The Wilson Advance wTN. C. . . Oct. 18, lOCHATIC COUNTY TICEET, TOR THK DK.l J. SE"ATK 7tii district: W. KING, of Wilson, i G. SILLS, ' )f Nash. ForThellouHeof Representa,- vtivea: NATHAN BASS. For Sheriff: JONAS W. CROWELL. For Register of Deeds:. ' S. M. WAUBKN SR. For Treasurer: JAMES W. DAVIS. Tor Coroner? PB. J. K. RUFFIN. For Surveyor: R. A. ELLIS. Wilson out iu week attended on flare you registered yet? Court convenes week after next Se tlat your neighbor haa regis tered. . and so to the Rocky Mount Fair. - Maj. Stedruan speaks in next Thursday. There are three .tickets Wilson county now.5 tv Sunerior -court is iu (eHsiiIthis week. Strudwitk at Saratoga and Bob bins at Old fields today. The Nash county canvass, opens t Castalia uext Tuesday. The A..van( A Jo" office is the lace to-have Tur election tickets printed. rn..x r.icVahoro i air last whs very poorly account of the rain . The Durham Exposition last week ike everything that Durham has was a big success. The State .Fair is being held at Ealeigh this week, W ilson is pret ty well represented. The man wlio -advertises gets the business He is the maa for the people to trade wit. The Advance returns thanks to the Weldon Fair for a complimentary same. Tf vnn are a white man then it is your duty to vote the Democratic ticket trom top your duty. F.verv tWere Democrat in the county owes il to" himself to go to work for the perpetuation of a wh'.te man's govtrmnent. The registration .books are now open. Go at once and have your name recorded, if you want to vote at the coming election. We expect that Dr. John Ferson will be seen no more in Wilson county. Aycock flayed him at Cross Roads last Monday. Be sure that your name is on the registration books before the day of election. J. W. Lancaster Esq is the registrar for this township. The Old Ice Cream Freezer as Kobbins is called by the boys is dividing bis time between 1 he three counties of this Senatorial district. The election is only'two weeks off from next Tuesday. Do not let one moment go by without doing some work for the cause of Democ racy. You may be as strong as Samp son and as wise as Solomon, but if you havn't reajstered you will tinu that on the Cth of November you can't vote. - r: Congratulations are in order for our lion. Mayor. Thos. II Battle , Esq., and Mr. W. IS. Trevathan. Tbey each have a tiae boy. Rocky Mount Pi.unix. . .-' Mr. O. Crump who- has been ennng tobacco near Fremont, in Wayue county, is here; this week, lie says he has met j with good success in curing and : some fine tobacco will be brought to the Henderson market from that section this season. Henderson Gold Leaf. The so-called Kuiguit of Labor candidates were a sick! set before they knew the negroes1 would not support 'em, now that they have been enlightened on that subject they need a "tonic" to enable them to keep up at all. Verijy they are "between the devil and the deep sea." .. i 7 ' i The address of judge Connor, at the formal opening ot the tent near the Cotton Mills, Is much compli mented by those who had the good fortune to be present, t We regret that we were not present for we know "that it was worthy of the man who delivered it we can say no more. ' ) i The Advance notes With pleas ure that Mr. J. A. Fanner, who has been with Messrs. Bunn & Battle, at Kocky Moant, has opened a law office at Nashville.' He us a young man who deserves success, and we sincerely hope that hi8 merit will be recognized by the good people of "oidJNasu." Mr. Simmons at Enfield. We regret exceedingly that a full report of the big Democratic jollification at Enfield on Friday last 1a crowded out this week. Our Mr. 0. F. Wilson was on hand and has written up a full report but for want of space we are nnable to pub lish this week. Our Congressman F, M. Simmons was on hand and made one of the strongest and best speeches that is being made this campaign by any of our speakers. He portrayed the inequalities of the tariff in words that aroused and awakened the people wonder fully. He is one of the brainest and most untiring workers in the State and we f erily believe the people of the second district will Bay to him on the 6th of November, "well done good and faithful serv ant" and keep him in Congress. A big barbecue was spread for the enjoyment of the assembled multi tude and at night a bonfire lighted in honor of Mr. Simmons. The day was one that resulted in good to the cause of Democracy. ticket