The Wilson Advance. Wilson, N. C, . . . July 12, 1888 ITATIuNAL PLATFOEM. Tho Seasons Vtiy the Democratic Party Should ta Eetained in Pow : cr in the IT ation as Enunciated at St-.Louis-. .- I i Thai DufciOciltti: by this immense temptation, the i emed j of the Republican party is to meet and exhaust by extrava gant appropriation and expenses, whether constitutional or not, the accumulation of extravagant tax ation. The Democratic policy is to enforce frugality in public expense and abolish unnecessary taxation. Our established domestic industries and enterprises should not and need not be endangered by tbere dnction and correction of the bur dens of tixatifotf. Qaihtontaty, a fair knitare&illtesipil ofg ur r tax,la8.t with isdae -aJlovSac iinrt.r" rvf tin , - uaa w v . .... Lav.' . ... v .itlnited rHtc4 in utijbnitt jConven- ,.r ;f n n,Art.tfirt l the difference bfctweed a-hei Wages and rea'fflrhis the' platform adopted of American andT loretgn labor,! by its representatives in. the Con vention of 188 1 ami indorses the views expressed by President Clevelamnn li s last earnest mes sage to Congress as the correct in terpretation of that platform upon ite questiou of tariff reduction, anil also indorses the efforts of our l?etnocrat.ic representatives in Con gress tOLfccure a reduction of ex cessive txjation.? i ft ;.yt ' CUiefmotj"'-its principles of party faith ave the inaiiitenauce of an indissoluble union of free and indestructible States, now about to enter upon its second century cf unexampled progress and renown ; devotion to a plan of government regulated by a written constitution strictly specifying every granted power and expressly renerving to the States or people the entire on granted iesidue of power the eu conrageufccut of a jealous popular vigilanCditegfed to all who nave been '(off n jfr bri-e i terms to en. act ami t. ijuid ttif .'laws and are charged with Tlie duty of preserv ing peace, insuring equality uud es tablishing justice. ) The Democratic part? welcomes an exacting scrutiny of the admin istration ol the executive power which four years hj;o was commit ted to its trust in the election of Grover Cleveland as President of the United State's, but it challenges the most-, searching inquiry con cerniag'its fidelity and devotion to the pledges which then invited the suitrases oj in people daring a must promote and encourage every branch of such industries and en terprises by giving them assurance of an extended market and steady and continuous operations. THE NEEDS OP LABOR. ; In the interests of American la bor, which should in no event be ueguqtdthe .revision of-oar- tax laws cqntetti plated by the IJemo craticjtartyashould promote the ad vantage of such labor by cheapen ing the cost of necessaries of life in the home of every workmgman, and at the same time secure to him steady and remunerative employ ment. Upon thisqdfcaUon of tariff re form, so closely concerning every phase of our national life, and upon every question involved in the problem of good government, the Democratic party so Omits, -it prin ciples and proe&sipn4 t (hCiotel ligeu t tmfl'ragesf of the"; 'American people.,' . ; THE PLATFORM. The Catedrsm North of The Carolina. Party in Ave again congratulate the peo ple ot North Carolina on the con tinned cDjoyment of peace, good government, and genera prosperity . i i -i J ..,. ..t:.L..nfinn ffhlch in the territory to bo affected there-by.- Kesolved That that Democatic party "has ever been , the party of the workingman and have never fostered monopolies nor have trusts or i combinations" or pools ever grown up under laws enacted by it. The contest in this country being between aggregated capital seeking to crash one all competition and the individual laborer, the Democratic party is, as it has been against the monopolist and in favor of a just distribution of capital, and uemands the enact ment of laws that will bear equally upon all. Resolved, That as all taxation bears most heavily upon the labor er, it is the duty of the legislator as a direct benefit to the worKing man to keep the expenses of our public institutions at the lowest