The Wilson Advance. Wilson N- C. . . Nov. 29. 1888 Xo Our Subscriber!!. We recognize that the times are hanl tuat our people have little jn'ouey to suare. Kecognizlug that f ,ct we have resolved for the year 1.S8.) to send the ADVANCE to those of our old subscribers who pay np nd pay one year in advance for One DolUr and fifty cents per year. We send out statements to all our subscribers every "mother's son" of them thus showing the amount they are due, so that"they;may take advantage ot this proposition. In EVER" case the regular subscrip tion price of Two dollars per year will be charged where the subscrip tion is not paid in advance. That our subscribers will appreciate the effort on our part to give them a pood i'.wnily newspaper for the . smallest possible cost, we ieei Bnre That tliev will show a -practical apir ciation by an early remittance of Hie amount already due forsub- acription ami the One Dollar and fiftv cei.ts for. a year in advance, we eat nesty hope. Fakirs in Trouble- j. It. Davis alias W. JiiDicken- son, bunday evening wasf broueht here from Kocky Mount aid lodged in jail to answer the charge of counterfeiting and passing counter feit money. i Davis was a fakir attending the Rocky Mount Fair. He j tried to pass spurious money made of pewter on a hack driver, j He had a partner who made the money, but he made good his es cape with his molds, i The two made quarters, halves and dollars. Tarboro Southernor, This is but an illustration of the men who have been licensed ,to swindle the people at the various fairs of the State. Xie stores will b& closed Till to-day. Family j)ont forget the Sirturday night next. The l'hoenix Fire Company pa ra;le our streets today. Nash county Superior Court held milv one week although it was a two week's term. Let ns one ai d all give thanks to Almighty Goll for the blessings without stint life has bestowed on ns. The county the Gth of this riionth iu and enter up on officers elected wiill be sworn ,n the discharge of their oflices on .Monday next. There are several changes in our ail vertisine columns in this issue.. You had best read them every week aud then voir will not miss any. thing. Kami every advertisement in the Advance this weefc. It will pay you to do so, if you contemplate! mukins any purchase from a brick store to live cents worth of soap. Tbe advance tor issj lor one dollar aud fifty cents provided that it is paid m advance, it jou want the benefit, of the reduction pay what thou owest and a year in ad w Lee. H. A. Latham, Esq., editor of the Wiloilngtou Gazette will be a can didate tor Heading Clerk of the House ol Representatives, He is a vouujj mau ot promise and would make a good officer if elected. The Third Tarty papers will all consolidate and a stock company will publish, at llaleizb, the Xorth State l'rohibitlonists. Mr. WG. Burkhead will be the . editor-in- cbief. ew stores are steadily going up in Wilson. We hear of several new firms that will begin bnsiness January 1st. There's lite in the old place yet, and plenty of it, so come on, ye capitalists, who seek the , right place to invest your money. We take pleasure m calling at tention to the advertisement of Ot tis Dcake, that appears in this is sue. He has only fresh, first-class goods on hand and can please you with your purchases. We are glad to notice tuat ne is already receiv ing a fair share of patronage - The Rev. B. S. Bronson having accepted the invitation of the jouug men of Wilson, he will deliver his lecture on the formation of character at the Episcopal Church on Sunday 2ight next at .7$ o'clock. All men, women and children are invited to be present. On next- Monday night ifed Thomas' San Francisco Minstrels wilt make their bow to the Wilson auuieuce arm, irom wnat we cau learn, it must indeed be a good bhow. The Norfolk (Va.) Land mark sajs of theni : "Only com fortable standing! room could ,be obtained, aud the audience Was exceedingly enthusiastic. The vocal