!The Wilson Advance. Wilson, N. C. Nov. 29, 1888. Decided the Purchase Void- Atlanta, Ga., Nov 21. Judge Emory Speer, presiding in the United States Circuit Court, for the Southern District of Georgia Las derided that the purchase in the interest of the: Centra1. Railroad of Geor'ia, of the franchises of the Savannah and Dublin Ra'lway Company is void, because contrary to the provision of the constiution of Georg'a, prohibiting any cor poration from purchasing, the Btock of any other, or mak'ng any contract which would have the effect of defeat ing competition or creating monopoly. It -is thought that the decision may have an adverse bearing upon recent consolidation of railroad in terests in this State. Employing White Labor.. ' 1 1 ; We are giad to see the ten- ! deucy among our einployerr , towards hiring more white labor. Not only is this so, but two establishments in town are run almost exclusively! by the labor of respectable white girls. 1 This is a reform whrch we art glad to see setting ; in. Webster's Weekly. j ylftYou: AreJ Sick! With Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism Dyspep sia, Biliousness, Blood Humors, Kidney Disease, Constipation, Female Troubles, Fever and Ague, Bleeplaamem, Partial Paralysis, or Nervous Pros tration, use Maine's Celery Compound and be cured. In each of these the cause is mental or physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria, the effect of which is to weaken the nervous sys tem, resulting In one of these diseases. Bemove the cause with that great Nerve Tonic, and the jubtoi will disappear. --ila- .oiii A Sad Story. : . ! The child coughed. The mothe , ran. sso remedy was near, jjeiore ' mnrnino the nrwir little sufferer wa.--1 , j . 1 1.11 mv 1 dead-. Moral: Always ; keep uiM celery Compound Acker's isemeay at nana.! . Tb?re are five ladies in Maate tbat 'weigh. 1,140 pounds together , Mrs. Frank Riven weighs 240 j pounds, Mrs. Blanch Forbes 220. Mr. Ward 2C0, Mrs. J. T. Daniel 220 and Mrs. Kany Dough 200. j Paine's Celery Compound ' JU!. L. BowlK, Springfield, Mass., writes : ' Paine's Celery Compound cannot be excelled as a Nerve Tonic. In my case a single bottle wrought a great change. My nervousness entirely disappeared, and with It the resulting affection of the stomach, heart and liver, and the whole tone of the system was wonderfully invigorated. l teu my menus, u sick as i nave ixxu, taum ry Compound Will Cure You! " Bold by druggists, tl ; six for 85. Prepared only by Wills, Eichardsom & Co., Burlington, Vt, VjoMheAgetJ, Nervous, Debilitated. Warranted to color more goods than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond, and take no other. - -. A Dress Dyed 1 A Coat Colored, t V j Garments Renewed J cents. A Child can use them! Unequalled for all Fancy and Art Works At druggists and Merchants. Bye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop, Burlington, Vfc i'Five Obstacles;" Nothing Equals It. Zalaha,Fla., June 27, 1887. -N. E. Venble & Co.: I have been using is. a. is. in my family as a blood parifler. Having never utied any medicine to equal it. llespectfudy, Mrs. R. M. Laws. Mrs. Endicott said of the mar-1 nage or Her daughter to tHf-t English Chamberlain "that there were five obstacles to the marriage two below, the ground and three aboye." Thi Englishman had -buried two wives and had three livini children. Y ilnjington Star. No lore Eye Glasses. 30 MOllE WEAK EYES- Mitchell's Eye Salve.