Democratic Ticket, MET AT THE DEPOT WITH 100 HORSEMEN. The Town Awake With Enthusiastic Interest ORE OF THE BEST SPEECHES MADE IS W1LS0K1K jUHUDl!,. A Glowing Tribute to lort. Catollna's Beit Governor Daniel G. Foilef 5 THE EEHOCEACY OP TEE COUN TY THOEOUGHLY AEOUSED. VOLUME 18. WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, NOT. . 1, 1888.- NUMBER 40 I mi. T .-t -wl - I - H M I , . . . . . -r . xna riBiuub iuiu lub aau i u n i a.nn a irne i w i www n . - . ini n nun , ri nn nil i - i ' norn i uu nri n si.i n i mm i II ciV-V UfaW AUtii to Thursday last will long ber re-me-nbered as an era in the politics of Wi sou county. It had been an nounced for several weeks that Mj Charles M. Stedman would apeak iu Wilson on Tbarsday, and the people came from all over the couuty tor the purpose of hearing this distinguished and honored son or North Carolina. - At 12 o'clock one hundred horse men, gaily decked with flags and bHDDers, assembled at the Court House for the purpose of forming into line to march to the depot to meet Maj. Stedman. Several car riages, many buggies all envered with flags and banners beaded by a brass band, went to the depot As the train pulled np, the band played, Maj. Stedman took his seat in one of the carriages three hearty cheers were given for him- Tbe procession then formed. The band came first, then the horsemen, then the carriage containing Maj Steuman,' then followed the bug gies aud carriages of citizens. The procession stopped at the hotel and Maj. Stedman was called for from hjiidreds of DeoDle. - He came on the veranda of the hotel and in few well chosen -words thanked the people for the way in which they had met him and said that he would address them in a tew mo ments. At a few minutes afrer one o'clock the people were assembled on the Court House gresn. Maj Stedman accended the stand and was introduced Uy Pr.E. G. Moore ot Xoisnot. In .interlacing Lieu tenant Governor S'e.lman, he spoke of the pleasure it gave him to Intro duce oue who was seeking no po litical prefermen trout one who wan moved by Ms love lor the preherva . tion of our State to leave his home and eive his voice to swell the democratic majority. MAJ. STEDMAN Began his speech by referring the enthusiastic and cordial recep lion the people of Wilson had given biin. He said while he was per sonallv deeply.moved by thisTnani tet-tatatton of the esteem in which the people held him that he took this deinonstratloa as given to the cause be represented not to him self persoually. I read, he Raid, jthis enthusiasm a prophetic vision of Democratic success. I bring to - you "glad tidings of great joy," he said. I have just come from the 1 West and let me tell you if the people of the East will halfway do their duty Judge Fowle will 4e elected by a tremendous majority. The people of the West areafoAsed and at work for the cause of Democ racy. The Court House windows were filled, with ladies and they at tracted at this point the atten tion of the gallant Stedman. He thanked them for their presence . and paid a glowing tribute to the sex. He said that it was the brave heart of. woman that nerved men to enter the couaict and do their duty. To the heroic women of the South was the splendid fighting of the noblest band of warriors that ever buckled on a sword largely due The Democratic party is worthy of their devotion. The first fight ever made against monopolies was made bj the Democratic party. That party has ever stood between the people and the monied powers. STATE POLITICS. I could interest and entertain you more were I to talk to yon of other themes, but it is my duty to call your attention to the record of the Itepublioan party, in North Carolina. When that party gained control of the State it proclaimed itself the especial friend of educa tion. Their first act looking to the education of the children of the State was to sell the valuable stock in Railroad companies and invest the mooey in worthless and fraudu lent tax bonds. They destoyed the school fund and drove not a nail iu a plank to erect a school house. The work of the Democratic par- tv in hmidinir nn t.h KP.hruil.a nf . State was strongly contrasted. 