ADVERTISEMENTS. STORE! lew GoodsIIv MOPE. 1W DEPOT NASH COUNTY, N. C. III!!;! II, III"! ,1 Will open on the 10th of September, an unusually large and attrlact- VTA a. t vi 1 v GENERAL iJECCDMISli, Which they guarantee to be Meat, Flour, Heal, Bagging and Ties J ' Will be kept in Large Quantities. - j Cotton! Cotton! Will be bought at Wilson and Raleigh price? and the Cash baid down for it. ; EMIt. BURTIS CONE will much ased to jerve his friends. 1. i. , L , - V-SS': V"- .viJ f:i- .li jiJj'iVl."" " i r -3 Mo.-uifactureijl by ISAAC A.SHSPPARD A CO., Baltimore Md. lii.I Ihi !,. by UtUK u. UUKKH C:., W u.ou. . c - ' ' ESTABLISUED1843. l TO S " . . i I would attention of sportsmen to my lar-e assort- meut of . Hamrta anOafflmer Br Been Loafling: Slot Gins OF HUEST OWN MAKE. !'- Scott's, Clabrough's, Colt's and other Reliable Makers Muzzl dlnx ill prices. Winchester and CMa t1Z1 i glo Shot RiflesI- Rat and Oat i?er "d Shells, GlassJBllls. Clay Pigeons Mzt Sjjf Leggms, Ammunition of all kinds, -andlsportsS hlP the8t Goods S3 Soutk Calvert Street TBltiHreM! a w ! O 2 - X 1 H & ks-3 P i i S 2 2 'I. B 5 rl 3 3 i-i c B P v P - 5 & 2 CT O fj; r w P O 5 . 5S 3D A H 5 CD IB 6 ;g a trt ft r ia P W HMOBEHEAD I 111 Oil. MSPIFSIICCII. Mr.cbp.roc ; :r-" ' wv (Aids Digestion, relieves-Oabitual Constinatinn n , ?i the Heart, Headache, di8pe h Mefic : a'pitat.on.of moves at once that d'isagSaeno"" i - fullness after meal. ! DR. W S-ANDERSON'S DRUG STORE. NEXT DOOR T0 pogT OFplCK eplCm BUY YOUR AND OTHER BUIIDIKS MATERAL, FROM ' WHITEHURST OWEN, Laiiu.fa.otvirersr j RICHIIOIID, VA ADVERTISEMENTS aslow a quameli atsys Goods cah'be havojcharge o this store and Will sepS . a lh xS6 m 1 THE BEST IN THE WftRKElj i Fourteen different dxea and kinds. Flvi tos with Enameled Reservoirs. Adapted to iihuuewi uh vnue-l WJ .1111 JI pC3e 3 i LEADING TITIIDrc. I Doable Wood Doors. Patent Woo ' Adjustable Damper, J. "erehangeab 'ood Grant "erehangeable. Acta IX &wInitu- dearth Plate, Swinging Flue Sto B'er?raibu tii- Burnins Lomt Cross Tk'JL Dm:? sihn: Centers. Heavy Ring Covers, IllominateJ it In Iioors, Nictel Knota, Nickel Pauels, etc ! Cnequaled In Material, in rini.b, and Is operation. ! ESTABLISHED 1843. PORTSSUiEN ALEX. McCQMAS. M vv I M X M Mi 0 H 0 - r www-1 ib ttn i It is rm- Vu,sox Advance Wilson, N. O., Feb. 2d, 1888. NEWb OF A WEEK. -:o: WHAT IS HAPPENING IN 1HE WORLD AROUND US.i- A condensed report of the news as gathered from the columns if our contemporaries. State and National. Iialeigh is to have another gas company. A seal was captured on Nedse Kiver. says the New Berne Journal A man was robbed in Charlotte by two men who presented pistols. Durham has established a to bacco trade direct with Germany- Winston and. Salem have taken perlimentary steps to form a saving oanK. Edgecombe county sent up seven recruits lor the penitentiary last week. I - ! . ,;' - A Youna Meu's Christian Asso ciation has been established fit Kinston. Winston expects to begin the building of street railways April ist. - We see it stated in an exchange that there are sevei.ty-four lawyers in Raleigh. S The people of Durham pro pole establishing a Young Men's Chrfs tian Association. W. C. Warmoth . has been nomi nated for Governor by the Repub lican Convention of Louisana. The number of tobacco factor iis in North Catolina is now placed it ono hundred and seventy-live. j A bill has passed the lower house of the Mississippi Legislature pen siouing disabled Confederate soldi ers. . -.. - j A porcelain factory is beiitg erected at Webster, Jackson coun ty, on toe Western .North Carolina Railroad. : I A silk factory is being built at Wadesboro, we see from the IntgJ ligencer. The