V- W HTi r.7 as ... r -h r -; . A - ' CAMPAIGN CAMPAIGN. THE ADVANCE FROM HOW UNTIL JAN. 1st FOR ONE DOLLAR. THE ADVANCE F.7CM HOW UNTIL JAN. frt FOR ONE DOLLAR. "LET ALL THE ENDS TIIOI AI9TST 4T, BE TIIT COCXTUVS. THY OOD'I, AND TRUTHS'." CAMPAIGN. VOLUME 18.-- WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 19, 1888. NUMBER-12 CAMPAIGN. II 1 II II I I "M I li t H II .1 sN. II M V II II i I I N-. I i . I iL JLJLJLL4 V V !lJLJkl. XiLJL Vilil-UILj. , - 1 1 ' ! t . 5f.L ARP'S OTteSiSili -:o: but she was a slattern, ne ver thejess, and wore dirty stock ings with holes in the toes, ana dirty underclothes (they say she dim fend that voune man as much about tariff reform or civil ser vice reform as they do about hotel referm. They are a ? long i i ii i? , ill ks of vkujujuers haXY im flown and down weather as it comes a lid oil the trains and meet with disappoint- r"eTe monts ana vexatioask.'n(i. .-11 AM) HOTELS. t-itr4 n nA Ilia CPkT1 and getOS W "t" 'ZJl at all t.Bes iinesa ""t""" f uoairaesa, iuoy any, r f ' of hotel life on the trav ;,,. num. l'eed and sleep the .,. ,, ft Uotvs well. Bill Abp. A traveling ' inan ought to I..io all tho comforts that are i I) le. I a in not thinking ,i hi: myself but about these , h.'va.t.. I dou't like to call t!i -i i iliuuiicerslor it. is not a v: y comely -name and sounds luu- U and slangy, but it started th ut way aud bucks, ana we -.in-in .no harm by it., A regular iliuuiuier used to be a fellow w.m beat the kettle drum to , a 1 up the boys and get them iKt line at the old fashioned takes good victuals and ' good beds to keep them calm and serene. My wife, Mrs.. Arp, she knows how it is. When I gee back home tired and weary with travel she goes to the kitchen 'The President's Autograph. it ought to be mentioned. The travlincr nnhli'r miorht tn ha I urcuaui yeateraay m ijnaua- w4noi1 0n m wv auwu v Aotv bi vvuaw vuvj iuj i good enough, what there isv of it, or enough of it such as.it is, or whether the coffee is coffee or slop, or whether the sheets were changed after the last man occupied the bed. Now, when a wayfaring man 1 says. "Yoa-have a very pretty town, but your hotel is miserable," it is a bad slam on the town. He leaves it with a bad impres sion, and he don't want to go back any more. If he "visits a place with a good intent to lo cate or buy' some property, a dirty hotel makes him home sick and in a bad humor, and you can't get a good trade out of him. A man - told me not i A. 1 a m an ; vv iieii mey . Degan tneir nu.-ic the captains of the .-militia would cry out : "Oh, yes ! oil, yes! all that belongs to c .,''Liin Jenkins's company, pa r ui- 'here fall in men, fall in!" Tin .i the boys would begin ' to st ,.:i,rle into line, some with mis and some with sticks, and s i-A with cgrnstalks or um-Lr.'tia-.- and the line was as stniiiilit'as a crooked fence and -vcr trot any straighter. Some si ' : in? straight and 'some halt bent aud some squatted :.) ,ui ; soiae had coats and some h:i-l .'lone, and all were talking or laughing, but they were unnamed up nevertheless. 'Do you hear the drum boys let's 'co and fall into linf,". they would say, and so a drummer iioiris.a man who draws the attention and makes the boys t ill into line. 1 was talking to ii'.'Osra, and a :uaii came in with some cigars iui'l took-off hrs hat politely ami introduced himself and showed his cigars and asked the i rivilene of placing his brand --in ' "the show ' case for trial, lie did it so nicely and was so pleasant that the mer chant could not refuse. 1 was in another store and a young man came in to show his samples of cutlery, and he, too, was so polite the merchant had to humor him, although he did nut wish to buy. Civility pays, '.'oliteuess pays, good manners and trood breeding pays. We may admire a diamond in the rouuh, aud there are people with Mi.' hearts ana rough manners, hut after all, pleasant and a ree'able manners are the best, 'lheya'ire the best among the ladies. 1 know from experience, l wo s speaking of a- man the iher.ay to my wife, and she ji like him very much, he has Mich Lice manners, he is so attentive and kind. Why the oiij'-r day when I left my para sol. in the store he brought it acro.-s the street and took off hi ha t as he presented it to me." Weil, the truth is, I didn't lite him m everlaatii.g much for I thought him a little too dogone obsequious and my wife ought- en t to Lave forgot her parasol :n; how, but politeness pays and the women appreciate it more than the men. JNiy wile says there was a time 'away back when, it nhe dropped her hand kerchief I would jump ten feet toet it but now I set there like a stump aud simply say," jny dear you have dropped your handkerchief. Just so Anno K'linini will tell nevertheless I don't like to see politeness overdone. Bill , Jones was mighty polite and was very toml of escorting Mrs. Goulding n dinner or sapper at the hotel .vh Captain Goulding was away in hia Hleamboat. Wei she. thought it was nothing but Keiitleuiauly politeness and so accepted his invitatioua. The plain came in unexpectedly oue evening , ana as tWll w.as prancing along with Airs. G. to supiver, he grabbed him by the coiiar ana gave him a twist and a turn and kicked him about a rod, and remarked: "Now, .