She 7ilson Advance. "S7U30N U. C., Oct., 4, 1888 Tha Best Purfiier Mads. ncnSj'Ga., Jane 29,lJ:888 I have Buffered with Catarrh for about four years, and after using lour bottles ol Botanic Blood Balm 1 had my general health greatly im proved, and if I could keep out of the bad weather I would be cured. I believe it is the best purifier made. Very respectfully, . L. w. Thompson. Pimples on the Face Denote au impure state of the blood and are looked upon by many witn suspicion. Acker's Blood i Elixir will remove ' all impurities and leave the complexion Smooth and clear. There is nothing that will so thoroughly build up the constitution, purify and strengthen the whole system. Soid; and guar, anteed by Dr. W. S. Anderson Druggist. : -,j Howit soils When Johnson was sent to Con gress there were 275 post-offices in the district. Ha has had! the num ber increased to 400 A pretty good record. Franklin Press, I Palatka, Fla May 31, 1888. We have been selling B. B. B. for two years, and it has always given satisfaction in every case. LOWEY & STAKE, Druggists. Are you experiencing ' a drouth where you live? No, the downpour of water is almost constant. You are a farmer, I believe? No, Blr, I ran a street eprink er Llncolnton State Journal. Happiness and Contentment Cannot go hand in hand if we look on the dark side of everydittle ob stacle. Nothing will so darken We and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will erne the worst-form of Dyspepsia, Gen- sti pation anu indigestion , and make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25 and 50 cents by"Dr. W. S.Anderson Jwlnt Discussion There will be a joint discussion of the issces of The campaign be tweei Jno. E. "Woodard, Esq- of Wilson. Demociatic Presidential E'.ecto;, and J. J. Martin, Esq., of I Tarboro, Republican Presidential Elector lor this the Second dis trict at the following times and places: Tarboro Halifax, Littleton, rton, warre HftHder Wil8on Kl-nston, e New Bern Snow Hill, Jackson, iVitfdsor, THE Sept. u a u ' ( .( Oct. t( 18th. 21st. 22nd. ' 25rd 24th. 26th. 27th. 27th, at night. 2nd. ' 5th. 6th. mi 0 Id PUS 'year will be he , The largest and cheapest assort ment of ladies' and children's but ton shoes in town at Gorham's. czaaa, Ichy, Scaly Sla Tort The simple application of Swayne n?nfmnfc without any internal uriil ihre anv lease of Tetter, Salt Rheum, ' Ringworm. Tiifi. Itch. Sores, Pimples, Eczema .llRcalv Itcby Skin Eruption no matter how obstinate or long .f9niiinir. Tt is DO.ent. effective and coat bat a trifle. i ? mine, he cried with voice Ti a reran with antniish. If u 1 1 riiuwt ou refuse me I shall die! !.- fortv vears ago, ar t.Tlleaa eirl refused him. wtnrfln.v he died.' Girls, be- are. Binghampton Kepubli That and the an. vHa Ion Sleptical ? If bo we will convince yon that Acker's English Remedy lor the lanes is superior to all other: prep arations, ana is a positive cure for all Throat and Lung Troubles, CrouD. Whooping Cough and Colds. We guarantee the preparation and will etve von a sample bottle free at Dr. W. S. Anderson's Drug Store. ' Dressmaker There doesn't seem to be stuff enough here to make a train three yards long. Society Belle Dear me ! How much more is needed ?, About half a yard. , Well, take it off the neck. The Fireman's Tournament to have been held in Greensboro, com mencing the 12th, has been post poned on account of -inclement weather to the 26th and 27th inst. L Warning The modes of death's '.approach are various, and statistics show conclusively that more persons die from diseases of the Throat ard Langs than any other. Ij is prob able that everyone, without excep tion, receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first s'owly,. and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the