machinery will socb be put in. j A farmer who had iust sold his tobacco was robbed of $120 nelr Winston last week, we see from the Sentinel. . I The Clipper is the narre of a new paper just started atli .ckory. Ji. II- Crowson is the ed'tor. lie hafe j our Lest wishes. I ! The Knights of Libor of Tarbolo disbanded became thev did ndt have a lnembershin sufficient to keep np the lodge. J 'G Another cashier is ol to Canada. His name is Charles O'Biien, add he only got $200,000. It ocenred at Auburn, N. Y. J A drunken man fell from tile top of a car. where he insisted on riding, at New Berne, a few das ago and broke his aim. I The building of the Teachers' Assembly at .vlorehead City will 6e completed by May, we see it stateil. Ihe contract has already bedn awarded. f Jr'dge Meiriniou ' c'iafgel tfif: Grand Jury t Durban) that it isi: misdemeanor lor a d.iif."jiHt to whit-key' on the same pei;Ciij'i!.i more than ouce. ' I The News Obseiver says there L-. now in the city a total ol twentji- four church congiegations, formed bv about 8,000 members. In t! Sunday schools there are cvfci 4,000 pupils." " s A negro was taken to Tarboro last week and lodged in jail lor striking his father. His name s Sherman Sherley and he struck lis father with an an axe. The ojd man may die r l Cotton foctories are springing in all over the State. Right! Gife your girls, women and boys; a chance to make an honest living. Turn your consumers into produ cers of wealth. Ex. 1 : -I We see from the News Observer Ol the 2Gtb. that while J. A. .Tami. son, living three miles east kf Mooresville, was engaged in top ping -a tree in nis yajd, he 'w-ps knocked off by the falling top au i Kinea instantly. The people of Charlotte are widf urata T li r... . - build several new cotton factories and other induslrial enterpiises are being rapidly pushed. The town appears to have taken On new iite and vigor- . The trustees of the TJnivemtvlof iioiiu Carolina win meet in Raleigh Febrnaiy 16tb- At the samo timo there will a re-nniou of the c'ass of jooi aosmi, m me rormation of? a junior alumni associotion. Itlis prcposea to act not in antagonism uo i ne airauy established Asso ciation- j.ue .suevuie uitizen says the man wno was kocked m the head wim a stone in an affray at the far niture tactory about a fortnight ago, died of his injuriec yesterday morning. He had been an inmate oi ;ne nospitai sihcp recei vine Hie injury, where lie had every possible aueuuou. Ane bupreme court will rrPPt f.r ts spring term on Monday, Febru- ai.v oiu. jl wo aays will be devoted to heading applications for licens to practice law. On Wednesday the 7th, raes-fro - the flrstjndictal district will be taken op in the regular order in which they docketed. , ate W e learn from the Sylva Herald that Mr. Join Stillwell ial tie misfortune to have his gun acfi pentally dtschorged. the ing bis left hand and so lacerating his throat as to make death 1 most. a certainty. Also that Mr. Jud son Allen had a saw-log to roll dn him, seriously but not latallv ininr- mg him. 1 - ' An Asheville corresnnnrifnr. If the Raleigh News Observer says It is reported tbafc Mr. A of this city, has given Rev. R. G. Acdiouua unuaing ioc. in the vi cinity oi Mr. Garrett's new hotel rii sooth Asheville, and that Mr. p. will at once build- a house for him self and family, and make Ashe ville his headquarters in the fiPure Ti e Detroit l're- I'ress is ret-pon-sible for. the following : A North Carolina, man wLo lives sixteen miles from the nearest water coarse, ana wtio never saw a snip m nis ' life, has invented a steeriug gear for sail and steam craft, which is pronounced a grand success. Par ties in New. York have