- A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for Sore, Weak and Inflam- P. Makes An Old Man Young. TExtract'fro a a Lstterl S. 1 bouzht 3 bottles of your Botanic Blood Balm from my friend LI. D. Ba'.laid, at Campo- beilo, S. C. I have been using it three weeks. It appears to g ive me new life and new strength. If there is anything that will make an old man young It is is. B. B. I am willing to sell it. I earnestly and honestly recommend Botanic Blood Balm. Blood Balm Co., How Doctors Conquer Death. Dr. Walter K. Hammond savb "After a long experience I hav- come to the conclusion ;that two- ; thirds of all deaths from coughs, s pneumonia and consumption, might j be avoided if Dr. Acker's Englis' Kemedy Icfri Consumption wei only carefully used in time." Thi : wonderful Remedy is soid under s 1 positive guarantee by Dr. W. S- J Anderson. .1 ! j ed Eves, Producing Long-Sighted-I uetts, and restoring the Sight of the ; ld. Cures Tear Drops, Granula jtion, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, ' flatted Eyelashes, producing quick ! relief and PERMANENT CURE. Also, equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever, Sores, Tumors, Salt vtheum, Burnb, Piles, or wherever applied. Surgeon Dentist, Wilson, N.C. I have become permanently identified with the people of Wilson have practiced here for the past ten years and wish to return thanks to the generous people of the com munity for the liberal patronage they have given me. EI spare no money to procure instruments that will conduce to the comfort of my patients. -For a continuation of the liberal patron age heretofore bestowed on me 1 shall feel deeply grateful. Had His Doubts, Sudden Death. Kentucky Coroner "Yes the papers found npon the de ceased prove that he was Col Blood." Witness "in ere was also a quart bottle found in one of his pockets." Coroner "Was the bottle empty?" - Witness ".No, sir, it 1 wa? full, hadn't been touched." Coroner "Poor fellow, he must - nave- died, without a moment's warning." JLife. "I don't say marriage is a failure," said Adam, candidly, as ae sat aown on a log just j outside the Garden bf Eden, j and looked hungrily at the fruit ! on the other side of the wall. ' 'but if I had remained single this wouldn't have happened." t W Ti.-i fl--1 - m l eczema, iway, acaiy a Km i enures1 1 The Bimple application of Swayn'e i Oiutment without any internal! medicine will cure . any case bi ! Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ringworm j Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Eczema i all Scaly Itchy Skin, Eruption no matter how obstinate) or long i standing. It is potent, effective! aud cost8 but a trifle. V ' ! How's TMs. ; We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh "Cure. Toledo, O. We, the undersign ed, have known F. J. Cheney -for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honerable in all business transactions, and financially able to cary out any obligations made bv their firm. . West & Truax, Wholesale Drug' gisti, Toledo, Ohio. . Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Drnggists, Toledo, Ohio. E. II. Van iioesen, Cashier, Toledo .National Bank, Toledo, Ohio. liaU'o Catarrh (Jure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. So'd by all Druggists. Sensible Farmers. Our Western farmers have been seeding down an unusually j large amount of grain this fall. It will all be needed, and at good prices, next year. Ashe- ville Citizen. I ML L 1 P iMi mm ,- ran .press. Do Mot Suffer ADy Longer- ; Knowiug that a cough can W 1 checked iu a day, and the first ! stages of co sumption ;in a week. we hereby guarantee Dr. Acker'w i t ingnsn iteme.ay-.or and will refund . the Consumption, money to all - An Evidence of Life. The great mumber of county and local fairs held in this State this Fall indicate very clearly that there is new life, energy, progress and prosperity in the agricultural people of North Carolina. We , believe that the State is crowding rapidly to the front of pros perous States, and it is not im