T - Ty .'.I. .'I 'tji-jX ui i(.:.t?v;.) lot sUMl, ! ;. .f-.j- j . , , j- . ' . i .1 " CAIUTA GN! :o:- THE ADVANCE FROM NOW UNTIL JAN. 1st FOR ONE DOLLAR. THE ADVANCE FROM NOW UNTIL JAN. 1st: FOR ONE DOLLAR. ' LET ALL, THE ENDS T1IOU AIJTI'ST AT, BE THY COVNTRT"TUr CK1', AH0 TRUTHS." :o :- I: til -r rt V I' "1 CAMPAIGN. WILSON, CAROLINA:;,1 WJBljm-Xl; NUMBER 19. CAMPAIGN. VOLUME 18 1 I 5 n "1 j j r fi iliii iLL 11 BILL, ARPS LETTER :o:- ' 1 .TOhE-X 111 LIT ALWAYS TASTES THE REST TO a no r. Unworn Xaiure-lij)'erence Re- t iff n the Steal tug of a IFhite Uncle Jack, they say that generally glad of it, for it helps ' -. T - i. 1 - I 1 1 - 1 1 ' , 1 you aarKies are meaung irom to Keep qowd we equiiipnuui. the cars every ?aturaay night our preacber la tne bob oi a when they stop over for Sun- praecher and the grand-son of a day?" preacher and not long ago lie 'Now, boas, you know dat preached ahout tunung tne leu ian't no such a thing. I neber I visited a lady in my travels who war! not calm and serene, forborne boys had slipped up and ptolen the young mocking ,birdfc from the nest she had been watching so long1. "And onlv U think;" she said, "two of ' tli.j ' " boy.- were preachers tioiiH, ' and told them one day not to take trie birds, and the next il.lv they camo while I was -gone :md tooS ithem." Vu'li, a bird s nest is very try iiu tiling to a boy, whether lie i- a vieachei's son or not. It strains'' him. He is almost o'-iitred tq have it. It is as bad j.s a watermelon to a. 'darky. TIif're has been many a chap- ter written about the sin of robbing bird nesta, but the rob bing trocs on about - the same. Tb fte-st is so cunningly made aiid the I'fTga a.re so pretty. It is a iv2( for a boy, and then there is a feeling of triumph in havint: what was hidden. The sauio f eeling inclines a man to go a fishing not for the lovje the fish, but the love of the sport. He loves to. beat; the ii.-h at their own game. . He love:'- to catch them because they don't want to be ' caught. Somebody sent Mr.-. Cleveland a fine salmon the ether ,,day, and he said he envied the pian who caught it. It looks like a very small business for a large man fo take pleasure in, but it is na ture, p.nd we can't help' it. lUuiel u ebfter said that no body liked to fish1 except gen tleman and vagabonds. He was iniitalien. All classes like to ll'-h, but nobody but gentle men and vagabonds have time. The cood book says: "I will dve thee dominion over the beast of the field and the fish of the sea and the fowls of the air.;' And so we want it, and the ,more they resist us jthe more we want it. Nobody want.-j to shoot a chicken or to catrh c?r.3 in a trap, but we will hunt all day for quails or squir rels or haWKs, just because they are wild fld won't submit to us. I saw hundreds of squirrels in a park at Memphis, but nobody wanted them, for thoy were tame, and would eat nut- in-;;i yenr hand. Wepre- wild rat io tame squirrel, iv, I am not excusing a boy has tech a bit of dat coal. May be de chilltln take a little now and den, but.de railroad neber miss what dey take. Dem big long kyars jes so full dey sun ned over," and he laughed a right honest good-natured laugh. Ralph lost his knife and Ned found it and swapped it off quick, "and "when it was found out he took high ground and said lie 'f pun dat knife away , dowai -yonder by de big gate."' There are lots of folks wio think that finding a thing gives them a right to it. Some bdys find marbles' &ud balls add-pehcils, and keep them soma little mean cheek if a man smote you on the right, but at the same time he said he didn't know; wheth er he could do it or not if it came : all . of a sudden My opinion is that , he is a good deal like Sam Jones about that and Sam would pop a feller so quick It would make his head swim. ' Human-nature is the same the world over and most of us; have got our share. Some of the women may be sactifted but the men are not. I know some who claim to be but they are"not"giving away their cloaks to them fellers who want their coats. . Women have a fair chance to ' be sanctified for they never evoltuise. She wasent made out of dirt. She STATE CONVENTION -:o: THE DMOdLLTIC STATE . CON VENTION MEETS AT EALEIGH. , wimris a weiiteeoimlzetl faet that 11 that no mistake had been mad I"! vuMf ib am a strong frteAa'WaiuW and that Sderlfu Bouldmake ?!" el 1 'n. for oae snrpxirter ?f Mf. 'ruded.' T lfve 14 Wolar a strVng candidate. 2 ( SSiSa JnV5 A STROHG TICKET HOMISATED. THE CONVENTION LAUGH AND HARMONIOUS, THOUGH STRONGLY CONTESTED. Three Clieers! For North Caroli na's Next Governor Daniel G. Fowle. I- - On the first ballot the vote drew .theriame ! of -Piatt- T. M'thd'aext ' Auditor of the their platform Ut they art- ia stood: Fpwl,e 374.64; Stedman walker.'' 'I'-J i"v. .Ml- State? Mr: 8anderlln made a tvr of then-peal of thi oneroo 331.78, Alexander 215.55; GU- 4 ISetiktp'r w. M.' 'Bond' was capital speech and when he had 5fem , of . taiation, enacted lj mer 8; Bennett l.' t :.'