The Wilson Advance. WILSON, K. C. ; . Dec. 6,1S88." To Our Subscribers. We recognize that the times are hard that our people have little money to poare. Kecognizlug that fact we have resoiveu ior ine y ear 188.) to send the ADVANCE to those of onr old subscribers who pay up . . j. in n .1 ri mill (V TT anu pay uuo tai m axauw One Dollar and fifty cents per year. We send oat statements to all onr subscribers every "mother's son" of them thus showing the amount tbey are due, so that they may take advantage ot this proposition. In EVERT CASE the regular subscrip tion price of Two dollars per year will be charged where thesubscrip- tion is not paiu iu aumutio. iuai our subscribers will appreciate the effort ou our part to give them a good family newspaper for the smallest possible cost, wo feel sure. Tuati they " will show a practical aiir ciation by an early remittance- of the amount already due lot sub scription and the One DollaT and fifty ceuts for a year iu advance, we"earnesty hope. Cattle Club. . .j The Wilson County Cattle Club are hereby called to meet at the Court Ho-ase in Wjlson o u Satur day, Dec. 14th. A full meeting is desired. . : ' j 1 ' X. B. Deans, I Piesident. on off Gov. " Jarvis is expected Jiome tbis r:ohth. . Kead our Washington letter the first page of this Issue. Thanksgiving day passed very pleasantly in Wilson, North Carolina took 81.20 in prises at the reeeutDanville,Tabac co Exposition. The dwelling Louse on Goldsboro street next the Finch Hotel has been moved across the Kailroad on a vacant lot. The .brink store on Goldsboro street of Mr. Silas Lucas will be completed this week. It will be oc cupied by Mr. V. G. Jackson. Mr. Geoitfe W. Dew sent us last Tuesday the biggest turnip we have ever seen. It .was of the cowhorn variety aud weighed ten pounds. The Court House has recently bieueaW, Mr. Joseph ieridetU doiug the work. The plastering fell so often that, this, was neces sary. . The Wilson' County. Medical So ciety rttlt cted credit on themselves bv the roval way. in which they visuiug oreinreu XTew Masonic Officers. ' . . At a regular Conclave at Mount Lebanon Commandry No. 7, Knights Temp'ar held at their Asylum Wil son,! N, C, Monday evening Nov. zG., the following officers were eigct- ed for the eusueing Templar year : P. M. Move, Eminent Commander; S.- C. Wells, Generalliss;mo: R. G. Rriggs, Captain General; G. W. Blount. Prelate; W. M. Ward, Sen ior Warden: J. K. Feacock, Jannr Warden; W. J. ilarns, Treasurer; J. W. Uavs, Recorder : B. F. Briggs, Standard Bearer;; J. D. Wells, Warder; W. P. Srrakenberg, Senti nal. ' - - -i : Tip Phases Tire Company. ; The parade of the Phoenix Fire Company on thanksgimng day was a slsrht to do every lover ot Wilson good , The company marched through the different streets of the town headed by the brass band aud followed by the beautiful engine that; our town, inj the wisdom of its commissioners, has purchased. The engine steamed up and the uniformed , boys were given an j opportunity to practice tor real 1 i ' ,J .1 Tim service wnen mev bib iickucu. j-" company is one to .be proud of and our people will sustain mem their efforts. ' t ' ; ' A BIG TIME. The 'Wilson Counts Medical Society Enjoy a "Feast of Season and a .' Plow of W in entertained tue Tuesday 'night. - Tue srtle of the. personal property of tbe late Di. A. G. Brooks took place Tuesday 'last at Bl ick Creek. Quite a number went dotn from Wilson to be present. Mine host of the Brigg House certainly knows how to set the ta ble lor a banquet. There aie few hotels in the State that are so well kept as is, this excellent hotel. Jed Thomas' San Francisco Minstrels played here last Monday night. This was one of the best minstrels that has been here and they were met with a good house. Walter Barnes and John Powell have fjeen released from jail. The former was in for carrying conceal ed weapon. The latter on charge of faiceny committed in "jones county. The County Commissioners were in session last Monday, and Tues day the first meetings of the Board elected last June. Con siderable business o." importance was