1 . T i 1 - '-v - . -v. -i-v vrv CAMPAIGN- TKZ ADVANCE FROM MOW UNTIL JAN. 1st rron ONE DOLLAR- CAMPAIGN. VOLUME-18. WILSON , NORTH CAROLINA, JUNE 14, 1888. CAJirAirjTrr ;i NUMBER 20. WWi ::NV-7:Wn:-' ;V -A" . ' -r I . - 'v r ' : - : " : - FOR ONEOOLLAP" o: I iiiKT ir r. Titii nmns Tnoit ilKi'DT it. BE TOT rAirmnini wnv rmm V .. " 1 v.- r. t i i ,,),.:,,,;.. t wmr-, j.mmr lUVlUC," I I , ' ITrT T Or1T Km nmn 1 A DAT TUT TTriTn 4 a mnnn. . I . T BILL' ARP'S LETTER -::.- K . .' tl HAIt YANK EES. c i'rojtr Who VMt thr '!"' Iron "Furnace to I'm i fin 'ji T! ' gO;l 1:1 'V. "Mr. Brad well 13 a class, who were born NAT. CONVENTION. , don't want to come, i ' fanatical hating us f 1 tney arefloiMamg, diiz zard or no blizzard. That's all right. We will have a select population after, awhile, and get up a cross that will harm onize the sectious. One of these friendly yanks Stopped here last Tuesday and looked at or bir pile of iron fcHjjS4CrBEA.T33ST AND MOST EH- 3t came Troiri. We pointed to i ' 1 rE7EE HELDIH TEE CLEYELMD AHD - THURMSB H0M1 ! '.HATED Bl iCCLiMATIOH. U1TITED STATES.. 1 .! y;iU J:r 'HP the hills and mountains all around us." Why don't you do something with it," he said in surprise. We tojd him we had not been in a hnrry about it ; that. a man- by the name of Sherman came along through this country and burned down all our furnaces, and it made us so mad it tooK us tweni.7 i The Advance of last week con five years to get over it, but we tg.ined a short item on the National nave swagea aown rjgui. iuuri' The Setl Jiandana to Ute Front Once Again. n, a good citizen and aoher. lie is a colored lu.ni v.ith a form and face that !Utra"t attention. is the preidiiv.; elder, aud was well raised !' a Savannah gentle n. ni and has the manners of a "gfiitleintui." He is my neighbor, vini ve like Lim, for he sets a goo I example to his race Con gr-Vs has 'just passed a bill tg I; y li I in nearly four thousand u!hirs for lour bales of cotton th it slu-rnviii's bummers pick f.l up and carried away to keep for him and forgot to return. T! I :il was passed unanimous- . : ' 1 . 3 - m .j. 4 . , ;iiia we are giau oi ii. a :, - ,h'J-.,( ,,nrZ o iia Sam Jones could -.go there.and ri.ht fair prioo for cotton.' That a hundred thopsand 0cllas rim .,. ,nLa of stock taken in two-days, .for L lain; f IX . 3 UllU IV U.. UUW A. ly jiowad are going to ao sometlinp. He came" round to a town meeting-that 'flight and took twenty, shares of stock in our new lurnace "and paid the first install ment and went away, and aa'd we - would hear from democratic Convention, which was in session at St. Loms as we went to press. ' ' ' ' The : National Democratic Con vention assembled in the Exposi tion building at St. Louis on Tnes. day the 6th inst., at 12.S5. The Convention was called to order by OTTO : NEXT VICE PEESIDZNT. Sketch of Ohio's , Sistingut'-lied Statesman Eon. Allen 5- THur-nan- ' ' ' TEE OLE LOyEE AITD' THE 2TEV; Senator Thurm an U perhaps M well known thronghoat the country 33 aoy of the statesmen of the pres ent time; and it is safe to ad.i that the State of Ohio never bad a nore able representative in the Congress in. the. United States. . . SKETCH; ei HIS LIFB AND SERVICES. j 'AlleaG, Thurman was bom in Lynchburg, Virgiuia. November 13, 1813. His paternal , ancestors -for over 200 years were citizens of that State, he being of the sixth get-wa-tion of his family born in the Old Uiminion.' His grandfather was a a soldier in the Revolution, and liis mother , was the daughter of Colonel Nathaniel Allen, of IS'rth Carolina, nephew and adopted son ol josepu uewes, one oi ine sign-1 ersofthe Declaration of Indeiien dence who as chairman of tee Na val Committee during the first few years or tue revolution perrormea the duties wdicu nave since invol ved on the Secretary of the JS'avy. Mr. Thurman moved to Ohio in the year 1319, and received an academ ic education, study id g law with the, late Hou. Wm. lleu and Juage v aia evenings, rnu ol mnslc, char How I Bhoiild like to elope, Bald eJPra8 "a P8' dances, Silvestra Grey, sitting under the BKra ana uaptwo Leon- crimsoning maples, with an open t jcame constant attendant book in her hand- , on Bilvestra Grey. A handsome . To what!' said Jack Leonard, PPle they made, nd people be who had been leaning against the Q to whUpef at the possibilities trunk of the: nearest trees partially an early wedding. wbHtling oat a set ot silk winders, T 1 w,"h' "Silvestra, en and waiting or some risible sigh thusUstically one day, Hbt yo or token of Silvestra's notice 0001,1 baTe my cousin Jack! To elope, repeated 8UTetrm. Denr old Jack! Yoa remind tne or wun a uttie irown: Mice 1 jktt ier-1 " -- stnepnmantw nterdays and ftfP.Wx ni? A . WCPTT , I Jkl J -I U VA IX II UIJU WHAT IS UAPPEXISG lit 2UE WORLD ABO UXI VS. alda Fits Gerald in this bo-k.' I shall be jealous of this Jack, 4 What did She elope fbrP arte I In v6 ftbouk hita ny longer,' honest Jack, i . .Why didn't hei"aia ,ne captainnjng; , " get manied likeoiaergirta, jOth aL f0 T "ijlvestra; wadding present, and all that sort . nd dia bimr OlllUUgJ A cofutenaed report o'ft krnru tin gathered from the column of wr oontemporu . . State ami XationnL. T2S FLATTCSli :ThK.-Vi Carols Teacher will, be pobUohea daily during the Aj- emuiy. . 