CAMPAIGN. CAMPAIGN. :o:- THE ADVANCE FROjVl NOW UNTIL JAM. lot FOR ONE DOLLAR. CAMPAIGN. THE ADVANCE FROM NOW UNTIL JAN. 1st FOR ONE DOLLAR. jri ' CAMPAIGN. LET ALL TIIE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, TJI Y OD'8, AND TRUTHS.' WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 5, 1888. VOLUME 18.-- NUMBER-10 DVANCE 11 irtl va BILL ARFS L -:oi 1TTEB, THE OLD .PHILOSOPHER RVM1XATES ALITTLE.' He Talks of Ingalls and lihtcfi burn. He gived Clei-eluml. Grady and a fiw others a little Thought. ' v It is curious how our thbiiuists runaway and meander aroundi and then come back aud take a new start. They will' do this in spite of us and we wonder how they get away off. from the matter we were thinking about. But there is always some pro vocation or they wouldn't, g I was ruminating about Senator Tnial1 nnd his trreat learning and scholarship and wonderful irta oa on nrator and thinker I wa9 wondering how he could nrostitute those talents to the low-down, mean, contemptible business of slandering the soirtl and manufacturing willful and malicious lies about our people Then I thought of John Sher man in the same connection and it s-eined to me a monstrosity that men should have puch brains and the devil control their hearts. I How is tliat?- asked a little boy one day what kind of a dog that was that was following him and he said 'that !flog is half terrier " "What is the other half?", said I. Tbejboy looked surprisec and hesitated as he said, "noth in but dog, I reckon." And that 13 the trouble with these great men who are so laeau They are one half terrier and the other half dog. l was trav veling not long airo with San- fdrd Bell, the revered veteran of all conductors, and some con sequential darkies demanded that the white men should be expelled from their car. San -ford said, 'well, that is all right' They must go if you say so,-' and bo he pohtelydnviteius all out. and we acquiesced with a got one fifty cubica high in their back yards. , ! . ' Let the comedy go on until the tragedy begins. I was look- ng over a northern paper yes terday that abounded in figures and statistics. It gave proba bilities' of the south, and they ere astounding. The population of the six New England ptates ias increased only 23 per cent n forty year, while that of lexas Las increased 260 per cent since the last census. The south is coming rapidly to the front. Just think of it ; 260 per cent in eight years, and the other . southern states coming along rapidly. It will be a great while before Haman hansjs Mordecai. ' He is still sitting at the kina'a gate and is biding his time. Grover and Frances are all right. When Grover returned from his late trip down south, Senator Col - quittsaid: "Well, Mr Cleve land, what do yiou and Mrs. Cleveland think of, the south Grover equeezea the senator's hand first said : "She is solidi" THE HEATHEN'S SLUSHED. EDITORIAL TALK. iud ftirs. uieeiana squeezed us otrier nana earn: ".Keep her bo, senators." i And she will keep so. The north will keep her so; Ingalls and Sherman and their sort will keep her so slander and abuse will keep her so. That is nature. The boys in 'Possum TroS may quarnel and fight with the boys of Pine Log, but just let any outsiders abuse fartow county, and 'Possum Trot and Pine Log " will both jump on him. The old 'oman may abuse her oud man, but sLe wont let anybody else do it. When Mrs. Arp threateus to whip her children and feigns a terrible passion as she exclaim?-. "I do wish I had a swit'a!" it wont So for me to -top in and tell her there, is one on the mantel piece. That is talking too much with my mouth. I never tried it, but once, aud shant try it any more. But they say we ought not to As They Feasted Their Eyes Upon Washington Society Women. A Washington dispatch says at the Chinese bah the Corean Lega tion was present in court costume, a ad its members moved ' about through the big parlors of Senator Stewart's palace v. ith their big black sugar loaf hats held on to their enridusly shaped heads by a string of long glass beads of differ ent colors which ran around their head under their chius. Their almond eyes curiously watched the beautiful bare necks of the iair ladies .present, and the Corean Minister says the women of this couutry, as they appear at evening receptions, look as though they grew up out of their clothes. The Cbreaus first appeared at a White House reception it was in the jam of last week their lemon" colored cheeks blushed to a decided hue, aud the leading members of the Legation came up to Dr. Allen, their American Secretary, aud ask ed bim if he reaMy thought it would be etiquette for them to look at these women Allen told them to feast their eyes, and '.he indications at the ball last night showed that tbey were following his suggestion with a vengeance. In the mean time the youug girls at Washing ton, at least some of them, sermed to enjoy the admiration of these Corean. nobles, and they hang around them at this ball like the beautitul nymps about the ugliest satyr. -:o:- OUR BROTHER QUILL DRI VERS ON-PASSING EVENTS. Our Comments, Mingled With TJiose of Other Editors, on Poli tics Farming, and Other Things. I - :o:- THE INTERNAL REVENUE. "Which Party is Inclined