possible' that she may win the name of Empire State oi the South. Wilmington Messenger. The Best Furrier Made. . ncus,'Ga., June 29, 1888 I have suffered with Catarrh for about four years, and after using four. bottles ot'liotanic Blood Balm 1 had my general health greatly im proved, and if I could keep out of the bad weather I would be cured. I believe it is the best purifier made. Very respectfully, L. W. Thompson. MANUFACTURED iiY LUCIUS L TAYLOR. SEABOARD, N. O. AND S E. WHITE & BRO. NORFOLK, VA. , We desire to call thp attention of cotton , t iUuujiB tuntuum'iii .nr. .mil an veu u mo shippers of Hay to the following facts which ' e sincerely believe will py you t- carefully ' peruse ana consider bafore you invest your . uioney in a - 1 1 Elizabeth City's negro voter? have about all dispersed. Somf i We claim for the Taylor Press the follo--have returned to the swamps and '. ofihlrkutT 3"p-'"OT toViy other avw most of them have returned to theii i i u works bv Lever Power ?homes and families" in Virginia i without friction, to Dtrteetion. Snd other counties. The Falcon, t It will Dck a bale of notton : " less time aud with more ease Terrible. :S hau any other Press manufactur- Two-thirds of all the deaths in ' t. ' NOTICE. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Wilson county, wherein F. W. Barnes, Executorof Mary Garland, was plaintiff, and the heirs of J. A. Garland were the defendants, I will sell at the Court House door in , Wilson on Monday the 10th day of December, loao, the following described prop erty : One house and lot in the town of Wilson, Wilson county, on Lee Street, adjoining the lots of J. K, Rawlp, the Copeland heirs, J. D. Meredith and others, it being the lot whereon said Mary Garland lived at the time of her death. Terms Cash, S. A. WoODAED, . Commissioner F. A. & S. A. Woodaed, Attorneys. ol Yaluabla Personal Property. sell on Tuesday, the December. 1888, at the who buy, take it as per; directions ana ao not una our statement cor rect, t : Voted and Returned Home- 5. It will Sew York citv are from consump tion or pneumonia. The same propor Janus) pace a ua tion holds for most other cities. De-1 '' aQ(1 one-hiif mi (with two bale of nntes. ordinary cotton in lays are dangerous. Dr. Acker'a English Remedy lor Consumption will always relieve, and may save ' your life. i I The Charlotte Chrdnicle pub lishes the following: There are many curious customs in this State, but one of the strangest obtains in Tyrell couhty,l where in one "settle ment" a man's eligibility for marriage is determined by his ability to cut a certain number of yards of ditch in ten hours. Sale We will 4th day of Farm of Dr. A. G. Brooks. De ceased, the following personal pro perty : 13 mules, 1 horse, 20 cattle, 1 Jersey Bull, 50 hogs, 200 barrels com, about 40 stacks fodder, lot 8hucK8, 4000 bushels cotton seed, one buggy, one steam engine, one iron safe, all carts, wagons, plows, hoes, shovels and other farming implements, and other personal property belonging to the estate of Dr. A. G. Brooks. A. L. TAYLOE, W. A. Beooks, Executors. F. A. & S. A. Woodaed. Attorneys. MED IflLH FASHIONABLE BARBERT .NashSt., Wilson, ;. c iyi have one of the neatest and most complete barber shops in the ptate. Oulv first class artists employed Palatka, Fla., May 31, 1888. We have been selling B. B. B. for two years, and it has always given satisfaction in every case. LpWET & Staeb, Drnggists. Splendid Soldiers. It was somewhat sarcastic, the remark of Senator Jo. Blackburn at Erlanger, that considering there were now 460,000 bene ficiaries upop the pension-roil, and an equal mumbers trying to get there, the Confederates must have been the best marksmen in the world. Each ,of th3 riflemen have made fonr cripples. Covington Common . weath. -" "Doctor;- I can neither set nor lay. What shall I do ?' "I think, you had better roost," was the reply ;Now it the doctor had prescribed a bottle of Salvation Oil, for the poor fellow's rheumatism, it would have relieved his patient at once. 25 cts. . . 