luDgs producing Consumption, and to the head, causing Catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death At the onset you must act witb promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrorg with your Throat, Lungs or Bos trUs, obtain a bottle of BoscheeV German Syrup. It will give im- foediate relief. The Charlotte Observer savs ; Our reporter was shown by one of the city pnysiciam a tap worm thirty-hve long, it was from nf wivmr olil Muiv ; - For- the blood use B. B. B. For scrofula, use B. B. B. For catarrh, use B. B. B. ' For rheumatism, use B. B. B. For kidney troubles, use B. B. B For eruptions, use B. B. B. For all blood poison, use B. B. B Ask your neighbor who has used I B. B. B. of its merits. Get our book free filled with certificates' of won derful cures. ' Notice. By virtue of an Execution in my hands for collection, I shall offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, before the Court House door in the town of Wilson, N. 0., at-12 o'clock m. on Monday the first day of October, 1888, to enforce a me chahics lien, for labor done, and duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilson comity, N. C. that piece, parcel or lot of land In the town oi Wilson, N. 0., conveyed, to Mrs. Alice M. Cobb, by the Commissioners of said town, adjoining the lots of the Bri'ggs Hotel, and the Central Ho tel lot, containing 4,730 square feet more or less, it being the lot con veyed by deed to the Commissioners of said town by J. B. Farmer and wife. J. W. CEO WELL, Ang.23 td. Sheriff. 1MEIBEB 14tb7 15tli, ASD 16ti And Uom eyery indication U 1U be the BIO FAtU Of the State. The offloers or tue r a b a u lng all they possibly can to make it more tractive than ever. Several now features are being added, among them the epWueci be made aad the BACES Will be specially every day of the exciting and interesting Tod Special attractions each day. n4j n of Jifiia In attendance. Special trains will be run day over th different roads ana very LOW UNITES Hare been secured for those who attend the FAIR. Bvery arrangement will be made for the eomfortand convenience of those who attend and stay In town over nignt. For further particulars address JMQ L 11M00D, SECRETARY AND TBEASFBEE, KOCKY MOUNT, N. O. A 1 in kill!! I s z o CO ml t iimus k mws Is the place to get Pure Corn The Grandest Sacrifice on Record, Ten Thousand Dollars Worth of Clothin 111 The celebrated old.Ste wart RYE WHISKEY Four year old Kash County Bra,ncLy , Fine Imported Cigars, Wines, Beers, &c. Pool and Billiard Tables. t xrnna. vnnhS Tinr, nn.l fihiMrn' in Iciwrted Worsted Corkscrew Cheviota and Casssimere SaiU. E!ent line of rants tu, cv .:7--.i.:-r1JLuiMit nn.ntMd Fit. Strle and Qoality. Two tnonsaua oait, wi rcrr oijw ve aave got wo many suu tucj u . made, AT 60 CEXTS ON THE DOLL Alt. We are selling our 23.00 Suits at 13 00, our - fi-t AA Cniu at Oil T". 1 UCt Snifa nt We are still Slaughtering tory. Amakeng limg else in proportion. '20 00 Suits at 114.00, our ?15.00 SaiU at 110.00, oar fiO.OO SalU at fl.OO, oar .73. All we Msk l m comparison and we will ave 30a 31 per ceot- DUY GOODS. Simpson Pacific Windsor and Hamilton's LaUt Styles in Calico at G centa, wori giiams at SJ cmU. Woolen Mixei Tant Goods at 16J cents. Union Cssimere 1 ant Goods at j orth CJ cu t cent, and ttyr- Ten Thonsand Dollam Worth of SHOES, 'all the way from the Tiny Infant lo the B.g Brogaa that takes a No. IS to fillnp, mixed I 0 .r.UtWL thing in Ladies Pateut Iatt.M and Gcbts' Hand made Dongolas at 25 to 00 per cent. 1- Than any l'0"10."0? c"f" t4 . goods aud quality at. We carry nothing but the best goods that money ran mk. A I ull Line of Burt &. TsckanJ, J. t aust A. N.fls, Kirkham & Co., Hayes Murray & Co., and others. Mundell's Children' bcliw: fcboea a Specilt v. NQ SOTB EYB NO MO BE WEAK EYES- --Mitchell's Eye Salve.