- - - ; '- JM.M.MaaassssssssssssssfBssain ' - The "Wilson Advance. WlUSOIT, N. C, ... July 19, 1888 NATIUlTAL PLATFOEM. Tfc Seasons Way the. Democratic sM am . . ' a am r is. the Nation as Enunciated at ' St. Louis. The Democratic party of the United States In National Convene tion assembled renews : the pledge of its fidelity ta Democratic faith andieASlriBs the platform adopted bj lta representatiTes' in the Con- TODUOn Ol .Loo anu iiiuorstB iub views expressed by President Cleveland in his last earnest mes sage to Congress as the correct in ' terpretation of that platform . upon he question or tanfl reduction, ana alao indorses the efforts of our Iemocratic representatives in Con- gross to secure a reduction of ex cessive taxation. Chief, among . its principles of party -faith are the maintenance of an mdiseoltible union' of free and indestructible States, now about to enter upon its second century of unexampled progress and renown ; devotion to a plan of government regulated by a written constitution strictly specifying every granted i power and expressly reserving to the States or people the entire un granted residue of power ; the en couragement of a jealous .popular vigilance, directed to all who have been chosen lor brief terms to en act bad execute the laws and are i - . I a ma aw. by this immense temptation, the I ia the territory - """'"lE? itcny, Jcaiv in Aoircres. remedy of the Kepnblican'partyTbvr .' , extra va4 to meet and exhaust by gant appropriation and expenses! whether constitutional or not, th accumulation of extravagant tax ation. The Democratic policy is enforce frugality in public expe and abolish unnecessary taxati Our established domestic Indostrii and enterprises should not an need not be endangered by the re-j d notion And AnrrAction of th bar J dens of taxation Dn tie e:-thu74 1 ft3ai-i8t a iiur auu ,careim rey-iouu wish tax jair$ f ith nnA ar iwai; o roc the difference betweeA&hef f agei oC American:, and -e labor, mujsj bromote aM.eil(ki3eryj branch" of such industries and en terprises by giving them assurance; of an extended market and steady and continuous operations. , THE NEEDS OF LABOR. In the) interests of American la bor, which should in no event be neglected, the revision of oar tax laws contemplated by the Demo- M4icpaty,shoald pTMffate the ad vantage ei encn moor rjycneapen- tng tbe cost of necessaries of life in the home of every workingman, and at the same time secure to him 6teady and remunerative employ ment. ' Upon this question of tariff re- iorm, so cioseiy concerning every phase of our national life, and upon every question involved in the problem of good government, the Democratic party submits it - prin ciples and professions to Jheintel ligant suffrages laf the fefenerilan The charged with the duty of preserv ing peace, insuring equality and es tablishing justice. The Democratic party welcomes an exacting scrutiny of the admin istration of the executive power which four years ago was commit ted to its trust in the election of j Orover Cleveland as President of the United States, but it challenges the most searching inquiry con cerning Its fidelity and devotion to the pledges which then invited the suf rages of the. people t. daring a most critical period of our financial affairs, resulting from overtaxation, tb4 anomalous condition of our cur rency and a public debt unmatured, It las by the adoption of a wise and conservative course not only averted disaster but greatly pro moted prosperity to tbe people. FAITHFUL TO EVE BY DUTY. It has reversed the improvident and unwise policy of the Eepubli can party touching the public do main and has reclaimed from cor . porations and syndicates, alien and ; domestic, and restored to the; peo ple nearly one hundred millions ; of acres of valuable land to be sacred ly held as homesteads for oar citi aens. While carefully guarding the in terest of the taxpayers ana' con forming Btrictly to the principles of justice and eqnity it has paid out more for pensions and bounties to the soldiers and sailors of the lie public than was ever paid before during an equal period. It has adopted and consistent ly pursued a firm and prudent for eign policy, preserving