efforts were excellent, and the specialties were quite new, aud provoked considerable laugh ter,.and in fact the entire perform ance was entirely satisfactory." Keservea seat tickets now on sale at Kowland's Drug Store. Uf eourse you are going to hear the Till Family Saturday night. Kead the iollowing card from some of the most promineut citizens of Fayetteville, lay aside -all doubts and go and enjoy a musical treat of high order. It says : "We, the undesigned, citizens of l ayetteville, who attended the en tertainment given by the Eock Band Concert Company last even ing, in Williams Opera House, take pleasure in recommending it to all music loving people as one of the most enjoyable, refined and cultiva ted musical entertainments ever given to a Fayetteville audience, Jno. D Williams, Ju Dr. T. D. Haigh, B. E. Sedbeeuy, G. P. McNeill, Dr. J. W.McNkill, K. J. Fuller. 4 Dr. J A. Hodges.' A Pleasant Sight- 't; ' It was the pleasure of this writer to call at the house of Carter Pope, Esq., of Battleboro, last week. While there he showed ns:a breed ing sow not quite 12 months old that weighed over 600 pounds. She is of the Poland China breed. He has a pig of the same breed, three months and 3ix days old ;Soat win weigh seventy-five pounds. : This is the kind of stock for our farmers to raise. It costs no more; to , keep good stock than it does poor and our people, are learning tms lesson. When tue day comes tnat! iarmers raise tneir own oreaa auu rneai again, then the South will grow rich. Bnt with our smoke house's in Chicago and our pantries'! in 3Tew York, Baltimore and other cities how can any one expect me ooum to improve and develop as she is capable of doing. Quit buying so much fertilizers, raise yfiur owu supplies and sell the surplus, it any, is ope sure way to grow rich, PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Kate Barnes is visiting friends in Black Creek. Miss Alice Howard, of Tarboro, is visiting friends in town. Mr. A. J. Hines returned yester. day from a short trip to Durham. Misses Lizzie Barnes and Fannie Graves returned from their trip to Tarboro yesterday. Miss Mamie Mercer returned home yesterday. She has been visiting friends in Rocky Mount and Tois not. Dr. W. S. Anderson left Tuesday for New Berne to attend the M. E. Conference now in sess'on at that place, to which he is a delegate. Atlantic Coast Line, The Star takes pleasure in an nonncing that there is do probabiN ity whatever that there will be any change in the ownership or man agement oTthe Atlantic Coast Line, as has been feared since it became known that negotiations.looking to .that end were pending between that corporation and the Richmond and West Point Teiminal. The views of the parties interested are as divergent as would be the course of two locomotive engines starting from Weldon, one going North and the other going South, and both running at the speed of sixty miles an hour. Wilmington Star. .1 Senatorial Vote -Official- j V Below is the official vote of the 7th Senatorial District: traxklin. King, D .... Sills, D ... Robbing, R. Country merchants can bny at Baltimore prices at Davis St Gay's. The biggest stock in Wilson a Youngs. Do yon want a nice snit clothes, go to Young Bro3. Look at Youngs $3.75 pants. Young Bros, sell the best shoes n Wilson. If you want good shoes go to Youngs. Umbrellas all styles Young Bros. Shirts, collars and cuffs Young Bros Moore, R. King Sills j.. Bobbins, Moore... i .2225. ,.2224. ..2001. ..1993. Give as You Can.' The children of the Oxford Or phan Asylum need the necessities ot life and it is the duty of our peo ple to give liberally of their means to suDDort this institution that Is training so many boys and girls up into useful men and v. omen, who might, bnt for the benevolent work of the Asylum become criminals and pests upon society. 