-' the'hext .speaieri5 lU saM'i It finished evterrbotfy confeHsed ?Brriy-J-t' Bpobljcan Alter eigm uauoia, slight changes, the Convention adjourned at 8 o'clock hour. ' . ' ', At'J:OT tne convention was tnet. Where resides' 'Jiide 'Jas- f Mf. Molrer would ba nomlrRt. called . to. order. ,The ninth heherdTiat JgentlemAn idvHb friends were enthusU Daiiot resuitea as iouows: , has" Chained 'W-himself 1 the ! asHc and determined. He is a the Democrnic prtr. ia lortber Fowle 398: Stedman 331; Al- admiratloii1 at the1 peotlex of I Prominent roomr North Cam-1 nee of popular eJacation. Ui at- exander 230. This' shoved alhls diBtricf try the lustre which lindair and the fact that he j fient paaranty tkte favor tbe loss of one 1 for Fowle."' and a I Bttrrouiids 4 thet record" he ' has I made few xeallpnt . rnn .nMka I edacatioa of the tieoUe, and e gain of 18 for Stedman. This made11 JW i! jndfire.'I'kjiewTiot !Sf the 1 promineaee he has' woo wiU Pot aoU improTe the pre--iinthe Stedman' men enthn. when Mr PrndenW 'name ' was l and the manv frianda h hiui eat edBCatial adranUgea ao far elastic and they' made the hall placed before this" convention attached to himself. Only ft11.' L . ring With their shouts.: " ! that the" charges -'which "we twenty-seven years old, he h atfoi 4 ? -" Ux" The balloting continued with have heard would - be- made as bright a futnre before him Resolved TbaL to meet an ex- -arylng resuits until 'the flf- against -Jdge; Shepherd.; The as any man in North Carolina, feting evil, re will accept, for edo- teenm Danot was reacnea friend oi-' Mr.'Frnden had not We know no vonne farmer in Icartonai ran.L fmm th vr.i NEWS OF A WEEK WHAT IS UArPEXIsa IX 2 UE WORLD A Ii U CND US. people or all or a part odkwa fttftleta kksolved. mat the oonrae . . Alt A ronfrvl rrjtort cfttttmw paiXerot from th rofvwNi of National i for Wake county paij $tWQ tbo-jear'a taxea. . ill Mew, lime a&a ti tti'n re. tira from tb Whitvi!Se lord and Mr. II. C. Moftht Uir4 char all boys do aSameS XtSfc a ftog,nor a monkey. ed' some bovfe steal Watermelons was or uuVx nfl was caueht at it. and ao? Kno. BUPPe.." crats vuwv " - . ' ' I will 1 A. nAlAl nVAM MO I n - I Will DO BChtlOU. DLUJil -tJa,i" I thlS when the name of Judge Gil mer was ' proposed by W. B. Glehn, of Forsyth. The fif teenth ballot stood: Fowle 358: Stedman 294: Al- connectlon with l and'gire hoi thai State more iopular and countenance J to "'such' attack.! iaore deservedly popular. lie I know the "man' 1 whom retired from the contest cron I " represent, : and I 1 feel ed with . laurels, having made Goveranient: our pro rata abare of fL J' A JKW' that he 1 ould '' . 1 soornl the beat flght any man of hla ftH mean a lonr time. 1 am glad I was caught', for it; cured ore; J Df- Wo??owLSf R One thine is certain. Some of riht upon us in the fence and said: 'Why, boys, you don't -know-, how-to tell a ripe melons from a green one. Let me get yon some ripe cues' And he thumped around and found some 'and sat downs with us and helped us eat them but every mouthful choked me and stuck in my throat. He was a good man and never told on us. The good boys we read about in the Sunday school ' is it Possirle. The Perfected hnnk are verv scarce the boys Phonograph." ia what Thos- A trli never told a story; or: itbbk Edinson calls his latest im !., w.Aw, those preachers didn't evointe , irom tne angeis, or tney wouiu; show more charity. I heard a preacher say in Arkansas, that; they had got Dr. Woodrow out of the seminary, and if he didn't-- mind, - they would get him out of the church. Well I hope they won't try to keep him out of heaven. . f ..v - Brw. Abp. IW). 1 AC 1 - , M : 4 1 .! - . r. . On Wflflnpsdav of last weak Cia"UCi U11U1" ai- tirumuinju n oongni eren in jews fTer zuaae in tne ctate Demo- I muvui yia.1 1, B.U aweiujiii LU duuu iusi vuutiuuvu. . . iv uetauio ttttrcu-, luivt mo 1 uuuur oi any Kenilain&n, I ELECTOES 1 'TOB daric norse' Dusiness would not thoueh It mhrht make him Jns- ! ' ' t work, the Convention adjourn-1 Uce of the 'Btrpreme' Court of ed hntll next morning. - J the United Statep. Iri BDlteof - kuj r I Ti tC m I AU e owaie aw large ernor began immediately. On I choice tot Supreme ,J'C6urVJns' this ballot the vote stood: I tice, vet rather than attempt to a cake or a lump xf sugar on the? sly who never .copied a sum from another, boy's, slate who never Went in washing; or kept a secret from their moth er, who never had a fighj and didn't tell it, or never said devil and durn and dog on it awav from homeJ When I was provetnent on this wonderful little maehine.' The machine consists of fifteen hundred pieces, but when pat toeether it is very simple. The difference between this machine and regular "talking machines" is that It gives an exact reproduction of what is said in as strong a voice and with the same emphasis that characterized, the first utterance, the largest gathering of that ever assembled in State met at Stronach's Tobacco Warehouse in Raleigh for the purpose of nominating a ticket that would command the hearty co-operation and support of every white " man in the State. .Every county in the State was represented by