7 yyzjist ?r r&ct CAMPAIGN. -CAMPAIGN. I! N v nVA mom THE ADVANCE, FROM NOW UNTIL JAN. 1st FOR ONE DOLLAR. it M it . M i 'J THE ADVANCE FriCr.l NOW UNTIL JAN. let FOR ONE DOLLAR. 'LiET ALL THE EDS TIIO'J AIM'ST AT, BE THV COUJITRrs, THY OOD'I, AND TRUTHS'. . :0: campaign; VOLUME 18.-- WILSOM, NORTH CAROLINA. APRIL 26, 1888. KUMBER- cajipais:; BILL AB.FS .LETTER i IK - in i THY 'A hlTTLti CO us ; lift' mid cuiitoiiis of t . '',(;. joy THrm n (hd intended, , I li;ve betn traveling over land visiting the unpretending towns -that are off the great highways. I' wi.-Ii that every due could it so-as , to restore tl eaiiilibriuiu. A .man , 1 th- Kreat nail? rs n;.til !i--V become r. . 1 !- a p.v- i flepr-ivVtc a grace. .By th through the int: fan uewppa a cynic. v'tr in torn l from tig be and fall ti-.n L-rle'rs and rob beries and'deia'.c.itiivas' and av- ; pou :t.nd (Miicioestttid tiamriugs and strikes and anarchy and ah the horrible thit-k's rth'at' ; are hat-.t'eniag every day, he is al lini-f.-iviuV to surrender' AuA'. .'give up all hope? 'of .' 'humanity It m-t-kV' It im-gloomy ahcr de- -,.-! i-i.;. I i -1 1. let himskip over ;:,(.- t! h' for a few 'day a and ut into iut country where -or. a oid-tasiui.Med people .'.id and tie will feet much .the i teil jnu tbe .woods are full of them. 1 am m-re and more couvin.vd tli it ..tii-. coivntry is the place' to toil virtue and veaee and simple: habits and liuViU'd dost re. The fashion anil tor.ics an i 'general devil "uient of th-. l'V and giddy world do not iv i-'lt these ..peo ple. But 'they read' and think -"and work and withal are cheer ful. I have. toun-Ta-renion out here in west Tennessea where the. countrv reople are not moviutr to town where they are farmiiii: dilUeutly and raid ing -lock, where every mile or so vou will pas.- a comfortable iiomfi with evfivreens and flow er? in the front yard. The mo of them are in easy.reacli of a raiboa.lS and e very few kniles there is a little viliige with tw nr thr-tf. churches and as man stores' 'r';d an academy, and to -this I.atnlet the neighboring .people :j.:her, arid here their 'children to to school, and here ihey attend church on the Sab ? ath. In these prosperous neigh borhoods I coul l have found a warm welcome in a hundred homes. At one placed found the young people preparing to act Tom Sawyer as dramatized At another they, had a debating society iust cuih as we usea to have iirmy boyhood. Their la-t que.-tion was, " Which Las done the ino-t ood in,the world the printing" prss or pteam?" and one of the boys immortal izrdjiiinself ia h's first effort by s;iyinr, '-Mi President, forty and tix years ;it-o this country was i howli ed from it ana betrayea it line Judas Iscnriot did his Lord and Master, and the only, difference w,as that Juda? repented and handed hiui.-ell; out he was sorry to say that ilr. Stephens was stiu uiirepeniaat anu uu handed. For this lanauasre Mr. Stephens challenged him. And there) were giants iu those days. Wo discussed many notable men and somehow eofonto the preachers, and iie't'ojd me a'r out hisJ. father havinir heard Dr. Capers, or Bishop Capers, as. he was afterwards, and as he preached those wonderful ser mons strong men were struck dovvn .like thov liad-Jb'en shock ed by a thunder bolt. lie said th. re was n ver -. before nor Mite any pulpit eloquence like that of Dr. Capers and many such "intellectual 'scoffers and skeptics as Dr: - Branham were melted fJLowu nd convened ano became as helpless 'and humble a-! UttiH children. Those who Were present affirmed that when the doctor was in his sublime flights of eloquence ; there . was distinctly visible a halo or an illumination around his lantrelj io countenance. ' Thers was an old mail by -the came of Mar shall Martin who wa-j rich : and m-isewyiand ioveo fus uiuucj with ah idolatroui devotion. loaned out thousauds s at a u-urious rate of and had;." oppressed manv uhfoiituuate debtor. Care 1,-s-iv Ike droiDed I in. to near ' - - T ' t ... Dr. Capers preach, and as j nj sermon was auut -covfciojisness ud the inoidinaiel(jve of mon- . . . . ' J ....! ey, .iarcm oecaine ijverv ueim- ed and alarmed so ; mucu that lie actually made restitution to everyone who-hadl paid him usury, and it took several thou sand dollars to do ill. He adver tised" ja the newspapers and c'ilkd'upon thjem to! come for vTard and u-et their money back. I wish that " another Capers would rise up and get after. Jay (Auld and those who t-et up corners : i the necessaries of life and get after aJgood many Es Died Happy. THE TARIFF. Cojigressman O'JJeill says, in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, there was i well-to do Irishman up on O'Fii lloa street, near Biddle inar Ket, n St. Louis, who found him self i.bout to pass away, H.is name was Maloney. He sent for hia old friend O'Connor to come and make hi.s t ill. Everything was in readi ness and the dying man said: 'Put down 300 for masses up at St. Lanrence O'Toole's for the re pose of toy soul.' j The ren scratched away and then Mr. O'Connor said : 'What next, vir. Malone t' 'Put down $500 for the Little Sisters of the Poor. Have ye that down, Mr. O'Connor!' j J !ie Mil '-or; for the ! aianf.' furet caturatlv no nr it works upon FARMERS. Ita Ineaualiiies That, Ha Ro the People For Yeartt. L. t Reduced. 