to Help Us? Bead the Testimony. MADE FOS THE WOODS.. He Gays the Best Advice He Could. In his 'Random Kecollections," Henry B. Stanton tells the follow ing laughable story of Jeremiah Mason, the great lawyer : Alter lie had become distinguish ed in Nt w Hampshire, he went in to a run county to try a civil suit. A pompous little judge was on'the bench. He assigned Mason to de fend a negro on an indictment lor petty larceny. With surprise tin ged with iudiguaticu, Mason de clined the task. '-Sir, you must obey the order of the court," said the-little judge. "All you need to do is to take your, client into the adjoining room and give him the The Republican County Con, vention of Halifax will be held at Halifax 10th of May. The Weldon News proposes the name of Thomas N. Hill for a eeat on the Supreme Court Bench. ' i Mr. N. B. Broughton declined to allow his name to be used as a candidate for State Auditor. He was probably the f oremest man in the race. It is given out now that Col. Boyd, of this city, and K. K. K. notoriety will play second fid dle to, E. L. Russell, on the lie- publican ticket for Governor. Greensboro Patriot. 1 The Greenville Reflector comes out squarely for the nomination Gov. Jarvis. There is little probability that he will play a stong hand unless he pledges himself not to,1 use that office should he be bo for tunate as to secure itas a step ping stone to Senator Ransom's place. speak unkindly ol tne dead, ana beet advice you can." This struck Mason, in a funny liht, and he good grace; but "there was a curious looking, measley pided, ginger cake fellow, who didn't vacate, and one of the darkies hunted up Sanford and com plained that there was still one man left. Sanford went back and inspected him. He looked inquiringly at his face, and the back of his head, and the shape of his feet, and finally address ed him and said : "My friend, are you a white man ?" "2sTaw," said the mongrel. "Well, what are you?" said Sanford. "Ma mudder Potugee and me f.xdder a nagar." he said. S-ir.tord turned solemnly to the darkies and said: ''How's 'that?"- and they subsided. There are some stra'ic mix, tares in our humanity. Talents go a long ways to atone i'or cality and meanness. ways wilr, I. reckon. Lrd Iki con took bribes, and so some of i tional the greatest minds in the nation fN'ow so l win say no more-aDout ln-gells.-; He committed suicide and Blackburn buried him, and Henry Grady preached h-is funeral, and so we will let him rest. The southerners are a Grange-people anyhow. They iret nrad quick, and will fight, but they get over it just as quick and make friend. I got mad with a man once, and he got mad with me about some thing, and we did not speak for three months ; and one night we happened to meet in a hotel in New York, and the same emotion took posession of us both at the same time, and we went right up to. each other, and he said, "God bless you major, 1 am glad to see you," and I said as much to him, and we made it all up and never got mad any more. But I know i folks win have poison bags ras- right under theii eyes, and al-ithev carry their hatred for arose, beckoned to the negro, and stalked into an ,einpty room with his 'client' at his' heels. "Are you guilty f asked Mason. '-Yes, sir," responded the negro. "Can they prove it!'' "Ye, sirj all the wit nesses are here." Mason put his bead ont of the open window and said, "It is about li feet to the gr. und. Do you see those woods!' The L-egro leaped and Mason re turned into the court. . I5y aud by i he case was culled but the negro did' not respond.' "Where is your clieut!" asked the little judge. 1 o not kuow," replied Mason. "Your honor ditecte'l me to give him the bct adviee I could, and the last. 1 saw ot iu nt n!!)g for tbse to'mN over Everybody laughed except tie judg,e, and the cu tain the scene. wan run- there." the lit ftll on Sadical Allies- Gov. Jarvis has written a let ter to a gentleman in this city in which he says that he is not a candidate for Governor, and does not desire the nomination or the afUce; but that if put upon him without his action he would reel bound to accept it. The "Wilmington Star says the death of Mr. Dorsheimer, proprietor of the New York Star, will be regretted. He was a man of ability and shrewd ness as a politician. His paper had attained to influence, and was the best exponent of De mocracy in the great city. The Sandford Express says the Third Congressional dis- j trict is to be congratulated al ready. Therd are three gentle men who are willing to serve T A in tne jauonai House next. year the present incumbent, Maj. McClammy, ex-Congress- ! man V narton, J . ureen ana Thomas H. Sutton Esq. We suppose that there is little doubt but that McClammy will be renominated. have 6tooped to iniquity that would send a common in sin to the chaingang.