JL V IThe Wilson At "Wilson N. C, He- vANCE tt.,13 , 18K3 DEMOCRACY v: What the Peer' Owota EADICALISM- -i of ITcrth. Carolina Go? us Ecmccratic Party- fo-aldHcturn the Heins of . eminent to the P.adical Party ? There ' a generation of voters Slow iu North Carolina who can Bcarcely appreciate tbe . immense debt of gratitude the people of the State owe to the Democratic party for its manly stand during the days of Reconstruction.- And they can not appreciate it beijause they were too young to' understand the issues of those tla.ys. For the bene fit of all such we beg leave to re call a few facts of indisputable record : For the first three years of the existence of the Radical party brute force was relied upon to accomplish its ends, coupled w ith insult of the grossest character. It was in 18G8. that the women of the State were insulted by the advice given in an editorial in the Ridical Raleigh Standard to Radical canvassers to throw their arms around them when their husbands were not about. It was in lsr.8, in a public address issued by Radical members Of the Legislature, in t heir charact er as legislators, that the wmte people were threatened openly with starvation and destruction of their homes from the vengeance of ne groes. , It was in lsf.'J that the. Speaker of the Lower House of the Legisla ture, in open day, with a baud of armed men, attacked the edito- of the Raleigh Sentinel, alone and un armed, and that the . L'adical Crov einor of the State, in tbe presence of and in defiance of the magistrate on the bench' trying the case, de clared his previous knowledge of the attack and bis subsequent ap proval of all ttiat had been done. It was in 1800 thaf the Radical Governor claimed the power to suspend all lawsiat his own pleas- shall have no shelter, they may de termine that .yon shall have no helter V- Legislative Address, signed by George W. Stanton and others members. 18C!t. " The Governor has power to suspend all civil law as it was suspended in IkG.V W W. Ilohleu. j ' -The. Spy Bill was passed in this year. ,'. . " '.. The Shoffner bill was introduced into the Legislature. In advocat ing this bill Radical Senator Cook from Johnston county said it ought to pass, because if it became a law men accused "coujd be tried by drum-bead court-martial and shot." The painting or disguise act was pawijed this year. ;1870. "If Congress would au thorize the suspension, by the President, of the writ of habeas corpus in certain localities, and if criminals could be arrested and tried before nvlitary tribunals and shot, we1 Bhonld soon have peace and order throughout all this coun try'." W, W. H olden. .Tolm Pool proosed to put , into the service ! a' desperado named JIcLindsey, who would raise a com pany that, "would give Governor llolden no trouble, for that if any of the men arrested by him under took aDy resistance ho wou'd kill them or they would be lost and never be heard ot again"; and sug gested that the Governor (llolden) should follow the example of Gov- eroot Clayton, of Arkansas, "who had taken military possession of disaffected counties and tried, and in hers of men by 11. u. Badger's before Congres- i Healtl'y Growth. Acker's Blood Elixia has gained a firm hold on the American people ard is acknowledged to be superior to all other preparations. It is a positive cure for all Blood ana Skin Diseases. The medical fraternity indorse and prescribe it. Guaranteed and sold by Dr. W. S. Anderson. It is so sudden. Mr. Peduncle said the young lady, .softly; give me time to think of it. Certainly, repled the busi ness-like commercial traveller: "I'll be around again in thirty days." ' I only wanted a moment, Harry she said sweetly. Chi cago Tribune. TheEes Purifier Made. ' Damascus, Ga., June 2D, 1887. IJtaave