-logon you, go and get a wife of your own." I have known many a good, solid young man boycotted by the girls because he lacked manners. But. I was ruminating about the drummers. One of them ot off the train with "me the oiiu-r morning about an hour before day, and we looked all around for a light or a porter. : or noine place to go to. and anallv settled dowd in a piazza i a humble hotelj where three logs were sleeping, but they "M'ped the floor with their rii'-idiy- tails, and so we sat i o vvu aud waited for daylight. " t was a good time tp talk j aM', and we talked it , until ' e roosteis croweH and con - :.i!d it until the sun rose, and '"'i, the family got up and, to : '. surpriwj, gave ub a cordial I ome aud a good, old-fash-"iir breakfast. - A good break-J1-1 is a splendid harmonizer. 'he stomach is the thin to V(rk on, and these drummers kt"wit. They can tell you the fffcise character of every hotel . iU their territory, and they ':u& e hotel business a sub rct of prayer. I always go to' hotel that they patronize. A lady went to the White House ecently to obtain the President's autograph. Banding Mr. Pruden, the executive clerk, a bright, clean theet of tinted note paper with ber herpelfand fixes me up some- monogram upon it, she requested thing ever so nice, and it re- ,uab eeuut"uu iL'c' .t ma r, ,0iLn.ioa m'A land to inscribe his name thereen. and cauS fTin 1 tar evening sunshine of domestic bliss, and .itUiWte a-JCet b j. get oui my pocsetDBOJi huu turning in a few moments he said lay it in herJlaD. and. then she utua Prnnidnnt nnri his comDli- i$ calm and serene ; and don't ments, and says that if you will scold the children nor com-1 brine your autoeraph album he plain of the cook or the wash- will be glad to write hift name in erwoman. But by and by she hut he never puts his signature elaWb-a nn a litt.lft nnVl nnt.a mo 1 0Q8 blank. Bheet Of paper.r ff T7S "f - I . . I. ' .v" ;.aj.k.i aue muy w raiuer vaneu auv, but, thanking Mr. Praden for' bis kindness, returned home to bring ber album. The book being a trifle dinev in appearance, and also qnite fall of autographs, she de termlneu to purchase a new odc n-.trs. uu p .yeu towork and keeps me at it nu . nomei- raiueu me uram. nnf!i t sa. raav t onnff.ii, I think she has an idea that . I have a gooa time when 1 ami gone, and am fed on tally and turkey and all the good things, but 1 shake my venerable head and sigh and look solemn - and say : "There is no i place like home; elsewhere all is vanity and vexation of spirit' and my amnavn lace satisfies her lor. a while, I know. Sometimes 1 think the hotels A VENTURE. HOW THE GIRLS HOMES. FOUND They lived with the old lady only asiiort while after they took charge of the store. It was a sharp October eveninz. the street lamps were struggling faintly through a yellow haze of fog the dead ailanthas blossoms rattled overhead as ii the tree la front of Mrs. Medlaw's led brick boose had blossomed fall of rattle boxes'. And Mr 8. Med law had just sat reflection of toast and tea, fhen Pol'.v, tbe little maid, who always wore green checked gingham and carpet slip pers, came sliufflicg in. "Please, ma'am, there's two young ladies down in the parlor as says you're their aunt." 'Ott, bother I" said Mrs. Med law, fin a soliloquy, "it's Eda and Ella. I knew they'd come to me wbenthetr father died. As if I hadn't an s thing else to do bat to snpport a swarm oi my lazy relations. Why tTUAT IS HAPPENING IN IBIS WORLD AROUND US. E.U i oked at her ulster. Five AIl?.X7x ft I? . A TTTDtnTT' bundreit a year seemed a great ' " w VA iJlIX. sain lor be giri who hsd never yet earned five for berselr. Yes, go. Eda," tald Ella ! can manage the store by . myelf easily enough. And" in a whisper, "I've taken a contract to, make half a dozen new abtrta 4or Mr. Le&sner, we to find the material." Who U Mr. TjessDerr' , '0 a, the printer. I can do it at odd minutes when there is no one else in the store." 'At the end ot ttbe month Eda came to report to her sister. Well, Eda, how ido you like itf asked Ella. . ; "Ob. so muchl Mrs. Martisoy , is A condensed report of the news as gathered from the columns of our contemporaries. State and National. The yewbern Journal aays: We are glad to learn that work has beeq resnmed Jou the canal be tween wbern and Beaufort. Cap tain Bcckner is now in charge or the dredging, and that alone assarts good vigorous prosecution.' The Clinton- Caucasian pro Pounds tbe following conundrum : If two medium size plg can root op twenty feet of side walk in two minutes Low many pigs will it take mj erp our town lorce eugaged, An exchange say it it an own secret, says the Chronirl. that EDITORIAL TALK. -:o:- J . queer, but Bhe is so kind. , And i 00)0 luo Aru' and Mr. Oswald Orey, ber neph ew, is very polite "Is bet" 'Yes" said Eda, fingering at a box of hooks aud eye; "I like biru very tnacb, and be likes me. To tell the rrath-' "I see," 8a id Ella, putting ber arms around ber sister, be wants vu to e bis companion for life, eb Eda!" 'How did yon know!" faltered dimpled Eda. . lU0 moHi loyal aud n- thflAiiLtttlA friftn1. it 1 1 r- . 