Tiro Wilson Advance, f ' " ;:; ' 4 ; :' v ' "I.ET ALL THE ENDS THOU AUTTST AT, BE THY COUNTBY'8, IHI GOD'S, AND TBCTIIS'." ' ' " ! -:tow is tee tihe to- 12 ILL ZEZZ C? SUBSCRIBE FOR JOB WOBK- The Wilson Advance SEXD TOTS 0KDE23 FOB. 1 3 8 9 i VOLUME 18. TO tsxs orrxcsH WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, JAN. 10, 1889. NUMBER 49 - tn Do or1 4 Vn.tr anrnwa f V 4-j-f BILL ARPS LETTER would not live such a God-for- saken county ; whereupon the French government' called for female volunteers, and forty three responded and came over. And then .there was a big row :o: ; JIE TA LKH OF MOBILE BREWTOX. AND Two Southern Towns Compared by the Old Philosopher. Fori y-two years ago I visited Mobile, ene the oldest cities of the scuth. It is there yet, bat not changed. I recognized many of the same venerable uildiugs nd I spotted the verv nlace -where I Doutrht a mule from a wagon a mule that I was to ride 125 miles to my destination in Mississippi. I mo nted the ambiguous brute ana politely invited him to go, but he not. He did not feel in clined to leave his companions 4n the team and tno more. I urged him the more he declinde la fact, he did more receding thau proceeding and the clerks in the stores took a lively in terest in my welfare. They advised me to whip him on the hary e-ide and to turn him round let bim advance back wards and so forth. I could have whipped any two" of them aud wanted to doit, but my father had told me to keep my temper while I was gone and have.no fuss with anybody. A good hearted man came up to me and sympathized and said I had better tret me a pair of ennrg, and 1 did. He held the animal and helped me to put on the spurs. 1 roweled that mule's flanks with vigor and he departed those coasts with alacrity and I and my friend were parted forever. I hope we will meet in heaven and recognize each other, but if those devilish boys are there and recognize me, I recon they will apologize I recon, they will. Young men you boys, I mean be careful how you make sport of a of a stranger, for you don't . know how lone some he feels. For forty-two, years I have had bad feelings towards those Mobile clerks. TLei may be dead over choice of wives, for the good louking men wanted the best looking women, and so it had to be decided by lot. The next year the women got up a row because' they had to eat corn bread. It was called the petticoat insurrection, and was quieted by a promise of wheat and barley. I wonder how many of our girls would be will ing to go into the lottery busi ness for a husbaud. ' - Georgia has given many no table men to Mobile. John A Cuthbert was born in Savannah just one hundred years ago and died in Mobile1 when the was ninaty-three years old, ! He was the oldest living gradnate of Princeton College. In 1818 he edited the old Federal Union at Milledueville. In 1837 he removed to Mobile and was made judge of the circuit court, John Forsythe. Sr., another no table Georgian, moved ; to Mo bile and became the foremost editor of the south and was al so minister to Mexico, i But the busiest,- livest little town I have I have found in my travels of late is the .town of Brewtou, which is seventy-five miles northeast of Mobibe on the Louisville and Nashville railroad. The latest edition of Raul & McNally's mapjof Ala bama, gives the town only 0 inhabitants, hich shows how hard it is for the mapmakers to keep up with the ground swell of southern progress. jBrewton no w has a population of nearly 3,000 and there are Over 100 new buildins going up. Over man im It, 1 1 thn rrri uivu . huu aii vuu vvsvsu, manager said to the gathering crowd, and for hours the boys paid a nlcle for a shot and fired away. , The coon was allowed to dodge bat his dodging soon was very limited. If he was hit the marksman gets a dime. It hit -twice in succession he got a ' quarter and for three good shots the refund was fifty cents. "Step this way gentle- 1 1 Ull nnnn " When eggs were used the price was a dime a throw. I saw one fellow pop the coon square in the mouth with a ball and it hurt I know it did for the coon pulled in his head and struck struck for higher wages and got them.- I couldn't tell NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS- VAGABOND JACK Events That Happen Near us of In terest to You-. . I Pitt County. (FK03I The Eeflectob.) DuriDg the month of December the Register of Deeds issued licen ses to 35 couples, 17 white and 18 colored. The man who made good resolu tions! vpsterdav and inteds keeping thorn w ill ni what he owes the newspaper. On account ot the railroad boom the lieflector thinks it would pay property owners to provide house room enough and to spare Mr. J. H. Mills killed a hog the TUE LIFE pF TUE WAY WARD LOVER. I A Story of a "Shiftless, Xe'er do Well" Beautifully Related. Kti ,iaUr amAir. nn wees oetore UtiTlStmilS lUk WWlgU ffUOl"D1 a""l,J" " I Dn ,J o TIC not Pitt IIIH II 1HH IIH.MnIHI 1 1 1 1 I. II IIS I big face seemed puffed and bumpy from the daily pound ing. I see him now like a pho tograph and imagine that I hear that significant, prophetic speech of the yankee manager. "Step this way, gentleman, and kill the coon." Bill Arp. That Ended It- Some of the greatest orators the world ever produced have shown their