'De whole place smells of peanuts, niggers and whisky." j Maj, Sted man said he never, saw but- one man who openly endorsed the ras calities of the Legislature of '68-69. That man's name is Reynold's and be deserves a nfonument to per petuate the memory of the man wuo believes it right aud proper to rob the people of all they have ; to destioy the State's credit and steal from, posterity. j He called on the man who ex pects to vote the Radical ticket to go to R&leign and, in imagination, see the capitol as it was under Radical rule. See the corridors of the halls of Legislature turned into bar rooms ; sea the lobbyists going from seat to seat buyinjg the votes of membrrs openly as sheep or cattle are bought in an! open mar ket. See the ruin and destitution brought upon our people. See al 1 this and compare the state of af fairs under Democratic; rule. The action oT our next Governor, JUDGE DANIEL G. FOWLE, in D'otecting and enforcing the dignity and' authority; of North Carolina while Judge on the Super- i ior , Court Bench, was review ed. Mai. ateaman r in tnrunng words told how the true and unflinching Fowle stood up for he rights 6f the people, when he sat upon the Bench. A negro was .sentenced to receive thirty- nine.lashes for-larceny, of which he he had been convicted - before Judge Fowle's corrt. The Sheriff of Wake county undertook to en force that sentence. Gen. Kuger U. S. officer interfered and took the negro from "the Sheriff. Judge Fowle called on tjhe Governor to give him all' the troops in the State if necessary to enforce tie sentence of the Court. The Piesidentpf the United States Adrew Johnson was appealed to by our Governor aud Gen. Ruger ordered to obey the isenlence of Judge Fowle. The .1 negro was returned' to the -Sheriff aDd the lash descended upon his shoulders. maj. aceuman spoKe in giowiug terms of the action of Judge Fowle ia this standing . up for the rights' of the State. A monument should be erected to- the memory of tha upright aad fearless Judge Fowle when he died. " I WAS A CANDIDATE before the State Convention for the nomination lor Governor, said Maj. Stedman. Judgei Fowle was nominated and you should elect him by 40,000 majority. What matters it whether your candidate is Fowle, Alexander, or Steuman, we are all fighting for a principal and the individual ambition of any man amounts to little in compari son with the great work of the Democratic patty. Every friend bought the value of several bales of cotton in goods He showed how many goods he' had and how much tariff. He said the farmer had a wagon load of tariff and a wheelbarrow full of good?. His exposition of this question was very plain. He said the question of protection was whether or not the government should take the property of one man and give it to another. The theory that the tariff regulated wages was shown to be untrue by contrasting the different wages paid in different States in in this country. THE KNIGHTS OF LABOB. " He; said he wanted to talk to every' member of the Knights of Labor in the audience. He was a firend to the order he hated the crueljpower of money and believed in the objects of the order. He ap pealed to the members to vote the Democratic ticket and thereby help destroy the cruel power of money by destroying a tariff system that gave capital almost endless power. Every member of the Knights of LaboMn Wilmington will vote the Democratic ticket. : Maj. Stedman closed with an exhortation to the Democrats the white men to do their u1 uty at the polls. j, The speech was a big speech. Some parts of it showed the fire of true eloquence and more than once tears were seen trickling down many a cheek that had stood undaunted before the canon's month. No, never since High Tariff's First blew its mighty blast. Was ever seen such, waking np Of spirits dead ana past. Barrabbas from his time approves The forty thieves agree, -And Captain Kidd asserts his best From Boston's gallows tree. So ever in this shape Or that -With folks who think one way, "Your money or yonr life" has been The order of the day. Jack Sheppardls ghost- might stump for it, w ' - ' And Turpin's, too, declare That if they are Protected right They had not uanced on air. Thus dead and living, after kind, y All cheat a rubber tax, t And, like a Sin bad's case, besides Would ride the peoples backs. .: But yet, how many with young . Ward, ' And such, lament thro' tears, They can't come out in its sup port ' Because they're in for years, Philadelphia Times. Do Yon Stand .With the - White Men or the Negroes? Every Man Gives His Influ ence to One Party or Other. y d BE EOT DECEIVED BUT YOTE SOLID LY FOR THE PASTY. THAT REP BESEHTS THE BEST PEOPLE . IH I0KTH CABOLIHA. Ne- White or black ? The Fust Place' ' The great amount of political engineering will be done by friend of candidates to secure for their man the first place on the' ticket, and the best man will probably secure the coveted place. Then if endorsed by the majority of the people, the election is assured. Electric Bitters has been put to the front, its rrerits passed upon, been endorsed, and unanimously given the first place, among the remedies peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Diseases of Kidneys, Liver and