. ! V II The Wilson Advance. JOsri'HL'S ami C, C, DANIELS, editors and Proprietors, rffThe advance endeavors to cm an non est, faithful ani Impartial chronicler of the ni'ws, dovvtinv special attention to the section In tthlcti 111 alilished. It Is Democratic to the corn tin.) Vr;l spare neither friend or foe who is la hostility to Dmnootatlc success. It Vclhvcs ttip Ust interest of the Na tion n1 thd State imptmtivnlT demands ho n'tiM,!ri of the Domocratlo party In power a i it will uptiro nocffiirt to accomplish hnt r"iin,i. ii 'ill seek to promote the in duxtrial u-vi ! ;uient of the stat and section ami wiii ink ,u wire In doinif whatever lies n Its power to ;. 1 the farmers and laboring wen in I heir efforts to bctt'T their condition, tverv honest son of toil will find in the Ad 7am k a sincere friend. Kvcry effort looking to the estuhlishmont of more and' better edu cationnl Institutions will receive our hearty "o-opcrutjon and endorsement. The Advance circulates lanroly in every eou-.ity Knst of Kalelirb, and is therefore a plen'Ild advert siiiir uiediuin. Kates liberal. A l!rst-clnss joto;fl.o Is run in connection with the paper and we will be pleased to re- nviru orders, our otlico Is one of the best impxM In this section of the State for corn niercial work ami wo will do as good work and at A3 low tlKLirca as auvtiouy. Kntered li; the Post Office at Wilson, N, C. as second class uiuil matt en Wilson, N. C , . Jan.,, 10, 1889. TUB LEGISLATURE." OUR WASHINGTON LETTER- : The News t. Tho .National Capita! . Reported by Our Regular Correspondent- Communicated, f HOMI jjlj,aaajjsaajaaaa The Wav Fci "Jne Farmern to Bet" i - ter T:;.: Condition. - (From Our Regular Correspondtsit.) Mr. EdITu -. : -Washington Jan. 4, 1$89. From now until the first of Speaker Carlisle and Mr;! Mill j March is the time for farmers have decided not to call a meet" to mate their compost, in their in of the II ous committee on woods. 'Now is time for rules to arrange the order of J farmers to tintilized what ever business for the remainder of i they have on the farms that the session. Their reason for lielps to make compost. All taking this stand is the fear ( course scrapings of the lots that the pressue for the passage ; should be thrown up now with of such measures as the defend- ashes or liice. that they may ent pension bill, would be j decay in time to be of value in" greater than many of the demo-' the coming crops. ' These in cratie members1 could stand, if ; grediants, or a compost of this an atteirmt was made to arranee 1 kind will do- to mix with acid the order of business and iall of j and kaint later and makes the leaders of the party are . compost fine 1 1 The lemocratic -Canons Meets' .and Nominates The Officers.-Leazer Hade Speaker- . ". .- Tlie Legislature of North Caro lina, met yesterday in KaleigU. On Tnest'ay. nigbt the Democrats of tbe two houses met in caucus. Seiutor II. W. Kiug was chairman of the Senate caucus and li. 'A. Daughton of the House caucus. The following are the officers nominated by the caucus, and' who were elected yesterday : Senate Chief Olerk.Jt. M. Fur man, of Buacorubejliesading Clertc, D. 13. Nicholson, of Sampson : En- erossioa Clerk.. Mike Bradsbaw, of liandolph; Doorkeeper, W. V Clifton ; Assistant, A. M' Noble, of Johnston. Douse Chief Clerk, T.VB, Wo- mack, of Chatham; Beading Clerk, il. A. Lafbum, of Beaufort; for Engrossing Clerk, "W. T. Crawford, of Day wood ; Door lveeper, D. 14 Julian, ol Kowan ; Assistant, Geo L, Kilpatrick, of Lenoir, Tbe oliicer in which the most in terest was taken, however, was that of Speaker of the Douse. A Leazer, of Iredell, was elected by a vote of fifty-six to twenty-one over M. E. Carter, of Buncombe. Our representatives have began well..