brightest when some incident or impertinent question drew them out. The eloquent, and erratic Tom Mar shall, of Kentucky, was once delivering an address in Buf falo, N. Y. As was usual, he began in a low tone of voice. Rnmo nna in Una rear nf t n ft -,CV. ' V ! houses, several times, jviarsnaii stuuu the interruption some . time, then advancing to the front of the platform, he raised his im pressive voice to a tone that everybody could hear, and said County as usual, takes the lead in porkers. Iteuss & Harriss. doing business at the Cross Rosds two miles from town, made an assignment last Fri day. Liabilities 1,800 assetts claimed $1,000. ; Mr. W. Smith and Miss Ma mie Little were married at the residence of the brides father, in Paetolua township, Dec. lGtb, Kev. Geo. .1. Dowell officiating. The pupils of Miss Moilie Rouse'9 school gave au art exhibit Tuesday of last week. The Reflector -pro nounces it magnificent and is. very complimentary to Miss Kouse. A real estate owner was last week heard to remark : "I am cer tainly a railroad man, I have two vacant houses for rent and have received ten applications for tbem."; monied men should build more "When the last great day comes three hundred and fifty t-hous- and the angel Gabriel blows his and feet of lumber are ship- trump to waken the quick and the dead, then, I suppose, some d d cuss from Buffalo will yell louder, louder." That ended futher' interruption. St. Iuois Globe-Demfcart. they may be in the chaingang have suffered all sorts of trouble and misfortune, but I am not r conciled. I rode forty miles th t day forty miles through piney woods and over corduroy roads, and stopped over night in a shanty that had .a dirt floor and a pile of straw in the corner a table made of split boards, and we had roasted po tatoes for supper. The man was clever and his wne was kind. They apologized for the scanty fare, for the man said he had hunted all day and didn't find, "nary squorl nor nary deer." A pet fawn laid down by me on the straw, and I slept well, for I was tired. Just think of the changes that 42 years have made. It took me three weeks of hard work, to inaKe that trip, and now it can be made in three d s with ease and comfort SnvetimesI feel like we bl folKs ought to be allowed to grow up again ana have a good easy time like this generation of young folks. Forty-two years ago I took stage at Barnes ville and rode on to all night going to Montgomery. The great unitea oiaies may was carried on the foot boot of that stage. There was no railroad from Atlanta to Montgomery then. From Montgomery I went to Mobile on the new and beautiful steamer, the Orline St. John. Before I returned she was burned to the water's edge, and many passengers per ished in the flames or in. the water. Here is John Taylor, the barber in my town, who was on that boat and who is proud to tell how he followed Henry 11. Jackson te Mexl cb in the war of '46, and has shaved Judge Law and Judge Berrien, and all the notable men of Savannah. Mobile is a good old town and always will be. Her people are not progressive like the people l inland towns, because they nt have to be. The grea euir protects them. No rival cities can ever be built south of jAuune. fcue 13 aj least, secure on that side, No railroads can take commerce away from the hips that anchor there. I saw a great ccean steamer there the other day the Victoria load ing with cotton and in a few aays will unfurl her sails for Liverpool with eight thousand oaies or cotton on board. Just think of eight thousand bales on a single vessels. There are five great compartments water ugnijana tire proof, and the compressed bales are packed in with Jack screws tha.t make th whole mass solidgo solid that . you can hardly insert a knife oiaae Detween them. Two hundred years ago Mobile was the capital of the Louisianna colonies and was owned by the French. Long years afterward aew Orleans was made the cap ital. The French ceded, al mat eoast to Lnurland and V.nv. land ceded Mobile to Spain, but opain. was whipped out in 1812 by the Americans colonies. There is some curious history about Mobile. In 1704 the little French Colony that ; had settle there got belligerent be cause there were no women ped from this point every day. I visited one of the great lviathan mills that cuts over -a A. V . '-fl . A. one nunareu tuousana ieei a day and kiln dries about half hat it cuts and dresses all that it dries', and the plant cost four hundred thousand dollars, ine ogs are floated twenty miles in a plank race that cost twemty thousand dollars, the, logs are end to end the whole line and and moved to the mill ju3t as the mill wants them. This com pany is from Michigan and owns over 100.000 acres of tim ber land, and they intend to cut it all up. Ihe vankees are taking ; that countryj I met one who was preparing to plant 100 acres Lecomp pears, They will find use for the land after timber is all cut. They dress well and drive gooS teams. They bnild nice churches aud academies- I know one dwell ing that cost 10,000. and sev eral that cost half that sum. All this venture of 'northern men and northern capital has .... come within two years, ; and the cry is still they come. They don't come tooting horns nor waving banner. They don't come in swarms nor platoona but they are i slipping down upon us quietly, and be fore we know it have' bought up our lands or our mines at their own figures. They pre fer to invest in new places that our people have slighted, and they go at once developing. I find them wherever I go, and am glad to1 say that otr people give them welcome. They seem content in tneir new homes, arid their ;wives and daughters go into Taptures over our climate. They are nearly all republicans, and civility, morality and energy is making their polities respectable. They have no love for the negro, and say that in a few years he will - -v. A Good Dog Story. We have a good story to tell on Bam Telfair, Governor-elect Fowle' Private Secretary.