offered him 650,000 for his rights. It was not a farmer who invented the rail fence. . j I The Tarboro Southerner com mends tte work done bv the Infer- lor court oi tnat county. It says mat .mere were tuirtv-oue convic tions, and live acqnitals. Ont of sraty ionr cases all bus leven were disposed of. The Grand Jury besides cases sent up fn m Justices Court found fortv -seven true bills ot indictment so t hap the docket for next c urt now numbers just nuy-eignt cases. As a j illustration of the profits of cotton'mills in the State, it may be'stated that at a recent meeting ot t&e stockholders of the Odell manutaccuring companv, of Con con, a semi-annual dividend of 10 per cent, was declared. During the year there were manufactured 4,d24,CC7 yards of plaids, 102,489 ceamless bags, and 94,385 towels. Ihere was paid-Ont during the year to operatives, 64r-'02 36 : for cotton $l3-333,9i: The unloaded pistol continues to get m its work. The Taylorsville joaruai says x Umer Tritt called on Henry Payne, who lives near town, tor the purpose ot trailing with him for a pistol .'5S ! calibre. After trading Tritt began handling the pistol 'e.ireiessjy, and, pointing it at Pavne snapped it. Uf course the blamed thing wasn't loaded, and that was why it went off and lodg ed a. ball in. Payne's thigh. Tritt at onco took to the brush. ; The wounded man is doing well. vve .pnonsneu a tew weeks ago a state .News item to the affect that the office ' tf the Pioneer, at Brevard, Transylvania connty, had been invaded and the type piei by being emptied from the cases onto the floor and" out of th6 windows. Mr. E. S. War rock; the editor and proprietor, writes ns under date of the- 17(!i to discontinue our ex change with his paper and adds : 'The Pioneer lias, suspended. The office was raided at, night by ronghs, who were uispieased with the pa- ler for . imblishirig their names when they were brought before the courts., aiicy have complete con trol of t he towu auiil there is no use to start up agaiiu'." Statesville Land mark. i " - . . - i A sad accident occurred near HarreiisviHe f n Fijday morning the 13th i nst. While Mr. Henry Taw loy was engaged ia cutting un and salting meat, 'and bis wife was nU tending to her domestic affairs, their. 'tinea .children, one boy and two girls, aged three, (ire arid six espectively, were playing about the louse. Tue boy laud the oldest girl, pi.liinsr out a table drawer. (o'ipd an E iglish bull dog, self cocking "p. stol, and each trying to .r. iiiKsfiiston or ir it. s.) ntr ' " ' J v ' VA wuiiemt-e uoj s nana, the ball trikiii.jc the jonnger. child just above tint iibt t-ye, penetrating the fckuIPand puncturing the brain. The child lay insensible until about ') o'clock it gave two heart- rending screams .and expired. E. City jf'.ili-on. I ' "C01TFII A North .Ccrclina . Kerchant Taken is by a- Phiiladslphia' Sharper. Pbilailphif, J.ji-. 2C.- A man giving the' u nn" of Jos. L. Peal. and statiu tuat i.e was a lumber and Hour rm- -:.. ii t of Keihel N. C. culled at i.iie CeuiBal Police Station thistuoruuig ;hki informed Chief of Drtechvs ' Wood that he had been d.utd outof 210 bv a confii-de' I'l said that a few days ago- lie a oeived a letter at his bo;.!-! f'co n man in New York named J. H. Ward, who gave his address as 150 Mulberry - street (care of Ruber.) Tho writer inform ed Peal t hat he had a lot of green backs .wfcjch -Had i., on printed from stolen j. osvi- - i.