-- Cantion to Mottiers. Every mother is cautioned against giving her child laudanum or paregoric ; it creates an on natural -craving tor stimulants which kill the mind or the child Acker's Baby Soother is specially prepared to benefit children and cure their pains. It is harmless aod contains no Opium or Morphine. Bold by Dr. W, S. Anderson, Drug-gist. Au Elegant Snbstitme v For ors, Salts, h iCs, and all ktndH 01 bitter, najseous Liver Medicines and Cathartics is the very agree able liquid- fruit remedy, Syrup o Figs, Its advantages are evident it is more easily taken, more ac ceptable to the stomach, more pleasantly eflective, and more truly beneficial to the system thau any other remedy. .Recommended by leading physicians. For sale by B m jMadal. Will take orders for Septem ber Delivery at specially low i figures. Best hard. Egg, Stone and Nut. Hand in your orders early to j A.W.ROWLAND. : Septtf. In nnion there is strength. Say, Jim, ain't yon a member of the Sons of Industry ? Yes, I be. I wag one of the first to Jin the organ 'zashum. Then you waut to go down ti the blow-out. They've hired a ball an' are coin' tu have a speech 'bOut things. Can't go. ItV riitlit meai too. What's the matter of Got to bold the baby my wife chops. kind liu'. goiu ' While IsLiIe 1 01 in LiYing? Not if you go through the world 1 dyspeptic. Acker's Dyspepsh Tablets are a positive cure for tb woret forms of Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Flatulency and Constipa tion. Guaraoteed and Bold, by Di W. S. Anderson, Druggist. There are about. 1,200 Farmers Alliances in the State. " Consumption Surely Cursd. To the Editor: , Please inform yonr readers tha' I have a positive remedy for tht above named disease. By its time . ly use thousands ot hopeless case have been permanently cured. shall be glad to send two bottles ol myremoay FREH to every con sumption if tbey will send me then .Express and P. O. address, v Respectfully T. A. Slocum, M. C. 181 Pearl Si K. Y. L26-88 6mo TUe Concord Times of the 14tb thus strains its imagination: "This weeK a fine calf was born into the family of Mrs. Beatty's fioe Jersey cow. In less than half Ian hour after his calf-ship saw the light of! aay, he jumped a, four foot fence, took a drink ol water and went to grazing with as -much familiariU with the pasture as any of the cld- r DOTinea.77 Whew I Nothing Equals It. Z.ilHha,fFla., June 27, 1887 K. enable & Co: I hue ! en n-ine B. B B. i i..uhI as a blood pnri!it ' vuttr never w. d an nifdicii q It -peciiu ty. Mas 1. 1 Laws: I Also I naarl i I Ulcer THE 1 1 T-y-;-, - Sr i A I I A Certain, Safe ana Effective Remedy for Sore, Weak av1 Inflam ed Eies, Producing Long-Sighted- ness, and restoring me oigm 01 tue old. Cures Tear Drops, Grauula- tion, Stye Tumors, Ked Lyes, Matted JfiyelasDes, producing qaica relief aud PERMANENT CURE. equally efficacious when other maladies. mch as Burns, PileSj or wherever Norfolk: Oysters Received daily, and served in th very best style. Lynn Haven Bay Oysters on the half shell. First-class Restaurant wtere the best the market affords will oe seized by experienced cooks. Nov 17' Hawkins & Bridgers. Piso's Cure for Con' sumption is also the best Congh Medicine. If yon have a Cough without disease of the Lungs, a few doses are all you need. But if you ne glect this easy means of safety, the slight Cough may become a serious matter, and several bot tles will be required. "It We do not ak you to take our word tat tlt We carrv the Finest Stock of HATS in Wi! o i ind wo are wiling 92.0 and 3.00 Hats at tl5. the Hats and if we do not do what we s.iy the Hat is yours for nothing. The cold wave in coming and we have the mot perr-ct ock of Flannel Underwear you ever aw. lirixrteJ Eagllsh SaiU at V W j.