The Wilson T Ad vance I ill Guard Againsi ine stride. have a bottle of Aqk- .U.80N, M". C. Oct. 18, 1888. HotMng Equals It 2alab.a, Fla., Jane 27, 1887. 2f. E. YeKAbxjs & Co.: I hare been usin B. B. lay family as a blood purifier. Having never used any medicine to eqaal it. Respectfully, Mrs. R. If. Laws' And always er's English Remedy in the Ilonse You cannot tell- how Boon Cronp may strike your little one, or a cold or congh may fasten itself upon yon One dose ia a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat and Lnng troubles yield to its treatment. A sample bottle Is giv en you free and the remedy guar anteed by Dr." W. S. Anderson, druggist. , Kakes An Old ilan Young. fExtract from a Letter! P. S. 1 bought 3 bottles of your Botanic Blood Balm from my Irlend H. D. Ballard, at Campo Mllo, 8. C. I nave been nsing it Ihree weeks. It appears to give jo new life and new strength. If there is anything that will make n old man young it is B. B. B. I m willing to sell it. I earnestly nd honestly recommend Botanic Blood Balm. ' Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Ga. LThere are 20,000 Cherokees, 5,000 Choctaws, 5,000 Chichasaws, and from 2,000 to 3,000 Semmols in the Jndian Territory. Creeks num ber about to 10,000 sonis, out it iS thought about half of these are colored. Countryman ( loosing over copy iEsop's Fables) what's the price of this book, mister? ueaier my cents, do you want a copy? Countryman No; the feller what wrote it has stole most of bis ideas from the. newspapers. Exchange. Merit Wins. We desire to pay to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr.' King's New Discoveiy for Con sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Backlen's Arnica Salve and xaectrio iiitters, ana nave never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every lime, and we stand ready to refund the par ehase price, if satisfactory results do' not follow their use. These remedies have won their great pop- larity purely on their merits. A. W. Rowland Druggist. Happiness and Contentment Cannot go hand in hand if we look on the dark side of every little ob stacie. JNotning will so darken Hie and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure the worst form of Dyspepsia, Ccn stipation ant, indigestion, and make life a happiness and oleasure Sold at 25 and 50 cents by" Dr. W, S. Anderson The great sugar trust has thrown 700 men out of employment by shutting down the large refineries at Williamsburg, which was done to keep op the price of sugar. People EYeiyiliere uounrm our statement wnen we say that Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other preparations for the Throat and LuDgs. In-Whooping Mugh ana Croup it is magic and relieves at once. We offer you sample bottle free. Remember, this Remedy is sold on a positive guar ntee. Dr. V. S. Anderson Druggist. Foaesaes many Important Advantage! over all ouerpiepareafoocu. RiRiFn r.BY pna it INVALIDS RELISH IT. Makes Plump. Laughing, Healthy BablM. Regulates tna stomacn ana Bowels. ' Sold bj Druggists. R5v, SOc l.OO. WELLS, RICHARDSON t CO., lammaTOi.vT, Baby Portraits. A Portfolio of beautiful baby portraits, printed on nne piate paper dt patent puoto process, sent tree to Mother of any Baby born within a year. Every Mother wants these pictures ; send at ones. Give Baby's name and age. w- WELLS, RICHARDSON It CO., Preps., Burlington, Vt It's Easy to Dye - . WITH JiioiroD Superior 7W7 Strength, Fastness. Beauty, AND Simplicity. u-ormniiui tn rainv' mi-tra mods than anv other dyes ever made, and to gie more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the 1'uinond, and take no other. - 36 colors ; xo cents each. WELLS. RICHARDSON A CO.. Burlingion, Vt For Gilding or Bronzing- Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronse, Copper. Only M Cents. MM k BRIMRS' Is the place to get Pure Corn HIBB - The celebrated old Stewart - RYE WHISKEY, Four year old Sash County Braady Fine Imported Cigars, Wine, Beers. &c. Pool and ihlliard Tables. No More Eye Glasses. NO MORE WEAK EYES'- Mitchell's Eye Salve.