transacted. The inaaguration of Judge Fowle as liovernor of Iorth Carolina will probably take place about January 20th. The arrangements for it, ac cording ro the law, must be made by the Legislature. Atkinson's Peck's Bad Boy will appear at Mamona Hall on to-mor row night, Dec. 7th. This compa ny comes highly recommended, and our theatre going people have a treat in store. . Popular prices Reserved seats now on sale at Rowland's Drugstore. The colored people of Wilson have let out the contract for the WWiUug of a new Episcopal church The chut elf when- completed will cost between 1,000 and '$1,200, The Adyanck is pleased that this denomination of our colored people are able to erect so good a house of worship, j The people of Wilson re "ret be yond measure that Rev. J. U. Cor don will not return to Wilson to the ministry of tbe Methodist Church here. They congratulate Raleigh. Mr. Tuttle will receive a hearty welcome from our people. We shall speak later of Mr. Cor don's' work in our midst. We learn with peculiar pleasure that Mr. John Sugg, the Demo cratic candidate for Sheriff in Greene eounty, has been elected Sheriff to fill the vacancy caused by the failure of Mr. Dixon, the Sheriff-elect, to give his bond. Democrats refused to go on his bond, as a consequence, a Den o ceat was elected. Good. Rj B. . Deans, Esq., tue only member of the Board of t, ounty Commissiouers who has not Uere tofore filleu that place, qualified Monday last and entered upon the discharge of his duties, lie is a splendid man and he follows one of the best men in the county, Mr. Bennett Bullock, and wiil make a useful and conscientious officer, e t'tel sure. . The Till Family gave one of the most high-toned entertaiuajents last Saturday night, that it has been the pleasure of the Wilson people to see. The instruments tbey performed on were feome of them novel and the music they made was exceptionally fine." We learn with pleasure that a nice sum was iealized for the Assembly Rooms the company dividing for that purpose. Mr. Alex. Quails killed two pigs last week that were 12 months and 12 days old and they v, eighed 802 pounds. Oar people aie paying more attention to; fine hogs and cattle than they ever did. They hud that it pays and we hope that ere long the ''piney-woods rooter" and the "razor-back" will be supplanted by Berkshire, Essex, Poland China and others of the im proved breeds. iujctuiuut) uouuiy can once again npiu ner bead up. The Re publican officers elected last month laueu to give tneir oond, with the Dwiiiaiy cAueuuoii oi ' tue negro nines who was elected Register of Deeds, we are informed. The Democrats who were candidates lor the various.offices, were elected to fill those offices, last Monday by the County Commissioners. The Advance says i well done to the Democrats of Edgecombe in refus ing to sign Republican, bonds. W-&W.B.B. The reports of j the President, Hon. R. R. Bridgerjs, and the Gen eral Manger Mr. ill Walters, give retails ot operatingthe road and its branches, and also the financial coudltioa, . The cldsiug fiscal year has been a prosperous one, and both t4ie freight and passenger bus iness show a healthy increase. The gross earniugs of the Wilmington & Weldon road were S 1.135,233.32, and the expenses .5S,102,65; net receipts ,?518.120,67i. The increase for the same time ki the Wilming ton and. Weldon road and, branches was 825 807,33 from through pas sengers aud g 17,690.42. from local passengers transported dan ig the IIT a r TXT 5 ears' ou the W. &f W. was S251 LitteU's Living kgi- LlTLLE'S LlVIS(i AGE FOB 1889 During the fortytiye years of its existence this sterling weekly mag azine has steadily! maintained Us uigit standard- It -is a. thoroughly satisfactory compilation of the most valuable literature of the day,, and as such is unrivaled. As periodi cals ot all sorts continue to multi nlv. this magazinle continues to increase la value, and it has be come quite indispensable to the American reader. By its aitlalone he can, with an economy of time labor, and money otherwise imprac- tieable,ikeep r-ell abreast with the literary