citizens of the counties, save two and they were represanted by proxy. The delegations from the different counties was unusally large and the pro found interest exhibited in the work to be done speaks well for the condition of the Demo cratic party in the State. Shortly after 12 o'clock the Convention was called to order by R. H. Battle Esq., Chairman of the Democratic State Execu tive Committee. In calling the Convention to order Mr. Battle made a speech of a few moments that showed the deep Interest he felt in tne .success of the Democratic cause and THE STATE LA.KCE. . ! Col.J A. M. Waddell, of . New llanpver and Fred C. Strndwick Fowle 401; Stedman 326- Al exander 233. ' On the next bUot it stood flWEprEXATOOVEn-0E. i C B.. Watson, Esq., placed profit by anr assault JriDon an-i" A .Leazar. in nomination other, ' I' withdraw J his name Lieut. Governor. T. B. wo- from this convention.' as T naca, rq nominated U)L 1. tbe aarplns ia ita treasury. Provid ed, that it be disbursed through btate accnta ami tbe bill for tbe dUtribution be Dee from objection 1 features. Uesolvkd,; That tbe United States rxMnjr one eovernment aud at lours a National party, we denounce the euorta or the Uepublicana to force eectlonal iMoe in Oongrea and elsewhere, and to promote dis tension and ill-will between the pdopteoftbe different sections of our common country. UKSOXVF.it, That it M due to tbe people of our ILwOero counties, who 1 Leber. Tbe Sapretne Court of Korth Carolina baa filed un opinktn tbut a woman who tnurOtf 1. ?r bonb md is sti.l emalod to a wi!o fhxre in bis Times. projerty. rii!Ul(-lbia Slilhe Christina, the two beaded Mjbtenjiaie, i iq-ndinjt un mer at their r Mii-trt.' Creek townbip, mi Wbilevllle wonderful ia ;cLcs r.!l Stx'iu Tbia U mie of the tnort Ireaka cf naime n Fowle 388: Stedman 344: Al- know' that' 'ne ' would' refer M. Uolt. ..The ballot was aken :ander 228, &c. ' . ' eternal l denial r'bf ; 'promotion J and it stood ; Holt 019'; Leazar exander Ater " the twenty1second bal lot the name of S. B. Alexan der was withdrawn. The most iu tense excitement prevailing. The twenty-third : ballot re suiting as follows: Fowle 523.1; Stedman 435.9; Alexander 2. Before the vote was announc ed M. E. Carter, a friend of Maj. Stedman from Buncombe county, moved to , make the nomination of Judge Fowle unanimcus.by acclamation. rather than be raised - on the 1 attempted slaughter 'of another. I This was a ' noble eentiment 1 and was received . with ' mani fested approval 1 have so cheeriullr borne their share of our common burdens, that tbe present or some equally effective )Btetn of count j government shall lie maintained. ' Kksolved, That the Demo cratic party is opposed t ny' fur ther extension of the MSo-fenoe law," unlews sucU extenmoa shall have first been satborir. J by a ma The roll was then 'called and ifl WM eve feady to eerve the following1 was the ballot: i .... fur, X fi 1; r well as the confidence he had in the men In whose hands the duty of selecting its standard beares now rested. Mr. J. Tur ner Morehead was made tern porary Chairman and J. 1' Caldwell, E. F. Lamb and It M. Furman Secretaries. COMMrTTEE ON PERMANENT OR GANIZATION. The following committee ou 1'ermanent organization was appointed: 1st District S B Spruill, Jr. 2nd District D Y Cooper. 3rd District C C Lyon, 4th District J A Turrentiue. 5th District W W King. 6th District It E Little. 7th District T B Eldridge. 8th District E B Jones. 9th District M II Justice. n, tin.; a bird's nest, for it cruel more cruel. than to a fi.-h, for fish is a lower nrder of- living creatures, and does not enjoy life like a bird. A h an not got much more sense nor feeling than a mon key wrench, but it does distress the old birds very much to take their young away or to ITeal: rip their nests. Then ii-rain, the boys don't under stand the nice distinctions be tween "meurri and tuum," mine and thine. They don't" know 'where the line is between wild tliiii-rs ttiat belong to every- bixly.ana tiiaso tiiat are near thfi house ana Delong to some body. Why, one day the im- IMident, ill-mannered rascals came m my the squirrels in; .lor years: some boys robbed my ii and they wii was on the of meadow and killed we naa Deen rai.9-1 I complained 1. 1 dmce. because thev locking bird's nest fl, why, that nest Klier side of the v. ... road, .