'j Straw hats and linen 'dusters will not be so very popular as here tjfore; Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, however, will be as popular as ever at 25 cents. ' j "John, I wish you'd get me a rawhide or a shingle I want to spauk Willie," quoth a St. Louis matron. "Why not! use your slipper, Mary?" :Oh, I only want to spank him ; I don't want to crush him."4 Life. 4. In as mU'Va as there is abso- itely no friction Trom the ropes, '.leys, chains, i&c, it will cost nothing to keep Use press in repair nd requires no oif for lubrication. For simplicty in in constructions iiid operation, as well as for iarabillity, it cannot be excelled. 'This is a Press and owing to the .acts above stated it does is not : squire , the addition of steam jower. For reasons already mentioned ir is not liable to get out of order. This Press was patented in 1885, and this is the fourth season it not t has been in use. I desire to ex pand my sincere thanKs to the ablic for their very liberal patron age and with several important auprovemenr and superor facili ties for manufacturing them I hope j merit aud receive their contin ued patronage. I will also state :bat the rachets of those presses ueretoiore maae oi cast iron are iow made of the very beet wronght iron and with reasonable ise I warrant and guarantee the Ta.vlor Press in every particular. For further particulars I refer o the following named gentlemen .Vesley Deloach Jackson; J. G. L. Crocker, Dr. J. 2tf. Ramsey, A. B. Uoughtry, C. E. Coker' Seaboard ; Capt. S. N. Buxton Jackson, N C., nd others that used then or see hem worK J. R RAWLS, . I have an especially Jpretty and wellselectedtock of -Fine Gold Watches.- Silverware, Jewelry, Sewing Machines, Pianos, Organs, l T I , . Aeiair worn promptly and satis factorily done. Nash Street, opposite Court House J R. RAWLS, IMS 4 BRIDGERS' Is the place to get Pure Corn -The celebrated old Stewart RYE WHISKEY, Four year old Nash County i i l mm Uilifti ill Braiid.v Fine Imported Cigar.", Beers, &c. Pool and .Billiard Wiue, Tables. Norfolk Oysters Received daily, and served in the very best style. Lynn Haven Bay Oysters on the half shell. First-class Restaurant where the best the market affords will be served by experienced cooks. Nov 17 Hawkins & Bridgers. MILLINER, Xpti door to Iladley & Brigg's Store. fund a lull line of MILLINERY, which will be sold at Reasonable rnces. Hats Trimmed FREE OF CHARGE, Aud HATS made for 25 CENTS EACH. KI LL LINK of PLUSHES and VELVETS at 95cts andSI.OO- KID CLOVES 65 cents. recall arl examine my stock btfore purchahiug elsewhere. MRS. S. I. GRIFFIN, Nf xt door to Iladley & Briggs. FRESH GcAHDEH SEEDS. A FULL VARIETY or Fresh "i- CARDEM AND FIELD SEEDS F BOTII- itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiililiiiiilipiliiiili FOB SALE, MY FIVE ROOM DWELLING- house, at present occupied by me, will be Bold at a reason able figure, .j The lot faces Tarboro-street, runs. through to Pine-and one side faces Vance. There are Stables, a Double Room House and all Necessary Outhouses on the lot. . . BSTFor TERMS. and PRICES call on or address J. T. WIGGINS, Wilson, N . C. DR.E.K. WKIGHT SURGEON DENTIST. Office in Central Hotel build ing, formerly Dr, lli flee. Having permanently located in Wilson, I offer my professional services to thj public. Yofiffl & STEVENS L'EMTltE DE.VLICS AND I NPEUTAK EC WILSON, N. C. WE SELL AT LOWEST I RICES. Bed Room set.', vVardrobes Brackets, Foldint? Chair?, Camp