1 he advance believes this institution is every way worthy of the enlightened char ity of Christian people and we hrpe the collection raised here to-day may be a large one. Let every one give what he can. Go to Young Bros.;aDd( look. Very fine clothingindeed at Heil- Droner's new store. Money saved is money made. Go to Young Bros. We are still opening goods. Young Bros. Look at Young's 75 cts. Shoes. Look at Young's 3.75 suits. Y"oung is headquarters. Every body trades at Youngs. Young carries the Jorabo Stock. All wool suits $3.75 at Youngs. Youngs $10 suits take the cake. Young sells $3.00 hats for $1.25. Wool under shirts 50 cts Youngs. . Windsor & Pacific calico Young, Look at Youngs hand-made shoes. "WILSON. .i.21U. ..L..2136. .-.U .1544. .I..1540. WILSON TOBACCO. j Mr. C. B. Capps Gets a $50.00 Pnze On His Tobacco. NASH. j' King. i.........U156. Si'lV,.... S...22D0. Robbins........ ..1702. Moore.... i... 3.687. The first two names of each coun ty are the Democrats, and as will be seen their maionties in the Dis trict are over 1,200 over both of their'opponents. Freight Kates. .. -j We see fFom the Tarboro South ernor that it only costs 60 cents to send a bale iof cotton from Tarboro to Norfolk over the Atlantic Coast Line. The rate from Wilson and there is not five miles difference in the distance is $1.50 only a differ ence of 90 cents in the bale. The reason the rates are 60 low at Tar bor is because a narrotw guage Railroad ha3 been constructed from Tarboro to Hamilton and there con nects with a line of steamboats This road gives the people of Tar boro the benefit of competition and as a consepuence. they ship their cotton for 60 and 75 cents a bale where they formerly paid4 and we now, $1.50 per bale. They get their merchandise for 90 cents per hun dred where they formerly paid, and f. . ' 1 a 3 we pay now, si.u per nunareu The Advance believes that this difference in freight rates? in towns where 'there is competition and where there is none shontd not be so great. If the company can af ford to ship cotton for 60 penis per bale why tot give WilsOa! the bene fit out I . Danville had a big Tobacco Ex position last week. North Carolin ians took an active part, as nsual. Danville has been built up largely by North Carolina trade and our people therefore take a lively inter est in the success of her unaerta- kings. The Reidsville Light Infan try was present and won the second prize, soO.00, in the prize drill, in class D, fine bright cutting leaf, 50 pounds, a Wilson county man, Mr. C. B. Capps, took the second prize $50.00. We congratulate Mr. Capps npon his good fortune and we hope his example will be emula ted, Wilson county can raise fine tobacco and, we are glad to learn, many of her citizens will devote a part of their time to tobacco culture next year. Success to them 1 Opera House. ONE NIGHT ONLY MONDAY, December 3d, OF Refined Minstrelsy. ENGAGEMENT OF THE 1 NEW YORK FAVORITE. NED THOMAS' -SAN FRAHCISCO MINSTRELS. Admission, 25, 35 & 50 cts. Yonng Bros carry the largestand best a took in Wilson. Yon.ig Bros, are selling goods 34 per cen t less than other bouses. Fine .tting children's and boy's smts at Jleilbroner's. If yon want to see the cheapest goods you ever saw go to Young uros. Come and look at our big stock. Young Brew. 150 lbs. knitting cotton all colors and numbers at Davis & Gay's. The largest stock of Hats in the ity at Young Bros. Shoes at New York cost. Young Bros. Just arrived. Oar second sum mer stock in white derby s, mack innaws, etc. Young Bros. If you want to save money go to Young Bros. Davis & Gay have the cheapest dress shirt ever heard of. . "Examine Ileilbroner's fine clotti ng before purchasing elsewhere. The famous Specific Orange Blossom a positive cure for Fe male Diseases. A trial box free. Mrs. J. W. Thorn, Sole Agent for Wilson county, Wilson, X. C. Young Bros, are opening ttie largest stock of goods ever brought to Wilson. We are selling goods cheaper this fall than ever before. Young Bros. School shoes for children spring heels, &c, at Davis & Gay's Yonng Bros, this