WiLSOT,, ucn o.. Advance. Oct., 4. 1888. DEMOCIIATIC JCTOTY TICEET. FOR TUE SENATE 7TII DISTRICT. DR.R. W. KING, of Wilson. J. G. SILLS, of Nash.- For The House of Representa tives: ' NATHAN BASS. . . For Sheriff: JONAS W. CROWELL. lpr. Register of Deeds: S. M. WARREN SR. - For Treasurer : JAMES W. DAVIS. ' For-Coroner. ' DR.' J. K. RUFFIN. For Surveyor: ' R. A. ELLIS. . .JUDGE FOWLE. Public Speaking To-morrow. Judge D. G. Fowle, North Carolina's next Governor, and Xr t. V' Davidson! sDeak in Wilson to-morrow. They will dome here from Raleigh over the Short-Cut Railroad. A band of music Jvill meet them ot. thfl dftnot Shd they will be assorted to the stand by the ninncrats of the county. Ev- Democrat is invited to be . at the depot and welcome them They will be escorted to the etand on the Court House green where the speaking, will im mediately take place, A big time is-expected and every Democrat in the county is ear nestly invited to be present. Cotton OJ. Eowle speaks iu Wilson . Friday. ThVee boy bab.vs arrived ia town tLii week. Miss Annie Thomas is on a visit to friends iu town. Eev. R. P. Pell preached at Keuly Tuesday night. Be sure and kear North Carolina's next Governor to-morrow. The county canvass opens at Black Creek next Tuesday. .' Several hundred hales of cotton came in town last Saturday. MpRsrft Woodatd and Martin speaks at Jackson to-morrow, i?!:. U. P. Pell nreached ai Black Creek Sunday nigkt last, F. A. Woodard Esq., is attending Greene county Superior court this week. ' . . ihfl fimiutv Commissioners met on Monday last in regular monthly meeting. Miss Alice Barnes was ; at home Satnrdav and Sunday from Peace Institute. The Democrats ot jjeD'ur county calculate of carry ing tha otmty by 300 majority. me advance snon be in the hands of every w e roan in Y ilrtou county. Messrs. Lee & Sons bare moved in toe store lecenriv vacated 1y J. E. N. Gorham. The Advance door stands open to receive tho' meads of the naner When you come to town and sell your cotton come and Bee us. A. representative ofi the Ad vance spent a short while at Nash ville last week. This japer has many friends there and the people always patroniza us liberaly. Mr. Joe. Vick does a very fine grocery .business here. The cause of his success is that he attends strictly to business and keep.) good goods. See his i advertise ment. .4 Our farmers have used compara tively little "trust bagging" up to date. We hope the farmers will be able to break the intamoos combi nation which is made possible by the Republican Ligh tariff. ', One of the hardest conundrums for the solution of a decent white man that wo have ever teard pro ponded is how a self respecting white roau can vote for the "Mng- worrus" put op by Geo. Stanton. Wilson will be well represented at the Rocky Mount Fair this year which tates place on the 14th, 15th and 16th of next month. -The Sec retary informs us that he expects to have the biggest fair lever held there. , ' j - . j The Advance boldly charges that every candidate on the so called Knight of Labor ticket will vote for the demagogue Dockery. If there is' one who will not we de fy him to say so oyer his own sig nature. j ' "The ladies propose giving m ''Fes tival of the Nations" at Mamona H&ll next W ednesday night for the benefit of the Episcopal Church. The festival will be a very pleasant affair and our people should pat ronize' it liberally. ! f At Wilmington, Del.iUat week 17 men were whipped, 7 of them whits aui 10 colore"d.M Our man got forty lashes. In all 225 blows were struck an average of 13 apiece. In addition to the wrapping live in the pillery for a i hour. The Methodists of Wilson Mission held their Sunday school confer ence at Home's )st Sunday. A pleudid spaechas made by our townsman, Jno. F. Brutori, jEsq. Kbort speeches were made by Rev. E. F, Wiley and Prot. S.jE.;Enre. Mr. Rufe IJevis of Yadkin onnfy br fce loco Alisoods