- Mercury was the God of let ters and : astrouomy and elo quence and music but he was at the same time the patron of fraud and perjury. He wore sandals to keep his . footsteps from being discovered. lie stole' some oxen from Apollo and when the theft was proved on him he went to playing on the lyre and his music so delighted Apollo that he let him keep the oxen. And just so these modern men like Blaine and Ingalls and Sherman play the liar and so tide- the people with their eloquence that they let them keep the (bxen. But the late assaults of 1 - galls , and oherman seem- ;! come more from bate thanj i icy, We can understand why the igncrant people of the nort still hate us bnt why an intells' gent wall informed man should do BO passeth all comprehend Sion. Now, there is Senator Ingalls who, next to the preru lent j holds the highest poeithm in the nation. He is brainy, pol ished and rich, and jet like Hamansays: A11 this avail etU me nothing, so long a s 1 see Mordecai sitting at ti.-.' king's." gate," The solid south . is his "bete noir" his evil ge-iius. The solid south is sittirig at the king's gate." -The -south has a friend at court. Uncle Sam is the king, and Harnan is some Where building a gallows.. Me has been building it a lony time and his great misery is because Mordecai is sitting at the king's gate, Never did a "pfsople behave more civilly, more courteously, more considerately than has the south since the war. We have defamed noDody, vilified no body at the north, and have; endured every oppression iui at the same tendered tha olive branch and hegged for peace, and urged our northern breth ren to come down and see us and share our hospitality, aud yet they continue to elect to office the most venomous of all oiir enemies. Now we can hardly- believe that theiorth wants to hang Mordecai, but ; me men they elect to congress are actually building a gallows rears and vears. It is constitu- J AT 1 i 11 T i aim iuey cau t ueip it. it ingalls were to rome ' down here and show a kindly, brotherly feeling, our people would forget and forgive every slander he ever uttered. Why old Tecumseh came down here some years ago and our people toted him around in a carriage and wined him and dined him, but we are not goimj to doit any more, for he went back and abused us and told lies " on Hampton. They may fool us once or twice, but they can't fool u? three times, ! Bill Arp. Republican allies, to all intent and purposes are Republicans and worse. They sail under false and f.e luding colors; wear, so to speak, the livery of Heaven 10 serve the devil- iu proclaiming themselves and pretending to be Democrats, they rebel against party methods and nominations and fight party nominees. Let all such look well be lore tbey leap this year. If they have the good of the Srate at heart they will not wish to t--rn the State over to the party that came so near eternally bankrupting her treasury and smirching her fair charaoter. It seems io true patriot would lend his aid aud eiicourasa ment to the same party that again seeks dominion. Tarboro South- ruor. A SHAKE OF THE HAND, Yvhat '. is Sisnined by Pecpio, Different Inga' Is and -Sherman have each Tiierv is ' great ' in WAti'd Khaktng, and many are the me:. hods. used to perform 'that'op iMration. Soiue seize jour band with ;i fervent grasn one foot ex- tendtd and holding yonr eye with their own. Such is' the salutation of the jolly tar, -ready to sh '. he -last snot in the locker" with tlu? stranger of the-; hour. Others auain, eize .yuiir . nana with, as nuicn ierency, auo may mean as vvtit toward yon, but they do not look directly at you"; but past your I cii-ek, with eyes ste'adily set, as if :"ku;g tor some undefined ghost Pkcss beyond, and seeming to con rae with the same. Others give too great a show of fervency to the salutation; causing your fingers to tingle with pain; you involuntarily "hhice at the injured hand, ex'pect it to have been com pressed, in-, to oi.e horrid, bittised extended dexter finger. Others, again, add to the exhibition of muscular power by swinging your; baud jip and i'owu, a sort of intimation that i they are about ' to 'pump' you. , bouie jive you the tips of their fiu- yers ; others take the whole hand jThe'inoutl abominable hand shak 1 ing is that lazy, listiesg offenug, giving no Dies.snie, and averse to receiving any. We have shaken hands with such .persons, and the memory of it annoved ua for an hour afterward. It; was likb touch ing a wet dish-clathj, or a cold qniv erins frog. An embarrassing shake ol the hand is wlfen the partv greets you hastily,;yet silently, as d he felt guilty of boldness, or was not quite sure that he had not heen misled by a resemmance. it is as awkward as a pause in con versation no one I knowing quite what to say under the circumstan ces. EX. ! .-i The Duty ofEaitcrs-1 But woe to you, scribes and prin ters, that fail to perforin well your part; for the abundance and va' ie- tiy of the pabulum you have fed, to to the reading world have' rendered it somewhat fastidious and hyper, critical. The Press what of it! It has been called argus eyed but th epithet is disparaging to the mod ern press. Argns had but a hun dred eyes, and these were lulled to sleep, and the divinity was killed by Mercury. The modern press with its myriad eyes to see, its mlyriad tongnes to tell, with the telephone, telegraph, postal depart ment, railway corporation and ocean t-teatners all ready and eager to do its bidding, slumbers not. but is perpetually wide awake and hard at work.