sam and Joe out on the road as ( missionaries' most of the time. We isend them up north and west where money and sinners abound, and are taught it to-night, lie held up trustine to Humanity in its grand total: show one bold blow for .victory. . led the great worm-cancer to nis n na not. dpeeive himself. Theft! I people, wnocouiu snow u oeueri He was a Christian relormer; ne had studied tLe age thoroughly his outlook at man had been free world-wide, over all time. Hi faith stood sublime upon the Knck of Ages ; his fiery zeal guided vast Echemes by which the Gospel was to be preached to all nations. How did he preach it to-night ? Iu burn ing, light-laden words he painted croinsr to be cool about.it. People going by to charch saw onlv a sickly mill-boy watching them quietly at the allej's mouth Thev did not know that he was mad, or they would not have gone bv so ouietly : mad with hunger stretching ont bis hands to the Home, and one hardware house n itll the coru '0r the wheat that dots more buisness than growg np higi and then it looks any hardware house in Rom, Like it was au one great big and one wagon and carriage factory that makes more ve hicles and sens more than any iu the state, and a man told1 me he sold twenty thousand ' dollars' worth of family grocer ies last vear and never lost but two dollars and forty-five cents. WeVuip'tuanganese . across the ocean aud to Carnegie, in Penn sylvania. We 6hip yellow ochre to New York and iron ore to Tennessee. The fact is we have enough minerals here "to r).(i(io Lands busy for a hundred years."., I see that a Tallapoosa boomer' says in an interview that he fouud more ore at Talla poosa than he did at Carters ville. Well, I am not going; to lander Tallapoosa. That New York Herald man told enough lied oh her to do for awhile, but come down south and get any- something real, bat not here ; very there is more iron ore in One thing we have got. We want far off. His brain, greedy, dwarf ill ii, ibrtnw'.' thar 1 there I is Trinrt words and trood will, ed, full of thwarted energy and uuf within twenty miles of Talla- With these, and; these only, the ned powers, questioned these men: poosa. Bartow is the great re- north can break up the solid serve, the mineral storehouse, south. It is their infernal, spector, sat down on a stump. "How are voa V asked the in spector. "ToPble."' u Have vou any fresh water handy V ''Plenty uv it down thar In the branch. One uv the boys shot my I h after eo to ther branch w en 1 wanter drink.' Just then a man mounted on a mule lode up aud asked: "Mr. riummer, got any letters for ine ! Yas, thar'a one here, Bill Patter son, but jou kain't get it. Go on away from here, or I'll make you wusb you hadn't come.'' "Wush you would give it ter me." . 'Yas, au' ther nigger washed that "ther coon would vorae down il . lv.lt- ' uuici tuer iicr, Coke talks well, and he is a tbig headed man with lots of brains." Coke and Beck are about the two brainiest Democrats in the Senate and they are Democrats all over. You never will catch them voting for Blair bills, abolishing the whiskey tar and other undem ocratic disylays. wiiAT is jiArrESixa ix 1UE WOULD A ROUND US. -At tuts cf tbsCiiU tj clicreL A conrfentu-d report of t A nrv at yatHcred from the column of our contemporaries. State ami Naioruil. but ' he dida't mau Jesus, the incarnate Life, Love, the universal Man : words that became reality in the lives of these people, that lived again in beautiful words and actions, trifling, but heroic. Sin, as he defined it, was a real) foe to them; their trials, temptations, were his. His word passed far over the furnac -tender's world-that had sriveu so much to Von . x.