limit consistent with wise and ef ficient management. Tue. Demo cratic party opposes any competi tion Between free and convict la. bor, but it insists that convicts shall not remain idle at the . ex pense of honest labor. . Besolved, That ours being an agricultural State, it is our duty as well as our pleasure to promote any and all legislation that is best cal culated to advance the interests of agriculture; and that in so doing we will, most effectually advance the interests ot mechanics, manu factuieis and laborers. Kesolved, That the Democracy of North Carolina cordially ap prove the administration ol" Hon. Alfred M. Scales as honest, patri otic and conservative. Kesolved, That the ability, wisflom, houesty, patriotism, inde pendence, faith Illness to duty and manly courage of President Cleve land nave won the admiration of all good men ; and the interests of te country demand his re-nomina- tion and his re-election. Eczema, Itchy, Scaly Slrin Tortures. The simple application of Swayne Ointment without any internal medicine will care any case or Tetter, Salt Rhenm, Ringworm Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Eczema all Scaly Itchy Skin' Eruption no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective and cost but a trifle. yNAsrn only thus . V V mJ 1 Will mattr tha teLOOD rmnilata V the LIVER and KIDNEYS an -JKEflTORZ the HEALTH &nJVH- . or lyietu. u-t Ot Appetite, lndieeetion.LACk ot Strength and Tirtjd Feeliajf ab oiuteiy cured: iVonee, mns- ciw ana nerres receire new force. Enlivens the mind , and supplies cirnin rower. !L L m JIT boflerine from complaints ieca-i I A Ivl ETC liartotheirMxwilffinrlinBIt. IiMI W HABTEB'8 IRON TONIC a uf e, epeedy core. Gtres a clear, healthy oomplxioiu Ail attempts, at oounterfeitinc only adds to itioin laxity. Do not experiment it Okiginai. andBrT (Dr. HARTERS LIVER PILLS V Cnre Constipation. Liver Complaint and Stele a Headacne. Sample Doae and Iream Book mailed on receipt of two cents in postage. W THE DR. HARTE MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS, MO. CT JACOBS QU VI Mill Care. Rheumatism, Nearak;i; AMWH, IMUMH, fniH. Rrtlm, tc-rt. ritU K. HHt CE.NT". i THK riUSLES A. TfX.FLUt (U aiLTIIOil K. U. oUhfr.afLixBi of the State has now been unbrotcen dr'so many most CTitical period of our financial years; upon the ju?t and impartial" affair .realtims from overtaxation, enforcement of thejlaw i.npoa.: the increasing emcieuy urouunuu school system, and the progress made in popular education j upon the improvement, and " enlerprise manifested in alt parts of the State. We again challenge a comparison between this state of things and the outrages, crimes, and , scandals. whih attended Republican; ascend .'Onward and upward will be the maxim ol the new paper said the editor proudly. And it proved a happy maxim too. For three short month the paper went onward and rfhen it went upward. the auodaalous.coadition of oar cur rency and a public debt unmatured, it has by .the adoption of a wise and conservative course xot only averted disaster but greatly pro moted prosperity to the people. FAITHFUL XO EVEEY DUTY. It has reversed the improvident and unwise'pblicy of the. RepnblU can party tohching the publio'do- ancy in our borders. .We" pledge 1 - - A .1 l.JX. 1 - i i- ' 1 .baI vp An r-t a rn.f fn'fliA fntnnA n a in the past our best efforts to pro main auu uas icci.ameu irom cor porations kfad syndicates, alien and domestic, and restored to the peo ple nearly one hundred millions of acres ol valuable land to be sacred ly held as homesteads for our citi zens? : . , While carefully guarding the in terest of the taxpayers anu con forming strictly to the principles of justice and equity it has paid out more for pensions and bounties ,to the soldiers and sailuis of the Re public than was ever paid before during an equal period'. It has adopted and , consistent ly pursued a him and prudent for eign policy, preserving peace with all nations while sciupulously main taining all the rights andiuterttats of our gif fWyernment and peopje at home. anjValiroad. 