'I have, Mr. Malonev. ! for. St. What Louis American puts hia i p'.ft s a - near as jMsiole to tue ! marr fixed by 'he law for the for 1 '-cner If the European mauufact- nor chiiiio' sell a yard of a certain xrt of cloth in the American mar ket for ten cents, why shoald the American who manufactures the samuksort-, of cloth spII it for Ies hau no'c cnts, to ket-p the mar. kef l-r lo'u-.etf? PrbtM h could r-t'l it ioi ti cent!, aud mke a pron'. o o KiiouDi ut-i iu me aia'ivi ot oufiuesM morality, theie is no reavou why he should. And h'' shouhl not. i He Lad f dulli Hitere-d! ii'.xr v ; 'Pufi dowu $250 Orphan Asylum.' 'Wii.tt tiivt Mr Mnlnnpvl' pie, Pat. He don't nade it, but it's all the same. I can't carry it.wid me.' 'What nixt, Mr. Alaloney !' So the work went on solemnly and slowly, the dying man bringing himsell up with an effort to tbe task, aud ir. O'Connor stopping now and then ta draw his finger icross his none and sniff sympa- the.ically. Finally the dying man aid faintly : 1 think tbat's all I have to whl.' OVoanor footed up the Perns, looked arthe balance in tbe little old bank book, and said: 'No, Mr. Maloney, there's tin dollars yit.' ,1 The dying man lay absorbed in thought for a, lew moments and then he said : 'O'Connor, put down that tin oliars to .piud with the byes at ru-' funeral.' ' , O'Connor began to write ; then he s;oppeu, looked toward the bed with a puzzled expression, and ask ed softly : I 'Mr. Maloney, shall I put it down to sotud going to the funeral or coming b ck V. - . The dying man lay very quiet for few mom nts as he studied the I'oli'em, and then, with an effort, replied : O'Connor, put down tm dollars to spind goin' to the funeral, for then I'll be wid ye.' "There, is one mau iu this ' c try who works harder than mv the meu wko orgHiiizw into ! unions. He gets up betw' ti and five iu the moruiug, aud , after Ids live stock before bi; fust. TI is break ft. whe'i it e Consits, probably, of salt pq:k :.T -r or some form of hot 't A.fter breakfast he toes to wo the field, aud there be works the time comes for his m diuuer, widen, is about ,as nutr and wholesome as hi.s early After dinner he works until s time. His evening is, very 1 occupied in mending ha soaking corn for sotfing, or any one of the countless "odd . which farm life calls for. acco to the season. After a such toil, ibis man is cout; o: he can make euough out t crop and, however Industrie may fee, this is a matter whu- Dends largely upon tbe wea' to pay the interest on hm mor and start fairly lor the ct twelvemonth. A tax is levied ui on foreign im- p't-. Who pay - Ml The foreign u;inufaeturrT 'o; he cets tas price ijiom the American iuif orter, t he American m 'inl'rt;!'jrif . N tfEWb OF A WEEK. :o:- M'UAT IS HAPPENING IX HIE WOULD AltO UND US. A condensed report of the neu n an gathered from the column' of our contemporaries. State inl National, Jam lo.rtleer, F.6fin of Tarboro, ex-Jm'e of the Inferior Court of Edgecombe, has moved to Hender son io practice hi profession. Mr. Not fleet was in Raleigh this week, lie is lawyer of acknowledged ability and siauding; a gentleman of perfect integrity; aud a scholar of breadth and accuracy. He will Trovj quite an acquisition to tbe Heiidffon fur and to the progress ive - :i'on of that progressive town. K.i'.eigh State Chronicle. EDITORIAL TALK. u-.ore who doiilive so far away. Mayty' our farmers would take a new t-tart then! But restitution- is a rare IjhUiur in this subltina: ry wo: very i ty rnd ix try wf.s a 1; forty and country was wilderness ibr- rs o this coun .Tling wilderness ix years aro this a -bowing- wilder ness ' anr vol rememoenntr any mora of his speech,. he re marked as pe sat- down, "And I who it was now." I fpiind manv an. dd ieoraian out here and v.-henver 1 inet them we had a love least. iTIow dear'to us all is the home lof our childhood. How tendarly do these people talk of the good - old ?tate: they left in t.he lohir ao when they were young and the west wa- their hope, -the r' desire, their Eldorado.I was discoursing with an old 1 ;eorL.ia.i to day, a .-chool mate who .; I lyA not seen for lortv vears 's toiT let him- do most of ti.e. talking and could read his emotions as he spoke of his old home and of Ben Hill, and the Ferrells, , a d Judge Bull, and Bingham; and Bacon and liidley. He said he was in the : t otirt house ii; 1 (irange. and ir-u Hill was i it ting near him. when i'hoiaa V. Thomas came in and handed Mr. Hill a letter. That letter contained a challenge from Al exander Stephens to fight a du el.' Mr. Hill r "ad it but did not exhibit the slightest em harass ment or excitement. 'He, was en ga'ued in the .i.se. at bar, and putting the letter in liis pocket he attended, t the case. Then he took my friend by the arm and ask?d him to go With him to his office.- There ho chowed him tht challenge and. re mark r ed: '-Of course I will uot I caidiot fight Mr. Stephens. My whole nature is shocked at it. It is a horrible barbarity and proves nothing. I will decline and publish my rieasons." The next morning he showed his re ldyto in7 friend.lt was copied aud approved by him and some other personal friends, both whi. and democrats endorsing Jt heat til v. That withering re- p ! y t h a t ' u n an s werable re buke is s-j i 1 1 tfsli in Mm memorie 'of Georgians, and did more io aicdinli the cod' of honor titan ad oeeii done iu half a centJ ry. Mr; .Stephens published Mr. 