suffered with Catarrh for about four years, and alter us:"g lour bottles ot Botanic Blood Balm I had my general health greatly im proved, and if I could keep out of the bad weather I would be cured. I believe it is the best purifier made. Very respectfuliy, L. W. TpoxPSON. How i Se Us I'alatka, Fla., May 31, 1888. We have been selling B. B. B. for two years, abd it has always given satisfaction in evr ry case. Lowey & Starr, Druggists. Eczema, I chy, Scaly Skin Tor -ores. ure. it was in passed under wl filled with spies. that the Sboffnet empowering the '. tue bill was ten tue stare was It, was in 1870 bill was passed Governor pi act cully to declare martial law in every county in North Carolina. It was under this bill and in this , year that the Llolden-Kirk war was car, Tied on, and the Radical Governor asked the Radical Congress to au thorize the .Radical 'President to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, so that "men -might be arrested and tried before military tribunals and shot," and it was jti this same year tnai tue ttauicai irovernor ae clared that it lie was "personally znenanced, certain leading Demo crats and Conservatives, who might be named, will be instantly - put to death." But thanks to the manhood . and courage of the white people of North Carolina, that; Radical Gov ernor came to great griel in fact, was driven from ollice iu shame and disgrace. With llolden s down fall the open use of the bayonet - came speedily to an end .' The ace ol v orce passed away, but only to be followed by the age of r rami. Violence was then dis-! courageU and partisan ends instead of being accomplished at the point of the bayonet, were reached at the end of the law, so-called. It was iu thorough accord with the then spirit of the age, therefore, that Judge Russel, in his Opera House obiter dictum, to which he referred in his recent letter of declination, , told the negroes not to resort- to violence; but to the machinery of the law, to enforce their rights to go wherever white men might go Till 1870 the military sustained the Radical imrtv. Alter that the judiciary, "exhausted" as it wa?,1 sought to do the! wicked work. But stronger proof of the vii.lainj of the Radical party of .tl;oe d is than is to be had iu the act and ctt3rances of its leaders cannot be .imagined. That it was a negro party then as now, that" it was- vio- i lent, lawless, malignant, insulting and vengcfu.1, it stands c.umetnl out of its own month - Let no white .man, eseuiully let no white woman, fail to ead the tollowing extracts iroin the in famous record made, by the Radical party in the days that tried white men's souls and made white wo men's cheeks pale. "with, terroi. Great heavens ! as we look back to those days wn wonder' how we withheld our hainls i"ioi- punishing Biich creatures Perhaps, however, we ought not to wonder, for there was not a man that had the nerve to pull a trigger that did uot have either wile or ciiiid, or mot her or sister, sometimes all of these, de pending on his single life and free dom for the very bread they ate and the clothes' they wore. It is bad enough, to go hence leaving loved tines to battle with the world at any time, but in days like' those the thdught was simply horrible so horrible that doubtless it with held m'jiny an arm l'ioni righteous veugeajnoe, when no other consider ation under t Im sun . could have stayed it. But ee what those peo - pie Saul and did in those days and judge for youraelvai,t ye joung i- people, what our provocation wa. j Don't' fait 1o read a single extract :. I8C18. "But- wherever .else you work don't forget to go ainoug the women. Go after the women then. Ai.d dou't hesitate to throw your arms around their ntcl now and then when.fheir husbands" are not around 'and