eistern room last week and was found dead in the momiog. He put one end of the Syphon in the bael and the other in his month and laid there until euongh ran into him to kill him. . i The Pads are continually caucos- ngheie. They ilbank'r on having captured the Knights t- of Labor. They will find 'themselves sadly left on election day.: Only those who are "white jnen with negroes principles" will vote for such a mugworm" ticket. I It is somewhat, curious that Ala bama should have frost before this section or the State. There was frost in several places in Alabama Tnefdaj rooming of lastweek. We had our first Saturday night. Snow fell m diilerent parts of Virginia Friday and the 8tate was swept by a general cold wave. Live in North Carolina. The "Mugworms" have not yet announced whether they are, Dock ery men or not. speak opt. Edwards & Kovere's Musical Comedy, appeared at Mamona Hall Monday night, to a full hoase. J. r. Farmer Esa.. was elected Chairman to fill the vacancy canned by the deat h of Dr. A- Brooks. Will - somebody please tell us what Dr. John Person Ins to do with Wilson county's politics any way. ' Mr. 11. F. Murray's lecture to night will btj oa the parties to con tractsinfants, maried women, lun atics ccc. Mr. David L. Uardy is having his dwelling house almost rebuilt, so thororg ily is it be Ing overhauled and fixed up. reene county superior court 1 in session at Snow Hill this week. The Advance is represented by our Mr. u. i Wilson. Ma). Charles M. Stedman speaks in wueon Thu-siay, the 25 inst, . Lvery Democrat in the county enouia near him if possible. The reason so much cotton is mar keted at Wilson is that our n?er cnants always pay the very top knotch lor the fleecy staple. Mack Knight, a young man who was painting Mr. A. ,T. Simms house tell from the scaffold yester day and was hurt, though not seri ously. The Advance job office we would ' impress upon business men, 13 in the hands of one of the best job pnnrers in tbe state; bend us yonr orders. xiegistrars ana poll Holders were appointed Monday last by . the County CcmmisHioners. The regu lar routine business was dispatch ed. juu negroes nom CaiawOa coun ty left lor San Diego, Cal., last week more are to follow.! Tbe CaN iforniaus find tbem better tha-n the Chinese. I . If you have land you wish to sell you would do well to place it with U. C. Daniel, who will advertise and ff no sale is affected, no charge win De made. The advantage derived from ad vertising can never be ascertained. It pays to advertise and it pays so constantly that it is hard to see the extent to which ii treaches. Ben Aycock Esq., the Demo cratic caudidate for the Senator in , wuP1" conntes, was iu vimon last week. lie -will be eiecteu by a large majority we do not aoubt. Miss Mary Arnold, who has been . Buori visit to Miss A lino Lxumat Stantonsburff. and MiD Lee Parker, left Fiidav last for Tar u!,0' her.e 8be 18 visiting Miss "cieu xorter. ' IS? nDJ Coleman, Griffin a sweet scented gang to control the .... vi tvuson county? They n--cocu!uie-"Opposition to the "SMiwrmio party." ''The Demociatic uosarag" as the Drs. Person and ! popineiav mimics call the Advance hopes to help bloody the political "snoots" of some' the candidates of these e ponents of all that is. true an noole. If these fellows idon't want their political 'snoots blied' they had best ktep out of the way of the i;nose rag." ' 1 - - ' - ! - ' iue advance would impress upou its readers the fact that tbe men who advertise are the ones to trade with. The merchant who is too stiugy to iuvest a few dollars in advertising is too close to give you a :,ood bargain. When' you ga to trade seek tbe man who advertis es. " . Mr. J. E. N. Gotham has moved his large and handsome stock of goods 1 n the store formerly used by Gabe Metzger as a Bargin Store on Tarboro St. He will have more room there and will be the better prepared to wait