Stomacbe. Electric Bit ters, being guaranteed, it is safe investment. , Price 50c. and f 1 per bottle at A. W. Rowland's Drug Store. Docke ry votes for groes. Cure for Rheumatism G. G. Treat, of West Granville, Mass.. writes of AUcock's Porous Plasters: . " The rheumatism, neuralgia in the side or baek, coughs, colds, bruises, and any local weakness, iney iruiy possess wonderlui curative quaii ties. I have recommended them to my neighbors with the happiest results, many of wnom but for At cock's Plasters would have been a eripple at home. In every in stance where they have been faith; fully and properly applied the result has been wonderfully satis factory. The Way to Talk It- Don't let a white man stay away from the election. We need every vote. If the Radicals get into power, we shall have ne gro magistrates, negro schoo committees and negro county examiners. Do you want to live under such a crew ?-Maxton Union. of naine will do bis- utmost to in crease the majority of Judge Fowle, hoth hope aud believe. COUNTY GOVERNMENT next occupied the atttention of Li fe he FINANCIERING. The next claim of the Republi cans was that they were specially gifted in "financiering." Maj. Stedman said they understood fi nanciering as the burglar who broke in your bank ; as the chick en thief who robbed your ben roost understood financiering. They in creased your debt and robbed ev erjbouyin toe state; They vio lated the constitution that said not more tnan C6jf cents on the 100 shonld be levied as tax and com mitted larcency ia the same breath. He said be met one of the men high in the councils of Radicalism in those days, in Ne,w York, after they had done their worst. - He asked the fellow when he would re turo to North Carolina. He replied: "We've Btole every d -d thing they've got, what is the pse in go ing back." An old negro described the Legislature of '68-e9 aa follows : tut. Governor. He showed, in a yr .brief sentences, the difference becweeu the Democratic and Radi cal feystem8. He ridiculed the mythical system pioposed by Dock- ery and Russell of the appointment of Board of Finance. DOCKER Y, FAREWELL. I was up in Wilkes county and a gentleman asked me! if I knew where Dockery was, said Maj Sted man. I told him I did not. A large mountaineer came np and said he could tell us. "I have just come from the mountains," said this mountaineer, "and the last I saw ot Doctery he was running like heli ior xenuessee. wita an luuian named Kitchen after him with a big tomahawk." ! ; Maj..Stedmai gave the music of the rivers of the State as they sang a song of farewell to Docker y. "WORS8 THAN NEGROES." Maj. Stedman said the people of the Anglo-Saxton race of this country would control., Tbey were possessed with a pride of race that has always characterized the peo- pie of every clime. Woe betide the white men they turn their back this feelitg. The white mn who controlled the negroes and made them vote solidly the Republicen ticket were not as good as negroes. THE HATRED OF RADICALS. The Radical party is founded on bate, for years. When the war closed at Appomat-. tox there were many t brave men that lay down their 1 arms. Are there any in this crowd who were tnerei A, numoer ot.-voices ans wered "I was." I uo you rememoer, tne Maj. con- tinned, as you returned to your tomes through a desolate land as you saw the fences destroyed and blackened chimneys standing where once stood beautiful resi dences as you came np: to a hut that had formerly been used as a home for the servants, an old gray headed man came out to the gate and an aged women come tottering along to the door and asked yen if you could tell them of their boy. You remembered that the last you saw.of him he was lying by the side of a gurgling stream -with his life blood oozing out. A little further you met a woman in the prime oi womanhooa and she too wanted to know if you could give her auv news of her husband. .Yoa remem bered that the last you saw Of him he! was lying cold in death You could give hejr no comfort so you went on. A httle further you met a young women who was to have become a bride when : the bloody Coifbct closed. She wanted to ki0v of her lovor. tYou remember ed seeing him in the hospital as he breathed his life out. ? Yon could give upr no comtort to you went on. WitHall these memories return- ioff H.f1e through desolate fields OUiJCI Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at A. W. Rowlands Drug Store as their giving away to their custom ers so many free trials of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in t bit very valuable artiele from the tact that it always cures and nev er gives disappointment. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat Mid lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it be fore buying by getting a trial bottle free, large Blze $1. Every bottle warranted. Food for Thought. Only three days more in which to register. To vote for Dockery la to damn voarselves and dishonor your homes and all you Jiold dear. Wilmington Messenger. - .j. He who gathered not with ns scattereth abroad and ia against ns. Come with the hosts of Democracy and be a self reepecting man. Won't you be clad when the election is over, and we can all taea rest from politics, and concentrate oar energies on business? Charlotte Chronicle. We shall, we .know. . There ia not a moment tn Via ost. Every possible effort must world. Thus the be made to - perpetuate good drained at Mboth government. Let every man who prefers honest men in of fice go to work for the election of the entire Democratic ticket. The fact that John Nichols the liar and thief does not claim to be either a Republican a Democrat is disgusting some of his own party as much as they can be disgusted and deceives no one. His defeat is inevitable. If your white neichbor has not registered see that he does so at once. "The white men who contro the negroes are a great deal meaner than Stedman. the negroes." A correspondent of the New Berne Journal says Jones coun ty will roll up a majority for Hon. F. M. Simmons. It is imported from Hender- 511 J sonvuie ma,, large accessions have been made from the Radi cals of that section. - The present system of county government is absolutely neces sary ior tne Eastern counties Vote to maintain it ' The Parmer Injured. The farmers of the country will observe that the duties the Senate Tariff bill seriously pro poses to cut down are anties on the products of agrfculture. The suyar duty is about the only protective duty in which farm ers have the slightest advantage. Phil. Record, Dem. , t Register! Register!! The Importance of the Local Govern or ": ment. - - - Do you want to pay 80 cents State tax? If so, vote the Radical ticket- The Same Here- unaer liadical rule the pub lic schools we: e closed under Democratic rule they are open wnicn ao you prefer? oee mat mere are convev- ances at every precinct to bring me democrats to the polls who are unable lo come otherwise. Nobody blames a negro for trying to be a white man, bu the white man who wants to I negro is Indeed low down in the scale of decency. , What will be the value of the real estate and the industries of such towns as Greensboro, and the lands of such an agricul tural community as Guilford county, under a radical regime of extravagance, exhorbitant taxation and tribute to monop oly. Greensboro Patriot. Maj. Stedman completely cap tured our people by hia brilliant oratory, his glowing tributes to our national standard j bearers, his scathing denunciation of Re publican rascality and his clear and comprehensive exoosition of the tariff. Shelby New Era Held Boherson and Save the State. Bat Benjamin, So keep , right - friends, Your day will soon be over. But when you look for the fellow that's left, You'll find it won't be Grover. Manchester TJion. Don't rely npon large majori ties. Every Bingle vote will be ed. One vote may change the whole result of the election. Let no Democrat entertain the idea on, Republican that his vote will not be neces sary. All the Republicans will 7ote. Lumberton Robesonian. Be true to man's part v. the white .Thej Dravr .the Colored Line. When the colored people themselves draw the color line it is time for white men to stand together. A . colored man said that a negro - who voted the Democratic ticket ought to receive one hundred lashes on his back. Bladen Beacon. " The "Way to Carry the Election. The way to insure the elec tion is by polling the full party yote. Let every. Democrat see that he is properly registered, and that nothing keeps him away from the polls on election day. Kernersville News. . The 'Only Way is tne Eight "Way The only way to save the country from falling into the hands of the negroes is to vote the Democra scratched, nolia Sun. Doti't ic ticket tm split! Ma- Is your neighbor Regis tered. The purity of Judge Fowle is attested by every class of our people good and bad. Tom Devereux who has been denouciog him on the stump is a witness against the lies he now so vigorously circulates. He wrote a letter several years ago wnicn was published by the Raleigh News-Observer, denouncing the attempt of some people to mix his name np with the wrong doing of others. And Loge Harriss, the. editor of the Raleigh Signal, wrote an article before the nominating convention ; met at Raleigh and proclaimed Jugde Fowle as one of the ; truest. purest and best men in the State. The