aud scientific progress of the age and with the work of the ablest l.vrig writers. It is the most compre aensive of magazines, and its prospectus for-189 is well worth the attention "Of those who are set ecting their reading matter for the new year. Reduced clubbing-rates wun otuer penouicais are given and to new subscribers remitting now or the year 1889 the interven inginumbers are Lit tell & Co., Bostou, are the publishers ham. He has our respect and con fidence to a degree that few ne groes have because he merits and deserves snch. DIED. Hev. Ej S. Ermscn!'S.Leottr3. ' By request of a ninmber of young men, Rev. B,.S. Bronson, rector of St. Timithy Episcopal Church de livered a lecture toithem, last Sim day evening, on "Character." At the outset the question was asked "what is character." After clear ly ditining what was meant by the word, tie earnestly impressed on the minds of all tbe necessity of cultivating habits of sobriety, firm ness, thoroughness and work, and the impossibdity of doing so with out an object in lite. An" aimless life was necessarily, an unsettled and to some extent a characterless one. , t The address was Ian able one and throughout, clearly showed the nearty interest ot -tne speaker in the moral and religious welfare of the young men, and was replete with examples and: apt illustrations of the importance of the young men being true to themselves. No mat ter how cleverly a man masked himself, or how long, something would occur to teai: aside the vail, and show him in ibis true colors. On the-close lie reminded the fathers and mothers an j older peo ple that then were jhot guiltless if they had not done lall in their pow er to make homes .5 attractive, -and places of lM'oeentj amusement, in which to rent thei exuberance of spirits natural to tfee young, lliisbriet notices of the lecture would be au Injustice to Mr. Bron sou did we not addi.that it is in .jio wise an outline of it, Mr. Bronson has and deserves thanks of every young man and ivery person in Wilson, who has tje religions and moral elevation at the young at heart. j The physicians of Wilson are among the most progressive in the State and they show their progres-. siveness by their works. They have organized the Wilson County Medi cal Society and on last Tuesday night they held a meeting and gave a banquet that would have done credit to a State Convention. At 8 o'clock the members of the county sotlety, accompanied by the following visiting physicians, from sister counties, assembled in the Odd Fellows Dlall for the purpose of discussing questions of interest to the medical fraternity : Drs W J JoDes, of Goldsboro; W C Gallo way and J E Grimsley, of Snow Hill j Boddie, of Fremont; F J Thorpe, G W Wimberly, M B Bras well and S B Dew. of Rocky Mount; D W Bullock and J C Bras well, of Whitakers; G W Lewis and Ed wards, of Snrinanope : Best, of Wayne county; and Noble, of Selma. An excellent address of welcome was delivered by Dr E G Moore, of Toisnot. Dr W Broaie, President, was in the chair. The subiect for discussion was, Digestion and its disorders." The opening paper was read oy Dr C E Moore and the discussion Darticipated in by Drs Jones, Gal loway, Bullock, Herring, W S Anderson, Ruffin, King, Best and Noble. The discussions were eminently practical and calculated to do great good to the profession. At 12 o'clock the party repaired to the Brigg8 House where a ban quet of the most luxurient supply of all the good things known to the human family was spread, The bill of fare was, replete with all tbe delicacies that could be procured and those present partook heartily of the good things set before them. When the supper was about over Dr J K Ruffin proposed the follow, ing toasts, which were drunk with hearty good will : uur ijuests. uortnem we ope the hears's big door, and bid them share its generous glow. Respond ed to by Dr. W. J. Jones, of Goldsboro. The Apothecary. This noble knight of pestle and mortar. Is next in honor to the faithful doc tor. Responded to -by A. W. Rowland. The Mercantile Interest. Up held by such men of which Wilson can brag, Willmrbe known to droop or to drag. Responded to by T. J. Dadley. The Flowing Bowl. W heu kin- dred spirits 'round it meet. Earth grows bright and life most sweet. Responded to by Dr. R. W. King, 1st President of the Wilson Coun ty Medical Society. The Press. 