od his customers. Itead his advertisement elsewhere in this weeks paper. V; Dr. E. W. King and J. a. sills Esq. the Democratic candidates for the Senate iu the district, are two of the best and most earnest and popular Demociats in the district. We hope to give a sketch of the life of these Democrats in the next weeks Advance. They'-are worthy in every way of the support of the people of the district. We were pleased to see Mr. Au gustus Bryant, of Nash county, in town Moooay. tie is the gentle man that the people ol Baileys and enell8 townships expected John Green to appoint as Deputy Sheriff accoruiug 10 promise. (The people recognize in Green an unreliable man and those who voed for him oeiore will not do so again. Tha "cloven loot" has been shown. "An Hour in Fairy Land" will be rendered at Mamona Hah to-morrow night. The proceeds -of the entertainment will go to the Mis sionary Baptist Church. The ob ject for which the entertainment is given as well as the entertainment itself merits a large share of the consideration ana presence of the people of the town. . Be sure and attend. J The raisers of good cattle and those who sympathise with that ob ject are requested, to meet at the Court House Iriday evening at 3 : 30: for the purpose of .organizing the Wilsdh County Cattle Associa tion. The Advance would com mend the people for this step In the right direction. We wish our people would pay more attention to the improvement of their cattle. Mr. Calvin Barnes planted this year 20 acres in tobacco and has made from it 10,000 pounds of as good weed as is raised anywhere. He made a good weed and cured it well. He says there is money , in raising tobacco in Wilson county . and he has been raising it for several years. There is about 300 acres in tobacco in ; a circuit of 15 miles from Wilson. Our people are begining to plant more of this cash producing com modity. ' ' " The ediior of the Adv ance had the pleasure ot attending a social party given at Kinston last Friday night by Miss Capitola Grainger complimentary to Miss Sudie Faircloth, of Greene county. The occasion was a pleasant one and we enjoyed ourselves in the good town of Kinston where we lived for about four years as much as it was possible for one to enjoy himself in the length of time we spent there. The intelligence reaches us of the drowning of Mr. Jno. R- Dixon, in Contentnea Creek, at Snow Hill, Saturday night, and under nach circumstances as to make the distressing accident the more gloomy. He was a prominent and affluent citizen of Greene county, and had represented them in the Legislature, on the Republican side. He had started home from attending the Republican County Convention, in the night, and drove off the bridge into the cieek. His horse eecaoed. His body was fouiul Bunday. Godsboro Argus. Mr. J. J. Farmer was in town Saturday exhibiting a road cart, of new design, for which he has ap plied for a patent. The difference from the other styles is in the spring, and seat. The spring 13 located just behind tbe axle and by this arrangement light shafts can be used and a horse's back will not be damaged. The seat is put on this spring and having uo ' pivot in front which practically removes ail horse motion. Mr. Farmer made the one exhibition at his shops about three miles from town. He will go into the bnsines? of manufacturing the carts on a large scale and we hope be will find ready sales. Our friend of the Franklin Times seems to be in trouble. That 13 t he lot of a newspaper editor. He is hard worked, poorly paid, and when be is doing bis best to give his readers a first class paper, some fellow, to Bhow. his appreciation, writes to stop his paper, and gen erally he owes from 83 to $8. The Times manners as follows : Say, don't stop your paper just because you don't agree with the editor. ' The last cabbage you sent iu didn't agree with us. either, but we didn't