peace with all nations while scrupulously main taining all the rights and interests of our own Government and people at home and abroad. Tbe exclus ion ffOm oar shores of Chinese la borers has been effectually secured nader the provisions of a treaty, the operation of which has -been postponed by the action of a Re publican majority in the Senate. Honest reform in the civil ser vice has been inaugurated and maintained by President Cleveland ind be has brought the public s'er . vice to tbe highest standard of ef ficiency, not only by rule and pre cept but by the example of bis wn nutiring and unselfish admin- istratioa or public affairs;! n In every branch and department of the Government nnder Demo- - cratic control tbe rights and the welfare of all tbe people have been . guarded and defended : every pub lic interest ban been protected, and tbe equality of ail our citizens be- fore tbe law, without regard to race " or color, has been steadfastly main tained. REPUBLICAN OBSTRUCTION. , Upon its record thus . exhibited and upon the pledge of a continu ance to tbe people of these benefits, tbe Democracy invokes a renewal of popular trust by tbe re-electioa of a Chief Magistrate who has been faithful, able and prudent. We in ' vokein addition to that trust tbe transfer also to the Democracy of the entire legislative power. The Bepublioan party, controlling the Senate and resisting in both bouses of Congress a reformation' of the nojaat and unequal tax laws which have outlasted the necessities of war and are now undermining the abundance of a long peace,, deny to the people equality before tbe law and the fairness and the justice which are their right- Then the cry of American labor for a better share in the rewards of industry is stifled with false pretences, enter prise is fettered and bound down to- home markets, capital is discour aged with doubt, and unequal, un jast laws can neither be properly amended or repealed. The Democratic party will con tinue, with all the power confided to It, tbe struggle to reform these laws in accordance with the pledges of its last platform, indorsed at tbe ballot-box by tbe suffrages of tbe people. Ot all tbe indastriousree- men of our land the immense ma iority, including ever; tiller of the soil, gatn no advantage from ex ccwive tax laws, but the price nearly everything they buy is in created bv tbe favoritism of anfao equal system of tax legislation. All unnecessary taxation Is unjust taxation. It is repuguant to the creed of Democracy that by such taxation the cost of the necessaries of file should - be unjustifiably in creased to all out people. Judged by Democratic principles, the inter ests o the ptople are betrayed when, ' by unnecessary taxation, trusts and combinations are "per mitted to exiBt, which, while un d8ly enriching the few that com brae, rob the body of our ' citizens by depriving them of tbe benefits A natural competition. SURPLUS REVENUE AND TAXES. . Every Democratic rale of govern mental . action is . violated when i through-annecessary -taxation, a vast sum of money, far beyond the needs of an economical admin istraT tion, is drawn from the people and the channels of trade and aocuniu lated as a demoralizing surplus in the National Treasury. Tbe money now lying idle in the Federal Treas ury resulting from supertlaous tax ation amounts to more .tha..S.i25f 000,000, and tbe surplus loll-uied 9 H to. THE FLATFOBUL Catechism Uorth, of The Carolina- Party in We again congratulate the peo ple ol North Carolina on the con tinued enjoyment of peace, good government and general prosperity nnder Democratic -ad ministration ottbex affairs of tnerstate wST h& now been unbrokerf iorf so ratrn' yearsr-nppn the. lost andj enforcement of thd law 4? increasing efficiency of cur common school fBV6temi anor Mtepro madein popnlai-iBductianr; upo: the improvement,, amlen.terprise manifested in all part fltihfiJStat4. We again challenge a comparison between this state of things and the outrages, crimes and scandals which attended Republican ascend ancy in our borders, p We RPtedge ourselves to exert is the ifnbui as in the past out best efforts to t pro mote the interests of the people of all sections of the