-llaleigh Recorder. A Great Scheme. The Sun copies an article from the Elizabeth City Econo mist coming out squarely for the reuominatiou of Theo F. Davidson as candidate for At torney Ueneral. We suppose there is no doubt but that he will be renominated. There ap pears to be no oppocitipn to Davi ison, iBaine, Saunder3 and Finger. Gen. Roberts will not be renominated, appears very plainly. Cotton Seed Meal for Butter Makers. It is certain that at present, pri ces of butter, many larmers can profitably use crron seed meal. It is a very rich food in oil and gives the butter, even whe'i made iu win ter. a better color than thau is ob tainable from aiiy other dry feed Owing to Its richness only a small qua tiry can. te Kiveii (tally. lo pounds of this meal is enough for most cows, though after using it awhile this quantity may be slight ly .ncreased. Given with wheat bran or barley sprouts, it atliHira- blv sunnlements the deficiency of those feeds which are excellent for making quautitv of milk without regard to the quality. If the cow is a good irilker, eottou seed meal may be fed to her after she is put on grass as long as she will eat it, American Cultivator- An Austin man met a visitor from. Northern Tex?s, and asked bim how a certain mutual friend was coming on. 'He is doing well,' was the re- P'y- 4 what business 's he at?' 'De has got the softest thing in the world of it. He bought a lot of donkeys at San Antonio for three oouars apiece, anu taking them up A California widow who put her all into a ueai in stocK ana was shrunk out; called upon her broker and said : "When will this thing probably come out in the papers 7" "To-morrow, doubles." (Iow long can you suppress it 1" "Why I might keep it out two days, but not longer." ''Only two dayaf That's pretty short notice, bat I am a hastier when I get my bonnet on I'll depend on'.two days." On the third day the papers chronicled her loss and her wedding on the same page. Mr. GuzzIb (who has met with a to his ranch he cleared twenty sev- bereavement) 'Lend I me a dol- .j .. 1 1 . .. i . i I ar T 1 eu dollars a head on them. 'Do they bring such high prt prices!' 'ifo, but he lets the railroad trains run over them, and the'eom pany las to pay him thirty dollars a piece for them." The Kaleigh ews-Observer says at Sparta Alleghany county, last week, just after the adjourn ment of court, Joseph .Lee was in formed that George VV. Sexton had gone before the grand jury as a witness against him. Ue walked up behind him and fired two balls from a pistol into him, both of which passed entirely through his body. Lee fled but was captured by the sheriff and a posse and placed in jail. Sexton Is doubtless dead by this time. There are some Republicans who argue to the people of North Carolina that if anything is ever done with the internal revenue system it will be done by the Republican party, and some weakminded Democrats are half inclined to believe them. We have time and again, quoting from the Congression al Record, shown that in the closing hours of the last Con gress, when Mr. Henderson got the floor and called up his res olution io repeal .the tobacco tax, to forbid the destruction of stills and to provide other mod ifications in the revenue laws, 131. Democrats and 8 Republi cans voted for it. and 107 Re publicans and 5 Democrats vo. ted a gainst it. Under the rule two thirds vote 163 votes wer required for the passage of a resolution. Had the five Democrats who oted against it voted for it, it still would not have been adopted, but had only 29 Republicans more, or only 37 Republicans in all, out of 115, voted lor it, it would have been. To put it another way, more than 96 per cent of the Democrats voting, voted for the resolution, while more than 83 per cent of the Repub licans voting voted against it. That tells the tale. That tells which party in the Forty -mnth Congress was most inclined to hem our people. ' Now. let's look at the record in the present Congress as thus far made. Our readers under stand that the Democratic mem bersof the ways and means committee of the House have uuanimously agreed upon a tar iff and internal revenue bill which thev will report to the loose with the recommenda tion that it do pass. This bill provides.' among other other things, for the repeal ol the to bacco tax; pre'euts revenue of ficers from destroying property seized by them, in the absence of an order of condemnation (heretofore they have been per mitted, without any proceed ings of condemnation, to enter upon premises and cut up aud destroy property;) provides that in case confinement in jail is found to iniure the health or a person imprisoned for a reve nue offence, the judge who sen tenced him may make such or der in the case s may seem to him humane and proper. !ow then: all these provisions were agreed upon by the Democratic members of the committee without any consultation with the Republican members: but last week the whole committee met together to consider the bill. Three of the five Republi can members oa the committee opposed the section which re peals the tobacco tax, and to auote the language of Mr. Cic ero W. Harriss a perfectly re liable arid truthful" gentleman, in his letter of the 18th inst. from Washington to the AVil ui ing ton Mesenger, "several of them are opposed to doing any thing