to the i The' f-Two-for" and Stapton's two "Lamms" were endorsed by the dusky representatives of Radi. calism. Poor "lraitor" Fineh, "Mud worm" Moore and "Scared Rabbit" Whitley were (left out in the cold- They have voted, for "sneaksf'nd "skulks" so they had to leave these fellows out. Quite i a large amount ot sugar cane is being raised in this -county. We tried some of the syrup made iroiu tna cane a iew uays ago ana was better than any we ever tasted before. Sugar cane will yet be oue of our most profitable crops in the not far distant tuture. The Advance rejoices to see the farm era diversifying crops. .; Mr. J. R, Uzzell, wife and child of Kinston, N. C, are visiting Eld. James S. TVoodard near town. We were pleased to receive a call from Mr.' Uzzell. He is just back from Garden City, Kansas, where he was summoned by his brother's sickness His biother growing better, he took an extended trip through the Ter ritories, and says he is highly please'd.witK what he saw. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo. O. We, the undersign ed, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him periectly houerable in all business transactions, and financially able to cary out any obligations made bv their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. E. 11. van Hoesen, Cashier, Toledo National Bank, Toledo, Ohio. Hairs Catarrh Cure ia taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. - per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. . PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Mamie Mercer is visiting friends in Toisnot. Mrs. Earle, of, Nashville, is on a visit to friends in Wilson. Mr. Joe Vick is iu Richmond, "taking in" the Exposition. Mrs. Addie Dupree, of Farmville, is on a visit to friends in town. Eld. P, E. Ilines has been on a visit to his daughter at Farmville. H. F, Murray Esq., was at Ral eigh last week attending the Su preme Court. , Mr. Lat Williams and Mrs J. E Clark have returnired home from a visit to friends at Washington. Misses F. W, Barnes and 6. D. Green left Tuesday for Ealeigh to attened the State J? air. Unite a number or our people will be there Messrs. J. J. Gay, R. G. Bnggs, Calvin Woodard, Paul R. Murray and J. T. Edwards spent several days this week in attendance at the Virginia Exposition. They report having a glorious time and are well pleased with the Exposition. Fro,m every section comes the cheering news that the Rocky Mount Fair wnll be a grand success. We are glad to hear it. The Ad vance has taken much interest in this Fair, and it believes that the people of Rocky Mount and vicinity are now thoroughly alive to the beneficial results of a meritorious and succeasful exhibition. We are under obligations to the Secretary for a complementary tieket. The friends of Miss Eliza More head, who has visited Wilson, will be pleased to see the following from the Reidsville Post: "Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Eliza Morehead, of Leaksville, to Dr. Wm. Nelson, of Danville. The social event occurs on the 17th inst. at the handsome residence of the bride's father, Major J. Turner Morehead, at his mills. The bride is a woman ot pure Southern type gentle, kind and amiable. Why, what is the matter with the Kuiglit of Labor candidates? They reiuse to say whether they will vote the Democratic or the Republican ticket and the ntgioes have nomi nated a ticket co-ujiosed eutirely of Republicans, ill"Traiioi"I,tuch, "Cow" Moore and Sheriff CioweH's opponent, Whitley (that is the ouly way the, people know the little scared rabbit), "take water" and say they will vote for. Cueatham Dock and Harrison, We shall see "Plain Tom" gives us an interest ing letter this week and we regret that we are unable to publish the game in this week's issue of the AD VANCE. It will be published next week. Cora Van Tassell did' not make her appearance in Wilson last Fri day aud Saturday nights as she was advertised. She' was sick, and therefore could not fill her engage ment. The Ninth Annual Fair qf the f Roanoke District Grange, Wood land. N. C, begins' November 7th and closes on the 9th. We return thanks to the Secretary for a. com plimentary ticket, ' . , Those merchants who advertise most extensively are the men w ho do the most thriving business. And the man who does the most busi ness is the mm. wjq can afford to give the best bargains of course. Our Mr. 0. F. Wilson' is at Tar boro this