-.They. have e'ected a splen did 6et of officers and entered npon their work well. particularly desirous that no legislation carrtirg extravagant appropriations I shall pass the House this session. Thjs de cission, which cuts out every thing that cannot get the un animous consent of the Blouse, and the regular appropriation bills, while somewhat hard upon many measures that ought to be passed, and would be, ii thev could be broueht before the House, is nevertheless . a lbs, l.oooifcs, acid pnospoine, A standard fertilizer for cot ton and most all crops, should the three principle elements in about the following propotions: Ammoniac 2 to 3 per cent.; Phospharic . acid 8 to 12 per cent.; Potash li to 2 per cent. These propotiGns should be maintaining as near as posible in putting np our compost. The following is a good prac. tical compost; cotton seed 33J wise one. Ihe democrats are confident" of recapturing the House in 1890 : they are also confident tha,t the nextj Con grees will make many large l.OOOlbs kainit' 2001bs stable or lot manure in such quantities as can be had. Tria IIiklu -RwaT inffronianfa 'mixed in the above propotions extra vagrant aDnronriations. ' make a complete manure and therefore a good and economic, I would analyze about as' fol record for the last democratic lows: Ammoaia 1.28 per cent.; House will furnish, the very ; Phosphoric acid 6.50 per cent. best of argument to eo before I The quantity of stable manure w I T . - . -. i I the people to ask for the con-added to the above would noi trol of the House again. Eco- i alter the analysis, as the stable nomy and tariff reform will" be '.manure is a complete manure the democratic watch word. kofitseir. Congress tnrned ud iast as 5 I used the following formula smilingly on "Wednesday; as if 'this year with fine results: We promise you better value for jour money than has ever been given in'Eastern North Carolina. From day to day we will make .it to your interest to buy for CASH. Many people for .convenience run a store ac cpunt, many ladies have said to us : Ob, it ia so convenient to have a thing charged when I haven't my purse with me. Yes. it IS confen ient. Do you think how much the merchant is'forced to tax you for this convenience, for this token of friendship? Have you ever thought that this kind of friendship in business cost the purchaser all he haa? Have you ever realized when your purse was empty that oneofyonr dearest friends was missing! If yn have friends in the mercantile bus iness whose friendsLip you lvalue, take our advice aud do not run an account with them. Y ju may be taken ill, your salary stops, and then when you are forced to tell the merchant you can't pay him, perhaps he will place your account in the bands of the Sheriff for collection, what does that meant Your friendship for ever seveied. Perhaps you are sold out of house and home. Who is benefitted by such transaction! Not yon! Why then do you not mefee a farm resoluuou to pay as yon go. The merchant who sells- you goods on 'time'' is compelled to overcharge you. you pay your bill, but perhaps your neighbor does not, can the merchant afiord to lose this monevi we tuinK not. i.ueu you in pay ing your bill, must pay for the short comiog of your ueighbor. The merchant must overcharge you. His system of doing business, there's the fatal mistake, forces him to charge large profits. Nobody works for glory only. We all do business to get a piofit out of It. At THE CASH RACKET STORE you hare none of these things to contend with. Every dollars worth of goods staud on its ovrn merits. Everv customer is treated exactly alike, to a low price, a man who pays CASH for his goods 18 entitled to a lower price than those who pay in thirty, sixty or ninety days. Every one is treated exactly alike at the CASU RACKET STORE. We credit no one, tbe CASH is what we want. For that CASH you s.ive from 15 to 30 cents ou every dollars worth of goods you purchase. Since the Holidays we have gotten in several lots ol goods. Tbey have no credit fetters on them, but the startling, quick and ready CASH has driven regular goods aud regular value out. In the lot are a few dozen Ladies Vests (Meriuo) regular value 75cts our price 33cts. Another bisr drive in Cornets for 44 and 4Sct.s worth GO and 75ct8 each. Bring your CASH to us and we promise you full value. Cash Kacket Store, "We desire to return thanks to our en shown no that thftv armreciate a man sunt effort In the past has been to sell the Vomers and friends of Wilson and afjolnjn counties for their liberal i who studies their interest and gives full valnef or every dollar that ifa trade. TJ.