-oiuef loUis have to post their lands to keep intruders oil', but that didn't keep them oil' very much, aud the hunters tct him down as a stingy, sel H:ih old cuss. They tramp down my corn every year to catch a few lii-Ii in the creek, and as for watermelons, we havte quit tilatttiiiiz them far awav. from .the Louje. A white boy about Sixteen. years old will, steal a melon as quick as a negro, and ha will be meaner about it, for he will plu a dozen to find a ripo one. ' A white. man who wiil steal at all will steal any thing, and he always carries some envy or malice along with him, but a negro just takes lit tle things that ho thinks you don't need and won't miss, and lie is really much obliged to you ior having a surplus. He h.is no malice and no envy. He i.J' glad you are rich. I had an old ax, and one day when I wputed it I couldn't find it.' I made such a fuss about it ' that one of the dark'es brought it noiny ana saia lie was jes keep in it for me till I wanted I it j.in a wlnte man came along onii day and tole the new one and when my nabor who made the handle saw it at hia wood pile and asked him where he got it, he said he found it in 'the big road. He has got it e!, reckon, fori never troub l' o him about it. I had rath negro would steal ti'om me than a white man he does it fo tenderly and. so. innlocently. abbut thirteen , I was the, .mill 1 while other machines repeat what j his anxiety for its future, as boy, and I had. to go two-mues to mill, and I always, managed to go with some other boys; so as to run horse races coming back. Some times I could have got the meal by waiting a lttle while, but the.temptation was too great, and, bo-I had to tel a little story so ' as to get to racie coming home and then raqe again going after the grist. Boys haye their temptations just lik'e men, and 'the men fall about as of ten as the boys. The dif erence is'the men Cover up their tracks better than the boys. The men don't steal nor tell lies, but they cheat and trick and plot and - scheme and conceal the truth. Some of them do. Some veiy respecta ble gentlemen.; "A. trading man can hardly be a candid. Solo mon said: 4 A- lie ..sticketh in the joints between -tliq. buyer' and seller,' , and! he;saidJt ia naught, it is naughtaitb the buyer; but after he buyeth he goeth his way and rejoiceth.' And so. after all, I believe 1 had rather risk the boys, even though they do rob the, Jtrird nests. If a boy will just f eei mean after he does a mean thins I have hopes of him. Someti uies boys willdo baa things just for the peril of it, the risk, the hazzard of being caught. There is an adventure about it- that they;;like.iiusr like there is about smuggling or making tjloonshlne whiskey. The more boys, the more they plot mischief. One dog won't go off by himself and kill sheep and so one boy won't rob an apple orchard. He must have company.. I-.have known school doys tO" walk two miles to steal apples when they had apples; at home. 'One . dark night some of the boys went to Dr. Alexanders a mile away, and stole a. bee gum and carried it to the institute wrapped up iu a quilt and robbed it and got stung ,11 over, though they had honey every day at the board ing bouse, -s You. Bee, the old devil tells them there is fun in it, but there is' hot. He is an old liar. Jim Linton aud Ned Gouldlngand lhad Holt went is said very mncn as a aou is made to say "mamma" and "papa," and in a squeaking sound. The new machine is so perfect that several persons can talk, one after the other and when the reverse motion is pat on if yoa are familiar with tbe voices yoa have no trouble in distinguishing them. A slight hUBkinefS or a catching of tLe breath is reproduced pre cisely as if the human voice were at work. : A few nights since Mr. Edison exhibited his machine to the members of; tbe Electric club. Set- era! persons talked into it at once, and the murmur of their voices and the words of one rising over the rest were distinctly reproduced A brilliant piano solo was repeated every note every chord and every run and even when the performer by. accident struck two keys to gether they were both distinctly heard. Mr. Edison says the phonograph will reproduce or chestral pieces and can be bo constructed as to record and re peat operas or the solos of famous singers. By the use of this ma chine stenographers in office are done away v. tth as it is mncb easier for a man to dictate his letter into this machine and send them to a typewriter who having adjusted it simply takes off in typewriting what the,. machine repeats. If it goes too f a8t by pressing a .button it can be sttopped until the ope rator catches up. If he fails to bear, a certain part he can make the machine repeat it as often as he desires. Mr. Edison will bnild a lai.ge factory 500 feet long by 75 feet wide for the manufacture of the phonograph. The contract has already been let' and the building is to be completed within 2 months. Speeches weie made by both Maj. Stedman and Judge Fowle, JE Shepherd, a ' a - - - a Avery, J C McRae, . J F Graves, ;;; John Manning, TNHiiiM WMShlpp.'lVp, .PD Walker, . 1 ' 470 .,415 .345 510 190 ,"214 ',,53 12 408. After the nomination was made,, Col. . Holt was called upon to speak. He said he had not somjht the nomination, but I jority of tbe qualified voters with in iue lorn. or v io if auXiM ibere by. llLn..u,Tii.u l he Democratic p-rfiv ha ever bcii the party ol the woikii'man, u:J Las never !otercd HioncvbON nor have "trust-" or v!nibi nations" or prols'' ever jrwn nji coder laws enaeJed by i. The cootent ia this - COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS. The following committee' Credentials was appointed: 1st District Geo. II. Brov Jr. 2nd District R B Peebles 3rd District H E King. 4th District rJohn Atwater. 