1 Goldsboro bas a paier box-, fac- lege are dlscnsaine privatelr the feasibility and the advantages of a The S;t Miiiai a.w.,.; removal or this splendid a? meets at tayette illo ou tbe 8th 0f tlonal Institution to Ctarlotte. and have the President's signature to "starts it." Proceedine to Bal- lantyne's book-store, on ( Seventh Etreety se bought a new and hand some allium, and repaired, to the Whitrlnserrrvnithete within twenty minutes, from the time she had lefc.i Mr, Praden smUedM took the -book and repaired rto the didn't you say I wasn't at home, Polly!" 'I would, ma'am, before I'd a let 'em in," said unconscious .Polly, ought to be regelated ;ty law. rident j6bnyfcotograph Auere uu,,ui, 10 db a iraviing jor the persevering lady. Return inspector. They all ought tobeffng. be gave the boofcrtp tbe lady, published and rated In a book twho thanking' him left for her just like Dun and Bradstreetl home. Upon arriving there she rate the merchants. ' Rooms, opened the album to gaze on the beds, sheets, towels, soap, the I yalaed inscription, and found the table, the waiters and 1 general ,B : - rj comfort all ought to be classed I Woman's name hers bat. to give and uumbered. If the only away ! J f1 clean place on a towel is a hole A man's, bis ail ; it should not go astray. Geovee Cleveland. THE KAIL CAEEIE Classio Controversy Postmaster. with the We have recently been much in terested In an able controversy conducted through the medium of tbe Abbeville Citizen. A boy who is mail carrier on a star route fn Buncombe county (and everybody has just exactly such a boy carry ing tbe mail) was constantly behind time, and continued so regular in his irregularity that the people (be gan to bowl about it through the utizen. The man carrier wrote a defence of himaelf a . regular uYVeterh Address" just about such a document as might be" ex pected lrom such a source. tIt was he was ar- tv. t i 1 3 i i i not. nt& lauiL n.i an tnai uuKgu kiut u wuuiu nave in- . rj X 7 - . vested in some fine mineral rlr-wi Vl . . V, . . ; . . 1 took the DostmasterAfrtiandv Mash property m iNortn ueorgta, at an honr arid W hairotn thati ha ma a hi nb at 4hn otnmAAk nil I . " " ftnrt he hart In wa it ull t.haf. tima tne time ne was inere. - ine then the. postmaster at Big Ivy had uiuiugroom uaa a ipui oaori to fool around ever so long aud de wnen ne enierea it, ana he lay him some more, and the post didn't enjoy his victuals. 'He master, at i)emocrat was a perfect said he was afraid to eat aaiy- l)od wouldn't attend to busi- thintr bat boiled etyirs &.nA haknfl e?8 properly, and of course with potatoes. If a town wants ito I """w' 88 ine8 postmasiers rise and erow it would baVCst-W.11 of them conspiring yumuu,,, -J arSfioh in r.h nnhlin nnatrllu couldn't make nia schedule- of coarse, tioj.; and nobouy om;btto cipeti. uim w maae ii ana u tiiev had any senee they wouldn't. This is tbe deleucS that the mail carrier, with a plentiful array of bad gram mar and bad spelling, got off. 'Thi postmasters whom: be had refjecteji upon each replied jn'ja ejjaraite card. They set fort&'tbat f '. little dead beat made a i-egaltf,,Uv.l!C': of carrying the mail ; that AejBtopped and talked and swapped . knives with every boy be met on the. way (can't yon see him f) V got' off his horse to throw rocks at birds 'and chase ground squirrels; stopped at nooses aiong tbe-road to get fire to light hU'cigaeltesVswod aroknd the fires at the postofnees when his man was ready and chinned every body in reach,, .and.: drank "wtiite liquor on occasions ' out ; of a black bottle , wb!ch r he carried in ,M breeches pocket. ' Tbis is the ypW cal mail boy and tbe r postmasters showed him up pretty weL but the boy returned to the charge and be-. low is bis last; card. , If the poet masters don't come again and strengthen their case a good deal ord or landlady and run a good decent hotel., When a man who lives well at home is penned up abroad in a dirty hotel he is restless and suspicions, and in no humor to trade. I Rut satisfy his appetite and stuff him With generous food, .and he is all right nd ail ready. If you want to attack a man for char ity or generosity, go to him just after he has finished a good dinner. Solomon tells about "bowels of mercies, bowels of compassion." The heart has nothing to do with - a, man's emotions. That is an antiquat ed mistake. It is lower down. The heart may be utterly di seased and the man ' hot know it, but let the organs of tbe ap petite get out of order and the whole man is demoralized. I wish the T. P. As would 1H re me to travel and peruse the hotels, and whenever I did ent find a decent one then I was to organize a new one, and let the drummers boycott all the others. Last fall I was the publio will be compelled to!give down in lower Georgia and J ndg" ea tr for the b6y Tbe follow some drummers asked me ingis tbe-fatest literature that has where I was going to stop and I .beett-Prwigatod in the case; said: "I don't know; at the J' &&ti&&!$HuH7. hotel I reckon :" and they said: Editor Citizen s "jno, ao you go witn us; then fuipiment mat ugtf-been hotel is a fra'ud, and we have postal on me By the Posteniasters set np a nice, good old widow Mav. An election bas been ordered on ;le queMtioo of local option in Char lotte. The negroes at Oinetoe, Edge com he county, celebrated Lee's Nurreuder. M.I ... xne stockade of this vnntr r.. the confinement of county convicts ioo are working -on the pu4ic udur, WHa nornea ot: the niornini? ofthe3'Jtb or Ml one thousand doit provisions &c Tl vvarrenton will have an aericul- dental. A new October next. rch. The los- to the county of Medklenburgls about ars in buildiugsy le hre was -srr.t 'Hf I'd a supposed they was any re, latiOD of yoars. But they was dressed so nice, and looxed so cliu per I thought, of course, they was real ladies." "Aud just as thn tea was boiling too," said Mrs. Medlaw. "Ob, dear me, what a world this is." 