-- A flerlnin. Safe and Effective Remedy for Sore, Weak and Inflam ed Ejes, Producing Long-Sigh ted- ness, and restoring the bight of the old. Cures Tear Drops, Granula tion, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eyelashes, producing quick relief and PERMANENT CURE. Also, equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever, Sores. Tumors, Salt Rheum, Burns, Piles, or wherever applied. it. m jo winn, I Surgeon Dentist, -Wilson, N.C. I have become permanently identified with the people of Wilson have practiced here for the past ten years and wish to return thanks to the generous people of the com munity for the liberal patronage they nave given me. spare no money to procure instruments that will conduce to the comfort of my patients. For a continuation of the liberal patron age heretolore bestowed on me I shall feel deeply grateful. Norfolk. Oysters Received daily, and served in the very best style. Lynn Haven Bay Oysters on the half shell. First-class Restaurant where the best the market affords will be served by experienced cooks; NOV 17 IIAWKINS & BrIDGEES. Citizens residing in Gnilford county receive from ! the Govern ment, the sum of $2,074 per annum as pensions. - offer An Insult Pocketei "What did1 the editor you fof your poem ?" "Ten marks. ' "That was an insult. What did you Bay to him ?" "Nothing- I simply pocket- ed the insultX-Fliegende issuer. A Safa Investment. lit one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Druggists a bottle of lit. Kings new discov ery fot Consumption."" It is euar anteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of imi a. w j.nroac, .uungs or (jnest, such as Consumption, inflammation etc. It . is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always, be depended npon. Trials bottles free, at A. W. Row land's Drug Store. Caution to Mothers. Eveiy mother js cautioned against giving her child laudanum or paregoric; it creates an un natural craving for stimulants which kill the min'd or the child Ackers Baby Soother is specially prepared to benefit . children and care their pains. It is harmless and contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by Dr. W. S. Anderson, Drug gist. i THE Mil BOTTOM HAS DKOPPED OUT Of The COTTON 3VH .A-ItL lEZIE T And we propose to keep up with the tune; Thirtv-foiir iier cent, reduction on Boob Shoes, Hats and Olo thing. The Rocky Mount Fair this year will be held 0VEMBEB 14th; 13tli, AXD 16tli. And from every indication I will be the BIG F.1IR Of the State. The officers of tlie FA IR are do ing all they possibly can to make it more at tractive than ever. Several nw features are being added, among them the TO URJ1ME.YT Which will be rode by the Indies. A fine display of live sto k will be made and tne It is said -that Sam Jones has saved 100,000 since he anit l practicing law and went to preach ing. Are You Skeptical ? If so we will convince you that Ackers English Remedy for the Iuurs is superior to all other prep arations, and is a positive cure for an inroat and Lung Troubles, Croup, Whooping Cough and Colds. vve guarantee the preparation and win give you a sample bottle free t Dr. .W.- S. Anderson's Drue Store The Democratic administra tion has recovered from rail roads 80,000,000 acres of pub lic lands, given to them by the Republicans when in power Btill the Republicans would nave you tmns tna? they and they only, are in favor of keep ing the public lands for home stead entries by the working people. , Consumption Surely Curia. To the Editor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its time ly use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. hall be glad to send two bottles of my remoay FKEb to every con sumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. address. Respectfully T. A. Slocum, M. O. 181 Pearl St xT. Y. v 1-26-88 6mo TAYLOR COTTON PRESS MANUFACTURED