-j uej fjx-Ti i. o 'foil. Best Goods for the Least Monei Kash St., WILSON N. C. That wo are to have a Rail road Commissions appears to beett led beyond dispute. The lormer opponents oi the meas ure,now appear to favor such legislation. We hope our mjembefs will act wisely in framing the bill looking to the interest of the people whese agents they are. we want no commission composed of men who are merely put on " because we have no other office for them. We want men of etrong character to compose the commission. We want men whose ambition it is to be right rather than to make reputation for themselves. . Ba careful gentlemen how ' you frame your bill. Stable manure 30 bu. Cotton seed 30 bu. l,0001bs, Acid phos- phate 8001bs, Kainit 2001bs.' Which you f ee makes one ton without the stable manure. I sent Dr. H. X Battle of the ex periment st U'on, a sample of the above s. 7 Lave this analy sis of whicl he writes "The results 'at; e are very srood, ; and show s i e ccmpost to be a ! good one." To mix this I put i down in the oace ot a 4 corner . ed pen sta s manure about 6 inches deep aicely leveled, on i this I put t.' seed nicely lev- ieled. -Now ve one hand to I throw on v ',er with a goard I while theseii.iare being rubbed i as if you were going to sow A 1TE22ED AMENDMENT- many oi members were not, suffering from the efforts of over-eating, and shall I say it ? - over3nnfciD. However, much can be excused at this season which at otherltimes would call for censure. Con gressmen are human,! and Christmas comes but pnee a year. Both Houses had; more ihdn o jinnTiim o f i (. Q nnaniniT and they went right to j work, the Senate on the tariff bill and the House on the River and Har bor bill. The republicans members of the Senate finance committee are having a picnic with the people who wish to have chan ges made ah" the Senate tariff bill before it is passed, 1 Every them by hand. When the seed mail brings letters by the hun- i are thoroughly swelled, spread dred, and there is a continual ' them again nicely over the ma- stream cf telegraph messengers inure, seeing that none are left pouring: into the committee ! too near the edge. Over the room. And as if that was not i seed spread the SOOlbs acid and sufficient, the 1 already over- over the acid spread the'Kaiuit protected manufacturer j comes wit hall lumps beaten up fine. himself to speak himself to ihrow water over the Kainit to his demands. One of them has j wet. just handed in a memorandum ," I repeated the above until I of 40 different articles on which ! made 5 tons in each pent keep he desired the duty raise! d. He j the pen made up as you need said he contributed largely to 1 it. The above stood about 3 the republicans campaign fund j weeks, when I cut it streight with the distinct understanding down from top to Bottom and Wilson Iron Works, PASCHALL & RHO., Proprietors. Having purchased of Murray & Benton the Vilsou Iron Works we take pleasure in informing the pub in that we are now prepared to do work as well and as cheap 'as any 3iaeume btiop in tue btate. We are now ready to do all kinds of work on Cotton Tresses, Cotton Seed Crush ers, Husk Hackling Machines, Saw Mills and Mill Machinery, Gamming All kinds of Repair Work, Boilers, beeders and Inspirators a specialty. A full line of Machinics' supplies aTways-on lund. Eugines and Boilers and all kinds of Bridge Bolts for sale. We believe that MACHINE SHOPS that can do first-class work at LIVING TRICES, will be appieciated by the people 01 this communtty and v. e propose to do as GOOD As anybody aud at as low prices, Give us a trial. FascMl & 1fod TEN Mk. Editor: . , Will you allow me sir, a lit tie space in your columns, that I may suggest to our legisla tlon bodytwhich already hasinet In our city of Kaleigh what 1 believe to be a much needed amendment to our relating to the sale of intoxicating li qnors. " . The amendment we now ask in substance as follow : That every person intending to make application for license tu sell liquors (either spirituous