i 1 fUDVANCE JOB OFFICE THBADYANCE J03(HiE: I77..71 18 BETTER EQUIPPED THAN ANY EAST OF RALEIGH. ALL OR DERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND EEFI CIENT ATTENTION. OS - ' tby trs. ... 18 GETTER EQUIPPEO THAN AMY EAST. OF. RALEIGH. ALL Oft- DER3WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND EfTM CIENT ATTENTION T 1"---' - . i . u .TiJ. i , ... , rr D8 Tnot AIJI'ST AT;E TUY, COUH TRI7 81" r OOP'S, AMD TQUTDI' z;Ei-" 'm,": , -,i i . "r. 1 ?i 1 r -I-f-'i r' -- 1 "LET ALL, THE EM WILSbNj 19,: 1888. VOLUME 18. NUMBER 25 . . . -( m 1 BILL ARFS LETTER. :o:- T11K GLORIOUS FOURTH OF JULY, jlow Uncle William Arp Spent the day. He talks ou Other Matters! About Vari- The 4th of July ia a big thing v e bad forgotten that It is so big and it is a good sign that oar people are waking up to it again. The first rebellion gave it birth and we were proud of it but the last wad such a fail ure and brought bo much trouble that rebellions were at a discount and we quit celebrat ing we hung our harps on the willows ana like the Jewish captives, refused to sing the lord's song in a strange land, but we are all harmonizing now and it is a good sign to see our people celebrating the same old Fourth, The first rebellion was against the old ma 1 and the boys whipped- him but when the boys got to fighting one another with no ocean betwe'en it was a different thing. s The first declaration of independ ence that great secession docu- . ment was conceived at lyil liamsburg, Va., in the old Ka leigh tavern, but it had to go over to Philadelphia to be born, because there was a big bell there, I reckon. Williamsburg was the seat of government of the Virginia colony, and the declaration was read there on the 1st of June, by Thomas Jefferson to the house of bur gesses, and a mere solemn scene was never witnessed. There waj no hilarity, no gush, ' no enthusiasm. The whole thing was like a funeral. Love, for the fatherland and fear of her . power were mingled with a , burning sense of her tyranny and oppression. The older members dreaded to cut the cords that bound themxand had the declaration been left to a 1 quiet vote it never would have carried, but, when Patrick Henry closed his immortal speech, the house rose np as one man, and with quivering emo tkm indorsed his closing sent! ment Give me liberty or give me death. History says that one of the delegates said an hour afterward that he would give five hundred pounds to re call his vote. It was a terrible , trial, and reminds ns . of the solemn passage of the ordi nance of secessson iu 1861 John Adams and Patrick Hen ry wera the oca tors and carried the day by storm. There was no resisting their patriotic elo quence. It was like a great tidal wave and overwhelmed everything. The like of it had never been heard before, and Daniel Webster said would nev er be heard again. Let the young men of this age read that his tory and it will do them good. In soul-stirring emotions it sur passes all the romances ever I written. It is far mote sublime tban Burke s impeachment of Warren Hastings, for the cause was greater ana tne men were greater. The old independence bell was rang until it cracked, I and strong men met npon the streets and wept. Well, now, what was this all , about ? Nothing very much oat side of principle. We would not call it a very great oppres- eion now. The bigarest thing was a little tax on tea a sort I of tariff that did not protect. 1 Nobody drank tea but-the New England yankees. The stamp act had beeu repealed two years before. But all the Southerners ' from Maryland down were just ' as mad about that tax as if it had been on whisky. There was no whisky here, but New England rum was all the same thing to them. . Everybody was fighting mad--even the citizens of the city of brotherly love. They went to fighting, and they whipped the fight, and it was glory, and we are all proud of it ; but if they hadn't whipped it and had been forced back under old Johnny Bali it would have been treason, -and there would have been more amend jnents; made to the English constitution than you could tote on a stick. When these rebels made a constitution af ter the war was over, 1 Patrick Henry and old Ben Harrison refused to sign it for ' a long time because it did not secure the rights of the States as . strong as they wanted. At the last they signed under -protest, aqd the .historian says that Henry never recovered from his fears that some day the States would lose, their separate inde pendence. ' ' . . ' " ? I heard an old whig say not long ngo that Jefferson was more of a - demagogue than a statesman, and that the declar , ation of independence was no extraordinary document, and most any b in art . school boy cuum write a more gram matical composition. ". 