Signal labors to besmirch the pure name of Judge Fowle now and is willing rif only t it could to prove itself a lie for that pur pose. The meanest as well as the best recognize in Daniel G, Fowle a pure and upright man, and even Devereux and Harris speak the truth except in the heat of a political campaign. Could Free Themselves Trem the Oppression cf Trusts; Ccatluaiicna .and HonopHeV 2" They f'oaly Beaded Their Power. : The Senator eaid that it was a very mean dbg to bit Hiis ma?ter; it was Indeed the hard est thln for a man when he returned home to be bitten by his own aog. Yet such was the case here. The effect was to make us sell in the cheapest market and buy In the dearest market. We- had to sell In competition with the cheapest labor on earth and to buy in in tne dearest market in th farmers ar bung and spigot," Vrtea ?a Sockery. -Erery vote eaat for OUvar H. Dockery ia a vote ' To set the State back to the corditiorr. It was la twenty years ago; To pay the thirty mHUona of the special tax bonds; " To encourage disorder, ontrare, insolence and violence; To bankrupt the , treasury; Increase . the - taxes; drive iway capital; deter immigra tion; ,'promote idleness; and. Anally,;; TO-luxn North Carolina over to the control of hia inpportera. Water cannot rise above Its source, and the candidate for Governor of the Radical ttartv I will not be Able. If ' h be elected, to free himself from or, V t ..t BIS JVC U k Daor. fl,. .l.K 1. .IB.. Legislation is against them. LW 01 M . "'a. "? tua "me" jf CoLDockerv men Ihe did not exert their free themselves oppression. . He said he was often re minded of the circua elephant ne used to see when a boy r,i,u which waa led around bv ;lClironlcl- man on a pony, which in I comparison, with the size of Work, or the ntrrOM elephant looked like a mav he In hawm. 0 , s ---w... la nMMaafnl from i,T. aU5l0T win repeat Itself,-and lrom thU 4 carnival of ceculation. o-im- and business failures may mevuaDiy De expected through out the State. Charlntia Radical Ruki THE PLAH OF CAH- PAIGHUJG OP RADI CALS IH THE PAST. The Dark Days of Hadi- cai Kulo in 1GS-'C3. ) 1 lis 100 mix to mi FEIEJTI Hill EEFEIID T IT 7C7 VCT2 TZ2 TZZ ETT ' CT 7.ATTCAL TZ37T2 AT2 to tnz State taxes were 80 cents under , Radical rule under Democratic rule they are 20 cents.' . Which do you like best ? Only three more days in which to counteract the untir ing and unscrupulous work of the Radicals. To work. men. or the consequences may be direful. A free excursion was run from Tarboro to Coakley last Satur day to tear Hon. F. M. Sim mons. The people of Edge combe are aroused as they have seldom been. ' Stedman in the West. . i . He is very much of an orator, and uses language which charms while it edifies. He gave the Radical party the worst "rak ing" - we ever heard.-Concord Times. The - white man who votes the Radical ticket is not . as good as a ne gro. . ; . The Best Purfiier Madei lost the peoole ol the SouXh said "the war is over, let us have Veace." . Not eo with these Radical rtpHticians. They still cry vwar" anu aetame ana malign our our people. They still fan the flame of hat thay was kindled by the devil iu meir nearts. - -, ! . JTHE W.EIFF. Maj ..Stedman made the question exceedingly plain. s He took a far-1 mer to tL'e different stores and Self Preservation. The Democracy of North Caro lina is seeking only '". the preservation and maintenance of good goverment, the welfare of the State,- the happiness ' of the people. - iy ' :. -; .., ncus, Ga June 29, 1888 I have suffered with Catarrh for about fonr years, and after using four bottles ol Botanic Blood Balm 1 had my general health greatly im- provea, ana it 1 could keep out of the bad weather I would be cured. I believe it is the best purifier made. .rVery respectfully, . ; c ; Jj. vv. THOMPSON. The Baptist State Convention will meet ln Greensboro Nov. lh,-1888. Palatka, Fla., May SI, 1888. .' We have been selling B. B. B. for two years, and - it has always given satisfaction in every case. JjOwby & dtaee, Druggists. f- If you want to pay six times the tax you now cavto nav Morton's Special Tax Bonds, men vote lor Harrison, Morton and Dockery- You cannot have that pleasure if the Democratic party is elected. The Advaxce believes that a negro will be either Deputy Sheriff or Deputy Register of Deeds if Whitley and Moore should be elected. We defy either one to deny that tbey would give a negro a deputy's place. jk If the Advance does not do its full duty for the cause of Democracy in this contest our readers may say. that we did not know what to do to further the interest of the party that we feej proud to belong to. We believe it is every man's sacred duty to exert