week. Young Bros, .are opening their immense fall stock. Don't forget to examine Ueil- broner's boots and shoes. Go to Young Bros, this week and look. New clothing all styles are now being opened at Young Bros. wholdstock Brogana J. W ishes as to say to the Country Merclpts That lie is preparedto furnish them Goods in NEW YORK AND Youngs 75 cts. The Till Family. Tbe Advance nas betore an nount:ed the fact that the Till Fam ilv will appear in Mamona Hall Saturday night. It pleases us to know that quite a number of tick ets have already been sold. They give a splendid entertainment and our people . nave a treat in store that they will enjoy and appreciate. They wereSn Charlotte and this is what a paper of that town says of them; . . j ' ''The Till family appeared at the Academy of Music, in this city, last evening, and gave a most remark able musical performance before a large and appreciative! audience. The ringing stones proved a deci ded novelty. All were pleased with the performance, which was excellent throughout. A request was made for a repetition of the per formance to-night, but the manager announced to the audience that as his engagements were aide ahead, the company was compelled to de cline the request, but would return herein the fall. The Till family may count on a good audience when it next appears here." i That Indian Troutle. " It was advertised that a troupe of Indians would be present- and exhibit In the Fair grounds at the Rocky Mount Fair. The Secretary so informed the people with whom he came in contact and there was considerable disappointment felt by those who expected to see them and found f hem not there. The Secretary desires us, for the exoneration of the Fair Associetion from all blame to publish the fol lowing, which is a verbatim copy of a letter in his possession i "BROOKLYN. N. Y., Aug. 21, '88- ''Mr. Underwood : I will be at your Fair in Nov. Company will leave this Saturday for Alexandria, Va., and so on down to your place, Yourw truly, Dr. R. N. Dunham." This letter was sent after others had passed between the Company andthe Secretary. In addition to the foregoing the Di, sent Mr Underwood advertising matter to thoroughly advertise their appear ance. we are giaa to puonsn tuis that the people who were disap pointed may know that no blame attaches to the Fair Association, The Fair does all it says it will and more, and we feel sure that next year the public will show their ap preciation by a still larger atten.. tendance than the unprecedented one this year. IIOTIK ITEMS. Notice Is hereby given that a Biil will - be introduced at the session of the Legislature of North Carolina to convene at Raleigh on the 9th day ot Jan. next, granting the Commis sioners of Wilson county authority to levy a tax ot ot 1 per cent, npon the taxable property of the white citizens of School District No. 1, .Wilson Township, for the purpose of building a School House for whites in said district. 0TTIS DRAKE las opened in the postoffice. He wishes to say to his many friends and patrons that he has in stock the finest varieties of Ciears. Smoking and Chewing Tobacgo, also the Finest Confectioneries. Fruits, Nuts, &c, &c, ever brought to this market. Don't fail to visit him, ladies, before buying else where. I also have all kinds of fireworks, such as suit tbe holi day trade. Respectfully, OTTIS DRAKE. P. S. 1 also have 25,000 Cigars must do soia at wnotesaie ana re-1 tail. For Sale. Two grade Jersey bull calves. A. B. Deans, Wilson N. C. Young Bros, are selling goods cheaper than ever. Hats all styles at New York prices Young Bros. Suits at half price at Y'oung Bros. Just arrived. Immense stock of parasols, fans and hosiery. Young Bros. Send your orders for lumber to R, Rawls. Hats at wholesale prices. Young Bros. MAJ. JNO. W- DU1T2AK k Short Sketch of a ite. Wilson- Pavor- The Eight Man. ' : We learn with much pleasure that Mike Bradshaw, Esq , ot Ran dolph Jconnty, is aj-candidate for the