- . j CAMPAIGN. CAMPAIGN. I IT IT I II II T f. ADVANCE FROM II II 1 1 THE ADVANCE FROM JLJLJk UNTIL JAN. 1st NOW UNTIL JAN. 1st FOR ONE DOLLAR. ONE DOLLAR. , f,..iUi i-r,.I ;', : ; , - : : ; : . i . - . .'!"' . " . i -.j 'Mini n - ' i - " LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AtJI'ST AT, BE TUY COCffTBT'B.I TOpD Aft.gU VtsTJV " CAMPAIGN. ,i NUMBEtt-18. CAMPAIGN. VOLUME 18.-- WTLSON, NORTH BAEOELNA;' t:r- t -v- -. " 4 Bianaiini W J v- i. . m K - f s : ; - ' - ; -, '. ; - m- mil all BILL ARB'S LETTER -:o:t f ' PERFECT r i.' ithiy About : . t!U , Country Over W iMst. Thetf Put Con Gets Htm .i:W.otsy in a trump. She !: .? inflection or an actor in ; i'iio jiiPt as much so as Joe .. rs i;, is in his. Jefferson is truer u nature in Hip Van inkle than Betsy Hamilton is the spinning' 'wheel scene, :or e Did held school, or catching hk'kona ibr company. I had ;evc" ;-et-i. her until the other i h:V. nr.u expecting nothing .lore, ilr.in the usual reading nd n-ritu-t ion from her' own mil:.!.;.s end so we were : all nip.v .;:'.-'ed and delighted at : the fciAbire of acting with reading, iid ti,:' clever manner by which jjiaEes the transition from c to the other. The old ii.;!::! r wheel scene held the iTv-r 'f forty y'ear3 ago up v- of us, and we veterans 1 : look over the audience i say in our thoughts, Oh, u -don't know anything about tat. vou were not there, you Ire nothing h:-, but we will but spring chicb let you know uOw it was. Aunt Betsy will. How 'natural was her old time (Trc. s. p'he old drawstring frock nil '. f'.-Arl !mrnn "z nr snn o;iu t. How natural was herNJ junlry talk as she soliloquized tmit those triflin aggregative i:ii::cns bpys that were Liiipin' natend lief premises ad doin' of their devilment ; nt t-li6 never stopped carding .- ho talked, an( she knows w to card an;d make the jiton rolls', and' how to spin tni i.uto thread, aud 'there was 6 .d jiiuie in that old wheel iusi;- t'. jun'i ':; tor we had not heard I'oor old thing ! I be- a -i t;ot a "mi iiui enoutrh, up with some delightful home made music. It was ninaiy volunteered so as to give va riety to the entertainment,' and it helped out a gooa aeai. Music always helps out. Take it all in all, we have not' had in our town a more agreeable entertainment, and all who heard it want Aunt Betsy to come again. " She is a . more youthful ' and better looking "pman" thin-v&-;.expe;cted to see, and carTjes just about enough of flesh and blood and dry goods toll be attractive. From her attaint sana curious sketches of the olden times we imaciued she was quite fossn- liferous and antique, but she is not. She has hardly passed the danger line.""" . That is a strange thing jto me bow these middle agea pecple know so: much -abqut ancient history. There is Joel Chandler Harris, whose hair-is still red, and yet he Knows more about the old nesroilore than anybody j and3,tthere is Miss Mnrf ree, who .is still in her rosy youth;'' and. I don't suppose ever , saw, the - rude settlars of Smoky mountain, and here is Mrs. Plowman,-wHo has not been to a country quilt ing or candy pulling nor sung " we're marching away to Que- hoc. tn-crn" since sue was a ohua That's the secret of aUff T rprknii. The irDrressiona bt childhood, which Tare .alJ.s the deepest and the most enflnf in. Harris used to visit the negro' cabins most every night and listen to their stories, and he loved them.1 Added to this is the gift of narrative hat but few writers have to the; perfect tion of nature." Uncle' Iteimis has" this without any fancy, for exaggeration. Aunt Betsy' has it, and so has Miss rMurtree and Nelson Pae. I am home attain for a season and I am I tired already not tired of home, no, never, bu just tired. These red . flower beds that have to be dug up "just loosened up'?alittler,tiiy dear," says she. "You can do it better tharuCarl or . anybody ' you always could fix thing o mce. l on Uiard nor long building going on and we need more mechanics. Whole train oads of ore are being shipped every day to distant points, and we intend to use some of it at home before Iodci Now ia a good time for those who are ooking around for sate ana substantial investments to come and see us. We have nothing to give away except a healthy climate and . beautiful scenery, but our lands and our minerals can be had at reasonable prices. So come along. f . i ,5 ;v Biix Aep. at around iionv musent work a time, for yqu are not used to travel tapoutf 'so much that a little worsiiiakeaX vou blow like a porpoise, but it oka ftichola And a Bominiscence" Jbhn Nichols has made a sure enough Tariff speech. He won great fame, quite phenom enal. "The Washington corres pondent of the Atlanta Consti tution says: , . "During Nichors speech only ,lke ' chairman and . official re porters were in the hall, while in the gallery two negroes were stretched: out on a bench, asleep. He, nevertheless, spoke to the empty hall for almost an hour." That raminda us of a funny thing' that happened "befo de wah,"' It was a State Whig Convention in session at Ral eigh. Jo Turner was a dele gate. . A man, we ' will call Green, was a delegate from an Eastern county. Green was Unknown to fame but he came loaded with . a speech. After some of the heaviest guns had fired, Green's three bi four friends seated in different parts of the hall cried out, "Green, Green, Green." Up rose a man of perhaps thirty-five. 1 Hei began "Mr. Pres ident." 