'Hill a.s a coward, but it amount ed to nothing. Mr. Hill contin-"i-d to advance in popularity -'id I i.t nothing it' friends and reti-nvu. ?Ir. Stephena had 'Id. Conscience money is iuch' li'ke whajt a great lawyer said to his." client who had uaid hini a thousand dol lars as a retainer. The case was settled the same 1 day with out litigation. The lawyer had done nothing he had not open ed a book or began the suit and when the client suggested that ' he' thought he .ought to refund a Dart of the money, he looked surprised and saidr "My friend, there are many kinds of funds, but a re-fund is utterly unknown to the legal profes sion.'Mv Memphis friend told m about old John Bass, of Trouy county, who was a good old hard shell Baptist, out m an evil moment was persuaded to buv a lotterv. ticket, -bare enou h if drew a pr.iize of twen v Svi hundred dollars. Before 1 Furbelows and Plowers Not Allow-1 ed on tb Stars and Stripes. And there is not only one who has to labor after this fa. Thert are hundte-ls ot thou of such men. They form the boi' of small farmers, from JV to California. These people, rule, have neither the leisur--the money to buy mauy papei to read extensively, and we il if many of them see tti's jv But to tho-se who do read ''Pu. we wish to address tmrsfive-rectly. a tut or ril. t." l 'JZSaS AZSITS" OPINIONS. You will be ak.d, this Fio vote the Kepblicau ticket, bet the Republican p;rty, by iu ing and maintaining a nin tective tariff, has given the co.i.itry hti -:it V . to itnt pro ie received t lie ! money,, it brethren heard of 'his. sin and notified him to appear and be tried for gambling. The day he was, to be tried he went to towr earlv to see if the money had come.i it was there and lie got if. Never before ha,d he had so much1 as even fifty dohars at one time, aud so he was cra zy with delight. He I stuck the roll of bills in. his bosom and took a big drink of whisky and rode back to the church and up1 to a window, and isked whaf they was ail a-doiug'in there. They told him they was tryin him fo)r '-bettin a gin a lottery. He pulied out the big roll and shook it at them," and said: "xind I won the bet, too, and I drutp-er- stay outside with the. money than inside without it.' Welts it ruined him just likf it ruing everybody who gets somethinh tor ntAhing. The age in whic we live is progressive audi ag gressive, but it will not produce s ich orators and preacht-rs as there were forty and fity years ao. It-produces ' better doctors and teachers and farmers and The Washington Critic publishes in amastng conversation between 'Jedge Waxem" and a reporter, concerning tbe recent feminine cir cus in Washington, D. C, where Miss Susan B. Anthony, Esq., and some ot uer UK ciamorea ior breeches and ballots. Tbe follow ing is a part of the interview. 'the ladtes may want to vote, Jedge, but they certainly have no desire to adop: the exterior gar ments of man." - "Pauts, you mean I" queried the ledge.. The scribe nodded. -Well, now, young fellow, they do. Tnat is them that hankers most f r votes, and mark my tfoids.i they bad 'em they'd ex- tieet th rm u to sew the buttons on. er tlieM go round with their galluses fastened with a. nail or a splinter. 'Bt.it they'd lioow the Constitution from A to lizard, and could run a thread through the finest, point of the law." "Don't voa thtuk woman is man's equal I" . '-Pious, moral and social she's ids boss: physical and political she ain't ui the ring at all. Women is the proper ttimmin' for homes and rneetin' bouses, but we don't want no ruffles aud flounces on the stars t.he prosperity - which all zeiis i ou lticimieu enp advise ou not to give our v, anv such grouuds. . Whethe are prosperous or uot jot judge for yourselves. You that you live aud conduct business on a dangerously n margin. You know that yoi' penses come unpleasantly cl your receipts ; and you Know those expeuses increase wita year, as competition increa.se the owners of greater farms t you in the market. ou oug- know that vou derive, no b whatever from the piotectiVr ' Taking freight and insurance account, no European country compete wi'h nu except iu of loc:d famine--ot failure ot Atuet !.-.!i' crops. And whei. iiiI! he mat. - !ms pnc as neatiy.it he can, iin' ih- foreign m iuhim'ui ciiaij-cs. W'io pays tii-t.tx, ftiif v on do, lor i!;e. ,ni pv it on almost ever.vtiiiiii! you buy. You iH.v it cent by cent iiad dollar oy dollar You pay. the fraction a c. id or. lite tiu-olated iron sooou wit'- vitociivou ;-'ii vuir corn-t..e-1 l.dc! ' o what is ca!:ed "sup iawu'j N-v Yotk, "hasty ' pud d.ttjj' i; New Eiiylai.d, ai d "mush" .ii t - the Umied States.--. I V'.-u -. doll ii, perhaps, on ytur ..-., :. ". five u- ten dollars, it may - .... in. -our mowing mxchine r u hr-sinr. Yuu a eeiit on t. i hat Hi t: keeps the sun off ,nii t;.' id a l IhePnig summer's m;"M mv fru:u to ten dol- ou4 Hir clothes ou wenr Cent v c:i dtai b dim, ilo''ar by doll-ir. " hts lux is collected out of our la:lv, weeklv, monthly, or ea"' 'Xpeuscs. i Yu isTl he r!hl, w suppose). iiat it s your iu to pay h it tax for tn go nl t th- c; nntry. Jude 'r ii-.s. If ho- :.ir n is for l tie ,ood ol te eout.it r, by a simp e Htnd. of easy figures. Of you w o -ugag-l in agricultural1 oto-u.tious there are in this country more thep 7.970 000. Of those engaged in the rn(lH or raaiitif icrn es uhich sub ject riieni to loreigti couipetitirn, tt-e Inchest ( fhcial stnnat" h u Ir itOO.OOO. S . tlta" you 7.!)