jJY LUCIUS L TAYLOR, Dl. E. K. WRIGHT SURGEON DENTIST. Office in Central Hotel build- ing, formerly Dr, lli fice. Having permanently located In Wilson, I offer my professional services to tbe public. WDOTEN-d STEVENS UEMTCCE MALES AND I'NDEETAK IE WILSON, N. C. M E SELL AT LOWEST PRICES. Bed Room sets, V ardrobea Brackets, Folding Chairs Camp Stools, Picture Frames. AND INDEED, EVERYTHING IS THE WAY OF v,w nnx. ,m1 Chihlren' in Iir.iKrted Wor.ted Corkrw Cheviots and CaA..oere SaiU. Deg.nt line of Pnt Wtr ,Ulr ' .7 . : ;.!.... - -if ciria ami final tr. Two tbonftaml oaiiw. oi rrerr Ld Tlf.U ta nr Kattu aluf fill lilt V fit "t.iH.4 Iftf-ffpr. made, AT 60 CENTS ON' THE DOLL.Yli. We have got too many and they most be old. We are selling our f25.00 Suits at 100, our 620 0(1 Suits at 114.00, our 15.00 sum at f lo.uu, our h m o,. , .. --. ah r -wt ia a .-n. -nariaoii and we will ave too 3 per ccoc. OUr CD.UU SD1US fc TJ.lJ, uui dun- ' - - . r ; V- We are tory, else iu proportion ortb CJ at still Slaughterinz D11Y GOODS. Simpson Pacific Windsor and Hamilton's Late-t Ftylr- in Calico- at CwDti, r. Amaskeog GmgUam at RJ crtits. WW.en Mixei Pant Goods at 16? cuu. Doiuo Cimrre Pant Good, i h of SUOKS. all U.e way from the Tiny Infant to the Big Brogaa that taken a No. 13 to fill up, tnlxM i;ttt J I.atl.r and Goftta Hand made Dongolaa at 23 to 50 lr crnt. Than anr llou- io V un ccn m-ii tt J We :arrv nothing hut the bet goods that money can make. A Full Line tf Burt & Packard, J. I 4UM A. NlLs fc i Ten Thoosand Dollars Wort thing in Ladies' Pateut Broods aud quality at. Kirkham & Co., Hayes Murray & Co., and others Mundell's Childrens' School Shoes a FpecUltv. Wilon and we are ft-llingr 92.L0 and 9X00 Hats at 115. e do not ask yoa to lake our on; i,c Will be specialij every day of the exciting and interesting i:e, WAWTED: W carrv the Finest Stock of 1 1 ATS in the Hats and If we do not oo w uat we say ine nat is yours ior doiuidc. The cold wave In comine and we have the m-it perfect stock of Flannel Underwear yoa ever saw. impone i i.agiihu uns i c i" t Wool Flannel Shirts at :) ceut?. i he Finest Stock of Hosiery, Gloves, fcnirt ana utawers i nau crop pnws. mm Hi Special attractions each day. A Good n.uyn of .til. rc In attendance. Special trains will he run day over the different roads and very ' LOW JR.ITFS Have been Secured for those who attend the 250,000 IHJSILF.T.S COTTON SEED, Shoe and 'Clothing Store. 0. Charlotte has the latest style of street cabs. A Cbild Killed. the use form of Another child killed by af opiates given m the Soothing syrup. Why mothers giv their children such deadly poison is surprising when they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opinm or Morphine. Sola by Dr. W. S. Anderson lu. O. Macy, of Baleigh, a vet eran of the Mexican war. Is dead. The present Congress has beaten the record. The longeet regular session was that of 1850302 days. The Fiftieth Congess has been in session 310 days and they are still at It. Syrnp of Figs is Nature's own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and . the most effective remedy ' known to Cleanse the System when Bilions or Costive ; to Dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers ; to Cure Habi tual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only by he California Fig Syrnp Company. San Francisco, Cal. Try it. For Bale by . M.Nadal. A man in Moore county kilted a wild cat eighteen inches higb, four feet long and. weighed eighteen pounds, v in Elegant Snbstlttite - For Oils, Salts, Fills, and all kicds ef bitter, naaseoua Liver Medicines and Cathartics is the very agree able liquid fruit remedy. Syrup o Figs, Its advantages are evident it is more easily taken, more ac ceptable to the stomach, more Kleasantly effeetive. and more truly eneficial to the system than any other remedy. .Recommended by leading physicians. For sale by E- M Nadal. Cotton baled in the new pine straw hassine has been sold in Carlotte. Pimples