'TheVexclus ion froin ur-Bupres of Chinese la borers has been effectually secured under the provisions of a treaty, the operation of which has been postponed by the actiou of a Re publican miijonty in the Senate, i Honest reform in the civil ser vice has been inaugurated and maintained by President Cleveland ind he has brought the public ser vice to the highest staudard of el- mote the interests of the people of all sections of the State. Affirming our adherence to Democratic prin ciples as heretofore enunciated in the Diatrorms ol. the party, it is herebyjX I ! t: Resolved, That no government has the right to burden its people witn taxes Deyona tne amount re quired to paj its necessary ex penses and gradually extinguish its nubhc debt : and that whenever the revenues, hewever derived, ex ceed this: amount, they should be reduced, so as to avoid a surplus in the treasury.. That any system of taxation which, necessitates the payment of a premium of (270 by 8he government on eackV$l,000 of its .bonds, taken up with the mil lions that would otherwise lie idle in its vaults, and paid to bond holders who purchased, in many in stances, at less than par, is un democratic, oppressive and iniqui tous and should be refunded. The course or our Democratic Repre sentatives in Congress, in their ef forts to give relief to the people lrom burdensome internal revenue" aud tariff taxation, meets with the approval of the Derapccaticparty yn mar UGH URE Trr from Upicitcs, Emetic an XoiMn. safe:- . 26' Aftm fr ya M Uon. for punH la LUa oaMiahan ol Selmufla Inr u. au trado-BrU. 0OP7- Osnmuif.Ind mX othor oatn- Ttil JVn- Consnmpion Surely Curia. To the Editor: Please lnlorm your readers that have a positive reinedv for the above named disease. By its tirae- iy use inousauds ot Uopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remoay FREK to every con- snmption if they will send me their .Express and P. O. address, Respectfully T. A. Slocum, M. G. 181 Pearl St N . Y, 1-26-88 Cmo Its peculiar efficacy is due as much to tho process and NOTHING ..m.-m the lneredients themselves. win 1 1 Tafee u Jn tirR0 itcheoks dlseaKes In tho outset, or If they be advanced will prove a polontcure. No Home stall te WW It It takes the place of a doctor and costly pre- ,,,, , rt acriptious. All who lead run rnuis. edentary lives will tuiil BENEFIT It the best preventive of and run? for Iudiirestion. VonstinatUm. lleaicli., WlloiisnesJ, l'ilen and Mental JLH-prcas'.mi. io Joss of time, no iuterfereueo with bustness while taking. For children it is must In nocent and harmless. No Uanscer Iroia exposure after takinij. Cure Colic, Di arrhoea, llowel CouiplaiutH, l;'ev;rish ness and Feverish Colds, iuvaiid.s ami delicate persons will find It lue iuildesfc Aperieata-nd Toniethey can use. AlitU taken at night Insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation. r.f the b-nveLs. A little taken In the mornin sliarpens the appetite, cleanses the stujUiich uud aweetns the breath. i-HVSICIAU'S OPINION', i i ve bcn practicing iTlcdicine for .."'' years and hjve r.cvcr Lefiii al le to : : 't-. 'a vegetable comi.f-eid th-.t wuul 1, . ' v Simmon Liver kc-.!;.ttor..pron-.pty Jefiectiveiy move the Li-er to action, x id at tbe tame time aid ..instead of u-eak-ning the digesdve and assimilative , powers of the system.'" L. M. iliNTOW, M.b., Washington, Ark. Marks of Genuineness: Look forthored Trade-.Ma k on front of Wnipper, and the Seal and s: nature f J. ll...-iliu o; Co., ili . .ed. on t ie Sie.' Take no other. . SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS -IN- Q 0 L Cli neo is oaoqaaiod aadtavsar fiwtnira ul tcMiseatl ena PPwl and fl4 i . i b.v... aL -wm fiAiie. Term very lunuUs Ho sham lor xaminatioaol asodola r drawins. Advie by sail .. . Patants obtained throafS aJ'"""2,"T,r Intbe SCIENTIFIC AM KWCAJb- ewipaw ol It kind piiWtahwi la tn "Orlo. n aavauiag as aaea . amderataada. , x t.i .