-i ) I n rn.woinii Mia nf fifwl ffrasp.'ioneu to suit another class wi 1 .more imcer, uiuro uoacx, m mciu, "i n.w., meant mm to iiv. a is sum wiiu- , .uvj iu him was smothering to death ears a very pleasant song iu an he wanted so much, thought 8oi unknown tongue. He meant to much, and knew nothing.' There? cure this world cauter with a a-A. nnthinsr of which he was cer-! steady eye that had never glared tain, e-rnent the mill and thiugsS with hunger, and a i hand that there. Of God and heaven he had neither poverty nor j str.vchnine- k n littiA thar, thev were to whiskey had taught to shake. In ai a gentleman came to see him here, name of Mitchell, him as he come.' stoie from. Talked to him for an "Sav. Mr. Plummer " hour. Thought he came for curios- "Shut vore mouth aud say nuth ity, like. After he was gone, in', au' more'n that, yon'd lietter Wolfe was remarkable quiet,'and mosey away fruin here." went into his cell. Found him The mau rode away, and the In very low ; bed all bloody. Doctor spector.addressiug the post master, saia-ne uati oeen oieeuing at the asked: lungs. He was as weak as a cat; yet, if ye'll believe. me,"he tned to get a-past me and,' get ouL 1 jist carried him like a babv, and threw him on the pallet. Three days alter, he tried it again : that tifne reached 4 he wall. Lord help you ! he fought like a tiger, giv' some terrible blows, fightin for life, you see : 'or ne can t live long, shut np in that stone crib down yonder. G-)t a' death cough now. 'Took two" of U3 to J b iag himj down that day; so I just put the irons on his feet. There he sits in there. Goiu' tomorrow with e batch more of 'em. That woman, hunchback, tried with him,: -you remember t she's only got three years. Com plice. But she'z a woman you know, lie s Deen quiet ever siuce I put on irons ; giv' up I suppose. Looks white, siek-lookiu. It acts different ou 'em, bein' sentenced. ! Mtsr of 'em get reckless, devilish- ke. ?one prays awful, aud sings hem vile songs of the mills, all in a breath. despeiV. Hugh, as she calU him, lor three ijs. .'I'm a-coin' to let her in. She don't go with him. Here she in the 'next cell. I'm a-goiu' now Cobe says. 1 see that fifty union soldiers, who are In Mr. Lamar's depart ment, passed some touching I resolutions and jgave him an af fectionate farewell. 1 like that. Those things d.a as all good down south, and those bos can him what fairy land is to a child ; and women going by, coldly, bitteri this morbid, distorted heart of the Welsh puddler he had failed. Eighteen centuries ago, the Mas ter of this man tritd reform in the streets of a city as crowded aiuL. vile as this, and did not fail. His a,nd it is the granary, too. We inake more grain i than any ci uuty in f'the state, more Jin quantity ' kutl more to the acre. Our taxpayers returh their lands ai a higher rate per acre than any county in the State. Vve have liiore rivers and creeks aud bridges and mills than any county. . We have most eveiy thing that anybody wants. .Why, 1 saw four mn trom Homeyer herb yesterday with their dogs It that night. Was it not bis right disciple, showing Him to-night to i to live as they, a pure lite, a good 3! 1 - i - AT . 1 never-enumg nuto mai, -ceya .rnp hparrpfl ,.r fmi of beantv and us solid. As long as th jy elect .:, .nnia ; rla onw wanfeci to our slanderers to omce just so long will there be no peace. We love Mr. Cleveland . nore than ever for that kind letter he wrote Mr. Lamar, He dared to write it and w6 are proud of him. Politicians may write and talk about protection and in ternal revenue and party policy and all that, btrt it is a bigger thiug to dare to do right or what you believe to be right. :..a .L' .., .ria ni. lne people respect moral -cour- 1 ..1-, .i ti r-.t Imlf tli5F i mo ii.aiii liivn uua-. wwvi . . T . i i -n i. ii t I m t- . i -i rr i i. v liiair ijm. rye.Jiave got enougn of foreign education now. I don't want the! government to educate my children : I want to fc.vH n. voire in choosing mv own teachers I want my child- and the sexton is so poor .can't go to a circua. Neither Vpidemics nor contagions, can Ke here, for it is a round, roll-? ihl; country, With drainage In 4 every valley and rich valleys between all the hill. There are seven streams and live springs au'la c t 2i in acres. The traveler can ren to feel and to know that r.ip oumylittlefarm they are dependent upon their acres. The traveler can .her eduqatibn. Needn t tell me that anyl ody is too cnnaren to to. Wo have a street railroad thjt -splits the town in the middie, .nd runs from Rogers -t ) te'alls and from Stegalls to triii ciil tiT'if up lia Y) rwam axrorvr ' - . . . - Tin -krtf ann TiiiOiT t it. . tl,Mk tvti na ir t r TTtO nta I UUV1 VU ooi--i AV ,,'l.ovan atrMt railrna,! SChOOl. A HCVer -Tipw a teacuef who refused a jschblar because he was poor. 