on the Face Denote an imnnre state of the blood and are looked upon by many with suspicion. , Acker's Blood Elixir will remove all impurities and leave the complexion smooth and clear. There is nothing that will so thoroughly build up the constitution, purify and strengthen the whole system, ooiu ana guar anteed bv Dr. W, S. Anderson Druggist. Statesville lights. is to have electric . Eczema, Zichy." Scaly Skia'Tortures ' The simple application of Swayne Ointment without any internal Biftdioine will cure any case of Tetter. Salt Rheum, King worm Piles. Itch. Sores. Pimples, Eczema all Scaly Itchy Skin Eruption no Matter how obstinate or - long tandine. It ia potent, effective and cost but a trifle. For, the blood use B- B. B. For scrofula, use B. B. B. For catarrh, use B. B. B. For rheumatism, ;use B. B. B. For kidney troubles, use B. B. B For eruptions, use B. B. B For ill blood poison, use B. B. B Ask yonr neighbor wtoo has used B. B. B. of its merits. Get our book free filled with certificates of dertul cures. 1 i won Oxford wants College. th& State Korma ''Never give op the shfp" cried Lawrence.i He saved the shin, and a ne was at once a hero. So we say Never give up your life when attacrea Dy oyspepsia until you have tried Loxador. What is the best remedy for the baby ? Dr. Bulls Baby Syrup, tor it contains no opiated,; and is inno cent but effective Sold by all Druggistsv Price 23 c. - i 1 i . . Tney Are White Men- A correspondent of the Chat ham Record says i ''Now, Mr, Editor, I am not a preacher, nor doIcropoBe to preach; but am going to prophesy that Col. Dockery wll not I get one per cent. Of tbe Baptist vote in the Stat they are iavhite mes, Colonel. Lfur ham ' Tobacco Plant. L SEABOARD, N. ' AND S. E. HITE & BR0. NORFOLK, VA. We desire to call the attention of cotton planters throughout the Ponth as well as the snippers or nay 10 tne loiiowing iacts wnicn we sincerely believe will pay vou to carefully peruse ana consider oerore you invest your money in a We claim for the Taylor Press the follow ing qualiflcatlons superior to any other now on tue uiarKer. 1. it works by Lever Power without friction, to pei lection. 2. It will phck a bale of cotton in less time aud with more ease than any other Press mHnufactur ed. 3. It will (with two ordinary hands) pack a bale of cotton in one and one-half minutes.' 4. In as mucn as there is abso lutely no friction from the ropes, pulleys, chains, czc, it will cost nothing to keep the press in repair and requires no oil for lubrication For simplicty in in constructions and operation, as well as for durabillitv, it cannot be excelled This is a Press and owing to the' facts above stated it does is not require the addition of steam power. For reasons already mentioned ir is not liable to get out of order. This Press was patented in 1885, and this is the fourth season it not it has been in use. I desire to ex tend my sincere thanfcs to the public for their very liberal patron age and with several- important improvement and superor facili ties for manufacturing them I hope to merit and receive their contin ued patronage. I will also state that the racliets of those presses heretofore made of cast iron are now. made of the very best wrought iron aud with reasonable nse warrant ud guarantee the Ta. lor Press iu every particular. For further particulars I refer to the fol!owing8 named gentlemen Wesley Deloach Jackson; J. G. L. Crocker, Dr. J. N. Eamsey, A. B. Doughtry, 11. Coker Seaboard; Capt. S. N. Buxton Jackson, N C, and others that used them, or see them worK Every arrangement will he marie fnr 'thp comforianJ ironvenience of those who attend ana siay in town overnight. BY THE For further particulars address ii. nirooii, SECRETARY AXD TREASURER, ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. iTarboro Oil Mills, For which tbe HIGHEST CASH price will be paid, or MEAL given in exchange. oct.lst. 1IRED.B0BU ASHIONAtLE BARBER, Nash St, Wilson, N.C UFI