'V Eda and Ella Carr were siniug pale aud black robed, in the moul dy smelling little parlor, when t l eu aunt came in. They were pr-rtj girls with delicate, wax-white com plexions, and hair so dark that it gave yon the impression of being black, and great bine grey eye. "Well, girls," said Mrs. Medl w, rather uugracionly, 'so . you'v- eome here!'' We had nowhere else to go, aunt," said Eda. meekly "Humph!"' granted tbe old Indy. ''Take off. your bonnets and thing. suppose you calculate to ta H uight? Well, what aie jou goin work at!" "We don't know, auut." said El la, trying hard n6t to cry. I WelL ain't it high time jou hadf said Mrs. Medlaw. ': 'Folks can't live on aiii 'Aud two great growa-Ap giri&tfkuon oogni to he doing somntblng to earn 'youi own salt. There's always pleaiy f work lor willing hands. I've bad to Jore- close a mortgage ou' a little" fancy slore. I waut to put someone in it to sell out tbe stoUk; I'll give you a fair commission on what you sell Come, what do you say to that!1' 'I am willing o trv," said Eda, "Heaven knows ttiat 1 am auxious euough to earn my own- living." "Aud I too," said Eda. "We know nothing about such a busi ness" fBatyou can learn. I suppose,'' said Aunt , Medlaw. "But we can learn," said Kda, hopefully. ; ' A&d m less than a week the little thread and needle store aiound the corner, which had presented a grim and shattered front for tbe last few day 8, was reopened, aud two pret ty gins, dressed in ulace, were posted behind the counter. Mrs. JUousou sent her two utile boys to math a skeio of green wors ted, and enquire for peppermint tally nrst. The widow Hope pur chased a little hosiery and three cheep pocket handkerchiefs. A small girr caue in to ask the time cf day, and an old man bought pair ox sqspenaers. ana an w)tmn the boar, and iSda and Ella pegat, to tbiokthey might in time devel on into commercial characters of note. To be sure, business waxed rat h- erdnll toward the end ot tbe day, bhtjast at dusk a lalL uice looking ypuug man came m, to buy a card orpfearl shirt buttons. Ella took down a box, and tbey were quite a long time in selecting tbe prettiest J.u. i ui uuii uuur u iw, oaiu r m. , Elli. ''But now I've got something! . " r",ner8' Am- t.tkll x on. TflniHhed Mr. Lessner's i ".Tue couniy. we see shirks and they fitted him perfect lrom tne ArCaa- u uxifm I'm thu An r vnmNII hl , T T 1 . v. . . u .... - ivr. u i. rrrrcoee, a negro ucw wu u.t- m.u. rescuer oi KUiston, bas lieen in- s on tbe nrst trial, tie nas i ii!Cted for forgerv d no a little prouertv. and be t to invest it somewhere, and i iu uurnara ltecorder sava there The subscribers ockade is Jemocrat. to the being eve sbi sav w Aunt M dlaw want toffll out this) in not a priaouar in the Jail at that There are 18 prisoners in Cumberland conntv Jail, Kays ''ajetterill Journal. Mto'e. So he's aing to boy it and , place. Uood lor Durham. I'm going to keep it ou condition , tliat I nurrv bioi." O Ella!" ".Not ucb a very bard condition either," said Ella. "Because he's very handsome, and very pleasant, and I like him very much; in fact, I be!iee I'm in love with bim. There uow itVU oat, ami 1 do believe, Eda. we're tbe two happiest git Ik in tbe world, and all through nam Medlaw's thread nd ueedle store. too." "W. II, well," grumbled Mr-. M-- - i. the gi-N aie gne, sun i hi h, ii. v m If 'k v aiu It i ruthe'l .uenouie. Tbey were nice girls- I ,ish "d by several n-g but the young men found .it out a well as me. Young mm always do ud Hiieh thingH out " A tne tbe a asms wirrs victoey. Sam Jcnes Tells a Pretty Story of How Four Gamblers were Saved. p&ctera; and tbe most appropriate i forgot one . thing," after be had lady, jaod we all go there. So I followed them, and -L' never found a better place outside of my home. Everything -was so clean and so nice, j The fare was not expensive but it was good. She had good honest Jausage and lye hominy, and ggs fried on j both j sides, and loose in the middle, and good bread and good - coffee, and buttermilk, and the plates were all glossy, and the knife handles felt like they were pol ished, and and about, l will Bee bafe in savin Hhafc f n Reason mr. Carter wrote his Card, he wanted to telt be had a' store and my Stockton wants to make peaple think fie has 'Uevlish good fires and he onely has fire- enough or inirteen oi ms unuoreu to warm By and tbe other Nineteen has to lay in the fodder stack from freezing and i hafto to Keen Dob tbe J. K. the Best , l ,Qan, , and i and Brigman is very good frends f I posted the. other Day and while be was opening the mail i gie b,im a drine of Com whisky and becaose i did not give him the Whole Bottle he thought i everything about to drink it all m self and the nt a- t .... va . --t- laauo a, man ieei time l win leaveine Kott.ie ahrt he ukb ft gentleman. A man can live on sloppy victuals until he loses his gentilility, and will tell