'Jradwell. i-s a colored ii:l:s ot tne people Dotn jortu and South to the! colored, race. Mayb tiiid is the beginning of 'tlie irreat restoration. Maybe our vhito folks will come next and got some of that surplus that is iii the treasury, W..H- Rrnnm. . Ohairniiin of the him later-His name isuincy, National Executive Committee. S. and be lives m Chicago, bo it M. White, of California, was made swavne. a Justice in the United . r i 1 ' I , t j T". I seems that tue nrsi casu money temporary cnairman ana irairic k gUnreme Court. He for our furnace came from Chi- A. Collins, of Massachussetts. was t0 tbe bar in 1833 and immediately cago, and Mr. Qmney said that made permanent chairman. After t0ok a high stand, being bronght iiciiuoucui iuii,imii ttco v.. mto competiiion wun ucu mwje iected, the Convention adjourned a8 as Henrv Stanberry, Thomas until next aay weanesaay- On Wednesday .Daniel Dougn- erty, of New York, nominated Grover Cleveland-fseconded by Jae. A. MeKenzie, ho ia vprv nnnnlar in Chicago. man I J r 1 1 and it shows the kindly feel- uu ' I .. i!i.t. J ' i-.ii. -x-.i. I fiiii lii m tn Rjir that lift lived here and knew the quality aud Judge Twigg, of Georgia, W. E. oi Kentucky, Mr. Stout, of Morrison, of Illinois,! ; Michigan, Mr. Dawsoa, of South ! Carolina and Mr. Lightfoot, of Texas. - .The nomination of Mr. Cleveland for President was made by accla- lUVe. llri aim tOOK irom US Wltn lW miuunu. iu ua.iucmc, malice aforethought we won't and the waterworks, and elec sny a word more about the tar- trie lights, and a brass band to ill nor : lternal revenue. I see I toot our horri. Aleck Willing there are a lot of claims being I ham says his next ambition is filed -from the South, and I an iron tower on Pine moun wonder if the claimants were tain hih enough for ti3'to'look union nien so called or our around at all our suburbs, such Ewiug and Judge Hunter. He nev. er sought for ouice, but the om. e ot Bepreaentative from Ohio t-. the Twenty-omth congress was ir.iasi upon bim against his incuu-ion. He bad declined the candidacy out when absent from the State, ht was nominated and elected by 400 -ua- jority in a district wmcn c- i in the previous canvass eiecteo ine Whig candidate by a majority al most as large. He declined v. re election, imd returned to tue -.cac tice of hia prolessiou. in iao uu was elected Judge ol the Sup erne Court in Ohio, ruuuiug 2,000 ''fes ahead of his party iu the Stat, . He wis Chief Justice of the same rom 1854 to '66 aud was a Democratic 'Jack, what a 1 goose yon are,' said Silvestra, serenely scornful. 'Yes, I know I'm goose,' ad mitted Jack; 'but ' There yon stand.' said Silvestra, arching ker pretty soornfnl brows, 'a great overgrown lubber, whit tling away just like the Yankee on the stage ' ' won't whittle if you don't like it, Silvestra,7 said Jack,' guiltily tbruMting his knile into his pocket. 'Like it! What difference does it make whether I like it ot : notF flashed out Silvestra. 'Whittle if jon please It 's only 'm part of your character and go on asking was admitted rioicnious ques. wns. ior l wa going h sy, ouresira,' pursued Jack, mildly accepting her shoirer of peppery weeds aa a matter of coarse, .'that if yon pre ferred eloping to the regular thing, I'd elope witto ( yon any time.' m i - ... . xupopie oi inKion want a big Fourth of Jul v celebration and I a l iuit Fair. " Gome,' said Silvestra, Hhat is careely a fair question. Of eoame I liked him, a little.' "Mlse GreyP . ' 'Yes, Captain Leonard i? - ' - . suppose I were-to eay tbat lj rour negm men are on trial in ucea yon afreet oeai tnat I lor- J uornam a th ru-rge of having ea jou i. eommiuoa rdx una uegro wom- Oh, Oaptato Leonaidi." an. 'Would you Way me no or jeaP Th -... Y sh hIiDr A r. .be "W-tratea of W ayne coon. ftftimM-. - iy nave reunceU the rate of tax- Yoo know that I love you, Giaa. I . iuree men constituting the Dot- ono.' (withaofu renroachful ee.ll iKnaaittee ol their nman in If I were a poor beggar in thei Sw. Uven, were found puiltr and Via Martua, would you love me I e"ieei ur oujooalug. stilir be oatecklsed btrt, with ten- aer earnesineM. YeT she answered, steadfastly. Jr or my sell onlyl' Oo, Giaoopo, bow cia yon, ak tbe cruel qneatioosf . . k uae to De sure,' said lite , cap- serenely. 'Oeme iMjre, In tie You!' cried Silvestra, boratiog "u W f 1 - i,iet!'.bers of Congress jast tak in tit-m up promiscuous. If they are all from , union men ti.ey sir trotting prettyj numer als of late, aud, I reckon will as Atlanta : ana t Kome; s ana ChattaDooga. Since Carters- ville has got on a little boom Aleck steps as high as a blind horse', and is pricing himself by quantity of these ores. But our furnace is now assured and will be built right awayi J le ' will let some outsiders build furnace number 2, and then comes the If they will pay us what tney roiling mm, aim pwv ivrjr, mation, without a dissenting voice. lae convention was wild witn en thusiasm and at every mention of the name ol Cleveland the ionuest and longest demonstrations of en thesiastic devotiou were to be seen and heard on every side. There never was a scene to be compared with the spectacle the - National Democratic Convention presented during the time Mr. Cleveland's name was being presented to that body. After the nomination ot Mr. Cleveland the Convention adjourn ed uutu Thursday morning. As the delegates came in the nan oanners were seen noating in the air representative of the differ ent candidates lor toe vice I'.esi. dency. The Indiana delegation pre sented a large gray banner, show. ing their preference for Gov.. Gray for second place on the ticket. The rea.Danaanna was seen on every side and the name of Thurman was on almost every lip. The Illinois delegation ; presented the name ol di-olve the partnership that's whioh had taken the most stock Slack, although they expected an- all. Wb never nronosed to in- aennrdina- trflneans. and he "ier man to be nominated. ..: After vade their territory' nor inter- sicked 'em at one another until fcra witli the government at he made them both -double, I Washington. We never hanker- never saw such a man to loosen etl after a luht, and we never up the people and. open their believed there would be any. I pocketbooks. ' HetaH over here agm 6uat was onlv ennallftd hv tht , ure c ".i i o,i ci,,.i .u.niJ.' r- ' .B' 1r w?.8.on'y e9nae OJ tnat dressed the Senate ijn . s tor -ecefsion. but ween ran back next mornins-to work out into a merry peal of mocking laughter. 