'It ii not the tu ition that is so hard : upon the poor man. It ik the time lost from the farm or the workshop. The tuition is nearly nothing in some of our colleges, but the bovs can't go because there is thn board and clothes. I dont want the federal government ti eteD in between me and my children, and choose teachers and books for them. If I have a share in that money that has accumulated let them give it to me ; I aort i want auf ;'uaruiau or trustee. Every boy or girl in our country who wants an education can get it if his pa rents are wllliug,and Mr. Blair's bill is a tremendous humbug, in my opinion. I Bill Abp. know how to nse the strength with-; in him. His heart warmed, as he thonght of it. He suffered himself! to think of it no longer. If he took the monev T I Then he saw himself as he might; brutalize day by day be. strong, helpful, kindly. Thet steal; the actual slime and niirht. PTftnt. on. as this one imagd . of their hourly life, and the slowly evolved itself from the crowd of other thoughts, ad stood tri nmphant. He looked at it. As he might be ! What wonder, if il blinded him to delirium, the madi ness th;it underlies, all revolution! all progress, and all fall t ! j You Hugh at the shallow lempta4 tion ? You see the error underly-j ing its argument so clearly, that to him a true life was one of fall development rather than self-re straint ! that he was deaf to the higher toue in a cry of voluntary suffering for tiuth's sake than in the fullest flow ot spontaneous bar mony ! I do not plead his cause. I only want to show you the; mote in my brother's eye : then you can see clearly to take it out. f The money, there it lay on his knee,a little blotted slip of of paper. te ''Whv didn't vou give that his letter I" 'Kase he worked ajin me when I run for justice uv the peace." "Yes, but the government don' care anything for that.' 'lleckou not, bat I do." "But you were appointed to serve the ieople." "Yas, au' I sarve 'era too sarve some uv them like old Nick." "My fiicuJ, I am a traveling post office inspector, and "All right, then, travel." 'If I repurt you to the post-office department, which shall be very apt to do, 30 II travel.' 'Kec'ucjj not. This establish ment b'loag ut me, an' nobody's got a right ter tell me ter git out." "How long have jou had tbU of fice ?"' "Ever sense I built it."' "1 un an bow long have you been potiua-ttr P "Bout a yearl reckon." "At this juncture an U fellow, That woman, now she's I cautiously picking his wav among Been begaln' to see the be she?, approached the post- nun, The 'i arboro Southerner strongly nrges the ieople of Kdecome coun ty to tir tuetn-elves and bave m fair this fall. New Berne and Wilmington are both making preparations for the coining visit of Mr. I'earsoi to thoe towns. The Wadesuoro Messenger is now owned by James Boyhn.wbo is also proprietor of the Monroe En quirer-Express. The Standard is the name o( a new paper recently established at Concord. It is edited and published by Messrs. W. D. Anthony and J. M. Cross. .It is a very creditable sheet. We wish it cucccbs. Tbe Greenville Reflector aays : Wonder if brother McPbeetere, Here is Caroenter's picture ofl SupenuU'nl.