'Twas made to teach ns, to exalt and to bless, This fearless tongue of the right The Press, Responded to by W. II. Blount. The Old North State Forever. "Carolina, Carolina. ileaven's blessings attend her, While we live we will cheerish. protect and defend her. Though the scorners mav sneer at and witlings delame her, Yet our hearts swell with gladness whenever we ntme her.'' Responded to by Dr. W C. Gal loway. The evening was a pleasant and a profitable ne and we commend our doctor brethren for the hand some way in which they entertain ed their visitors. We were pleased to see so many of the physicians in our midst. One of the truest and best men that it has ever been oar good for. tune to know was .Mr. Frank M. Aycock, who departed this life at U1S UUUIO IU X' IClUUUt uomiunj He had been confined to a sickbed only a Bhort while when he was called from his life of usefulness to the realm of eternal rest. He was a man in whose breast beat a heart that was always in sympathy with the suffering, and whose purse was always open to the call of the needy. We exagger ate nothing when we say there was no man in this section who bad a deeper hold upon the affections of those who knew bim than am iur. Aycock. His heart was big and generous he was a splendid busi ness man and a broad minded gentleman. His remains were interred Sun day evening. Eld. Wm. Woodard preaching the sermon. Hundreds of friends were present to pav their respects to the memory of this true man. Mrs. Melvina Rountree, widow of Mr. Jonathan Kountree, died on Thursday last at her home in this place. She leaves several children all grown, aud many friends to mourn their loss. The Advance exteuds sympathy to the bereaved ones. 4 Young Bros carry the largestand best stoc k in Wilson. Young Bros, are selling goods 34 per cent less than other houses. Fine fitting children's and boy's suits, at Heilbroner's. If you want to see the cheapest goods you ever saw go to Yonng Bros. Come and look at our big stock. Young Bros. 150 lbs. knitting cotton all colors and numbers at Davis & Gay's. The largest stock of Hats m the ity at Young Bios. Shoes at New York cost. Young Bros. Just arrived. Our second sum' mer stock in white derbys, mack innaws, etc. . Young Bros. If you want to save money go to Young Bros. Davis & Gay have the che'apest dress 6hirt ever heard of. "TSxamine Heilbroner's fine cloth ng before purchasing elsewhere. The Famous Specific Orange Blossom a positive cure for Fe male Diseases- A trial box free. Mrs. J. W. Thorn, Sole Agent for Wilson county, Wilson, N..C- Young Bros, are opening the largest stock of goods ever brought to Wilson. We are selling goods cheaper this fall than ever before. Young Bros, J, T. HfltiV Wishes us to say to the Miss Lee Parker has accepted a position as teacher in the Rock Ridge Academy in Old Fields township, a position thai she so successfully and satisfactorily fill ed last year. The patrons of that school are to be congratulated upon having secured her services again, ITEMS. School shoes spring heels, &c, Commissioners Meeting.! The Board -of County Com mis sioners met Monday last iu regu lar monthly meeting. It being the time when the recently elected offi cers were to give their bonds, con siderable business was transacted in the two days meeting. The following officers gave bonds which were accepted: Jonas W. Crowell, Sheriff S53, 000, S. M. Warren, Register of Deeds 85,000, J. W. Davis, Treas urer, $42,000, J. K. Rnffln, Coroner 82,000, A. B. Deans, Clerk of the Superior Court, $10,000. The fol lowing gave their bonds as Consta ble of the different townships: Wilson, J H Marshbourne, Taylors, D F Win bourne, Cross Roads, Ruf fin Renfrow, Black Creek, J E Pearson, Toisnot, W E Grumpier. Spring Hill, Barkett Watson, Stantonsburg, A J Owens, Old Fields, J A Bailey, Saratoga, Amos