'His voice failed him, his cut ana dried speech escap ed him, his eloquence evapora- blast of the northern winter; a land where Nature's wonders, richest and rarest, dwell re splendent in their sublimity and beauty; a land of hallowed associations, sweet memories and glorious history, fit home for the poet painter and orator. What shall its future be? The present holds the future. In the activity of the Present, guided by the light of the Past, we may read the glory of the Fu1 ture. Grand Future! Gazing down the dim corridors of tinie we need no poet's fancy or prophet's vision to descry the halo of elorv that bends above the future of our sunny ; South land. A people brave as the Spartans, as cultured as the Athenians, patriotic as the jllo mans, and as happy as the citi zens of Moore's Utopia; a land fair as the flowers that linei its hill sides and pure as the snow that crowns its mountain peaks; poetry as true as the loftiest strains of Hcmer; oratory as deep as the grandest tLunder ings of . Demosthenes; prosperi ty happiness freedom glory all these greet the eye of the living, moving South. We may never be as wealthy a the North. The immense fortunes of the North are a menace to our free institutions and a curse to their owners. There is more true happiness in the cot tage of the peasant than in the mansion of the millionaire. Af fluence begets vice; luxury be gets laziness. In the compara tive poverty of the South there is no cause for fear or despou dency but rather a cause for cherishing a still deeper faith in the greatness of our future, We may never have the culture and enlightenment and scien tific knowledge of the North and we thank heaven for it. A science that undermines the pure principles of faith and substitutes the doctrines of ev- WHITE MEti) i'il. J if : ; NEGROESAND BLACK AND .WHITE 'ptePW "MV,.ChaJTinan, ypu.haa j lirofulaxo, which failed Usf week. I the Stat, so as to briDgother Ulr point ?ommiiteft,ptt,reaW. UroU the Oooveution by a ringing tlala"- At rthifl junctura, Dancy, "Ih. ile was . applauded op- Another rewlauoo declaring col, of ragecombarirpflTand . rwua, and afterward giTen a that, in fvonng the rerl of tU aaid.'awantto.irR.theChair ' wtof clothes and -0m mon- internal revenue, the Jipublica -ci i w 1eJ BO rejwrveu. lie wore right.; 'Frank :f WinaUr trleAl ,ilcbea panU looked Ilke ne wpau jnim.faown ana; iaiieo, i jn8t come from th woods but he the Convention hurrahing and. ja unquestioned .power of a cer- MUCA TTOES MINGLING. J .if nil. The Radical Convention an jeet Lesson of tlie ' Maxim that "A. White Man in as iool am a Negro if He Htluives 'Himself rroeeedinga of the Convention, rv.. nolierlng. Dancy, (col.1 ot,T:gecombe, Mebane, Ycol.Y of1 Bertie.' Dr. Wednesday was the day ; ap pointed for holding the Repub lican State Convention. Dele gates and visitors, began to arrive on Monday, and a black cloud in consequence hung over the horizon of the city. Big black buck negroes in long dusters and beavers, drinking mean liquor and smoking bad cigars,, congregated on :, the streets and talked in most con sequential manner to other delegates. Early one delegate was in the guard house. When the: convention assembled, howevei, the delegates got so ber and there was . little disor derly conduct outside the ' halh The managers, of the party, tain onler, Ah ihn other names were then withdrawn, -and George W. SUn tou was nominated Iby acclamation. bUntoa ww the candidate four nomination:' Franl Wbn ago. "e nasi ieen a canai- withdrew'the name of: Mebane . ?.roQ emM?t0. v.et nuiiv i i kit larn r nnrii imii inwnv-irkiw ana' seconded the - mmimatkni of Dancy. Dancy'was elected amid applause aridxmrrahs in Tompkins, (white) and Geo?7 X. to r Bulla!lJ(whitei,);'were"'p,Uw'd4n Bt u nomination:' Frauk1; "Winrtbn 5 party if not iu favor of free whuker but is in favor of relieving it of all federal taxation in - order UiaX it may become a subject of State tax ation for educational purpose, was introduced, but was tabled after much discumtiou. the gallery. ' ery in or she a ve acted it so well. H said he was really her every time the it now you cfi caught her, and he want to i.'rn.-scri'hft. Aunt Bnt.sv " . . J :n :. weave, too, 1 Jinow, for sne wiii.au you guuu j uu in cuuu s.. d fo knowingly about the get your breath liack again. I .:; vajI the illlin' and the want an oval bed made at the '.ar.d spun truck and1 what end of the piazza.- There are so was. gwino to dye ! with. many, zenias - and , bakdias . Tarid 11, there was many a one In pansies coming up where I sow ;.t n.udiehce whps.e grand- ed the seed that I .must have -thi r. lived and worked and another bed to plant tliem" in." that way good oldr- Mh, my cOHntry.l.jt toos me an hour to inaKe that ovai Dea. ted, great drops of perspiration came out upon his forehead, he gasped and wiped and hemmed Olution for the old fashioned i i . !m Ja a X iV 1 ana uawea ana saiu again, wuu truths of the Bible: a culture great eiiort -iis-ter rresi dent. A profound silence. A11 eyes were fixed upon him and eager ears listened. Pres ently he got out by violent jerks this noble burst of elo quence "This is the happiest that is shallow and superficial and Ignores virtue,the necessary basis of all that is true and el evating in education, would never conduce, to the prosper! ly of our people. ! The new f angled scientific theories of the 'North moment of my life." jo lur- could never thrive on Southern aer, loud enough to be neara Dy goiL Tne conditions to their ex .