a lie, or eheat in a trade, pr use cuss words, or slander his neighbor. A man will partake of his surroundings and if he lives like a hog he; will grow hoggish, i I knew a very nice young man it hose mother was & pattern ot neatness ana pro- Well he to)arrha Egirl Wont write any more to. tbe Ashe ville Citizen -aad as -steped in to the white man's Bar mr. Carter P. M. at Democrat waa taking on a ftoopper full a bout the size of a - "yeBraTrolF-18 said the .VOaug man, after be bad coutract e4 tor an eighteen ceut investment. "I mast have them sewed on. Could ypu do it!'' JM try,'? said Ella, laughiug, "i you'll bring the s hurts around.7' i -o the young man brought his Bhirts, and sat down to wait, while Ella's needle new oeitiy in anq out. He was in a hurry, he told her, He was foreman in tbe printing of fice of a great daily paper, and worked at nights, . when the rest of the world was asleep, like a bat or an owl. ' - j In the meantime Eda was trying to suit an old lady, in green spec tacles. wbo wanteu some ribbon whose color she didut exastly know and whose width she wasn't per. tain aoout, aud whose quality she had jet to make np ber mind con cermng. But Koa's patience, tact and good patience were mexausti ble. At last the old lady was suited and went away rejoicing, leaning apon tbe arm of her nephew, who bad manifested extraordinary in terest in the shade of drao ribbon "That's a nipe girl, Oswald," said sne. "do you know l almosi think sue wouis suit me as a companion She seems so very good-Lumoieti wopder it it would o to ask her U she would fp a sitnationf ' tl'iotft bee why uot,r aid Qs t j ii 4.1 i i: waiu ureyt iniuiting ne nau uever seen softer ; grey eyes or . prettie nair. "onau we go OackT" "To-morrow is time fcnougu said Mrs. Martigny. . ' Ou the morrow she camt back. ; "Didn't the ribbon suit?" asked Many diseases date . their origin to moctional disorders of the atom and when comDany was about. w by Pr. pierces pellets, was - all The New Berne Journal tells of a ohiciten with four perfect legs, with auu ieei to eacn leg. The Pittsboro Reeord sars a case 'ra settled in that county a few weeks ago that baa been on tbe "ocicei since 1873. iaur mes rnuay evening. Com mittees were appointed on organii atiou and incoriioration. John It, Pender and C B. Meheean wer m. poipted to visit other canning fac tories to acquaint themselves with wbatwlll be needed here. Titt le ft Monday Tart oro Southerner. Editor, an a rule, are kind hearted and hlieral. An exchui' tens oi a tfuuscriuer to a rcrt.iia pajier who died au'd left fourteeu year snosc-riptiou uuj.aid. Ilie editor apieared at the crave whn Hie lid was being screwed do n for mo last time ami put in a linen .i . . i .... uunivr, jmiui ieai ian and a re ceipt lor ni-kiuj a;ilt5cial ice. ' Toe Baltiuiore Sun iava : "Crdi. nal Gibbons will bo to Asheniu. ' wo auena Lite confereii ti.r. and at Hot borings on Air;l 2.V n The Labor KumWer Is tbe name Southern Catholic Biboii. to a Knight of Labor Republican methods of promoting immi . t i Unnni it 1a nnK i Eraiion to tne Uth. Th U ri a i. iiH:ny ....... . l',,tF 1, u sympathy with the movement, and win uo all id its power to make it success. Alxvf all qualities in the world for a wil is a spirit of gentleness Qeu'leniss a gentle fjiinted wilt heaid i bis incident once said re vivalist Sam Jones in a recent ser m on, and it impressed me verv , much. Five gamblers sat gambling and the clock struck 12, and 1, and and directly one of the gtmbleis poke up and said: "Gentlemen, you can play on if you want to, but my precious wife Is at borne right now watcbipg and waiting for me to come home. I have gor the be6t fein tbe world." "Well," said the oi !ers, "everv man says that." wbjI, said he, "my wife known J amour gambling, and who ..am with, 1 expect, but she's so good thai if I was to take you four men to the house right uow and ring tbe door bell, and she came to the door, and I was to tell her to go and cook supper for all you gam Were, she'd do it iu a spirit of gen tlene and with a smile on her face." "We don't believe it," they all exclaimed. 'Wellj you all come aud see."' And be took tbe gamblers to his bouse, rang the door bell, and bis lie let them in immediately, anil ber husband introduced. ber to all tbe gamblers, aud said: Wife, we have been gambliug until late, aud we want joq to go and prepare snpper for nn." And tbe wife said "Husband, the fire is cut of the stove, aud cook bas gone borne, but it J ou'il be sealed and patient. I will get it as soou as 1 can," aud ith a smile on her face, she pre pared the supper, called them in, and watted on the table with smile on her face: aud wbeu the bad finished the meal one of tbe gamblers said: f Your hqshvpd told us be fore-we (same what you would do, but we didn't believe, him, aud now I want to ask you a question: How can yon be such a wife to such a husband!" And she said: "Gentlemen1, 1 have prayed for that man for twenty years, that God would save bis soul but I bave lost all bope that be will be saved- B is going to a world of torment, and I am going to make bis lire in this world as pleasant for bim as I can." The gambler looked np and over at ber husband and said: "Sir, how can yon be sack a husband to such a good loyal wife as that!" And