Stools, Picture Frames. AND IX DEED, EVERYTHINti IX THE WAY OF 1lMIHiIi!iliPIliIiIilUMUini'!,l Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been Belling Dr. King's New Discovery for-Con-Bumption, Dr. King's New Life Pill's, Bucklen's Arnica'. Salve aud Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, ami we stand reauy to reruna tne pur chase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great pop ularity on . their merits, A, W. Rowland, Druggist. The right thing in the right place is. Dr. Bull's Baby Gyrnp, the best remedy lor babies while i teething. Only 25 cents a bottle. If y.our liver is torpid, if yourj appetite is poor, if you; want your stomache thoroughly oleansed, if' you cannot sleep, if you want a ; good digestion, use Laxadcr, the' great regulator. Pric 25 cents, j nniNors DENTIFRICE 00 Ah I Will take orders for!Sept em Der Delivery at specially low figures. Best hard Eee. Stone and Nut. ;ilarid In your orders early to A. W. ROWLAND. SepUtf. JL. AD IES! Do Tour Own Dyeing, at Home, w a Peerless Dyes They will dve evmnhlno. n.n- . u ThOThJv6"108,1 PackwieO colore. nr,nn J.P. Paka;? r or Fastness of Jolor. Bmurr11068 ThJonoter.o or A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. marchs-iy DR. W. S. ANDERSON. .Druggist, Wilson, N.C. OF ABSOLUTELY PURE INGREDIENTS. BEAUTIFIES THE TEETH. PRESERVES THE GUMS. SWEETENS THE BREATH. The Cause of Defeat- It is said that Simmons' defeat is due to the fact that a great many negroes -who wished to vote for him were afraid to do so on account of Republican threats. Durham Plant. ILy Women Fade. . Women lose their beauty brennse colds undermine their Iivph. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption is an absolute cure, lor colds.- ' DR3.W. S. & ALBERT ANDERSON, -PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. t Wilson, X. . i no injury to the enamel. safe and Agreeable. without equal as a toilet preparation. F OR SALE, Qne vacaDt building lnh in n.a j business portion of Toisnot will be Bom tor a small figure. For furth I er particulars and price" address. C. C. DANIELS. Office at PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. WilsOD, N. O Real Estate Agent, Anderson's Drug Store, Next doer to the j?ostofllce. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS.' H. WINKELMANN & CO.. PROP'S, BALTIMORE, MO. FOES ALE "fcv; Ei M. NADAL. Notice. , NOTICE, Having qualified ai Executor oj Mary Batts, notice is hereby giver parties indebted to the estate to make immediate payment and to parties holding claims against thi. estate to present them for pay ment on or before the, 15th day of November, 1889,-or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. A. K. Batts, ' j Executor. uov 15 Ct I Ml ML I AND ORNAW ENTAL E WORKS T3TTTTtT3R, & CO 36 North Howard St., Baltimore. Wire Railing for Cemeteries Lawns, Gardens, Offices and Bal onies: Window Gnards.Tree Guard Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders, Cages, Sand and Coal screens, iron lied steads, Chairs, Settees, &c . Bep2612nv ' ' quanned as ailminutrat- r,r v. estateiof Jusiah Rent tbe Probate Jndo-f nf Wiiertn r-,.,.. i.. nerebj eiven to all Dersona inrt.hf-i t -estate bf said deceased to make immfxiiflta payment and to all persons having claims against the deceased to present them for pay- 1889 or! this notice wUl be plead in bar of their J.T. RBNFROW. Adm'r. F A. 4 B. A. WOODARD. Attorneys- Notice. Having- Qualified u Alm1nitpatnp TVq Tlnnla nonof theesuteof Calrin Woodard, Sr de ceased, before the Probate Judge of Wilson . J w'. " " ereo (riven to all persons Indebted to the estate of said deceased to make Immediate payment and to all persons bavin uvmu mi urvsent luein October 1888 or this noUce wiU be plead in bar T.J.HADUET. A(lmini.)trt. It. Ui. . . . i . x: Wilson, N.C Oct. inn, istf. Mil WAITED: 250,000 I5lTSHi:i,S COTTON SEED, BY THE Tarboro Oil Mills. For which the HIGHEST CASH price will be paid, or MEAL Kiven in exchange. oct. 1st. r SUE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. 