- Sevtral years ago he went to school at Finley High Acade my m Lenoir. A few . weeks before he was to leave for home it was industriously cir culated over the country thai Sam Telfair wanted 25 dogs to carry home with him and that he would give 5 for every dog brought to Lenoir on a certain day. On the day before the day set for the dogs to come to town Sam went home. Next dav Lenoir was full of dogs of high and low degree. All sorts of dogs were here with stringo around their necks and fre quent inquiries were made for "Mr. Telfair." But he had gone without the dogs. Lenoir Topic. A Farcical Stats. Nevada was admitted to the Union to serve a politicial pur pose but, those responsible for its admission can hardly be sat isfied with result of their work In the last election its total vote for presidential electors was 12,278. In 1880, with a pop ulation of 62,266, it cast 21,660 votes for electors, the vote be ing about 35 per cent, cf the population. The fall to 12,278 indicates a decline in popula tion since 1880 from 62,266 to 35,000. Of the 35,000 some 8,000 are Indians and Chinese Yet this handful of people and not a very wise or select people, either send two sena- t ri Ta 4-rk Wo oTiinrrf An .- A r.k not be a factor in. national poll- Representative and has three tips. They say tnat tneir party electoral votes. - tried hard to get his vote, and failed, but they do not need it now, and do not desir his af filiaton. One man said to me You southern democrats know better how to manage Jiim, and we will gladly let you do it We have a clear maionty in both houses, und will soon make some more republicans slates out of the territories, and will run the government until new issues come up . iand new parties are formed that will divide the solid sonth,! and, m the meantim s, we will help , to div de it by transplanting tho sands of our best peopu to this inviting land. Your peo ple seem at a loss to decide what was the real cause of Mr. Cleveland's defeat, but I can tell you. It was not a bad ad- miniatrntinn. nor was!- it the tariff, but it was the solid south. That battle cry aroused our Kev. Mr. Ojilesby, the presiding Elder for the Washington District, has nr.:ached in Greenville and the congregation were very much pleased. Socially he is a pleasant affable gentleman, and will make many friends in Greenville. It looks perfectly natural to see Minister Jarvis on the street ot Greenville again, abasing hands with the people who love and hon or him. The ex-Governor is en joying splendid upaitn and iooks equally as well, as vigorous ana as young as wnen ne last leic nere for Brazil, nearly two yeas ago, and he iooks capable of doing just as good aud faithful work the State and party as he ever done. Since getting a look at him tne itenector is 'stili stronger iu favor of his being elected to the U. S, Senate. XTash County (From the Argonaut.) Mr. B. li. Sorsby moved into the Farmers' Hotel and opened it on the 1st inet. A young man was fooling with an air gnu and hit a colored man iD the forhead sending him to the doctor, lie was 100 yards away but a line shot hit him plumb in tne forehead. Ou Dec. 27tb at the residence the bride's lather, Gapt VV. A; Farmer,' of Springhope Mr. J. J. Spivey and Miss Mary E. Farmer were married, Kev. M. J. Will- oughby officiating. Nasb county has nearly, 200,000 acres oi wood lanu, tne larger portion of which is the finest pine timber. Only about one third of the' area of the county is in cultiva tion. On nearly every farm there is pine timber which in the near luture will sell, for much more than the laud can now be bought for, Edgecombe Ccanty. (FROM THE SOUTHEBNOR.) The fertilizer factory has begun operations. Receipts at the cotton yard from September 1st to Jannary 1st were 8,731 bales, aeaing 8,104 bales for the same period last year. Ed Gorham superintendent of the Flag Marsh farm near Rocky Mount began makiu butter Janu arj 1st, 1888, a p to the first of this year he had sold 1294 pounds. DaiiyiDg pays. This Story was bei?un January 3rd. The origin of this custom is lost in the mists of antiquity ; but it is more man prc.oaole that it is a remnant of the worship of Cvbele, still holding its ground after aluio&t twenty centuries of Christianity. Formerly the festival was cele brated on the 1st of May through out au tne couuty ot Venasqiie, Dotu in towns and villages, and have a pertect recollection, of the pretty bakeresswho was the last qaeen at Uarpentras, now nearly forty years ago. Nowadays this custom is losing ground everywhere and one requires to go far up the mountain iu order to liuu it iu its primitive simplicity. Jack emptied his pockets to the last copper into the wooden bowls that circled gaily round him, and with his brain quite confused went and stood leaning at the other end of the square beside the fountain. His fascinated ejes saw nothing the vision in white ; the throng ot laughing girls passed aud repassed before him without exciting his attention in the least ; be felt his breast heaving with the pulsation of his heart, and a strange beat per vaded his whole frame. 