-v, ... wtfrul.iril ttoOirur.sii admitted to bo tha bat pa P davotod to aciaosa. aneebaoiot, invantiooa, iooa voraa, an ether departananta of Ind Mtrlal profraam, pab lubed m any eouatry. I aootain. lb. namaa of all patantaaa and title eta arrinvejitioD patanteA vnek. Ttt it low a taatka tor csa dollar, Boatbyallaowadaalora. . . II yoq bava an invantla paint 7rtv a Var.a a Oo pabliahara aal Hroadway. New York, v Hand hook about patauta Low Quarter Shoes xv are t.lTerin at prices lo suit .thu Tunes, we liavr In- stock uf Low Quarter Shoes and Slippers that must he SOLD reanlhs, Cost come ami see them ami secure a Kargajn. COATS AND 'TEST, vr. -..,ii.,r tiiir iiri.l Cn.u ani Vst .t iJtO thut are worth f ". Our rtrab selling Stersurker Coats aud Vest at f 1,25 to $I,r0. Summer pants froiu cents up detae at ?' tLat A tt ?T.V.Tverywlirv. V Satteens, Laws and Percales Wc have just received a new lot of thee in short lengths that we are selllnic at half price, fore they are picked over. C uue and tee th . Wanted. - A young man (Tar Heel) out of employment by no fault of his, and wlio is sober, fnerfretic and ealled a good salesman, fa miliar with ofiicd work, long experience, popular turn, fair address and can give best of references, wants a job in city, town or country. Will work in any kind of harness. Address, D. W. E., Lock Box 1, Suffolk, Virginia. mil' r , . 1 Ivir TiTl I piEira EA p III SLZ3LC3L We hi that has ave the largest assortment in Parasols and Fans that has ever to Wilson that we will sell at Prime New York Cost, these gooj must he sold don't take our word for it, come and see for yourselves. brought Bbotild be wtd a iam montha belora eonfinaaaaat, Bend for book " To Moraaaa," naiiocj Irea. - BaaDFmD K9TarX, Atlanta, Qt. ticiencv. lint onlv Itv rnl ami nrn. cept. bat-by f the exiiiu'ple ot . his I of pfe .State Vod w(Sjfe8pectfully ish admla-l reqomnjegaf ijaj 11 mftliiii.iai- yvrn initixiug and boselfi istratiou of public; affairs, In every branch and department of the Government under Demo cratic control the rights and the welfare 'of all the people have beeu guarded and defended': ''every pub lic interest has been protected, and the equidi'y of ail our citizens be fore the law, w ithout regard to race or color, has been steadfastly main tained; . r!,.'" ' V BKruBLiupisTatrcimoK.j Upon its record thus exhibited and upon the pledge of a continu ance to the people of these benefits, the Democracy invokes, a renewal of popular trust by the' re-election" of a 1 bief Magistrate who has been faithful, able and prudent. We in voke in aditjo.a to that trust the t rang foi atsb 6 Jthe" Democracy of the euti liistative "powiT. The liepubbcaiu garty,' controlling the Senattif ar.diif sisiUig In both bouses of Congre-sa a .reformation" of" the unjust and tinequal.,tax laws 'which, have outlas'.ed 'tlre-iKjeessitieu -of war and are now undermining the abundance of a liug peace, deny to the people equality before the law and the- fairness, and the justice which' are their ' right. " Then the cry of American labor for a better share iu the rewards of industry is stifled with false pretences, enter prise is fettered and bound down to home niaikets, capital is discour aged with doubt, and unequal, un ju,st laws can neither be properly amended ,ir repealed, The Democratic; patty will con tinueivyjlbll Uie power. confided to it, the struggle to reform these laws, in accordance with the pledges of its last platform, indorsed at the ballot-box by the suffrages cf the people. Of all t lie indastrious free men of our .arid the immense ma jority, including every tiller of the soil, gain no advantage from ex cessive tax laws, but tbe price of nearly everything they buy is in creased bjr ,the favoritism of an uu- equal system or tax legislation. , All unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation, tt 14 repugnant to tbe creed&$l)erjoicracy; that iby each taxatitn the cost of the Decessaries of liltfisoul (e rtojastiflably Un creasfkto all tir people.'