1). virtue of .a decree of the SiiiTkr Court of Wilson county, I will hell at the Court House, on the tti st Monday iu Dec. 1S8S, at 12 o'clock, the real estate ol which the late Dr. C. C. Peacock died seized, sita.ite.l la Wilson county, and described as follows: The home tract, situated in Wil Ron township, in and ne"ar the i-.irnorate linilth of the town of WiUuu. Hilioiniotr tbe lands of Caivin I'.aruts aud otLers and tontiuniii-i oue hundred and eighty at ii s. '"ie or hs embracinp all of the li .me tract except tbe cower. whwh has U en assigned to tbe V. !il( :.. t-:.:r tract adjoinin-; the Uii.N "if Calvm Harnen aud other am! i-Mit uiiins: ab'tut twfntyiht iic r, more i Uss, it being known ,u i K i. .irl tract. : utrar the town of Wi vo : cuntainiiiT sifiout 14 acres ki:)i as tl:e N'bl4 fceld. O f tract u-ar Wilson contain- rut: nlxiut 40 acres, known. as tbe ufcs jilaiv. T. i nisi Cash or as specially ag'Cfd. Gko. . Geeex, Adm'r. FOR SALF. A Town Lotiu Wil.ou,on Barnes t-trtet, near Kailroad depot. It 18 lot) feet front by 220 feet deep. Comfortable dwelling: bouse with 51 looms. ;!d well of water. .Sice grove. Sitiatedin easy access of the business poi tion o the town. Teinis reasonable. Call on or ad dress C. C. DANIELS, Heal Estate Agent, Octll tf .Vilsox. N. C bits m THEY ARE ALL -:o I WARRANTED- I AM SOLE WILSON AO EXT FOB ICIEST TTEu. TKl IItUGGIST XSI CII'IttllKT, Nash Street. WILSON, rj. c. Opposite Brigc Hotel. CAUTIOIM . Btwape of Frmud, aa mj rmn and th f rV ftrciUmnHoo lle bitoiu t mil n.jr -lv.r!i--l hoM before Ipavlnir the fn-rv, h r.it (, th wetrrn aniat UljfU pr -- ai-l iv.U ir r---!. If 4it off-r W. L. IhtiiKliia )- txl m r -duc-d price, r uri Im ha tin iu w ifli.m nit iun. ani price fttaoiped oo Um tMtliu, put Luu Uu a ma attud. LUTHER SHELDOI 'DGALKll IX ! Doors and Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, StaRa NewelS, Brackets, Hardware, Paints, Oi!i,c Puttty and Painters 3X T E I I -V ! OF EVERY PESCRIPTION. General Agent for Va4worth, Martiner & Itirttt-, ' PURE READY-MIXED PAINTS. Nos. 16 W. bide Market Square and Roanoke Arenn. rois FfflE DIAMONDS W.I. hc. Jrwrlrjr Hoi id SlUrrwira, It, CIIAPIIAK & GALE Main til., NORFOLK. A, ate the Leaders, the FtocW is the lare-t and their prices lor the oet riod are much less than ottbem ti!!res. X. I!. They have fkiilek work- n.eu for the repairing of .Watches and Jewelry. nepi ly Fall Millinery. :c: MILLINKUT Gt; LOWEST- ? . '. ii'Ti W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Tlw onlr rnlf m i H'AMI . r. ....-, Jn.ll. NO T.U K1 t VA Tllltl ''""'?". . m iu..l WILL T KIP. w. i,. norr.i.As si shok, n-mwp-a mini only liatHl-wwt w. u H .I..-. Kuuij rjy t"m-male .1km-. nnllne f i .ti. f l.i t w. l,. iMti;ii.At 3. i-in.irr vnm TUHr.iid Mm wl l.'tli r I err., i-,1 . ,r !!.. !, bmooth In.i.lc u Ui,..n,. mh-. N u, or WxTlirr vl lo hurt im f. t. W. L. LMH AS ;..'. or I- ui w '.h r'r lieavT w. nr. - ,,f (..,.. ir ti . i rl. .-. MAVN SHOK I. iim- l.-t m , tt. .,r Tunrb wear: nn pair tittr'il f. .-r p-!.n i . -,r J HLAS ! Mill! lull IM!j W.L. I)lLtH.7i1(ll fll'S Srhnol Khoo lTe Hie .mill k) a iluo . l., i.. M tilB but (Imp. In lh worl.1. All madr In C'onirreM. Ilntfi.ti an ! I n- !t n. anM br Tonr rteal. r. rn V. I iMirr.i a iiBOCKTUN. FOR SALE BY J.