give them a good : 1 hey all like it. Our experience with female reps is that with all their sins thev have a vast amount of human nature, and only want to have it appreciat ed to be the most loving creatures imaginable. Scalawags and car- Det-liaffL'ers " ilon't fuil.Tlirefnr as you canvass the State to look . after the women.'' kaleigh Stand ard. "Dit it never occnr to you,-ye gentlemen of education, property and character to you, ye men, and especially - ye women who never received anything from these color eu people out services, kiuuuess and protect 'on ; did it, never .occur to you that these same people, who are so very bad, will not be willing ' to sleep in the cold when your houses are denied them merely be cause they will not vote as yon do ! That they may not be willing to starve, while they aie willing to work for bread t Did it never c cur to you that -revenge, which is so sweet to you, may be as sweet to them T Hear us, If nothing else you will hear, did it never occur to you, that if you kill their children with hunger they will k'll ur children with fear f Dal i' never occur to you that if you gooilpiople maliciously det-ermiuc that they executed, large mi military court. -sworn testimony sidnalCommitteei "If he (Governor llolden) is ever personally menanced his frfends will resent it and punish the man or men who mav do it. If he is slain, or even wounded, it is already determined that leading Democrats and Conservatives, who might be named, will be instantly put to death. The Governor's mind is made up." Raleigh Standard. 1872. "Rally this last time and carry the election, aud there will be no parlor and no kitchen. Neill McKay, candidate for Con gress. .-!'. 1873 "The pretension that any person or class may be prevented from resorting to a puolic" place whose doors are open to all but tiiem, and denied to them only on account of color Or race, will not be tolerated by any., court honestly and sincerely desirous of upholding the Constitution and the laws ac cording to their true intent and meaning.'' Judae D. L. Russel in the Wilmington pera House case, IN'ow. in all candor, and ia all seriousness, and in all honesty. too, we ask the young white men and the young white women of North Carolina what sort of a place this home 'of theirs would be to day had it not been for the bold manly, determined tight the Demo crats made against the Radicals in the days, of Reconstruction T Wi ask you to consider for a moment only and answer the question sob erly and truthfully. It is not a question to be dodged or shirked. Do you not owe it to the Demo crats of those days that you now Jhave a white man's government in Aortli Carolina " Do you not owe it to them that negro equality, social and otherwise, was not forc ed upon you ! Especially let the young women of to-iiay think of the insults to their mothers twenty years ago. Let them think bf the terror those mothers must have suffered under threats to burn and murder, that they were happily too onug to understand or appreciate Let the young men remember the Kuk v;ir ami how the best citizens were .areted and .thrown into irih under martialaaw and sav ed from being tried by drum head court ru oii;ii and snot at tue stake u:v 's fhe Interference of Judge urooUs God bless him ! J . Suppose, in a word, the Radical im' had been able to carry out m 1 1 oi is- hellish" purposes: ; in those days, what would. baye been your condition to-day From all these evils the Demo ciaiic, oarty, at the personal peril of us ineailieis, saved the State. Docs'ihe State owe it no gratitude therefor ? . His Yerdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist. Bippus, ad., testifies : "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every 'bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cur