week attending Superior , Court in t lie interest of the Ad vance. We hope he has collected a good large amount of the money due ou our booka for subscription. The tobacco interest of this sec tion is growing wonderfully, anu it is a pacing crop. The ADVANCE y proposes to devote considerable at tention to this crop which is des tined to be second only to the cot ton crop in Wilhon county. The Advance does not believe there is any town iu the State where the price paid for cotton is greater freight considered thau in Wil son. Our merchants pay the high est possible price tor every pound of the lleecy staple they buy. W. II. Blount, Esq., Haa been invited to deliver an address before the Convention ..of the great Brotherhood of Locomotive! En gineers of America, which will be held at Richmond. Quite acompli meLt to Brother Blcuut. C. C. Daniels, Real Estate Agent, . oilers a bargain to any one who desires to purchase a desirable brick building in the .prosperous town of ToiMiiot. Any one desiring to pur ctiase,will do well to call on or ad dress him, See advertisement Cut in Twain. A tpeoial last night to the Star from Rocky Mount says that as the "Shoo Fly" came in last night to Fremont from Goldsboro it ran over a white man named Srephen Davis, cutting him iu twain. The man was supposed to have been drunk. Hi home was ?in Wilson county. Wiloiineton Star of Friday Acker's Blood Elixia has gained firm hold on the American people and is acknowledged to be superior to all other preparations. It is a positive cure for all Blood ana Skin Diseases. The medical fraternity indorse and prescribe it. Guaranteed and sold by Dr. W. S. Anderson. J, T.McCRAW W ishes us to say to the Country Mercnan is IIOMU ITEMS. That he is furnish them Goods in NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE -PRICES.-- He has the REMOVAL. We have removed DRT GOODS, GROCERIES, 4c To the etore recently veita bv Gorham, where we will be pleased to have the public generally to call. We are offering Men'a 6 Stock Mais following Stock: Notice! The regular Nash County canvass as before published, will be as fol lows: Castalia, Tuesday, Oct. 23rd, 1888. Griffins, Wednesday, Oct. 24th. Whitakers, Thursday, " 25th Stony Creek, Friday, " 26th Rocky Mount, at Louis Joyners ) Saturday, 27th Cooper's, Tuesday, Oct. 30th. Mannings, Wednesday, Oct. 31st. Ferrells; Thursday, Nov. 1st Baileys, Friday, Nov. 2nd Jackson, Saturday, .Nov. 3rd Nashville, Monday, Nov. 5th " The above was agreed on by the Chairman of the Democratic Exec utive Committee and the Chairman of the Repudlican Executive Com mittee and was promptly published in the papers. In other Counties of the State the Republicans are avoiding a joint canvass. It baa been intimated that they would break their agreement here in Nasn hope this will prove untrue. It ia but just and fair to both Democrats and Republicana that the candi dates for Legislative and County offices discuss the . issues of the campaign in joint canvass. The people have a right t? demand it and to see the candidates face each other, The Democratic party de sires a joint canvass, it asks for a joint canvass, it demands a joint canvass, and ita candidates will be on hand promptly at the above ap pointments. Time will be fairly divided. W. L. Thorpe, Ch'm Dem Ex Com For Fine Clothing, Dress Goods! Hats, Cloaks, 3oota and Shoao, to Levy'a store, opposite' Wiloon Bank To invest yonr money for good luici vrwua in l 11 in iiai u iiujQ i go to Levy's store, opposite Wilson Bank ' If you want Dry Gooas, Clothing, Shoes. Hats, Cloaks, Trunhs, Wool en Pant Goods, Fine Dress Goods, go to Levy'a Store, opposite Wilson Bank The greatest slaughter in low prices lor Winter gooda goes on at Levy's Store, opposite Wilson Bank If you want to see the cheapest shoes you ever saw go to Young Bros. The cheapest Hats in the world at Y6nng Bros. Itch, Mange, and scratches of every kind on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails Sold j by E. M. Naaal, Druggist Wilson, N. C. june 20, 88, 6m DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES CLOTHING, AND HATS Go to Whitakers. . The Democrats in the neighbor- I hood of Wbitakere have a treat in strefor them Friday. Col. A. M. Waddeli, Democratic candidate for Elector at Large, and Rev. (Jeo. W. Sanderlin, Democratic candidate for Auditor, will both speak. They will meet with a grand reception, we feel sure. Our Mr. C. F. Wil