Owens, Jr. MORTGAGE. NOTE. . You Hain't Take Our Advice, "If Don't-" Ad parties indebted to me are urged to pay me at once. Mrs. M.' E. Moore. Buttenck'? patterns are kept in stock ot Miss M. E. Hackney's. She has a large assortment, and those who do their own dress-mak-iug will find it to their interest to try them. A nice lot of muffs and boas at at all prices for ladias and children at Miss M. E. Hackney's. Go to Young Bros, and look. Call at Mi6s M. E. Hackney's and get a fashion shett. , Latest styles in jewelry jut re ceived attMiss M. E,. Hackney's. Look at Youngs fine clothing. Look at Youngs big stock. Itch, Mange, and scratches ot every kind on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails Sold by E. M. Nadal, Druggist Wilson, N. C. June 20, 88, 6m Miss M..E. Hackney has bought a sample lot of infants' cashmere and embroidered cloaks which will be sold very cheap for cash. Hereafter Dr. W. S. Anderson's Drug Store wiil not be opened on aunuay. i'ersons wanting pre scriptions nited, or medicines put up, win oe cheerfully accom modated, in cases of emergency. Dr. w. s. AXDEESON, Wilsson, N. C, Next door to the Post Office. " tfutterick's patterns for Decern ber just received at Miss M. E, Hackney's. All kinds of pine lumber for build ing purposes lor sale. J. R " Sawls Foe Rent. I have several iarms ior rent ro persons who are able to furnish themselves. Applv to A. B. Deans. Dry Goods at prices to suit the imes at Young Bros. If you want to see the cheanes shoes yon ever saw go to Young Bros. The cheapest Hats in 1 the world at Young Bros Call ar Mirs . M. E. Hackney's and examine tne toys and Holiday goods. Money saved is money made. Go to Young Bros. We are still opening goods. Yonnjf Bros. Look at Yonng's 75 cts. Shoes. Look at Young's 3.75 suits. Young is headquarters. Every body trades at Youngs. Young carries the Jumbo Stock. All wool Ruits 3.75 at Youngs. Youngs 10 suits take the cake. Young sells 3.00 huts for 81.25. Wool undfelr shirts 50 cts -Youngs. Windsor & Pacific calico Young. Look at Young 8 hand-made for children at Davis & Gay's Young Bros, this week. Young Bros, are opening their immense fall stock. Don't forget to examine Heil broner's boots and shoes. Go tp Young Bros, thrs week and look. New clothing all styles are now being opened at Young Bros. oungs wholdstock Brogans 4 0 cts. Foe Sale Two grade Jersey bull calves. A. B. Deans, Wilson N. C. Young Bros, are selling goods cheaper than ever. Hats all styles at New Yoik prices Young Bros. half price at Young Country Heritats That ha is prepared to furnish them Goods in NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE --PRICES. -- He has the following Stock: CLOTHING, at Suits Bros. Just arrived. Immense stock of parasols, fans and hosiery. Young Bros. . i Send your orders for lumber to R. Rawls. . Hats at wholesale pi ices. Young Bros. The biggest. stock in Wilson a Youngs. Do you'want a nice suit cloiheB, go to xoung Bro3. Look at Youngs 83.73 "pants, Young Bros, sell the best shoes n Wilson. If you want good shoes go to Youngs. Umbrellas all styles Young Bros. Shirts, collars and cuffs Young Bros. Go to Young Bros.'and look. Very fine tlothing indeed at Ileil broner's new store. DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND IIATS ALSO 100 BOXES CAKES AND CRACKERS, CAKES AND CRACKERS, CAKES AND CRACKERS, CANDY, CANDY, 3 ANDY, CANDY. 'ANDY, CANDY, 50 Boxes Tobacco- SNUFF, LYJ SODA, FLOUK, AND 1 EVEBYTHIXG That is kept in a General Stock, also Store Fixtures of all kinds. Ie asks the people to get his prices before buying their goods and they will save MONEY. Notice. By virtue of a power of sale containod in deed of asBitrnment exrantvil to mc ly Charles P. Farmer, ana duly recorded. I will eil at the Court House ilor in ilson, N. od Monday the 31"t dity- of December, 1Sn. tbe iollowinir described Dronarty : One lot or pa' eel ol iatnl totre'her with the three atory brick store buildidtr and two etory brick warehouse thereon situate, adjoining the lots of John T. Hanies. ihe storw now occu pied t y A. W. Kowlaiid and oth-rs, containm? 