--' Judged by Democratic principled, the inter ests of the p ople are betrayed when, by unnecessary taxation, trustairlt 'Combinations are jper mittltTWirifc, vrblcb,: while un duly enriching the few that com- : bine, rob Jejipily, ol our , citizens by depravity jheuiiof '.the benefits f uaftrrar'comtftion. " BUr.FLUSia&VXa&K'Ai.i) TAXEsD Every Democratic rule of govern mental action is "Violated i when through, uunetesaaxy taxation, - a vast sum of money, lar beyond the needs.o.f an econouiical administra tion, is drawn from the people and the channels of, trade and acennms laed as a demoralizing surplus in tne NationaLTreasury, The money now lvfpffjd0jtfae Federal. ffeas- ury resulting irom siiiieruui us dui ation amounts to iuorejtba.'K,'i')j 000,000, aifd',tiiVarptus' ilt ir' e(l is reaching Hie moth of nua,ii trni 60,000,000 annually TeluiuhiJ possible to give to our people all the relief demanded, ,they support any jnst and practical measure pre sen tod in Congress that will afford a practical relief from' Bach exist ing burden. ; Kesolved, That while tho de tails of the methods by which, the constitutional revenue, tariff shall be gradually reached are subjects wb.k;l the . representatives of our people.. At 4 tbe iNatioaal Capital mnst be trusted; tft-kdjostifwe thfck the customs duties should be levied for tbe production ' of public rev enue, ana tne discriminations in their adjustment should, be such as will place the highest rates on lux uries, and the lowest on the neces sanes of life, distribute as equally as possible the unavoidable burdens of taxation, ind confer the greatest good on the greatest number, k Resolved,. That we,; as7 hereto fore, ifavot, &oS will never cease ito demand, tbe unconditional abcli fcion pf the whole internaLi revenue system," as a" war taxi hot to be justified in times of peace; as a grievous burden to our. people and a source of anuoyance in its prac tical operations. We call the at tention of the people of tbe State to the physical hypocritical preten stons 01 . tne it,epuuiicaa party -in their platforms that they are in favor of the repeal of this onerou system of taxation, tnacted by their party, while tbe republicans m Congress are taxing their ener gies to obstruct all -legislation in augurated, by "the representatives of tbe DemocratiCparty to relieve the people of all or a part ot! this odious system? 5 I KESOLVED'Tha't thepourse the Democratic , party, In farther arice 6t trOpq.ta education, is a suf ficient guaranty that .we favor the educationiof-the-',pet)ie, aml we will promote and improve the pres ent educational advantages so far as it can be done, without burden ing the peopla--by.Vexoeesive taxation. Resolved, Tuatrtd "meet an ex isting evil, j6 will ac?pt,: for: .-edu cational purposes: jrom tne federal Government, on pwtata' sTiare of the surplus in its treasury. Provid ed, thatUt i be lUMilirsMOtiirougD State agents 'and the bill for the distribution be fteefromi)bjectional features. . . Resolved, Thabba s United States being one 'goverhihent and oura a, we denounce the efforUof -thavEepuyicans to sectional issuea in Congress and elsewhere, aotfip prompta"? dis. sension ana in-wui Between tne people of the different sections of our common dOUDtrjSj110'1" J,'' " Resolved, Tba4&i&. due to the people of our Easternxounties, who have so eheertniiy;born their share of our common burdens, that the present or sorhXJ ejjnjlJlJS ,?edtive system or county government shall t Resolved, Xh,9tf t t demo cratic party is pppsaataay fnr i iier extepsion of V theSo-feuee. law," unless such extension : sball have first been authorised' ty a ma jority of the qualified Voters with- For the blood use 15. B. li. For scrofula, use 1. K. B. For catarrh, use li. 15. '13. For rheumatism, use. B. 13. 13. tor kidney troubles, nse 13. 13. .13 1 For eruptions', use E. 13. 13. Fotall blood poison, nse B. B. B, Ask your neighbor wtio has nsed 13. B; B. of its merits; Get our b. ok r 1 1 . 1 iree mien wun ceirincaN'ij ot woii- deriul cures. Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, (ia - . .. A "Warninf.' lhe modes of . deifh'r are TariouW, aud -statistics show conclusively that more persons .lie from'-' diseases' of the Throat and Lungs than any other. Ii is prob able that. everyone, i without excep tion, receives vast numbers ol Tubercle Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into li.'e and develop, at nrst 8'owiy, and js shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat aud if allowed to coi.tinue their ravages they exteud to the lungs producing: Consumption, and to the head, causing Ci-.tanh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death At the onset you must act with promptne-ss; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that something is -wrong witlr your Throat, Lungs or Xos trils,i obtain a bottle of lioschee'e German Kv rup. It will give im mediate relief. Mexican Mustang Liniment Contracted Hnscles, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, Ewinney, Saddle Qalli, Files. CTjnES Sdfttlea, 8oTatchei, Lumbago, 8praim, aUieumatism. Straini, Bnrnsi Stitchea, Bcaldt, 8tiffJoiiita, B tings, Sackache, Bites, Galls, Bruises, Bares, Bunions, Spavin Coras. Cracks. - THIS COOD OLD STAND-BY aeoompllshea for everybody exactly what laclalmed tor It. One otthareaaons lot the great popularity of tbe Mustang r iniiniwit la found in Its nlTeraat applicability. Ever7bolj need anc-h a rwxlldco. Tha Lnnbenau aaeda It In eaae of accident. The Hooaewlfe seeds It for general family nso. ' The Canairr needs It for hlato&ma and his m-n. The Blechavnlo needs It always on his work bench. Tha Miner needs It fat eaae of emergency. The rianecrneecUlt rantsetalongwlthogt It. The Farmer needs tt In hia hooac. hu atabla. and bl-. stock yard. The Steamboat man arthe Boatman needs It In liberal supply afloat and aaboro. , The Horse-fucier seeda It it Is bis best friend and safest nUaaoe. The btack-g-rewer needs It It will save blm thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railread aal needs It aad will need It long as bis life Is a round of accidents and dangers. ' The Hack woo daman needs It. There is nottv fatg like it as an antidote for tbe dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The merchant needs It about bis storo among his employees. Accidents will happen, and when these come the Hustang Liniment is wanted at once. Keen a Bottle In the Houec. lis the best of economy. Keep a. Bottle In the Factory. Tt Immediate nse In case of accident saves palTi and loes of wages. Keep a Bottle Always la the btnb.e for, Baa when wanted. )U. Erilliant.' lure an J Perfect Til tlie World. lBSS C, F. & Y. V. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHENl-LE NV. 3U. TahinK Effect 5:00 A. M., Tuesday, May 1 yth TttAINS MOVING N011TH. , - Passcnjrer and Mail. Leave rlennettsville- fi 00 a m Arrive Maxton... !i 25 ' Leyve Maxton 9K ' Arrive Kayettevi'.le.- 11 25 ' Leave Fayettevillu 1MII 1 Arrive 8anford...., 1 55 p in Livavq oaniora.-t. l.j - Arrive Greensboro 5 40 ' Ieava Greensboro .-. B50 a Alrive Ararat1 3 00 p Passenger and Mail. No. 1 Dinner at Sanford. i Freight arid Accommodation. Leave Bennettsville 1 -S p m Arrive Maxton- x :V - Leave Maxton 4 15 " Arrive Fayetteville.-... sio " Leave Fayetteville 1ft Oo a in Arrive Sanford . 2 as p iu Leave Sanford :i lo " Arrive Greensboro 8 30 " TRAINS MOVING SOUTH. "Ov'inbined with Great ttefractiDg rovrt-r. They are as transparent ;ind colorless as light Itself. And for soilness of endiiratice to the eye oauuot le exriled, ennblin? the weAicrto read for hours without l.itiu?.' " In Tact, they are IY.kfkct' Sight Pkeserveus. Tea' imonials from tho lea;linrj I j'hjsit-ians in the United Slates ca. i.- fjivi'tj, who have had their sight nipfrved by their use. AM eves titled and tlm hi cnar- antned a. - V. M. NadAl's Drtjo Stoek, Wlitre iainivja.'e assortment of tlicse'culolirated glasses can l e iotind and i)roteily adapted to all condf ions of the eye. 'rhene'gisn are not snpiilitl to edd!ers at any price. piie geimine unless tlio name JlATTKES is stamped ou tie ''iiie. NVhole-ilile IJepots, Atlif i -AiiNtin. Texas WEAK NWRVCS , . t u4 aines - U- RHEUMATISM 3 toy jr ic I lumnlh-rii KIDNEY COMPLAINTS crabva I-o n-l. - U. .f a-vj. EiU. n'.k- It u- beat saa-Os Um ail hMluaf onn.aiiita. 1 4? DYSPEPSIA -.tfc. M ss'H I FiTTInmyr "mwp- ... . - iWiViriiitirl - VVUUIUUUIIUCONSTIPATIOTI a aT a i . 