-r at Wool Flannel Su-rts at 50 cenU. 1 he FineKt Stock of Hosiery, Gloves, Sliirts and Diaw-rs at half crop pricea. CAUTION Dm m nf Vnuid mT 1U1TW HTIf tbA trl0A re stamped oa the bottom ot U my adverUseil shoes before levlnjr the factory, whk-h protect the wearers irilnsl high prices and Inferior itooda. If a dealer offers W. L. VouKlas sooes at a re duced price, or says be has them without my nama and price stamped ou um oottum, put uoi uowu as axrauo. 5 :ftaa I TAYLOR of Makes An Old Man Young. Extract from a Letter P. S. -I bought 3 bottles our Botanic Blood Balm from ' lend H. D. Ballard, at Camno- ello, S. C. I have been nsing it Uree weeks. It appears to give 'oe new life and new strength, If here is anything that will makr tn old man young It is B. B. B. I tin willing; to seli it. I earnestly tnd houestly recommend Botanic Blood Balm. Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. ruttthe attention of mt1.?" I t'h he South, as well . " wasfniwr Atvlw'lAVA . fnllnwinir f at a V. oeruse and ocnsluer will pay you to careful.. I iaonp; In a There are 170 Btudents at tht State University. . ' AnEzplanaion What is this "nervous trdnble with which so many seem now t aSiictedt If you will remember few years ago the ' word. Malarh was comparatively unknown, to-day it as common as any worr in the English language, yet "thi word covers only the meaning 0 another word used by our fore fathers in times past. So it it with nervous diseases, as they anc Halaria are intended tocovei what our grandfathers called Bi) liousness, and all are caused b troubles that arise from a disease condition of the Liver which ii performing ts functions finding it cannot dispose of the bile througb the ordinary channel is compelled to pass it off through the systen causing nervous troubles, Malarii Billions Fever,' etc. You who an suffering can well appreciate t cure. We recommeud Green't August Flower. IL cures are mar velous. - Mr. Bobertr Haydn, of Georgia a well-known jourdalist, has ben chosen editor and business manag er for the new Charlotte Chronic!. Company. ' ' People EYeiyiliere '. - Confirm our statement when w say that Acker's English Uemedv is in every way superior to any and all other preparations for tbt Throat and Lungs. In Whoopin? Cough and Cronp it is magic anc relieves at once. We offer yoa ti sample bottle free, liemember, th Cemedy is sold on a positive gua ntee. Dr. VV. S. Andersoi Drusgist. ' xne Jicaieigh correspondent ,of rue vrilmington Messenger says wme 01 the dealers there who keep lure Daeging have put sit out f sight.. The farmers cannot bear one sight of it and actually refuse to trade where it is kept . Good. : , ' Syrup or Figs is if atnre's own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most eneetlve teinedy known to Cleanse' the System when Bilious r Costive ; to Dispel Headaches, ooius ana. f evers ; to Uure Haui aal Constipation, iudigestiou, Piles, etc. Mauulactnred t)nly by ne uaiitorniis Fig byrap Company aan h rancisco, Cal. Try it. For ale by E. M. Nad-1. Conclusive Evidence. COTTON PRESS DYSPEPSIA MANUFACTURED jjY LUCIUS L TAYLOR, SEAEOARD, N. O. AND S. B. WHITE & BR0. NORFOLK, VA. The largest stock of Hats Ity at Young Pros. - Pension 'ommissioner Yoa say yon are literally pierced with bullets. I don't see how it was possible for you to snr vive , me naaiing. nave you iny witness who can certify to the exact number of bullets that entered your body ? Applicants Yes, sir : after the battle the chest protector which I had worn was in this terrible and convincing condi tion. (Ana he exhibited a well worn porous plaster amid ex cited silence.) ;. Our Candidate for President He will be nominated by the oonvention and will be elected by the people, because