5th District R W Winsb n 6th District J F Payne. 7th District Glenn Williams 8 th District John Tull. . 9th District M H Justice WhHe the committees Were out Gov. Scales was loudly .ct li ed for. He made a short speech filled with fire. He urged white men to remember that this is a white man's coun try and that white men must rule. i Amid great applause Capt. S. B. Alexander was unanimously nominated by acclamation as Lieutenant Governor. The convention then adjourn ed until after dinner. SirrilEME CCt'BT. JUDGES. . Judge Joseph J. Davis was re nominated Judge of the Su preme Court Dy acclamation. The following gentlemen Were placed in nomination as candidates for Associate Justi ces ef the Supreme Court: Jaa. C McRae, J F Graves, James E Shepherd, Thos. N. II ill, . W, D Pruden, John Manning, A C Avery, Piatt C Walker. J. J. Laugbinghouse, of Pitt county, was allowed the atten tion of the Convention, after being hissed off the stand once. The courtesy of a hearing was allowed him at the request of judg Shepherd's friends, whom he came to attack. Lautrhinghouf" then proceeded Necessary, to a choice, . 431. No election. ....(, ) . ... , ; . . T a ii i a a t' xu oonq oaaio iu adjourned. The following. was the vote i '; his party when called upon to do so, . , , Hu Leazar was ; next called upon. . He had not been a can didate for Lieut. Governor, but he had not sufficient words in which to thank tho.e who had w m uttxa iur iilUl. Itvmntrr rwinr halvoon acrf ? This completed the work oflcapiui. set-ain? u r rah "oat all the Convention, and at 1.20 a. .oomneittim. and the individual la- m. Friday morning' chairmin borer, tbe Detuocratie party is. Cox . announced that it stood I u ta ever uct-n, against tbe mou- Jndga Shepherd,! . : ; .: 615 A;CATery-- x: !;-. j 451 J OMcRae, - ' . ; 378 J F Graves, 251 J ohn. Manning, i :i 167 TNHilL :f-i'.i s. ;L58 After the second ballot the names of Messrs. Hill and Man ning were withdrawn. K ' ' The third' ballot vu1 an nounced to stand: - - '" - " i '.. . - i ; . '491 ',,i.237 JC McRae, ' ' ' J ' '218 " The chair ' announced - that Hon, A. C. Avery, was nomina ted, and that this.' completed the nominations for, Associate Justices.. " ; fO . THE NATIONAL ; CaNVENTION. The follewing were the ' del egates elected to : the ' National Convention: TWStrange.1 Of ' F. A. woodard was made chairman of the Stedman cau cus, and Vice President from the Second district of the Con vention. He presided over the Convention a portion of the time. C. C. DanleLt wa elected a member of the Democratic State Executive Comra'ttee. 'ACAvery, ; J F Graves, Ktarting out with the statement Wilmlngtoni' J 8 Carr; of Dor nam; uicnarq liattie, oz Kal- eigh; P B Meina, : of" Concord. Alternates, . ;A 'B 'J Galloway, Gen. W R Cox, Frank Coze W L Steele. Mr, Vv m.' E Ashley. that he was a plain farmer. and saying he desired to pro test against Judge Shepherd's nomination. He had made the charge years ago that Judge Shepherd was guilty of subor nation of perjury and that Judge Shepherd couldn't deny it. He then abused tbe con vention for not hearing him at first and said that it was the : Tbe PlRtfsrm. The rrport of the C.nuialtbH' on Platform wan then read by J. P. Caldwell Eq., or Slatevl!!e, aud entbnaiaMtically adopted. It was as follow a : We again congratulate the pie ol 2iorth Carolina on the .con tinued enjoyment of peare. good government and general proajxsity nnder Democratic adiniuiblratiov ol tbe affairs of tbe Slat whxh has now ben unbroken ibr so many years; npon the just and Impartial enforcement of tbe law ; npon the increasing efliciency of cor common school sjttem, and the projrreM mane in popular edacalioo ; an the improvement and enterpriite manifested ia all pans of the btaie. We agaio challenge a comparifton betseen this state of things and opolut and in favor ol a lust distri button ofcafiul, and demands the enactment ol lawn that will bear equally open all. Krsolved, That a all taxation bear mot heavily njmn tbe labor er. It is tbe dnty of tbe legislator. as a direct benefit to tbe working. aian. to keep tba espvns of oar public institution at tba lowest limit coosif tent with' wine and ef ficient management. Tbe Demo cratic party cp;ecii any coo; peti tion belstea free aud convict La. bor, but It tnt'sts that mnvkU (hall not remair idle at the ex tie( bomt labor. KK-soLVtn. That oars being an ngricnliural H'.ate. it is our dot) as well a our pieanore to promote any and all logiHUtien that ia best cal record ; she has two wel'Uvelopei beatls, four arms, c.ne twly and four legs. She ha traTrls! In wl mot everv civi!it-d iouatrr ia thr world, is about w 'rs old, well educated and fj"nks i!u-rt"jr -t vrr al different language. Tbvse cntbuKiaKiK Pn'!.:bilion. lata certainly can not e r vt sue- .' cks in tbe near futnre s. d. tkey plaoe themilvcs In j"i: hi Ik rewve tbe Impntaiiou ot ui;ifx;r motives fiom all goi l-t;i The Intelligent and faitLfoi r-a in tbe lemocralic nrtr t -ml bet1-r . tolerate Ue mot i yar.ic of t Lt-ne im-iL, tf lli-y re Ctxia! stnet-re. If th-y wrrc tii n-ht to lo honetljr an4 