-nt or tne penitentiary Senator Ransom drawn for the bnuday bciiooi.oners a prize to tbe World. -5 "Senator Matt Ransom, of North Carolina has a bead which is bald at the top. It is a brunette bald head,- and its colors rivals .that of the moss-rose in its beauty, a black fringe of hair bounds the bare spot, and that is combed to to the front of Eanscm's rosy pink ears. The forehead is" not overly high, but the bumps of the bald ness are brainy, aud Kansoin trim his black beard so that it bristles with Btiffuess and strength.' He ba a finely symmetrical head of dome like regu'arify ai d it is high enough."" .Towhiciiwe simply add: You do sometimes catch Ransom voting for ihe-abolishraent of the whisky tax and other Democratic displays. What's in a head. Argus. ZILLSD LI23 ESAST. Aaothsr Elssdy Chapter la tin Wc Tiri-:a Teii Ilea, "Ws-rea &zi Chilaro-i S:t ana Errei ta Eoath Two Pa-dliea Als:st Ex teraiaatsi It U expedient to !.:. -i-t tke "f Hhe twig' that baa au rMt'.on ( the tree will be mil the belter for it. Pope expresses but half-trrh n his line : Ti flormtkio form tp c -uim rr'w I : JurfMUHltlfHbUll. t!KUlt.iii9i.' for many a tree ban ba d.surtel by inclining the twig aXut it bent. The Rev. David WJlio t mnch troubled by the fact that DaviOL. his sou, bad tricl three schools, and ta each of tUera hii thowa himself lDd:uenut to cii--ical knowledje. The co I father was also annoyed at the Iji Ii pro pensity to cover the W3!, the kitchen pavement, and the nn- ncarpeted floors of lie boose with figures of men aud Leasts drawn in ratioas altitudes. Even in church, wheu fca aau.I have listened to bt father's ter Bions, the rogue, ignoricg ths si credness of the kirk, oa! tdraw on the blank leaves of Li pJ book and bible, portraits of the re markable faces in tbcc-'un--i-iou. Sowrow fully convinced thl though the boy would o n-ie a . scholar, much less a n." r I?-: -r. Le might make a painter, Mr. WilVi made application for b:s a lail'ioa as a pupil or tne iaitizuar,; apaj emy ut Fine Art. Ti e n-neiiry, looked at tbe lad d:aw p:o nounced them worthier a! d ivjoft ed the application. Private influence leverw l t Lt M-xetarj' decisiou ; ou: 4 Wi'.kie became a pupil, c:n-J :t, went to Loudou. wLt-r l e Ix-cwc-e the Uijieal of douie-st u- art, afcd as Sir David Wilki; tii 'e a a:r;e which was honored tit i.juie atiJ abroad. . One day agcntlem iu f ru'.lute and taste, while walking ri the m burbof Edmbarg, Meppi-i SaVo a sboemaker'scottace. lie - -ur-priKedtosee the wU.rewanhed wall He vera! admit alk- irj-f-Lta-tions ol animals dru .ihied chalk and charcoal, (la c.mmrLtl. ing them to the iboeta.i'. i' w lf, she answered : "Hootl these are bit o drawing o'oor Davie; he t mhu' wu'9 wild beast at a rLow. rd U rn caulked them there to lei iu? w them' "Indeed,'' aaid the i.;ii, "and what do jou Inter. I - rile of that boy Deed, he'll jist Reel t t d-va on tbe atool axide hi l.'. , and learn to make and ti)-ti 1 ' iuK.n New York, Jan. 19. A Charles ton. W. Va., special says Information reaches here Irom Ollanno. Wyoming, county, that another bloody chapter iu the Me Cov-Hart field fennd was enacted Saturday night last, in which the lives of live McCoys were sacrificed. It will Iw. recalled that about the the new vear the fend. been stilled for some mouths,brokjaout again between the two families were worste tbe victims. beginning oft which had 'i 'u'iift, with ten trains a day ii'-t a horse car line, nor a dummy, but a sure enough steam linej with a pal&ce car atta t.:hment. We can go any where we widi to as cheap j as we can stay at Jioiue aud do it in less time. We have the be. t weekly paper iu the state ex- ceptiug those that are better than it is aud I don't know where they are, If any friodly an an away up among the .blizz ar Jr wants to come south either ' i'.'t good htjiilth or good morals, P him teiid a dollar to the oiu'dnt American and he can h-'.lrn all about old Bartow and uirteisville. But he needn't cumeii he is opposed to Mr. laaiir's confirmation. We don't Uiat so" of cattle. cultured bearers, shoeing the clear nets of the God-power acting through Him, shrank back from one coarse fact ; that in birth and habit the man Christ was thrown np from the lowest of the pnople histlesh, the:r flesh ; their blood his blood; tempted like tiem. to to Ii watt wine press he trod alone Yet, is there meaning iu thi perpetually covered truth ! 