'For in stance,' said he, 'take the first eatence wherein he says, 'a decent respect for the opinions -, 01 mankind.' Now what kind of respect is that ; who ever heard Of an inrlnf.Anfc rnnnnnf Why dident he say 'respect for the opinions of mankind.' What made him put in that useless and inappropriate ad jective.' . I heard another man say that Jefferson didn't compose much of that declaration, nohow, but got it from old Mecklenburg, in North Carolina, where secession had its birth two months be fore. That is what a tarheel told me. I was talking to a Scotch Presbyterian yesterday, and he said that Jefferson got the general bang of the thing from the confession of faith. Well, it don't matter. It is a lively old document, and is still good reading on the Fourth of July, or any other day, - ? Last Wednesday I ran over to Tallapoosa to see how those imported yanks were getting along and how they were going to celebrate the day. They did it np in style. They hoisted a flag pole 110 feet high and floated a j splendid streamer of stars and stripes from the mast head. Gay bunting adorned the stores and hotels and dwellings. Five, thousand people filled the streets. A regiment of men marched arm in arm in pairs a rebel on one side and a yank on the other, just as they did at Gettysburg. Splendid music filled the air and the olar Spangled Banner alternated with Dixie arid everybody shouted and cheered for both. Patriotic songs were sung by a" choir of fifty trained singers. Then came the reading of the declaration, and lastly the ora tors were on hand and disting uished themselves and made the turkey bumps rise on the spinal columns of every pat riot son and daughter, Col. Hanson, the great apostle of protection, made a splendid speech as he always does, and he captured the audience, es pecially the yanks by his wit and his wisdom. George Adair never faUs, and General Young was in his glory. I didn't catch all of George's thrilling speech fori was too remote, but he told me himself that he made a splendid one. He began with Bonaparte's great speech to his army in Egypt. "Soldiers, forty centuries are looking down upon you from the heights of those pyramids." t But there are no useless pyramids here to mark the tyranny of kings or the downfall of a mighty na tion. There are no soldiers here and no forty centuries eithe. But only about forty weeks are looking down upon ns from the Tallapoosa hills hills that are nature's peaceful monuments and that are to-day smiling down their smiles upon this ex- hilerating scene. j Tell me ye winged winds That round my pathway play, Blow ye on ary sbot j Like our own Tallapoo -say. And the winds said, nay. In due time he got warmed up to his work and put .in lively on Marco Bozaris. Strike for the green graves of your sires, . k Strike for your . altars and your nros. t as lively and as happy as a jay-1 bird. , Three yankee girls : are here teaching school, and I'll bet that some of our widowers will marry them before the year closes. Away back before the war, when . yankee girls used to come South and teach school, our widowers married them as fast, as they came. They were- smart, self-reliant and economical, and that is the kind of a wife a widower wants. .. ' ' :"' : There is a law saw mill plant and a big planing mill that were brought from Michigan by Michiganders. They are grad ing streets and boulevards, just like they do in Atlanta or any other pretentions town. There Is not a drone in that bee-gum. Everybody works. If one of our home made mechanics goes there to work he soon learns to take a livelier lick for be has got to keep up with the yanks or quit. These people have come to stay and our people are giving them a warm welcome. They will help us in many ways, it tney nave not got tne iron for their furnace they just step over to Bartow and buy it and by ani by they will be sel ling to Bartow their wagons and wheelbarrows and glass and all sorts of contrivances. I wish that more of these yanks would leave that blizzard coun try and come down to this blessed 1 land where they can spend the rest of their days in comfort. If they want to break up the solid South and have a national brotherhood that is the way to do it. Bill Arp. POLITICAL ECHOES. ORIGINAL, STOLEN AND OTHERWISE. , What We Glean From the News paper World as it Floats in Re view Before Us. ' in New Harrison ticket sweep to en-" Judge They "Were Married. But don't strike for higher wages in Tallapoosa town until we get the brick block and the glass works done. He closed with liberty or death and shook hia ambosial locks and gave the nod for dinner and everybody shouted amen. Then came a bountiful multitudinous repast, and after a reasonable rest the afternoon was devoted to fun and frolic, and the night to an open air platform dance, at which the yankee girls paired with the Georgia boys and the Georgia girls with the yankee boys, and they' are mixing up splendid, and before anybody knows it will be mating and harmonizing the sections. Tallapoosa is emphatically a yankee town, aid the New York Herald nor any other Heraldv can't smother it nor stop its progress. The people keep on coming and buying arid building. The air and the water and the climate are de lightful, and these are enough to charm the Northern people who are blizzard sick and long for a more