poMtion of Engrossing Clerk of the Semite, Mr. B'radshaw Is a .young lawyer of force and a Demo crat of the truest Kind. He has clone' valiant service for the cause of Democracy, both on the etump ami with his pen as editor of the Abe!oro Courier. . He was a can duW for the House this year but, iih the. entire County ticket, was "JJ'taUnl by means of the Third art J- We do not believe our heuafors could find a better man Jor the. place tbau Mike Bradshaw in ldct we have heard of no oth er candidate. SHo-s. Daring the week there have been toma lion's above the ordinary kill. l.m town. Monday Mr. W. D. Hackney killed two pigg, twelve Months old, whose combined weight d8 ' 1 1 I'ouuds when dressed. On the' same day Mr. Alex. Quails kill ed two pigs, twelve months and ihi days old whose combined weight was 802 pounds. Tuesday "r. o. u. KuGiD killed a pig eleven uuius old which weighed flSft pounds. It wasn't good days for 'logs, that's sure, but it seems that ' puiied quite --heavily. They were all of improved breeds, It j.. " lu cep goou ureeas to raise "oui. mey really cost less and the ru 18 80 ereat that it seems as if ery one can Bee it. Wilson is some The Wi.'mington Messenger has this to say of a gentleman who is wull kbo vn here and whri, for years, had the heart of our people as few men have been able to gain the es teem. i 4,Maj. Durham has been seriously ill for some weeks, of hi$ old war wound and has been compelled to delegate his duties of Clerk of the Criminal Court to Mr. Eli W. nail. Maj. Dunham was one of the early victims of the war.j Most ser iously wounded at the battle of Seven Pines, he has since been a severe sufferer every moment of his life." He was one of the most brav est and most gallant boys of the war. He entered the service April lth, 18G1, nineteen years of age as i irst Lieutenant of one ot the finest companies of men j and boy that North Carolina put in the field; the Wilson Light Infantry. Its ranks were completely decimated at Seven Tines, the Captain killed, aud every Lieutenant wounded and disabled.5 The battle closed with a bergeant in command, j But for such wound Maj. Dunham would have rounded outgone of the brightest and most brilliant careers arnouug eminent North Carolinians. Both writer and orator, his early manhood was full of the brightest promise. As co-e3itor and princi pal editorial writer on the North Carolinian, of Wilson and Raleigh, three years succeeding the war, he gave to that piper, and all connect ed with it, a reputation throughout tbe State that was never surpassed iu North Carolina journalism, a truth that his old associate and "senior' is glad to Here put on re cord, A man of experience desires a sit uation as salesman. Satisfactory reference given. Address, "Business," Rocky Mount, N; C. WantEd. A situation as Sales man or Bookkeeper. Satisfactory reference given. John A. Hart, Rocky Mount, N. C. Call at Miss M. E. llackney's and get a fashion sheet. Go to Young Bros, and look. Latest styles in jewelry lust re ceived at Miss M. E. Hackney's. Wanted. A competent double entry Bookkeeper. Address "B," care the Advance. Applications considered confidential. None but first class men need apply. Look at Youngs fine clothing. Look at Youngs big stock. Itch, Mange, and scratches ol every kind on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails Sold by E. M. Nadal, Druggist Wilson, N. C. june 20, 88, 6 m Miss M. E. Hackney has bought a sample lot of infants' cashmere and embroidered cloaks which will be sold very cheap for cash. Hereafter Dr.' W. S. 'Anderson's Drug Store wiil not be opened on O 1 T . - ouuuay. xersons wanting pre scriptions nuea, or medicines put up, will be cheerfully accom modated, in casis of emergency. Dr. w, s. Anderson, Wilsson, N. C. Next door to the Post Office. Buttenck's patterns for Decem ber just received at Miss M. E, uacgney's. All kinds of pine lumber for build ing purposes lor sale. J. R " Sawls D'or Rent. I have several r c a. a.