State. Affirming our adherence to Democratic prin ciples as heretofore enunciated in "BESOLVED lLat tU;U DeiUOUitMC I pan. j ubb t'a-'-'-j the workingman and have never fostered monopolies nor have trusts or combinations" or . pools, . ever grown trp under laws enactedby it. The contest in this "country it bntmett aggregated capital seeking to crash out all competition and, the individual laborer, the Democratic party is, as it nas oeen the monopolist ana . in tATor ut a Inst distnbutlon of czprtal, and uemanda- the - enact ment of laws that will bear equally open all. XVJSSU1.V JU Auaii aa u tuaiwu jars most heavily Upon the labor er tt is the duty of the .legislator as a direct benefit to the working man to keen the expenses: of .our Public institutions at the lowest JUnrtt Consistent with wise and ef ficient management. The Demo cratic party opposes any competi tion between free and convict la. bor. but it insists that convicts shall not remain Idle- at the ex pense of honest labor. KESoLYED, Tbatonrs being an agricultural State, it is onr duty as well as our pleasure to promote any and all legislation that is best cal culated to advance the interests of agriculture ; and that in so doing we" will' most' effectually advance tbe interests of mechanics, manu (ac tourers and laborers. Besolyed, That the Democracy of North Carolina cordially ap prove the administration of Hon Alfred M. Scales as honest, patri otic ana conservative. : Kesolved, That the ability, wisdom, honesty, patriotism, inde pendence, faithfulness to dnty and manly courage of President Cleve land nave won the-admiration of bH-geiod men ; and the interests of the country demand his re-noinina-tion and his re-election. : , l lie (Jiu?rie apf-li'-'ution of Swayne Oiutment without any ' internal medicine Will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Rheum, Eingworm Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Eczema all Scaly Itchy Skin ifiruptioano matter how obstinate or long standing. It is poeent, effective and cost but a trifle. TJPOBS ev 6 V- . i Oil OEnf remedy Hneumansm, neuraigu Curei nhcumatlsni. Neuralab , BKtHliI, MUWt immii FKicK, rnriTjDEST. AT DBCOtlSTS VB DlXiiBl Till CHABklS k. TOVRI.U Ca,aA!.TIBOIK, IB. tor rain Tree from Opiates, Entotic ana Foison. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. ir1 Damnrm awn TrKAt.rKS. -Ilk tUAULLS A. VtK.kLER CX-JUXTUORL Vft 25 1 "Onward and upward will be the maxim of the new paper said the Editor proudly. And it proved a nappy maxim too. For three short month the paper went onward and ttheo it wpnf upward. K : ; I 1 - PJbo's Cure for Con- '' sumption ia also the beat Cough Medicine. If you hare a Cough without disease of the Lungs, a few doses are all 70a need. Bat if you ne gleet this easy means of safety, tbe slight Cough may become a serious matter, and several bot tles will be required. yonrampionSuxely Cum. To the Editor: ; Please inform yonr readers that nave a positive remedy for the ,bove named disease. By its time- ' use thousands of hopeless eases avebeen permanently . cured. I ihall be glad to send two bottles of myTenroay FKEB to every con sumption if they Will send me their Express and P. O. address, 11 H Eeapectlully f T. A. Slocum, M. C. 181 Pearl St Iff. Y, 1-26-88 6mo I CURE FITS! for time and then hav tbem return aain. I mean ft radical core. I have made tbe di&se of FITS, EPHr KPSY or tf AL.ilSKJr Mtmn naa a uiMonf snay. a varrant tar remedy to core the worst casern. Be n tbers bave failed ia bo reaaoa for not now reoasvmf a Send at once for a treatise ana ft pree ooium of my infallible remedy. Give Kxpree and raftt (Jdop. H.G. MOOT. WUC..183 Pearl St. Hew Trlu IM'ILIH TMLDB, the platforms of the party, it is hereby Kesolved, That no government has the right to burden its people with taxes beyond the amount re quired to paj its necessary ex penses and gradually extinguish its public debt ; and that whenever the revenues, hewever derived, ex ceed this amount, they should be reduced, so as to avoid a surplus in toe treasury. That any system of taxation which necessitates the payment of a premium of 1270 by the government on each $1,000 of Its bonds, taken up with the; mil