11 th son of the capenter had stood i a tha church that night, s he stood 1 with the fishermen and harlots by the sea of Galilee, before Ilia Fath er and their Father, despised and rejected of men, without a place to lay His head, wounded for their iuiquites, bruised for their trans gressions, would not that - hungry mill -boy at least, in the back seat, have "known the mani'' That Jesns did not stand there. Wolfa rose at last, .aud turned I from the church dowu the street. He looked up : t he night had come ou foggy, damp ; the golden mist had vanished, and .the 6ky lay i!iU and ash-colored. He wandered again aimlessly down the street. o let h.-r in.;' (To be Coutinned.) Sleeves "Boiled Up. Whatever may be said of the past, the Democracy stands to-day for all that is progressive in Amen- cau politics. Utica Observer. Yes, ii you read the Republican papers of the day you find them all ii a condition of paintui uisgrunue- meut. While the Democrats, with sleeves rolled up, are putting their shoulders to the hind wheels of the team and tiyiug to gtt it out of the mud, ".be oMier fellows 7 staud on the roadside chewing Mr. Blaine's free quid and swearing at the party in power for trying to do some thing. This dog in the manger business, though, is about played out. New York Herald. All over the country the Demo crats are hard at work. Here in North Carolina we find the excep tion. W UV not go to rouiug ui our sleeves ! .There' work to bo done idly wondering what had become of the cloud-sea of crimson and scarlet. The trial-day of this man's life was over, and he had lost the victory. What followed was mere drifting circumstances, a quicker walking over the path, that was all. Do you want to hear the end ofitt You wi8a me to make tragic story out of itt Why, in the police-reports ot the ' morning pa per you can find a dozan such trag edies ; hints of shipwrecks utihke any that ever befell ou the high seas; hints that here a power was lost to heaven, that there a sou went down where no tide can ebb or flow. Commonplace enough the hints are, iocee sometimes, done np in rhyme. Doctor May, a month after the The Greenville Reflector says the neonln of that seetioa complain of e are getting ehoice of our bad roads, and there is cause for company now. We don't care I complaint. nothing in itself ; used to raise him out of the pit; something straight from God's band. A thieri Well, what was it to be a thief t He met the questiou at last lace to face wiping the clammy drops or sweat from his forehead. God made this money, the fresh air, too for hi children's use. He never made.th4 defference between poor and ricbi The Something that looked dowe on him that moment through thl cool gray sky had a kindly face, hi knew, loved his children alikeji Ob, he knew that! ' " t I Theie were times when the soft floods of color in the crimson and purple flames, or the clear depth op amber in tue water reiow me bridge, had somehow given him A vriimnse of another world than this t- - . , i I r i r ,i of an infinite deptn oi Deanty ana mgui, imwiuiujuuui, waoicau- -nmpwlrp.-1 iB2 to his wife at breakfast from rfAnth of nniet. and rest aud lovei this fourth column of the morning i. tintr nn now. it hecame strange- paper: an unusnal thing,--these lvreal. The sun had sunk quite police leports not being, in general below the bills, but his last rays choice reading lor lames .nir nnwnrri. ronehinff the zenith. 