earno-tlt lrg to wiie out tbe curx-.l liquor tratLc, jut a&d liUral tutu Lo di.lrr with them sbul'l cm; 1.3 i'i.!r of their judgement of heal :rHl not of their tnolivt-s. TLs LirMX?stic tarty has teaon to t-oAjL-.a of a movement that wi'.l :-ttir it rank at a time tin t:s tlrleat would cripple the bvt :atertHa .of , tbe Stale and pat lhv a luiin.iklra tlon of office Into the Lands cf n-n UI suited fur tbe lak, si.4 Ux wben it appears that taove meat ban tbiit end u u w. No lVmonat should l;Mfl to ti 5y ren voice of tbo third p.uy-a- ford Express. -i clined. of Wake, was. ehonen alternate tbe oatragex, crimes and acandals in piace or uen;" cox; wbo de-l which attended urpubiiran aoend- -it' . I ancy in our bordrf. We liledge 1 ';' I onrserres to erert In t ho fnfnro as ia tbe ast our bert efTorts to nro- Mr. F.B-McDowell, vof Char-1 mote tbe iaterests of tbe people of lotto, said that he had lost : re-1 all eectione of tbe State. Ailirming The At'VAM'E will be weat from now until Jauiisry 1st fcr One Hollar. i Our object ia u.iiii; thi? proposition L thst u" pri'jHMe' having cowdderible to jy t- the teople dnrJnir tl. rwra- peo-1 cohuoi io atlvance tLe tnteresta of I paign atoot tbe two fisrJ-s. We . e wiii mu cu-ciaauj aavanoe tbe inlrets of mechanics, mano lacturera and lalorer. I Uesolved, That tU O'm.tcrary .1.- .'t, ' rartr. S e desire a Ur .v - wll Alfred M. Bcsls as bone-.!, patrl- ence tLan we now hvvt. .uU ctie and onnoervaUve. already have a I -a, j irru liEsoLVErx. That the atwhtr. latlon and we L ;e ty t u sm wisdom, bonukTy, patnoUsm, lnd- of this rrpv!iIon t 1 mmy iiendenoe. fsithJulness to duty and , new names to our lift. x manly courage of lYesident Cleve land have won the admiration of all good mn ; and tbe InU-te! of tbe country demand bit re nomina tion and tl re-flection. ords as clearly a- It I for os to do end -i--rt eelves to retain In !!. government tbe !. ? ur-! - ratie ALEXANDER . D most damnable outrage ever ceiVed a telegram from CaDt. Si onr doerenee to Democratic prtn Western Stylo out on a lark one?niaht and the three geese' stole 'ja 5-gander from old Isam Williams and they carried him jhoine and shut mm up in tne cioset. They had no. use or him in the world, andjust stole' him be- cause mere - was notnintr else handy: 'Old Pat,? the teacher, came round the next night as usual to see if the boys were in their rooms, and sure enough, the old gander squalled while he was talking to -theou-and that let, the1 cat out of the bag and the gander out of the " clos- x iio uuj3 nan tdl l y 11 1 111 We have recived a two column letter signed Veritas, which pur ports to give a true history of Major Galvanus Bart, proprietor and landlord of the" Jones House. He it shown np as a thief, hypocrite, hat and coward, but we shall not publish it, While be keeps the most miserable apology for a hotel on earth, and while we are satis fied be would steal the winkers from a dead dog's eyes the Marjor was the first man in town to subscribe to our paper and we are not going back on him unless he refuses to renew. Arizona Kicker. PERMANENT ORGANIZATION. ine committee on perma nent organization reported as follows: Permanent President W Cox. Vice Presidents: 1st District- EFAydlett. 2nd District 3rd District 4th District 5th District 6th District 7th District 8th District 9th.District Permanent et. back to Unclejsam.'s and liked to have been expelled bfesideS. Ned Goulding was tbe bpst bad boy I ever saw. 1'IIe was lova ble and kmq and we small boys looked upon him as a friend, for he never would let a big boy impose on uh; He was 'a brave colonel in the wax and: hiarsOl dier boys loved him- He was a brother to FranV... who " wrote the Youngl Mardonerfe,; a ibpbk that every boy and girl in the land ought to have.-'The last edition is just splendid., ;!! .Si Well, it does look- likS there is no sure way to raise the boys.' - Boys wiU;?,be;i boys'. There is no patent bn' the busi ness. The preachers.'8pns J are j no better than Other people'8 la nd the other people are pretty , . Don't Experiment : You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always seems, at nrst only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose npon you with some cheap Imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, Coughs and Golds, but be sure yon get the 'genuine. Because he can make more profit ,he may tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Don't be deceived but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery which is guaranteed to give relief In all Throat Lung and Cheat affetionn. Trial bottles free at Rowland's Drug Sore Large Bottle $1. .... F A Woodard A B Willis. J D Allen. J T Morehead. J T LeGrand WH Williams W C Newland. E T Davidson. O X t 1 1 oecreiaries: i., M. Furman; Assistants, W. G Burkhead, and tbe Democratic press. COMMITTEE ON TLATFOKM. The following committee on platform was, appointed: 1st District A L Blow. W H Kitchen. perpetrated, lie then read a long letter which he charged Judge Shepherd with being gmlty of subornation of perju ry. Here he was again hiss ed. lie went into the details of the . charge - against Judge Shepherd. JL'DUESHKl'HKRD VINDICATED When MrJ Laughinghouse cloed, C. B. Aycock, Esq of Wayne took the floor. He made an eloquent and unanswerable argument in defence of Judge Shepherd, lie said it had baen thought proper for , him to answer because Judge Shepherd began his career in Goldsboro having been a telegraph opeator in that place. lie spoke of his ascent to fame and of- his honorable ' career and showed B a Alexander saying. that he woo Id cot accept, tha nomina tion tendered Max. I; .'