-lilr.noil tiaudmothers who !i! 1 iu no folly or hypoc- ,; r,ut served ' their day ac i; . Lo. nature rather than Lew simple were their ; how limited their de I urftxl to sell them spun ami indiifo and madder l-c-.a- and turkey-red. 1 ft. VuiL- . 'Ctv-. acl; fi ! d to -li them cinnamon f n' the gals to perfume 1th wmni they went to meetin', 1 1 be w vni: no cologne for them. ol.'j-rio was for the rich t came. 'in. long bottles t; 3 tz& of a broom and the neck was as the bottle. I used to irht yards of calico for a lip.ttern. It was always yards for a frock, unless ( sal a n was very large and t took nine. When hoop (p.ine along it spread liijiitpd garments power r.Jifi didn't leave much for ' .u j uiu t7 xay uuu cotu her'. .My friend" Newman. i i o' del i vered that remarkable $'lr; on the North Georgia, i'j.'ckcr," says the girls still' r.-srf iu eight yards of calico utido and ek'ht yards of bmt-spun underneath . for a 111 ri;rgin in summertime, and 9:1 can ttand oil thirty feet id tell exactly how much is ont llenh and blood, ana how i.ach are dry g'ood:?, but he is a t". uidcrer . of his people and tLose Canton girls ought to mob r ini with broom sticks and ustles. lib says that when you )ol: at one of these city girls ;ho is gorgeously arrayed for i evening walk with about 150 rda of silks and satin, and I made it while she- was away at the dressmaker' I dug up the ground deep with a pick and raked it all.'ofLgonjoQth and nice, and changed the curve a dozen times to, get a! perfect oval, for I kuewtlxaj p it .var ied the width of a spider's web she would see it. It is all right, ehe pays'. I thought may be she would say it was per fectly lovely, but she didn't. She began right straight to tell about the j bank of rich earth that had wasned down by the lot fence, and that was ea good for flowers.' And right now while I am penning tliese con jugal lamentations, she is sow ing away for dear life on J es- sie's examination dress, Btra wants to 'know where I can move that running rose bush "You can move it up to the pi all in twenty feet of him "Well, old fellow you have had a ff-eadful dry time of it." The orator collapsed. He is ost to the trumpet of fame,but Nichols is immortal. He actu ally spoke for nearly an hour in the National House of Rep resentatives to an empty hall. That is glory enough for one ong time. Let the orator from the Metropolitan District now retire upon .; his laurels. Wil mington Star. COMMITTEE ON. SCREDEXTiiOa.i 1st District Paleifian :Motin. 2d Dlstrict-J. Ti. .Orimsley. 3d District J.' 8.' Leary 4th District Jordan 1 Kmer son. ' ' J'' jl ' 5th' District C. 'Rogers. 6th District W.' C. Smith.' 7th DlssrietrUi. M.1 Bulla. ' ' 8th District J. Blevin. ' : '9th, District R: O.' Patter?fm A speech was made by 1L Z. LinneyI'attiot . 1 Li Une j'.'. as the Chronicle calla .this recent convert to Kaaieausm.: - t-. "Puking Jim" Ik) yd, dressed auice the war, and has invariblr. except iu the year lscs, met de foat. He i an old fash ionvl Radi cal of the da.vn, and signed the infamous card calling upon the negroes to burn the housing of the wliites i i the State. Next i:i order came the nomina tion Tor Anditor. C V. McKesson, J. 15. Mason, (). S Hayes and G. M. J'nlla were named. The vote stood: MrlvOKson, 112; Mason 0J; Hays 4. C. F. MuKesou was nominatetL l or Treasurer the vote stood: fi. A. Bingham, 10; B. II. Cozart, 4'; C. S. Winstead 22. Mde uiianimoun. l'or Attorney General, Tom Dev. ewux, J. M. Moody, Thomas Settle Jr., Frank D. Winstou, William 3. Ball and Henry llardwicke were named. The fight was between Deverenx and Winston. The vote KtooiU Devereux, 114; Winston, LC; William Jan. K. Boyd and A. 11. Moore, were eiectea Dy aoclamauon as Llectors for the State at large. John U. Rares, of Rutherford, was elected Chairman of the Stale Kxecutive Committee. Thursday xianT: This confusion and wrangling continued nntil a late boor Thurs day night. The contest bet wees the Blaine and Sherman force was sharp and spirited. The following delegate were chosen t K. A. White (white), Ju. U. Hairis (eoL), Chronicle. ""'U uancy (coi), these were all for Blaine. The balloting cob tinned for a long time between Tom Coojier (a Blaine man), and W. p. Canady (a Sherman nan). Finally Cooper was elected. This made a solid Biaine delegations Raleigh Bute Chronicle. NEWS OF A WEEK. .-' - WHAT' J S HAPPENING IM - 1HE WORLD AROUND US. . A eomdenA rrport oflh menu m ' gathered from the elttmn "f our tnlwtporu if, Stat NatUmmt. Oxford is now lighted by elec tricity, whereof the Torchlight doth greatly it jotce, - The Torchlight aava Oxford U' soon to have a nagni2ce&t 140,000 hoteL Work will begia at once. The contract baa ten let oat Car - surxejiDC the railroad from Char, lotte to Weldoo, we see from the early in Januarv, sent but word j In Lis Sunday --Lest, was next llardwicke, 22; Moody, S; throughout the' State that it called upon. He referred . to s- s- p was necessary this year for the I Mr, Linney as my friend rho negro to take a back seat, and I has recently had hia eyes open sent white men to the conven-1 ed to the virtues of the Repub- tion. In compliance with these lican party." He . said the instructions there were more great principle of the