ed of Rheumatism of 10 years' tanding.r Abraham Hare, drug gist, Beilville, Ohio, affirms : "The best selling medicine 1 have ever bandied in my 20 years' experience is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their t sstimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases ot the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at A. W. Rowland's Drug Store. The simple application of Swayne Ointment without any internal medicine will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Rheam, Ringworm Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Eczema all Scaly Itchy Skin Eruption no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective and cost but a trifle. TJPOBS Able Editor What's the matter? Foreman Half the articles' for to-day's issue have been pied, and it's time to go to press. "What sort of articles? Political. There isn't a line of political matter left. V ell, nil up witn good mis cellaneous matter you have standing and rush it out. We'll have the boys yell. -'Here's y'r daily paper without any politics in it." iwery woman in town will 'buy it. Omaha World. GERMANREMEQY Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgi: UctiBA ariairit, iuMiMii Sprats, ItrtiK, rie.,rtr. PKH'K, FIFTY AT IKI;G1STS ANl DKAl.KUf TUB CHARLES A, VtM.FI.KK CO HALTIVnlffc, !). TRADE i ' MARK. AnEzplanaion . V hat is this "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to afflicted! If you will remember a few years ago the word Malaria was comparatively unknown. to-day it as common as any word in the English language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word used oy our fore fathers1- in times past. So it is with nervous diseases, as they and Malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called Bil- nousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condit'on of the Liver wtTch in performing ts f unctions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel is comoelled to pass it off through the system causing nervous troubles, Malaria 13UU0U8 i ever, etc. Vou w ho are sunermg can well apprecate a cure. We recommend Green's August Flower, its cures are mar velous. !( QUGIK URE 1 haul Html u free from Opiutes, Emetic and fuiaon. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. WE D-ESIEE TO COEEESPONL With several reliable and active men, with a view of getting them to represent our house, traveling either oa the line3 of railroad or in the country districts. Please state age and business experience. To save time, better send names and address as reference with applica-toin-.. Jfo attention paid to pot ted cards. Xever mind about send ing stamp for reply. Address H. G A., Bx 11, Richmond, Va. Fe.2Cton mm mm Is the place to get Pure Corn 11 II 1 0 1 El 1 inn Mi u -The celebrated old Stewart RYE WHISKEY. Four ear old Nash Countr Braiiclv Fine Imported t'iga:-;, t Beers, -&r.. Wini I CURE FITS ! When i twy cur 1 do not mean mtrely to st p tbai foratimeamlthenhavf Uiem rturn arain. 1 mn a rviirl rare. 1 b.ivf maiif th disn- f FITS, Kl'lLr FPSY or fAIXlAU Kl :K?ihS& a lifMonjc rii . I Warrant my r"tut-l Ui cure the urI ran-c. Bemiifw Ottitre bve failett it no re.i)D for nut mv rwwtvinje a gur. tiend at once tor & trv-at iw nrid a Ith Huttlo 9f mi infallible remedy. Oive Kiprr and Pt OtTice. U. 6. KOOT. .11, C. 153 Pearl l. New Wrk. viv: Tmo 193JMAI2;STREET, rjSuits made guaranteed. Pool and Billiard Tables. Norfolk. Oysters Received dailv, and served in the very best style. Lynn Haven Bay Gsteis on the halt shell. First -class Restaurant !ere the I best the market affords w.il le seived bj experienced cooks. Nov 17 Hawkins & BuiDiiix.-. C. F. & Y V. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SfHENULE No. Taking Effect o.'H) A. M.. Tut-sJay. May 13th TKAINS1MOV1NC. NOUTH. Passenger and Mail. Leave Ilcnnettsville- 6 ') a m Arrive Maxton - 0 Ieyve MaxtoD a Arrive Fayetteviile , .11 i - :: 25?: to order and I Jji ...... n T ! I I I st Knlliant, rure.u Mlrct Leases Leave Fayetteviile. A rn "ei Sanfonl v Leave Sanford Arrive Oreensboro Ij4avc Greensboro Alrive Ai-arat . Passenet- and Mail. No. 1- . ' C-nsiinption Surely Ctrva. . ' To t"i j iiliior: ' P e .se lutorin vour readers that I have-'a positive remedy for the aliove named disease." By its time I use thousands of hopeless cases wive been permanently cured. shall l glad to send two bottles of my remooy FRKK to every con sumption if they will send me their Express and 1 O. address, Respectfully T. A. Slocum, M. C. J81 Pearl St N. Y. - . 126-88 fimo we wonder what kind of apart meuts bonie of our church members will occupy in the great hotel of eternity? AVe reter to those- members who are too ph-us to hunt up, make the acquaintance, and intro duce into good society strange young ujjeiii as, they come in onr'midst,.' ibus leaving them no choice' hut 'to he thrown into vicious conipatiy and led to ruin. AiCtiiid Killed. the 11 4H ! p .. -z J- 5 411 ! "iii a .. .. :ilK p Dinner at Sanford. Freight and Aceommodation. Leave liennettevUle 1 'u p in Arrive Maxton v3 :v " Leave Maiton 1" " Arrive Fayetteviile 10 " Ijve Fayetteviile Viin a m Arrive Sanford -" p m Leave Sanfurd .1 1 Arrive. Ureerrebero f :1 " TRAINS MOVINO SMI TH, l'asscnjrc-r and Mail. ' Leave Ararat Arrive Greensboro Leave Oreensbortu Arrive Sanford. Leave Sanford Arrive Fayetteviile Leave rayetteville Aarive Maxton Leave Maxton Arrive Ifennettsyille Passenger and Mail. No. 4 mi p tu M0 .....Kinr. a m 1 3i p in 2 111 " 4 K. " 4 :i " H-JH " ...'. 40 " ... ) 00 " Dinner at Sanford. FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION. Leave Greensboro., 7 :1U a in Arriye Sanford...- 1 M! p in Leave Sanford . d uu Arrive F'ayetteville- Leave rayetteuule...... a. hi a in Arrive Maxton.. , 9 On " Leave Maxton - w 4. Arrive Bennettvllle ..l-' ou m FACTORY BRANCH. Freight end Accommodation Moving North Leave Millborn 8 00 a in 1 00 p in Arrive Greenslxro y;jnam 5 4-J p ni- Freight and Accommodation Moving Soutn Leave Greensboro 1 1" p m Leave Factory Junction 2 15 p m 5 05 p m Arrive Millboro- 3O0rm 515pm Passenfrer and Mail Trains run daily exee Sunday. Freight and Accommodation Train runs from Fayetteviile to Bonnettsville and return on Mondays. Wednesdays and F ridays : from Fay ettenille to Greensboro on Tuesdays. Thurs days and Saturdays, and from Greenslntro to Fayetteviile on Mondays, Wednesdays and 1- miays. Trains on Factory nranen run daily except sunuay. W. E. KVLF. General la.ssener Agent. J.W.1UI, General Superintendent " ,A0fhei child killed by . I opia'os yiveu Un tbe form bo'-thmg siup. WLy mothers give nun etiildren such deadly poison is burprisliiij when' they cau" relieve the cliihl if its peiiuliar troubles by isiug Acker's I'.tby t-'ooiher. it (oittanifi no, Opium or Morphine. Sold by Dr. VV.-S. Anderson. . it i F I 5tTON IWAGON SCALES y TinBMnutBMafioi, 'and JOM88 he jy tfcfr.lrh f tnm Price Lift mentis thle eerer ev4 4lnw NICS Of nmMAMTSII, jiO better cosmetics than a severe temperance aud purity, modesty and humility, a gra cious temper and calmness of spirit; no true beauty without the signature of -these .graces in the very countenance; Ray. A Woman's Discotery. "Another wonderful ; discovery iiii. iii-fii incite ;inu iiiat too oy a 1,mI in this county. Disease fast ened its crutches iijiou her and for .