1 was only one item be read. rrv,. rr, haA riwn. and the town I "Oh. my dear! You remember for the State. The great question who Khali be Governor I" seems to iug forth speculation oniy. All is talk. Uut few are uomg auyiumg. istlessness evervwheie in the ate, politically speaking. With a Usll OUr OUSIUObS lutciesis aic niovinc now can iney move wen or for an v. length of time unless our politics are purified and kept pure. LIow can tlu-y oo maue auu Kepi ure unless the best men go into he race. How cau the best men go into the race unless there is or- 'itnizatioii and lorwnru inovemeiii. f sll lovens of law anl order and ibfrtv at once I "oleeves rouea np" nieau readiness ; mean deter mination : mean forgetl'ulness of 11 m.iimrs : mean disregard of trivial obstacles ; mcau success and sweet reward. Let's roll up our sleeves aud fall iu line, and for getting those things which are be hind redouble our purpose anu en ergy. All together for pure politics and better days. Durham Tobacco lant. master, who. upon seem sprang to his feet and exclaimed 'What in the thunder, do yon want here, Abe Smith t"' "Come alter that paper." "Didn't I tell yer that jer kaiu't get it !' Yes,bi.t I 'lowed yer mout change ver mind. "Wall I haiit. When yer relas ed ter lend me yer slide an'- boss t'other week I told yer that yer cou du't git nothiu' elseouten this ofllee." "I'm er goiu ter get that pajer." "Not lessen yer a better man thn I am." 'Au' that's what I think." 'Wall, helpyourse'f." With agilny urpiisiug for such old men tlu-y grappled with.ach other aud Iwgau a desperate struggle. Abe Smith succeeded in throwing tho postmaster. "Now," said Smith, as be begin to cboke old I'luuiaer, "goin' to let me have that p.iper !"' A gurgled "Yes" came from the post-nun7 turoat. Mniiu reieaseu his hold auvt suffered l'lainmer to get up. "W.ill," said the post-master, as be stood brushing fragments of and bark from his beard. "I reckon I woz sorter mistaken in yer. I didn't know that ye wuz such a nice man. Come in, Ale, an' git yer paper, fer 'jerjliave, eamed It like a white man. 7 , "Ain't thar a letter fur me too ?" "Yas." "Wal!, I want it.'' Kain't git it, Abie. Yer fit fer ther paper and not fer the lettar." "Got ter have it, l'iummer." Not lessen you whip me ergin. BTeve I ken do it." . , "All right, Abie." . They went at it again, pranced uround striking at each other, fi nally Plummer struck Alw a heavy County thi t will send him the most new f-cholars for the year 1883 T If so Pitt county propose to contest and sends eight bp lor January. l'lease give her proper credit. The Bocky Mount I'hoeuix Mrs Mr. L. F. Tillrry, wh is Tisitiog relatives iu Craven runty, while cut Lnuting oue day last week, was severely shot in tbe back and bead fiv Lis !! 1 vr-in ! it. e are p!eard Maiate however, that the w iir.J-, thoagU pamlu', are not M-tiuUS. The Orphan's -Friend, priuted at the Asvlum nudcr the manage ment ofL. Thomas, shows groM receipts of c J.O.iT.GC. Tbe circula tion of the j-aper n now a.ooo, and is rapidly increasing. ibe tarm aud gan e n Ls J ielded well ; RTOM value of jitid .003. Health or rematkav.y good. -Appll- catmiis r r a iuiissioD are rapiuiy iucrea-mg W applications now lie-.ng on tile. The WilarngtoTi Star, in peak ing of l he Cs'i, gjme and oyster fir to be he'd at New Berne, says: The whole Eastern and Atlantic I aboea.' wciion U invited to join in tbe I Tbe gentleman, tbiukit. Ust show aud send in their beat pro-1 cobbling was toot t xic'.'y i.i? t xs ductions, neh as "manufactured j ploy meot for a boy hj c -'. 1 ei. goods, miru-, rock, game, n&a, oya-icate ancu drawings p ru4.t.i a ters, clams, &-.' Iet the whole bonsepalnter to take l)ai. .- aa Atlantic section seaa ibeiroestana j apprentice, inucstry ana zm.u unite in making tLe exhibit every I made tbe youth a pmat. r r f- wav creditable to tbe good tld I atic scenery ; Iheu l.e p. 1 Vorth Ciro'ina we all love. . or I cothie rains of Soo'uo.i. ; tU.