(p 000 ar taexd to support 900,009. And of those last how maiij receive hei" f'ir pro-iorti n of the tax you imJ We iMim'i'. tf 11 ou, But ou i"ti.i" tor yoiost- h-s that even -H! f us.u:d- f workmen f'M. r'nvf iii pt 0 -e"'ed" iudu -tries are .-!! ng tor higher wges and - nkn g id gc-r theai. Du't you 'hink would pay "iou to find out wh if otir money goes-f Puck. fhe Asheville Citizen, reports t-wh-sst rop of Taticy connty as uuusoauy promising. Fifteen cotton factories have been established in Nerth Carolina In the past three mouths, we see it stated. We note with pleasute that wnr nieuu a. x. umi nas oeeu re no in i nated Mayor of Kinstou. by the si -l ud ti: tf tHE 01 Th9 Fast as Ccncarei Present. WitH t'aa A recent writer thm eorjtras'g the good old times with the present "in 1600 common laborers uvng to the tulest :htds, as MacMaster. i he tiau, tflis croiis tail, or iai can the highest you have sucb condition your own price. I in part, hat tariu do ou )roi:nce to sen, i- ou can ; II It' ou have you are none tne better on be' Germaiiv and Eu&San-.l must p tax on everything they .sen this countrv. and stripes ; we don't want the Constitution made low neck and short sleeves, ani we don't want tue bailot hox stuflea with any thing but what nater intended. We air williu' to let the Goddess of L.berty wear bangs and a bustle, but pants, never !" SOHE SOUND SENSE. The. Discora . Seen" Everywhere Among the Poor. pub! it: et h spoken of n a the merchants and mechanics, but not such statesmen and .pulpit orators.' iveu zucky has no longer a Clay and BreckeiTidge and Marshall, lennessee Gentry or Maynarcl or or Haskell. Mississippi no Foojte or Prentiss. Alabama no Yan cey. Georgia no Toombs or Hill or Stephens or Johnston or Mayor Hewitt, 1 of New York Git.y, is something more than a mere politician, and at times ap proaches very close to the charact er ot a philosopher, in a recent address he said : The unrest among the laboring classes has assumed phenomenal Proportions. It is everywhere, in Europe and America, where a man tons, and he has asked and he is going 'o get his rights, whatever they'll'.' lie has leaned from the great establishments in which he labors the power of s organization has no I and association, and he has organ- Johnson !zea nimselt into trades anions into assouiations. for the ascertains For instaiue: last year th tato crop was pracih ally a c Those of you w ho had sacceet' raising potatos could m ike own price in a m u k?-t here. potatos i-oid readily at 2.50 rel, at retail aud soinetimes mauded a much higher price, of you who bad no ixitato none. If the duty on potatt ported from abroad had bee dollars per bushe!, would the; been in any Itet.ter case! At tbe bottom, it rs with all the i. t . your products as it i- with j.r potatoes why should it be ir wise! If you ci.un grow t-.a- you plant and ship t yom t;iu market cheaper than tbe fon xner can grow and shin it,, why t- . id you engage in a business th.- can onls be supported by special ha lation against the foretgnt -. It your crops fail, the peoplm m ' be supplied, and tbe legislation a. ast the foreigner must be repeal -t.-- Fortunately for you, you do n - tie pend on tuu legislative discri .aa tiou. You are ab!e to sell go., s ai a profit in the opeu matket. tt d yet you are poor. You-: pr itc on your sales does little' more '.han cover your expenses. Doe.- t o: this strike you as au anomalous state of 'things! Is it uot - n h your whi'e to reason out the vhy aud wherefore of the anomaly i- us, wi re paid 'o:n tjep dollars to six dollars per mii ii, working trom sunrise to 's u-ct. In thriiciry of Abati-, .vny-- wt : fn ty;ct-u:s a dy, an iin :i .vere g!,iu r uuo ctupliiueu-. f, it t" Ose tiOies clothing was nigliT ai it is to-.! iv and aday s waes botijiht o.'tlx : wo vards oi' ctiico. o -e hundred years ago good farm hand Strong ht thtee d tars a ino:iin an. I a strong ooy w;s Klad to get oiie fi.iiir a uionth to vork at fhe hafdest m.-.toi. I cr ploymenr on thi farm or in V. .ior-. Uurter was lrom eight o te ictits per pound ; potatoes an ttujtl is soid for a shilling a bnshe' Wouit . "-en. out to wck for 2 C.'nt.s a ..."lth Htiil their iKiard. A 't l who i-ould eat u 12 cents at ti sp:uu:ng iieel b- a day's hau work thought .-.tie was doing wel lie no"- si:Ut-!et ana tnere was not H.iiit and r tcheduess pto- ' r'toi; ,te to the pnnnlatiotl than I'hei-f the Utdred States to id lo-da.v -the commonest la borer tas his day shortened I 'oil '":ht to ten hours wjth Ii regular halt holiday and ,' is not satisfied with a:i thing less, than ten or twelve shillings fur bi work." naov-noinitig party leaders as ia;tor, to theii country, arid Mr Hill replied by saying that i't'i parallel was ou the othi r -id?