-.even jears she witiistood- its se verest lest-, but her vital organs were undei -mined aud death seem ek ininiiueut. For three months sue coughed incessantly and could not sleep: ; who bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's. New Discovery For Gonsnniption sud was so much reiieveu on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name is Sirs. Luther Lntz." rtms write -V. c. Hamrick & Co., oi Mieiny, a. v. (iet a free trial Dottle at A. W. liowland's Drue In. - . t' i o;oie. Its peculiar efficacy lg flne ei.v.... much to the PTOoeas and lewinmu Bkill In compounding ma to Ik hp he Ingredients themsel-reej. Tkeft In Um Itchecfca dlaeasea in tin ontaet. or If iney be ads&noed will prore a. rx tent cure. Ko lie stall 1)6 Without It. It takes the place of a doctor and costlv pre scriptions. AU wlio lad sedentary lives wil! And It the best preventive of and cure for IndJcestion, CnnHtipation, 1I. iiIt he lilr '.and Mental In-prt-Ksion. No Iors oi lime, no interference with biiKlnefW while t.-ikin.;. For children It in most In nocent and harmless. No danger from exposure niter taking. Cure Colic, I. arrhcea, I'.owel Complaint. Feverish- new and Feverish Colds. Invalids and delicate persons will Uud It the mildest Aperient and Tonlctheycn use. A little tliKen at night insures refreshing sleep and n.batural evacuation of the howels. A little tnken in the mornine sharpens the appetite, cleanses the btoiuach aud sweetens ui orearn. I'HYSICl.WS OPI"IOX. 1 rive been pracuemjj medicine for . . -r-- vears ami h: FOR WHOSI BENEFIT 1 Itillonsnf M, years a ave nevyr been able to . - "t up a vegetable compound that would. k-.. Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly I effectively move trie Liver to acuon, id at the same time aid (instead of weak ning) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system." L. fcl. ilurrOM, m.d., Washington, Ark. Marks of Oenulneness: Look for the red Trade-Mo rll on trout of Wrapper, and the Beal and H: .nature of J. U. Zeilin & Co 1& .ed.outac.siae. Takeuuoliier. want, fure and ferwt Tn the World. Combined with Great Kefractinp; Power. They are as transparent and colorless as light itt-fir. And for softness of endi-ronce to the eve. cannot. Im-' excelled, enabling the wearer to read tor hours w ithout fatigue. In fact, they are Perfect Sight Puesekveus. Testimonials from the leading physicians in the United States oa be given, who have had tneir sight improved ov tueir use. All eyes fitted au;l the tit uuar- anteed an E. M. 54D.U.- DRTJGSTiiltE, i Where an imineue assortment of these celebrated classes can be found and properly adapted to all conditions of the eye. These glasses are not supplied to peddlers at any price. None genuine unless the name IIawkes is stamped on thejframe. Wholesale Depots, Atlanta, Ixa. Austin. Texas RON TONIC Will purify thj BLOOD ter the LIVER and KIDNEYS KFuroBk the HRAXTH iUidVIO- K of YOUTH lMIut.nt of App titj, ludi'K'-tion.It k of ctrvnjr a ana l ired r ov-linc r Mjlutely curved Hor. iuu- cIm and cftrr rweiw ntw fnrca. r.Tilivfri tb miu J end ratiiilin brain Power. m burlrirnr from comt-iHiutu ls.h- 1 A r I lT ttrtoi;HrM iwilIt.nim PK. I Ml fll TT HABTEK'8 IRON IONIC a ftfi .11 &r f fi-"ly cur?. ol.-i.r, healthy coir. i-te mm. All t.t-mtt at t-oii ntrfi tine orilv aos to jtn ti-a- fnw rfirtlr.atiQM.Llvr ComiUlU Sll narlMha. HAm-oie lKl and Dreiffl Book jialiod on receipt of twocenti la 'jos'ige. THE DR. HARTS'? NEOICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS. MO. 4 terrr DYSPEPSIA l"p t'. .1 1 my:i AtiiCi-iu. h:vf I- - ri R'.mi.i . v wi: up my minl T :k' ctnofl whti I notii-n! of Simmons I.ivcr lromlnjiit. 'l"-ori;u 1 Xut:v, anl 'oiiu nTfOts In my i-.-im.-. . -V Wfl.kr 1 l-lit;Sil'M- rhaTiii-iMH I j ;m-; i .i in.'-iIltE T li Yi-ill-v tl;ut :i'. i! I have t: i. VV 'imC ' UllTIi'.-.l T' l;.v-;M-t . i.i in td;- hop,: .1 hn.u ' ti t ror.iil n'T. rrlii-f. I hud ulHitiT ail cnilr: -Kt'ul.i . a .mi H'lt.