temperate region. They are not only content with their new . home but are de lighted, and every man who comes and locates invites back and brings some of his more timid nabors. Here is a thriving population of 3,000 people liv ing in a brand new town that a year ago had only 600 souis. These people: have come from the extreme North, from Maine to Minnesota, and all of .them have some means, and are put ting their money in some enter prise. A large plant of glass works is nearly completed and there are various small indus tries established. An immense wagon factory is projected. Their iron furnace is on the way. They have market gar dens that can't be surpassed. A down East Connecticut yankee came oat the last of February and bought fifteen acres of the poorest, whitest, gravliest land I ever saw, and after taking up two hundred and seventy-four stumps, has made it rich, and now sells every day as fine po tatoes and onions and other vegetables as ever grew, He wears a bell crowned fur hat and is the Very personification of old Brother Jonathan as we see him in the pictures. He is The Omaha Bee tells this amusing story of a marriage in the early days of Nebraska : A newly elected justice of the peace, who had been used to drawing up deeds and wills and little elg was called up to marry a couple' in haste. Re moving his hat, he remarked : 'Hats off in the presence of the Court.' All being uncovered, he pro ceeded : ' 'Hold up ycur right hand. You John Mankin, do yer sol emnly swear to the best of yer knowledge an' belief , that yer take thfs woman to have and hold for yerself, heirs, execu ters, administrators and assigns fpr yer ana their use forever ?' I do,' answered the groom, promptly. 'You, Alice Evans, take this yer man for yer husband, ter have and ter hold forever ; an' you do solemnly swear that yer lawfully seized in fee simple an' free f roaTall encumbrances, and have good right to sell, bargain an' convey to said guar antee, yerself, yer heirs, admin iatraters and assigns V. 'I I do,' said the bride, doubtfully.' Well; that 'er's worth a dol lar 'n fifty cents.' Are we married ?' asked the bride. Yes. Know all men by these presents, that I being in good health and of sonnd . mind and disposition, in consideration of a dollar 'n fifty cents to me in hand well an' truly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby .ack nowledged, do an' by, these presents have declared you man an' wife durin' good beheavior, Leading Irishmen York are saying that and Morton are a weak and that Cleveland will the eountryf r;: '; .5-. Dockery has declined ter a joint canvass with Fowle. He will bushwhack and he is a dangerous because an unscrupulous man. There is yet wisdom in Charles R'a unfortunate head. Hear him "Old Tippecanoe was a uniqe man in one respect. He was the only man named Har rison who ever was or ever will be President of the United States." Charlotte Observer. We have been asked why so many of the colored people, in New York City are Democrats. We rather suspect - that ' it is because they have a .rush of brains to the headj- N. Y. Ledger. '. Somebody asked the Golda boro Argus what was an independent? whereupon the following reply was made:"He is a man who loves office better than he does principle and would sell his principles; if he had any for office. ;. ' '.' Can it possibly be true that Jeter Pritchard while iu the Legislature voted against giving wounded soldiers a pitiful little pension? He stands charged with it and has never denied it. How does that suit the old - sol diers? : ' y . If Franklin county is not carried by the Democrats this year, the white people of the county will be to blame. Re member that and let every white man see to it that he votes, and also that the vote he casta this year shall be cast for white supremacy and good government. Times. . '1IM'!1 i: I." ". n 1 'ii -Ji iLi - Gqt Hill oliNew York .when informed Of the nomination: of Geq, Harrison by the 'repub licans, said .".Well every?. dmo cats, ought : to be abundantly satisfied with! U. ? It has been said that nothing succeeds -like success, i. Might it not? be also said that nothing: ojefeatsLlikir defeat? W asn't Harrison beaten by Williams for. Governor . and by; Turpie for r Senator?. Did he ever: have the support of the working men and isn't his record on Chinese labor rather too: ipropounccd against the wageworker? I really think we shall have'lllfle trouble in winnipg this year indeed since hearing I this good neraJ I j3o not see bow we can be defeated. TIT ' m . . w ny enouia any wmte man in North r Carolina .vote . the Republican ticket? Does' he not know when doing so that he is in the' most practical way saying that he believes that the negro is Doner nttea to govern this State than the white man? Republicans are always prat ing about a free ballot and 1 fair count. If they will apply a free ballot and a fair count to their primaries and conventions the negroes will control all the nominations and through them the government of the State if the Republican party is