. jr.., A discussion .then arose. . aa to whether th ::regnlar. . nomina tions for pliant. - Governor be made. .It was moved and car ried that the, nominations pro: coed in regular order. . i ) . . . ; " state :'orricEC V'" ' On motion of Col P B Means the; nomination : of Col W L Saunders for Secretary of State wasmad by aoclamation. .. ; ;.- , It was moved by Mr. J 3 Carr that; the nomination of D Bain for Treaf.urer.be made by acclamation,, carried.,.;) Oa motion of -JJenahan Canv- eron.'of Orange, the nomination of CojonelVT -Fi Davidson, was J coarse or our Democratic made by apchrDatloq,' , . L., ... j I sentatives in Coogre, in apies aa beretofore enunciated in the platforms of tbe party it I hereby. Resolved, That no government has tbe right to burden its people with taxes beyond the amount re quired to pay its necessary ex penses and gradually extinguish it public debt; and that whenever the revenaesj hewever derivetl, ex ceed this amount, the? should be reduced, so as to avoid a surplun in toe treasury. Tbat rniy system of taxation which neenHiTates tbe payment of a premium of ?270 by the government on each llKK) of its bonds, taken up with tbe mil lions that would otbi-iwie lie Idle in ita vaults, and paid to bond holders who purchased, in many in stances, at less than par, is un democratic, oppressive and iniqui tous and should be refunded. Tbe lU'pre- their ef- 2nd District 3rd District 4th District 5th District 6th District 7th District 8th District 9th Distrct ford. C B Aycock. C E Parish. C B Watson. W J Yates. J P Caldwell. B C Cobb. George A Shu- nominations. A Bare Young Beauty. Judge Daniel G. Fowle was placed in nomination by W. A. a. Branch, of Beaufort county. seconded by Col. Octavius Coke force aud and full of argument. It was a complete vindication A famous Canadian beautv who K Wakeand N- Strudwick of Judge Shepherd from the Lt.i.af.ih.1 hi'nar a"imi;01i oi uraie. entree ct suDornauon OI a particle of .any cosmetic to her . Maj- cnaries M. btedman,was perjury maae Dy jvir. iauga- face vet can keeD her freshness Placed in nomination bv H. A. inghouse ana maae a line and brilliancy during a tiresome Gudger, of Buncombe, seccid- impression upon the convention wahington Beason, has give to the ed by W. M. Bond; of Perqu.ra- When Mr. Aycock had finished T" : i 3 - t r m: a. t x nuaueipnia a lmes aa we secret: oi i ans. ' ner good complexion tne fact Cant. S R. AlA-rar, a juaicious, mat ne never wasues put in nomination bv Cnl. W i- ber race during the day but cares ter K gteel of -,,..3 nTZ:::: :ZZl conntY seconded by R. W of drive sue wipeslevery particle of Winston, of Granville. dnst from her face with a soft ' the balloting. chamois leather . and takes ' particular .pains not to sit too near I ihe Convention was deeply that althntrh the Dresent charge was made before the Mr. w B Glenn movedLiand it oru to give re.ief to tbo people last election Judge Shepnerd led was carried, that , the. nomina- Irom bnrdensome internal revenue his ticket in his own county, lion ot iaj, 8 Mfifiager.Baper- . " r ' T TTT " ..Z .Z . ' V.; lie read letters from Judge tt oW Injli Scheuck Maj. L. C. Latham be made, by, acclamation.. , 4 thit ir tBCJ Dnj t lm. Jaa.J Edwin Moore, G. K. Brown ;:r FOR 'BTATB'ATjnrroR. : I possible to give to our people al! Jr., C. 1. Walren W. Z. Morton I ' i ; ;- ... I the relief demanded, they mpiN.rt and other distinguished lawyers -NomlnaUona for SUte Audi- My jugt nti vthctiCHi Blf.Mnre pre- who were acquainted with tie I WT ing next lb oraer, tne rot- eDud la Congm that will afffn-d case, all of them testifying I lowing were placed In nomina-1 practioal relief irom snch exit- that Judne Shepherd had been uon: reiver, 01 - xaoore; ing onran. guilty of no unprofessional (.onincf Ilia ronltr nraa Irtnnlv andfreauently applauded, the EevJ G w &nderUn of wayne ni" er"T? - - - j -v t tv 1 i m convention manifesting . its uu ueu, wxaopera, 01. ua,iea. endorsement iu the Btrongt During ine nrst , two Daiioia way. It was the speech of tb names of Cahoon and Capt the convention full of fire Of ua re . wimiuawn. vu tne uora oaiio. uen. liooerw name was . withdrawn, and on the fourth the . name of II C Bourne was also withdrawn. Til Urt I've got mme of the meanest ceigUiurK a fellow ever had,' said a man vesterday to some balfadozon huuigiTs: tbey 'real- way on the' Itorrow. One family in particular euls- every day or two for a cop of brownsd coffee of which we keep. only tbe very best -and then returns, ia