he will, come he nearest to filling their ideal of a ;bief Magistrate. Electric Bitters as been given the highest place, Kjcause n other medicine has so 'til rilled the ideal of a perfect onic and alterative. The people aave indorsed Electric Bitters and rely upon this great remedy in all troubles of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. - For all Malarial Fever tnd diseases caused by Malarial Poisons, Electric Bitters cannot be 00 highly recomn.endec. Also ares Headache and' Constipation. larisiHCtion guaranteed or money efundod. ' . - ; '. Shoes at New York cost. Young , I J 'OS. t.. We claim for the Taylor Trees the follow ing qualifications superior to any other now on the market. 1. It works by Lever Power without friction, to perlection. 2. it will pace a bale of cotton in less time and with more ease than any other Press manufactur ed. 3. It will (with two ordinary bauds) pack a bale of cotton in one and one-half minutes. 4. In as mucn as there iff abso lutely no friction from the ropes, pulleys, chains, &c, it will cost nothing to keep the press in repair and requires no oil for lubrication. Forsimplicty in in constructions and operation, as well as for durabiilitv, it cannot be excelled. This is a Press and owmg to the facts above stated it does is not require the addition of steam power. For reasons already" mentioned ir is not liable to get out of order. This Press was pateuted in 1885, and this is the fourth season it not it has been in nse. I desire to ex tend my sincere thanes to the public for their very liberal patron age and with several important improvement and superor facili ties for manufacturing them I hope to merit ; and receive their contin ued patronage. I will also state that the racbets of those presses heretofore made ot cast iron are now made of the very best wrought iron and with reasonable use I warrant nd guarantee the Taylor Press in every particular. For further particulars I refer to the followings named gentlemen Wesley Deloach Jackson; J. G. L. Crocker, Dr. J. N. Ramsey, A. B. Doughtry, C. It. " Coker Seaboard; Capt. S. N. Buxton Jackson, N C, and others that used them or see them work. . Up to a few weeks ago I considered thyself the champion Dyspeptio of America.. During the years that I have been, afflicted I have tried almost everything claimed to be a specific for Dyspepsia In the hope of finding something that would afford permanent relief. I had about made up my mind to abandon all medi cines when I noticed an endorsement of Simmons Liver Regulator by a prominent Georgian, a jurist whom I knew, and concluded to try Its fcn"ects In my case. I have used but two bottles, and am satisfied that I have struct the right thing at last. I felt its beneficial effects almost lm Jnediately. Unlike all other prepara tions of a similar kind, no special Instructions are required as to what one shall or shall not eat. This fact alone ought to commend it to all troubled with Dyspepsia. J. N. HOLMES, Vlneland, N. J. COttSTIPATIOH To Secure a Regular Habit of Body without changing the Diet or Dis organizing the System, take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR r oitlt GENUINE KaHtrrAcrcuo n J. H. ZEILIN & CO.. Philadelphia. J. R RAWLS, . I have an especially 'pretty and well'selected stock of -Fine Gold Watches.- SUverware, Jewelry. m Sewing Machines, Pianos, Organs, Etc . Repair work promptly and satis factorily done. Ww L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. FOR GESTLEMF-S. mm Shoe and Clothing: Store. The onlT ea!f S.I 8EAMX.FSS Shop fmnotb. inside. SO TACKS or WAX THKEAltto hurt the feet, easy as nana-fiewea ana M Ji.1. NOT KIP. W. 1. DOCHI.AS 9i KHUE, tre original and only hairi-aewed welt ti hIk. Equals custom-made .hoes rottln(r from $; to f. W. L.. DODCLAS S3.5t I'OLIfE SITOE. Railroad Men and Ix?tlrr arri-r- all Iht-m. binooth Inside as a 11 ani!