-nt plates, and whlcu, 'be wou'd s -11 to Peal at a liberal discount. Correspondence followed and Ward informed the Bethel mm:!:uit. at he would meel him at the Pennsylvania Railroad station in Philadelphia. Peal j -laced .00 in his pocket with which to buy the goods, and left , Philadelnhia on Suuday. uere tho old tamiliar confidence game w is played ou him bv an af. I able t ranger from Tarboro, N. C,, wild knew all about Peal and was glad to ?t e bun so far from home, took him to dinner at his hotel, found himself unaccountably' short ot ready cash, ami asked Mr. Peal to oblk e him till the banks opened in the." umming. -'.IVal obliged him with -'10. : li-f next morning he be "gan to tb.iii'i ometbiug had gone wrong; ana tola bis story to the police am! k-it lor home with the reimiiuder'ofhis money. Peal pro fessed to have no suspicion that the money he iropoied to purchase mignc uecouhtc-rk-it. Wilmington . BjflTTEB TEACHERS NEEDED. i aaf Advancement of onr Putlic . .bcoois Depsnas on Improvement. inThi3 Linx t ' Some coumiiiffeeuieu may benar-- row mtiKied, prt'jndi ed or not well .uiu,uieu. . xroiy . wcniu naturally Then favoritisui, that "trail of thv serpent. is over it a'!.' A son daogh t'r orlriftnd will en oe given ti e place without regard to qualify cations, to the rxc';nsion of more reserving cnudnlat. s. it all rests .-iii me committee. Some are con tr iry, .wit.j.warngte and dispute and nuii;;.vem school because thev canac nav,v -everything accordiug k . i' wnuus. cucn men shouiG. r ot bave it in their power w. ucu.,1- M.ti:. maters, we canno MUHiin-v.iin u,e!vj lictouse their idii-nnsi i are not electric jet beckuser thrir '.allow dips -do not give out tbi' gioiis lHaz of .Na ture' grand illuminator. It is not given to every o!;e to rise above Ins own petty interests un r. the higher and i-ro uler plains ff a sublime phiiauthronv ee n,.,i ,r sire what is best for the community tue section, onr Stste. ot tho efinf.a,.,al ; interests; only socu den l- wpestiona of such mo mentcusrinpr.iUi.ce as who shall ceach tie rising generations.-Prom a Commuincarion in i?."b!ni t'vat i T2S CONTBAST. Sow Can a Whits Ifoa Ssa it a&i Still Vote the Eepullic&n nckat There is not gouthern 8tt that does not today croan and Btager under the bordena laid up on them by lawless theivine acoun- dreis that Republican votes raised over the people. The history of the period is written in teorm, in toe sufferings, in the impoverishment aye, In the blood or of the white citizens of the South, and for it all tue Republican party Is responsi ble; and when we say Republican party we mean Repu,blicaBS whsre ever found. For the wrongs in flicted upon the States of the South not only received indorsement, but were abetted by that party Base, wast, rsortn and Souths Jo great er contrast could have been presen ted than the condition of these rad ical ruled communities after the Democracy mounted the box and took charge oi the reins. It was a change irom cbsos to order, from J despotism to freedom, from con up tiou aud - obbery to houasty and fair dealing, from an administra tion of knavish scalawags and plun denng carpet baggers to one of en lightened statesmanship, exalten patriotism, and unselfish devotion to the interests and the welfare of the whole people. The Democratic party went into power and a new era opened and resulted in giving good and honest govermsnt to the States, and the prosperity - which followed aid that has increased to the present day marks in broad and distinct lines the difference be tween the two parties.