son :will be present and will be glad to see every subscriber of the Ad vance. Look lor him and settle up, please. We have waited long and patiently. Now we need money and must have it. Protracted Meeting. A Protracted meeting is now in progress at the Missionary Baptist church in this place. Kev. Need ham B. Cobb has been and - is now assisting the pastor, Rev. T. P. Lide. Kev. inomaa eeunam ia expected to lend hia aid to the meeting next Sunday. ' Many of our people remember this divine. He conducted a meeting here once before and is quite a favorite with many. The ADVANCE hopes that great good may be done aod that many sinners may be turned from the error of their way and embrace the religion of Christ. Shows His Appreciation. A friend and subscriber to the Advance, a former Wilsonian, now in Virginia, writes the editor a verv cheering and kindly letter. We take the liberty to make the following extracts. Speaking of its visits he says: "It brings news of sadness and news of pleasure. The death of Dr. Brooks and Josiah Renfrow are certainly sad and the newa ot old Democracy's prosperity ia cer tainly pleasant news to me. My regret is that I cannot be there to add my might to the cause of WHITE SUPREMACY AND GOOD GOV ERNMENT in my dear old mother State and county. I noticed that some time ago Borne one, I believe you, named the wily K. of L. "Mug worms'' that ia tho8eof he Had strtpe. Well, I do not know what the term implies, but it strikes me that "mudworms" would be a very appropriate name. With.three cheers for our county, State and National ticket, I am, Youra truly,'' &c. Mudworma! 'Tis a suggestive title and we think 'twill stick. Poor groveling contemptible creatures, why can't tbey see the error of their way. "Mudworms," forsooth! It's true they're "of the earth, earthy," but it seems they are nearer than than any other class of hnmanlty. "Mudworms!" How do "Traitor" Finch, Two for" Peele, and the rest of the unholy combination like the term ! They'll wish they were "Mudworms" on the night of the 6th of November when they Bee by what a major ity they are elected to stay home, so they can crawl Into the mud and bide their heads. Davis & Gay sell a linen bosom dress shirt reinforced at 50c. Dry Goods at prices to suit the times at Young Bros. Umbrellas all stylea Young Bros. Shirts, collars and cuffs Young I Bros, Go to Young Bros. aDd look. Very fine clothing indeed at Heil- Droner's new store. Money saved is money made. Go to Young Bros. We are still opening goods. Young Bros. Come and look at onr big stock. Young Bros. The largest stock of Hats in the lty at Young Bros. Shoes at New York cost. Young Bros. Just arrived. Our second Bum mer stock in white derbys, mack-1 innaws, etc. Young Bros. If you want to save money go to Young Bros. Examine Heilbroner's fine cloth-1 ng before purchasing elsewhere. The Famous Specific Orange Blossom a positive cure for Fe male Diseases. A trial box free. Mrs. J. W. Thorn, Sole Agent for Wilson county, Wilson, N. C. Young Bros, are opening tne' largest ptock of goods ever brought to Wilson. We are selling goods cheaper this fll than ever before. Young liros. ALSO 100 BOXES CAKES AND CRACKERS, CAKES AND CRACKERS, CAKES AND CRACKERS, CANDY, CANDY, CANDY, CANDY, CANDY, CANDY, 50 Boxep Tobacco. SNUFF,LYE,' SODA, FLOUR, AND EVERYTHING That is kept in a General Stock, also Store Fixtures of all kinds. He asks the people to get his prices before buying their goods and they will save MONEY. AT 35 CENTS. Womens' Whole Stock of SHOES AT 75-GENTS, AXDJUST LOOK IIEKE! GOOD FLOUR 2 to 4 cts. per lb. SUGAR 8 to 12 cts. per lb. Come and examine onr BtnrV before buying. Respectfully yours; Lee & Sons. lllllll DAVIS S BAT I Are now opening up a stock illlhiiilijiTiTljijilililijljililillllli of FOR SALE, FTMF. DRY GOODS, SHOES, CENTS FURNISHING, NOTIONS, &.C. id mini With the space now at our disposal we are in a position to ruily supply the anta of the people of this section ia Wearing Apparel and House Fnrnlflhlng Goods. We have ion been the acknowledged leaders ot Wlleon in our line of business and w"e Kitter ourselves that our efforts for the comlnr eeason will eon urm our customers In the belief that we are Justly entitled to ihls reputation. Our goods for Mens and Boys wear hare been i-ioved into our new etore and we claim to be second to no raer- liant in the State In point of variety and quantity of roods. : or the benefit of