-1 V 1 ;IVP 11.- -.- .is -i l.i.t MWIREMILI i. ORNAMENTAL W-JRE WORKS IDXJFXJI &c CO 6 North Howard 8t., Baltimore. Wire Itrailing for Cemeteries, Lawns, Gardens, Offices and 15al- conies;Window Gnards.Tree Guards V ire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders, C-Htros, Sand and Coal Screens, Iron Bed steads, Chairs, Settees, &c. ' sep26 12m. u-l a:u Kitl-fl.il tint I in- r:ht :..n ut i:i.-t. ! r T :l.Tl.'- lm- i'n'o - ii'. I ot lift- j.it para-.-.ni:l.i.- k:il, i.' i-o-.aj ;n-n rfi.un-iil us r what at to aU No Mors Eye Glasses. XO MORE WEAK EYES- --Mitchell's Eye Salve. A Certain, Safe and B fl eet i ve Remedy for .sore, Weak aud Inflam ed Eyes, i'rodrcin Long-Sighted-ness. aud restoring the Slprht of tbe old. Cures Tear Drops, Granula tion, Stye Tumors, lied Eyes, Matted Eyelashes, producing qaick relief aud PERMANENT CURE. Also, equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever, Sores, Tumors, Salt liheuui, Burns, Piles, or wherever inflammation exists. march 8-40t 1 STEVENS UN IT I RE DEALERS AM) lADEHTAkER WILSOX, N. C. WE SELL AT LOWEST PRICES. Bed Room sets, Wardrobes Bracket?, Folding Chairs, Camp Stools, Picture ' Frames. AXD I J DEED, EVERYTHING WAY" OF IN TnF. bouse nimm c-:ou: tWO llOtTl.'- have strucl I !elt Itr- mediately, tlons of a lustnici ion one hali o alone ouKhT- to .-oiMmU'l troublcu w;t:i i'ysp p--:a. J. n. Holmes. Vluciaijil. N. .1. COFiSTiPATIOrJ To Secure m Retrular Bablt of Body without changing th Dli t or liln organliinK Oi S-Kttm, take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. v;iCEMJINE tivrtitrits H J. H. ZEIUH & CO., Philadelphia. FOR MUSICAL" PEOPLE iwi lit i i L' i in ilaJj Mi IS RESERVED EOR T?iiiic4nse Opening of 4LL AID WXFT IE vOTpouna A MEM VE TO tIC. jt vi Celery and Coca, tb ffOBillMBt ta. rfTl,. J rniUaitM. aro b beat maA mliat ' 'iWrre icmlca. ll niii n att Por The KERVOU3 iThe DEBILITATHD The AGED. Kcrrow iiiinia, KrMQ iocuw, 4c. a""" " ' AM ALTERATIVE. - - It Mtrt ml the roUnonw Vwutnt nf U blood Funtjlnt and canchlnt M. and n OTemxnlDf tho dutiM TTf-ultini from iaipara oc iaiiovc lchc) t jL - - " ' LAXATIVE:. - Artir.riolMl-fhntnrclyeoatcbowlt It cnr-- hntitnal eorMUpattno. and frucaobai-inilarhaljil. liauwrUt' trsi the flomach, and Ut Ai(auua. DIURETIC. Jn tt miTnltln thr hot tn4 tnoal act i ve d i uvtKs ot ta M turn Madica ar mm tlned M-wnt 1 Ocally with Mlvr rf-ivUTS n-iaodlea Um dtataaa ot tha L.'lni-ra. It can ba n-ltoloo toglTa quick fvlicf and tpecdy enra, TT nil In 1i4 li imwaaliliailw iii 4 fnim iw-fi tv . M4 ixm rmmf ma li i-wuctuan. rnc ti : aa W l WEtXS, RICHARDSON ft CO, Prop1. mB$m mm $we$ NCETirS MUSICAL , JOUE'.-IAL 1 tin- U st Mi:sj,n! M iiith!'.- p: l.hs'u .1. fon lams 1H to i.i pa.-.-; uf mu-u iil lit nr. - mil li piu."- of Set Mu-ili- ii, i'ktv i.,!Jt.. Kv-ry "uiis, rilt-i r. oi .J.WI worth or n-ot iiium.-s'i'0-'l fr n- o'ir t-ntiiloL'i: (if pi!liMt:il Mm-; us a r-iuii:ai. ii.-i.-. in.- ful'-ci ilwi- ri-al!r ri-ra-i ilurin r -h, vour inr:. wlia-ii o.:l,l cot in slirn ir un not : s tliaa ::'.. for only - un wis- ri-Orimry nai;i!.-i ua niMriic tivesi'riiil. 'ili,i;soii l;.!.;-! :-i.L'.mr I v llm ma C. Hewitt, was -omaicm-iMi Hiid wui txin tin'io acvornl mmh. Tin.-' scrip of ari -lc s alone worth many tjnn- tli- nrn v nt- i-ripLion, aul is but o:a- of t h- ii aiiv va.'ialilc I'l'.iirts -f this popular iii.i.li at-- n. linly .mi Htr year. Spi-vim -. opy In . u:;. A PIANO FREE! o int- pi-rson si-nrtinif tuo f-T'-at.-st nuiiir.t r of MiiH-niM-rs to NUH'I'M S .Ml Slr.vi, U It i F .- 0 -,uiy 't. I""", we will (five it I'ltuuin i pr-.t-nt finno with ?t.i' atil i--vi'r, valii.- tixi. Also a Kim- V'ili.-ox Whit; Tireti to the one i-ndinii-tin- socoiul irn nt.