1-Vlise!" he repeated without even noiticing that he pronounced the sweet name ulond ; Felise !" Poor JacK was over head and ears in love. The fair Felise ou her part re turned home in a very dreamy mood. She too had not been able to see without emotion this bold fellow regard her so obstinately with his large eyes that sparkled like burning coals. Involuntarily she compared Jack to the other voung men who paid court to her little fortune, and the comparison was hardly to . their advantage They seemed clownish aud awk ward, without grace or elegance, even on feast-days and. in their b;'t clothes. Only see them beside Jack! With what an air he entered the church, bis jacket negi'egeutly thrown over his left shoulder ; and how straight he stood during the service. Jack had never bent his back to the hard labours of the of the fields, and it '.ras wonderful how well he had preserved his yontbful appearance,' suppleness, and activity. In place of the horny paw covered with kuoits of those accusomed to pnlling madder, Jack had the fine aud sinewy baud of the hunter, and it was a pleasure to feel delicate fingers clasping ones waist. But could an honest girl dream of Jack with honour and propriety ? What would be thought of Felise if her secret pre ference were discovered ! Jack the Vagabond, without a penny to Uesa himself with, without hearth or home, game for the gendaimes, aul nothing but a cave for his abode that truly was a lover lo be preferred to all others by the fair Felise ! Ilow the gossips would laugh at it wheu they met to work together In the evenings ; and the weddin .'-party wonld be almost mobbed ! And suppose they did jeer And whisper maliciously what then ! Was Jack not worth bearing tlis for I lie Was (oor, no doubt : but bo was his eqnul for honesty and integrity ? He was esteemed by all the country round ; and the village folks that held their heads highest shoo'. hands with him ordially. Besides, who could a flam that he was incap able of settling down lo a regular course of life ! Does not a man who is in love do everything to please his sweetheart ; and would Jack be the brst on whom love had worked a complete change But, indeed, what was she think Ing oft Was it not the feverish excitement caused by waut of sleep that was putting such ideas iu me least. Ji,verythmg goes on openly in the simplest manner possible ; the lover comes alter supper and passes the evenin, the girl makes room for him at her 6ide, anb continues her spinning or Knitting as if nothing were in the wind at all. Now and again tbev exchange a word or two in a low mutually observing each other watching for any little occasion when the real disposition will btray itself, wholly engaged la trying to become perfectly acquainted with each other, and boih carefully keeping their weak nesses as much as possible out of signt. wnen it is time to retire the lover bids the company good night, and goes borne, singiug by the way some ditty expressive of thejoy he feels; and so on for night airer night till be- makes up his mind to take the decisive step. It is clear that nothing could be simpler ALL SCSTS. Livers Clippies and C Both Stclea anl Orl-iaaL ' TSSiLS L- CLISIETAIT. tea cf The 11 tei We understand that Com?re3- The Reporter of the New man John Henderson, of one of lorlc star happening ir the cor the Western district nam that rodorof the Fifth Avenue Ho- the Blair Bill will never be- tel last Week eaT9 there sat on come a law. and alqn that on-, tM sofas two men remarb&ble is the opinion of leading Re- eXAmPles f the past and pres publicans at Washington City eut ln AtQerican politics. One r tt i . of of them was a statesman of rZ ui rfl" ar aQ almost rgotten era-the uI?fciS.rn,ieilnabledlaJ1?0- other an Energetic, pushing tion which generally appertains representatives of the public women in this Hfj of to-day. They were ex- country. Jo tobacconist or Senator '1 homas L. Cllngman, soap-maker has yet used her of North Carolina, and Con pictuxelo advertise wares. eTPsmn nirt,. r t-,.. I r- ' - - - mmv w j, v MBiftou The Georgia Legislature has of Illinois, declared in favor of text books The ex f enator is three score !by Southern authors for the yars of ate and over, but he is NEWS OF A WEEK WHAT IS 11AFPKXIXQ 13 WE WORLD AB. O UXD US, InrrV ,r"fe!9e0r?.ia PliC Schools. - , I ;n rn 1 1 n o fan g,- a. Jack's a lover authorized to talt was m-ide qnietly and without fuss, lie piocceded to seat himself by the side of Felise on her mute invitation, aud maintained a shy silence all the eveing. hardly uttering a word, but very happy nevertheless, as any one my sup pose. Felise sat and span, twirl ing her spindle with astonishing r.,pidity, Old Martin teemed a.