-; that the whig party had lor ''many years showered its honors and its favors upon Mr. Stephens, and now he had turn- Cobb. South Carolina no Cal houn ox Cheve3 or Hayne Rutledge. North Carolina Macon or Mangum or Badger. Virginia no Jefferson or Pat rick Henry or Mac i'son. I know that the masses of .the people have 1 advanced, and therefore there h not such a contrast between' them and the great meu an there used to be, but it is still certain that the most notable - j men of the djy will not compart with those I have mentioned. YvTe have some great preachers, but none to compare with Capers, and styles, and Pea'rceand Bas- com'o, and the blind preacher, lYad .deli, whom - fti'iikm Virt inade .famous. This is a utiiita- Han age, atid everybody is h'n a hurry. There was a .time' when m'n of brains had leisure,; and Soioman eays that in leisure there is wisdom. j i "But when a mah . is on I ' strain. '?. -.' '...'", ! Tt chills ' the temper of his brain."' - I . Bill Aep. i meat of his rights and for the dis cussion of his hopes. He is on the right road. But he is not always rigtit when he is on the road. 'Again, one other element has r come conspicuously Into notice, and no that is that emplovers.i or capital ists as they are called, findlr g themselves unable to secure whst they regard as adequate rewariJ lor their capital and their manage ment ot business, are driven rntjo what are called pools and trusts. Curiously,, while the workman is asKitig tor his share the employer is seeking sftme method by which he "can get more out of the com- nunity in order to pay ' his work men the current Wages which he is paying: Now, these all express social necessities. They all ask to to qnet-tious which have got answerea, and they are answered only in one way. 'lou must diffuse knowledge, you must 'raise the standard of truth, you must prove all things, and hold ou t , that whicu is good, in no oilier way can these questions ever be settled.' Specially Acute Detectives-. The Chicago detectives wko found a woman with sixty-three bnllet holes in her body, and decid ed that there was evidence of foul 1 play, displayed unnatural acumen- You sell at a profit on the so cost of production, and yet business can scarcely be profitable. Why', is this! Is because your expeuses are g: than they should be! Is :t n cause you have to pay, for a everything that you buv, mon any other tanner ia civilized tries is obliged to pay! your calculations for your-elt pay more for iron, in all its 1 than any European pays, means you oavi a hreininm agricultural implements: on i cultivators, spades, shovels, i hoes, threshdis, cora-cutters, forks, nianure-loiks, trowels, 1 ing-machiues, scythesjSickles, nammers, hatchets, knives, tacks and everything, big or i into the composition which metal euters. And that is not all. You arc mg a premium on a ereat man er-things ou your clothing fe stance; ou the clothing of yon and the clothing 0f your cip Indirectly you are paying th on the cicthmg of vo-.ir farm and the women employed id houshoid. Iti'duler that Are manufacturer should euc e'Js$u ai'e paving a duM Ar&fricao manufacturers. Y told that a duty '4s levied ou tation of foreign goods. You p Mid nr , ,-d llOl O) for tbei The on ti reduced." "Plvntrr-' excUimed rt.-If t: Tille San. jourse'.r:"' nVR BKOTlir.it fttrir.r. nnr. 18 yf i'oil OS, 'lit. ill :ti. . w - X'e. olt-,. fe, -.! r- th in - Mt3 1.' The Chamtiin liaac I-lan. There liveil in Bedford couuty, Va- a fa'niiy by tue name of D., consisting of the, elder D , two old matd daughters and D., Jr. It was in the year 1872, The father was quPe old ; his son (of whom I speaK) already had charge of the farm. H,e was one of those ''this land is posted" -'brware of ties passing" sort of fanners, so much so that ois neighbors would have t'otbing to do with 'him ; be was so rated by neighboring farmers that wheu I)., Sr., was taken very ill no one in th im nei'.inte vicinity re sponded ro the cad tor aid iu nurs ing the sick. A Mr. II. , residing some distance awav, hearing of the serious illness ol Mr. D., Sr., went at once to the sick, man's bedside and attended his wauts day and night for ii fortnigh', when he (tbe old man) went the way of all flesh. A few days after the sad event Mr. H - was presented a bill by D. Jr., lor tor two weeks' board while attending his dying father, which was paid without a word. Walk Eight In. Bed (from ISTew York) May come ia, please ! S P. tet 1 don't - know ; went lo theater during Lent l'Yir Gotham iteYtt-, but was took my bat off. (And tbe acgdi- hfied voices in wtlcoajiug tvji.g.) Life. An Unhappy Life. Oh. Mr. Lighthead,' remarked Miss OUlgirl, with a simper, I'e seen lust eiguteen nappy summers told ay.' Only tghteen h-appv .n-.-s." re- :- oiicd he. with pir m hts tono r- it. in part, if you buy American goods 'what an ocnuppy lite Vud niC w.iy ycui !r;Ti'ti: "Sty, mamma, dot.'i have home color in Mother: ML have loaned it to your father to paint hia nose with." Democrats of the town. The peop oi tnat town know good goods. The force of hands employed iu the construe" iou of the Wilkesboro Kail road, Btrnck a few days ago for an increase in pay ot 2 per cent ," we see trom the Charlotte Chroi icle. This is what breaks farmers. The Clinton Caucasiau hears of corn selling on time in Clinton as high as $ 1.23 per bushel. This is more than 100 iter cent, per annum lor money. . . t xne uayeiteviue observer naj Messrs. Walker & Wade have made big preparations truck business this year, farm is located at Waders Wilson Short Cat. : ' Wadesboto has recently been isited by a big lire. A ho'el. two tores, a dwelling and a livery stable were burned. Several people were obliged to hurry dewu out of he bar mug banding. I Asheville