-i-e ought to love. God Pleas me a North State.' The N't eldoD News saya : When l. N. Sta'mback & Co. discovered that their fore aad been robbed last week they di.'ubuted a Dam- tx-r of circulars describing gun which wa among tb atoleo ar tides. Ou Weduesd-y list they received a telegram frt Meyer, mayor of Wbitakera. . jg that he bad in cufolv a t.iu who had ill which the llatlields . Alter tbe fuueral ol he HatfieUls proceed ed to annihir.de the family of Rn- dall McCoy. They f-um.uu leil bis bouse across the Kentucky line. and setting fire to it drove Mct'oy's wife, son aud daughter, like idieep ; tMjsvssion a cun of ln. !r make. into the shambles, to be rntblessly jir jj. i;. Stambaek with Chief of slaughtered. Randall McCoy es-1 police McGee went dowu and tbe cared to the wood. This was fol I tynn was identified as one which lo ed by the McCoy raid into We-d Ua,i been repaired by Mr. Slain Virginia, recently described, in bark. The negro, Edgar ict oy which three of the Hatfield party name, was brought back and aent were killed in a battle in the woods. on to j iil by Justice W. A. Daniel, bave yet ueen means be ouiainea u' i making toura in N ru!.u 1 uid Spain, from hit h cu '' " re turned with picture tLl Isolt money and irpa atioa. TLe fcboemaker'a wn rtlKiJ IIolrti, one ol the iot ili-d l Britisb artists. .. iLc All tbe detail that bave yet received o Saturday roigbl n a sacre are simply that tbe Hart Add L'.inmado a raid on the bouse of Sim McCov. a brother of Randall. The McCoy were completely isur prised: Mrs. McCoy was tied to a tree and shot to death. Tbe eldest aon was next tied up and riddled with bullets. Sim McCoy barricad ed the back room aud made a weak defence of his home against great odds. Finally, the Hatflell's set lira to the house and McCoy and his two yoange't h.Uren were homed to death. :IAY SAIL-SAD. iu default of 1.:;1. Tue Shelby New Era tell of ! seusatiou that was caused in that cjunly a few dys ago by a vooth who Ivc.iiiie enlatuuteii wun lexaa and lHt U r that lau 1 of promU. lie left the team which he drove off iu the wfHds aud took out for a neighboring railroad d epot. The horses wete reiurued home by tw colored men. who were arreted on suspicion of having dealt loolly with the ly. Searching parlies took to the woo.ls to find his cold conwe. lie was foaud, by a friend, atthe det he weut to for tbe pur- r.se of leaving lor Texas. lie baa Good Advice. Bill Nye writes to a bald-headed friend, who asked his advice about hair restorative as follows : "Take your hair restorative money and buv vou a lot in a growing town that supports its home paper and advertises a'nd go ahead and you will be well fixed. A man well fixed d. n't care whether be has any hair or not. lathe UoitL Old ladr fia drug store to small bo.v What am I to take this med lcuie io. sonny T Sonnv -Take it in your month moai. Taint to be rubbed on. low and felled him ; thfii seating himself oft the prostrate man, he said ; "Don't want that letter, do' yer. Abie r "liecdon not, l'lnmmer.' "All right comeerhe.d an' git yer paper.7' i When Abe had goue the iost. master turned to the inspector, and said : "Want anything outer me t" "No. I believe not." Ef ye had er leiter hero au' I didn't want yer ter have it yer woulilnc argy tue pint, wouiu J"'! "I don't thi'iK was l Bnouiu, "Don't want no truck with mel" 'Nbne." "Wall, then, good bye. Got ter go in now and make np the maiL' "One cf tea Swaa re tigr." "Here, you fellers, what you do in' here V shrieked a woman to a nartv of railroad surveyors who who were driviug stakes on a cor nerof her farm. . "We're surveying for a railroad, replied the ohief euginetr of the a . party. "What, one o' them steam ingine 6hing I've heetn tell on !" -Yes; that's it." ' "Wei"' you git right jlTu this around. - Vou": will bo well paid for all iiunrH done to your land." "Pav f There ain't u-oney enough n tn-i o' this created earth to pay me ior bein skeereJ to death a doz:'n times a dav by a thing like that. I've beeau how tnera inglne bilers burst and blow up whole farm. Now, just a sure as you lav that track hyar, 111 take the eo'rd from my bedte id an' He it over the track an' trip your blamed old in-rine on every time, 1 oa see if I don't. for the pcnietuaT too 1 Air returned borne aud eipreasc" "or- intitotiona as long t or l: i row for his act. Hia name la Jesse iai inuuuai Wrav and he isonly l. years oni- Tbe Saprt-me C-mj-1 i" - ' ion diarliarrinff imn cr- " Mayor and City Council ( L.rte::n. Nebraska, place itfu-lf n.l:i ujx-a the tsoud and sale lw-tvT.tue .: trine of State U fiiU Te psai-a o! Justice Gray i tror.g an Z tailt Kmt, The United 6ta;e C. tci.it Court, aaya the Snineu.e Court, aitting as a Court oi lj-i !.r,i a to jonsdiction whatever ovi r ci : to . n l ca sea iavolviog tne apiiu.;i or removal of State and dua p 1 ficera. Tbe proceed ing ! tie Federal Coart were in the rutins' of usurpation from ttie bg:naior. If a few mora de-c.utiji i :.