-!--w -1 frtioe. o ijcu or Wax Thred to htirt the fift. W. L. IMUJL AS mt.XO MIOK U unexcelled for heavy wetr. lt-.t Calf !h-for thfjirlre. W. L. IMHHiLAS tt'i.Zi nOKKI.Mi. MAN'S SIIOK Is the he-t In Hie world tor roueh wear: one pair omrht to -,-ar a man a vnr. W. IIOIT.I.AS Hi SHOK IUK BOl'S li the best Srhool Shoe hi the world. W. L. DOI'GLAS il.13 V'TH'8 School Shoe jriTes the f.niall boys a cuan-; : to wear the best shoes in the world. All made in Congress. Bntton and If not old hv your dealer, write W. L. LKJL'GLAii, JiROCKXON. 31ASS. FOR SALE DY J; & D. OETTir.GER. 11INKELMANN'S i.r2y" Fmit-'nrS: in mliwl sac ead emieat Krannraarje ana ombound AN IFIC UNEXCELLED SPEC IN CASES OF cholera, cramps. dlarrkoza. ' - Summer complaint, dysentery and other affections of the stomach and bowels. PRICE 25 CENTS. J. H. WINKELMANN A CO. Soli Prophictor, BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. FOR SALE BY E- M. NADAL. I Por The NERVOUS . " i The DEBILITATED The AGED. OeVar sad OocavtbS 1 rrwdleota, ara Lb ' ljsrv Tonloa. It i , rmietj Lb Derrorji ayavem, enrmf 1 Serrota WMkaesv Ejaiciia. lUMliliay ice. -, , : AM ALTERATIVE. - ' 1 Tt dl l vqb ont tha pofsJODflU DV&flVV Qa the blood parifyliin and enrich In tt, od ao oTeroomirjf tbom d m iw multlna; from IrnDtus or tmporaa. labed Wood. - LAXATIVE. ' tteurea habitnai constipation, and . promotes a nn liar habit. Ilstrantlk. sjos the stomaci tad lUt dictation DIURETIC, v In Its enmpnrltJnri the beat tod tarsA ctiT dioreticanf tb Materia Mediea, aje combined scientifically wan other cfTecUva remedies fur din iw of tha kldneva. It can ba relied on to (Irs quick relief and speedy cora. TT in In ill if 1 islliaiiiililsln ill ii. main I prwaia who m4 uua na4f nUt , tail paruealara. Was ti..' sla r Dncrlsks: , .WELLS, RICHARDSON at CO, Prooi OaUJJiTO.TX.r- - ..t ; "Vnit "Vi-f i .Ml IllC ."'i I'liar. Eucklea's Arnica Salye . The beat salve in the world for Cuts, Braises, Sores, Ulcem, Salt Eheum, Fever sores,Tetter,fjhapped hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively cares Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 15 cent per box. For sale by A W. Bowland. . . I Nash Street, opposite Court House. J R. RAWLS. LADIES! Xo.Tonr;Owa Dyeing, at ;Home, with Peerless They will dye everyiBIriK. They are sold every where. Price luc a packajreO oolora. They have no equal tor Strensrth, Brightness, Amount in Paokajres or for Fastnesa of JotoS DR. W. 8. ANDERSON, march -It .DrossrUt, Wilson, N. O. NOTICE, Havlrg qualified as executor of the last wiU and testament of J. K. VTnitiey, deceased. No- SlSS?.1 make immodl fi??mn!: and toJ11 Persons having claims ajramst the deceased, to present them for nay ???non or before the 16th day of July, 18s7or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery- . , JOHN F. BABDEN, Executor, . J.D.Barden, Atty. - - Just arrived. Our second, sum mer stock in white derbys, mack innaws, etc Young Bros. AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS! TDXJFXJXL Sc OO 6 North Howard St., Baltimore. Wire Railing for Cemeteries, Lawns, Gardens, Offices and Bal conies; Window Gnard-sTree Guards Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders, Cages, Band and Coal Screens, Iron Bed steads, Chairs, Sattees, Ac. 8eD26 12m. DU. E. K. WRIGHT SURGEON DENTIST. .1 Office in Central Hotel build ing, formerly Dr, Hi fice. Having permanently located In Wilson, I offer my professional ervices to tb public. .4 STEVENS . LEX1TUEE DEALERS AND ODEETAKEE WILSON, N. C. WE 8 ELL AT LOWEST PEICES. Bed Room sets, Wardrobes Brackets, Folding Chairs, ' Camp Stools, Picture Frames. AND INDEED, EVERYTHING INTHE - WAY' OF . ssrioni;c.,.i : i I IIS J uivr Hit.