'Yes, I,' said Jack. " 'Why not I I'm sure I love you, Silvestra, just an much as the hero loved Lady. What's her-name Fitx-what-do-yon call her in the story. ; And if yoa'd only marry me, Silvestra, I aboald't oare if it was an elopement or a regular eb inch affair, with carri ages and cards.' 'Jack, leave off talking nonsense and go along,'! said Sylreatra, per emptorlly. , . . 'Dear ovlveatia, won't yon say candidate for Governor of Oh o m inat jou wm marry mei .r ne; nam '67, but lacked 3,000 votes. ' Ii '68 D,l'J,1,e,aQ?- ai v'a vra va l'jI ninru thicker, mor denser, j the front fott, which IS a nnm as ( ibj -ays, if Congrqsa id tro- ber twelve. . V JV, int: to pay them. Most Ml of the Sam Jones is a boomer, too. rUiual secessionists are dead He made a rollicking talk the but the union men are lively other night and drew six thpus- ijime lively; en,' me iaci is, ana aoiiars oi biock out oi . ine we wer all for union on fair boys in a few , minutes. One principle?. A few wanted to fellow got behind a ?potand tiht'just for the fun of the hid, .but Sam got him and nail- thmt-v but not many. Most of ed him for , five hundred. He us iut wanted to secede to got'two men to quarreling as to "eceesion, th" lihtinu' 'oine on I quit hol ler.!! ;,ini became as gentle as a suckiiiL.- d,.i ve. Mrs. Arp want ed t iiht a littleibut 1 didn't. Mo evtrybjdv Iwould have compn .m!sed - but j the women and tJie preachers but we were jn lur it aim had to light or back d.iwn. V"e never invaded dif ir t- -ritory and i' they had lei 'us aloae we would have let the in aione ana so 1 aon t con-. j-ider myself responsible and therefore they ought to tote fair and settle up. My wife lost a barrel tit so.xp that we leit. in the smokehouse and she wants on th3 Romans Tom Mil ner made a talk. L.e began soft, sweet and low, like the gentle rumbling of far dis tant thunder. , 2fearer and near er the storm came and finally was precipitated upon us with a terrific outburst' of "Give m3 liberty or givame death," and then the fr 'Dace was; consider ed built. It was a good, old- fashioued towii meeting, and Mr. Quiucy .niade abquf the best speech of anybody, for -he had the money in his hand in stead of his "Socket. Hurrah for Chicago When a yank is he was elected to the U .itert States Senate to succeed Ho'. B. p. Wade, and took his seat M uch 4, 1869; and was re-elected in ibli lor the term ending .aiarcu , laoi, daring which time he served o ; the siary Committee, tne jou-. oe- tect Committee on IteUeneb .ient and the Committee ou Post Ouiceb aad Roads and was a member of the Electoral Commission in I87G. Seuator Thurman, while in fbe Senate, was extremely vigilant and faithful, wateliing with careful - . r i eye an proceeaiugs a irequeui, speaker, ready, clear, persntent and stroug in Ueoate; couneou in bis bearing, and generally evuu mg lerfect candor and respect toward rinnnncnti and tllfiif ODII1I D8. the ballot had , begun and most of while, with abilitv. he asserted and the States had voted, it was moved j advocated his own view. His first that Allen G. Thurman of Ohio, be Kn-.u in th Senate-was on the nominated by acclamation. The n,itmn nf Knondin? the eivil motiou was carried, with enthusi- rnnr act. fie subseonentlv a- in a series ot nnoMflip. aha and fair exDODQts ted.' I nf ', Vmno-atie views noon all this circlet ol diamonds oa your piamp Soger. Ah, here .comeV Miss LeonarUr , HJilveetra ran to ber, with eye lashes wet with aansbiny tears. , .. H)h, alias lieanard,' abe aobbed, I am eugagedT Aunt Sadie lifted her eyebrows. To JaekT'.aaid ahe. , . To Giacopo,' corrected the beau ty 'to Captain LeoaardL'. 'Well,' said Anul , Sadie, .'ie'a jack.. ;. 'ailveatra turned, tuwund. with a laea of pretty pntalwueot. i. . . ., Jack!' ahe repeahed 'Jackl. '. . Say it again, sweetheart, car eased Captain Leoaardi, tenderly impriHoning her band in hi. 'Yoo don't know bow tweet it bonada And, Hil veatra ' Weill' , V. . 'If von would rather our marriace ended in an elopement than a reg- Ular church wedding ' I Our. bualos baa appointed July Bilvestra gave a little compre-1 12ih as 'Lme for tU txecutioo cf hxudine cry; the scarlet blood fiif-1 Vm. A. Potts, t .c mmdererof fused ber face; ahe clasped both I nl Lncke in li- anfort conntv now. bave WonlerM Cures. pay for it. It'was good old-fash- clever he is the cleverest man We guarantee thorn always loaeu lye suay uiauu iu iuc uarii m me woriu, out wuen ne is "i -a-. xvowiana. W. D. Hoyt & Co , Wholesale and Retail Druggiata of Rome, Ga., say We have been selling Dr. King's JSew Discovery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for four years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. There ave oeen some wonderiol cures effected by these medicines in this city. ' Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cureu oy use ot a few bottles of Dr, n-iug s in ew uiscovery, taKen in tuuuauua witn Kiectric fitters. Sold important party quesnous, as well as such aa were above any party coloring or character. He panic - pated preeminently in the d fus sioiis relating to the judiciary , cur rency, questions ot tariff and tax ation and continued to discuss the prominent legislative questions, alwavs winning his full share ol at tention and respect. bands over ber eyes. 