p!a-ie of It, a most m.cnor irude. v e re going to head 'em off oa that, though, they owe as a cup sow, and wbea they fetch it home wife's going to -t it away and loan it to 'em againr au 1 he chnckled with infinite satisfaction. Well sir,' continned another, after a pause, my wife has a worse neigbror tban that, be moved into onr neigh borhood a V.nt a month ago, and in a few days borrowed a cup of sugar. W ben she returned it it wasn't nesuly -so lull. After two a lbrc mch -xcticiKs my wile bet tbe cup iv.y, and wbea tbe re turned fr another loan sent back the same quantity. It was still lighter when it wan returned, and after two wet k p.iMtng back and forth my wife handed -it out lt with le tbaa a poonful In It.' Misw mnen wan in it when tne wo man sent ft !nmr queried a lis U uer. 'Sat a ringle grain! tbey bad oiibed the cop.' asu m-m iuva f Ol 1 Va; iuwi V E F, Cahoon, of Pasqnotank; CapCy A- Darden.'of . Greene; 1 . . fT' L- . . . 1 : 1 .1 . 1 a.Mui.ifKa, auafc wiiuts lihj tails of the methods by which de the BALLOTS a tire or in a draft after exercise. I absorbed when the first ' ballot j Mr. Laughinghouse again at tempted to speak but the convention refused to hear him. A scene of confusion then follow. , Mr. w. H. Kitchen then spoke in defence! of . Judge Shepherd and was loudly applauded. . v. 1 -,. IN FAVOK OP SHEPHERD. KJUtkXt v. .a- lu.La wu, a.aat)l voU AUPrroE. 5; I 1 m an Tl ..I. tot Ballot. 2nd Iri ' -4th . Upon the announcement the vote 'Mf, forward and moved that the nomlnaudu be made nnanixnoua.Iie Kracew fully and In ehdaen and fitting I sm) r!tl innnnrvimnf nl '. Mclvef . stepped timsH ; tmid :applLnse, K'1. harden t ' , l a' source of annoy, be gradually reached are subjects which tbe reprewMitaMves of our people at tbe Kalioual Capital must be trusted to adju-t.we tblsk the customs dntieM shoold lie levied for tbe prod act ion, of pablic lev enae, and tbe dhcriatnstionn in their adjustment should be such as will place tbe big heist rates on lax orioH and the lowest on the necea aaries of life, distribute si tioally aa posfeiMe the uuavoidubie burdcus of taxation, and cobtVr the greatest good on the greatest number, REsolVkd, That we. as hereto fore, favor, and will never cease to demand, the unconditional aboli tion of tbe whole interna) revenue system, as a war tax, not to be of peace ; as a to nor i-eople and annoyance ui ita prae- i tical operations. We call the at-i tentiou of tbe people of the Slat j to the physical hypocritical preteu- .oa Scilarf cr THrty layj. Yoocg man, to editor. VhaJ Co yoa think I ought U get for tbe poem, sirr Kditor. oa ongbt to get u-n dollars.' loung man, overjoved. )h. that is fnlij urn much m I expect ed.' KJilor. Yes, ten lolIars or tbir tjdaya. Tnat was more than be espl- eJ. peel fottbermore to retain: many of the nib.criujrs we a'i from tb cstnjiaihii axJ it l.by thl. means thit w x4--t to get our money. Tbe Apcawe ordinarily goes for Fix tnotitha for one dollar, but by this prop ortion it goes alMut iiiiie for the same money. Will our corref pondmls and friends everywhere please kxak this fact generally known iu their respective neildfrhnda? Will not all the Iriends every where, of tbe pa;er and the caue, now turn in and do A , t a . 1. f a. ia. unie soiiu worn tor iKn.. . . 1 . Will not the couLtry t.!- masters every where locKlm tally remark, every n w ijuil then, in the hearing cf the pat- runs of their odces, that the Advance is going at a dollar from now until the let of Jan nary? ..- Will not Democratic itera tive commiiUfuu-n, couuty aud township, canvas their WrrlLc- ry a little and si-i.d ur a lew clubs? We want a thousand cam ¬ paign pubficribers insido ot a month. We will getlhexa if the prewrnt palmm and friend of the r sper will Ic-l;. a-. liUJ tbey? 1 If anybody sen u ns a club of of ten new eubswriber. with the eab, we will reel tt-e j a- per fre to that r r & fLrm-h- out tbe campaicn. No name will ro entrel odds who it U until the money Li paid. We can do very little more than iy rpises under thH offer If we ret the thousand subixcribers and erry one pais in advanc and we certainly cannot afft rd to liava any deadheaxli in ih ntprl"o nor and of the t-ay-ym-la-tbe- fall fraternity. Now, then altApethi-r ad let's see what can I Corw. Fur tlie bkiod use IU li. 1J. For scrofula, use. U. It IL For catarrh, uU. B. B. For rheumatism, use B. B. B. For kidney tronbles, use B. B. B For emptjoji-, u B. B. B. For aH blood poison, use B. 11. It. A-0: yonr neighbor who has used I'-- B. of iu mttritA. Get onr book itce i.i ou siiuct-rUbcate ui won- dcrlal cure. , Bukid Balm Co Atlanta, Gi The Ut own fot u m jr. p. CZjA mo are tbo-.- sh M- J i" U'tt-titX. .nut wi'.b him :irf vi.-js and nights, and rp,.ke tKvrr a vnj? J"o, son; It wouldn't do to csil a w ik see a wiw lot. IkmhU call Lim a c UA, Jcf Lr mtgi.t not have aa;, u j. l&oo than sn sere h'- Hogs xe now laiiui 1-t tinHHc t- ty at St. IVU-r-Src !: tattt to bring a xr ni - z to the level of a nru; j Ntu Vurk murderer.

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