-, and that ia tbe Virginia la1 corjoa cae, are mad-, it U s St ably Pecoire clear to j-trc ;-; e who bave forcott-n or n. r lucw. It, that there are oni ikj longing to the Sla'es United States au'.h-i bouud to fespecL Tl. :e ; 1-c tUe are . .-i.ii little birch tea could l very ja. dicHinsly adinini-trrcl ia tue youth The IUleigu conei,",nd'-'nt of the Wilmington Messenger is one oi fh new gathers m the btate. H:s lelleis re aUayi CHed wun new aid w-krUu ia aa intereatiag sth-. lie taua Uescntea ma cou- viclsinihe pcnitentiaiy: meuri- uty-wnrden of the p uilentiary, air. Fleming, tell me tnat mere are w day ll.co'.yic:sintheicuiieni ary. ( Nearly every eue ri inei ia a urn perate crini'n.i1, ia for Meor for a term over i en' y years. ue urn Derate men c:itiot of course be pot at any wotk ouisiue, oui, watched wiia ceaK-ies TignautT. It is a terrible collect ion ef tbe ol people in North Carolina. It ia, strange to sav, very difficult to to pick cut of a gani'ihe ott man. Sometimes the face of a ..r.,!.pr t-rving lime for a aimple eflVuce is nirc derilioh, more aoali gant thar that cfthe manwho is ia for a capital cnme. aa wisely aa it b b--ii 1j. I:- ly. Norfolk Virginian. r gta-p a ilh Ta9 EiSereacj. T3 Ccapaay 2-.8vci. During a conversation betwee- two railroad directors one of them said : "I understand, that a man who wai formerly in your service baa Income a train robberJ "Yes, and tbe company .fce-ls much relieved. "Why so T' be is not m danEeroos to our income now. He used to be J a conductor, you inow' rr:x:-A ia Gcnas Za ThshtTkiTiri :i 3rca. t Pat Iloolihan, while ''i"g the roof of ene cf i ur ! ;Ut bniMings, lost Lii fo-d-t-g atd fell. , Owr and ovr Lc wer.t nti'u within twenty Ciefetf te ground, when Le aliu'-k a :- graph wire and tuanzs it. Cist with ne in:i.' both. . . . "Hang on on fr voir L.e. i at. shouted Lia frlluw "tkir- . but tbe bjataodem rohed t tl Vtr et hu-e fr amattiat ! r -ini to f all n. I'at 1..-11 on Li a f-w m e"":. wbeu fuddetaly wf.b :tfj "SbUnd (rota audhei! . and lay M-oe1caa on the "i WLlVkey was a - 1 ?! I'- ' ! ally came to. . '.VLea ake4 why I . bold out locger Le 1 plied: "Oi aa afraid the -' break." He recovered. L.le. f ;; 1 iu- d v t i a on!! Teacher What is the diTticDce, Tommy, between a Germau and a Dutchman 1 Tommy One has got money and tbe other hain't. . The ynng eople are seldom stopped by iraie and unyielding parents. The fcbeioy iew tells or an eioiog coupm - to Sonth Carolina to bare the knot tied. Tbe old folks may oppose par. they marry all the same, The G -rrtr area great people, tley are iiiltile-nt and well in formed, and Lxtmarck l-r wisdom is tie wonder of the age. H has bona a matu-r i.f aupptise U many, that a people iw fr alighted aa tbe Germa-is with a leader of aur'i -Lin, khould TM-ril in tbe lo r ' of a protective tariff- Tbe truth I-, that the German bave mre in cities, to winc h .heir tariff laws t o notapplv, Urrmcn, iiamonrc am Lobeck, and trade ia free betwe-n these citiea and the rett of Ger many, and the re.u!t K that l! barg llaeir ion port . . . Mi.M-e Nautie Kirg :i I WeUa were cat dtuag 7..ui'- afternoon, aud wh e rt l.ia atret tbe bor Ix-aa l ' ' i ;- Cot both hind kg canh: r lie cru.a bar to the bi.' .'.to-t.r vehicle pasMorr at the t t . rock tbe one in which the !-'." ndio, partly ovr1ari..t.g i throwing tbem out. I -tbet et-orol without injur v. mn wbo rtJ"ted lol.Mrw ' " .v. I . . . W CI , ai.d .. u .y S"r e t .,nii tLinr aeriDe o iw " neatlv as mnca ar itoni" si iw .. .. th. 1'r.Tted .Sta-c Btkk extricate the bor-. -Green- h e L pia bere. GoLJeboro Arroa. Bec'or. 1