have one ol the neatest and rcost complete barber shops in the ptate. Only first class artists em-' ployed CAUTION Beware of Fraul, an fhf name and tb prloa are stainppil on tlie bottom vt all nir adverQM-4 fehoes before tearing Mm factory, which protect tire wearers aralnt high prict-n and Inferior pooda. If a dVaicr offers V. L. 1huk1m fllu at a re duced price, or mvi be has tlH iu without hit aama ami prt:e t Limped on Uw bottoto, put him down ai aixaua. L AIUllN! D ITnrOwa Dyeloc, at llomr. with leerleM Dye. Ther will in erfmblnf. Thor arc .1.1 everywhere, nioe luu. a ckairc 4"i cWr. They have no e)ual for Slrenirth. Itriirninii. Amount In Fackaire or for Fato' if jjmr. or oon-f adln y uahtiea. They do not crac or mut. For aale by DU. W. S. AXDF.KSOX. Druinrlnt, W Uaon, N. v. march Mr NOTICE, Havirg qualified as executor of the last will ana testament of J. K. Whitley, deceased. No- nereoy (? iven to all perons indebted to ine esiAte or said deceased, to make immedi ate payment, and to all persons havinir claims oKomsi, me deceased, to present them for pay ment on or before the 16th day of July, lsea or mis uouce win De plead in bar of their recovery. JOHN P, BAUDEN, Executor, . D. Harden, Atty. FOR SALE. One vacant buiMin? lot in tW buni n ess portion of ot will be sold for a small figure. For fai t !. er particulars and price address. C. C. r AM ELS. Real Esta(t At'i-nl. I Wilson, N. O. J. R RAWLS, I have an especiallj jprettj ani wtll.t Tected stock of -Fine Cold Watches. i Silver.ware, Jewelrv, Sewing Machines, Pianos. Organs, fK, YOUR PROPERTY FROM LOSS BY HUE ANI LlGHXj Io the Old Reliable Liverpool A Imdon fc C1ot Incnw It ia the largest Fire Insurance 3otniany ia tLe irtrlllfX' offices la nearly every country on tbe Globe. I &J33t3 In U.S. January 1, 1888. S6.793.5l5X r...irt t Ml .ftr ast! THE ONLY TEDS DP.OW TOWIC Will pnrify the BLOOD twralat. LIVER ana KIDNEYS and th. WlNKELMANN'S Nothmji but superlative merit can account for tne phenomenal repution schieved bv: Salvation Oil. It Hi'ls pain. Price 25 cents. The dwarwinian theory perplexes the multitude. Tuey object to decendaats from monkeys. But not even a baby objects to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 1 Notice. Havintt aualifled as Executors of the estate of Dr. A. ti. Brooks, deceased, before the Probate Judge of Wilson County, notice is hereby (riven to all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased to make Immediate payment and to all persons having claims against the deceased to present them for pay nwnt tn thrt undersiimed nrlo "P. A. & R. A Wnodard on or before the llth day of October 1889 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. . v A. L. TAYLOR, W.A. BROOKS. i Executors. F. A. S. A. WOO DA RO, Attorneys. Notice. Havinfr qualified as administrator of the estate of- J osiah Renf row. deceased, before the Probate Judge of Wilson County, notice is hereby iriven to all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased to make immediate payment and to all persons having claims against the deceased to present them for "pay ment on or before the llth Jay of October, 1889 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. JT. RENFROW. Adm'r. F A. & 8. A. WOODARD. Attorneys- n Rao's Itemed? for Catarrh Is the 1 Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest I I 1 (c.AMriMawiBi 1 I I Sold by dmeglsU or scot by mail. I I U Wc, H.T. liaieUUw, irna. Pa. LJ AN UNEXCELLED SPECIFIC IN CASES OF cholera. cramps, dlarrhcea, summer complaint. Dysentery AND OTHER AFFECTIONS OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS. PRICE 25 CENTS. J. H. WINKELMANN & CO. Solc PROPnicTons, BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. i FOR SALE BYT ' Ei M. NADAL. Kestobe the HEALTH andVIGf- w or xuum Dyspepsia, Want Strength and Tired FeeliDs r 01UW17 cured: Bones, mos clea ana nerves receive new force. livens the mind and erjDpUee rtrain Power. B 1 A B BMak. buffering from com plaint pecn I ArllWW )iartntriRirrj will find ia DR. hiHI HARTER 8 IRON TONIC nfe, speedy care. GWesaclear, healthy complexion. All attempts at counterfeiting only adds to itspopn larily. Do not experiment fret Origin ai avt Best ( Or. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS Cure Constipation. Liver Complaint and SlekB Headache. Sample Dose and Dream Book! mailed on receipt of two cents in postage, w THE DR. HARTE3 MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS, M0. TO WMRAILIl AND ORNAMENTAL H'iPE WORKS JJXTFXTPcl & CO 6 North Howard St., Baltimore. p.Mimr fT Cemeteries, Lawns, Gardens, Offices and Bal conies; Window Gnards.Tree Guards Wire Cloth, Sieves, tenuera.vcD, Band and Coal Screens, Iron Bed steads, Chairs, fsttees, &c - , sep26 12m. DYSPEPSIA TTp to a few Treeks ago I considered myself the champion liyspeptic of America. During the years that I have been afflicted I have tried almost everything claimed to be a specific for Dyspepsia in the hope of finding something that would afford permanent relief. I had about mada up my mind to abandon all medi cines when I noticed- an endorsement of Simmons Liver Regulator by a prominent Georgian, a jurist whom I knew, and -concluded to try its effects In my case. I have used but two bottles, and am satisfied that I have struck the rlpht thing at last. I felt its beneficial effects almost im mediately. Unlike all other prepara tions of a similar kind, no special Instructions are required as to what one shall or shall not eat. This fact alone ought to commend it to ag troubled with Dyspepsia. J. X. HOLATES, Vineland, 2i. J. CONSTIPATION To Secure a Regular Babit of Body -. without changing the Diet or Dis organizing the System, take SIMONSLIYERREGULATOR C oslt GENUINE MAJTrncri RED T J. H. ZEILIH & CO.. Philadelphia. I CURE FITS'! When I ear en re 1 do not mean meralT to atoo them for s time end then have them return again. I mean a radical core. 1 nave made tbe di&ose oi ITS, h.rLLr EPfcY or J AILING SICKN lS a Ufe4on stndy. E ran-ant my remedy to core the worwt cawes. Beeaoaa ha failed M do for nnt now reemTin a. Bar. 8eod at onos for a treatise and a Free Bottle nf mv (nfaJlihle remedT. (vire Kinreaa and Poet Otfina. U, Mm HOOT, OU C 163 fcari &u Mew Xrk W. L. DOUGLAS Wl I Wlal GENT' T TX j ne oniv CTir mt ptAMLFSS f I - . (. hurt the ftit, easy as hand-sewed ftiiu WlLI. W. I,. DOUGLAS 4 SHOE, th mfelnal wiu winy ui.iii-tMt-ii wni MHie. Jqasli toin-maae ;hiKs posttnjr fmm to; tn W. In DdllOhAS 3.50 POLICK SHOE. KJlllrosd Mm ud l.cttt r arriiT" all wear lliem. SnKxilli ln-l'le a liand-Srwtd buoe. XoTacas or Wax Thread to hurt the fi-ct. W.L.DOIGLAS .AO SHOE k nnrmlled for heavy we:ir. It.-' t 'all Miim- for the mice. S SIi)E Is the r-i in tlie world for roiikrh wear: one pair ourht to wear a man a rear. f .1ili;ii ;vs hok run BOYS U the lest school Miof In the world W. I,. DOI GL.4S S1.-J5 YOI TH'S School nnoe K'ves the small Boys a chan-j ; to wear the best shoes in the world. All made m Congret-s, Button and T.aee If not sold h Tour dealer, write W. 1 DOUGLAS. FOR SALE BY J. & D. OETTIIMGER. NOTICE W. BARNES, Kxecutorl Supcno Of Vary Uarlaod. '. U ., v. ) Petition 1 ne nelra at law nr. i land . J. A. OAKLAND. f This la a medal Droccrdlnir fllwl i.T tho tv. iltioner F. w. Barnes. Exccu or .f MHry iar- anil. dex-eased. airslnSL the heii-j t Um f J A. Garland, decemHert for the sale of the wit or parcel of land deacnbediln th petition, to y tbe debts of said Mary Garland. The hetra ol tbe said J. A. (i-rland arc re quested to appear at tb ortiee of the Clerk of ine rtupertnr court or W ilson Cout tn day or October 188, and to answer the said petition. Aiijr. ,. im. Keuair work promptly tvnd 8AtU ;fictori1j done. NihIi Si rre, opHite Court Hour. J R. RAWLS. rim FINE DIAMONDS I Watches. Jewelry Solid Hllrvrware. A. CHAPMAK & GALE MS Mala NORFOLK, VA, county on the ; are tbe Lraiers, the tock is tbe largest aud tbeir prices ior tbe oeht