drop you irom our subscription list on that account. No ; We simply said, "Make ns thankful for what we are about to receive," and after .we received it we were not able to Bay anything NEW TOES Prom Our ' Eegular Correspondent. POLITICS. Henry Blount at Clinton. Brother Henry Blount went down to Clinton last week and electri fied with wit,eloqueuce and oratory the people who heard him. A corespondant writes the News and Observer as follows: I beard Henry Blount's lecture last night, and I never heard a better thing in my life. It glistened with the brightest gems 01' poetic beauty glittered with jewels of richest hnmor, and glowed with the fires of the finest oratcry. He is not only one of- the finest and most beautiful writers 10 th j South, but he is one of tbe most thrilling orators I ever heard. In fact I Dever saw bis superior. Laughter and tears flow vat his bidding, for he is as good in comic as he is in pathos. He is one ot tne best mimics I ever saw, and he can beat the world telling an anecdote. His theme was "Woman's Worth and Man's duty to Hei' and Oh. what a magnificent tribute did he pay to her! I dont think there is a grander flow of beautiful thoughts in the English language. It was gorgeomrand sublime, and stamps him as one of the' most gifted speakers in the South. Philosophers say that shutting uie e.ves niaises. me sense of bear ing ujuie auuie. jx. iriena at our kiuuw Bugxcnia uuii, tnig jact aC- count8 tor tne manr closed eveia that are seen in our churches every Sunday. : Our ministers should make a note ot tins and not mis understand the meaning of closed eyes. We do wonder if Whitlev expects to beat the best sheriff that any county was ever blessed with! Jonas Crowell is 'one bf the best officers and is one of the best men otonracquaintace and yet Whitley nas tne temerity to oppose him. He cannot of couse expect anything but defeat. Why be should lend hinself to Stanton and his gang as a "cats paw" we tail to understand. The dates of the canvas have some of them been chauged, it will be seen ny reiemng'to; this weeks rr iA-. . - - paper, xnent-ii as published now ill stand. It is hoped that everv Democrat in the different townships will be present at these speakings It is possible that the Republicans alias Knights of Labor, candidates will meet our candidates. We hopa bo, but we doubt if - they will J, ecu II ii . Stedman will dare do lows like ligtt." DEMOCRATIC SPEAZHTG. A Number of the Best Speakers in North Carolina to Speak in Wilson County.' The " Advance takes peculiar pleasure in annovrcing tbe fact that quite a number of the best and most forcible and convincingpeak ers in the State will speak in this county within the next few weeks, The. speaker of the campaign, be cause the head cf the ticket as well as because of his- own ability as a canvasser, Judge Daniel G. Fowle and also Attorney-General David son will speak in Wilson Friday, October 5th. Mr. Davidson ia a forcible,practical speaker. On Thursday, Oct. 18th Fred. N. Strudwick and W- H. Kitchen speak at Saratoga, this county. A oener team could not have ben secured and we believe they will accomplish good for. the cause of Democratic party. On Thursday, Oct. 25th son- Mai. Charles M address tne people. It is needless for us to say one wo.'d of thisspleu- aia speaker ior mem. Col. D. Worthmgton, Solicitor of this district, speaks in Wilson on Monday October 22nd. He makes a good political speech. TheCounty Executive Committee are doing their best to secure bath Senators Ransom and Vance to speak at some place in the countv. We hope they wilLsucceed and that our people may have the pleasure ot hearing both of these distin guished and honored soas of North Carolina. The Advance believes that Wil son coumy win give at tne verv least 500 Democratic majority this year. The unholy combination be tween Kadicals and disgruntled omce eeesers ana the attempt