tbe hnsband jumped np and said: "Gentlemeu, Lear me. My wife has won me to her Saviour touigbtand 1 bave settled tbe question. I give myself to her God and her Christ to night," And tbe iuoident goes on to relate that her husband afterward com menced preaching, and, that he was tbe preacher that won the four other gamblers to Cnrist." Cda. 1 "Oh, yes. the ribbon r iSSl ritSri"Hrlht bBt 1 wsmt "ttetbifir else, f ? mil Cfrtf" T , 'What is that!" asked Eda mno Gently. j A companion to read to mej takeeareoi my canaries, and I drowsy old tunes ou tbe piano woeu Mieei sieepy. i give 9500 a year. Saturday afternoon and board. Will you come!" Kings are uae stars, tney nae and set. They have headache, cuts and hurts like meaner men, and are just as sure to call for Salva tion Qil, 1 The simplest, 'safest and surest means to relieve the baby of colic and induce slumber is Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Price only 25 cents a bottle, Sore or inttanied eyes siieedlly cured by tbe ; use of Darbj'a Pro phylactic Fluid. It allays tbe in. tiamniation and irritation and is peculiarly efficacious by reason of its power in cleansing and destroy lng all poisonous matter. Chafing, braises, humor, eruptions, boils and socesand thpsp more serious uud tenacious maladi6s. sea d bead I and salt rhenm and erysipelas are ,speedi cured b.t the Fluid. We ire : astonifhed at patties wbo introduce new . remedies for oonghs when tbey should know tbe people will bave Dr. Bull? Cough Syrup. esee tronn ex hanee that he urore of Mr. J If. Rraman. at rcaman' Oo Road", was broken in a few nights since. T sNre of Mr. L. F. Dickens. r FT ilifax. was destroved bv fire, a rw night ago. we see from the frland Neck Democrat We see f otn the Favetteville Tonmal that ths Convention of the Eniacopal church In Noth Carolina ill be held in Favetteville Mav 3d. The Greensboro North State thinks the tnot of tbe peach crop of that eef ion has been destroyed br the cold. We bope the North Bfate is not correct. Work 1 being pushed rapldlv on all throe of the new cotton factories The Crol:na Central com nan v la potting in a aide track, at tbe Ada Mills. Charlotte Chronicle. j.r.jnnn'on Uo., (the con- Pny Ji C. W. Bnrt) of Kinaton bave a!gned. The Free Press 'areathe liabilities to be t5,000 and assets about 110.000. It is stated the indebtedness of tne farmers of Georgia dpcreaed 15 per cent, last year in eonse qnence f growing more supplies at fioroe. Kaiae your own hoe and hominy. The San ford Express says when banks bare t it is then a good time to be an editor of a conn try news paper. Nobody gets away with bis money. Except tbe delinquent suoscrioer.j Adam Suits, of Carlos City, Ind., ceieorated his 100th birthday on March Int. He was born in jforth Carolina, was a blacksmith by trade, aud boasts that uo man has ever laid bim on his back. Tbe bands who were laying track ou tbe Carthage Railroad .truck laft Monday say the (San- nru express ior bigber wages. Tbe wages aid not rise and wort was t-uspended as a consequence. A white man by the name of David Bell is in jail at Asherille, a charge of an assault apon Mrs. Tilsou, of Madison county. He was takeu to Asheville to prevent his being lynched by the people of Madison, Tbe Board ot Aldermen of Wil mington and Greennboro voted $500 to (be military companies of those places. Tbe reople of North Caro lina have Lad several illuetration oi service rendered by our citizen soldiery. Tbe Elizabeth City .News- Bays four prisoners escaped fr"m the Hertford county jail last Friday morning. The jail is a brick struc ture with bteel cells and was con sidered one of the safest in tbe State, Tbe North Carolina Land and Immigration Bureau writes to the Manufacturers Record that since tbe terrible storm at tbe West onr office bas had more than ninety letter from Minnesota and Dako ta asking about the North Carolina climate. oun nnoTiinn quill dri. i r.Jixu M.SW.vo KVEN1S. nd heroic kind which .vrtyT r i? it l ' '"1 r. ue jvoimi.u -r ree itcss told by Mr. W. II. O'Bern that b found 16 nnnie balls in one 1.. that was sawed at Lis imil a 'few days ago. He noticed bright, shining spota upon the pi ink a they were sawed, aud upon exami nation round they were mlnie b.i:l sawed in two. He found 16 in -th log, and motof them were inibvdd- ed about 6 Inches from the .nt- face. The Reidsville Demccr4t sav: "It is rumored that tlie R'chmond and Danville Railroad will at an early date leuiove their shops from Manchester, Va.. aud Burlington, N. C , and conolil.'e them at some central lxnr.t in this Slate." Most people know Burliui- ton by tbe les euYbouious Hound ing name' of Company's Shops. Don't let tbe people of that tuoud "berg" know we said o, however, as we have uo desire to.be isealped. Will Bnrkbead is certainly a wag. Just listen at this from his paper, the Durham Tobacco Plant: "Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. (i. Uurkhead, on the morning ol April 10th, a boy, a Cue boy not a bouncing boy, but a bawling boy. Jast as the east was blushing in roseate purple this boy gave notice to bis little sisters '(be. has bo brothers) that he bait inherited the luuga ot his parent on his father's side, and that trouble for them would now begin. This notice was Titten by Bald-bead aud not Burk-bead." The Salisbury Watchman savs: ''Quite a number of our citizens re ceived a circular letter a short time ago from a firm iu Chicago ouenug to sena inem crayon por traits of themselves or one of the'r family, as an advertisement scheme, free of cost. Several fent pictures to bave enlarged, but tbey n auoiuer ! letter telling thern tbey will have to pay from $C to $8 for a lrame before tbe picture will oe 6e.nt. henever a ctranger otters you several dollars for noth- inc, you can set bim clown as fraud." 