--Washing ton Gazetta The Bottom Esaohii If there is one character in this world more despicable than anoth er, it is the talebearer, the tattler to put it more appropriately, , the liar of the community; for there never was a tattls who " was not proficient in the art Of of lying. No community is entirely free from the obnoxious presence, and no charac ter is too pure to be assailed by the venomous viper. Like the unseen germs of disease which float open the atmosphere, the poisonous "slings and darts" of the tala bear er single out their victim from among the best of the community. It if but a hint, a vague insinua tion at first, but like the snowball which is rolled upon the : covered ground, ft gathers, increases and strengthens as it rolls, until the victim is finally made out to be a perfect demon. Rockingham Rock et. What Am X to Sol The symptoms of Biliousness are unhappily but too well known. They differ in different Individuals to some extent. A bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too fre quently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time ; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out of order and Diarrhoea or Con stipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are often Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence aud tenderness in the pit of the stomache. To correct all this if not effect a core try Green's August blower, it costs but a trifle and housands attest its efficacy. , Women Always to to Trnstei ft We bav never seen a wman in any jmjsiuou that she did not fill better by being educated. The best wives, the best mothers, th best housekeepers, the beet laun dresses, the besc nurses, the best cooks, the best milliners and dress makers tnat we bave ever met in country or town society were edu cated women. Education qualifies me womao, even more than it doe the man, to any position to whicl she may be called. In society sh cannot move at all witbont it. In ordinary society she struggles hone lessly against all disadvantages, aim never reuaers satisfaction. iioiosooro Advance. we nave often wondered whv more of theindo not become i r in ters, iney could make good in n at it. COSPOSATION APPEOPEIATIONS. The People Snonld be Careful How Thej Vote Debts cnTbemselves. aome or m newspapers have i obi to Hat ;a something to say as 10 me luueoteaness oi carpora- uous ana tue reaainejs with which they burden themselves by voting iur Huuewea tnat increase taxation we see that the Baltimore Sun fa vored a change in the Constitution oi luaryiana to iorDid corporate subscriptions to internal improve- mruu iub aicumona wnig says: counties and cities and towns are loaded down with debts crea- iea ior constructing railroads and for other purposes. In Virginia the authority to make thes Hons by vote of the people is close- iv guaraea oy legislative statute Yet there is a general ' tendency among people everywhere to ruin headlong into debt, individuals and uM.orauons, as well as to indulge m wild speculations. ' Sound Sense. Race peculiarities ar nn loo marked and influential in their ten- v.uiCO uuu results ttian those of uui.iuuais. ii mere are potent leahonsway certain individual should not be forced intn a. sphere of life, and why would it be v. uoi to piace mm under the oondi titionsof such a-8Dber whv not tue same relation hnM relation to racest ir it is wrong to spoil a good blacksmith to mak a vcuojf aiiorney, wny is it righ to ruin a race of suece tful cotton choppers and cooks In a yain at' tempt to transform thm inu .A entisfe and Senatorsl It asems t mat aiong mis line thsre i much food for reflectlonGoldsbor Advance. . Did Wot Apply. Ddoot Mafj. u. that Dotioa ,7"". . tdtookeinlhlT iuaividual..-lt doesn't apply torn D M.