3tiOO square feet more or less, known as the Sam iarmerbtor'..ot. This is a very desirable fneceot property, in roou rt psir. ana centrai y located in the town. A trixxl indefeasilile title will be made to the purchaser, TEUMS JCASH. JOHN V. MOOKE, Trustee. Dec 8, 1388. 3t. Notice. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Ccurt of Wilson County, wnerein Alice ilr xikg and others, were the Kx parte Petitioner, I will sell at the Court Hons ; door, in Wilson, on Monday the ith day or January, l, the fol lowinir described nronenr : One tratt i I land In Wilson county. Black Crock Township, on the east side of the Wilmirifton a Weldon Koad, Lear the town of Black Creek, adjoining the lands of F. J. Woodard. W. S. Andcrsoi and Joseph Holt, cotitaininir fifteen acre more or less, and known as the ltachael Ilunli tana. Terms : Cash. A, L. TA VLOK and W. A. BIIOOKS. Commissioners. F. A. & 8: A. WOODARD. Attorneys. JOE V1CEC :SAYS: MONEY SAVED -IS- MONEY MADE. e wishes to. put prices before me public. A largo stock of BOOTS AND SHOES All styles which rnrst be sold. Men's whole stock Eroan 90c ts tsoots 51.50, Gentlemen's nice I Sunday Shoes $1.25. S $ ? HAVE YOU ! whole "Women's all leather stock Shoes 65 and 75cts. Cloth 71cts to 81.25. Man'a pant3 50cts, Calico 4cts, N. C. Check 6cta Buirar 7cts. Coffee 15cts, Candy lOcts. All kinds of Baking Powders, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, a gooa article 25cts per lb. CHEESE 7CTS PER LB. I wish to call your attention to a nice line of LAJVCir'S Just received. Bellintr them at I rew York prices, , Chamber Sets 8 to 12 pieces $3.00 to 5.00 We refer to those excellent Yard Wide All Wool TRICOTt Pant which we have in all Imaginable ehades and prices and'are eell. ing at only 33ct3. a yard. They are the DRESS GOODS BARGAINS that have ever been seen in Wilson. Our etockin all lines Is always the fullest and our prices as LOW AS THE LOWEST. We would like to Impress it upon those who desire PERFECT FITTING CLOTHING tbat our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPART3IEXT Is aa com plete as any in the State. Our prices are considerably, lowar w wcu Aur uua cixs5 oi wot. Queensware, China AND GLASSWARE. Best'prices paid for Country Produce. Joe tck Retpectfully, J. & D. OETTINGER. i i 1 Tarboro St.. , Drug Store, opposite Nadal's WILSON, N.C. o O S5 IFVXjIj 1888. Notice. m o PESSC1TAL MENTION. tbe Mr. A. Branch i4 -attending "Augusta Exposition'. John W. Blount Esq., of Greene county, was in towp yesterday Miss Nannie Dais,- of Beaufort, is on a visit to Mrs; Alex. Green. Mr. Oscar Swiuieford, of Rich of Washing. Mrs. Jas. E shoes. Gountry merchants can buy at Baltimore prices at Davis & Gay's- Having qualified as AJministrator of the pgtate of Cofiukl Strirlanl decease J, tK'fore the Probate Juoire of Wilww t'ountv. notice U hereby given to all person indebted to the estate of said deceased to make Immediate payment and to all persons having claims j atrainst the deceased to present them for pay- ment on or before the tith day of llcceinU-r. I or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. , J, 11. AI'I'IJ-.WHITK. ' Administrator. F. A. & S. A. WOODARD. AttJ-s. c C3 Notice. ITavIng qualifled3; Zm Kiocutor of the estate of Polly llavis, deceased, before the Probate Judtre of Wilson CouiH). notice is hereby piven to all persoDS indettted to the estate of said deceased to make Immediate payment and to all persons having claims atralnst the deceased to potent them for pay ment on or before;the tit h day of Ik-o. lrtsy. or this notice will lie plead In Imrhf their recov ery. NATHA.N I1ASS, Executor. f", A. S. A. WOODAKI), Attornevs. mond. Va , was in Wilson last week. j Miss Kosa Jbrdan, ton, is on a visit to Clark. ! Miss Gharlotre Grimes, of Pitt county, is on a visit to the family ot Uol. J. li. Btiokmny Miss Mavis Thompson, who has been teaching music in Nash county, has returned home. Mr. Alex. Ileilbrpner, brother of our townsman Mr. Abe Ileilbroner, has teen in town this week. Miss Ma? Gay was on a visit to Miss A lice Williams, in Edgecombe, Theyjjoth drove