'Obr she cried. 'I gee it all Ob, Jack! Jack! bow could I been so blind, bow could IT But in vain she strove to draw ber hand away. Captain Leoiar di held it fast. Yon have promised me,.' my dear,' be declared ; 'jou bave prom ised, and X shall not let yon go.' 'And I doa't want you to,' whia pered Silvestra. I I think I, al ways loved you, Jack, even when yon were a great , awakard boy. Bat now' ' f ' ' And ber bright, shy eyes, timid ly lifted to hU, told the tale. Aunt Sadie amiled to herself as she crept away. 'My little plan has succeeded,'' said she, ,'aa 'I thought it would? of the moon. General Vandiver ociMipied our house and used up all. that soap iu six weekij He n list have been an awful, dirty mm. 1 wasent doing very much fighting then I was running and that was our principle liiriuesH for several mohths, 3 1 1 svt ! dodging around with no rest for the soles of our feet. ibeloiu invader Kept us a tro .tin mean ne is tue meanest, l waa powerful mad the other day! wnen l learned tnat trat con temptible' cuss aiggins or "Wig gins or Piggins or whatever hia name is, had written and pub lished a history of the war in which he had Jefferson Davial caught in woman's clothes, and He Got it Skit. Pompons Old Teacher (to class iu sacred History)-"What weapon uiu fcampsou use to kill the Philli- stines T ' . U"o one remembers. ' n t m i . . . '. x.a, (wno neneves in sric. vVLIlIla.il H UlULllcs, O.UU I racHn o..o. . ...5". thtt the book was actually used 7. ;At?'UiU n cum 1VI T ha l np.i c-mninnm-rnt- I . ... " ' IUO vf O. HA crjaUillclil V 0.1 ilfLOU I Kridrhf Unit n i - . 1 met a friendly yank ville. I was mad enon.h td H ZXLX, tl other (lav who was with fi ,.t anA k ' rrT . -u uowj xue , i " - "-" mem w iaiLj ua i lawiMjue oi an asa. sir " WlinOnv'.Tt liafilirt.. frla hnnnfi I n ! mt a. .1- . unwiiiaii i-ciuaiujj wiiio ucouu- again.;. . mat same oiq lie tnat fnl nimirr A irvii f n a 1 (pfanrf I (. rt v 1 1 Jl a . intriirlnrtiTl liq sin1 gsfcorl him if t,.n.J : j t I ' er8CHai' 1 .1! .1. H 1. 1:V11 ,rli-ltl. , ' "J - " ". oueu u5uk vrauiuieu uown air. n mhiioiiofain , At ar 'i') "' vo biie, Eburuaia ui :ur cnnarenj one, Ala- writes r I tafeA oroat An Ezplanaticn- What is this "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to afflicted! Ifjon .will rememner a few years jago the word Maiaria was comparatively unknown. to-day it as common as any word in the English language, yet this word cover only the meaning of another word used by our fore fathers in j. times past. So it is with ner-vbui disemes, aa the; and Malaria are. iutended to 'ver what our 21 am! fat hers called Bit HoiisneaH, and all are cause 1 by troubles that arise from a du ;ued condition of the. Liver wbh ii la performing its functiooa ttudnig it cannot dispose of the bile tin mgh the ordinary cnannel is compiled to pass it otf ihrough the sclera canning n jrvous troubles, M' iria Billions Fever, etc. You wh? are suffering can well appreci.e cure. We recommend G, en' August Flower-' Its cures- are marVelon. 1 ' : - the' little beauty. stamping her foot. 'I won't marry yoo, and I've told- you a thousand times Defore. ' And ir - yon - ever dare to ask me the question again. I'll I II never apeak to yon as long as I live.' . i . So Silvestra went away; ber her pretty head erect in the air, h ir hazel eyes sparkling with dia pleasure. And Jack looked after her like a big, loving, wretched Newfoundland dog of a man as be was. 'She's soch a little darling,' he mused, adly, 'And IVt give the world for one of her sweet looki but somehow 1 don't seem to suit her, let me say or do what I will.' And Jack went borne to bis maiden aunt, a jolly old lady, with a fortune "to leave," who was a great reader, and hugely luterest ed in love affairs of every kind and description, and told all his trou bles to this affectionate old confi dante. - 'Sne'a an sngeL 1 Aaat Sadie. 'No more an angel tbaa I am. I've seen her. A pretty, sunburned little thing, wrth a : pair of spark ling eyes, and something of a lisp. So you like her do youf ' I love her ma ami declared Jack, fervently. . : 'And you'd like to marry herf 'I sball be wretchel forever if I canuot win her.' be protested. 'Very well,' said Aant Sadie. I can tell yon bow to gain ber affee 'Dearest Aunt Sadie, if yon will onlv helD'ma tn ootalu this nriiP 'Lar off nrnratimr.'. ma.u Ant I and bttle girls whom the suierin Sacie, 'and luten to me. Go I beCoreband engaged away. There's your conain Her-1 w opwave me macuiaea reporieu bert Wyatt going to the Medeter-1 wanj.or anty.me wort 01 insirac ranean in bis steam yacht. There WM prom.-atlj begun. Tbereis no are th Folliott Vriw tn.ii utitt. Host motion In Wadeabort'a Silk ing to look op the ' aoarces ot the Nile.1 Or if yoo prefer moose bunting in. Maine, or salmon fish ing kg Tadonsac ' j ' j 'Kllf. A lint Rrkilio - miuiv syvuiv- 'And then grow a heavy beard,' added the; old lady, imperiously; 'ear hroadbrimmed sombrero bats; study up the matter of cos tume; read roetry and romance.' But I always go to sleep over It, ma'am,' said honest Jack. No matter for that, pronounced Aant Sadie. i-'Wate up, god be gin aeain. Never despair. Model ,. The report urthe, Committee on Platform a. tl.