- why not? 8. IffirZ Y0U i " Next casr TRY IB E L Ess.. THE JEWELER, Tarborof:n.., Dealer in Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks, Specs, 8llver Ware, Musical Merchandise, Fancy Goods, also the cheapest, best and latest Improved SEWING "MACHINED. Quality of Goods warranted as represented. Engraving premptly done. Thirty years practical ezpe rienoe is our guarantee of first class workmanship. WANTED:--Old Cold And Stiver. STSefer by "permfrslon to Hon. Geo. Howard, Tarboro, N. O. Bespectfully, JA 6.HC TIE BEST AND CHEAPEST Race in Wilson to boy yoor Hol iday goods, Toys, Fireworks &&. is at . ' H. M. ANDERSON'S, Tarboro street, Next;doorto J. F. Farmer'a and opposite A. Branch & Go's. .tlw?,16""1 WeI1 elected stock of all kinds of Toys, NutV Fancy and Plain Candies d have marked them dorn low to suit the hard times. Givemeacal! and I guarantee to please you in price and anahtv nr tmA. , . Tae,aCe'. Denry M- Anderson, on Tarboro street. -Il8?,have.011 hand a f" ne of , . cooslsUngof Su gar, Coffee, Flour, (all grales) Bat- Frnitn. "uioomo uriea S??000' 25 diwnt grades to elect from, at from 25 to 75cta per hLVr'' .irA..large ortment ol which I will sell cheap as it must Smokft rHrla nf o ... best nicklo cigar on the market. ORNAMENTAL WIRE W0RK3, A3 UTTTK. & CO m North Howard St, BaltUnora. Wr r-T- cemeteries. Havlaf rt rvirmd ftom U Nsrthtrn snarket, we ars now gettlrif the C HEAP EST STXXK 07 OOODi mt bromg hi to thii utket, We are mIIIq SHOES, CLOTHIKQ, HATS, NOTIONS aoA DRY GOODS at prloai aartr haard of before. We give a few prices : O L O T 131 1 3ST C3-- Oar ttoek ef eletMag la eomplete. We are going to sell this big stock of el othl es of prices la evdet to snake room for Sprlag Good very best imported Cork screw anils f 15 former price ftt.50. Oar f 11.00 salto for 9.00. . Oar $10.00 salts for f 7.50. Oar 70 for 5J5. Oar 5flO flalts fer 3.ti. Oar 13.75 . gulU for 2.65. Oar Coats we are selling at half price. jTey 1311,1 go. Cease aai see ear barraiaa. y S U O E S We kave the larfst and asost eomplete Hoe of Boots and Shoes ever brought to Wilson thit we are eaTeelaf at pri tWat will astonish you. Women's shoes from 60 cents np. Children Shoes from S seats p. Meas' from 70 cents op. Boots from $1.25 np. Boys boots from 85 cents np. Reraembar we waxraat every pall we sell. DRY . C O'O D S . We are eelllag Alamaase plaids at f cents. We are selling Crandevllle White Cloth, 7-8 wide at 5 eta. We ase; aellliMr GianfleTrille White Qoth 1 yard wide 6 ets. We are selling rant Goods at 19 aeats that Is worth 31 Worsted, calicos, satUn, seersuckers, pekays and ginghams, at prises la proportion . NO T I O N S ! YOUNG to Branch Ot. A. Q. BAUER, ABCHITECT , un .mcHuncAL DBAUGHTSMAN, Will fBrniah nl&na taalma a m.I - . M, muA specifications for public or private uuuuiun, upia m acoommod tios, arrasgement and style, to the rfjiimeni or . tnoee for whom thev are hnilt. ind in -.ra... with anrrannrlin iHnin a -u m v.mvj au va uu Af. 1. W. 1 . "... . iu iob locauty in wmcn they arejiaienoea to be erected, i lisw bandings, er alterations and eztessieas ef eld ones will be plannad and designed with refer ence to artistic proportions and taste, and if desired, can be con structed with all the Modern im pro v moots that contribute to the comfort and usefulness of homes l A lans and speclflcatlona of uiarcaesinimodern style farnbshed on application. Address, A. G.'BADEB, Box 885, Baleigh, N. O. May 12, ly I Ta arrlv linn" ".14' . ---- wuua uobi quail- ty White JLsh fm Earning, &t prices that .dsfjr compeUtlon. Iave your orders at my Drug Store early if T(m wonld secure the beueflt of present extreme low prices by direct delivery from ears. . A. W. Rowlxsd, Agt Penn. Coal Co. angO FOR RENT. The atora at rann . . t Jm Bdward. T...n.: J Jan. 2tb, 1888. J Apply to declS JOHN r. MOOBE. !I Ul t LI TJIIBRELL AS OP KTBBT ASSOBTKXITT AT M Boon tree Co Km . 1 . rTb0Io5ch lDtroction wni be rf . Languages n SE.