has . made wonderful triden in taj past few years. Another indication of its continued growth and progree is the fact bat Savings Ban' ' recently ueen established ;. system' of street railway id to be built at ouce. . The Baccalaureate Sermon be fore the graduating class of the University of North Carolina will be preached at the c-iLiroaching Commencement by Rev. Wayland lloyt, D. D of the Memorial Bap tist church of Philadelphia. He ranks high among pnblic orators. Mr. 3 F. Bernhardt, of Lincoln county, has bad good success late ly in his gold mine at Bernhardt postoBice. Id ten day's work, with three ban as, be pocketed three ponuds of gold. He was in the city yesterday and disposed of about one half a pound to the assay of fice, for ?84. Mr. Remhardt's mine evidently a good gold bearer. Charlotte Chronicle. The Kinston correspondent of the New Berne Journal tells of a ftar ul accident in . Onslow . connty. Mrs. Geo. Pierce was standing near wbere her son was cutting down a tree. A tbe tree was fall ing she attempted to get out of the way, but stumbled and the tree fell on her It waa more than half an hour before the eon could get help to remove tne tree. She was badly bruised and all despaired of bei life for some time but it is uov thoaght that she will get well. Mrs. B. L Wood, a prominent , , - . . i iuv, was Kuocneu uowa iu oroaa da light in Pittsburg Saturday bv to men and robbed or a diamond ring and a wallet containing p. small sum of money. Tbe assault was made on one of the most prominent thoroughfares, and was witnessed by number ot persons. After securing their plunder tbe highwaymen started down the street pursued by several men, but turned on their pursuers and fired several shots, which had the effect of compelling them to give up tbe chase. The CharlotteXlhronicle contains a long artiole on tbe proposed Rail road from that place 'to Weldoti which says it is understood that four townships in Franklin county will give $100,000, besides indi vidual subscriptions. Letters have been received from Mr. J. B. Tyree and others, saying that Halifax' is ready to move and is waiting t vot flOaOQQ to the road. There will De 35 miles of tbe road in Hali fax. Messrs. Carr. Black well, aud Duke and others, say that Durham will give $100,000 and will be glad to do it. Randolph will subscribe 3100,000. Grand old Montgomery will gie 1125,000 and so also will gallant little Stanly. Rev. Charles F. Deems D. D; of New York, has accepted au invita tion to deliver the Commencement oration at the close of tbe Living stone College for the colored peoplej orwnich Eev. Joseph C. Price is President, on the 16ttf of May. The Governor and Superintendent of Public Instruction have also been invited. Dr. Deems takes a deep interest in Ibe education of the uegrof and yfn his coming to address them, gives evidence that bis in . tere8t"ua desire to help is practi cal and worth something. He is a Southern man: it is to native South ern men that tbe negro mast look for any substantial help or en couragement. Raleigh StateChron- cle. Tbe Kinston Free Press says a young white mau came to town Tuesday and offered to sell Mr. Bailey, a jeweler, a nice gold watch and chain for f 6. Mr. Ha ley ques tioned him and be' said tnat his name was Noah Bryant and that be came from Greene county. Mr. Bailey informed Mayor Hill of the suspicions circumstances of a man offering a 940 watch for $6, and the Mayor bad him arrested and pat in jail. It transpires that the watch wa gioiea irom jir. v ioie oug;, ot Greene county, who was in town yesterday and identified the watch as his own. Tbe fellow o teal oame is Juo. Graut, Jr. .The preliminary trial was bad yesterday ". fore Mayor Hill, who hound torn over to next term of Superior Coart in the sum of 9200, in dcfualt of which be is now in jaiL The Chailotte Chronicle says: Bus Nicholsoa a colored man who lives with Rev. limes. Steel Cieek township, met hit death in a tragic manner yesterday. Ile vu stand ng m a doorway loading a douba barrelled shot can and ai he finished loading one barrel, be turned to move back into the house, grasping the gun near the muzzle with p?;e Laud and drawing it after him. Ju ... l;c turned, the hammer of the ' ruck against some pro- P'Ction an '" :: guu fired. 1 he entire charg" s :ot passed through Nicliol. :.' neck tearinir a hole through wh:eh a man could pass s fist. Death was instantaneous. Our good friend, Mr. J. F. HilL ot tli-i Saulston section of this co'tTtry, related to us yesterday a ta.LiT novel and bold robbery, jier petrated by a colored woman on a helpless old colored man in that neighborhood. The old man is per- lectiy helpless and is cated for bv hts colored neighbors in town. It seems ia a- tl;e woman ia question was waiting on U:ni one morning when he showed her what ' little monry ho had oiae three dol lars, and where he kept it. She went o.l and dres-ed up as a man and, armed with a big stick, came had aud tw:d.v robbed the ok! man of hi:. Y'-'.v. wealth and has r-1 ' f 'V : It is to be ho' 't f i o . .;. t apprehended u i b.oi ; justice. Goldsboro xVrgu.;. The Autm-ila 4- ,- rampant i'rotecti'ni ;- .? It supported Gerc.ir: ; ;j I and will nurrort Li: i i i T It says: The re fen ? national politic - tron? now as then. A , . administration, t f 11 ? ; taent was rled"d I V. 7m W. Leitmer. Secretarr. ot I which wrxmsed L!. c -.