himself to per petuate good government and no man can do his duty in North Carolina and not work for the success of the Democratic party If the Radical party was in power and the caucus of that party should decide to do its .utmost to pay Morton his Infa mous Special Tax Bonds, the Advance believes "and boldly charges that "Two-for" Peele, "Ice Cream Freezer" Robbins and "Defaulter' Moore would vote to carry out the purpose of tne caucus provided the de cent people of this county and of this district should so far forget themselves as to let this trio misrepresent our people. - North Carolina is being flood ed with Radical money. Morton- is determined to collect his bonds if possible and he will have a faithful ally in Dockery if he should, by any accident, be elected Govsrnor. ; - The way to prevent such a calamity to the State is for ev ery white man to do his full duty. Go to work for good gov ernment and- low taxes. . We aon't want to pay . those infa mous Special"ax Bonds and we will not have h if Cleveland An exchange says: Manufac turers, average the country over, make 18 per cent, profit ; the farmers only make two and a nan per cent. ine one tro- tected at the expense of the oth er In heavens name give us no such protection. W m m Tom Devereux described these fellows as "Traitors, Sneaks and Skulks." The man who is such a coward that he will not tell for whom he will vote is unworthy the trust and connaence or a aog. lie goes before the people with a lie on his lips he enrt-avors to de ceive. The white Radicals, as nsnal, gobbled all the offices, while their negro brothers only en joyed the fun of attending the convention. Carthage Blade. ine same ming in tnis coun ty, only these "sneaks" are such a cowardly set that they will not even say that they will Tote the Radical ticket. Eveiy man who offers him self for office and solicits the votes ot the people, should fearlessly declare his views and let every body know where he stands. The. man who ia asham ed to declare his politics does not deserve the support of the people. Vote for men who have convictions and the cour age ox mem. uniy sucn men should be elevated .to official position. Nashville Argonaut. John Warters one of the rtiest and most unprin cipled Radicals that ever dis graced the white race is the Radical candidate for Senate in the counties of Greene and Lenoir. It is Lenoir county's misfortune to be the home of this fellow. If the people of the two counties only knew him well we would entertain no fen.r of his election. Col. N. B. Whit field the Democratic candi dateis a man of character, very popular and would make a representative that the peo ple will feel proud of. We urge tne people of these two conn t'.es if they have any self-re ppect to elect Col. Whitfield and let John Warters rema'n at home among the negroes with whom he delights to associate, the mole-hill beside a 'mountain He had often thougn how ea y It would be for the elerjhant to take horse and rider In L!3 snout and "sling them .into thn middle of Kingdom-Come and had Bometime8 wished that the elephant would do it. But more than that had he wished that the farmers of this country would rise up in their might and throttle the monster ele phant of oppression which was grinding them dawn. Yet tbe farmer followed on, goaded by trusts, monopolies and comM - How5rirt::bi, The population of North ! Carolina Is now considerably over one million and a" half. Let us take one million and a half aa the basia of oar calcula tion. Three cent rr week on every man, woman and child In the State will be one dollar and 53 cents ' per annum for each man, woman and child la the State. This maket the as lounging mm of twj million. (three hundred and forty thout- fii 7ke, lht7 CUJ.J ' "d d0111" ,J r North Caro f!HlSey ?nlf k??w,Il-!linapr enunta to this none- tiuutcu auu hvwu ib, in stead of rising In their might and correcting the evils. Ral eigh News-Observer. If you are white, vote the white man's ticket. 2UBD FACTS. Have enr Pele ret Paid Snoh ; ta Enrich Yaziej 2Tat:t3- cessary, unjust oppressive va . pnrpiu. 