on the subject of still- breaking arid the general amel ioration of the " bperation of these laws." The section repeal ing the tobacco tax was left in the bill, by virtue ot the unani mous vote of the Democrats of the committee. But let s go to a non-partisan aumority ior the facts: An Associated Press dispatch of the 16th from Wash ington said: The ways and means commii tee again considered the inter nal revenue section of the Mills bill today, and completed it with the exception of the par agraphs relating to the des struction of private distillery apparatus to the treatment of the prisoners whose health was jeopardized by confinement Over taose sections mere was some difference of opinion and it was evident that the Repub licans will vote against them when the committee meets again. Did they? An Associated Press dispatch of the 17th from Washington said: As was expected the two in ternal revenue sections of the bill left over from the last meeting of the House ways and means committee, to-day en countered the the vigorous op position of the Republican members. 1 he section iorDia ding the destruction of private distilling property by revenue officers in advance of a trial was particularly obnoxious to them and they pointed out the difficulties that would encom pass the officers of of the gov ernment in attempting to Be- anre transportation or safe In Case of Fire. , L. 'What is the first thiDg to be done in cao of fin-?' asked a teach er in one of the district public schools. Tring suit against dose insur ance goompanies,' replied little Ikey Rosenthal, whose lather had been burned out three times, and made a good thing of it. me An Unjust Sustain Dud 'Miss, will you allow to accompany yout' Indignant Female 'Sir, do you think tor a ' Dnde 'Me think!! Good gwa ciocf, dr 1 wc&hy look a if 1 could think?' NEWb OF A WEEK! WHAT IS UAPPESISa IS THE WORLD A&OUXD US. A condensed report of the newt as g tit lit red from tKo columns of our contemporaries. Slate sunt Xutlonitl. " That's da Way Did. A New Yoik family were recent ly blessed wi;h a baby bov, the first one in the family. Nex door there was a 1 mill v in which there were half dozen children. When tho arrival of the Ixiy next door was announced, little Johnny, aged six years, Hsked : 'IIav they . dot a boy enough V "Yes. there is a b.y over there at lat." 'Then they will h-.iv a lot That's th- way we did." sore more. The depot at Four Oaks iu broken into, and a lot of floor fol ea therefrom, few eight tiooe. A dwelling sear by was entered the same alga. The Clinton Caucasian says the price of cotton can be made high r by raising a leas amount of it. and devoting the time Urns saved from cotton, raising corn and meat. The Asberille Citixen says the peach crop U totally desuojed. woueuiaine -opinion ot many ol ms trait growers that the apples, cQcmfB cm:, nave not yet breo aarmea. ' e see from the Weldon Kews that a force ol hands ar already st wore laying tne track on the Scotland ecfc branch of Lb W. & w.ii. ii-, wUKUiU bdag citeoded Uobgood's Fork. ibe mends or local option in Asbevllle are endeaToriof to se- care enoagn names to their pe nnon sating for an election to se core a vote on the question, we see irom tne ban. xoe vosruHie ueaocrt says: several oi me negroes who recent The Charlotte Cotton , Mills are being enlarged. There are forty two law vers la Asheville says the citizen. The late Chief Justice Wait .was worth $20,000 at his death. - Liberty county Gs record show not a solitary real estate mortgage. M. Q. Waddell Esq- a piominent citizen of Smiibfield, is dead. Another boase was burglarized at Fayetteville a few nights since. Tha -Inn rn a! sanfa ' - H U k4 m AtUllf BUU a . veiretabla fair hohi at v.ti.r,n. I iy went from this section to Gall ... ....... ..,, . . ,... . . : . &ixiy neguie leit llickorv one day last week in tue party for Cal norma ii wots in ihe orange groves aud vineyards of that state. They were in charge of railroad passenger agent wbo ex lects to recruit, on the way until he .ill have a thousand by the time Caliorma is reached. Catawba's Democratic tnui rity will this year le even larger thau usual. The Dut ham Tobacco Plant says : H According to I lie school census for the Dnthain school district there are neatly 1,500 children of both races letweeu the ages of 6 and 21 year-i. Therei are enrolled in the Sunday cbcl of Durham about 1,400 nu-mlv- , rhite and colored, including .. . teachers and pupils. .lh -a gu-nl &how ing, but we c n do better. There ought to be at least 2,000 attend auts at Sunday schoo' vry Sun day." The Asheville Sunsas: "Jim I leu ncr, mi is year old ooy, was arr sfed ny the faliertn of iork c uuty, S. C, oa the 2Clh inst. three miles from Coopers station charged with breaking in and rohb ing some live or six houses in that State. His two con federates tried their h:i! ) Pi Citawba county, N. C and were c.pturd. Wbeu the were raptuied tLev informed the Sheriff of '-'ouMi Carolina where thev cou'd rn d this bov. He was taken to l.