-n read bv J. 1. CaldwU W . of Stat(Tllle, aud eniuuiasiica!iy n'lopten. ' it wa as follows: 1 ' . r e again cxtjrriiiuiaie le peo ple ot North '.in4.na on' the cou- ttaoed mjovn cntloX. peace, (and goTtrnox-ni . id general proevnty under ! ni-cratie admiaistratio ot Ike affairi of tba rkata wb'Lh baa now bc.-n unbroken Ltt ao main iearx: npoa t .t juft axij tmnauU en'orcement (T the law ; oroa thf incteasingenicieocy of car common school rtu-a, and tfcei jxtess waa irt-raL-v Wiitwa irnm the improvement aid mArnrM maaifetted la all parts of the ftite. e again cnilleaes a oamnanarM between tbis Mate of tbmra and lh wjUm, oimea aod aoandaU wbicu aitrtidcu iUpnblicao aornd- aucy in our borders U e Jtdge oulves to icrt la tie future a In the pat our txit tSbrts to pro- move me latetrMS of the permlc t.I a'.l Mclloaa ol t'je Stat. Affirming our aon.reoce to lemocratc r.nn 4es as tiuetafora ennariated in tbe pUtlorms tf tie tauty, It U hereby UKSOLYKD, Thatagovtaita ba tbe nbi to bsrdna iu rtj.l wiva laxee ie ;u a iue aaoaat t quitrd to paj' it uroestsly ex ne and grdOk!!y extlUgOiib il pubr.c UvlK ; and that wbrntrrr the reTrnsr. tfTVtr 6( rfred. er ceed tula atnonn', tbey Lrltl b mluaml. j a. ! aro4 a aerptos la toe ueaurv. Taalmtiy syeta c4 taxation mbib nt-cr,kiiatna tbe paxmiDt f a premium o( t: '"Q l the governiuciit vU tava J,0X ol it uoud. Uk-a u. a.'.a iu lion that ouI UI(-i1m im iJV In UM vaa'.ta, acl ij '4 to lond ho'.lers who parr bap. d, ta masylo ince nr luatr' par, t on (ltniTiiih. ;rK4rt ao,J toviui Mii;iit;4 in l to then ef Hrifcic mik4 to- Ue pe'i,i.'e Irom but'Itu. -i; j mu-rsal ieebae aid tiria: r ...:ya, tartta Ua tie auproval i.f tlj Uiiuociaiu: iart of tbi Sta'a uuti miiHifjMv lectimTuenq ;:iai 11 iLej end It 1m !yM!)., ?(1 Z.7S TO PH"I(.!L Tl. . H I . .. . I., . . . tun viihwit it lur iv pro-1 Tr.:j; 1 -li..!ll I.'O- TLit nmi..,i '"'r wguij iMToe r;aie. ine 1 auv aud iusct rai mnmr. nn. louowisg will .nOtantiale: ilrc. n:l to Cagrr that will afford oa uoru iiiiord, bo live tin tbe la prartitml rlf li.m sorb tx wt- mwer end or.f be county, bas given I ing bcrd-n. . r- - . orna 10 lour nova witbin the iat I i:kLvi.1). TLli wbd tiw. t 4 m. A .... Aft. II la 1 . . k-ic uiunijit.. uiueuo. 1 iaan ti ilc tut i idi br which Lh , ine omiiuui'iu iierau sirs ti. fi. (lodges bad Lis noe maehed to piecca by a base ban bat that Hp. ped from the hand of the bitter. JlcJ. R. JJuatr,of LtOdKter S. C, coiniuiurj Miicide a few d iy ago. lie wa .lli j . I..t at the time and father of th- h-nff having filled that rfflc Mkelf. Ill health was the euv irtle rb deed. . 1 1 . . . ... . r airier nyan uaauiul poem, "The Omquured li iuuvr," baa been et tomus-jr, mUU Uagnsfa and tier- man word, by liev. F. W 1- Tcs- cbaa, pa hi or of the Laibenran Church at W ilmlagbiu. The 8uprrmn Cuil b.t decided a verj curioas case. A woaaa oiaru-rea. 1 er kaoaud and wa aentlo the pe,rentiary m sued lordOTer out of. the eta'e tbe Coart grauied ber cUicn frr dow er. . C-uti(4liaual be gii wliU h Una aball be gxardu. rt-acUed are subiecta tt rvv nue He was convicted in the lower I court and sentenced to be hang on May IRtb. An api-e.il w taken to the Supreme Court and the judgement of loer court af.inn- ed. i - A colored man Mt Ilirmlngham. Ala., was Iriicbtened ia'.o a delir- i-i:rx-u;aiivt ol oar leop.e fat tbe al)tial Caohal moot lie tra-ie ! to aJjot, we tblsk the ca-toin datiea KboulJ be levied for tbe pro ! nr: ion of public rev enue, and the d.crimlnatkns In their adjustment iioald be nch a will placa i he insist rates oa loz nriea and tbe lowest ua tbe neoea -neof lUe, (Utribote aa equally aa pontage t Li unavoidable bardena ium by a couple or "etru boy, wbo I of Uixation, and cot.fci I be greatest A North Carolina Silk Factory. The crude ailk Imported Irom Japau for the Wadeaboro Silk l ac tory, arrived ia Wadeaboro Saturday morning after a short delay on the road. It waa at once taken to tbe factory and prepared , for manufacture, Jingbt aud early Monday morning the young ladies. knowing that he was afraid of ghouls, dfiguiw-d and '.bid them elvt s near a grave apd rushed at bim as he pasml by. The lw were arrested and the man w a ma niac .. OnJlr. G.'i. llernn;' ilre. aooat one ana a Unit miles from FaHiug Creek, l.it riday, Lanra Miller, a ten or twelve year old col ored girl, waa kindling a fire by pourios keioeine on it Irom a cati. Ihe can explodetr, tbe oil flew all over ber and burted her clothe aud skin. At last acconu she waa suuering ierriu;e a ,o nes, and co b-pe ia le.lt that ebe will recurer. good on tLe greaten: jiumber. JlE.-oLVri, That we. as hereto. fore, favor, and will never t-eaae ta demand, the unconditional aboli tion oi ine wr,oe internal Tevenne ys.em, a-i a war tax. 'Dot to be justified iu times of peace: as a gnevoo burden to ear people acd a source oi annoyance in Ua prac ucai ijeraitiUH. yt r . . mt tent "ion of the people i ibe Srate to tiie pb.VMcal hj Kicnti- J pre! en sions oi tue leubucan iartv in tbeir platforms that tbev are in favor of the repeal of tbis oneron ysum of taxation, enacted by tbeir party, wfaito iae Kpnblicaoa in longresa are lAXlsg tbeir eaer. tioa ttetween free and convict la. bor. bat it lut U at u bhall not remair !J the ex teaae of botet ..Ur. KtS. J.TED, TL-t czrt, U-lrr sa agriealtnral rfutr. it i tar !atj aa well aa our i!eaar( t I totiioia jiv aod all legudatioa tba: ta twal cl culated to.advance tie u:tcrcts cf encnuure; and ta;it .a to do:ag we win moft etacuallr ar-nce the interest ol tzr iics. maiin- farlaiers aud UUw. . . Kfc)il.VtI. Tbat tie l)rarrir of North C atCri ua cor!: a?e sti. piovctae adiaiusran vt Hon. Alfred M- Scale a 1 ,tt-t- naLrL oiic aod coT:crvah v. lie -m-kij, TUrvf.cli:Ltr, peodetjee, fa-tbtu': lo a.t,d manly courage rr lTeji.Vut nrve latid tiare tfi the .'