-ieep. but kept a corner of one cxeopen for the slightest move- meut of the young people. Every thing went on according to ancient u-e and wont, and as custom would have it. The last days of July were at band, and in spite of tne burning beat -of a torrid sun, the cattle were kept treading out the grain on the thrashing-floor from dawn tu nightfall. Jack, lull of praise worthy zeal, would take part in these labours and show his skill : and be astonished everbody by his steadiness and his cleverness in managing the mules. Felise blush ed with pleasure and said to her self, "lie '11 make an excellent hus band. I am sure, whatever they may say of him." Old Martin did no tbe same view of .hihs as bis daughter did. "Tins busy fit of his is all very fine, no doubt," said he, '-but what makes a better blaze than straw t Wait till the poacbiug season comes on and we'll see if tbe old man is really dead. I won't believe it till I see Jack, foil wing the plough instead of catching hares." Martin's doubts were not alto gether unjustifiable. At tbe first call-cotes oi the new coveys of red p irtridge. at tbe first marks of tbe nocturnal excursions of the bares .ck felt himself seized by a violent lesire to regain the mouutain and uew his past exploits. lie s: niggled long against the tempta- loin and wrestled with himself, but in the clear moonlight, after a dav harassing toil, bow was it possi- North step furthei favor of text Carolina au- and declare in books by North thors. Mr. Powderly sas: "NoS withstanding all reports to the contrary, the order of the Knights of Labor is neither bankrupt nor extinct. What haB been lost to the organiza tion in numbers has trained in strength, devotion anl determi nation. We have weeded out the anarchistic element." He generally knows what he is talking about and we trust he is right in his conjecurea. The Senate of oouth Carolina has adopted a measure punish- Z 9 A. m. ing wiin expulsion any mem A CodA HetHtrt of th Xerm um Gtuhrrrd From HCUmiM r Corrfrmporariet, Stale There are 231 preachers la "tbe North Carolina Conference. Tbe removal of Trinity College to uaietga is being seriously moot ed. Anna Ellis, the patricide, will be bnng In Clinton, Tuesday, tue 23, The Durham Daily still little! stalwart and vigor ouj, and ? jinds erect as steadily as he did a little more than twonty-seien years ago, when, Hint has absorbed tbe Daily v.-..u me riner ooutnern mom-1 coiaer, oi in at low a. rj.rs af th United States Senate he left th Chamber to cast hi fortunes 1th the Confederacy. Ot all theMnen Tho with him oil that summer's morning bade good bye to their places la the National Capitol, only one oth er, besides himself survives un ti: this day. 1 hat other Is Jef ferson Davis. When Mr. Ctngman reached home from Washington- he. entered the Sonthern Army, and when the "-r was over he returned to find borne desolate and his property destroyed. lie took up his life again, as thousands Tobacco Be lt is wblppertd that Here may be an independent daily tnornli g pa per started ln Raleigh. Col. Holt and Judge Fowls were born in tbe same year, tbe former being fonr months tbe elder. Wilmington has an artesian well that has reached the depth of WK Feet. Work will be returned again eon. It is said that there are over for ty candidates for tbe position ot door-keeper of tbe Senate and House. . ber who may accept a. free pass lie him did, and tbu etrufgle whereat the Philadelphia He- cord recalls the fact that a pro vision of the Constitution of Pennsylvania prohibiting free railroad passes to members of the Legislature remains a dead letter. Now, iu the event that such a provision is made by l I -V a... I a . iae qune our legislature, snau it become oniy in tne memories . i K. .. I 3 .3 1 J 4 A 9 a . I A a a a aeaa leiien Ana wno is to times wneu ne was one i-n TTwiV ImAmn lUtO ner 1 Ml l0V6 -What TeS An Upri-nt Judge. ou had 8heor thinkin? Uiat , U( Justice in Clinton, According to a " Darkey. On last Saturday night, on Grog Bow, two of Clinton's "fast men" got into a quarrel, which grew so warm after a while It was thought by those standing by that they would hitch in an old fashioned way. wnen an aged darkle said to them, "Gemmen, gemmen, don't do dat, the mayor and po lice are out of flour, and you inout have It to pay for." They didn'i fight. Clinton Caucasian. Some Facts About Pood. It i was the hat. It was hu it was hot poli- northern pride. chip on the man nature tics." - . ,,; Alas, poor darkffe? (It looks like he is going to be left out in the,cold going to fall between. In national politics hei will not be wanted, and in state politics the southern republicans will unite with the " democrats in ruling him out. ( But be has got his mucle safe and can always relv upon ttat. lie has got his good nature and his contented disposition, and . so e need not worry about him. U saw one tbe other day in a side-show to a circus. He had his big black head sticking through a hole in the wall for a target to be thrown at with a ball or an egg. "Step this way, - gentle - .. .. -m .'