4 iTilfiT-EIGIfl Original wj I USKS rtermi PiuaUatlaaj, Ma ' N aural ria. Karreoa Wi and Uvcr Dl rtloo to Urn avua h-ana-naml-yfa-luwaxa a Tfttm tie. ItaUbyDrocilsta. mm mm EXCELSIOR COOIl STOVES. THE BEST IN THE WARKE1. Toarten difiVmrt slsra arl kinds. F1t, ' stara wtth Rnamricd Ibarrrolra. AUred at , mil laqalresauiu. ant artr-d as aut aJI sauaaa ';'' LEADING iTATURES: ,a. f-T" I GUftE FITS ! When I tsfiy onre I do a mean mTviy to Btp tTvm fnratimandtbn have tht-m return airnin. i m-n rjuliral care. I haT mad tlw dia.i .i t'lTS. 1 1'iL KH8Y or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long b'imJt. warrant my rt m df to cure the wort cuen. B iistj others hare failed is rayn for not now ttomtitik a cnre. Send at onoe f or a treatiseand T- ree B .ttl nf my mfaHihleivtoedy. Give Kxpr and i'ost Orfiw. li. G. KOOTa Jl. C.. IS J IN arl iNcw York. ? Passongcr and Mail. Leave Ararat r. Arrive G reensboro Leave Greensboro..... Arrive San ford. . Leava Sanford- .: Arrive Fayetteville-..- Leave Fayetteville'. Aartve Maxton Leave Watton.. ... Arrive Bennettsville.. Passenger and Mail. No. 4 00 cm M no " 10 05 a m i.. 1 i p m 2 HO " 4 15 " 41 " " 40 " . 8 0U Dinner at Sanford. FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION. Leave, Greens txiro 190am Arrive Sanford.. ...... 1 f3 p m Leave Sanford . 3 00 " Arrive Fayetteville 6 3n " Leave Fayetteuille L .. 5:10 am Arrive Maxton. fl 00 " Leavq Maxton . ... 9 45 " Arrive Bennettsvlile 12 00 m f .l -1 J FACTORY BRANCH. Freight and Accommodation Moving North Leave! Mfllboro 8 00 am 4 00pm Arrive Greensboro .9 aua m 5 4upm Freight and Accommodation Muring Soutn Leave? Greensboro 1 15 p m Leave' Factory Junct ion: -2 15 pm 5 05 p m Arrive MUlboro- 3 00 r m 5 45 p m ' I 7-,. J 5 TON WAGC?i SCALES, seo fric !.,.r n. addrcM JCf S rr end FTiiVAfrrOa, ....... V Passenger and Mail Trains run daily except Sunday. Freight and Accommodation Train runs from Fayetteville to Bennettsville and return on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: from Fay ettenile to Greensboro on Tuesdays. Thurs days and Saturdays, ana from Greensboro to Fayetteville on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 1 i Trains on Factory Brancn run daily except Sunday. .W. B. K TLF, ' General Passenger Agent. : J. W.FBY, ' t - Ueneral Superintendent. The undersigned have fo'med a partnorsliip under the Ann name of Xurney'fe Cobb, for he purpose of conducting tho , , GENEEAL-MERCHANDISE business in Wilson. Wo tafeo this method of solicting a share or the public p:itnrmrt-. We are doing business at the stand formerly occu pie dby Mr. C. W. Nnrney. and will keen o hand a fresh and well selected stock ot Fam t C3- ItO O.BSIES Confectioneries and Sec. Wo have on n.nvl a nice stock DRY GOODS, NOTK lt i ITS and SHOES which we will sell at low flmm-s betnr desirous of reducing our stock of tin so goods. ' ' c.n. nurnky: For S ai e si 'k ji i o LAMISS. SIRE J 'LriPED 17Ibs KAJi WOOL THAT IjAST A. B. Deans ' vVilnon, N. AND OrtiMA'aifNTAL VIRE WORKS, 6 North "iioward St., Baltimore. . VvTirc Railing tor Cemeteries, Lawim, Oardens, Offices and Bal conies; Window Gnard9,Tree Guards Wire Cloth, Sieves, r enders, Cages, .-MiiKt and Coal Screens, iron ueu st ads, Chairs, Settees, Ac. Kei.2(J 12m. Ho lore Em Glasses. -SO MOKE WEAK EYES' "Mitchell's Eye Salve.-- Wood Doors. Paaeot Wood Grata Adjnatahla raapcr. u-Vn-harccmMa Aula V, miatic Fhelf. BroUln Dev. -1 m lnjU !cnh Tate. Pwlngtng Flnc-Stu BeTTtmibW Ca Boroiiif Loaf Crou PVi-. Doutls Fhor: Ontn-a Hian Rins Ooreia. IJumlualaJ U IjV Vuan. Xlc tii Knur. Klckaa PauJa. etc. rnequalcd tu Mslrtlal. la apessUon. , Fin'-.h. aad a Nlanufacturoo by 1SA.AO A.8HCPPARD A CO., BaUUmort), i .... .i,. .v titcAt. . fJMVw'ar rn w. r. mm k mws Is the place to get Pure Corn A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for Sore, Weak and Inflam ed Ejes, Producing Long-Sighted-uess. find restoring the Sight of the oldj Cures Tear Drops, Granala t iou, ,,b.v , Tnmorn, Bed Eyef, flatted Eyelashes, prodncing qaick ruliefaud -. PERMANENT. CURE. Also, eqnally eCacadons when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers,. Fever, SoreB, Tamore, Salt Rht-uni, Barns, Piles, or wherever inflammation exists. march 8-40t ' ' ' " , WOQTEN & STEVENS, ICMTltEJEALlIS.ASB IXDRTAKER j ' " WILSON, N. C. 