those who desire their clothing made to order 'e here conduct the Merchant Tailoring Business In all Its 1-ranches. Our work Is done on the premises under our imrae iate supervision and our rule is a perfect fit or no sale. Our prices for this class of work are Ut leas than thoee usually i harged by custom tailors. Our Dress Goods stock to judge from lae favorable comments of those of our customers who have ex amined them is Just the thlnr. "We have desirable goods in all . he new weaves and new shades. A special feature this eeason U an immense line of Dress Trimmings. Our assortment of Carpetings ia euperb, we show a much greater variety than ever 'before, from the ordinary hemp to the finest velvets. Also a fall stock of Rugs, Mats, Art Bquares and Oil Cloth. We would me to mention some more of the specialties we have this eea fon, but as we don't own this paper guess we had better coL 1 'em ember that the following goods are sold in Wilson exclu. "ively by us: Ziegler Bro's. Shoes, W. L. Douglas, $3 bhoe, Ha & Son's Men Fine Shoes, Hammerelough Bros. Fine Cloth ir'.g, N. J. Schloss & Co's. Boys and ChUdrens Clothing, Tearl bhlrts, Priestleys silk warp and all wool black Dress Goods, ine Straw Carpet, Centemeri's Kid Gloves. Call and see ns and you will be convinced that you cannot d better than by dealing with us, Respectfully, J .& D, Oettinger 8 . School shoes for children spring heels, &c., at Davis & Gay's j Young Bros, this week. Young Bros, are opening their immense fall stock. Don't forget to examine broner's boots and shoes. Heil- D-3 MARRIED. Kiuite a number, of our people have been to Uoldsucro to hear Mr. IVarson, tbe wonderful evangelist i uey return nome carried away witn tbe simplicity of his presenta turn of the Having troths ot the gos pel. We wish be would visit our town aud give all thoneoDle here an opportunity of bnarincr him and being benefitted by his plain, prac- picacuing oi in gospel. BLOODSHED IN TEE CAMPAIGN. Calvin Cox, a Well Known . Character . -in Pitt, is Killed.'. In Rocky Mount yesterday Mr. R. D. Armstrong was married to Miss Hattie Griffin. The happy couple left at 1:12 tor an extended bridal tour to Northern cities. The Advance extends congratulations and wishes them a long life of hap piness and joy. . Greenville, Ot. 15. Special,! Calvin Cox was killed by Bud V enters and W. H. Branch at Calico, in this county, on Saturday, alter tne speaking. All were drunk, Venters and Branch are in jail. Tbey Were all while men, and Cox has been a well-known charater in this county for tba past thirty five years He was an inventor and man oi genius, lie gave promise in early manhood of great usefulness aud distinction, and wa some thirty years ago Grand Ma sonsid Lecturer for the State. The election of his brother, Thomas Cox to tbe legislature in 18o8, over Dr William Blow, one of the most popular and accomplished men of Pitt county, was one or the political' surprises of that day: created comment and was the subject of endle-ss fun and merri ment throughout this and aajoininfr counties. The artair is DIED. a very unfortunate one, but is not necessarily an outcome ot - the county campaign. We regret to learn of the death of Mrs Loper at her home in Win ston. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs F. I. Einch. To the bereaved onea we extend our sympathy. May the healer of every wound pour tbe balm of consola tion upon their lacerated hearts. We are informed that the Rockv Mount lODacco rvarenouse is on a boom. 70Q or 800 pounds of tobac co was bought reeently on the floor of a Henderson Warehouse, ship ped to Rocky Mount and re-sold at a net profit of $33.00 Let us vote for principle not men. ir you believe a reduction of tbe present burdensome tariff, vote for Cleveland. If yoa believe the present system of county govern ment should be retained lor the protection of the Eastern counties, vote the Democratic ticket. Be pig or pup. Go to Young Bros, this week and look. JSew clothing all styles are now being opened at Young Bros. Go to Young Bros, and look. Fob Sale. Two grade Jersey bull calves A. B. Deans, Wilson N. C. Young Bros, are selling goods cneaper than ever. Hats all styles at New York prices Young Bros. - Suits at half price at Young 1 "1 Just arrived. Immense stock of I parasols, fans and hosiery. Young I rsros. Send your orders for lumber to J. IS. Rawls. m Look at Young's $1,25 hats. Youngs wholdstock Urogans 