- lanus lor rent to persons who are able to furnish themselves. Apply 10 A. U. DEANS, Dry (ioods at prices to suit the times at Young Bros, If ypn want to see the eheapes shoes yeu ever saw go tp Young uros, i The cneapest Hats in the world at xouogttroa SALE of yaluable;town property. ju oaiuraay ai 3 o ciock p. m the --ind ol Dec, I shall sell on the premises in the thrifty and pro gressive town of Whitakers, N. C, to the highest bidder, the valoab'e town lot lying and fronting the W & V. K. 14. 70 yards on the West and containing 2 acres more or less. Said lot has upon it a dwelling con i . . w v. v ivuiui". l.i i i i . ... ' iaiaeu ana plastered, witn passage through centre, kitchen, stables, in fact all necessary outbuildings. and is situated near tbe business part of the town, offering every possible facility to business con venience. As a site for a hotel it cannot be surpassed. Object of sale to satisfy creditors. For particulars address the undersigned, Gaston White, - Kingstree, S. C- Jjiist Opportunity! -Sale of Lots on the WILSON AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. Un Wednesday, the 5th day of December, 1888, will be the closing out sale, at ROWLAND'S STA TION, near Plainview, Robeson county, of a number of very desir able Building and Business Lots Rowland is a Station on the line of the Wilson and Florence Road, twenty -seven miles Nort h of Pee Dee, and has advantages that promise to make the place one of A. 1 L me mu8, prosperous towns in North Carolina. The town will be a prominent station on the line of the Railroad, from the fact that it is located in one of the most fertile sections in the State, and in what is known as the AshDole, or Cotton Valley Country, and will find ample support from the surrounding terri tory. Terms, one-half cash ; balance 12 month note with 8 per cent, if desired. The Five Lobe Cotton. 1,000 Bushels of this celebrated Cotton Seed for sale. Warranted to make 42 lbs of lint to the 100 lbs of Seed Cotton on ordinary land, and from 800 to 1.000 lbs to acre in drill, and from 12 to 1,40 ) lbs in checks, 3 feet apart ; from two to three stalks in hill. Is less liable to fall out of boll during stormy weather have seen this thoroughly tested. Will lurnish parties with this seed at $1.00 per bushel on board cars in quantities of 23 bushels aud upwards. Send on your orders. CHARLES A. PURCELL, Purcepolis, Robeson Co., 2s. C. JOE VIGK - :SAYS: MONEY SAVED -18- MONEY MADE. He wishes to put prices before the public. A large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES All styles which must be eolJ. Men's whole stock rrogan.90cta Boots 1.50, Gentlemen's nice BALTIMORE Sunday Shoes $1.25, Women's all leatLer whole stock Shoes 65 and TScta. Pant cloth 7$cts to $1.25, Men's panta 60cts, Calico 4cts. N. C. Check 6cta Sugar 7cta. Coffee 15cts, Candj lOcts. All kinds of . Baking Powders, Chewing and Smokiie Tobacco. a good article 25cts per lb. CHEESE. 7CTS PER LB. I wish to call your attention to a nice line of Just received, nellinc them at New York prices, Chamber Sets 8 to 12 pieces $3.00 '.o $5.00 $ $ 5 ? HAVE YOU -PRICES.-- He has the following Stock: DRY GOODS, IWTS, SHOES CLOTUIXG, AND HATS ALSO 100 BOXES CAKES AXD CRACKERS, CAKES AND CRACKERS, CAKES AND CRACKERS, CANDY, CANDY, CANDY, CANDY, OANDY, CANDY, 50 Boxes Tobacco. SNUFF, LYE, SODA, FLOUR, AND EVERYTHING That is kept in a General Stock, also Store Fixtures of all kinds. He asks the people to get his prices before buying their goods and they will save MONEY. Thousand dollars worth of Dry Goods, Groceries, Confectioner- imi ""ai xeceivea at LiiL.tu oiaUISS. NOTICE! NOTICE ! PAY YOUR TAXES, IJAY YOR TAXES ! ty.My last and liual cad. As the co'lectious np to the present have been so small aud the time for me to setUe tUem is rapidly ap proaching, I am forced to say t-" the taxpayers of the county, to please come forward promptly and settle their taxes before the list has to go into the hands of collec tors, and save cost aud trouble. Remember li is hard enou-ju to pay the tax without co t, a'ld I "earnest ly hope that all will come and ettle promptly, and save the cost, aud me tbe humility of putting any part of the list iu the hands of col lectors. J. V. CROWELL. Sheriff. Nev. 20, 1888. -AT- WHOLESALE. 