to prostitute the order of the Knights of Labor to the cause of Radical misrule and corruption has stirred our people. They see that there is some danger ahead and they do not propose to be dominated over by a set of men who are utterly de voiu o pnuctpie, wno ana the dis reputable priests of Radicalism the worst sort." ' The .Republican Headquarters are again animated by the active presence of Boss Quay. If all the fairy tales that are told of munifi cent contributions by the Pennsyl vania manufacturers be true, tlie campaign treasury of that Bide of the house has been enriched with in ten days by at least three quart ers of a million. These roseate re ports have had the effect of bring ing to Headquarters "practical politicians" from all over in swarms like the locust of Egypt. They come with harrowing tales of the necessity of- lubricating the joints of the party machinery in their re spective bailiwicks, else they will Dot be responsible for 'the inroads of the hated "Free Traders." The citv of Brooklyn, for lustance, was represented by a special delegation who modestly demanded $25,000 for immediate use. As an evidence of the difficulties thai confront them, they pointed to the fact that the first day's registration in the Citv of Churches showed an in crease of several thousand over the largest day's registration or any year .previous. Coming from a Democratic stronghold they very properly assume that this portends an unprecedented Democratic vote. And so it docs. The Democratic leaders do not think that tbe enemy will dissipate its sinews of war to any great ex tent in the Empire State. The tide is running too strong toward Demo cratic triumph to ba counteracted in the short time remaiuing before election. It is the generally ac cented view that this vast fund which will probably be swelled to a round million within three weeks, will be apportioned among the States of Indiana, New Jersey and Connecticut with liberal allowances for the Northwestern States " that are wavering in their allegiance to the g. o. p. It is regarded as prob able also that tne Committee will take a little "flyer" in the direction ot West Virginia, which is the only Southern State they are pretending to make a fight in. Tne industrious statisticians at Democratic Headquarters smile when asked about these calcula tions of the enemy. Counting New York and the Sooth as foregone conclus.ons. they assert with great earnestness that the deficit of 15 electoral votes; will be made up sev eral times over. Indiana, they say, is quite as safe1 as New York, and Is just big enough to do the busi ness. New Jersey and Connecticut combined also fill the bill to a nicety without the aid of the Hoos- iers. Then there aie California ana Nevada and the Northwestern States as a premising Democratic reserve fund. That intermitent canard -about the retirement of Col. Ence from the chairmanship of tbe Demo cratic Campaign.Committee.bobbed up again yesterday. It was of course promptly deniedhavingnot the slightest foundation in fact. Col. Brice's friends attribute these reports to the persistent and ma licious hostility of The Sun. In stead of being superseded, he has merely been reinforced by Senator Gorman, who with Chairman Bar nam will remain here from now un til election assisting in the direc tion of the campaign. They believe ia short, sharp campaigns np in this country, jn this city, nre weeks beiore election, not a single Congressional nomi nation has been made, while all the parties and factions are at , sea as to the local, tickets. Since Tam many's big chief, Croker returned fiom his interview with the Presi dent, those who were for Demo cratic Union on the local nominees have made np their minds to be disappointed. Tammany's decis ion to go it alona has been reas serted with more ncise than usual ; and the County Democracy seems equally obstinate. The President. it is