.. - ,, . .:. :-y. A pint of white beans, weighing one pound, and cost ing 7 cents, contains as much nutriment as three poun'ds and a half of roast beef, costing 37 cents, or all the articles that can be eaten, the cheapest are bread, butter, molasses, beans and rice. A pound of corn meal goes as far as a auart of flour. If corn and wheat bran and ail, were made into bread lo per cent of nutriment would be saved, ; with much great neaithiulness. At a murder trial : Judge : "Before you begin your testimony, fr. Prisoner, it is my duty to insiruct you that you are not obliged to give any staterment criminating yourself. Proceeed sir, with your story" Prisoner : " Well your Honar, I'll own up at the very outset that I shot the man," Judge: -'Oh, you acknowledge that, do you ? And upon what provocation, pray ? Prisoner: "Well your Honor, it was only ten days after elec tiou, and he came in the- stairs, cornered me in a seat, and began to talk tariff.". Omnes: "What!!!" Prisoner : "Yes, your Honor, and Gentlemen of the Jury! and when 1 warned him, he yanked out what he called a trhulated statement of the comparative compensation of all the wage workers of the world and be gan to dish that out to , me, and " Judge. "Great Scott! Gen tlemen of the Jury, you are in structed to a verdict of justifi able homicide." b:e to liar nnmovet the sound of Poacher's gun 1 At the cry oi a ussing flock of quails be would Irll a terrible itching in bis limbs ; and it was sometimes as much as he could do to stick to the nlonirh aud not leave the farrow half constitution,-maintain made. What had a still greater effect n him, ana inspired mm even see that it i3 enforced? Here is a clause from the in augural address of Gov. Rich ards n, of South Carolina, that btrikes ua as sound doctrine, and the proper stand for the people of the South to take. He says: "It is to be assumed efforts will be made either by coercive or conciliatory meas ures to break the polid South, but that tbe position of the State should be one of unceas ing vigilance and watchfulness anticipating neither evil pur pose nor unfriendly action, but standing with clOMd ranks ready to resist, by evrry consti tutional means, any encroach ment upon the right of States to roauage domestic affairs in the own way." "Sou h Caroli na will, in purest lo; Jty to the Union and submission to the the in- ever since has not always been a nappy one. lounger men took his place m political life ; the generation "with which he had been infiutuliil and power ful disappeared ith the war, and the white-Laired old etatet man and soldier lives to-d&v of the of the noted men of the country. C JITS AITS C'JTiS'S H23ALLLD. Sr- ITcrozald. Tie Insanity Zipsrt An evening paper says? Not withstanding the carefully s '.died efforts to keep the fact f tii public knowledge It has Wked out that Dr. Alexander K McDonald, general superin tendent of the in?ane asylum ird's Island, has become in ar,e. it is hoped that the aSIctlon i .mly temporary, and the onee brilliant mind of the great epo ch Ii?t Will be restored to. Its normal condition, but the pros pect at the present time Is not encouraging. Dr. McDonald has for many years been one of the universally recognized au- teerity of the only government I.. ... .... that ever ha?, or cau give her moriues in ibis country on the "Joe" is Thankful. What we Get- However it may be with the average individual, the aver age, jNortn Carolina newspaper that the ; new year finds alive has cause to thank God and take courage. So many of them have : died within the past six weeks, you know.- Statesville Landmark. - A bushel of corn makes four gallons of whiskey. It sells for $16 at retail. The govern ment gets 3.60, the farmer 40 cents, the railroad 1, the manufacturers- $4, the vender 7, and the drinker all that is left delirum Tremens. Warner Miller. - The lay of the Jand is what darkness broods over. lie bad looked at her, to be pure its a manner as to the nature of wiiie.ii women are rarely deceived; but was this enough to build so many fine fiuppositiona haDg hopes upon I Poor thoughts, and noniewbat ashamed of herself into the bargain. Before long all her gaiety dis appeared, ber cheeks grew pale and thin, makiDg her eyes in which burned a sombre fire seem larger than ordinary, and she suflVrel from langor and lassitude that had uo apparent cause. Jack made no sign but all tbe world could see tba he was strangely preoccuppied. and that a great stuggle was going on in his breast, lie scarcely ever left the neighborhood now, and his visits to Tinet's became exceed ingly frequent., uid aiartiu was somewhat annoyed by him indeed ''What's your errand this time f he said to him one day, looking him straight in the face. "I mean no offence, but this is tbe third time you have beeu here this week. Jack taken thus unexpectedly, made np bis mind at once. "This is what brings me," he said boldlv '! have come to talk with Felise, if she has no ob jections." "Felise may please herself," said old Martin, without appearing to be much surprised at the re quest ; "but I, believe your time will be yasted, my lad." That's my affair,' said Jack. "Tell Felise that I shall be, back this evening." Over all the mountain and far into plain, this is tbe way in which gallants in quest of a wife introduce themselves to tbe families. The young people talk together