.iiurat Ka' of all good men ; at 4 t e in:4-tetia of Jbe ennntry drtaard Lm raetnsaa tloa ai. I Ll r 1 1.iu a. - Tbe Avrxrr. will jtit frota now until J.-auary lit fi r One Dollar. Our object tn itiuc Ibis proprtfiUon i l!;nt ve ).r.N bavins eonrSSerat ld tt. ry l- tbe Irople larim Vi loU-n about iLe t a-u j-artJ We prorojj ebowia titt xLeir r ord ms c l-arly itl j .-itl for ua to do end 'il!n.T tnr eelves U rettln . tbe -t . govemtnu.1 ILe lcwrat'c party. We 5ei:e a lar.;t null etjee lLanweti w le ibvujh we already l.avt n, 1 .r.- r'mi latlon tifj tre y tufxi of tM j r-jfl;i(a t, a!i itiy new uataee to our IjM, Ve ex Iect fuilLert.ire 1 r-t.5a many cf tbe enb-rrlbt-ra we el from tbe raoiptl-n laid It U t tbbixneaxL!t that we ex, ert Ui get our lactey. 1L Apvax or Jhiarily go lur dx tutliS for one dollar, lut l.y t! t rep option it tbil .ii:e tut ti e eatne vinvy. Will our corre jAt;.'i uU ld friend eTerywLe-e j '.eae tuiae Ibis fact generally Vnowti ia lbelrrerwtlvB n. ii.b!ir!.i-? Will not all tie Irien l- every wbere, of tbe x 2; tr tnl tbe cau.e, now turn 11 ! a little nolid work f r b -lb? Will not the c.uiilry t--l-m asters every wberw lccid-1-Ully remark, every ti.w. i:J tben. In tbe Le&rlr..; cf Iho ii- rons of tbclr oCt-. tbit tl.e Avvascz in goii gat a do!b?.t from now until I ". ,f Js nary? ..... Will not IVmvraUe Kvj- tlve cornmltte-LierM cnnir ani townabip, ricrtM lh !r territo ry a little and en 1 t. a Jer clubs? We want a tbosisar 4 can. paign 8ubri!er inI2e tif a montb. We will Kt tba ia If tbe present patron ai: 1 triectda of tbe iiaper wiil belp it. JTill Ibey? If any body kdIh i. a rJel uf . witb e i-v IvinMoi free l'rea. lies toobtrtfet 1-, J.ti. - 1, ta I ou"ie4 by the rvjirvaeataUrM before, but bis back is quite fa miliar." - l met anotber one, .tbe next day, wbo said be was ud in the valley. 1 with' General ilaiikn, and monkeyed around Stonewall Jacksou, until he Roman nraagee. Why, yes, of Hurrah for those girls who e- ple,asnre in recommending Dr course, v 1 never saw hia face fused to recite it. vHiggiiiS -or King's New Discovery for (Don Wiggins or Piggins is a knave. 80 mPt,on having nsed it for a or a fool, i and I,Tdon't care which. That is1 oner thing our northern brethren bad just as; well to know and never forget that the South is just as jeaK rould run like a deer. 1 He said 6uk of the honor &nd good name. that ha'aks was Jackson's com- of Jefferson Davis as tbe North tm.-ury; and the boys thought is of Abraham Lincoln. Wei it wan cheaper to feed old Stonfe- reverence Mr Lincoln and nev-j au iuau iu ugui mm, auo i?u tir litlL U UU llUllur LU ilia II the ' always fought a runnin u d when tueir wounaea men go j to the hospital, the eurgeor s always turned them over "face downwards., to see whereabouts in the back they were Bhot. ! "We were the backbone of the army." said he, "and always fell fighting with onr feet to ihe foe and our ; face to . the ground: Stonewall Jackson was a. spirit si.. Joan of Arc and we never kney where he was, or When he was coming." I bave been mixing up with a good many of our Northern brethren of late, and I like the in. If they are fair samples, we. will take a car load and make a contract for more. I be lieve they will pay Mrs.. Arp for that barrel of soap, ' with 'o.npound interest. The fact is that nobody but liberal minded and conservative, people will come down here from the er fail to do honor to his mem- ory, and it he . disguisedhim 4 self in a Scotch cap and cloak! 5rd "Words Unspoken.' 1 Be ri,. ,-i.. i. vere attack of Bronchitis and Ca- " ye"'uuco cf andentLf. T iaT 'eliet With those who are most near to us and entirely cured me and I have anj,w. not Den afflicted since. 1 also be ,7 uZTaI u wieu otuer yoornelf over again. Don't yon see tbat this Jack Leonard doeaut satisfy onr little queen of coquettes Jbet's see il we can't te build him to suit! her royal majesty J Jack listened, comprehended, eagerly assented ; and whether be Factory. Svstem prevails. The snjtenntendent is 'roaster , of the aituation." Kot only does be know how to do it himself, but be has tbe faculty of imparting what be knows toother. A It cempany with Bro. Boylin of the Messenger, we paid a, visit to the ailk lactory Monday morning. We found , everything lire and activity everything pleasant and inviting. The factory . boildiog ia comfortable and well ventilated and clean. Tbe machinery moves noiselesaly, Hike a thing or life. It Is clean and might be bendled with out soiling a while kid glove. And then it ia ' not dangerous looking like ' tbe machinery in most factories." There seems no chance ol one' retting hart except as a result of tbe most criminal on his way to (Washington," i makes no difference with tis. I never believer! that story ,tnd am glad that oar folks dMn'i start it. I reckon that all these lies and slanders will wear out after aWhile'and the next gen eration will get at ' the ' bottom facts about all this business and pay Mrs. Arp or her heirs for that barrel of; soUpv J shppe so. 1, . ... .j ."' Yesterday was the maternal birthday. T won't teay how she is, but I kn6w she Was ttbfc- ting around when the sfars fell. I gave her fi ve ? dollars , to. buy k summer coat for me, and anoth er five to buy a parasol. I stuck