lions that would otherwise lie idle In its vaults, and paid to bond holders who purchased, in many in stances, at less than par, is un democratic, oppressive and iniqui tous and should be refunded. The course of our Democratic Bepre sentativea in Congress, in their ef forts to give relief to the people lrom burdensome internal revenue and tariff taxation, meets with the approval of the Democratic party of this State and we respectfully recommend that if they Jlnd iUim- possible to give to .oar ploflj all tha. m anded, ttbejL ebppott any just and practical measure pre sented in Congress that will afford a practical relief irom such exist ing burden. I Kesolved, That while the de tails of the methods by which the constitutional revenue tariff shall be gradually reached are subjects which the representatives of our people at tbe National. .Capital mast trusted; adjust, we think the customs da ties bou Id be levied for tbe prOductiow' Of' public rev enue, and tbe discriminations in their adjustment should be such as will place the highest rates on lux uries and the lowest on the neces saries of life, distribute as equally as possible the unavoidable burdens of taxation, and confer the greatest good on the greatest number.r Resolved, That we, ' as fheretbt fore, favor, and will never cease to demand, the unconditional 3 abcQ4 tion or the whole internal 'revenne system, as a war tax, not to be j ratified inr times of - peace ; as a grievous burden to our people and a source of annoyance in its prac tical operations. We call the at tention of the people of tbe. State 10 tne pnysicai nypocntieai preten sions of the Kepublican party in their platforms that they are in favor of the repeal of this rOB4roo8 Bysteni of taxation, enacted bv . Wanted. - A young man (Tar Heel) out of employment by no lault of bie, and vlio is sober, energetic aaa called a good salesman, fa miliar With office work, long experience, popular turn., fair ajddresa and can. give best of references,- wants ajob In city, tbwn or-. country." Will work in tay kind of harness. . Address, P. W. E., Lock Box 1, Suffolk, yirginia. For the blood use B- B. B. For scrofula, nse B. B. B. j For catarrh, nse B. B. B. ; For rheumatism, nse B. B. B. ' For kidney troubles, use B. B. B For eruptions, use B. B. B. I For all Mood poison, use B. B. B. Ask your neighbor who has csed B. B. B.of its merits. Get our book i- t,f 4 ..," . . w free mien witn pertmcates of won derful cures. j T1 Blood Balm Co., - 1951MAIU;STKEET, ISTorfoils.. Va- :0: rSuits made guaranteed. to order and I ' r-aCf a fti- .-r . 1 list Brilliant. Part and 1 Perfect Xn tlie World. - A C A R Dr?- TO THE VOrteKSMOF-WIL802f Having-persuaded my friends I that for many years I havei ccaded a great influence for the suorrOf I the Democratic party In Muion county, and that TTntendto,doe in future, aid br vwleartMt solicitations they- naeenM ted for me to becoaie 'acandidaMXir the office of Register otf Dl t Wilsoa coaa subject only: to tba decision ol whatever snuapqueaf ribnnal, of the DeirocratiO; Pattj may be c-lled on to decida ,yrk9i the most suitable man to reotlye the roaii nation for said OQee, jm n , t attempted to run for this Office two years ago, but was then lp' tbe bands of vpj friends,Hahdiltnev thouebt It best for me not tt dft to. Tc?3 year rt is somewhat iBfteenfc. I have taken toy rieridaiairriarjrj bands, but for lear that -.the. ber of my friends, at this mer-maj be too small to assure my nomina tion, recruits from any and aH-jpI the townships lathe county are re spectfully and earnestly solicited, and will be gladly received ubfll the decision referred to ia1 triade, after which recruits wQ be reOelr ed for Messrs.' Clef aland. Xaaia, and-and-well ww don'ff.Jtaow what all the names will be, batiaofi flee it to say, for . the present, ; for the nominees of the, great .jDme eratio party. , .. ns-, ,1 was in the hands of toy friends dnrlns'the- year ,1865 who1 Drooer to put mv name forward the office of Treasurer or lae eoun ty, but without any bopeofmj suc cess. .At that time ithHipuwen that . were, had diafranchisedii great, many of the best men; pot; county and had glen the; elects franchise to the ienorant. and 4 laded neeroes, who byt the : assist anceofafew avaricious ,and " pf e-J jadiced white men, took possei of ot.r couaty government. pOei quenily l have knOwl ever5 aTaoe- bow it feel to be beatea when W expect to be beateru: bat have bad an opportunity, siaea. 