4 ma surplus meant money over and above all requirements of the govern ment, poured Into the treasury. out 01 me poc&ets or the peo ple. It ia over three times the entire annual expensM uf the State government of North Carolina. Asheville Citizen t An Iiplorxiirn. i hat la the tariff? A tax pul I What is thta "nerroM treable'" upon imported articles In order I lln tlch o many feem bow to that such gooda ehi.ll bt i aC1'C',l Ifjoa will remember manufactured In AmArlr.. Tii- ! tew Jear R0 ne word Malaria obiect of n m Tha,wM comparatively onknown-UHlsy protectionof those who have p "uZ " . ""' invested or will invest the'; ' 7r . , k . L i ,1 1 "v: . . . money In manufacturing. The.word uwd byonr forefath in result? Protection to tbe i timet past. So it is with manufacturer and an additional : dieae. aa tbey and Malaria are charge to every man, woman I intended to cover what oar rraud- and child who purchase their ! father called Billionsaeaa, and aD articles. But it is claimed that can y troabtea that ariae the tariff Increases the wages I msefea condition or tbe JUTtrj of the American mechanic. Is 1 WDlcn lnnr fetooM this true? It might do eo ft "B"B there was a tariff on 1. v importation of workera from 1 win abroad; but as such la not the i trouble. Mlaiia. B,r!i-ii FeTer. case, It does not There at 'etc You who ar unff-ii., - .n tt more than enough foreigners appreciate a cure. We rnoororaend landed on our shores to supply Green's Augvet Flower. It eorea the Increased demand for rp marrelou, workers caused by' the openiu-j j of new factories. On whal i nMM- ?.n.ut basis does the present tarik Uk rest? A war basis. Has the 1U- Fcwr "u.kmic war ceased? General . Grant. ! ,lcn' wiio knew all about it, said eo. 1 - , and rejolped In tbe fact. His fa-januu-a assertion is backed up by .r. .n --i-v.i. rr - 1 cv 1 . uouti uuciuiau, nuv iuhiv.ii- -. t 11. . . ' tuw aw j m m a u v 1 a , a frnm itun. . v-t i iwemy negroes aMau v u ooa wi I -. , - it. -.!. ....j v, v' men lie er John, who never took a band in the bloody affair. St Paul Pioneer Pre?s. The Advance would impress upon its readers in this district the necessity of working with all their might for the election of Hon. F. M. Simmons. He can be elected and the Demo crats of the district must do their duty in the matter. Edge combe, Halifax, Northampton, Jones and Craven counties have always been strjngly Radical, but we believe and there are good reasons to base that belief on that the vote of our repres entative In these counties will be astonishingly large.- We would not be one bit supprised if he carried every on of these counties, notwithstanding the majorities they usually roll up for Radicalism. The other counties in the districtwill come to his rescue minfully. Go to work Democrats and Hon. F. M. Simmons Will continue - to represent the Second Disttict in Congress. Vote for principles. Be true to the white race. TE3 s:rzAr gezz:;. 2ebAheit3C:nfcsThls Prin ciples. On Saturday the 6th inst, at a meeting held at Coley'a Mill., Stony Creek township, Mr Ricks having stated that be waa a Democrat, Mr. Green was asked where he stood. He answered in a flippant manner that "he stood on tbe ground," there to aud five white men lie got dinner but so courtesy waa shown by the self-respecting white people of the place. He waa at Osgood Friday night and there waa twenty-six to hear him there two negroes, fire Rada and the balance Democrats. A negro solicited supper for him but could not get the meal at any place in Osgood, ne had to go into tbe country to get It and waa driven out by a negro. Raleigh, News-Observer. It cannot be denied that Oliver Dockery, If he waa so disposed, waa powerless " to prevent the bad legislation and worse management cf public aflaira in the dark dayaof 1868 69, nor that he would be - it i . being then asked how he wotejwu",f ,F lr0JrTi ' .,.irnnMv,. i control the Dick 8wlTeler8 of ZZTTZL3H T or the purpose of rfrTi'r- the memory cf acne who fel disposed to follow leader whose aloiran ia "Down with tv- White Man'a Party " we ecrr an editorial which appeared la - itaieiga CUadard U UCS. Read it. If you please, and aa awer where yon have baen, what would have been the fate et our wivea and children, but f cr the White Man'a party? luanx God for tbe WLIU Man'a party, and wtilallfa Uela the Plant Intenda to tirtTa to destroy any party that tLrtat ena the anpre-aacy of tie White Man'a party." THI BAD1CAL OKAS AD VI CI TO RADICAL CAjrVAfiEESS. Here la advice given by tie Ralelih Standard to the eanraa ara of lta party in North Caro lina. Hera are necessities requiring Uolden'a tlx thousand DETAILED MILITIA. Men cf North Carolina, read tLla lnnlt to j oar mothers, your wire and your daughters, and learn the purpow of the cowardly ad vent ra who are now govern ing our State. Eaya tha Stan dard: "But wherever else you work, don't forget to work among the women. Tha Ccn feceraey wouldn't have lasted a year if It hadn't been for them. One good rebel woman la worth a doxen rebel men. Go after the women, then. They w.ll make their bur bands itczi for Grant and Colfax xmtU they are hoarse, If yon will rianar to replace aome of the diamond ringa and laces Frank Rlalr stole from them when La was hero and don't tes'.tate to throw your arras around their necks now aud