for a longer or shorter period before carrying matters farther .sometimes they talk for years without any thing coming of it ; or tbe talking may be formally broken off without damaging the reputation of tbe girl with a kind of remorse, was the1 mute portesUtion.of Maripan, his eld comoanion in adventure, who. is if be had been tbe reuegade 'portstnan's conscience in bodily form nude him almost blush for bis steadiness as be ceaselessly followed bim with bis now be seeching now indignant. Maripan was a large lean dog of the lurcher breed, bold -hardly, and almost wild, with the feet 'dry aud uervons, tbe breast fell and strong tbe belly hollow, the loins vigorous aad supple, the tjll straight the ears mobile, tbe eye- inquisitive and restlessj and spaikling uuder a pent-house of dense grayish Lairs, fangs pointed, projecting, and of dazzling whiteness, and tbe nose moist shining like a mulberry and as black as a roasted cbestunt. As well known as his master, the villagers vied with each other iu pampering him, and be had always plenty of delicate morsels ever tince it was noticed that on return ing even from the longest run he would rather stretch himself out and go to sleep than touch any vulgar mess in which the bread was not irreproachable. Tbe prince ly air of disdain with which this vagabond would then turn up his noae at the pittance offered bitu had gained bim tbe name of Maripan (bad bread), under which he k bared the celebrity of Jack, and with him formed the subject of many a fireside story. No longer finding an outletfor his activity. Maripan could not resisin himself to this sluggish life. At tbe least whiff or scent which met his noae, tbe least rustle in ihe bushes, be was off like lightn ing, jumping, braking, and joyfull wagging his tail, but in vain. 11 is appeals met with no response, and be had always to return- disap pointed and discouraged to take liis place at his master's heels whom be wonld piteously follow vith his tail between his legs and his ears banging. Sometime, however, he revolted altogether. On such occasions he would pans tue plough with a vigorous bound, plant himself beyond it with bis two fore legs firmly supporting bim in the energetic attitude of one who demands an explanation, and then gravely sittting like a judge, with his neck proudly raised his, head inclined as if be waited for an answer, bis eyes wide open, and his ears erect, be would gaze reproachfully, on his master as much as to nay 'Oh, you are laughing at me are yon T But if yon pleased to give up our fine wandering life, do you think that I was made lo turn the spit and serve as a plaything for tbe village brats T" TO BE CONTINUED.) peace, earety and prosperity, her Democratic mvernment. ruled, directed, and controlled by the all-prevailing, all-son-quering Anglo-Saxon race." TiaEitrrtttUcsTet. John Adams living in liar nett county has plowed 77 sum mers in succession and never took a dose of medicine in his life. He is strong, healthy and able to plow another summer. He has a son who has a little shoat and tho lowest guess oa his weight is 800 pound.-Wilson Advance. The editor af the Democrat knows Mr. John Adams like on to a sort of grand-father. Ha was guardian for our father, and we remember .him with great reverence and love. He is one of the noblest of God's noble. As to his "son who has a little shoat and the lowest guess on his weight is 800 pounds." well we've pojourned there often times. Mr. J. J. Adams, is th6 son's name, and if there is any home in Xorth Carolina where ycu can find more and and better of tbe eub stantials of life than with Mr. Adams who has this "shoat," we would have to flee the cribs, barns, smoke-house?, cellars, kitchen, dining-room, Ac, before we would believe it. This writer was boarding in that home when iilden was elected and yet was not Pre? I dent. If ;tbe wind of chane were advised to drift us ary- where without previous warn ing, we know no place in all this land where we would pre fer to ledge than in the home of J. J. Adam3.-Scotlan-l Keck Democrat. subject of insanity and Its treatment. It teems like a true exposition of the irony nf fate that he himself ebu1 1 hare been visited with an aQIctlon tl.atnoone was gur.t'sd to know better than he how to ci re. DrMcDonald was one of the expert whose testimony con r'rted Guite.iu, the assassin of President Garfield, and it is coteworrthy thit he Is another if those, wh i participated ln that trial, and who have appar ently fallen under the bane of the Bssain's curse. Clinton bu a veneer factory. The firvt piece wu cut December 27ib, 18K8, to we learn from tbe Caucasian. A colored woman dropped dead while leading in a sunrise prayer meeting in Craven county Christ mat morning. . The Uud purchases for the Vac derbilU near Abbeville bare been quietly going on notll 2,000 acres have been eeenred. Adjutant General Jones la la fa vor ol having tbe Sorth Carolina State Guard attend the inaugura tion of rresident Harmon. A negro boy in Caldwell county was driving a load of apple to market. Tbe wagon opart and tbe boy was caught under it and kill ed. Governor Scales and Governor elect Fowle have agreed, opon Tbarsday, Janaary 17tb, as tbe day for tbe Inauguration of tbe laU ur. Tbe