Republi white men and mulattoes in can party was that ' it' did not the convention than heretofore, regard the color1 of" a rnan.'' 1 ! It waB arranged that the negro He falsely charged that the delegates be placed under the North Carolina Democrats in galleries vthre they could not Congress had not soucht to' se- be seen so well as in the mid- cure the repeal of the internal j die seats. A casual glance at revenue laws. Mr. Boyd knew! the assembly seemed to lndi- that this statement was' false cate that there were more 1 utterly-false when lie made it. white men than there really 1 lie was shrewd n'V 'not to were because of the number of mulattoes in;the'. convention. The. white men who were pres ent, with two exceptions, were the old Republicans. There were no recruits from the Dem ocratic party,, , notwithstanding the untrue, brigs of. Radical organs and Radical whippers up. It was much like an 18G3-'0 convention. It' was presided attempt to say' lio-.r t.'ijy had i been false. 'i ' He said that' the Democrats 1 would seek to win' by the color line campaign this' year, but claimed that it wa a ?tale cry. He thought because ' IVment Cleveland, had ' appiiited a Yankee negro to 6fflceSnlt had destroyed' the color 'lino. Ho denounced the negro' trao was THE FUiTUSE OP THE SOUTH. azza," she says,' "and it will can. fast in' never "know it, but nobody else " T wiaH T wasonr. r PBr- handy. And she want 3 another chicken trough, for the old one leaks so badly, and the bird cage must be swung, high er for fear the cat will get the bird, and some butter beans must be . planted '' around ithe wellhoue, and she noticed that one 01 old Molly s shoes was rattling and the buggy harness needed mending, and if I could possibly spare the money the sittingroom ought to be papered anew. My goodness! Can't a good diligent housewife . map out work tor a docile husband ? Hut it's all risrht and pays in the long run. Some r are-,; like terripans and folks-ihfyetpd; pansion and growth are all wanting. Skepticism and Athe ism can tBke no permanent hold in the South. Every zephry yr that fans the Southern maid en's cheek, every bird that chants its merry lay, every rot that blooms in the shady dell every rill that gurgles o'er it.- rocky bed in its course to tl.. sea is a standing barrier before the advent and spread of the principles of infidelity and skepticism. When we are brought lace to face with na ture we cannot fail to recognize nature's God. Some time ago a Southern or I But in the future of the South ator addressing a Northern I we see a prosperity wnicn js audience used the term "New real nd permanent, an educa- South." ' Since then much has tion practical and thorough, a been written and spoken abont morality pure and general; and the Old and ' the New South, above all, a religion that is free Manv there are who spurn this from all the isms and danger- New South idea, and proudly ous tendencies of the age. Does laud the excellencies of the any man lose faith in the bright 'Old South.' And their boast is future of the South? Let him just. Never in any age or clime look at her past. Let him pause did there live a people who I awhile mid the hallowed scenes could boast of at, grander, nobler of Mount Vernon, or linger near manhood, i a - purer, sweeter 1 the sacred ashes of the 'Sage of womanhood.' a hieher. truer I Monticello-' or stand in wrapt type af civilization, than the admiration by the grave of the people who dwelt in the smil- Immortal Lee. Let him read iner vales and rnid the towering I the names of the heroes whose hills of our sunny Southland in deeds have enriched and glori the bright ante-bellnml days, fled American bistory. iet nini Honor untarnished, courage un- remember that amid the sunny over by "Puking Jim" Iloyd, of j appointed as untrue. to his race, unsavory reputation. It norai- I becanse he voted the Dcinocrat- nated for Governor the oft de-1 ic ticket feated "my son Oliver," -an I To effect a permanent organ ises-'!) Radical. It made the notorious and unworthy lSb8-'9 The n..tne of J. B. Mason was plated in nomination fr Superin tendent of Schools, dominated. FOil ASSOCIATE JCftTiCKS. Then Windy Billy Henderson made a speech of gie.it vocal force, nooilnatih! Judge I'uxton lor As sociate, Justice r the Supreme Court. A. M. Moore nominated Judge Paircloth, of YYarne. ' "Jane Bug' Linney nominated Judge lurches, of IrvdelL and pr.iiued him. T. ti. Luck nominated Major William II. Malone, f Buncombe. Geo. T. Wastiom (col.), nominat ed Judge RussvL Wm. A. Guthrie, J. W. Albert sou and J&me II. Ilesden were also placed in nomination. At this point a Durham negro, its black as the ace of spader, said 'hat inas much as Durham wa in the bell hole of Democracy, Guthrie ought to bo noimuatfd. I an cloth's name was withdrawn. Tie vote tood: KuhmI, 175; Buxton, 12l; Furcbes, 1.11 ; Guth rie, OS ; Albertson, 7- ; Faircloth, 8; Ileaden, 8; Malone, 6. " The Cha-r (W. S. 0"B. Robinson iu the chair) announced t'jat Jude J " . I 111 lUr LUd AU UVUUIXI1 l JtIL UllkC izatfon, 'A.--M-. Mofo. placed Kunnel was the nomtui-e for the Judge rtussell ' In', riaminatlon 1 vacancy now tilled by Judge Davie, ce ad- legislator, George Stanton, can-1 lot permanent . vnairman. ,1 ami that Judge lurches ana Jmi didate for Secretary of State. IS. Lusk. nominated Col.' Jas. rJ.l Buxton were nominated as the t nominated for Lieutenant Boyd. 