- . rr :.a- fr ' . I a.:.. . 'V. ' r .i... 3rt. i ! .:. Mst'i il'.i'Arlc l'n..:iU.-I I j J.'i.r.: :c 1 ni-.h. and i o; v U -a- :vrpp CO., - t It Brilliiir. Ttrf zii Lfjst1 In the World. Combined with Great Refracting Power. They are as transparent and colorless as light itself. And for softness of endurnuce to the eye cannot be excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hours without iatigue. In fact, they are P EFECT SlGIIT TUESEETEUS. Tes'inionials rrorn tu Iea-Iiug pbysicinu.s in th United States fciu be given, a ho hare had their wht imprjvtti by their un All eyes fitted an 1 the, tit EUar. anteed at E. M.Nadal'3 Drlg Stole, Where an imme.te as'sortmeot of these celebrated i;!ases can I found and propei ly adapted to all conditions of the eye. These glasses are not supplied to peddlers at any NtMitj genuine unless the name IIawkes ist-tauiped ou 11 Irame. Wholesale Depots, Atlanta, Ga. THS CHIT TlCl QRON TOWLC imHty tb BLOOD I rv ml ww afa I hrjrroai (ha HlAfu .ITo. "."Prwni, i i art! f wutaur nil mn. LADIES i.Bllm. Lk .1 aa4 mtnium brmta stuflaHna froa eosnblatataawra. It.rto Thlr wmm will LmA IiIik, nasiw. imua lusio ara. mtmtT carm. niw.ikar. saltli alul. Alluumvu as nuurMUit sml aai. la luma lartti. IMManniiMv-ntiiiisiaiitnasri crr cuiniputn Lirn OosiDlaiot autf ortpt twosaa la poataaa. ncua. nAKl.l aUUICIM GO IT takl ra. W LOUIS, M0. A7 n wiuwm Tim. 1J3.MAIXTUELT, IsTorroilc. Va- tiSuita made to order guaiunteed. R.W. JOYNER, Surgeon Dentist WILSON, y. c. I Lave become permanent Identified with tbe peopl- Wilson Lave practiced he for tbe past ten yeurs and wfs to return thanks to tlie gener oua people of the commrnity for the liberal patronage they cave gien me. i epare no money to procure instruments mat win eonauce to the com fort or my patients. For a continuation of the liberal pat ronage heretofore bestowed on me 1 ehall feel deeply grate- iu . FOB PIHE DIAMONDS Jwlrr Solid (Unrwtn, a(. CHAPMAK & GALE 1 A2 Mala tu. XOKFOLa. VA, are the Leaden,' the utock in tha largest and tbeir prices lor tbe rxst fToous are much less than Not the rn Spares. X. U. Tbej bare atinek work men for tie repairing of Watches and Jewelry. ixpl ly XHfiTFlEHT Tho Original Wlr C F. Sunaaonl. M. l-n;it, is lb V. S. l"' -t l.n., H. 7as, rTor'r A.U. -r-tim. Vi. X. U. l M. t - Intwri,sic Humiu" ArrariTa Vn a fcj" l" Uc. T II. Krs. 1'astsra.s hart to. Adams. "icnn srr.ta ' luc yr-r C r:.:-'r L A notil.;iaMr:i'iG. fnrtm fl ts St" "Um's (u:l")iTm MrtluiSC. SSy r. w tii"'- Ufl-t ll-T Ji.T'- AS"' Tain' J ma asarc .iZ 1 I,aaa I I I i 1 1 j f ." ftr.Wr ) arrH Is Oa I I il I ". ta to I .. auo t-i I 1 I aT III """ C aM f " HU I U .T. Haar.Htnt.Uarr. t. rfir. X-v TJilEQBS 1 i t era w m 3 TRAD C7 MARK. C 8 BP r r-s . - ' . SURE. Jsnto --1- r. txst -rs March suxl aDt of uruTuS. oo lor aU who cur. . - ranuu PPUaooM yoa with and to nu il Ash. hnnt aiap. -alyle, and q aar7t,Ti t ZtL' sU UlMa U.I maka a fair b ruirtKl toda .nTv CBr PURE FITS! m..ithi k. Ur. ? a, I TRY BELL, THE JEtriilM ) Tarboro, NC. DeaW in , Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks, Specs, Silver . Ware, Mosical MercbaodiM', Kawj alcio tbe cbe..;rM, U t as la'.eot Iuipfo J SEWING "MACHINES- Qaahty of Goods waiatiW-d rpnnted. Kogravins pwnT done. Thirty j ear .r-TK! Hnce U otir puruie tr dM workmanship. WANTED: Old Cold V And Silver. nfl. Gfo. L;ar,!f Tarl-rs j " Iijp,-lullvf .AS. H. BELL. roaipl of nt apoa ra-l'! car.. I K KiV ar HU.I;. ' wmI I . a :i ALFRED BflBUSB jvsuios ai .ix v.yMim 'avn;sT-fl will's, 1 I VI htv4oecl tbetK--' ir -1 r .j-i THE DI A. V T Te ! WOI Lti Vk tiki toe di P o U.UOIlU A V Ad J ; aiwHJi,M.u,js4; M u, lr' a V arv- IWimt.Lt-J Kf IHr aV .'!' it lojed

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