successf uh Goldsboro Argus ' It cannot be kept too steadily before the people that the economic issue of this cam paign is not between protection and free trade but is between Democratic prohibition to labor and Republican prohibition of the importations of articles all our consumers need. The con test is between well employed labor, growing business and rea sonable coet of goods to the masses on one side and abso lute monopoly control of labor scantly worked diminishing business and restricted markets on the other. If the Republican theory should prevail, gigantic trusts would control the produc tion of all staple manufactures and tax at their pleasure the highest prices for goods and the lowest wages for labor. The Democratic contest is the fight against .monopoly, and the Democracy is the anti monopoly party. -1 l BepulDlicafls for Gain O31I7. .Virginia is a great State, and she has furnished the country with. , many picturesque and interesting public personages, from Amelie Rives down: but in all the list of her citizens none are more am no ing than the three "great'! Repupllcan eaders, Mahone, Riddlebenrer and Wise. Their performance remind one irresistibly of the two.- entertaining blackguards in-i"irininie,"ani the resem blance ia considerably mors than ekin'deep. .- .There was a story published recently, that the Virginia Re publicans had assembled under a huge olive branch and sworn tq bury all their qnarrels. The Democrats were warned that hereafter, in that State they would have to meet a united foe, and that her electoral vote was in danger. It transpires that the basis for rumor was the fact that Mahone and Rld dleberger have united in an effort to bury Wise. As long as there was a friendly Nation al Administration there was a chance that the Vlnrlna Republicans would , hold to gether, for the sake of ' the spoils. That chance being takeu away, they promptly fell to quarreling. They are not willing to flight loyally for an unsuccessful cause, because they are Republicans for gain, not for principle. , V irglnia will vote Democrat ic so long as the Iterublican party in that State is governed by men like Wise, Mahone and Riddleberger. And yet the Republican wonder why there is a solid South. N. Y. Star. Pretty Vcri Pictsr. -v It was twelve years ago last Friday night since we and the little woman np yonder on the hill plighted our troth. These dozen years have brought with tnem burdens and pleasure, the latter out-weigh the former. Four lovely chidern cluster about the roof-tree and kneel night and morning around the family altar and life is brighter and happier because of their presence. Love beams brightly in every eye and sweet-winged peace Bits day by day and on the ' door-step. Time has wrought her changes and the bride of eighteen has become the matron of thlrty-on bat growing ; fonder and dearer, very moment Husband and father has not been all that he might have been but wife and mother and children could find no one to take his place In their hearts. No turkey graced the board of the anniversary no dainty feast was spread. Noth ing save a table for six and plain, home fare and blight eyes chubby faces dimpled cheeks and -hands kisses and love words together with sin cere trust in God for all time t What grander bill of fare could be furnished for wed ding anniversary? God bless all husbands and wives and child ren and homes! This is ear anniversary all the-y ear-round prayer. i myjb OE, A WEEK; an' until otherwise ordered by the Court. Our Tell Tale Eyes. Black (dark brown) are a sign of passionate ardor in love. - Dark blue, or violet, denote great affection and purity, but not with much intellectuality. Hear; light blue, with calm steadfast glance, denote cheer fulness, gcod temper, con stancy. Pale blue, or seal colored, with shifting motion of eyelids and pupils denote deceitfulness and selfishness. Russet brown without yellow denote an affectionate disposi tion, sweet and gentle. The darker the more ardent the pas sion. Blue, with greenish tints, are not so strongly indicative of these traits but a slight pro pensity to greenish tints in eyes of any color is a sign of wisdom and courage. Gray, or greenish gray, with orange and blue shades, and every varying tints, are the most intellectual, and are indi cative of the impulsive, im- impressionable temperament the mixture of the . sanguine and bilious, which produces poetic and artistic natures. Light trown or yellow denote inconstancy ; green, deceit or coquetry. Eyes of no particu lar color (only some feeble shades of blue or gray; dull, ex pressionless, dead looking), be long to the lymphatic tempera ment, and denote a listless, feeble disposition, and a cold, selfish nature. Exchange. Nothing like scientific invest! gation. It makes wonderful discoveries. Here is the result of an experimental analysis: Harrison spelled backwards reads no sir rah! ana Morton not ro(o)m. Please observe mat eacn name ends in a nega tive and these two negatives will never make an affirmative in American politics. No sir rah! The Republican boast of the "American system"of protec tion the author of which was Henry Clay. But the illus trious statesman prescribed 20 per cent, as a tariff rate, which the Republican are opposed to the Mills bill which proposes to reduce the rate from 47 per cent, to 40 'per cent. O consis tency! ' -. ' No matter who may be the Republican candidate the struggle will be between the problems of peace , and the issues of war, between peace taxation ; and war 'taxation, between popular rights and the wrongs 01 rapacious combi nations. To doubt the result is to doubt the hard sense and patriotism of the Americaan people. , Worth Knowinff. 