or ma.lt) shall give thirty days notice of such intention by four weeks publication in the county newspaper; or if -there be no paper published in the county, tnen by not less than five printed notices: one at the ' Court House door, and four oth er places in county. The rea son, for such amendment is apparent, under the present law the proceedings before the commissioners of the county is a farce, a totally .ex-parte affair. Tho applicant for license, you remember, must prove a good character. He finds but little trouble to do this, and he gen erally gets his license, .bet us have the amendment as asked above, and the best people "of any county then having express notice as to tbe persons making application can go before the Commissioners with rebutting evidence as to Character - 01 ap plicant and thus prevent the issuing of licene t.o improper person- Then only those would receive license who could prove pood moral character on the evidence of witnesses whose moral characters were, unques tionable, securing license under euch circumstances would of itself give character to the bar room business, hence they ought not to resist this derived amendment. In many places coujity commissioners has been soundly abuse for issuing li- cense to men of bad character. How could they do otherwise! With us rebutting testimony they were bound by law to act only on evidence beflre them no matter what may have been their personal knowledge. I do not see how they could act on their own knowledge thus becoming both witness and judge. But the above amend ment would bring testimony both for and against character before them and hence they could act more judiciusly than men only ex-perte testimony -'"'Sefore them. Give us the amendment and a christian . public will see that it is en fored. ' T. " The Advance takes great pleasure in endorsing the above. The law, as it at present stand?, is a hardship on the commis sioners aud may be one upon the people. We earnestly hope ! thathe was to be amply protect ed in this bill. The republicans have agreed upon a number of amendments to the bill; but they do not dare to make them public until the very last mo ment, for fear of the pressue that will , be immediately brought to bear upon them to make further changes, f Theie is a little lulli in the Blaine war 'here 'his ' week,! though a telegram published a day or so ago, anything .that ! Blaine had left home jfor this.! city, oreated quite a , 5hubbub j untjl it was learned to tie false. The aDti-Blaine Congressmen j seem to be weakening a a very ! rapid rate. 1'ernaps teat ac counts for th cessation pf hos- J tilities for the time bein. . Senator I,isco'ck has gona to Indianapolis in the interest of ex-benator i'latt, who, , rumor says is losing ground with Har rison. I Representative Springer has introduced a joint resolution providing for theadmission of Arizona and Idaho. j A bill has besn passed by the House pro'viding that the omitL sion by the sender tolplace a postage stamp on a letter bear ing a special delivery stamp, shairhot hinder or delay the transmission and delivery thereof, but the postage- shall be collected on the delivery of the lettgr. Representative Dockery', bill prohibiting any agent or attorney from receivintr a fe. in excess of 3 for securing at. increase of pension on account of an increase of the disability for which the pension was orig inally granted, or for jsecuriiv a special act of Congaess in 1 : 1 1 " be obtained under the -general pension laws, has been passed by the House. Secretary Vilas has ireceiver- a letter from an inquisitive cit izen of Massachusetts, who wants to know who Harrison has selected for his cabinet. Mr, Vilas is very .obliging sort of a man, but he was not; able to furnish the information the dow-Eastentlemau wanted. Mr. Sherman made jsome of Bilver Senators . mad when he presented the petition of the National board of trade to the Senate, asking for thef suspen sion of the purchase 'bf silver bullion-and the coinage of the silver dollar. i thoroughly mixed. Then put back in the pen and let it stand in the field until needed to put under corn. I used about 400 lbs. to tjhe acre, but 200 of the aDove wiu go as much good as the same of guano. nt a il 1 ne ioiioing iormuia is re commended by I)r. Battle for wheat oiX- and rye which j taKe irom Ms report Thousand dollars worth of Dry Goods, les, &c, .just Received at LEE & SONS. Groceries, Confectioner- . a V at v still funjlrn t. . x . .. ma hiva cniinn mtodu DDI eiLTVkauvur, tuvu on. '-- Tn make of every buyer a constant customer ... - - . prefer to be humbugged by High Price?, but we can ges aiong wuouv v,k... We propose to ebow our 2; r-.