'K SELX AT LOWEST PBICES. Ted Room sets, Wardrobes Brackets, Folding Chairs, . Camp Stools, Picture ' ' Frunes. A . 1 IN DF.ED, EVEBYTUIXQ IN THE lO ,(1,ram5 63Q9S.. .Ml 1 r rl s ! 1 -The celebrated old Stewart - RYE WHISKEY, Four yearold ifaah County Bra,ncLy Fine Imported Cigars, Heera, &c Wines, Pool and Billiard Tables. Norfolk. Oysters Received daily, aud served in the very beat style. Lynn Haven Bay Oysters on the half shell. First-cl.isa Restaurant where the best the market affords will be jetted by experienced cooks. Nov 17 Hawkins & Bkidgees. in. Write toot TIIU uaoio and poat IULm office ad- 1 v" drew plainly on let apostal rarl and send to th only Uirtmata riprtiniraid S;uaalHinai ai r In th ixun t ry and r.-ive a sample copr fiw. ArooU ran tuakn bitr pay. anp T"W. Apuu can eaU this papi-r Irw-lr. oppnlr and atarvai poaxd. tinier tliroiiKh wowa . mly K-Vunabla If not sold. Thb New Yukk Nawa Co. No. Sd UruadajaT. Now Vurk. LXSmS TO CC2SZS?CrD With several reliable and active men, with a view of getting them to represent oar bous, traveling either on the Iinj of railroad or in tbe country districts. Pleae state age and basineas experience. To save time, better send names and address as reference with applica. toinu 2o attention paid to pot. tkl cards. Never mind about send log stamp for reply. Address li. G- A, Bx 11, Richmond, Va. Fe .2 6 ton i P. COATS' SIX-COED SPOOL COTTON ft i V.awaannaLJrt Vs4. - II t n. ta tt.v U. 1 in-. I ! H. relta. FWr-'v A U i f 1 . J r J. e I . -'fJ H.JlVI. M. ... 1 9 IT ct4 laca . 1 i.i I 1 Ivirn," y Arvtif a, an-a a--... IV" l.r. 1 K IUal K.r Wgj JOiAa( A.n, 1 ntr.. v-- '- .ltiwa I aWttiS v It wf Sue awr Cr":' v.. ' f a aaama taui' im I ita?J a.-.a ta a I I awvl 7-Jiti'. iSutl" I v-- i I JCcuart I c ,M- " J lepa I-fvf t : .- ai - T 4.i!. 1" ' I 1 I n-i m4 a f' r- 1 O C - ntwt a. titr umf V It im. iA a tirm. I YOU OAK BXTT IT Or J. T. WIG(iINS. J D.aS.C.WEIXT. s 1 Mil i r Hi - R. W. JOYNER, Surgeon Dentist. wilsok, k. c. I have become periaaneutly Identified with the peoj-le o WlLon have practiced l.ere for the past ten yeors and vi?li to return thanks to the eerier-1 ous people of the community' for the liberal .'patronage tLey' hare given me. I ppare no. money to procure instruments 1 A aV . 111 t . ' ma. win conaace lo i ,e fort of my patient;. continuation of the liberal pat- i ronare heretofore bestowed on" me 1 eha.ll feel deeply ;rate-5 fu!. 1 iOtVll lalWl let ' h v ' fl flatfa tlaaiily da faMarrk tv ava tawa ala, aa t)M f rtaaraaai ar aM - " S. I . luaNUw. v aiM. I . I TRY run PINE DIAMONDS W aUfcaa . J.w.lry. 611 wrv. ar. Ar CHAPMAi; &; GALE IU Mass t., HOiao'-K. VA are the Leaders, tLe floe is th largest and their price lor the u t goods are much less than Soitbern figures. . 2J. B. Tbey have skiilrlt work men for tbe repairing or Watche and Jewelry. aepi iy .WAITED. Sick bogs to cure, In any locality wbere I can reach them lenUy, w.:h a celebrated II a- c'i.., ftra?r? nd wiU lroT '' ! lie that it will not only car.. . ... worst case, bnt prevent c ho'. ra bogs and poultry. 1 have ,. it; ed the oraoty ri,cht for W k.. vjrtcue and Kdgeam ties. "arm Right mold. W.C. WOdlKN. j aioyeUm. N. 14 UIECEH O:-:-; tnrTi:tt;ia. ELL, -jTIIE JEWKIM Tarboro, N.C., De&Wr iu Watches. Diamonds Jewelry, Clocks. Specs. Silver Ware. Musical Merchandise, Fatrj C- alv., alo the cheajt!,l '''i" latest laiprovtil SEWING 'MACHINE Qnality of. Goods fitw"3 n rf av-ntvMl. Kogravin; trov.y don. Thirty years prw-iK-ai 'if no is our r;uarn,.- claiiM woe amanahip.- WANTED Old CS And Silver. , ,lt IV Utitrt by ttww ' 'x. Loward, Taiboiti, l- lUetraUyf JAS.H.BEtX- ALFRED M a O Hi- lOO to $300 woralna; for na. AjtoH ruroua laatrews horvoa lima 10 tat BvrBtabl7 nrptoTtxl alsu. towoa ana otucaw B. lUaMaia 1 f&z?i Caua fa. I n I a.- ..7 - - - r I . . aadrra tbvlrarbow. " .-vTTT I ZTtZl' raate, a.i Ti i ue, lot t I l as jpr w (, . a a - . - IS. s i t SIIIONALLElj.VKr'l11' s f I bave one ot the ti-'; : -t timplet ba'tarr U-r 111 " ""U!e. Only first claa ju.f pioyed. , Ulr.1 a lot ff li coovrn wti 4 n Try iir ! j ,1j

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