7 VMS Democratic party has been ta pow er, in the county, to .realize the feelings of personal, political de-. ieat, or success in anticipated vlo-' tory. ' Therefore; gentlsmenconii' on with yonr recrutta.-',;' J"r" i yerirpe0tfdny,' - r Ellas CiDarnes. - June the 85thr i&SSbsw ,Uru -. A':;CAID.'.: ' . FOR REGISTER Qfc DEEDS. Having beenjj repeated soli ted by friends in various' seeUons of tbe county to allow my nauie-to be presented for nomiBatldii Jor the office of Register 'of "DeediCj. tare this method ot making known to them that I hare con seated' to assent ' to' their wishes; llbiir&V fore declare myself a andldaw f the office of Register of Deeds jof. Wilson oounty, sabjfectr to the -ao- tio of tie Democratic Coaveation. Expressing . my - thanks - r to ,my friends throughout the county for the many" kind evidences of eoi uculo ouu auLuviu a. auu aa uur T. t . I. W. p, SnaV-cncrg. ALL-ABOAKD ;;:r OGRACOKE HOTEL SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN- .; 8 ! a r 1 . nut ....' . ' ...... f the times tkur Hnnrfpr ftfinPQ VP npp nVi.rillr li TiricCS It) Slllt Slippers that must he SOLI) we have anil buz come and see them and secure a Bargain. GOATS AND VEST, ' Wf pffexlpg allk mixed Coats and Vest at $3.50 that are worth S" aeUisE 6errockf Coats and Yost at $1,25 to $1.50. Summer pants Satteens. Lavs and Fercales - -fT; I ... l ' . . . . - OnrTnb dctie Jit ?'i tbat sell toe $70 everywhere. , jji J ceiits up. . , . 1 I7 have lost received a new lot of tbee goods in short lengths that we are selling at half price. Cime anl ee lL-e J fox thayara picked over. . : i.I; Fans, $e have llie largest assortment in Parasols and Fans' that has evirM ' otiirlit lo W that Ave will sell at Prime New York Cost, Ihe.gox , hrotight hft ssnlrl' rinri'i- tnkp. our wfinl fur u. come aihl see lor vourse Iv . 1 1 - - .tlil'i .."! Leases Atlanta, Ga. The modes of death's approach are various, and statistics show conclusively that more person die from diseases of the Throat and Jjungs than any other. It is prob able that everyone, without excep tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system and wbere these germs fall npon suitable Soil they Start into life and develop, at first s'owly, and is shown by a Slight tickling sensation in tbe throat and ir allowed to ; continue their ravages they extend to the lungs producing Consumption, and to the bead, causing Catarrh. Jsow all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death At - the-onset you must act with promptness; allowinga ;cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as yon feel that something is wrong with ; your Throat, ' Lungs or i Nos trils, obtain a bottle ofBoschee's German Syrup.) "It will give im mediate relief. ' , "Combined with Great Refracting Power. They are as transparent and colorless as light itself. And for soilness of endurance to the eye cannot be excelled, enabling the wearer to "read for hours without fatigne. In fat't, they are Perfect SiGjnr Pbeseeveus. Tes imonials from the leading physieiaDS in tbe Uuited Slates ca be given, who hare had their sight imprjved by their use. All eyes fitted aul the lit guar anteed a: E. M. Nadal's Dan Stoke, Where an immense assortment of these celebrated glasses can be found and properly adapted to all conditions of the eye. Tbeee glasses are not supplied to peddlers at any price. Nftn aenume unless the name Dawkes in statuied ou theframe. Wholesale Depots, Atlauta, Ga. Austin. Texas OCBACOKE, N.C. MffIRE RAILING C. F. & Y. V. R. R. CO. theitt party, wbile the liapablicaus in CwUgreBs are taxing their ener gies to obstruct all legislation in- aagi rated by the representatives of it e Democratic party to relieve the eople of air or a part ol this odio is system ,: " r-i RtaOI.VRT). That thp cnnrfiA n' the Democratic! party. In further ancdof popular education, is a suf- ficieat gqarauty that we favor the ldocntioneF the people, and we CONDENSED SCHENULE No. 30. Taking Effect fcOO A. M Xuesdar, If ay 1 3th TRAINS MOVING NORTH. ;.' - Passengei Leave Bennetlgvllle-. Arrive Max ton. lTTe Mtitoo. Arrive Eayettevllle eave Fayetteviiie Arrie San ford...... Leave San ford.. Arrive -Greensboro Leave Greensboro...