through the conn try aua spent Thanksgiving day in Wilson. Miss Gay has returned home. 1 Keys. 11. O. Burjtonnd Jno- N. r . r i .1 . n . Voie, Bioppeu over in uson a short while yesterday on their way home from Conference. ' iir. JoseDtras Daniels and wilft. and Miss Belle Bagley, a sister of Mrs. Daniels, of Raleigb, nave been on a visit of several days to Mrs. M. C. Daniels. Thev left veRter- Iflay. " . The farmer whose homestead is mortgaged, is a slave. He worts, not first of all for his family, but for his creditors; for his wife might be hungry and his little ones be cold for clothing, but the mortgagees must be paid their interest, whether or not for the debtor there be rain or shine, good crops or bad, health or sickness or even dfla.t.h. Aa a rule, the farmer who ousa-na dollars worth of Dry Goods, Groceries, Confectioner- begins to borrow, never stuns ' ' usl eceivea at LivE & SONS, until he is out of farm and home. Little by little, the interest destrpys his profits and then eats up his capital, until. finally, he is dispossessed from Women and Children can secure better bargains at LEE & SON'S me noma oi nis cniianooa and "an do turned adrift to begin life anew. Mortgages are the doar to poverty, and , the open way to rum. Charlotte Chronicle. TEN M EN FOUND xi - in r-i 6D rH o 55 O O ri W u o DAVIS BAY t.Tlie GriffinStand Are u it ipialar upJ a stock o. .2 '5 Congressman Cheatham. ihe Henderson Gold Leaf says that H. P. Cheatham congressman-elect, was a school teacher previons to his election as Register of Deeds of Vance county two years ago, being at one time principal of the Colored . JNormal school at Plymouth. It thinks he is a little over 30 years old. He is well , educated and intelligent, is quiet in his demeanor, polite, courteous and dignified in his bearing, and has the confidence and respect of all who know him without regard to race or party. W hue the Gold Leaf regrets the defeat of Simmons. if a Republican and a colored man has to succeed him, we know of no on we : envy the positions -and honor less than we do' Hummer Cheat, elsewhere. Don't forget us. but call and which is Complete. We carry no DEAD Goods. Everything is Fresh and Pure, prices cannot be duplicated "We guarantee that our IN FINE DRY GOODS, ' SHOES, CENTS FURNISHING, NOTIONS, &C. Which can't be surpassed in the place. Thev have all the la test shades and novelties in AND THEIR CEXTS 0GS Will please the most fastidious. They also handle X. Hess !t Co's.. and Evitt &ProsM any first-class house in town. Our "Xmas Trix" we propose to sell at your own price. When you visit WILSON be sure and call on us. You will find us opposite. W. J. Chnrch- well's sewelry store. We have the Finest lot of Satteens, Ging hams, Worsteds, Calicoes, Checks, Plaids, and in fact everything that you may desire. Hoping to receive your patronage we are. very respectfully, Lee & Sons, Tarboro Street, Wilson, h. C. -GrO TO- D, G, JACKSON'S ON GOLPSBCfcRO STREET, OPPOSITE BULLOCK'S STABLE. WHERE TOU WILL FIND THE BEST LIQUORS I Which are known everywhere and can't be beat. Also Coon's 0IiL1HS AND flEFFS i Whm las I desire to annouiice to Ihepeople of Wilson, Green, PittiEdecombe and Naah counUe that I have returned from the Northern markets, with a fu2L d well selected stock of Dry Good. New Out And Out Which consist only of the latest Novelties in g Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Sackings, Carpets, Oil Clothi, Mats and Rugs, CHILDBEN, BOPS. YOUTn'S AND MESS OF ALL KINDS andShoes, Hats and Cents Furnishing Goods. Special attention will be given to Children's and Boy's Cloth I iMaba rm.ll and examine mr stock which surpasses anrthlzur la the Dry Good and Clothing line eter shown In Wilson. Mr erxns are mm Which are as good as Give them a call . are ma --AND-- joa And my prices within the reach of everybody. Thanking kindly for vour liberal favors in the past which yon ha me, and hope to secure the continuance oi the same. r will be Misrepresented pnd my Business will be conducted on Square Business Princi ple, Reepectfully, CIGARS. Id MANAGES FOB 1L E, LAN3