2o Ins. tl.an four projected lines oi railway are now talked of,' and ail to run via Albermarle, - viz charlotte and eldon. South At lantic and North Western. Ca barrus and Stanley, and tbe Che raw and Salisbury. Out of the four lines above meutioned we are al most certain or one. and a strong prooaDi.ity or onr getting two i the roads. Wrli we could make out with one. but "tne more the merrier." Stanley county oouJi: well an'ord to give S100.000 each to the Charlotte and Weldou and tbe South Atlantic, and if nec.'ts.'iry she could contribute to. the C; barrus ami Stanley ihxnidt Obserrer. V Our Commr,.:, Mlnottd With TJtone of tHhrr KdUors. on JPwi. tie. I'aruiiufr, and Other Thxngt. The Shelbv Anrnn IMrV that Geu. 11. U. Vanc is the strongest mtn to nominaU for congress in the Ninth District. A good many folks think the same thing.- Aehevllle Sun. Gov. Hill's refusal to writ a letter decline the nomination for President is entirely croDer. ouch a letter would be scarcely ietw pret-urapiuous than one from Father McGlynn declin ing an election as Pope-PhlL Pre.s. Iiei. In 1RCS 9 the Republican members drew 7.00 a day, and 20 cents mileage, for 304 days, me total expenses for the es eion amounting, to f4-tO.95S.CO. ibis asan average ralarr for each member of v2.1f0, almost a inu-u ror ptty little Repots ?ican legblatoro as is now paid our Governor. Ex. The Dunn Sigh' oard says that Hon. I). H. McAlean would make a, hiM and fearless leader a a rrn'V. "'nt for rongre. but tlmt bo i.r;il ut be a candidate. Tbe Signboard faya that Har nlt will .-ii ;ort Hon. C. v. MrClainmr. "II has made an efficient lafv.w.r and should be honored with' a pecond term." T.i t2;': rife now about rr'oreil men of the. South not v'.thic ha." no application to North Caroiinia. The last iimthrV son r:f 'em votes in this tate, if lie can get to the poll on election day. The He publicans poll over a hundred thoiiJMnd vilos of which fully intir-mtl!? are negroes. Asb ville Sun. ti i l"..r ! z.x '. : r I e There is to be another stirring libel sqit in Moore county, it is stated. Assurances are given that D. U. St. Clair, editor of the San ford Express, will be prosecuted for maliciously libeling Judge Philips, of the Superior Court. The Scotland Neck Democrat says tbe saw mills in and around that town seem to be actively tn gaged. Almost every outgoing train Is freighted with lumber; moreover we see a quantity of lumber stacked at the depot as if to season, The Washington Gazette gives the following evidence or cruelty to inimals practiced in th:it rnnty: 'A good citizen of Cbocowiaity, we. uave it on giou autnonty, baa bought a Waterbury, and tustead of using the rod when bis children are disobedient, requires tlietn to wind the wath. ' Gentlem n nf the committees and especially the chairmen, you are too slow. To secure vic tory at the next election, sound pure.and intelligent men must be pelected men of ability who are acquainted with and can explain and thoroughly discuss before the people, the tariff and internal revenue questions, for these we regard as the onlr Is sues. inusooro uecorder. Both Democratic and Republi can conventions of the Eighth Congressional District neetat the eame time and plco Le noir, May 8th. What a whoop ing, bowling, high oiJ time! Wonder if a conference commit tee on Internal Revenue will be appointed ? There will be one question presented upon which both conventions will a7ree And vhat is, or will be, wil you ? Durham Tobacco Plant; commands the re-pect r.s J cenee or men. Xot on!r know its creed, but !. knows Its leader. !!en prone to hero wcr!.i: party is therefore forli-!w ' baving a leader who y or. . reality as well as la niac Cborloite Chronicle. The Democratic T sr'.r cf vvim if re j a.r, t-l soficiently awtientd lo V.is need for vigorous work i:i tL present campaign. know that many persons tre dl-j--i-.l to regard tbe matu r m-L'Jj, but a crisis Is ccrtair.!; ns and we ina-tmet I. .7. Ulls us of a boy wf. rr ! "Volf! wolf r wL n :. ! . , r was near, and Cualll i z came to his aitarn-e. some years the jxiIitiriLrvj ! bren unnecessarily ?. . ; ; . tbe bublic mind, tut n .x Tolf is indeed j rcsf:! 1 r ly. Do not re;-t in fcn-,f: curity, but meet and ox,-.. the foe. By devious mot radicals made a lar ;-r. the State at the la.tei.r and it gave them rene i and courage to make a ". mined fight this Tear. Democratic rarty mutt r this fact and -pull Jv- Seiner" for He fray, j right Rockingham i; A few Democratic ra r side of North Carohua ; r to be alarmed at the ct. : have been taken by th party prohlbitionlls State towards cetlinjr ticket in the approachi: palgn. There I mi r be alarmed. The Pro! iftp ot North Carol Stiv er those who believe in lng their votes ti t'.. hen they know the u i v test Is between the Deii and Republicans r.lv t I 4 IS votes In 18S4. It i : u ful whether they can r -r t namber this yeir, frt; played on those lnn-rf- t has been found cut. !.