-st mini tr. lor full particulars a i.lrvss. . V. A. NMKTH-.V CO.. I,ii1--!i.ts. 1 lUi tlustnut St.. riola la. l'a. SUEM FEMALE AfAllFMV SALEM, X. U. Hcaitlilitl l-.-cutiou . Ih'aiir.ifiii Krouutls ; aiujilc buililiiis uith couifottablo-stuily-ii.tilnis ; siceiiiug alcoves ; battling luoms , well graded ami advanced course of study ; special .-cImioI m Music. Art. Lanftuapes and Commercial' smdies ; letiuil burnt life, with good Cbri8tnin training ; special care of tbe individual pupil; eitchtv foar years of cnutinhous 'xperience and more than f.,)00 Alnnina'. Send for Catalogue and circulars. c . 4 -. I ' ' .. ta - - r -Sir. i , -" 1 ti . t : , . ' - ' ' ' f - .'Vl. . .- . ' A" . r . . l.it.. i,. , x ' ' " ' .ii;itt t ! : - 1 ; u K kW v ."..: .. .JfFPPARrs t CO., r:...nnoro. Nht. -; t n t- ... ,. . . ACOMPLETE WSPAPER! J'TIIK i Kii .f. ni. Till. .NokH! CAROLINA-1 ress: Iooa it t.. ,,. ; ..; ,.. " "' "."",' ' r 1 IIh 'i'.nxri'ox -.MKSSENGF A L-MUi'.: i--!GHT-lAGE F'A'PER. Cud 1'" VOII .;.,; B ,. 1:1 , j,, a Mwipapet m via orth i.ni ,i. I. - . .,, , ; --I t., .rH, -Demucnit,! U'll a -.- .,. i.i . ,,. '!. ' .. h, f,,r lPU,,.JO ' " -- l- :l- llt ,.' the Old Kr tttt: wi i - ii , ; : , " - !" '! -"- -M r-SSENGER Tlie "DAILY V..i ;i- -,(. , The ftiklt - ; i v.s mi" in i 1-m.i-U in a.. .i ... ... '..! I Mrssi s : 1 ,. tt.a - ii,. I it rper in'thi' futi) Tbe largest stock of Hats m'tiie city at Young Bros. f JESLEY AN . FEMALE JNSTffUTE. I it I ,or ouna LaOits in ihiiln.L r L ' -r 0rl h mott atlractiaa frhmia I I If Thorn.,., . Hnil.linn F legaot ; 8 tJTil R. W. JOYNER, I Surgeon Dentist WII.SOX, x. c. . I havt lerine i't-riiianti. identlfieil villi llie i-ni.lrt Wilson have iiarlirel l,f fur the iia,t ten yeor- aul wi.-h ; to re.uru thank; to the krenr-j ou pHijle oT the coininunity Tor the liberal iiatnmace they ! l-ave :iven me. 1 ppare no inoi-ey to jnicnre instriimeiitf that will ctMidure to the com fort or niy i-atient.4. Kttr.at continuation of t! e lileral iiat-; ronae heretofore lf.tou,el on ' ine 1 hall feel deej'lj- rrate-' fu!. i THilT'FIGEl r ui. FINE DIAMONDS CHAPMAN & GALE fFliP??! - lfl tin. I j.li.ru tl... ct.... 11 - - - - - . V - . . V . largest ami tlicit ptirex tor tbe oit goods are mmli leiot tb.m Xitbern ' fimreM. i The CTic:nc'r.r m Jii '''' : ' - i I lji'l 1 1 I i '.., r A. ' ' STTrr.rn rv . X Vl H.i I 1 i -M !. . ..-1 . a.... - ! .., ( -B. . . .... . t r iiivm . mm9 ct f . I In'lniilimioi 1 . I .... t--i I iL" IT '" " - 1 ' f m t ". tt...l It ,,J 1 r t I " ' ,TrOTJ.r.:;:'t:T!i; .;- Watches, Diamor.5 & r'TjT;; r-r ,r.,;r. Jewelry, Coc v&zxzir - - j specs, sii. ' - - , : l THE TRY EL-l, Tarboro, H.C' Hi.ii GREENSBORO -FEMALE i k i i i i- v mj i i. i y, , Greensboro. N. C. Tbe Kixly-sevcnth wsin of this piosHTuM institution Uiik. on U -'nd or August, Imsk. Hujierior advataagea frr.-ml in ail tbe department ,f lernine nsua Iv tan .i., i.. i.- , " . ..e" n. r tmaie t"4illece OH. gb grade. Iustruct.ion K,v. ,, n tvite-writo... .. K ' Wnrr. MPMeal Mi.i, !j in i v Vv, al iii.- i , . ' l.l.et i ii . ; SEWING 'h'.A Quality tt : . " repreieniet. ! ! - ' done. Tbnty 3 '-'"1 rienw im tiur ...'' uibu gra,.e. Iustruct.ion K,v. ,, n t3M-writing . Kt,.,.rr,h.. J . to". Terms mode.ute. IW , t I WANTED I Old T- M. Jonpc (IBiCCO i LUES ;1,iS-H.K-wmunTi i i:ci;o. hextist. All kinds ; I 1.1 1 . ;s on j .ami, and my.de to oriier ai hOIi.SUV v KICKS I If fice. :KS .. UJVIy located i ThollUYEHsOUIDEi. CIoplia of uaelul inf0r- iur mi wno pur. cha the luxurica or ih DHAnaaKiAa a . " what ia rw.uirod to do aliK oul timata of t h ...i xn a lair A ,,rt C'.: r- 111 I I.Vli-r in i.iv .,.!. .. I.OA-!lL.I, OJAS.H.SE iiFlltll Illliil l ii.-tvi . ,i ..i ii .- CH lie sky M ll Out ooliitl (. Im'.mt . tate. Oul lit ft il. wv hiin iinniiii

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