semi-officially stated, declined to make any suggestion in the premises, and the general belief is that he thinks dual Democratic local tickets will have a salutary effect upon the State and National tickets. A painful sequel has come to the monstrous swindle perpetrated by a confidential clerk, Bodoll on the law-firm of Shipman, Bait)w, Laro que & Chob,to. This clever scoun .drel by forged mortgages succeed ed in duping bis employers out of nearly $30U,000, which was lost in gambling shops and at horse races. He is now In the Toombs with the prospect of almost life servitude before him. The saddest part of it is that the misfortune of tbe firm so preyed upon the mid of its cash ier, Mr. Dodge, that he killed him self in a fit of temporary insanity. The public naturally jumped to the conclusion that the cashier was in volved in Bodoll's peculations ; but an examination of his account reveals the roost scrupulous ex actness. ' Frank E. Vaxjghan. Examine Heilbroner's fine cloth- iffg before purchasing elsewhere. The ' Famous Specific Orange Blossom a positive cure for Fe male Diseases. A trial box free. Mrs, J. W. Thorn, Sole Agent for Wilson county, Wilson, N. 0. Young. Bros, are opening .tbe largest stock of goods ever brought to Wilson. We are selling goods cheaper this fIl than ever before Yonng Bros. School shoes for children spring heels, &c, at Dayis & Gay' Bargains in kid gloves at 75c. worth $1.25 at Davis & Gay's. We want room come and ft s bargain. Young Bios. Suits at half price at Young Bron. Just arrived. ImmeuBe stock of para wis, fans and hosiery. Yonng Bros. for lumber to Send yonr orders J. K. Bawls. Lost. The Magistrates report book of Jonathan Newsome w lost between Wilson and Barn 03 X Roads. The- finder will con r r (a iavor py leaving tne same al '.he Advance offlceor delivering to me. J. T. Aycock. Look at Young's 11,25 hats. Youngs wboldstock Brosans 75 cts. Look at Yonng'a 75 cts. Shoes. Look at Young's 3.75 suits. Yonng is headquarter. Every body trades at Youngs. Young carries the Jamb) Stock. All wool suits $3.75 at Youngs. Youngs 9 10 suits take the cake. Young sells $3 .00 hats for $1.25. Wool under shirts 50 .cts Youngs. Windsor & Pacific calico Young. . Look at Young's band-made shoes. ' Look at Youngs fine clothing. Look at Youngs big stock. The biggest Stock in Wilson at Youngs. Do you want a nice suit clothes, go to Yonng Bro3. Look at Youngs $3.75 pants. Young Bros, sell tbe best shoes in Wilson. If you want good shoes go to Youngs. U u o Children's clothier a specialty at 1 Heilbronera. . . Young Bros, this week. Youne Bros, are opening their immense fall stock; Don't forget to examine Heil broner's boots'and shoes. - i Send yonr shoes to Gorham's and have the buttons put ou gmis. Buttons reset so they cannot come off on all buttoB shoes before tbey leave tbe store. Go to Young Broel this week and look. New clothing all styles art now being opened at Yonng Bros. Go to Young Bros, and look. . Frm Sale. Two grade Jersey bull calves. A. B. Deans, Wilson N. O. The Crusader is the neatest boot The Crusader la the most dur able boot. The Crusader is the easiest wear ing boot. The Crusader boot can oniy oe bought at Gorham's. Young Bros. are selling goods cheaper than ever. Hats all styles at New York prices Yonng Bros. Dry Goods at prices to suit the times at Young Bros. Umbrellas all styles Young Bros. Shirts, collars and cuffs- Yonng Bros. Go to Young Bros, and look. Very fine tlotbing indeed at Hell Oronei's nw store. Novelties in drew goods and dress trimmings itHeilbronei'a Money Baved is money made. Go to Young Bros. . Wet are still opening goods. Yonng Bros. Come and look at our big stock. Young Bros. The last hats at Heilbroner's. Fine fitting children's and boy's suits at Heilbroner's. If you waflt-to see the cheapest goods you ever saw' gqflo Yonng Bros. Hats at wholesale prices. Young Brc 4 IS