- the St&to of South Caxollna, is I be has give IL A Vrr Our Commrnt. MlnaleA. Those of Oth-r Editors, on Jot- ttrs, farming, and Other x Mngs, dead. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston has been elected an honorary mem ber of the Old Dominion Dem ocratic Club of Richmond and has accepted. The Elizabeth City Falcon thinks IL II. Battle Esq., should be elected a delegate from the State at large to National Dem ocratic Convention. T7T7T T T'"7 TfT T? Erctaer Gar. bujinessllke .tt'rit-. He affairs was i r. :;V country;' they have t- - A clean and ronsri-;i: charge of duty wa.. 3 r we hav enjoyed it. A : rrom public ecanu.J a tlonal division was .'" nation has been tr.-. and reunited under a l. The Republican- r.-v Ingly concerned at-' t ; mission of Dakota T-.-; ; ' tc the I'ninn il- n. S', i A correspondent or the Kal-1 mAA two Rnnhl h eigh Newa-Obeerrer wants Cap- the party and - inrr tainE.J.' Parish, of Durham, I publican vote in t as the Democratic candidate I Mmmim hT tt,-. .... . k-p-. j ' Tab X A & X I M. W A. I iui vmgress ia tuafc uiatnci. er Tiews Unman 2Ta-trre. 'Man is an utireasooable animal when you cum to figger bim down, said Brother Gaiduer as the meet ing quietly opened and Trustee Puiiback finally got seated. "When I go to trade horseb wida man 1 exjtect he will piut out all de ring bones rj' siiavius on his beast an' let me - conceal all de ailments in in :ny own. If my naybor hain't got sugar to lend de fackt riles my hull family, lflhaventa hoe to lend him I calmly advne him to buy one of his own. . . We git together an' ergree dat de ker.try ar' gwine to di dogs u ercount er' dishonest cfiis holders, aud on eleckshuu day we turnout an'woikfura rascally candy date bekase he has promised us a fat ap pin:ment. We K-e the need ol a stringeut law an' we 'leckl our best lawyer to d.j Lgi slacker to make it. De law coicaes us whar de h'ar is sho't an' we go to dose same lawyers an' oiler dem a 'jtibe to find a loop hole. Waydo vn Bebee buys a hoss. Ila scrimps on de hay in order to nay mo' plug tobacker fnr ' himself, and bekase de hoss begins to show his r.ii.s B: udder Bebee bowls about lie-disbonesty of de farmers. V- .sot on a feuce an' enjoy de suusiiai''a!i' count up how many bu"bv!.s' of turnips orter grow while v.e are ill n.siiin. If we are -short on turnip. we etcuse ourselves but bl.i tne de Liwd. We can s-e whar de man uext doach an't alford to keep two hired g;-.;s and bt.y his wife a sealskin saqne, but it? all right lor ns to buy a pian--r v-.w put nn a hghtnin' rod on a .good deal loss wages. ' De man who gets up in Jinaary an7 howls lur spring km alias be found cussiu' de hot weather 'bonC de middle of July. If Samuel Shin leuds Pickles Smith a couple of dollars he can't sleep nignts for tear he won't get it back. If de contrary are de cas. Samuel kin sleep till 3 o'clock In de mawmn au' loaf all de rest of de day. Let a friend cum to ut wid de toof'aclie and -- e kiu calmly giv lo'ii doecushun bow to reach de ni;.. l. nti.st. Let ua'bave an ach mg uu-i.li. and we expect evtry nussou to break bis back bunting up some remedy aud feelin' sorry, Take us all in all, an' wc aie a set- fish, onreasouable, inconsistent lot, an' de only reason de Lawd lets ns live is ivkase be an't got no place to bury us all at once.' Detroit Free Pres.-, Senator Gray, Minister Phelps. Secretary Bayard, Speaker Car lisle, Jndges Cooley and Jack eon, are all named for tbe Chief Justiceship la the public prints. Gov. Jarvis say: "I don't wish to'be nomlna.ad for Gov ernor. hen I want anything It nas oeen my naott to say so, and when I ay I don't want au oLire. I in-an what I say." Politics appears to be pick' imjup eorue in CoL Cowle's district. A correspondent from Lincolnton to the Charlotte Chronicle believes the third term ides, will shelve Colonel Cowle?. . , Our popular and honored couutryman, Jodge Thomas W. Mason, dou't want to be Lieut. Governor of North Carolina, but we intend to put him there just the same if we can. Sea board. Reflector. votes. The Detr.ocrjt clamor of the Horn".-. the admission of I 'ah proposition to pas bill which would a ' . ta, Montana, New .1 Washington Tirrit ro tbe Republicans den ly. Dakota L certaii.l lican while the ot!.r ritories are probabiy Ic. Tbe Democrats l!. certain Republican 'i admitted, three unct r ocratic ones ought t tt . On Sunday night oi . ' gentleman dreamed V.; horse which be oner- o ; been badly burt. Oa M be dreamed the tame t : Tuesday went to see i: was burt when he w. -. that the wile of the c a now owns it bad die it . n thing the night before. C day tbe horse was :t-j , a both tbe dreamers t. ; : that it was. Tue woun : ed up and on Thu.-Mt 1 :. first dreamer dnau. 1 ' stitches bad been totu wound reopened. t,i ""r. second dream was la '. ..: r The Alamance Gleaner. In bury Tress. speaking of the Ralehrh Con- eresslonal district, Bays: This Is I Apprnats a Democratic district, and it Is I . . . h.Tn lb principal I quor " ui..uwu v. "io I rtK .. .. .1 is . . . , . "v".ui u wm u la it .1 ... i ioiuutma,y wj DUUulll passively I an1 , fTo.. 1 yre-3uia5u ey any who contemplate pai uuk bi d tciiiug ivemocrai. 