-r OIF" OUR DBIGr TRADE In a practical way. we have taken bix 25 percent less than New York co.st.. Thousand Dollars worth of Boots, Shoes end Clothing and nirksd thera djwn 100 pair of John Faust & Son's Hind-made Gents Button Congress and Lwe at 3. 5, these gods cost 6XX at the fjctcrr. A, pair of Ladies Fine 8ho8 at 2 00, former price 3.00 to 4.50perpair. lOCOpalr of children shoes in prorortjon 1( I at 2,50 former price 4.00. 1.15 Suits of all Wool Ccstimere ot 8.00 former price 12.50. 17a Suits of mixed Lnlon C-nrt t. 4, former price 8.00 per suit. 1000 Hats all styles and shapes less than manufacturers prices. If you want good guod ch-a? j get them for the next ' THIRTY DAYS. V ME N Women and Children can secure betterfbargains at LEE& SON'S than can be " AcM phospha'ri $1800 fOOlbs Kain-t at 11. !0 per ton SWlbs Cotton Seed ai;jashel at 16c, 'lls Stable mauuit or rich l;m3 6tJ bs cost. $5.i(). 1.40 3.30 FOUND elsewhere. Don't fortet. us, but call and examine our Stock. which is Complete. We carry no 2.000 10.00 Jtidte Axmfiell DEAD Ihe il .i: Advance, alter iayiug veiy l ui.v.ol Judge Arntieid that he is "a geutieman 01 high legal attainmemts, broau-mmded aud liberal, ?ad will wear the jndi cial ermine w;th dignity and bon or," aaas: vine omce is not a new one to Mr, A.iaiheld, at he was at times virtaai:,v judge when Jadge Uloau sac on the bonch, who, when perplexed by some knotty legal point, would say, 'Hold taar! How's that Armriehif'" That is true,-also. Cloud thoufcht Colonel Armrield the repository of all knowledge and iecidedHcasfe as Col. ArmQeld told him to do- That is the reason the old judge w; n :-o seldom overru ed by the Supr;. ,a i Court. Statesville Landmark. Goods. Everything is Fresh aud Pure, prices cannot be duplicated We guarantee that our 1 any first-class , house in town. Our "Ainas Trix ' we propose to eell at your own price. When yen visit Hi WSITI1T& HACHIIIS C1BI2I2I' azi ernes LESS ' WILhON I. 7 This refiu, man, who it .t- Liie- . and elegant gentle e much believed and jiated pastor of the a in oar neighbor VVilson, visited Dunn , and, on Sunday, o excellent sermons, uight in the Baptist be sure and call on us. You will find us opposite" "W. J. C'l.urcL well's jewelry store. We have the Finest lot of Satteens, Ging hams, Worsteds, Calicoes, Checks, Plaids, and in fact everything . . . T IT . . . mai you may aesne. xioping vo receive your patronage we are, very respectfully, Lee & Sons, Tarboro Street, Wih C highiy apr B:ipt!St Ch hood rown last Satan, preached ' morning a Church here. A most atitutive and cultivated aud;nan;e jrieeted this amiable servant of God; and, at trie the jcl'JBe of the t wo discf-arses, it was Nliffieult to gay waich excelled, as i ioth of them were very choice, j very scriptural, and very effective ly delivered. We trust he will j visit! us agaia at an early day. ihe jjunn eignooard. LUTHE R SHELDON. The Farmers Alliance. Marriage is Not a Failure. i "You are evidently; worried over business matters," diag nosed a. young physician. "what you need is a: peace of mind." j . ; "My dear sir,',' replied the patient, 'I get a piece-iof mind every day." An industry , which would our Legislature will act upon give employment to the great ' the suggestion and re-quire, est number of people ;would be applicants to give notice of i the best paMig qfne for the - iflgn-y-The bWckrajan;; - , . their intention. Wilson County Farmers Alliance adopted the lollowing resolution: Kesolved taat we regard the tax of five hniiaied dollars on each brand of fertilizers sold In the State as class Legislation iu that it is a direct tax bu the agricultural interest ol the tate. We there fore reccornmeu? that the law be so amended tat all commercial fertilizersjand all chemicals shipped into the State for agricaltural pur poses be exempt from taxation. Dissolution Notice. The partuersbip heretofore exist ing beween Ii. W. 