'Mr. W. Morgan merchant Lake City Fla., was taken with a severe uoia attencea .witu a distressing Congh and running Into Conanmption in its first stages He tried many socalleA popular Cough remedies ana steaany grew worse. Wsredaced in flesh had difficulty in breathing and was nnable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. king's New Discovery for (Joununption and found immediate relief and after using about a half dozen bottles found hiuself well and has no return of the disease. No other remedy con show so grand a record of cures as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Gua; ranteed to no just what is claim 1 for it Trial bottle free at A. W. Rcwland Drag Store. Is Consumption. Incurable- Read the follow!--: Mr. 0. H. Morris Newark, A.k, huvi: "Wii down with Abcss of Luues, and friends and physicians proiounced me an Incurable CoasamDtire. Begau taking Dr. King'a'New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my thrid boiO and able to oversee the work ou my farm. It is finest medicine ever made. Jesse Middlewart, Decatur Ohio says: "11 ad it not boen for Dr. King's New Discovery lor Con sumption 1 would have died of Lung Troubles. Wa given np by doctors. A u now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at A. W Kowland s Drug Store. A Snai Loral Cpizirz- E. Balnbridge Monday Esq., Coonty Atty 'Uy Co, Tex, ay: Mliave uied Electric Bitten with most happy results. Mj brother also was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaun dice but was cured by timely ose of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life." Mr. D I Wilcoxson ol Hor Cave Ky adds a like testimony a.vlng: He positively belirea be would hare died had it not been for Electric Bitters. This great-remedy will ward off as well as care all Malaria Dis ease ana for all Kidney, Liver and and Stomach Disorders stand nneqnaled. Price oOc and tl at A. W. Rowland b. Y7hit 9 Wants- Western Editor(puttiDg on his coat) well, this is hard luck, Ubituaiy column short half an inch, and I've got to go out and kill a man to fill It up.-B urhng- tou a zee rreas. -. Wonderful Cures- Mary, will you marry me? ; No, George I cannot. Do you-do you love another? No, but I can never be your wife. I saw you umpiring that game of ball yesterday, and. I cannot give my heart to a man who will call a man out on strikes when he ought to have his . base on balls. Lincoln . Journal, : Out in Minnesota the folks are so enthusiastic over the old bandana that notices have been published in the churches warning the congregation from using bandkerchiefs of the Thurman hue, as such an act would ' encourage the dem ocrats present to cheer for Grover Cleveland and prove a serious interruption to the service. Among all the men named there is not one "leader,''. f no one' whose personal or historial relation to the people would make a difference of 1,000 votes in the canvass. Sherman,AUi- son, : Harrison etc., have records tbat would be awkward on the tariff, the currency,' the Chinese questions, etc.- Sena tor Ingalls aboutjeandidates at the Chicago Convention. The following opinions are expressed by North Carolinians on that part of the Republican platform which" refers to the internal revenue. Mr Hender son says: "It is the veriest sham on earth. There isj no chance to deceive our people on 1 that line. Here in the House. McKinley and others are doing everything, to obstruct the passage of a good law and thea framing a platform on false pretences." He says Itf the Republican Senate, his own Internal Revenue ; BU which passed the Demo cratic House, .is sleBDinsr the sleep of death. He does not think the Senate intended to report it.Col. Johnson says: "Its an infernal fraud.The platform pledges thp party . tq a. considerable reduptio'n pf the surplus, and at the Bame time passes pension bills making it impossible to keep those pledges." W. D. Iloyt & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Rome Ga, say: We bave been selling Di. King's New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Buckleh's Arnica Salve for lour years. Have never handled remedies mac sen as well or give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cares effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely enrea oy ase of a few hottles of Dr, jviDg-s jew ui8covery taten in connection with Elecetric Bitters We guarantee tbem always. Sold by