-. I bow, the man who ;(. vt Ucket in 1884, aud i. :t.i get np one now, Is ' u '.' Republican who. set -a ! c. more good for bis paxty iy ing a third ticket to w!.: can entice unsu.urecli: J ci.. crats, than in any oil r Rut the most of the Pcukt.: who believe in prohibit!. i; through the trick tio-,: 1 not walk into the Iwvu-r'-lor. .The 41 vots f will after the el'-c.l :. year.be found to b- I s "swunk." Greensboro I', v 1 t:.r. v. ; 1 t -d 1 :n-. v-.il J ar- tai:-::. i . . . ... If we knew all the methods e approach adopted by an enemy we are tlie better enabled to ward off the danger and postpone the mo ment when surrender becomes in evitable. In many instances the inherent strength of the.body sufil ces to enable it to oppose tbe ten dency toward ileal h. Mauy how ever have lost these forces to such an extent that. there is little or no help. In other cases a little aid to the weakened Lungs, will make the difference between .sudden death and many jears of useful life. Up on the first symptoms of a URh, cold or any trouble of the threat or lungs, give that old and well known remedy lioi-chee's German Syrup, a careful trial It will prove what thousands say of it to be, tbe 'benefactor of any home." A writer in the Richmond Advo cate credits the celebrated Dr. Adam Clarke with tbe authorship of tbe striking saying that a preach er should never pin out tbe thread of bis verbosity, finer than the staple of his argument." - While the newspapers are en- nmeratiuj the States that have recently declared for Mr. Cleve land s reuomination, is it not a fact that the Democratic State Executive Committee of North Carolina, in session at Raleigh on the 23d day of February, 18S3, wa.s the first political body iu the United Statts, this year, to endorto President Cleveland If North Carolina Is entitled to such honors let her have them ith Jarvis and Clark out of the way, Maj. Stedman is nn questionably in the lead In the contest for Governor, or In oth er words, for the I)emocratIc nomination for the ofSce. Some formidable rivals remain In the fields, with some possibility of success; but unless tha unex pected happens before the last of Miy, he will be nominated. The Dispatch will venture the prediction that Stedman will be nominated fur Governor and Uex'aiider f.y Lieutenant Gov ernor. Lexington Dispatch. A Washington dispatch to tl i I veil ine Post says that the United Siates Senator who con lerred with the President on the rtibject of the vacant Chief Justiceship says that the Presi dent indicated therse points: 1. That he will promote no Associate Justice. 2. That hewill not make an assignment for the South. 3. That he will not appoint any man over elity years ot age and that Tin hopes to find a marrfroni LIty to fifty-five if possible. 4. That be prefers a Western man. The Democratic party has one capital advantage to-day it has not had in the past It has courageously formulated the issues upon which the coin ing national contest must be fought. There is strong evidence of those, deep convictions in Its attidude which means & rare determination to fight and win. Its position is of that brave The Advance will ' from now until Jam;- ' . '.',t One Dollar. Our object in ina1.. proposition is tint u having considerab .' tbe people during U - t-" palgn about thetwoiri) ".. propose showing up t ords as clearly as it 1 for ns to do and ex selves to retain lot government the 1!: party. e desire a lar .- " ; ence than we now Lave tl - we already have a lav ir lation and we hopaty j r Of this proposition tomM . new names to our list. Y.'e . pect furthermore t i'.' many of the subscritx-rs v, , from the campaign at. 3 i". . this means that we e., get our money. The ;.:-v.m ordinarily goes for six : i ;: for one dollar, but by tl.:- r osition it goes about i.;;- the same money. Will our correspond t. ; friends everywhere p- this fact generally lis. .-. their respective neihbirl Will not all tbe f rim, - where, of the pap r :n cause, now turn in nt.'l i little solid work fgr bo.!.? Will not the cou,l'-y i masters every wLr tally remark, every r; r then, in the hearing of il: vt ronsof their oQces, that C Advance is goirata ...;.. r from now until the 1 '. I -Jm-uary? Will not Democrat;" j- 17 .1 - . 'h -.1- i.y ex Liu 't :.y in . ry t:.e a t-i- A t- z. iew-cata- .-: a tive committeemtrii, c ,.v..v; vm township, canvass their t ry a little and send us Clubs? We want a thou.-atid paign subscribers insii month. We will get Om if the present patrons and trl".'".s of the paper will help u- Xil! they? If anybody send? u a cj..b cf of ten new subscrit;: the cash, we will ' per free to that pei i : out the campaign. No name will :,; odds whose it Is money is paid. We c:i little more than pay c under this offer if v. .... thousand subscril-T I one pays in advaii'-e, :. . ' . certainly cannot tirT . I . . any deadheads in the . i c nor and of the pay-r .. "e fall fraternity. Now, then a!to.-c;!. :'. t:. 1 let's see what can I t; i- . !.'! Don't hawk, blow, ;..:, gust everybody with j breath bat use Dr. Si.f Remedy and end IU c. th V

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