'j King aud C, B. Moore undur the firm name of King & Moore has this day been dissolv ed by mutual consent. The books and accounts of the firm' have been placed in the hands of J. D.. Bar den for collection. AH accounts doe by the firm' will be presented to him lor payment; Tbfs 1st day of January 1689. li. W. King, C. E. Moore. Dr.-King will retain the office occupied by the firm.. For the present Dr. Moore can be found at Eowland'a Dfrng store. -. ; . DEALEB IX Doors and Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, StairRa NewelS, Brackets, Hardware, . . Paints, Oils, C Puttty and Painters . ' M A-.T B RIA L OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. General Agent for Wadsworth, Martinez & Longman's PURE READY-MIXED PAINTS. Nos. 16 W. side Market Square and Roanoke Avenne, Having purchased the Milli nery business of Mr9. M. E. Moore, I shall keep on hand a well selected stocfc of birch goods as are usually kept in a First-Class WMX STOHE. All the latest novelties ana the fasbious will be constantly on band. Dress Ming. I have also moved my Dress Making establishment to my Millinery 6tore where I shall be pleased to serve the ladies of the community. The pat ronaxe extended'me in the past ia deeply appreciated and I hope a generous public will ex tend to me a continuance of the same. , s y r4 r- . m f t ntftiPik!i!m FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid 1 1 Tr 4 th wfcolr-ay Sick. Hoadaclio, Fur i' r.ti . iv. m . l TK 1 1 r ir l: ' li- t-jm. I. CO. it Ulrtl lA .iiJJ..U ARCHITECTS & EUilCEtv Cditioa cf Sc.fBtf.s AsrcM J THE BANK OF ROCKY MOUNT, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. S. E.WESTRAY, President. TflOS. H. BATTLE, Vice-President. L. F. TILLERY, Cashier. ..... CASH CAPITAL 525,000. i CORRESPONDENTS : Aumrvi, HATIOStAIi BASK: XATIOSAL PAEK BANK. SEW YOKE Deposits, Discounts and Collections'- Solicited Promptly At ' " - tended to at Ruling Ratesjind The idnnxxgn of thi Trpe-wrrtrr and Kxm Pnt pvvr all CoaibtnatKia Cbtts. mrmt Yrmt.'l be rvc and aimpUcitf vith whith tb Ark tt enir.y-d from a Library or C'fhc Vrtk to '1 ) pr-wnter Table. Thia chant, ia cScctvd by pnab irii; tbe lid cm-ennf tbe machine lick ia th. rear of cabinet n beix.g a roer uimawf it entire!? from might, thtra ovemumiag tbe obacXj'riab3e tx.: A and aoundrr in (rant of toe operator Tbe rooeaU trp U prrlVrlljr fltt h- b-ue corerrd. and forma a cm- 5iete vriunic crUc when the awkiae i. oot ia w. be taloa whrb tbe vtachtnc reus m Miraii bak anrd by our patent adjuxrnenta that it need but a a:k-ht tnorh to brtnif the mafhint ia pontwa. eerf. Tbe adnctacet of tbe aariaciac tahl. am The tab'c is to b .lanced near its center an pat ent maleuhie iron arm, that wbea th. hine bra;i:ht in plare terror, it dor. not depend oa mpe or hitu-er at rear of platf orra icr anpport. bat m he'd riiriiVy in pUre by ata owa weicht. makir.c h inpoa b e ior the machine to be tnmbied down aa incline ta back of drk by tlx break irg oi a rear anpnort. The machine mtsoo patent siideavhch keepa Ihe machine in piare. andcaa be dran out beyond the dcak, wc'J ur. -r-r the operator's hand. Third. Ihe conmctina of the Id eloMoc machine snare nuke-t it ar ticht. and the tjble hjv. tr.s frit a-juad us buarccra Utvroacbly (irutccta im ii nine i i'nu atm, tvunh 1 be fnot rest as1 the cnostrnrtina of the table adjnstmenta nu.n the drVe as ruined as thotiKb the top vasone sulid nnant, srhirh r. a mailer of frrrat imp-irtAuce lie re a so.m1 1v-k- vnlj nr lti ta required, iso cp-rator can do good mrk oa a ahaar la'S.c. The cabinet r a aoieadi i piece of cabiaet work. W e n-.antilac-.ure thera in W alnut. Anl-q'-ic "ii;, Naiura k. Natural Cherry, Cherry iautauoa. lahofrany and Asa. Azcnts wanted to set! thew emblneta. and wheea m have no aKenoes estmbiuhed