A. W. Rowland. Under the lead of a deraa gogue like Foraker and a bitter partisan like Ingalls' we may expect this campaign to have the dead issues of the war res urrected, the South arraigned for numerous misdeeds of which it is guiltless, and charged with a want of patriotism which it possesses in common and in an equal degree with every section of our country. North American RbView. Rep. . , Mr. Harrison says that the Republican party has made a more perfect Union secure by making all men free; and then he adds that "Washington and Lincoln Yorktown and Appo mattox, the Declaration of Independence and the Pro clamation of Emancipation" are naturally associated in thought. Washington .and Lincoln! Think of that. York- town and Appomattox! The De claration of Independence and the Proclamation of Emanci pation! The Declaration of Independence associated with a proclamation emancipating the negroes whom the author of the proclamation has taken an oath not to set free. He knew that he had no right to eman cipate the slave. He had again and again declared tbat Congress had n power to abolish slavery even in the District of Columbia and the platform upon which he was elected President in 13G0 declar ed that the Republican party did not propose to interfere with slavery in the State. Iu a word he went into omce bound by as solemn pledges as ever a mau took not to Issue an emancipation proclamation and yet found it in his heart to iesue such a proclamation as a "war measure!"Yet Mr. Harris son couples that proclamation with the Declaration of Independence. He desires to got the negro vote. Richmond Dispatch, Pro. Condng Elections. There are no longer October elections in pivotal State to in dicate or influence the vote for President in November. There are however, States that will hold elections prior to the No vember election. Tennessee elects a Governor on Thursday the 2nd of August. Alabama has its biennal election on the the first Monday in- August. The Arkanasas State election occurs on the first Monday in September. Next comes the Vermont on the first Tuesday in September. Maine follows with an election on the second Monday in September. Geor gia the only October State, has iti election on the first Wednes day of that month. Dsa't Experiment- Yon cannot afford to waste tiae in experimenting w'uen your, longs are la danger. . Consumption al ways seems, t fiist, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to 'im pose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, bat be sure yoa get the geaaine. Because be can make more profit be may tell yoa he has something just as good, or jatt the same. Don't be deceived, bat insist npon getting Drr King's New Disoovery which is guar anteed to give relief ia all Throat Lang and Chest afleeiionn Trial bottles free at A. W. Rowland Drugstore Large riottles 31. Glad of It. Daring the General Conterence many ot the delegates preached in the various Methodist ch arches of New York and Brooklyn. In one of the more fashionable churches of be latter - city the fervent ejaculations once so common are sapDOt-ed to entirely eliminated. One of the visiting preachers bow ever, evoked: the old -spirit, lie bad preached for one hour and a quarter and then said: 'I am sorry I ctnnot enlarge on this point Wherenpon'a brother startled till the people in his vicinity by a vigorous exclamation, "Praise the Lord" . Enny good butter? inquired an old lady of the grocer. Trier's never any flies on our butter, madam. Iheu the old lady, whose knowledge of English is lim ited, said: Well, if flies won't eat it, 'taint 'nough fer me and she went across the only the choice sold New Yorl? Jim Webster What preacher's gwinter baptise dat baojt Sam Johusing Parson Whaoga doodle Baxter. flow much does he gilt Two dollar! Yoa oaght to git Parson Bledsoe. He'll do hit for a dollar. Hnb!what sorter baptUm kin yer get fer a dollar! Efyerbasgot yer doubt about hit's efflcadcy you can bab de chile baptized twict for de money what yer pays Part-on Whangadoodle Baxter. way where brands are San, Dar- A Detroit paper tells of a man who "barely escaped death at the hands of an in furiated bull.5' the Indian who was so much pleased with the first locomotive he had ever seen that ho tried to lasso it afterward told . another Indian that never was so carried away with anything before in all his life. Journal of Education. Marion I rejected Mr, ringer last evening. Why, Kate? He was entirely too profuse. Impossible! A lover couldn't be. And he was as gushing as he was voluminous. He praised my eyes, hair and complexion. He Oh, Kate, that was just lovely. But hia grandma, Marion. That was the hidden reef which wrecked him. He said: that. Goodnos! I expected to hear him say: "Your nose are!" I love him, and it makes my heart ache to thiuk abuu.t it but I can never marry hm. No, never. Detroit Free press. Col. Don Piatt has entered Senator Ingalls' cbooen field to contend with him with bis pre ferred weapon viluperation. The Sen tor's record ia well known to be vulnerable and