-H'k J X ill, S. C, Monday. Tb Charlotte Chronicle orres the farmers ol that section to plow deep. AsbevMle is to Lave the Bell Tclephhone service established in May. There are over fifteen fmit can ing factories la the State, we cee it stated. . , The French Broad Voice .u the nau.e of a new paper just siirtd at lirevaid. The medical colleze for negroes. in Raleigh, will turn loose five col ored M. D's. Chicago ha bad 8.132 divorces in 15 sears, or one to every 13 marriages. Tobacco plants in the Buncombe section have been badly iojnred by the cold imk p. A man of 57 and a girl of IS were recently niwrried at Mouth of Buffa lo, Ashe countr. A negro bov stabs a wbitt brry in Union county, ana is shot dead by a brother of the boy cut. The Greensboro Patriot says that town will soon have the track for the street railway laid. The farmers tell the Morgan ton Star that the growing wheat crop it looking unusually fine. ,'F. C Totter, a negro, escaped from the jail in Greenville last week, we see from the Reflector. The Goldsboro Headlight is un der the impression that crime is on the decrease in Wayne county. A union meeting of the Tar Riv er Missionary Baptist Aociation will be held at Scotland Neck April 23d. PAI3. 1 IV that 2ortbi Carolina la a better coantrv than California It Is rumored that at no d day uolloweirs Mill, situated about foor miles south, of Smith neia on uisck urer, will De con verted Into a factory for the maon- lactore or spokes and nnbs. The Greenville Reflector saji : Jat at the hour or gciog to prras we bear the sad news of tbe death of Dr. John G. Jame. which oc curred at tbe Macon Hon a few m (notes before six o'dck jester- aay evening. A coontry negro was sentenced to work on the street of Cbsrlotte. lie begged the mar of to bave bim given a good whipping and lorried loose. IIU huts was letnitted aid tie wan letVaKrd wilboot bring either whipped or made to work the trert,t Tbe Mt. Airy Cewi learns or a woman who has a doable row of teeth, when one of tier so a I bss no teeth at au. A daughter has heap of hair Kack oa one side and fed on the other. The Advas.ce will be sent from now until January 1st for One Dollar. Our object in taakirur this propositi on Is that we propose having considerable tossy to the people daring the cxrn palgn about the two parfie. We propoae showing op their rse ords as clearly as it Is pored Lis for oa to do and exerting oar selves to retain In the aeat of government the Ikraocr&Uc party. We delre a larger audi ence than we now have though we already have a large circa- lation and we hope br means of this prpoltloo dd tnanj new names to oar llfL We ex pect futthermore to retain many or tho pabwrlbers we get from the campaign and it Is by this means that we expect to get our money. The aVvasce ordinarily goes for elx months for one dollar, but by this prop ortion It goes about tilte for the fame money. Will oar corretponuects and friends everywhere pee make this fact generally know a In their respective neighborhood? Will not all tbe friends every where, of ttu ppr arid the cause, now tarn la and Co a little solid work for both? 1 Will not the country rot. masters every where Inciden tally remark, every now and then, la the hearing of the pat rons of their oficeii, that the Advasce Is golrg at a dollar from now onlil the 1ft of Jtn oary? Will not Democratic 1" leni tive committeemen, county anl township, can vans their territo ry a little and rend 00 a tew clubs? w e want a thousand cim palgn pubMTibers In.iSeofa month. We will get then If the present patrons and f rleods Barton M Mills, a travelling anleHman, met with a eculiar and .innl.lonl .it Om.1,1 V.I. I r. I 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 - 1 1 f nit vuiaua iiru on thezlst. Mr. Mill alighted from a carriage at the raProad station entrarce 'proceeded to walk around h;. depot to tin -.baggage- room, .lust as he tejobed the houthwert comer something struck him fairly in the eye and knocked him down. The cause of the mishap was an Lng iu sparrow. Tne bill of the bird penetrated the eyeball and the unfortunate mau will lose hi eye. Ice bird was picked up dead and one of ita eyes were clos ed so it was evident that it did not see the gentleman. aa Mr. Mills was close to the wi n,;i The Southern Herald is tbe name of a new paper started at Bethel, Pitt county, we see it stated. The ieo'p?e of Oxford propose having a big time on the 19th inst. in the way of a llailroad celebration. The colored Knights of Labor of Greensboro have bought a lot and will erect a lodge room in that town. Mr. W. A. Jenkins, of Warren- ton, a young man of 2G years, is dead. He was well known all over tbe State. on The KfifieM correspondent of the Weldon ews x;iys : "OwiDg to the excessive rains Fishing Creek ia Hg;un very high : no high that the county bridge is . impassable List Saturday mum negroes from the vicinity of Whitaker'a . mill while attempting to cros, would have Ikcii droucd but for the timely asxistHiice of Gereral L. G. Estes. He saw them pans nod after waiting some time for their return, knowing they couldn't cros, he went to look afier them and found them in the creek cling ing to branches ot trees, and their mule s' Mini in g on a knoll with his head jnst out of the water. Their l"ad of Hu!trv was browned. The General went in to tiiem and after considerable effort succeeded in rescuing them." the KcidHVilie Democrat says J. C. Corbet t. an intelligent negro and a teacher in one of tbe district schools in this county, presented two cleverly forged school orders on Treeurer Smith for payment yesterday. One of them wan for ?00 d tho other for S0. The amount due that 1 i.