sre will sell direct fraol our works at wholesale pricea. Address all cutarounicaiioiis to Whineton, N. J. ROLLER CESK CO J. I RAWLS. JEWELRY STORE! HEADQUARTERS FOR NICE Fine selection of Gold and Sil ver Watches, Gold Pens, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Garnet, Emerald, Topaz, Pearl and many others. Ihe finest lot of Silverware ever exhibited in Wilson. A nice line of plush (roods which will be sold at reduced prices. The finest selection of Vases and Fancy Goods in town, chi na tea and wash-stand Bets. I also sell the celebrated Fischer Piano, Burdette Organ, Music Boxes, and other MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Call and examine my stock before purchasing, at my new store, on Nash street, opposite Court House square. AX v d vrrc K . & s3. COAT! NOTICE. Timt NattobalEakb: or Wtuku. Wllsan, If. Dec, Xth. lies. Th Stockholders of this Bank are hereby not i flexl that their annual meetinjr f.T election of Clrectort lor the ensutc? yar, will be held in the Directors rooia in the Bank Bulldinar on the second Tueaday in January ln(j, at 13 o'clock, M- J0HX HUTCHINSOS, CehJer. 3IX-C0RI) SPOOL COTTON VOTJ CAN BUY IT OF For Sale Tjy J. & 1 Oettinger. J. D. &, S. O. Well, J.T. Wif jrin. I.arneH' School, TOISXOT, N. C. (FUR BOYS AXD GIRLS.) TOLL FUiWlsn u.Uvaj imiwugn ana 1 racticxl Spring Sewjiou bejsins Jn'w 1 lor farther la formation ' 1833. dress 1 .--4 ... A I -I a - ' 1 ta Writer ri sax sly fsrlt rsstsajaai sliwaiae) laiasi lajft'a) 1J a-T IUla, m m trial si 111 pi-wse, Crte, e. Sold Everywhere. 4r'l: V ." Ti DYSPEPSIA MV- If ttv rh.i:;.fii..ii li -at.vji-. it:. r.r.v Purr-? ttv y- u i I liT! af!li"'-! I li.m- uitifsT i-r-h'n rliiVr.. ,1 I . .-ir' : lv-"t.i 1 tH . ,1. Ili:lli)' k m- i,l:irf ; ir.n: i,-.. ! -n;i.in.-:ir relief. I h.sl ;a. i.I r. . nr tny tijln-1 to n' unoon i.,- . c ;:i-h u-h. n I ti-.tu 1 i-a ri.V.wu.. ' Simtuun IJtit IU ;.l.t:t ! ;t'u1-j-hz i-.'Vi.n. jur -- v. i. 1 iutir. anl cto'-j'1-;! rt irv ' tn my cam-. I ha.-- ta .-H.,t. two twrt nj am tai,.'..(j rh"t 2 h-Vf Mnick th- rii-nt ll.lr at l:..i. I It l la-iirrl-l:U -rr--t- aint iju-ri.iJlnti-lv. I niike all ch-r prt iiara- .turn of av Klm.hir k1nJ. u sjwiclav. Lr:r-.n-ii.in ,m rnn:rl at. to wbai 'io UM c.r Knoll 4-.t e.it. Th.a tvt I :n o-vht to oinm-ui 11 w a iroub.ed mjth lj-f pfiLa. J. X. liOLMKS. VlarUtul. X. J. sansTiPivnar rnr Bv Rrrular Hnblt of Itod stttbout rhasiiis; (lie l iH or tla orcrmnialnc tt Sratein. take f;OTCNS LIYIiH REGULATOR ait Clhuisc m,i ..n i tr J U. ZEILIH S CO.. nituihh9. '-a aa ck. a (U. euf J. 1 r it-m. aeasni ir"iSJ 4 i, i e ,! t,;.. . B ail' ,1" TRADE MARKS. la ea rm att ss we r a-v to sst fc " a1" t".e la i imto taxaaciuue. rn.e I ur ui" rOrTBHJHTx tor c-a.-i. enstaav-r tunA. Jtar.:-ut rsa! (O. r.leat rv.lrhas. J-rsf--"" it, tn Dissolution Notice. The partberhip heretofore ez wtiDR between E. L- llawkinn and W. B. Brldgers, unltr tbe firm Pan)eoniawUla8& Bridjrers. has this day diwolTt-a by mutoal cun Wnt. AUimtmjus holding claims against the firm will present them to w. B. Briber for pavrnenr, all lerons indebted to the firm will settle with him. W. B. Bridgebs. Machine Slions . Having purchased the Machine Shops of Murray & Benton, we will Inform the public general ly that we are now prepared to do all, kinds of work on en gines, mills tc. . A.R. Paschall & Bro. "Wilson, N.C. v shE ui'in: H. F. KEEL & & URKEN VILLI: NX Have Just receive! a tf load of Hor.esan J Mu!'11;8 they will sell cheap or on tim t rssniir.MF trD Call and examine t f J lug rl.ewl-re. TL-y x a first-clas Liven- a3 stables in cuunti :i. Skinner's Law-.jficf. V ' ! rrfti, ILsfjblivbel I'M. Sprinc Term of ' of January. Osif " te lqTlJJM'd Sell :vtU ill ! teachir. I'm- m'!i-:j''- ttnn 1. ..nit'. .- .....1 T-v Si'arifl.r.I ..f v.i,'iiKt;li t'fr lf f advaiitvi M. it X" PIT I J. II. J.C. ClVT.T. J. 7 1! i! '-j K. t t . . I V t 1 i 1 r.., . IJE Vi;v.) xroi:. otmci:. potior. il.r' lv t'rn ,lVrt fixation al-ii!-(rtf!'' ,. eral A-senit.lv. lRS, (or purpox- f Uar --!" Pbot cix FrtGll'-,,.v- 1. Wo "TL - v. ; Priacipal

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