a. b. deans, c. s. c. poods are mucb less tban Jfoitbern mmm ! fifrnres. N. 15. They have skiilek work- men for tbe repairing of Watcbes j and Jewelry. gepl ly -AT- THE BEST 1H THE MARKET. fourteen amerem sizes ana kinds. Five sized with en am eled reservoirs. Adapted to all requirements, and priced to suit all purses. LEADING FEATURES: Double wood doors, patent wood grate; adjustable damper. interchangeable automatic shelf broiling door, swinging hearth plate, swinging flue-stop, re versible gas-burning long cross piece, double short ' centers heavy ring covers, illuminated fire doors, nickel knobs, nickle panels etc, Unequaled in Material, in finish, and in operation. j Manufactured by ISAAC A. SHEPPARD & CO., Baltimore, Md For Sale by GEO. D. GREENE & CO., Wilson, N.C. WHOLESALE. 400 Bbla Flour all grades, 25C00 Lbs C. R. Sides, 300 Rolls Bagging, 500 Bundles Ties, 25 Bbls Sagar all grades. 25 Sacks Coffee " 100 Boxes Tobacco, uasee lard, 50 Kegs Nails. The above goods we offer low merchants. C. A .YOUNC &BRO. iTHflT-EIQHT Tho Original Wins. Simmons, St. Louis. I'rop't M. A. Simmons LhrrrMcliuoe,'d JS40, in the V. S. Court cifuts 1. H. Zcilin, Prop'r A. Q. Simmons Li . ty'tor, tst'U by Zcilin 1563. M. A. S. L. M. ku rr .T . Cured IXDIGISTION. Illimi ims l)YSrErsiA,SlCS HUDACIItJ.OM 'V?TT"T, SOCK &TOMACII- Ktr. Church, Adams, Tenn., writes:"! nun snouia nave occn dcd but J""r oenume M. A. Sim mons Liver Medicine. I havt sometimes hsd to substitute "Zeilin's stuff lor your Medi cine, but it don't answer the 4pose. - ,"' ) R. Graves, Editor TH. UMul.ll.mnl.;. T Ir a a rca(rc ol your Livci Medicine, and have used ball ol it. It works like a charm. I want nc better Liver Regulator aud rcr tsinlj bo more ci ZciWs Kixture, Will lake orders for Septem ber Delivery at specially low figures. Best hard .Egg, Stone and Nut. Hand in your orders early to I A.W.ROWLAND. SeptStf. i a - A 9 9 A ist.A awiMM'i:jn.-k AiaouDi pais oui in unuea cuiies over ?-ii-J . as soon as soon as proofs are received, w tLoil dii-r uit S. A. WOODARD, ACT. At Law Oflces of F. A. A: S. A. Took THE COMMON SENSE ir,oa ID o.A.:e,T PATENT APPLIED FOIl I have jast perfected the te?t Road Cart ever r.fl of this country. It is the lightest, iuot dnraLie and the . . a f a'i a cm.'1- CHEAPEST For further information addre or ci J.J. FARMER. Wilson, J, THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR on? VifMotW-s mere. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Norfolk, Va. Ptoo'B Cnro for omption is also the beet Cough Medicine. If you hare Cough j without dr-?M of the Longs, a few doses are all ''yoa need. But if yoa ne glect this ut menus of safety, the slight Ouin j may become s serious -. matter, and several bot tles will be required. id m Jst r.rillijal. Pan in Perfftt 1mi In theSvorld. Combined with Great Refracting Power. Tbey are as transparent aud colorless a light lteir. And for 8oltnes8 of endurance to the eye cannot be excelled, enabling the wearer to read for boars without fatigue. I a fact, they are i , Psfkct Sight Peeci.cyehs. Test imonialB fttm the lemiio phyHician in tb United States ea, be given, who hare bad their sight inipoved-by tbtMrase. All eyes fitted and the dt guar, anteed & . E. M. NADAL'3 Drtju Stokk, Where an immeae- ansortraent of these celebrated glasses can be found and properlj adapted to all conditions of tbe eye. Thee gtajtwa are not snppliod to peddlers at any price. Ivoue geonine nnless the name Hawkks is 8taniped oo the frame. Wholesale Depots, Atlanta, Qa. Austin. Texas BRANCH GO. ARE OFFERING A NICE LINE Goods black . ..A at reuucea nriPM r.incuiin.r r,t ii m --- tins, ana colnr. iTAnrUAt. xti-, Suitings, plain, etripped and plaid Flannel. Oil aiio'J uuyin eisewnere. T1IIS SPACE lSKESERVEI) FOU EVANS & WILLIAMS. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS- . ..NOUFOUi, V.V. SEND YOUR ORDERS FO JT olb3E23?ixi.-fcxii TO THIS OFFICE.

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