THE FLAE TO BCY YOCB DIt GOODS, . NOTION8, SHOES, HATS, . HARDWARE, IISHBISBBBIMBlBHBIBISSHHSIBSSl LEE LEE LEE 60NS SONS' SONS' IS THE PLICE TO EDI IODE GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, TOBACCO, . TOBACCO, TOBACCO, SNUFF AO SNUFF AO o-- u c f uu 8NUFF AO SNUFF AC SNUFF &U III! tB0i ROT tees, O:- Having purchased the stock of Mr. J. F. Farmer, we will continue tbe business at the same stand and will be pleased to have our "Triendt call on us. We guarantee satisfac tion Respectfnnv. Lee & Sons. &. L Ami Wltlx the Fpace now At o disposal we'ire. In & portion to f ally eupply the tntfl of tke people of this' eecUoala Wearing Apparel and House FimdshlBg Goods. W. hTe loN beeathe TTUtter ourselves that omreffotU for the eomlnz eeaaon will ccn- vtux ear customers in tne tUef that we are jaaUr entitled to thle -reputation. Our roods for Mens and Harm WAIT iftT Ktn wored Into, our newitore and we claim to, t. mmM to, cogbt id the State In rolnt of Tarlet- n.fif. . For-the benefit of thoee who Retire their clothing made to order e cere- conduct tk-Uarhaiit TnHn Pr,.i-.. .11 branches.. Our work 1b done on the nmmiMM T ete BTjperTialoa and oar. rule la'perf ect fit ot no ale. Oar prices for this class of worl-ere far leas than those usually charged by custom teHonc. Our Dress Goods stock to Judge from the farorable comments of Uote of our customers who bare ex amined them Is Just tbe tblif. T7e hare desirable goods la all -he new weaves and new cbadee. A. epecUl feature this season is an Immense line di Dress Trimming OnrL.M I wish to announce to tbe good people of Wilson who have patronized me for so many season, that I am again in town and will receive FRESH FI8H Regularly, wbicb will be sup plied to the public at tbe low est possible figures. Give me a cau. Sept-13-3m. " NOTICE, ( arpetlngs Is superb, we show a much greater rarlety than erer I sf ore, from the ordinary bemp to- the , finest Telre tsi Also a all stock of Bugs, UttsyArt Snares and Oil CTotbs. WeNroull 1 ke to mention soma mpre of tbe specialties we bare this sea-e-n, but as we don't owtcWtTper guess we bad better not, lmember that tbe foUowlug gWs are .sold In Wilson eiclu- iveiy py us: zaejrier Bro'a, Bhoes; W. L. Douglas, $3 bboe, Ha nan & 8on's Men Fine Shoes, Hammereloogb E5e?.Ylne Cloth ing, N. J.Scbloas & golSoysXand CbUdre as Nothing, Pearl ciik up ua ait wool DUCK immm Uwf ine Straw Carpet, Oealemerl's Kid Gloves. v . N Call and see us anfl yon will be conTinced that vnn Utter than by dealing with ns EespectfuUy, V or -d a uiCFq smnitnrl Sunera Court ' of Marr Garland. Vwngoo County, The heir t taw ot I lnn4 Xor J. A. GABXi&ND. I ThU Is a ee1al TJTOOfllnB Pled br the pe titioner F. w. Barnca, Exeempr cl M i.n.i hui. an ni tne neir at iai A. Uarland. deceased iorwow i " 4 a it Gar- I law oI-J. tot i parcel of land described Into-, petition, to pay The heir ot tbe said 3. ni are re quested to appear ai ""'" " ' .w the Superior Court of Wilon. Oouuty on the 5th day of October 1888, aud to answer me petition. An. 29 1688. A, B. DEANS, C. B.C. I I DAVIS Is W Are now opening up a stock 3 O C Hi zi Xfl of D2 O w. (P-a CD C5 5J0 rH Pi o xfl J "W isbes U9 to'say to tbe 1 O c D-d a Ul u o to Country MercMts1 Tbat'be 13 prepared lo, farnlsb them Goods in NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE DRY GOODS, 6HOE3, CENTS FURfllSHING, NOTION, AC Wbicb can't be surpassed la tbe place. Tbey have all tbe la --PRICES.