1 -T state upitol yZZ - 7 i . J A - AAlhUTE. QR. BLACK WHICH SHALL IT BE ? 'tjplE1e1tx 1 .made'a bad -.start in "raising i business, but really to'J&et ma. -I Caiu," and the race baa not lin-1 -- m.a mmbra that throat, 1 ...i tn.nwikof '"' : , lsanff: ri iv w - ----- . and mauled iiiin as ne It is getting to be quite a I rations with, you; I intent net .flMEHT. DOCKERY VOTING FOR NEGRO NOMINEES. . - w fc uu i i i. i r . like u bound slave frockcry votes as his negro masters order, and so must all other Radicals do. The reason why; is the Radical party nas iuo,uw negroes tu uuiy u,uuu wunc mou aax jai'- wx w xi&.yw - ' U --'DFviocwT.Cl -1 rii F -E' S fe-r---1--- ":,' ' ' OM left's ! . - : : 1 1 i VVAl WH I 1 V V OillJ 1 Am f J, H J At tke election in michmond county iu 1814, m j IKIUKi U l W ' 1 II )'M lil.A f '.l . fifl Mill I date for Governor, voted as follows: . . UV I A Mr yU&L - V'Fr t ' "M fe, & - To represent the public in the Legislature he ; i I 1 rafl'' VW 1 Sf'if-l Vril Wit n Si TitV7 Pwi li voted for Harvey Quick, a negro lawyer, against V lJ 1 )T 1 MW M . 2? ""yLLSfe"' '"aE ld' agaiDSt Dniel Gay' a-one-leed Confederate! H jp J ! I - .1 ---r3 For Register of Deeds, he voted for one N. W. J, JwWmf cC t 1 --- V 1 ' r-Mii&X Harllee, a negro man, against Alexander L. Mc- r -srr J ir. 5 j ' Liac'A Donald, a white man competent to fill the office, and - Jj k AvOw f . -J --f44UcS universally esteemed in the county for his courteous