1 red. The Oxford Torchlight says: North Carolina does not pos sess a patriotic citlren State never had a more faithful. HiRh licence i sieaaiiT ia nonuur s uiurv cyauiB ua more PODUiar I nalnnn mril I'.lln A unaei rxecutive uiucer than I Inn A f ShIu Hi....... rrr 11,1 T...V11.V1 1 . l (.US lUKUUljUk BaiDlC. j OUI I i. What Is known as tho Dolltl- cai caldron is boiling gaily. juaze r owie and Lieut. Gover nor Stedman each have the In side track, wherever that Is, if we Deiieve the friends of both gentlemen; bo it Is In doubt yet as to Who will he the nominee nt t n ft mnvAntlnn tV.at 1 1 w V.ru I, 111 I . . meet in Mar n.iri,-m clearly M pionf lor us to do and The Advaxch "i". from now until Ja:. One Dollar. Our. object in tne'.. proposition is that v 1 having considerable the people during paign about the two : propose showing t;; ' it " ex- selves to retain in eovernment tL lire see from the Charlotte I cartr. We desire a Chronicle that Congressman I ence than w now h Aiirea nowiana has submitted we already havu a 1" rg a petition from citizens of Con-1 lation and we Lo; cora prayinsr ior the enactment I of this proposition ota law to establish a system new names to cat II M M. . A m m ol oi leiegrapny vo re owned ana l pect fuithermore t control lea oy tne uovernment, and operated in connection with the postal department. It was referred to the committee on the Post Ofice and Post Roads. many of the subscriu from the campaign a . ! this means that wt :. get our money. TIm ." ordinarily goes for .-:. for one dollar, but l-;rtl oeition it goes about the same money. Will our correFr or on I al- heir Two Congressmen, tbe one fiom Texas, the other from Massacbn setts I do not feel at liberty to designate tbem more closely fell to dtscussing at the club the other day the well worn subject of the tobaccvo habf. says an exchange the lexa man, .ike many of hts Southern co'leages, Is an inveter- ! ate cbewer. His friend from Mass chose! ts !, on tno other band, cut- spoken aud fond of using very strong language whenever tbe sub ject of cuew ing tobacco is broach ed. Brother ' J said be, 'is it possible that you really chew to bacco!' . 'I uiust confess I do,' the other quietly replied. 'Tiii-n I would quit it, sir,' sen- tentiis!y conUnued tfee Massachu setis ih-n. 4It is nngentlemany practice au uncleknly one. Tobac co! Why, even a bog wonldn't chew it.' I 'Now, brother from tbe land ol baked bean's, cod and cultuie,' re srmed the Texau in his drawling manner, 'do you chew tobaceor No, sir,' emphatically declared tbe otl.er, almost pale with iadig natioii. 'No, sir? I do notf Then pray, asked the Texan,-as bt.ly changed hU qnid from tbe right jaw to the left, 'which is tbe more like the bog, yon or IF It is Deedless to add that tbe Massachusetts man after that sally stood treat for the crowd. The Pension Board of South Carolina ia analled at tha nnm- ber of Confederates applying Wends everywhere -'u for Densions in that State. The "" Keneru lust Tislatnri voUd a rwnnionl their respective nei of RTi Tier tnonth to ail di-mhUA1 1 Will not all the fr. Confederate veterans and their wnere, oime rar e virlnv-n. S.anOfl nnmnH- Cause, DOW turn in Z ' r r- I mil. .v i , tf1 .nrl thA Stntj TmimMr n.lUlltB BOUQ worn, ior thorized to borrow as much Will uot the rv. mnr i tia nMila Tfiv .M I miSterS CVeiT WltTt pouring In and he finds that h11 remark, every sonnnnn nriii k- nntvt A na. men. in tne Hearing tbe pensians aDDlled for. Ul fcue,r 1,Lia-' AVACE IS POI'.f fmm nnir until ibn 1 i-oniics are getting to De I r, I a. 11 rra. ms. I ' 1 me meme. ine excitement is I win k-.t TVn -trr outhb Congressional question. tive committeim-n. ine question as vo wno win re townshio. canvass u. 1.J1 M 1 I uumuiaieu lur uuveruur is not I ry a t,0 au( receiving muca atienuoD. Ala. .inb wnaries jsl, oteaman, mat ooia. i v v.nu thro eloquent and fearless leader of paign gobscribers Democracy, wiU get a hearty month. We will g snpporv lruiu cnrnDeriano. iu a. . Cape Fear section shou'd PaU of the paper will U ; they? If anybody Fend together on this question and let's nominate a Cape Fear man once in a while and let that man be Lieutenant Governor Charles M. Stedman. Fayette-1 vUle Cor. Messenger. - i - - The Republicans claim that Revenue Reform means reduced wages for the laborer -a claim that is a delusion and a enare. The most unanswerable retort oi ten new mj the cash, we will per free to that i ?r out the campaign. No name w ill be i odds whose it i? t money Is paid- Yi'i r . little more than ; under this offer it . thousand subsrril- r to the claim we have ever heard I one pays In ad v. was that made br an Irishman certainly cannot : to a mill owner, a rich protect- "7 deadheads ia tl lonist, who said: "Pat." don't nor and of tbe I y-i you wote the Democratic ticket. 1 fall fraternity. It Is a free trade ticket. If that Now, then al! DartT wins, tout -wara will be let's see what can I j 1 1 ye . ti :-a I - . Virrn- . ' t ar'.? ' rz."r. 1 t'.e J iL d - Lii-.d; 1 i:?9 1 toe-X'j v.ll - 0 ii 1 i . 1 t Lis -it n- " tt r r -.1- :l'S --I l'-gl- -1 ; ;i : ; -3 1 '.il r ,U . '.a t ..- a : -d u Wao -:. 'it .!-. d --h- '.t .U9 :la ird ,!.e a a ;'.e , is ! I- -t r.l 'XiV.C i-.ii :i--t.g'.i rir :i- '. ' " 'IS ! .. -iy x r : ..n -ve L !, y to :.! u3 ; i""i vj for C f:.d ''t in ry ":e a Tl- A- t!: '.:ar :y r.ai itw c ra- "...: .a if rii- --Is irai .u" i f , t.ttU ,o ; i L.' ll- ,'-ut t'.e - . ' '-3 ; '..ia . ry ' 1 ta 3