unsavory and Col. Piatt with teiaveneecent power exposes it with the picturesque Iuno and imagery and boldness of Western style. It looks like the Senator bas met bis match. Doubting Young Mao What proof have we sir tbat matches are made in heaven! Clergyman The best possible, one was thrown from there. HeyT er. yoa don't mean it now, do you? Assuredly Lucifer, yoa know struck auds fired. C.inghatnton Republican. WHAT IS HAPPZXLVQ IM 1U.R WORLD AROUND FJL A eofMMt report 1X4 galkted from our oontomporarioe. State National, An Acricultoral Fair will bt held In tat4 ville in October. Taiboro has a Cotton Factory with a capital stock or 1100,000. Rutherford will hare a oocaty Teacher' Inititat this summer. Stephen Freeman, the lecrv rap ist, wm bang ta umingtoa week. The indications point to a abort tobacoo crop, we tee from the Re corder. Crops In some parts of Ckatham are greatly'damaged by a coaUooed drought. Over three thousand dollars bare been subscribed to the Dart) am Exposition fond. The last Usne of tbe Scottish Chief wu a credit to Its -dOort;U was inn or. gaoa matter. ' The Shelby Democratic Clob held a big ratification meeting JUoncUy night 01 last wett. Abbeville -La voted to dsvoU one bandred thousand dollar to baud a system of sewerage. There are 31.RU Bsftlst ebtreh es in tbe Lolled btU with to tal membership of i,8l,31S. It Is repotted that Carman will visit tin Sta'e ia NoretDDcr Klection and Barnam ! Whoopee ! Henry Grady will resign as edl tor ot tbe Ailaata Constitution ad Mart m paper at Birmingham, J 1 Abbot Leo (laid hsu beea conse crated Biohop er Meeeft as 4 appointed Yusir Apostolic of North Carolina. Andrew Lnnt on, of Pamlico Co, while out banting shot and killed two beam. One of tbem weigfaed 300 pounds. Governor Scales baa appointed r. w. u. rotter, of ureensboro a member of N. C. State Board of Pharmacy. J. W. Moore, of Beaufort county, bas been appointed Commiasloaer of wrecks for tbe 3rd district. Oar teret county. Tfce Patriot js large ehiprxeota of peaches and apples are made from Greensboro every day to tbe Northern markets. Judge James C. McRae will bold Catawba Superior Court next week, Jadge Gilmer, wbo was to have presided, being sick. The first bale of cotton of tbe new crop far waa shipped bv 1 press f root Albany, .Gan to New York, on tbe 5th tost. Tbe Wadsboro Sik Mills atlll enntMue their shipments of mann factored silk. It is cf fr" quality and finds a ready sale. ( Durham county is trmbled with a surplus of $3,000 in the treasury and Is talking of improving tbe roads of the connry with It. There is not a licensed bar-rtxm ia th county of Ilobesoo, the Max- ton Union heralds to the world with apparent satisfaction. Durham is to bare a lew daily. It will be called Tbe Reveille and will bare for its mot tot Wake, oIeMietefts, days a breaking." Tbe colored members of tbe Far mers' Alliance or An eon oocaty met in Wadesboro last Thursday and organized a Coonty Alliance. Tbe negro wbo attempted to commit rape ia the neighborhood of Manly last week bas beea cap tared end lodged io Carthage jau. Near Sbelby. . U, last weeks boy named John liinson,lx years old. was klcaed on tbe bead by a bone,from which be died ia a abort time. Tbe grand jury at Raleigh presented tbe lollowiog bills against C. K. Cross and 8. C. WhiUw two caoes of for eery aad two of falM pretence. It is highly probable Senator Vance ill be present sod deliver an address before tbe Inter-Stats Farmers' Convention in Raleigh ia August. Adaucbter of Mr. J. G. Whit- tlngton, of liaroett coonty, was bitten by a rattlesnake last week. She was very ill afterwards, bat Is recovering. A new post oifice has been es tabMohed in Harnett coonty. It is called Dickinson and is between Lillington. Mr. McN. McKay is postsuster. Mr. J. S. Cunningham has been chosen Chief Marshal of the Roan oke and Tar Elver Agrkiltaral Society. It will be held in VYeidoa tbe first week iu November. The Toboceo A North Carolina com poed of all to- 00000 planters dealers and tnan.' afactarers, wtll met st Morehead la an anal convention Anrst r&Ll Minnie Carter, a malti Ol this town, waa tnt hr nril? Watkins la FayeUeviUe last week. She will recover. Ws.krns w booBd over for lis appearance at court. Tea years ago there was aa man nrsctartBr enterprh is Ootrrnboro. To-day there ten fiirtkhiog In doatnee and tbe Weyse County Agricaltaral Amocihiub. Yenly Goldsboro is boom log. , A baby has been born ia Medi soa coonty with a natural tatleoa ib la toe coast lui -v & other gave birth to tire at one clatter, bat tbs bal etUrbmrnt was lea off. The buUe toui go. Darfor tbe ratt frw twit a snr. race or 6.000 sqoare Irrt bu beea laid bare ta the Danburr m.n mines. Tbe quality ot the 'ore is as rood ae ear 00 tbe Ammru Continent. Dorbam is to have a rrai..I Ex- po'UoQ or ber trade, mtluvtnes and resocrcee ia OcJoix-r att- Jade Tbarmaa will 1 tanit-J to be present. We boj. h m .A Come. The Old Dominion eaJBer La re carried 6.000 barrel t.f i.tt- rrom WstbinfloB, ;. c, during tbe preeeBt seamjn. It u ptolisb tbe Cljde Line have carried q Al ly as many. Tbe contract fur tie con: jut ui of the bonding for He Waj tie A- ncaitarai works has Un a :rnrd. They will be of brick, four in num ber, two for tbe works and ware room sod two for boilrr boae and engine room. Last week Governor Scales t.ar. doned J. K. Ballard, 'or Anooa coonty, for larceny sod C A. Bland, of Pitt county. The Utter, a policeman at Bell's Ferry, while la the performance or t doty struct 1 bid from tbe effects of hich be died. Active arraoremettts sire Iwlnz Bade at MW liollr for the (Ira ore Encampment to be held tbne ia Aognst. 