'This, was , regardfed vas ditional justices. Governor J. C. Pritchard, who the first skirmish' "betwpen'tbe : "June Bu-" Linney then aseen vas a member of the Leeisture Blaine and ' Shcrhian ' forces, t t" putrorm and read the i,.....l. . I ,. Sa't Vcrry Dout worry, tny son; don't worry. lVut worry about some thing that you think may bappea to-morrow, because you may die to night, and to-morrow will find you beyond the reach of worry. Don't worry over a thing that happened yesterday, because yesterday Is a hundred years sway. IT ou don't believe it just try to r tea after it and bring it back. l)vu't worry about anyting that is happening to-diy becauxc to-day will only last Ctteeu .r twenty minutes. If you don't ielieve it tell jour .creditors you ii be ready to settle in fall with them at sunset. Don't worry about things you can't help, because worry ouly makes them worse. Don 'I worry about things yon can't oelri because then there's bo need to worry. Don't worry at alL Ii yoa watit to be euiteut now and then, it won't hurt you' a bit to go into the tackcloUi aud ashes business a little- It will do' you good. If yoa waut to cry a little ouce in a long while, that isn't a bad. thing. Ii jou feel like goincout and clubbing yourself occasionally, I think yoa need it aud will lend yoa a helping hand at it, and put a plaster on you. atterward. All lbee things will do you good. Bat worry, worry morry, tret, fret, fret why, there's neither sorrow, penitence, strength penance, reformation, belp nor resolution In it. It's jost worry. The Board of Directors of the Colored Insane Asylum at Golds boro has decided to Increase the Institution. Mr.J.aWbilaker.acootl local editor, is to be associated vith W. G. Buxkbead ta the maagemeat of the Durham Daily Tobaeoo llant. .nd is chiefly noted as having pposed a Railroad Commis- at : -he didn't think it was y of .ir. Newman's business, n.-iili ii:ig his antiquity. Mrs. I ii 1 ran spin and weave, too, Hi' 0bi.Uj a. LAVA I Vi'iuw siv 1 . v 7 .-f . ui-lin and flounces, and frills have fire put oii their backs . to l josoys, and all sorts of make them move, and J am one I'cks that are vain and deceiv- of them. I wisely 'believe I .r and that- stick out behind would be no account if it was- 1 swell out before no man ent for Mrel Arp. f V 11 toll where the girl is. She, Cartersviile is on a little io .there' somewhere, but healthy boom. ' GbvernorGor Lmi -e in she ? Well, there mav don came up here two weeks some gum in that, but a ago and told us we had the best m society eirl told me county in the State and were all rich and didn't know it, ana he eriCQuragad- our people - to wake up and do something. Col. and weave, too, Howell came up last weeK ana he -is rtrond of her accomp- sa did Joe Brown, Jr.; and they uiLiiits in that line. She patted Us on the back and made d to practice on the piano us feel good, and we: have re liilu aiLd'then tro out to' the solved to, do something. Even daunted; sentiments ennobling and chivalrous, generosity un bounded, patriotism true and lofty, morality pure and spot lessthese were some of the characteristics that made the Old South glorious. But still there is a New South. It may be the same Old South arrayed in a new garb of restless activ ity and untiring enterprise, with' all its energies aroused and Its dormant powers awak ened; inspired by new impul ses and animated by a high born desire to realize the grand possibilities . wjiich the future holds for the coming South. This may be, but it matters not whether we call it the 'Old Russell being for Sherman'aBd Boyd lor Blame The; 'vote a- re- port. In the resolutions was a ll a 1. k declaring in favor of an aiaeudmeut to the Constitution providing that the poll tax be re- tie&k'd. There was tome discus- Kion. when a motion wa mads to Winston nominated jaT the resolution on the table. Tins was carried, the extern lie puhheaus voting for tabling it. TnE tauty platform. Resolved, 1. That the interests of the farmer and the laborer are njehtioal, nn.l whatever injuriously ttdVcts one works a grievance npiinct the other. 2. The- luiml that bold the plow should be honored, and there should be a more ouitahle equa tion between the wages of labor and the compensation of the ollice holder. 'M. We look, uion the purity ol the ballot lox as the hot lOKsib!e M-curity against threatening evil?, and we demand such reasonable State legislation a will fully pro tect the eleetor in the exercise f E-rdetto iirlses Selutdd irpr arts H:w to weir Fiu-ir. lion and haying Bought to give I stood: For Boyd, 102; for; T-ui- It . H Tn I IT Tt,i' "Tai.IiAn n-n e rates. It nominated for Audi- I made unanimous tor Charlie McKesson, who Frank turned Radical some years ago. I Geo. A Mebane, (col.) and a ne- lt gave the nomination of Su- I gro whom we did not. see, nom- permtendent of Schools to an linated John C Dancy. ( Much incompetent man, who, In a de-1 talking followed .rhen : thefe cent party, could not be nomi- two negroes were made Secrc nated for Coroner. All who taries. ,All . Radical ' editors know J. B. Mason know hia un- were appointed secretaries. fitness. It nominated fori A little. yeilow" negro from Treasurer G. A. Bingham, of Halifax county; Jno. Reynolds whom the Chronicle, at this 1 by name, who ' talked .throneh writimr. knows nothing. Fori hia nose, placed" Oliver II. ttorney General, Thomas