400 Bbls Flour all grades, 25C00 Lbs C. R. Sides, 300 Rolls Bagging, 500 Bundles Ties, 25 Bbls Sugar all grades, . 25 Sacks Coffee " " 100 Boxes Tobacco, 20 Cases Lard, 50 Keca Nails. The above goods we offer low to merchants. C. A. YOUNG & BRO. Queensware. China A2?D GLASSWARE. Beat prices paid for " Country Produce. Joe Wick We refer to those excellent Yard Wide All Wool TnTfYrT.1 we have In all Imaginable ehades and prices and , mg at only 33cts. a yard. 1W am th are eeD GREATEST DRESS GOODS BARGAINS tliat have ever been een la Wileon. Ont rtock In all lines b alway. the f nlieet and onr price, a. ' LOW AS THE LOWEST. W. would Ilk. to lopreee It npon ttoe. who al PERFECT FITTING CLOTHING tUafonr MERCUATT TAILOKIKG DEPAEXMEXT Is a. ao. t'leU U anv In (hi o.t. , . kjux prices are considerably lUftU aro osuauy ased for this class of work. Eetpectfolly, lowo J. & . OETTINGER. Tarboro St., Drugstore, ' opposite NadaVs WILSON, N.C. O c3 r-4 O Hi I i .4 h 1 I DAVIS & GAY 6D aD . S3 - Are n tvr jpinia up'4 a stock o r2 TEN 1888 m :fa-Ii:e-j 1888. At mm G C u o MEN. Women and Children Can SeClira he ft.Ar hnraaina at T.VT7C QOV'Q than can be . FOUND elsewhere. Don't forget us. but call and which is Complete. We carry no ' DEAD Goods. Everything is Fresh and Pure. We guarantee that our prices cannot be duplicated IN we propose to any first-class house in town. Our "Xmas Trix" eell at your own price. "When you visit WILSON 1 t t-m ue bure aun cau on us. lou will find us opposite W. J. Church well s jewelry store. We have the Finest lot of Satteens, Ging hams, Worsteds, Calicoes, Checks, Plaids, and in fact everything that you may desire. Hoping to receive your patronage we are. very respectfully, " , Lee & Sons, - Tarboro Street, Wilson, N.C. -G-0 TO- D, G, JACKSON'S ON GOLPSBORO STREET, orrosrrE bullock's stable. WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST i DRY GOODS, '! . SHO.ES, GENTS FURNISHING, NOTIONS, &C. Which can't be surpassed in the place. They have all the la test Bhades and novelties in JHIESS 008 '-1 . AND -THEIR G25TS GOODS Will please the most fastidious. mey also hanaie r. ness xj Do's., and Evitt & .Eros., The GriffiiiStand r i M 9 MS) & f M 3:1 desire to announce!to the people of Wilson, Green, Pitt 'Edgecombe and Nash, count! e . thatI have returned from the Northern markets, with a tai large&nd well selected etock of Dry Goods. j New Out And Out Which consist only of the latest Novelties In Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings. Sackings, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mats and Rugs, CHILDREN, BOrs, YOUTH'S AUD MEN'S . OF ALL KIN DS andShoes, Hats and Cents Furnishing Goods. LIQUORS AND SHOES Which'are known everywhere and can't be beat. Also Coon's fiOLItlHS A5I ram Which are as good as are ma Special attention will be given to Children' and Boy'fl Clota Please call and examine my swea waica surpasses rn.uji.tuu i the Dry Good and Clothing line ever shown In Wilson. My terms are 3E3E JOS CIGARS. Give them a call. Notice. ily wife Louisa Ibon.pson bav in;; left my bed and board without a cause, notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible Tor any debt she may contract. ThU Nov. 8, 183S. Jko. B. Thompson, Wilson, N.O. And mv rjricea within the reach of everybody. Thinking kindly for your liberal favors in the past which you Ha me, and hope to secure the continuance of the came. N will be Misrepresented pnd my Business will be conducted on Square Easiness Princi ple, Respectfully, In II Mill J1ANAGER FORM. E. LAKCk

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