-. AJ rive Ararat SPanenger and Hall, N and Mail. . AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS. XDTJFXJR. &c CO 6 North Howard St., Baltlnaore. Wire Railing for Cemeteries, Lawns, Gardens, Offices and Bal conies; Window Gnartls.Tree Guards Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders, Cages, Sand and Coal Screens, Iron Bed steads, Chairs, Settees, Ac. sep26 12m. Having leased the New Hotel at Ocracoke, which Is now. completed, and Will be opened TofXhe", reeVp-; tion visitors on the 1st daytT July, 1888. ' , Ocracoke- is about 70 miles Trea Washiugtoo, and'Mme dratasoe from New Berne, on the Sorth Cuv olina coast. There is bo better place on the coast between Maine and Florida for bathing and fishing. ,.ir. "Silver Lake," only SO yards from the Hotel, is one of the finest sheets . of water: faf.TUdlea .and ubildren to l-ow on in Fin ll boata. Tiie Surf Bathing in. the Ocean is' iust splendid, and confctuatte tbe HbteK- --" -- -o- Tl e table will be supplied : -with the best the market - affords, and with good beds, cool rooms and po lite and attentive servants;,""''; An Old Domltiion' 'Steamer 'wt!f rua from Washington to the Hutel twice aweek.i--- v-JiifitiiiK Board per week t7 ; per- mmtb, 5; per d ay, f 1.50. u ..... ; further information vdlresa, Fowter. Prop. -K WASHINGTON, M. a 1 MtBTE T0MIC. Qlw f and Cot. UK fRBUMH ta. an to dw ana mum irm. It amiUm azxl t. ' nkM Uie ifuua ijwa. connc if ALTERATIVE. .-f v-ns ii Mood pvnry-n ui enrK&mc tx. k. ua a Vet ThallSfeVbXJS Tha DEBILITATED MolttBt tram lawn ot ta,partf talked bkjod. LAXATIVE. : Acrtof mndlTbtrt mmty oo tbeboircl tteona babtraal eotMiipaim, and yeoBoleaareraiarbabit. ltKnofU ' aea the atomach, aad aUk dcauoo. DIURETIC. la Baeotapaattloa fa Mt and MI . eUvedlomKaoftfacMawnaMedtea reeom btaadarkntiAcai i j w oa otaer ffactlve temedie lur da raiw ot Ui kidseva It eaa k relied am w five quick lallef aad speed r cure. 'Waii ill iiiwiMiinibi. nrfii .WELLS) RICHARDSON a CO, Prop's auxuiToa.vT. . J.&:KfflTS'i 1 TUAT-FIIffi i no unrrinai nrt , f i th V. mm mm-1 U. A. .:r.r.';'A.(i'Wa' t r . (' a. a ir- V. m mr. I'irt M 4at i For furtl M.J. eiiGasum coon stoves. "3? I j THE BEST 18 THE KAEKH; to the I.AOHSQ ;; ;; A new and perfect ijltm of Drai Cvttiac, Taught in a few hooi. Alaa HHim t ta fit any figure perfectly without ahaa at seam, aor .trie or alxe. I will 'ant a4 at ureases, n not a penaoi at wtarrruad vxm ey- Full lostruotlcna only $4 oo. . Pattern 16 centa each. A liberal aiaoouat. lt. tauat fca . .'I... 4. -JC 6 00 am j&Sr- . u 25 " .--".-irt T---- 9 50 a o ml -. ... aw y i 1 Dinner at Ban ford. Freight and Accommodation Leave Bennettsville......:.-...,. 1 30 p m Arrive Mutam ..,.. s :i5 " of wiU prompto and improve, thejrea-J iFueZZZZZZ: i io - ci irmraHioawtauYiuniKev tar "TTziv ''"" " nty a m orithnnt hn.!.. I " " ' V." W .WUU14f LU. UVU Arrive SmototA. Lieave Banford Arrive Greensboro ' 1&AIKS MOVIN6 SOUTH. 3 10 8 30 is reaching the sum of iuoie th-mJ hav first beeif an thorixed htam AAA MA AAA J -v 1 I I I . . vw,wWWV annuany. xjeuaui-uea i jority Or the quaimea Vetera with- Passenger and Hail. Ijeave Ararat .. . Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro .... Arrive 8anford...........- ............. LeavaSaoford- . 100 p m oo -1005 a m 1 ju p m 4JS 430 as it can be done ing the people by excessive tax ation. RESQLTiiv'Tnat, to meet an ex isting evil, we will accept, for edu cational purp68es,Irom the Federal Government, our pro rata share of the surplus in its treasury. Provid ed, that it be 1 disbursed' through btate agents anq tbe bill for distribatioa tolreeJrbniabjftbae leaiures. i pbkight aot aooobjmodation. liESOLYKD, - That v ,thB United 1 Leave Oreensboe..wLt.i.... 7 30 a States being one government and ours a National party, we denounce the efforts Of the Republicans to force sectional issnea in , Congress and elsewherepaa&td pronloSedis sensiou and ill-will between the paople if the t differeat seotloiarAf our common country . : Besolvkd, That it is due to the people of our Eastern counties, who nave so cheertaayvwrne their share of our common burdens, tbat tbe present op ,aome rijflaalIy.icttTe system of comity government shall be maintainor,", Arrive .StvettevOle.. tave sayettevuie Aarrv Maram . 