-tt iirt was just what the t wo orders called for, aud was not calculated to arrest anv suspicion of crookedness. Mr. Smith, how. ever, scrutinized . the signatures closely and detected a slight differ ence iu n:u: of thern in comparison with a uf-nnitiu one. and he bad tbe negro arrested. It was afterwards shown that both of them were forged, and Corbett was committed tojail. Friend 'You are drunk now.' Mr. Guzzle 'I can't help it. I've keeping of snch property In a country hostile to their pnrpo been trying hard to drown my sor- ses. row.' ! Now which party in Con Friend 'Give it up, Guzzle; you cress is in favor of helping our 1 . -, I ,J ... are aiways zrying to arown your ueorjle? Tase the tne testimony and make up your verdict. The Do sorrow, but you uever succeed, you know what I believe!' Mr. Guzzle 'No, what da ueiiever Friond 'I believe your sorrow has learned to swim.' you A German citizen of Hobcken was informed that a lady bad call ed to see him in his absence.- "A lady," he, mused aloud, "a lady." Upon an accurate description, be suddenly brightened up and said ; "Oh, dot vos no lady ; dot vos my wife." internal revenue system is the child of tbe Republican party and as a party it is not willing to have it touched. Statesville Landmark A father consoling his daughter, who had lost her husband, said: don't wonder you grieve for him my child; you will never find his equal.' 'I don't know as I can, re sponded the sobbing widow: 'but I'll do my betst.' The father ltlt comforted. The Baltimore Sun eays : "Col. XV. H. S. Bnrgwyn of Henderson, North Carolina, formerly command aut of the Fifth liegiment, of this citv, arrived in Baltimore Saturday in the interest!, of the Atlantic, Henderson & Virginia Kailroad, of which be is president. The ob ject of Col. Burgwj n's visit is to make arrangements with parties in Baltimore to have his road connect with the Suflolk & Carolina Bail road at Suffolk, Va., which will give the A. U. & V. Kailroad a di rect and through connection with Baltimore- Col. Burgwyn gives an encouraging account of t'.;o pros perity of his sect tou of yoi lh Caro lina, and says the sales of tobacco this season have reared good prices, and put the nco,h iu that Dart of 5crth. Carolina in excellent condition. The tobacno sold from this part ol North Carol.ra is the celeorated -Gold Leal," ' which brings from 50 cents to $i.50 a pound in the leaf or raw state. A negro thief wa captured tbe train at Hickory. He was identified bv means of a chicken he bad in bis possession. U. F. King, formerly editor of tbe Greensboro CraPjrman, Knight of Labor organ, is now editor of the Danville Watchman. Elizabeth Moore, an 18 years od white girl, is in jail at Shelby charged with leaving her illegiti mate child to freeze to death. Tbe SmitLOeld Herald says 2 .500 marriage licenses bave been issued to white people of Johnston county during the latt twenty years. Extensive preparations are be lag made for tbe celebrations a tbe G cllford Battle ground May 5tht and a grand time is an tic pa ted. Tbe Wades joro " Intelligencer sagely observes: Tbe guano crop has been punted bat tb gasno note will not be ripe until next fall. We learn that Capt. U. N. Ben nett, of Norwood, recently sold to one nrm siu,ouo worth of wraps from the YaJdin Falls Cotton Factory. Five convic's escaped from tbe stockades on the Madison branch of the CF. & Y. V. It- It- daring a severe storm recently, we see It stated. Hon. K. P. Battle has formally accepted the invitation recently tendered bim to deliver an address on tbe history of oar state supreme court. - A report from Goldsboro savs the cold Veatber bas really done much damage to trait in that re gion, and has killed three foarth of the peaches. The executive committe of the North Carolina Agricultural : So ciety have fixed the time of tbe next State Fair for October 1C, 17, is ana rj. and the aatch dog that guards this variegated family bas one artificial eye and wss born without a taiL The Greensboro Patriot aaya the Chatham coal fields near Egypt are soon to be opened op on an ex tensive scale and it is claimed that Wilmington po-scm superior ad vantages as a ooaliog station for vessel, as that port la mm direct ly In tbe path of vessels boand over tbe Atlantic than Is Newport News or any other Soalh Atlantic port. Tbe Shelby Aurora says t TIe 3 Cs Railroad were last week dig ging the second well at the Bather ford ton depot. Tbe first wen hav ing "caved in" and partiaHv filled with dirt, tbe second well was braced with Umbers and was dog to tbe deptn of sixty feet, when the qaick sand gave way and im prisoned one well-digger, Dan Neat, at tbe bottom.A beam struck htm a fearful blow and be was Imprisoned np to his arms by tbe Tailing dirt. Lustily be cried, Oh, Ln"v, help I oupii Anoiuer colored ian was let down by tbe rope m, another rope was tied under the arms of tbe woanded man, wbo was tbns ren.?d from Impending death. Ia three mtnntea sAer he was polled by tbe rope to tbe