a hollyhock in; Aer raven hair and kisstd her ;on hex alabaster forebead. She wiped the.riiss off but let tfie ijldweratay. " to state $bat I had remeuies witn no gooi result. Have also used Electric Bitters and Dr. King's New Life Pills,- both of which I can recommend, . i Pr. King's Kew Discovery - for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, U sold on a positive gnarantee. Trial bottles free at A. W.'Itow and's Drug Store. - ' Writtoa By a Widower- It is given out tbat Mrs. Cleveland has discarded . the bustle. Bnt what has this got to do with the price of provisions? We hope on lady mends will not follow Mrs Cleveland's example in this naricu lar. The bustle is the beat arm re.sl ever invented, and its usefulness should not be sacrificed because one woman says must go. Who is Mrs. Cleveland anyhow! Capt. Jno. S. Dancy's barn, con taining one - huudred and: thirty live barrels of corn and a shelter for carts, wagons, &c, was burned Sunday ,nigDt tThere isr little doubt that the fire was the work of an incendiary ' Captain Dancy's loss is about twelve hundred dol lars, with no insurance. Tarboro Southerner. day by things., but he- just day, Aud speak of myriad . seldom say The full sweet word that in our reach, Beneath the commou-placi of com- : mon speech. Then out of sight and out of reach they go Those close, familiar friends who love us so ; And sitting in the shadow they have left, Alone, with loneliness, and sore bereft, We think with vain regret ot some kind word Tli at Once we might have Raid and they have heard. j . t The Little Busy Boa. ; went to adonsari. the Brtnmea ef careleasnesa and even tben tbe the Nile. Mie Kav of Nunta ne thn I injury wound hardly appear to Kangeley Lakes, -be disappeared without even ' bidding farewell ta Silvestra Grey. ; ' i .'How very eccentric of him,' thought Miss Grey - 'Bat, after all all, it' just like dear, fnnqy old .Jack.' . .' i And then she forgot all about him. ." ' - : When Aunt Sadie Leonard opened : ber little brown-stone bouse on Linden Park to society the second winter, she bad several unusual attraction a Lady Boaetta Amy Hard, of Amyllatd Park, ; ia Dorsetshire,: who . waa writing ; a book about tbe Americans; . Sir Hardy Hardiland, of, Australia, and Captain Giacopo Leonard!, of Veaicc to Introduce to the world. And as Miss Leonard held in her white, wrinkled .little band the golden (key which 'r nnlocka the gates of society, the distinguished foreigners ! had a very pleasant You never hear the bee complain, time, T . . . :i ?1 I : an. Nor hear it weep nor wail ; Bqt; if it wish, it can unfold A very painful tail, " Washington C- 'tic. . An exchange : says tbat if a de linquent a ,d a half should pay a dollar and a half in a year and a half, an editor and a half would have a chance and a half of get ting a meal and a half occasionally. The captain was tall and dark. not unlike what poor Jack Leonard had been two vears ago. 'Yes, I think it's likely there ia a resemblance,' , ehnly observed AuutBadie, when Silvestra Grey noted it. . 'The Leoaardi are dis tant relatives or ours. Poor Jack 1 1 wish be was here to-day . Yes,' said. Silvestra. Bliehtlv Befteniugy 'Jack was. very nice, very, oary a little ootrer - " be : very serlona. Their nimble fingers seemed not all thumbs in the manipulntien of the delicate threads of silk almost too oeftcate to be Recti by the nnaided eye. Only twelve young ladles were at work aa many perhaps, 'as the snper intenendent conld instruct ' in xbe mysteries of ailk spinning at one time. 1 : t ... . Sam SaiaU-la St Louis 1 The ma 1 who cries ran at io la a fool," said Small. "I am no fanatic but if I am tbe men wbo made me so are the wotte-aproned, not tie nosed, bull-necked men who stood behind the bar - pouring oat 1 tbe double-distilled damnation to roe. They cry crank. - If 1 am a crank I bless the day when God gave me strength to ; become a: crank. During tbe fifteen year when I waa robbing my wife ef tbe bloom on her ' cheek and ' inflicting' endless misery upon myl children, none of these whiteaproued men said I was We are' glad to know that Wheat fair to be held in Stateaville next Angost la attracting mncu at tention. - There is no war of stim ulating and (encouraging the farm era to not only ratae nae wheat errps, but better cro generally. There tneotne One wheat grown ta this county, as will be seen when tne lair is beid, ana we uave 00 doubt lredeira wheat fair will be a success in many wj. SUternik- Landmark. j.ue jvuisioa r n-e l'lexstay a Email iized ryclouv' pa&Ked o' er a portion of rbatonuty a abort while ngo. That paper say it luckily p.ijtod mostly ovr woods and fields, and did little injury to crop. ane crcione pa&M-d over a space ouly about '.00 yard wide, blowlog down fencea and trees in it path Trees three or lour feet through were wrung off aM he ba-e or torn up at tLo roots. .Near Falling Creek the cyclone blw the roof oft a barn on Mr. John It. Hill's farm. Some of the shingles were blown three miles. A plow, standing in one field, was torn all to.pelcea. 'The Scicntiifc American of May 19, publishes an old story a boot clay eatets ia ottu Carolina, ia a cummuu'.ty 'back -f SUisburyJ re ported by one Dr. tr.iok II. uetcb ell. who profeaHe to bare come n poo them while gunning lathe Stale. It ia a bae lubrication a I. tbroagh. There is no such commit- aity 'back of fc.lisbur' or any where in the county Known to our people. If the Scientific Ameri can were aa careless in the select ion of it other matter asm this case, it would be entitled to very little respect. 