8 28 Leave Max ton - 8 40 Arrive Bennettaytlle 8 00 agenr and If ail. No. 8-Dinner at Sanford Arrive Leave Saafordw-c No MoreEye Glasses. NO MORE WEAK EYES- Mitchell's Eye Salve. A Certain. Safe and E ff ect i ve Remedy for sore, Weak land inflam ed Eses, Producing Long-Sigh ted ne88, and restoring the Sight of the old. Cures Tear DropR, Granula tion, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eyelashes, producing qaick relief aud - - j PERMANENT CURE. Aiso, equally , efhcacions when used in other maladies, "such as I Ulcers, Fever. Sores. Tlimnrs. Salt: Rheum, Burns, Piles, or wherever lunammauon exists, i march 8-40t , LADIES, It is to your interest to' ee f c Vottrtelf I perfect system of utUnf Uufht pj x , , , Mve r! "T" Diimla .... mmmttrw m. Ml V 10 g ; WILSON, Ni p. Agent for Wilson County. f:9rH-. NOTICE, r Having quaHledaa SzeetMonefUe estate Of John W. Fmimr AummmtA. tMfj tk. V- bate Judge of Wilson County, notloe is leiw r given to an persons lndebud to tkeeetate of said deceased to aiake lannedla aatsaaaA ana to all persons having j-mim aaiosV.tfcJ deoeasad tn OMMnt ilntM fnp nviMt V before the 6th day of JulylSWor thM fMMaJ Brill km tl.it J --"' -1 ..... .awu lu m U. WUOU. . WN ' HENRY W. FAHJIBB,'-JNO.Tr.ri F. A. t 3. A Woodard, Attf'a, ' . ; - ' --- ";0fG e-? paoiuro . m p m aafnro-.....u .. j 3 00 . ATTgajf-yettenlie-. . Bat." Laarai Fayettenma... 6 30 a m RlwMMtDB.:.!. B00 t m-jo-. ... am Ana9 IBeaoettavlUe -?Wt -iJ, iMn,. r,n urn .12 0. m freight and Aooominodatlon Moving North 400pm 5 40pm Mlllboro. ....800am iwam REsOLVEB',vJThat 'theDemo- crate party opposed, ta any .far-1 SSS. ther extension of the "No-fence J TraS law," unless! such extension shall Greensboro freight and Aooommodatlon Moving Soutn Leave Greensboro 15 p m Leave Factory Junction...-. 15pm 5 06pm ArrivelliUaoro. , J 00 r m 8 45 p m and Kail Trains run daily except Sunday. Vreixht andAcoommodatlon Train runs from frectviUe tu BennattaviUe and return on Sfondaysrwedneedavs and Fridays ; tromFay attenlUe to Greensboro on Tuesdays, Thur--dava an aturdaysx ana frOtiL Greensboro to tevilte on laonaays, neauewiajs ouu on Factory Brancn run daily except gnnday. 'r ' CifiiO fi-j't.Vf W. E.KTLF,' -f' , general Pssannger agent. J.W.'FBT. c- OeBerai Superintendent. : , : : ! WOOTEN S. STEVENS, IHSIHIE DE11EES AM) WlIKAKIa ! ' :A WILSON,. N. c ; 1 "WE SELL AT LOWEST PBICES. bed Koom sets, vVardrobea iracKet9, Folding Chairs, j ' Camp Stools, Picture i Frames. m i jjtijsi), EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF, '- ;r;:;;NpTicEl;:.;v1u Having qualified aa Administrator" of fee estate of Mary Garland deceased, before the Probate Judge of .Wllsos ymintTi , aatlei as oereuy given io au persons jnaeblee, to ne estate or aaia oeoeased. so mas-4uli payment and to all . persons Aavlog aialKaJ against the deoeased to presea them for payZI Dientoner oeiore tne aiB day vr. jqiviSM this nottoe wUl be plead In bar of Qietf reoovr ery. F. A. S. A. a, a. wcorxaujiAAirivvt Woodard, Attys,, rIrtr, i,i" i ii ' -i vtrii rnotn t t o l -'nranTir n FOR MUSICAL' -PEOPLE 1 .-'I'. I o i JOTRIUJ, la the beat Musical Monthly pnblUaeS. Ooe o xupages or musioai nteratii of New Music In every Issue.. tains 16 to 20 1 pages of New Music In every Issue.. Bvery subscriber receives $t M wort of saeet anaie selected from our catalogue of publication aa a premium, thus .the subseilWer lasrllj is oeives during the year muslo whloh wovld oovtin sheet from notlnl ! SS m for mi. LOO. With the February number aa tnatrua uve serial. "Hintt on Ballad Blaclnv:b Xm. ma C. Hewitt, was omnmenoed and wkl ee. 5 TON WAGON SCALES. rc Lvwre, Btol Biifvip, Bntal Tar Ream m B at iea. and JOMiShrs awfwlatel l.p a mcs L..I tn.nuoa Ui. pp.r i jamsef imoiitsii tlnue several moaths. This seneat-arateiM is alone worth many times the srtea of na. scription, and ia but one