& D. OETTINCER. Notice of Sale. 1 ::! s-11 on Tuesdav, Oct. 2."Jrd, nt IU iV'iM W. at the residence oi ter n.i deceased, the follow. ill :;;elt: One mule, nine bos, cows and -alves e ra, fo lder, mrming uteu si's &e. liLDDICK WEBB, Lieeutor. I have Just received my Fall lock of which are offered the public at the PRICES. My Stock was relected with treat care and with ao trt t - - .... at. . T . . . at.tl..i f demands of lni.4 MarKel, I mererore ieei wnuufui unn will find it to their interest to call an examine my g et tie:. purcLaeimr their winter - Millinery, Notions. Laces, &c 1 AM soli: agent for BUTTERICK'S PATTERS! J For Sale. A tierf i ru:k tore in the town cf Toinot, L'.'iX'JO leet, on the crnr M.ine and IVnder Mreetn. The ht is lU'xlM feet, and hasanoTuctp on it U.xM feet. Plenty of room IV r a eotu yard. The best -loi ne-.t Maud in the town, and will be mh: at a Miriam. C. C. DANIELS, Ileal Estate Ai nt. The n?ual eizea always on hand ; extra f ire f nrtA-Led a I k tOWXEW UOTS UECEIVKD EACH MONTHS M. E. H ACKNEI DllUGSl DRUGS 3 Notice. Those in n stock d of DRUGS can find a ler, an w.:H llsrlnc .jtralin.l a Lx -cutnr of the tat V.' i'r" A; '' 1!r'"'l' '!tt.--l. U f..ro tbe l..-r.-'..v irii. :i . all p. r.a ino. U)-l to ih. I '.:. i.l MM !i-tiMil In n.ake lmmi1aat iii;iiit an.i i all -rwm. havintr claim B. a.i.-t lu v.kw to tw-ol fhpm f"T Uf. tiii iit tii ih.. uti l.-riirn-l r to K. A. f A :r i ii i.r t ion- the 1 1th oar 'f Tt.-r -t this iK.iut; wm tie pivml la tar of ibt-ir A. L. TA YIXK. W. A. BIIOOK!. . K & r-.-it.ir. r. A. A 8. A. WOODAKD. Attorney. DR. W. S. ANDERSON'S DRUG 81 rTEXT DOOIt TO POST OKK1CK. An ! w to rt-ini THE B2ST IS THE MARKET. '"f Fourteen different -Fizea anrl kinfla. Five sizes Willi aUIlQ m Adapted to all and price.l ti eled reservoirs requirements, suit all purses. LEADING Double FEAIURES: wood doors, patent wood Krate, adjustable daint'er. mtercbangeable automatic ?helf broiling door, pwinijiiikr hearth plate, swinging flue-st-iri, re versible Ras-burning lonr crosn piece, double short centers. heavy Tin covers, illuminated fire doors, nickel knob, nickle panels etc. Unequaled in Material, in finish, and iu operation. Manufactured by ISAAC A. SUEPPARD & CO., Baltimore, Md For Sale by GEO. D. GREENE & CO., .Wilson, N.C. wearerpired to furnish anything In our line at Lowest Possible Living Prk& full assortment .of the- Piin-il at! TftrV h. Tsj'T F1U SliTIOMW, VWa. C:U atl tarji -v. GINGER, CI)VES, SPICI1 CELERY ANnMt'STAETM i'l I'.iiliijtt. rure atl Ptrt Iimj, In tlae Vorlcl. Combined with Great Refraction Power. They are a transparent .ir.il eoitulehs a light ltMlf. And i o.miM hi euuurtuce lotue eve c.mii'it be excelled, enablinir fh r n earerto read for hours without laliue. in fact, they are I T SlGnr TEE JSF.RTEU8. rs'iiiii'i.iau Hem the Ieadin iei.iu.1 in the United States cat. Riveu. ho have had their sight i i jiui oy inetruse. All eves tilted and the fit iruar- auieetl Ai A. W. UowLvN d's Daca Stoke, here an iainieae asuortment of these eelebrateil claases can L lonud and properlv adanted to n eoinU'io.-i.s of the eve. T tiiM i;U.-ses are not tnniili.vl tn 1'eddlers at any price. .M'lie Rennine nnles the rano Uawkics instamiM-d on the f mn i Wholesale Depot, Atlanta, U Austin. Texas " Turnip, Collard, Vinter Mustard and Cm tvaie oeeds Warranted Fresh and coo A large sVKk of almost all varieties of Tl'UNH' I PRESCRIPTION And Family Recipes" filled accurately at reasonable pricu or'NIGHTat , i Dr. W. S. Anderson' DiiUG stoim; THIS SPACB IS KliSERVED FOR l: rise's Cur for r. 1-1 t M BUUipUon I. also Uatj beat Cousa Medicine If Toa hiT. cootrh JUltKMIl d-3tu of thm l-iuioi. few doMs, art) ail Ue will to rr-juired. Peppy COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Norfolk, Va. THIS .SPACE ISIIESEUVED FoK INK S MLLUE CEtlERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT NORFOLK, VA.