75 cts. Look at Young's 75 cljs. Shoes. Look at Young's $3.75 suits. Young is headquarters. Every body trades at Youngs. Young carries the Jumbo Stock. All wool suits $3.75 at Youngs. Youngs $10 suits take the cake. Young sells $3.00 hats for $1.25. Wool under shirts 50 cts Youngs. Windsor & Pacific calico Young, Look at Young's hanjd-made Bnoes. Look at Youngs fine clothing. Look at Youngs big stock. in Wilson o -3 O Hi w xn r-t , p o to w H H t i MY FIVE ROOM DWELLING- house, at present occupied by me, will be sold at a reason able figure. The lot faces Tarboro-street, runs throngh to Pine and one side faces Vance. There are Stables, a Double Room House and all Necessary Outhouses ou the lot. r-For TERMS and call on or address PRICES IT. WIGGINS Wilson, N. C. Which can't be surpassed in the place. They have all the la test shades and novelties in BESS 8 GOODS AND TBEIR E5TS GOODS . Will please the most fastidious They also handle N. Hes3 A 2o's.. and Evitt & Bros., SHOES 1888 A. 1888 known everywhere lllnnliiiljliiiiiiiliiriiiiirlilmllil 3 " IWhiclare and can't be beat. Also Coon's GOMiiHS fiEFFS Which are as good as a i e n. a Give them a call. W u o ZI2 pT , mm v cai beb l D.auai 0n Notice, HarltiK qualified as Administrator Do Bonis non of the esuu of Calvin Woodard. Pr do- oeaiied, bolore tne rronaie juage oi n iisod county, notice U hereby trtven to all persons Indented to tne estate oi saia aeceasea u dibkb immediate payment and to all persons bavin r claims against the deceased to present them for payment on or before the Win day of October l&tt or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. X. J. 11 A I'lil. I , Administrator De Bonis Non. Wilson. N. C, Oct. 17th, 1888. The biggest stock Youngs. Do you want a nice ; go to Young Bro3. -GrO TO- suit cloihes, 1 D.G. mm s Look at Youngs $3.75 pants. YounglBro8. sell the best shoes jn Wilson. . If you want good shoes go tolwHEBB toxt will find the best Youngs. - Young Bros carry the largestand best stock in Wilson. Young Bros, are Belling goods 34 per cent less than other houses. Fine .fitting children's and boy's suits ac ueuoroner 's. ON GOLPSBORO STREET, OPPOSITE BULLOCK'S STABLE. LIQUORS --AND-- CIGARS. tne ser if you want to see the cheapest goods you ever saw go to Young xros. Ilats at wholesale prices." Young jiros. i . He has also secured vices of MR. MATT F. OWENS Who will be pleased to have his friends and the public to call on him. 1 I wish in announce' to the good people of Wilson who have patronized me ' for so many season, that I am ..again iu town and will receive FRESH FISH Regularly, which will .be sup plied to tbe public at tbe low est possible figures. Give me a call. Sept-13-3m. FOR SAL A Town Lot in Wilson, oa Barne street, near Railroad depot. It is 20O feet front by 220 feet deep. Comfortable dwelling house with l rooms. Good well of water. iioe grove. Bit rated in easr access of 1 the business portion of tbe town Terms reasonable. Call on or ad dress C C. DANIELS. Real Estate Agent, OctlLtf . VlLS0jf, N. C At The Griffin Stand I desire to announce to .he people'of Wilson, Green, Pitt, Edgecombe and Nash counties hat I have returned from the Northern markets, with a full, iarge and well selected stock of Dry Goods. New Out And Out a, Whi'ch consist only of the latest Novelties In Dress Goods, r Dress Trimmintxs, Sackings, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mats and Rugs, CIIILDBEN.BOY'S, YOUTfl'S AND ME5T3 CLOTS ST : ALL KINDS. andShoes, Hats and Cents Furnishing Coods. Special attention will be given to Children's and Roy's Cloth Please call and examine my svoc wmcu euraorcn .j i, the Dry Good and Clothing line ever shown In Wilson. X.y terms are GASH. And my prices within the reach of everybody. Thanking you kindly for yonr liberal favors In the past which you fcave given me, and hope to secure tne continuance ci iuo will be Wilmington & Weldos EillrciJ Co. OFFICE OF BECKKTAHT ASD TBEAS. WiLMtsaaox, K.C, ttErTa,lM. . Three and a half per cent inter est oo the certificates of indebted nesaoftbe Wil mine-ton & vVeldon Railroad Com pan y will be paid 1 4 all holders of record, u October 1st, 1888. Thr trantfer booka win stan ' closed from Sept. tb, to Sepu 30th, 1888 inclusive. J A3. F. POST, JR. Secretary and Treasurer, W.& W;R.R.CO.' Misrepresented pnd my Business will be conducted on Square Business rtinei- Rerpectfully, 1, IHH 9 iUNAGER FOR1L E. LANG-