ef the caasy aiuale features of this popular uhUcaiioa. Oalv A . PIAriO FREE! -rl To tne person sending the rreateat nam Mr of subscribers to NOHTH'8 MUSICAL JODB- AL previous to July Ut, 1888. we wit (ve Splendid Upright Piano with stool and cover, value 400. Also a Floe Wtleox WaaOrra y aenam. in. seoona greaieet nusa- ber. For full rsrtlmilsis sililmesi i yJZ . F. A. NORTH CO PubUahassV 1308 Cheatnot Bt, naksdn, r- C5 FT .fa. V" - Llsri vaa ill rSiT. 1 Toorteen dlOVrarrt srsni and airx). FItx toss with Enasaeled Hwrrnrfrr. AU4ed te W afi ieqaireBcnU,an ariori ss MutaE pa-ga LEADING . MATURES: Wood Ccors. Ps'x tt Wood Crate Adinrtabla Hamper. .-YfrfcancvaMe ALVk snaUe Shelf, BmOina lit rlngi eanit TiMtOi wincing Flu?-':.. ReV7tibi - av Bom'.r.j long rrs iK-. flx-if. Centvn. Heavy Ring Or.TTTt, latnlnai.! r'li Suun. Vl Siet Knoha. Klrael Pa.cU. eta. rnequaM ta Material, m fir.l-h. aad Q 5IX-C0HI) STOOL C0TT01T I VOU IiTJT IT Of .1. .1. WIGGINS. J D. & a C. WEXLT. : I VerfC u U " J f ' Vire til.a, 4 J ra luia evyjpt Lm 4 1 r ;--r. Bf.fJ r mm - I 111 tan f aw rt vt Zci- i - - mssw .tr. tif ISA AO A. 8KCPPARO A CO., Bsuttmore, KU. as Il thphuM to get Pure Corn f K. .-.,f.. , - . 1 -The celebrated old Stewart - ' ? BYE WHISKEY; Fonr year old 2Taah Connty IS riae ranav Irp0rUd Clcara, Wlnea, Been, &c Pool and Billiard Tables. Norfolk Oysters EeoettM daily, and aerred In the ery bt atjle. , t Xyn HaTen Bay Oysters on the aairhhen. ' "nrst-daaa Bestaorant where the XT.tba market afforda will be 'dj experienced oooka. TTZ L"ESms TO COSSSSPOD With several reliable and active men, with a' view of getting them to represent onr bonne, traveling eltber on tbe tin3 of railroad or in the country districts, Pleae state age and business experience. To pare time, better send Dames and address as reference with applies toinu .No attention paid to por tal cards. Never mind about send ing stamp for reply. Address B. O- A, Bx 11, RlchmondVa. Fe .2 6ton ' . i let name and post f"" .mr mma l im MIT lewt PTwagand BsnssOnwal naur In !! try ra Jvf aaspla eoay fro.. . JLmM Iyr' r-mm- vJ . irm Ageaoi eaa salt taifeaa ti a.iy. -opeoly and a bora noard. t23ZwSrrZ "J7 BetuBsante If I BaB iaai M eaiTiej si- w, no. u rJ H o 1 wrl tt'Z-" 6ioo to 83oo a moxth ! wii'sS PJ. Agnt. prefer, 1: & - I if M Vi'i daW AtewvUta' fl 'k.-'lr,.4 R. V. JOYNER, Surgeon Dcntlst 1 luve b'foico permanently lGentlUwl wlili the tieople of Wilson Lave practiced Lere for the pat tea yeura and wish to return tltanka to tl pener-J otu people ot tLo community! ior ine Jiueral i 2trona(ce tbey have given uie.". I spare no money, to rortire luitrnmente that vrill ruuJuce to tLe com fort vt ruy ratlfuLs.; Tor., a continuation of tue Itcral paU ronjure berttofore Le.-toweKi on rae 1 fLall ftfl Ceej.ly' grale f u!. K ?a ai Ou! n r falfri J I "a. auS tJrl a FINE DIAMONDS Walrhra. Jfwrlrr, ItntM rrrKr A CHAPMAJT': GALE 15: Mala .. Ol;f-;K. VA-, are tbe ader., t;.v KtxVU 'the largest and t!ir!r v irvrtbi" oeiti gtotl.-i are.mocb :r.sa tlun Notther tiurea. U. Tbey have aliililc work nea fur the repairing of Watcbes and Jewelry. aepl ly Sick bogs to care, ia any lopalitt wberel csa um U IWM lentlv, ..U a criibttrj il j . era Core ami wilt v,n UtV . llO tlmf if .,-.tt .. . . ...v n, vol niv cire xwrai.cu.ifti, uni jrrt-vpnt bogs and pnu!:ry. 1 hi' ed tl- cfiij ii,i,t f titfw. - 1- itftrj l?icl,U M!l. . ' w.av,(,,,:N, ' nt- Ch-rsj lit ttoo- -iaaiar woi lng for furmiaa tk time o the bust area tabl yen ploy owna an4 eiuca. mm fcv annrM. r m T. T llat .Ui, rrim. TRY ES f f ti L. U THE JEWELl Tarboro, N.C lal-r in Vatches, Diamon Jewelry, CIocU Specs. SiUer Ac, Jm th. rhfsrt,br ' Urt Itnifovr4 SEVir.C MACHIK0. " Qaalltv of ;cHxt warns rwpreewn :-.!. 1 jiirrarmc Pl done. , Tbinr jr-ar prsc1 rienoe ia evjr jfuarn' claas workmaaabip. I WANTED: Old And Silver. IV lUM rr t v n-t B 'io. Luwad,'T'Uru, S-C" , ltfcitru1r, v a I JAS.H.Bt UFliEi) 5-IUO.N AI l.KHARBf ... " ... .m k v i nar on l the r- . tit ..... . . . ia3 plojed; ' OlCi A j A Kt of Vl nilft ta VI. f neK",- ffr :h rontfCit-a m Try one of J . j estniirre, The it ' atreet. L" ..IBM -:.-ia. of L ti'ltiti. .il

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