Christian Son states that Graham College, having ecured a tract of ISO acres at Mill Point, near Barlinrton will be moved to that place, and the name changed. The Caucasian nay daring tbj year 1S8 thirty boanea w?re boilt in CI. n ton. ID0 lots bought by ir ties Intending to bo Ud. tbe volume of trade doodled, two factories built aod tbe death rale was only t la the thousand. Tbe Methodists will xrobaUy s UUiah a publishing bouM at Hal eigh. Tbe matter tu new being carefully considered. Tb HapUMs already bare a large j-Mabiog P1A mm A AT. Z) Sires lis Sciisrs cf tis Airarcs a ITcw Teir's Greeting. ' Chr G:z7zr- Grover Cleveland stands to day as the grandest living man. His letter to tbe tirlff Reform League of Boston is the deliv erance or a eut-sman. lie went down ln d .ff at but he rises to say that the principle for which he stood is eternal the principle of qual and just taxation. Ilow high he stands above the horde of petty poli ticians, trlmme.s and time sorvers, who curie the" countryj Statesville Lan Ira ark. TOiers, Iterance TTu Fisi The Comptroller of Currency has declared a second divtdend of 10 per cent, la favor of tbe creditors of tbe State National Bank, or Kal eigb, making in all 30 per teat, on the claims proved. A little girL wh.-ra told for the first time of the' Identity of Santa Clause, lookec up in dis appointment surprise, and with a tear In bar lute eyas, besttat- ngly asked, "And is it all elory about Jesus, too." CasTaUA, 2f. C, Jan, 1st, '69. Dear Advance: Tbe holidays with all bare paKed away qaietlv in a ocial way . notwithstanding tbe community has been excited a:.d shocked at tbe discovery of an tuidrehed female child, which brought to ligbt one of tbe most ('jatm-ful and diabolical crime ever pi-ritetrated in this quiet sod law abiding portion of tbe county. Coroner Crocker was sent for who got jury and made the following investigation: JOti the 8th day of Deeeniber a white girl from Frauklio, named Pattie Ilarna, ptd 1G, cave binn to a child In tbe boune with i.er aunt, Jane Iledgepetli, and ber husband W.T. UedgepetL. Tb cul and tbe two I ist uamed wne tkea before Jus tice T. J. Jir -li, Jr., sand Tom Cllins. Tbe luI confessed tbe birth and Ul ber child was taken Trom her asaln.nt her will. Tbe j irj's verdict was that Pattie tlar- . tbe mother, and Jane and W. llcdgepeth wefe all guilty of concealing the birth and murder-I.-; tbe child by drowning in a well s id are all in jail. The Senatorial race Is talked of it. many tn this county aod it is thought the crnten will be warm, many tbink tbe time for a r'iange is expected and wanted. Messrs. C. W, Dennis and G. II. Rodger are working in this section itn pretty rropecta in takiog o tioos on timbered ULds for a Northern syndicate who are think ing of bui!d:t' a IUilroad from Suffolk through tbe timber belts of tbe Bute. 1, with many of his warm friends, are anxiousrrtrat J"e Daniels of tbe State Chronicle should be given tbe State printing at tbe bands of tbe present Legudatore. Joe Is fle eerriog honors at tbe hands ef tbe Democratic party. rxaoi Tox. boase, which Is doing a busi ness. Tbe Confederate Vet-wean. Con vention will be held in Kaletffb, Janaary 22nd. Tbe railroads will give the delegates Tree tranrHna tion aod aa effort is being mads lo get tbe citizens of Kale'.gb o en. tertaio them, Tbe North Carolina MilUtose property lo Moore county Las been purchased by Mr.M.fecball, a wealthy capitalist of IVoofjlrsLis who will reorganize tbe compaoy, revive tbe oaa'ceM aod r-uaa it with both capital aod eoergy. Tbe following military compan ies having signified tbetr intention of participating tn the loangors tioo: Charlotte, Goldboro,Oi ford Wilmington, ReidaTille,Gree naboro Henderson, Darham, Fayeitvt:ie, Elizabeth City, Lambertoo, Max too and Raleigh. Valuable sdver deposits have b. en fodod about ValleCrocia. Watauga county. Gea. Lven tborpe baa taken an opuon on tbe farm of Mr. Joseph Br, ant for 10r 000- Lao da in tbe neighborhood have appreciated ia value enor mouily. Dunagl&fcS. in Konh Carolina there were t sgricn'tnral imple ment works built: there wre 6 breweries erected; tobacco aod cigar factories; 41 cotton and wot4 en factories; 8 electric light plant; 12 mioiog and quarrying compan ies, 13 oU mills; 45 water-works i railroad companies organ lzecb And we agree wita the Wdmicgtoa Star in saying: This is com men 3a Ke and encouraging progress. President Lincoln u?ed to tell about the Influential citl zen who wanted a ' Cabinet po sition, but conrroalsed by taking a suitor clothes. inai statesman's euccefsor still lives, and Is very numerous. Cincin nati Telegram. "Zi'i IkczTLtr. An Intoxicating drink is any beveraga which, taken lo such quantity as men usually drink, will produce an obfuscation ef the crebal centre with a con se quent hypertrophy of the ton gue and a general bewilder ment of the legs. Jill wanaee SentineL i Tbe next im!oa of tne Teseb .i's Assembly will be held at More h,ad City, Juue 18th to July 2nd. A trip to Earope I proposed for them when th work of tbe session s ended. Ts rT TLs Liberty ZjdL Measurements of Indepead ence eqoaae were taken to-day. The qutr Is to be rated with Belgian block, which will I cut at the city'a quarry. Char lotUKtw. f