r. I Dockery , iu . nomination for Devereux wad named. Tom I Governor. rowers, one of was once a Democrat and went Ike Yonng's deputies,' seconded over in the hope gaining "loves the nomination 6rmy f on Oll and fishes." God forbid that ver." .'" ' '" , ' he shall ever be Attorney Gen- Geo. IL.Smathe.rs, of ITay eral of North Carolina! wood, nominated Chirles Price, Before the convention as- of Rowan. ,"Zeb Vance Walzcr, sembled the galleries had been I Esq.., the ought to change hia I u,e elective franchise. Any deuial hills and verdure clad meads of the South freedom was born and found its i bravest, truest defenders. Let him read our history, all glorious with the achievements of our people and study our traditions, fit themes for the poet's lyre or the pain ter's brush. Let him do all this and his heart will swell with pride and he will rejoice in his country's past- Then let him look at the present. Let him see the almost limitless resources of tha South; its broad rivers rolling on in silent majesty to old ocean's mighty deep; its fertile fields teeming with fruit and fragrant with flowers; its leafy forests and shady dell crowded with negroes. The delegates afterwards filed in and took the places assigned them. The sea of upturned faces looked like a barn full of black and white peas. Here was a white man and pitting South,' blooming in tha vigor its rich mines laden with pre- aud beauty of a well rounded I cions and useful ore. Let him maturity, or the 'New South,' see the spirit of energy and en reared, on the ruins of the Old, terprise everywhere manifest with new ' purposes and plans Let him hear the anvil's clang, aud principles, the fact still re mains: The South is not to-day what it was three decades ago. Aj new order of things has sprung up. : We have more of the aggressive and lass of the conservative element. The spir it of this progressive age has struck and fired the Southern n cabin and play on the itiiiiiiy wheel awhile, and y,- hj liked the latter the -i. ihe juiiobug Bound is will music iu litr ears, and she ad hardly, bit still while Howell told us Ithatgoodj old fable that ' ..TTsop wroteabout the lark in. the wheat field, and she never got alarmed "for her young as long as . the farmer was running around trying Uo '.nt lietsy was sineintr and get someooay eise to cume ana hii-luiL" the wheel tn the rnftl- cut hid wheat. lut a. the last J uy of heir voicib. Mrs. Arp says when the old' man aucT his h ran whmvh! ton but. rnt. bovs resolved to cu& it uieiu riliiilly for the old darky who selves, then the ohid took in the loom would make a her young and gop awaywith .;5s.a.dsay: "G'way f uin here, alacrity. Heaven hfilpf lihase the spindles hum and the ploughman's song. Let him behold the churches and col leges and schools all over our land. Let him see a people con tented and happy, prosperous and moral. And then having regarded both past and present, let him turn his eyes toward name or cnange 1113 pontic) seconded the nomination of Dockery. . Boss Mott arose and a id that he had a letter' from Charles Price saying that ho didn't wan't any nomination . that next to him was a negro next year, but that he was In hearty to him sat a mulatto, it was a I sympathy with the l&dical mixed and motley crew, com-j party, ' ' ' 1 ' ' posed ot all colors aud shades. I On motion ; of ' V. Walzor, It was as varied in complexion Dockery was nominated by ac as a crazy quilt is in squares. clamati Jn. the Radical crew On the streets and In front of I hollering a "com-field" hollow the hotels white and black I when the nomination had Leeu commingled in loving harmo-1 made. The negroes jumped ny, and no discrimination was around and yelled and,. yelled made with regard to color. It j uproariously. 1 Amidst,?; thie was a sight fit for the gods, to "confusion worst confounded," see white men in close quarters with the brother in black ma king combinations and plan ning for the TIIK OKO ANIMATION At 1 2.2i j," in Metropolitan Hall, in Raleigh, Chaa. A. Cook on behalf of both the warring executive committees called the convention to order. Mr. Cook made' no speech but re turned thanks for the honor. The ball was opened by Sep timus Virgilus Lusk, who moved to elect, a temporary chairman. Ed Powers, Ike heart fired it into an activity the future. What a bright pros that gathers strength from op- pect will unfold before him! position and almost laughs at Our past is glorious in its impossibilities. The cold digni- achievements, our present ty and polished manners of the grand in its possibilities and old cavalier nave meitea into our iuture Dngnt witn nope, g way I tell you ; -pile de web, and you old -i:mih tink I dun it v let you nave sum udder time.". Aunt Hetty's show was mixed nrhr Tse.ln themselves, ana so our people are taking stock' to build a furnace. There ' is': a foundry and novelty works,' go ing up now, and a good a eat 01 the fervid zeal and practical habits of the modern business man. The "Southern gentle man of ante-bellum days is no more. Southern aristocracy is a thing of the past. Brains, not blood; muscle, not manners, weild the sceptre , of power In the Tfew South. ! Ifow,what will be the future of the New South? It is a land of grand possibilities and va ried resources; a: land ; of eun phine f. and ? flowers, free alike tiX J AAA VUQ UUAUiilf vr KUW tropical ' sun and the chilling J. B. Caklyle. Boyd declared Dockery the unanimons nominee 6f the con vention, and a c6mmittee was conventions work, j appointed to notify him A yellow negro irom way ue, placed in nomination for Lieu tenaut Governor J. C. Pritchard of Madison county. George M. Bulla seconded the nomination of Pritchard..