1 Tbo at ory reierred to waa pnbHahed two or three jears sgo, aud was contradicted then aa it is now. Salisbury Watchman. At tbe opening wsaion of the African General ; Conference at ludianapolm, Ind.", Mar 8tb, prayer wan offered uy Rev. David Smith, of Xenia, Ohio, ' who is 104 years old. He Is the Mdest Methodist minister in the world, and doubt less the oldest preacher of any de- nomination. He is older than tbe African M. E. Church itelf, which was organised in I7c3. lie waa born in Maryland. March 10,' 1784; a crank. .They called me a pretty I joined the cbnrcb when he 'wan 10 mart fellow.Talk about crank!Wbat the United States needs to-bight U a great Dig, . nnpun iiasaoip. army nnbnlldozable years old. - He legan preaching four years later, end has continued at it more or les regolarly ever of ' 'cranks." 1 since ' Preaching the Gospel for ninety years is nomethiog that has The Greensboro Patriot speaks 1 scarcely been beard of. Mr.. Smith of tbe exceptionally , flue crop, of travelled from hi home Xenia, oats that Dr. Benbow,' of that city 1 alone to Indianaiwlls Raleigh raises on hia farm. - - iCnristian Advocate. 01 ine xirtui! u- tiartv to relieve the ptople uf a'w cr a tail ,l.:Lia OUi iUH system ItFlSOLVl II. Ilia the the Detii'Tratic ps-rtv. In turther a-ice ol lKvular education, ia a snf- flcient goaranti that we favor tbe edocatina of lue people, ki t ft win promote aod improve tbe nrea- ent educt K:i.d advantage ao far a it caa be doue ailbout burden ing tbe jtcopif Li exceasive tax al.ua. I1ES0LTED. Tbat. to meetanex- utingevil. re wt ill aeeerr, for tdn rational pnrive, froai tbe Federal uovernmeot. our pro rata share of tne sarplas in it treary. Provld ed, tbat tl be dn'nrwM through siaie aceu: and tbe bill for tbe diatributwu be f tec from ob,ecUoal leaiarea. lii-iiOLVkl), That ILe United Stales l-in ' one covernmrut anl ours a National party, denounce the t-ruui ul tbe llepublicana to fitcc sectioti.il iae in Coortcwi and elsel:ere. and to promote di ee'ision and ill-adl between tbe poplrrho differeat aectloos oi our common cuntry. BtsoLVi.i. Tbat it is due to tbe peojJo oi our Ltetera ouualiee, wbo bave so cl:e"tt-iiry bnvne their Kb are of onr cotrm u burdens, that the presenter kii, equally effective shfem itf equity .'.overnment ahall Ie tAatatwiiu-vl. UksolVD, That the Dtmo cratic iarty is oppoeod to any for tner extension of the No-fencr lV nulcMi mca extension abll have Qrst been authorized by a ma- jorny 01 ine quanbcd voters wr.a in tLe territory to be affected Here by. Resolved, That the Democratic party has ever been lie party of tbe workingxan, and, ia never fostered ffionopoheK,' nor have "trusts" or "combinations" or "priols" ever grown ap onder lawn enacted by i.. T'-e content ia tbU coantry being between aggregadte capital, seetirrr to crash oat nJl compeutktn. and the iadividaal la uorer, tne uemocraae party u. as it oas ever utoa, agamst tna moi- opoliat and In favor of a jastdutri bution of car it a!, and demands the enactment ol Taaa that will boar equally upon al BesuLVEd; That as alt taxation bears mo.t heavily npoo the latior- er, it Is tbe duty of the legiltoi, as a direct benefit o tbe working mas, to keep tbe expense of our publts intaationa at tbe lowest limit consistent wirb wle and ef. flcient management. The Demo cratic party oppose any competi of ten new euU-rn;. the CA-b, we will 1 per fre totbati ' -rr out ti e campaL-T' No name willh- ., ; 1 t;f odd wboM it it antll - money l paid. We ctt i!o wry little more thi ray penM under tb 1 9 offer If ve t et tbe thousand eubrrib-rs an-1 t-very one I -ays In ad vf. nee. arwl m certainly catinut lltl l have any deadbecl-t In iLe .Xepri- nor and of tLe I - tu lln fall fraternity. - .. . . . ISow, then wl.in'eU.ef. aud lefa eee what ran W. o. I A ijb e All the talk a'.-.Ll : in - 1 1 lae lawyer ta tie r-. .ret f and la pan.leriur t' an nee4 atmave end pany pie a.tine. V. j man get into a mti t aay aoft. be txas to a In ! tor bva. and abea a il, uiv a i band and .lie Welfare 1 ii-.-u d good tple ate nl ,t-. H,e lawyer la aUay ra-e-l t,u ta diatiolte DeCWK-xat. We think tie a iv ed usd. NotaanaLo has La-l at;. i- leDre ia I'itu i u eeJ mud? ouiJ ili-4Hii. w j -iiy tbo -( 1L.-.1 1 j ;. -. -u- oooltolbng StLi, i , ... J .a i-vt,;.(' of tbe cauii. Mu- !i l ,iI somelime again" tte trllu.-ice tba U)tr ex.ti iu ti';.t.g pulilical ttxtugb ib cja..in'j. liul by bia.d i i- i- -- dice aaiu'tlti- L, u - u ;uie tbemM-lvea cliv 14 j ',.' abd then fH-rcbanre. t " i'.r- Jf II tbey do the r.i-t -tt and they ukiib'!Tt v kbouM uot tbev ret t.e n.r.f Altcieuf irn-n t!j-y me WW qaalioed lor autaii 1 leaking. lLaa other roe a arouu I it i. ad realuung Ibis the a ul m laKr u l lore of cxiuuUy j uut;t iti.to employ tLrir oauo it tlti'i.Ji..g the interests -f -.t -id inotoctiog and ful'V.tuljg II r t llow citizens cu tte ' ri. ".. -fi tf tbe day. . . Let Ibeie be l 1 1'"-"? :r:id fauItCnding, t'.e tin-H.ti wi::i tbe other, aod k-t all wji l.itji-r in ataJied bait&onv, aud otr .wU.e peojae ai a p"pl- "i.l eh otbex more awd h.'i.I ijiiwi arere proeiM'iity of evcCA i..al. aiuii1 N'eck Dcmotcat- , , -. I, Nortb. Tbe mean, bigoted. For the biool wc V V, 11. m. For acrifu!af u: li. J" 1. , . j For catarrh, ue If. il- ii. For rbcnniatim, c- U. 11. B. For iidiii- tf:'!e, n- It. B. 11 For emptioTis, t- IJ. C. R. ' For all blyvi p..-'. r.. t: li. Ak jour Bfi,;V";f '.i Lus tteI B- B. B. of it trt.-n:'. r., t t.;ir b-k free CHel with eerf-Co-- if vcm derlul cu'es. Blwo Bals Of- ; ' AtfMt, -