1 ew building are I vs erected and there will be belter ac commodations for tbe crowd than there were Lat tear. Tbe ito- gramme is an cnuMially amacVive one. Tbe Watobman ba aa interest ing sketch or feelisUirv. It it the oldest towa In Vtera North Carolina, sod is only a Imle yoonger tbaa tbe oldt la libera Carolina. It was settled iu lTi'4. It never bad 2.ooo ih-ot.1 uatit 1870. Its preebt li'uUtta is 5,133. As an evidence or tbe surcess of tbe present truck 'Off ix-i-oa, ays tbe New Berne Joarn' a tna piece of land containing 3 t.' aa three acres, which uriio.i:iv cot Blobson- Don't you tWnk Dumpsey gaye ! ns a rattling speech last night? Popinjay Yes; it was bo dry that it couldn't help rattling. Qov. Gray and Ex-Senator Mo Donald dont agree generally in their opinions but both ot tbem are confident that the Democrats will carry Indiana. What it is grat ifying to notice the amount ol faith they exhibit the value-of work la as great as ever. No doubt they will get to. work iu due time. Great Britain is being treated to some extraordinary weather for July. There was enow in London Wednesday. There U a child near GraBtaboro, Pamlico coonty, tea months old, with a bead twice as largo as an ordinary man's bead. Tbe child is healthy sod growing rapidly. The Grand Commandery of Knight Templars will hold Its an nual conclave at Winston com mencing Aaenst 1st, 1SSS t o'clock p. m. Happiness is only relative, and some people And that it is distant relative indeed. J. R. Batch, a yoaac maa 22 years old, from near Rock BUI, died in Ridgeway, S. OU Us week of hydrophobia, caused by a cat bite received nearly year ago. Tbe ex Confederate soldiers of Chatham coonty wilt hold a 1 up Ion at Fittaboro the 1st Thirs day in August next. It will be a erand occasion. Senators Vance ami Raojtom and Maj. S ted man will addti'6 tbe people. , 12 SO per sere, bas inxiacI a beaa crop which Las vriU d over 1700. A Yoocg Men's Ihtaixratic Club, bas been trg.-t.iz-d in Suow IIilL Its odcerit are: rn-Mdent, T. C. Wooten; Vice Ir-.;tcr.tF, L. J. Best, J. P. 11)11; f !ns. Geo. W. Sugg and Pt. 1 Hsr. per. Capt. W. A. Daiu. . nn ad dress tbe next meet itg - - CluU. James Reynolds of k 'ietford coenty, went down in t.utu 'aro use to get married Lvt week. He took along to defray rxtM-taa. rX belonging to A. R. .t t of Kota erfordtou. lie was art rr-'u d Saa day morning sod indict J .J rcpus. tog ia a bridal cbamiM-r, i Ua- goUhiog in &partaos'0'gs I,L awaiting- requisition fioaj Gover nor Scales. w At a local option e!Tti n 111 Mi- soori the ladies were eu dmitif to tbe polls with yoouff tn-n vbuui they had Induced to rote w local option. Others were near the vot ing ptsoe with banner on wtiW-a was inscribed "Trmnera&rc beatx or bo beaux st alL" They won ty a big majority. Don. Walter Clark was elwrefl President and Dr. I). K. Krrrirt Secretary and Treautei, .f the Sbotwell MoBome&t A.k- j(i.e, at a recent ateetisg. Oar renders know tbe object of this Ak noa is to raise funds to erect a Mitt able monument to tbe memory of Capt. SbotwelL Jadge Fowle tubbed the Presidency oa accouui uf iLe can rats. . All the prisoners non!iitd . ia jail at"Cl:nton eNcai-d IaM . One ol Item sacct-eded in cu:ug oot or his cell, wbeo U li twisted tbe ethers. 1 bey then burned tbe door ontil tbe lock and" bolts could be prized off. Tbe neit morning while tbe Sheriff was exarn:nlcg tbe extent ol the damages two or tbe prisoners. Holmes and John son who were in on arhhrpeof Dargiary and sopiioM! im im plicated la tbe burn in ir of tbe Methodist cbnrch, tetur&t-d and asked to be allowed to occupy their cells till court conveued, as they were. Innocent and wanted to be vindicated. Green rills celebrated the Glori ous ioarta in grand stjle. tbe had a brilliant parade Leaded by an antique chariot, with thirteen girls representing' the original thir teen Slate. Dr. C. J. O Haeaa was Chief Marshal, Mr. C. V. HiU, oT Washington, read tbe Itrrlara tiou of Indepeudence. Mr. li. F. Tyson read tbe Mecklenburg Deo laratloo. Tbe address waM deliver ed by Doonel Gilliam, Eq ef Tar boro. A base ball game beiveva, Washington and Green ville nuss fa tbe afternoon, a pyrotectnic dis play and German at nigbt cotultt ed tbe celebration, so we k--ra from the Reflector. fTlfe you eay yoa r hot th duck yourself, John? I can Cnd no marks on It. Husbandjwho hadn't thought of that Well-cr-rny dear, the the bird was very high up, you know, and perhaps the fall killed it Life. 1 T; -