- U. H. Kwart," of Hendersonville, was placed in nomination. ' ' " R. Z. Liney, the "hew recruit," with bin "sleek, priestly face which betrays the demacoffe," nominated It '. L. Green, of Watauga. :i He com pared Green to Mohammed, and 1 For the blood use B- B. 1J. For scrofula, use B. K U. For catarrh, use B. B. B. For rheumatism, use B. B. B. For kidney troubles, use B. B. B For eruptions, use B. B. B. For all blood poison, use B. B. B. Ask your neighbor who has ced B. B. B. of its merits. Get our book free filled with certificates of won derful cures. ; . Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Young's ex-deputy, of Cumber- said that he bad been fertilized land sftmndftd the motion, and Irom Granifather mountain, and said that the party- bad been run by cliques - and rings, and that it had gone out that the work of this convention had been cut and dried. R. S. Taylor, of Edgecombe a cross between a French negro and an Edgecombe darkey. "norated" iu a cross-cut way and wanted Cook continued as Chairman. ' : Following this came a dis cussion as to whether there was any executive uommmee in the State, it was argued that Chairman Cook had no right1 that there was no -Committee. This debate was participated in by a number of white , men and negroes. ; Jim Harris said amid great wna therelore "strong:' "' Pending the nomination for Lieu tenant Governorr-Cliairmati Boyd letired and -called -J -li. O llara (col.) to preside 'ovcf.tbe conven tion. ... , . . ,,-.- The ballot for Lieutenant Gov ernor van announced to, lie; For Pritchard. 121; for Grccuc, M) ftr Ewart, 13. It was, uiaJa..' nuaui- 10U8. , , -, ':.(... 1 - lext came the uouI'm'j'.Uoii for Secretary of Stale. . J. AV, Gomiu, Kufus AmiH, AUcu .Ior.iu C. P. Lockey and Geo. V. ':u.?W cr; named. The uainc of iu!:.- "the new couveit, ',was vnii.w. a; 1;. The hit of thu .night ;wu-s the 8ieecb of Chas. 1Viiiht,..V. l!er jl the free and just exercise, of the elective franchise by Iraud or vio lence poisons the spring of wwer. 4. Agriculture, manufacture and commerce are the turee great fac tors of civilization, and all legisla tion tending to foster these aeu e iH will receive the support ol tie Rp:iMic.m parly. ;. V.'hib industry and economy are always l ' looked to for rvliel friiin financial depression, indi vidual sncwsHnecjiisarily depends, to a great extent, upou wite lefiia lition. To this end a Utal aud un conditional rejal ff all internal revenue tae", will greatly le liire the present paralyred in dustrial .-H:idition of the country b.ilb by relieving the country of a Krarui of unnecessary oflicials as well an to relieve North Carolina of thii unetjual and urjust tax. In ternal Federal taxe-i U-lotig only lo war, and all revenues for the sup port of ttio Federal Government (in tisie of leace), should be collected from custom dne, and their col lection should le ho adjusted as to p-vi'ect "American iudustrles and lrtlnr. . f.. The general government should not keep in its treasury ati moro mouey than is actually neces sary to meet the demands of the governmeut ; and as the means of preventing any fur:her accumula tion we demand the reieal of the internal revenue system of tax ation and the passage or the Blair educational bill a, the best method of public education and of distri buting the already accumulated surplus in the treasury. 7. We are optioned to the pres ent s stem H" county government and we demand the eleetiou of all couuty and township oflicrs by the liple. 8. J lie Kepuuiscan pany lavors and will earnestly supjM.rtany leg illation looking U the abolition of nil unless State oflicials aud ue 'ndenciec, and the refal of all nnneeessary taxation, that govern ment itself may not consume that which it was intended to foster and protect. ' We favor the working of the Unless yoa keep very cooL tny son, this political fever will frow hotter with the weather. Bat joa bad better not meddle with politics When yoa 0 into politics, alsm grieved to see yoa have already done to the extent of ruining two suits of clothes with kerosene oil aud the coat ot yoar btom',e,i with whiskey it would be mac- better for yoa today, socially, morally, physically and financially, bad yoa drank the kerosene aad poured the whiskey over your clot bet, al though your patriotic exhilaration would nave Buffered but when 3 ou do go into real politics, when you triumph, triumph graaouily, magnanimously, mercifully. Bat when the Lour of defeat comes, as cme it wilt, let m advise yoa to "die easy." Don t kick. Don t strutrgle after yoa are dead. It distorts the couctebsce, contracts the lira be, lecds the features a hid eons expression of agony aad hale and terrifies the mourner. Now. bea 1 read tat returns after a certain election that affect ed tne rather personally, I quietly laid niy handsome form down In calm, though sorrowful, resigna tion. I closed my eyes and folded my bands on my bosom and re m lined passive and quiet, and there wasn't a prettier Republicaa "remains" in all this broad land than your lamented subscriber. It llormon missionaries Lave a fain with great daring resumed their work of making proselytes ia Hay. wood county. A call ia tuad Cur a vigilance committee to drive thea oat, and to use tar and feat Lent if necessary, or eves severer meth od. A Naga Head man baa a feather bed made of the yellow feathers of tallow birds. 