-. Andent Slj! E01I. ! 'H.MacMaLlw,A.lf.PrinWl BROTH Efi BROS CASH STORE, r Brnr vT lis! Miut, tut nl ferfed hut In the World. Combined with Great Kefractlsg Power. Ttey aie aa U an ( parent and colorless as light ltelf. And for aoltness of endurance to the eye cannot be excelled, enabling the weaierto read for boars witbont fatigue. In fact, tbey are Psbfect Sight Pbkskbtkbs. Tesfimoniala from the leading physicians in the United 8tatea can be given, who have had their sight improved by their use. All eyes fitted and the fit guar anteed at E. M. Nadal's Dbco STOkE, Where an immense aaaortment of these celebrated glasses can be found and properly adapted to all conditions of the eye. These glasses are not'eupplied to peddlers at any price. " None genome aniens the name H awkes is stamped oo the frame. Wholesale Depot, Atlanta, Ga.; Austin, Texas, Important Land Hale On Thnrsdar.HriA i irh r n t shall sell tothe 'highest bidderTat iuounc, tue tract of land known as the Harrison place, lying Jost outside the town, on both sides Of the Nash villa Rranrh Rftma4 a nd within 6 00 yards of the depot. Npleces to salt purchasers. n un TneadaT. nw -nf . v: J v Bb AUIt mot, several of the best located lota J v k, wwn- AerIn one-third 'St fl06 1 nd 2 3"ear with 8 ' .aa tULCrC9 decg 2t Gkq. Howakd, Trustee. wrttDMii) posiics siure. Jtr from W5to faS wan tie bannr old oalit kxk thea t 4 rmu ilint. I atami. toi aVtlSSt1- "P- Iwjntuw U.S.. tectlj ev. Louia, Mo. AN OVPtBtrrn A gentlemen whe baa had - i me experience at arninTV" a.situation aaOveraeer 5 rMlrM Addren, Go,daboro,K.Of LAaccrr .inflrM" SEEDwfPLAUT; J-W-WOOD & SONS, ;1&V;-J scon scales, ' j B ecu Tor Hale, One u it I Jlt ! pnoa. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply to C. A. Yorsa IXotice. By rirtne of a decree of the h perior Court of Wilaoo cocir wherein J. G. Sham. rnrHi. James Bridgera, was the petitiocc 9 us - . i win hii ar. ue court nouse im in Wiiaoo.oa Toandar, the lt day of January, 188, the follows described rror,rt? f)n half into est in one tract of land in WUm county, Uardnei a towns ip, adjon ing the lands of J. O. SUrf., W B- Bridgers, Georje Lester and i D. Tboroe, containing aixty acm more or less. Tbbks : One-tllrd csah, balana on m oeait oi t r mmh, viti eight per cent interest from dj a A. WOODAUt), Cos F. A. & a. A. WOODABD, All'p decCt IVotice. IlftTlDa? Onslif1aw1 mm Amiim. tor or the estate of GrifBn Godws deceased, all persoos indebted t eatd deceasad are bvrcby notifin n,weiimiDdit PJ0nt, at u.uc.wu m, present mem for pif nru w toe nnaersigned or his a1 torner on or hofnra is -a a.. , - .mw viu uai v jruiutr, iwa, or mis notice Vl- ia oar oi tnelr recovery; OILVESTKB BAH.T. Ad'ra. e E. Woodard. Att. 1 J . UCW l NOTICE, Having qoalifled as Execsfor l j Whitehead, ceased, before the Probate J a iIeon county, notice fa hen. given to all persons indebted to l estate af aai1 lu. . . --- -- - - uwraru io make w mediate payment and to all ps ---- nu mKnian mm " " lurm ior v. ment on or before the 2lt diy November. 1888. or tbia nmi il be plead in bar of their lecovr'j. F. A. Woodard, I ... . Jaa. E. Clark; hlt" A. & 8. A. Woodard, Atl'ya. Nouce. By rirtne of a decree of tbe Sr ntlt, VI UHOn COOS J Edwln Barnes Jr, Ad or Wilson Barnes was plaintiff, Gray Kewsome and others " I will aell at f wurt Uoose door, in Wilos Monday the Cth day of Felt! 1888, the fo lowing described prf erty: One fourth latere is M of land altnated In tLeo' Wilnon, Wilaon county, adjoisW the laods of A. D. Farm, r, - Ilarriaoe, and other, cooUUB two 4.crea, more or leto. Txaits. ah. Edwin itarnes Jr, A 'air. Y A, & 8. A. Woodard, AUT j ntieman-PhnadelphU i. a w'i !A-1T