surface, tbe two wells in close proximity were "caved In" and foil of loose dirt. Dan Neal is now very Iff, snfTerlng from Internal injuries. of the rrr will help ui. Ulll tbey? If anybody eends us a club cf of ten new eubriter?, with the cash, we will m-d1 the pa per fre to that perwu through out the campalim. No name will be entered no odds whose It is until the money is paid. We can do very little more than pay expends nnder this offer if we get the thousand subscribers std every one pay la advance, inl we certainly cannot afford to have any deadheads in the ebte prise nor and of the piy-you-ln the fall fraternity. Now, then altogether! and let's pee wLat can be dnr. is the title of an Interest log ltlas- iratea treatise (103 rsret) ant. post-paid, for 10 cents la stamps. Address World's Dispensary Medi cal Association, Bnfialo, N. Y. Major Smile--'What Is this sil ver question, anyhow f uea. Lacier "Lend me quarter. While Congress is passing laws limiting to eight tours work the employees cf the government, we wl.-h ft would do something to show crdinary mortals (not fuckin rivern ment cap) bow they , ;ve t y working only tight : -urs a day. Charlotte Iera Exactly. Soaie of iu. ve to put io sixteen Lours a cuy iu order to keep the wo.f from tbe door and pay our honed debts. If CongTehS ran tell us how to do this on eight Lours work per day, the woods are full of people who will be very much obliged to it. bUtesvilie Landmark. Tbe opinion of tbe people Is that Dr. Ball's Coagh 8yrop is the best and cheapest remedy for concha. colds, sore throat, asthma, etc An evangelist named Wolfs Is said to bave jumped op and crack ed his heels together la the pulpit at Lancaster, wia, and exclaimed, "Ob, bow I do love to worry tbe devil r Tbe healing and parlfiflor Quali ties of Salvation Oil render It tbe best article for the apeedr and safe core of ulcerated sores. Price only ti cents. Is Csrial tzi Hipry. It Is an error to Imagine that cternncM or padnens Is a t!gn of devoutnesa. Ictu-e a man is relLelously Inclined it does nut follow that he mufl be four and sullen. It Is Lt that bad men should ecowl and look melancholy; but he who Las God'j smile of appaotatioa upon him should (how its radi ance upon his countenance. An honest man, the man with a good conscience, let Lira enjoy himself and ehow a bciiaing face. There Is no orre theol ogy than that which teaches that lie wbo Lis given rurh fullness of joy to beads and birds, delights in the iniry cf men.--Mocking Eird. In Staieevllle Jail there srssevrn prisoners charged with m aider. For weak Inn gs, spitting of blood, shortness of breath, coasomntlon. nigbt-weats and llogering coughs. Dr. Pierce's' Golden Medical Dis covery" s a sovereign remedy nr ettor to codltver oil. By druggist. We learn that a Bomber one ar ticle of hard coal bas been diacor. ered in Bladen coanty. When everything else falls. Sage's Catarrh Bemedy cares. Pr. Geo. M. Roue, of Fayetteville, win aenver tne aaaress or wel come, at the meeting of tbe North Carolina Musioal society in that town in May next. Since tbe first of December Morehead City and Beaufort have exported nearly 5,000 barrels of clams, oysters and escallops, pnn cjipilS the former. Deputy collector John A. Oates made an internal revenue raid in company with a United States Mar shall the first week Into that sec ton of Duplin known as Purgatory. He failed to bag tbe game however thnnorh ti AiA m tf T"n prra inwr after them. Clinton Caucasian. We learn from the Windsor Ledger that detective J. T. Jame, of Norfolk, bas succeeded In bring ing to jastioe the parties wbo Darn ed Mr. J. K. Moodv'e stable and horses in Windsor on the 10th of Feb. Isaac Pa vis was arrested on suspicion, and confessed that Le was interested, snd that Cecilia Jernlgan, his sister-in-law. did tbe burning: Truck rARMrsa. Tha atten tion of our citizens Is directed to the Importance of truck farm ing as an industry that will pay handsomely. Arrangements can easily be made with the Kail roads to ship-to New York and other markets all produce that may be raised. Let our citizens consider this suggestion and prepare for this industry for another year. The idea bas been trtnsmlt ted from (feneration to genera tion that happiness is one large and beautiful e Lone a single gem so rare that all search for it Is in rain, all effort to obtain It wellnlgh hopeless. This Is not so. True happiness is a moslar, composed of many smaller stones, lach taken apart and viewed singly may be of little value, but when all are grouped together, and Judici ously combined and set tbey form a pleasing and graceful whole-a costly, rare jewel. Trample not nnder foot then the little pleasure which a gra cious Providence scatters In the daily paths, and which in eager &e arc L after some great and exciting joy e are apt to over 1 00 k Mocking Bird. Brown, "Jones is tbe greatest talker I ever;beard." Robinson, "Got the gift o' the gab hasn't he?" B, "He's worse than ny wo man I ever heard. Po-s Le ever give bis mouth a reft!" R, "Yes, when be bas a cold in his bead." B, "Ohl he gives bis mouth a rest when be bas a cold ia his bead?" K. Tfes. talks through bis nose then.1

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