2fo idea of the work required lo collect enough of these . feathers for a bed can be conceiv ed, as the birds have but a email yellow spot near the tail, aaya tie Falcon. We learn from Mr. r. 1L Wilson, Secretary and Treasurer, that tbe prtmium list of the Stale A cried taral Society will shortly be iaaaed The rules and regulations gurera. log field crops will be substaa JsAiy the same as those of list 3 ear. The premiums will even be larger. Mr. Pearson's meeting at Asbe Tille is accomplishing great good. Quite a number bave been convert ed. The Abbeville Metbodiat gives ' tble as a sample of the way be talkR "There is a Christ for ev ery sinner out of bell, aad a bell for every sinner out of Christ. The AsueviCe CiUzca Una peaks encouragingly of the future . of that town: A hundred tboaa- t and dollars to be expended amog ' the people of AsbevUls for matcri-.' ala, supplies aad labor la the con-' atruction of the federal bulkling;" the construction of a street railway which we now think asauted; tb investments fa South JUhevitla which Involve some very extensive improvement, to say notbreg of the other enterprises tocooteas--plalion involving taore or lees la vestmeot, certainly promise lively times for our community. Asbe viUe will gro. PAI3K. CA1 The Advakce will be eent from now nntil January let for One Dollar. Our object in miking this proposition Is that we propose having ootuilderable to say to the people daring the cam paign about the two partlea. We propose showing op their rec ords as clearly as It la pouflble for ns to do aad exerting our selves to retain In the east of government the DemocraUe party. We desire a larger audi ence than we now Lave though we already have a Urge cireu latlon and we hope by cxecon of this proposition to add many new names to our lleL We ex pect fuithennore to retain many of the eubecriber we ret from the campaign &nd it Li.tT this means that re expect to get our money. The Auravcs took a great many publicans ten or twelve days to at tain my state of sublime compos ore, but tbey came to it at last, and see bow much time tbey lost! They kept anticipating the resur rection. Every time a triutnpnant Demo crat blew his rtjiiciug born they Ibocght St was tie trumpet of tbe Kepuulican Gabriel, and jumped up in their grave clothes and went nraacing around, and finally bad to be knocked in tbe bead with ai Official Count before tbey wobld submit to the oflices of the under taker. I believe in pluck, my son; I be lieve ia grit; 1 bave an abiding filth iu sand- I like to mi man r:ht mhp doesn't know wben be ia hcacd, but I don't like to see a man come bowling back Into tbe ring after be has been knocked out and the other fellow baa gone away with tbe gate money. Sloctrl: IT: ten This remedy is becoming no well tbonssod lie-1 ordinarily foes for six months for one dollar, bat by this prop oeltion it goes about nine far the same money. Will our correepondects and friends everywhere please make this fact generally known In their respective neighborhoods? Will not all the friends every where, of the paper and the cause, now turn la and &o a little solid work for both? Will not the country port masters every where Inciden tally remark, every now and then, in the bearing of the pat rons of their oflres, that the Advance Is going at a dollar from now until the let of Jan uary? Will not Democratic Execu tive committeemen, county and township, canvass their territo ry a little and send us a fsw clubs? We want a thousand caxa- mil. lie. road bv some svstem more known. as Ceyeuoe , lV-.jr, uf : equitable than the present unjast He seconded tbe (iiommaUoa of That we opiose tbe present sys-l She, inacticlly, No; Jordap He ,was cdiUrj:Jvf, tho UHU 0r hiring out convicts by meals. paign subscribers Inside of a known and so popular aa to need I month, we will get the m II no special menuoa. All who lave the present patrons ani friends used Electric Bitters sing tbe same 0f 9 paper will help us. HU1 song of praise. A purer medicine De. T D n "d,U.UJfUrJ U anybody eends tut & club of to do all that is claimed. Beotric t ntJ wbecrlbera, with Hitters will cure all diseseee of tbe , " J,,. ,v- , Liver and Kidneys, wlU remove the cash, f J1 T Pimples, Boils, Salt Rhsum and pr fje to that person through, other atfections caused bT la pert oot the campaU-n- blood. Will drive Malaria from o name wm do enverea no the system and prevent as well as olds whose It la until the cure all Malarial fevers. For cure money Is paid. We can do very of Headache, ' Coostipation end little more than pay xpen.es Indigestion try Electric Bitters coder this offer if we get the Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or ound eubscribers and every mooey reiunded. Price W) eta and onJI rarm in advance, and we 1.00 per iwtUe at Rowland's Drag I .i nnn .ffrfl ta Lave Uiy ClWWAiicaAa u - Soutfal Yoa'.b, langaidly. Do you sing "Forever and ForeverH 1 atop lot nor and of the psy-yoo-in-tbe- fall fraUmity. Now, then altogether! and let's see what can be done. :! cj:T ! 1.. 1

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