- He has tbe following Stock: goods In DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES CLOTHING, lest shades and novelties in DHSSS "GOODS and TnEra Will please tbe most fastidious. Tbey also handle N. Hess Do's., and Evltt & Eros., J: ID. Csttinger: 1888 1888 II V. V, At The GrifBn Stand mm n IS so, :for "darkness ; those rather fe: than lue kicker is a developer ; the '3i oaket ia an incubus. The kicker incites to i'upvovement ; the croak er to indignation and. resentment Ihe kicser only when he is given one-dollar accomodations at three dollar rates ; the croaker would be jast as noisy if he was getting tnree-aouar accomodations and pstying noiums. me Kicncr is a I lively, jovial, progressive fellow the cioker is a dismal nuisance who las supevtlpous on the stage. i.ittsbnrg Dbromcle. DIED. .We regret to learn of the death or jur. josian iiemrow, a promi nent citizen of Spring Hill town.' ship, on Wednesday Sept. 19th. Mr. Kenfrow was a thorough croiner1 man. He leaves behind a wife and two children to mourn their loss. Spring Hill has lost one of her best I men. To relatives and friends we extend our sympathy. EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES! - THE BEST II THE MARKET. AND HATS, ALSO 100 BOXES CAKES ASD CRACKERS, CAKES AND CRACKERS, CAKES AND CRACKERS, CANDY, CANDY, CANDY, CANDY, CANDY, CANDY, 50 Boxes Tobacco SNUFFLYfc, Which are - known everywhere and can't be beat. Also Coon's The Best $3.00 6hoe at Ileilbron ers. . SODA., FLOUR, Wblch are as good as are ma IIOJMft; sTJCMS. If you want to see tbe chearjest shoes you ever saw go to Youne Bros. 87J of The cheapest Brogan yet is the whole stock goods for 85cts. Gorham's. The best shirt in town for cents cash at Heilbroner's, The cheapest Hats in the world at Young Bros- Itch, Mange, and scratches of every kind on human or animals oured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails Sold by E. M. Nadal, Druggist Wilson, N; O. june 20, 88, 6m Davis & Gay sell a linen bosom dress shirt reinforced at50c. - Fourteen different sizes and kind's. Five sizes with enam eled reservoirs. Adapted to all requirements, and priced to suit all purses. - LEADING FEATURES: Double wood doors, patent wood grate, adjustable damper, interchangeable automatic shelf broiling door, swinging heartb- piate, swinging nue-stop, re versible gas-burning long cross piece, double short centers, heavy ring covers, Illuminated fire doors, nickel knobs, nlckle panels etc. Unequaled in Material, in finish, and in operation. Manufactured by ISAAC A. SHEPPARD & CO. - Baltimore, Md For Sale by v GEO. D. GREENE & CO., - . Wilson, N.O. AND EVERYTHING That is kept in a General Stock, also Store Fixtures of all kinds. I He asks the people to get bis Drices before buying their goods and tbey ;wlll save MONEY. Give them a call. I desire to announce to -e people of Wilson, Green, Pitt, Edgecombe and Xa&h counties hat I have returned from tbe Northern markets, with a fall, arge and well selected stock of Dry Goods. New Out And Out Wbicb consist only of tbe latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Dress Trimming, Sackings, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mats and Rugs, CHILDREN, BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND MEN'S ' OF ALL KIND 3. Boo a nd Shoes, Hats and Gents Furnishing Goods. Special attention will be given to Children's and Boy's Clo tb Please call and examine my eioc wuicu BurpMses mu u tbe Dry Good and Clothing line ever shown in w iison. My terms are GROCERIES ' . Tf you want to save money go YoungBros. to FOR SALE. One vacant banding lot in tbe business portion of Toisnot will be sold for a small figure. For farth er particulars and price address. CO. DANIELS. Eeal Estate Agent, Wilson, N. C ; . 4: . -AT- WH0LESALE. 400 Bbls Flour all grades, 26C00 Lbs C. R. Bldea. 300 Rolls Bagging, 500 Bundles Ties, 25 Bbls Sugar all grades, 25 Sacks Coffee u 100 Boxes Tobacco, 20 Gases Lard, 60 Kgs Nails. Tbe above goods we offer low to merchants. c. A.YOuncnno And my prices within the reacb of everybody. Thanking yon kindly for your liberal iavors in me paei wmca yu 'ca me, and hope to secure tbe continuance of tbe same. o goods will be ' - - Misreiresented pnd my Business will be conducted on Square Business les, ! lieepecuuiiy, Priaci- L MS! a mi 2LAKAGEU rO?.IL R. LANG.