than, "Wnr.X THEIR HUSBANDS ARi: NOT AROUND, AND GIVH THEM A GOOD ! THEY ALL LIKE IT, and Jbe Yank ee r yon are the better It takes. Oar experience with female reba la, that with all their elna, tbey have a vast amount ot human rr tare, and only wxct to have It appreciated to be the most loving, creatarea imagin able, bcalawaga and earret- baggera, don't fall, therefore, aa you can ram the State to look after tha Iromen. Yoa are good looking ana they knowit,bnt Itn native modesty. Ilka New England glrla they like to be approached first. Don't be afraid of their eyea they glare Ilka young laoparda by day light, BUT UNDER THE MOON NO BLUE DEATH- STRICKEN FAWN'S 13 HALF SO TENDER OR HALF SO DEEP. Don't read Judge Peareon'a letter to them, but give them Byron and ghtUey in volume AND YOU WILL HAVE TO EM IN YOUR ARMS, if not In tout party, ia. 1m fti.ft m wV . Register if not done bo- you have Nothing Equals It Zalaha,Fla., June 27, 1837. iS. lli. V ENABLE & (jo.; .! . I have been using R. B. B. in my family as a blood purifier. Having never 'used any medicine to equal it. RespectfuJy, ilES. R. M. Laws. " , . - liakes An Old Han Young. TExtract from a "Letter"! ... P.'S. 1 bougUt 3 bottles of vour Botanic BUwxl Bnhn from my friend 11. D. BaHitrd, t Campo bello, S. C. I have'bi-u nsing it three weeks. It ajiiK'XM to give me new life and new ' ifiictb. If there is anything that .11 make an old man young it is 13. H. liJ. am willing, to seli it. I' earnestly and honestly recommend Botanic Blood Balm.- . ... - -i ' , Ulood Balx Co., last year and how he would vote this year he answered that he would vote to suit hlin.elf. On being pressed as to whether he was a Democrat or Republicar, he became aa dumb as an oyster. Several Green men present declared that tboy would cast their votes for j kicks, as they wanted a man for the ' responsible posltlor of Sheriff who waa neither ashamed or afraid to own his principles. Voters of Nafh county, will you eatt ' your votes on the 6th of November for Gas Ricks who stands by his principles, or . R. Green, who either has none, or -the ones he has are so mean that he is ashamed to own them. Nashville Argonaut. . ConsnaptionSnrely Car! To the Editon-- Please inform vour readers tha: I bare a positive remedy ' for tkc above named disease. By its time ly use thousand of hopeless cases have been permanently cored. I shall be glad to send two bottle o' myremody FREK to every con sumption if tbey will send me tbca express and P. O. address, . ,; '. . Reppectfully T. A. Slocum, M. C. J 81 Tesrl St N.Y. . . . .1-23-S8 hia party who are 90 anxlona to revel once more In tha ewe eta of oQce. It cannot be denied that Radical victory InlNorth Carolina means absolutely ne gro rule, at least In ths twenty seven negro counties where the negroes are indisputably in the majority. It la settled that the Radical party in North Carolina, when weighed in tha balance waa ff and wanting, and that ills etlll wanting aadly wanting in the capacity or pur pose to serve the true interest of the people of North Caro lina. Rockingham Rocket borne of our mort prominent dti ten have been cured ot chronic rheumatism by that wonderful pain- oaniacer, - salvation uu. rnce Z5 eeata. ' "Why, Jones, what a ho(a)rae yoa nave in your throat r7 y 1 ratsea it irom a coi;at in my bead. I've too much liva'atork." "Well, l!ke carts like: Dr. Bad'a CongU Sjrup will care yoa. Tbe Ball will quickly scare tbe bo(a)rae . The " Methodist Conference meets in New, Berne on Nov. the 28th. lew than a week." White men where manhood? Can yoa ao corrupt a party. la yonr vote for Cloie your store on election day and work forwhlte supremacy. rrw'iTili. W offer One Handred Dollar Reward for any e ef Catarrh t&aX eaoDoi be eared by taking liaLTa CalairoCore, P. J. Ckeoey & Co- Prop- Toledo, O. We, tha asderaiga ed, bava known F. J. Cheney tat the laat 15 year, aed boiler tin perfectly booerable in all bnxlneea transaction, and CnaodaSy able to cary 00 1 any obUgaUona nada bv their flna. -Weat & Truax. Wholeaala Dreg glat, Toledo, Ohio Walding, Kinnao & Mania, YTloit ale Draggist, Toledo, Ohio. E- IL Van IIoeM. Uaskier, Toledo National Bank, Toledo, Ohio. liaiTe Catarrh Core u takes la ternally, acting directly upon Lb blood aad macoa anrtacea of the jstem. Price, ?5c per botUe. Sold by all Drsggtat. ZzzYxz'i Amla Salya The beat aalve la tbe world far Cat, Brubee, Bore, Ulcer, Salt RbenJD,Pever aore,TeUer,Cbarped fcrada, ChRMaiaa) Core and all Skin - Ernpttona, - and poaiUre!r eureaPneaorao pay reo, aired. , It ia guaranteed to gtre perfcet aiti f ctioa or money :!nnied- Prv a cent per box. Por i a ty A 15 Rowland S'

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